HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda Packet 2018-10-10
321 East Fifth Street
October 10, 2018
6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Chair
Regular meeting of September 26, 2018
1. Legislative Public Hearing for Rezone Application 18-42: Len Rasmussen – Lots 1-3,7-8,
and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of the Street Vacation
described in County Record 46-1987
1. 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendment
For the Commission to discuss the City Council’s recommendations on the 2019
Comprehensive Plan Amendment process (from the Council September 18th public
meeting) and decide on next steps.
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
September 26, 2018 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:02 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Pamela Hastings, Duane Morris, Andrew Schwab (Chair),
Steven Hopkins (Vice-Chair), Amy Powell, Benjamin Stanley,
Mel Messineo
City Staff Present: Allyson Brekke (Director of Community & Economic
Ben Braudrick (Assistant Planner)
Kevin Bagwell (Planning Technician)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
Corey Delikat (Parks & Recreation Director)
Public Present: John Ralston, Colleen Robinson, Julie Eckert, Steve Miller, &
Wendy Sisk
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick swore in Commissioner Messineo to the Planning Commission
John Ralston, City Resident
Mentioned that VRBO’s should be allowed in all residential zones within the city, Duplexes
should be allowed in all RS7, 9, and 11 with minimum lot requirements, the time frame for
evaluating the comprehensive plan is too short, Is in favor of the proposed rezone, and that he is
in favor of all 3 façade grants being proposed tonight.
Chair Schwab closes Public Comments
Commissioner Hopkins moved to amend the minutes of August 22nd meeting. Staff will make
an amendment to reflect August 8th. Commissioner Schwab called for a vote to approve the
minutes with the corrections to follow. All were in in approval.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, 2018
Page 2
Rezone Application No. 18-41, 215 North Francis Street, Olympic Medical Center:
Assistant Planner Braudrick presented the Staff Report for Rezone No. 18-41. Staff
recommended an approval of the rezone.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for Staff before opening the public
hearing. Commissioner Stanley asked if there were other facilities or parking lots that could be an
alternative to the proposed parking lot pending approval of a rezone. . Staff responded that there
are alternatives and encourages shared parking facilities, however, those would be further evaluated
if a parking lot was proposed through a Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Stanley asked if
the two parcels to the east would remain in their current zoning. Staff responded yes.
Commissioner Powell asked if there was a plan for what was to be developed on the property.
Staff referred that question to be directed toward the applicant.
Chair Schwab opened the public hearing
John Ralston, City Resident
Stated that he is in favor of the proposed rezone.
Chair Schwab opened up discussion of the proposal amongst the commission members.
Chair Schwab invited the applicant to speak on behalf of their proposal
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for the applicant or the applicant’s
representative. Discussion followed.
Chair Schwab closed the public hearing and opened up discussion of the proposal amongst the
commission members.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to recommend to the City Council to approve the rezone.
Commissioner Hastings seconded the motion. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion to vote on the rezone application. The motion passed
6-1 with Commissioner Hopkins voting no.
Façade Grant 18-10, 118 East 8th Street, Peninsula Behavioral Health:
Assistant Planner Braudrick presented Façade Grant 18-10. Staff recommended the approval of
grant 18-10 citing 7 findings, 3 conclusions and 6 conditions in the Staff Report.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for Staff/Applicant.
Commissioners Hopkins asked if the paint would match the adjacent building located at 112 E.
8th Street. Wendy Sisk replied with the reasoning for the color scheme.
Chair Schwab opened up discussion of the proposal amongst the commission members.
Commissioner Stanley made a motion to approve Façade Grant 18-10. Commissioner Hastings
seconded the motion.
Chair Schwab opened up for discussion amongst the commission members. Discussion followed.
Chair Schwab made a motion to vote on the approval of Façade Grant 18-10. The motion
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, 2018
Page 3
passed 6-0 all in favor.
Façade Grant 18-11, 112 East 8th Street, Peninsula Behavioral Health:
Assistant Planner Braudrick presented Façade Grant 18-11. Staff recommended the approval of
grant 18-11 citing 7 findings, 3 conclusions, and 6 conditions in the Staff Report.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they had any questions for staff. Commissioner Stanley
asked if the approval of this grant would preclude a future application for a sign grant. Staff replied
that these are separate properties and the policies involved with Façade/Sign Grant Applications.
Chair Schwab asked if the Commission had any questions for the applicant. Discussion Followed.
Chair Schwab opened up for discussion amongst the Commission. Discussion Followed.
Commissioner Hopkins made a motion to approve Façade Grant 18-11. Commissioner Hastings
seconded the motion.
Chair Schwab made a motion to vote on the approval of Façade Grant 18-11. The motion
passed 6-0 all in favor.
Façade Grant 18-12, 728 East Front Street, Habitat for Humanity:
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick Presented Façade Grant 18-12. Staff recommended the
approval of grant 18-12 citing 7 findings, 3 conclusions, and 6 conditions in the Staff Report.
Chair Schwab asked the commission if they had any questions for Staff/Applicant. Discussion
Chair Schwab opened up for discussion amongst the Commission.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve Façade Grant 18-12. Commissioner Stanley
seconded the motion.
Chair Schwab made a motion to vote on the approval of Façade Grant 18-12. The motion
passed 6-0 all in favor.
Director Allyson Brekke introduced herself as the new Director of Community and Economic
Development. Council approved the professional Tom Beckwith Consulting for the Housing Needs
Assessment. The Housing Needs Assessment is estimated to be completed in January. The housing
Task force meeting Friday October 5th 4-6 pm. Recommended a representative from the
commission to be a part of the first meeting. Updated the Commission about the 6 council motions
that occurred at the latest meeting.
Commission should decide how they’re going to move forward with a 2019 amendment. Any comp
plan amendment and update should have a process for the public to participate in the update.
Meetings should be noticed correctly. Consistency with the proposed amendments and the past
amendments. Updates will be sent to the department of commerce as required by state law.
Commission may recommend updates or write amendments. Staff may also bring forward
suggested changes to the commission. Members of the community may also bring forward changes.
Once the motions are approved in the minutes by council, a summary of the motions will be sent
Planning Commission Minutes
September 26, 2018
Page 4
to council and included in the minutes.
End of March is the end of receipts of suggestions for members of the community as per city code.
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick updated on the Lincoln Street bicycle-friendly street and our
grant requests. Requested Commission representation. Date to follow. Staff will update the
Commission on the meeting times and dates.
Director Allyson Brekke stated that there was a work session on code compliance last night
09/25/2018 to address part-time employees in varying departments to assist in working on the code
compliance issues within the City. Staff is directed to find sustainable revenues to fund code
Commissioner Hastings volunteered to be the representative at the Housing Needs Assessment
meeting. Task force meetings will be open to the public, it is unclear if there is going to be a public
comment period.
Commissioner Schwab discussed the Council motions about the Comprehensive Plan Updates
and suggested that Council change the code to allow for an increased amount of time to update the
Comprehensive Plan. He also suggested that the Commission work on the 3 definitions first.
Commissioner Hopkins echoed Director Brekke’s recommendation to listen to the audio of the
City Council meeting.
Commissioner Hastings requested a white board for the next meeting.
Commissioner Schwab suggested that the Commission work on the 3 definitions at the next
Commissioner Schwab stated that at the next meeting, the Commission will set out a work-plan
and a time table of such to submit to council.
The public can begin giving comment at the beginning of the new amendment cycle which began
in June. The Commission will work out a work plan at their next meeting.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Hopkins made updates on the Washington State Dept. of Transportation visit and
the Lincoln Street Safety Project.
Commission made a motion to adjourn. The motion passed 6-0 all in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Kevin Bagwell, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Chair
PREPARED BY: Kevin Bagwell, Secretary
STAFF REPORT DATE: Friday, October 05, 2018
STAFF PLANNER: Ben Braudrick, Assistant Planner
APPLICATION: Lots 1-3, 7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of the
Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone (REZ) Application No.
APPLICANT/OWNERS: Len Rasmussen, 1761 East 6th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
Valeria LeBuis, c/o Maryann Thompson, 8133 NE Eagle Point Lane, Kingston, WA,
HEARING DATE: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, City Hall, 321
E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA
The Applicant, Len Rassmussen, submitted an application for a rezone of eight irregularly sized and shaped
lots described as Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of the Street
Vacation described in County Record 46-1987, from RS-9, Residential Single Family to RHD, Residential High
Density. The proposal requires an open hearing and a final decision by the City Council based on the
application materials, public comment and testimony, staff report, and a recommendation from the City’s
Planning Commission. A Planning Commission open hearing was publicly noticed and advertised as
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles,
City Staff is recommending the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City
Council based on Findings of Fact & Staff Analysis located in Section VI of this Staff Report.
I. Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
II. Proposal ......................................................................................................................................... 3
III. Facts Relavent to the Application ................................................................................................ 4
IV. Procedure: .................................................................................................................................... 5
V. Comments ..................................................................................................................................... 6
VI. Findings of Fact & Staff Analysis .................................................................................................. 6
Port Angeles Municipal Code ........................................................................................................ 9
Comments .................................................................................................................................... 11
Environmental Review ................................................................................................................ 11
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 2 of 12
Consistency .................................................................................................................................. 11
Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 11
VII. Decision & ConClusions ............................................................................................................ 11
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 12
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 3 of 12
Application No. 18-42 is a request for a Rezone (REZ) of property located at the Northeastern corner of the
intersection of Campbell and Wabash Avenues from RS-9, Residential Single Family to RHD, Residential High
Density. A REZ application is required to assure that the proposal retains a maximum degree of
compatibility is met with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The applicant’s purpose of the rezone is
to potentially provide for higher density housing and the possibility of a Planned Residential Development
associated with Peninsula College on the properties. No new construction is proposed with this application.
See Figure 1 below for images of the current zoning and Comprehensive Land Use Map designation of the
immediate vicinity and Figure 2 of the existing zoning and easements present in the general neighborhood.
Figure 1: Current Zoning Map (Left) and Current Comprehensive Land Use Map (Right) of the Subject Properties
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 4 of 12
Property Description
Address: Not Applicable
Property ID / Tax Parcel ID: 66799 / 063014130100;
66806 / 063014130200; 66807 / 063014130300;
67280 / 063014550335; 66281 / 063014550335;
67282 / 063014550340; 67283 / 063014550345;
67284 / 063014550348
Zoning: RS-9, Residential Single Family
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Low Density Residential and Open Space with a large imprecise
margin separating the subject properties from High Density Residential, Low Density Residential,
and Open Space.
Dimensions: Irregular
Area: ~15.35 acres (668,646 square feet)
Existing Lot / Site Coverage: 0%/0%
Proposed Lot / Site Coverage: No change.
Figure 2: Neighborhood Scale Zoning Map
Figure 2: A neighborhood map locating the subject property among other various zones, overlay zones, and utility/access easements
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 5 of 12
The properties are accessed by Campbell Avenue, which runs as an improved access side street until its
intersects with Wabash Avenue at the southwestern-most corner of the subject property. All of the subject
properties are currently vacant, with the exception of a network of primitive roads accessing utility
easements. These easements include two 25 foot electrical utility easements running east-west and north-
south on lots 2 and 3; a 200 foot electrical utility easement for the Booneville Power Administration running
generally east-west on the northern portions of Lots 1, 2, and 3; and a 60 foot easement running across
the center of Lots 1, 2, and 3 for the Morse Creek Water Line. Two final 30 foot easements provide utility
access to internal lots 6-7 and 10-14 off of the Campbell Avenue right of way. Whites Creek, a Class 3
stream, runs generally through the center of Lots 2 and 3 (See Figure 2 for utility easement locations).
The rezone has been proposed to provide a zoning district that permits higher density residential
development that can be associated with the continued growth and development of Peninsula College.
Current zoning in the area varies from RHD, Residential High Density to the west and northeast, RS-9,
Residential Single Family to the south and east, and PBP, Public Buildings and Parks to the north. The
proposed zone’s intended purpose is to act as the highest intensity residential zone in the City, with an
allowance of between 10 and 40 units per acre.
Current restrictions to development include the above mentioned creek and associated environmentally
sensitive area and the large amount of easements that likely remove a large part of the northern half of the
subject properties from highest/best use development potential. A rezone from RS-9 to RHD will allow for
increased density in the southern-most potentially developable portions of the subject properties. This is
especially feasible in conjunction with the achievement of an overlay zone that provides development
benefits such and increased density and reduction in setback requirements in exchange for the
advancement of environmental stewardship, neighborhood-centric development, recreational
opportunities, and onsite stormwater management (See Appendix A for more application narrative and
proposal details).
On July 23, 2018 the Applicant submitted a Rezone (REZ) Application 18-42. On, August 8, the application
was determined complete. REZ’s require an open record hearing that will be conducted by the City’s
Planning Commission. No more than one open record hearing is allowed for each application. A closed
hearing and final decision will be made by the City Council following the open record hearing and
recommendation by the Planning Commission. Notice of the application was provided on the following
dates and in the following manner:
1. 08/10/18: Subject property, Posted sign
2. 08/10/18: City Hall, Notice board
3. 08/08/18: Property owners within 300’ of subject property, Mailing
4. 08/12/18: Peninsula Daily News, Circulation
The public comment period was 14 days in length and closed on August 26, 2018. The decision of the City
Council in these cases may be appealed to Superior Court. Appeals must be filed within 15 days of the
notice of the City Council’s notice of decision.
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 6 of 12
Public Comment:
No comment from the public was received regarding this application during the public comment period.
City of Port Angeles Departmental Comments:
The Police and Fire Departments
No comment
Building Division
No comment
The Public Works and Utilities Department
1. Future subdivision and/or development of the property will likely require improvements to Campbell
Avenue. Offsite utility capacity improvements may also be required.
2. Upon application approval and at such time as the applicant applies for permits to develop the property,
the City may provide additional comments/requirements for both on-site and off-site improvements per
the City code and the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. General comments included with this
rezone review are not meant to be all inclusive or ultimately applicable to the future development of this
rezoned land.
Analysis and findings of fact from City Staff are based on the entirety on the application materials, Port
Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC), standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during
the review period. Collectively the information contained in the staff report is the record of the review. The
findings and analysis in this report are a summary of the City Staff completed review.
City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
All Rezone (REZ) applications must abide by the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The following Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan policies are identified by Planning Division Staff to support the proposal in
CUP Application No. 18-42:
Land Use Element
Goal G-3A: To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to
its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of
the future.
Policy P-3A.01: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be used as a conceptual guide for
determining current and long-range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations
are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use
designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the
boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the
goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence.
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 7 of 12
Policy P-3A.02: All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed
Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use
Goal G-3C: To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential
opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment, and enjoyment, that are attractive to people of all ages,
characteristics and interests.
Policy P-3C.01: Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although
such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district
should be composed of residential uses of varying densities, which may be augmented, by subordinate and
compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, day care
and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of
district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium,
or high density housing.
Housing Element
Goal G-6A: To improve the variety, quality, availability, and attainability of housing opportunities in the City
of Port Angeles.
Policy P-6A.11: The City should strive to achieve an appropriate balance between attainable market-rate
housing and affordable housing and ensure that affordable housing is provided in a way that contributes
to the physical appearance and economic and social health of the neighborhoods and the City.
Policy P-6A.12: The City should strive to achieve an appropriate balance between attainable market-rate
housing and affordable housing and ensure that affordable housing is provided in a way that contributes
to the physical appearance and economic and social health of the neighborhoods and the City.
Policy P-6A.15: The City should allow for mixed-use opportunities in neighborhoods, including commercial
development and mix of housing densities.
Economic Development Element
Goal G-9A: To create and maintain a balanced and stable local economy with full employment and emphasis
on strengthening the community's traditional natural resource related industries as well as diversifying the
overall economic base.
Policy P-9A.31: The City should support the location of low-cost places where people (especially young
people) can congregate and talk, and ensure that these have up-to-date communication facilities.
Goal G-9B: To have a healthy local economy that co-exists with the community's high quality of life through
the protection, enhancement, and use of the community's natural, historical, and cultural amenities.
Policy P-9B.3: The City should encourage the enhancement of the existing two-year community college
through such means as the expansion of its technical curriculum and additional four year degree
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 8 of 12
Policy P-9B.5: The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire
spectrum of the community's residents.
Capital Facilities Element
Goal G-8E: To reduce the amount of impervious surface created by new developments and thereby reduce
stormwater management costs and environmental impacts to the City and its natural resources, reduce
development costs to private property owners, and provide safe and more attractive streets through traffic
calming, safe pedestrian amenities, and improved street edge landscaping.
Staff Analysis: REZ Application 18-42 abides by and is consistent with the goals, policies, and intent of the
Land Use, Housing, Economic Development and Capital Facilities Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The
rezone of Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of the Street Vacation
described in County Record 46-1987 will provide the City of Port Angeles with services that are compatible
with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (See Figure 1 on Page 2) designates the properties across many
different land use types, including Low Density Residential (LDR), High Density Residential (HDR) Open Space
(OS), and a large amount of imprecise margin. Although the properties are covered only by LDR and OS land
use designations, HDR land use areas border both the northeast and west edges of the property that are
within large areas of imprecise margin. The marginal areas of the land use map represent an allowance of
flexibility for future zoning designation and adjacent future uses. Staff has determined that the adjacent
HDR land use designations and above Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element goals and policies support the
proposal to rezone 15.35 acres of property within the City from RS-9, Residential Single Family to RHD,
Residential High Density.
A rezone from RS-9 to RHD will provide a change in the number of possible developed housing units from an
existing 75 to a possible 154-614 total units, based on minimum and maximum housing unit densities in
Chapter’s 17.11 and 17.15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). This change in density will have the
following positive impacts on future development of the properties:
A greater potential for the reduction of initial capital facility and utility costs for development;
An increase in the availability of more affordable and attainable housing within the City;
A greater potential for the preservation of open space and protection of designated critical areas;
The availability of more multimodal transportation options and public transit access;
Development that is more inclusive, comprehensive, and neighborhood oriented; and
The ability to better mix housing types and densities to serve all housing needs.
Staff finds that the above positive impacts associated with a rezone from RS-9 to RHD are all directly related
to the goals and policies listed in support of this proposal from the Land Use, Housing, Economic
Development, and Capital Facilities elements of the Comprehensive Plan.
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 9 of 12
Port Angeles Municipal Code
The following Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) provisions are seen as relevant to this application.
Planning Division Staff provides comments under each provision as demonstration of the analysis that has
occurred with the application review process and the findings of fact relevant to the application.
Title 17 – Zoning
PAMC Chapter17.03.020, “Zoning Map”, includes the purpose and direction of rezoning property in Port
A zoning map, showing the location and the boundaries of the various zones in the City, shall be established
as the Official Zoning Map and shall be an integral part of these Zoning Regulations. The Zoning Map shall
be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and the land use designations on the
Zoning Map shall be at the same or lesser intensity of uses and impacts on surrounding uses as the
Comprehensive Plan Map. Where the zoning land use designation is at a lesser intensity than the
comprehensive plan designation, a rezone may be granted if circumstances have been shown to be
changed and the public use and interest is served. Where the zoning land use designation is at a greater
intensity than the comprehensive plan designation, a rezone consistent with the comprehensive plan must
be obtained before new development will be permitted.
Staff Analysis: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map support the change to a zone of greater intensity.
The proposed subject property is adjacent to areas of High Density Residential land use designations on the
northeast and western property boundaries through the imprecise margin that travels across several of the
properties. The imprecise boundary allows for a mix of compatibilities adjacent to the subject properties.
The proposed increase in residential land use intensity is supported by goals and objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, and Capital Facilities elements. These
goals and objectives seek to promote public health, safety and welfare; housing and transportation equity;
environmental stewardship; and an overall reduction in capital facilities maintenance cost for the City of
Port Angeles.
Title 18 – Growth Management
PAMC Chapter 18.02.070 – “Application Review Process”, includes guidance on the state mandated
application review process set forth in RCW 36.70B.
A. Public hearing limitation. There shall be no more than one open record hearing and one closed
record appeal conducted by the City on any development application.
B. Optional consolidated review.
1. When requested by the applicant, the City shall provide a single application review and
approval process covering all development permits requested by an applicant for all or part
of a project action and shall designate a single permit coordinator for such review.
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 10 of 12
2. If an applicant elects the consolidated permit review process, the determination of
completeness, notice of application, and notice of final decision must include all project
permits being reviewed through the consolidated permit review process.
3. Consolidated permit review shall be limited to a single open record hearing and no more
than one closed record appeal.
4. In the case of consolidated project permit review, the Planning Commission shall conduct
the single record public hearing and shall make the initial determination on the permits,
which determination shall be either a recommendation or a final decision, depending on
the processing requirements established by ordinance for each specific permit involved.
The City Council shall be either the final decision-making or appellate body, depending
upon the permit processing requirements for the specific permits involved.
C. Single report. For project permits included in consolidated permit review that do not require an
open record predecision hearing, the City shall provide a single report, which may be the City's
permit decision document, which states all the recommendations and decisions made as of the
date of the report on all related permits for the project. If a threshold determination other than a
determination of significance has not been issued previously by the City, the report shall include or
append this determination.
D. Combined meeting or hearing with other agency.
1. Meetings or hearings on any project permit may be combined with any meeting or hearing
held by another local, state, regional, federal, or other agency, provided that the meeting
or hearing is held within the geographic boundary of the City. schedule in the event that
additional time is needed in order to combine the hearings.
2. Hearings shall be combined if requested by an applicant, as long as the joint hearing can
be held within the time period specified in this chapter or the applicant agrees to the
E. Threshold determination appeals. Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as
provided in RCW 43.21C.075 and WAC 197-11-680, appeals of other threshold determinations shall
be submitted prior to and combined with any predecision open record public hearing, if one is
provided for the development application involved or combined with an appeal of the underlying
project decision per PAMC 18.02.120.
F. Notice of decision. A notice of decision, which may be a copy of the report or decision on the project
permit application, shall be provided to the applicant and to any person who, prior to the rendering
of the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted substantive comments on the
application. The notice of decision shall be consistent with Chapter 36.70B RCW and shall include
a statement of any threshold determination made under Chapter 43.21C RCW and Chapter 197-
11 WAC and the procedures for administrative appeal, if any. For non-administrative approvals,
notice of the decision shall be published in the City's officially designated newspaper.
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 11 of 12
Analysis: Sections IV and VI of this staff report document the adherence to the requirements presented in
Chapter 18.02.070 PAMC and RCW 36.70B. Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the
City Council, which will make a final decision concerning the application based on the Staff Report, Planning
Commission recommendation and record, written public comment, and public testimony. Any appeal is
required to be filed within 14 days of the notice of decision and will be heard in these cases may be appealed
to Superior Court.
No Public Comment was received prior to the Planning Commission open hearing.
Environmental Review
In accordance with WAC 197-11-800(6), this land use action has been determined to be categorically
exempt from Washington State SEPA threshold determination rules, requirements, and procedures.
In preparation and submission of a Rezone (REZ) application, the applicant has demonstrated how the
requested rezone will be consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and not
contrary to the public use and interest. Staff has reviewed the REZ application in accordance with the City’s
Comprehensive Plan and the Port Angeles Municipal Code criteria. The recommendation of approval to
change the City of Port Angeles Zoning Map will ensure future proposed uses are compatible for the
surrounding site and support public health and safety.
It is the recommendation of Planning Division Staff that the Planning Commission recommend approval of
Application No. 18-42, to amend the City of Port Angeles Zoning Map to the City Council. This
recommendation is based on staff review, application materials, applicable code criteria, public comment
and the findings included throughout the staff analysis and the conclusions included in Section VII of the
staff report.
Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, applicable criteria and all the
information presented, the City Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission forward the
recommendation of approval of Application No. 18-42 to the City Council, based on the findings within the
staff analysis contained in this staff report and with the following conclusions:
1. Analysis and findings of fact from Staff are based on the entirety of the application materials,
municipal code, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the
review period. Collectively the information contained in the staff report is the record of the review.
The analysis and findings in this report is a summary of the City Staff completed review.
2. The proposed rezone meet the goals, policies, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan
related to the Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, and Capital Facilities elements.
P&Z Application No. 18-42 | Lots 1-3,7-8, and 16-18, Illinois Land and Investment Company and portions of
the Street Vacation described in County Record 46-1987 Rezone
Page 12 of 12
3. As proposed, the rezone is in compliance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map.
4. Per PAMC Section 2.18.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC), the City Council has the
review authority and is authorized and directed to hear and decide on Rezone Applications. As to
all of the foregoing issues and matters, the decision of the City Council shall be the final decision of
the City. The decision of the City Council in these cases may be appealed to Superior Court. Appeals
must be filed within 15 days of the notice of decision.
5. Future subdivision and/or development of the property will likely require street and utility
improvements as per Port Angeles Municipal Code and the Urban Services Standards and
Appendix A: Planning and Zoning Application No. 18-42 Materials