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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting a
Complete streets policy and program.
WHEREAS, Complete Streets is a concept used to design a transportation network that
addresses the needs of different transportation modes and all road users -- including pedestrians,
bicyclists, motorists and transit riders -- into a transportation system that enhances transportation
efficiency, protects vulnerable road users, provides mobility options, and creates livable
communities; and
WHEREAS, in 2011, the Washington state legislature passed the Complete Streets Act,
codified in RCW 47.04.320-.340, encouraging local governments to adopt their own complete
streets ordinances and establishing funding through the Washington Transportation Improvement
Board (TIB) Complete Streets Program for cities that incorporate Complete Street principles into
their transportation goals and policies; and
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles encourages development of city streets to enhance
the quality of life of residents, encourage active living, and reduce traffic congestion and fossil
fuel use by providing safe, convenient, and comfortable routes for walking, bicycling, and public
transportation; and
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles' Comprehensive Plan, as amended, establishes a
basis for a multimodal transportation planning approach that integrates land use and transportation
planning, emphasizes pedestrian, bicycle, and transit needs, and incorporates the principles of the
Washington State Complete Streets Act; and
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has dedicated a complete streets approach for two
principle arterials using the Complete Streets Guiding Principles, which are outlined in Attachment
A; and
WHEREAS, planning, design, construction, and ongoing preservation of City streets in
accordance with the Complete Streets Guiding Principles will increase the capacity of the
transportation network, support community and economic growth, increase transportation options
for citizens, improve public health by enabling active forms of personal mobility, enhance
community livability and maximize the efficient use of public roadway infrastructure, and
A Complete Streets Program for the City of Port Angeles is hereby authorized and adopted.
2. The purpose of the Complete Streets Program is to plan, design, construct, operate and
maintain appropriate facilities into new construction projects to create a comprehensive,
integrated, connected transportation network. The goal of the Complete Streets program is to
balance access, mobility, health and safety needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists,
emergency responders, freight haulers and users of all ages and abilities, ensuring a fully
connected, integrated network that provides transportation options.
3. The Complete Streets Guiding Principles, shown in Attachment A, are hereby adopted and
approved. These Principles shall be used as fundamental criteria to guide implementation of the
Complete Streets Program.
4. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to adopt such procedures, policies,
design criteria, and standards, and to make such determinations, interpretations, and evaluations,
based upon recognized best practices, as are necessary and appropriate to implement a Complete
Streets Program for the City of Port Angeles.
5. The City of Port Angeles encourages partnerships, coordination, and cooperation with all
Washington State transportation funding agencies, Clallam County, Port Angeles School District,
and any other funding agency to implement the Complete Streets program for City streets, State
highways and county roadways within the City and its adjoining Urban Growth Areas.
6. Exceptions. Facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and/or people of all abilities
are not required to be provided when:
A. A documented absence of current or future need exists;
B. Nonmotorized uses are prohibited by law;
C. Routine preservation and maintenance of the transportation network is performed that does
not change the roadway geometry or operations;
D. The cost would be disproportionate to the current need or probable future uses;
E. Documented environmental constraints or unsafe transportation issues;
F. Unplanned repairs and maintenance to transportation facilities that are made due to
unanticipated events or circumstances;
G. In instances where a documented exception is granted by the City Manager.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at an open public meeting on the
0 day of December, 2018.
Kari Martinez-Baile , t erk
(By Summary)
Sissi ruch, Mayor
William . Bloor, City Attorney
Attachment A
City of Port Angeles Complete Streets Guiding Principles
• The transportation network should be planned and built as a connected system that
maximizes mobility and access for its users by providing multiple options to destinations.
• Each phase of planning, design, funding, construction, and the ongoing operation,
preservation and maintenance of new and modified roadways, provides an opportunity to improve
the integration of all transportation modes into the transportation system.
• Thorough engineering, planning and landscape architecture judgment will produce
roadway designs that account for the unique circumstances of different users and the unique
contexts of urban, small city and rural areas.
• City streets, state highways, and county roads within the designated Urban Growth Areas
should be designed in a flexible and appropriate manner that complement and support the character
of adjoining land uses, both existing and as -planned for the future in the adopted City of Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan and the Clallam County Planning Policy.
• With limited exceptions, all federal -aid City streets, state highways, and county roads that
are located within designated Urban Growth Areas should be designed and constructed to include
sidewalks and lighting at intersections and crosswalks.
• Not all roadways are suitable for all Complete Streets components; in some cases a limited
range of modal choices may be appropriate.
• Facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and/or people of all abilities are not
required to incorporate Complete Street components when:
o A documented absence of current or future needed exists;
o Nonmotorized uses are prohibited by law;
o Routine preservation and maintenance of the transportation network is performed that does
not change the roadway geometry or operations;
o The cost would be disproportionate to the current need or probable future uses;
o Unplanned repairs and maintenance to transportation facilities that are made due to
unanticipated events or circumstances;
o Documented environmental constraints or unsafe transportation issues; and
o In instances where a documented exception is granted by the City Manager.
• A written request justifying the reasons why a project cannot incorporate Complete Street
components shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works and Utilities prior to
granting this exemption.
• The following Complete Streets Guiding Principles should be evaluated and considered in
all phases of transportation project planning, design, and construction:
o Sidewalks and crosswalks
o Lighting
o Transit shelters/stops
o Bicycle accommodation
o Landscaping
o Use of raised medians for traffic safety, traffic flow and pedestrian refuge
o Adequate buffer areas for pedestrian safety, drainage and landscaping
o Lane widths appropriately sized for use and context of surrounding land uses
o On -street parking where appropriate for surrounding land uses
o Signage
o Level of connectivity to the existing transportation network
Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on December 4, 2018
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2019 budget for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.
This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall take effect 5 days after passage and
publication of summary.
An Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting a Complete Streets policy and
This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall take effect 30 days after passage and
publication of summary.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cilyofpa , or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Kari Martinez -Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Sunday, December 9, 2018