HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2018-03-14MINUTES
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 14,2OL8 6:00p.m.
Chair Morris opened the regular meeting at 6:03 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab, Duane Morris (Chair), Pamela Hastings,
David Amoroso
Commissioners Absent: Steven Hopkins, Amy Powell
City Staff Present: Allyson Brekke (Planning Manager),
Jeff Gepper (Planning Technícian)
Public Present: Matt Bailey, Jack Heckman (Applicant),
Vicki Heckm an (Ap p I i c an t)
Former Planning Commissioner Matt Bailey: Thanked his fellow Commissioners and Staff for
the experience of being on the Planning Commission. Encourages fellow commissioners to
continue their efforts to remain vigilant in their efforts to ensure funding and grants are
appropriately distributed. The amount of information for applications has improved, and hopes the
trend continues. Moving forward with private endeavors and feels he will not be able to dedicate
enough time to the Planning Commission during this next chapter. Would like to see efforts to
increase levels of code enforcement on non-conforming and illegal signs. Hopes that the City will
investigate ways to fund code enforcement to help lift the level of signage within the City. Code
enforcement for all issues needs to be improved to protect the life, safety, and welfare of the City
and its residents. The City needs a strong focus on economic development and access to the City.
Commissioner Morris thanked Matt for his service and encouraged him to continue promoting
positive change in the community.
Commissioner Schwab moved to approve the February 28,2018 minutes.
Commissioner Hastings seconded.
All in favor.
P lanning C ommission Minutes
March 14,2018
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1. Facade and Sign Grant Applications for 8th Street Car Wash (Nos. l8-03a and 18-03b) -
111-115 E. 8th Street
Commissioner Morris introduced the project and invited Staff to present on the project. .
Planning Manager Brekke introduced the project. The project has been vacant for l0 years.
Combination of work includes painting, lighting, sigrrage, landscaping. Signage includes a
freestanding sign. Total façade cost is above $27,000, which therefore triggers the maximum
request of $10,000. Sign costs are estimated at $3,000 and therefore maximum amount of $1000 is
being requested. Site photos contain evidence of the dilapidated carwash structure. Landscaping
proposal includes the two tridngular area on either side of the entrance to the carwash facility. The
lighting plan includes wall light units and freestanding lights. The goal of adequate lighting is to
promote a vibrant and safe atmosphere. Staff recommends the façade grant awards of $10,000
toward the 8th Street Car Wash Façade Grant No. 18-03a to improve the exterior façade and
property with paint and lighting and landscaping features, and $1,000 toward Sign Grant No. 18-
03b to improve the property's landscaping features with the addition of one freestanding sign.
Commissioner Hastings had a question regarding access to the properfy.
Planning Manager Brekke clarified the location of the project, and stated that there is alley access.
Intended traffic flow is off of 8th Street and exits using the 718 street alley.
Commissioner Schwab asked if the alley would need to be improved by the land owner to
adequately serve the increased traffic.
Planning Manager Brekke responded that during the processing of CUP 18-05 the Department
of Public Vy'orks and Utilities concluded that the alley was in adequate condition for the proposed
level of traffic.
Commissioner Morris concluded the Staff presenüation and invited the Applicant to make
Jack Heckman, Applicant, stated that they have been downtown for 30 years, and due to the
location of the Elwha Tribe Hotel they had a need to relocate. With a goal to stay within City limits,
this site offered a unique opportunity to provide a service to Port Angeles citizens and wash the
vehicles associated with the adjacent rental car office and Dungeness Bus Line. The plan is to start
with the carwash and rental car facilities on the 'westem half of the block. The second phase will
occur later and the intent is to develop the corner lot at 8th and Lincoln. Environmental
contamination occurred on this site, which is a significant cost ba:rier to development on the corner
properfy. Pressure to move from their current location downtown has increased, and so they have
been moving quickly to relocate.
Commissioner Amoroso asked for further clarification about the location of this specific proposal.
Planning Manager Brekke clarified that the location was mid-block, and not the property on the
corner of Lincoln Street and 8th Street.
Commissioner Hastings asked if the office was being considered separately
Planning Manager Brekke clarified that the vehicle rental office is being considered later in this
meeting as part of application Nos. 18-04a and l8-04b.
Planning Co mmis s io n Minute s
March 14,2018
Page 3
Commissioner Morris inquired if there are plans for recycling the water on site since the property
was developed about 20 years ago.
Jack Heckman, Applicant, responded that those types of facilities are cost prohibitive. However,
the wash water is being distributed into the City's waste water system, rather than the storm sewer,
and they will use biodegradable soaps to limit negative impacts to sewer infrastructure.
Commissioner Morris stated that he appreciates the Applicants considerations for the impacts to
the environment.
Commissioner Arnoroso inquired if the owners have investigated low-flow high pressure facilities
to mitigate water waste.
Jack Heckman, Applicant, stated that the systems they are using are top of the line. They are
brand new systems, which include hand wands. Costs for those facilities will provide for an
excellent facility that will provide a necessary service for the community and surrounding
Commissioner Hastings asked if they have a plan for where they will be storing the rental fleet
Jack Heckman, Applicant, responded that the property behind the Chiropractic Clinic (719 S.
Laurel) and Doc Neely's Gun Shop (107 E. 8th Street), was also part of the properly they acquired
and will provide additional space for parking of the rental fleet.
Commissioner Schwab moved to approve, with S conditions, Façade Grant l8-03a and 18-03b for
$10,000.00 toward façade improvements valued atS17l,617.00 and the sigrr grant for a total of
$1,000 toward sign improvements valued as $3,000.
Commissioner Amoroso seconded.
All in favor.
2. Facade and Sign Grant Applications for Heckman Motors Office (Nos. 18-04a and 18-04b) - 107
E. 8th Street
Commissioner Morris introduced_the project and invited Staff to present on the project.
Planning Manager Brekke introduced the project and specified exactly where this project will be.
The project includes windows, awning, fascia, painting, lighting, and sigrrage. Total request is
15997 and total request is half. Sigrr is 1500 and request is half. The existing state of structure was
introduced, as well as the proposed design renderings. Lighting and location were clarified. Staff
recommends the façade and signage grant award amounts of $7,988.50 toward the Heckman
Motors Grant No. l8-04a to improve the exterior façade with paint, windows, awnings and lighting,
and $750.00 toward Grant No. l8-04b to improve the façade desigrr with the addition of two facade
mounted signs.
Commissioner Schwab asked about the construction of the building and what date the building
was built.
Planning Manager Brekke estimated that the building was built in the late 70s and it is not
considered a historic structure and that it is primarily concrete block.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 14,2018
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Jack Heckman, Applicanto reiterated that he discussed most of the qualities of this building and
site in his previous comment. Explained that they hope to continue the family business which is
cuffently in its 3d generation and is anticipated to be in the 4th Generation. The business was started
in the 1940s.
Commissioner Hastings asked how many people come from the ferry for car washes.
Jack Heckman, Applicant responded that those numbers are hard to estimate, but that they have
a fair amount of their business from customers leaving the'blackball ferry from Victoria, BC.
However, most of the rentals are related to other motorists needs.
Commissioner Amoroso asked how the business will deal with not being downtown for access to
Jack Heckman, Applicant responded that they anticipate the need for a shuttle from downtown
to the new location.
Commissioner Morris asked if the color is planned to be bright white. Suggested that the building
be toned down in terms of its color. Also suggested that the applicant investigate awnings to
mitigate the impact of southern exposure.
Vicki Heckman, Applicant, stated that the structure of the concrete block would not support a
typical awning without significant engineering investment. Therefore, at this time, they will not be
investigating this as an option
Commissioner Schwab moved to approve, with 7 conditions, Façade Grant l8-04a & l8-04b for
$7,988.50 toward façade improvements valued at $15,997.00 and $750.00 toward sigrr
improvements valued at 1,500.00.
Commissioner Amoroso seconded.
All in approval.
3. Sign Commiffee - Clarifu Commissioners who desircla serve
Planning Manager Brekke indicated that staff will look into the sign code update in the last three
months of this year. Steve Hopkin is chairing the sign committee. However, afterresearching other
communities, there is a trend in which committees incorporates members of the public. The
Planning Commission would still see the changes and make a recoÍrmendation for sign code
updates to the City Council, but the actual sigr code updates would be organized through the sub-
Commissioner Morris clarified that we are starting from scratch, and looking at this sign code
update from square one.
Planning Manager Brekke confirmed that this is the case.
Commissioner Amoroso stated that during these changes the level of code enforcement needs to
be considered during this process.
Plann ing C ommission Mínute s
March 14,2018
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Planning Manager Brekke responded that this is an excellent discussion item for the Planning
Commission moving forward.
Commissioner Schwab stated that in his opinion, there does not need to be a sub-committee. The
task of sign code review would offer a chance for regular planning commission meetings to have
longer meetings and substance, as opposed to adding another meeting for the sub-committee.
Commissioner Amoroso supported Commissioner Schwab's comment and stated that a sub-
committee could be formed at a later date if it turned out to be too cumbersome for a normal
Planning Commission meeting.
Planning Manager Brekke stated that is an option, though a sub-committee may be more effective
in incorporating members of the public directly into the process. However, this is an ongoing
conversation and will continue to be discussed.
Commissioner Morris stated that he agrees with Commissioners Schwab and Amoroso and
encourages the sign code public outreach reflect those that were conducted as part of the Race
Street Complete Street Design process. He comes from a City with a strong sign code, and would
like to see the City's code also reflect those levels of enforcement.
Planning Commissioner Brekke agreed and stated that the sign code is being revised due to its
antiquated nature and the recent federal law suits.
Planning Manager Brekke. The Comprehensive Plan amendment to update the vision and
mission from the 2009 AIA study and address inaccuracies that exist in the Comprehensive Plan
due to layers of annual changes. Another work plan item is a housing needs assessment brought to
the City by Planning Manager Brekke after a presentation at the State APA conference from
Ellensburg, WA stressed the importance of understanding the housing issue that most people agree
there is an issue, including, vacation rentals, vacant Property, and neighborhood impacts. We intend
to partner with other community groups, including but not limited to the US Coast Guard, Peninsula
Behavioral Health, Olympic Medical Center and potentially other groups. We also intend to hire a
consultant to conduct the assessment.
Commissioner Morris asked if the City Council has appropriated funds for a housing Needs
Planning Manager Brekke stated that it has been appropriated and appeared in front of the city
council as part of the 201 8 work plan.
Commissioner Morris agrees that a third-party review of the housing situation within the city of
Port Angeles. Linking economic development with the social needs of the community.
Planning Manager Brekke stated that Legal Staff will bring their ethics presentation coming up
in the near future. Potentially March 28,2018.
Planning Manager Brekke wanted to remind commissioners that questions during the public
hearing should be directly related to the application that is being considered, to avoid overlap with
P lannin g C ommi s s ion Minute s
March 14.2018
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land use proceedings that has already occured.
Commissioner Morris appreciates the sentiment and asked for clarification on what is scope of
StaffReports for façade programs.
Planning Manager Brekke stated that the First Federal grant application may have been
misleading due to the level of detail of the application. She reiterated that the intent of the façade
and sign improvement program is not to increase the level or amount of signage and that we are
working towards creating more effective and efficient reports.
Commissioner Morris asked about the Planning Commission vacancy.
Planning Manager Brekke stated that we have two active applications that are being reviewed by
the City Council Sub-committee. We anticipate a response from the committee in the next two
Commissioner Schwab recommends that ethics presentation by the Legal Department be pushed
back until the new Commissioner has joined to avoid redundancy. Also, he asked for clarification
is a housing need assessment had come up during a Comp Plan amendment.
Planning Manager Brekke clarified that it has only been talked about and has not been taken up.
Commissioner Morris adjourned the meeting at 7: I I p.m.
J Gepper,Duane Morris, Chair
PREPARED BY: Jeff Gepper, Planning Technician
W A S H I N G T O N, U.S
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