HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-25 PC MinutesMINUTES
Port Angeleso Washington 98362
NIay 25,2015 6:00 p.m.
Members Present Elwyn Gee, Brian Hunter, Duane Morris, John Matthews,
Andrew Schwab
Chad Aubin, Matt Bailey
Nathan West, Scott Johns, Ben Braudrick, Heidi
Dan Williams, John Ralston, Mat Spinks, Anne Murray,
Randall Johns, Jacob Oppelt, Betsy Robins, Steve
Bearman, Laurel Black, Young Johnson, Jerry Austin, John
Yarbourgh, Jeff Bowman
Chair Hunter opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Schwab moved to approve the Minutes of May 1112016. Commissioner Gee
Seconded the Motion, and all were in approval.
1. 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update
Director of Community and Economic Development Nathan West opened by communicating
the importance of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update and the involvement of the public in the
process. He then introduced Ryan Hughes, a principal planner of Studio Cascade-the firm that
was hired to lead the public process for the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Mr. Hughes gave a presentation on the process, and the outcomes of the process.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Staff Report for the 2016 Comprehensive Plan
Director West added that the entire staff report is included as a part of the public record and
copies were available for anyone in the audience. He mentioned that there was a remaining
schedule which included two City Council Meetings on June 7th, the first reading of the
ordinance, and June 2l't, the date for adoption of the ordinance. He reiterated that the
recommendation from staff tonight was to recommend approval of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan
Update to the City Council. He made it clear that there were other options should any
Commission be concerned with moving forward tonight: Recommending approval,
recommending denial, recommend that staff make changes to the document before moving
forward, and another possibility might be that if there are controversial items that the Planning
Commission is concemed that they could address them in the January 2017 tpdate. The hearing
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
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May 25, 2016
Page 2
can also be continued to a special meeting at a later date to give the Commission more time to
reflect on the document.
Commissioner Morris asked about new policy 18 in the Economic Development element that
had a typo. Director West agreed that there was a typo.
Commissioner Schwab asked if the comments not directly related to the policy development of
the Comprehensive Plan were still captured. Director West answered that all comments had
been documented. Associate Planner Johns added that there were hard copies available of all
the public comment.
Chair Hunter asked about a policy that was not included in the update that was developed
through the public input related to fossil fuel use and storage in the harbor. He wanted to know
about the possibility of expansion of those uses through conditional use or otherwise. Director
West responded that any development that fell within 200 feet of the shoreline would require a
Shoreline Development Permit or a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit. Chair Hunter responded
that the document includes under the Economic Development Element Goal D Policy 2"ltlhe
City should encourage and pursue economic development with positive environmental
consequences." For conformance with the comprehensive plan we would have to take that into
consideration in regard to fossil fuels.
Commissioner Morris asked about the numbering and priority of the policy listing. Director
West responded that there is no priority intended related to the numbering of policies.
Chair Hunter opened the public hearing.
Dan Williams,2416 Woodside Circle
Spoke in support of the Port Angeles Aerial Tram project, of which he is a Senior Analyst.
Jerry Austin, 1305 East l't Street
Spoke in support of the development of a marina east of the site of the Red Lion Hotel, and
housing downtown to support marina activity.
John Ralstono PO 898 Port Angeles
Mr. Ralston listed a series of minor corrections and grammatical inaccuracies he thought should
be made. He felt that stormwater management portions of the Comprehensive Plan may be
getting the cart before the horse when the Stormwater Management Plan has not yet been
He questioned why, in reference to Transportation Goal B identifying Lauridsen Boulevard as a
cross-town route, the city has not allowed for the analysis of other easVwest arterials as possible
P lanning Co mmis sion Minute s
May 25,2016
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route options He thought that there needed to be further public discussion on the topic before
moving ahead with the current proposed route.
He felt that the city did not have a tax base or personnel that would allow for creation of
maintenance of either an archeological database or a Tree Management Plan.
Jeff Bowman, 3753 South Canyon Circle
Commented on the need for a better connection with the regional Olympic Discovery Trial
between Valley Creek Estuary and the Tumwater Truck Route. The Olympic Discovery Trail
should not only be located in the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The Trail
should also be identified as an important economic development, recreation, and public health
feature for the community.
Anne Murrayr 306 Lopez Street
Felt the current plan for Lauridsen to be developed as a cross-town route is irresponsible. The
route travels through two school zones, the local library, the Peninsula Housing Authority's
family housing, as well as the proposed site of a new Boys and Girls Club. She wanted to know
what the "desired urban design" was defined as in the context of Lauridsen being proposed as the
cross-town route. She thought that the city and community could move beyond the over 25 year
old proposal and find a new alternative to the current plan for Lauridsen.
Commissioner Schwab asked what the repercussions for not meeting the deadline are. Director
West responded that the City did request an extension from the Department of Commerce, but
was not granted one. Being out of compliance would mean that the City would be limited in its
ability to execute most state related grants. If the Planning Commission felt that it was
appropriate to delay the decision and further review the Comprehensive Plan Update, the City
would make due. It is important to note that there are opportunities to amend the Plan on an
annual basis, and if there were any concerns with the contents of the document, they could be
addressed beginning in January of 2017 .
DÍrector West responded to two of the speakers. Mr. Williams and Mr. Ralston. Mr. Ralston
had issues specific to trees, stormwater, and archeology. Policies related to those topics had been
included into the Comprehensive Plan prior to the public input so that they could be reviewed
throughout the public input process. Those decisions were taken in response to actions already
taken by City Council. City Council and Planning Commission adopted a Tree Policy and
adopted the Tree City USA Program. Those policies are intended to reflect those adoptions. In
regard to stormwater, Port Angeles has a mandate from the State and a permit to complete as
required by the State Department of Ecology which include policy creation to support the
mandate. Some of the archeology policy is a result of a settlement agreement in 2006 with the
Lower Elwha Clallam Tribe, Port of Port Angeles, and the Washington State Department of
Transportation that included responsibilities related to archeology. The City currently has an
Plann íng Co mm is sion Minute s
May 25,2016
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archeological database that exists today. AssocÍate Planner Johns read two possible policies
that could be included into the Comprehensive Plan to reflect upon transportation issues that Mr.
Williams commented on.
Commissioner Morris asked if it was staff recommendation to enter both of these in to the
comprehensive plan. Associate Planner Johns responded that it was for the Commission to
Chair Hunter commented on the history of Lauridsen Boulevard. Director West responded
that the crosstown route policies had a long history in the Comprehensive Plan. If you go back to
the original plat of the City, almost to its origins, Lauridsen Boulevard is identified as a primary
easlwest arterial within the City. Chair Hunter asked about permeable paving materials being
identified by an earlier public comment, and wanted to know at what time that would be required
and how it would be done. Director West responded that policy related to stormwater mitigation
were included in response to the Washington Department of Ecology National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System Phase II permit requirements that need to be updated and included
by the end of 2016. The permit includes low impact development as the preferred alternative of
Chair Hunter asked about the policies related to trails and climate change inclusions that are
based on best available science. He made the point in regard to the State's position on climate
change policy and best available science; specifically that the North Olympic Peninsula Climate
Preparedness Plan meets those requirements for best available science. In his mind, this leads the
City to be able to use that plan to make applicable policies. Director West agreed, and made the
point that the Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that directs implementation of changes
to code and how the City operates at the foundational level.
Commissioner Schwab stated that he supported the reevaluation of policies like the Lauridsen
Alternative Route and its continued applicability. In regard to the policies read by Associate
Planner Johns, he felt there were ways to rephrase it to be more general. He felt the alternative
route should be more general as well.
Commissioner Matthews added that there are no plans for a cross-town route. There were plans
existing as early as 40 years ago before current populations. He felt there was not feasibility for
an altemative route, and there probably won't be one. In his recollection, Archeology wasn't
placed into the Comprehensive Plan, and the Archeological Model that was created was limited.
He is worried about specific language in the Plan and would like more time to sift through the
document and change wording that might lead to stymied growth.
Commissioner Schwab asked that he also be given more time to go through the document.
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May 25,2016
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Commissioner Gee stated that it is a guide tool, and is subject to continued change. He had
misgivings about small things like the words shall and will. It can and should be improved, but it
is a guide document.
Commissioner Morris. Agreed that the Comprehensive Plan is a guide aîd20 years is a long
time. We do the best we can with what we have. The best available science is for today and
things are subject to continual change, and we have the ability to amend the document. He stated
that he would be in favor of an extension of another week, and appreciated the public comment
that was heard today. Not much would be changed by the changing of specific words, and he
added that he would be open to sending the document as it is to the City Council recommending
adoption with the inclusion of the policy that was read by Associate Planner Scott Johns
concerning economic development and the National Park.
Chair Hunter stated that he was ready to hear a motion.
Commissioner Gee made a motion that the Commission recommend approval of the
Comprehensive Plan as written. Commissioner Schwab made a friendly amendment to include
the changes that staff had suggested and with all grammatical changes that had been identified at
the meeting, as well as the suggested new economic development policy concerning the National
Park. Commissioner Morris seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion that the staff arrange a meeting for the Jaruary 2017
amendment process to address the crosstown route proposed on Lauridsen Boulevard.
Commissioner Gee seconded. Four Commissioners were in favor, with Commissioner
Matthews opposed.
2. Proposed Amendments to City Wetlands Protection Ordinance
Associate Planner Scott Johns read the staff report for the proposed changes for the Ordinance.
Commissioner Morris stated that he was disappointed that both of these documents at the same
time. The Commission reviewed the changes before they were included in entire document.
Chair Hunter asked if there was a timeline similar to the Comprehensive Plan. Director West
stated that the critical areas ordinances were reviewed by the Department of Commerce and
should be up to date with the Comprehensive Plan. The Department of Commerce identified the
wetlands ordinance as the only critical areas ordinance needing to be updated.
Commissioner Gee commented that the State has dictated these changes and the City is doing
its due diligence in adopting them to remain in compliance. There is not much to discuss because
it is state mandated Commissioner Schwab agreed.
Chair Hunter opened the public hearing
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John Ralston, PO Box 898 Port Angeles
Commented that he owns property on wetlands and did not find out about the proposed changes
until reading them in the newspaper. There are changes which are not required by the state. He
sent out the document to two of the wetland delineators in the City. He felt that changes are not
all minor, and identified portions of the proposed changes that he felt needed fuither review.
Commissioner Schwab asked for staff response. Associate Planner Johns stated that there is
not a comprehensive list of wetlands in the city limits. There was a windshield survey that a lot
of property owners would not allow on their property because it might be a determent to the
properties ability to be developed. Because of this, not everyone can be contacted when
regulations are changed. However, notice was posted as required through the State
Environmental Policy Act, and this is really the only method the City has to notice public
hearings. He clarified that intent on the comment about changes he made while presenting the
Staff Report was in regards to having no major changes to the document since it was reviewed at
the meeting two weeks ago.
Chair Hunter asked if the definition of "Qualified Professional" was from the State or was
developed by the City. Associate Planner Johns responded that he believed that it was a
definition from the State, but that he had made a note to check on it.
Commissioner Gee made a motion to accept what staff had presented. Chair Hunter seconded.
The vote did not carry, with three opposed and two in support.
Commissioner Morris moved to continue the conversation at the next Planning Commission on
June 8th. Commissioner Morris asked if it would meet the same requirements as the
Comprehensive Plan. Director West stated that it would not because there are two readings
needed. CommissÍoner Matthews seconded and three were in favor with Commissioners Gee
and Schwab opposed.
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May 25,2016
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Director West read a letter from Commissioner Bailey made to the Commission and Staff
about the Comprehensive Plan Update in his absence:
Fellow Commissioners and Stffi
I apologize that I am unable to attend this crucial rneeting due to afamily commitment, but
wanted to make the statement that I am very pleased with the amendments to the comprehensive
plan thus far; especially in the øreas of sustainability, clean energy, and with the addition of the
Tree Management Program. Throughout our continued discussions, public comments, and
worlæhops, my personal visionfor thefuture of the City of Port Angeles is to promote our
current natural and recreational assets which I feel will encourage development, telecornmuting,
tourism, and job growth. I am ecstatic to see the amendment regarding promoting Port Angeles'
beauty, amenities, and cultural history, under Goal A, policy 4, of the Conservation Element. I
am also encouraged with the new Vision Statements and am lookingforward watching Port
Angeles grow.
Thankyouþr your time,
Commissioner Bailey
Commissioner Schwab made mention of the waterfront meetings with NOAA and the Fiero
Marine Life Center occurring later in the week.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
Bryan Hunter, Chair
\¡/ A S H I N G Ï O N, U.S
IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you certiff that the testimony given is true and
correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. If you do not plan to
testify, your signature only acknowledges your presence at the meeting.
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