HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-24 PC MinutesMINUTES
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
N[ay 24,2017 6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Public Present:
Elwyn Gee, David Amoroso (Vice Chair), Andrew
Schwab, Steven Hopkins, Amy Powell
Matt Bailey, Duane Morris (Chair)
Nathan West, Allyson Brekke, Ben Braudrick, Heidi
John Ralston, Lacy Fors
Vice Chair Amoroso opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Hopkins moved to approve the April l2r20l7 minutes. Commissioner
Schwab seconded, all were in favor.
l. Façade and Sien Grant Application: No. 17-02 Station 51 Taphouse
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick gave a presentation on the façade grant application for
Station 5l Taphouse. Commission discussion followed. Lacy Fors, the applicant's
representative was asked to elaborate on portions of the project and the signage. Ms. Fors
responded to the inquiry, stating that the new signage would be placed over the older painted
Zak's signage without harming it. The lower portion of the proposed new signage would be
removed to conform to size requirements in city code. She asked staff if the extra signage might
be placed on the western façade of the building. Planning Manager Brekke responded that the
placement of the other signage would need to be addressed in the sign permit process, as it was
not a part ofthe façade grant request.
Commissioner Schwab moved to award Façade Grant 17-02 for the full amount of $11000
towards the installation of a new sign and 541337.40 for the addition on the back deck.
Commissioner Gee seconded, all were in favor.
2. MCA 16-01 Chapter 15.24 - Wetlands Protection Amendment
Assistant Planner Braudrick gave a presentation on the Washington State Growth
Management Act Periodic Update for critical areas. This update focused on state minimum
requirements that growth management cities and counties must adhere to. The City of Port
Angeles has met all critical area requirements, with the exception of the wetlands protection
ordinance. This update provides revisions requiring wetland specialist to utilities up-to-date
P lanning Commission Minutes
May 24, 2017
Page 2
scientific methods and evaluation manuals adopted by the State, a change in the definition of a
wetland, and the use of a wetland rating system.
Vice Chair Amoroso opened the public hearing.
John Ralston. PO Box 898
Wetland Professionals should be involved to make sure there aren't any "gotcha" moments in
moving forward with new regulation.
Vice Chair Amoroso Closed the Public Hearing
Vice Chair Amoroso asked what the timeline was for this process. Director Nathan West
responded that Staff was seeking approval of the Wetland Ordinance Amendment and the
Comprehensive Plan by City Council by the end of June this year. There will be lst and 2nd
readings of ordinance before approval on the 6th and 20th of June. Vice Chair Amoroso asked if
the Legal Department had reviewed the ordinance. Director West replied that they have
reviewed. Vice Chair Amoroso inquired whether Staff had contacted wetland professional in
conjunction with the amendment. Planning Manager Brekke responded that Staff had
forwarded the meeting agenda packet to two primary wetland professionals in the local
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Commissioner Schwab asked about the changes on page 19, concerning wetland professionals.
He wondered what reasoning there was behind removing specific professional types in the
description. Assistant City Attorney Heidi Greenberg responded that the definition of wetland
professional included those descriptions.
Commissioner Hopkins asked if wetland mitigation should take place using wetlands from
other jurisdictions or if it should remain inside the city limits. Director West responded that the
focus is to accommodate any wetland in the same drainage basin. He added that, if there was a
nexus and rational scientific basis that Staff would be willing to extend wetland improvements
outside of the Port Angeles jurisdiction.
Commissioner Amoroso asked if the recommendation was to continue the public hearing as
written in the Staff report. Director West responded that this was a misrepresentation, and that
the subsequent public hearing would be held with City Council, and that Staff was
recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed Code
amendment to City Council.
Commissioner Hopkins moved to recommend approval of the proposed amendments to
Chapter 15.24 - Wetland Protection PAMC to City Council. Commissioner Schwab
seconded the motion, all were in approval.
3. HTE 17-10 2017 Comprehensive Plan Update
P lanning Commissíon Minutes
May 24, 2017
Page 3
Planning Manager Brekke gave a Staff presentation of the 2017 Amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan integrating changes recommended by the V/ashington Department of
Transportation and Department of Commerce, as well as a reaffangement of the document to
become more attractive and easy to use.
Director West presented the changes that were made in the document as they related to the
strategic plan developed by City Council with the assistance of Staff.
Vice Chair Amoroso opened the public hearing.
John Ralston, PO Box 898
Mr. Ralston agreed that the document should be approved. He felt that there should be
clarification of what the City determines to be affordable housing, such as mentioning a dollar
amount of a household income that is considered valid for affordable housing qualifications.
Vice Chair Amoroso Closed public hearing
Commissioner Hopkins commended Staff on the legibility of the amended plan.
Vice Chair Amoroso asked about the monetary value of affordable housing. Director West
answered that Staff has looked into the value, but he agreed with Mr. Ralston that there was
more that could be done. There has long been an accepted definition for affordable housing
dictate by federal housing entities at the federal level. Director West explained that what is
important for Port Angeles is looking to go beyond those standards and provide not only
affordable, but also attainable housing that can be achieved by all members of the community
He felt those changes would be proposed in a future year.
Commissioner Hopkins asked about the transportation element as it related to WSDOT and
their responsibilities within the jurisdiction. Director West responded that WSDOT typical will
defer to City Staff when making decisions about hipftways within the City.
Commissioner Hopkins asked about working with other agencies to provide information to
keep the Comprehensive Plan up-to-date. Director West stated that those updates would likely
keep the analysis for the periodic seven year update. Data in the amendment that the Commission
is reviewing today is from the20l6 analysis.
Commissioner Gee asked about the terms should and shall. Director West responded that the
term shall is reserved for those policies that the City is prepared to move forward with, whereas
should is reserved for policies that are as of yet more aspirational.
Commissioner Hopkins recommended approval of the HTE 17-10 2017 Annual
Comprehensive Plan Amendment with 6 fïndings and l0 conclusions included in support of
the action. Commissioner Schwab seconded, all were in approval.
P lanning Co mmís s io n Mínu te s
May 24, 2017
Page 4
Assistant Planner Braudrick updated the Commission on a neighborhood meeting for residents
along the proposed ODT extension from Crown Park to Milwaukee and 1Oth. He added that there
would be a community wide meeting in July to address the30Yo design of the project
Director West updated the Commission on the selection process, which included
Commissioner Hopkins and Assistant Planner Braudrick. A consultant design team and final
selection, and contract negotiation, and Council approval of had moved forward for Alta
Planning + Design to assist in the project to redesign Race Street as a multimodal street and entry
portal for Olympic National Park.
John Ralston. PO Box 898
Commended public comment for the Crown Neighborhood Portion of the TR0114. lnquired
about changes to Facade Grant l6-11 and if those changes were allowed, as well as the process
for façade grant reimbursement. Lastly, he asked about the definition of wetland specialist in the
recommended code changes to 15.24 V/etland Protection.
Commissioner Schwab stated that he would be out of town for the June 14th meeting.
Commissioner Hopkins disclosed that he was acting on behalf of his employer for the Race
Street process.
Commissioner Gee moved to adjourn. Commissioner Hopkins seconded. The meeting
adjourned at 7:L5 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary David Amoroso, Vice Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
W ,A' S H I N G T O N. U.S
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