HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-27 PC MinutesMINUTES
Port Angeles, \Mashington 98362
September 27,2017 6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
David Amoroso (Vice Chair), Matt Bailey, Andrew
Schwab, Duane Morris (Chair), Steven Hopkins, Amy
(One Vacancy)
Nathan'West, Ben Braudrick
Jenny Houston, Cody Houston, John Ralston
Chair Morris opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and Vice Chair Amoroso led the Pledge
of Allegiance.
John Ralston, PO Box 898
Mr. Ralston informed the Planning Commission of the Planning Division team participating in
the Big Hurt the previous weekend and remarked that he was proud of the Big Hurt participants.
He mentioned the need for the City to begin code amendments regarding short term and
extended stay housing. The current code interpretation of allowance of these uses in the multi-
family residential zones concemed him because of a lack of available multi-family housing
zoning. He felt that the interpretation is not currently enforced and may or may not be
grandfathered in, should code change. He feels short term rentals should be allowed in all zones.
Chair Morris tabled the approval of the June 28, 2017 minutes at the next regular meeting.
1. Façade and Sim Grant Application: No. 17-05 Poser Yoga & Cageworx MMA
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick gave a presentation on the façade grant application for Poser
Yoga and Cageworx MMA. The application requests $3,522.29 the installation of new windows,
awnings, garage doors, flower boxes and the repainting of a portion of the building exterior
valued at97,066.57.
Commissioner Bailey disclosed that he had provided the applicant with an estimate for a sign
that could possibly be applied for a future sign grant, although the estimate had not yet been
chosen. Director Nathan West reiterated that the sign was not a part of this current application.
P lanning Co mmis sion Minute s
Septenmber 27,,2017
Page 2
Commissioner Hopkins asked the applicants what was cuffently behind the garage doors. Mr.
Houston used an image from the presentation to walk the Commissioners through each of the
spaces in the building. There are currently weight and workout equipment in the space behind the
garcge doors.
Commissioner Hopkins asked about curent parking availability. He asked about the plans for
the northern face of the building. Ms. Houston responded that there are currently no lines within
the parking area. They plan to stripe the parking lot and hope that the awnings and planters will
keep vehicles from parking on the north side of the building. She also stated that they have an
unofficial parking agreement with Moose Lodge that they will be formalizing.
Commissioner Bailey stated that he was happy to hear that because the current parking situation
can create a blind spot for vehicles turning.
Commissioner Schwab moved to award Façade Grant 17-05 for the full amount of
$31533.28 towards the installation of a new garage doorso awnings, garbage enclosure,
flower boxes, and repainting of the building valued at $71066.57. Commissioner Bailey
Discussion: Commissioner Hopkins encouraged the applicants to do what they could to
discourage parking on the north side of the building. All Commissioners rvere in favor.
Assistant Planner Braudrick updated the Commissioners on the Race Street project. The public
Open House went well and the survey was allowed to remain open for two weeks after the
meeting. Overall there were just about 250 people who commented and Alta Planning + Design
will be taking all the information and creating a report on the results.
The City will have an open house for the Waterfront and Olympic Discovery Trail on October
1lth and there is already a webpage and survey dedicated to educating the public and asking for
public comment.
Director West wanted to let the Commission know about the signage and wayfinding program.
An RFQ has been posted and a list of finalists has been selected and Staff would let the
Commission know who was finally chosen as a consultant for that project.
The seventh seat on Planning Commission is in the process of being filled. There were 6
applicants originally, and three had filled out the supplemental questionnaire. An adhoc
committee has been appointed by the City Council to appoint the final candidate.
The October l lth meeting would be a special Planning Commission meeting for the Olympic
Discovery Trail Public Open House and the Commission may have to have a regular meeting
either before or after the meeting to hear another Façade Grant Application.
P lanning Co mmissio n Minute s
Septenmber 27,,2017
Page 3
Director West addressed Mr. Ralston's comments concerning short term rentals. He stated that
he understood that Staff is behind on addressing some the concerns that had been made by the
public on AiTBNB and VRBO's. Staff Committed to City Council that short term rentals would
be addressed within a two year period of the code changes that had been enacted in the previous
year. It will likely be a part of the Planning Division's 2018 work plan.
Commissioner Bailey wanted to know what happened to those businesses that had received
façade grants but were no longer in business. Is there a process in place when that happens
because the façade is supposed to remain for 5 years. Director West stated that it was dependent
on if any payment or reimbursement had been made.
Chair Morris brought up an issue that he had seen growing around town. It bothers him that
advertisements for cigarettes have become ubiquitous around the commercial corridors in the
city. He felt that the advertisements, although currently legal, should in the future have more
restrictions placed on them to reduce the size and prevalence, or even advertising on the outside
of buildings.
Commissioner Amoroso made a motion to ajourn, all were in approval. The meeting
adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Duane Morris, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
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