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1203 E. Lauridsen Blvd.
1203 E Lauridsen Blvd. CUP 12-01 DIRECTIONAL SIGN 'LEFT TURN ONLY- NO ALLEY ACCESS' - �n_ ON EAST FACE; - - "ACCESSIBLE PARKING- DELIVERIES ONLY" \\N SOUTH FACE U¢a J 0 Un \ \ i= � � N ExlrnnG /ENTRY PAT., CONCRETE ISLAND URB MOUNTABLE CURB NEW ENTRY / PLAZA Ex � ' - / 301.;: '� _____ •\ 5 NEW BANNER \\ a POLES(TYP.) ZQ VAULT TREE ( P.) s a r^lam-NEW SIDEWALK K l y _PROPERTY LINE l,o �/\ .. l•' � ��} // � IS �¢ 4p0,Fri NOTED y� / 04NuE-1 REVISION 1 � RAIN CAREEN 12043 t RELOCATED FINE �`- ARTS CENTER.SIGN \� / ^ July 12,2012 _ EXISTING STREET) ��'�egc` 1 . LIGHT(3) SITE PLAN Scale: ,' z 20' .. _ CXXx -, a•'., ' � ��. i I I ' 4 �.w�wme+V�s.1v v+y.v�...•r,..��..-w-��..��.«.e �., v r QF PORT �O01 � F ® CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,,C Y 140 WEST FRONT ST.,P.O.BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON 983(12 PHONE (206)457-0411 ��A1Ypi111@ October 8, 1986. ` Mr. Duncan McKlernan 1133 East 8th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 86(9) 16 Esther Webster FIne Art Center - 1203 East 8th Street Dear Duncan: I As you know, at the October 7, 1986 meeting of the City Council, the � Council moved to concur with the recemmendation of the Planning Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit, CUP 86( ` 16, for the Esther Webster Fine Art Center, located at 1203 East 8th Street, with the following conditions: 1 . The parking lot layout and landscaping shall be as shown on the site plan. Parking lot lighting shall be directed away from the residential a Das by shading or similar devices . Significant revisions to the layout will require revision to the Permit. 2. The days and hours of operation be Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11 h.M, to S P,M, for the general public, with occasional City use for approximately seven meetings per year wito approximately 20 people or fewer. Significant increases from these hours and days or other uses will require revision to the Permit. 3. The City shall install "No Parking" signs on the east side of Jones Street. 4. Jones Street not be ininroved to the 28-foot width between the Boulevard acid the 8/9 alley, except for the install,-tion of curb or other design element that separates tl.e parking lot and landscaping from the street, and a barrier across the existing driveway to the Fine Art Center. If we may be of further assistance, please don' t hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Paul D. Carr a Planning Director CC: Public Works Dept. t lya 'O A. Conditional Use Permit Granted-Ester Webster Fine Arts Center : Mayor Whidden reviewed the Planning Commission minutes with regard to a request for a conditional use permit to allow the F`,--- Arts Center to locate in the RS-7, Single Family Residential disc-. : ; raked at 1203 East 8th Street. ' t: Councilman Hesla inquired as to the hours of o peraticr,. Cr�uncilman McPhee to approve the conditional use permit for the Fine Arts Center and associated parking subject to the following conditions: ,._..,r. 1. •i l Q r$p parking lot layout and landscaping shall be as shown in the attached site plan. Parking lot lighting shall be directed away from the s residential areas by shading or similar devices. Significant revisions to the layout will require revision to the Permit. 3. 2. The days and hours of operation be Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM for the general public with occasional City use for approximately seven meetings.° q per year with approximately 20 people or fewer. Significant increases from these hours and days or other uses will require revision to the Permit. 3• The City install "No Parkingsigns on th " e east side of Jones Street. 4. Jones Street not be improved to 28-foot width between the Boulevard and the 8/9 alley, except for the installation of a curb or other design element that separates the proposed parking lot and landscaping from the street, and a barrier across the existing g drivewa y to the Fine Art Center. .r .Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Stamon inquired of Duncan McKiernan, Director of the Fine Arts Center, if the hours of 11AM t would be adequate. o 5 PM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Duncan McKiernan, 1133 East 8th Street, explained these hours were adequate to serve the needs of the public there would be occasions when there would ibe est in this area. He stated a special evening opening. Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, following findings: Councilman McPhee cited the A. The proposed Fine Art Center is located at a unique site with views and sufficient area (a panoramic � viewslandsed (approximately 4 acres) of naturally P grounds, for e:cistir,g and future parking needs toenabledthe d area to be adequately buffered from adjacent residential uses, Ay B. with the attached conditions, traffic and � k 5 compatibie with the exit,__^q resider.r.:al uses. actin.':ty impacts should be . C. With the attached conditions, thero Posed use would be a benefit to the entire community. P '.a D. Given the steep slope on the north, the short distance of Jones Street from %auridsen Boulevard to the 8/9 alley, the local access nature of Jones Streot, the potential to discourayo parking on Jones Street, the rpt alternative access to the Center through the parking lot, lack of identified public benefit from full improvement to Jones Street, and the hfi potentially detrimental impacts to the local community as expressed during the public hearing process if the street is fully improved, it is in the best interests of the community to not feet at this time. pave or widen Jones Street to 28 n� ;, � On call for the question, the motion carried. :, � � rP'� ..S 1ndC*dJ�"FrZ'� 1 nj VV CONDITIONAL"1 USE HEARING - ESTHER WEBSTER FINE ART g CENTER. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a fine art center to locate in the RS-7 , Single-Family Residential District. Street. (Continued from LSeptember 10 1986a ;t Eighth Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Glass Opened the public hearing. Bruce ,ean, 1127 E. 9th Street, stated already has several institutional uses including sr.that the area'001 nursira y home, community college, and a theater 1E 8/9th alley a dangerous intersection with Jong: Strent. A "Nc p. _,�.; n ` sign shuuld he installed on Jones Street. ;ea„ Hor;.y,,• , 19`2 E. 9th Street, asked if the parking lot could be lac the west of the �teU on than beside the water property or Lou the theater ,rath� : Street, supports the Fine Art Center u bu ch does 12 of •want further improvement to Jones Street be 'alisE r not live in the area are alread people who do c, there. Sharon Targett, 1133 E. 9th Street, requested kthit Jones Street not be paved because it w�.Il encourage people, going to the Fir,,- .Art Centcu-I)iide parking by Center. Mac Ruddell, 1134 E. 8th Street, requested that ones Street not be fully t, improved because it will increase traffic in the area and ( encourage on-street p&rking. He noted that the location of the Fine Art Center an.i the length of Jt�,r,es Street are unique in the City and thus will nit establish a precedent if the street is not fully improved . Jim Targett supvorts the Fine Art Center and the parking jot, but requests that Jones Street not be improved . Following further discussion , Chairman Glass closed the public hearing . Mr. Burns moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the Fine Art Center and associated parking, subject to the following conditions: 1 . The parking lot layout and landscaping shall be a shown in the att s c shall be directedaway ifrom lthe residential lotlighting tbng shading or similar devices . Significant revisions o the layout will require revision to the Permit. 2. The days and hours of operation be Thursday, Friday and 4 "� Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM for the general public with ' occasional City use for approximately seven meetings t per year with approximately 20 Significant increases from tle hese houror fewer. nd d other uses will require revision to the Permitays or. r� P"}' Avy4'E;'"w .0 t:?e.. ;� 1h%+ ••�`4K l t.. y....+i ,:,� :e * :.f' ica•.' .: nr, .S�• �.. `M" _ ,.t •.+.wy �dam' a �d;r•" �,P` ;'S��,° r �.v De 7_i., 3• The City install "No Parking" signs on the east side of Jones Street. 4. Jones Street not be improved to 28-foot width between ri the Boulevard and the 8/9 alley, except for the installation of a curb or other design element separates the proposed parking to**. and landscaping from the street, and a barrier across the existing driveway to the Fine Art Center. He cited the following findings : A. The proposed Fine Art Center is located at a uni ue site with panoramic views and sufficient area q rox - mately 4 acres) of naturally wooded and landscaped 1 grounds , for existing and future parking needs to enable the area to be adequately buffered from adjacent residential uses . t B. With the attached conditions , traffic and activit impacts should be compatible wy i residential uses , with the existing r,. . C. With the attached conditions , the proposed use would be } a benefit to the entire community. D. Given the steep slope on the north , the short distance of Jones Street from Lauridsen Boulevard to the 8/9 .: alley, the local access nature of Jones Street, the potential to discourage parking on Jones Street, the 1` alternative access to the Center through the parking lot, lack of identified public benefit from full improvement to Jones Street, and the potentially F detrimental impacts to the local community as expressed ` during the public hearing process if the street is X14 fully improved, it is in the best interests of the community to not pave or widen Jones Street to 28 feet at this time . Jim Wlett seconded the motion which passed 7 - Q. ' 4 SIR u CITY OF PORT ANGELES Planning Department City Hall Port Angeles, Washington September 19 , 198:, FILE NO. CUP-86 (9) 15 First Hearing Date : September 10 , 1986 Date Received : June 30 , 1986 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - A limited permission to locate a particu- lar use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these Regulations in such degrae as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in ::on- flict with the Comprehensive Plan and shall not be contrary to the public interest. 1 . APPLICANT: CITY OF PORT ANGELES OWNER: SAME 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : 1203 East Eighth Street encompasses an area north of the City Water Tower on Lauridsen Boulevard near Jones Street, and northwest of the Peninsula Community PlayersTheater. It is legally described as all of Block 220; Lots 4 through 9 , Block 297; and Lots 15 and 16 , Block 211 ; all in the Townsite of Port Angeles . 3. PRESENT ZONING: RS-7 District - The purpose of the RS-7 District is to create and preserve urban single-family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single-family homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible atible wi P th and functionally related to a single- family residential . environment may ala- be located in this District. 4 . CONDITIONAL USE REQUESTED: The City of Port Angeles is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Fine Art Center on a four-acre site. Museums and art galleries are conditional uses in the RS-7 District. File No. CUP-86 (,O )(0 Department Report Page 2 5. EXISTING CONDITIONS IN VICINITY : The proposed site is in a single-family residential area. A City water reservoir is directly east of the proposed park- ing lot. A community theater is further east. A rest home is south and Peninsula College is further east and south. Lauridsen Boulevard is the major arterial access to the site. Nearby residents indicate that Ninth Street and the 8/9 alley are used by non-residents (College students) . There is no access to the site from the north because of the topography. 6. DEPARTMENT EVALUATION : Last year, the City of Port Angeles and the Trustees of the Esther Webster Estate signed an agreement authorizing the City of Port Angeles to operate `he late Mrs . Webster's residence as the Port Angeles F'i,.le Art Center. The residence would undergo minor modifications to permit use as an Art Center and a parking lot would be constructed. The Center is anticipated to have six exhibitions per year of art work, two of which are anticipated to be major northwest artists. There also may be live fine art programs including theater, music, poetry, literature , and art lectures as feasible. The maximum capacity of the building is 83 people. The Center would be open to the public Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 11 AM to 5 PM. Attendance would be on a first-come-first-served basis and would also include school children as part of their programs . The City may also use the Center occasionally as a meeting facility and for commu- nity visitors, provided that such use does not conflict with regular Center hours or activities . The building will be required to provide 34 parking spaces. The proposed layout shows four handicapped spaces adjacent to the Fine Art Center building and 25 spaces adjacent to the Water Tower between Lauridsen Boulevard and Jones +,r . 9b�i T'� -tet,tw ii �,` ,�t � i 1�^ • � � u. ..# .���5 Q +uvtitW�M..q.t 5 � is ti..��� F '�°�§��,t. . .n,1->fi d„° i. d �y ,:'�. i rt'Pf"`' �;:•., S ^ ASIN e No. CUP-86 (9) 16 Department Report Page 3 Street. Additional space for parking is available south of the designated parking lot. That area could also be used for school buses . Art galleries, museums and fine art centers are often found in parks ii. residential areas or, as in this instance, may exist in specific locations in residential areas as a result of unique circumstances. Major concerns in determining the compatability of such uses in residential areas are traffic, hours of operation, magnitude of use , noise and general i" human activity . The Planning Department met with over a dozen residents for two hours Sunday night, September 7th, at the Webster resi- dence to discuss the propos,-.Al . The group ' s major opinions were: A. They preferred that the parking lot be constructed east of the existing water tower; and B . The neighbors do not want any increase of traffic on Tones Street. They also proposed modifying the proposed parking lot design adjacent to ,Tones Street , including accessing off Lauridsen Boulevard rather than Jones Street, placing an entrance sign on Lauridsen Boulevard, providing a turn-around for the elderly, placing "No Parking" signs on Jones Street, i"a- stalling traffic diverters , and preventing access betweien the parking lot and the 8/9 alley. As a result of that meeting, the Planning and Public Works Departments designed the attached parking lot to address their concerns . The staff selected the parking lot modifica- tions rather than constructing a parking lot east of the ti �,. _ ..®e.:....�..aah�: �/;'�",',� ')'�t'n3'a Wr'�'+c M4 _ r..,.a+.c M.•ee.,+ File No. CUP-86 (9) ° Department Report Page 4 water tower, because if the parking lot were constructed east of the water tower, visitors to the Center would be more likely to park on Lauridsen, Jones , the 8/9 alley and Ninth Streets, because those spaces would be closer to the Center than the parking lot. The Planning Department presented the revised parking lot at a second neighborhood meeting September 17th. The residents liked the layout but their consensus was for the City to install "No Parking" signs on the east side of Jones Street, and some residents did not want Jones improved at all . The Public Works impartment does not .install such signs ua til there is a demonstrated need and there are no other alterna- tives . p The amount of traffic generated by the proposed Fine Art Center should not be that significant because the building is small and the days and hours of operation are limited. The access router could cause some impact upon the neighbor- hood, as expressed by the residents . The proposed parking lot layout, with the primary entrance on Boulevard, and controlled access to the Center , should funnel most traffic to Lauridsen Boulevard , an arterial , which is adequate for k� the increased use and shoula reduce use of Ninth Street and the 8/9 alley . The construction of a barrier across the existing driveway should reduce the likelihood of vehicles �I using the alley . There is ample additional land for more } parking spaces , should the Center expand or become more heavily used . The limited days and hours of operation should reduce the impact of human activity upon the neighborhood. Art shows, poetry readings, chamber music, etc. , are passive recrea- tional activities that do not normally attract boistrous, demonstrative or unruly audiences. Accordingly, the i�61^tr+,l2,.iaa.tJ -moi,f tP•c tri'.' sz�.�'r•. i. � 'Y;i;.6 }.,Lrti . ++ , s e. mom ! �?e No. CUP-86 (9) 16 Department Report Page 5 activity, as proposed, should be compatible with the surround- ing residential uses . Use by City officials for visiting dignitaries, Council or staff meetings, is not anticipated to occur more than six times per year, nor involve more than 20 people . Such usage should also not significantly affect the residential quality of the area. The grounds for the Center will be left in a semi-natural state, similar to that of a passive park, and a:e not anticipated to generate much demand or use. 7 . DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION : The Planning Department recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit and associated parking , subject to the following conditions : 1 . The parking lot layout shall be as shown in the attached site plan. Significant revisions to the layout will require a revision to the Permit. 2 . The days and hours of operation be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 11 AM to 5 PM for the general public with occasional City use for approximately 7 meetings per year with approximately 20 people or less. Signifi- cant increases from these hours and days or other uses will require revision to the Permit. If the Commission concurs , it could cite the following as possible findings : A. The proposed Fine Art Center is located at a unique site with panoramic views and sufficient area (approxi- mately 4 acres) of naturally wooded and landscaped grounds , for existing and future parking needs to �I ,N'005r',T .�' • ' = JC P'..7".w:"'�'—`t)• Ft'+y�T+.ry.,....w-.:.u.w.lwt "ew:v. - �t p8+'F ry I,R a r 'kA,+., +l:J4i''�/-q�%ti:iSi►1:yb'Ma.e.,neyy./a.',ey'yyV*;,i•.��/��► +'�'. ' 'h File No. CUP-86 (9) Department Report Page 6 } enable the area to be adequately buffered from adjacent residential uses. A. With the attached conditions, traff;c and activity impacts should be compatible with the existing residential uses . C. With the attached conditions, the proposed use would be a benefit to the entire community . V1j0 •T: { �'': ,, _ -_ -. .t FSE j - `' •� II '� tri; ESTHER WEBSTER FINE ART CEN ER 1203 East Eight Street z CUP 86( 9 ) 16Ar t ! i:• ` '� . 7k t __Q 114 c.til+;; a� ,►; I% 3 .. J—�• . V1 P TA h��+• ark �.�����'V�r�'�:�ri� yf'.r'� ,,�" r ...-.. �, ry. ti.a ..,t. i. .. '-.c- 'c,:..:as .' �:.:.t�.. •'� •' ,.,'�;',....... a. .- �-". .^`1- "�`# �..� =P,�;_ �' ;> .� x.���„vL, -,: ,ns.'s'+:4i�':� ��aC'{�-....�t�,.�'is,•�S' ,^... `v.;af'.- .k•.� v�5�,.....�-'W,.. `^3;¢. ^r a:A..�.�'t�. -,,.� .F,f. r� '."r.,�Y., � �-c•'Y. -Y.: >•*r. -,. .,,< :t.: � .:r'�`���+'.:, ra!"•�... .c .e.� •fi�``.J'-:-@.7+.. .--'�- <).;:•".a.� •.:;=^-•�s+� .off!'i'?..:4_, :'c 't. .aw �'�,:..r..< m.�� ,;r''�'s.,y*G ;.:.``�35 .. . q�� .�, ;., ,•�}"�='", �... �.. .;.,x .::+�-• � r. x *-,�+C# �'r.e"t:. ^f Ttfi,•'•.�,�`:+.,.. a,,'1`"...4-�� s..�.:_. . .t..a� .y,.. y.-:.�: .�^?�.'i�'v �"` _ ,cti is����'��"�k- a:.> "�•. ?�w � �-� ,: ,.c 3: '.s� .•.'w:��gx4;...,.: 'k•<-� r, >..'ttt. 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CITY ; ;� F PORT ANG, L ES CONDITIONAL USE APPLICA` IDN PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM. 1. APPLICANT CTTY OF PORT ANGFr rc DAYTIME PHOR'r 457-0411 ADDRESS p-O- Box 1150 _ PnCt Angeles . WA 98 62 PROPERTY OWNER SAME PHONE SAME ADDRESS 2(a) UGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY All of Block 220 . Lots 4 9 _ Block 279 and Lots 15 & 16 , Block 211 , TPA (b) STREET ADDRESS (or location,_ 1203 East 8th _S'-reel 3. PROPERTY INFORMATION: (a) ZONING RS-7 (b) SIZE 4 .2 acres 04.1 fV. (c) DIMENSIONS _ ft. by ft. (d) CHARACTERISTICS One house on a wooded lot at the top of a hill Thn proposed parking lot is on 3 level area west of the water reservoir. 4. NEIGHBORING AREA INFORMATION: (a) ZONING_ RS--7 , Single-Family Residential (b) CHARACTERISTICS f1111V d vy_lnpnci rnsidpnfial arFa with a rp-st home and a water reservoir (c) SIZE AND CONDITION OF ROADS Lauridsen Blvd . is an arterial; Jone3 Street is partially improved ; 9th Street and 8 - 9 alley are fully improved 5- PROPOSED USE INFORMATION : (a) NAME OR TYPE PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTEg (b) SPECIFIC Lc`CATION ON PROPERTY (c) CHARACTERISTICS 6. JUSTIFICATION FOR ALLOWING USE 7. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knCr4ledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will terminate the pe rmi t. FILE NO. SIGNATURE DATE REC 'D_� k TREAS. REC 'PT DATE June 30 1986 POST 6 MAIL PUBLISH HEARING ' • - M;- +^f"f'E'. �Y��i"F�c.W_ • I •M..�„N�� :,.... � JW'Y^p� '} ^hdt•'F�..A MMi'le *A ,:.sham V,uunry Affidavit of Publication ". STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLALLAM } sa. 1 , The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That she is authorized to and does mnke this affidavit for and on behalf of Port Angeles NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN n i Evening News, a corporption, and that the that the Port Angeles Ciey + following statements of fact are within her Planning Commission well hold oblit hearing G personal and actual knowledge. p`r an ,µy asst} September 10. 1986, at 7:00 P.M,. or as soon thereafter That said corporation is the owner and pub- fisher of THE DAILY NEWS, published in Chaas mobers, 194 ble. In West Front x Clallam County, and has been approved as a Street• to consider o request f legal newspaper by order of the Superior for a Conditional Use Permit ' Court of said Clallam County of the State of to allow a fine arts center to Washington. I«ate in tho RS-7, Single family Residontiol• District. That the annexed is a true copylocation: 1209 E. 8th Street 1 µ s of e . legal Description: All of Block 220. lots I.9, Block NOTICE OF PUBLIC_-_. EAR N 279. TPA. and lots 15 a 16• _........._....................._.................. -.....-...�....Ct�. Block 211. Applicant: City of Port w ..... A t Y...o f..P,o r t...A.rig e.l.e.A...- .-...Q O.2 9 9 5 Angeles Pro owner: as It was published In regular issues (and not Stat Environmental e Policy a . 1n supplement form) of said newspaper on Act($EPA): NIA All interested parties may appear at the hearing and ict �� 3 August 2 9 , 1 9 8 6 express their opinion on this .....................................................—................— proposal. Date: August 27, 1986 i w."-• Paul D. Cart and that said newspaper was regularly dis- PUB.: Aua. 29. 1986 i tributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged t'fn. 7 for the foregoing publication is E 14 . 67 at the rate � t ` line » " of--4-1-9--per inch X mf "3; 100 words t x ��*, for the first insertion r line a U'. and..._. inch f 100 words for each subsequent insertion. t * � JU F l / t} ; Subscribed and sworn to before me this . .;. ;r. —3.Zd.......day of....Sep.tambeLr....1.9.fib..._ kyr .............. .. . Notary Public in and for the :itate of Washington residing at Port Angeles. a i°: • 'J. ;e 1 . .. PORT ANGELE.. PUBLIC �r NOTIC.E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Port Angeles City Planning Coamnission { will hold a public hearing on SEPTEMBER 10 1986 g . at 700 00 P.N., or as coon thereafter as possible, in the City Council Chambers, H= 140 Nest Front Street, Port Angeles, to consider a request for a Conditional •Nn. Use. allow to alloa fine arts center to locate in the RS-7, Single-Family =r "' Residential, District. LOCATION: 1203 E. 8th Street k N x,k LEGAL .DESCRIPTIONs All of Block 220, Lots 4 - 9, Block 279, TPA, and. fT ?as Lots 15 & 16, Block 211 APPLICANTa CITY OP PORT ANGELES Z" PROPERTY OWMER: SAME STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) : N/A All interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their ; > opinion on this proposal. DATE: August 27, 1986 Paul D. Carr Planning Director ANIPJ® The removal, mutilation, destruction or co ncBaLnanL • - .of •this' notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisotxtnont..' , PpB� :, 8/19/86 } POSTV' 8/29/86 'BILL: ' "•CITY OP PA ,;? . .;r -n. . �+�`'. .'t".r:'' �si551:�a�ti*�rz,+ �-.:..•s:.3'•$yl�'•x^`"•.'e�`{�Sf.'w� ?�;�r .�. 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES AFFIDAVIT Xr� STATE OF WASHINGTON ) CITY OF PORT ANGELES ) RE: _F.STHF.R W .ESTER FINE ARTS - CUP 86 ( 9 ) 16 C.D. Van Hemert , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That I am a •citizen of the United States of America, over the age } of 21 years, that I am competent to be a witness herein; that I am not interested in the proposal described in the attached notice ; that on the 28 day of AUGUST 1986, I posted said notice a true copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, by securely fastening the same in conspicuous places as listed below, to wit : 1. �.x.11 4 - AI t 41 2 . s w 3 .- 0 ps g� ��� 6 . Affiant Y y/± a� • SUBSCRIBL.) *-o before me this day of NOT PUBLIC in and for the State t' of Washington , residing at Pcrt Angeles , s 4 -7 September 3, 1986 To: ' City of Port Angeles Planning Department Planning Commission We, as t.h,a neighborhood affected by the Esther Webster Art Center, would like the following concerns addressed and made a matter of ' record. Further, we would like to let it be known that we are not opposed to the Art Center per se, rather our concerns are for the hours of operation, the original intended use of the building versus the director' s stated intentions, the traffic and parking situation, along with the privacy of the neighborhood. '0 Concerns: t: 1, 1. Hours of operation. How late would this facility be open, and would there be weekend hours? The will stated that the 1' building be used for exhibits twice a year, but the hired director has stated he wants exhibits every 4 to 6 weeks, plus r other, events such as music and performing arts. He further states that he will encourage b,is and student tours. ThisA t . much activity in a residential neighborhood is not acceptable. , 2. How to keep the traffic in the parking lot and not parked on Jones St. , 9th St. or the alley between 9th and 8th? Noise of traffic and pedestrians on evenings and/or weekends is a concern. People will not use the parking lot if street L F parking .is available at less walking distance. 3. Keeping the traffic completely off of 9th St. 9th is an i uncontrolled street with two dangerous, somewhat blind intersections. One, the intersection with Chambers is "N 1 completely blind, and the other, Washington St. , is also bad. With the proposed access to the parking lot from Jones St. , in line with 9th, the traffic will use 9th, not Boulevard, as the way to major arterials. We feel very strongly that the traffic should be controlled on and off Boulevard, already an arterial, and not 9th which is a residential street. U .2't 4. Is -there a possibility of large green shrubs or fencing or a con,:,inati.on of both on the west side of the parking lot to shield the traffic noise and headlight glare from Jones Street >• and the neighborhood? , 5- Could speed bumps be included in the parking lot, on Jones rix Street north of 9th St. and at the top of the alley discourage their use? It is absolutely necessary to keep traffic off of the alley. This alley is for driveways and residential parking. It is blind to many of the driveways and , xr � # much too steep to maintain any traffic flow. w Thank you for your time and consideration. 1115- _r14 � � ,�. C�'q Q-a..v� �� M1 • N�� Sht�o,� 14 Ti4K�TT ��S c ? ff.�s14c" oecG� DA • c �r� fr v' .f D rd i f�.Q M s n � i ,(� L�.f r+---�+-�-+ �. w�a'.. .5 1.�, W _-_- Q�rt t SY a7 Aev2c DGr.•.�� f n^�elS SH,tDEIE(z w r :' Y hat;, EAS :tip 4110 Peg y Port Anceles Fine Art Center NEIGHBORNCOD MEETING 9/8/86 Paul Carr, City Planner Jane Hughes, Chairman, Port Angeles Fine Art Center board of Trustees ' Duncan McKiernan, Director Neighbors in attendance: 11VGc and Sandra Ruddell, 1134 E. 8th, 457-7093 or 452-6822 � yy gg�( Shideler (Daniel 7.bsent) , 1130 E. -ath, 457-17'2 fnY is ry Meier(Maureen absent), 1120 E. 8th, 452-4879 'r _✓y -MT1. and Mrs. Richard Geddes (plan to build at 1110 E. 8th), 452-2978 sitz Brosig (Anna ubsent), 1104 E. Fath, 457-9301 Wille Naveril (Ron absent), 815 So. Chambers, 457-9060 -Viola Nixon, 1115 E. 9th, 457-0596 -9ruce and Penny Beane, 1127 E. 9th, 452-1732 '�'im and Sharon Targett, 1133 E. 9th, 457-5224 .ctrl and Jordis Oman, 1130 E. 9th, 457-0391 Jean Hordyk, 1122 E. 9th, 457- ",041 �i9o� rt Neighbors not present. Mrs. Floyd Sheely (she is quite elderl,4, not in good health) 1106 E. 8th, 457-9601-,,'•.' - -E' 1 and Margo Hanson, 11'33 E. 9th, 4'�7-7307 Frank Diebach, 1111E. 9th, c/o Central School nservices office 457-8575 Lew and Margaret Pohl., 1121 E. 9th, 457-4707 Margery Crouse, 1114 E. 9th, 457-,' '24 ck and Betty Montgomery, 1105 E. Lauridsen, 457-4369 ' Oliver Conrad, 1108 E. 8th, 457-5259, (does not have access to alley between 8 and 9th) _ 7 Mr. Burns moved to continue the public hearing on the Port Angeles Fine Art Center to September 24, 1996 . Ms. Davison seconded the motion , which passed unanimously. ._ l x.11•A,�t;{ 1 Q j•i5µ5� ' r r Jt:ASr f Y �j4 13 PIR it £ k y .w a v F # µ=4 t . v a v. r v x. h �x W -� C The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Page I of 3 PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER & Webster's Woods Art Park information exhibitions events education membership U P C 0 M I N IS Lill E V E N T S Site Updated June 19, 2012 Therapy Session Current Exhibition Concert -Fri,6/22 Jalke-$elniulk ART Re-tirerne.n.4 0 U T S I D E Celebration Sat,6/23 in the Shadow of Olympus opening *�, Sun,711 View All Events ArtPaths, Portfolio 2012 NEXT http://www.pafac.org/ 6/19/2012 The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Page 2 of 3 p Aw fin"" a+n;.. ,, "��� �" I,ITM'' ./I, I,• Wf s'. ,�, " x +y Y I 1 / N a5n III •/ III` Q i Y I�µI Ii IN THE SHADOW OF OLYMPUS-July 1 WEBSTER WOODS Art Outside Season XII Monday's Child CLAtttt abut` Mondays in j '11 The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is the westernmost center for contemporary art in the contiguous United States. Its superlative physical setting provides an inspiring frame for cultural offerings. The Webster House Gallery presents original http://www.pafac.org/ 6/19/2012 The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Page 3 of 3 changing exhibitions featuring widely recognized masters and innovative emerging artists, principally from the Northwestern US and Canada. Webster's Woods Art Park provides 5 acres of rustic trails where one can discover more than 125 works accumulated since the turn of the century. 0 PAFAG._receives._operations support from..the.Washmgton State Arts Commission 360-417- 4590 1 March - November: 1 1A-5PM(Wed -Sun) December- February: 10AM-4PM(Wed -Sun) contact us 1 email this page.l information 1 exhibitions I events I education 1 membership Copyright©2012 PAFAC. All rights reserved. http://www.pafac.org/ 6/19/2012 ~f 12 0 0 � 1130 1115 0 1225 1121 0 O 1129 1133 d� 110 0 �O ° 620 d 1114 r 0 1120 1130 1203 �O � �z 1134 1121 1127 0 1133 0 716 J4P ff `91y� 720 sf 113 1 1 x11 ��� 1235 1242 x 1248 1241 [_ �`. LaUr%assn g/vd 01 �- 1247 N 1116 Sue Roberds From: Sue Roberds Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:06 PM To: 'ruddell@olypen.com' Subject: RE: Fine Arts Center Attachments: copier@cityofpa.us_20120703_135455.pdf Dear Sandy, Sorry! I was so anxious to get a response to you that I forgot to attach. Here is the waylaid attachment. I hope your surgery went well and that you are recovering as expected. There really isn't anyone here to ask about the signs, everyone has retired or moved on except me, and I wasn't involved 'back then" more than to record the proceedings. Times have changed for me at least, and for you. When you mentioned that so many residents use Jones, I thought maybe that played into a request for no signs because the requirement was due to neighbor concerns. Are you saying that you would not wish to see "No Parking" signs along the east side of Jones? I'm sure you realize that most of the west part of Jones has never been developed but is heavily used by yourself and others in the neighborhood. Let me know if I can offer any further information. Sincerely, Sue Roberds P.S. Mr. Geddes was just in again and in working with him, it appears that his concerns at least, would be answered by swinging the south half of the barricade toward the center of the street such that people exiting the Center would be funneled toward 91h or Lauridsen. He seems to think this would answer resident concerns. What do you think? Give me a call (417-4750) or e-mail. Sue From: ruddell@olypen.com [mailto:ruddell@olypen.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 12:28 PM To: Sue Roberds Subject: RE: Fine Arts Center Dear Sue, Thank you for your quick response. As to your question of who parks on Jones Street, everyone does. Residents (especially when in snows and those down the alley can't make the hill), Fine Arts Center patrons, the mailman eating his lunch, contractors and other service people ( since most of our homes were built in the 1940's we are in a state of perpetual remodels), and tourists taking pictures of the view. I will talk to someone at the Fine Art Center, also. About a year ago I saw a proposed parking lot drawing, but don't remember who had it. It was at the time when volunteers were beginning to clear out under the trees between the reservoir and the playhouse and there was discussion of the logic of combining the parking lots. We used to walk from our house to the Playhouse along an extension of the alley which was since blocked off and rocks placed there to discourage traffic...seems a waste now. t I apologize for mysel£..I am usually more aware of what is going on around me, but had major surgery May 6th and am just returning to normal activities. Did you mean to send an attachment with the notice and affidavit for me? As to why the "No Parking" signs never went up on Jones Street, I don't recall any discussion about that. Perhaps they didn't see a need at the time and it never happened. Thank you again, Sandy Ruddell On 07/03/2012 10:35, Sue Roberds wrote: Good Morning Sandy: Thank you for your considered response. Staff were very surprised to hear that the neighborhood notices were not received. I distinctly remember putting the stack of notices in the mailroom with the labels because there is a process to follow and an affidavit to be signed following the action. (I have included that notice and affidavit here for your information.) We looked in the mailroom after the meeting to be sure the notices hadn't been just sitting there all this time but they were gone. In the 29 years that I have worked here, this has never occurred. It is not explainable. However, the posting was in place for 1 S days and it is also very surprising that no one else saw it. It's a pretty large sign. I do understand that not everyone takes the paper anymore but we still try to use that media as a legal resort. Since there have not been any complaints during the past 26 years of operation, when we didn't hear from the neighborhood during this publication/posting period, I assumed all must have worked out well. I was very surprised. As you know, the original conditional use permit required "No Parking" signs to be placed along the east side of Jones Street but, for no known reason, those,signs were not placed. There is nothing in the record to indicate why the signs were not placed so the Commission directed that the condition be fulfilled and the signs be put up. Is it your opinion that perhaps the neighbors asked, after the original hearing, that the signs not be placed? No one recalls why the signs were not placed and engineering staff are new so have no recollection of events. Am I correct from your e-mail that some of those parking along the east side of Jones Street are not visitors to the Center but are neighborhood residents? Mr. Geddes indicated that people he observes parking on Jones Street are visitors to the Center who shouldn't be using the street for parking but are too "lazy to park further away." While there do appear to be other options for additional on site parking, the proposed plan was the one presented by the Center board members. I am not familiar with other options the Center may have reviewed for parking but do know that without two-way traffic, there are no other options for increasing parking alongside the west side of the reservoir. I assume you are likely acquainted with Linda Crow and Mel Rudin who represent the Center in this matter. Perhaps you could speak to them regarding why they didn't consider other site options. The Council set an appeal fee in the mid 90's following a series of"frivolous" appeals that were time consuming with real basis other than someone didn't like a decision. There is a cost to the process because it also requires mailings, notifications, and staff time. The cost was estimated to only cover those costs. The site was rezoned to Public Buildings and Parks in 1995 so the redevelopment action doesn't currently require a conditional use permit as is noted in the staff report but the Center spokespeople preferred to go through this 2 process to inform and involve the neighborhood. I hope that the reorganization results in less on street parking and better handling of on site stormwater to benefit the neighborhood. Please let me know if we can help further and if this information is helpful. Sincerely, jue Ko6erd5 Planninc,114ana-er. City of Port:Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, N/A 98362 sroberds g,citvofpa.us 360-417-4750 From: ruddell@olypen.com [mailto:ruddell@olypen.com] Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 6:38 PM To: Sue Roberds Cc: ruddell@olypen.com Subject: Re: Fine Arts Center Dear Sue, Thank you for the information. Here are a few issues/questions that have come up: 3 1)None of the seven neighbors we have talked to so far received the June 1 informational letter referred to in item#8 on page 5. Would it be possible to get a copy of that? 2) Only one person saw the posting on the directional sign at 9th and Jones (those persons most affected, living on the alley don't generally drive that way). As a result, this one neighbor is the one who informed the rest of us. To quote him he said they "were surprised beyond belief!" 3) The PDN notice was also missed. Several do not even take the paper. 4) There are 7/8 homeowners who enter their homes on the alley. Many of them use Jones Street for parking after work at night since there is a shortage. If that becomes "No Parking" it will be dificult for those who do not front on any other street, as is my situation. Several service vehicles servicing the neightborhood are also forced to use Jones St. 5) The suggestion that 9th and 8/9 alley be for local use only is a good idea. 6) Only time will tell if drivers using the new exit will follow directions. 7) We are surprised that an appeal costs $400! 8) Many of us had thought that the future parking plan was to use the city property behind the reservoir for additional parking for both the playhouse and the Fine Art Center. Perhaps it is cost- constrained? In conclusion, we all love our Fine Art Center and it has been a good neighbor. I have been a member since it's founding and none of us wants to be difficult, but we are concerned about the traffic safety issues. Thank you for the chance to address our concerns, Sandy Ruddell 360-460-9222 1134 E. 8th St. On 07/02/2012 16:17, Sue Roberds wrote: Dear Mrs. Ruddell: 4 Director West asked me to send this copy of the Planning Commission's decision on the Fine Arts Center parking lot to you. Additional comments made by the Planning Commission following the action were to [he gn Jones Street for "No Parking" per the original conditional use permit, (2) that)ones Street not be ned; and (3) 9th Street and the 8/9 Alley should be signed for local use only. Please note on this last (#3) that the proponent intended to place such signage on the 8/9 alley as is shown on the map on ast page of the attached staff report. The Planning Commission's decision is appealable to the City Council. There is a $400 appeal fee that must be submitted to the Department of Community & Economic Development no later than 14 days from the date of the decision (the decision was on June 27). Please let us know if you have any further questions. I have enclosed a copy of the staff report that was available at the meeting for this action. Sincerely, `jue Koberd5 Planning Manager ('ilp of,Por7:4)7eles P.O. Box I1-50 Poi-!Angeles, Id1r1 98362 sroberdsc,cityofpa.us 360-417-4750 5 i . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 June 27, 2012 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Doc Reiss, Amanda Anderson, David Miller, John Matthews, Duane Morris, Scott Headrick Members Absent: Tim Boyle Staff Present: Nathan West, Sue Roberds, Heidi Greenwood Public Present: Steve Zenovic, Richard Geddes, Fred Kraft, Linda Crow, Mel and Vicki Rudin PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Reiss opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Miller moved to approve the special meeting minutes of May 30, 2012. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris and passed 6 —0. PUBLIC HEARING: Commissioner Headrick noted that the company he works for and is a partner in did the engineering for the intended parking lot redesign. He did not have a part in that work. Upon advice from Attorney Greenwood, he recused himself from the hearing and left the room. Chair Reiss read the qualifying questions for quasi judicial proceedings to the remaining Commission members regarding Appearance of Fairness matters. No one else had any potential conflicts to report. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 12-0-1 — FINE ARTS CENTER, 1203 East Lauridsen Boulevard: Request for revision to an off street parking lot use associated with a Fine Arts Center permitted use in the PBP Public Buildings and Parks Zone. Planning Manager Sue Roberds reviewed the staff report recommending approval of the change in the off-street parking development with 3 conditions. She noted that although the Fine Arts Center use is now a permitted use, it was originally approved through a conditional use permit process. That conditional use permit process addressed neighborhood concerns regarding parking lot access and the use of Jones Street and the 8/9 alley for access to and from the site. The reason for the extraordinary permit process at this time is due to the awareness that there were neighborhood concerns regarding access to the site and the Fine Arts Center board and City Planning Commission Minutes June 27,2012 Page 2 staff wanted to make certain the neighborhood is aware of the proposed site development changes. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. Richard Bonine, 321 East Fifth Street, Recreation Services Manager indicated that Steve Zenovic of Zenovic and Associates Engineering and Surveying was present to answer questions. Steve Zenovic, Zenovic and Associates Engineering and Surveying, 301 C. 6"' Street, indicated that the Fine Arts Center Board objected to the proposed staff condition (#2) that addressed final impervious generating surface area as it is too constrictive. He suggested that the wording/condition be changed to indicate that post development will not be more than pre redevelopment. He understands that the goal of the proposed condition is to limit additional stormwater runoff. He proposed wording that would limit additional runoff but would allow for more development flexibility. Commissioner Morris inquired as to whether Mr. Zenovic had evaluated pervious materials. Following question, Mr. Zenovic responded that pervious materials have not been considered but a fairly significant rain garden with tree vaults to capture stormwater is planned. Pervious pavement is high maintenance and has not been a good payoff locally. The Fine Arts Center Board hopes to keep their development options open. Commissioner Morris felt that the Fine Arts Center may be losing an opportunity to show case a low impact development that includes the proposed rain garden with perimeter plantings. The use of a rain garden is an exceptional way to deal with water runoff and the additional use of pervious pavers or concrete would be in line with what the Arts Center is trying to show case in everything they do. The variety of low impact development techniques would be an everyday display of acceptable methods to deal with pollution. Mr. Richard Geddes, 1127 E. 9"' Street is a neighbor in the immediate area. He said that the neighbors he spoke with had not received a mailed notice nor seen the legal publication in the newspaper. He was made aware of the public hearing because of the posted sign on the site. Mr Geddes stated that "people are lazy." Visitors park as close to the entrance as is possible so they won't have to walk and then when they leave, they go down the alley. The proposal will require removal of the barricade which will allow even more people to leave the site and travel down the alley. No consideration has been given to the 8/9 alley neighbors in this plan. There should not be any parking on Jones Street. Expansion of the parking lot should be to the east side of the water reservoir not on the west side of the reservoir. There is plenty of room to take out the trees and expand the parking area along the east side of the reservoir. The proposal should be denied. Access should be only to and from Lauridsen Boulevard. Fred Kraft, 1130 East 9th Street lives one house away from the site. He did not see the posting sign and was not mailed a notice of hearing. He believes that it is wise to continue to use Lauridsen Boulevard and not to encourage any use of 9th Street. He agreed with Mr. Geddes that the neighborhood was not aware of the public hearing. Shifting the access to the alley is not wise. The area experiences flooding due to sewer issues in the area. He is concerned that changes in the area topography may add to groundwater runoff in the area. If the neighborhood had fully known of this plan, he is sure the neighborhood would not agree with the use of Jones Street for parking ingress/egress. In response to a question from Chair Reiss, Mr. Kraft answered that establishment of a rain garden in the area may result in the capture of a good deal of ground water/storm water runoff. Chair Reiss asked if traffic flow or parking along Jones Street is of the most concern. Planning Commission Minutes June 27,2012 Page 3 Mr. Kraft responded that traffic flow to the Fine Arts Center along 9"' Street is his greatest concern. No parking on Jones Street would lessen his concerns because parking on Jones will increase the traffic on 9"' Street. An access from Jones will encourage people to park along Jones Street. Linda Crow, 1212 Maletti Hill, Port Angeles represented the Fine Arts Center Board. The funds to redevelop the off street parking area will come from restricted funds not from City fiends. The proposal will allow angled parking spaces that will result in many more parking spaces than are possible with the current parking arrangement. A sign will be placed to inform people that they cannot drive down the 8/9 alley from the exit. The reason for the Jones Street exit is to allow an increase in traffic flow thereby relieving some of the exiting from the most north portion of the off street parking area near the alleyway. No parking is available closer to the structure in the wooded area due to the art park at that location. The proposal will make the off-street parking site a very attractive place that will further define the art park area and will enhance the neighborhood. She had no problem with no parking on Jones Street. The major concern is to provide more parking and make the location more visible such that it enhances the entire neighborhood and Center experience. Commissioner Morris asked how often the parking lot fills up. Mrs. Crow responded that there are events 4 times a year and various functions during the year. Many people do choose to park on Jones Street. The Center is aware of the parking need and are trying to address the matter to the benefit of the neighborhood and the public. Specific signage is intended to make certain that those using the parking area use appropriate ingress/egress areas. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Commissioner Morris asked staff to explain the public notification process. Planning Manager Roberds indicated that a typical 18 inch x 24 inch City public notice sign was posted at the convergence of 91" Street at Jones Street. The sign was seen by Mr. Geddes and was why he knew of the public hearing. Director West added that a notice was placed in the legal section of the Peninsula Daily News, posted on the City's web site, and sent notices to property owners within 300 feet of the site. Staff cannot explain why the notices were not received by the property owners. Commissioner Morris stated that he is extremely sensitive to the need to involve the public and ensure that the public is informed of potential changes in land use issues. A continuation of this matter may be appropriate. Commissioner Anderson wondered if there would be a method of signage such that the public may not use 9"' Street when exiting the parking area. In response to Commissioner Miller, Director West indicated that staff would be in agreement with a rewording of Condition 2 if the Commission believes it is appropriate as long as no more pollutants or runoff is caused from site redevelopment. Commissioner Matthews asked if notification by mail is a requirement. Director West indicated that records indicate the mailing occurred, he could not explain why the mailing was not successful. Commissioner Matthews wondered if Jones Street is to be widened. "No Parking" signs or restricted time parking signs could be placed. Planning Manager Roberds indicated that if the proposal includes widening of the street, it would have to be brought to City standards because it is a public street. In response to Commissioner Matthews,Planning Manager Roberds said that the reason there neighborhood meetings were held when the Center was established was because the use was new to the City and particularly in a residential neighborhood. The City reached out to the neighborhood to make sure everyone in the area would know of the impending use and to be able to address concerns that were expected prior to a formal hearing process. A neighborhood 1 , Planning Commission Alinwes June 27,2012 Page d meeting was not held during the current process for a couple of reasons: the use has operated for 26 years without any complaint known to staff, and the property was rezoned in 1995 to Public Buildings and Parks where such uses are permitted. The current hearing process was in an effort to recognize the past process and try to ensure that all of those previous concerns would be addressed thus building satisfaction in the neighborhood. Chair Reiss asked staff to read a rewording of Condition 2 addressing Mr. Zenovic's earlier concern. Chair Reiss reopened the public hearing and asked Mr. Zenovic if staff's proposed rewording of Condition 2 meets his concerns previously expressed. Mr Zenovic confirmed the revision met his needs. Mr. Geddes continued to express doubts that people leaving the Center will not use the 8/9 alley if the barricades are removed. People from the College use 9'h Street and won't pay attention to signage. He didn't know why additional parking couldn't be created east of the water tower rather than along the west side of the water tower. In response to Commissioner Miller, he explained the traffic pattern of the general public using 9"' Street and the 8/9 alley and believed that the current plan would only increase such that now Fine Art Center visitors would also use 9th Street and the 8/9 alley. Chair Reiss again closed the public hearing. Commissioner Morris noted that the City has made every effort to notify the neighbors in the area of the impending action and moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions, supported by the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: 1. Ingress and egress to the Fine Arts Center off-street parking area may be revised to include the use of Jones Street. Final site design shall be approved by City staff and will include low impact development standard techniques and materials to address stormwater control needs. 2. Ultimate site development runoff shall not be more than what currently exists. Landscaping shall be approved by City staff with tree vaults appropriately sized to support trees in a robust condition. Low growing groundcover should be scattered throughout the site where desired. Stormwater controls will be used including rain garden development. 3. Parking lot lighting shall be directed away from residential sites and shall be shaded or utilize similar devices to reduce impact to residential uses. Findings: 1. A conditional use permit application was submitted on May 29, 2012, for revision to Condition #1 of Conditional Use Permit CUP 86(9)16 for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. CUP 86(9)16 was approved for the use in 1986 with conditions addressing site activities and off street parking lot ingress/egress and design. The proposal is to redevelop the off street parking area associated with the Center use to increase the number of off street parking spaces by redesigning the parking ingress/egress point. The redeveloped off street parking lot will allow the use of Jones Street to access/exit the site and will provide stormwater handling amenities and perimeter landscaping that does not now exist. Planning Commission Minutes June 27,2012 Page.i 2. The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is located in a converted single family structure on an approximately four acre site that consists of two parcels. Six parcels contain the structure and grounds and one parcel contains the off street parking area and City water reservoir. The maximum capacity of the structure is 83 people. 3. The property was originally zoned RS-7 Residential Single Family. The RS-7 zone requires conditional use permit approval for art galleries and museums. The site was rezoned to PBP Public Buildings and Parks in 1995 due to its ownership and operation as a public building. Museums are permitted uses in the PBP. 4. "Art galleries and museums" are listed as conditional uses throughout the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The PBP zone lists only "museums." Operationally, art galleries and museums function largely the same use. It is believed that the lack of continuity in language was an oversight and the two uses should be considered the same for zoning purposes. 5. Given the degree of concern surrounding initial development of the site as a fine art center with associated off street parking visible to the adjacent neighborhood, an effort should be made to make certain that a revision to the permit conditions of approval allows for public notification and comment on that change. 5. Thirty four (34) off street parking spaces were required for the Center use at the time of development. No additional area has been added to the structure. The site currently contains 20 parking spaces in the parking lot with 4 near the building. The proposed parking lot design will increase off street parking from 20 spaces to 32 spaces in the off area with 4 handicapped spaces near the structure for a total of 36 spaces. 6. Parking lot design was approved through a series of neighborhood meetings at the time of initial approval (1986). It was determined that the use of Jones Street for ingress/egress would negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. Condition No. 1 of permit approval required a revision to the permit if revision to the parking lot design were anticipated at a future date. No reports of on street parking or neighborhood concerns have been received by the City on this matter over the past 26 years of use. 7. The City's Parking Ordinance requires 1 tree to be spaced throughout an off street parking lot development for every group of 6 off street parking spaces created. Utility constraints prevent such spacing in this site plan without the sacrifice of several needed parking spaces. Perimeter landscaping is planned along Jones Street and east of the parking lot area. Site development must observe City standards. 8. Public notice of a public hearing was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on June 6, 2012, with the site posted and notices sent to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site on June 1, 2012. The written public comment extended until June 20, 2012 with no written comment received. Public notice indicated that consideration was requested to allow use of Jones Street for ingress/egress to the site. 9. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposal on June 21, 2012. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Planning Commission Minutes June 27,2012 Page 6 Conclusions: A. No public concern has been raised during the past 26 years of operation of the site as a Fine Arts Center use. The City did not receive any comments from surrounding neighbors or the general public during the public comment period for this revision request which extended from June I to June 20, 2012. It can therefore be determined that the use has not resulted a negative impact to the neighborhood or that the proposed traffic revision would not be in the public interest. B. The function of museums and art galleries is essentially the same. It can therefore be concluded that, because museums are permitted uses in the PBP zone, with rezoning of the site to PBP in 1995, the Fine Art Center use is now a permitted use rather than a conditional use. C. Redesign of the off street parking area will allow for the installation of site improvements including stormwater controls where none currently exist, and landscape features to enhance the view of the parking area from the street and surrounding residential uses. Thus, the proposed development meets the intent of the City's parking regulations found in Section 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Furthermore, utilization of Jones Street for ingress/egress to the site will result in an increase in off street parking spaces such that the use is in compliance with the City's Parking Ordinance for such activities. D. The processing of this conditional use permit revision for the proposed action is in the public interest given the degree of concern initially displayed in the development of the Fine Art Center even though subsequent site rezoning did not necessarily require such review. The revision continues the spirit of open communication that is necessary to gain the public trust in matters of land use. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson and passed 6-0, Commissioner Miller moved to forward a recommendation to the Public Works & Utilities Department that: (1) Jones Street be signed for"No Parking;" (2) that Jones Street not be improved in order to discourage non resident parking, and (3) that 9t" Street be signed for "local use only." Staff noted that, although it is not possible to restrict use of a public street to resident use only, the Commission may offer recommendation on any planning issue relative to development in the City of Port Angeles. Those recommendations are not conditions,just recommendations. Director West noted that the Planning Commission may always make recommendations that will result in better planning for the City of Port Angeles to be passed along to staff for review and potential implementation. Staff will review the recommendations to determine whether they have resources to implement them and whether they meet with the goals and policies set by the City Council. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion which passed S—1. Commissioner Matthews opposed the motion because he Jones Street should be improved if it is so heavily used COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None Planning Commission Minutes Ane 27,20/2 Page 7 STAFF REPORTS None REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Anderson noted that a recent house purchase outside of the City limits has caused her the need for her resignation. She wished everyone well, and staff added a hearty thank you for her service and noted she will certainly be missed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Sue Roberds, Secretary Doe Reiss, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds i, AL A NGE __'R W A S H I N GTO N, U. S. A. r u' Community & Economic Development ent Department 9• ":Pkv.. July 11, 2012 Mrs. Sandy Ruddell y s " th ."M 1134 t, ° 1134 E. 8 Street . Port Angeles, WA 98362 Mr. Richard Geddes 'W tL7 Y " F.3 ,kW.Sct 1127 E. 9th Street . tia Port Angeles 98362. . . .:; > ' `kalRE: Fine Art Center 1°r•'%{ ,�•v�i6 It Dear Mrs. Ruddell and Mr. Geddes: The City has received your letter requesting an extension of the appeal period for the decision made June 27, 2012; at the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting regarding changes to 14 the parking area at the Fine Art Center. ate An extension of 60 days has been agreed to making the deadline for filing an appeal August 27, 2012, by 5:00 p.m. Sincerely, fir Y Si n z + a �5 `Qt' Nathan West,'Director . Communityand Economic DevelopmentYi 4y [ 4- .. .-_.. ... a im�, N cc; Dan McKeen h Bill Bloor Nj ;fur:�,�x t��• a� .�_.,�r.GYi y tom• z fSb Phone:360-417-4750/Fax: 360-417-4711 4,1 Website: www.cityofpa.us/Email: smartgrowthCcityofpa.us +4ti`➢r`S 321 East Fifth Street- P.O. Box 1150/Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 El Sue Roberds From: Jim Mahlum Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 10:36 AM To: Sue Roberds; Eric Walrath Subject: RE: Fine Arts Center Sue, I agree with Eric, I do not see the conflict. The new driveway is an in only driveway and it does meet the setbacks for driveways. The traffic volumes are not that high to warrant any changes. Jim From: Sue Roberds Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 9:28 AM To: Eric Walrath Cc: Jim Mahlum Subject: Fine Arts Center Eric: You did not comment in the CUP review and so I assume that you did not see a conflict with the entry to Crestwood, south of the Fine Arts Center parking area, given the shift in the new driveway access point from Lauridsen? I assume you evaluated the proposed distance from Jones Street but the Crestwood potential conflict came up in a meeting with the neighborhood last evening. Would appreciate your thoughts on these two issues: (1) conflict with Crestwood driveway; (2) distance from Jones/Lauridsen Boulevard for driveway. Dan and Nathan are trying to wrap up the neighborhood issues, which seem to be many, if possible. Thanks, Sue 1 DIRECTIONAL SIGN "LEFT TURN ONLY— NO ALLEY ACCESS" ON EAST FACE; "ACCESSIBLE PARKING— REC DELIVERIES ONLY o \ ON SOUTH FACE D €�W = '� z 2012 <= ga== N \�1 ORTA41GELES / munity Development EXISTING ENTRY?ATII CONCRETE ISLAND WITH MOUNTABLE CURB - / /� y NEW ENTRY / f1 PLAZA M , _ •`NEW BANNER \\ /( POLES(TYP.) Z VAULT TREE / ll t NEw SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINE 4�a NOTED J / 043E-1 REVISION i RAIN CARDEN ��4�// no- ( , 12043 RELOCATED FINE) ~\� / E ARTS CENTER SIGN 1 / " July 12, 2012 4 -. EXISTING SIREE I ' LIGHT(3) SITE PLAN REST Scale: 1 20' - c Jq rz� .Mi at July 9,2012 JUL 12 2012 Mr. Dan.WKeei!, lnterim City Managor CITY OF PORT ANGELES I E. 5'r',Street Dept.Of Community Development PortAngeles WA 98362: Dear.Mr. McKem,- We respectfully request that the deadline be extended for LIS to file ail appeal to the Planning Coniiiiissioii,decision of,Tune 27, 2012 regarding changes tothe parking lot.ofT]i'eline A,rtCeliter. We:arc, making,,this,request became no.one in the neighborhood received the inforinational letter. regatcling the proposed.changes. We also request that the $400 fee for the appeal be waived in light of the fact,that the,fee for the,Art Center's application for these changes was waived. Thailk YOU. Sincei,ly, Sandy RLiddel I, Richard Geddes Represefiti.bg the properly ownersonthe I 100-blocks of E. 8", and E. 91" Street*. We the undersigned owners of property on E. 811' and .E. 911' Street (and the alley .4i between) «%ish to express our concerns.regarding a decision.made by the Port Angeles Planning Corornission at the June 2711,public hearing about proposed changes to the parking lot of the :Pine Art Ce.nter. We also request that the appeal process remain open for at least 30 days after the neighborhood meeting on Tiny .12, 2012. Property Owner AddressJUL 0 9 REQ, Citw Of 1"'Ort Angeles x/36 7 "1 's 7 , r ", t r i �Y m W A S H I N G T O N, U . S. A. �, •,�� rte. Community & Economic Development Department S WA �f ,s June 29,2012 Mr. Richard Bonine P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Fine Arts Center Conditional Use Permit s 1203 East Lauridsen Boulevard ` Dear Richard: t zv`i"�tyl � r As you know, following a public hearing conducted on June 27, 2012, the City of Port -Angeles Planning Commission approved revision to the off site parking development per the s " following conditions: Conditions: 1 � t -street parking area may be revised to include the 1. Ingress and egress to the Fine Arts Center off m� {fix use of Jones Street. Final site design shall be approved by City staff and will include low impact development standard techniques and materials to address stormwater control needs. t : 1 2. Ultimate site runoff shall not be more than what now exists. Landscaping shall be approved by aCity staff with tree vaults appropriately sized to support trees in a robust condition. Low growing groundcover should be scattered throughout the site where desired. Stormwater controls will be r ' used including rain garden development. 3. Parkin lot lighting shall be directed away from residential sites and shall be shaded or utilize g g g Y �4 � r similar devices to reduce impact to residential uses. r r This decision is final unless appealed to the City Council. An appeal filing fee must be �§ submitted to the City Department of Community & Economic Developmentwithin14 . f calendar days of the date of the decision. t t � If you have any questions regarding this information,please contact the Department of Community & Economic,Development at 417-4750. r1 incerely, 5 Sue Roberds it" - ry Planning Manager 4r Cc: Richard Geddes Linda Crow Fred Kraft Steve Zenovic Phone: 360-417-4750 / Fax: 360-417-4711 m YI Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: smartgrowth@cityofpa.us a 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles; WA 98362-0217 CITY OF, 1, JI Zt �Jf � IL1 S /PO W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager DATE: June 27, 2012 RE: Conditional Use Permit—CUP 12-01 Port Angeles Fine Arts Center APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles Recreation Division OWNER: City of Port Angeles LOCATION: 1203 East Lauridsen Boulevard REQUEST: Revision to the Fine Arts Center parking RECOMMENDATION: Approval with a condition that revisions to the site/parking lot will result in further enhancement to the neighborhood quality of the site and will utilize low impact development standards to the greatest degree feasible. EXISTING CONDITIONS IN AREA: The site is zoned PBP Public Buildings and Parks zone. The actual site contains six parcels of land approximately four acres in area. Surrounding neighborhood (north/east/west) uses are largely single family in historic development. A City water reservoir is located on the south parcel immediately east of the parking area. The area immediately south of the parking area supports an elementary school, convalescent care facility, and an assisted living use. A community theater and Peninsula College are located within 1/4 mile of the site to the east. The site is bordered on the west by Jones Street and on the south by Lauridsen Boulevard and is currently accessed only from Lauridsen Boulevard. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments: The Fire Department reviewed the application and had no concerns. The Public Works and Utilities Department would like to ensure that the development does not result in an increase in impervious surface and suggested that pervious sidewalk and pavers could serve in place of more traditional hard (impervious) surface coverings. Public Works staff has provided an alternative parking layout that offers some variation from the layout originally proposed but had no concern with access onto Jones Street as is proposed. Conditional Use Permit CUP 126 Fine Arts Center June 27, 2012 Page 2 The Planning Division of CED will work with the proponents to ensure that the site development closely models the City's standards for the development. PUBLIC COMMENT: Public notice of a public hearing to discuss an access revision was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on June 6, 2012, with the site posted and notices sent to property owners within 300 feet of the site on June 1, 2012. The written public comment extended until June 20, 2012 with no written comment received. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposal on June 21, 2012. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). BACKGROUND: The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is located in a converted single family structure on an approximately seven acre site that was donated by the late Esther Webster to be operated as a fine arts center in 1986. The property is in a unique location that provides panoramic views and contains naturally wooded, landscaped grounds. The maximum capacity of the structure is 83 people. The property was originally zoned RS-7 Residential Single Family but was rezoned to PBP Public Buildings and Parks in 1995 due to its ownership and operation as a public building. "Art galleries and museums" are conditional uses throughout the Port Angeles Municipal Code. CUP 86(9)16 was approved for the use in 1986 with the following 4 conditions. 1. The parking lot layout and landscaping shall be as shown on the site plan. Parking lot. lighting shall be directed away from the residential areas by shading or similar devices. Significant revisions to the layout will require revision to the Permit. 2. The days and hours of operation shall be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM for the general public with occasional City use for approximately 7 meetings per year with approximately 20 people or fewer. Significant increases from these hours and days or other uses will require revision to the permit. 3. The City shall install "No Parking" signs on the east side of Jones Street. 4. Jones Street will not be improved to the 28 foot width between the Boulevard and the 8/9 alley except for the installation of curb or other design elements that separate the parking lot and landscaping from the street and a barrier across the existing driveway to the Fine Art Center. Operation of the Center was expected to include 6 art exhibitions per year, with art programs, music, poetry, literature, and art lectures. The City was permitted to occasionally host meetings at the Center. The limited days and hours of operation were intended to ensure a reduced likelihood of disruption to the surrounding neighborhood, and it was expected that the passive recreational activities would not attract more boisterous gatherings. Thirty four (34) off street parking spaces were required for the Center use that includes 4 handicapped parking spaces close to the structure. Initial parking lot design was approved through a series of meetings held with the neighborhood at the time of application. A great deal of concern was expressed regarding access to the parking area and street parking in the neighborhood. Consensus was that "No Parking" signs should be placed along the east side of Jones Street and that Jones Street should not be improved because such development would Conditional Use Permit CUP 120 Fine Arts Center June 27, 2012 Page 3 result in on street parking. Jones Street could not be used either for parking or ingress/egress to the Center. Although it was predicted that traffic from the Center would be light, given the significant neighborhood concern that use of Jones Street would negatively affect the surrounding neighborhood, Condition#1 was placed on permit approval requiring permit revision if Jones Street was intended for ingress/egress to the site at a future date. Although the proposed parking lot improvements are intended to increase the number of existing off street parking spaces to 36 with 32 spaces within the "lower"parking area and 4 handicapped parking spaces on the "upper" area near the structure entrance. To accomplish this increase in off street parking spaces, it is necessary to allow ingress/egress onto Jones Street with ingress also remaining from Lauridsen Boulevard. Because the original conditional use permit did not permit use of Jones Street, the current revision is requested. Staff is not aware of any concerns expressed by the neighborhood or the general public over the past 26 years of use to indicate that operation of the Center has caused disruption to the neighborhood. An increase in use has occurred from 3 to 5 days a week but, following the rezone change in 1995, the use is permitted rather than conditional and thus no approval is necessary for that increased use which was earlier regulated through the conditional use permit process. The intent of the current process is to ensure the ability for public participation and input into the revision proposal to the parking area portion of the use as it is very visible to the surrounding neighborhood and passing traffic. Notices were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site on June 1, 2012, with the site posted to indicate the proposed access change. No comments, written or verbal, were received during the public comment period. Staff must therefore assume that neighbors do not have any concerns that they wish to be addressed regarding the proposed change to Condition#1 as noted. Staff are therefore recommending that the revision be permitted to enable ingress/egress for the site as noted in the attached condition, supported by the listed findings and conclusions found in Attachment A. Attachments: A-Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions B-Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and Other Municipal Code C. Application J Conditional Use Permit CUP 12 Fine Arts Center June 27, 2012 Page 4 ATTACHMENT "A" RECOMMENDED CONDITION, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS Condition: 1. Ingress and egress to the Fine Arts Center off-street parking area may be revised to include the use of Jones Street. Final site design shall be approved by City staff and will include low impact development standard techniques and materials to address stormwater control needs. 2. Site development shall not increase impervious generating surface area from what now exists. Landscaping shall be approved by City staff with tree vaults appropriately sized to support trees in a robust condition. Low growing groundcover should be scattered throughout the site where desired. 3. Parking lot lighting shall be directed away from residential sites and shall be shaded or utilize similar devices to reduce impact to residential uses. Findings: 1. A conditional use permit application was submitted on May 29, 2012, for revision to Condition 41 of Conditional Use Permit CUP 86(9)16 for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. CUP 86(9)16 was approved for the use in 1986 with conditions addressing site activities and off street parking lot ingress/egress and design. The proposal is to redevelop the off street parking area associated with the Center use to increase the number of off street parking spaces by redesigning the parking ingress/egress point. The redeveloped off street parking lot will allow the use of Jones Street to access/exit the site and will provide stormwater handling amenities and perimeter landscaping that does not now exist. 2. The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is located in a converted single family structure on an approximately four acre site that consists of two parcels. Five parcels contains the structure and grounds and one parcel contains the off street parking area and City water reservoir. The maximum capacity of the structure is 83 people. 3. The property was originally zoned RS-7 Residential Single Family. The RS-7 zone requires conditional use permit approval for art galleries and museums. The site was rezoned to PBP Public Buildings and Parks in 1995 due to its ownership and operation as a public building. Museums are permitted uses in the PBP. 4. "Art galleries and museums" are listed as conditional uses throughout the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The PBP zone lists only"museums." Operationally, art galleries and museums function largely the same use. It is believed that the lack of continuity in language was an oversight and the two uses should be considered the same for zoning purposes. 5. Given the degree of concern surrounding initial development of the site as a fine art center with associated off street parking visible to the adjacent neighborhood, an effort should be made to make certain that a revision to the permit conditions of approval allows for public notification and comment on that change. Conditional Use Permit CUP 12 Fine Arts Center 46 0 June 27, 2012 Page 5 5. Thirty four (34) off street parking spaces were required for the Center use at the time of development. No additional area has been added to the structure. The site currently contains 20 parking spaces in the parking lot with 4 near the building. The.proposed parking lot design will increase off street parking from 20 spaces to 32 spaces in the off area with 4 handicapped spaces near the structure for a total of 36 spaces. 6. Parking lot design was approved through a series of neighborhood meetings at the time of initial approval (1986). It was determined that the use of Jones Street for ingress/egress would negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. Condition No. 1 of permit approval required a revision to the permit if revision to the parking lot design were anticipated at a future date. No reports of on street parking or neighborhood concerns have been received by the City on this matter over the past 26 years of use. 7. The City's Parking Ordinance requires 1 tree to be spaced throughout an off street parking lot development for every group of 6 off street parking spaces created. Utility constraints prevent such spacing in this site plan without the sacrifice of several needed parking spaces. Perimeter landscaping is planned along Jones Street and east of the parking lot area. Site development must observe City standards. 8. Public notice of a public hearing was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on June 6, 2012, with the site posted and notices sent to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site on June 1, 2012. The written public comment extended until June 20, 2012 with no written comment received. Public notice indicated that consideration was requested to allow use of Jones Street for ingress/egress to the site. 9. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposal on June 21, 2012. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusions: A. No public concern has been raised during the past 26 years of operation of the site as a Fine Arts Center use. The City did not receive any comments from surrounding neighbors or the general public during the public comment period for this revision request which extended from June 1 to June 20, 2012. It can therefore be determined that the use has not resulted a negative impact to the neighborhood or that the proposed traffic revision would not be in the public interest. B. The function of museums and art galleries is essentially the same. It can therefore be concluded that, because museums are permitted uses in the PBP zone, with rezoning of the site to PBP in 1995, the Fine Art Center use is now a permitted use rather than a conditional use. C. Redesign of the off street parking area will allow for the installation of site improvements including stormwater controls where none currently exist, and landscape features to enhance the view of the parking area from the street and surrounding residential uses. Thus, the proposed development meets the intent of the City's parking regulations found in Section 14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Furthermore, utilization of Jones Street for ingress/egress to the site will result in an increase in off street parking spaces such that the use is in compliance with the City's Parking Ordinance for such activities. Conditional Use Permit CUP 12� Fine Arts Center June 27, 2012 Page 6 D. The processing of this conditional use permit revision for the proposed action is in the public interest given the degree of concern initially displayed in the development of the Fine Art Center even though subsequent site rezoning did not necessarily require such review. The revision continues the spirit of open communication that is necessary to gain the public trust in matters of land use. Conditional Use Permit CUP 12� Fine Arts Center June 27, 2012 Page 7 ATTACHMENT B COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS,POLICIES,AND OBJECTIVES LAND USE MAP, GOALS, POLICIES, AND OBJECTIVES Goal A. To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. Policies 1. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be used as a conceptual guide for determining current and long-range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. 2. All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. CONSERVATION ELEMENT General Comments The Conservation Element establishes the importance of quality of life to the people of Port Angeles. A clean, healthy, and diverse natural environment along with a variety of historical and cultural amenities are critical elements of a high quality community. Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A. To create and maintain a community with a high quality of life where the land is used in a manner that is compatible with the area's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment. Goal B. To protect and enhance the area's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment. Policy 1. The City should protect and enhance the characteristics of its unique residential neighborhoods. Conditional Use Permit CUP 12� • Fine Arts Center June 27, 2012 Page 8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A . Policy15. The City should promote the sustainability of the existing art and culture industry encouraging community participation and involvement. Enhancement of the creative economy contributes to the overall health of the community. Objective 3. The City will encourage activities and events that promote arts and culture educational awareness and commerce. Goal B. To have a healthy local economy that co-exists with the community's high quality of life through the protection, enhancement, and use of the community's natural, historical, and cultural amenities. Objective 2. The City will identify specific standards for street and parking lot tree plantings and other landscaping requirements. PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT Goal C. Objective 1. The City will develop a landscape ordinance to provide for enhanced street tree management, parking lot screening, and stormwater management. NO. 1306 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE Description of Proposal: hnprovement and expansion of parking area raising the number of parking spaces from 20 to 32 and revising the entries. APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles Location: City of Port Angeles Fine Arts Center a 1203 Lauridsen Blvd. Lead Agency: City of Port Angeles The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [ ] This DNS is issued Linder WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Comments must be submitted by at which time the DNS may be retained, modified, or withdrawn. [ ] There is no comment period for this DNS. [ XX ]This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. Date Nathan West, Director Community & Economic Development You may appeal this detennination to the Port Angeles City Council through the Department of Community &Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA, 98362, by submitting such written appeal to the Department no later than Julv 5, 2012. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Nathan West, Director of Community and Economic Development, City of Port Angeles, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362, phone (360)417 -4751. Pub: NA Post: NA E-Mail SLPA 6/21/12 L.�-�--,-V, � � CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF MAILING I, SUE ROBERDS, state that on the day ofd _ 2012, I mailed said notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached and made part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, to the persons noted on the attached list. In addition, the notice was posted on the front lobby bulletin board in the main lobby of City Hall. U .P c �--A r)M ' '. --'11 AFFIANT Subscribed to me this day of 144L-2012. 011 Notary Public NO TEARY PUBLIC for the State of State of Washington Washington, residing in Port Angeles JANESSA M. HURD MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27, 2014 T/forms/affidavitmai ling CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF POSTING RE: I PAT BARTHOLICK, state that on theday of 2012, I posted said notice, a true copy of which is hereto a ached and made part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, on the property proposed for a land use action. AFFIANT Subscribed to me this day of x Z-e— 2012. U R013F,9 �`•••"" �is''� NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of OTARr.\ • 4p�tis Washington, residing in Port Angeles 2 � ,NP pUB%'�G0 OF WPSS'-' 111111!1111��� T/forms/aflidavitpostin jim CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 29, 2012, the CITY OF PORT ANGELES received a conditional use permit application to AMEND a previous conditional use permit issued in 1985 that permitted the development of a Fine Arts Center in a residential single family zone. Changes in access to the site were conditioned to require approval of a new conditional use permit. The current application proposes to allow ingress/egress to the parking area from Jones Street rather than only from Lauridsen Boulevard. The application was considered to be complete on May 31, 2012. The CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION will conduct a public hearing on JUNE 27, 2012 in consideration of the application. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposal and to attend the public hearing that will be conducted at 6 PM, City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington. Written comment must be submitted no later than June 20, 2012, to be included in the staff report on this matter. Information may be reviewed at the City Department of Community & Economic Development, City Hall, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: It is anticipated that a previous determination of non significance issued for the project during original approval will be adopted for this project. APPLICANT: FINE ARTS CENTER/CITY OF PORT ANGELES LOCATION: 1203 East Lauridsen Boulevard For further information contact: Sue Roberds, (360) 417-4750 PUB: 06/06/12 POST: 06/01/12 MAIL: 06/01/12 T:\NOTICES\PCpublichearing.wpd o n.T !C9 t � ��N� ,�dL'1'S s►.r��12� 3c�' C�w��'i L 1 yr prop_id first-name last name addr_linel addr_line3 addr_city addr_state addr_zip 6�B i9 ^ELES PO BEW 1459 "ART-ANGE S WA 98362-0217 57884 PERT--ANGE6E8 GIP(GF 1283 ELAURIDSEN B6V1) PORGE69S WA- -57882 - GITY O`-PART ANGEL-ES —PA Bo)(4 i 56 PART ANGELES WA 98362- -7- 57883 757383 6I4Y-oF PGRT ANGELES -PA Bon;=r56 PART ANGEI=ES WA 98362-0217 57884 VANCE AND HAZEL HEYDORN TTES PO BOX 130 CORNVILLE AZ 86325 57885 ERIC J AND RACHEL M WANGEN-HOCH 1829 FIR ST NE OLYMPIA WA 98506-3428 57886 RHONDA L LOPRESTI 1126 E 7TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 57887 ROY W AND PATRICIA A JONES 1122 E 7TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6625 57894 MARTIN AND KEDRIN GUZMAN 27534 NORTH 84TH GLEN PEORIA AZ 85383 57895 DANIEL R AND KIMBERLY LOCKHART 150 LOWER ADELMA BEACH PORT TOWNSEND WA 98368 57896 RICHARD J VANCALCAR 1121 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6628 57897 BARBARA T OSBORNE 1129 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 57898 DUNCAN Y MC KIERNAN PO BOX 2022 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0272 58616 SANDRA K RUDDELL P O BOX 2185 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 5864-7--GANBRAK RUDDE66 Ro@G1,E2499 PORT„; lam--R6€s WA q&362- 58618 DANIEL K AND L M SHIDELER AND MCMILLIAN 1130 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6629 58619 GARY A MEIER 1120 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6629 58620 DALE H AND JOANNE K BRUNTZ 1114 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6629 68621 BALE I 1 BRUP4+Z 1111 C-8'"6 PART ANGE6ES WA ---- — 58627 VIOLA M NIXON 1115 E 9TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6632 58628 JESSE G AND JANE A TOUHEY 1121 E 9TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6632 58630 TERRY L TARGETT 14201 NW 28TH PL VANCOUVER WA 98685 58632 PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY PLAYERS ATTN: TREASURER 1 235 E• Lq�-;J'er ala PORT ANGELES WA 98362 68633- T"OF"OPT"NGE6E6 pe BGX 4169 PART ANGELES WA 98362-9217 513634 �� OFPORT��"NOR6r-8 Re Box 44go PORTANG66E8 WA 9&362-G2-W- 58635 $362 G21758635 JERRY C AND BRIDGETT BALL KRAFT 1130 E 9TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6633 58636 JEAN C HORDYK 1122 E 9TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6633 65332 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 PO BOX 1090 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0207 65434 JAMES A/SHERI J MACKROW 716 S LIBERTY ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 65435 ROBERT A MUNDAY 720 S LIBERTY ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6664 65505 RUTH E JOUNO 1248 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 65506 PHILIP AND HEIDI KOOISTRA 1241 E LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES WA 98362 65507 SUZANNE M MYERS 1247 E LAURIDSEN BLVD PORT ANGELES WA 98362 65504 JEFFREY D OWEN 1242 E 8TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 58629 RICHARD C AND ELIZABETH J GEDDES 1127 E 9TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 58626 LAWRENCE J AND GENELLE A DOYLE TTES 3161 CITY LIGHT PL PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6905 65333 FLT RE 1 LLC 111 WEST MICHIGAN ST MILWAUKEE WI 53202 tasy reel— Lapels i ® Bend along line to i I Use Avery®Template 51600l Feed Paper expose Pop-Up EdgeTM ®'AVERY® 56600 + 0 1 Vance & Hazel Heydorn TTES Eric J. & Rachel M. Wangen-Hoch Rhonda L. Lopresti P.O. Box 130 1829 Fir Street NE 1126 E. 7th Street Cornville, AZ 86325 Olympia, WA 98506-3428 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Roy W. & Patricia A. Jones Martin & Kedrin Guzman Daniel R. & Kimberly Lockhart 1122 E. 7th Street 27534 North 84th Glen 150 Lower Adelma Beach Port Angeles, WA 98362 Peoria, AZ 85383 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Richard J. Vancalcar Barbara T. Osborne Duncan Y. McKiernan 1121 E. 81h Street 1129 E. 8th Street P.O. Box 2022 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Sandra K. Ruddell Daniel K. Shideler, L.M. McMillian Gary A. Meier P.O. Box 2185 1130 E. 8th Street 1120 E. 8th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dale H. & Joanne K. Bruntz Viola M. Nixon Jesse G. & Jane A. Touhey 1114 E. 8th Street 1115 E. 9th Street 1121 E. 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Terry L. Targett Attn: Treasurer Jerry C. & Bridgett Ball Kraft 14201 NW 28th Place Port Angeles Community Players 1130 E. 9th Street Vancouver, WA 98685 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Jean C. Hordyk Public Utility District No. 1 James A. Sheri J. Mackrow 1122 E. 9th Street P.O. Box 1090 716 S. Liberty Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Robert A. Munday Ruth E. Jouno Philip & Heidi Kooistra 720 S. Liberty Street 1248 E. 8th Street 1241 E. Lauridsen Blvd. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Suzanne M. Myers Jeffrey D. Owen Richard C. & Elizabeth J. Geddes 1247 E. Lauridsen Blvd. 1242 E. 8th Street 1127 E. 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Lawrence J. & Genelle A. Doyle FLT RE 1 LLC 3161 City Light Place 111 West Michigan Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Etiquettes faciles a peler ; ® Repiiez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com Utilisez le abarit AVERY®5160® Sens de reveler le rebord Po -U TM�' 1-800-GO-AVERY 9 d chargement p p Affidavit of Publication Cj In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Clallam/Jefferson County Peninsula Daily News P.O.Box 1330,Port Angeles,WA 98362 9932 Port Angeles 9932 Port Angeles` Legals LegaIs CITY OF ORT ANGELES City Of Port Angeles NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION PO Box 1150 AND PUBLIC HEARING Port Angeles,Wa 98362 NOTICE IS.HEREBY GIVEN'that•on May 29 2012, the CITY.OF PORT.ANGELES,received a conditional use permit application'to AMEND a.pre vious.conditional use' permit issued in 1985 that permitted the development of a•Fina,Iris Centerrin Reference: #393226 a residential'single.family zone. Changes.in.access' City of Port Angeles Notice to the site were;-conditioned'to require.approval-of a:) .new conditional use permit. -The currem'application proposes to=allow ingress/egress,to the parking" The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and area from Jones Street rather,thah-only from Lau-, ridsen'Boulevar'd'_ The,,appllcafion,was considered'' says. to,be�co plete'on,Mayr,31 201,2.'.The CITY.OF,j y PORT ANGELES PLANNING.COMMISSION wilC That she/he is authorized to and does make this affidavit for conduct a public hearing on,JUNE-27;2012.in,con- and on behalf of Peninsula Daily News,a corporation,and that sideration ofifhe`application° Interested:pafties.are encouraged,to;comment on the proposal and;to,at-' the following statements of fact are within her/his personal and tend:the public hearing that will be conducted`at'6 actual knowledge. PM,City Hall,.321 East Fifth Streei, Port Angeles Washington'.Writfen comment must be submitted. That said corporation is the owner and publisher of the no later than June 20, 2012, to be-included in"the Peninsula Daily News published in Clallam/Jefferson Counties, staff,report on this matter..•Informafion:may be re viewed,at the City Department.of'Commuhity & and had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Economic'Development, City HeII,,. P.O Box ,150,; Superior Courtof said Clallam/Jefferson County of the State Of Port Angeles. City Hall is accessible to per'son's with disabilities. interested partiesare innted to at-+ Washington. tend thelmeeting That the annexed is a true copy of a legal insertion as it was STATE.ENVIRONMENTAL'POLICY.,ACT It is`an-a published in regular issues(and not in the supplement form)of ticipated that a previous d'etermmatio,n of,,ncn,sig-:r said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers nificance issued for the project during onginaG,ap- g y proval will be adopted for this�protect f`=h' during all of said period.The publishing date cited is the last APPLI11 ANT. FINE ARTS CENTER/CITY,OF, day of publication PORTANGELES W ,LOCATION:1203 EastLaundsen Boulevard ! For further information."contact Sue Roberds (360),417 4750 Pub:June 6.2012 Cegal No;393226 ------------------------------------------------ Holly ----- --------- ------------Holly Wickersham,Peninsula Daily News Start:06/06/2012/Stop:06/06/2012/#Inserts:1/$67.94 Sworn to me on this ham` day of J NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing in Port Angeles tv`1CLA0Q Z EXP. 12/06/2015 2 N9�� ED3o C)F WASH\ CLAGSIFIEDADVERW. .-� ING PROOF/RECEIPT I CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 29, 2012, the CITY OF PORT ANGELES received a conditional use permit application to AMEND a pre- vious conditional use permit issued in 1985 that permitted the development of a Fine Arts Center in a residential single family zone. Changes in access to the site were conditioned to require approval of a new conditional use permit. The current application proposes to allow ingress/egress to the parking area from Jones Street rather than only from Lau- ridsen Boulevard. The application was considered to be complete on May 31,2012. The CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION will conduct a public hearing on JUNE 27,2012 in con- sideration of the application. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposal and to at- tend the public hearing that will be conducted at 6 PM,City Hall,321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington. Written comment must be submitted no later than June 20,2012,to be included in the staff report on this matter. Information may be re- viewed at the City Department of Community& Economic Development,City Hall, P.O.Box 1150, Port Angeles. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities.Interested parties are invited to at- tend the meeting . STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT:It is an- ticipated that a previous determination of non sig- nificance issued for the project during original ap- proval will be adopted for this project. APPLICANT: FINE ARTS CENTER/CITY OF PORT ANGELES LOCATION:1203 East Lauridsen Boulevard For further information contact: Sue Roberds, (360)417-4750 Pub:June 6,2012 Legal No.393226 Sue Roberds From: Eric Walrath Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:29 AM To: Sue Roberds Subject: RE: Fine Arts Center CUP Public Works would like to see no increase in impervious pollution generating surface area. Pervious sidewalk and pervious pavement or pavers should be used. Also, any new items such as striping for parking should be installed and maintained by someone other than City crews. FAC members/volunteers? From: Sue Roberds Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 11:41 AM To: Eric Walrath Subject: Fine Arts Center CUP Eric: This is likely a no brainer, but a necessary process nonetheless. The original CUP approval required a new permit if access onto Jones is desired, as you know. Anything you want put in the staff report? Please respond by June 8. Sue 1 �e 270 1133 ! /l f f ! f r 121!i p Laur'dseh Blv �\ r Water main 200 n r M dnf ig.1d r L ,Vf aR WWatermain Feet N lyr.. ,! IMrox f'l, 17 r! -sf d dl Ihu SW ater main rrmrn+rr,m.,-A'AVD dd 1,v wbrr ux ofrAu map dmxlnx,lwll na be Na rr yau;h,r;n ord,,un. ElectfiCai tlistribution ■■ ■■ ■t Arco Mop P (Port Angeles.. Port Angeles E �Al - �i tet• ip a -a !(1. Y. 10 41 + r .. r� �/`j;S .•; • c a � , ;r,�� ,� • sir' �: . 1• ~ . �" � �,"1"ally ,, �� r ^� � � • . ,� tom. r; •. ..�3A a. , _ Image O 22012 D g4alG ot,(, . 2012�Go 6le Image n 2011 {,eoFyrs . ` Image City of fort Angeles; • low AlOub f;Z� _ aAPPLICANT/ONVNER INFORMATION: 291 DApplicant: Recreation Division/ City of Pori- AngelPsyI - Address: PO Box 1150 Daytimephone#: " SES lo Pment Applicant's representative(ifotherthan applicant): Richard Boning Address: PO Roel Sp Daytime phone 4: 360-417-4551 Property owncr(if other than applicant): Cites of Port Angeles Address: Daytime phone#: PROPERTY INFORMATION: Street address: Jones St @ Fast- T auri cisen R1 -vd Legal description: Lot 4-9 , Blk 279 & Lot 10-18 R1 k 279 'PPA Zonilig: PBP Comprehensive Plan designation: Open Space Property dimensions: 2 2 5 'x 2 5 0 ' Property area(total square feet): 52, 000 f t 2 Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat,sloped,vacant,developed,etc.): Flat; developed with water storage tank & parking1 for Fin��AtC�1tPr_ PROPOSED USE INFORA ATION: Please describe the proposed conditional use: _ Upgrade existing_parking lot from 20 to 32 spaces; provide dire�t_access to Jones St. from narki na_1Qtt_; improvevisibility and si anage for Fine Arts Center.; improve sife landscaping (additional trees , rain arden)# Number of employees: 2 lIours of operation: 1 1 am to 5pm —Sun) Number of on-site parking spaces:__I2. (proposed) Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): N/A SIGNATURES: Applicant: I certify that all of the above statements are true andcomplete to the best of iaa,)?knotl?ledge and acic7aowledge that ivi ful naisrepi,esentation.of inforrazatior7.i1)ill terminate tizis pea•na.it application. I have read this application.in its entirety; and understand that my submittal will be revieived for completeness. If found to be complete the application will be sch.eduledfor the next available Planning Commission.772eeting. Ifnot complete, when requested inforr77.ation.has been received the application will be scheduled for the next available meeting. Signature Z= �^'� _ Date Owner(if other than applicant): I am the oj4>77e7-of the suUject propenyl identifr..ed herein and approve of this application. Signature Date Foy Staff Use Only: Perx��it No. Appl. complete Add. hifo requested CC/) _"' <\ \:�• n-sir+-`'�`' J5 / / Ik.. •-1 / / \ C_' w3�- z ' w� l`\ \"EXISTING DIRECTIONAL SIGN r. \ y`� ENhTRYI PATH \ "LEFT TURN ONLY \ NO ALLEY ACCESS" \ ON EAST FACE; \ "ACCESSIBLE PARKING DELIVERIES ONLY" / NEW ENTRY ON SOUTH FAC % 7 \ PLAZA \ d N. \ v / s ,( T__ 301.3 ✓ `� ' ., � NEW BANNER POLES , VAULT TREE'/r,. �`", / :r . ��, •a,. _�,;:i. v �:� // r \ .. z LR L '--NEW SIDEWALK // a W p 4 ; .PROPERTY LINEuj +T / �H / 2 Lu ` C f ce P SCALE: I _ T ......... :' -':mss. RAIN GARDEN NOTED / LE. C RELOCATED FINE���: -:� ,,, ��^- � � � Vv � � / , / 043E-1 ARTS CENTER,,SIGN J06 NO: s •" ,,,. ; v -' / / 12043 .'' C,'I '. sem.. \T ) \ // �\ // DATE: �� "w \ May 18, 2012 �. EXISTING STREET / _ ��\ \ ser: " .._ LIGHT (3) / ........... :, \ ,,T) h JIll 13L,V1� R frE IIID ...."......... /ANAL f� i SITE PLAN SHEET / Scale: 1" = 20' :_ - .. \ \ APPLICATION FEES FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CUP: $500&$350(SEPA) Date Rec'd: Total $850File Number: /I ------------------------- Administrative c>�_______ CITY OF PORT ANGELES HTE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT u4 IC $200 & $125 SEPA Total:$325 N p n — U LINIAY N 2012 APPLhCITION CITY Dept. � ni ofCommuunityDevelopm nt **IMPORTANT # PLEASE READ *' Only completed applications will be accepted.To be considered complete, an application must include all of the following information: ❑ A completed application signed by the applicant and the property owner(if different than the applicant). ❑ A completed SEPA Checklist signed by the applicant. ❑ A vicinity map (showing the site in relation to surrounding properties) A site plan (accurately drawn at I"=20' scale with complete dimensions showing all property lines, existing and proposed strictures and parking spaces, setbacks and significant vegetation). ❑ Interior floor plans for each floor of any structure to be used for the proposed activity. Exterior building elevations for each side of any building that will be constructed for the proposed use. Mailing labels and list of property owzzers within 300' of the proposed site. A list of the property owners may be obtained from the County Assessor's Office. El Application fee. It is important to be accurate and complete with the information regarding all aspects of your project. The Planning Commission's decision and staff recommendation will be based on the information contained in this application, and will be limited to the proposal as presented. Changes to your project front what is submitted may result in the delay ofyourproject's review. Certain proposals are decided administratively such (retail stand permits, home occupations, and bed and breakfast uses). These permits do not require a public hearing process. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding the permit process, time periods, or restrictions of certain applications. Community Development Department personnel may be reached at 417-4750 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. NOTES.- (For your use) Appy APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION: Applicant: c.lo VIA,rr1 17VAI h r Address: t ooh s-�,.�., I�Glwl�� l u��`�:�,+a+�. (�a� Daytime phone#: t�.�1- 2 P(,,o °6buoZ Applicant's representative(if other than applicant): o�s k �M-Lee, . 1W. Address: 301 e (,'`S ri 1R. UADaytimephone#: kt'j-oSot �$&,z Property owner(if other than applicant): 1-%, + "Aoe s Address: -Pp-.gx 11cb r.ttA,LVA- 4fSto2 Daytimephone#: PROPERTY INFORMATION: Street address: J-A--Vc SiC A a 1-4t►2Lf\ -S-eO )4,4- Legal 4✓4Legal description: L.,+ A-11 , 91t 2?11 d L*s W-LP> N k ?,:19 -Te A Zoning: P$? Comprehensive Plan designation: ©thy spA-,r Z Property dimensions: 22,25' -g-LO 1 Property area (total square feet): .5 Lao©O Physical characteristics(i.e. flat sloped,vacant,developed,etc.): l �e�e w►-lh PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: Please describe the proposed conditional use: _4e JCC(k"L fil `SAA /'el LVA 1 �&94 A% fl.AAA I Number of employees: 2 Hours of operation: Number of on-site parking spaces: Z _ pua) Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): at SIGNATURE S: Applicant: I certify that all of the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowleclge and ack-nowledge that wilful naisrepresentatiofi of information.will terminate this permit application. I have read this application. in its entirety and understand that my submittal will be reviewed for completeness. If found to be complete the application will be scheduled for the next available Planning Commission meeting. If not complete, when requested information has been received the applicati n will be scheduled for the next available meeting. Signature Date Owner (if other than applicant): I am the owner of the subject property identified herein and approve of this application. Signature Date For Staff Use Only: Pen-nit No. Appl. complete Add. Info requested • T"E PORT ANGELES &WEBSTER'S WOODS ART PARK May 21,2012 R E C E � V E � Mr.Dan McKeen,Interim City Manager MAY 2,3 2012 City of Port Angeles CITY OF PORT ANGELES P.O.BOX 1150 Dept.of Community Development Port Angeles,WA 98362 Re: Parking Lot Improvements at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Dear Manager McKeen: The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Foundation is in the process of implementing a plan to upgrade the existing parking lot at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. The plan would increase the number of off-street parking spaces from 20 to 32 as well as improve the access to and visibility of the Fine Arts Center and add significant vegetation to soften the impact of the lot and adjacent City Water Tank on the neighboring properties. When the Fine Arts Center was established in 1986,the site was zoned RS-7 and a Conditional Use Permit was needed to allow this public use in a residential zone. Since that time,the zoning has been changed to Public Building and Parks. The Department of Community and Economic Development staff has indicated that updating the existing Conditional Use Permit is appropriate since the initial use was established using that method. While a Conditional Use Permit may not strictly be required for this use under the current zoning,the Fine Arts Center Foundation is amenable to the staffs suggested approach However,we would like to request that the.City of Port Angeles waive the$500 application fee for the permit update as the improvements will be on City property and will benefit the City as a whole rather than just an individual owner. Please give me a call if you have any questions or if you need further information. Sincerely, Linda Crow,Preside Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Foundation ��-ate---- THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA'S CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM / 1203 East lauiidsen Boulevard -Port Angeles,WA 98362 t 360.457.3532+pafac(Zolypen.com-pafac.org .S&zir k director