HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-22 PC Agenda Packet
June 22, 2016
6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair
Regular meeting of June 8, 2016
1. The Jig and Lure – 826 Boathaven Drive
Port Angeles, Washington 98362 June 8, 2016 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Matt Bailey, Brian Hunter, Duane Morris, Andrew Schwab
Members Absent: Chad Aubin, Elwyn Gee, John Matthews
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Ben Braudrick,
Public Present:
Chair Hunter opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Schwab moved to approve the Minutes of May 25, 2016 with date
corrections. Commissioner Bailey Seconded the Motion, and all were in approval.
1. Façade Grant 16-03 Coyote BBQ Pub
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick gave a presentation detailing Façade and Sign Grant FSG 16-
03 for Coyote BBQ Pub.
Commissioner Schwab asked if Station 51 being included in the PADA letter was a separate
action. Assistant Planner Braudrick replied that it was separate, but that at the design review
meeting both applications were addressed.
Commissioner Morris asked if the equivalent area of reader board would be removed.
Assistant Planner Braudrick responded that it would be the equivalent.
Commissioner Schwab inquired whether Station 51 was included in this grant request.
Assistant Planner Braudrick replied that Station 51’s application had been tabled to ensure the
business owners could include more façade and sign work into their grant. They should be
applying again soon for a grant for a larger amount of funding.
Commissioner Bailey disclosed that he is a local sign maker and had done sign work for the
owner of Kokopelli Grill and The Coyote BBQ Pub Therefore he wanted to recuse himself
from the vote.
Community and Economic Development Director Nathan West responded to the request by
stating that, because this was not a quasi-judicial or legislative decision, and only a grant, that it
might not be necessary to recuse himself. He reviewed options for postponing a vote until after
the second item on the agenda in hopes that Commissioner Matthews might arrive to allow for
Planning Commission Minutes June 8, 2016 Page 2 Commissioner Bailey stated that he hadn’t been contacted by the applicant and thought he could
add insight to the conversation about the sign grant.
The remaining Commissioners stated that they had no problems with Commissioner Bailey
voting on the grant. Chair Hunter suggested they move the decision to later in the agenda.
Director West agreed. Chair Hunter moved the decision to after the second agenda item.
2. Proposed Amendments to City Wetlands Protection Ordinance
Associate Planner Scott Johns read a memo to the Planning Commission addressing changes
made to the ordinance, and four issues that came into question during the previous meeting on
May 25, 2016.
Commissioner Bailey asked for clarification on the “hardship” that was mentioned during the
presentation. Associate Planner Johns replied that the changes would only work for new
applications. Commissioner Bailey continued by asking if a property owner of an undeveloped
parcel would need to abide. Associate Planner Johns responded that the owner would be
subject to the regulation to a reasonable point.
Director West added that Associate Planner Johns had contacted local wetland professionals
about the changes to the buffering delineations, and that the professionals relayed that there were
no concerns, but a property might be affected by additional buffer requirements.
Chair Hunter asked whether the buffer distances were from the State. Associate Planner Johns
responded that they were.
Director West made it clear that the reasoning behind the higher buffer for higher density, and
the new definition for rural and urban densities was the much larger impacts that high density
development has on wetlands. People are attracted to and use wetlands for recreation.
Chair Hunter asked about the responsibility of the environmentally constrained property.
Associate Planner Johns responded that the wetland cannot be impacted in any way. Buffers can
be reduced to 25 feet and averaged in other areas of unaffected property. 15.27.070(F) includes a
table in the ordinance that compensates for the amount or percentage of property that is affected
by a wetland and its buffer. The City must allow for reasonable use. Chair Hunter responded
the he understood that those decisions on reasonable use would be made by the Courts.
Commissioner Schwab asked about the changes in the memo and if they had been changed
from the previous reading. Associate Planner Johns responded that all four had been kept or
placed into the current version of the ordinance. If the Commission was so inclined, they could
remove any of those if it was in their interest.
Planning Commission Minutes June 8, 2016 Page 3 Commissioner Morris asked about the definition of a Qualified Wetland Professional or
Scientist. Associate Planner Johns responded that the definition included a Wetland Scientist in
training, but that a person under that title would need to be working onsite with a Certified
Wetland Professional.
Commissioner Schwab stated that he would be comfortable with a motion that specifically
directed staff to ensure that the ordinance is in line with State Requirements. Associate Planner
Johns made it clear that the definition for a professional came out of the guidance for small
cities document from the Department of Ecology. Commissioner Schwab stated that he felt that
the definition was applicable. Commissioner Bailey agreed.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion to accept the second option from staff proposed for
the definition of a qualified professional. Chair Hunter seconded, and stated that he felt the
development community knows that nothing is set in stone when it comes to development
requirements. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed
amendments to the Wetlands Protection Ordinance, with the inclusion of any further
grammatical changes from staff. Commissioner Morris seconded. Director West asked for
clarification on whether that recommendation included the previous motion to accept the
second option for the definition of a qualified professional. Commissioner Schwab agreed
that this was the intent. The motion passed unanimously.
Façade Grant
Director West stated that this was specifically a consideration for a grant award, and
recommended the Commission move forward.
Chair Hunter stated that he felt that, although he supported the signage, he felt that the entirety
of reader board should be removed. Director West responded that it was within the power of the
commissioner to condition the approval of the grant.
Commissioner Morris agreed with Chair Hunter.
Commissioner Schwab felt that it is hard enough for local businesses with signage restrictions,
and that traditional reader boards are not as intrusive as more modern reader boards. He stated he
could not support a motion to remove the reader board entirely. Commissioner Bailey agreed.
Commissioner Schwab related that reader boards were an allowed type of signage in the Central
Business District, and the business could move forward without the grant if restrictions were
placed on it.
Commissioner Bailey stated that the reader board type of sign is slowly going away. It’s hard to
find and order. He asked if there was any way to make the reader board more attractive. He
Planning Commission Minutes June 8, 2016 Page 4
suggested framing the sign with trim. Commissioner Morris stated he was in favor of the
Commissioner Schwab added that the item could be tabled until a further meeting so that the
applicant could be involved in the discussion on conditioning the grant award. Director West
stated that the Commissioners could also make a motion at this meeting and the applicant could
return at the next meeting and ask for an amendment to any condition that is placed on the grant
award. Staff’s workload is overwhelming right now and if there is a way to move forward that
can satisfy the Commission at this meeting, staff may not have to draft a new recommendation
for a later meeting.
Commissioner Bailey Motion to approve Façade and Sign Grant FSG 16-03 on the condition
that the reader board is framed out and modified with trim. The Motion passed 3-1, with
Commissioner Schwab in opposition. Commissioner Schwab clarified that the approval was
tied to additional changes to the reader board.
Commissioner Bailey apologized for being absent last week.
Chair Hunter asked about the whereabouts of the new Planning Manager. Director West
responded that this week the new manager had the opportunity to come for public meetings
related to the comprehensive planning process. She would be starting on June 27.
Director West let the Commissioners know that Associate Planner Scott Johns was retiring
and invited the Commissioners to a going away party for Scott at June 17th at 10am-12pm
Commissioner Morris related that he knew that Associate Planner Johns was heavily involved
in trees and that he would be greatly missed
Chair Hunter related that he felt that Associate Planner Johns was always helpful and
Director West made the Commission aware of the discussion the Council had the previous night
concerning the Comprehensive Plan. The Council discussed the Lauridsen Boulevard alternative
route. There was a motion made to remove all references to Lauridsen Blvd in the Plan before
approval. There were three public comments heard concerning the Comp Plan at the meeting and
a motion was made concerning the military presence in the community. There were comments
Planning Commission Minutes June 8, 2016 Page 5
about the Eclipse Industrial Park. And finally, council asked staff to incorporate a matrix
concerning progress of implementation.
Chair Hunter stated that he was concerned about Council not realizing that any development
would need to move through the Commission and Council before it was implemented. He asked
what the concern with the military presence policy was related to. Director West stated that
there was a diversity of opinions, ranging from a need for it to be stronger, others that it should
be loosened, and others that history of a strong presence should be respected.
Commissioner Schwab asked about local planning course availability. Director West stated
that there would be opportunity in the future, and that all of the trainings were online as well.
The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Bryan Hunter, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Ben Braudrick, Assistant Planner
DATE: June 22, 2016
RE: Façade and Signage Competitive Grant Application
The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Façade and Sign
Grant Applications listed as FSG 16-07 in the amount as follows:
16-07 The Jig and Lure (IH)
826 Boathaven Dr.
$6392.50 Facade
$289.50 Sign
A Façade Grant application was submitted to the City on June 3, 2016. The application was
reviewed by planning staff and found to meet the application criteria. The project is located in
the Industrial Heavy (IH) zone.
Staff’s recommendation is based on the following evaluation criteria that are outlined in the grant documents, including:
• Outside contribution over and above the required match
• Present condition of existing façade or sign
• Expected increase in assessed value of improvement
• Historical preservation
• Context in the neighborhood
• Ability to proceed with project
• Other project-specific relevant factors
The Façade Grant criteria provides for grants of up to $10,000 for a façade improvements and
$1,000 for sign improvements.
ATTACHMENTS A. Staff Evaluations B. Application materials
Façade and Sign Grant – The Jig and Lure
June 22, 2016 Page 2 ATTACHMENT A
Applicant: 16-07 The Jig and Lure
Location: 826 Boat Haven Drive (IH zone)
Request: $289.50 for Signage Improvements and $6,392.50 for Façade Improvements
Evaluation: An application for improvements to both signage and the façade of the recently repurchased “Fishman’s Wharf”. The owners have renamed the restaurant “The Jig and Lure”
and have successfully rebranded to give the business a bold, retro look that will attract the
attention of passersby along Marine Drive. Work to the façade includes installation of gooseneck
lighting on the front façade and repainting the north and east faces of the building to include
maritime themed stenciled silhouettes. Signage will be painted onto the north and east facades and will remain within to IH, Industrial Heavy signage allowances. Although all painting will
occur concurrently, the applicant has estimated that façade and signage represent 90 and 10%,
respectively, of the total area to be painted.
Staff recommends the grant award amount of $289.50 toward the cost of sign
improvements that are estimated to be $579.00 and $6,392.50 towards the cost of façade improvements that are estimated to be $12,785.00.
Jig and Lure Fish Company
Lighting Number Product Cost Total Cost
Goose-neck LED wall lights 15 $154.00 $ 2670.00
Installation Labor: Botero & Sons $(Prevailing Wage) $ 4607.00
Subtotal $ 7277.00
Painting (façade is 90%) Number Product Cost Total Cost
Paint and paint supplies from Angeles Millworks $ 1908.00
Prep and repair supplies $ 465.00
Labor (81) $(Prevailing Wage) $ 2835.00
Subtotal $ 5208.00
Facade Materials Cost .................................$5,043.00
Facade Labor Cost .......................................$7,742.00
Total Facade Cost ........................................$12,785.00
Painting (signage is 10%) Number Product Cost Total Cost
Paint and paint supplies from Angeles Millworks $ 212.00
Prep and repair supplies $ 52.00
Labor (90) $(Prevailing Wage) $ 315.00
Subtotal $ 579.00
Total Signage Materials Cost .......................$315.00
Total Signage Labor Cost .............................$264.00
Total Signage Cost .......................................$579.00
Community and Economic Development Department–Façade and Sign Grant Application Budget Example 3/13/2015