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108 Del Guzzi Drive
108 Del Guzzi Drive CUP 07-01 1(2/20/2007) Sue Roberds Re Olympic Lodge Sign _.., ._..�, ._w . m .....,__. .._. ...._,. _. Pa9e1 m From: "Kent Thomas" <wsucoug1 @aol.com> To: "Sue Roberds" <Sroberds@cityofpa.us> Date: 2/20/2007 2:26 PM Subject: Re: Olympic Lodge Sign CC: "Tod McClasky Jr" <fodjr@gwest net>, "Kathy Love" <klove@olypen.com>, <t... Thank you Sue. It is an important enough issue to Best. Western as well as ourselves that both both Tod Mcklasky and myself will be there. Having attended this type of meeting before in other cities and towns, I know how things can spin out of control if the people with the most history and knowledge of the subject, or those with the most to lose are not there to answer potential questions as to the history of the sign, economic impacts to the hotel without the sign, loss of revenue from hotel taxes to city if business at the hotel suffers, and what percentage of business is brought to the hotel because of the sign. Belive me, I would like not to attend and I. know it's a long drive but the stakes are to high not to be there. Thank again for your cooperation in this matter and for the efforts you and your staff are putting forward on our behalf. Looking foreword on meeting you on the 28th. Sincerely, Kent Thomas KT Development, LLC -------Original Message------- From: Sue Roberds Date: 02/20/07 10:05:28 To: Kent Thomas Subject: Olympic Lodge Sign Dear Mr. Thomas: FILE • ORTN",,,E# € ES= _.r �- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. .DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager DATE: February 28, 2007 RE: Conditional Use Permit -,CUP 07-01 APPLICANT: Dan Gase OWNER: KT Development, LLC LOCATION: 108 Del Guzzi Drive REQUEST: A conditional use permit to allow an off site advertising sign in the Commercial Arterial zone RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division reconullends that the Plain-ling Conuliission approve CUP 07-01 with 1 condition, citing 14 findings and 4 conclusions in support of that action as listed in Attachment A. PROPOSAL AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN AREA: The subject property is located at the southwest conger of the intersection of Del Guzzi Drive with Highway 101 East. The subject property is approximately .95 acres in area fronting on both Highway 101 East and Del Guzzi Drive. The property is sloped from south to north at an approximate 5% grade. The site is currently under development as a conmlercial shopping center. To date, with the exception of a 35' tall free standing advertising sign, no other signage or buildings are on the site. The subject property was previously owned by the owner of the adjacent hotel (Best Wester Olympic Lodge), who would like to retain the free standing sign for the hotel use in its current location on the property which, as a result of the sale, will contain another commercial use. The general area contains two other fi-ee standing signs. Joshua's restaurant and the Super 8 Motel both have free-standing signs that are located along Del Guzzi Drive and Highway 101. The Super 8 Motel is located along the arterial, while the restaurant use is set back from the Highway some distance and is visible only to east bound traffic(See attached photos). Uses in the vicinity include the restaurant and hotel(east),a second hotel(Best Wester Olympic Lodge)and private golf course (south), a commercial shopping center (west), and a residential trailer park and commercial uses �+G'uditiorral hrmit-CUP 07-01 Page 2 (north and northwest)of the site. As previously noted,the site is located on a major arterial. Traffic control along the arterial is by a stoplight at the intersection with Del GL1ZZ1 Drive. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: City Departments reviewing the proposal did not identify any concerns with the proposal. Reviewing City Departments include the City's Fire, Conununity & Economic Development, and Public Works &Utilities Departments. PUBLIC COMMENT: Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on February 16, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on February 12, 2007. No written continents were received from the public during the written public continent period which expires on February 27, 2007. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: The City's Conmlercial Arterial (CA) zone, in which the site is located, is the City's most intensive conunercial zone. Signage in the CA zone is regulated in two sections of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as herein described. (1) The City's Sign Ordinance provision's ;for the CA zone, Section 14.36.070(B)(3) PAMC, reads"One off-premise sign containing a conunercial message unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and other outdoor advertising signs not exceeding three hundred square feet in total sign area and thirty-five feet in height, may be permitted on any site that does not contain any sign for businesses located on said site, subiect to approval of a conditional use permit... " Section 14.36.070(B)(3) PAMC states that " Off Premise Signs... No billboard or other off-premise outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such. sign. " Section 17.23.160(G) allows for"Off premise outdoor advertising signs"by conditional use permit. Signage within the City limits is mainly intended to be site specific to avoid confusion to the public, and to avoid a proliferation of off-premise advertising sighs. Signage is generally and primarily restricted to that advertising the activities of a specific site unless the on site use does not require signage. Where the location of an off-premise sign is needed as a result of a hardship or special circumstance, a conditional use permit maybe applied for in the CA zone. A conditional use is a permitted use with conditions and is reviewed for aparticular location,which limited permission shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties,shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest. In consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are-considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval or the permit may be revoked. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 i08 Del Guzzi Drive Page 3 When considering an express need to allow an off site advertising sign on a property that contains another commercial activity in the City,the Planning Commission must use specific criteria to determine the value of the proposal and its impact to surrounding businesses and property owners. The City's Sign Ordinance does not favor such sign opportunities without a specific hardship. The subject location contains two off-premise advertising signs: the Best Western Olympic Lodge and Joshua's. (The Super 8 Motel sign is not an off-premise sign.) The signs are not located 1,000 feet apart. This can be explained. The Best Western Olympic Lodge sign was initially located on an easement, then, when that property was.purchased by Todd McClaskey, owner of the Lodge, it was not off-premise. The three criteria commonly used to review variances of established regulations, and the n-taiuier in which staff answers these criteria is as follows: 1. . A variance of the standard regulations is necessary, because of special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property, to provide it with use rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located. The Best Western Olympic Lodge site does not contain frontage on an arterial street and therefore is not readily visible to the traveling public. Although the subject sign was previously located on property owned by the Lodge owner,the property has since been sold. The construction of a commercial shopping center on the subject property will be between the current Lodge location and the arterial street,and will significantly restrict visibility to those looking for the Lodge location. 2. The proposed activity shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property on behalf of Which the application was filed is located. Prior to the sale of the subj ect property, one off-premise advertising sign existed in the area. The Joshua's sign (160 sq.ft.)was allowed to be placed off-premise by a variance granted in 1994. Similar circumstances relating to sight limitations were reasons cited for the variance approval. As stated,prior to the sale of the subject property,the subject site was not considered to be off-premise even though the property was independent of the Lodge site. It was owned by the same individual and was unimproved. The distance limitations then between off-premise signs would not have applied. Other than its off-premise location, the subject sign is conforming to sign requirements in the CA zone. The zone allows up to200 square feet of maximum visible sign area for sites up to .99 acre. The existing sign is 150 sq.ft. The .Commission would need to consider the sign as nonconforming in order to allow additional free standing signage for the new use. The separation of off-premise signs would also be an issue approved through the conditional use permit process if the Commission agrees that the use is not a grant of special privilege. 3. The variance shall not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the properly or improvements in the vicinity and zone in ivh.ich the subject property is situated. The provision of services rendered by the hospitality industry is important to the economic viability of a community and the services offered are enjoyed by its population and serve its visitors. The Best Western Olympic Lodge sign is well constructed and tastefully constructed. The message is simple and does not detract nor compete with other uses in the area. The sign simply offers a Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Guzzi Drive � Page 4 message of service without a changing message. The Commercial Arterial zone is intended to create and preserve areas for businesses serving the entire City needing an arterial location because of the nature of the business or the intensity of traffic generated. Approval of the conditional use permit will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, and will in fact, be in the interest of the general public by providing a directional message. Approval of the permit will not be injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zoite as the zone is intended to handle and inform the traveling public as well as visitors to the area. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: A Deternunation of NonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on February 28, 2007, per WAC 197-11-355. Attachments: A-Condition, Findings, and Conclusions B-Application <� Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-0/ 108 Del Gu=i Drive Page S ATTACHMENT A CONDITION, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF CUP 07-01 - 108 Del GL1ZZ1 Drive: Condition: 1. The conditional use permit is to allow the existing Best Wester Olyinpic Lodge free- standing, off premise sign to remain at 108 Del Guzzi Drive. The 35' tall sign shall not be increased in size or area, and shall be retained in like or similar condition as that identified in Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-01. Any change in the sign, or its location, with the exception of new facing as needed to ensure that the sign shall remain in good order, shall require review of, or a new, conditional use pen-nit application review. Findings: . 1. An application for a conditional use pen-nit was submitted to the Department of Community & Economic Development by Dan Gase on behalf of KT Development, LLC, on February 10, 2007. The application is to allow an off-premise advertising sign to remain on a commercial site without change. 2. An off-premise free standing sign was constructed on the subject property advertising a use on an adjoining property, the Best Western Olympic Lodge, in the City's Commercial Arterial zone. The subject property was later purchased by the Olympic Lodge owner. As part of a contiguous ownership, sign was not considered to be off-premise. 3. The subject property was recently sold to KT Development,LLC,with an agreement that the off premise advertising sign remain. This situation was brought to the attention of the City when sign inquiries for site development were made. 4. Section 14.36.070(B)(3) PAMC, provides that"One off-premise signn containing a conunercial inessage unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and other outdoor advertising signs not exceeding three hundred square feet in.total sign area rind thirty-five feet in height, nzay be permitted on.any site that does not contain anv sign for businesses located on said site, subject to approval of a conditional use permit... 5. Section 14.36.070(B)(3)PAMC states that "Off Premise Signs...No billboard or other off- 1-nremise outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such. sign." The subject area contains two off-premise advertising signs that are not located approximately 200 feet apart. Prior to the sale of the subject property, the subject sign was not considered an off-premise sign. 6. Signage within the City limits is intended to be site specific to avoid confiision to the public. Signage is generally restricted to that advertising the activities of a specific site. Where the location of an off-premise sign is needed, special circumstances may be considered in the issuance of a conditional use permit for such use in the CA zone. Condiiionai Use Permit-CUP 07-0/ 108 Det Guzzi Drive Page G 7. A conditional use is a use pernnitted-.in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make the use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. A conditional use is reviewed for a particular location and shall not prove detrimental to surroundingproperties,shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan,and shall not be contrary to the public interest. 8. Per Section 17.96.050 PAMC, in the consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Plamung Coimnussion may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. In each application,the Planning Commission may grant said permits that are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located. 9. The purpose of the Commercial Arterial zone is ".This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for businesses serving the entire City and needing an arterial location because of the nature of the business or intensity of traffic generated by the business. Commercial uses that are,. largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations with petroleum products and dry cleaning shops with hazardous materials care permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for automobile oriented, commercial uses with direct access on a principal arterial street and design standards for greater^automobile and truck traffic. 10. With the sale of the subject property, the Best Western Olympic Lodge site no longer contains frontage on an arterial street, and cannot readily be seen from the arterial. The subject property is under construction as a commercial shopping center. 11. Prior to the sale of the subject property,one off-premise advertising sign existed in the area. The off-premise Joshua's sign (160 sq.ft.) was placed through a variance granted in 1994. Similar circumstances relating to sight limitations were reasons cited for the variance approval. The distance between the'Josbua's sign and the subject sign is approximately 200'. 12. The subject sign is well built and simple in design advertising only the location of the Best Western Olyimpie Lodge location. The sign does not contain a reader board and is constructed to a maximum 35' in height.. 13. The City's Comprehensive Plan supports:the retention of businesses and promotes planned economic development. 14. Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on February 16, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on February 12, 2007. No written comments were received from the public during the written public comment period which expires on February 27, 2007. Condilional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 `t 108 Del Guzzi Drive Page 7 Conclusions: A. Uses developed by conditional use peirnit must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or the permit maybe revoked,thereby ensuring that the Commission's intent in approval of the permit is enforced. B. The resulting sale of the.subject property will result in the construction of a commercial shopping center located between the Olympic Lodge location and the arterial street. The off- premise sign is needed because tlle,.new site development presents a significant change in circumstances that will restrict visibility of the Lodge location without the off-premise sign. C. On-site signage will be increased beyond thatpenmitted in the Commercial Arterial zone due to retention of the nonconfonning sign. The sign location will not conform to the separation requirements of 14.36.070(B)(3)PAMC for off-premise signs. However,the Best Wester Olympic Lodge sign is well constructed and should complement other commercial development in the area. The nonconfonning sign has been in place for some time and it is likely that further site design will blend in with the sign development. The off-premise sign message is simple,and does contain extraneous information and will not detract nor compete with other off-premise signage. The sign simply offers a directional message. D. As conditioned, approval of the conditional use pen-nit will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, and will in fact, be in the interest of the general public by providing a directional message. Approval of the permit will not be injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone as the zone is intended to handle and inform the traveling public as well as visitors to the area. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 /08 Del Guzzi Drive Page 8 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS,POLICIES, AND OBJECTIVES THAT SUPPORT DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE RS-7 ZONE: Comprehensive Plait The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the longrange goals and policies of the City.Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located in the City's East Planning Area. The Plan was reviewed in its entirety with regard to the proposed application and several goals and policies were found to be relevant to the proposal. An analysis of compliance with those policies is as follows: PolicyA.2 - "All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council sand/or an.)) of its appointed Conuuissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map." 1 (2/9/2007) Sue Roberds - DeIGuzzi and 101.003.jpgPage 1 f y ilk ,✓y I � aAt- tv > « iJa1p Jt _ F u, t; ate:, i x Looking south from Highway 101 / y >� . , � .. >\ . � � . . yy y . . . . . . . . . . . . . � .$ . � @ $ t I• 9 E 7 f� b ��xiasx3 . ml' im J"I "Me NAM—, x�x c qIMK, WAI v s t �t.. u���;. ?> ai.. �i t e,3.?$ ,yrs. �,�`'�. :.a `� "' �� .�a..: - a 43", ,"�� r.�. A. � � a�r� 3x.: a�.�z...'S�a`* �.A"'vu� ..}>,:�t � # �:. �� \ . �" �.. S .'. ..2:�;, 4�' t.;. s", �t�'£�'��.:.. � ? L��'sa � _"{�,x" ,�. ��.z; v"�:^. < �_��� a:��*;�� ,� ' ,.?� �.;� `�� U�$,C�".� "`r'"".:'v,� SSR i s � a t,. 3� .s�� r .. •e�-a�3, :,:' n i:' tY ��� ,`.' €`� .ad a -.. �y�.ys �'1m: :Y�3e ."a,.. �a a :ua� '�`$s �,.�� �. 3 a,.;• y� § � .. `t s rr* .:;.,, � a�` `3& Y.3'. .&. 3;,sA,"RX°ty< >;,< �G%. '.re�u'.+t" ..$ ab a,�rs..•F...�4 ". Traveling west toward site on Highway 101 t a women ay '`f'��',�� .. @�`'• ,. c.. If �`��. � .fi.� ...:. °, .�. A*jam .E ..,......... yr:µ� A �F ....-.... HE FRANKLIN _ RPORA" ION e 1 § � Traveling east along Highway 101 toward site UZ/U IF e b, 8. 2007',: 1 : 21 PML JUUMu I , Group,.Well banKer uptown No. 0 186 P. 21UU3/UU3 AT)YA. -A ALPPJJ�A' L,�T% QWNF Applic"111t: Address, 11iL ....................... Address. Daytimcphonct Property owner(if other tb,,ui Kv Address-, 5/0 4OW1,14Y j)O?J✓� Daytim.cp]10110: 3G0-751-*9q_. 13FIOJ4144M W4 9Bz�yr (2kLzLj4,q(�C�r .......... zonin Comprebmsivc PIEUI c1csigilation; Property(fillicil'S3,011S. Propc,;Iyarca (total squarc feet): Physical characteristics(1-6,filt,sloped,vacwii,dcvolopod,otc,);,,4r4 WvIR IDI I'ROPQS,p USE,INNVORMATIOM. 51W '"CA-feD '4-( T#r 14tF -OP I qv I-STa U4/U'Feb. 8, 2007' 1 : 21PMI OMMul Groupmea Dauer uptown No, 0 18 6 P, 31UUZ/UU3 r Number of'cinpl.oyces: �_ il.c>urs o('oper�itinn_ Numbcr of on-Site paylali Spaces: _ Suildiaig area (total square feel of fl()or arca for Ehe proposcd ;activity), SIGNATURES: Appliumt: l cc 1"ti/j.lhrft care;trt,rc crrrcl co7nplcle to Me best ofiny lamnvlcelge andcicicnowlccl��e that wilful misrc:)ravent(.aliolz cif r'frfol'laacitinla will f,crininGa..c.,this permit application. 1•have read this ay.Ipliccation in its C'.7Zlire(31 and u7arlcrstcf17.c.! that 1711y ,Mbl7ZillU-1 lVill be if hound to be ('omplefe the rapplicatl:oi7 wil/bc:sc.'hc�clulcdforth( 770:.1(.avalla-blePIaimi/7.g C.Onli'1'7irsirmTa2c�cli,t7 , ,If1'1(!tCOn'fI71GIG, ia�h.cfz1�:[/Lf.L5leil informationhas been receive:rl Me application will be.scho(laded joi the rlcxl available 17aeeti%lg. Q . A; 1:89'/0 Owner (if othor than appl.ic-. t): I cam the olvner o'. le sulifec perly iclel7gficcl ^acrein and approve of flus applic'alion. Si-naturc -` Date For°Staff Usc Only: Permit No. Appl. eomplctc -• - .Add. Info requested OEM= t iSIGN VARIANCE f SGV rq 10 n H 1• / ) H' H y 0 H n �J 3 O xx � n O r �oz . ' � Oy0 H H d JOSHUC7 O C RESTAURANT n y CH zdb • CT] '.D' H (n O r /-3 CtJ x cn r� cn i i CITY OF PORT ANGELES Planning Department City Hall Port Angeles, Washington April 4 , 1994 VARIANCE APILICATION FILE NO. SGV 94 (04) 01 DATE RECEIVED: March 7 , 1994 FIRST HEARING DATE: April 18 , 1994 APPLICANT: Ron Gardner] Joshua's Restaurant SITE ADDRESS: 113 Del Guzzi Drive 1. REQUIREMENTS OF THE ACD Zone District: One point twenty-five (1. 25) square feet of free-standing 0 visible sign area is allowed for every one lineal foot of y arterial street frontage of the site, provided that the H maximum area on any free-standing sign face does not exceed y half of the maximum visible sign area. "Visible sign area" is defined as the total of all free-standing sign faces visible 0 from any location. H The maximum visible sign area for a freestanding sign on a IN site between 1 and 1. 99 acres is 300 square feet. 0 2 . VARIANCE REQUESTED: H i z The applicant has requested a variance to increase the �! allowable freestanding sign, area from ten square feet to two hundred square feet. 0 0 3 . EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE VICINITY: ZI The zoning and land use in the vicinity is predominantly single-family residential. • c t 4 . PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: - r The 1. 3 acre site is irregularly shaped and fronts primarily on Del Guzzi Drive with minimal (8 feet) frontage along Highway 101. The site enjoys over 500 feet of frontage along Del Guzzi Drive, which is not an arterial. The applicant is completing construction of a new restaurant on the site, which is accessed from Del Guzzi Drive. 5. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS: The Fire Department offered no comments. The Light Department offered no comments. The Public Works Department offered no comments. i 10 1131018 9 4 S ' r SGV 94 (04) 01 F.pril 18, 1994 Page 2 6. PLANNING DEPARTMENT EVALUATIO14: In order to issue a variance from the minimum standards of the Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustment must make the following three findings (Section 2 . 52 . 040 PAMC) : A. The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of ot.': ,7 properties in t;:c vicinity and zone in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located; and B. That such variance is necessary, because of special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topoyfaphy, location, or surroundings n of the subject property, to provide it with use sights and C L� Privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and zone in which tl e subject property is located; and ''3 C. That the granting of such variance Shall not be materially K H detrimental to the piblic welfare or injur:.ous to the property or O improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property 11 is .situated. H H ' xx � The Planning Department has reviewed the variance criteria as they relate to this proposal and has provided the following o analysis for consideration by the Beard of adjustment: �U U 4Z H A. There are three other freestanding signs in the immediate z n vicinity, all of which exceed the sign area allowances of the ACD zone and enjoy legal non-conforming status. H � OH : 1. The Olympic Lodge, located on the opposite side of C ,a ' Del Guzzi Drive, installed a 68 s. f. freestanding c � on-site sign in 1992 just prior to the adoption of 0I: new sign standards for the ACC zone. The Olympic Lodge site does not enjoy any frontage on a Hi designated arterial roadway, and therefore, under OC current standards, would not be allowed any yt freestanding signs. � G 2 . Olympic Lodge has installed an off-site sign at the southwest corner of Del Guzzi Drive. This sign exceeds the total sign area allowed by 75 squame feet. 3 . The Super 8 Motel sign face exceeds the maximum area allowed by 53 square feet. The two motels have freestanding signage in excess of the A 200 s. f. proposed by the applicant. Olympic Lodge has a total of 368 s. f. and Super 8 Motel has 405 square feet. 2 r SGV 9,1 (04) 01 April 18 , 1994 Page 3 Approval of a variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege. B. The site is uncharacteristic of properties located in the ACD zone in that it has limited frontage (8 feet) on an arterial road in comparison to the site size (1. 3 acres) and therefore would be allowed to have only 10 s. f. o.f sign area. By contrast, a standard 7 , 000 s. f. townsitE: lot typically has 50 feet of frontage and is permitted to have 62 . 5 s. f. of site area, even though it has less than 1/7th. the site area. C. No agency reviewing the application identified any 0 � H potential adverse impact to the public health, safety, 'i and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance. y The sign has the potential tc block eastbound visibility y x of the Super 8 Motel. To address this, the applicant H proposes to off-set the sign to the side. The signs p appear close enough that there may be potential screening on ::hen viewed from certain angles, but without actually y y p seeing the sign in the field, it is difficult to tell. H H If the Board feels the likelihood of blocking the Super 8 sign is high, they can continue the hearing and request 0 z the applicant hang a board from a crane at the location OU where the proposed sign will be located, and allow City z o staff to drive by and inspect and photograph the board to n n 0 ensure blockage is minimized. C7 H The applicant has submitted plans which are inconsistent o0 y y with the application. The application requests a variance to allow a 200 s. f. of free standing signage. The plans call for a sign with only a 160 s. f. of area. y cl tri �3 cn E 7 . PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: O sF3 M r i Without specific plans, the Board cannot make any conclusions that the additional sign area will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare and therefcre, the Planning Denartment recommends that the variance be approved only for the specific sign. The following findings and conclusions are provided for consideration: _indincs: 1. The request is to increase the allowable freestanding sign area from 10 square feet to 200 square feet. The approval is for a variance to allow a sign with 160 3 i SGV 94 (04) 01 April 18 , 1994 Page 4 square feet of area consistent with the design and location submitted on plans dated received March 7 , 1994 . 2 . The property is zoned Arterial Commercial, ACD. 3 . The amount of freestanding signage in the ACD zone is based primarily upon the amount of frontage the site has on a designated arterial. The 1. 3 acre site has in excess of 500 feet of street frontage of which only eight feet is along an arterial roadway. 4 . There are three freestanding signs in the same zone and 0 vicinity which exceed the freestanding sign area c� allowances of the ACD zone district. t1 H 5. The sign is proposed to be off-set toward the street so M as to minimize and/or eliminate blocking the view of the O Super 8 Motel sign. IM H Conclusions: x A. There are special circumstances associated with the 0 property which would . preclude rights and privileges H permitted to other properties in the vicinity and zone in Eoi which the property is located. The 1. 3 acre site has z ' only eight feet of arterial street frontage. A typical 7 , 000 s. f. lot has 50 feet of frontage. d , Of n B. Approval of a variance does not constitute a grant of C special privilege as there are other three other freestanding signs in the immediate vicinity and same zi zone, all of which exceed current sign area allowances 3 � for those lots. c C. Approval of the variance will not be materially F detrimental 'a the public welfare or injurious to the i. property and improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located. Staff Contact: John Jimerson 4 Designed exclusively for: The colors shown in this design are only a representation of the actual colors to be used. KT DEVELOPMENT - PORT ANGELESPROPOSED SIGN LOCATION - 5'-4" RIGHT OF WAY ENCROACHMENT I Jiii'Y T✓Yr I .+�eoY Y Monument Sign 9 Monument Sign (Side View) t Flow •,�,"i;. 1 :'�r srx rr ,arc. � I�I �- } HLD,I IW,2 2 .� tl 10 SC F. 4 �i MIX 0 11!j TENANT 1 r - S ' TENANT a �Yyt TENANT al TENANT Cv ., - ` awY"sr�ir:aresi `,srw _e- i'. \\ , T TENANT .a , _ SM PLM t TENANT MKI TENANT TENANT � � _ I ; " rk f f .. »-� a rAn owa ax ! + 1 :- - r j awne c� a ❑ 1%SVM an © 2007 Signs Plus This artwork is the property of Sign Pius and is protected under state and federal copyright laws. Any uses of this artwork other than direct business with Signs Plus without written permission shall constitute your agreement to Shared/Projects/KT Development/Port Angeles/CDR/Port Angeles4.cdr purchase this artwork,and the design proposed. Client: KT Development • • .• . •.• . 71,7165 ate:Scale- 1:40 National: 1.877,298.4761 Sigrtslu� • N. Forest Street Bellingham,WA 98225 3 J ORT NGELEFS W A S H I N G T O N,, U. S. A. Community & Economic Development Department eMarch 5, 2007 R-1x { f � Mr. Kent Thomas. 510 Lakeway Drive w Bellingham,WA 98225 RE: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 07-01 E 4 �' 108 Del Guzzi Drive t Dear Mr. Thomas: r 1 As you know, following a public.hearing conducted on February 28, 2007, the Port.Angeles 0 Planning Commission approved the conditional use permit submitted on your behalf by Dan Gase. Marx The•conditional use permit was approved subject to the following condition: A x Condition: z: 1. The conditional use permit is to allow the existing Best Western Olympic Lodge free standing,.off premise sign to remain at 108 Del Guzzi Drive. The 35'tall sign shall not be $. Fincreased in size or area, and shall be retained in like or similar condition as that identified in Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-01. Any change in the sign, or its location, with the exception of new facing as needed to ensure that the sign shall remain in good h u' order, shall require review of, or a-new, conditional use permit.application review. b ' ¢ The conditional use permit shall remain valid for as long as the off-premise sign remains.in 01 '} conformance with the condition of approval. As noted, if changes are planned to the face of the t t sign, that information must be supplied.for building records, however, no permit may be required if it's just a one for one face replacement. If changes are.planned to the standard itself, a building permit will be required at minimum. I understand that your in in the permit was locational, so I will also send a copy of this letter to Mr. McClaskey, as the sign owner. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this information.. h Sincerely, Sue Roberds Planning Manager cc: Mr. Todd McClaskey P60ne: 360-417-4750 / Fax: 360-417-4711 h� sirG. Website: .www.cityofpa.us/ Email: smartgrowth@cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 / Port•An eles, WA 98362-0217 Planning Commission Minutes February 28,2007 Page 2 Vice Chair Johnson opened the public hearing portion of the meeting and indicated that those who testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 07-01 - THOMAS - 108 Del Guzzi Drive: Request to allow an off premise sign in the Commercial Arterial zone. Planning Manager Sue Roberds reviewed the Department report recommending approval of the conditional use permit subject to one condition. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the nonconforming sign and other similar signs in the area. The accumulation of free standing signs at the subject intersection was discussed, and it was noted that the Joshua's Restaurant sign was erected through a variance process due to the business location not being readily visible from the arterial street. Staff responded, to continued questions regarding the basis for the application, and in summation, answered that the issue of visibility is key to the continued success of the Best Western Olympic Lodge activity. Signage was not reviewed by the seller and buyer during the recent sale action, and the matter was not reviewed by staff prior to inquiries as to new signage for the site. It was noted that the subject sign was legally permitted at the time of placement and only became nonconforming following the recent sale of the property. City Manager Mark Madsen added that similar rationale as that proposed staff in this instance was used when the Joshua's Restaurant off-premise signage was permitted. Vice Chair Johnson opened the public hearing. Dan Gase, 711 Diamond Vista, Port Angeles noted that while he is listed as the applicant on the application, he is actually the applicant's representative. Mr. Gase reiterated that although the sign is currently nonconforming, it was placed legally under the permitting process. The new property owner is planning a very attractive commercial center on the site, and has agreed to leave the pre existing sign for use by the previous property owner who is also the adjacent Lodge owner. He described the proposed pedestal mounted signage planned for the new commercial site as being approximately fifteen (15) tall and said that it is intended to blend with the northwest environment of the area and complement other business development in the area. He hoped the Commission would act favorably on the request. Greg Woodland, 5052 Woodcock Road, Sequim, Washington, General Manager of the Best Western Olympic Lodge stated that Lodge owner Todd McCluskey could not be present. He would represent the Lodge interests. He stated that at least twenty-five (25%) of the Lodge customers are walk-ins that he believes is a direct result of the subject free standing sign. He stated that removal of the sign would result in a significant impact to the business. He asked that the permit be approved as proposed. In response to a question from the Commission, as to possible consolidation of site signage that would include information regarding the Lodge location with the new commercial development, Mr. Woodland answered that he did not believe such consolidation would not accomplish the intent of either property owner. The Lodge intent is to stand out independently from other uses. Kent Thomas, KT Development, 6212 Cascade Drive, Ferndale, Washington, is the developing company on the subject site. He provided further detail of the proposed pedestal sign for the current development of the site and noted that placement of the new sign would be approximately 150' west of the existing free standing sign and not clustered in the same area as Planning Commission Minutes February 28,2007 Page 3 the existing signs. The new sign would be approximately one-half the height of the existing free standing sign, and would consolidate all site signage on the single sign. As the property owner, he asked that the permit be approved. There being no further discussion, Vice Chair Johnson closed the public hearing. The Commissioners began a lengthy discussion of sign issues including the proliferation of free standing signs in the subject area. Commissioner Harris believed that a consolidated sign would be more appropriate and would offer the same message. Commissioners agreed that less signage is better but that signage is important to identify commercial activities. It was noted that much of the existing signage in the area, while serving an identification purpose, is then forgotten and tends to not be well planned or maintained. In response to a specific question from Commissioner Snyder, Mr. Thomas responded that a maintenance agreement is in place that will allow maintenance and upgrade of the subject sign. Following continued discussion on signs and the City's expectations and existing regulations, Commissioner Beier moved to approve the conditional use permit with one condition, citing the following findings and conclusions in support of the action: Condition: 1. The conditional use permit is to allow the existing Best Western Olympic Lodge free- standing, off premise sign to remain at 108 Del Guzzi Drive. The 35' tall sign shall not be increased in size or area, and shall be retained in like or similar condition as that identified in Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-01. Any change in the sign, or its location, with the exception of new facing as needed to ensure that the sign shall remain in good order, shall require review of, or a new, conditional use permit application review. Findings: 1. An application for a conditional use permit was submitted to the Department of Community & Economic Development by Dan Gase on behalf of KT Development, LLC, on February 10, 2007. The application is to allow an off-premise advertising sign to remain on a commercial site without change. 2. A free standing sign was permitted on the subject property advertising a use on an adjoining property, the Best Western Olympic Lodge, in the City's Commercial Arterial zone. Because of the contiguous ownership, the sign was not considered to be off- premise. 3. The subject property was recently sold to KT Development, LLC, with an agreement that the off premise advertising sign remain. This situation was brought to the attention of the City'when sign inquiries for site development were made. 4. Section 14.36.070(B)(3)PAMC, provides that"One off-premise sign containing a commercial message unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and other outdoor advertising signs not exceeding three hundred square feet in total sign area and thirty-five feet in height, may be permitted on any site that does not contain any sig for businesses located on said site, subject to approval of a conditional use permit... " 5. Section 14.36.070(B)(3) PANIC states that " Off Premise Signs... No billboard or other off-premise outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such sign. " The subject area contains two off-premise advertising signs that are not located approximately 200 feet apart. Prior to the sale of the subject property, the subject sign was not considered an off-premise sign. 6. Signage within the City limits is intended to be site specific to avoid confusion to the public. Signage is generally.restricted to that advertising the activities of a specific site. Where the location of an off-premise sign is needed, special circumstances may be considered in the issuance of a conditional use permit for such use in the CA zone. 7. A conditional use is a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to snake the use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. A conditional use is reviewed for a particular location and shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest. 8. Per Section 17.96.050 PANIC, in the consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. In each application, the Planning Commission may grant said permits that are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located. 9. The purpose of the Commercial Arterial zone is "This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for businesses serving the entire City and needing•an arterial location because of the nature of the business or intensity of traffic generated by the business. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations with petroleum products and dry cleaning shops with hazardous materials are permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for automobile oriented, commercial uses with direct access on a principal arterial street and design standards for greater automobile and truck traffic. 10. With the sale of the subject property, the Best Western Olympic Lodge site no longer contains frontage on an arterial street, and cannot readily be seen from the arterial. The subject property is under construction as a commercial shopping center. 11. Prior to the sale of the subject property, one off-premise advertising sign existed in the area. The off-premise Joshua's sign (160 sq.ft.) was placed through a variance granted in 1994. Similar circumstances relating to sight limitations were reasons cited for the variance approval. The distance between the Joshua's sign and the subject sign is approximately 200'. 12. The subject sign is well built and simple in design advertising only the location of the Best Western Olympic Lodge location. The sign does not contain a reader board and is constructed to a maximum 35' in height. 13. The City's Comprehensive Plan supports the retention of businesses and promotes planned economic development. Planning Commission Minutes February 28,2007 Page 5 14. Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on February 1.6, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on February 12, 2007. No written comments were received from the public during the written public comment period which expires on February 27, 2007. Conclusions: 1. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or the permit may be revoked, thereby ensuring that the Commission's intent in approval of the permit is enforced. 2. The resulting sale of the subject property will result in the construction of a commercial shopping center located between the Olympic Lodge location and the arterial street. The off-premise sign is needed because the new site development presents a significant change in circumstances that will restrict visibility of the Lodge location without the off- premise sign. 3. On-site signage will be increased beyond that permitted in the Commercial Arterial zone due to retention of the nonconforming sign. The sign location will not conform to the separation requirements of 14.36.070(B)(3) PAMC for off-premise signs. However, the Best Western Olympic Lodge sign is well constructed and should complement other commercial development in the area. The nonconforming sign has been in place for some time and it is likely that further site design will blend in with the sign development. The off-premise sign message is simple, and does contain extraneous information and will not detract nor compete with other off-premise signage. The sign simply offers a directional message. 4. As conditioned, approval of the conditional use permit will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, and will in fact, be in the interest of the general public by providing a directional message. Approval of the permit will not be injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone as the zone is intended to handle and inform the traveling public as well as visitors to the area. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion, which passed 6 - 1. Commissioner Harris noted that his objection was not specifically regarding a free standing sign but that the information should be consolidated into one sign. M ,`- P 10;R11' NIGELES ! I A- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager DATE: February 28, 2007 RE: Conditional Use Permit CUP 07-01 APPLICANT: Dan Gase OWNER: KT Development, LLC-- LOCATION: 108 Del Guzzi Drive__ REQUEST: A .conditional use permit to allow an off site advertising sign in the Commercial Arterial zone RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve CUP 07-01 with 1 condition, citing 14 findings and 4 conclusions in support of that action as listed in Attachment A. PROPOSAL AND EXISTING CONDITIONS"IN AREA: The subject property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Del Guzzi Drive with Highway 101 East. The subject property is approximately .95 acres in area fronting on both Highway 101 East and Del Guzzi Drive. , The property is sloped from south to north at an approximate 5% grade. The site is currently under development as a commercial shopping center. To date,with the exception of a 35' tall free standing advertising sign, no other signage or buildings are on the site. The subject property was previously owned by the owner of the adjacent hotel (Best Western Olympic Lodge), who would like to retain the free standing sign for the hotel use in its current location on the property which, as a result of the sale, will contain another commercial use. The general area contains two other free standing_signs. Joshua's restaurant and the Super 8 Motel both have free-standing signs that are located along Del Guzzi Drive and Highway 101. The Super 8 Motel is located along the arterial, while the restaurant use is set back from the Highway some distance and is visible only to east bound traffic(See attached photos). Uses in the vicinity include the restaurant and hotel(east),a second hotel(Best Western Olympic Lodge)and private golf course (south), a commercial shopping center (west), and a residential trailer park and commercial uses Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Guzzi Drive Page 2 (north and northwest)of the site. As previously noted,the site is located on a major arterial. Traffic is control along the arterial is by a stoplight at the intersection with Del Guzzi Drive. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: City Departments reviewing the proposal did not identify any concerns with the proposal. Reviewing City Departments include the City's Fire, Community & Economic Development, and Public Works &Utilities Departments. PUBLIC COMMENT: Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on February 16, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on February 12, 2007. No written comments were received from the public during the written public comment period which expires on February 27, 2007. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: The City's Commercial Arterial (CA) zone, in which the site is located, is the City's most intensive commercial zone. Signage in the CA zone is regulated in two sections of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as herein described. (1) The City's Sign Ordinance provisioris;for the CA zone, Section 14.36.070(B)(3) PAMC, reads"One off-premise sign containing a commercial message unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and other outdoor advertising signs not exceeding three hundred square feet in total sign area and thirty-five feet in height, may bepermitted on any site that does not contain any si n for businesses located on said site, subiect to approval o,� a conditional use permit... " Section 14.36.070(B)(3)PAMC states that " Off Premise Signs... No billboard or other off-premise outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such sign. " Section 17.23.160(G) allows for"Off premise outdoor advertising signs"by conditional use permit. w., Signage within the City limits is mainly.-intended to be site specific to avoid confusion to the public, and to avoid a proliferation of off-premise advertising signs. Signage is generally and primarily restricted to that advertising the activities of a specific site unless the on site use does not require signage. Where the location of an off-premise sign is needed as a result of a hardship or special circumstance,a conditional use permit may be applied for in the CA zone. A conditional use is a permitted use with conditions and is reviewed for aparticular location,which limited permission shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties,shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public:interest. In consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are'.considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval or the permit may be revoked. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Guzzi Drive Page 3 When considering an express need to allow an off site advertising sign on a property that contains another commercial activity in the City,the Planning Commission must use specific criteria to determine the value of the proposal and its,impact to surrounding businesses and property owners. The City's Sign Ordinance does not favor such sign opportunities without a specific hardship. The subject location contains two off-premise advertising signs: the Best Western Olympic Lodge and Joshua's. (The Super 8 Motel sign is not an off-premise sign.) The signs are not located 1,000 feet apart. This can be explained. The Best Western Olympic Lodge sign was initially located on an easement, then, when that property was purchased by Todd McClaskey, owner of the Lodge, it was not off-premise. The three criteria commonly used to review variances of established regulations, and the manner in which staff answers these criteria is as follows: 1. A variance of the standard regulations is necessary, because of special circumstances relating to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property, to provide it with use rights and privileges permitted to,other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located. The Best Western Olympic Lodge site does not contain frontage on an arterial street and therefore is not readily visible to the traveling public. Although the subject sign was previously located on property owned by the Lodge owner,the property has since been sold. The construction of a commercial shopping center on'the subj eet property will be between the current Lodge location and the arterial street,and will significantly restrict visibility to those looking for the Lodge location. 2. The proposed activity shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located. Prior to the sale of the subject property',one off-premise advertising sign existed in the area. The Joshua's sign(160 sq.ft.)was allowed to be placed off-premise by a variance granted in 1994. Similar circumstances relating to sight limitations�were reasons cited for the variance approval. As stated,prior to the sale of the subject property,.the,subject site was not considered to be off-premise even though the property was independent of'the' Lodge site. It was owned by the same individual and was unimproved. The distance limitations then between off-premise signs would not have applied. Other than its off-premise location, the subject sign is conforming to sign requirements in the CA zone. The zone allows up to200 squar6:feet of maximum visible sign area for sites up to .99 acre. The existing sign is 150 sq.ft. Tl et 6mmission would need to consider the sign as nonconforming in order to allow additional free standing signage for the new use. The separation of off-premise signs would also be an issue approved through the conditional use permit process if the Commission agrees that the use is not a grant of special privilege. 3. The variance shall not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. The provision of services rendered by the hospitality industry is important to the economic viability of a community and the services offered are enjoyed by its population and serve its visitors. The Best Western Olympic Lodge sign is wellconstructed and tastefully constructed. The message is simple and does not detract nor coiinpete"with!other uses in the area. The sign simply offers a Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Guzzi Drive Page 4 message of service without a changing message. The Commercial Arterial zone is intended to create and preserve areas for businesses serving the.entire City needing an arterial location because of the nature of the business or the intensity of traffic generated. Approval of the conditional use permit will not be materially detrimental to the public, welfare, and will in fact, be in the interest of the general public by providing a directional message. Approval of the permit will not be injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and;zoine-as the zone is intended to handle and inform the traveling public as well as visitors to the area:; STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on February 28, 2007, per WAC 197-11-355. Attachments: A-Condition,Findings, and Conclusions B-Application Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Guzzi Drive Page 5 ATTACHMENT A CONDITION,FINDINGS,AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF CUP 07-01 - 108 Del Guzzi Drive: Condition: 1. The conditional use permit is to allow the existing Best Western Olympic Lodge free- standing, off premise sign to remain at 108 Del Guzzi Drive. The 35' tall sign shall not be increased in size or area, and shall be retained in like or similar condition as that identified in Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-01. Any change in the sign, or its location, with the exception of new facing as needed to ensure that the sign shall remain in good order, shall require review of, or a new, conditional use permit application review. Findinzs: I. An application for a conditional use permit was submitted to the Department of Community & Economic Development by Dan Gase on behalf of KT Development, LLC, on February 10, 2007. The application is to allow' an off-premise advertising sign to remain on a commercial site without change. 2. An off-premise free standing sign was constructed on the subject property advertising a use on an adjoining property, the Best.Western Olympic Lodge, in the City's Commercial Arterial zone. The subject property was later purchased by the Olympic Lodge owner. As part of a contiguous ownership, sign was not considered to be off-premise. 3. The subject property was recently sold to KT Development,LLC,with an agreement that the off premise advertising sign remain. This situation was brought to the attention of the City when sign inquiries for site developine'nt'were made. 4. Section 14.36.070(B)(3) PAMC, provides that"One off-premise sign containing a commercial message unrelated to any,use or activity of the property on which the sign is located, including billboards and.other outdoor advertising signs not exceeding three hundred square feet in total sign area and thirty-five feet in height, may be permitted on any site that does not contain any si n for businesses located on said site, subject to approval of a conditional use permit..." 5. Section 14.36.070(B)(3)PAMC states'that "Off Premise Signs... No billboard or other off- premise outdoor advertising sign shall be located within 1,000 feet of another such sign. " The subject area contains two off-premise advertising signs that are not located approximately 200 feet apart. Prior to the sale of the subject property, the subject sign was not considered an off-premise sign. 6. Signage within the City limits is intended to be site specific to avoid confusion to the public. Signage is generally restricted to that�advertising the activities of a specific site. Where the location of an off-premise sign is needed, special circumstances may be considered in the issuance of a conditional use permit.for such use in the CA zone. •3 Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Cuzzi Drive Page 6 7. A conditional use is a use permitted-.in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make the use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. A conditional use is reviewed for a particular location and shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties,shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan,and shall not be contrary to the public interest. 8. Per Section 17.96.050 PAMC, in the consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. In each application,the Planning Commission may grant said permits that are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located. 9. The purpose of the Commercial Arterial•zone is "This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for businesses serving the entire City and needing an arterial location because of the nature of,.-the business or intensity of traffic generated by the business. Commercial uses thatarea largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations with petroleum products and dry cleaning shops with hazardous materials are permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for automobile oriented, commercial uses with direct access on a principal arterial street and design standards for greater automobile and truck traffic. 10. With the sale of the subject property, the Best Western Olympic Lodge site no longer contains frontage on an arterial street,' and cannot readily be seen from the arterial. The subject property is under construction as a commercial shopping center. 11. Prior to the sale of the subject property,one off-premise advertising sign existed in the area. The off-premise Joshua's sign (160 sq'.ft.) was placed through a variance granted in 1994. Similar circumstances relating to sight..limitations were reasons cited for the variance approval. The distance between the'Joshua's sign and the subject sign is approximately 200'. 12. The subject sign is well built and simple in design advertising only the location of the Best Western Olympic Lodge location::;; Tho .sign does not contain a reader board and is constructed to a maximum 35' in height., 13. The City's Comprehensive Plan supports'the retention of businesses and promotes planned economic development. 14. Notification of the proposed action was.placed in the Peninsula Daily News on February 16, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on February 12, 2007. No written comments were received from the public during the written public comment period which expires on February 27, 2007. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 108 Del Guzzi Drive Page 7 Conclusions: A. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or the permit maybe revoked,thereby ensuring that the Commission's intent in approval of the permit is enforced. B. The resulting sale of the subject property will result in the construction of a commercial shopping center located between the'.Olympic Lodge location and the arterial street. The off- premise sign is needed because the,new.site development presents a significant change in circumstances that will restrict visibility of the Lodge location without the off-premise sign. C. On-site signage will be increased beyond that permitted in the Commercial Arterial zone due to retention of the nonconforming sign. The sign location will not conform to the separation requirements of 14.36.070(B)(3)PANIC for off-premise signs. However,the Best Western Olympic Lodge sign is well constructed and should complement other commercial development in the area. The nonconforming sign has been in place for some time and it is likely that further site design will blend in with the sign development. The off-premise sign message is simple,and does contain extraneous information and will not detract nor compete with other off-premise signage. The sign simply offers a directional message. D. As conditioned,approval of the conditional use permit will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, and will.in fact, be"in the interest of the general public by providing a directional message. Approval of,;the permit will not be injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone as the zone is intended to handle and inform the- traveling hetraveling public as well as visitors to 4 e.area. P • r. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 07-01 l08 Del Cuzzi Drive Page 8 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS, POLICIES, AND OBJECTIVES THAT SUPPORT DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE RS-7 ZONE: Comprehensive Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City.Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located in the City's East Planning Area. The Plan was reviewed in its entirety with regard to the proposed application and several goals and policies were.found to be relevant to the proposal. An analysis of compliance with those policies is as follows: PolicyA.2 - "All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map." (2/9/2007) Sue Roberds - DelGuzzi and lni.003.jpg Page 1 r 9A, � � 3 � IR1B t'. z � r � � �M Looking south from Highway 101 . . f . . 4' G f. ir. r.r Traveling west toward site on Highway 101 a\ £. Traveling east along Highway 101 toward site No. 1189 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ADOPTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT WAC 197-11-640 Description of Current Proposal: A proposal to allow the retention of a 35' free standing, off- premise commercial directional sign in the Commercial Arterial zone. Proponent: KT Development Location: 108 Del Guzzi Drive Title/description of document being adopted: Determination of Non Significance#1184 adopted during the review of a commercial shopping center at the same location. The original proposal did not include a request for retention of the sign that is permitted through a conditional use permit in the Commercial Arterial zone. Agency that prepared the documents being.adopted: The City of Port Angeles,Washington for KT Development. Date the adopted document was prepared: November 28, 2006 The lead agency for this proposal has determined that the current proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This inforination is available to the public upon request at the Port Angeles City Department of Community&Economic Development,321 East Fifth Street,Port Angeles,Washington,98362,between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., M-F. The previous documents have been identified and adopted as being appropriate for this proposal after independent review. The documents meet the City of Port Angeles' environmental review needs for the current proposal and will accompany the proposal to the decision maker. [X] There is no comment period for this DNS. NAME OF AGENCY ADOPTING THE DOCUMENT: City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official: Mark Madsen, Director Date: Signature: Mark Madsen, irector Department of Community&Economic Development Mailed: 2/28/07 Ecology o, CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF POSTING RE: 7-�-�'� I, Patrick Bartholick state that on the day of 2007,.1 posted said notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof pursua -to Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as amended, on a pr erEy proposed for a land use action. /. AFFIANT Subscribed to me this dayjo 007. P S. no """t OTARY PUBLIC 6a State of BFB Washington, residing in Port Angeles. o0 dNOTA,9 pS .� ate'• � �i Owl�L14 gyp$ (! /��AS u,�O�~� CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF MAILING RE: I, Sue Roberds state that on the/3day of",-=�2007, 1 mailed said notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, to the persons on the attached list. In addition, the notice was posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby o City Hall. AFFI ' T Subscribed to me this day ofG$ ,2007. E RIiy111, � NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of ••'• • ' Washington, residing in Port An, geles. NOTARY.v ;..:.A- MAR. .a=_ MAR. 1,2008 13 0 f.I •O • CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEADING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 12, 2007, the City of Port Angeles received an application for a conditional use permit to allow the retention of an off premise advertising sign on a property that contains another commercial use in the City's Commercial Arterial zone. The application was determined to be complete on February 12, 2007. Written comments regarding the proposed action must be received by the City no later than February 27, 2007, in order to be included in the staff report. Additional comment will be accepted at the public hearing that will be conducted by the PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION on February 28, 2007, 6 p.m., City Hall. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposal and may request a copy of the decision once it's been made. Information may be reviewed at the City Department of Community & Economic Development, City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: It is anticipated that a determination of non significance (DNS) will be issued for the proposal following the required review period, which will expire on February 27, 2007, per WAC 197-11-355. APPLICANT: Dan Gase for KT Development LOCATION: Best Western Olympic Lodge sign, Southwest corner of Highway 101 at Del Guzzi Drive For further information contact: Sue Roberds, (360) 417-4750 PUB: 2/16/07 POST: 2/13/07 MAIL: 2/13/07 T:\NOTICES\Combopublichearing.doc Ronald Gardner Olympic Lodge LLC 113 Del Guzzi Drive 1498 SE Tech Center PI #120 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Vancouver, WA 98683 Port Angeles Properties LLC WUJI Enterprises LLC C/O George Cowan P.O. Box 3101 600 University Street #2424 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Seattle, WA 98101 Betty Corbett C Stetson TC Olympic Fulfillment Fam LTD 5430 SW Martha Terrace 1736 E. 4th Street Portland, OR 97239-6912 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Jokrijo LLC 79886 VAX `saia2uV 1-10d 1826 Golf Course Road Pails g1t, •H UZ Port Angeles, WA 98362 Slunoj welpla PA Plaza Associates Carol A Christopherson Et Al 2005 8th AVE 1111 Bryan Street Seattle, WA 98121-2603 Wenatchee, WA 98801-2504 Peninsula Golf& Country Club Sung & Deborah Moon P.O. Box 628 2104 E 1st Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court—of the State of Wash_in_g_ pn_{_o,r__C.1_a1.1_am/�1ef_er_s_o� County. Peninsula Daily mews --_--_ _____________ ______________________ f _ LEGAL ACCT/CITY CLERK j CITY OFPORT:ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES__--- _ PUBLIC NOTICE C ------=-- -----------..---- - - - ---j-------- OF'DEVECOPMENT I PO BOX 1150 j APPLICATION AND' P.UBLIC`HEARING'; PORT ANGELES WA 98362 j I NOTICE,.It`'HEREBY GIVEN that on'February'1220.07, tf!p,;City,of'APort{Angeles,rre j ceived;an,application fgr..a C, condittorial use;peimit;fo;,al- REFERENCE: 4900481 j low'the retention of an" pyemise advertising'',sign on 0357, 784 D. Ga s e applicant p perty tliat"contatriskan. ---- ----------� — ------ ------ - - ------------- ------ --- - - ' - -- a., ro �.r the other commeicial use in the. City's: Commerc!al �Artenal The undersigned being first ' duly sworn on oath, I lone.- The appl!cabon was determined tozbe complete deposes a n.d says: on February 1212007 INnt That she/he is authorized to and does make this j ten commentsregarclmgHtfie proposed,acbon;must befre-. j affidavit for and on behalf of Peninsula Daily j cened.bytheCno i,tylafer than.`February27 2007°in, News, a corporation, and that the following- 1 order.robemciudedrn°u, ---- --- — s t a t e m e n t:s` a.f fact .a are within her/.his e r s o n a l j staff report�Addit!onal oein: p ment will be accepted at the and. actualknow 1 e.d g e j publ!cAheanng that"w!fl fie! conducted by the,PORt"N __ - -- ---- ----- I--- - --f GELES PLANNING COMMIS, That said corporation is the owner and publisher j $I ON onFeburali,Aii 07 , 6 p.rii.,City Hall: Interested o f the Peninsula Dai 1 y News published i n j Parties,tare°encouraged oto,` f comment,on the proposaR ' Claliam, Jefferson Counties, and had been a - roved f I �1�? nd ay request '= - - ------ a m a Py.ofa as a lega`1 newspaper by order of .the :Superior j � thedec!s!onorice�rtsbeenk made ''tnformatton`may be C,o u r t., o f :s a l d .0 l a l l a m J e f.f;e r s o n o.0 m y '. o f .t.h e j I rev!ewed at�u,e c!ty Depart ment,of Communtty& Eco S t a t i3 of Wash:i n g t onnomtc; Development sCity That the annexed - i s a true c op e of a 1 e g a 1 g -;Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port'•Angeles .,,City Hall+lis insertion as it was published i n regular issues I accessible to,persons,with disabilities:;'rintereste'd<,:pai (and not in supplement form) of said newspaper —j ties areinvited to:attend:the was regularly -distrlb-u:ted .•t it:s subscribers j meeting � STATE... ENVIRONMENTAL i during all of. said, ja e r r o.d, T h e... Puh.l;fi s h i n g date j POLICY ACT It As. cited is the : l a s t._ ',day- o f p'u b 1 1[•a t 1 .n'o . ed'that a deter�nat�on'-of _� - _ nomsigrnficance. DNS)ewill' j be rissued for,the proposal following;the,req u!re d;review,, j I period, wti'icti will ezpire..on, February 27 x'±'.2007 APP LICANTDariwGase� or7i � fPm t`;� Nd M ar Western .: 010yCATIe '$"Bes rn Lotlgeksign South' PUBLISHED ON: ' .02/1 west Corner of H!ghway 101 at Deh;Guzzf Orrve• # t ' j For`'fuither iriforinaUon:;corr j tact TOTAL COST-: 47. 00 be y Roberds� (360) 417-4750 j --FILED ON: -- 02/116/07 -- —j — - --------------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of N tart' Fubli.c in and f or t State of -Washington resitling at Port \ ' t4�1S !%' --- — --- . S Peninsula Daily News P. O. Box 13.30 Port Angeles, WA 98362. �� �,OTA_R.y •.. ; ' --------- ------ -- --------- �_�na?135=;0 T L.,:G ��,• A� R. O y • NGELES �- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. W DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Date: February 13, 2007 DD E C E V E n To: renia Funston, Public Works and Utilities FEB 2 12007 Ken Dubuc, Fire Department pCITY afOoFnPOR yApNG EDevelopment From: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager Subject: Conditional Use Permit- CUP,07-01 Thomas - SW Corner of Del Guzzi Drive/Highway 101 Please review the attached application for a.conditional use permit to allow an off premise sign to be located on a property that contains another commercial use. This permit will basically allow the existing Best Western Olympic Lodge sign to remain in its current location. Your departmental comments, conditions, or other issues by Februaa21, 2007, would be appreciated. !; Thank you. �� n �i Attachments r� l� ,.. ..., .,...µ.., . (2%20/2007) Sue Roberds CUP 07 01 Page 1�? From: Ken Dubuc To: Sue Roberds Date: 2/15/2007 9:51 AM Subject: CUP 07-01 Sue, The Fire Department has reviewed CUP 07-01 for the Olympic Lodge sign at the SW corner of Del Guzzi at 101 and we have no comments or objections. Thanks, Ken Dubuc Fire Marshal �. • NGELES CITY R W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. February 13, 2007 MEMO To: Department of Ecology, SEPA Division From: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager Subj: Conditional Use Permit- Thomas DEPARTMENT OF 1301 Highway 101 East COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Enclosed you will find a SEPA Checklist and a notice of development application in Mark Madsen association with a conditional use permit application to allow an off site advertising sign Director on a property that contains another use in the City's Arterial Commercial zone. The 417-4501 application materials and environmental checklist are being forwarded to you for review Sue Roberds, under the WAC 197-11-355 optional review process.The City will not issue a threshold Planning Manager determination until after the comment period ends on February 27, 2007. This may be 417-4750 your only opportunity to comment on potential impacts of the application. Nathan West written comments must be received by the City Department of Community&Economic Principle Planner Development,P.O.Box 1150,Port Angeles,Washington,98362,no later than February 417-4751 21, 2007. Please don't hesitate to contact this department if you have any questions. Scott Johns Associate Planner Thank you. 417-4752 Jim Lierly Building Inspector 417-4816 Sue Roberds; r anning Manager.:' ` Dave Yasumura Enclosures Permit Technician 417-4712 Patrick Bartholick Permit Technician 417-4815 f 1 • P OR. NGELES W ASHI N G T O .N, U. S. A. ..: � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Date: February 13, 2007 To: Trenia Funston, Public Works and Utilities Ken Dubuc, Fire Department From: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager Subject: Conditional Use Permit'- CUP 07-01 Thomas - SW Corner of Del Guzzi Drive/Highway 101 Please review the attached application for a,conditional use permit to allow an off premise sign to be located on a property that contains another-,commercial use. This permit will basically allow the existing Best Western Olympic Lodge sign to remain in its current location. Your departmental comments, conditions, or other issues by February 21, 2007, would be appreciated. Thank you. Attachments UZ/UIF e b. 8. 2007:: I : 21 Ph JUUMu G r o u P,.weii uanKer uptown No. 0 186 P 21 MAU AppL "I,], QA_NT./QWLNF Applicant: Addresic Applicant's represexitativc(if Acrtha-1)�IPOC1110, Address: pro,- Addrcss: 51D LOWWolY 4),ejVk' Daytim,cphone-fl: '31PO-752--*9 --—-----------------4-- 9FjNJ4H4M W4 1822!r Street address: k/er „ry„w.µ....,..,..___.._ LIS'- 14ky I'DI AAJO 1.,mgal description.: PXPcc� ipti0-0.: Zoning Comprebelisivc Phul cicsignatiom.- ...... Pr Property (total square foct): ,.operty dirucusiolls:IP4��- p Physical cilar,10jeristics flat,sloped,vacant,dcvOloped, M/ _q_60C 4om 41, S. Ltw 1%Oj!(),Sr,,D USFUMILOMMS—VION1 ])Ioatiudc,-.c.Til)c.tli.eproposed conditioxialuse: ,A 51W WCA16D 4-(- —/#[ qjF CD LI44f OC mo W ?_�e UL/U'Fab, 8. 2007 1 : 21 PMI 301Mu1 _ Gro,piweii Dauer uptown No. 0186 P. 31Uuz/uu3 Number of employee,_...... ._-_ - _- - 'iTOLIM 0('operation: Number of on-site parlcirab spaces: -.-_ — Btti,lciing arca (total sparc feet of floor arca for thl pt'nposcd activity), SIGN ALtI JZ WS: Applicant: I ce:rll f 11hGat all of the tJ.I)Oj,e care truc ara(1 complete to the best cif mal/aa<nv16'lkrc an.d cr.c:'laanwlcelge that wilful misrm17ravent(.ttion of 01foraz eWon wul.lermincatr thispe%'mit application. 1'lxctve%cc'�d tlai,s application. an its emnlire(Y and undorstand that mY submiltal- ivill be revic:ivetl fol' complacness. ..If fibund to be complete the. ral)1)li.ec111nnwil/l�cs'c.'IvC�GIL�ledf0% thenextcn�u.Glablel'ltrn>zin,�C.''antJzaiszir,n.r�se�eliztg, .Tfnolcnnij)lete, IvlaLJr.re'gLr.Gs'leil in rm.alionn has berm receival the application will available meeliltg. Si r,i7tui•e .�/ t• ��� natL��S d Ownmr (if other than applic• t): 1 Ll)?z 117c O1v71G%' zc'.stcbj(?c pert))itfc'ntirc�l zcrein and approve applie'-ation.. 5iptaatirrc Date -��" For Staff Usc Only: Permit No _ App.l. complctc _ .Add. Info requested � ' \ cu Rt III MING 0 F. FF 200.0 F LOW 1; P. ILI 12,877 ST. UCI DO W57- / SITE PLAN 1. F111 Tr / . __- -' --_'__-- - --_- ��� � CONSTRUCTS'WIDE I \\ • �--�_.-_ -�f �' I �� �- _ I P ��� STAIRS PER DETAIL 5/A7./AI.2 I J � I I 31s / ti E OF EXIS. EWALK I I E CONSTRUCT ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING I -J I - 1 I WALL PER DETAIL C/C5 — -_ I CONSTRUCT APPROX.1.282 SF OF ...- AC-PAVEMENT PER DETAIL C/;C4 2.5:1 FI L SLOPE / I 2 fSTRUCT.AP %..82: LF OF CONIC.Cu T.IITTEPER DETAIL / / a II � • CONSTRUCT.APPRO%. OPE R D 40 LF OF BARRIER TNR ,4 I I a J j CONSTRUCT APPROX.97 LF OF GONG.BARRIER CURB PER DETAIL D/4 Y E I u It NSI 9� I C, :.A g INSTALL CONCRETE:PLANTER _ II CONSTRUCT APPROK 50 PER ARCH.PUNS' @�JILDINGf / J I I' LF OF CONC.BARRIER (TVP.4 PLACES) < I DRIVE-TFIRU L� FFEE ( I ' ` I'I CURB PER DETAIL D/C3ic t eE,o CONSTRUCi.APPRO%.1.080 SF — —__.__._i-��F = 200.0 II ! .t. ' I I 8 MD7RUCTT110PHK.IOX, ana W OF 4'TNK..CONC.SIDEWALK "11 E+'� CONSTRUCT APPROX.14,544 SF OF j i �.` -PER:DETAIL F/C4 Y -'� I / SIDf.NALK PER TML F/CJ (� I AC-PAVEMENT PER DETAIL C/C4 �q8" I (� It o i - i �GRADESREAK jLl I I I Jj I 7 o - , v �•\ i �/ CONS UCT APPRO 25 LF CONC.BA RIER CON57RUIFT APPROX/7CURB PER DETAIL /C4 III I c lF OF ICONC.BARRIER CURB PER DETNL D/C4 CCNSTRUCT APPROX.b LF �«•-�� It ( __._ ___ i-%1 I i ..m'a•. 'S6` .OF CONC.CURB -8I CEt1T�iEREP�4 �,V I� I;I % '�.•. 500 GAL UNDERGROUND _ is PROPANE TANK / CONSTRUCT APPROX.-2 �¢ INSTALL CROSS-WALK STRIPMG- OF CONIC.CURB h R .,PER DETAIL G/C4 .PER.DETA B A W. I = 1 FrTORY RETAIL < /--� - - �- - — - - % I I CONS CT I ¢ I t -" 12.877 S.F. - — - - I, �// DRIVEW Y APPROAC t FF 200.0 r I,d PER DEI AIL K/4 $ CONSTRUCT.APBX. / LF OF CONIC.RCBARRIER r ?ER'DETNL D/4 CON rRUCT,APPRII X.53. r' '% I"I I a U) 'C S E UCT, OF LF OF CONC.B RRIER c' B RIE ER.DETAIL /C4 CUR PER DETAIL DJC4" 3 -_ r_ - —fP —. ___ o!_ 64---I _�I" N 2Oa' (�j 00 INSTALL WKI EL STOPS. I / < (TYP...W4ER1 SHOWN ON LAwsj r-- j -- -- -- - I i. I 20 __ its o W W - - CC) '' 4a t a c c OF C_-fT�RB h GUTTER :. �/ !.I i WO F¢Y¢2 f� J r �- PER DET / CONSTRUCT APP X.505 SF It of wy{ w i' --- I -^ • i </I I B'WIDE 4'TNK. ONC. F r '� ii '(- t /.„ J I SIDEWALK PER AIL'F/C4 _ '' SCALE: DATE November 7. 2 CONSTRUCT APPROX Lp600 IFt,� j /1 . OF 4'1HK GOING..51�EW�A K.��// / I �- FILE - SERVER A nvE j I 11 % _I PER DETAIL F C4 .. _lob I 9EVEL0PEEN \aVt.WeT]t �-114 JOB NO: 06236 i I� 'A M. I I ' CONSTRUCT. YIOOO FENCE- j yR'��W'NM'D4 �-- 4 /CC4.SSET BTL" CgNSTRUCT C.Y.U. I FOOTING ELEV.-1 9.O _ _- u I OUSURE SITE PLAN � ' �1:� � _- _ ,� - �` - -�- - �- -�^��. ° 1.OyD-OAL OPANE TANK' - I I. ;\ I SSroNAL ENp SCALE: 1" = 10' .a \ E%PIRES: 9 B OB — a ` — — — — I SHEET Scole: 1- = 10, p// Tq� APWtox. ���LOC,of EDGE OF GEOFABR1c 1by. I ■ -1 SO — — . . . .. . . �E/ of 5 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll : OFF Parcel # 063012 349010 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # GARD 4200 RONALD GARDNER Date 2/25/92 By BYAT * Title Owner # GARD 4200 RONALD GARDNER Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type Code Blk Lot Unit Dock Description ENNIS CRK EST SP# 85-11-7 AUseC 5810 V16 P58 LOT 2 EXC R/W 1 . 02A Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 044 Chg Rs RV PCC 510 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 5810 RESTAURANTS Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres 1 . 02 1 . 02 Taxable 576290 576290 582800 1159090 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 1,159,090 Lien Date Vol/Pg 948 843 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 92CX#560 Mode: .INQUIRY Real Property •• Auto Roll: OFF v Parcel # 063012 349020 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # WUJI 5000 WUJI ENTERPRISES LLC Date 11/26/02 By SBEA * Title Owner # WUJI 5000 WUJI ENTERPRISES LLC Aud/File# 2 1095672 * Contract Own # Loan # I Plat/Condo Type Code Blk Lot Unit Dock Description ENNIS CRK EST SP#85-11-7 V16 P58 AUseC 6500 LOT 3 EXC R/W SURVEY V56 P54 . 78A Chg Date 11/29/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 029 Chg Rs NC PCC 530 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 6500 PROFES SERV Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres . 78 .78 Taxable 176680 176680 590300 766980 Market New/C 413000 O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 766, 980 Lien Date Vol/Pg 501 700 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 90 CNX#13 92CX#560;OOCX#401; 03SP#1062 FRM EXMPT;02BE176/STIP 03CX#466; Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF f Parcel # 063012 349030 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # OLYM 3985 OLYMPIC LODGE LLC Date 8/23/04 By ADOI * Title Owner # OLYM 3985 OLYMPIC LODGE LLC Aud/File# 4 1139485 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type Code Blk Lot Unit Dock Description ENNIS CRK EST SP#85-11-7 V16 P58 AUseC 1600 LOT 4 2 .03A Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 028 Chg Rs RV PCC 330 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 1600 HOTELS-MOTEL Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total AV Acres .50 1.53 2 .03 Taxable 626575 626575 4253300 4879875 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 4,879,875 Lien Date Vol/Pg 872 46 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 93BE#95 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 340000 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # PENI 2800 PENINSULA GOLF CLUB Date 1/22/88 By CONV * Title Owner # PENI 2800 PENINSULA GOLF CLUB Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type Code Blk Lot Unit Dock Description SESW EXC R/W & EXC PT TX9323 AUseC 9400 13. 93A Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 038 Chg Rs RV PCC 946 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 9400 OPEN SPACE Zoning Code P Public Land Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres 13. 93 13. 93 Taxable CU 83580 83580 83580 Market OS 167160 167160 167160 New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 83,580 Lien Date Vol/Pg 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# JB80-811,ANX ORD#2307 I Mode INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 330000 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer a er # PENI 2900 PENINSULA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Date 1/22/88 By CONV * Title Owner # PENI 2900 PENINSULA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type Code Blk Lot Unit Dock Description SWSW EXC W30 ' &EXC PT TX#9323 AUseC 9400 38 . 61A Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 037 Chg Rs RV PCC 946 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 9400 OPEN SPACE Zoning Code P Public Land Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total Land Improvement Total AV Acres 38 . 61 38 . 61 Taxable CU 231660 231660 1071000 1302660 Market OS 463320 463320 1071000 1534320 New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Ings Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 1,302, 660 Lien Date Vol/Pg 278 627 0 As-Tx Yr APP# A r# MH2766300, 85 NOV BD 95CX60 96DP#2 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 540800 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # MOON 4575 SUNG/DEBORAH MOON Date 6/20/06 By SSOT * Title Owner # MOON 4575 SUNG/DEBORAH MOON Aud/File# 6 1181757 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code NOB* 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description NOB HILL ADDITION AUseC 1600 LTS1-5&12-16 B8 PT SURV11P17 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 046 Chg Rs RV PCC 550 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 1600 HOTELS-MOTEL Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total AV Acres Taxable 222750 222750 222750 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 222,750 Lien Date Vol/Pg 546 146 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# ORD#2005 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF r Parcel # 063012 505050 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Y5r/2007 * Taxpayer # MOON 4575 SUNG/DEBORAH MOON Date 6/20/06 By SSOT * Title Owner # MOON 4575 SUNG/DEBORAH MOON Aud/File# 6 1181757 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 1600 Lll-13 EXC HWY&VC ST BL C SV11P17 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 045 Chg Rs RV PCC 550 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 1600 HOTELS-MOTEL Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 90640 90640 90640 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 90, 640 Lien Date Vol/Pg 546 151 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 65-619 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 507000 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # P*A* 1501 P A PLAZA ASSOCIATES Date 4/04/00 By ADOI * Title Owner # PORT 3400 PORT ANGELES PLAZA ASSOCIATES Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 5370 LTS6-10BE&BF& PTS BLS 5&6 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 EXC PAYLESS LEASE Chg By MHOP F/Pg 025 Chg Rs RV PCC 510 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 5370 COMM SHOP CT Zoning Code P—CA Coml, Arterial Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 1631585 1631585 1880500 3512085 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 3,512 ,085 Lien Date Vol/Pg 380 89 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 88JB#216 TXP REQ SEP STMNT Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel. # 063012 500436 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # JOKR 0300 JOKRIJO LLC Date 5/26/05 By ADOI * Title Owner # JOKR 0300 JOKRIJO LLC Aud/File# 5 1155662 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 1500 LOTS 14-17 PT VC ALLEY BL 4 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 CEDAR HILLS MH PARK Chg By MHOP F/Pg 428 Chg Rs RV PCC 205 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 1500 M H COURTS Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 128910 128910 25000 153910 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Into Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 153, 910 Lien Date Vol/Pg 513 696 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# JB-80-257,88 ANX ORD#2448 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 500500 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # JOKR 0300 JOKRIJO LLC Date 5/26/05 By ADOI * Title Owner # JOKR 0300 JOKRIJO LLC Aud/File# 5 1155662 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 1500 LTS 1-3 PT N HWY LTS 4-5 BL 5 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 EXC RD R/W REF DEED V107 P339 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 427 Chg Rs RV PCC 200 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 1500 M H COURTS Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total AV Acres Taxable 54340 54340 54340 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Ings Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 54,340 Lien Date Vol/Pg 513 696 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 88 ANX ORD#2448 ;99CX510 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: ON Parcdl. # 063012 540710 2001 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # CORB 1000 BETTY CORBETT/C STETSON TC Date 2/19/98 By KKRE * Title Owner # CORB 1000 BETTY CORBETT/C STETSON TC Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code NOB* 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description NOB HILL ADDITION AUseC 9120 LTS 7 & 8 BL 7 EXC R/W 4/6 INT Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 1/2 INT EACH Chg By MHOP F/Pg 423 Chg Rs RV PCC 500 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0102 121 FD2 L H2 Land Use 9120 COMMERCIAL Zoning Code OS OS Ovl/OS Cor Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV I Acres Taxable 1675 1675 1675 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 1, 675 !, Lien Date Vol/Pg 1201 752 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# V250 P532 I Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 540700 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # CORB 1000 BETTY CORBETT/C STETSON TC Date 2/18/98 By KKRE * Title Owner # CORB 1000 BETTY CORBETT/C STETSON TC Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code NOB* 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description NOB HILL ADDITION AUseC 9120 LOTS 1-6 BL 7 1/2 INT EACH Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 422 Chg Rs RV PCC 500 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0102 121 FD2 L H2 Land Use 9120 COMMERCIAL Zoning Code OS OS Ovl/OS Cor Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total AV Acres Taxable 7500 7500 7500 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 7,500 Lien Date Vol/Pg 1201 752 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# V250 P532 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 505000 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # CORB 1000 BETTY CORBETT/C STETSON TC Date 2/19/98 By KKRE * Title Owner # CORB 1000 BETTY CORBETT/C STETSON TC Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 9120 LTS8-10 N HWY BLC Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 1/2 INT EA Chg By MHOP F/Pg 426 Chg Rs RV PCC 500 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 9120 COMMERCIAL Zoning Code Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 10255 10255 10255 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 10,255 Lien Date Vol/Pg 1201 752 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 65-619, 62-839,88 ANX ORD#2448 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll : OFF _y. Pari-,el # 063012 509020 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # PORT 3700 PORT ANGELES PROPERTIES LLC Date 12/23/03 By CPAR * Title Owner # PORT 3700 PORT ANGELES PROPERTIES LLC Aud/File# 3 1123480 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 5805 GRAY SP #96-01-02 LOT 2 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 V27 P93 -S14- . . 95A Chg By MHOP F/Pg 429 Chg Rs RV PCC 510 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 5805 FAST FOODS Zoning Code ACD ACD Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 330520 330520 518300 848820 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 848,820 Lien Date Vol/Pg 1162 525 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 97BE267 SUS Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF r Parjcol # 063012 500600 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # OLYM 2750 OLYMPIC FULFILLMENT FAM LTD Date 1/16/03 By CPAR * Title Owner # OLYM 2750 OLYMPIC FULFILLMENT FAM LTD Aud/File# 2 1098500 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 5111 LTS 1&2 N H/W & PT VAC ST BL 6 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By MHOP F/Pg 431 Chg Rs RV PCC 550 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0102 121 FD2 L H2 Land Use 5111 AUTO/OTH VEH Zoning Code ACD ACD Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 57000 57000 57000 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 57,000 Lien Date Vol/Pg 663 40 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 509010 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # OLYM 2750 OLYMPIC FULFILLMENT FAM LTD Date 1/16/03 By CPAR * Title Owner # OLYM 2750 OLYMPIC FULFILLMENT FAM LTD Aud/File# 2 1098499 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 5111 GRAY SP #96-01-02 LOT 1 Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 041 V27 P93 -SW- .58A Chg By MHOP F/Pg 430 Chg Rs RV PCC 550 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 5111 AUTO/OTH VEH Zoning Code ACD ACD Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres Taxable 80000 2160 82160 82160 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 82,160 Lien Date Vol/Pg 1024 489 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 97BE#264 STIP Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parol # 063012 504000 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # CHRI 7430 CAROL A CHRISTOPHERSON ET AL Date 11/13/97 By KKRE * Title Owner # CHRI 7430 CAROL A CHRISTOPHERSON ET AL Aud/File# 97 0760524 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 9100 LOTS 8-13 BL B & PT VAC BEECH Chg Date 10/02/06 F/Bk 420 ST ABTG Chg By MHOP F/Pg 493 Chg Rs RV PCC 150 ApprCd 02 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 9100 UNDEVEL LAND Zoning Code MD Urban Mod Dens Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? Y Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total AV Acres Taxable 11250 11250 11250 Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 11,250 Lien Date Vol/Pg 296 619 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 88 ANX ORD#2448 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Parcel # 063012 500452 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 i * Taxpayer # CLAL 1005 CLALLAM COUNTY Date 1/22/88 By CONV * Title Owner # CLAL 1005 CLALLAM COUNTY Aud/File# * Contract Own # Loan # I Plat/Condo Type PL Code PUGE 0100 Blk Lot Unit Dock Description PUGET SOUND CO-OP COLONY 1 ADD AUseC 9750 LTS 18-20 PT VAC ALLEY BL 4 Chg Date 6/02/88 F/Bk 000 Chg By LIND F/Pg 000 Chg Rs AN PCC 975 ApprCd Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 9750 EXEMPT Zoning Code Tax Stat K COUNTY Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total AV II Acres I Taxable Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 0 Lien Date Vol/Pg As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 88 ANX ORD#2448 Mode: INQUIRY Real Property Auto Roll: OFF Par 661 # 063012 349000 0000 Rng 06 Twp 30 Sec 12 Tax Yr 2007 * Taxpayer # K*T* 0100 KT DEVELOPMENT LLC Date 10/30/06 By SSOT * Title Owner # K*T* 0100 KT DEVELOPMENT LLC Aud/File# 6 1189143 * Contract Own # Loan # Plat/Condo Type Code Blk Lot Unit Dock Description ENNIS CRK EST SP# 85-11-7 AUseC 9120 V16 P58 LOT 1 . 95A Chg Date 10/30/06 F/Bk 041 Chg By SSOT F/Pg 027 Chg Rs RV PCC 550 ApprCd 17 Tax Code 0010 PA 121 H2 L Land Use 9120 COMMERCIAL Zoning Code UNC Urbn Nbrhd Coml Tax Stat TX TAXABLE Reval 4 Chg Rs F/P? N Ac Land: Improved Unimp Timber Total—Land Improvement Total—AV Acres . 95 . 95 Taxable 537965 537965 537965 _Market New/C O/AV Mob Home AV Sub Cd Int% Sr Cit Cd Regular Taxable 537, 965 Lien Date Vol/Pg 890 630 0 As-Tx Yr App# Agr# 03BE#11L WITHDRAWN BURGETT \ Ind Tj -f`9f. N I 8Q. yal i 9e 3 i 0.93a. L I, a e (1664') 20 20 9 4 s . ` l I ItZ ENNIS CK. 11.04 ct. A 12 r 101 - w < w - iUj Q so9V01. P-e 35 Of '61 is Is /4 zo 11 1 ` 9 jG 0.95x." Is 6 T 8 6 4 1 3 2 1 / 10 9'96f' Q m' 9�- z z IIs a --e-3-7_q EL .. �w+� < 4 - - la 3 --1/4.85' ®°' i k3 M 1.02 o. 6 ! 12 cr•,Rwwu+ :e+�wvww•scmsuaar»ys- :nx w,,, 49.7/' 3o P()Rr £ASE 679.46 9-- ANGEIES 8 50' B / cG 2k .r 3 14 15 16 17 Is g _- +awe.w.•n rasl� uw. 2.03 a.J0�i�ri1�11E. � : Vol.16,P ge 5 3 633.9 4 0.78 6. . 34 30 2 M� P DELHUR,INC. / 5.19 a:' .T .T N insula itle or This sketch is provided by dltomsphow all�mattersTelated�ophe p,ropertytincludg including, ~ �J ur information. It is not Intend limited to, area, dimensions, easements, encroachments, or location of boundaries. It is not part of, nor does it modify,the property profile,the commitment,or policy to which it is attached.Olympic for any matter related to this sketch. Reference Peninsula Title Company assumes NO LIABILITY should be made to an accurate survey for further information. JOINS 630121VW I Gd 'Rya. 133,.71' `5 /33603'Sv vaB P�j 06301230 4 fn 'Q� S 0 tD C: 3_ 2.43.: rO eO Ca Qx o.;.:�_ —_ �_ ;I Vag Section------i2 07 C _ ea c:zs' 4 �I P9q• O O 0 —` F60NT ST _ 01LLx.rY � 5 r � O_ Township_ ON � _o aEm m -• I R i-- w a 3L 31� M 1' ! 13 � � � Q "y' � rt rrt Range--- --6W Q°, 0c o 162.61 a. Total 3 0 >v a M o a 1 W0 � ^' �. SCALE'2400 C07 O U) 7.82a.' �< Q xa 7,°•. ZTO 4 EO a 00 zoo 300 000 500 IT- � I � � �85a p >y 1v O � O G 01 CD _a " 0_ z X57 _ ID .(D�v11.P1� C)_ G ` 0.95.. X10 - 5 YV8 Z-R (D O C2. xr�l m 03./ CLALLAM COUNTY V1.I6,P 5 OAJSG5501f O (�DO0821 NOVEMBER 1969 , 34 O Umq PCV y / a4.°e ^' I I I t APRIL 0 1 28 JUNE 1972 —• iqm I I O - O Q r�-F u tk' ? U I I ..1 MAY I Y3 O 3 w (D i• JULY 191Cw Z ZT 3 O O O rt o I I N tD dX< I I i "".s 0 (j) (D n (D 0g I el al 5�a v� //3ofo� n O r« O 43° I 3.}y I I I DAG N 34' I I A; p < . vx.•acv "I P1.I" Q::y ^! <✓a 39.61a� I e m�u...nu. x x I 1 I I n 0 4 I ee� ° 139 134x . 34 Feb, 9. 2007 3:32PM Muliat Group No. 0197 P. 1 iq ik THE MuLjAT GiKoup 510 Lak"Drive,Bellingham,Wa.98225 (360)752.429ffmc(360)752-4299 P" To: Sue Roberds From: Kent Thomas Fax Pages: Phone: Date: 2/9/2007 Re: PSIS CC: O Urgent ❑ For Review ❑Pismo Comment O Plane Reply ❑Please Recycle Dear City staff:Attached aro the Items 1.12 of the SEPA Checklist for the conditional use permit regarding the Best Western Sign located at Del Guzd Drive and Highway 101.Please let me know Immediately if more Is required. Thanks Kent Thomas Offlcs:762-4299 fam?52.9163 Cell:360-229-7130 Address: 108 Del Guzzi Drive PREPARED 4/20/16, 8:19:58 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES LIERLY DATE 4/20/16 —--------------------------------------------—--------------—-----------------------—------ ADDRESS 108 DEL GUZZI DR SUBDIV: CONTRACTOR : PHONE OWNER KT OLYMPIC PLAZA LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-12-3-4-9000-0000- APPL NUMBER: 16-00000043 COMM REMODEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT .RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BL3 01 3/18/16 PB BLDG FRAMING 3/18/16 AP March 18, 2016 11:35:07 AM pbarthol. March 18, 2016 4:55:44 PM pbarthol. BLI 01 3/21/16 JLL BLDG INSULATION 3/21/16 AP March 21, 2016 10:37:36 AM jlierly. Gene 972-536-3883 ^ March 21, 2016 4:54:35 PM jlierly. BL99 01 4/20/16 BLDG FINAL April 20, 2016 8:19:05 AM jlierly. gene 972-536-3883 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS -----—------- --—- -----—---------------------------------—-------------- ME1 01 4/11/16 JLL MECHANICAL ROUGH-IN 4/14/16 AP April 11, 2016 8:55:09 AM jlierly. Gene 972-536-3883 April 14, 2016 8:04:21 AM jlierly. ME99 01 4/20/16MECHANICAL FINAL April 20, 2016 8:19:49 AM jlierly. PERMIT: PL 00 PLUMBING PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PL1 01 3/09/16 JLL PLUMBING UNDER SLAB 3/09/16 AP March 9, 2016 8:38:25 AM jlierly. gene 972-536-3883 March 9, 2016 4:43:58 PM jlierly. PL2 01 3/17/16 JLL PLUMBING ROUGH-IN 4/14/16 AP March 17, 2016 12:54:54 PM pbarthol. Gene 972-536-3883 April 14, 2016 8:04:21 AM jlierly. PL99 01 4/20/16 JL PLUMBING FINAL /% April 20, 2016 8:20:02 AM jlierly. -------------------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES 1 / Vis►. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 n j� Application Number . . . . . 16-00000043 Date 2/18/16 c Application pin number . . . 312306 v Property Address . . . 108 DEL GUZZI DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-12-3-4-9000-0000- REPORT SALES TAX Application type description COMM REMODEL on your state excise tax form tl Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use to the City of Port Angeles -' Property Zoning . COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL Location Code 0502) Application valuation 293000 Application desc COMMERCIAL REMODEL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ KT OLYMPIC PLAZA LLC OWNER 510 LAKEWAY DR BELLINGHAM WA 98225 A . V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . COMMERICAL REMODEL Permit Fee . . . . 2101.05 Plan Check Fee 1365.68 Issue Date . . . . 2/18/16 Valuation . . . . 293000 Expiration Date 8/16/16 Qty -Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1020.25 193.00 5.6000 THOU BL-100,001-500K (5.60 PER K) 1080.80 ---------------------------------7------------------------------------------ Permit . . . . . . MECHANICAL PERMIT - Additional desc . . INTERIOR REMODEL Permit Fee . . . . 82.70 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 2/18/16 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 8/16/16 Qty Unit Charge, Per Extension CN BASE FEE 50.00 2.00 7.2500 EA ME-VENT FAN (SINGLE DUCT) 14.50 1.00 18.2000 EA ME-FURN/HP/FAU > 5 TON 18.20 _1 ----------------------------------------------=---=------------------------- lV�\ Permit . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc INTERIOR REMODEL Permit Fee . . . . 124.00 Plan Check.Fee .00 Issue Date 2/18/16 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/16/16 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 5.00 7.0000 EA PL-PLUMBING TRAP 35.00 1.00 7.0000 EA PL-WATER LINE 7.00 2.00 7.0000 EA PL-DRAIN'VENT PIPING 14.00 60 1.00 7.0000 EA PL-WATER HEATER 7.00 ^ 1.00 10.6500 EA PL-FUEL GAS PIPE, 1-5 OUTLETS 11.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized isnot commenced within.180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied ith whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provi ' s o!? construction. any at r local law regulating construction or the performance of Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS— Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION- Footings OUNDATION:Footin s Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-in Water Line Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: - Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump/Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-In Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit#s SEPA: Parkin /Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type _ Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction -R.W. PW I Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 %mss. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 16-00000043 Date 2/18/16 Application pin number 312306---- REPORT SALES TAX Special Notes and Comments on your state excise tax form February 4, 2016 1:28:17 PM tamiot. electrical permit is required. to the City of Port Angeles February 1, 2016 11:51:05 AM rbecker. (Location Code 0502) T If you are installing a soda dispenser, you will need to . install a reduced pressure backflow assembly. If you have any questions call Ron Becker at 360-41704886, fax:360-452-4972, or E-mail:rbecker@cityofpa.us Address numbers shall be plainly visible from the street. Address numbers shall be a minimum of six inches high and be of contrasting color from the background. January 29, 2016 9:56:42 AM pbarthol. Project is interior remodel for a restuarant in a'location that previously had a similar use. no land use issues anticipated. Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 2307.75 2307.75 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 1365.68 1365:68 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 3677.93 3677.93 .00 .00 r , e Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized isnot commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be corn li ether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provis" s of any stat or cal law regulating construction or the performance of construction. -49-49 ,ofd 76'/" Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS— Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-in Water Line Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump/Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-In Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit#s SEPA: Parkin /Li htin ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY Q /USE Inspection Type _ Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction -R.W. PW /Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 jFor City Use V CTNvof tTA,�NG� LES. Permit# f �� W A S H I N GST O N , U. S. Date Received: 1 I I -A. Lo 321 E Sth Street Date Approved Port Angeles,WA 9836 P:360-417-4817 F:360-417-4711 Email:permitsOcityofpa.us BUILDING PERMI AP LICATION Project Address: 1 1 2 Phone: Prima Contact: 14b12iv4N �. 1),gV1t.A Email: Qdr,aa) , (/01,�/c, Cg -('AS - I , 0" Name Phone -Pr operty Mailing Address Email CD Owner .. _. City StateSr Zip Named /� Pho C T /7 l�jVsNZvc7184 Contractor Address �rr Email - 35`0 E�L1Onn 0(1 S Mc`E QC-FCpotsk vCfiD� ,COwt 5 ---Information . City l aal sv)1 lie, '-77k-.is State - ,X,r s Zip-7sVY-7 vContractor License# ��3 ��g—�� Exp.Date: Legal Description: Zoning: Tax Parcel # Project Value: (materials and labor) $ ,?q3 coo v Residential ❑ Commercial Industrial ❑ Public ❑ Permit Demolition ❑ 'Fire ❑ Repair ❑ Reroof(tear off/lay over) ❑ Classification For the following,fill out both pages of permit application: (check New Construction ❑ Exterior Remodel ❑ Addition ❑ Tenant Improvement. appropriate) Mechanical ❑ Plumbing ❑ Other ❑ Fire Sprinkler System Proposed Irrigation System Proposed or Proposed Brthrooms Proms d Bedrooms or Existing? Yes 13 No O Existing? Yes 0 No.&3 � /F In addition to standard hard copy submittals please send a PDF copy of all Stormwater plans and Engineering to www.stormwaterRdq=o=fpa.us Project Description 600,7,/"e� Is'f1t1/ue✓1t/ft,{' Is project in a Flood Zone: Yes ❑ Flood Zone Type: If in a Flood Zone, what is the value of the structure before proposed improvement? $ I have read and completed the application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits prior to work. I understand that plan review fees are not refundable after review has occurred. I understand that I will forfeit review fees if I withdraw the application before the permit is issued. I understand that if the permit is not picked up/issued within i8o days of su ttal,the application will be considered abandoned and the fees will be forfeited. i�� Date / Iz S Print Name Signature Residential Structures Existing Proposed Construction For Office Use Area Descriptions(SQ FT) Floor area Floor area $Value new area Basement First Floor Second Floor Covered Deck/Porch/Entry Deck(over 30" or 2 Id floor) Garage Carport Other(describe) Area Totals Commercial Structures Area Descriptions(SQ FT) Existing - Proposed Construction For Office Use Floor area Floor area $Value new area Existing Structure(s) Proposed Addition Tenant Improvement? Other work(describe) Site Area Totals Lot/Site Coverage Calculations Lot Size(sq ft) Lot Coverage(sq ft)foot print of %Lot Coverage(Total lot cov_lot size) Max Bldg Height all structures sq ft Site Coverage(Sq Ft of all impervious) %of Site Coverage (total site cov_lot size) Mechanical Fixtures Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated as part of this project. Air Handler Size: # Haz/Non-Haz Piping ..Outlets: Appliance Exhaust Fan # Heater(Suspended,Floor,Recessed wall) # Boiler/Compressor Size: # Heating/Cooling appliance #_ repair/alteration Evaporative Cooler(attached,not # Pellet Stove/Wood-burning/Gas # portable) Fireplace/Gas Stove/Gas Cook Stove/Misc. Fuel Gas Piping #of Outlets: Ventilation Fan,single duct # Furnace/Heat Pump/ Size: # Ventilation System # Forced Air Unit Plumbing Fixtures Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated Plumbing Traps # Water Heater # Plumbing Vent piping # Medical gas piping #of Outlets: Water Line # Fuel gas piping #of Outlets: Sewer Line # Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor Grease Trap) Size Other(describe): T:\Forms\2015 CED Form Updates\Building&Permitting\BP\Building Permit 20150415.docx w Residential Structures Existing Proposed Construction For Office Use Area Descriptions(SQ FT) Floor area Floor area $Value new area Basement First Floor Second Floor Covered Deck/Porch/Entry Deck(over 3o"or a" floor) Garage Carport Other(describe) Area Totals Commercial Structures Area Descriptions(SQ FT) Existing Proposed Construction For Office Use Floor area Floor area $Value new area Existing Structure(s) j 3 S Proposed Addition Tenant improvement? 1 g"ss � fid•oa Other work(describe) Site Area Totals } Lot/Site Coverage Calculations Lot Size(sq ft) Lot Coverage(sq ft)foot print of %Lot Coverage(Total lot cov=lot size) Max Bldg Height all structures sq ft I Zo Site Coverage(Sq Ft of all impervious) %of Site Coverage(total site cov+lot size) Mechanical Fixtures Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated as part of this project. Air Handler Size:Z moa # Haz/Non-Haz Piping Outlets: Appliance Exhaust Fan # Heater(Suspended,Floor,Recessed wall) # Boiler/Compressor Size: # Heating/Cooling appliance # repair/alteration Evaporative Cooler(attached,not # Pellet Stove/Wood-burning/Gas # portable) Fireplace/Gas Stove/Gas Cook Stove/Mist. Fuel Gas Piping #of Outlets: 3 Ventilation Fan,single duct # Furnace/Heat Pump/ Size: # Ventilation System # Forced Air Unit Plumbing Fixtures Indicate how many of each a of fixture to be installed or relocated Plumbing Traps # '-i, Water Heater # Plumbing Vent piping # ,'(, Medical gas piping #of Outlets: Water Line If # � �;�d� Fuel gas piping #of Outlets: st Sewer Line 11 # irXi�fmle Industrial waste pretreatment Ll interceptor Grease Trap) Size1�YIMf Other(describe): T:\Forms\2015 CED Form Updates\Huaiding&Permitting\HP\Huiiding Permit 20150415 docx PREPARED 1/21/16, 8 :49 : 19tel ` PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES JQ� PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER: 16-00000043 108 DEL GUZZI DR FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL 2101 . 05 PLUMBING PERMIT 124 . 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT 82 . 70 STATE SURCHARGE 4 . 50 TOTAL DUE 2312 . 25 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. ., t ... ,.. ., �. US Hwy 101 L� • 112 q � � x 112 2026 ' 112 < 108 112 ---------- 112----- 112Isar 112 112 , r +Ir Am !" �. 113 t { 140