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2330 Samara Dr - Engineering
PUBILle WORKS & R/W PERMIT D Attached Notes OWNER/APPLICANT Issued: 10/05/2004 Permit No: Work Order: 1416 o PROPERTY LOCATION 2330 SAMARA DR Lot:. Subdivision: Parcel No: Block: Port Angeles, W A 98360 000/600-0000 PROJECT INFO Work is: Plans Required: Start Date: Contractor: QWEST COMMUNICATIONS Performance Bond Required: Amount: Proof of insurance: Work to Perform: Samara Woods D Long Legal Value Work: $0.00 II Finish Date: 360/000-0000 II $0.00 D Install D Repair D Watermain D Sanitary Sewer D Storm Drain D Underground TelelEiec D Mise PROJECT NOTES placement of buried service wire to include 3D' of road push FEES ASSESSMENT 1.) RIW Excav: $0.00 15.) Other San Sewer: $0.00 2.) Sidewalk: $0.00 16.) Sew Tap WyelMan Tap: $0.00 3.) Curb/Gutter: $0.00 17.) Sew Capl WIM Removal: $0.00 4.) Driveway: $0.00 18.) Alter Repair Sewer: $0.00 5.) Dwy Culvert: $0.00 19.) Storm Drain: $0.00 6.) Street Cut: $0.00 20.) Catch Basin per ea: $0.00 7.) Other RIW: $0.00 21.) Sewer System Dev: $0.00 8.) Fire Hydrant: $0.00 22.) Milwaukee Dr. Sew Ass: $0.00 9.) Res Water Serv: $0.00 23.) RIW Use Perm: $0.00 10.) Comm Water Serv: $0.00 24.) Admin Cost (D.R.A) $0.00 11.) Other Water Service: $0.00 25.) DRA $0.00 12.)Water System Dev: $0.00 26.) Mise: $0.00 13.) San Sewer SFR: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $0.00 14.) San Sewer MFR: $0.00 add unit 0 Amount Paid: $0.00 Receipt No: Inspection Fee: $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 AUG 24 2004 11:22 FR TRAFTON B 253 471 1324 TO 13604174709 P.03/03 vii fJOtfD 4,00,~ JI.~~ W1~ Qwest Job # -------------- ---'-- ~ "~-'--"-"" bR. r------- ~ ~ ~ ~ -~"M\..,f>.L 2323 2320 LU'."..."(H=,, H ~I--r-:::","" 1.$2tnEll= ---i r~ \~:~)Mm. [src:.)Ml:I. ~ -= nr, ./ I ~ l"lol.c:; Drom~ifflc:ll;lh:ld,.s.hQu.ld. O;ONlC:: 10 . sWw.bl.~ d~ceQ~ '-.- CI.I.l:I; '- c..m'=l' P:;:.e Typical Crossing Del.ail C.I.Il:D.C Pj~ ah.cu.ld t:.:. JoCaJatw..'='l1tcd.DeIlI' ruwtilll!i(~ This request for permit is for the placement of underground telephone service wire to_ our customer at the following address: ;:~it.;A~::~J ''',~.j ""'l;;"'d ';,'. rl;"iq~~ 1~,I'~~~ri; ,::;~.~~~,j 'f'f'<'l'~" PL 2330 .s A-M A- RA This work will require: Trenching in the RjW (total footage) 10' 30" Push or bore 2 inch PVC or BIP under roadway (total footage) 0!5 "- Push or bore 2 inch PVC or BIP under driveway (total footage) Push or bore 2 inch PVC or BIP under multiple driveways (total footage) (2f >, 'All cro~~ing~ and ROW work at 36 inchc~. . All pits and trenching requires select fill. }~I ,,;,,-,,;'<'I.)'f;;1,'M PAGE.03 ** ** TOTAL AUG 24 2004 11 21 FR TRAFTON B 253 471 1324 TO 13604174709 P.01/03 78S0B S. Trofton TlK:Oma., WA 98409 " " " " " " " OCT - 5 2004 " . .. ~'" . . ;. . "'>:";?.-~<"'~;;.'l~~:'( : '''''';i''''''\fi,'~ :~.,~~ ~::~;.~~;~:~j "'" ''''''''"''1) >:::~\"~ ;'~:1:V';Kti] , .' .,,1,' ..1\1i: '~-1 , !: <~ ;i~r{1J~:~'!i , )"I"~ ',. _.,I.J~ , ",: :((::-~I~',I.'l "', 'J);~:'d~\~~~~ .. . '~"v,,~'i~h.t~ "';'-..}\>ji,,'i;',f:i .;' $''';',Vty~Q . I~ ""':"\1,1;. ~+.;Tt~)fl ,', ','~':,"c~:~~T~~d . I'" f'M"l :.!Y:!:;ff~;] , l....,.:I.t..,, ,,: '~jr:::~[~ 'I""J ,,\;::' ~;,.~~:~~j '" ,~(":'tl.l ;~~I , .'..".1:&!":1 , ".~",.~~J., iir;ii~ ~;~t~ I ~~I.,~~ ~~~;I; ::'.),~:l:.ijtt~.;(~ -\,;~,;~,~.I tt"r-'~~ ,;~I """>~"""{;'>~ " ":if(.~.~~'~tJ' . I., \ ',',' ~,' I :' :',;:/~it~~/.~ ( h~t~;t~ (~, .., >- :\~),\t~ "".,,'~'iI,j . 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Funston, Permit applications: p~ \ 4~(t7 Thank you, .Dona AUG 2 4 2004 " RUG 24 2004 11:21 FR TRAFTON B 253 471 1324 TO 13604174709 P.02/03 Saving the M unidpaJity harmless from any and all damaaes which rnay accrue to any person or property beclluse of thi. installation or the mal1)tenance thereof; Complying wllh fallowinl special conditions: /Vi r;:/(} 1 Y.1 "' .,.:., ., :;.I,'~~1 ,\i~~ ....\..€~ ; ,'~'~:"i~. :,;;;\"...'.~h ,." ~.,j..\\"'i;t""J .~".~"':;";:",1:;~\t '\, " ',\l'~~.~~s1i~,~$ , '.: ~":,;~~Y~:'~f'l~:~'; "';2'i;,,~~;t:) '. <~i)~f:~;;;~ , "."""'''1 . '::\~f~~.:~~~I?' '>" ""1-""'('" c. :,' ;', ',:i~;~i;'(]~:J~ .".".")::1,,, /r~,1 , ',1.(,:,( ~}",'~'" ~~ "':':':~I'.>I~}~;"j - / : 1j" :'~.~~~ ii . to perform work as ',;;r:11~f~ 'D/~Ac::...r:. ~t=J.C ^~~,,1.Lc-. ".11#WO(AilUi.lfS;~~jij;1};. I ~ ~ ~(:;. 1"'11 \ nL. tT~ ~ .s~_ rr .,rJ 1'" !J ~~1~,,' 1 ~~:~~tl.l!A ~Cf"'fA.'T OF B U,./E.P Sf f< vIe E WI (l.~ FC)/~ drJf{;:t~:iZ~~ ,""l'.b".rl....,,_, C'J)1()~'p:. 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'. ,,, "'~'"'! ," :';kt~~i~ . ., '''''~'r1,,;~ .}~I . ,j;I,".' ~..I,~';~ ',~< ~.g"';'liiif~ ~~ t@/hd g)~ R..IIiILJC WORICS P~rmil To Perform Work In Street R.!aht-of.Way APPLICATION is ,'~reby m.de to the municipality of PORl' ANGELE:S nared hereon and as shollln on artached drawing: Approved; Water Depaztmant - Superintendent Sewer Department - Supertntendent The estimated time far'completion of the above work 15 '''i +- h in 10 ai'\YS UPon. reci pt Date 71 u'3ta.....~ ")..11 ~4 , By Ryan Fuqua Contractor X Owner Q\AJc.sr IA1T"'~;"B5\U ,Ph: 253-473-0788 Fx; 253-471-1324 -7850B Tratto~ ~t, ,Tacoma, THE ABOVE APPLICATION IS HEREBY GRANTED SUBIEcr TO APPl.lCANT'S; Complying with all Municipzl Ordinances; Dale 19 Cltycif PORr ANGELES ,,_I!1JA1A;t~d~-~ BY - --- .............:MJoIU. . L\0) s1