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2452 Samara Dr - Engineering
PUBILle WORKS & R/W PERMIT o Attached Notes OWNER/APPLICANT Issued: 4/10/2003 Permit No: Work Order: 1377 o PROPERTY LOCATION 2452 SAMARA DR Lot: 12 Block: 2 Subdivision: SAMARA WOODS Parcel No: 063001590120000 D Long Legal Port Angeles, W A 98360 000/600-0000 PROJECT INFO Work is: Value Work: $0.00 Plans Required: Start Date: 1 1 Finish Date: 1 1 Contractor: OWEST COMMUNICATIONS 360/000-0000 Performance Bond Required: Amount: $0.00 Proof of Insurance: Work to Perform: ~ Install D Sanitary Sewer D Mise D Repair D Storm Drain D Watermain ~ Underground Tele/Elec PROJECT NOTES PLACEMENT OF BURIED SERVICE WIRE FOR CUSTOMER AT 2452 TO INCLUDE A 30 FOOT ROAD PUSH FROM PED @ 2425 SAMARA DR. FEES ASSESSMENT 1.) R/W Excav: $0.00 15.) Other San Sewer: $0.00 2.) Sidewalk: $0.00 16.) Sew Tap Wye/Man Tap: $0.00 3.) Curb/Gutter: $0.00 17.) Sew Capl W/M Removal: $0.00 4.) Driveway: $0.00 18.) Alter Repair Sewer: $0.00 5.) Dwy Culvert: $0.00 19.) Storm Drain: $0.00 6.) Street Cut: $0.00 20.) Catch Basin per ea: $0.00 7.) Other R/W: $0.00 21.) Sewer System Dev: $0.00 8.) Fire Hydrant: $0.00 22.) Milwaukee Dr. Sew Ass: $0.00 9.) Res Water Serv: $0.00 23.) R/W Use Perm: $0.00 10.) Comm Water Serv: $0.00 24.) Admin Cost (D.R.A) $0.00 11.) Other Water Service: $0.00 25.) DRA $0.00 12.)Water System Dev: $0.00 26.) Mise: $0.00 13.) San Sewer SFR: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $0.00 14.) San Sewer MFR: $0.00 add unit 0 Amount Paid: $000 Receipt No: Inspection Fee: $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 , ;.,! ,< .s1C.ETi~ I+#'W00 5~ I IZ 1/~~;z~' ,1fT pUSH" By FUQVA Contractor ';It Ownllr OWE-51 /A'JTI~ ;~\V fZ.OON\ '" :::: 7~'50A 5 TR;j FTf1rv, T/7CO""A1 \y"Jl in'o'(,,">:h THE ABOVE APPLrCATION IS HEREBY GRANTm SUBJEcr TO APPUCANT'S: ":'::-:::' < APR 09 2003 15:01 FR TRAFTON B 2534711324 TO 13604174709 ~~ t@he/ g)~ ".- I I'lJIlUC WaReS Permit To Perform Work In Stfllet Right~f.W.y ':,:;. APPLICATION is hereby m~de to the municipality of PORl' ANGELSS to perform work as . , nOTed hereon and us shown on allached drawing: 'PLEA5f:... ~ AI1ACttEh fLlrCEI'1E'ltT Of (SUR/fO 24 5 Z. SA .IlIJA R It D f2.- f~=J=I:;- 1:377 C,cICVICf \NIp., f Fate. 1"() t NCLVOt -+ 30 OU~ C.USTo/"\cf. FOOT' /Zo-'!P Approved: Water Department - Superintendent Sewer DepanmeJ\t - Superintendent The estimated time for'completion of the above work Is ID -:cAYS AF-re(L Date t4 P!<. q?!!.. "U)O"3 , f'ItONf'Z 55- '17J- 0 7~f{ .fAX: l.. 1)3- (1.71-152'1 Complying with all Municipal Ordinances~ Notifying th. Sueet Superintendent of the time the work willstdr:. and wheln it will finish; Prosecuting .he ",ork ",ith diligencc and with due re.pect to all property. contracts. pencln.' rights and the interescs and convenience of the public; Dale Saving the M ~nicipaJily harmleu fram any and all darnelea which rnay acaUl! to any person or property beCllI158 of this installation or thll mailltenance thereof; Complying wilh following spectal eonditians: 1/;() /03 -I~ ~~_. ~- ad,'" s .... P,02/03 "" '.' , '.l: /;,~,,: ., " ,of' . '\ ,'.\'.: . '.1,. 'I'. ': :~}:: <:~:~ ',' ' ,,::,",' "><'1 ..,,',.,,"'.' . '. '.~, . ~. ~ -"J :, .<\ ,,' :'1,. ~ .," \ ;; , ':', I ~ . ," '.' ':' ',' , , 1" .' . ' :"" ,(: :'1.' , ,:' ",~.:,,(~! , ,t.. :., ~ .,',;' \'./,::::.'; . I ~f " " . , " .,' i.. " ; ~i,: :\{;\~i~ \"\1 :;. '. '" . '"""lJ , 'I'.',' ",.';" , ." ,. .' 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'".1\:,\" T!C or 31P ,nder driveway I,o,al [oo,agel (15 ...';(' ?vC or SIP ...mcie::- multiple driveways (total footaget .:';<15> , . "," :'. ::',1 ~ (j) ?'c:.SI: or ';0,1;: .2 :c::c:: ?'.'C or SIP 'J.ncie:- roadway (total footagel ?'..;,sh or ~or~ .2 :~(;:: P'..:.sh or ':lo.-e .2 :nc:: \'.\. : ** TOTAL . .' . :\'i,.' .~ / ',~ '.:: ".' :' ">,<':",:~ ""-,...iJ;;~ u ..~ "-~- '."',:' -, ,~,.".,:,,:-~:;::~ PAGE.03 ~*. APR 09 2003 15:01 FR TRAFTON B 2534711324 TO 13604174709 P.01/03 785011 S. T"mftQn Tacoma, W ^ 98409' : )".'~': 'f' . !(<:4-:':~~~~ "'j'; ~.",..,~,...,...;..~..".....",;"..: .,. . ., 'I '... ,.j.., ,- . I ". '> ~". "~ ,"..' .'" . . ;. . '~. " ' ;; 'i~ " ~o~~~ E ~ ~ < '. ,,' '. -" .' :. :.,-'/': _ ':1.'\:(~1,;::' ."...''''~.^' " .,. ,.-..",,~~~ 'f;' o ':-' j":'l,'':~i'';:~'''.:,'::?'' r.J~~' . . . ", ,,"J'I"/ ~w ,,<,&, , ' ,~.;.;~:~-,:;~":)~'<~:\...,~ 'f, ~/,." " '-r'''' To: City ofPon Angeles Fax: 360-417.4709 From: QweSI CommunicatiollS Date: 04/09/03 Re: Pages: 3 cc: Ryan Fuqua o Urgent o For RevIew o Please Comment o Please Reply ":;.>,~',\,;:;; '" " \.. ;!~.. '~;( '. . ) uj> " '-,' ".., -.' '::.,', .",;:) "1\,'C/" 0,"" ','. '~~ ..t>:'i ," I ,.,' . . . . . . . . . Nclt8lI: T.FllnIlton, Permit applications: W003011211452M Tiiank you, -Ryan . "1. i-""