HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2018-06-13MINUTES
CþCouncil Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington 983 62
fune 13,2018 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
CommÍssioners Present:
Commissioners Absent:
Pamela Hastings, Duane Morris, Andrew Schwab (Chair),
Steven Hopkins (Vice-Chair), Amy Powell, Benjamin Stanley
City Staff Present: Allyson Brekke (Planning Manager), Ben Braudrick (Assistant
Public Present: John Ralston, Marian Bodart
Commissioner Hopkins made staff aware of a misspelling of his name and moved to approve the
May 23,2018 minutes with that correction. Commissioner Hastings seconded the motion. All
were in favor.
l. Education: Growth Management 101
Staffplayed five videos from the Association of Washington Cities and the Department
of Commerce detailing the Growth Management Act and Comprehensive Plan purpose
and update process:
1. Washington Department of Commerce: Comprehensive Plan Basics
2. Association of Washington Cities: Why Your Comprehensive Plan Matters
3. Washington Deparhnent of Commerce: Implementing Your Plan
4. Washington Department of Commerce: Updating Your Plan
5. Association of Washington Cities: How do Council, Staff, and Commission
Work Together
from June 5th Public
Chair Schwab asked Staff to review the City Council's recent action on June 5th
conceming the Comp plan. Planning Manager Allyson Brekke described the City
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Planning Commission Minutes
June 13,2018
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Council Action and discussion including the two motions made by the Council at their
meeting on June 5,2018 conceming the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Planning Manager Brekke listed options available to the Planning Commission. She
suggested that the Commission look at the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and
decide as a Commission whether it should move forward or be stopped. Chair Schwab
asked Staff to describe the difference between an update process and an amendment.
Planning Manager Brekke described the amendment process and timing schedule per
the City's municipal code. The 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendment was described
asn correcting errors, including the AIA SDAT vision to the Comprehensive Plan
vision statement, aciciing a timeiine to the impiementation matrix, anci inciu<iing oithe
performance measure matrix.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission if they felt that they adequately followed
through with what they were tasked with and provide adequate time for public
participation. Commissioner Hopkins made the distinction between an update and
amendment process, and the need for time and public involvement. He felt discussions
from the last meeting were higher level and were meant to help to realize the plan. He
felt the motion was unanimously approved and that the Commission is interested in
implementing the plan.
Chair Schwab asked Staff what the possible options for moving forward could be.
Planning Manager Brekke provided the Commission two options, (1) Stop the 2018
Comprehensive Plan Amendment process and plan review for 2019 or (2) continue the
2018 amendment and make a recommendation to the City Council. The decision on
next steps could take place at a later meeting
Commissioner Morris stated that there was really no discussion at all by the City
Council about policy. The Council discussed how the Plan seemed cobbled together.
ln2016 the City did an amazing job putting the document together. However, the City
has four new members of City Council, with different and new ideas. He agreed with
wanting to proceed with a more deliberate update process. The process could happen
sooner than the eight year typical process. At the last meeting the Planning Commission
had some of the best conversations since he started his tenure, but none of those
conversations were meant as a solution. He asked what other Commissioners thought.
There is work that can be done to rewrite portions of the Plan in ayear.
Planning Commission Minutes
June I 3, 2018
Page 3
Chair Schwab stated that the Plan was larger than a single Council or Commission.
There are two decisions that need to be made. He felt like the Commission followed
through with the amendment process and content they were tasked with.
Commissioner Stanley did see everything proposed in the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment as necessary, but the implementationportion of the update is an important
piece of the plan that should be included in this year's amendment process. The
Commission should keep that in. He stated that he would support larger changes based
on the organization and delineation of the plan at an update process. After doing some
background research, he felt like the word "Policy'' is misused. Many are high level
and could replace goals. There could be clarity provided to each element and their
goals/policies. He referenced APA's publication "Best Planning Practices in
Comprehensive Planning". The publication lists scoring the plan, and using a matrix to
better understand priority.
Commissioner Hastings was of the opinion that the Planning Commission is not here
to rewrite the plan, but to tune the plan up. Perhaps the City Council doesn't understand
the difference between the update and amendment process. She agreed with the Chair
that they accomplished what they set out to do.
Chair Schwab asked what the difference is between goals, policies, and objectives.
Planning Manager Brekke responded that during the 2017 Comprehensive Plan
Amendment process the definitions were included for each. It was also identified that
the Plan's policy statements didn't always reflect how they are defined. The process
would need a substantial amount of time and public involvement. She read the
definitions for goals and policies and objectives from the Comprehensive Plan.
Chair Schwab asked the Commission what they wanted to do right now. He offered
the option to recommend the same motion as the previous meeting. He agreed with City
Council and entertained the idea of stopping the 2018 process and review the plan for
a larger 2019 amendment.
Commissioner Morris agreed with the City Council's opinion that the City is in
compliance with 2018 GMA and the Commission should continue the amendment to
Commissioner Hopkins stated that the first motion only stated that the City was in
Compliance with GMA, and that the Planning Commission could reaffirm their
previous position.
P lanning C ommi s sion Minu tes
June 13, 2018
Page 4
Commissioner Hopkins made a motion to refer City Council to the Planning
Commission's May 23'd unanimous approval of PZ 18-23,2018 Comprehensive
Plan Amendment, citing three conclusions in the Staff Report of that date.
Recognizing the four tasks the Planning Commission \ryere assigned to review
Chair Schwab seconded the motion. Chair Schwab asked if there is any discussion
regarding specific to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Chair Schwab emphasized
that the Commission does not need a unanimous vote when considering this motion.
CommÍssioner Morris asked what the Commission was accomplishing with this
motion. Chair Schwab stated that the Commission is reaffirming the decision that had
atreaoy -been macie. The Councii motion was to stop the work that had aiready been
done. Commissioner HopkÍns stated that his motion was to approve the changes to
the Comprehensive Plan that had been accomplished thus far in 2018.
Commissioner Stanley asked as a devil's advocate what the motion set to accomplish
with the work that has already been done. Commissioner Hastings responded that it
appeared the City Council was placing the responsibility of fixing the plan on the
Planning Commission without providing the high level policy guidance needed to
accomplish the task. Chair Schwab felt that some of the City Council were unaware
what the Planning Commission was tasked with and had a different expectation for the
amendment. Commissioner Stanley elaborated that the issue may be that in some ways
approving a 2018 amendment is acknowledging the plan's faults. Commissioner
Schwab agreed and added that there seemed to be some members of the Council that
see this process as an opportunity to fix everything, whereas that is not the purpose for
an amendment.
Commissioner Morris stated that he had listened to the Council tape and Acting City
Manager Nathan West explained very clearly the purpose of the amendment process.
He didn't understand the disconnect between the explanation given by Acting City
Manager West and the City Council's motion and expectations. Chair Schwab felt
that the Planning Commission had done their due diligence with the recommendation
they made to the City Council. Commissioner Hopkins added that many of the
conversations concerning the Comprehensive Plan at the previous meeting were
generally about life and the urban environment of Port Angeles. There seems to be a
desire amongst the Planning Commissioners to fix larger issues, but that wasn't the
purpose of the conversation. Chair Schwab asked for a vote. Five Commissioners
were in approval, with Commissioner Morris in opposition.
Planning Commission Minutes
June i,3,2018
Page 5
3. Discussion and Recommendation: Next Steps for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Discussion of the Comprehensive Plan review followed. Staff provided the option of
continuing the conversation on the Plan's review at a future meeting, and also provided
the option of a joint Commission-Council Meeting. A joint meeting could provide more
direction for both groups. Chair Schwab supported sitting down with City Council to
better understand what they wanted of the Planning Commission. Commissioner
Hastings thought a joint meeting could help both groups understand their roles and
assign responsibilities. Commissioner Hopkins added that he'd like to focus on
neighborhood development implementation not line by line edits. Commissioner
Stanley also supported a joint meeting. Chair Schwab asked what the meeting looked
like. Planning Manager Brekke responded that there are many ways to have the
meeting, the important thing was to provide an invitation to Council. She saw this as a
possible annual event.
There was consensus by Commissioners to have Staff arrange a joint meeting with the
City Council (no motion was taken).
Planning Manager Brekke stated that Staff was planning on having the J:urlre 27
meeting to hear a Façade Grant request. Staff also intended on having a RFQ out on
June 22"d for the Housing Needs Assessment.
Commissioner Morris approached by constituents in the community about a compiled
report of short term rentals and the lack of long term rentals. The community group had
compiled a list of short term rentals from Lake Crescent to Gardiner. There were over
360 listed on both vrbo.com and AirBnB.com. He provided the list to staff.
The meeting adjourned at7:57 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Chair
P lanning Co mmis sion Minu tes
June 13,2018
Page 6
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick, Secretary
W A S H I N G T O N, U.S
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