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1025 W 14th St - Engineering
PUBILle WORKS & R/W PERMIT o Attached Notes OWNER/APPLICANT ~--- Issued: 4/28/2004 Permit No: 1400 Work Order: 0 PROPERTY LOCATION 1025 14TH ST 'fvl Lot: Subdivision: Parcel No: Block: D Long Legal 0001000-0000 PROJECT INFO Work is: Value Work: $0.00 Plans Required: Start Date: Contractor: QWEST COMMUNICATIONS Performance Bond Required: Amount: Proof of Insurance: Work to Perform: / / Finish Date: 360/000-0000 /1 $0.00 D Install D Repair D Watermain D Sanitary Sewer D Storm Drain D Underground Tele/Elec D Mise PROJECT NOTES f.,t'\\ 2 S-ton' placement of buried service wire to incluse 18' push at alley FEES ASSESSMENT 1.) RfW Excav: $0.00 15.) Other San Sewer: $0.00 2.) Sidewalk: $0.00 16.) Sew Tap Wye/Man Tap: $0.00 3.) Curb/Gutter: $0.00 17.) Sew Cap/ W/M Removal: $0.00 4.) Driveway: $0.00 18.) Alter Repair Sewer: $0.00 5.) Dwy Culvert: $0.00 19.) Storm Drain: $0.00 6.) Street Cut: $0.00 20.) Catch Basin per ea: $0.00 7.) Other RfW: $0.00 21.) Sewer System Dev: $0.00 8.) Fire Hydrant: $0.00 22.) Milwaukee Dr. Sew Ass: $0.00 9.) Res Water Serv: $0.00 23.) RJW Use Perm: $0.00 10.) Comm Water Serv: $0.00 24.) Admin Cost (D.RA) $0.00 11.) Other Water Service: $0.00 25.) DRA $0.00 12.)Water System Dev: $0.00 26.) Mise: $0.00 13.) San Sewer SFR $0.00 ~~~~ TOTAL FEE: $0.00 14.) San Sewer MFR: $0.00 add unit 0 Amount Paid: $0.00 Receipt No: Inspection Fee $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 :;'j~:~~[~ I+~ \" '''''f;u /'A22 "'1:;6,':':!(';ij."~ C It c-r-'" ~ vvv -, I/" "~T!!"-'[,,:,{{~~~ I::: ~~ 1'_ '1 sze ':\'''''c' " ',/~ ~~~~'::;;~ wiRE FOt. OVR., ""'::"6' TiT I kC/..l.J DE 4"" 1 riY)#i,(i ; .t,.\.,~\tf'._; ",<<,~W~ Sewer Department - SUPerintendent ' '/'\"-;:'~R ;;~:m,~:~;~:_;;~o:;:o~:r ~..bo~ w~;;~:s M:~ ~C~lrr];!~f ~AX 2. S3 - 71- /~2 'I CJWf.,Sr /A1T1~ ; BS.w flDON\ ,\},:/~~:j rhc S UUIFrt.lN, TI'9"O/"1A, I"..,:'l 'IH1I1i:;-":>;t " , THE ABOVE APPLICATION IS HEREBY GRAN'tED SUBJECT TO APPI.ICANl'''S: APR 28 2004 12:58 FR TRAFTON B 2534711324 TO 13604174709 ?8'~ <@~ g)~ FUiLJC WOFlUl P~rmit To Perfcmn Work In Street Rliht-of-Wey APPLICATION is her~by made [0 the munic:ipality of PoRt' ANGELE:S to perform work US . , nOTed hereon and as ,'hown on attached drawing: PUAz:i:. .::::.pC AIt'Actfe b fL'Icr..,r.....T OF CI"STO"'1E~ "IT F 0 err /2.DJ1 J:] Bur< Ie 1) 5ErN/CE 1025 \Iv 1'(t4 $/ P v Sri, ----+=:=:=: ~ \ "E'- v' ""'- \ "' \ <\ 00 Approved: Water Departrnent -'- Superintendent Dace Complyjng with aU Municipal Ord.inance,; Notifying the Srreet Superinr=nclent of the time the work ';Ifill star:, and when it will flnilh: Prosecuting the work with diliiCnCl: and with due: I1lSpl:01' to all prol'ett)'. contracn, person.' rilthts and the interests and convenien~ of the pubLic; Saving the Municipality hermleu from any IInd ell damage. which may accrue to any penon or property because of this inJtelJstion or the maintenance thereof: BV ~Mt) tj ~. - -' 2IWUI P,02 r~~ :"/: ,\:ti,::,~~ ".' \~'ij ":~~i~~!~~ ',; .::",/~j~\J '. ,';~'~;lt; ,".",:' .'1.... , C", ,~ 'i!~ .. jJ~i;i ," J".j , :,)~~;:~~~ji€,~~ RPR 28 2004 12:58 FR TRRFTON B \NO (fJ'1 Vi- /.. /1)/ II 'Jt-~ 253 471 1324 TO 13604174708 .. I .. P.03 ~.". :;;~. 'i;,::;.\':l~ , '.' ~.,~;\:~ '" ,I' . (~I.t..EY) , l" , ,,' l-- ..... '" II< \- VI { 102.,' , 1 .t c. \U Ilol I- .... ________~S~I---J~-t~---~J-~!-EJC-------------------.V ,'" !.'J,t,(,".',/;i ? ," ~';~..\{.'~f:; , "-,,[, ':i .t:. j~ , ',' ;.i:-,:'l~\:)::'~":;-l ~}\ri~~ >:. I- \~ ~'~'~('~~3 I (' :.":.:. ~,- ~ ~ioo ~ ~cur.: '-- c.nwPipe Cui:q f)rrlrts.,jJ~1lIelGLd ......:O;l:l&D..PlIiIlllla -- '..":::;iJ;t~i!'1 1.,1,. '''-0''~'''f '''j''''':?'j t~~l ,':.' ," ~ l- ~ <:> 'v, seciiCn laWMili'p r&nt;le \ 'i I HN \ 'III Typical eroDing Detail c.-._-" .wccs4___ .... J.NlliDll it..... 'This rl:C,uest fer penmt i~ fer the piacc:::nCl1t of unciergrtlu.acl te.lephODI:I se,.....;.c.= wire to our customer at tbe follewing address: I a;z.!; 'IN BT lio/i~ ~'Tffff This worlt wiU requiTe: Trenchil:lg in the PJW (total footll.@e) 2 , I Push or bore 2. inch pVC or BIP under <<ladway (teta! footage) , S t:'u~h or bore 2 inch PVC or SIP untie:!' driveway (total. foo~) (/ Push or bore: 2 inch PVC orBIP uncier multiple driveways (total. footage) rJ ,- .,' ,,":~.a,~, ~"'!:'!f,;>,~~ "\'. TOTRL PRGE:'0~':;;~~ ** APR 28 2004 12 57 FR TRAFTON B 253 471 1324 TO 13604174709 78505 S. TnUlon Tacoma, W A 98409 fi inill.... ;": ;; ',' ',',. '. "1' " '''''''tFanS'''''' "." ,., tta" 00" S' ,'e"; ,,', mI-""-' , ".~'."'. ")", " \.' To: City of Port Angeles Fax; 360-417-4709 From: Qwest Communications Dal.: 04/28/04 Re: Pages: ) cc: Ryan Fuqua o Urgent o For Rovisw o PI8ao8 Comment o PIoaao RopIy o PI_ Recycle . . . . . . . . . NolDS: T. FUllstOn, Permit applications: WQ0402278/4S2C Thank you, -Ryan ", . . ~ ~ : ... ~ ~ . P.01 . . . ,'l,!;';'{',::<{i'f ;'it;~11~l~\11,:'( 'I.('I~";"'"~ . \ l,h.1J ',..;\.~ I." . . "''''''1",;1 : ('~~:,[J:~~t}~?~~~ , ,.~, .,~' ~'i'j':!"'~: ," ,....;S/".\'<\,:.T!! '" '.~\~""J"'?r" \ .' :/::~.\~:~ti~~~~~~ . .!, ''"'\ ~ll".~ : .>,;;<;~:\~t\:6~ ""'-"""~'''l ,:' ::"~~j,~-~~;~,,~:~ \ '," ~.~ "'~ .J, I~ " !',.~~'~~~~~\~~ ~ ::;;\:'j::;~f~.~~~t~:fl ,.".1 ,~-;",I,,~,,~ . ,.'{:~,~~;%~t:~~{~;~ , ,\ ~I,...t~~~^.~ "'~';I .: :j,:j':~~~~:~:~~ " '."'1", 'I 111 :' J, ,;~'''',1-;'I';I,,''A . ", /,lr;,~<'\.~f,j}:; :,~ '.\'..;.I.'tl'".-...."n ,,:H~~it~j~tJ ,,> \>t\l 'i-"~'!~':'J:ij ,,!,, ;''''i~'~ J ,,',p,~," 1ii ' .~,' -tl';,';jtn~;" ~'. ;: "I"~\J'~ , ~,~Vr.::~ .', ;"\f;" " (';,,\'\'-:,,1 , -\ '1.(%1: !.~ , ;,'~~i~t!!j~ .1\",,(\"\'.,~"I::J . , .:'~\~~ "~':4; !tJ C:;'.,'< /~f~I.;;/~;~~ ," ,",.,.\'..;-;~.lril ", ,. ~~'~:(' ';;',,17/ 'ful ,', "I,(a..'l' ':, r\!!::;)