HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-24 PC Agenda Packet
May 10, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair
Regular meeting of April 12, 2017
1. Façade and Sign Grant Application: No. 17-02 Station 51 Taphouse
2. MCA 16-01 Chapter 15.24 – Wetlands Protection Amendment
3. HTE 17-10 2017 Comprehensive Plan Update
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
April 12, 2017 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Matt Bailey, David Amoroso Duane Morris, Andrew
Schwab, Steven Hopkins, Amy Powell
Members Absent: Elwyn Gee
Staff Present: Nathan West, Ben Braudrick
Public Present: Karen Rogers, Jackson Smart, Andrew
Chair Morris opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Patrick Downie read a proclamation thanking the Planning Commission members for
their efforts as volunteers for the City of Port Angeles.
Commissioner Bailey moved to approve the March 22, 2017 minutes. Commissioner
Schwab seconded, all were in favor.
1. Façade and Sign Grant Application: No. 17-01 Ruddell Auto
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick gave a presentation on the façade grant application for
Ruddell Auto.
Chair Morris asked if the applicant would like to present the design to the Commission. Ms.
Karen Rogers, the representative from Ruddell auto explained the reasoning behind the
landscaped area. Landscape Designer Mr. Andrew May spoke about the horticultural aspects
of the project, explaining that the landscape was design to coexist with the neighboring property,
was designed to be slow growing, and stand on its own with or without signage. Sign Maker
Mr. Jackson Smart presented the details of the proposed sign in the landscape area.
The Commission asked further questions about details of the landscape. There were concerns
about the validity of the grant match and the project being only landscape based. Staff replied
that a landscape feature had been approved in the past and that the match could be a part of the
project but remain only match and not be reimbursed. The project mentioned was attempting to
Planning Commission Minutes
April 12, 2017
Page 2
use underground utilities as a match, which were not a portion of the project scope that provided
public benefits.
Commissioner Schwab moved to award Façade Grant 17-01 for the full amount of $10,000.00.
Commissioner Bailey seconded, the motion passed 5-1, with Commissioner Amoroso
dissenting due to his opinion that the proposal should be revisited once the proposal had been
more specific and a clarification needed for a match.
2. Subcommittee Discussion
Assistant Planner Braudrick opened up the discussion by explaining the reasoning and need
for a subcommittee to review the City’s sign code and start to develop a foundation for changes
when staff has the opportunity to begin to make changes.
Commissioner Bailey asked what the timeline for the sign code amendments were scheduled to
take place. Director West replied that it’s likely that sign code amendments would take place in
2018. The City Council’s priority setting placed it in 2018.
Commissioner Hopkins asked to be on the committee. He felt that signage plays a big role in
showing a newcomer what a city wants to be. Commissioner Bailey he took was interested in
sitting on the subcommittee, and disclosed that although he was a sign making professional, he
felt this experience would assist the committee and he could act impartially. Commissioner
Bailey mentioned that another local sign maker was in the audience, and in accordance with the
bylaws, Mr. Smart could act as a member of the public on the committee. He asked Mr. Smart
if he was interested in sitting on the subcommittee. Mr. Smart replied that in the past he had
helped to rewriting the sign code for the Central Business District and would enjoy contributing
to the subcommittee. Commissioner Schwab also voiced interest, and made reference to his
platform for sign code change in a past bid for Council.
Chair Morris asked what the procedure for creating a subcommittee; if making a motion for its
creation was the best path. Director West agreed that a motion would be the best path.
Commissioner Schwab stated that the Commission should entertain two motions: one for the
creation of the sub-committee and another for the appointment of members. The Commission
Commissioner Bailey made a motion to create a subcommittee and appoint three
commission members to modify the sign code. Commissioner Schwab seconded, all were in
Chair Morris made a motion to appoint Commissioners Bailey, Schwab, and Hopkins to
the Committee. Commissioner Hopkins seconded, all were in approval
Chair Morris appointed Commissioner Hopkins as the Chair of the Subcommittee, and
Commissioner Hopkins accepted
Planning Commission Minutes
April 12, 2017
Page 3
Director West updated the Commission on the Race Street Design RFQ and Assistant Planner
explained the reasoning behind returning to the RFQ process.
Chair Morris asked the reasoning for the Human Services portion of the recent municipal code
updates having been taken out of the final ordinance. Director West explained a day prior to the
City Council’s first reading of the ordinance, a group of professionals from local human service
organizations approached staff and voiced concerns they had in regard to the code changes and
discussions they had with attorneys from the ACLU. The Attorneys felt that the changes as staff
had recommended them were not legal. The human services professionals also felt that before
changes were made, staff could reach out and work with the local professionals in the field and
verify the legality of the changes. A new memo was drafted for the meeting which removed
those portions of the code relating to Human Services. He assured the Commission that staff
does recognize that this is a community issue that needs to be resolved, whether through zoning
or another type of regulation. He let the Commission know that if they ever had any questions or
issues that staff was available to answer those concerns, whether at a meeting, in the office, or
through email.
Commissioner Amoroso asked about consistency in the building inspector and engineering
division and why an applicant might be getting two different answers to the same questions.
Director West responded that the new stormwater changes could have been a factor in different
messages, but that without knowing the who, what, where and how of the situation it would be
difficult to give a specific reason. He advocated that anytime a member of the public approached
a Commissioner about permitting difficulties that the Commissioner drill down to the reason for
the issue and bring it to Staff’s attention.
Commissioner Schwab moved to adjourn. Commissioner Powell seconded. The meeting
adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Duane Morris, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Ben Braudrick, Assistant Planner
MEETING DATE: May 10, 2017
RE: Façade and Signage Grant Application for Station 51 Taphouse
(No. 17-02)
REPRESENTATIVE: Kevin Davis, 2034 Kitchen Dick Rd, Sequim, WA 98382
OWNER: Steven Columbus, 214 West 4th Street, Port Angeles, WA, 98362
LOCATION: 125 West Front Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the grant award amount of $1,000.00 toward the installation of a new sign valued at $2,178.00, with the condition listed in the staff analysis, and $4,337.40 toward the engineering and construction of an addition toan
existing back deck valued at $8,674.80.
A Façade and Signage Grant application was submitted to the City on April 21, 2017. The
application was reviewed by Planning Division Staff and found to meet the application criteria.
The project site is located within the Commercial Business District (CBD) zone. The applicant is
requesting $1,000.00 toward the installation of a new sign valued at $2,178.00 and $4,337.40
toward the engineering and construction of an addition to an existing back deck valued at
Staff reviewed the grant criteria for the Community Facade and Sign Improvement Program as
included in the grant application materials.
The Program will provide a grant for funding of façade improvements that will enhance the
physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of individual buildings as well as
Station 51 Taphouse No. 17-02
May 10, 2017 Page 2
surrounding areas. In evaluating proposals for funding under the Program, the following factors
shall be considered:
• Expected increase in assessed value of improvement; and
• Context in the block or neighborhood.
• Ability to proceed with project
Station 51 Taphouse has undergone a great deal of renovation and investment over the last 12
months in the business space and property formerly housing Zac’s Suds and Sandwiches at 125 West Front Street over the last 12 months. The next steps they are taking to improve the property
are the installation of a 192 square foot sign on the eastern façade of the building. The business
owners have also expressed interest in painting the entire eastern façade of the building outside
the scope of this grant program. The sign has been fabricated, but costs for installation are
budgeted and estimated at above and beyond the $2,000.00 necessary to maximize the grant reimbursement.
The project documents provided by the applicant locate not only the 12’x16’ (192 square feet)
sign, but also additional signage promoting the businesses amenities shown as an additional 64
square feet. Chapter 14.36.70(A) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) allows for each
individual business with street frontage a total sign area of all non-exempt sign to not exceed 20 percent of the surface area of the building façade occupied by the business, or 200 square feet,
whichever is less. When a building is located on more than one street frontage, each visible
building façade shall be considered separately. At 192 square feet, the proposed wall mounted
sign occupies 96% of the 200 square feet available on the eastern façade of the building. Any
additional signage allowed on the eastern façade cannot exceed 8 square feet and the 64 square foot sign proposed along with the 192 square foot logo sign will exceed the allowable sign area
for the eastern façade. The property that the building Station 51 Taphouse occupies fronts both
Front and Oak Streets. In accordance with Chapter 14.36.070(A) PAMC, the 64 square foot sign
may be installed on another of the building’s façades.
Recommended Condition of Approval
As a condition of this grant agreement, the 64 square foot amenity sign identified in the project drawings will not be allowed to be fixed on the eastern façade. It is the
recommendation of staff that the 64 square foot sign be fixed to the northern face of the
deck addition, which is visible to pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles traveling on Railroad Avenue.
In addition to the sign installation, the business owners are proposing a 144 square foot addition
to the existing 22’x18’ deck. The proposed deck has been designed to seamlessly mirror the
material choice and engineering of the existing section, and will allow the placement of outdoor
tables and chairs for patrons of the taphouse. The project has included estimations for engineering, labor, and material costs valued at $8,674.80 with a grant request of 50 percent, or
Furthermore, Staff finds the Station 51 Taphouse Grant projects fulfills the Program criteria in
the following way:
Station 51 Taphouse No. 17-02
May 10, 2017 Page 3
•The enlargement of useable congregative area of the northern deck is expected toincrease the assessment value of the property.
•The installed sign and new deck extension will provide more visible and useful outdoor
space for the business and will provide visual interest along Front Street.
•The applicants are excited to move forward with the improvements as soon as possible.
•The new sign install helps to eliminate a non-conforming sign.
This project is part of a continued effort to revitalize this property by the business owners. Staff
appreciates the work that Station 51 has accomplished and is in full support of approval of the grant proposal as conditioned.
A. Application materials
Department of Community & Economic Deve
321 E .5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
360.417.47 50 | www.cityof pa.us I ced@cityofpa.us
FSG \1 - OL
APR 21 2017
Applicant Name h Mailing Address , 73a\ kthbu Dl¿k K¿t
Contact Name (or
Contact Phone 7 - bLo-EmaílAdd e ho*tnail , clitu1
Property Owner JJe ve^l/tlh Mailing Address
Property owner Phone Nr^oer, b30 - 1431- ,T7 Ll
l, the Contact, have read the Facade and Sign Grant lnformation and Award Cover Sheet Handout and
understand both the grant award process and required application materials for submission aproval.
Business N 5 u Business Address lz S r^ t ñ,a¡vt* 9w-ßft
Business Type/Description
lmprovement Type
Brief Project DescriptionÉ
Facade Grant
Sign Grant
o"r". tfot/il
End Date, t/¡tlt?
etLs+ wal, t( l\u 'lÅit,c1.
The owner(s) of the above property is fully aware and agree to all proposed improvements described in grant
application. Applicant must to proposal approved by property owne(s)
Applicant's S Date
Property Owner's Signature:Date
Attachment A
Station 51 Taphouse
125 W. Front Street
Port Angeles,'WA 98362
stationS 1 email@gmail.com
(360) 620-6s87
April 17,2017
Department of Community and Economic Development
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: Facade and Sign Improvement Request
To Whom It May Concern:
Attached for your review is an application and supporting documentation outlining our request
for a facade and sign improvement grant regarding our business known as Station 51 Taphouse
located in downtown Port Angeles.
In our request we are asking to install two signs advertizing our business, one sign is 12x16 feet
(192 square feet) and the other sign is 4x16 feet (64 square feet). V/e would like to install these
signs on the east wall of our building to be placed over the top of the current "Z4k's" logo sign.
The large l2xl6 foot sign is our "Station 51 Taphouse" logo which is to be placed over the top of
the current "Zak's" logo. The smaller 4x16 foot sign says "Beer, Wine, Spirits, Hot Dogs" and
will be placed one (1) foot below the "Station 51 Taphouse" logo sign.
We would also like to add an additional 12 square feet onto our akeady existing back deck
located at the rear, north entrance of the building adjacent to the alley.
We would appreciate your consideration of our request for a grant to improve this building and
our business.
S Y'
Stâtion 51 Facade
Station 51 Taphouse
125 W. Front Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
stationS 1@gmail.com
Facade and Sign Improvement Request
PROJECT:Total Cost
Wall-Mount Sign Installation/East Wall: (J and J Construction)
8, 4'x8' full color decal panels on black polymetal, installed as two
separate signs as follows:
Sign (1): 6, 4'x8'panels (12'xl6': I92 sft) Full Color Logo Sign
Sign (2): 2,4'x8'panels (4'x1 6' : 64 sft) Beer/Wine/Spirits/Hot Dogs
fSign (1) is the "Station 51 Taphouse" logo sign that will be installed
over the top of the current uZak'su logo. Sign (2) will be installed one
foot below the logo sign (1).1
Installation: (J and J Construction)
Install pressure treated (flaf 2x4) frame on existing concrete
wall, fasteners, equipment and clean up, scrap removal
(permit not included)
Deck/RearEntrance: UeJConstruction) $7,958.00
12' x 12'addition to existing back entrance deck, saw cut
Asphalt, excavate concrete footings, form and pour (4) footings
(2' x2' x I2") with plinths (16" x 16" x I2"), pressure treated
framing, wood decking and railing to match existing, fasteners,
clean up and scrap removal
Structural Design and Drawings: (Zenovic & Associates)
Structural design and drawing for deck addition, including
engineering services, overhead and profit, sales tax
Stat¡on 51 Taphouse Facade & Sign Request
Lacey Fors < laceyfors@yahoo.com>
Friday, January 06,20L7 2:l-1 PM
Fors, Lacey
Fwd: receipt
Taphouse panel sign cut panels.pdf; 4TT283751"09.htm
Begin forwarded message
F rom: "Bailey Signs" <signs@olypen.com>
Date: November 23,2016 at 10:26:38 AM PST
To: "'Lacey Fors"' <laceyfors@yahoo.o
Subject: RE: receipt
Attached is the layout of the panel sign for Station 51 Taphouse. The sign is 8, 4'x8' black panels with a
full color logo installed on the panels. The logo itself is 17Osf. Let me know if I can be of further
assistance. The bottom two panels could be removed and you could go with just the logo panels, the total
square footage for this option would be 192.
Bailey Signs & Graphics
L08 S Lincoln Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Mon-Fri, L0am-3pm
Closed all major holidays
tt*u uad {z) ( t, *'i#,'-: .,I0rr ¡ 'r. 'r^tl I øn\) ttl Y"- \y{ --i ";i", I
s\\i:l-å,*!\+Ðsl]Jl¡¡,r, ¡lT;'lfr- I,å.1tiì.¡ i Jr ir r* I ...'! t'í\r\)\-j-å..v,V)\----f..1ç1\lt''tt[.-I.,,t''f*åJ*j t.lrtlþ,ll ',;¡It,}
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J ancl J
PO Box 460
FAX 360-452-s 164
Station 5l 'lhp House
125 We.st Front Strcet
Pr-rrt Á,ngeles, WA 9S362
Does not incfude:o Painting/staining not specifietl ¡rboveo Structural clesigno Tenrporary facilities not listeclo Pennits
Scott J Schwagler
October 8,2016
we are pleased to provicle an estítttate to install your new sign on south êàslerly corner of bLrilding. Estimate is basedonsitcvisitandourconversations. sy'epropos"thefollouuiigr.op"ái*o*lãr-tú"i."r"r"n""¿project,
o P¡ovide¿nd ínstall prcsj:ue tleated (flat 2x4) flarne on existing concrerstlock wall - frarie rvill bç clone as agrid so that all eclges ofthe sign paneJs ar.e súpporteclo Install owner provided sign paneìs on ne* fr¿ulleo Fasteners as rec¡uiredo Equiprnent as requiredo Clean up and scrap removal
A1l of the above rvott to be cornPleted in a substar¡tial and r.vorkulanlike uranner nccording to standard practices t'or tlìesurnof: Twothousandonehundrcdandseventyeightanclno/I00Dottar,c (g2,17g.) ptusLyssr
Prices do not itzcllrde sales tax
Thanlpu for the opporrunity to p¡esen.t tìris proposal,Þ--Ary
J and J Corutructìon of porl Angelcs, ltc
Feet N
bak Ùec k)
Iltis iltop ¡s tut ùileùd¿dÍor tft ds a hgnl &sctiptù"l l...dt¡oils of lùilu.s a,?.tptottûot. oillu TorÒgt¿tht..\L1pflilût¿s oæ . 5Jþet oÍdctilal hrat¡Òû!. t hß
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Wâter måin
WWalea main
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Eleckical diskibulion Yeilical hiln - ]'Ál'D 88iloriûilt¿lhtun = \lDEIEI Arca Mqp
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f..*,É",{fe) J'r6ir {å{ íþr**
toil;'ûr- p,oràr*l'- *å d*rE" r-''!þ'{t't
ar i-f { t", , i!.-o s¡-f' É ï 6'* ,¡ i' çf; Jf n }* rt í't';Í< 5 çt Êi L'
o-i e [.ulfti¿r:L
PO Box 460
October 8,2016Station 5l Tap IJouse
125 West F¡orrt Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Wearepleasedtoprovideanestiinatetoaddontoyourexistingdecktothenorth(appr.ox. l2'). Estimateisbaseclonsite visit ancl otlr conversations. We propcrse tlre flollor.ving scope of r.vork for. the r.ef'erencecì project.
Includes:o Sar.v cut asphalt and excavate fornew concrete footingso Fonuandpour'(4)Ììewconcretefootings(2'x2'x12't')v/ithpljnths(16"x16"x12") -reìnfbrcingancl colurnn
bases includedo Plovicle ald install pressu¡e freated frarr-ring'.raterials to match existingo P¡ovicle and install outdoor wood decking and railing to uraich existingo Fastene$ as requiredo Clean up and scrap removal
Does not inclucle:o Painting/staiuing not specified aboveo Rot lepair or hidden structura.l clamage at existing stmctureo Srrucfural clesigno Changes required from structural tlesigno Teurporary lacilities not listedo Pemits
All of the above work to be conrpleted. in a substantial ancl workmanlike marìner accordìng to standaxl practices for thesr¡r¡ of: sevel thousanci nine h.undred and fifry eight and no/.100 Dollars (g7,gss.) pttrs qSST
Prices do nr¡t i¡tc/ude sale,s tcuc
Tirank you the proposal,
Allor.vance fìor structural design an<i pennit drawings - $750
Ailor,r,ance for building permit - 5500
J and J Conshlction ofPort Angeles, lnc
J & J Construction of Port Angeles, Inc
PO Box 460
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Station 51 Tap House
125 West Front Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Date lnvoice #
lu20t7 3725
P.O. No.Terms Project
Due on receipt
Quantity Description Rate Amount
Services for December 20 l6-Structural Design and Drawings for Deck
Engineering Services
Overhead & Profit
Sales Tax
Accounts not paid within 30 days are subject to a l.5o/o monthly finance charge Total $716.80
', ., '( - ?îJi->'a * V#è \-srç. -e-1ta.j@\,_ -:9 tr{ ,':Q..ðwHôi¡4ìd!i-.ü-..ry1ç1d,*Y\7w8 a} qaLtt0v:S$ ç3 tq?5,?{l'-¡ fÎ'tY,/
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Fl',lf I E uLvr\ r t\^rvtttYv, uEv^ Jvrù,
1 piece(s) 2 x 6 Hem-Fir No. 2 @ 12" OC
Overall Length: 15'
All locations are measured from the outside face of let support (or left cantllever end).All dimensions are horizontal.
. Deflection criteria: tt (1,1480) and Tt (V240).
' Brac¡ng (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be br¿ced at 5' 5 1/8" o/c unless deta¡led otherwise. pmper attachment and pos¡tioning of lateralbr¿c¡ng is requ¡red to achieve memb€r stabil¡ty.1:A 15olo ¡ncrease in tt¡e moment capacity has been added tc account fur repetitive member usage.. Appl¡cable calculauons are bãsed on NDS.. No compos¡te action b€tween deck and joist was cons¡dered ¡n analysis.
. Rim Board is assumed to carry all loads appl¡ed dkecdy above ¡t, bypassing the member b€ing des¡gned,. Blocklng Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied direcüy above them and üe full load ¡s applied to tñe member be¡ng designed.. At hanger supporF, the Total Bearing d¡mension is equal to t'te w¡dth of the material fiat ¡s supporting the hanger. 1 See Connector grid below for add¡tional ¡nformaüon and/or requ¡rements.
SysÞm : Floor
Member Type : Joist
Bu¡lding Use : Residential
Build¡ng Code : rBC2072
Des¡gn Methodology : ASD
Member React¡on (lbs)1008 @ 7'6"2126 (3.50")Passed (47olo)1.0 D + 1.0 L(All Spans)
Shear (lbs)439 @ 8'1 1/4"825 Passed (53olo)1.00 1.0D+1.01(AllSpans)
Moment (Ft-lbs)-740 @ 7' 6',801 Passed (92olo)1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L(All Spans)
Live Load Defl. (in)0.173@17',41/2"0.184 Passed 1U513)1.0D+1.01(AltSpans)
Total Load Defl. (in)0.369 Passed (U484)1.0D+1.01(AltSpans)
TJ-Pro'M Rating N/A N/A
1-Beam-HF 3.50"2.00"1.50"29 34O/-34 3691-34 1 1/2" Rim Board
2-Beam-HF 3.50',3.50"1.66'92 9t7 1009 Blocking
3 - Hanger on 5 U2" HF b€am 1.50"Hangerl 1.50"29 3351-32 3æl-32 See noÞ 1
3 - Face Mount Hanger Connecbr not found N/A N/A N/A N/A
I - Un¡form (PSF)0 to 15'12'10.0 100.0 Res¡dential - Liv¡ng
product appl¡cat¡on, ¡nput design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by SRH
Q rrrro,*o.,r roREsr*y rNrrArv.
12/1412016 1:49:07 PM
Forte v5.1, Design Engine: V6.5.1.'l
9Per,ator Job NôlêS
Scott Headrick
Zenovic & Associates, lnc.(360) 417-0501
Page 1 of 1
rr \,ñ t Ë.I piece(s) 2 x 6 Hem-Fir No. 2 @ 12' OC
OverallLength: 7'6"
All locat¡ons are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end).All d¡mensions are horizontal.
' Deflection criteria: LL (U360) and TL (U240).
' Brac¡ng (Ld): All compression edges (bp and botþm) must b€ braced at 6'4 U4' o/c unless deb¡led otherw¡se. Prop€r atÞchment and posiuoning of laÞr¿l
brac¡ng ¡s requ'red b achieve membèr sÞbility.. A 15olo ¡ncrease ¡n the moment capacity has be€n added b.account for repet¡tive member usage. Appl¡cable calculations are based on NDS,
' No composite action betlveen deck and jo¡st was considered ¡n analysis,
. Rim Board ¡s assumed to carry all loads appl¡ed directy above ¡t, bypassing the member b€¡ng designed.. Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads appl¡ed directy above tfiem and tfie tull load is applied to the member be¡ng desiqned.
Syshm : Floor
Member Typ€ : Jo¡st
Bu¡ldlng Use : Residential
Building Code : IBC 2012
Design Methodolow ; ASD
Q rrrro,*u., oRESrRv rNrrAnv'
1211412016 1:51:39 PM
Forte v5.1, Design Engine: V6.5..1.1
Member React¡on (lbs)404 @7' s U4"1063 (1.75")Passed (38o/o)1.0 D + 1.0 L(All Spans)
Shear (lbs)338 @ 9"825 Passed (41olo)1.00 1.0D+1.01(AllSpans)
Moment (Ft-lbs)719 @3'9718"801 Passed (90olo)1.00 1.0D+1.01(AllSpans)
Llve Load Defl. (¡n)0.227 @3',9718"0.24t Passed (U382)1.0D+1.01(AllSpans)
Total Load Defl. (¡n)0.250 @ 3',9718"0.361 Passed (U347)1.0 D + 1.0 L(All Spans)
I-Pro" Rating N/A N/A
1-Beam-HF 3.50',2.00"1.50"38 382 420 I U2" R¡m Board
2-Beam-HF 1.75"1.75"1.50"37 368 405 Block¡ng
I - Unifom (PSF)0 b 7'6"10.0 100.0 ASSEMBLY AREA
Weyerhaeuser warranb tlìat the sizlng of iE producb will be in accordance w¡th Weyerhaeuser product design criÞria and publ¡shed des¡gn \rdlues,
Weyerhaeuser o<pressly discla¡ms any other warr¿nties relaH to tfie soft¡are. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser l¡terature for installation details.(www.woodbywy.com) Accessories (Rim Board, Block¡ng Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this softilare. Use of th¡s softlvare is not intended b
c¡rcumvent the need for a des¡gn profess¡onal as determined by tfie authority hav¡ng jurisdict¡on, The des¡gner of record, builder or framer is responsible b
assure that this calculation ¡s compatible w¡th he over¿ll project Products manuåctured at Weyerhaeuser iacil¡ties are thi¡d-party certified lo susÞinable
forestry sbndards, Weyerhaeuser Eng¡neered Lumber Products have been evaluaþd by ICC FS under techn¡cal rcports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or eíed
in accordance with appl¡cable ASTM sÞndards. For cunent code evaluation reports refer to htþ://www.woodbywy.com/seryices/s_CodeReporb.aspx.
The product appl¡cation, input design loads, dimens¡ons and support informðtion have been provided by SRH
Scott Headrick
Zenovic & Associates, lnc
(360) 41 7-0501
Page 1 of 1
Posr w(2) SDWH27600G
EX. 4x10 BEAM
PT 2?{ì HF#2 JOTSTS @ 12' O.C.
END W(2) SDWH27600G
24x24x12 CONC. FOoTING
2x6 RIM ïO MATCH EX.uE.u
1Scale: L/?"
:95*i â
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16446 At
EX. 2x6 PT RIM
EX. 4x10 PT HF#2 BEAM
EX. 8x8 PT HF#2 POST
BEAM W(2) SDWH27600G
t_ xl+<t>l+--
NEW 8x8 PT HF#2 PoST
NÊW PT 2x6 HF#z JOISTS @ 12" 0.C.
NEW 2x6 PI HF#2
JOTSTS @ 12'O.C.
Scale: N.T.S
(4)#4T'BARS L
N 8'
(4)#4 BARS E.W.
/ lO ùU.
24" SQ.
il Å
Scale: N.T.S
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1. Engineering Design loads:
Roof live load: 25 psf (snow) ELEVATION < 625'
Wind loading based on:130 mph/Exposure "D"
Seismic Zone: D per l.B.C.
Floor Live Load: 100 psf (Assembly)
2, Construction shall conform to these plans and all applicable codes and local ordinancæ
including the 2015 Edition of the lnternational Building Code.
1. Foundationdesignisbasedon:soilbearingcapacityof1500psfperl.B.C.TablelS06.2.
2. All footings except where noted othen¡vise on plans shall be set at least 12" into undísturbed
earth or certified compacted fill.
3. Any unusual soil conditions such as organic soils, clay pockets or uncertified fllls shall be
brought to the attention of the engineer prior to construction.
L All framing shall be as follows unless noted otherwise on the plans.
a. Studs, cripples and miscellaneous vertical framing shall be Douglas Fir/Larch stud grade or
b. Joist and rafters shall be Douglas Fir/Larch No. 2 or better.
c. Headers and beams shall be Douglas Fir/l-arch No.2 or better.
d. All wood members in contact with concrete or soil shall be pressure feated Hen/Fir No. 2 or
2. Timber connectors called out by letters and numbers shall be Simpson Strong Ïie
Connectors. Provide the number and size of fasteners as specified by the manufacturefs
recommendations. Use MAX nailing per manufacturer for connectors, unless specifically noted
otherwise on plans. Where connector straps connect two members, one-half of the nails or bolts
shall beplacedineachmember. All boltsinwoodmembersshall conformtoASTMA30T.
Alternate joist hangers and other hardware may be substituted for items shown provided that
they are IGC approved for equal or greater load capacity. All joist hangers and olher hardware
shall be compatible in size with members provided. All connectors used with pressure treated
wood shall be ZMAX, Post HotDipped Galvanized, or SST300 (Stainless Steel). Use only
stainless steel fasteners with stainless steel connectors. Use only HolDipped GalvanEed
fasteners with ZMAX and Post HotDipped Galvanized connectors. Stainless steel is
recommended for treated wood with an ACQ retent¡on value of 0.60 or hþher.
All wood shall be treated with ACQ unless approved by Engineer. Pressure treated wood called
out on plans shall conform to AWPA Standard U1-10 wilh preservative retention for the
following applications as follows:
a. UC3B - Above ground (0.25)
b. UC4A - ln contact with ground (0.40)
c. UC4B - Embedded in ground or concrete (0,60)
All treated wood that is cut or drilled shall shall have the exposed wood surface fleld treated with
27o Copper Naphthenate meeting the AWPA Standard M4
4. Holes for bolts shall be the bolt diameter plus/16"
5. All bolts, ihreaded rod and lag screws shall be tightened on installation and retightened before closing in
or upon completion of the job.
6. All bolts, lag screws and threaded rod shall be provided with washers where the nut head bears on lhe
wood. Washers shall have a minimum dimension of at least two bolt diameters.
7. All nails for structural work shall be common wire nails as indicaied on the plans or ICC approved
mechanically driven fasteners of equivalent holding strength. Nail size and spacing shall be as required by
the IBC Table 2304.10.1 and as specified on thæe plans.
8. All horizontal wood framing shall bear on beams, plates or ledgers with a nominal wídth or at least 2" or
be supported by sheet metal connectors as manufactured by Simpson or equal.
9. All connections between wood memben not specifically detailed heron shall be naíled with the minimum
nailing specifled in IBC table 2304.10.1.
1. Concrete shall be a commercially available fansit-mix properly proportioned and delivered to he site in readymix
hucks. Aggregate size shall be a maxinum o'f 1/z' in loundations and 9/¿' at all other locations. Slump should not exceed
4". Curing compound shall be sprayed on all exposed surfaces immediately after final toweling.
2. All cement shall conform to the ASTM Standard C-1 50. All aggregate shall conform to ASTM Standard C-33. All
reinforcing bars shall ønform to ASTM Standard A-615 as follows:
#345 Bars and WWM-Grade 40
#6 Bars and larger-Grade 60
All rebar to be welded shall be ASTM A706 steel. Preheat all bars #7 and larger per AWS D14-92. Preheat noi required
for bar sizes #6 and smaller.
3. Concreie shall have a minimum 28-day compressive stengfi of 3000 psi and shall not øniain less tìan 5-il2 sacks of
cement per cubic yard. Concrete shall alsô be air entrained. Total air content (percent by volume) shall not be læs Úran
5% or more han 7%.
4. Where dimensions of reinforcing is índicated on plans, dimensions are for straight lengürs of bar only. The bent section
of bar is not included in the lengh indicaied on plans.
5. A siandard hook is defined as a 90' bend plus a sfaight lengü of bar equal to 12 bar diameters.
6. Splices in continuous reinforcement shall lap as noted on the plans as follows:
Grade 40 reinforcing bars: Minimum of 32 bar d¡ameteß
Grade 60 reinforcing bars: Minimum of 48 bar diameters
7. Unless shown otherwisq the minimum concrete cover for reinforcing shall be 3' when placed directly against earth and
2" for all other locations unless specified on the plans.
8. Concrete design is based on a 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi. Higher values are specified for durability only.
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16446 A1
JOB NO:1446
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Nathan West, Director of Community and Economic Development
Allyson Brekke, Planning Manager
DATE: May 24, 2017
SUBJECT: 2017 Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 15.24 – Wetlands Protection Amendments
RE: A proposal to amend Chapter 15.24 – Wetlands Protection of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code
APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles
LOCATION: Citywide
PROPOSAL: Proposed amendments are part of a state mandated code change linked to
the 2016 Periodic Update Process under the Growth Management Act for
Critical Areas.
DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community and Economic Development recommends that the Planning
Commission review the proposed code amendments and open the public hearing to receive
public input and comment on the proposed changes. The Commission should then continue the public hearing to a date specified future Planning Commission meeting.
Public Notice was published in the Peninsula Daily News on May 7, 2017 and posted on May 8,
2017. To date, written public comment has not been received.
Per WAC 197-11-800(19), the proposed ordinances reflecting the municipal code amendments is
categorically exempt from SEPA review as they contain no substantive standards respecting use
or modification of the environment.
2017 PAMC Chapter 15.24 – Wetlands Protection Amendments 5/24/2017 Page 2
In the State of Washington, every county and city is required to conduct a periodic update of
Growth Management Act (GMA) related code located in 36.70A of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). As a fully planning city, Port Angeles is required to complete this periodic update for the entire Comprehensive Plan and Critical Areas Ordinance. The GMA requires that
“best available science” be included in developing regulations to protect critical area functions
and values. In May of 2016 the Planning Commission moved to recommend amendments to
Chapter 15.24 – Wetlands Protection of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as a part of a larger 2016 periodic code update. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the proposed amendments on June 8, 2016.
Before moving forward with the recommendation to the City Council, staff made the decision to
table the changes until a more in depth analysis could be done to understand the impact the
wetland protection code changes would have on the development community. Every City and county in the state is eligible for an additional year (12 months) to make reasonable progress toward completing development regulations that protect critical areas (i.e., the critical areas
regulations). During this period, Port Angeles has remained eligible for state grants and loans
without being ineligible due to non-compliance with the update deadline. The extension deadline
for the City of Port Angeles is June 30, 2017.
Due to an abundance of regulatory changes for development within the City–including updates to the building code to reflect 2015 International Building Code Standards and Stormwater
regulations that reflect mandated updates for the City’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System Phase II Permit–staff has decided to move forward with changes to Chapter 15.24 –
Wetland Protection PAMC that meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act and Department of Commerce. These changes include:
1. A change of the definition of a wetland to be consistent with RCW 36.70A .030(21);
2. A change in reference of the Washington State Department of Ecology Wetland
Identification and Delineation Manual to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1 and Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version
2.0) that is accordance with WAC 173-22-035
3. The inclusion of a definition for “Qualified Professional”.
Staff has made the decision to postpone changes that relate to:
1. Wetland Buffering 2. Mitigation Techniques
3. Wetland Classification and Delineation beyond the reference manual changes
4. Wetland Permit Process
The changes, as proposed, will fulfill the City of Port Angeles’ 2016 Growth Management Act
periodic update requirements.
Exhibit A: Amendments to Chapter 15.24 - Wetlands of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
Exhibit A
Page 1
15.24.010 - Findings of fact and purpose.
A. Findings of fact. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles hereby finds that:
1. Wetlands and their buffer areas are valuable and fragile natural resources with significant development constraints due to flooding, erosion, soil liquefaction potential, and septic disposal
2. In their natural state, wetlands provide many valuable social services and ecological functions,
a. Controlling flooding and stormwater runoff by storing or regulating natural flows;
b. Protecting water resources by filtering out water pollutants, processing biological and chemical oxygen demand, recycling and storing nutrients, and serving as settling basins for naturally occurring sedimentation;
c. Providing areas for groundwater recharge;
d. Preventing shoreline erosion by stabilizing the substrate;
e. Providing habitat areas for many species of fish, wildlife, and vegetation, many of which are
dependent on wetlands for their survival, and some of which are on Washington State and Federal Endangered Species lists;
f. Providing open space and visual relief from intense development in urbanized areas;
g. Providing recreation opportunities; and
h. Serving as areas for scientific study and natural resource education.
3. Development in wetlands results in:
a. Increased soil erosion and sedimentation of downstream water bodies, including navigable channels;
b. Increased shoreline erosion;
c. Degraded water quality due to increased turbidity and loss of pollutant removal processes;
d. Elimination or degradation of wildlife and fisheries habitat;
e. Loss of fishery resources from water quality degradation, increased peak flow rates,
decreased summer low flows, and changes in the streamflow regimen;
f. Loss of stormwater retention capacity and slow-release detention resulting in flooding,
degraded water quality, and changes in the streamflow regimen of watersheds;
g. Loss of groundwater recharge areas.
4. Buffer areas surrounding wetlands are essential to maintenance and protection of wetland functions and values. Buffer areas protect wetlands from degradation by:
a. Stabilizing soil and preventing erosion;
b. Filtering suspended solids, nutrients, and harmful or toxic substances;
c. Moderating impacts of stormwater runoff;
d. Moderating system microclimate;
e. Protecting wetland wildlife habitat from adverse impacts;
Exhibit A
Page 2
f. Maintaining and enhancing habitat diversity and/or integrity;
g. Supporting and protecting wetlands plant and animal species and biotic communities; and
h. Reducing disturbances to wetland resources caused by intrusion of humans and domestic animals.
5. The loss of the social services and ecological functions provided by wetlands results in a detriment to public safety and welfare; replacement of such functions, if possible at all, can require
considerable public expenditure.
6. A considerable acreage of these important natural resources has been lost or degraded by
draining, dredging, filling, excavating, building, polluting, and other acts inconsistent with the natural uses of such areas. Remaining wetlands are in jeopardy of being lost, despoiled, or
impaired by such acts.
7. It is therefore necessary for the City of Port Angeles to ensure maximum protection for wetland
areas by discouraging development activities in wetlands and those activities at adjacent sites that may adversely affect wetland functions and values; to encourage restoration and
enhancement of already degraded wetland systems; and to encourage creation of new wetland areas.
B. Purpose. It is the policy of the City of Port Angeles to require site planning to avoid or minimize damage to wetlands wherever possible; to require that activities not dependent upon a wetland location be
located at upland sites; and to achieve no net loss of wetlands by requiring restoration or enhancement of degraded wetlands or creation of new wetlands to offset losses which are unavoidable.
In addition, it is the intent of the City of Port Angeles that activities in or affecting wetlands not threaten public safety, cause nuisances, or destroy or degrade natural wetland functions and values by:
1. Impeding flood flows, reducing flood storage capacity, or impairing natural flood control functions, thereby resulting in increased flood heights, frequencies, or velocities on other lands;
2. Increasing water pollution through location of domestic waste disposal systems in wetlands; unauthorized application of pesticides and herbicides; disposal of solid waste at inappropriate
sites; creation of unstable fills, or the destruction of wetland soils and vegetation;
3. Increasing erosion;
4. Decreasing breeding, nesting, and feeding areas for many species of waterfowl and shorebirds, including those rare and endangered;
5. Interfering with the exchange of nutrients needed by fish and other forms of wildlife;
6. Decreasing habitat for fish and other forms of wildlife;
7. Adversely altering the recharge or discharge functions of wetlands, thereby impacting groundwater or surface water supplies;
8. Significantly altering wetland hydrology and thereby causing either short- or long-term changes in vegetational composition, soils characteristics, nutrient cycling, or water chemistry;
9. Destroying sites needed for education and scientific research, such as outdoor biophysical laboratories, living classrooms, and training areas;
10. Interfering with public rights in navigable waters and the recreation opportunities provided by wetlands for fishing, boating, hiking, birdwatching, photography, and other passive uses; or
11. Destroying or damaging aesthetic and property values, including significant public viewsheds.
The purposes of this chapter are to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by preventing
the adverse environmental impacts of development enumerated in section 15.24.010, and by:
1. Preserving, protecting, and restoring wetlands by regulating development within them and
their buffers;
Exhibit A
Page 3
2. Protecting the public against losses from:
a. Unnecessary maintenance and replacement of public facilities, including the dredging
of ports and navigation channels;
b. Publicly funded mitigation of avoidable impacts;
c. Cost for public emergency rescue and relief operations; and
d. Potential litigation from improper construction practices authorized for wetland areas;
3. Alerting appraisers, assessors, owners, and potential buyers or lessees to the development limitations of wetlands;
4. Providing City of Port Angeles officials with information to evaluate, approve, condition, or deny public or private development proposals;
5. Adopting the Governor's interim goal of achieving no overall net loss in acreage and functions of Washington's remaining wetland base and the long-term goal of increasing the
quantity and quality of Washington's wetland resource base;
6. Implementing the goals and policies of the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
encouraging development compatible with the environment of the City, encouraging development to provide open space, encouraging development to preserve and incorporate
existing "unusual, unique and interesting natural features", reducing development intensity as natural environmental constraints increase, and avoiding intensive development of sites
with severe environmental constraints;
7. Implementing the policies of the Growth Management Act; the State Environmental Policy
Act, Chapter 43.21C RCW; the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan; Washington State Executive Order 90-04; Port Angeles Environmental Policy Ordinance, Chapter 15.04
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; Port Angeles Shoreline Management Ordinance, Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; Port Angeles Flood Damage Prevention
Ordinance, Chapter 15.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; the Port Angeles Zoning Code; the Port Angeles Stormwater Management Plan; and all other present and future City
of Port Angeles functional, environmental, and community plans, programs and ordinances.
(Ord. 3179 § 3 (part), 12/17/2004; Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.020 - Definitions.
In addition to definitions contained in Chapter 15.02, the following definitions shall apply. Where definitions
exist in both Chapter 15.02 and section 15.24.020, the definitions in 15.24.020 shall apply:
For the purpose of this document, the following definition of a wetland is;
“Wetland” or “wetlands” means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a
prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.
Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater
treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands do
include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas created to mitigate conversion
of wetlands.
Exhibit A
Page 4
A. "Applicant" means a person who files an application for permit under this chapter and who is either the owner of the land on which that proposed activity would be located, a contract vendee,
a lessee of the land, the person who would actually control and direct the proposed activity, or the authorized agent of such a person.
B. "Buffer" means an undisturbed area adjacent to a wetland area that is required to permanently remain in an undisturbed and untouched condition to protect or enhance the functions of the
wetland area and is considered part of the wetland area. A buffer is different than a setback.
C. "Clearing" means the removal of timber, brush, grass, ground cover, or other vegetative matter
from a site which exposes the earth's surface on the site or results in the loss of forested areas.
D. "Compensation project" means actions necessary to replace project-induced wetland and
wetland buffer losses, including land acquisition, planning, construction plans, monitoring, and contingency actions.
E. "Compensation" or "compensatory mitigation" means a form of mitigation that replaces project-induced wetland losses or impacts, and includes, but is not limited to, restoration, enhancement,
substitute resources, creation, and preservation which are defined as follows:
1. "Restoration" means actions performed to reestablish wetlands or their buffer area's
functional and value characteristics and processes which have been lost by alterations, activities, or catastrophic events within an area;
a. Active steps taken to restore damaged wetlands, or their buffers to the functioning condition that existed prior to an alteration; and
b. Actions performed to reestablish structural and functional characteristics of wetlands that have been lost by alteration, past management activities, or catastrophic events.
2. "Enhancement" means actions performed to improve the condition of an existing environmentally sensitive area so that the functions and values provided are of a higher
3. "Substitute resources" means actions performed to provide for an alternative
environmentally sensitive area; or
4. "Creation" means actions performed to intentionally establish or expand an environmentally
sensitive area where it did not formerly exist.
5. "Preservation" means actions taken to ensure the permanent protection of existing, high-
quality environmentally sensitive areas.
F. "Developable area" means an area of land outside of wetlands and wetland buffers.
G. "Director" means the Director of Community and Economic Development or an authorized agent of the Director.
H. "Existing and ongoing agriculture" includes those activities conducted on lands defined in RCW 84.34.030(2), and those activities involved in the production of crops or livestock. For example,
the operation and maintenance of farm and stock ponds or drainage ditches; operation and maintenance of ditches; irrigation systems including irrigation laterals, canals, or irrigation
drainage ditches; changes between agricultural activities; and normal maintenance, repair, or operation of existing serviceable structures, facilities, or improved areas. Activities which bring an
area into agricultural use are not part of an ongoing operation. An operation ceases to be ongoing when the area on which it is conducted is converted to a nonagricultural use or has lain idle for
more than five years, unless the idle land is registered in a federal or state soils conservation program, or unless the activity is maintenance of irrigation ditches, laterals, canals, or drainage
ditches related to an existing and ongoing agricultural activity. Forest practices are not included in this definition.
Exhibit A
Page 5
I. "Extraordinary hardship" means strict application of this title and/or programs adopted to implement this title by the City of Port Angeles would prevent all reasonable economic use of the
J. "Functions", "beneficial functions", or "functions and values" means the beneficial roles served by
wetlands, including, but not limited to, water quality protection and enhancement; fish and wildlife habitat; food chain support; flood storage; conveyance and attenuation; groundwater recharge
and discharge; erosion control; wave attenuation; historical and archaeological and aesthetic value protection; protection from hazards, and recreation. These beneficial roles are not listed in
order or priority.
K. "High intensity land use" includes land uses which are associated with high levels of human
disturbance or substantial wetland habitat impacts including, but not limited to, residential development greater than seven dwelling units per acre, active recreation, and commercial and
industrial land uses.
L. "High quality wetlands" are those regulated wetlands which meet the following criteria:
1. No, or isolated, human alteration of the wetland topography;
2. No human-caused alteration of the hydrology or else the wetland appears to have recovered
from the alteration;
3. Low cover and frequency of exotic plant species;
4. Relatively little human-related disturbance of the native vegetation, or recovery from past disturbance;
5. If the wetland system is degraded, it still contains a viable and high quality example of a native wetland community; and
6. No known major water quality problems
M. "Hydric soil" means a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing
season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. The presence of hydric soil shall be determined following the methods described in the Washington State Department of Ecology
Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual. For the purposes of identifying wetland environmentally sensitive areas, hydric soils that qualify as "prime agricultural soils" only through
artificial means that will impair the existence of natural wetlands (specifically soils that are prime agricultural land only when drained), are considered potential wetlands indicators for the purposes
of this chapter, and are not to be considered agricultural resource lands.
N. "Hydrophytic vegetation" means macrophytic plant life growing in water or on a substrate that is
at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content. The presence of hydrophytic vegetation shall be determined following the methods described in the Washington
State Department of Ecology Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1 and Regional Supplement to the Corps
of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0)..
O. "In-kind compensation" means to replace wetlands with substitute wetlands whose characteristics closely approximate those destroyed or degraded by a regulated activity. It does not mean
replacement "in-category".
P. "Isolated wetlands" means those regulated wetlands which:
1. Are outside of and not contiguous to any 100-year floodplain of a lake, river, or stream; and
2. Have no contiguous hydric soil or hydrophytic vegetation between the wetland and any
surface water.
Q. "Low-intensity land use" includes land uses which are associated with low levels of human
disturbance or low wetland habitat impacts, including, but not limited to, residential density of
Exhibit A
Page 6
seven or fewer dwelling units per acre, passive recreation, open space, or agricultural or forest management land uses.
R. "Mitigation" means taking measures including avoiding, minimizing, or compensating for adverse wetland impacts. Mitigation, in the following order of preference, is:
1. Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action;
2. Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation,
by using appropriate technology, or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts;
3. Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected environment;
4. Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action;
5. Compensating for the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environments;
6. Monitoring the impact and the compensation project and taking appropriate corrective measures. Mitigation for individual actions may include a combination of the above
S. Non-compensatory enhancement: Non-compensatory enhancements are those wetland
enhancement projects which are conducted solely to increase the functions and values of an existing wetland and which are not required to be conducted pursuant to the requirements of
section 15.24.070(H)(6).
T. "Off-site compensation" means to replace wetlands away from the site on which a wetland has
been impacted by a regulated activity.
U. "On-site compensation" means to replace wetlands at or adjacent to the site on which a wetland
has been impacted by a regulated activity.
V. "Out-of-kind compensation" means to replace wetlands with substitute wetlands whose
characteristics do not closely approximate those destroyed or degraded by a regulated activity. It does not refer to replacement "out-of-category".
W. "Practicable alternative" means an alternative that is available and capable of being carried out after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project
purposes, and having less impacts to regulated wetlands. It may include an area not owned by the applicant which could reasonably have been or be obtained, utilized, expanded, or managed
in order to fulfill the basic purposes of the proposed activity.
X. Qualified Professional – A person with experience and training in the pertinent scientific discipline,
and who is a qualified scientific expert with expertise appropriate for the relevant critical area subject in accordance with WAC 365-195-905. A qualified professional must have obtained a B.S.
or B.A. or equivalent degree in biology, engineering, environmental studies, fisheries, geomorphology, or related field, and have at least five years of related work experience.
1. A qualified professional for wetlands must be a professional wetland scientist with at least two years of full-time work experience as a wetlands professional, including delineating wetlands
using the state or federal manuals, preparing wetlands reports, conducting function assessments, and developing and implementing mitigation plans.
2. A qualified professional for habitat must have a degree in biology or a related degree and professional experience related to the subject species.
3. A qualified professional for a geological hazard must be a professional engineer or geologist, licensed in the state of Washington.
4. A qualified professional for critical aquifer recharge areas means a hydrogeologist, geologist, engineer, or other scientist with experience in preparing hydrogeologic assessments.
Exhibit A
Page 7
Y. "Regulated wetlands" means ponds 20 acres or less, including their submerged aquatic
"Regulated activities" means any of the following activities which are directly undertaken or originate
in a regulated wetland or its buffer:
1. The removal, excavation, grading, or dredging of soil, sand, gravel, minerals, organic matter,
or material of any kind;
2. The dumping, discharging, or filling with any material;
3. The draining, flooding, or disturbing of the water level or water table;
4. The driving of pilings;
5. The placing of obstructions;
6. The construction, reconstruction, demolition, or expansion of any structure;
7. The destruction or alteration of wetlands vegetation through clearing, harvesting, shading, intentional burning, or planting of vegetation that would alter the character of a regulated
wetland; provided that these activities are not part of a forest practice governed under Chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules; or
8. Activities that result in a significant change of water temperature, a significant change of physical or chemical characteristics of a wetland's water sources, including quantity, or the
introduction of pollutants.
Y. "Regulated wetlands" means ponds 20 acres or less, including their submerged aquatic beds,
and those lands defined as wetlands under the Federal Clean Water Act, 33 USC Sec. 1251 et seq., and rules promulgated pursuant thereto and shall be those areas that are inundated or
saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in
saturated soil conditions. Regulated wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands created as mitigation and wetlands modified for approved land use
activities shall be considered as regulated wetlands. Category I, II, III and IV wetlands are defined in Section 15.24.040D, Wetlands Rating System. All Category I wetlands shall be considered
regulated wetlands. Regulated wetlands do not include Category II and III wetlands less than 2,500 square feet and Category IV wetlands less than 10,000 square feet. Regulated wetlands
do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities,
wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities. The applicant shall bear the burden of proving that the site was not previously a wetland. For identifying and delineating a
regulated wetland, local government shall consider the latest version of the Washington State Department of Ecology Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual.
Z. "Repair or maintenance" means an activity that restores the character, scope, size, and design of a serviceable area, structure, or land use to its previously authorized and undamaged condition.
Activities that change the character, size, or scope of a project beyond the original design and drain, dredge, fill, flood, or otherwise alter additional regulated wetlands are not included in this
AA. "Serviceable" means presently usable.
BB. "Unavoidable and necessary impacts" are impacts to regulated wetlands that remain after an applicant proposing to alter regulated wetlands has demonstrated that no additional mitigation
measures are practicable.
CC. "Wetlands", for the purposes of inventory, incentives, and nonregulatory programs, means those
lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water. For the purposes of this definition,
wetlands must have one or more of the following attributes:
1. At least periodically, the land supports predominantly hydrophytes;
Exhibit A
Page 8
2. The substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soil; and
3. The substrate is nonsoil and is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some
time during the growing season of each year.
DD. "Wetland buffers" or "wetland buffer zones" is an area that surrounds and protects a wetland from
adverse impacts to the functions and values of a regulated wetland.
EE. "Wetland classes", "classes of wetlands", or "wetland types" means descriptive classes of the
wetlands taxonomic classification system of the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Ecology Publication #04-06-025)Washington State Department of Ecology
Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual. Wetlands include the following classes or types:
1. "Emergent wetland" means a regulated wetland with at least 30 percent of the surface area
covered by erect, rooted, herbaceous vegetation as the uppermost vegetative strata.
2. "Forested wetland" means a regulated wetland with at least 20 percent of the surface area
covered by woody vegetation greater than 20 feet in height.
3. "Scrub-shrub wetland" means a regulated wetland with at least 30 percent of its surface area
covered by woody vegetation less than 20 feet in height as the uppermost stratum.
4. "Estuarine wetland" means a regulated wetland that consists of or is adjacent to tidal habitats
and is usually semi-enclosed by land but often have open, partly obstructed, or sporadic access to saltwater, and in which saltwater is at least occasionally diluted by freshwater
runoff from the land. Estuarine systems include both estuaries and lagoons.
FF. "Wetlands permit" means any permit issued, conditioned, or denied specifically to implement this
GG. "Wetland edge" means the boundary of a wetland as delineated based on the definitions
contained in this chapter.
(Ord. 3179 § 4 (part), 12/17/2004; Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991.)
15.24.030 - General provisions.
A. Abrogation and greater restrictions. It is not intended that this chapter repeal, abrogate, or impair any
existing regulations, easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this chapter imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail.
B. Interpretation. The provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements in their interpretation and application and shall be liberally construed to serve the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991.)
15.24.040 - Lands to which this chapter applies.
A. Applicability.
1. When any provision of any other chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code conflicts with this chapter, that which provides more protection to wetlands and wetland buffers shall apply unless
specifically provided otherwise in this chapter.
2. The Director of Community and Economic Development is authorized to adopt written procedures
for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. Prior to fulfilling the requirements of this chapter, the City of Port Angeles shall not grant any approval or permission to conduct a
regulated activity in a wetland or wetland buffer, including but not limited to the following: building permit, commercial or residential; binding site plan; conditional use permit; franchise right-of-way
construction permit; clearing and grading permit; master plan development; planned residential
Exhibit A
Page 9
development; right-of-way permit; shoreline substantial development permit; shoreline variance; shoreline conditional use permit; shoreline environmental redesignation; unclassified use permit;
variance; zone reclassification; subdivision; short subdivision; special use permit; utility and other use permit; or any subsequently adopted permit or required approval not expressly exempted by
this chapter.
B. Maps and inventory. This chapter shall apply to all lots or parcels on which wetlands and/or wetland
buffers are located within the jurisdiction of the City of Port Angeles. The approximate location and extent of wetlands in the City of Port Angeles is displayed on the following maps:
1. Wetlands identified on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Angeles Point, Ediz Hook, Elwha, Morse Creek, and Port Angeles maps.
2. Hydric soils and "wet spots" identified by the USDA Soils Conservation Service Soil Survey of Clallam County Area maps numbers 22, 31, 32, 33.
3. City of Port Angeles Composite Wetland Inventory and Hydric Soils map, as may be modified from time to time.
These map resources are to be used as a guide to the general location and extent of wetlands. Wetlands not shown on these maps but meeting the criteria set forth in this chapter are presumed to exist in the City
of Port Angeles and are protected under all the provisions of this chapter. In the event that any of the wetland designations shown on the maps conflict with the criteria set forth in this chapter, the criteria shall
C. Determination of regulatory wetland boundary. The exact location of the wetland boundary shall be
determined through the performance of a field investigation applying the wetland definition provided in section 15.24.020 of this chapter. Qualified professionals and technical scientists shall[BB1] perform
wetland delineations using the latest version of the "approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements)s).Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation
Manual". Publication #96-94 Washington Department of Ecology 1997. An applicant for a wetland permit is required under subsection 15.24.060.C.3. to show the location of the wetland boundary on a
scaled drawing as a part of the permit application.
The Director of Community and Economic Development shall decide whether the qualified professionals
who perform the delineation of boundary requirement are retained by the applicant or by the City with the applicant paying the City for the costs in accordance with the provisions of subsection 15.24.060.C.4. of
this chapter.
Where the delineation is performed under the Director of Community and Economic Development's
direction, such delineation shall be considered a final determination.
Where the applicant has provided a delineation of the wetland boundary, the Director of Community and
Economic Development shall verify the accuracy of, and may render adjustments to, the boundary delineation. In the event the adjusted boundary delineation is contested by the applicant, the Director of
Community and Economic Development shall, at the applicant's expense, obtain expert services to render a final delineation.
D. Wetlands rating system. The following Washington State rating system is hereby adopted as the rating system for the City of Port Angeles. Wetlands buffer widths, replacement ratios, and avoidance criteria
shall be based on these rating systems.
1. Washington State Four-Tier Wetlands Rating System.
a. Category I Criteria.
i. Documented habitat for endangered or threatened fish or animal species or for
potentially extirpated plant species recognized by State or Federal agencies; or
Exhibit A
Page 10
ii. High quality native wetland communities, including documented Category I or II quality natural heritage wetland sites and sites which qualify as a Category I or II quality
national heritage wetland; or
iii. High quality, regionally rare wetland communities with irreplaceable ecological
functions, including sphagnum bogs and fens, estuarine wetlands, or mature forested swamps; or
iv. Wetlands of exceptional local significance. The criteria for such a designation shall be developed and adopted by the local jurisdiction under appropriate public review and
administrative appeal procedures. The criteria may include, but not be limited to, rarity, groundwater recharge areas, significant habitats, unique educational sites, or other
specific functional values within a watershed or other regional boundary.
b. Category II Criteria.
i. Regulated wetlands that do not contain features outlined in Category I; and
ii. Documented habitats for sensitive plant, fish, or animal species recognized by Federal
or State agencies; or
iii. Rare wetland communities listed in subsection 15.24.040.D.1.a.iii. which are not high
quality; or
iv. Wetland types with significant functions which may not be adequately replicated through
creation or restoration.
v. Regulated wetlands with significant habitat value based on diversity and size.
vi. Regulated wetlands contiguous with salmonid fish-bearing waters, including streams where flow is intermittent; or
vii. Regulated wetlands with significant use by fish and wildlife.
viii. Wetlands that contain plant, fish or animal species listed as priority species by the
Department of Fish and Wildlife.
c. Category III Criteria.
i. Regulated wetlands that do not contain features outlined in Category I, II, or IV.
d. Category IV Criteria.
i. Regulated wetlands which do not meet the criteria of a Category I or II wetland; and
ii. Isolated wetlands which are less than or equal to one acre in size; and have only one
wetland class; and have only one dominant plant species (monotypic vegetation); or
iii. Isolated wetlands which are less than or equal to two acres in size, and have only one
wetland class and a predominance of exotic species.
2. Wetland rating categories shall be applied as the regulated wetland exists on the date of adoption
of the rating system by the local government; as the regulated wetland may naturally change thereafter; or as the regulated wetland may change in accordance with permitted activities.
Wetland rating categories shall not be altered to recognize illegal modifications.
3. The City of Port Angeles shall apply the latest version of the Washington State Department of
Ecology "Washington State Wetlands Rating System for Rating the Resource Value of Regulated Wetlands" and "Field Methodology" as its procedures for the wetland rating system.
4. The City of Port Angeles will initially rate wetlands based on information derived from available maps, reports, and similar materials. Wetlands may be reclassified into another category at a
subsequent date should field surveys or other new materials warrant such action.
(Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991.)
Exhibit A
Page 11
15.24.045 - Wetland functional assessment.
Wetlands functional assessment section is intended to assist in establishing a values based system for
reviewing and approving wetland permit requests and mitigation plans. The wording will bring the Port Angeles method of wetland protection into closer consistency with the Clallam County method of
Wetlands provide valuable functions in providing and/or facilitating high quality habitat for plant and animal
species. Some of these plants and animals have been classified as endangered, threatened, or monitored species, either by the federal government or by the State of Washington. Most of the wetlands in Port
Angeles do not provide primary habitat for these plants or animals; however, all wetland functions facilitate a quality environment in areas that do provide primary habitat. Water that enters streams, lakes, marine
environments or groundwater eventually impacts habitat. Wetlands function to cleanse and cool those waters, as well as moderate the rate of flow into larger bodies of water. The functions of wetlands are
discussed in more detail in the following section.
Wetlands shall be classified based on hydrology types specified in Table 1 and assessed on hydrologic
functions as specified in Table 2. Wetland functions are also assessed through the Class I - Class IV as characterized in Section 15.24.040.
Table 1 Classification of Wetland Hydrology Types
Type Landscape Position Water
Type 1 Shallow soils formed on glacial till on hillsides Perched Discharges to stream
Type 2
Moderately deep soils found in basins and
drainage ways formed in depressions in
glacial drift on hills
Perched Initiates streams
Type 3
Very deep soils occurring on basins on low
terraces formed in alluvium (i.e., stream
deposited materials)
Perched Enclosed basin
Type 4 Wetlands found in depressions associated
with coarse material over glacial till
aquifer Unconfined aquifer
Type 5 Very deep soils on level terraces and in
valleys, formed in organic material
Initiates or supplements
Type 6
Very deep soils on low level tereaces and
floodplains formed in alluvium near marine
aquifer, tidally
Lower reaches of
streams and marine
Exhibit A
Page 12
Type 7
Wetlands formed along the margin of surficial
geological units that have a restrictive layer
(i.e., glacial till), where they come into
contact with unrestricted coarse units
Perched or
Unconfined aquifer
Type 8 Wetlands formed within the floodplain of
discharges to
Wetland discharges to
Type 9
Wetlands (e.g., bogs) located in depressions
where water tables are at or near the surface
normally year-round
Precipitation Evapotranspiration
Type 10 Floodplains underlain by glacial till Perched Discharges to stream
Type 11 Wetlands associated with lakes Lake Lake
Type 12
Wetlands located along marine shorelines
behind coastal dunes, other land forms or
Marine, tidally
Marine and
* Refers to the factors that control the sources(s) of water to a wetland and where the water goes
after leaving the wetland.
** Refers to natural wetland hydrology (i.e., does not include hydrologic modifications.)
A. Wetland hydrologic functions shall be classified by the effect that classified wetland hydrology types
have on the overall flow and quality of water in the watershed in comparison to nonwetland areas. For the purposes of this chapter, wetland hydrologic functions are defined as follows.
1. Floodflow desynchronization. Ability of a wetland to retain/detain floodwaters in the upper
watershed, reducing the severity of flooding and increasing the time of concentration above that which occurs in adjacent upslope areas.
2. Surface water treatment. This wetland function is significant but not in the context that wetlands
act as the major source of surface water flow. Although some wetlands do provide a significant amount of surface water to streams and rivers, the impacts are significant due to the fact that wetlands in contact with surface water flows are capable of treating water quality prior to its entry
into the surface water body.
a. Nutrient removal/transformation opportunity. Ability of a wetland to retain or transform
inorganic phosphorus and/or nitrogen into their organic forms, or transform nitrogen into its
gaseous form on either a net annual basis, or during the growing season.
Exhibit A
Page 13
b. Sediment/toxicant/bacterial retention. Ability of a wetland to retain suspended solids and chemical contaminants such s pesticides, pathogens, and heavy metals absorbed by them,
on a net annual basis.
c. Seawater intrusion prevention. Those wetlands which are the boundary between the
unconfined aquifer and the marine environment. Loss of water supply or drainage of wetlands will likely increase seawater intrusion into estuarine wetlands.
d. Streamflow/channel maintenance. Wetlands that due to detention or groundwater discharge supply a significant proportion of streamflow during summer and fall. These areas regulate
the amount and timing of stream energy and therefore are crucial to defining the shape of stream channels since they largely determine the shape of the hydrograph.
e. Temperature maintenance. Those wetlands that provide thermal refuges during winter and summer months, due to influence from springs or contact with the unconfined aquifer. During
summer months wetlands with this function are important as fish habitat for salmonids; during winter months, these wetlands provide waterfowl habitat by maintaining ice-free
f. Water availability. The ability of a wetland through hydrologic continuity to provide surface
water for migratory and resident species based on the timing, duration, and depth of surface water availability.
3. Groundwater recharge. This wetland function is significant but not in the context that wetlands act as the major locations of ground water recharge to aquifers. Although some wetlands do provide
a significant amount of ground water recharge, ground water recharge is significant due to the fact that wetlands in contact with the aquifer are most susceptible to carrying pollutants to the
aquifer. Conversely, if managed properly, such wetlands could assist in the treatment of pollutants already carried in the aquifer.
a. Nutrient removal/transformation opportunity. Ability of a wetland to retain or transform inorganic phosphorus and/or nitrogen into their organic forms, or transform nitrogen into its
gaseous form on either a net annual basis, or during the growing season.
b. Sediment/toxicant/bacterial retention. Ability of a wetland to retain suspended solids and
chemical contaminants such s pesticides, pathogens, and heavy metals absorbed to them, on a net annual basis.
c. Seawater intrusion prevention. Those wetlands which are the boundary between the unconfined aquifer and the marine environment. Loss of water supply or drainage of
wetlands will likely increase seawater intrusion to unconfined aquifers supplying drinking water to coastal inhabitants. The City of Port Angeles has no unconfined aquifers that supply
drinking water to coastal inhabitants.
d. Streamflow/channel maintenance. Wetlands that due to detention or groundwater discharge
supply a significant proportion of streamflow during summer and fall. These areas regulate the amount and timing of stream energy and therefore are crucial to defining the shape of
stream channels since they largely determine the shape of the hydrograph.
e. Temperature maintenance. Those wetlands that provide thermal refuges during winter and
summer months, due to influence from springs or contact with the unconfined aquifer. During summer months wetlands with this function are important as fish habitat for salmonids;
during winter months, these wetlands provide waterfowl habitat by maintaining ice-free conditions.
f. Water availability. The ability of a wetland through hydrologic continuity to provide surface water for migratory and resident species based on the timing, duration, and depth of surface
water availability.
B. Drinking water. Ability of a wetland to recharge, maintain, and/or enhance surface or ground water
resources that yield potable water in sufficient quantities to be economically useful. Provision of
Exhibit A
Page 14
potable water in sufficient quantities to be economically useful is a low priority within the existing City limits.
Table 2 Assessment of Wetland Hydrologic Functions
Wetland Hydrology Types
Hydrologic Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flood storage L L L L L L L H L L H -
Floodflow desynchronization L H L L H L L H - H H -
Streamflow and channel maintenance L H N L* H H N H N L H N
Ground water recharge N N L H N L H H H H H -
Temperature maintenance L H L H H H N L H L L -
Sediment/bacterial removal L H H L H L L H H H H N
Nutrient removal L H L H H H H H H H H H
Toxicant removal opportunity L H L H H H H H H H H H
Seawater intrusion prevention N N N N N* H N N L N N N
Drinking water L H L H H H H H H L H N
Water availability for fish H H L L H H H L H H H
Water availability for amphibians H H H H H H H H H H H H
Water availability for migratory waterfowl L H H H H H L H H H H H
Water availability for other wildlife L H H H H H L H H H H L
H = High functional value
L = performs this function to a limited degree
N = Does not perform function
* = High value if associated with wetland hydrology
Exhibit A
Page 15
C. Wetland habitat functions. Wetland landscape functions shall be characterized and assessed based
on existing wetland and adjacent upland conditions, landscape position, documented species use, and existing management /modifications pursuant to the criteria in subsections 2.a. through 2.i. of this section as they relate to the subject property or within the jurisdiction of this chapter as it applies to
regulated wetlands. Based on these criteria, habitat functions shall be further classified into one of four wetland classes, as specified in subsection 15.24.040.D. with Class I being the most functional and
Class IV being the least functional.
1. Habitat type. Classify and delineate wetland habitat types based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats, Dated 1979, as now or hereafter amended. Identify the dominant vegetation communities associated with each classified wetland
habitat type.
2. Habitat diversity. Calculate both the total number of wetland habitat types and the different
wetland habitat types identified in subsection 2.a. of this section for each wetland.
3. Habitat size. Calculate the total wetland acreage and acreage of each individual habitat type
identified in subsection 2.a. of this section for each wetland.
4. Upland habitat type. Classify and delineate all lands into one or more of the following land cover
categories: developed lands; agriculture; non-native plant species; water; native upland grasses; native forests less than 20 feet in height; native forest greater that 20 feet in height; and mature
5. Significant habitat features. Identify and delineate the presence of significant habitat features
including, but not limited to: estuaries, snags, islands, rare or unique plant communities, mature conifers, Class I wildlife habitat conservation areas, and/or wetlands classified as exhibition a
high functional value of water availability for migratory waterfowl or other wildlife species.
6. Species use. Identify and delineate all known priority habitats for species listed as species of
concern or priority species.
7. Anadromous fish use. Identify wetlands contiguous to Type 1—23 aquatic habitat conservation
areas, or other waters containing anadromous fisheries recognized by local or state public agencies.
8. Significant wildlife movement corridor. Identify whether one or more of the following areas is
located within:
a. Land and water areas designated as shorelines in the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and the City of Port Angeles Shoreline master Program;
b. Lands designated as significant wildlife movement corridors, open space and greenbelt corridors;
c. Federal, state, and local parks, wildlife refuges, and other protected natural areas;
d. Easements or other dedicated lands granted to the City of Port Angeles or other
organizations devoted to protection and management of critical areas, open spaces, or wildlife habitat.
9. Management and modification. Identify existing management and alteration s of wetlands, and
the impact of such actions on the above classification. Wetlands management activities include,
but are not limited to: forestry, livestock grazing, agriculture, commercial recreation (e.g., golf courses), residential (e.g., lawns), public lands (e.g., parks, natural areas), and/or land not managed for any other use. Wetland alterations include, but are not limited to: flooding,
impounding of water, excavation, filling, grading, draining, or discharge from irrigation or drainage
Exhibit A
Page 16
(Ord. 3179 § 4, (part), 12/17/2004)
15.24.050 - Regulated activities and allowed activities.
A. Regulated activities. A permit shall be obtained from local government prior to undertaking the following activities in a regulated wetland or its buffer, unless authorized by subsection B. below:
1. The removal, excavation, grading, or dredging of soil, sand, gravel, minerals, organic matter, or material of any kind;
2. The dumping, discharging, or filling with any material;
3. The draining, flooding, or disturbing of the water level or water table.
4. The driving of pilings;
5. The placing of obstructions;
6. The construction, reconstruction, demolition, or expansion of any structure;
7. The destruction or alteration of wetlands vegetation through clearing, harvesting, shading,
intentional burning, or planting of vegetation that would alter the character of a regulated wetland, provided that these activities are not part of a forest practice governed under Chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules; or
8. Activities that result in a significant change of water temperature, a significant change of physical
or chemical characteristics of wetlands water sources, including quantity, or the introduction of pollutants. Stormwater discharges from stormwater facilities or structures may be allowed when
they are in accordance with City of Port Angeles' stormwater plan. In accordance with Appendix
I-D of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014), the discharge shall not significantly increase or decrease the rate of flow and/or hydroperiod, nor decrease the water quality of the wetland. Pre-treatment of surface water discharge through biofiltration or other best management
practices (BMPs) shall be required. Bioretention cells and swales, and conversion of existing drainage ditches to bioretention cells and swales within the outer 25 percent of a wetland buffer may be allowed if designed in accordance with Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014).
9. Road/street repair and construction. Any private or public road or street repair, maintenance,
expansion or construction may be permitted, subject to the following standards:
a. No other reasonable or practicable alternative exists and the road or street crossing serves
multiple properties whenever possible;
b. Publicly owned or maintained road or street crossings should provide for other purposes, such as utility crossings, pedestrian or bicycle easements, viewing points, etc; and
c. The road or street repair and construction are the minimum necessary to provide safe roads and streets.
d. Mitigation shall be performed in accordance with specific project mitigation plan
10. Land divisions and land use permits. All proposed divisions of land and land uses (including but
not limited to the following: short plats, subdivisions, planned residential developments, binding
site plans, conditional use permits, clearing, grading, and filling permits) which include regulated wetlands, shall comply with the following procedures and development standards:
a. Regulated wetlands, except the area with permanent open water, and wetland buffers may
be included in the calculation of minimum lot area for proposed lots provided that other
standards, including subsection A.10.c below, are met.
b Land division approvals shall be conditioned to require that regulated wetlands and regulated wetland buffers be dedicated as open space tracts, or as an easement or covenant encumbering the wetland and wetland buffer. Such dedication, easement or covenant shall
Exhibit A
Page 17
be recorded together with the land division and represented on the final plat, short plat or binding site plan, and title.
c. In order to implement the goals and policies of this title, to accommodate innovation, creativity, and design flexibility, and to achieve a level of environmental protection that would
not be possible by typical lot-by-lot development, the use of the clustered development or similar innovative site planning is strongly encouraged for projects with regulated wetlands
on the site.
d. After preliminary approval and prior to final land division approval or other land use permit
approval, the department may require that the common boundary between a regulated wetland or associated buffer and the adjacent land be identified using permanent signs
and/or fencing. In lieu of signs and/or fencing, alternative methods of wetland and buffer identification may be approved when such methods are determined by the department to
provide adequate protection to the wetland and buffer.
11. Trails and trail-related facilities. Construction of public and private trails and trail-related facilities,
such as benches and viewing platforms may be allowed in wetlands or wetland buffers pursuant to the following guidelines:
a. Trails and related facilities shall, to the extent feasible, be placed on existing road grades, utility corridors, or any other previously disturbed areas.
b. Trails and related facilities shall be planned to minimize removal of trees, soil disturbance and existing hyrdological characteristics, shrubs, snags and important wildlife habitat.
c. Viewing platforms and benches, and access to them, shall be designed and located to minimize disturbance of wildlife habitat and/or critical characteristics of the affected wetland.
d. Trails and related facilities shall generally be located outside required buffers. Where trails are permitted within buffers they shall be located in the outer portion of the buffer and a
minimum of 30 feet from the wetland edge, except where wetland crossings or viewing areas have been approved.
e. Trails shall generally be limited to pedestrian use unless other more intensive uses, such as dike or horse trails, have been specifically allowed and mitigation has been provided. Trail
width shall not exceed five feet unless there is a demonstrated need, subject to review and approval by the department. Trails shall be constructed with pervious materials unless
otherwise approved by the department.
12. Parks. Development of public park and recreation facilities may be permitted provided that the
following standards are followed:
No alteration of wetlands or wetland buffers is allowed except for such uses which are allowed
below. For example enhancement of wetlands and development of trails may be allowed in wetlands and wetland buffers subject to special use requirements and approval of a wetland
mitigation plan.
B. Allowed activities. The following uses shall be allowed within a wetland or wetland buffer to the extent
that they are not prohibited by any other ordinance or law and provided they are conducted using best management practices, except where such activities result in the conversion of a regulated wetland or
wetland buffer to a use to which it was not previously subjected, and provided further that forest practices and conversions shall be governed by Chapter 76.09 RCW and its rules:
1. Conservation or preservation of soil, water vegetation, fish, shellfish, and other wildlife that does not include changing the structure or functions of the existing wetland;
2. Outdoor recreational activities, including but not limited to fishing, birdwatching, hiking, boating, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, and bicycling;
Exhibit A
Page 18
3. The harvesting of wild crops in a manner that is not injurious to natural reproduction of such crops and provided the harvesting does not require tilling of soil, planting of crops, or alteration of the
wetland by changing existing topography, water conditions, or water sources;
4. Existing and ongoing agricultural activities, including farming, horticulture, aquaculture, irrigation,
ranching or grazing of animals. Activities on areas lying fallow as part of a conventional rotational cycle are part of an ongoing operation. Activities which bring an area into agricultural use are not
part of an ongoing operation. An operation ceases to be ongoing when the area on which it was conducted has been converted to another use or has laid idle so long that modifications to the
hydrological regime are necessary to resume operations;
5. The maintenance (but not construction) of drainage ditches;
6. Education, scientific research, and use of nature trails;
7. Navigation aids and boundary markers;
8. Boat mooring buoys;
9. Site investigative work necessary for land use application submittals, such as surveys, soil logs,
percolation tests, and other related activities. In every case, wetland impacts shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be immediately restored; and
10. The following uses are allowed within wetlands and/or wetland buffers provided that written notice at least ten days prior to the commencement of such work has been given to the Director of
Community and Economic Development, and provided that wetland impacts are minimized and that disturbed areas are immediately restored:
a. Normal maintenance, repair, or operation of existing serviceable structures, facilities, or improved areas. Maintenance and repair does not include any modification that changes the
character, scope, or size of the original structure, facility, or improved area and does not include the construction of a maintenance road; and
b. Minor modification of existing serviceable structures within a buffer zone where modification does not adversely impact wetland functions.
C. Special permit uses. Any activity other than those specified in subsection B. may not be conducted in wetlands or wetland buffers except upon issuance of a wetland permit by the Director of Community
and Economic Development.
(Ord. 3570 § 1, 12/20/2016; Ord. 3330 § 1, 4/25/2008; Ord. 3179 § 4 (part), 12/17/2004; Ord.
2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.060 - Procedures for wetland permits.
A. Permit requirements, compliance. Except as specifically provided in subsection 15.24.050.B., no
regulated activity shall occur or be permitted to occur within a regulated wetland or wetland buffer without a written permit from the Director of Community and Economic Development. Any alteration
approved by such written permit shall comply fully with the requirements and purposes of this chapter, other applicable regulations, and any terms or conditions of said permit. All activities which are not
allowed or permitted shall be prohibited.
B. Wetland permits, extensions. Application for a wetland permit to conduct any regulated activity not
specifically authorized by subsection 15.24.050.B. within a wetland or wetland buffer shall be made to the Director of Community and Economic Development on forms furnished by his/her office. Permits
shall normally be valid for a period of three years from the date of issue and shall expire at the end of that time, unless a longer or shorter period is specified by the Director of Community and Economic
Development upon issuance of the permit.
An extension of an original permit may be granted upon written request to the Director of Community and
Economic Development by the original permit holder or the successor in title. Prior to the granting of an
Exhibit A
Page 19
extension, the Director of Community and Economic Development shall require updated studies and/or additional hearings if, in his/her judgment, the original intent of the permit is altered or enlarged by the
renewal; if the circumstances relevant to the review and issuance of the original permit have changed substantially; or if the applicant failed to abide by the terms of the original permit.
C. Permit applications.
1. Request for determination of applicability: Any person seeking to determine whether a proposed
activity or an area is subject to this chapter may request in writing a determination from the Director of Community and Economic Development. Such a request for determination shall
contain plans, data, and other information as may be specified by the Director of Community and Economic Development.
2. Pre-permit consultations: Any person intending to apply for a wetland permit is strongly encouraged, but not required, to meet with the Director of Community and Economic
Development during the earliest possible stages of project planning in order to discuss wetland impact avoidance and minimization and to discuss compensation, before large commitments
have been made to a particular project design. Effort put into pre-application consultations and planning will help applicants create projects which will be more quickly and easily processed.
3. Information requirements—Wetlands: Unless the Director of Community and Economic Development waives one or more of the following information requirements, applications for a
wetland permit under this chapter shall include a wetland report containing the following information:
a. Prepared by a qualified professional. A wetland report shall be prepared by a qualified professional who is a wetland biologist, with experience preparing wetland reports.
b. Area addressed in wetland report. The following areas shall be addressed in a wetland report:
i. The project area of the proposed activity;
ii. All wetlands and recommended buffers within 300 feet of the project area;
iii. All shoreline areas, water features, floodplains, and other environmentally sensitive areas, and related buffers within 300 feet.
c. Wetland analysis. In addition to the minimum required contents of environmentally sensitive area reports, a wetland report shall contain an analysis of the wetlands including the
following site- and proposal-related information at a minimum.
i. A written assessment and accompanying maps of the wetlands and buffers within 300
feet of the project area, including the following information at a minimum:
(A) Wetland delineation and required buffers;
(B) Existing wetland acreage;
(C) Wetland category; vegetative, faunal, and hydrologic characteristics;
(D) Soil and substrate conditions; and
(E) Topographic elevations, at two-foot contours.
ii. A discussion of measures, including avoidance, minimization, and mitigation, proposed to preserve existing wetlands and restore any wetlands that were degraded prior to the
current proposed land use activity.
iii. Proposed mitigation, if needed, including a written assessment and accompanying
maps of the mitigation area, including the following information at a minimum:
(A) Existing and proposed wetland acreage;
(B) Vegetative, faunal, and hydrologic conditions;
Exhibit A
Page 20
(C) Relationship within watershed and to existing water bodies;
(D) Soil and substrate conditions, topographic elevations;
(E) Existing and proposed adjacent site conditions;
(F) Required wetland buffers; and
(G) Property ownership
iv. A discussion of ongoing management practices that will protect wetlands after the
project site has been developed, including proposed monitoring and maintenance programs.
The Director of Community and Economic Development may require additional information, including but not limited to, an assessment of wetland functional characteristics, including a
discussion of the methodology used; documentation of the ecological, aesthetic, economic, or other values of the wetland; a study of flood, erosion, or other hazards at the site and the
effect of any protective measures that might be taken to reduce such hazards; and any other information deemed necessary to verify compliance with the provisions of this chapter or to
evaluate the proposed use in terms of the purposes of this chapter. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall maintain and make available to the public, all
information applicable to any wetland and its buffer.
4. Filing fees: At the time of an application or request for delineation, the applicant shall pay a filing
fee as determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development. Sufficient fees shall be charged to the applicant to cover the costs of evaluation of the application or request for
delineation. These fees may be used by the Director of Community and Economic Development to retain expert consultants to provide services pertaining to wetland boundary determinations,
functional assessments, and evaluation of mitigation measures. As deemed necessary by the Director of Community and Economic Development, the Director of Community and Economic
Development may assess additional reasonable fees as needed to monitor and evaluate permit compliance and mitigation measures.
5. Notification: Upon receipt of the completed permit application, the Planning Director shall notify the individuals and agencies, including Federal and State agencies, having jurisdiction over or an
interest in the matter, to provide such individuals and agencies an opportunity to comment.
The Director of Community and Economic Development shall establish a mailing list of all
interested persons and agencies who wish to be notified of such application.
6. Notice on title:
a. The owner of any property with field verified presence of wetland or wetland buffer pursuant to subsection 15.24.040.C., on which a development proposal is submitted shall file for
record with the Clallam County Auditor a notice approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development in a form substantially as set forth in subsection b. below. Such
notice shall provide notice in the public record of the presence of a wetland or wetland buffer, the application of this chapter to the property, and that limitations on actions in or affecting
such wetlands and their buffers may exist.
The applicant shall submit proof that the notice has been filed for record before the City of
Port Angeles shall approve any development proposal for such site. The notice shall run with the land and failure to provide such notice to any purchaser prior to transferring any interest
in the property shall be in violation of this chapter.
b. Form of Notice:
Exhibit A
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Legal Description: _____
Present Owner: _____
NOTICE: This property contains wetlands or their buffers as defined by City of Port Angeles Ordinance. The property was the subject of a development proposal for (type of permit)
application # ____________ filed on (date). Restrictions on use or alteration of the wetlands or their buffers may exist due to natural conditions of the property and resulting regulations.
Review of such application has provided information on the location of wetlands or wetland buffers and restrictions on their use through setback areas. A copy of the plan showing such
setback areas is attached hereto.
(Signature of owner)
) SS:
On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the individual(s) described in
and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein stated.
Given under my hand and official seal this ;daterule; day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at ____________
D. Permit processing.
1. Consolidation: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall, to the extent
practicable and feasible, consolidate the processing of wetlands-related aspects of other City of Port Angeles regulatory programs which affect activities in wetlands, such as subdivision, clearing
and grading, floodplain, and environmentally sensitive areas, with the wetland permit process established herein so as to provide a timely and coordinated permit process.
2. Completeness of application: No later than 28 working days after receipt of the permit application, the Director of Community and Economic Development shall notify the applicant as to the
Exhibit A
Page 22
completeness of the application. An application shall not be deemed complete until and unless all information necessary to evaluate the proposed activity, its impacts, and its compliance with
the provisions of this chapter have been provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and Economic Development. Such determination of completeness shall not be construed as an
approval or denial of the permit application.
3. Permit action:
a. Upon receipt of a complete application for a permit authorizing activities on a Category I wetland or its buffer, the City of Port Angeles shall submit the application to the Washington
State Department of Ecology for its review and comment. When such permit applications are submitted, the Washington State Department of Ecology should submit its comments or
should request an extension of the review period within 30 days. Extensions may be up to 30 days in length. When submitted, no permit shall be issued under this subsection prior to
receipt of such comments or the expiration of the time period or any extension.
b. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall approve, approve with
conditions, or deny a permit application based on compliance with the standards and requirements of this chapter. The Director of Community and Economic Development's
decision shall include written findings.
(Ord. 3179 § 4 (part), 12/17/2004; Ord. 2928 (part), 9/13/1996; Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.070 - Standards for permit decisions.
A. A permit shall only be granted if the permit, as conditioned, is consistent with the provisions of this
chapter. Additionally, permits shall only be granted if:
1. A proposed action avoids adverse impacts to regulated wetlands, its functions, or their buffers or
takes affirmative and appropriate measures to minimize and compensate for unavoidable impacts;
2. The proposed activity results in no net loss of wetland area and function; or
3. Denial of a permit would cause an extraordinary hardship on the applicant.
B. Wetlands permits shall not be effective and no activity thereunder shall be allowed during the time provided to file a permit appeal.
C. Wetland buffers:
1. Standard buffer zone widths: Wetland buffer zones shall be required for all regulated activities
adjacent to regulated wetlands. Any wetland created, restored, or enhanced as compensation for approved wetland alterations shall also include the standard buffer required for the category of
the created, restored, or enhanced wetland. All buffers shall be measured from the wetland boundary as surveyed in the field, pursuant to the applicable definitions in 15.24.020. The width
of the wetland buffer zone shall be determined according to wetland category and the intensity of
the proposed land use, as follows:
a. Category I:
High intensity 300 feet
Low intensity 200 feet
b. Category II:
High intensity 200 feet
Low intensity 100 feet
Exhibit A
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c. Category III:
High intensity 100 feet
Low intensity 50 feet
d. Category IV:
High intensity 50 feet
Low intensity 25 feet
2. Increased wetland buffers zone width: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require increased standard buffer zone widths on a case-by-case basis when a larger buffer
is necessary to protect wetlands functions and values, based on local conditions. This determination shall be supported by appropriate documentation showing that it is reasonably
related to protection of the functions and values of the regulated wetland. Such determination shall be attached as a permit condition and shall demonstrate that:
a. A larger buffer is necessary to maintain viable populations of existing species; or
b. The wetland is used by species proposed or listed by the Federal Government or the State
as endangered, threatened, rare, monitor, or sensitive, critical or outstanding potential habitat for those species, or has unusual nesting or resting sites, such as heron rookeries or
raptor nesting trees; or
c. The adjacent land is susceptible to severe erosion, and erosion control measures will not
effectively prevent adverse wetland impacts; or
d. The adjacent land has minimal vegetative cover or slopes greater than 15 percent.
3. Reduction of standard wetland buffer zone width: The Director of Community and Economic Development may reduce the standard wetland buffer zone widths on a case-by-case basis
where it can be demonstrated that:
a. The adjacent land is extensively vegetated and has less than 15 percent slopes and that no
direct or indirect, short-term or long-term, adverse impacts to regulated wetlands, as determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development, will result from a
regulated activity. The Director of Community and Economic Development may require long-term monitoring of the project and subsequent corrective actions if adverse impacts to
regulated wetlands are discovered; or
b. The project includes a buffer enhancement plan using native vegetation which substantiates
that an enhanced buffer will improve the functional attributes of the buffer to provide additional protection for wetlands functions and values. An enhanced buffer shall not result
in greater than a 25 percent reduction in the buffer width, and the reduced buffer shall not be less than 25 feet.
4. Standard wetland buffer width averaging: Standard wetland buffer zones may be modified by averaging buffer widths. Wetland buffer width averaging shall be allowed only where the applicant
demonstrates all of the following:
a. That averaging is necessary to avoid an extraordinary hardship to the applicant caused by
circumstances peculiar to the property;
b. That the wetland contains variations in sensitivity due to existing physical characteristics;
c. That low intensity land uses would be located adjacent to areas where buffer width is reduced, and that such low intensity land uses are guaranteed in perpetuity by covenant,
deed restriction, easement, or other legally binding mechanism;
d. That width averaging will not adversely impact the wetland functional values; and
Exhibit A
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e. That the total area contained within the wetland buffer after averaging is no less than that contained within the standard buffer prior to averaging. In no instance shall the buffer width
be reduced by more than 50 percent of the standard buffer or be less than 25 feet.
5. When applicable the order of sequence for buffer reductions shall be as follows:
a. Use of buffer averaging maintaining 100 percent of the buffer area under the standard buffer requirement:
b. Reduction of the overall buffer area by no more than 25 percent of the area required under the standard buffer requirement;
c. Enhancement of existing degraded buffer area and replanting of the disturbed buffer area;
d. Use of LID BMPs and/or infiltration of stormwater where soils permit where feasible;
e. Retention of existing native vegetation on other portions of the site in order to offset habitat loss from buffer reduction.
6. Except as otherwise specified, wetland buffer zones shall be retained in their undisturbed natural condition except where the buffer can be enhanced to improve its functional attributes. Buffers
that are in their natural condition should not be altered and should remain in their natural condition and be enhanced whenever possible. Any buffer enhancement and/or limited view clearing
activity must be reviewed and approved by the department. No refuse shall be placed in the buffer. Where buffers have been altered or disturbance has occurred during construction and
ecological functions and values have been lost, restoration is required to replace lost functions and values.
7. Permitted uses in a wetland buffer zone: In addition to those activities allowed in regulated wetlands in this section, the following activities are allowed in wetland buffers without having to
meet the protection standards, or requirements for wetland studies or mitigation set forth in this section, provided that impacts to buffers are minimized and that disturbed areas are immediately
a. In association with a single-family residence only, the establishment and expansion of lawns,
landscaping, orchards, gardens, and fences, provided that:
i. Lawns, landscaping, orchards, and gardens are only allowed within the outer 25 percent
of the buffer width where no other area within a property is available to accommodate these land uses. Native vegetation shall be protected within wetland buffers to the
maximum extent practicable. No structure other than fences nor any impervious surface shall be included in the above. No pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers may be used in
wetland buffers; and
ii. Fences shall be designed to allow the unimpeded passage of surface water beneath
b. Activities having minimal adverse impacts on buffers and no adverse impacts on regulated
wetlands may be allowed. These include low intensity, passive recreational activities such as wildlife viewing and hiking.
c. Within the buffers of Category III and IV wetlands only, vegetation-lined swales and LID BMPs designed for stormwater management or conveyance when topographic restraints
determine there are no other upland alternative locations. Swales, LID BMPs, and any stormwater discharges from the swales/BMPs must also protect wetland functions in
accordance with Appendix I-D of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014).
8. Building and impervious surface setback lines: A building or impervious surface setback line of
15 feet is required from the edge of any wetland buffer. Minor structural intrusions into the area of the building setback may be allowed if the Director of Community and Economic Development
determines that such intrusions will not negatively impact the wetland. The setback shall be identified on a site plan which is filed as an attachment to the notice on title required by subsection
Exhibit A
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D. Avoiding wetland impacts:
1. Regulated activities shall not be authorized in a regulated wetland except where it can be
demonstrated that the impact is both unavoidable and necessary or that all reasonable economic uses are denied.
2. With respect to Category I wetlands, an applicant must demonstrate that denial of the permit would impose an extraordinary hardship on the part of the applicant brought about by
circumstances peculiar to the subject property.
3. With respect to Category II and III wetlands, the following provisions shall apply:
a. For water-dependent activities, unavoidable and necessary impacts can be demonstrated where there are no practicable alternatives which would not involve a wetland or which would
not have less adverse impact on a wetland, and would not have other significant adverse environmental consequences.
b. Where nonwater-dependent activities are proposed, it shall be presumed that adverse impacts are avoidable. This presumption may be rebutted upon a demonstration that:
i. The basic project purpose cannot reasonably be accomplished utilizing one or more other sites in the general region that would avoid, or result in less, adverse impact on a
regulated wetland; and
ii. A reduction in the size, scope, configuration, or density of the project as proposed and
all alternative designs of the project as proposed that would avoid, or result in less, adverse impact on a regulated wetland or its buffer will not accomplish the basic
purpose of the project; and
iii. In cases where the applicant has rejected alternatives to the project as proposed due
to constraints such as zoning, deficiencies of infrastructure, or parcel size, the applicant has made reasonable attempts to remove or accommodate such constraints.
4. With respect to Category IV wetlands, unavoidable and necessary impacts can be demonstrated where the proposed activity is the only reasonable alternative which will accomplish the
applicant's objectives.
E. Reasonable use exception:
1. If an applicant for a development proposal demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and Economic Development that application of these standards would deny all
reasonable economic use of the property, development as conditioned may be allowed if the applicant also demonstrates all of the following to the satisfaction of the Director of Community
and Economic Development:
a. That the proposed project is water-dependent or requires access to the wetland as a central
element of its basic function, or is not water-dependent but has no practicable alternative, pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.D.;
b. That no reasonable use with less impact on the wetland and its buffer is possible (e.g., agriculture, aquaculture, transfer or sale of development rights or credits, sale of open space
easements, etc.);
c. That there is no feasible on-site alternative to the proposed activities, including reduction in
density, phasing of project implementation, change in timing of activities, revision of road and lot layout, and/or related site planning considerations, that would allow a reasonable
economic use with less adverse impacts to wetlands and wetland buffers;
d. That the proposed activities will result in minimum feasible alteration or impairment to the
wetland's functional characteristics and its existing contours, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrological conditions;
e. That disturbance of wetlands has been minimized by locating any necessary alteration in wetland buffers to the extent possible;
Exhibit A
Page 26
f. That the proposed activities will not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered, threatened, rare, sensitive, or monitor species as listed by the Federal Government or the
State of Washington;
g. That the proposed activities will not cause significant degradation of groundwater or surface
water quality;
h. That the proposed activities comply with all State, local, and Federal laws, including those
related to sediment control, pollution control, floodplain restrictions, and on-site wastewater disposal;
i. That any and all alterations to wetlands and wetland buffers will be mitigated as provided in subsection 15.24.070.H.7.;
j. That there will be no damage to nearby public or private property and no threat to the health or safety of people on or off the property; and
k. That the inability to derive reasonable economic use of the property is not the result of actions by the applicant in segregating or dividing the property and creating the undevelopable
condition after the original effective date of this chapter.
2. If the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that alteration of a wetland
and/or wetland buffer is necessary and unavoidable, the Director of Community and Economic Development shall set forth in writing in the file he maintains regarding a permit application his
findings with respect to each of the items listed in this subsection.
3. Alternatively, if the Director of Community and Economic Development determines that
application of these standards would deny all reasonable economic use of the property, the City may take the property for public use with just compensation being made.
F. Minimizing wetlands impacts:
1. After it has been determined by the Director of Community and Economic Development pursuant
to subsection 15.24.070.D. that losses of wetland are necessary and unavoidable or that all reasonable economic use has been denied, the applicant shall take deliberate measures to
minimize wetland impacts.
2. Minimizing impacts to wetlands shall include but is not limited to:
a. Limiting the degree or magnitude of the regulated activity;
b. Limiting the implementation of the regulated activity;
c. Using appropriate and best available technology;
d. Taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts;
e. Sensitive site design and siting of facilities and construction staging areas away from regulated wetlands and their buffers;
f. Involving resource agencies early in site planning; and
g. Providing protective measures and best management practices, such as siltation curtains,
hay bales, and other siltation prevention measures; scheduling the regulated activity to avoid interference with wildlife and fisheries rearing, resting, nesting, or spawning activities.
G. Limited density transfer: For development proposals on lands containing wetland buffers, the Director of Community and Economic Development shall determine allowable dwelling units for residential
development proposals based on the formulas below.
The following formula for density calculations is designed to provide incentives for the preservation of
wetlands and wetland buffers, flexibility in design, and consistent treatment of different types of development proposals. The formula shall apply to all properties within existing residential zones on which
wetlands and wetland buffers are located.
Exhibit A
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The maximum number of dwelling units (DU) for a lot or parcel which contains wetlands and wetland buffers shall be equal to: (Acres in Wetland Buffer)(DU/Acre)(Density Credit).
The density credit figure is derived from the following table:
Percentage of site
in buffers Density Credit
1—10% 100%
11—20% 90%
21—30% 80%
31—40% 70%
41—50% 60%
51—60% 50%
61—70% 40%
71—80% 30%
81—90% 20%
91—99% 10%
The density credit can only be transferred within the development proposal site. To the extent that application of the formula may result in lot sizes less than the minimum allowed by the underlying district,
they are hereby authorized, provided that the resultant lot is of sufficient size for an on-site waste disposal system if no sanitary sewer system exists. Should the density credit allow average lot size to fall below the
minimum standard allowed by underlying zoning, the applicant shall use planned residential development procedures for project review.
The Director of Community and Economic Development shall not allow credit for density for the portions of the site occupied by wetlands.
H. Acting on the application:
1. Special use permit conditions:
a. Sensitive area tracts: As a condition of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, the permit holder may be required to create a separate sensitive area tract or tracts containing the
areas determined to be wetland and/or wetland buffer in field investigations performed
Exhibit A
Page 28
pursuant to subsection 15.24.040.C. Sensitive area tracts are legally created tracts containing wetlands and their buffers that shall remain undeveloped in perpetuity. Sensitive
area tracts are an integral part of the lot in which they are created; are not intended for sale, lease or transfer; and shall be included in the area of the parent lot for purposes of
subdivision method and minimum lot size.
b. Protection of sensitive area tracts: The Director of Community and Economic Development
shall require, as a condition of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, that the sensitive area tract or tracts created pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.1. be protected by one of the
following methods:
i. The permit holder shall convey an irrevocable offer to dedicate to the City of Port
Angeles or other public or non-profit entity specified by the Director of Community and Economic Development, an easement for the protection of native vegetation within a
wetland and/or its buffer; or
ii. The permit holder shall establish and record a permanent and irrevocable deed
restriction on the property title of all lots containing a sensitive area tract or tracts created as a condition of this permit. Such deed restriction(s) shall prohibit in perpetuity
the development, alteration, or disturbance of vegetation within the sensitive area tract except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which
has received prior written approval from the City of Port Angeles, and any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity.
c. The deed restriction shall also contain the following language:
"Before beginning and during the course of any grading, building construction, or other
development activity on a lot or development site subject to this deed restriction, the common boundary between the area subject to the deed restriction and the area of development
activity must be fenced or otherwise marked to the satisfaction of the City of Port Angeles."
d. Regardless of the legal method of protection chosen by the Director of Community and
Economic Development, responsibility for maintaining sensitive area tracts shall be held by a homeowners association, adjacent lot owners, the permit applicant or designee, or other
appropriate entity as approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development.
e. The following note shall appear on the face of all plats, short plats, PRDs, or other approved
site plans containing separate sensitive area tracts, and shall be recorded on the title of record for all affected lots:
" NOTE: All lots adjoining separate sensitive area tracts identified as Native Vegetation Protection Easements or protected by deed restriction, are responsible for maintenance and
protection of the tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the separate tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed for other than natural reasons,
unless the express written authorization of the City of Port Angeles has been received."
f. The common boundary between a separate sensitive area tract and the adjacent land must
be permanently identified. This identification shall include permanent wooden fence and/or metal signs on treated wood or metal posts. Signs shall be worded as follows:
"Protection of this natural area is in your care. Alteration or disturbance is prohibited by law. Please call the Port Angeles Planning Department for more information."
g. Sign locations and size specifications shall be approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall
require permanent fencing of the sensitive area tract or tracts. In lieu of fencing, alternative methods of wetland and buffer identification may be approved when such methods are
determined by the department to provide adequate protection to the wetland buffer.
h. Additional conditions:
Exhibit A
Page 29
i. The location of the outer extent of the wetland buffer and the areas to be disturbed pursuant to an approved permit shall be marked in the field, and such field marking shall
be approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to the commencement of permitted activities. Such field markings shall be maintained
throughout the duration of the permit.
ii. The Director of Community and Economic Development may attach such additional
conditions to the granting of a special use permit as deemed necessary to assure the preservation and protection of affected wetlands and to assure compliance with the
purposes and requirements of this chapter.
2. Bonding:
a. Performance bonds: The Director of Community and Economic Development may require the applicant of a development proposal to post a cash performance bond or other security
acceptable to the Director of Community and Economic Development in an amount and with surety and conditions sufficient to fulfill the requirements of subsection 15.24.070.H.6. and,
in addition, to secure compliance with other conditions and limitations set forth in the permit. The amount and the conditions of the bond shall be consistent with the purposes of this
chapter. In the event of a breach of any condition of any such bond, the City of Port Angeles may institute an action in a court of competent jurisdiction upon such bond and prosecute
the same to judgment and execution. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall release the bond upon determining the following, provided that prior to
such written release of the bond, the principal or surety cannot be terminated or canceled;
i. All activities, including any required compensatory mitigation, have been completed in
compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit and the requirements of this chapter;
ii. The posting by the applicant of a maintenance bond has occurred.
b. Maintenance bonds: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall require
the holder of a development permit issued pursuant to this chapter to post a cash performance bond or other security acceptable to the Director of Community and Economic
Development in an amount and with surety and conditions sufficient to guarantee that structures, improvements, and mitigation required by the permit or by this chapter perform
satisfactorily for a minimum of two years after they have been completed. The Director of Community and Economic Development shall release the maintenance bond upon
determining that performance standards established for evaluating the effectiveness and success of the structures, improvements, and/or compensatory mitigation have been
satisfactorily met for the required period. For compensation projects, the performance standards shall be those contained in the mitigation plan developed and approved during
the permit review process, pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.7. The maintenance bond applicable to a compensation project shall not be released until the Director of Community
and Economic Development determines that performance standards established for evaluating the effect and success of the project have been met.
3. Other laws and regulations: No permit granted pursuant to this chapter shall remove an applicant's obligation to comply in all respects with the applicable provisions of any other federal,
state, or local law or regulation, including but not limited to the acquisition of any other required permit or approval.
4. Suspension or revocation: In addition to other penalties provided for elsewhere, the Director of Community and Economic Development may suspend or revoke a permit if he/she finds that the
applicant or permittee has not complied with any or all of the conditions or limitations set forth in the permit; has exceeded the scope of work set forth in the permit; or has failed to undertake the
project in the manner set forth in the approved application.
5. Publication of notice: The Director of Community and Economic Development shall cause notice
of his/her denial, issuance, conditional issuance, revocation, or suspension of a permit to be
Exhibit A
Page 30
published in a daily newspaper having a broad circulation in the area wherein the wetland lies. Such notice shall be published within five working days of the decision or order and shall include
at least the following:
a. A brief description of the project, including location;
b. The decision or order of the City with respect to the project;
c. Notification that the permit file is open for public inspection during regular business hours,
and the address where such file may be inspected; and
d. A statement of the procedures regarding appeal or judicial review of the decision, if
6. Compensating for wetlands impacts: As a condition of any permit allowing alteration of wetlands
and/or wetland buffers, or as an enforcement action pursuant to subsection 15.24.080.C., the Director of Community and Economic Development shall require that the applicant engage in the
restoration, creation, or enhancement of wetlands and their buffers in order to offset the impacts resulting from the applicant's or violator's actions. The applicant shall develop a plan which
provides for land acquisition, construction, maintenance, and monitoring of replacement wetlands that recreate as nearly as possible the original wetlands in terms of acreage, function, geographic
location and setting, and that are larger than the original wetlands. The overall goal of any compensatory project shall be no net loss of wetlands function and acreage and to strive for a
new resource gain in wetlands over present conditions. Compensation shall be completed prior to wetland destruction, where possible.
Compensatory mitigation shall follow an approved mitigation plan pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.7. and shall meet the following minimum performance standards:
a. Given the uncertainties in scientific knowledge and the need for expertise and monitoring, wetland compensatory projects may be permitted only when the Director of Community and
Economic Development finds that the compensation project is associated with an activity or development otherwise permitted and that the restored, created, or enhanced wetland will
be as persistent as the wetland it replaces. Additionally, applicants shall:
i. Demonstrate sufficient scientific expertise, supervisory capability, and financial
resources to carry out the project;
ii. Demonstrate the capability for monitoring the site and to make corrections during this
period if the project fails to meet projected goals; and
iii. Protect and manage or provide for the protection and management of the compensation
area to avoid further development or degradation and to provide for long-term persistence of the compensation area.
b. Wetlands restoration and creation:
i. Any person who alters regulated wetlands shall restore or create equivalent areas or
greater areas of wetlands than those altered in order to compensate for wetland losses.
ii. Where feasible, restored or created wetlands shall be a higher category than the altered
iii. Compensation areas shall be determined according to function, acreage, type, location,
time factors, ability to be self-sustaining, and projected success. Wetland functions and values shall be calculated using the best professional judgment of a qualified wetland
ecologist using the best available techniques. Multiple compensation projects may be proposed for one project in order to best achieve the goal of no net loss.
iv. Acreage replacement ratio. The following ratios apply to creation or restoration which is in-kind, on-site, timed prior to or concurrent with alteration, and has a high probability
of success. These ratios do not apply to remedial actions resulting from illegal
Exhibit A
Page 31
alterations. The first number specifies the acreage of wetlands requiring replacement and the second specifies the acreage of wetlands altered.
Category I 6:1
Category II or III
Forested 3:1
Scrub-shrub 2:1
Emergent 1.5:1
Category IV 1.25:1
(A) Increased replacement ratio: The Director of Community and Economic Development may increase the ratios under the following circumstances:
(1) Uncertainty as to the probable success of the proposed restoration or creation;
(2) Significant period of time between destruction and replication of wetland functions;
(3) Projected losses in functional value; or
(4) Off-site compensation.
(B) Decreased replacement ratio: The Director of Community and Economic Development may decrease these ratios based on findings of special studies
coordinated with agencies with expertise which demonstrate that no net loss of wetland function or value is attained under the decreased ratio.
(C) In all cases, a minimum acreage replacement ratio of 1:1 shall be required.
c. Wetlands enhancement:
i. Any applicant proposing to alter wetlands may propose to enhance existing significantly degraded wetlands in order to compensate for wetland losses. Applicants proposing to
enhance wetlands shall identify how enhancement conforms to the overall goals and requirements of the local wetlands protection program and established regional goals.
ii. A wetlands enhancement compensation project shall be determined pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H.6., provided that enhancement for one function and value will
not degrade another function or value and that acreage replacement ratios shall be doubled to recognize existing functional values and, provided further, that Category I
wetlands shall not be enhanced.
d. Wetland type:
i. In-kind compensation shall be provided except where the applicant can demonstrate that:
Exhibit A
Page 32
(A) The wetland system is already significantly degraded and out-of-kind replacement will result in a wetland with greater functional value;
(B) Scientific problems, such as exotic vegetation and changes in watershed hydrology make implementation of in-kind compensation impossible; or
(C) Out-of-kind replacement will best meet identified regional goals (e.g., replacement of historically diminished wetland types).
(D) Where out-of-kind replacement is accepted, greater acreage replacement ratios may be required to compensate for lost functional values.
e. Location:
i. On-site compensation shall be provided except where the applicant can demonstrate
(A) The hydrology and ecosystem of the original wetland and those who benefit from
the hydrology and ecosystem will not be substantially damaged by the on-site loss; and
(B) On-site compensation is not scientifically feasible due to problems with hydrology, soils, waves, or other factors; or
(C) Compensation is not practical due to potentially adverse impact from surrounding land uses; or
(D) Existing functional values at the site of the proposed restoration are significantly greater than lost wetland functional values; or
(E) That established regional goals for flood storage, flood conveyance, habitat or other wetland functions have been established and strongly justify location of
compensatory measures at another site.
ii. Off-site compensation shall occur within the same watershed as the wetland loss
occurred; provided that Category IV wetlands may be replaced outside of the watershed when there is no reasonable alternative.
iii. In selecting compensation sites, applicants shall pursue siting in the following order of preference:
(A) Upland sites which were formerly wetlands;
(B) Idled upland sites generally having bare ground or vegetative cover consisting
primarily of exotic introduced species, weeds, or emergent vegetation;
(C) Other disturbed upland.
f. Timing:
i. Where feasible, compensation projects shall be completed prior to activities that will
disturb wetlands, and immediately after activities that will temporarily disturb wetlands. In all other cases, except for Category I wetlands, compensatory projects should be
completed prior to use or occupancy of the activity or development which was conditioned upon such compensation. Construction of compensation projects shall be
timed to reduce impacts to existing wildlife and flora.
g. Cooperative restoration, creation, or enhancement projects:
i. The Director of Community and Economic Development may encourage, facilitate, and approve cooperative projects wherein a single applicant or other organization with
demonstrated capability may undertake a compensation project with funding from other applicants under the following circumstances:
Exhibit A
Page 33
(A) Restoration, creation, or enhancement at a particular site may be scientifically difficult or impossible; or
(B) Creation of one or several larger wetlands may be preferable to many small wetlands.
ii. Persons proposing cooperative compensation projects shall:
(A) Submit a joint permit application;
(B) Demonstrate compliance with all standards;
(C) Demonstrate the organizational and fiscal capability to act cooperatively; and
(D) Demonstrate that long-term management can and will be provided.
7. Non-compensatory enhancement: Non-compensatory enhancements are those wetland
enhancement projects which are conducted solely to increase the functions and values of an existing wetland and which are not required to be conducted pursuant to the requirements of
section 15.24.070(H)(6). There are two types of non-compensatory enhancement:
a. Type 1 non-compensatory enhancement. Type 1 non-compensatory enhancement projects
involve the filling, draining, or excavating of a regulated wetland. All applications for Type 1 non-compensatory enhancement projects shall be accompanied by an enhancement plan
prepared in accordance with subsections (i)a) - b), below, which demonstrates that the proposed activities will result in an increase in wetland functions and values.
i. The enhancement plan must be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development:
ii. The enhancement plan must either be prepared by a qualified wetlands consultant or accepted in writing by the U.S. Fish and wildlife Service, and the Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife, or the Washington Department of Ecology.
b. Type 2 non-compensatory enhancement. Type 2 non-compensatory enhancement projects
involve wetland alterations that do not include the filling, draining, or excavation of a regulated wetland. Such projects might involve the removal of non-native plant species. All
application for Type 2 non-compensatory enhancement projects shall be accompanied by an enhancement plan prepared in accordance with subsections (ii)a) - b), below, which
demonstrates that the proposed activities will result in an increase in wetland functions and values.
i. The enhancement plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community and Economic Development;
ii. The enhancement plan must include a detailed description of the activity including the following information:
(A) The goal of the enhancement project;
(B) What plants, if any, will be removed or planted;
(C) How the activity will be conducted, including the type(s) of tools or machinery to be used; and
(D) The qualifications of the individual who will be conducting the enhancement activity.
iii. The enhancement plan must either be prepared by a qualified wetlands consultant or accepted in writing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Washington Department
of Fish and Wildlife, or the Washington department of Ecology.
8. Mitigation plans: All wetland restoration, creation, and/or enhancement projects required pursuant
to this chapter, either as a permit condition or as the result of an enforcement action, shall follow a mitigation plan prepared by qualified wetland professionals approved by the Director of
Exhibit A
Page 34
Community and Economic Development. The applicant or violator shall receive written approval of the mitigation plan by the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to
commencement of any wetland restoration, creation, or enhancement activity. Unless the Director of Community and Economic Development, in consultation with qualified wetland professionals,
determines, based on the size and nature of the development proposal, the nature of the impacted wetland, and the degree of cumulative impacts on the wetland from other development proposals,
that the scope and specific requirements of the mitigation plan may be reduced from what is listed below, the mitigation plan shall contain at least the following components:
a. Baseline information: A written assessment and accompanying maps of the:
i. Impacted wetland including, at a minimum, wetland delineation; existing wetland
acreage; vegetative, faunal, and hydrologic characteristics; soil and substrate conditions; topographic elevations; and
ii. Compensation site, if different from the impacted wetland site, including, at a minimum, existing acreage; vegetative, faunal, and hydrologic conditions; relationship within
watershed and to existing waterbodies; soil and substrate conditions; topographic elevations; existing and proposed adjacent site conditions; buffers; and ownership.
b. Environmental goals and objectives: A written report shall be provided identifying goals and objectives and describing:
i. The purposes of the compensation measures, including a description of site selection criteria; identification of compensation goals; identification of target evaluation species
and resource functions; dates for beginning and completion; and a complete description of the structure and functional relationships sought in the new wetland. The goals and
objectives shall be related to the functions and values of the original wetland, or if out-of-kind, the type of wetland to be emulated.
ii. A review of the available literature and/or experience to date in restoring or creating the type of wetland proposed shall be provided. An analysis of the likelihood of success of
the compensation project at duplicating the original wetland shall be provided based on the experiences of comparable projects, if any. An analysis of the likelihood of
persistence of the created or restored wetland shall be provided based on such factors as surface and ground water supply and flow patterns; dynamics of the wetland
ecosystem; sediment or pollutant influx and/or erosion, periodic flooding and drought, etc.; presence of invasive flora or fauna; potential human or animal disturbance; and
previous comparable projects, if any.
c. Performance standards: Specific criteria shall be provided for evaluating whether or not the
goals and objectives of the project and for beginning remedial action or contingency measures. Such criteria may include water quality standards, survival rates of planted
vegetation, species abundance and diversity targets, habitat diversity indices, or other ecological, geological, or hydrological criteria.
d. Detailed construction plans: Written specifications and descriptions of compensation techniques shall be provided, including the proposed construction sequence; grading and
excavation details; erosion and sediment control features needed for wetland construction and long-term survival; a planting plan specifying plant species, quantities, locations, size,
spacing, and density; source of plant materials, propagules, or seeds; water and nutrient requirements for planting; where appropriate, measures to protect plants from predation;
specification of substrate stockpiling techniques and planting instructions; descriptions of water control structures and water-level maintenance practices needed to achieve the
necessary hydrocycle/hydroperiod characteristics; etc. These written specifications shall be accompanied by detailed site diagrams, scaled cross-sectional drawings, topographic maps
showing slope percentage and final grade elevations, and any other drawings appropriate to show construction techniques or anticipated final outcome. The plan shall provide for
elevations which are appropriate for the desired habitat type(s) and which provide sufficient tidal prism and circulation data.
Exhibit A
Page 35
e. Monitoring program: A program outlining the approach for monitoring construction of the compensation project and for assessing a completed project shall be provided. Monitoring
may include, but is not limited to:
i. Establishing vegetation plots to track changes in plant species composition and density
over time;
ii. Using photo stations to evaluate vegetation community response;
iii. Sampling surface and subsurface waters to determine pollutant loading, and changes from the natural variability of background conditions (pH, nutrients, heavy metals);
iv. Measuring base flow rates and storm water runoff to model and evaluate water quality predictions, if appropriate;
v. Measuring sedimentation rates, if applicable; and
vi. Sampling fish and wildlife populations to determine habitat utilization, species
abundance, and diversity.
A protocol shall be included outlining how the monitoring data will be evaluated by agencies
that are tracking the progress of the compensation project. A monitoring report shall be submitted annually, at a minimum, documenting milestones, successes, problems, and
contingency actions of the compensation project. The compensation project shall be monitored for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met,
but not for a period less than five years.
f. Contingency plan: Identification of potential courses of action, and any corrective measures
to be taken when monitoring or evaluation indicates project performance standards are not being met.
g. Permit conditions: Any compensation project prepared pursuant to this section and approved by the Director of Community and Economic Development shall become part of the
application for the permit.
h. Performance bonds and demonstration of competence: A demonstration of financial
resources, administrative, supervisory, and technical competence and scientific expertise of sufficient standard to successfully execute the compensation project shall be provided. A
compensation project manager shall be named and the qualifications of each team member involved in preparing the mitigation plan and implementing and supervising the project shall
be provided, including educational background and areas of expertise, training and experience with comparable projects. In addition, bonds ensuring fulfillment of the
compensation project, monitoring program, and any contingency measure shall be posted pursuant to subsection 15.24.070.H. in the amount of 120 percent of the expected cost of
i. Regulatory authorities are encouraged to consult with and solicit comments of any Federal,
State, regional, or local agency, including tribes, having any special expertise with respect to any environmental impact prior to approving a mitigation proposal which includes wetlands
compensation. The compensation project proponents should provide sufficient information on plan design and implementation in order for such agencies to comment on the overall
adequacy of the mitigation proposal.
j. Compensatory mitigation is not required for regulated activities:
i. For which a permit has been obtained that occur only in the buffer or expanded buffer and which have no adverse impacts to regulated wetlands; or
ii. Which are allowed pursuant to subsection 15.24.050.B., provided such activities utilize best management practices to protect the functions and values of regulated wetlands.
Exhibit A
Page 36
I. Appeals: Any decision of the Director of Community and Economic Development in the administration of this chapter may be appealed in writing to the City Council within 14 days of the issuance of notice
of the decision. The time period for considering the appeal shall not exceed 90 days.
J. Modification of wetland permits: A wetland permit holder may request and the Director of Community
and Economic Development may approve modification of a previously issued wetland permit.
K. Resubmittal of denied permit applications: A wetland permit application which has been denied may
be modified and resubmitted no earlier than 180 days following action on the original application. A permit application shall be considered a resubmittal if the site proposed for development was the
subject of a wetland permit application within the previous 180 days. A new fee will be required for such resubmittal.
(Ord. 3570 § 1, 12/20/2016; Ord. 3330 § 2, 4/25/2008; Ord. 3179 § 4 (part), 12/17/2004; Ord.
3007 § 3, 1/15/1999; Ord. 2928 (part), 9/13/1996; Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.080 - Temporary emergency permit—Enforcement.
A. Temporary emergency permit: Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter or any other laws to the contrary, the Director of Community and Economic Development may issue a temporary emergency
wetlands permit if:
1. The Director of Community and Economic Development determines that an unacceptable threat
to life or severe loss of property will occur if an emergency permit is not granted; and
2. The anticipated threat or loss may occur before a permit can be issued or modified under the
procedures otherwise required by this chapter and other applicable laws.
B. Any emergency permit granted shall incorporate, to the greatest extent practicable and feasible but
not inconsistent with the emergency situation, the standards and criteria required for non-emergency activities under this act and shall:
1. Be limited in duration to the time required to complete the authorized emergency activity, not to exceed 90 days; and
2. Require, within this 90-day period, the restoration of any wetland altered as a result of the emergency activity; except that if more than the 90 days from the issuance of the emergency
permit is required to complete restoration, the emergency permit may be extended to complete this restoration.
Issuance of an emergency permit by the Director of Community and Economic Development does not preclude the necessity to obtain necessary approvals from appropriate Federal and State authorities.
Notice of the issuance of the emergency permit and request for public comments shall be published at least once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper having
a general circulation in the City of Port Angeles, the City publication to be no later than ten days after issuance of the emergency permit.
The emergency permit may be terminated at any time without process upon a determination by the Director of Community and Economic Development that the action was not or is no longer necessary
to protect human health or the environment.
C. Enforcement:
1. General enforcement: The City of Port Angeles shall have authority to enforce this chapter, any rule or regulation adopted, and any permit or order issued, pursuant to this chapter, against any
violation or threatened violation thereof. The City of Port Angeles is authorized to issue violation notices and administrative orders, levy fines, and/or institute legal actions in court. Recourse to
any single remedy shall not preclude recourse to any of the other remedies. Each violation of this chapter, or any rule or regulation adopted, or any permit, permit condition, or order issued
Exhibit A
Page 37
pursuant to this chapter, shall be a separate offense, and, in the case of a continuing violation, each day's continuance shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. All costs, fees,
and expenses in connection with enforcement actions may be recovered as damages against the violator. Enforcement actions shall include civil penalties, administrative orders and actions for
damages and restoration.
2. Injunctive relief: The City of Port Angeles may bring appropriate actions at law or equity, including
actions for injunctive relief, to ensure that no uses are made of a regulated wetland or their buffers which are inconsistent with this chapter or an applicable wetlands protection program.
3. Cease and desist order: The City of Port Angeles may serve upon a person a cease and desist order if an activity being undertaken on regulated wetlands or its buffer is in violation of this
chapter or any permit issued to implement this chapter. Whenever any person violates this chapter or any permit issued to implement this chapter, the City of Port Angeles may issue an
order reasonably appropriate to cease such violation and to mitigate any environmental damage resulting therefrom.
Content of order: The order shall set forth and contain:
a. A description of the specific nature, extent, and time of violation and the damage or potential
b. A notice that the violation or the potential violation cease and desist or, in appropriate cases,
the specific correction action to be taken within a given time. A civil penalty may be issued with the order.
c. Effective date: The cease and desist order issued under this section shall become effective immediately upon receipt by the person to whom the order is directed.
d. Compliance: Failure to comply with the terms of a cease and desist order can result in enforcement actions including, but not limited to, the issuance of a civil penalty.
4. Penalties: Any person who undertakes any activity within a regulated wetland or its buffer without first obtaining a permit required by this chapter, except as allowed in subsection 15.24.050.B., or
any person who violates one or more conditions of any permit required by this chapter or of any order issued pursuant to this section, shall incur a penalty allowed per violation. In the case of a
continuing violation, each permit violation and each day of activity without a required permit shall be a separate and distinct violation. The penalty amount shall be set in consideration of the
previous history of the violator and the severity of the environmental impact of the violation. The penalty provided in this subsection shall be appealable to the Superior Court of Clallam County.
5. Aiding or abetting: Any person who, through an act of commission or omission, procures, aids, or abets in the violation shall be considered to have committed a violation for the purposes of the
6. Notice of penalty: Civil penalties imposed under this section shall be imposed by a notice in
writing, either by certified mail with return receipt requested or by personal service, to the person incurring the same from the Department and/or the City of Port Angeles, or from both jointly. The
notice shall describe the violation, approximate the date(s) of violation, and shall order the acts constituting the violation to cease and desist, or, in appropriate cases, require necessary
correction action within a specific time.
7. Application for remission or mitigation: Any person incurring a penalty may apply in writing within
30 days of receipt of the penalty to the Director of Community and Economic Development for remission or mitigation of such penalty. Upon receipt of the application, the City of Port Angeles
may remit or mitigate the penalty upon a demonstration of extraordinary circumstances, such as the presence of information or factors not considered in setting the original penalty.
8. Appeals: Orders and penalties issued pursuant to this subsection may be appealed as provided for in subsection 15.24.070.I.
Exhibit A
Page 38
9. Criminal penalties shall be imposed on any person who wilfully or negligently violates this chapter or who knowingly makes a false statement, representation, or certification in any application,
record or other document filed or required to be maintained under this chapter; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device, record or methodology
required to be maintained pursuant to this chapter or pursuant to a wetland permit.
(Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.090 - Non-conforming activities.
A regulated activity which was approved prior to the passage of this chapter and to which significant
economic resources have been committed pursuant to such approval, but which is not in conformity with
the provisions of this chapter, may be continued subject to the following:
A. No such activity shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in any way that increases the extent of its non-conformity without a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
B. Except for cases of discontinuance as part of normal agricultural practices, if a non-conforming activity is discontinued for 12 consecutive months, any resumption of the activity shall conform to this chapter;
C. If a non-conforming use or activity is destroyed by human activities or an act of God, it shall not
be resumed except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter;
D. Activities or adjuncts thereof which are or become public nuisances shall not be entitled to
continue as non-conforming activities.
(Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.100 - Judicial review.
Any decision or order issued by the City of Port Angeles pursuant to this chapter, including decisions concerning denial, approval, or conditional approval of a wetland permit, may be judicially reviewed in the
Clallam County Superior Court, provided that:
A. Available administrative remedies, including appeals available pursuant to subsection
15.24.070I1, have been exhausted; and
B. Such litigation is commenced within 21 days after service of such order or issuance of notice of
such decision, as the case may be.
Based on these proceedings and consistent with any decision of the court that is adverse to the
City of Port Angeles, the City may elect to:
1. Institute negotiated purchase or condemnation proceedings to acquire an easement or fee
interest in the applicant's land;
2. Approve the permit application with lesser restrictions or conditions; or
3. Other appropriate actions ordered by the court that fall within the jurisdiction of the City of Port Angeles.
(Ord. 2990 § 2, 5/15/1998; Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.110 - Amendments.
Exhibit A
Page 39
These regulations and the maps used to identify wetland critical areas may from time to time be amended in accordance with the procedures and requirements in the general statutes and as new information
concerning wetland location, soils, hydrology, flooding, or wetland plants and wildlife become available.
(Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
15.24.120 - Assessment relief.
The Assessor of Clallam County shall consider wetland regulations in determining the fair market value of
land. Any owner of an undeveloped wetland who has dedicated an easement or entered into a perpetual conservation restriction with the City of Port Angeles or a non-profit organization to permanently control
some or all regulated activities in the wetland shall have that portion of land assessed consistent with those restrictions. Such landowner shall also be exempted from special assessments on the controlled wetland
to defray the cost of municipal improvements such as sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water mains.
(Ord. 2655 § 1 (part), 11/29/1991)
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Allyson Brekke, Planning Manager
DATE: May 24, 2017
RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment – CPA 17-10
APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles Department of Community & Economic
Development LOCATION: Entire City of Port Angeles
REQUEST: Annual amendment process to the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive
Plan to meet the requirements of the Washington State Growth Management Act.
The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the 2017 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Application No. 17-10) citing 6 findings and 3 conclusions in support of that action as listed in Appendix A.
The City of Port Angeles performs an annual amendment cycle for the Comprehensive Plan. All
proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are considered concurrently on an annual basis
from July 1st through June 30th and shall be adopted no more than once during said period, except that amendments conforming to the GMA may also be adopted whenever an emergency
exists. Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals shall be submitted no later than March 31st.
The City didn’t receive any amendment proposals from the public. The Department of
Community & Economic Development entered into a contract with Studio Cascade Inc. to assist
with the proposed 2017 annual amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Studio Cascade was the consultant team who assisted the City in the 2016 periodic update that was required by
the Washington State Department of Commerce, who administers the Growth Management Act.
The proposed amendments can be summarized as below:
Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Application No. 17-10 Page 2 May 24, 2017
Amendment 1. Transportation element response and revision This work includes providing the technical research necessary to respond to WSDOT’s comments delivered to the City in 2016.
Amendment 2. Economic development element revision
This work includes revision to the economic development element to incorporate new objectives supporting Mt. Angeles View Housing, Boys and Girls Club, Performing Arts Center, Feiro Marine Life Center and William Shore Pool projects.
Amendment 3. Document rearrangement
This work includes work to reorder the chapters of the draft document, where the first three chapters -Intro, Community Profile and Definitions- become reference chapters in the back, allowing the Element chapters to be better highlighted, incorporating a brief description of the
purpose of each tying them to the Community vision. This work incorporates new language into
the plan that strengthens the plan’s ties to the City’s Strategic Plan, Capital Facilities Plan,
Budget, Water Facilities Plan and Transportation Faculties Plan. Amendment 4. Implementation matrix
This work produces a formatted implementation matrix/table of policies as prioritized by Council
and provided to the consultant by the City. It also provides an updated implementation matrix
identifying specific task items prioritized to conform to City Council policy priorities, listing responsible implementation entities and likely partners. This is specifically proposed in Chapter 11 of the reformatted plan. As a part of this work, objectives included in each of the plan
elements were removed from each element chapter and incorporated into the new
implementation matrix table.
Official notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on May 7,
2017, posted at City Hall on May 8, 2017. A 60-day notice of intent to adopt Comprehensive
Plan amendments was mailed to the Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC) on
April 21, 2017. Department of Commerce acknowledged receipt of the notice on April 25, 2017. Public comment period is scheduled to end on May 22, 2017.
The following Sections of Port Angeles Municipal Code are applicable for this annual
amendment and are described below:
Section 18.04.040 - Annual amendment cycle.
All proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan shall be considered concurrently on an
annual basis from July 1st through June 30th and shall be adopted no more than once during said
period, except that amendments conforming to the GMA may also be adopted whenever an
emergency exists. Amendment proposals should be submitted, public hearings will be conducted,
and action shall be taken, in accordance with the following schedule:
A. Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals shall be submitted no later than March 31st;
Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Application No. 17-10 Page 3 May 24, 2017
B. The Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) shall be notified of Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals no later than May 1st;
C. Planning Commission hearings will be conducted prior to or during May;
D. City Council hearings will be conducted prior to or during June;
E. The City Council's decision shall be rendered no later than June 30th and shall be transmitted to CTED within ten days after final adoption. The proposed amendments meet the requirements of the Washington State Department of Commerce for periodic
updating of the Comprehensive Plan. The requirements of the Washington State
Department of Ecology to modify the City's approach to stormwater management have
been incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan.
Section 18.04.060 - Comprehensive Plan amendment elements.
Comprehensive Plan amendments shall address the following elements:
A. Demonstration of why existing Comprehensive Plan provision(s) should not continue in
B. Demonstration of how the amendment complies with the Growth Management Act's goals and specific requirements;
C. Demonstration of how the amendment complies with the County-wide planning policies;
D. Demonstration of how the amendment is consistent with the Capital Facilities Plan and
the comprehensive services and facilities plans;
E. Demonstration of how the amendment is in the public interest and is consistent with the public health, safety and welfare;
F. Consideration of the cumulative effect of all proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments.
18.04.080 - Comprehensive Plan amendment public hearings and notice.
A. Public hearings on Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be conducted by the Planning
Commission and the City Council in accordance with the schedule set forth in PAMC 18.04.040.
B. Notice of public hearings on Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be provided in the
same manner as set forth in PAMC 17.96.140 for public hearings required pursuant to the
Zoning Code.
18.04.090 - Comprehensive Plan amendment decisions.
A. The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council on all
Comprehensive Plan amendments.
B. The City Council shall make the final decision on all Comprehensive Plan amendments.
The Council's decision shall be supported by written findings and conclusions, which
shall address the elements set forth in PAMC 18.04.060.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Application No. 17-10 Page 4 May 24, 2017
The City is anticipating to issue a Determination of Non-Significance for this proposed action on May 23, 2017, per WAC 197-11-355.
Appendices: A – Findings and Conclusions B – Reformatted Comp Plan
C – List of Removed Objectives
Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Application No. 17-10 Page 5 May 24, 2017
The Department of Community & Economic Development recommends that the Planning
Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed
amendments to the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan based on the following 6 findings and 3 conclusions in support of the action:
Based on the information provided in the Community and Economic Development Staff
Report for the 2017 annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Application No. 17-10) dated May
24, 2016, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that:
1. The City submitted notice of intent to adopt the Comprehensive Plan amendments to the
Department of Commerce on April 21, 2017. Notice was received from Department of
Commerce that the materials were received for review on April 25, 2016. The City may not take final action on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposal until after the required review period.
2. Review of the City’s Comprehensive Plan may be done on an annual basis. Amendment
opportunity is provided and outlined in Chapter 18.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code (PAMC). Per Section 18.04.040 PAMC, proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan shall be considered on an annual basis, and shall be adopted no more than once a year except when an emergency exists.
3. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan language are area-wide.
4. Notification of the Comprehensive Plan amendment permit application was placed in the
Peninsula Daily News on May 7, 2017, with comment extending to May 22, 2017.
5. The City of Port Angeles adopted its present Comprehensive Plan on June 28, 1994, by
Ordinance 2818, and has been regularly amended since its adoption.
6. The public notice included a statement the City expects to issue a Determination of Non-
significance following the public comment period, which closes on May 22, 2017.
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community and Economic
Development Staff Report for Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Application No. 17-10) dated
May 24, 2017, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and
testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and
deliberation, and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
1. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are in compliance with the State’s
requirements for updating the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act
and with Section 18.04.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Application No. 17-10 Page 6 May 24, 2017
2. The Comprehensive Plan amendments are not in conflict with the City’s development regulations or Capital Facilities Plan and will not reduce the level of service required by the Comprehensive Plan for those urban services necessary to serve development
3. The Comprehensive Plan was last thoroughly reviewed and updated in 2016. This annual
update is a part of a City recognized annual amendment cycle.
City of Port Angeles
Adopted by City Council on June 21, 2016
Amended, 2016 Update
(This page intentionally left blank)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
GMA Compliance .....................................................................................................................1•1
Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan ........................................................................................1•2
Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan ..............................................................................1•2
Plan Development & Public Participation ................................................................................1•3
Organization & Requirements of the Comprehensive Plan ......................................................1•4
Use of the Comprehensive Plan ...............................................................................................1•6
Community Vision ...................................................................................................................1•8
City Actions Since the 2004 Update .........................................................................................1•11
Chapter 2 - Growth Management
General Comments ..................................................................................................................2•1
GMA Goals & Policies ..............................................................................................................2•3
Chapter 3 - Land Use
General Comments ..................................................................................................................3•1
Land Use Categories ................................................................................................................3•2
Low Density Residential (Up to seven units per acre)
Medium Density Residential (Up to 13 units per acre)
Future Land Use Map ...............................................................................................................3•3
Open Space
Land Use Map: Goals & Policies ...............................................................................................3•5
Residential: Goals & Policies ....................................................................................................3•5
Commercial: Goals & Policies ..................................................................................................3•7
Industrial: Goals & Policies .......................................................................................................3•9
Open Space: Goals & Policies ...................................................................................................3•11
Chapter 4 - Transportation
General Comments ..................................................................................................................4•1
Transportation Goals & Policies ...............................................................................................4•3
Chapter 5 - Utilities & Public Services
General Comments ..................................................................................................................5•1
Utilities Goals & Policies ..........................................................................................................5•3
Chapter 6 - Housing
Table of Contents i
General Comments ..................................................................................................................6•1
Housing Goals & Policies ..........................................................................................................6•3
Chapter 7 - Conservation
General Comments ..................................................................................................................7•1
Conservation Goals & Policies .................................................................................................7•3
Chapter 8 - Capital Facilities
General Comments ..................................................................................................................8•1
Capital Facilities Goals & Policies .............................................................................................8•3
Chapter 9 - Economic Development
General Comments ..................................................................................................................9•1
Economic Development Goals & Policies .................................................................................9•3
Chapter 10 - Parks & Recreation
General Comments ................................................................................................................10•1
Parks & Recreation Goals & Policies ......................................................................................10•3
Chapter 11 - Implementation
General Comments ................................................................................................................11•1
Objectives Table .....................................................................................................................11•3
Appendix A - Community Profile
City History ..............................................................................................................................A•1
Current Characteristics ............................................................................................................A•6
Urban Growth Areas ........................................................................................................................A•18
Neighborhoods ................................................................................................................................A•19
Housing ............................................................................................................................................A•28
Transportation .................................................................................................................................A•29
Urban Services .................................................................................................................................A•33
Economic Development ...................................................................................................................A•38
Appendix B - Definitions
General Comments ..................................................................................................................B•1
Definitions ................................................................................................................................B•2
Appendix C - GMA Requirements
Introduction .............................................................................................................................C•1
ii City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Requirements for the Land Use Element
Requirements for the Housing Element
Requirements for the Capital Facilities Element
Requirements for the Utilities & Public Services Element
Requirements for the Transportation Element
Requirements for siting Public Facilities
Table of Contents iii
(This page intentionally left blank)
GMA Compliance
In 1990 the Washington State Legislature enacted
the State Growth Management Act (GMA), which
requires all cities and counties subject to the
Act to develop and adopt comprehensive plans
and implementing ordinances that will regulate
and guide future growth and development. In
accordance with the Act, each county must also
establish independent urban growth areas capable
of containing future growth projected for cities, and
other urban areas, for the next 20 years. To ensure
compatibility between various comprehensive
plans, the cities, county, and other affected agencies
cooperatively developed a set of county-wide
planning policies to guide this process.
To ensure orderly development, the City of Port
Angeles agreed to work with the County in the
development of comprehensive plan goals and
policies for the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area
The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan has been
developed and periodically updated to meet the
requirements of the GMA and is consistent with the
Clallam County-Wide Planning Policy.
This 2016 update was undertaken to meet the State's GMA
requirements and included a process intended to capture comments and suggestions from the broadest range of the public. The public participation process was led by Studio Cascade Inc., Community Planning and Design.
Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan
A City's Comprehensive Plan serves as the core of the land use
controls which all other city plans, ordinances, and regulations must be in compliance with and support.
Prior to the passage of the State GMA, such compliance was considered desirable but actual consistency was not required. The GMA now makes such compliance a requirement.
If subordinate planning or regulations, such as the City's Zoning Ordinance or Capital Facility Plan, are not consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, then those documents may be determined to be illegal and rendered invalid.
The Comprehensive Plan is the basis upon which local governmental decisions are to be made. It sets forth the City's goals and policies and visualizes directions the City will take over the next two decades. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the desired development pattern for the city.
It is, therefore, important that the Comprehensive Plan truly reflect the goals and desires of the community. In order for that to take place, it is vital that citizens take an active role in determining the quality, context, and vision incorporated within this Comprehensive Plan.
Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is the foundation upon which the City’s
development regulations (zoning, Environmentally Sensitive Areas protection, parking and sign codes, and subdivision ordinances) and Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual, Capital Facilities Plan and Urban Services and Utilities Plan are based, and from which the City’s future land use pattern will come.
A community is a diverse and heterogeneous grouping of people. Individually, each of us has a set of treasured values. Together, we give the community a set of shared values.
1•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
In a community, individual values often clash and indeed must confront each other if the shared values of the community are to develop. Good planning uncovers the values we share as a community and uses the shared values to guide development of the Comprehensive Plan.
No plan can be expected to last for all time. Times change, conditions change, and what we value in our community changes. Even though this Comprehensive Plan is intended to cover a 20-year period, it must be reviewed at least every seven years and can be amended every year. This allows the City to adjust the Comprehensive Plan as conditions, needs, and desires of the community change.
Through the ongoing development of this Comprehensive Plan, the City of Port Angeles reaffirms that it is the rightful goal of the people of our community to take an active role, sharing the work and responsibility involved in determining the character, quality, and destiny of this community.
Plan Development & Public Participation
The Comprehensive Plan was initially updated from its 1976 version under the GMA in June of 1994. The City's last major update to the Comprehensive Plan was in 2004. Several minor amendments
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1•3
Figure 1.01 – The 2016 update process reviewed and updated this plan's vision, as well as many of its implementing policies and objectives. (Image: Studio Cascade, Inc.)
have been approved since that time. The 2016 updates reflected a
citywide approach with an ambitious public participation program.
The current version (2016) of the Comprehensive Plan was updated to meet the requirements of the GMA. Areas of the plan that have been expanded include handling of archaeological discoveries and sites, the inclusion of low-impact stormwater management methods that more closely mimic natural processes, increased emphasis on urban forestry and landscaping and consideration of issues surrounding climatic change.
The City of Port Angeles allows amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to occur on an annual basis, within limited time periods. Individual citizens or groups may propose Comprehensive Plan amendments during the three month period between January 1 and March 31 of each year. Proposed amendments require environmental review and a public hearing prior adoption by the City Council.
Organization & Requirements of the Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is organized with an introduction, a
community profile, a definition section, a series of elements, and various appendixes including the Capital Facilities Plan, Housing Needs Assessment, and Environmental Impact Statement. Each element addresses a particular topic and contains a general comment section and multiple goals with various related policies and objectives. Some of the elements have an associated map or plan.
The Comprehensive Plan goals are expressed as broad statements of intent that will fulfill the vision of what the city intends to become or how the city should look or feel in the future. The goals in the Comprehensive Plan are supported by policy statements that usually include the word should. The policy statements are directive, and
provide a basis for decision-making and establish a principal of wise management leading to achievement of a goal. Objectives are statements of specific actions that when taken will result in the realization of a goal.
The GMA requires that a comprehensive plan consist of a map or maps and descriptive text covering objectives, principles, and standards used to develop the comprehensive plan. The plan must also be an internally consistent document, with all elements made consistent with the Land Use Map.
1•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1•5
Figure 1.02 – Comprehensive plans are organized as tiered systems, expressing community desires from broad-brush ideals (vision) through specific action items the City can lead (objectives). Other types of plans are sometimes prepared to identify or help implement objectives, taking vision, goal and policy cues from the comprehensive plan. (Image: Studio Cascade, Inc.)
The Land Use Map is provided to show general uses to be located
in generalized areas of the City. The plan shows six general land use categories: Low, Medium and High-Density Residential; and Commercial, Industrial, and Open Space. These general land use areas are not specifically bounded by streets, parcel lines, or other political boundaries. For purposes of this plan, they are separated by what is referred to as "imprecise margins." These, together with the land use categories, provide a framework and direction for desired development patterns, while at the same time, allow for flexibility in applying zoning designations.
The GMA requires that comprehensive plans include a plan, scheme, or design for each of the following:
1) Land Use Element
2) Housing Element
3) Capital Facilities Plan Element
4) Utilities Element
5) Transportation Element.
Additionally, comprehensive plans must contain a process for identifying and siting Essential Public Facilities.
This plan contains each of the required elements as well as four additional optional elements: A Conservation Element, an Economic Development Element, a Growth Management Element and a Parks & Recreation Element. Each of the elements have been developed to be consistent with the GMA and to reflect the needs and desires of the City of Port Angeles and its citizens. Detailed minimum requrements for GMA-required elements are provided in Appendix C.
Use of the Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is designed to be used by the public as a
way for citizens to learn the long-range goals and policies of the City as a base upon which City officials make land use and other decisions, and as a tool which City staff uses to insure desirable development of the City. This document provides a sense of predictability to citizens of the city or potential residents considering relocating to Port Angeles.
The plan's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS, Appendix A) is designed as a programmatic EIS and may be used as a phased
1•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
reviewed environmental document for any plans, ordinances,
programs, or development projects that are consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The EIS has been updated through addenda and regular State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review as amendments to the Comprehensive Plan have been periodically approved. Any project proposed in the City will have to show that it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, it cannot be approved unless the Comprehensive Plan is amended and additional environmental review is completed.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1•7
Port Angeles’ natural setting – with the Strait to the north
and the Olympics to the south – is unique and special, with
creeks, wetlands, steep slopes and a weather pattern that can
be demanding. The town balances the community’s need for
economic stability, its potential for growth and the preservation
of the areas’ natural systems.
Economic Development
Keeping the community employed, prosperous, educated, and
well-served are key economic development objectives. The City
of Port Angeles facilitates sustained economic growth, directing
investment to revitalize activity downtown, support local
employment, and keep public services affordable and of high
Slightly more than 25,000 people call Port Angeles home in
2036, residing in neighborhoods that are safe, attractive and rich
in character.
Fairchild International Airport is an important aviation resource
for local residents and businesses, operating as an important
economic development and community safety priority and with
regular commercial service to SeaTac International Airport.
Community Vision
The public process resulted in the following vision statements for a variety of specific
areas of interest to citizens, Vision statements are based on the anticipated conditions of
Port Angeles in 2036.
"The City of Port Angeles is vibrant and prospering, nurturing a balance of
innovation and tradition to create an environmentally, economically, and
fiscally sustainable community, accepting and cherishing its social diversity,
small-town character and natural setting."
In achieving this vision, Port Angeles recognizes the important roles each of the following
1•8 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Port Angeles’ central business district is vital and prominent.
The central commercial district is one of Port Angeles’ major
assets, intimately connected to the waterfront and featuring
a variety of retail, civic, residential and professional office
Small Commercial Centers
Small-scale commercial centers are located in areas convenient
for nearby residents and workers, offering a modest array of
goods and services within an easy, enjoyable walk from nearby
homes and employment centers.
The central waterfront is an active and successful civic and social
space, equally welcoming to residents and visitors.
Port Angeles’ transportation network moves people and
goods to, through and within the community, harmoniously
accommodating cars, bikes, trucks, public transportation, planes,
boats, ferries, and travel by foot.
Community Services
The community’s systems of housing, transportation, economic
development and parks and recreation coordinate to serve all
of Port Angeles’ residents, ensuring public safety, economic
opportunity, public health and overall community wellness.
Port Angeles’ trail system builds on the Olympic Discovery Trail
and miles of local trails, contributing to the local quality of life by
inviting community residents and visitors of all ages to wander
and explore.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1•9
Parks and Recreation
Leisure is an important contributor to quality of life, and Port
Angeles is committed to provide a robust parks and recreation
system in response. Open spaces, both constructed and natural,
function to enliven the human spirit. Whether it’s a small pocket
park near downtown, a waterfront esplanade, a sculpture garden
on the hill, or a vast sports complex, the system serves multiple
community needs.
1•10 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
City Actions Since the 2004 Update
Since the last major update of the Comprehensive Plan,
several objectives have been accomplished. Those
accomplishments include the replacement of both century-
old trestle bridges spanning Valley Creek and Tumwater
Creek on 8th Street. The bridge spanning Peabody Creek at
Lauridsen Boulevard was replaced with a structure that will
allow truck traffic to make the turn and follow Lauridsen as intended
for the cross-town alternative to Highway 101.
The City's landfill has been closed and converted into a regional
transfer station, and work to remove waste materials that remain
in the marine bluff and stabilize the bluff to prevent further adverse
impacts to the shoreline is underway, and will be completed in
2016. A major project to resolve long-standing issues with combined
sewer/stormwater systems overflowing into the Strait of Juan de
Fuca has been completed and the second project phase is underway
and nearing completion.
The City has followed through with the creation of new zone
designations in anticipation of future annexations, especially the
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1•11
Figure 1.03 – Phase II of efforts identified in the 2013 Waterfront & Transportation Improvement Plan (a subarea plan) designed, permitted and re-established a beach just west of Oak Street. The site had formerly been graded and utilized for mill operations. (Images: City of Port Angeles, Studio Cascade, Inc.)
eastern UGA. The Commercial Regional zone was created to be
applied to areas along Highway 101 where existing large commercial uses such as car dealerships and large-volume stores currently exist or where land is available for such uses. A major infrastructure goal was achieved with the extension of a sewer main line to the eastern UGA.
A second new zone was created for large suburban-scale residential lots. The Residential Single Family zone (RS-11), restricting residential lots to a minimum of 11,000 square feet or larger has been applied to areas within existing city limits.
An Industrial Marine (IM) zone was also created to be applied to shoreline areas focusing primarily on marine trades that may need the support of commercial uses to provide a framework for mixed uses in a campus-like environment.
Industrial zoning was modified to include the potential for work/live situations, where working artists requiring large work studios with industrial types of activities, are permitted to live at their studios by conditional use permit.
A major planning effort was completed in 2014. The Shoreline Master Program (SMP) was approved and accepted by the Department of Ecology, completing a five-year effort that included the writing of a new Harbor Resource Management Plan, Shoreline Inventory/Characterization/Analysis Document, a Cumulative Impacts Analysis and a Shoreline Restoration Plan. The shoreline planning effort took place concurrently with several restoration projects occurring on the south shoreline of Ediz Hook. The last phase of shoreline restoration was completed during the summer months of 2016, and will result in a continuous restored shoreline from Harbor View Park on the east to Sail and Paddle Park on the west. As a result of the new environmental designations applied to Ediz Hook by the SMP and restoration work that has been accomplished, the objective to develop an Ediz Hook Master Plan has been made unnecessary.
A 358-acre area was annexed into the City in 2005. The area is located along the south side of Highway 101, west of the city limits at that time. The area is primarily an industrial site, accommodating several large operations, and much of the area is zoned Industrial Heavy. Portions of the annexed area along Highway 101 include residential uses.
Another major accomplishment is the construction of a Waterfront Promenade located between Oak Street and Laurel Street in the
1•12 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
city's downtown. The promenade was the first phase of a multi-
phase project planned for the downtown waterfront. The second phase, also completed, included creation of two small beach areas where hard-armored shoreline once existed west of Oak Street to the Valley Creek Estuary Park. Enhancements to the Waterfront Trail are also an integral portion of the project. Subsequent phases will improve the portion of Railroad Avenue east of Laurel Street to City Pier Park.
An associated downtown project that had been anticipated for several years was also completed. This "Gateway Project" resulted in a downtown transit center and covered pavilion area for public activities. The pavilion is now used regularly for the local Farmers Market, and as a venue for various festivals.
A portion of downtown's sidewalks and water lines were replaced beginning in 2006. As part of that project, the west side of Laurel Street between First and Front was developed to preserve the last remaining portion of the "Port Angeles Underground."
Regionally, a major effort involved the removal of the two dams placed on the Elwha River a century ago. This project included reconstruction of the City's water collection system and the intake for the industrial water supply. In addition, a new bridge was built
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1•13
Figure 1.04 – Phase I of efforts identified in the 2013 Waterfront & Transportation Improvement Plan designed and created a new esplanade along Railroad Avenue between Laurel and Oak streets. (Image: LMN Architects)
spanning the river. The new bridge includes a suspended pedestrian/
bicycle segment of the Olympic Discovery Trail.
The Olympic Discovery Trail between the western city limits and 18th Street was improved as the trail right-of-way and was also used for a sewer line extension to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's reservation lands. The sewer extension outside of the city was made necessary by the removal of the dams upstream from the reservation. The removal of the dams resulted in a higher ground water table, making on-site sewer drainfields unusable. The reservation is now served by City sewer facilities.
In 2007, the City added a Parks & Recreation Element to the Comprehensive Plan. In 2009, the City implemented a Façade and Sign Improvement Grant program to help small businesses enhance the appearance of buildings in the city.
Another effort at citywide beautification was accomplished in 2014 with the passage of a Street Tree Ordinance. The passage of the ordinance resulted in the City being awarded the "Tree City USA" designation from the National Arbor Day Foundation.
All of the above-mentioned projects were included in the earlier version of the Comprehensive Plan as goals, policies, or objectives.
1•14 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Growth Management
General Comments
This Comprehensive Plan has been developed in
accordance with the requirements of the State
Growth Management Act (GMA). The City met all
of the Act's required deadlines for compliance and
participated with Clallam County (The County), the
City of Forks, the City of Sequim, area Tribes and
other agencies in the development of a County-
Wide Planning Policy.
Early in the planning process, the City agreed with
the County to address only areas within the current
City Limits in the Comprehensive Plan and to work
with the County on a joint Comprehensive Plan for
the Urban Growth Area (UGA). On April 13, 1993,
the Board of Clallam County Commissioners adopted
an Interim Port Angeles UGA. In 2005, the City
and County entered into an interlocal agreement
on a phased annexation plan for the Eastern UGA.
A similar agreement was reached regarding the
western UGA. At that time, the City established
the intended zones that would be applied to areas
annexed to the City from the Eastern UGA.
The following goals and policies are included to insure
continued compliance with the GMA, and compatibility with the County's Comprehensive Plan outside of the Port Angeles UGA (PAUGA). Objectives related to GMA goals and policies are included in Chapter 11, Implementation.
2•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies n GMA Goals & Policies
G-2A To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to
the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act.
P-2A.01 In all its actions and to the extent consistent with the provisions of this comprehensive plan, the City should strive to implement the following goals of the State Growth Management Act:
a) Urban growth. Encourage development in urban areas where adequate
public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient
b) Reduce sprawl. Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped
land into sprawling, low-density development.
c) Transportation. Encourage efficient multi-modal transportation systems
that are based on regional priorities and coordinated with county and
city comprehensive plans.
d) Housing. Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all
economic segments of the population. Promote a variety of residential
densities and housing types and sizes, and encourage preservation and
expansion of existing housing stock.
e) Economic development. Encourage economic development throughout
the region that is consistent with adopted comprehensive plans,
promote economic opportunity, especially for unemployed and for
disadvantaged persons, and encourage growth in areas experiencing
insufficient economic growth, all within the capacities of the region's
natural resources, public services and public facilities.
f) Property rights. Private property should not be taken for public use
without just compensation having been made. The property rights of
landowners should be protected from arbitrary and discriminatory
g) Permits. Applications for both state and local government permits
should be processed in a timely and fair manner to ensure predictability.
h) Natural resource industries. Maintain and enhance regional natural
resource-based industries, including productive timber management,
agricultural, and fisheries industries.
i) Open space and recreation. Encourage the retention of open space and
development of recreational opportunities, conserve fish and wildlife
Chapter 2 - Growth Management Element 2•3
Goals & Policies habitat areas, increase access to natural resource lands and water, and
develop parks.
j) Environment. Protect the environment and enhance the state's high
quality of life, including air and water quality, and the availability of
k) Citizen participation and coordination. Encourage the involvement
of citizens in the planning process and ensure coordination between
communities and jurisdictions to reconcile conflicts.
l) Public facilities and services. Ensure that those public facilities and
services necessary to support development should be adequate to serve
the development at the time the development is available for occupancy
and use without decreasing current service levels below locally
established minimum standards.
m) Historic preservation. Identify and encourage the preservation of lands,
sites and structures that have historical or archaeological significance.
P-2A.02 The Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (PAUGA) should be established based at a minimum upon land use demand as determined by the Clallam County 20-year population forecast for Clallam County and specified sub-areas, so long as the county-wide forecast is not less than the most recent forecasts available from the State Office of Financial Management.
P-2A.03 The City should work with the County to develop an annexation plan which allows the annexation of land characterized by urban development and which is consistent with the extension of services and the land development policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan.
P-2A.04 The City should work with the County to ensure appropriate techniques for managing future growth consistent with the urban density, such as a minimum density within the PAUGA and a maximum density outside the PAUGA. A range of densities should be provided by the City for lands within the PAUGA, including some lands for relatively low density single-family development and some lands at a range of densities both allowing and encouraging multi-family development.
P-2A.05 Urban services/facilities should be provided consistent with the Capital Facilities Element.
P-2A.06 The City should work with the County and other service providers to determine the appropriate levels of service for such facilities and services and to ensure consistency between service provision within the City, the PAUGA, and the County.
P-2A.07 The City's preferred policy is to recognize a density of one unit per acre as urban/suburban and to use this density as the demarcation between urban and rural for purposes of establishing or amending the PAUGA; however, the City will continue to discuss this issue with the County with the goal of arriving at a consistent City/County policy prior to finalization of the UGA.
2•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & PoliciesP-2A.08 The PAUGA should include areas characterized by urban growth adjacent to the existing City boundaries and should take into account the area's physical features.
P-2A.09 Land designated for commercial or industrial uses, which encourage adjacent urban development, should be located within the PAUGA.
P-2A.10 The amount of acreage designated for commercial, industrial, or other non-residential uses within the PAUGA should be based upon the Land Use Element and Economic Development Element in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
P-2A.11 The PAUGA should be established to avoid critical areas, unless addressed as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and to exclude resource lands.
P-2A.12 Urban services to be provided within the PAUGA should include, at a minimum, sanitary sewer systems, solid waste collection/disposal systems, water systems, urban roads and pedestrian facilities, street cleaning services, transit systems, stormwater systems, police, fire and emergency services systems, electrical and communication systems, school and health care facilities, and neighborhood and/or community parks.
P-2A.13 The City should be the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the PAUGA for those services the City provides except to the extent otherwise provided in a UGA Urban Services and Development Agreement that is reached pursuant to the County-Wide Planning Policy.
P-2A.14 Urban services/facilities for which the City is the ultimate provider should be provided and constructed to meet the design and construction standards of the City.
P-2A.15 The City or service provider should demonstrate the financial capability for continued operation of the facility following construction.
P-2A.16 Regulations to protect critical areas, which occur within the PAUGA, should be developed to ensure protection of such areas.
P-2A.17 All development regulations should be promulgated with due regard for private property rights in order to avoid regulatory takings or violation of due process and to protect property rights of landowners from arbitrary and discriminatory actions.
P-2A.18 The City and County should together designate and set aside additional lands on the west side of the City for industrial and commercial purposes, both inside the City limits and in the UGA.
P-2A.19 The City should establish performance measures to review progress toward accommodating growth and to ensure appropriate actions are taken to achieve the goals of our community.
G-2B To ensure the orderly transition of land within the PAUGA into the City of Port Angeles.
Chapter 2 - Growth Management Element 2•5
Goals & Policies Policies
P-2B.01 Annexation of land, which is outside the established boundaries of the PAUGA, shall not be allowed.
P-2B.02 Annexation of land from within the established boundaries of the PAUGA shall be in accordance with the adopted annexation laws.
P-2B.03 Annexation of land, which is not adjacent to and/or contiguous with the established City Limits boundary-line, should not be allowed.
P-2B.04 At the time of annexation, the City should appropriately classify and zone such land, based upon the City Comprehensive Land Use Map and the City Comprehensive Plan. Thereafter, the provisions, restrictions, and requirements of The Port Angeles Zoning Code, shall apply to development of the annexed area.
P-2B.05 Annexation and development of land should be consistent with the orderly extension of urban services/facilities and be in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and capital facility planning.
P-2B.06 No annexation of land should be allowed in which existing development cannot meet the established concurrency requirements of the City within six years from the time of annexation.
P-2B.07 No annexation of land should be allowed which results in decreased minimum standards for City streets, water service, sewer service, and/or electrical service provided to existing residents of the City.
P-2B.08 No annexation of land should be allowed which results in decreased minimum standards for City solid waste collection, stormwater management programs, emergency services and/or telecommunication services provided to existing residents of the City.
P-2B.09 Annexation boundaries should be drawn to eliminate boundary, interjurisdictional, and service problems.
P-2B.10 Necessary rights-of-way and easements should be obtained prior to or at the time of annexation.
P-2B.11 The City should facilitate any annexation in a manner that will minimize financial impact to all residents and businesses.
P-2B.12 The City should annex its urban growth areas (UGAs) in accordance with State statutes as facilities are extended into those areas and as new urban development takes place.
2•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Land Use
General Comments
The Land Use Element establishes City policy
regarding how land may be developed. This
element and its Future Land Use Map (Figure 3.01)
establishes the following six comprehensive plan
land use categories:
¡Low Density Residential,
¡Medium Density Residential,
¡High Density Residential,
¡Industrial, and
¡Open Space.
These categories and their associated areas are
configured in coordination with a wide range
of planning considerations including population
projections and a developable lands inventory, per
GMA requirements. Details on these factors may be
found in Appendices A and C.
Together, the goal and policy framework presented
in this element provides direction in realizing
Port Angeles' long-range vision regarding land
use - including optimizing the city's relationship
with its setting; supporting safe, attractive and character-rich
neighborhoods; creating a more dynamic, successful downtown; and supporting a wide range of recreational opportunities available to the entire community. Objectives related to Land Use goals and policies are included in Chapter 11, Implementation.
Land Use Categories
These land use categories are described below and located on the
Future Land Use Map.
Low Density Residential (Up to seven units per acre)
The Land Use Map identifies three separate categories of residential
development. The first is Low Density Residential, which allows an overall residential density of a project or property to range up to 7 units per acre. The high majority of residentially designated property in the City will be of this designation. It is intended for the development of single family homes. It also allows for the development of accessory residential units and duplexes in accordance with the underlying zoning.
Medium Density Residential (Up to 13 units per acre)
The primary intent of this designation is for the development of
multiple residential unit projects including but not limited to duplexes, townhouses, condominiums, and apartments at a density up to 13 units per acre.
High Density Residential (Up to 39 Units per Acre, except that existing motel or hotel units may be converted to residential units at a density greater than 39 Units per Acre).
The primary intent of this designation is for development at a density up to 39 units per acre and is intended for areas where a higher concentration of residents is compatible with the surrounding area and uses. Condominiums and apartments, are the types of building designs appropriate for this category.
The Land Use Map contains one commercial category, thus providing
maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning Ordinance in regulating the types of commercial uses and their permitted locations.
3•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure 3.01 – Future Land Use Map
The Land Use Map also designates only one industrial category, thus
again providing maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning Ordinance in
regulating the types of industrial uses and their permitted locations.
Open Space
The Open Space category includes areas of the City that contain
unique or major physical features, such as marine shorelines, bluffs,
ravines, major streams, wetlands, critical wildlife habitat, and other
natural areas deemed of significant importance to the community.
This category also includes developed parks and recreational uses. The
development of natural open space areas should be limited to only that
which is necessary and does not degrade the significance of the area.
3•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies n Land Use Map: Goals & Policies
G-3A To guide current and future development within the City in a
manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.
P-3A.01 The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be used as a conceptual guide for determining current and long-range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence.
P-3A.02 All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map.
P-3A.03 The City should investigate the value and utility of form-based codes, either as applied to the entire City or to specific areas within the City.
P-3A.04 All development within the City should be encouraged to utilize low impact development techniques and BMPs, where feasible.
P-3A.05 The City should consider the projected climatic change impacts and adaptation strategies contained in the Climatic Change Preparedness Plan for the North Olympic Peninsula, September 2015.
■Residential: Goals & Policies
G-3B To have a community where residential development and use
of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the
environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the
desired urban design of the City.
P-3B.01 Urban services should be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy.
Chapter 3 - Land Use Element 3•5
Goals & Policies P-3B.02 Single family lots should be of reasonable shape and should have access provided by a collector arterial, local access street or an alley.
P-3B.03 Large lots should allow for future subdivisions at the densities permitted for the zone in which they are located.
P-3B.04 All residential developments should be designed with the provisions of fire protection and service vehicle access as key factors in street design and circulation pattern.
P-3B.05 For efficient circulation, rights-of-way should be obtained and improvements made to further the grid street pattern in the central Townsite area of the City. Cul-de-sacs and curvilinear streets may be permitted when designed as an integral part of the major grid street pattern in the outlying areas of the City, where low impact development standards apply.
P-3B.06 All residential developments should be encouraged to preserve and capitalize on existing unusual, unique, and interesting natural, historic, archaeological, and/or cultural features, should preserve and utilize native and drought tolerant vegetation, should utilize and preserve scenic views, should maximize southern exposures and solar efficiency, should offer protection from prevailing winds, and should be designed to minimize energy use.
P-3B.07 Planned Residential Development techniques should emphasize the overall density of the development rather than minimum lot sizes.
G-3C To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment, and enjoyment, that are attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests.
P-3C.01 Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities, which may be augmented, by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing.
P-3C.02 Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation.
3•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-3C.03 Medium and high density housing should be served by arterial streets of sufficient size in order to satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion.
P-3C.04 Medium and high density housing could be a transitional use between different land uses, provided such other uses would not adversely impact the residential nature of the housing.
P-3C.05 Medium and high density housing policies should apply to mobile home parks.
P-3C.06 Manufactured homes that meet current state regulations should be treated as site constructed housing for zoning purposes.
P-3C.07 The City should expand housing opportunities in the Central Business District for all income levels, with an emphasis on providing additional moderately priced owner-occupied units.
■Commercial: Goals & Policies
G-3D To create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy.
P-3D.01 The City should encourage the recruitment of new and the retention of existing commercial developments and businesses, which are consistent with the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan.
P-3D.02 Public uses such as government offices, public service buildings, and other public and quasi-public facilities and services should be allowed in commercially designated areas.
P-3D.03 The City should vacate rights-of-way to facilitate retention of existing businesses and location of new businesses where land assembly is necessary to achieve the desired urban design of the City.
P-3D.04 The City should consider potential environmental consequences, such as greenhouse-gas emissions and carbon footprints, when encouraging new commercial developments and businesses.
G-3E To provide shopping opportunities which meet the needs of all
City residents and visitors in safe, usable shopping areas that are
compatible with the surrounding area and uses, the environment,
and the desired urban design of the City.
Chapter 3 - Land Use Element 3•7
Goals & Policies Policies
P-3E.01 Urban services should be available for all commercial areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy.
P-3E.02 New commercial developments should follow a cluster configuration rather than a strip pattern.
P-3E.03 Commercial development should buffer its impacts on adjacent residential uses. Where commercial development is adjacent to residential uses, the commercial development should incorporate elements in the site design to soften the impacts on the residential uses.
P-3E.04 Service access may overlap with parking areas to minimize impervious area. Service areas should be separated from pedestrian areas wherever and whenever possible to accommodate vehicular traffic and pedestrian safety.
P-3E.05 Commercial development outside the US 101 corridor should not be in a strip pattern.
P-3E.06 New Comprehensive Plan commercial area designations should not be located along the alternate local cross-town route or the cross-town truck route.
P-3E.07 District shopping areas should be located at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the boundaries of neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served.
P-3E.08 The City should allow neighborhood shopping nodes in residentially designated areas as long as they are in accordance with the planning area/district/neighborhood land use concept and as long as they do not encourage traffic from outside the neighborhood or increase traffic congestion within residential neighborhoods.
P-3E.09 The City should identify neighborhoods lacking nearby accessible services.
P-3E.10 The City should identify locations to develop small commercial opportunities in neighborhoods.
G-3F To provide a pleasant, safe, and attractive shopping environment
in the traditional downtown waterfront area which provides a wide variety of shopping, dining, entertainment, arts, culture, and housing opportunities for visitors and residents alike.
3•8 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Policies
P-3F.01 Commercial development in the traditional downtown should reemphasize its waterfront location and historic heritage, should be oriented to pedestrians and tourists, and should provide maximum enjoyment of the environment and public amenities as well as protection from adverse weather conditions.
P-3F.02 The City should continue to promote improvements to the traditional downtown area, through beautification projects and in cooperation with downtown business merchants.
P-3F.03 Residential uses should be encouraged for the downtown area as part of a mixed-use development concept. The City should encourage the development of live/work spaces in the downtown area while ensuring that the physical environment of downtown residential development is compatible with housing uses by minimizing traffic impacts, maintaining security, and providing and maintaining amenities.
P-3F.04 The City should work with the Port Angeles Downtown Association and all interested parties to develop urban design review guidelines that facilitate architectural elements/features, which should encourage complimentary and aesthetically pleasing new development in the Central Business District (CBD).
■Industrial: Goals & Policies
G-3G To create and maintain a healthy and diverse industrial sector for
a balanced and stable local economy.
P-3G.01 The City should promote a cooperative intergovernmental plan for comprehensive development of industrial infrastructure and amenities to attract and support light and heavy industry.
P-3G.02 Office, commercial, and limited work/live uses should be allowed in specifically designated industrial areas.
P-3G.03 The William R. Fairchild International Airport should be considered an essential public facility as referenced in Appendix B (Clallam County-Wide Planning Process).
G-3H To provide opportunities for industrial development in a manner,
which efficiently uses the community's various attributes and
Chapter 3 - Land Use Element 3•9
Goals & Policies natural resources, has minimal impact on the environment,
contributes to the City's quality of life, and is compatible with the desired development pattern of the City.
P-3H.01 Urban services should be available for all industrial areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy.
P-3H.02 Infrastructure, which makes sites attractive and ready to develop, including transportation facilities and utilities, should be available at industrial parks. Industrial development should be encouraged to follow industrial park design concepts.
P-3H.03 Industrial areas should buffer their impact to mitigate nuisance and hazardous characteristics such as noise, particulate matter in the air, water or odor pollution, or objectionable visual material.
P-3H.04 Industrial activity should be located in three major areas: adjacent to the harbor, around the airport, and along Highway 101 west of Benson Road.
P-3H.05 Because they are hazardous to the community and detrimental to the general environment of the area petroleum refineries, liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas facilities, energy facilities, energy plants and their associated facilities and associated transmission facilities, as defined in Chapter 80.50 RCW, should not be permitted outside the heavy industrial use area and without conditional use review.
P-3H.06 The City should discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to the William R. Fairchild International Airport recognizing the need to coordinate airport related uses and other existing land uses that are already established in the vicinity.
P-3H.07 Limited work/live environments in industrial zones should be encouraged for art or cultural activities that engage in media that are consistent with industrial use. Circumstances should facilitate art opportunities without impacting the industrial integrity of the underlying zone.
P-3H.08 The City should consider the siting of clean-energy facilities (e.g., solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tidal) outside of industrial areas, as a conditional use.
P-3H.09 The City should consider the climatic change impacts of any proposed new industrial activity or expansion.
G-3I To facilitate and encourage redevelopment and reuse of large
closed or isolated industrial areas within the City in a manner that fosters the local economy and a stable job base.
3•10 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Policies
P-3I.01 The City should consider a wider range of uses for redevelopment of large closed or isolated industrial areas than would otherwise be permitted under industrial zoning, including mixed-use development, commercial development and/or residential development as well as industrial uses.
P-3I.02 The City should consider proposals for any needed amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning concurrently with an application for a binding site plan for some or all of the site of a large closed or isolated industrial property, provided that any change to the comprehensive plan will be acted on as part of the City’s annual Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle.
P-3I.03 The City should approve mixed-use or nonindustrial development of large closed or isolated industrial sites, where it is shown that permitting a wider range of uses on the site will not contribute to or encourage the conversion of other industrial areas to nonindustrial use.
P-3I.04 The City should create a planned industrial development overlay zone for the purpose of allowing mixed-use development for large closed or isolated industrial sites.
■Open Space: Goals & Policies
G-3J To create open space for relief within the urban landscape, to
retain natural landscapes, to preserve fish and wildlife habitat,
and to provide natural corridors, which connect wildlife habitats.
P-3J.01 The City should further public interest by designating open spaces to preserve unique or major physical features, such as marine shorelines, bluffs, ravines, streams, wetlands, wildlife habitat and other environmentally sensitive areas deemed of significant importance to the community.
P-3J.02 The City should continue to acquire property that provide opportunities to preserve major physical features providing wildlife habitat and open space corridors between the waterfront and the Olympic National Park.
P-3J.03 The City should limit the use of and access to such natural areas to only that which does not degrade the significance of the area and which protects the rights of property owners.
P-3J.04 Wooded areas, vegetation, and individual trees serve a functional purpose in climate, noise, light, habitat, and pollution control and should be preserved as part of the urban landscape.
Chapter 3 - Land Use Element 3•11
Goals & Policies P-3J.05 The City should discourage intensive recreational uses and impervious surfaces in sensitive open space areas. Permeable materials should be used for walkways and trails in open space areas where feasible.
P-3J.06 The City should consider separating the Public Buildings and Parks zone to an Open Space zone and a PBP zone to differentiate environmentally sensitive areas or natural features and spaces from sites containing public facilities and buildings.
G-3K To encourage the development of parks and recreational opportunities for all residents of the City and to increase access to natural areas in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts, and to achieve the desired urban design of the City.
P-3K.01 The City should include all City-owned parks in its designated open spaces and establish development standards that discourage conversion of open spaces to other uses.
P-3K.02 Development and planning of parks and recreational facilities should follow a comprehensive service and facility plan consistent with the Capital Facilities Element.
P-3K.03 Public parks and recreational facilities should be equitably distributed throughout the City to afford access to all residents.
P-3K.04 Every effort should be made to consolidate and utilize land donated for public use to provide common open space, public buildings, parks, and recreational opportunities, while incorporating LID techniques and BMPs in all projects where feasible.
P-3K.05 The City should preserve and maintain unique or major physical features contained within the boundaries of City parks and recreational areas for access and enjoyment by residents of the community.
P-3K.06 The City should cooperate with the County and other jurisdictions in planning, funding, constructing, and managing multi-purpose recreation and transportation trails which link together various areas of the City, the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (PAUGA), and other areas of the County and region.
P-3K.07 The City should develop neighborhood parks for the developing areas on the west, south and east sides of the City to support new subdivisions
3•12 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
General Comments
The intent of the Transportation Element is to define
in a comprehensive manner how vehicular traffic
and non-motorized modes of travel are to be routed
from one portion of the community to another in
the most efficient, economical, and compatible
manner. The City's Circulation Plan in accordance
with the Statewide National Functional Classification
System identifies the City's principal arterial streets,
minor arterial streets, and collectors with the
remaining streets classified as local streets (See
Figure 6). The City’s Circulation Plan acknowledges
that such a regional system serves many functions.
It is a means of intercity commuting, a way to
promote economic development, a means to
promote a healthy lifestyle, and a way to provide
future utility right-of-way.
Together, the goal and policy framework presented
in this element provides direction in realizing the
City's long-range vision regarding transportation -
including support for a strong economy; creating
walkable, people-friendly environments; and
improving the health and quality of life for all
residents of Port Angeles. Objectives related
to Transportation are included in Chapter 11,
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Goals & Policies n Transportation Goals & Policies
G-4A To develop a coordinated, multimodal transportation system,
which serves all areas of the city and all types of users in a safe, economical, and efficient manner.
P-4A.01 Pedestrian, bicycle, and other non-motorized paths, bike racks, storage facilities, drinking fountains, and benches should be an integral part of the circulation system.
P-4A.02 The safety of non-motorized modes of transportation shall be a primary consideration in the circulation system. Adequate sidewalks, crosswalks, and handicapped access shall be provided in relation to all new subdivisions, and required for all development projects where sidewalks do not exist.
P-4A.03 The collector arterial streets and local access streets should serve primarily local traffic with special emphasis on safety for pedestrian, bicycle, and non-motorized traffic.
P-4A.04 Planning for transportation services and facilities (including public streets, bikeways, pedestrian walkways, and public and private air, marine and land transit services and facilities) shall be performed consistent with the goals and policies of the Capital Facilities Element.
P-4A.05 The City should update the Transportation Element to be consistent with Bill 1487 and the Regional Transportation Plan.
P-4A.06 The City should encourage development of low-carbon-impact transportation infrastructure.
P-4A.07 The City should improve amenities for walking and biking, connecting neighborhoods to downtown, commercial centers and the regional trail system.
P-4A.08 The City should consider converting alleyways into attractive pedestrian zones for access to local businesses. Encourage alleyways for use as pedestrian zones.
P-4A.09 The City should improve trails, sidewalks, streets, and public facilities to encourage walkability and non-motorized transportation.
P-4A.10 The City should work to aid development of the Olympic Discovery Trail which passes through and along key parts of its park, street, pedestrian, and non-motorized transportation systems and facilities.
P-4A.11 The City should develop and employ a variety of equitable, proportional funding techniques that provide mitigation for transportation impacts resulting from new development or redevelopment.
Chapter 4 - Transportation Element 4•3
Goals & Policies Goal
G-4B To improve circulation patterns across and within the community,
and to achieve the desired urban design of the City.
P-4B.01 Traffic flow modifications such as signalization, signing, parking restrictions, channelization, and one-way couplets should be made before physical alterations are made to existing streets.
P-4B.02 The City should divert cross-town truck traffic around the downtown area.
P-4B.03 The City should facilitate an additional route for local cross-town traffic across White's Creek ultimately connecting with US 101.
P-4B.04 In association with these two proposed cross-town routes the City should require adequate mitigation measures to reduce any negative impacts on existing land uses, including buffer areas, pedestrian sidewalks and crossings, bikeways, and reduced speeds.
P-4B.05 The City should facilitate the development of an alternate local cross-town route with improvements, which provide full access at US 101 and SR 117 (the Tumwater Truck Route). Improvements should be made to the intersections of Lauridsen Boulevard at Lincoln and Peabody Streets. Improvements should be made to the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge over Peabody Creek. Improvement should be made for the development of a crossing over White's Creek. The City should revise its development regulations as necessary to preserve the right-of-way within an identified US 101 corridor.
P-4B.06 Alternate local cross-town route improvements should be given a high priority in capital facility planning.
P-4B.07 The City should coordinate with the State Department of Transportation, Clallam County, Clallam Transit System, and the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization transportation planning efforts. This includes recognition of US 101 and SR 117, along with connecting roadways of Front, Lincoln, Railroad, Oak, and First Streets to and from the ferry landings, and along Front Street and Marine Drive and First Street between US 101 and SR 117, as transportation facilities of state-wide significance which are declared essential public facilities under the Growth management Act. Review of potential impacts to these facilities and LOS standards will be incorporated with future updates to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Act.
P-4B.08 Traffic circulation to and from the airport and around associated industrial areas should be improved.
P-4B.09 The City should encourage and participate in the completion of the traffic circulation system for west side development.
4•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-4B.10 New arterial streets, local access streets, and alleys should be designed and constructed to conform to the most current editions of the Statewide National Functional Classification System for Federal Aid Systems, WSDOT, and Transportation Improvement Board minimum design standards and standards as adopted by the City. Permeable pavement is preferred for local access streets and alleys where feasible.
P-4B.11 Arterial street rights-of-way should be acquired by the City in advance of the time of development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan's Circulation Plan Map.
P-4B.12 Principal, minor, and collector arterial streets should be located on the edge of district boundaries wherever possible.
P-4B.13 Off-street parking should be sufficient and accessible within business and residential areas to ensure that the traffic flow of the street is not impaired.
P-4B.14 Road improvements should provide for alternate modes of transportation, and new roads should be evaluated for the ability to accommodate alternate modes of transportation.
P-4B.15 Parking requirements should make allowances for shared parking facilities.
P-4B.16 The City should assist the public transit system by providing convenient access between neighborhoods, residential, commercial, and industrial areas and between major community facilities.
P-4B.17 Police and fire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns.
P-4B.18 The development of the City's comprehensive service and facilities plan for streets, bikeways, pedestrian walkways, and the overall transportation system, and regional transportation plans should all be consistent. These plans, as adopted and hereafter amended, are incorporated herein.
P-4B.19 The City should work with other jurisdictions to identify and protect a right-of-way for a second street accessing the City from the east.
P-4B.20 The City should consider undertaking traffic studies, discussions with Washington State Department of Transportation, local stakeholders, and businesses to investigate the potential impacts and benefits of returning the First and Front Street corridor to two-way traffic on both streets.
P-4B.21 The City should encourage public and private transportation providers to provide greater access and opportunities to residents, including Sunday and holiday service.
P-4B.22 The City should support reduced speed limits on portions of Highway 101 through the City.
P-4B.23 The City should include the development of Race Street intersections with Front and First Streets as architecturally significant National Park gateway in its plans for improvements to the Race Street corridor.
Chapter 4 - Transportation Element 4•5
Goals & Policies P-4B.24 The City should assist public transit providers to develop transportation options for local residents and tourists that showcase regional attractions without cars.
P-4B.25 The City should consider potential environmental consequences, such as greenhouse-gas emissions and carbon footprints, when encouraging new commercial developments and businesses.
4•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Utilities & Public Services
General Comments
The Utilities and Public Services Element identifies
and addresses the various services that make a
community a safe and desirable place to live. It also
establishes policies that define which services are
the responsibility of the City to provide and which
should be provided by the community as a whole.
Taken together, the policy framework presented
in this element will help Port Angeles realize many
of its long-range goals - including sustaining the
natural environment; supporting economic growth
and opportunity; and helping keep services efficient
and cost-effective. Objectives related to Utilities
and Public Services are included in Chapter 11,
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Goals & Policies n Utilities Goals & Policies
G-5A To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities
which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests and to achieve the desired urban design of the City.
P-5A.01 Public facilities should be equitably distributed across the City's planning areas including designated Urban Growth Areas.
P-5A.02 Public facilities should contain provisions for citizens with disabilities and should be constructed according to accepted standards.
P-5A.03 Social services providing home care should be located in residential neighborhoods in a manner that maintains the character of the immediate neighborhood.
P-5A.04 Comprehensive service and facility plans should be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and should be implemented through applicable land use approvals and construction permits.
P-5A.05 The City should plan and seek funding to expand its existing infrastructure, to ensure economic vitality, and to improve the quality of life in Port Angeles.
P-5A.06 The City should encourage age-appropriate services for all-age groups, including youth and seniors.
P-5A.07 The City should promote access to information by investing in a high quality ICT (Information Communication Technology).
P-5A.08 The City should incorporate tribal issues and interests into city projects.
G-5B To support services and facilities through different levels of
participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies.
P-5B.01 The City should be the "primary responsible agency" and should take the lead in cooperation with other governmental entities to provide:
Utility and emergency services (water, sewer, electrical, stormwater, police, fire and emergency medical response services)
Transportation infrastructure, including trails and sidewalks and
Parks and recreation
Chapter 5 - Utilities & Public Services Element 5•3
Goals & Policies P-5B.02 The City should participate as a "financial partner" to support essential programs and services including:
Youth recreation programs and facilities
Library facilities
Senior programs
Low and moderate income housing programs
Facilities for senior programs
Utility assistance for low income households, and
Social and public health services.
P-5B.03 As a "supporter," the City should promote and cooperate in providing programs and services including:
Library programs such as information and assistance
Affordable housing information and referral
Economic and business development services
Tourism information and services
Schools and community learning
Fine arts
Community recreation
Public and private youth, family and senior services
Telecommunications and
Crime prevention programs
Health Care programs.
P-5B.04 The City should develop and use public facilities cooperatively, in the promotion of social and community services.
G-5C To provide safe, clean, usable, and attractive public facilities which
enhance the cultural, educational, economic, recreational, and
environmental attributes of the City.
P-5C.01 Industrial diversification should be supported by the development of urban services.
P-5C.02 The City should place a high priority on installing new utility lines underground and in the existing rights-of-way to increase safety and reliability, and to improve neighborhood appearance.
P-5C.03 Where possible, new utilities should be located in alleys or in the existing right-of-way.
5•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-5C.04 Major parks and large open spaces should provide for a variety of outdoor activities and be located to take advantage of natural processes (such as wetlands and tidal actions) and unusual landscape features (such as cliffs and bluffs), and to integrate stormwater facilities into the natural landscape where feasible (such as LID techniques and BMPs and stormwater treatment wetlands).
P-5C.05 The City’s park and recreation system should provide a variety of settings and activities suitable to people of all ages, characteristics, and interests.
P-5C.06 The City should place special emphasis on the recreational needs of the youth of the community, including bicycle safety education programs.
P-5C.07 The City should encourage more active involvement and communication between education (professional and student), business, community, art and cultural communities to help integrate key people into the startup community.
G-5D To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
P-5D.01 Urban services should be designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area as designated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
P-5D.02 The City should provide urban services only in areas that are logical extensions of areas, which are currently served by such services or needed to implement a specific goal or policy of the Comprehensive Plan.
P-5D.03 The City, at its sole discretion, should extend urban services outside the City without annexation.
P-5D.04 The City should promote and encourage energy conservation, renewable energy, distributed energy generation, improved distribution efficiencies, and recycling efforts throughout the community. The City's own practices should serve as a model.
P-5D.05 The City should promote the joint use of transportation rights-of-way and utility corridors for all forms of transportation, including non-motorized.
P-5D.06 The City should promote coordination between road construction and utility installation.
P-5D.07 The City should allow for simultaneous processing of all development permits.
P-5D.08 The City should promote coordination among adjacent planning jurisdictions to encourage consistency between each jurisdiction's utility plans and standards and the development of a coordinated process for siting utility facilities.
Chapter 5 - Utilities & Public Services Element 5•5
Goals & Policies P-5D.09 The City should identify lands useful for public purposes, such as utility corridors, landfills, sewage treatment facilities, transportation (including non-motorized), recreation, schools, and other public uses.
P-5D.10 Planning for utility services should be consistent with the goals and policies of the Capital Facilities Element.
P-5D.11 New development should be served by sanitary sewers.
P-5D.12 The City, at its sole discretion, should provide sanitary sewer service to urban development, outlying areas within the City limits and in the urban growth areas, to selected areas of intensive rural development to protect basic public health and safety, and the environment, and to the area of the Lower Elwha Valley where the Clallam County Board of Health determines that the rise in the water table from dam removal will cause on-site septic systems to contaminate the aquifer and create an unacceptable risk of human disease, while prohibiting service to other areas of rural development. No provision of sanitary sewer service to a rural area shall permit urban development in that or another rural area.
P-5D.13 Urban services provided in areas outside the City limits and not designated for future rural land uses on the Comprehensive Land Use Map should be sized for potential urban growth in those areas, while generally prohibiting service to areas of rural development.
P-5D.14 The City should consider the policies adopted in the Water Resources Inventory Area 18 Watershed Management Plan, including the provision of water supply to the urban areas in and between the Elwha River and Morse Creek drainage basins.
P-5D.15 The City should provide infrastructure to all industrial lands to encourage development.
P-5D.16 As water and sewer is extended into Urban Growth Areas (UGAs), those hooking up should be required to sign a no-protest annexation agreement.
P-5D.17 The City should extend sewer into the eastern Urban Growth Area (UGA).
P-5D.18 The City should extend sewer into the southwestern Urban Growth Area (UGA).
P-5D.19 The City should encourage the use of renewable energy in both the private and public sectors, providing all reasonable support and advocacy at the State level for regulations and incentives that encourage such installations.
G-5E To provide quality customer service with honesty, integrity and
5•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Policies
P-5E.01 The City should promote efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service.
P-5E.02 The City should promote responsibility and fiscal accountability in the provision of customer service.
P-5E.03 The City should encourage a positive attitude, trust, initiative, and compassion with a high standard of professionalism and open communication among its employees and with the public.
P-5E.04 The City should respect diversity and foster a safe environment.
P-5E.05 The City should work in partnership with the community as stewards of the area’s unique environment and quality of life.
Chapter 5 - Utilities & Public Services Element 5•7
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General Comments
The City recognizes the extreme importance of
available clean, safe, and affordable housing in the
community. A housing needs assessment, titled
Measuring Housing Needs: A Data Toolkit for Clallam
County, was prepared in 2006 for the Housing
Authority of Clallam County. This report is included
with the Comprehensive Plan as Appendix D.
The results of the 2006 study and public input
provided during the 2016 update process influenced
the development of the following goals, policies
and objectives, which strive to achieve Port
Angeles' long-range vision for housing. Beyond
improving the quality, affordability, and availability
of housing for residents, this element is seen to
support community objectives related to economic
development, downtown growth, neighborhood
character, and service-efficient, more cost-effective
development patterns. Objectives related to Housing
are included in Chapter 11, Implementation.
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Goals & Policies n Housing Goals & Policies
G-6A To improve the variety, quality, availability, and attainability of
housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles.
P-6A.01 The City should expand the residential land use options in the Zoning Code by classifying residential zones by allowed density rather than by housing types.
P-6A.02 Residential uses should be allowed in all non-industrial zones. In situations where a limited work/live environment is found to be compatible with an underlying industrial zoning, limited work/live environments may be deemed suitable when the living space is subordinate in nature to the industrial use component and the integrity and intent of the industrial zone is maintained.
P-6A.03 The retention and development of safe and attractive mobile home parks should be encouraged.
P-6A.04 The City should develop a program to improve substandard housing in the City of Port Angeles.
P-6A.05 The City should plan for sufficient urban services to support future housing in a variety of allowable densities.
P-6A.06 Accessory residential units should be allowed in single family residential zones, upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
P-6A.07 The City should promote acceptance of low and moderate income housing through public information programs.
P-6A.08 The City should consider the effect of impact fees on the affordability of housing prior to establishing such impact fees.
P-6A.09 In State and Federal publicly assisted housing under current contracts, the City should require property owners who demolish, substantially rehabilitate, change the use of residential property, or remove use restrictions developments to provide relocation assistance to those tenants displaced as provided for in sections 49 and 50 of the Growth Management Act (See RCW 59.18.440 and .450).
P-6A.10 The City and the County should work together to increase densities in some areas of the sparsely developed southwestern UGA along Lauridsen Boulevard from low density to medium density, consistent with the recently developed airport safety zones and FAA use recommendations.
P-6A.11 The City should investigate the appropriate siting of additional land to be designated medium density and high density.
Chapter 6 - Housing Element 6•3
Goals & Policies P-6A.12 The City should strive to achieve an appropriate balance between attainable market-rate housing and affordable housing and ensure that affordable housing is provided in a way that contributes to the physical appearance and economic and social health of the neighborhoods and the City.
P-6A.13 The City should encourage the use of Green Building techniques for new developments and support Green Built certification for new developments.
P-6A.14 The City should encourage the use of Low Impact Development stormwater management techniques (such as vegetated roofs, permeable pavement, and bio-retention) for all new developments.
P-6A.15 The City should allow for mixed-use opportunities in neighborhoods, including commercial development and mix of housing densities.
P-6A.16 The City should identify opportunities for housing revitalization in targeted areas including the downtown core.
P-6A.17 The City should promote and increase the number of downtown residential living units.
P-6A.18 The City should develop strategies to combat homelessness and housing insecurity amongst residents.
P-6A.19 The City should develop and implement tools to support a range of housing types including affordable housing options.
G-6B To participate with Clallam County and other entities in programs to increase the availability and affordability of public assisted housing and rental units as well as other affordable housing opportunities.
P-6B.01 The City should participate in a county-wide housing task force comprised of representatives from government, financial institutions, business, construction, real estate, non-profit housing entities, and other citizens interested in housing issues. A major goal of the task force should be coordinating efforts to provide affordable housing, encouraging rapid review of low and moderate income housing projects throughout the County, and promoting public education and awareness regarding the need for and nature of affordable housing.
P-6B.02 The City should cooperate with the county-wide housing task force and other agencies in assembling packages of publicly owned land, which could be used for low and moderate income housing and for shelter or transitional housing.
6•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-6B.03 The City, in cooperation with the County, should promote innovative housing techniques and should explore creative regulatory programs for the purpose of creating and preserving existing affordable housing opportunities. Such programs may include the transfer of development rights into high density receiving zones, density bonuses for inclusion of affordable housing in residential development projects, floor area ratios, regulation allowances for guaranteed low and moderate income housing projects, revisions to the existing planned residential developments regulations, increased height limits in medium and high density zones, and high density detached single family residential developments, such as cottage colonies or housing clusters.
P-6B.04 The City should invite the Clallam County Housing Authority to participate in a variety of affordable housing opportunities.
P-6B.05 The City should seek representation on the Clallam County Housing Authority and non-profit housing organizations.
P-6B.06 Adequate low and moderate income housing opportunities should be provided within the Port Angeles Planning Area.
P-6B.07 A scattered site housing construction program should be promoted.
P-6B.08 The City should support affordable housing by developing utility cost savings programs.
P-6B.09 The City should help support the provision of transitional and temporary housing for the homeless and/or displaced families.
P-6B.10 The City should designate specific medium and high density zones where increased building height limitations could be increased.
Chapter 6 - Housing Element 6•5
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General Comments
The Conservation Element establishes the
importance of quality of life to the people of Port
Angeles. A clean, healthy, and diverse natural
environment along with a variety of historical and
cultural amenities are critical elements of a high
quality community.
As with other elements, this chapter provides a
goal, policy and objective framework to support
Port Angeles' long-range vision related to
conservation. This includes efforts to optimizing
the city's relationship with its setting; supporting
safe, attractive and character-rich neighborhoods;
creating a more dynamic, successful downtown;
and supporting a wide range of recreational
opportunities available to the entire community.
Objectives related to conservation goals and policies
are included in Chapter 11, Implementation.
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Goals & Policies n Conservation Goals & Policies
G-7A To create and maintain a community with a high quality of
life where the land is used in a manner that is compatible with the area's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment.
P-7A.01 The City should require all development, including the location and design of all structures and open space areas, to be compatible with the unique physical features and natural amenities of the land and complement the environment in which it is placed, while recognizing the rights of private ownership.
P-7A.02 The City should promote compatibility between the land and its use by regulating the intensity of the land use.
P-7A.03 The City should adopt development criteria, which promote the use of innovative design techniques to provide for the use of the land in a manner compatible with any unique physical features or valuable natural, historical, and/or cultural amenities.
P-7A.04 The City should promote and highlight Port Angeles' plentiful natural beauty, amenities and cultural history.
G-7B To protect and enhance the area's unique physical features, its
natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the
overall environment.
P-7B.01 The City should further the public interest by protecting and enhancing the area's unique physical features, valuable natural historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment, while recognizing the rights of private ownership.
P-7B.02 The City should maintain and preserve its unique physical features and natural amenities, such as creeks, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, ravines, bluffs, shorelines, and fish and wildlife habitats.
P-7B.03 The City should protect and enhance the characteristics of its unique residential neighborhoods.
P-7B.04 Building density should decrease as natural constraints increase.
Chapter 7 - Conservation Element 7•3
Goals & Policies P-7B.05 The City should establish minimum standards for development of properties, which contain or adjoin critical areas for the purpose of protecting such areas and enhancing their natural functions.
P-7B.06 The City should regulate site design, preparation, and development to avoid or minimize damage to wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas.
P-7B.07 Recognizing the functions and values of wetlands, the City should strive to achieve no net loss of wetlands.
P-7B.08 The City should preserve uniquely featured lands, which still exist in their natural states and which are notable for their aesthetic, scenic, historic, or ecological features and should prohibit any private or public development, which would destroy such qualities, or are subject to damage from climatic change, while recognizing the rights of private ownership.
P-7B.09 The City should promote public access to the shoreline, while preserving a healthy shoreline environment.
P-7B.10 The City should enhance and preserve the quality of its air and water as two of its unique physical features.
P-7B.11 The City should protect its air and water quality by minimizing potential new pollution from new and existing sources including climatic change impacts.
P-7B.12 The City should develop and implement a plan to improve water quality, which includes measures to reduce and minimize stormwater pollutants and combined sewer overflow pollutant discharges.
P-7B.13 The City should use regionally consistent requirements for industrial and commercial sewer discharge pretreatment and require new indirect dischargers to locate where appropriate sewer service can be made available.
P-7B.14 The City should maintain and enhance the quality of water resources through the regulation of clearing, grading, dumping, discharging, and draining and the provision of flood and erosion control measures and regulations to protect wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas.
P-7B.15 Through the retention of existing vegetation, the City should protect water quality and prevent erosion.
P-7B.16 The City should designate open space areas to preserve major or unique physical features, to serve as natural greenbelts and wildlife corridors, and to establish an urban edge to the PAUGA.
P-7B.17 The City should identify and preserve significant public scenic view corridors.
P-7B.18 The City should encourage identification, preservation, and restoration of sites and structures that have historical or cultural significance.
7•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-7B.19 The City should give precedence to long-term environmental impacts and benefits over short-term environmental impacts and benefits.
P-7B.20 The City should promote and utilize environment enhancing conservation practices. Those practices may include waste reduction, use of energy efficient and conserving materials, and energy conservation techniques and should also encourage the development and use of alternative forms of energy and transportation.
P-7B.21 The City should coordinate its environmental regulations with County, State, and Federal regulations to simplify the permitting process and to reduce associated costs to the land user.
P-7B.22 The City should reference the 2004 Washington State Citations of Recommended Sources of Best Available Science for Designating and Protecting Critical Areas (as currently adopted) and other research identified as more locally appropriate and applicable (when it is available) as Best Available Science in the Critical Areas Ordinance.
P-7B.23 The City should avoid adverse impacts to archaeological sites by following and requiring best management practices for archaeological preservation.
P-7B.24 The City should publicly recognize the many values provided by trees in an urban setting, identify opportunities to plant trees, and establish a tree management plan.
P-7B.25 The city should implement an urban tree management program intended to retain and/or restore the overall tree canopy in the city by using plant materials as a unifying element and tool to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, using the environmental services provided by trees to mitigate the negative effects of impervious surfaces and vehicular traffic such as increased temperatures, airborne particulates, carbon dioxide, nose, and stormwater runoff.
P-7B.26 Trees should be planted along residential streets, in parking lots, and in other areas as opportunities arise. Trees should be retained whenever possible and maintained using Best Management Practices as appropriate for each tree type.
P-7B.27 The City should seek strategies and technologies which reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by city facilities and operations.
P-7B.28 The City should promote the use of alternative energy, energy conservation technology, and smart energy grid.
P-7B.29 The City should review all new development for impacts on climate change and adaptation to sea level rise.
P-7B.30 The City should implement site-specific requirements for individual development proposals to mitigate any negative impacts created by the development, particularly to an area identified as an environmentally sensitive area.
Chapter 7 - Conservation Element 7•5
Goals & Policies Goal
G-7C To promote community awareness of the importance of
environmental, historical and cultural amenities, the responsible
use of such resources, and the use of the land with minimal
impact on its unique physical features, its natural, historical and
cultural amenities, and the overall environment.
P-7C.01 The City should inform the public concerning the long-term benefits of protecting and improving the quality of the region's air, land, and water.
P-7C.02 The City should encourage the development and implementation of environmental, historical, and cultural awareness programs which focus on local and regional issues, including climate change impacts and preparedness.
G-7D To preserve and enhance the City's shoreline, its natural
landscape, and flora and fauna and to minimize conflicts with present and planned uses in a manner consistent with the State Shoreline Management Act and the City's Shoreline Master Program.
P-7D.01 Shoreline areas should be preserved for future generations by restricting or prohibiting development that would interfere with the shoreline ecology or irretrievably damage shoreline resources.
P-7D.02 Where possible, riparian vegetation in shoreline areas and on tributary streams, which affect shoreline resources, should be maintained and restored.
P-7D.03 Where possible, techniques to rehabilitate degraded shorelines for the purpose of shoreline stabilization and habitat enhancement should be employed.
P-7D.04 Where possible, aquatic habitats including shellfish habitat, and important marine vegetation should be preserved and protected.
P-7D.05 Development patterns and densities on lands adjacent to shorelines should be compatible with shoreline uses and resources and reinforce the policies of the Shoreline Management Act and the City's Shoreline Master Program.
P-7D.06 Where possible, urban service facilities located in shoreline areas should utilize common utility corridors.
7•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-7D.07 Adequate shoreline area for water-oriented commercial and industrial development should be designated based on the Land Use Element.
P-7D.08 Shoreline uses and activities should be located to avoid environmentally sensitive and ecologically valuable areas and to insure the preservation and protection of shoreline natural areas and resources.
P-7D.09 Where possible, utility facilities and rights-of-way should be located outside of the shoreline area.
P-7D.10 Shoreline ecology and resources should be protected when locating utilities in shoreline areas.
Chapter 7 - Conservation Element 7•7
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Capital Facilities
General Comments
The Capital Facilities Element consists of two parts.
The first part is the listing of goals and policies
regarding the City's provision of urban services and
its planning of capital improvements. The second
part is the Annual Capital Facilities Plan which is
adopted separately from the Comprehensive Plan
but is included as part of the plan as an attachment.
The Comprehensive Plan defines urban services in
its definition section, which includes a listing of the
following services and facilities, which should be
available in an urban environment:
¡Surface transportation facilities;
¡Water facilities;
¡Sewer facilities;
¡Stormwater facilities;
¡Solid waste facilities;
¡Parks and recreational facilities;
¡Emergency services (police, fire and medical
¡Public service buildings;
¡Public schools facilities; and
¡Regional facilities (libraries, corrections, and mass transit).
The following goals and policies provide guidance on how these services and facilities should be provided. This includes the
establishment of minimum levels of service standards for each
service. The policies also call for the development of individual
comprehensive service and facility plans which take an in-depth
look at the current status of each service and the projected future
demand for each service and which include a financial feasibility
analysis on the costs of providing each service.
The Capital Facilities Plan is a six-year plan, which establishes how,
where, and when the City will develop the facilities necessary to
provide its various services.
8•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies n Capital Facilities Goals & Policies
G-8A To provide and maintain safe and financially feasible urban
services and capital facilities at or above stated levels of service to all City residents and the general public.
P-8A.01 The Comprehensive Plan should establish general level of service standards for each urban utility and service. Such standards should be used to determine the impacts of development.
P-8A.02 The City should, at a minimum, ensure the continuation of established level of service standards for all urban utilities and services to the extent and in the manner provided herein.
P-8A.03 The City should develop individual comprehensive service and facility plans for the following capital facilities and/or services:
Transportation, including streets, and non-motorized (bikeways and pedestrian walkways),
Water system,
Sanitary sewer system,
Electrical system,
Parks and recreation services, and
Emergency services (police, fire, and medical response).
P-8A.04 The City should cooperate with the appropriate private and/or public agencies to develop individual comprehensive service and facility plans for each of the following utilities and/or services:
Transportation (air, marine and public transit), and
Solid waste collection and disposal.
P-8A.05 Comprehensive service and facility plans should be consistent with the general level of service standards established in the Comprehensive Plan and should establish detailed level of service standards which, at a minimum, meet all local, state and federal health and safety requirements. Each plan may also establish desired level of service standards and should include an inventory of current facilities, measurements of current and future service capacities, the determination of future service and facility improvements necessary to serve the twenty-year vision of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and a financial feasibility analysis.
Chapter 8 - Capital Facilities Element 8•3
Goals & Policies P-8A.06 The comprehensive service and facility plan for streets and non-motorized facilities (bikeways, trails, and pedestrian walkways) should include specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance any street facilities that fall below the required level of service, including demand management strategies which encourage reduced reliance on single occupant vehicle trips and encourage use of alternate modes of transportation such as the bicycles, walkways, and transit riding with incentive programs for and from local businesses.
P-8A.07 The comprehensive service and facilities plan for streets, bikeways, and pedestrian walkways should include a future US 101 corridor to meet long-term local and regional transportation needs.
P-8A.08 Each comprehensive service and facility plan should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the County-Wide Planning Policy, and the State Growth Management Act.
P-8A.09 The City should require concurrency at the time of development for the following utilities and services:
Paved streets, curbs, and sidewalks
Water service,
Sanitary sewer service,
Electrical service,
Solid waste collection,
Stormwater management,
Telecommunications services, and
Emergency services (police, fire and emergency medical response).
P-8A.10 The City should require the following services and facilities within six years from the time of development:
Parks and recreation services and facilities, and
Transit system.
P-8A.11 The City should adopt an annual Capital Facilities Plan consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and State Growth Management Act. The Capital Facilities Plan's financing schedule may be corrected, updated, or modified without being considered as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, following a public hearing before the City Council.
P-8A.12 If projected funding fails for a capital project listed as funded in the City's approved Capital Facilities Plan and development permits have been issued reliant upon that capital project for concurrency, the City should take necessary actions to minimize further degradation of the impacted service or facility. This may include one or any combination of the following actions:
Reduce the level of service standard
Increase funding by increasing revenues
8•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Reduce demand by revising the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and/or Zoning Map
Reduce demand by reducing consumption (i.e., conservation).
P-8A.13 Where existing capital facilities are deficient, the City should remove obstacles to economic development in an area with City participation through a New Improvements for Community Enhancement (N.I.C.E.) Neighborhoods Program.
P-8A.14 The City should adopt a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Management Act as an Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
P-8A.15 The City should require sidewalks be included in all development and redevelopment proposals where sidewalks do not exist at the time of application for development. Permeable materials are preferred for sidewalk construction where feasible.
P-8A.16 The City should develop and implement an Urban Forestry Program to properly manage street trees, park trees, and forested environmentally sensitive areas located within the City.
P-8A.17 The City should create a unified, coherent design element for signage, street lighting, traffic control devices, and similar structures to be used throughout the City and specifically in the downtown area as a method for improved way finding and place identification for visitors and residents alike.
P-8A.18 The City should consider climatic change impacts and adaptation strategies in planning and designing capital facilities.
P-8A.19 The City should improve aesthetics of the community by removing abandoned infrastructure.
G-8B To provide urban streets and utilities at minimum levels of service
for all city residents and the general public.
P-8B.01 All arterial streets shall function at an average daily Level of Service (LOS) of D or better.
P-8B.02 Development on all arterial streets and any other streets identified as school walking routes should include pedestrian sidewalks on both sides of the street.
P-8B.03 The City shall not approve any development that is not served with water service at or greater than the following level of service standards at the time of development:
Single family units: 2 gallons per minute @ 30 psi (Fire - 1000 gallons per minute @ 20 psi for single family residential > 3,600 square feet)
Chapter 8 - Capital Facilities Element 8•5
Goals & Policies (Fire - 500 gallons per minute @ 20 psi for single family residential < 3,600 square feet)
Multi-family units: 1 gallon per minute @ 30 psi (fire per Uniform Fire Code)
Commercial: per Uniform Fire Code
Industrial: per Uniform Fire Code
P-8B.04 The City shall not approve any development that is not served with sewer service at or greater than a level of service standard of 300 gallons per day per person at the time of development.
P-8B.05 The City shall not approve any development that is not served with electrical service at or greater than a level of service standard of 118 volts (120 volt base) at the time of development.
P-8B.06 The City should not approve any development that increases a site's post-development stormwater run-off beyond that allowed by the Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW 2014) as adopted by the City.
P-8B.07 The City should not approve any development that cannot be served with telecommunications service at or greater than the following level of service standards at the time of development:
Residential 1 service per unit
Commercial 1 service per business
Industrial 1 service per business
Cable Television
Residential 1 service per unit
Commercial 0 service per business
Industrial 0 service per business
P-8B.08 Highways of Statewide Significance (HSS) should function at Level of Service (LOS) D or better, consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
P-8B.09 The City should develop a Capital Facilities Plan list, with public input, for prioritizing pedestrian walkway needs.
P-8B.10 The City should seek funding to increase the provision of sidewalks in already developed areas where sidewalks do not occur.
G-8C To provide urban services at minimum levels of service for all city residents and the general public.
8•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Policies
P-8C.01 The Port Angeles School District should develop a capital facilities plan, which the City will consider for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. The capital facilities plan should contain at least a six-year plan for public financing of such facilities as may be necessary to provide adequate public schools at or greater than the following level of service standards in order to meet anticipated increases in student enrollment, which may be anticipated based on the School District's projected enrollment figures and residential growth as provided for in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan:
High School 125 square feet of permanent, appropriate educational
space per student
Middle School 104 square feet of permanent, appropriate educational
space per student
100 square feet of permanent, appropriate educational
space per student
If capacity is inadequate to house students at the established level of service standards (LOS) and adequate school funding is not available, then the demand for new facilities will be reduced (e.g. through year round use of schools or by matching grade and enrollment to facility capacities) or the level of service standards will be reduced to keep both schools and housing development affordable to the majority of Port Angeles School District residents. Imposition of Growth Management Act impact fees on or denial of new development will not be used as a measure to prevent further degradation of school services, unless the reduced level of service standards are deemed unacceptable to Port Angeles School District No. 121, Clallam County, and the City of Port Angeles.
P-8C.02 The City should not approve any development that will not be served with adequate transit service as determined in the comprehensive service and facilities plan for transportation within six years from the time of development.
P-8C.03 The City should not approve any development that will not be served at or greater than a citywide level of service standard of 10 acres of parks per 1,000 population within six years from the time of development.
P-8C.04 The City should not approve any development that will not be served at or less than the following level of service standards at the time of development.
Police 677 persons per one officer
Fire Four-minute response time or residential sprinkler
system installation
Chapter 8 - Capital Facilities Element 8•7
Goals & Policies P-8C.05 The City should not approve any development that will not be served with solid waste collection service at or less than a city-wide level of service standard of 400 pick-up accounts per 1000 population within six years from the time of development.
P-8C.06 The City should participate with the County in the development, maintenance, and implementation of a regional solid waste plan, which addresses collection, disposal, and recycling of solid waste.
P-8C.07 The City should consider the cumulative effect of development on the City's need for adequate public service buildings.
P-8C.08 The City should consider projected climatic change impacts and adaptation strategies to determine whether adequate services can be provided into the future, prior to approving any development.
P-8C.09 The City should prioritize and support public education and Peninsula College, including initiatives for rebuilding schools.
G-8D To participate with the County, State, and Federal governments as
well as other public agencies to provide adequate regional public
P-8D.01 The City should cooperate with the County and the community's health care providers to ensure quality health care facilities within the City that serve the region as a whole.
P-8D.02 The City should cooperate with the County in planning regional library facilities within the City.
P-8D.03 The City should cooperate with the County in planning for adequate correctional facilities.
P-8D.04 Essential public facilities of a county-wide or statewide nature must meet existing state laws and regulations requiring specific siting and permit requirements consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
G-8E To reduce the amount of impervious surface created by new developments and thereby reduce stormwater management costs and environmental impacts to the City and its natural resources, reduce development costs to private property owners, and provide safe and more attractive streets through traffic calming, safe pedestrian amenities, and improved street edge landscaping.
8•8 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Policies
P-8E.01 The City should further revise its existing urban development standards in low density residential areas to include low impact development standards for street, pedestrian and non-motorized access, sewer, and fire suppression to more nearly reflect the needs of suburban densities and conditions in outlying undeveloped areas of the City and PAUGA.
P-8E.02 The City should invest in Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development (LID), and similar technologies to maintain and enhance environmental quality.
Chapter 8 - Capital Facilities Element 8•9
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Economic Development
General Comments
The intent of the Economic Development Element
is to guide decision-making and investments that
diversifiy and strengthen the local economy.
The policies in this element address a variety of
subjects - some stand on their own, while others
require coordination with other elements of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Together, the framework presented in this element
provides direction in realizing Port Angeles' long-
range vision regarding economic development -
¡Optimizing the city's relationship with its
natural setting;
¡Supporting safe, attractive and character-rich
¡Creating a more dynamic, successful
downtown; and
¡Improving Port Angeles' standing as a regional hub for business and port-related enterprises.
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Goals & Policies n Economic Development Goals & Policies
G-9A To create and maintain a balanced and stable local economy with
full employment and emphasis on strengthening the community's traditional natural resource related industries as well as diversifying the overall economic base.
P-9A.01 The City of Port Angeles should remain a major economic center on the North Olympic Peninsula, meeting regional and local needs.
P-9A.02 The City should promote the retention of employment in all sectors of the local economy.
P-9A.03 The City should promote long-term economic stability by encouraging businesses and industries to invest in modernization and environmentally sound technology.
P-9A.04 The City should promote the diversification of the community's economic base by encouraging the location, retention, and expansion of local businesses.
P-9A.05 The City should promote the location, retention, and expansion of small and medium sized businesses, which access their markets and suppliers through telecommunications and available shipping and transit.
P-9A.06 The City should promote in the traditional downtown retail, dining, arts, culture, and entertainment oriented activities that are attractive to both tourists and local residents.
P-9A.07 The City should develop sufficient utilities, improve traffic circulation, and identify environmental constraints in the airport industrial area in cooperation with other governmental agencies.
P-9A.08 The City should encourage training and educational opportunities, which strengthen and increase the variety of skills available in the work force.
P-9A.09 The City should promote the motivation and availability of the community's work force as a major economic development strength.
P-9A.10 The City should encourage inter-jurisdictional discussion and cooperation with other governmental agencies to foster the economic development of the region.
P-9A.11 The City should work with other community organizations in developing an effective business assistance program directed toward the commercial business owner.
Chapter 9 - Economic Development Element 9•3
Goals & Policies P-9A.12 The City should recognize the economic importance to the community in the redevelopment of the Rayonier Mill site and take an active role in assisting property owners to clean up the site to attract the interest of many potential investors.
P-9A.13 The City should pursue a management agreement with Clallam County as a first step to a partnership for developing the UGA.
P-9A.14 The City should support continued development of a strong marine related industry in the Port Angeles Harbor.
P-9A.15 The City should promote the sustainability of the existing art and culture industry encouraging community participation and involvement. Enhancement of the creative economy contributes to the overall health of the community.
P-9A.16 The City should encourage businesses with low carbon footprints.
P-9A.17 The City should consider projected climatic change impacts and adaptation strategies when encouraging new businesses to establish in Port Angeles.
P-9A.18 The City should develop and economy which provides opportunities for Port Angeles' vulnerable and at-risk community members.
P-9A.19 The City should identify bureaucratic obstacles and work to expedite economic development.
P-9A.20 The City should seek to increase Port Angeles' military presence.
P-9A.21 The City should invest in training and education for local residents, by providing access to state-of-the-art technology and training opportunities.
P-9A.22 The City should encourage and incentivize youth entrepreneurship as well as jobs and businesses that attract young families.
P-9A.23 The City should attract and retain businesses and industries which create family wage jobs for local residents.
P-9A.24 The City should provide opportunities for civic cooperation. Coordinate with local non-profit and community service organizations to support economic development.
P-9A.25 The City should prioritize the airport as major economic asset and identify specific incentives to attract commercial services.
P-9A.26 The City should promote and incentivize local business.
P-9A.27 The City should support non-profits and associations which enhance local economic development.
P-9A.28 The City should establish a City Ombudsman to help people and businesses handle complaints, understand and navigate through regulations, and apply for help in coordinating permits and waivers for events, festivals, etc.
9•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies P-9A.29 The City should establish an authority for community events, meetings, trade shows, festivals, etc., to encourage and support them, help find venues, cut through red tape, coordinate volunteer efforts, and publicize them.
P-9A.30 The City should encourage the location and support for adequate venues for community meetings, shows, music art, hobby and user groups, and professional and business meetings.
P-9A.31 The City should support the location of low-cost places where people (especially young people) can congregate and talk, and ensure that these have up-to-date communication facilities.
P-9A.32 The City should recognize art, architecture, music, and performance as important community resources and continue to encourage and support cultural activities.
P-9A.33 The City should support decorating public spaces with more art from the community.
P-9A.34 The City should encourage the design of public spaces that encourage people to interact.
P-9A.35 The City should support the concept and encourage the establishment of Maker's Spaces. (See definition) Public spaces where people make things and collaborate on projects. Spaces are usually equipped with tools, 3-D printers, computers, design software, art and craft tools and supplies.
G-9B To have a healthy local economy that co-exists with the
community's high quality of life through the protection,
enhancement, and use of the community's natural, historical, and
cultural amenities.
P-9B.01 The City should promote the region's high quality environment and available natural and cultural resources as factors in attracting and retaining business, industry, and individual enterprises.
P-9B.02 The City should promote the community's quality public school system and its diversity of other educational opportunities as factors in attracting and retaining business and industry.
P-9B.03 The City should encourage the enhancement of the existing two-year community college through such means as the expansion of its technical curriculum and additional four year degree opportunities.
P-9B.04 The City should promote development of planned office, business, and industrial parks, while conserving unique physical features of the land and maintaining compatibility with other land uses in the surrounding area.
Chapter 9 - Economic Development Element 9•5
Goals & Policies P-9B.05 The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire spectrum of the community's residents.
P-9B.06 The City should recognize, preserve and promote its historic and cultural properties as a measure of its quality of life.
P-9B.07 The City should support landscaping and detailing of the streetscape at the City’s east and west entries.
P-9B.08 The City should utilize the Climatic Change Preparedness Plan in attracting businesses, to demonstrate a proactive approach to climatic change in the area.
P-9B.09 The City should encourage and pursue economic development with positive environmental consequences, including non-polluting industries and eco-friendly business.
G-9C To create and promote a strong tourism industry for Port Angeles,
as well as to recognize and support existing and prospective
tourism attractions.
P-9C.01 The City should support improved access to the Olympic National Park, particularly to Hurricane Ridge.
P-9C.02 The City should work to enhance the public use of Ediz Hook.
P-9C.03 The City should take a leading role in enhancing visitors' first impression of the community by maintaining and upgrading the City’s public facilities, green infrastructure, and strengthen the nuisance abatement program.
P-9C.04 The City should support development of an electric vehicle (EV) charging station network and EV maintenance facilities around the Olympic Peninsula.
P-9C.05 The City should support tourism and recreation activities which highlights Port Angeles' natural, cultural and historical amenities.
G-9D To strengthen and enhance the restoration and reinvigoration of
our downtown historic buildings, infrastructure improvements,
and beautification projects.
P-9D.01 The City should consider best available science on sea level rise and recommended mitigation and adaptation strategies in the development of downtown.
9•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Parks & Recreation
General Comments
The intent of the Park Element is to provide a guide
for the development and management of City parks
in Port Angeles. The goal and policy framework that
follow provide direction in realizing Port Angeles'
vision regarding parks and recreation - including:
¡Optimizing the city's relationship with its
remarkable natural setting;
¡Supporting a wide range of recreational
opportunities available to all;
¡Creating vibrant, well-valued neighborhoods
with access to parks, trails and natural areas;
¡Sustaining Port Angeles' rich arts and cultural heritage and overall sense of community.
The Parks and Recreation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan was developed as an outgrowth of the Comprehensive Park, Open Space, and Recreation Plan created in 2003 by City park staff and incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan in 2007.
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Goals & Policies n Parks & Recreation Goals & Policies
G-10A To acquire, develop, renovate and maintain a system of parks,
recreational facilities, and open spaces to ensure that the contributions of natural resources and recreation to human well-being are maintained and recognized as a value.
P-10A.01 The City of Port Angeles should provide its citizens with a diversity of open spaces, parks, and recreation facilities and programs appropriately distributed throughout the City.
P-10A.02 The City should strive to ensure that equality is achieved to the extent possible in the types and variety of facilities, quality of maintenance, and the range of recreation services provided.
P-10A.03 The City should strive to retain and reflect the natural beauty that attracts visitors, business, and residents to the area.
P-10A.04 The City should continue to forge effective partnerships and strengthen its ties with other public, private, and non-profit providers.
P-10A.05 The City should identify waterfront improvements to increase marine transportation and recreation.
P-10A.06 The City should identify appropriate locations for small (pocket) parks, community gardens and food forests throughout the community and integrate them into its Parks system.
P-10A.07 The City should investigate acquisition of the Rayonier property at Harbor Crest cul-de-sac as park to serve as pedestrian access to waterfront trail.
G-10B To enhance the quality of life in the community by providing
facilities, services, and programs that offer positive opportunities for building healthy, safe, and productive lives.
P-10B.01 The City should provide consistently high quality recreational experiences to residents and visitors through a wide variety of park types and features.
P-10B.02 The City should strive for excellence through efficient, accurate, and skillful performance in every process, service and product delivered by the Parks and Recreation providers.
P-10B.03 The City should keep citizens involved and informed about parks and recreation issues and services.
Chapter 10 - Parks & Recreation Element 10•3
Goals & Policies P-10B.04 The City should manage park facilities in a manner that will ensure public safety, keep the parks free of misuse to the greatest extent possible and result in a sustainable and resilient park system.
P-10B.05 The City should not approve any development that will not be served at or greater than a citywide level of service standard of 10 acres of parks per 1,000 population within six years from the time of development.
P-10B.06 The City should incorporate health and nutrition into parks and recreation programming.
P-10B.07 The City should enhance its parks and recreation system’s safety, variety and accessibility, and identify family friendly features and amenities.
G-10C To establish and protect a visual character of the community through open spaces, streetscapes, borrowed landscapes, and publicly-owned natural resource areas.
P-10C.01 The City should strive to protect and retain the natural beauty of the area.
P-10C.02 The City should supplement and enhance the visual attractiveness of the city through the use of formal landscaping in street medians, city entryways, and along sidewalks, as well as the use of other public spaces, flower beds, and street trees. The City will emphasize use of planter strips with drought tolerant vegetation and bio-retention facilities.
G-10D To provide a sustainable park system that meets the needs of the
broadest segment of the population as possible by managing the
city's available fiscal resources in a responsible manner.
P-10D.01 The City should provide high quality services, emphasize the design of park areas to reduce long-term maintenance and operating costs, and implement improved technology to conserve limited resources such as water, power and people.
P-10D.02 The City should provide programs and opportunities that are sensitive to the needs of all of its citizens, including those with limited financial resources, disadvantaged youth, the elderly, the disabled, and those with other special needs.
10•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Goals & Policies Goal
G-10E To promote economic growth through recreational tourism, and
attract visitors and new business by enhancing the image of the
community through beautification and recreation programs.
P-10E.01 The City should continue to provide or participate with private sponsors to provide high quality recreational opportunities.
P-10E.02 To encourage efficient transportation systems, the City should support the use of shuttle services during events to move participants between venues.
G-10F To provide a system of walking trails and bicycle paths to
complement and coordinate with the existing street system and provide recreational opportunities and physical activity while reducing the dependence on traditional automobile transportation.
O-10F.01 The City should continue to participate as a partner in the extension of the Olympic Discovery Trail through the City to the western City limits.
O-10F.02 The City should continue efforts to improve or provide access to Valley, Tumwater, Peabody, Ennis and White's Creeks through the development of an integrated trails system.
Chapter 10 - Parks & Recreation Element 10•5
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General Comments
The following pages (Table 11.01) list a series
of objectives supporting the goals and policies
contained in this plan's elements, showcasing
a range of actions identified to implement the
community's long-range vision. These objectives
constitute a part of the corresponding elements. It
is provided to help City staff and leadership track
progress, coordinate and combine various actions
where it makes sense to do so, and to help guide
budgeting of work and improvements in a more
realistic, strategic fashion. As with the rest of the
plan, this table represents the input, expressed
priorities and values of the community and its
Each listing includes columns identifying the
anticipated timing of that action, as well as those
primary agencies likely to be involved. These
columns in no way obligate the City or identified
partners to act or participate according to the
timeframes described - rather, the table offers
a means for the community to see, at a glance,
its stated objectives in context of an intended
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Table 11.01 – Objectives
Number Objective Short (0-2 yr.)Medium (2-4 yr.)Long (4+ yr.)COPACLCPOPALEKT Other
Growth Management Act
O-2.01 Periodically update the City’s comprehensive plan as required by Washington State's Growth Management Act (GMA).
O-2.02 Review and update the City’s Buildable Lands Inventory on a biannual basis, helping inform land use decision-making.
O-2.03 Acquire no-protest annexation agreements for all utility connections occurring in the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (PAUGA).
Land Use
O-3.01 Review and revise City development regulations for consistency with each major update of the Comprehensive Plan.
O-3.02 Continue to develop programs encouraging the use of downtown for community events, gatherings, displays, and public markets..
¢Downtown Assn.; Farmers Market
O-3.03 Research and develop a program for consideration addressing approaches to open space preservation, including:
Land banking
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
Purchase of Development Rights (PDR).
¢North Olympic Land Trust
O-3.04 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines to provide for development of low-impact trails in designated open spaces, including permeable materials where feasible.
O-4.01 Design and develop the following segments of the Olympic Discovery Trail:
Marine Drive to 10th Street
City Pier along Railroad Avenue to Laurel Street
Other segments as funding and opportunity provide, coordinated with the City's park, street and trail systems.
¢¢¢Peninsula Trails Coalition
O-4.02 Identify funding and implementation strategies for the Valley Creek Loop Trail, connecting the Valley and Peabody Creek corridors with the Foothills Trail system.
¢Washington State Parks
O-4.03 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, including direction for transportation facility improvements that:
Include including bike path development and maintenance, signage, and storage
Assess cost/benefits of bicycle-friendly infrastructure.
¢Clallam Transit
Abbreviations: COPA = City of Port Angeles; CLC = Clallam County; POPA = Port of Port Angeles; LEKT = Lower Elwah Klallam Tribe; WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation; WA DAHP = Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation; WA DOE = Washington State Department of Ecology
Chapter 11 - Implementation 11•3
Table 11.01 – Objectives
Number Objective Short (0-2 yr.)Medium (2-4 yr.)Long (4+ yr.)COPACLCPOPALEKT Other
O-4.04 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, encouraging public streetscape improvements including:
Street trees
Art and creative community-oriented beautification efforts
Pedestrian and bicycle amenities
Sidewalks on both sides of streets.
O-4.05 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, helping:
Promote joint access and maintenance of driveways
Balance the needs for traffic movement and access to properties immediately adjacent to secondary and primary arterials.
O-4.06 Develop a "Complete Streets" program for Port Angeles, helping identified travelways accommodate all modes of transportation as appropriate for the needs and conditions of each neighborhood or district.
O-4.07 Prepare a study evaluating options for easterly access across Whites and Ennis Creeks in the vicinity of Golf Course Road.
O-4.08 In coordination with the County, RTPO and state and federal agencies, study a future US 101 corridor alignment including evaluation of the Heart of the Hills Parkway and Coastal Corridor concepts. (Route along Lauridsen Boulevard east of Race Street will not be considered.)
¢WSDOT; Clallam Transit
O-4.09 Plan and integrate the following into the Capital Facilities Plan:
Multi-modal street improvements along Edgewood Drive (south side of the airport), Lauridsen Boulevard, Airport Road (west side of the airport), and along Milwaukee Drive to Lower Elwha Road.
O-6.01 Identify appropriate areas of the city for higher-density housing, converting low-density residential areas into medium and high-density designations.
O-6.02 Evaluate revisions to height limitations in all commercial, medium, and high-density zones, helping accommodate increased residential densities without impacting viewsheds.
O-7.01 Review and update the City's Façade Improvement Program to encourage participation in streetscape beautification projects and enhancements along entryway corridors.
Abbreviations: COPA = City of Port Angeles; CLC = Clallam County; POPA = Port of Port Angeles; LEKT = Lower Elwah Klallam Tribe; WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation; WA DAHP = Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation; WA DOE = Washington State Department of Ecology
11•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Table 11.01 – Objectives
Number Objective Short (0-2 yr.)Medium (2-4 yr.)Long (4+ yr.)COPACLCPOPALEKT Other
O-7.02 Develop and maintain an archaeological database, allowing for review and monitoring of ground-disturbing activities. The database should include:
Known archaeological and historical sites
A predictive model prescribing areas of high, medium and low archaeological site potential
A waterfront archaeological overlay
O-7.03 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, including requirements for development to provide:
Dispersion, infiltration and/or retention facilities necessary to protect water quality and provide flood protection and flow control
LID techniques and BMPs where feasible
Permeable paving materials for all sidewalks where feasible.
O-7.04 Identify and inventory “habitats of local importance” areas, helping ensure wildlife corridors are not severed.
O-7.05 Develop and maintain an inventory of wetland delineations completed as part of land use permitting.
O-7.06 Develop and periodically update a stormwater management plan consistent with NPDES Phase II permit requirements.
O-7.07 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, including measures to coordinate new development with the protection of:
Scenic resources
Environmentally-sensitive areas.
O-7.08 Develop and adopt regulations supporting the preservation of identified, historically-significant buildings and sites.
O-7.09 Develop and adopt a tree management program including:
Tree density targets
Urban forest management procedures and guidelines.
O-7.10 Update the City's Shoreline Master Program by 2024.¢
Capital Facilities
O-8.01 Update the City's Capital Facilities Plan on an annual basis.¢¢¢
O-8.02 Develop and implement a schedule for preparation and adoption of all City service and facilities plans, coordinated with the Comprehensive Plan.
Abbreviations: COPA = City of Port Angeles; CLC = Clallam County; POPA = Port of Port Angeles; LEKT = Lower Elwah Klallam Tribe; WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation; WA DAHP = Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation; WA DOE = Washington State Department of Ecology
Chapter 11 - Implementation 11•5
Table 11.01 – Objectives
Number Objective Short (0-2 yr.)Medium (2-4 yr.)Long (4+ yr.)COPACLCPOPALEKT Other
O-8.04 Establish review procedures for capital facilities plan projects, ensuring projects address:
Endangered Species Act requirements
Climate change adaptability
PAUGA impacts
Established levels of service.
Economic Development
O-9.01 Negotiate a vegetation easement with the Port of Port Angeles, providing long-term resolution to concerns regarding trees at Lincoln Park.
O-9.02 Develop policy encouraging the creation of new tourism events, enhancing tourism during the limited value season.
¢Downtown Assn.
O-9.03 Review and update the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, including: Street and parking lot tree plantings
Use of appropriate vegetation in planter strips and bio-retention facilities.
O-9.04 The City will support the implementation of the Mount Angeles View Project including a new Boys and Girls Club, recognizing that the overall project results in affordable housing and child care for the local workforce.
¢¢Peninsula Housing Authority
O-9.05 The City will continue to make improvements as part of the Waterfront Development Plan while providing support to abutting investments made by the Port Angeles Waterfront Center (Preforming Arts Center) and Ferio Marine Life Center.
¢¢Peninsula College Foundation
NOAA Foundation
O-9.06 The City will work with Clallam County to ensure enhancements to William Shore Memorial Pool continue to provide benefits to the Port Angeles community.
¢¢William Shore Pool District
Abbreviations: COPA = City of Port Angeles; CLC = Clallam County; POPA = Port of Port Angeles; LEKT = Lower Elwah Klallam Tribe; WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation; WA DAHP = Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation; WA DOE = Washington State Department of Ecology
11•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Community Profile
City History
The City of Port Angeles has long been the primary
urban center of the North Olympic Peninsula.
The earliest residents of the area were Native
Americans such as the Klallam ("Strong People") and
Makah tribes, who were sustained by the region's
abundant natural resources. These same natural
resources - the naturally protected deep-water
harbor, abundant coniferous forests, prolific wildlife
and marine resources, and an overall natural beauty
also attracted the first non-natives to the area
and continue today to encourage visitors and new
residents alike from all walks of life.
Known variously as "Old Dungeness," "False
Dungeness," "Cherbourg," and "Port Angeles,"
settlement was intermittent and sporadic
throughout the early history of the city.
In 1862 (due largely to the efforts of one man: Victor
Smith, the "Father of Port Angeles"), President
Abraham Lincoln signed an executive order setting
aside 3,520 acres of land on the site as a U.S.
Government Lighthouse and Military Reservation.
Soon after, the original townsite layout was platted
by the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the
townsite of Port Angeles has endured to this day.
Patterned after the plan of Cincinnati, Ohio (substituting the Harbor for the Ohio River), the streets are arranged and named the same: Front, First, Second, etc.; at right angles to these are Tumwater, Cedar, Pine, Valley, Cherry, Oak, Laurel, Vine, and Race Street.
While the City has benefited greatly from that original planning with its grid-pattern street layout, various challenges were also created such as utility service provision and circulatory problems, due to the topography of the land. Seven different streams, with associated ravines, travel through the community flowing north from the foothills of the Olympic Mountains as they wend their way to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. They are: Dry Creek, Tumwater Creek, Valley Creek, Peabody Creek, Ennis/White's Creek, with Lee's Creek, and Morse Creek located within the eastern Urban Growth Area (UGA).
Despite such early planning, major settlement did not take place within the city until 1887, with the founding of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony. A social experiment in communal living, the Colony contributed greatly to the early expansion of Port Angeles.
Although short-lived, this settlement near the mouth of Ennis Creek built a sawmill, lath-mill and shipyard; constructed a 58-foot propeller-driven schooner ("The Angeles"); started the first newspaper in town ("The Model Commonwealth"); and built the first schoolhouse, office building and a city opera house - in addition to founding four different churches in Port Angeles. The colony was largely disbanded by 1889 due to internal disputes, but many of the colonists stayed and blended with the rest of the thriving community.
A•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.01 – Port Angeles, as depicted in a 1917 Army Corps/USGS survey map (Image: University of Texas, Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection)
By 1890, the city population had soared to over 3,000 people, and
the Government Reserve established 28 years earlier had become a bottleneck to progress, completely restricting further development of the city since it could not legally be homesteaded. The result was a "land rush" onto the federal property, as citizens took matters into their own hands as "Reserve Jumpers" that 4th of July - moving en-masse onto the reserve, platting lots, and establishing homesteads. Eventually, forced to recognize this matter officially, Congress conceded ownership to the squatters and opened the Reserve for sale to the public.
The year 1890 was also notable as the year Port Angeles was officially incorporated as a city in the newly established State of Washington, and that same year it also became the County Seat of Clallam County.
Thereafter, the City grew more slowly and developed much as other small towns in the Pacific Northwest. Gone were the early pretensions of becoming a great seaport or second national city patterned after Washington, D.C.
Logging and timber have long been important industries, and in 1914 Port Angeles was home to the world’s largest sawmill. In 1920, a large pulp and paper mill was built by Washington Pulp and Paper Company. Purchased a few years later and operated by Crown Zellerbach for over 60 years, the paper mill, located at the base of
Appendix A - Community Profile A•3
Figure A.02 – This detail of the "Ennis Creek" mural depicts a 1700s-era Klallum village. (Image: Feiro Marine Life Center)
Ediz Hook, is now owned and operated by
McKinley Co.
The City experienced sporadic growth until the linking of Port Angeles with the transcontinental railroad in 1914 brought increased prosperity. As rail transport increased and sea travel waned, Port Angeles surpassed Port Townsend as the major center for trade and commerce on the Olympic Peninsula. Sustained largely by marine trades and the forest products and fishing industries, Port Angeles became a classic American small town and the center of urban life on the North Olympic Peninsula.
In 1922, the Port of Port Angeles was formed. The natural deep-water harbor has always attracted shipping as well as commercial and sports fishing. The Port now operates the Boat Haven Marina and The William Fairchild International Airport, in addition to managing much of the shoreline properties west of downtown Port Angeles.
The first Coast Guard air station on the Pacific Coast was established at Ediz Hook on June 1, 1935. It is the oldest United States Coast Guard Station in the country. The piece of land currently occupied by the Coast Guard Station is the one remaining part of the military reservation that once included all of what is now Port Angeles. The station officially became Coast Guard Group Port Angeles in September of 1944, and received its first helicopter in 1946.
By far the largest civic project was the regrading of the downtown streets, which occurred in 1914. That project created the current street elevation in the downtown - which resulted in basement levels for then-existing businesses (now the "Port Angeles Underground"). The Olympic Power Company was formed in 1911 to construct the Lower Elwha Dam. The County Courthouse was built
A•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.03 – Port Angeles, as located in Clallam County and relative to Washington State.
Figure A.04 – Downtown Port Angeles was dramatically transformed in 1914 when street-level grades were raised 12 feet or more following a massive sluice operation - effectively a man-made mud slide using a nearby hillside for source material.
on Lincoln Street in 1915. A new fire station was built in 1931. A new
police station and jail was built in 1954, and a new City Hall in 1987. In 1953, Port Angeles received the "All American City" award.
Over the past forty years, except for a few periods of more rapid growth in the 1920s and 30s, the city has grown at a fairly stable rate of approximately one percent per year, to its present population of 19,090.
The City has used zoning to coordinate development and growth since the 1930s, and in the early 1960s, made a determined effort to improve planning efforts through development of a "701" master plan along with a new zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance. In 1976, the City again reviewed its planning goals and processes, and adopted the 1976 Comprehensive Plan, which is the immediate predecessor of this Comprehensive Plan.
Even before the State passed the Growth Management Act (GMA) of 1990 requiring cities and counties to revise or adopt comprehensive plans, the City of Port Angeles had decided it was time to revise the existing Comprehensive Plan, and had already begun that process when the GMA established new requirements for comprehensive plans. In response, the City has continued to move forward, consistent with the GMA, meeting all of its requirements, including the mandated completion dates.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•5
Current Characteristics
An essential part of developing goals and setting directions for the
future lies in reviewing the past and evaluating the present. An
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), prepared by the consulting
firm of Nancy A. Ryan and Company for the 1994 Comprehensive
Plan takes an in-depth look at the physical, social, and economic
aspects of Port Angeles. A second addendum to the original EIS was
prepared and adopted for the updates that have occurred over a
three-year period ending in 2004. The following descriptions are
intended to provide the users of this document with a general view
of the community. For a more detailed analysis, refer to the EIS and
the 2004 update addendum.
A•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.05 – This map of Port Angeles' "environmentally sensitive areas" shows general locations of marine bluffs, ravines, shoreline buffers and modified fill areas.
The City of Port Angeles is located in Clallam County on the northern
coast of Washington's Olympic Peninsula (See Figure A.03). It is
less than three hours driving time (including the ferry ride) from
Seattle or Olympia, and is located at the base of the Olympic
Mountains' north slope. Immediately to the north is the coastal
marine environment of the Port Angeles Harbor, one of the deepest
naturally-protected harbors on the West Coast, and Strait of Juan
de Fuca. To the south are the pristine alpine wilderness areas of the
Olympic National Park, to the east is the semi-arid climate of the
Sequim-Dungeness Valley, and within two hours time to the west
is the Hoh Rain Forest and the beaches and rugged beauty of the
Pacific Coast.
The circulation of air around the Olympic Mountains and through the
Strait of Juan de Fuca results in mostly easterly or westerly winds in
the vicinity of Port Angeles. Highest winds are generally associated
with intense winter storms, and may be from either an easterly or
westerly direction. On most summer afternoons, a moderate to
strong westerly breeze can be expected. Wind velocity and direction
vary with the season. Winds from the west predominate and are
strongest during the summer, averaging about 14 miles per hour.
Winds from the south and east occur more frequently during the
winter, with an average velocity of about nine miles per hour.
Port Angeles is located in the Port Angeles watershed, which drains
65,000 acres (101.5 square miles). A gradually-descending slope
from the Olympic Mountains north to the Strait of Juan de Fuca
characterizes the topography of the immediate Port Angeles area.
Steep hillsides and bluffs of 50 to 150 feet in elevation mark the
northern edge of the slope. This region is segmented by streams,
which flow from the mountains toward the strait and have formed
V-shaped ravines that are much lower in elevation than surrounding
areas. These ravines contain the following major creeks passing
through the community to Port Angeles Harbor and the Strait of
Juan de Fuca: Dry Creek, Tumwater Creek, Valley Creek, Peabody
Creek, Ennis/White's Creek; Lee's Creek and Morse Creek are
located east of the City limits in the UGA. The Elwha River is located
approximately 1.25 miles west of the City, and is the primary water
Appendix A - Community Profile A•7
source for the city. Very few sites in the City obtain potable water
from wells.
Port Angeles is located in an area replete with wildlife. The City is
located adjacent to Olympic National Park and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The drainages that pass through Port Angeles provide wooded corridors and habitat for a wide variety of wildlife. Various freshwater wetlands are scattered throughout the city. Port Angeles Harbor is approximately 2,435 acres in size and is one of the deepest natural harbors on the west coast. It provides habitat for many aquatic species.
Identification and classification of all fish and wildlife habitats within the City has not been developed. A Shoreline Habitat Assessment authored by Pentec Environmental was completed in 2001 and provides a basis for understanding the Port Angeles Harbor near-shore environment. In addition, several studies have evaluated eelgrass beds and kelp forests, habitat conditions, water quality, and substrate contamination in the harbor.1
A Wetlands Inventory developed in 1995 by Sheldon and Associates of Seattle, Washington, provides a foundation for protection of local surface and groundwaters from degradation, identifies habitat areas to protect and restore, and for developing a city-wide stormwater management plan. Additional wetland delineations have been completed and added to the inventory since the original inventory.
The wooded riparian areas provide food, cover, spawning, breeding, and rearing areas for a wide variety of wildlife species. Trees and other plants shade streams and help keep water cool while stabilizing banks and providing food and habitat for insects, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds and fish. Trees also provide cover for wildlife. When trees die and fall into the streams, the logs create small dams and pools that offer fish rearing habitat and cover from predators. Logs that remain on land provide cover for wildlife. Wildlife from the ravines also make use of surrounding developed properties and undeveloped lands for foraging.
Within Clallam County, the Washington State Department of Wildlife (Priority Habitats and Species program) has indicated that there are 15 "priority habitats" and 104 "priority species" listed in Clallam County.2 Due to an agreement with the Department of Wildlife, the
1 Eelgrass Mapping Along the Elwha Near-shore, June -September 2006, Norris & Frasier
2 State of Washington Priority Habitats and Species List, August 2008
A•8 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
location of these habitats is not made available. The locations have
been reviewed and considered as part of this analysis.
The location of other less sensitive species has been identified in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). In particular, there are three areas that harbor seals use for haul-out. Those sites are the beach at the former Rayonier Mill site, Hollywood Beach near downtown, and the south shore of Ediz Hook in Port Angeles Harbor. Department of Wildlife maps identify an area along the Harbor side of Ediz Hook that has "regular large concentrations" of shorebirds. The bluff along the shoreline also provides a special and valuable habitat for shorebirds and other wildlife.
Within the Olympic National Park, Roosevelt Elk roam the slopes of the mountains. Other wildlife include black bears, cougars, coyotes, beavers, minks, raccoons, otters, wolves, eagles, hawks, ravens, and grouse. Fisher have recently been reintroduced into the Olympic National Park as well. Mountain goats were introduced to the Olympic National Park during the last century and have become well-established.
All of the creeks that make up the Port Angeles watershed are used for fish habitat, but most have barriers to fish migration. Coho, cutthroat and possibly steelhead use Dry Creek. Tumwater Creek provides anadromous use by coho, cutthroat, and steelhead well-upstream of the City limits. Valley Creek and Peabody Creek may be used by sea-run cutthroat, however, these runs are not felt to be self-sustaining. The stream ravines provide sections of relatively high quality habitat, and are recognized by the State as sustaining significant populations of resident fish and potentially having salmon runs restored - once downstream impediments are removed. The resident fish currently present in Ennis Creek are coho, sea-run cutthroat, and steelhead. The fish migrate up to 4.9 miles from the Port Angeles Harbor. White's Creek, which joins Ennis Creek, contains coho, steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat only up to Front Street. The estuary at Valley Creek was restored to its original condition as a mitigation action in 1996. Extensive restoration of Valley Creek has been accomplished upstream from the southern end of Valley Street to the Highway 101 crossing. Restoration efforts have been supported by City land acquisitions along the lower portions of Valley Creek, with the intent of future restoration projects.
Natural Resources
There are very limited forest areas, and no mineral lands located
within the City. Much of the forested areas are located within
Appendix A - Community Profile A•9
A•10 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.06 – This chart shows the number of parcels associated with Port Angeles zoning categories.
Figure A.07 – Developed and undeveloped industrial-zoned land, in acres.
Figure A.08 – Developed and undeveloped residential-zoned land, in acres.
Industrial Developed
Industrial Undeveloped
Industrial Zone
Land Use
% of Residen:ally Zoned Parcels Remaining
stream ravines or along the marine bluffs. Approximately 35 acres
of developable lands remain forested. Lincoln Park and Shane park also contain forested areas that are protected from development, however the trees in Lincoln Park are beginning to penetrate the air space needed for approach to Fairchild Airport, and will likely be removed in the future. The City of Port Angeles contains 26 miles of marine shoreline including Ediz Hook, a four-mile-long sand spit, and 17 miles of streams.
Diverse scenic resources are abundant in Port Angeles. Notable visual elements include the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Ediz Hook, Vancouver Island, San Juan Islands, Mt. Baker, Hurricane Ridge, and the Olympic National Park. Of special note are the views along the bluffs above Port Angeles Harbor. The Ocean View Cemetery at the west edge of town provides views northward and along the coastline. The beaches and beachfront trail along the shoreline also offer views of Ediz Hook, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and Vancouver Island. Ediz Hook has superlative views of the Strait, mountains, waterfront, and the city.
The vegetated creek ravines offer wooded open space, providing wildlife habitat and corridors connecting the waterfront with the foothills. Other open space amenities include wetlands, steep slopes, marshes, hilltops, and even open fields.
The primary sources of noise in Port Angeles is air traffic from the
airport and the Coast Guard base, industrial activities along the Port Angeles Harbor shoreline, vehicular traffic, and construction activities. The ambient noise levels within the City of Port Angeles would be expected to vary depending on location within the city.
In 1986, a Noise Compatibility Planning Study was conducted for the Fairchild International Airport under the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Regulations. The Planning Study included analyses of both existing and projected noise levels associated with the aviation traffic.
The one remaining mill along the waterfront is a source of noise and is in a difficult place to provide noise attenuation. Since the mill is visible from many residential areas on the bluff top to the south, these residences can be expected to receive the greatest noise impacts.
The Rayonier Mill closed in late 1990s, leaving no noise-producing industries east of the downtown area. The K-Ply mill near downtown
Appendix A - Community Profile A•11
closed in 2011, with site remediation completed in 2016. The Port
of Port Angeles intends redevelopment of the site for marine trades industries.
Higher noise levels are allowed for motor vehicles operations on public roads. Warning sirens and temporary construction equipment are generally exempt from the noise regulations. Traffic levels would be expected to be highest along major transportation routes of US 101, First Street, Front Street, Lincoln, Lauridsen Boulevard, Race Street, Tumwater Truck Route, and Marine Drive.
The population for the City of Port Angeles in 1993 was 18,270; this
represented an increase of three percent over the 1990 population of 17,710. The population for Clallam County in 1993 was 61,400. The percentage of the County population residing in the City dropped to 28.5% in 2004. The 2000 population of 18,397 marked a 3.7%
A•12 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.09 – Planning areas defined for purposes of this comprehensive plan.
increase over the 1990 population. The population had risen to
18,740 by 2007, and was 19,090 in 2015.
The State Office of Financial Management (OFM) has projected a five percent growth rate over the next 20 years for Clallam County; this, along with a linear projection for Port Angeles, is illustrated in Table A.01. The City population so far not grown at the projected rate.
Table A.01 - Population Projections based on Office of Financial Management
Population 2010 2015 2025 2035 2045
Port Angeles 19,038 20,509 23,802 27,623 32,058
Clallam County 71,404 75,717 85,142 95,739 107,655
The population figures in Table A.01 are projections based on an
estimated 1.5% growth rate. These numbers are considered high
due to the historic growth rate for the City of 0.36% per year. Using
information from the 2010 census, the percentage of Clallam County
population attributed to the City of Port Angeles was 28.5%. The
portion of the County population occurring in the City has been
declining in recent years from a high of 47% in 1970 to a 2014 low
of 26.3%. City population has grown by 52 people since the 2010
census data was collected, while the population of Clallam County
increased by 1,096 people.
Land Use
The City of Port Angeles contains 10.7 square miles or 6,856 acres
of land area. There are residential areas, industrial areas and
commercial areas with a fairly well defined Central Business District
(CBD). Figure A.06 shows the number of parcels within each zone.
Port Angeles currently has land available in each zone designation to
meet the anticipated future needs for developable lands. Figure A.07
and Figure A.08 indicate the amount of available land for industrial
and residential lands, respectively.
Currently, there are 567 parcels developed with infrastructure
available for residential development.
Community Facilities
Community facilities include a 126-bed hospital, one public library,
one fire station, one police station, 22 developed parks, the Senior
Services Community Center, a public swimming pool, the Vern
Burton Community Center, a publicly owned cemetery, one private
Appendix A - Community Profile A•13
golf course, four cultural centers (Port Angeles Fine Arts Center,
Arthur D. Fierro Marine Lab, The Lower Elwha Klallam Cultural Center, and the Clallam County Historical Society Museum).
The Port Angeles School District Number 121 serves the City of Port Angeles and its surrounding community. The District operates four elementary schools, one middle school (grades 6-8), one comprehensive high school, one alternative high school, and is host to the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center. Within the City of Port Angeles, there are three elementary schools; these are Franklin Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, and Jefferson Elementary. Stevens Middle School, Port Angeles High School and Choice Alternative School provide secondary education. The Skills Center, working closely with Peninsula College, provides the latest vocational/technical education in a competency-based learning environment. The Port Angeles School District has closed one middle school and two elementary schools located outside of the City limits in recent years. These closures resulted in a concentration of students in
A•14 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.10 – Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) defined for purposes of this comprehensive plan.
the schools within the city limits. The closures reflect an aging
demographic in Port Angeles, and in Clallam County in general.
Peninsula College is a comprehensive community college located in Port Angeles. The campus is located at the east edge of the city.
By partnering with community organizations and other institutions of higher education, Peninsula College is helping to enhance and strengthen educational and training opportunities for everyone on the peninsula. Recent initiatives include developing the Applied Environmental Technologies Center of Excellence by working in collaboration with several local entities, including the Clallam County Economic Development Council and private businesses; collaborating with the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center and Business Incubator Network to provide training programs for young people, the work force, and growing local businesses; and partnering with the Workforce Development Council to provide services to expand the use of technology in the Medical Assistant Program and to provide training as part of the Work Source Affiliate Site.
Peninsula College also collaborates with several-four-year colleges and universities to provide opportunities for local residents to earn bachelor degrees on the peninsula. These collaborations include a new partnership with Western Washington University’s award-winning Huxley College of the Environment that allows peninsula residents to earn their Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees on the Peninsula College campus without having to leave the area or face long commutes to Bellingham. It is also possible to earn a bachelor’s degree in education. Collaboration with City University allows Olympic Peninsula residents to earn a bachelor’s degree in education; University of Washington-Bothell allows individuals to earn a bachelor’s degree in Nursing; Washington State University allows residents to earn eleven different degrees via distance learning; and the East Jefferson Education Consortium allows individuals to pursue a variety of degree opportunities through the 12 universities and educational organizations that have partnered with Peninsula College in this consortium. The partnering entities - in addition to Peninsula College - include Centrum Center for the Arts; Chapman University Bangor Campus; City University; Port Townsend Marine Science Center; Southern Illinois University Program in Workforce Education and Development (offered at Bangor); University of Washington; Washington State University, and Western Washington University.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•15
The college currently employs 66 full-time faculty, 146 part-time
faculty and 96 persons as staff and administration on the Port Angeles campus.
The Port of Port Angeles operates a 16.1-acre marina, with approximately 375 boat slips and 3,000 feet of dock for tie-ups, and a public boat yard for repair and maintenance. The Boat Haven Marina was upgraded during 2007-2008. The port also operates the William R. Fairchild International Airport and the downtown ferry terminal serving the privately owned Coho ferry.
Planning Areas
The Comprehensive Plan divides the City into eight planning areas.
For the purpose of description, the individual planning areas are identified as the Harbor, Northwest, Southwest, North Central, South Central, East, Eastern Urban Growth Area and Southwestern Urban
A•16 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.11 – Port Angeles neighborhoods defined for purposes of this comprehensive plan.
Growth Area planning areas. These areas are located on Figure A.09
and are described as follows:
The Harbor planning area includes all shoreline areas adjacent to
Port Angeles Harbor and contains the Coast Guard Station, the City-operated boat ramps, Harborview Park, and the McKinley Paper Company Mill, all on Ediz Hook. The historic downtown and waterfront are also essential parts of this sub-area. The boat haven marina, log export terminal, the Coho Ferry terminal, and City Pier Park line the waterfront. Entertainment activities (movie theater, bookstores, antique shops, galleries, historic underground tour and restaurants) abound within the pedestrian-oriented central business district.
Also in the Harbor planning area is the former Rayonier Mill site. The mill has been closed since 1997, and has been demolished. The site is undergoing remediation for clean-up of materials left from the previous mill operation. The site is intended to become available for redevelopment in the future. In 2013, the City purchased a five million-gallon storage tank that remained on the site and has incorporated the tank into its stormwater management facilities for the remediation of combined sewer overflows into Port Angeles Harbor.
The Northwest planning area covers the western edge of the city lying
west of Tumwater Creek and north of Fairchild International Airport. This area is comprised largely of older homes, however recent growth pressure has led to new subdivisions and home construction in the area. There is a commercial area located at 8th and "C" Street, serving the residents of the west end of the City. A pocket of industrial/commercial activities is located along the Tumwater Truck Route near the US 101 junction. This area of town has limited access because of the Tumwater Creek ravine and the bluffs. The Northwest Planning Area has the largest segment of undeveloped residential land within the current City limits.
The Southwest planning area includes Fairchild International Airport,
the Clallam County Fairgrounds, Ocean View Cemetery, the Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station, The Extreme Sports Park, Fairchild International Airport and Lincoln Park. In 2005, the city annexed 358 acres of land into the southwest planning area. Much of the area is included in the Eclipse Industrial Park. Industrial development is located at the airport industrial park, and the area was annexed in 2005. A few homes lie within the City limits along Lower Elwha Road, but otherwise
Appendix A - Community Profile A•17
this planning area contains predominantly industrial and public land uses.
North Central
The North Central planning area is an older, denser portion of town. It is an area bounded on the west by the Tumwater Creek ravine and divided by Valley Creek and Peabody Creek ravines. It contains City Hall, Clallam County courthouse, the William Shore pool and the Carnegie Library museum. The commercial uses along Lincoln Street provide community shopping opportunities. Recreation is provided by a number of neighborhood parks. Much of the city's multifamily housing is within this planning area.
South Central
The South Central planning area is the area of town with newer homes on larger lots. This planning area was annexed into the City after much development had occurred. The street pattern changes from traditional townsite blocks to smaller lots in older areas and large blocks and cul-de-sacs in newer areas. The Port Angeles High School lies within this planning area. The Olympic National Park Headquarters and Visitors Center is along the Heart of the Hills Road.
The East planning area is the area east of Race Street to the eastern city limits. This area has a mix of older homes and newer residential subdivisions and development, as well as a portion of the First and Front Street commercial corridor. This planning area includes Peninsula College facilities and Peninsula Golf Club.
Urban Growth Areas
Eastern UGA
The Eastern Urban Growth Area (UGA) is generally the area east of the city limits.
A•18 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.12 – Downtown is Port Angeles' smallest neighborhood, but it's also the city's most dynamic, featuring dozens of shops, restaurants, beach and community gathering areas, and the Coho Ferry serving Victoria, BC. (Image: Studio Cascade, Inc.)
Remnant properties in the UGA that are located south of the city limits and east of Valley Creek are considered to be in this UGA until annexation occurs, whereby they will be considered to be part of the adjacent planning area. Policies for this planning area are adopted by Clallam County as a part of the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan.
Western UGA
The Western UGA is generally the area west and south of the City limits. Remnant properties in the UGA that are located south of the pre-2005 city limits, north of Highway 101 and west of Tumwater Creek as far as Reddick Road are considered to be in this UGA until annexation occurs, whereby they will be considered to be part of the adjacent planning area. Policies for this planning area are adopted by Clallam County as a part of the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan.
The City's planning areas are made up of 18 separate neighborhoods. The distinct neighborhoods are described in the following sections.
The downtown neighborhood is the smallest neighborhood, extending north from the marine bluff to the waterfront and east from Valley Street to Chase Street on the east, and extending east along the Waterfront Trail to Vine Street (extended). The Downtown neighborhood is the traditional community center of the City. Many of the structures are two stories tall, with a few having residential uses on the second floor, or are used for offices. Many others are in disrepair, or are vacant. Buildings in the downtown area span several decades and architectural styles, some dating to the early 20th century. Few structures are more than two stories tall. The Lee Plaza is the major residential structure in the downtown area, and is managed by the Clallam County Housing Authority for low-income individuals. The City's Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance support increased residential uses in the downtown.
The downtown is a walkable neighborhood, with ample sidewalk areas, mid-block crosswalks and a large variety of eateries and gathering places. A locally-owned natural foods market, specializing in organic products and locally-grown produce anchors the west end of the downtown area. Washington State Department of Health and
Human Services operates out of a downtown location. Ample parking
is scattered throughout the downtown area. There are no longer any
large anchor chain stores in the Downtown, however there are many
individual shops providing unique items, such as beads, books, candy,
Appendix A - Community Profile A•19
brewing supplies, boutique clothing, athletic goods, auto parts, novelties, gifts, art and furniture.
Several City projects have been undertaken in the downtown in recent years. Water mains, sewer lines, sidewalks and street trees have been replaced. The sidewalks are constructed of pavers to enhance the aesthetics of the area.
A recent project has replaced shoreline armoring along a portion of Railroad Avenue west of the ferry landing. Improved waterfront treatments and removal of hard armoring in favor of two pocket beach areas has returned areas further west to a much more natural appearance. This project also resulted in the formal extension of the Olympic Discovery/Waterfront Trail through the downtown area, and created a block-long park on the west end of the Downtown, which complements
City Pier Park located at the east end of the
The Downtown is an international port, hosting
the Coho Ferry, which provides direct access to
Victoria Canada.
Pine Hill
The Pine hill neighborhood extends from the center of Valley Creek ravine on the east to the center of Tumwater Creek ravine on the west. The northern boundary of the neighborhood is the marine bluff and the southern boundary is Highway 101.
Pine Hill neighborhood is one of the older central city neighborhoods. The urban character of this neighborhood is similar to several other older neighborhoods, typically featuring 7,000 square-foot lots and standard grid pattern streets. The homes in this area typically are older structures built in the early 20th century, with a variety of more recent infill homes scattered throughout the area. The predominant style of house is typically American Craftsman.
A•20 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.13 – 2016 updates to the Comprehensive Plan support greater housing diversity in Port Angeles neighborhoods, providing options for all. (Image: Studio Cascade, Inc.)
The area is generally level, with a slight rise from north to south. This aspect limits views towards the water (north) but many homes have views of the Olympic Mountains to the south.
Very few commercial uses exist in this neighborhood. Those commercial uses that do exist are located along the 8th Street corridor. The Pine Hill neighborhood is only served by transit along 8th Street. Sidewalks do exist throughout the neighborhood.
West End
The West End neighborhood extends west from 'M' Street to the marine bluff, and south from 10th Street to 18th Street, and is one of the least-developed areas of the city. Larger-lot zoning (up to 11,000 square feet) and the allowance for curvilinear streets and cul-de-sacs result in a more suburban character. The neighborhood contains five different zone designations, allowing a range of densities from less than four dwelling units per acre to 12.44 dwelling units per acre. Two residential manufactured home parks exist in the neighborhood. Serenity House of Clallam County, Clallam County Housing Authority, and Habitat for Humanity all have developed housing for low-income families in the area.
Much of this area remains undeveloped with large tracts of forested land. Two areas in the neighborhood have been set aside and used by industrial interests to store low-hazard waste materials, making those sites unlikely to be redeveloped in the near future.
Several newer (1970s to current) subdivisions have been developed in this neighborhood, however not all of the developed lots are occupied yet. Many excellent building sites are developed with urban services but remain vacant. Homes in the area are newer, many of them single-story, ranch style structures.
Although the development in this area is newer than other
neighborhoods, streets are developed with few sidewalks for
pedestrian use. No commercial services are available in the area. Due to
this limitation, the neighborhood is not considered highly walkable. The
Olympic Discovery Trail spans the neighborhood following Milwaukee
Drive from 10th Street to 18th Street. The City-owned Ocean View
Cemetery is located at the northwest limit of the neighborhood.
Views from this neighborhood are primarily to the Olympic Mountains;
the few developments west of Milwaukee Drive have outstanding views
of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
The airport neighborhood extends west from 'M' Street to the western City limit and south from 18th Street to the City's southern limits,
Appendix A - Community Profile A•21
and is the City's largest neighborhood with 1,217 acres. The primary land use is the William Fairchild Airport. The airport also contains an industrial park situated on the north side of the runways and south of 18th Street. The neighborhood also contains the City's refuse transfer station, recycling center, and compost facility. The Extreme Sports Park is located in the neighborhood's southwest corner. Several large tracts of forested land and farm sites exist in this neighborhood. This is the least populated neighborhood in the City.
Cherry Hill
The Cherry Hill neighborhood extends from Lincoln Street on the east to Valley Creek on the west, and from Lauridsen Boulevard on the south to marine bluff on the north. This is an older neighborhood, and contains a large portion of the City's High Density Residential zoning located at the north end of the neighborhood. The southern portion of the neighborhood is primarily single-family residential zoning. The 8th Street commercial corridor separates the two zoning districts, and
A•22 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.14 – Port Angeles' street system.
a second commercial corridor extends north and south along the west side of Lincoln Street.
The neighborhood contains three small parks and the east slope of the Valley Creek ravine. Homes in the area are mostly older structures.
Peabody Creek
The Peabody Creek neighborhood extends east of Lincoln Street to Race Street, and from 8th Street on the south to the Georgiana/Front alley on the north. The boundaries of the Peabody Creek neighborhood are all comprised of commercial corridors, with high-density residential uses west of Peabody Creek and single family residential uses east of the creek. Peabody Creek Ravine divides the neighborhood diagonally from the southeast to the northwest. The neighborhood contains Jesse Webster Park, Erikson Park, and the Dream Playground; it also contains City Hall, Clallam County Courthouse, and the Senior Center.
The Crown neighborhood extends from 'I' Street on the east to the marine bluff on the west and from 10th Street on the south to the top of the marine bluff on the north. The Crown neighborhood contains Crown Park which provides panoramic views from the bluff top. Hamilton Elementary School is located within this neighborhood. The neighborhood is primarily a single-family residential neighborhood and contains no commercial zones. Much of the housing in the area is newer and there are still areas that are undeveloped.
Ediz Hook
The Ediz Hook neighborhood is made up of Ediz Hook itself along with the waterfront area extending west of Valley Street. The neighborhood is unique in that there are no residential uses in the neighborhood, with the exception of full-time residential use of boats in the marina.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•23
Figure A.15 – The Clallam Transit system provides service covering large portions of the county. Four routes circulate within Port Angeles' city limits.
The primary uses are industrial, with a few commercial activities that
support the industries. Several large industries make up the major
uses, including the McKinley Paper Company mill, Westport Marine
and Platypus Marine. Tesoro Petroleum provides fueling operations
for large ocean-going vessels. Icicle Seafoods and the Puget Sound
Pilots office and facility are located at the east end of Ediz Hook. The
Port of Port Angeles owns and operates several industrial/commercial
operations along the waterfront, including log storage and bark
removal, topside repair of large ocean-going vessels, and berthing of
navy support boats. They also own and operate the Boat Haven Marina.
The Native American village Tse-wit-wen is also located within the
Ediz Hook neighborhood. Ediz Hook itself provides outdoor recreation
opportunities through the Sail and Paddle Park at the west end of the
spit, and Harbor View Park at the east end. The parks are connected by
an extension of the Olympic Discovery Trail. A boat launch is provided
at the east end of the spit and at the Boat Haven Marina. Ediz Hook
has recently undergone extensive habitat restoration efforts led by the
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe.
The Georgiana neighborhood extends north from the Georgiana/Front
Street alley to the waterfront, and extends from Vine Street on the
west to the Whites Creek Ravine on the west. Although this is primarily
a single-family residential neighborhood, the Olympic Medical Center's
hospital and associated medical support offices make up the bulk of
uses in the central portion of the neighborhood. Two parks are located
A•24 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.16 – Commercial flights to and from Fairchild Airport have ceased, but the facility remains an important part of Port Angeles' economic development strategy.
in the neighborhood - Georgiana Park and Francis Street Park - which provide access to the Waterfront Trail. The abandoned Rayonier Mill site is located on the waterfront at the east end of this neighborhood.
Harbor View
The Harbor View neighborhood extends from the Tumwater Creek Ravine west to 'I' Street and north from 8th Street to the marine bluff. This is also primarily a single-family residential zone, with commercial uses located only at the intersection of 8th and 'C' Street. Shane Park is the only park in the neighborhood.
The Jefferson neighborhood is located between Lincoln Street on the west and Race Street on the east. It is bounded on the south by Lauridsen Boulevard, and on the north by the 8th Street corridor. This neighborhood is also primarily a single-family residential neighborhood, with the exception of uses on the south side of the 8th Street corridor.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•25
Figure A.17 – Port Angeles' station and fire response map.
Jefferson Elementary School is located in the southwest corner of the neighborhood.
The Civic neighborhood extends east from Race Street to the White's Creek ravine, and north from Lauridsen Boulevard to the Georgiana/Front Street alley. The neighborhood contains the major commercial strip along First and Front Streets, but is otherwise a single-family neighborhood. Low-intensity commercial uses are also located along Race Street. This neighborhood contains Civic Field - the City's major sports facility - the Fine Art Center, and Webster Woods, a premier art venue providing unique outdoor art.
The Lauridsen neighborhood extends south of Lauridsen Boulevard to Park Avenue, and from the Valley Creek ravine on the west to Race Street on the east. Commercial uses in this neighborhood are confined to the western portion of Lauridsen Boulevard. The Housing Authority of Clallam County manages Mount Angeles View, an affordable housing project. Lyons Park is the only formal City park in the neighborhood.
Lincoln Park
The Lincoln Park neighborhood extends south from 8th Street to Highway 101 and west from Tumwater Truck Route west to 'M' Street (with some variation). Commercial areas are located along the 'C' Street corridor, and at the west end of the neighborhood along Highway 101. An industrial-zoned area exists at the south end of the Tumwater truck route, where several small manufacturing and construction-related industries exist. Park View Lane, a senior/retirement center, is located in this neighborhood as well as a cluster of high-density apartments found in the vicinity of the 'C' Street and Lauridsen
A•26 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.18 – The Port Angeles Police Department also operates 911 dispatch services for police and fire operations across Clallam County.
Figure A.19 – Lincoln Park is one of Port Angeles' most diverse activity-oriented parks, including disc golf, a BMX track, a dog park, event facilities, fairground areas, wetlands and play fields. (Image: Studio Cascade, Inc.)
Boulevard intersection. The remainder of the neighborhood is single-
family residential.
Schools in the area include Stevens Middle School - the only middle
school in the City - the North Olympic Skills Center, and Choice
Alternative School. The former Lincoln School has become the Clallam
County Historical Society headquarters, and is planned to become the
Clallam County museum.
Lincoln Park is the City's largest park, and includes the Clallam County
Fairgrounds, baseball fields, two ponds, and a large wooded area. Big
Boy Pond, one of the City's largest wetland areas, is located west of
Stevens Middle School.
Mill Creek
The Mill Creek neighborhood extends south from Park Street to the
southern City boundary, and from the western City boundary to Race
Street and Hurricane Ridge Road on the east. This neighborhood
Appendix A - Community Profile A•27
Figure A.20 – Park and open-space areas in Port Angeles.
contains the northernmost portion of the Olympic National Park, and the Park headquarters building and maintenance area. Also located in this neighborhood is Port Angeles High School.
Areas directly surrounding the high school are primarily single-family residential uses situated on standard-size lots. The southern portion of the neighborhood is also single family residential, however those lots are larger, less developed and are typified by newer homes. No commercial uses are located within the Mill Creek Neighborhood.
Mt. Angeles
The Mt. Angeles neighborhood extends south from Lauridsen Boulevard to the southern City limits, and from Hurricane Ridge Road on the west to the White's Creek ravine and the eastern City limits. A large portion of this neighborhood is occupied by Peninsula College, the only institution of higher education in the City. The neighborhood also contains Franklin Elementary School.
Land uses are primarily single-family residential on larger suburban-size lots; however, some medium and high-density residential uses are located near the college campus.
The southwest neighborhood is located south of Highway 101 and includes the entire area annexed into the City in 2005.
White's Creek
The White's Creek neighborhood extends east from the White's Creek ravine east to the City limits on the north, south and east. This neighborhood contains a large private golf course, the only golf course in the City. Also contained within this neighborhood is the City's wastewater treatment plant, which now includes a five-million gallon storage tank recently acquired from Rayonier corporation. The area includes the eastern portion of the Rayonier mill site, which is currently unused and awaiting further cleanup efforts. Recently, the City constructed a new bridge spanning Ennis Creek to provide an appropriate crossing for sewer and stormwater pipes. The bridge is also capable of carrying vehicular traffic and the Olympic Discovery/Waterfront Trail.
In 1990, 7,553 dwelling units were located in Port Angeles. By 1992, units had increased by 422 (or 5.6%) to a total of 7,975 dwelling units. By 2004, units had increased by another 797 (or 10%) to a total of 9,479 units.
A•28 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
In the decade of the 1990s, the City of Port Angeles grew at a slow
rate of 3.9%. The growth in the UGA during the same time was 6.3%. During the period of 1996 to 2003, building permit activity showed that only 10.7% of the county-wide residential building units were constructed in the City of Port Angeles, while 14.2% of the county’s residential construction was in rural areas of the Port Angeles planning region. Recent amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are intended to reverse the City’s no-growth trend.
Currently, the City has 6,845 parcels that are zoned for residential use. Of those residentially-zoned parcels, 567 are developed with complete infrastructure and remain available for building. The City currently has a number of large undeveloped areas, and based on anticipated densities, currently undeveloped parcels would provide area for 2,280 additional dwelling units.
The Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO)
has designated Port Angeles as a primary center of mixed-use development, and the City's UGA has been identified as a secondary center of mixed use development in the Regional Transportation Plan. Goals and policies in the Growth Management Element of this plan support focusing new growth and mixed-use opportunities in the City and UGA.
The road network in the City of Port Angeles is characterized by a gridded street pattern that is oriented east to west (parallel to the waterfront) and north to south. This pattern shifts slightly south of Lauridsen Boulevard, where the street orientation shifts to match the platting pattern established by the County before City boundaries were expanded. The regular geometry of this pattern is generally retained, except where topography of the foothills, deep ravines or bluffs along the Strait of Juan de Fuca force road realignment. Some areas located in the western portion of the City also diverge from the grid pattern, forming a more curvilinear, suburban-style pattern.
Street grades are moderate in most areas, adapting to area topography - which rises from the waterfront and gently undulates as the foothills flatten to meet the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The most unique characteristic of the City's street network is the way it is interrupted by several deep ravines, which bisect east-west street connectivity and results in a limited number of streets that run continuously from one end of the City to the other.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•29
The RTPO identifies US 101 as the only Highway of Statewide
Significance in Port Angeles. The Level of Service (LOS) for Highways of Statewide Significance is established by Washington State Department of Transportation. There are five Highways of Regional Significance through the City, including:
¡US 101
¡State Route 117 Tumwater Truck Route
¡Race Street leading to the Olympic Park Visitor Center and
Hurricane Ridge
¡The First/Front Street couplet Marine Drive from US 101 to
SR 117
¡Lincoln/Laurel/Oak Streets connecting US 101 with the Coho
Ferry landing on Railroad Avenue).
A•30 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.21 – Public schools located in Port Angeles.
There is one designated truck route in the City that runs from east to
west along the Front/First Street couplet to Tumwater Truck Route (State Route 117) and along Tumwater Truck Route south to US 101. All roads in Port Angeles including highways of statewide and regional significance operate at LOS "D" or better.
The City of Port Angeles is served by Clallam Transit, the Public Transit Benefit Area (PTBA) Agency that serves the Clallam County with a combination of scheduled and para-transit services. Clallam Transit currently identifies four routes that circulate within the City limits. These routes all originate from the downtown area. The four routes provide service to east City limits at the Plaza shopping center, the west side to the Elwha Tribal Center and Fairchild International Airport, the near west side to the fairgrounds, and south through the central portion of the City to Ahlvers Road. In addition to local in-city transit Clallam Transit provides commuter service between Port Angeles and Sequim and Forks.
Clallam Transit System ridership has shown an overall increase in numbers on all routes in the past decade. This may in part be contributed to the status of the economy during that period.
A private carrier, Dungeness Lines, provides daily service between Port Angeles and the Seattle area, including regular stops at the major hospitals, the Seattle Greyhound Bus Station, and SeaTac International Airport.
The Port of Port Angeles is responsible for most operations along the waterfront, including ownership of the Black Ball Ferry Terminal, the Boat Haven Marina, and other waterfront properties supporting water related industry. The Port is also responsible for operations at Fairchild International Airport and the Airport Industrial Park.
The William R. Fairchild International Airport is located approximately three miles southwest of the central city and serves a combination of commercial and private aviation demands in the region. The airport is owned and operated by the Port of Port Angeles and is classified as a commercial service airport by both Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Washington State Department of Transportation, Aviation Division (WSDOT Aviation). The airport serves the commercial service needs of the entire Peninsula including Clallam, Jefferson and portions of Mason Counties and the general aviation needs of Clallam and portions of Jefferson Counties. The airport has more than 800 acres of property, with 690 in aeronautical use, and 110 in industrial park use.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•31
Two runways are available at the Airport
for the needs of larger and smaller aircraft. The Primary runway is 6,350 feet long by 150 feet wide with the secondary smaller runway being 3,250 feet long by 50 feet wide and available during daylight hours only. The primary runway has the capacity for aircraft up to 115,000 pounds. The runway is equipped with an instrument landing system, visual approach slope indicator, eight runway-end identifier lights, medium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator, runway and taxiway lighting, and signage.
The 2011 Airport Master Plan describes the short, intermediate and long-term plans for facility development and maintenance. A copy of this plan is available on the Port of Port Angeles website at http://www.portofpa.com/index.aspx?NID=276
Land uses surrounding the William R. Fairchild International Airport include residential, industrial and park/open space. The main landing approach area for the airport is over the most densely populated portion of the City, with the final approach over Lincoln Park located immediately east of the airport. Due to the height of the trees growing in Lincoln Park, debate over the future of Lincoln Park has been an on-going discussion.
The area to the west of the airport (the primary take-off area contains the City’s solid waste Transfer Station, recycling center and composting facility. Farther to the west, the area is located in the County and is zoned Rural Low and Moderate density and Rural Character Conservation (RCC3) to maintain low-density residential areas in the flight path area. The lands adjacent to the airport on both the north and south are designated and zoned as industrial to buffer the impacts that may be expected from airport use to less intense land uses adjacent to the airport.
A•32 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Figure A.22 – Port Angeles is working to diversify its local economy, growing marine trades and industries as well as activities related to the city's spectacular natural setting. (Image: Studio Cascade, Inc.)
Urban Services
The Port Angeles Police Department currently provides police
protection within the city limits of Port Angeles and operates PENCOM,
the 9-1-1 emergency dispatch center for almost all police and fire
agencies in Clallam County. The police headquarters are located at
City Hall. The Department has 62 personnel; 31 commissioned police
officer positions (authorized 33), one (1) half-time commissioned officer,
two (2) reserve officers, 20 communications officers, seven (7) clerical
positions, and, one (1) part-time parking enforcement position. There
are also 15 civilian volunteers associated with the department.
The Port Angeles Fire Department provides fire response and advanced
life support emergency medical services within the city limits of Port
Angeles. The Fire Department headquarters station is located at 5th
and Laurel Streets. The Department has 23 career personnel, including
21 firefighters who are cross-trained as emergency medical technicians,
with 11 certified as paramedics. In addition to career personnel, the
Department has an active volunteer component that is consolidated
with the adjoining fire district.
City Parks & Recreation Facilities
The City Parks and Recreation Department maintains over 114 acres of
developed park land, another 81.5 acres of undeveloped land reserved
for future park development, and 91.8 acres of undeveloped lands set
aside for protection as open space. The Parks Department maintains
14 playground equipment sites, 13 baseball and/or softball fields, 9
football and/or soccer fields, and 12 tennis courts. Approximately 10
acres are taken up by community facilities. The William Shore Memorial
Swimming Pool, Senior and Community Services Center and the
Vern Burton Community Center provide a wide range of year-around
recreational services.
Civic Field provides a full athletic complex for soccer, football and
baseball, with lighting for nighttime activities, concessions, covered
stadium seating, and locker rooms. The Carnegie Library has been
converted to a museum leased by the Clallam County Historical Society
and neighbors the City's former fire hall. The City owns and operates
the 41 acre Ocean View Cemetery.
Other city facilities include the Feiro Marine Life Center, located in
City Pier Park, and a traditional native long house, the Loomis Building
and several other log structures at Lincoln Park. The Port Angeles Fine
Arts Center is located in Webster Woods Park. Two public walkways
Appendix A - Community Profile A•33
connecting the downtown area with the residential area at the top of the bluff are owned and maintained by the City. One of those walkways terminates at the Conard Dyar Memorial Fountain in downtown. The City operates a boat launch ramp and floats for boat moorage on the eastern end of Ediz Hook. The City pier also provides moorage for transient boaters.
The City maintains the Olympic Discovery/Waterfront Trail from Morse Creek to the Coast Guard Base entry on Ediz Hook and through the city to the western city limits at Lower Elwha Road.
Water Utility
The City of Port Angeles water service area includes the land within the city boundaries, along with services within Clallam County PUD No. 1, 52 Dry Creek customers, 5 Black Diamond customers, and one government account outside the city limits. The City also provides wholesale water to Clallam County PUD No. 1, subject to certain conditions consistent with GMA. In the City's 2002 Comprehensive Water Plan, the future service area limit was from Morse Creek to the Elwha River and bordered on the south by the Olympic National Park.
The current water supply for the City is from the Elwha River. The Elwha River Ranney Well System with a minimum yield of 11 million gallons was originally constructed in 1977 with major renovations made during the Elwha Dam removal project started in 2010. This source provides for domestic and commercial and some industrial needs of the City. There is also a separate industrial water supply line serving the McKinley Paper Co. Mill.
Stormwater Management
The City maintains all public storm sewers, culverts, and stormwater facilities, including the WSDOT conduits, culverts, and stormwater facilities along the US 101 corridor within the city limits. The City is currently making a major shift in its approach to stormwater management, moving away from the more traditional system of hard surfaces draining to catch basins and being piped to the nearest water body to a more natural acting system of allowing stormwater to be absorbed into the earth through the installation of rain gardens and enhancing vegetative cover, including vegetated roof systems.
Wastewater Utility
The City’s wastewater system includes a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) built in 1968-69 as a primary treatment facility, and upgraded to a secondary wastewater treatment plant built in 1994. The plant is the trickling filter/solids contact treatment system. Biosolids are hauled to the City’s composting facility where it is composted and sold for beneficial reuse. The sewer conveyance system includes 119 miles
A•34 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
of sanitary and combined sewer pipe ranging from 4 to 36 inches in diameter, 17 pump stations, and two marine out-falls. The treatment plant was modified most recently in 2014, when the first phase of the CSO Reduction program was completed. Modifications included a 4.9 million gallon storage tank for temporary storage of peak flows of sewage diluted by stormwater (combined sewage) during rain events, a refurbished deep water marine outfall providing improved dispersion of WWTP effluent, improvements to the trickling filters and headworks, and associated elements. The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located at the west end of Ennis Creek road, has a treatment capacity expected to be adequate beyond 2021. The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is rated at 10.8 million gallons per day (MGD) maximum month design flow, and can handle peak combined sewer flows of up to 20 MGD. The WWTP treated an average of 2.5 MGD of domestic sewage in 2014. Peak system flow capacities average 3.3 MGD (dry weather) with a maximum peak flow of 13.4 MGD. The peak system flow for 2014 was 9.86 MGD.
The second and final phase of the CSO Reduction program is under construction, and scheduled for completion in 2016. When complete,
combined sewer overflows to Port Angeles harbor will be reduced
to less than once per year per outfall location. By design, overflows
will occur at the 8000 foot long refurbished marine outfall before
they occur at the two near-shore outfalls. One outfall location will
be eliminated entirely. This represents a significant reduction, from
an average of over 70 overflow events per year, and is a big pollution
control achievement for the City.
The Utility serves unincorporated areas of Clallam County (the Eastern
and Western Urban Growth areas, and the Lower Elwha reservation
land) and treats 2 million gallons annually of septage generated in
Clallam and Jefferson County that is trucked to the WWTP. The WWTP
treats about 0.5 million gallons of leachate generated by the COPA
landfill and the Rayonier Mount Pleasant landfill annually.
The sewer system serves approximately 3,700 acres in Port Angeles.
The city has mostly 8-inch local sanitary sewers and even some small
6-inch. However, the city's original collection system was designed
as a combined sewer system with storm water. There were no storm
sewers in the city until the 1950s. The existing storm sewer system
grew in bits and pieces as individual renovation projects and Local
Improvement Districts (LID) responded to local problems. The storm
sewers are 6" and 8" diameter due to the steep terrain of the city.
The existing storm sewers run primarily in the north/south "short
block" orientation picking up catch basins, which happen to be at the
east/west "long block" intersections. In summary, the old downtown
has combined sewers and the rest of the city has varying degrees of
partially separated sewers.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•35
The Wastewater Utility employs a Source Control Specialist as part of the Pretreatment program, to better control what comes to the WWTP and to provide education and technical assistance to business owners. Several sources of grease and oils have been identified and remedied to relieve sewer backups.
The Wastewater Utility staff operates, inspects, maintains and repairs the sewer conveyance system, the pump stations, and the WWTP. The Utility funds an organized program of Capital Improvement projects that is approved by City Council each year and includes a six-year plan for future projects.
Solid Waste Utility
The Solid Waste Utility operated by the Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department provides solid waste services. Residential customer's waste is picked up weekly or biweekly and collection is mandatory. Commercial customers are picked up 6 days a week. Curbside yard waste and recycling is offered and provided by a private contractor. Current participation in the curbside recycling program is 80% per cent of the residential customers. Curbside participation in the yard waste program is around 50% per cent of the residential customers.
The City of Port Angeles owns and operates the Port Angeles transfer station. The Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station began operation in 2007 after conversion from a landfill. The landfill conversion was mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration because of the potential for scavenger birds at the landfill interfering with air traffic from the adjacent airport. This site accepts municipal solid waste from residential, commercial, and industrial customers throughout Clallam County. The Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station does not accept out-of-county waste. Recycling drop boxes are provided and accept glass, aluminum, and paper. Used oil, antifreeze, and batteries are also
accepted at the site. Municipal solid waste is transported to regional
landfills in Eastern Washington or Oregon.
A second issue related to the landfill has been the release of buried
refuse onto the beach as normal bluff erosion continued. Two major
projects have been undertaken by the City to relocate waste materials
and stabilize the bluff erosion to resolve the problem.
A composting facility for managing green yard waste received from the
public, curbside yard waste pick-up and biosolids from the wastewater
treatment plant at the facility. Yard waste and biosolids are processed
then tested and becomes finished compost available for sale to the
A•36 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Electric Utility
The Light Division of the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities
Department is the electric power provider within the city limits. Clallam
County PUD is the electric power provider for the unincorporated areas
surrounding Port Angeles. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
via its transmission lines delivers the power used by both the City of
Port Angeles and Clallam County PUD The PUD has one substation
within the Eastern UGA at Monroe Street, and another in the Western
UGA near Benson Road and Highway 101. There are 7 electrical
substations owned by the City of Port Angeles within the City limits.
The Port Angeles School District Number 121 serves the City of
Port Angeles and its surrounding community. The District operates
five elementary schools, one middle school (grades 7-8), one high
school, one alternative high school, and is host to the North Olympic
Peninsula Skills Center. Within the City of Port Angeles there are three
elementary schools; Franklin Elementary, Hamilton Elementary, and
Jefferson Elementary. Dry Creek Elementary School is located west
of the city limits and Roosevelt Elementary is located east of the City
limits. Stevens Middle School, Port Angeles High School and Lincoln
High School provide for secondary education. The Skills Center, working
closely with Peninsula College and five neighboring school districts
- Cape Flattery, Crescent, Quileute, Port Angeles and Sequim School
Districts - provides the latest vocational/technical education in a
competency-based learning environment.
Peninsula College, with its main campus located in the foothills of the
Olympic Mountains and overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca, provides
a vital center for higher education and diverse cultural opportunities,
enhancing and strengthening community bonds for the residents of
the North Olympic Peninsula. College programs include traditional
academic transfer offerings, professional-technical training, Basic
Education for Adults and adult continuing education, on-line learning
courses and a center for baccalaureate degrees, allowing students
many educational options.
In addition to the many associate degree and certificate programs,
Peninsula College offers a baccalaureate degree in Applied
Management. The college also works with key university partners,
providing numerous opportunities for residents to earn bachelor
degrees locally. These partners include City University, Western
Washington University, Goddard College and Evergreen State College.
Peninsula College is committed to providing college/community
connections and has numerous partnerships and collaborations in the
community with the City of Port Angeles, the Port of Port Angeles, the
Port Angeles School District, the Economic Development Council, local
Appendix A - Community Profile A•37
tribes, private businesses and others. The college offers classes, training and resources in support of workforce development and community enrichment.
The college currently serves over 5,000 students and employs 145 full-time faculty and staff and approximately 390 part-time faculty and staff.
Economic Development
Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles are rich in natural resources. The Olympic Peninsula has proved to be one of the country's most productive timber growing areas, while the Strait of Juan de Fuca has provided the area with a vast fishery. However, recent declines in these resource industries have had a major impact on the economy of both Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles. The Rayonier pulp mill closed in 1997 putting up to 200 people out of work, the K-Ply plywood mill was closed and demolished in 2011, and Green Creek lumber mill closed in 2014. Currently, McKinley Paper Company paper mill and Port Angeles Hardwoods lumber mill remain in operation within the City limits and Interfor Pacific lumber mill operates just west of the city.
The decline of salmon and the subsequent listing of Chinook salmon, summer chum, steelhead and bull trout as endangered species have reduced the commercial and sport fishing industries dramatically. These economic declines are being replaced to some extent by
service industries that are driven by tourism and the popularity
of the Olympic Peninsula as a retirement destination. The City has
worked with local tribes, state and federal agencies and local citizen
and non-governmental organizations to restore salmon habitats and
runs throughout Clallam County.
Port Angeles is also striving to strengthen its marine trades
and industries. Westport Shipyard continues to operate a yacht
manufacturing facility in Port Angeles, producing high-end yachts
for the world market. Armstrong Marine has moved into the city
and produces a variety of aluminum boats and Platypus Marine
continues to maintain and repair boats at its harbor location.
Major shipments of forest products to Asian markets have
historically provided a strong market. The log export segment of the
local economy has grown in recent years while value added wood
products segment has declined. Old growth timber harvesting is
expected to be reduced significantly in coming years due to various
government restrictions.
A•38 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
In light of the recent developments in the timber and fishery
industries, it is important for Port Angeles to develop and improve its other economic resources, such as technology, tourism and manufacturing.
Port Angeles is part of a major international tourist route. The presence of the Olympic National Park with over three million visitors a year, an international ferry providing service to Victoria Canada carrying approximately 400,000 passengers per year, combined with the local freshwater and ocean sport fishing brings a steady flow of tourists to the City, creating an important economic resource. Eco-tourism has grown with the removal of the two hydro-electric dams from the Elwha River. Port Angeles in recent years has established itself as a vibrant arts and performance center.
In general, the local economy appears to be relatively stable despite much uncertainty in the timber harvesting and log exports segment. Growth in the retirement community has been continuing, and tourism is expanding rapidly. The forest products industry will most likely stabilize at a lower level of activity from past years.
Appendix A - Community Profile A•39
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General Comments
The following definitions are for terms, which
are used in this document and are provided for
clarification purposes in the interpretation and
implementation of the various goals and policies.
Adequate Public Facilities
Facilities, which have the capacity to serve development without decreasing
levels of service below locally, established minimums.
Affordable Housing
The adequacy of the community's housing stock to fulfill the housing needs of
all economic segments of the population.
Accessory Residential Unit
A residential unit, which is subordinate in area, extent, or purpose to a principal
residential unit and is located on the same zoning lot as the principal residential
Available Public Facilities
That facilities or services are in place or that a financial commitment is in place
to provide the facilities or services within a specified time.
Best Available Science
That scientific information prepared by local, state or federal natural resource
agencies, a qualified scientific professional or team of qualified scientific professionals, that is consistent with criteria established in WAC 365-195-900 through WAC 365-195-925.
Best Management Practices
Methods or techniques found to be the most effective and practical means
in achieving an objective (such as preventing or minimizing pollution) while
making the optimum use of available resources.
Bio-retention BMP
Engineered facilities that store and treat stormwater by passing it through
a specified soil profile, and either retain or detain the treated stormwater for flow attenuation. Refer to Chapter 7 of Volume V of the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW (2014) for Bio-retention BMP types and design specifications.
The City of Port Angeles, Washington.
Climatic Change
A change in global or regional climate patterns, especially a change due to
an increase in the average atmospheric temperature. Climatic change may
B•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
be attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide
produced by the use of fossil fuels, but may also result from natural events
such as volcanic eruption or earth quake.
Cluster Commercial Development
Retail or other commercial uses, usually arranged in a group of buildings, that
create a node of uses with a cohesive design plan and shared access points on an arterial street. Cluster commercial development is characterized by a cohesive design plan that includes at least two of the following elements: (1) pedestrian connections, (2) shared parking concepts, (3) buildings arranged in groups to create a node of commercial uses without individual street access points rather than along the linear pattern of a strip commercial development, and (4) common building design features and signage.
Community Services
Cultural, social and recreational services necessary to enhance the quality of
life, such as libraries, parks and recreation services, fine arts, and festivals.
That adequate public facilities are available when the impacts of development
occur. This definition includes the two concepts of "adequate public facilities" and of "available public facilities" as defined above.
Requires that no feature of a plan or regulation is incompatible with any other
feature of a plan or regulation. Consistency is indicative of a capacity for
orderly integration or operation with other elements in a system.
Clallam County, Washington.
A portion of a planning area, which is defined by the primary uses located in
that portion of the planning area.
Any activity which would alter the elevation of the land, remove or destroy
plant life, cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed,
divide land into two or more parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the
Development Rights
A broad range of less-than-fee-simple-ownership interests.
Domestic Water System
Any system providing a supply of potable water, which is deemed adequate
pursuant to RCW 19.27.097 for the intended use of a development.
Appendix B - Definitions B•3
Essential Public Facilities
Public capital facilities of a county-wide or state-wide nature which are
typically difficult to site. Essential public facilities include the following:
¡Hazardous waste facilities
¡State education facilities
¡State or regional transportation facilities
¡State and local correctional facilities
¡Solid waste handling facilities
¡In-patient facilities including
¡Substance abuse facilities
¡Mental health facilities
¡Group homes
¡Regional Transit Authority facilities.
Emergency Services
Services, which are a City responsibility, and consists of provisions for police,
fire, emergency medical and disaster services.
Environmentally Sensitive/Critical Areas
Environmentally Sensitive Areas means any of the following areas and their associated buffers:
¡Aquifer recharge areas
¡Streams or Stream corridors
¡Frequently flooded areas
¡Geologically hazardous areas:
¡Erosion hazard areas
¡Landslide hazard areas
¡Seismic hazard areas
¡Habitat areas for priority species and species of concern
¡Locally unique features
¡Marine bluff
¡Beaches and associated coastal drift processes
B•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Something designed, built, installed or utilized for the specific purpose of
providing a service.
Financial Commitment
That sources of public or private funds or combinations thereof have been
identified which will be sufficient to finance public facilities necessary to support development and that there is reasonable assurance that such funds will be timely put to that end.
Broad statements indicating a general aim or purpose to be achieved. A
goal is a direction setter. It is an ideal future end, condition, or state related to the public health, safety, or general welfare toward which planning and implementation measures are directed. A goal is a general expression of community values and, therefore, is abstract in nature. Consequently, a goal is generally not quantifiable, time-dependent, or suggestive of specific actions for its achievement.
Growth Management Act
The Growth Management Act as enacted in Chapter 17, Laws of 1990 1st ex.
sess., and chapter 32, Laws of 1991 sp. sess., State of Washington.
Impact Fees
Payments to the city for the acquisition and development of new infrastructure
or facilities, i.e., parks, schools, transportation systems, etc., based on a per
unit (impact) assessment.
Imprecise Margin
The area between land use designations is called an imprecise margin. The
margin is used to provide flexibility in determining the boundary between various zones. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence.
Level of Service (LOS)
An established minimum capacity of public facilities or services that must be
provided per unit of demand or other appropriate measure of need.
Appendix B - Definitions B•5
Low Impact Development (LID)
A stormwater and land use management strategy that strives to mimic pre-
disturbance hydrologic processes of infiltration, filtration, storage, evaporation
and transpiration be emphasizing conservation, use of on-site natural features,
site planning and distributed stormwater management practices that are
integrated into a project design.
Manufactured Home
A factory built, single-family structures that meet the National Manufactured
Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401), commonly
known as the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Code.
Manufactured homes placed in Port Angeles must also meets the following
1) Consists of two or more fully enclosed parallel sections each of not
less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long
2) Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate federal agency indicating compliance with the construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as amended and as approved by the State of Washington
3) Is placed on an on-grade permanent foundation or on footings and
piers or on blocks in accordance with HUD’s specifications for the
specific home with skirting installed so no more than one foot of the
skirting is visible above grade
4) Has all travel appurtenances removed
5) Is served by underground electrical power
6) Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood
shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of not less than 3:12
Medical Services
Licensed professional medical services and retail services directly related to
medical services, such as hospitals, physicians' clinics, and pharmacies.
A type of urban development that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or industrial uses, where those functions are physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections.
B•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
An area located within a district or planning area where people live, and is
defined by the primary type and/or density of the residential units located in
that particular area of the district.
Budgetable steps envisioned or undertaken to effectuate plan policy.
Objectives may include the development of more detailed and localized plans,
work to implement policies, formal agreements, regulations or other strategies
necessary to realize community goals.
Permeable Pavement
Pervious concrete, porous asphalt, permeable pavers or other forms of
pervious paving material intended to allow passage of water through the
pavement section. It often includes an aggregate base that provides structural
support and acts as a stormwater reservoir.
Planning Area
A large geographical area of the City which is defined by physical characteristics
and boundaries.
A topic-specific statement providing guidelines for current and future decision-
making. It indicates a clear commitment of the local legislative body. A policy
is an extension of a plan’s goals, re reflecting topical nuance as well as an
assessment of conditions.
Public Capital Facilities
Existing, new or expanded physical facilities, which are owned, licensed or
sanctioned by a public entity, are large in size and serve a county-wide or statewide population. Public capital facilities of a county-wide or state-wide nature may include but are not limited to the following:
¡State educational facilities
¡State and federal transportation facilities
¡Regional transportation facilities
¡State correctional facilities
¡Local correctional facilities
¡Solid waste handling, disposal and storage facilities
¡In-patient facilities including:
Appendix B - Definitions B•7
¡Abuse facilities
¡Mental health facilities
¡Group homes
¡National, state and regional parks and recreational facilities
¡Marine terminals
¡County courthouse.
Public Services
Includes fire protection and suppression, law enforcement, public health,
education, recreation, environmental protection, and other governmental
Public Facilities
Includes streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools.
Rain garden
A non-engineered shallow, landscaped depression, with compost-amended native soils and adapted plants. The depression is designed to pond and temporarily store stormwater runoff from adjacent areas, and to allow stormwater to pass through the amended soil profile.
Regional Transportation Plan
The transportation plan for the regional designated transportation system,
which is produced by the regional transportation planning organization.
Regional Transportation Planning Organization
The voluntary organization conforming to RCW 47.80.020, consisting of local governments within a region containing one or more counties, which have common transportation interests.
Regulatory Reform Act
Engrossed Substitute House Bill, ESHB 1724 was enacted in 1995 to establish
new approaches to make government regulation more effective, and to make
it easier and less costly for citizens and businesses to understand and comply
with requirements. ESHB 1724 amended a number of laws, including the
Growth Management Act (GMA), Shoreline Management Act (SMA), and State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Commonly referred to as the Regulatory
Reform Act, ESHB 1724 amended the Growth Management Act and State
Environmental Policy Act to more thoroughly integrate the SEPA process into
the planning process. Appeals of SEPA determinations or permits must also be
B•8 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
consolidated so that only one public hearing is held. ESHB 1724 is codified by
the City of Port Angeles in Chapter 18.02 PAMC.
Residential Care Services
The providing of residential care on a daily or live-in basis including special
needs housing such as group homes, adult-care homes and day-care facilities.
Sanitary Sewer Systems
All facilities, including approved on-site disposal facilities, used in the
collection, transmission, storage, treatment, or discharge of any waterborne waste, whether domestic in origin or a combination of domestic, commercial, or industrial waste.
Scattered Site Housing
Smaller scale, publicly assisted housing, new construction and conversion
which is dispersed throughout the community as opposed to high density,
public housing "projects" concentrated on one large site or in one area of the
School District
The Port Angeles School District No. 121.
The supplying or providing of utilities, commodities, accommodations and/or
Means the statement is mandatory, and the action so stated is required to be
done without discretion by decision-makers. The use of "shall" in a statement indicates that the action is imperative and ministerial.
Means the statement ought to be done, but the action so stated is not required
to be done by decision-makers. The use of "should" in a statement indicates
that discretion may be used in deciding whether or not to take action. The use
of "should" is intended to give decision-makers discretion in matters where
exceptions are warranted by such factors as physical hardships and special
circumstances or when funding must be taken into consideration.
Solid Waste Handling Facility
Any facility for the transfer or ultimate disposal of solid waste, including
landfills, waste transfer stations and municipal incinerators.
Social Services
Those services necessary to support life and health, such as food banks,
hospices, home health, congregate care, and day care services.
Appendix B - Definitions B•9
Strip Commercial Development
Retail or other commercial uses, usually one-story high and one-store deep,
that front on an arterial street with individual access points. Strip commercial
development differs from central business districts, shopping centers, or
other cluster commercial developments in at least two of the following
1) There are no provisions for pedestrian access between individual uses
2) The uses are only one-store deep
3) The buildings are arranged linearly with individual street access points
rather than clustered, and
4) There is no design integration among the buildings.
Transfer of Development Rights
The conveyance of development rights by deed, easement, or other legal
instrument to another parcel of land and the recording of that conveyance.
Transportation Facilities
Facilities related to air, water, or land transportation.
Transportation Systems Management
The use of low capital expenditures to increase the capacity of the
transportation system. TSM strategies include but are not limited to
signalization, channelization, and bus turnouts.
Urban Growth
Refers to growth that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings,
structures, and impermeable surfaces to such a degree as to be incompatible
with the primary use of the land for the production of food, other agricultural
products, or fiber, or the extraction of mineral resources. When allowed to
spread over wide areas, urban growth typically requires urban governmental
services. "Characterized by urban growth" refers to land having urban growth
located on it, or to land located in relationship to an area with urban growth on
it as to be appropriate for urban growth.
Urban Growth Area
Those areas designated by the County to accept future urban population densities with the intent of future annexation into the city pursuant to RCW 36.70A
Urban Services
Services that are normally available in an urban environment which include
provisions for sanitary waste systems, solid waste disposal systems, water
B•10 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
systems, urban roads and pedestrian facilities, transit systems, stormwater
systems, police and fire and emergency services systems, electrical and
communication systems, school and health care facilities, and parks.
Enterprises or facilities serving the public by means of an integrated system of
collection, transmission, distribution, and processing facilities through more or less permanent physical connections between the plant of the serving entity and the premises of the customer. Included are systems for the delivery of natural gas, electricity, telecommunications services, and water, and for the disposal of sewage.
The statement is an action decision-makers intend to do to implement plan
goals and policies. The use of "will" in a statement indicates that the outcome can be measured.
Work/live space
A living arrangement where the residential use and living area is subordinate in
size to the work space.
Appendix B - Definitions B•11
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GMA Requirements
The following pages list the minimum requirements
for the various elements as listed in the State of
Washington Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and
Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Included
with the requirements for each mandated element
is a table, which shows how this comprehensive plan
meets these requirements.
Requirements for the Land Use Element
This element shall contain at least the following features:
a) A future land use map showing city limits and urban
growth area (UGA) boundaries. [RCW 36.70A.070(1), RCW
36.70A.110(6) and WAC 365-196-400(2), WAC 365-196-
b) Consideration of urban planning approaches that increase
physical activity. [RCW 36.70A.070(1), WAC 365-196-405(2)
c) A consistent population projection throughout the plan
which should be consistent with the Office of Financial Management forecast for the county or the county's sub-county allocation of that forecast. [RCW 43.62.035; WAC 365-196-405(2)(i)]
d) Estimates of population densities and building intensities based on future land uses, [RCW 36.70A.070(1); WAC 365-196-405(2)(i)]
e) Provisions for protection of the quality and quantity
of groundwater used for public water supplies [RCW
f) Identification of lands useful for public purposes such as
utility corridors, transportation corridors, landfills, sewage
treatment facilities, stormwater management facilities,
C•2 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Table C.01 - GMA Requirements for the Land Use Element
Requirement How requirements are addressed
1a Land Use Element text
1a Land Use Map, GIS database
1b Community profile text
1b Appendix A, EIS and addenda
1b Land Use Element text
1b Land Use Map, GIS database
1c & d Community profile text
1e Conservation Element: goals, policies and objectives
1d Appendix A, EIS and addenda
1j Conservation Element: goals, policies and objectives
1i Shoreline Master Program
1j Appendix E: Stormwater Management Plan
1k PAMC 15.20: Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance
1k Conservation Element: goals
recreation, schools, and other public uses. [RCW 36.70A.150; WAC 365-196-340]
g) Identification of open space corridors within and between
urban growth areas, including land useful for recreation,
wildlife habitat, trails, and connections of critical areas.
[RCW 36.70A.160, WAC 365-196-335]
h) Policies, land use designation (and zoning) to discourage
the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to general aviation
airports. [RCW 36.70A.510, RCW 36.70A.547; WAC 365-196-
i) Policies, land use designation, and consistent zoning to
discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to
military bases. [RCW 36.70A.530(3); WAC 365-196-475]
j) A review of drainage, flooding, and stormwater run-off in the area and nearby jurisdictions, and provide guidance for corrective actions to mitigate or cleanse those discharges that pollute water of the state. [RCW 36.70A.70(1), WAC 365-196-405(2)(c)]
k) Policies to designate and protect critical areas including wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat protection areas, frequently flooded areas, critical aquifer recharge areas and geologically hazardous areas. [RCW 36.70A.030(5), RCW 36.70A.172; WAC 365-195-900 through 925, WAC 365-190-080]
Requirements for the Housing Element
This element shall contain at least the following features:
a) Goals, policies, and objectives for the preservation,
improvement, and development of housing. [RCW
36.70A.070(2)(b); WAC 365-196-410(2)(a)]
b) An inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing
needs. (RCW 36.70A.070(2)(a); WAC 365-196-410 (2)(b) &(c)]
c) Identification of sufficient land for housing, including, but
not limited to, government-assisted housing, housing for
low-income families, manufactured housing, multifamily
housing, and group homes and foster care facilities [RCW
d) Adequate provisions for existing and projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community. [RCW 36.70A.070(2)(d); WAC 365-196-410]
e) Identification of land use designation within a geographic area where increased residential development will assist in
Appendix C - GMA Requirements C•3
achieving local growth management and housing policies.
[RCW 36.70A.540; WAC 365-196-870]
f) Policies so that manufactured housing is not regulated
differently than site built housing. [RCW 35.21.684,
35.63.160, 35A.21.312 &36.01.225]
Requirements for the Capital Facilities Element
This element shall contain at least the following features:
a) Policies or procedures to ensure capital budget decisions are in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. [RCW 36.70A.120]
b) An inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public
entities showing the locations and capacities of the capital
facilities. [RCW 36.70A.070(3)(a); WAC 365-196-415(2)(a)]
c) A forecast of the future needs for such capital facilities.
[RCW 36.70A.070(3)(b); WAC 365-196-415(b)]
d) The proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new
capital facilities. [RCW 36.70A.070(3)(c); WAC 365-196-415(3)
e) At least a six-year plan identifying sources of public money
to finance planned capital facilities. [RCW 36.70A.070(3)(d)
&36.70A.120; WAC 365-196-415]
f) A policy or procedure to reassess the Land Use Element if probable funding falls short of meeting existing needs and to ensure that the Land Use Element, Capital Facilities Element,
C•4 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Table C.02 - GMA Requirements for the Housing Element
Legislative Requirement How requirements are addressed
2a Community profile text
2a Appendix A, EIS and addenda
2a Appendix C, Measuring Housing Need: A Data Toolkit for Clallam County
2a Housing Element: goals, policies, and objectives
2b Community profile text
2c Community profile text
2c Land Use Map, GIS database
2c Appendix A; EIS and addenda
2d Housing Element: goals, policies and objectives
2d Land Use Map, GIS database
2e Land Use Map, GIS database
2f Land Use Element, Policy C6
and financing plan within the Capital Facilities Element are
coordinated and consistent. [RCW 36.70A.070(3)(e); WAC
Requirements for the Utilities & Public Services Element
This element shall contain at least the following features:
a) The general location, proposed location, and capacity of all
existing and proposed utilities, including, but not limited to,
electrical lines, telecommunication lines, and natural gas
lines. [RCW 36.70A.070(4); WAC 365-196-420]
Requirements for the Transportation Element
This element shall contain at least the following features:
a) An inventory of air, water, and land transportation facilities and services, including transit alignments, state owned transportation facilities, and general aviation airports, to define existing capital facilities and travel levels as a basis for future planning.
Appendix C - GMA Requirements C•5
Table C.03 - GMA Requirements for the Capital Facilities Element
Legislative Requirement How requirements are addressed
3a Capital Facilities Element: goals and policies
3b Community Profile
3b Appendices: E - Stormwater Management Plan; F - Comprehensive Water System Plan 2010; G - Transportation Services and Facilities Plan; H - Facility Plan for Port Angeles Secondary Level Wastewater treatment Facilities
3b GIS database
3c Appendix A; EIS and addenda
3d Appendix A; EIS and addenda
3e Capital Facilities Plan
3f Capital Facilities Element: goals and policies
Table C.04 - GMA Requirements for the Utilities and Public Services Element
Requirement How requirements are addressed
4a Capital Facilities Element: Goals, policies and objectives
4a Appendices: E - Stormwater Management Plan; F - Comprehensive Water System Plan; G - Transportation Services and Facilities Plan; H - Facility Plan for Port Angeles Secondary Level Wastewater Treatment Facilities; I. Capital Facilities Plan.
4a GIS database
b) Adopted levels of service (LOS) standards for all arterial
streets, transit routes and highways to serve as a gauge to
judge performance of the system. These standards should
be regionally coordinated. [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)(iii)(B); WAC
c) Identification of specific actions to bring locally-owned
transportation and services to established Levels of Service
(LOS). [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(iii)(D); WAC 365-196-430]
d) A forecast of traffic for at least ten years including land use assumptions used in estimating travel. [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)(i), 36.70A.070(6)(a)(iii)(E); WAC365-196-430(2)(f)]
e) A projection of state and local system needs to meet current
and future demands. [RCW 36.70A070(6)(a)(iii)(F); WAC 365-
f) A pedestrian and bicycle component. [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)
(vii); WAC 365-196-430(2)(k)(iv)]
g) A description of any existing and planned Transportation
Demand Management (TMD) strategies, such as High-
Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes or subsidy programs, parking
policies, etc. [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)(vi); WAC 365-196-430(2)
h) An analysis of future funding capability to judge needs
against probable funding resources. [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)
(iv)(A); WAC 365-196-430(2)(k)(iv)]
C•6 City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Table C.05 - GMA Requirements for the Transportation Element
Legislative Requirement How requirements are addressed
5a Appendix A, EIS and addenda
5a Appendix G: Transportation Services and Facilities Plan
5a GIS database
5b Capital Facilities Element: Goals, policies and objectives
5b Transportation Element: Goals, policies and objectives
5b Appendix A; EIS and addenda
5b Appendices: E - Stormwater Management Plan; F - Comprehensive Water System Plan; G - Transportation Services and Facilities Plan; H - Facilities Plan for Port Angeles Secondary Level Wastewater Treatment Facilities, I - Capital Facilities Plan
5c Capital Facilities Element: Goals, policies and objectives
5c Appendices: E - Stormwater Management Plan; F - Comprehensive Water System Plan; G - Transportation Services and Facilities Plan, H - Facilities Plan for Port Angeles Secondary Level Wastewater Treatment Facilities; I - Capital Facilities Plan
5d Transportation Element: Goals, policies and objectives
5e Transportation Element: Goals, policies and objectives
i) A multi-year financing plan based on the needs identified in the comprehensive plan, the appropriate parts of which shall serve as the basis for the six-year street, road, or transit program. [RCW 35.77.010 & RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)(iv)(B); WAC 365-196-430(2)(k)(ii)]
j) If probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs,
a discussion of how additional funding will be raised or how
land use assumptions will be reassessed to ensure that level
of service standards will be met [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(iv)(C);
WAC 365-196-430(2)(L)(ii)]
k) A description of intergovernmental coordination efforts,
including an assessment of the impacts of the transportation
plan and land use assumptions on the transportation
systems of adjacent jurisdictions and how it is consistent
with the regional transportation plan. [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)
(v); WAC 365-196-430(2)(a)(iv)]
Requirements for siting Public Facilities
The Comprehensive Plan shall be consistent with the following:
a) A process or criteria for identifying essential public facilities.
(EPF). [RCW 36.70A.200; WAC 365-196-550(d)]
b) Policies or procedures that ensure the Comprehensive Plan does not preclude the siting of essential public facilities. [RCW 36.70A.200(5); WAC 365-196-550(3)]
Appendix C - GMA Requirements C•7
Table C.06 - GMA Requirements for Siting Public Facilities
Legislative Requirement How requirements are addressed
6a Definitions
6b Capital Facilities Element: Goals, policies and objectives
(This page intentionally left blank)
Appendix C
Objectives That Have Been Removed or Recast as Policies
Note: This list includes objectives that have been completely removed, objectives that have been
reworded but still essentially exist in the new implementation table are not on this list. Objectives that
have not been removed but rather recast as policies have the policy in italics below it. There are cases
which objectives are reflected in policies, but only objectives that have clearly been recast as a policy are
included on this list.
Growth Management
O‐4A.02 The City will recommend expansion of the southwestern Urban Growth Area to include
twelve parcels located in an area bounded on the north by US 101, on the east by Old Joe Road
(the western City limits at that location), on the west by the existing Urban growth Boundary,
and on the south by a line parallel to the Old Joe Road right‐of‐way extended west to the Urban
Growth Boundary. Also a single parcel described as Parcel Number Parcel Number
063017230050, Parcel 5 Volume 12 of Surveys Page 130, SW ¼ of NW ¼, and a single parcel
described as Parcel Number 063018120210.
O‐4B.01 The City will work with Clallam County and affected special districts to develop fair and
equitable interlocal revenue sharing agreements to insure the orderly transition of land within
the PAUGA into the City.
Land Use
O‐5D.01 The City will work with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to develop a cultural center
and marina for large pleasure boats in Port Angeles Harbor.
O‐5J.02 The City will support development of a public golf course.
O‐6A.01 The City will be an active partner in the development of the Olympic Discovery Trail
which passes through and along key parts of its park, street, pedestrian, and non‐motorized
transportation systems and facilities.
o Recast as P‐4A.10: The City should work to aid development of the Olympic Discovery
Trail which passes through and along key parts of its park, street, pedestrian, and non‐
motorized transportation systems and facilities.
O‐6A.03 The City will support extension of the Waterfront Trail from City Pier along Railroad
Avenue to the Valley Creek Estuary.
O‐6A.04 The City will continue efforts to improve or provide access to Valley, Tumwater,
Peabody, Ennis, and White’s Creeks and the development of the Foothills Trail System.
o Recast as O‐10F.02: The City should continue efforts to improve or provide access to
Valley, Tumwater, Peabody, Ennis and White's Creeks through the development of an
integrated trails system.
O‐6B.02 The City will develop a variety of funding techniques available for new development
projects to provide mitigation for transportation impacts resulting from new development or
redevelopment. The funding techniques could include but are not limited to developer provided
right‐of‐way and partial improvement to the street along the frontage of their property,
Appendix C
establishing a road development or trip end fee, use of latecomers agreements, waivers of
protest to the formation of Local Improvement Districts and bonding. The intent would be to
match the technique to the development circumstance in order for the City to fund the
transportation improvements that ensure concurrency. Whichever approaches are taken, they
must be equitable and proportional to the level of impact.
o Recast as P‐4A.11: The City should develop and employ a variety of equitable,
proportional funding techniques that provide mitigation for transportation impacts
resulting from new development or redevelopment.
O‐6B.04 The City will phase the implementation of the alternate local cross‐town route and
cross‐town truck route in a west to east progression.
O‐6B.06 The City will consider a variety of traffic management alternatives to increase the
existing street system capacity and implement appropriate options as feasible. Such alternatives
may include:
a) Taking into account non‐motorized use;
b) Remove parking at controlled intersections to provide auxiliary turn lanes to increase
c) Remove parking during selected periods of the day (i.e., noon and PM peak hour) to
create additional through lane capacity;
d) Modify signal timing to respond to seasonal and/or daily peak traffic periods to favor
major flows and expand the number of signals that are coordinated as part of a system,
while assuring enough time for a handicapped citizen to cross when a signal button is
O‐6B.09 The City will update the adopted Non‐motorized Transportation Map from time to time
and include specific bicycle routes on the map or on a separate map.
O‐6B.10 The City will update transportation policies to refocus circulation patterns, street
improvements, essential state highways, truck routing, and traffic controls throughout the City.
O‐6B.11 The City will facilitate the implementation of City‐adopted transportation plans.
O‐6B.12 The City will seek funding to evaluate and improve West 18th Street, including the
addition of non‐motorized facilities.
O‐6B.13 Selection of new or changed routes from any roads designated as being of "statewide
significance" will be evaluated against the following criteria located in the 1999 U. S. 101 Port
Angeles Alternative Study:
o Mobility
o Connectivity
o Safety
o Economic Feasibility
o Environmental Impacts
o Social Impacts
o Business Impacts
o Public Acceptance.
Appendix C
Utilities and Public Service
O‐7C.01 When development warrants, the City will coordinate the efforts for a new fire station
to the west with the Port of Port Angeles at Fairchild International Airport and a new station to
the east with Fire District No. 2.
O‐7C.02 The City will develop and implement maintenance programs for all public facilities
under its jurisdiction.
O‐7D.01 The City will develop a phased plan for the extension of urban services.
O‐7D.02 The City will institute a program to promote water and energy conservation techniques
in new development.
O‐7D.03 Recycling programs will be used to reduce solid waste disposal.
O‐7E.01 The City will implement a customer commitment program that promotes internal and
external customer service.
O‐7E.02 The customer commitment program will include the development of a citywide
statement of values, which should be incorporated in all aspects of customer service.
O‐8A.01 The City will work to eliminate barriers that prevent the use of innovative green
building techniques while maintaining safety and aesthetic quality in the building process.
O‐8A.02 The City will continue to work to eliminate barriers that prevent the use of low impact
development techniques and BMPs, such as vegetated roofs, permeable pavement, and
bioretention , while maintain safety and aesthetic quality in the building process.
o Recast as P‐6A.14: The City should encourage the use of Low Impact Development
stormwater management techniques (such as vegetated roofs, permeable pavement,
and bio‐retention) for all new developments.
O‐8B.01 The City will work with the housing task force to determine that the supply of land will
be sufficient for all housing needs including but not limited to government‐assisted housing,
housing for low‐income families, manufactured housing, multifamily housing, group homes,
foster‐care facilities, and single‐room occupancies (SRO).
O‐8B.02 The City will reference the Clallam County Housing Needs Study and subsequent
analyses that update the information in evaluating the type, amount, and location of needed
O‐9B.01 The City will work closely with State agencies on further development of regulations
and coordinated enforcement of air quality standards.
O‐9B.02 The City will adopt and enforce adequate regulations designed to maintain and
enhance water quality.
O‐9B.03 The City will identify and implement site‐specific requirements for individual
development proposals to mitigate any negative impacts created by the development,
particularly to an area identified as an environmentally sensitive area.
Appendix C
o Recast as P‐7B.30: The City should implement site‐specific requirements for individual
development proposals to mitigate any negative impacts created by the development,
particularly to an area identified as an environmentally sensitive area.
O‐9B.07 The City will complete an inventory and identification of lands that could be subject to
impacts from climate change.
O‐9B.08 The City will encourage clustering of residential development where necessary to
protect environmentally sensitive areas, or to avoid hazardous areas, including those subject to
climate change impacts or to preserve open space areas.
O‐9B.12 The City will participate in various watershed planning and salmon recovery efforts. The
City will incorporate appropriate measures for the protection of habitat for listed or threatened
species under the Federal Endangered Species Act when providing public services and
administering land use and development regulations.
O‐9B.13 The City will incorporate the North Olympic Resource Conservation & Development
Report, Climate Change Preparedness Plan for the North Olympic Peninsula, September 2015, as
best available science to its development regulations.
O‐9B.14 City staff will use the Archaeological Database to implement archaeological conditions
for permits with ground disturbing components based upon the corresponding archaeological
probability rating, the nearness of previously recorded archaeological or historical sites, and
presence of the project within or outside of the archaeological overlay.
O‐9B.15 The City will create a tree management program that will meet the requirements to
maintain the 'Tree City USA' status for the city of Port Angeles.
O‐9B.17 The City will create and follow an urban forest management plan in order to establish a
healthy and sustainable urban forest.
O‐9D.02 City Staff will consult the Archaeological Database for all Shoreline Permit‐able
activities and use the information housed in the database to create appropriate conditions or
mitigations to identify, protect, and preserve archaeological sites and culturally sensitive areas.
Capital Facilities
O‐10A.03 The City will study the development of a seasonal or permanent ice skating rink
O‐10A.05 The City will revise its Urban Services and Guidelines manual to include sidewalks on
both sides of all streets where sidewalks do not exist as a standard requirement of all
development and redevelopment projects.
O‐10A.07 The City will prepare a climate action plan in order to comply with RCW 70.235.070.
O‐10B.01 The City will update design standards for street, water, sewer, and stormwater
facilities from time to time.
Economic Development
O‐11A.01 The City will work with the Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and the Lower Elwha
Klallam Tribe (LEKT) to study the future of the William R. Fairchild International Airport, update
the Airport Master Plan, and accommodate the Terminal Relocation Plan.
Appendix C
O‐11A.03 The City will encourage activities and events that promote arts and culture
educational awareness and commerce
O‐11B.01 The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway corridors.
Outreach and educational materials may be developed to encourage private property
participation in such beautification projects.
O‐11D.01 The City should consider best available science on sea level rise and recommended
mitigation and adaptation strategies in the development of downtown.
o Recast as P‐9D.01: The City should consider best available science on sea level rise and
recommended mitigation and adaptation strategies in the development of downtown.
O‐11D.02 The City should encourage and pursue economic development with positive
environmental consequences. Identify and attract non‐polluting industries and eco‐friendly
o Recast as P‐9B.09: The City should encourage and pursue economic development with
positive environmental consequences, including non‐polluting industries and eco‐friendly
Parks and Recreation
O‐12A.01 The City will develop a parks impact fee to aid in funding the acquisition and
development of new park lands in areas where new development creates a need for additional
park facilities.
O‐12B.01 The City will provide adequate means of support for the delivery of high quality park
and recreation services and products.
O‐12B.02 The City will provide a responsive, effective and high quality parks system and
recreational programs through community participation and involvement in park facility and
recreation programs to reflect community needs.
O‐12B.03 The City will provide appropriate signage and follow best practices in landscaping and
design to provide adequate visibility for park users.
O‐12B.04 The City will provide programs relative to park and recreation uses such as swimming
lessons and boating safety lessons to enhance user safety.
O‐12B.05 The City will provide programs and opportunities that are sensitive to the needs of all
of its citizens, including those with limited financial resources, disadvantaged youth, the elderly,
the disabled, and those with other special needs.
o Recast as P‐10D.02: The City should provide programs and opportunities that are
sensitive to the needs of all of its citizens, including those with limited financial
resources, disadvantaged youth, the elderly, the disabled, and those with other special
O‐12B.06 The City will provide programs relative to park and recreation uses to encourage
increased physical activity.
O‐12C.01 The City will develop a landscape ordinance to provide for enhanced street tree
management, parking lot screening, and stormwater management.
Appendix C
O‐12D.01 The City will use modern equipment and utilize staff effectively and properly plan
maintenance activities.
O‐12D.02 The City will encourage the installation of LID BMPs in parks, including bio‐retention
facilities and permeable pavement trails. Installation of LID BMPs in parks will include an
element of public education (i.e., signage).
O‐12E.01 The city will promote programs that encourage visitation and participation from
persons outside of Port Angeles to help off‐set program costs.
O‐12E.02 The City will work with the Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and the Lower Elwha
Klallam Tribe (LEKT) to resolve issues regarding the existence of trees in Lincoln Park that affect
the flight path for landing at William Fairchild International Airport.