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1044 Campbell Ave - Engineering
PUBILlC WORKS & R/W PERMIT o Attached Notes OWNERlAPPLlCANT -- Issued: 3/10/2003 Permit No: Work Order: PROPERTY LOCATION 1044 CAMPBELL AVE Lot: 1 &2AND PART5WOFROAD Subdivision: ILLONOIS ADDN Parcel No: 063014540600000 0 1372 o Block: 6 Long Legal 1044 CAMPBELL AVE Port Angeles, W A 98362 000/604-7332 PROJECT INFO Work is: Plans Required: Start Date: Contractor: QWEST COMMUNICATIONS Performance Bond Required: Amount: Proof of Insurance: Work to Perform: ~ Install o Repair o Watermain PROJECT NOTES Value Work: $0.00 1 1 Finish Date: 3601000-0000 1 1 $0.00 o Sanitary Sewer o Storm Drain ~ Underground Tele/Elec ~ Mise Place buried service wire to 1044 Campbell Ave. work will require 30' road push FEES ASSESSMENT 1.) RIW Excav: 2.) Sidewalk: 3.) Curb/Gutter: 4.) Driveway: 5.) Dwy Culvert: 6.) Street Cut: 7.) Other RlW: 8.) Fire Hydrant: 9.) Res Water Serve 10.) Comm Water Serve 11.) Other Water Service: 12.)Water System Dev: 13.) San Sewer SFR: 14.) San Sewer MFR: add unit 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Receipt No: Inspection Fee: $0.00 15.) Other San Sewer: 16.) Sew Tap Wye/Man Tap: 17.) Sew Capl W/M Removal: 18.) Alter Repair Sewer: 19.) Storm Drain: 20.) Catch Basin per ea: 21.) Sewer System Dev: 22.) Milwaukee Dr. Sew Ass: 23.) R/W Use Perm: 24.) Admin Cost (DR.A) 25.) ORA 26.) Mise: TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 -----::: - .. ~~ ii.., .--- -' (,:"-- , . -'----.- :JJ - ~\~1.\1 .,- ~ -' P.02/03 .... . .": ;',~';:i:,:::g'~ ',. "'\'-'~'/'I'~' l-\AR \ \} LcJ,J, "'",,'s''["i! ,- -- . ---=: ~:' ::::::;<~;#i . . . ". "";J ~:=~~.:~:;'.::o:::':,::,;:: :::,::,." or ";;;~,, . ,:-=,,,:.. '.~:II PLEA~ .5etE:. A\{ACtte b ...5~"'l+#' ':H2? Uo~1.D) .WbD3al(~1"'4S~ '(JUtte. RorelW ~Ulce- \.0\ 12~ lb .,:.~"iJ;~\iiMtl Del tt CW~~ () t 1l)44- Q..Atn P bQll ?tV 6,,::/,~triJ~ WOR-\(... 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DepUQl\imc - Superint.8ndeiit ' The estimared time ror'completion of the above work' Is JD ?::JAYS Due Complylna with all Municipal Ordinances: Notifying the Street Superinundent of th!l time the work 9'i1l star:. and when it wiU tlnish; . Proaecurina the ....orle \With dililmce and With due respeet to all property, contrac:ts, penona.' ri&hu and the interests ~nd convenienC'l! or the public::: Savini the Munic::illalllY humleu.(rom any and all damages IIIhiGh rnay accrue to sny perrOn' Or property bCC"~lise orthil inatallariOD or tlla maintenance. thareof; . Complylna with fOllowln. ,pecial'conditions: ~ lID (()-3 I' City otl'ORC5 B~;f;M~~-~ ...- ....'.. '.',.; . ": ,<~Yl:.:,;: . . ~'., r:.i .', .~,Ui~::; ,~~~ -, .,' ", 1 ,rjl'~'t,~~ '.\;, '''''''~''~ '. ...';,;It MAR 06 2003 13:10 FR Qwe~t Job it TRAFTON B 253 471 1324 VV 0 U::JU IllO / - '-1'-"0 I' 1 TO 13604174709 P.03/03 .;.; .',: "'':;, , . 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