HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2018-09-26MINUTES
CþCouncil Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
September 26, 201.8 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting a|.6:02 p.m.
CommissÍoners Present:Pamela Hastings, Duane Morris, Andrew Schwab (Chair),
Steven Hopkins (Vice-Chair), Amy Powell, Benjamin Stanley,
Mel Messineo
City Staff Present:Allyson Brekke (Director of Community & Economic
Ben Braudrick (Assis tant Planner)
Kevin Bagw ell (Planning Technician)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Corey Delikat (Pørks & Recreqtion Director)
Public Present: John Ralston, Colleen Robinson, Julie Eckert, Steve Miller, &
Wendy Sisk
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick swore in Commissioner Messineo to the Planning Commission
John Ralston, City Resident
Mentionecl that VRBO's should be allowed in all residential zones within the city, Duplexes
should be allowed in all RS7, 9, and 11 with minimum lot requirements, the time frame for
evaluating the comprehensive plan is too short, Is in favor of the proposed rezone, and that he is
in favor ofall 3 façade grants beingproposed tonight.
Chair Schwab closes Public Comments
Commissioner Hopkins moved to amend the minutes of August 22nd meeting. Staff will make
an amendment to reflect August 8th. Commissioner Schwab called for a vote to approve the
minutes with the corrections to follow. All were in in approval.
Plann ing C ommission Minute s
September 26, 2018
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Þaznna À¡nt.inafinn 't\Tn 1R-d 1 215 North Francis S
Assistant Planner Braudrick presented the Staff Report for Rezone No. 18-41. Staff
recommended an approval of the rezone.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for Staff before opening the public
hearing. Commissioner Stanley asked if there were other facilities or parking lots that could be an
alternative to the proposed parking lot pending approval ofa rezone. . Staffresponded that there
are alternatives and encourages shared parking facilities, however, those would be further evaluated
if a parking lot was proposed through a Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Stanley asked if
the two parcels to the east would remain in their curent zoning. Staff responded yes.
Commissioner Powell asked if there was a plan tbr what was to be developed on the properfy.
Staff referred that question to be directed toward the applicant.
Chair Schwab opened the public hearing
John Ralston. Cit-v Resident
Stated that he is in favor ofthe proposed rezone.
Chair Schwab opened up discussion of the proposal amongst the commission members.
Chair Schwab invited the applicant to speak on behalf of their proposal
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for the applicant or ilre applicaut's
representative. Discussion followed.
Chair Schwab closed the public hearing and opened up discussion of the proposal amongst the
commission members.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to recommend to the City Council to approve the rezone.
Commissioner Hastings seconded the motion. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion to vote on the rezone application. The motion passed
6-l with Commissioner llopkins voting no.
Facade Grant l8-10. I l8 East 8th Peninsula Rehavioral Health:
Assistant Planner Braudrick presented Façade Grant l8-10. Staff recommended the approval of
grant 18-10 citing 7 findings, 3 conclusions and 6 conditions in the StaffReport.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for Staff/Applicant.
Commissioners Hopkins asked if the paint would match the adjacent building located at ll2 E.
8th Street. Wendy Sisk replied with the reasoning for the color scheme.
Chair Schwab opened up discussion of the proposal amongst the commission members.
Commissioner Stanley made a motion to approve Façade Grant l8-10. Commissioner Hastings
seconded the motion.
Chair Schwab opened up for discussion amongst the commission members. Discussion followed.
Chair Schwab made a motion to vote on the approval of Façade Grant 18-10. The motion
iroaf lll¡mnin l\faãinol (1a¡la¡.
Plann ing C o mmiss io n Minules
September 26,2018
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passed 6-0 all in favor
Facade Grant 18-1 1. 1 12 East 8th Street. Peninsula Behavioral Health:
Assistant Planner Braudrick presented Façade Grant I 8- I I . Staff recommended the approval of
grant 18-1 I citing 7 findings, 3 conclusions, and 6 conditions in the StaffReport.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for staff. Commissioner Stanley
asked if the approval of this grant would preclude a future application for a sign grant. Staff replied
that these are separate properties and the policies involved with Façade/Sign Grant Applications.
Chair Schwab asked if the Commission had any questions for the applicant. Discussion Followed.
Chair Schwab opened up for discussion amongst the Commission. Discussion Followed.
Commissioner Hopkins made a motion to approve Façade Grant 18-l 1. Commissioner Hastings
seconded the motion.
Chair Schwab made a motion to vote on the approval of Façade Grant 18-11. The motion
passed 6-0 alt in favor.
Facade Grant 18-12" 728 East Front Street. Habitat for Humanitv:
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick Presented Façade Grant 18-12. Staff recommended the
approval ofgrant 18-12 citing 7 findings, 3 conclusions, and 6 conditions in the StaffReport.
Chair Schwab asked the commission if they had any questions for Staff/Applicant. Discussion
Chair Schwab opened up for discussion amongst the Commission.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve Façade Grant 18-12. Commissioner Stanley
seconded the motion.
Chair Schwab made a motion to vote on the approval of Façade Grant 18-12. The motion
passed 6-0 all in favor.
Director Allyson Brekke introduced herself as the new Director of Community and Economic
Development. Council approved the professional Tom Beckwith Consulting for the Housing Needs
Assessment. The Housing Needs Assessment is estimated to be completed in January. The housing
Task force meeting Friday October 5th 4-6 pm. Recommended a representative from the
commission to be a part of the first meeting. Updated the Commission about the 6 council motions
that occurred at the latest meeting.
Commission should decide how they're going to move tbrward with a 20 l9 amendment. Any comp
plan amendment and update should have a process for the public to participate in the update.
Meetings should be noticed correctly. Consistency with the proposed amendments and the past
amendments. Updates will be sent to the department of commerce as required by state law.
Commission may recommend updates or write amendments. Staff may also bring forward
suggested changes to the commission. Members of the community may also bring forward changes.
Once the motions are approved in the minutes by council, a summary of the motions will be sent
Plann in g C o mmission Minutes
September 26,2018
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to council and included in the minutes.
End of March is the end of receipts of suggestions for members of the communiry as per city code.
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick updated on the Lincoln Street bicycle-friendly street and our
grant requests. Requested Commission representation. Date to follow. Staff will update the
Commission on the meeting times and dates.
Director Allyson Brekke stated that there was a work session on code compliance last night
0912512018 to address part-time employees in varying departments to assist in working on the code
compliance issues within the City. Staff is directed to find sustainable revenues to fund code
Commissioner llastings volunteered to be the representative at the Housing Needs Assessment
meeting. Task force meetings will be open to the public, it is unclear if there is going to be a public
comment period.
Commissioner Schwab discussed the Council motions about the Comprehensive Plan Updates
and suggested that Council change the code to allow for an rncreased amount of ttme to update the
Comprehensive Plan. He also suggested that the Commission work on the 3 definitions first.
Commissioner Hopkins echoed Director Brekke's recommendation to listen to the audio of the
City Council meeting.
CommissÍoner Hastings requested a white board for the next meeting.
Commissioner Schwab suggested that the Commission work on the 3 definitions at the next
Commissioner Schwab stated that at the next meeting, the Commission will set out a work-plan
and a time table of such to submit to council.
The public can begin giving comment at the beginning of the new amendment cycle which began
in June. The Commission will work out a work plan at their next meeting.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to adjoum.
Commissioner Hopkins made updates on the Washington State Dept. of Transportation visit and
the Lincoln Street Safety Project.
Commission made a motion to adjourn. The motion passed 6-0 all in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Kevin Bagwell, Secretary
PREPARED BY: Kevin Bagwell, Secretary
Andrew Schwab, Charr
W A S H I N G T O N, U.S
IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony given is true and
correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. If you do not plan to
testify, your signature only acknowledges your presence at the meeting.
Thank t3
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