HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-12 PC Agenda PacketAGENDA
October 12, 2016
6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair
Regular meeting of September 28, 2016
Façade Grant Applications
16-12 Imagine It Framed
PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 August 10, 2016 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL Members Present: Matt Bailey, Elwyn Gee, Brian Hunter, Duane Morris,
Members Absent: John Matthews, Andrew Schwab Staff Present: Nathan West, Allyson Brekke, Ben Braudrick, Jonathan Boehme, Kathryn Neal, Craig Fulton, Jeff Gepper
Public Present: John Ralston, Walt Dalrymple, Linda Gunderson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Gee opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Bailey moved to approve the August 10, 2016 minutes. Commissioner Morris
seconded, all were in favor.
Façade Grant Applications
16-10 Kokopelli Grill (CBD): Commissioner Bailey asked if a business had a cap on the amount of funding they could receive through
the façade grant program over a certain number of years or any period of time. Director West answered that although there is a yearly amount of $60,000 budgeted to the façade grant program annually, there is no maximum amount that a business can ask for funding. If a situation arose where funding was limited
and there was competing grants, those grant applicants who had not receive a prior grant would be prioritized. Commissioner Hunter made a motion to approve FSG 16-10 in the amount suggested in
the staff report. Chair Gee seconded, all were in favor.
16-11 Peabody Creek Coin Laundry (CA):
Commissioner Bailey commended the changes. Commissioner Morris congratulated the building
owners on moving forward with the façade improvement. Commissioner Morris moved to approve FSG 16-11 in the amount of $10,000.00, Commissioner Bailey seconded, and all were in favor.
Proposed Low Impact Development (LID) Additions to Titles 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 of the PAMC Planning Manager Allyson Brekke gave a presentation outlining the staff report for MCA 16-02. (Minute mark 23:00). The changes are based upon interdepartmental collaboration and the public
comment received throughout the code revision process. Special concern was given to the balance between unnecessary costs from the new LID revisions and savings linked with incentives
Civil Engineer Jonathan Boehme gave an introductory presentation on the changes made to the Municipal Code to update the stormwater requirements to maintaining the cities NPDES Phase 2 Permit.
Hererra Consultant Rebecca Dugopolski presented changes made due to 2013 requirements to the
permit to include Low Impact Development as the preferred and commonly used approach. Titles 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 were discussed.
Commissioner Hunter asked what options they had for changes in the code language. Manager Brekke clarified Appendix A of their packets included changes that had been made since the LID work session
with the Planning Commission on August 10, 2016 . The Commission had the opportunity to accept those
Planning Commission Minutes August 10, 2016 Page 2
changes, revert back to the previous language, or not accept the specific code revision. She encouraged the Commission to weigh into the language.
Consultant Dugopolski reviewed the =three scenarios for development within the City with existing design approaches and proposed changes.
Commissioner Bailey commented about cost differences in Scenario 2. The scenario is not representing the fact that LID is not currently required with a single-household building permit. So the difference in
cost should actually show a full $12,000 increase in cost because of it is now mandatory. Chair Gee asked about the hazards of pedestrians in parking lots due to trees and the relationship of
environmental safety and pedestrian safety. Engineer Boehme replied the changes were to protect the impacts of trees to the hard surfaces to them. Chair Gee asked about parking lots without trees. Manager Brekke responded that the changes would promote island development, which facilitates pedestrian and
vehicular traffic with pathways and curbs, etc. Engineer Boehme added that Peabody creek had been cited for above average warming, likely due to water falling on hot asphalt. A more robust tree canopy
over impervious surfaces will help to reduce this impact.
Consultant Dugopolski finished her presentation.
Commissioner Hunter asked about the repercussion of proceeding with a no action alternative. Engineer Boehme responded that there was a requirement slide, and slides for requirements above and
beyond the state and federal requirements. Consultant Dugolploski presented a slide of repercussions and penalties due to no action by December
31st, giving examples of other communities who have suffered. Commissioner Bailey asked if the rebates were forever or would run out. Engineer Boehme responded
that its council’s decision to continue them because they come out of the City’s budget. Director West read staff recommendation to the Commission.
Chair Gee Opened the Public Hearing.
Kelly Johnson 1442 Freshwater Rd.
Ms. Johnson mentioned concerns about costs that will be put on homeowners. She stated that
homeownership, value, and the ability for home improvements outside King County is still fragile. This is the first year of robust growth and she would like to see no harm done to homeowners.
John Ralston, PO Box 898, Port Angeles Mr. Ralston thanked the presenters. He stated that he was concerned about cost and the administration of these new requirements, and felt most of the development would need to be west of “I” street to stay away from stream impact. He felt that the authors went beyond what is necessary. He mentioned proposed
changes that had been struck or reduced, and why others shouldn’t also be reduced to a lower impact. Mr.
Ralston asked about the regulations and definitions related to trees. He was worried about the ability for the City to enforce some of the proposed regulations. He then shared a quote from a PDN article which
relayed the hardship by the Peninsula Housing Authority in developing stormwater related infrastructure for the recent low income housing project.
Planning Commission Minutes August 10, 2016 Page 3 Chair Gee made the statement that although not perfect, the changes are coming from a source that is beyond the Municipal level.
Commissioner Morris commented on the importance of the environment and the need for builders, home buyers, and the community to move forward instead of looking back on how things were done. He
didn’t feel the community could afford the environmental costs of continuing the same practice. He felt that education was an important facet to this new regulation, and the ability to balance our environment with our economy. He was not in favor of all of the changes being proposed, but that they needed to be
embraced. He related one change that needed to be made on page 15 which contained a typographical error.
Commissioner Bailey commented that this would be a difficult decision for him. He could be personally affected as a commercial property owner in town and worried about the small family business market in town and how these changes could affect those business owners. He felt that ultimately this vote would be
for his children’s generation.
Commissioner Hunter related that, in relation to environmental protection, it was all Nixon’s fault. He
mentioned changes to the code that affect the Planning Commissions, moving much of their work to administrative and legal means. The Hearing Examiner would be taking many of those responsibilities.
He felt that it might promote inequity because Planning Commission and City Council meetings are
during a time that is after work for most people should they want to attend. Listen to tape.
Chair Gee closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Morris moved that the planning commissioner recommend the approval of t11, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 of the PAMC and 2010 USSG, with suggested changes in Appendix A, Commissioner Bailey seconded, all were in approval.
Director West introduced Planning Technician Jeff Gepper. ADJOURNMENT
The meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary ElwynGee, Chair PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Ben Braudrick, Assistant Planner
DATE: October 12, 2016
RE: Façade and Signage Competitive Grant Application
The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve Façade Grant
Application 16-12 in the amount as follows:
16-12 Imagine It Framed (CA)
625 East Front Street
Sign $ 952.83
Façade $ 1,897.00
A Façade and Signage Grant application was submitted to the City on September 29, 2016. The
application was reviewed by Planning Division staff and found to meet the application criteria.
The project is located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone.
Staff’s recommendation is based on the following evaluation criteria that are outlined in the grant documents, including:
• Present condition of existing façade or sign
• Expected increase in assessed value of improvement
• Ability to proceed with project
• Other project-specific relevant factors
The Façade and Signage Grant criteria provides for grants of up to $10,000 for a façade
ATTACHMENTS A. Staff Evaluations B. Application material
Façade Grant – Imagine It Framed
October 12, 2016 Page 2
Applicant: 16-12 Imagine It Framed
Location: 625 East Front Street, Lot 16 Block 40, Norman R. Smith Subdivision
Zoning: Commercial Arterial (CA)
Request: $952.83 to replace a sign and $1897.00 to replace awnings
Evaluation: Imagine It Framed has been owned and managed by its current tenants, Larry and
Rene Bauer, for the last six years since the original owner Karon Nichols retired in 2010, Larry
and Rene Bauer have been running the DBA business as Karon’s Frame Center during that time.
Karon’s Frame Center completed a Certificate of Occupancy in 2002, In 2004, new awnings
were installed on the front of the business and in 2007 a building permit for new siding and a reroof was pulled. The siding permit expired, but the reroof was finalized. As mentioned above,
Larry and Rene Bauer took over the business after Karon’s retirement in 2010. No permitted
exterior improvements have occurred to the building since 2007.Improvements available for
funding through the façade and sign grant program haven’t been completed in 12 years.
The proposal for new awnings and a new sign for the business that is rebranding is one that is valued by staff, and fits many of the selection criteria for the Grant Program including the
•very high profile along the Front Street corridor.
•update is comprehensive–with new signage, paint, and awnings
•supporting a new business
•ability to proceed will project
Staff recommends the grant award amount of $2,849.83 toward the cost of sign and facade improvements that are estimated to be $5,699.67.
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City of Port An::ieles ... 1i:a�adE! and Signage lmproveiment Grant Program
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Department of Community and Economic Development
321 E. 5th Street, PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362