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1221 S. Chase Street
Address: 1221 S Chase Street PREPARED 6/05/14, 12:02:23 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES LIERLY DATE 6/05/14 --------------------- ADDRESS . : 1221 S CHASE ST SU13DIV: CONTRACTOR TOWN & COUNTRY POST FRAME BLDG PHONE (425) 743-1555 OWNER JEFFREY H AND MARIA A SHAFFAR PHONE (956) 832-3793 PARCEL 06-30-00-0-3-8250-0000- APPL NUMBER: 14-00000131 RES ACCESSORY BUILDING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPR 00 BUILDING PERMIT - RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ----------------------- BL3 01 5/02/14 JLL BLDG FRAMING 5/02/14 AP May 2, 2014 9:04:50 AM pbarthol. Scott 425-308-8599 May 2, 2014 4:22:42 PM jlierly. BL99 01 6/05/14 J L BLDG FINAL June 4, 2014 9:45:18 AM pbarthol. Scott 425-308-8599 --------------------- --------- COMMENTS AND NOTES ---------------------- CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000131 Date 2/27/14 Application pin number . . . 967020 Property Address . . . . 1221 S CHASE ST \ ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-3-8250-0000- REPORT SALES TAX Application type description RES ACCESSORY BUILDING Subdivision Name . . . . . . on your state excise tax form Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY to the City of Port Angeles Application valuation . . . . 29160 (Location Code 0502) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 792 SQ FT DETACHED GARAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor JEFFREY H AND MARIA A SHAFFAR TOWN & COUNTRY POST FRAME BLDG 1221 S CHASE ST 16521 HWY 99, SUITE C PORT ANGELES WA 98362 LYNNWOOD WA 98037 \ (956) 832-3793 (425) 743-1555 Other struct info . . . . HARD SURFACE AREA --------- -- ------------------------ Permit . . . BUILDING PERMIT -RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . . 792 SQ FT SINGLE STORY GARAGE Permit Fee . . . . 468.25 Plan Check Fee 304.36 Issue Date . . . . 2/27/14 Valuation . . . . 29160 Expiration Date 8/26/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 417.75 5.00 10.1000 THOU BL-25,001-50K (10.10 PER K) 50.50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments The Fire'Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments February 20, 2014 11:30:11 AM sroberds. The proposal will result in an detached accessory garage for total lot and site coverage of 27°s. No land use issues anticipated. Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 468.25 468.25 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 304.36 304.36 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 777.11 777.11 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD - PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS– Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Typo Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-in Water Line(Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall(Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-in Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit#s SEPA: Parkin /Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction- R.W. PW /Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 —Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 T.C..�...../CJ..:I.l:....fl... t -- ------- ------ -- --...._.. I CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-BUILDING:DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH.STREET, PO12T::ANGELES,WA 98362 k 'Application Number - 14-O.QO'00131 Date 2/27/14 Applicati*dh.j#n number . . . 967020 ;Property Addxe'ss. _ 1221 S. CHASE ST - ASSESSORPARCEL NUMBERi o6 30-00 0 3;-8350 REPORT SAGES TAX Application type description RES,AGCESSOAy BUILDING: s-r9perty Tj..n Naive . . . . . on your state excise tax forth • eroperty Use; . Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SIN0L'E. FAMILY to the Gltyof,P. Angeles Application valuation" : 49160 ((QCaf%.O"h COde 0502) Appl}cation dere 752 SQ. FT DETACHED-GARAGE -- -�-- - -- ---- -- ____.-._- ----- Owner" Contractor --- -7 -4 --- --- ---_: JEFFREY H AND MARIA A SHAFFAR TOWN: & COUNTRY POST FRAME -BLDG 1221 S CHASE" $I 1$52 i;fiWY g9,. SUITE: C PART ANGELES WA 9:8.362 LYNNW.00D WA 9:8037 (§561 83j2 3,-7;93 (42.51 79'}-:1.5.55: Other structs info iiA11D SURFAC AREA; Pe,xrnit , , 'BUILDZNG;PERMIT -RESIDENTIAL. Addxtogal de_scr 792 SQ F SINGLE STORY'GARAGE Permit Fee: : 46:8.;25; Pian Ghec7e:Fee 3'09,3.6 Issue"D.at.e 2./27"/14 Valuaction 29:160• Expxatgn:Hake B02fi" 14 Rty Urist Charge: P.,er Extens-ion BASE FEE. "41.7.75: .5:.0:0 10 1qQ-o THOU $L 2$ 00 ;-50I( up i, PER `ft- 3D,50 j Special. Notes and Cpminent9, 'Rhe Fite Department:"has neviewd t,Yie.proje:Ct applcatlon"agd. has:-uo: comments February 20„ 2.D14 11,:30:11 AM -drobeeds. The proposal_ w ll result inian detached apcesspzy garage for total lot and site:coverage .of 27&- Np land use xV..sues• aitcipa:ted.. Public Work's.- Utility Enga.neersng'his no : tgditeme:ita for this plan review %Q Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50. Fee summary Cha"rged Fa3'd grP0'ted, Due: pq mit Fee Total 468;.:25 86'9..25 A9 00 Plan Q0 Check Total 304 36 3b4,36 Ori Other Fee Total: 4:.'5.0 .4::(S0 .00 Ori Gran,e1..Tota1 7"77`:.11 777;.11 :00 (1.0 e G 0 ( :Separate Permits are requlredfor.electnea(work;SEPA Shoreline,ESA utilities,pnvateand'publicimprovements T.his:permit,becomes nuft and void Kwork or:construction authodzed-is not commenced within 180 days).ifconstruction or worlds suspendea or abandoned for a'period of:1 a0.days affer'.the work has:commenced,or`if requirHa ed rnspections: ve raotsbee„n::requested Within 186 days.from the. i last inspection: 1 hereby certify that i have read arid'examined lhis:applicati4re:and.know the same to be true:and correct. All primisigris: A .of laws,and ordinances governing:this type ofwork will be•:complied with whether specified:herelb or.:not. i he graPftng:.of a permlt does: not presume to give.aulhonty'lo violate"or'cancel"the p inions of any state-or-focal:law regulating constructiton.or the perfori mance of. eonsiruct.ion:; r oats Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized:Agent Signature of`Owner.(if owner is builder) T;Fo allild ag 0ivl'sronl8uiifling Peiinit S s s BUILDING/PLUMBING/MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION - LONG FORM (To be used for projects that require plan review Date Received Permit#--L,4-1 -City of Port Angeles Please print in ink. ate Approved (. Attn: Building Permit Technician Approved by 321 E. 5"St., Port Angeles,WA 98362 360-417-481q fax: 360417-4711 Credit card payments are accepted on- r! 8-5 pm (no American Express) Hours: Mon through Fri 8-5 pm Cash &checks are accepted Mon-Thurs 8- 0-4 pm& Fri 8:30-12:30 pm Contact person: �S Phone: �¢�- 7�3- Property owner: Phone:( b Property owner's mailing address: �22� r✓ 't' S • �3�� Contractor's business name:-�OWq p,NJ()Gl;�tlarrz4Phone: _ or property owner's name if he/she is Join /overseein 'the work C r ` '743- - Y�521 r wai'�� esu �i�,�►��1� �,tl� Contractor's L&I license number: Expiration date: _ 7Z>W�I F� Project Address: 122 1 S. e s5r Pc w4 0342- Project Type: �O Residential o Commercial o Industrial o Multi-family Project Business Name: Zoning:?S - for commercial, industrial or multi-familyprojects) �w Parcel# Lot#lr� �V 2 VY / Complete.only the portions of this permit that are relevant to your project. (✓) Pay the plan check fee.(based on the valuation of the project)at the time of submittal Residential Projects submit: (✓) ►/ Two sets of plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable) (✓) Prescriptive Approach-Simple Form(confirming conformance to the Energy Code) Commercial Projects submit: (✓) Three sets of plans*(including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable) (✓) Paperwork confirming conformance.to the Energy Code (✓) For large projects, a pre-construction meeting with various City department . personnel is highly recommended. To schedule a pre-construction meeting,contact the Planning Manager at(360)417-4750. (✓) Additional information may need to be submitted including: landscape plan, parking plan(including ADA spaces, ramps; etc.), utilities (existing& proposed), curbs, sidewalks, storm water.plan, etc. For Additions&New Structures also submit: (✓) ✓ Site plan(8 1/2"x 11")showing all structures(existing & proposed), setbacks, & new driveways *.If an architect or engineer drew the plans or calculations, include at least one"wet-stamped"set of plans and/or calculations. T:Forms/Building DivfsionBuildinWPlumbing/Mechanical Permit Application—Long Form(Revised 2011) Page 1 of 4 i Repair I Solar Panels/ Miscellaneous: (explain the project) Project Valuation $ Remodel: (explain the proiect including how the building space is currently being used and what the new, remodeled use will be) Project Valuation $ (✓) If the space will change from commercial to residential, submit: "Checklist—Converting Commercial Space into Residential Space" Addition: (explain the project and complete&submit page 3) Maximum height of the new addition feet Project Valuation $ New Structure: ex Iain the prolect and complete&submit a e 3 n G 4 azlLja��- Maximum height of the new structure J feet Project Valuation � =t PLUMBING PERMIT: Will there be ANYplumbing changes (items moved,added, replaced, or altered) Check one: No_X_ - Yes (✓) If yes, complete&submit page 4"Plumbing Changes" MECHANICAL PERMIT: Will there be ANY mechanical changes(items moved, added, replaced, or altered) Check one: No Yes (4) -If yes,complete&submit page 4"Mechanical Changes" Occupancy group #of bedrooms RVA will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? /� Occupant load #of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type #of half baths *Homeowner: If you will be doing I overseeing the work,then the project valuation will be determined by doubling the cost of materials,to reflect the value the repair adds to your property. Cost of materials x 2= Project Valuation$ !have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility,to.determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. /� Date��2 ' Signature`= Print Name - Page 2 of 4 I i FloorAreas Existing square New square Price per new footage footage square foot Basement x = $ 1St Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor i Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck (> 30" high)* Deck (s 30" high)*'' Shed Other Other Remodel project valuation 29110,Do TOTAL VALUATION $ *Walking surface of the deck above ground For residential building projects the minimum square foot valuation we accept is: Dwelling$85.00 per sq. ft. garagelutilityimisc.structure$30.00 per sq. ft. porch/deck/carport$12.00 per sq. ft. LOT COVERAGE & SITE COVERAGE Lot coverage is the amount or percent of ground area on which buildings are located. It includes: houses, garages, carports,covered patios, cantilevered portions of buildings, roof overhangs that are longer than 30-inches, uncovered.decks or porches having walking surfaces higher than 30-inches off the ground, etc. �2�-0 Total footprint of structures sq. ft. lot size sq.ft. = Lot coverage. Site Coverage is the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces, (see Port Angeles Municipal Code 17.94.135 for exemptions) Does the project include a new driveway? Ayes in no If yes, what will the driveway be made of? ❑cement ❑ asphalt o gravel o other (NOTE: 18 feet is the recommended minimum driveway length for residential projects) Does this project include a new parking pad? ❑yes X no . If yes, what will the parking pad be made of? ❑cement ❑ asphalt ❑ gravel ❑ other a) Total footprint of structures sq. ft. (existing& new) b) Total concrete, asphalt,&other impervious surfaces sq.ft. (existing &new) c) Add lines"a"&"b"above to get the total impervious sq. ft. (existing & new) Total impervious 228 sq.ft.T .lot-size sq.ft. = Site coverage SI F Page 3 of 4 PLUMBING CHANGES Check"No"or"Yes" (and enter quantities)for each line Item. rvpe Plumbing Chances (Moved,Added, Replaced, or Altered) Sink(hand, mop,floor etc.) V-1" No Yes Quantity Toilet -No Yes Quantity Bathtub- ✓ No Yes Quantity Shower : �No Yes Quantity Washing Machine No Yes Quantity Hot Water Heater V'No Yes Quantity Water Line (meter to structure) No Yes Quantity Re-plumb the structureNo Yes Quantity Sewer Line 611--No Yes Quantity Backflow Prevention Device Types: Beverage Machine r' ' No Yes Quantity Landscape Watering System V, No Yes Quantity Fire Sprinkler Systems 2 inch line No Yes Quantity Fire Sprinkler System> 2 inch line ✓ No Yes Quantity Please list all other planned plumbing changes or additions that aren't listed above. MECHANICAL CHANGES Check"No"or"Yes"(and enter quantities)for each line item. Type Mechanical Changes (Moved,Added, Replacer!. Furnace, heat pump, or or Altered forced air unit:5 5 tons No Yes Quantity Furnace, heat pump,or forced air unit> 5 tons � ✓No Yes Quantity Ductless heat pump No Yes Quantity Wali(recessed)heater J�No Yes Quantity Baseboard heater t�No Yes Quantity Steffes room heater 7--No Yes Quantity Wood-burning stoveNo Yes Quantity Pellet stove No Yes Quantity Radiant floor heat i/, No Yes Quantity Gas fireplace or freestanding stove No Yes Quantity Gas cooking stove =No Yes Quantity Propane tank set _j_/'^No Yes Quantity Gas line ✓. No Yes Quantity Boiler i/ No Yes Quantity Clothes Dryer _VNo Yes Quantity Ventilation fan(single duct) _ No Yes Quantity Hood&duct mechanical exhaust No Yes Quantity Ventilation system (not part of a heating orai -conditioning system)oral Yes Quantity Air handler L-No Yes Quantity Evaporative cooler(non-portable) No Yes Quantity Please list all other planned mechanical changes or additions that aren't listed above. Page 4 of 4. i,g Sim i �o �s ILA Q! I „ r LAL �1 b S a k. 1 ' q S< 11,100 lot son VIM 141 lot > 4 k f E. e ASSOCIATES 301 East 6th Street,Suite 1 Port Angeles,Washington 98362 I N C O R P O R A T E D (360)417-0501 Fax(360)417-0514 E-mail:zenovic@olympus.net January 30, 2014 Mr. Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 SUBJECT: Inspection of Existing Foundation at 1221 S. Chase Street, Port Angeles, Washington Dear Mr. Lierly: This office performed an inspection of the existing foundation located at the site noted above. The foundation consists of a concrete footing and an 8" wide x 18" (approximate) tall concrete stemwall. The foundation system appears to be in good condition with only a few of the sill plate anchor bolts damaged. The inspection consisted of a visual inspection and the use of a metal detector to indicate the presence of reinforcing in the stemwall. Based on the inspection the foundation appears to be in general compliance with the requirements of the 2012 International Residential Code. It is the opinion of this office that the existing foundation is adequate to support the proposed 24' x 33' garage by Town & County Perma Bilt. Please note that this office has not reviewed the plans from Town & County for conformance with Code requirements. It may be necessary to retrofit anchor bolts into the stemwall depending on the engineering for the structure which is being provided by others. Please call me if you have any further questions on this matter. Sincerely, I 0 Tracy Gudgel, P.E. wAs N� c Fc: JN 14028 Cc: Town & Country Perma Built (via email) 32777� '�o�R� �,O°o�;� SSIONAL ' sesta,,,a man 0 n Z an}�� 16521 Highway 99,Bulte C•Lynnwood,WA 980373161 ,P-,I,eL88a Check After Doing Site Plan: i SIZE v'— Everett:1425)2584171•Puyallup: MG-9552 l�'j'f0 a dimensions 'Draw North Amowm Circle �� POST FRAME BUILDINGS [[[[SSSjjj""[��" P rlY war lines �I§vation of property Adminisira+i+e Read9aaners:(azs)7as-lsss aistin buildings �a Fix:(a25)742<376-80PB"4)74 g g �etbacks of proposed 8 existing buildings ��bdiea of ureter o sao r Contractors Lk.#:TOWNCPF099LT �ropO'ad building LTTMain road with name L7 Floorplan pan abilt.mm•fscebook.corN Easements pr p 9 Q�Slopas 8 Contours(5'Incremen ) Oaa!+4:Oa.Fwun Dapnd.On ic"' permeblu ',�I I 1 /y,�. cess to 0 osed buildin Job Name:�!Y,l/�{'�L'W Job Site Atltlress: Tax Acc-",. Legal Description:— T- I LG I I LL.lt1rC..c7� Sif l,I-ill L-rSze ,L1o� Etta. 2)2' t'XI�YI��`�Ll-YYIC= C1%YISI"1"(.,tC..�iLUn i1�>51�c.`k.��►es ;x.16 q /20 V41"eA' —J , I? 6oi N 6 :�✓E.:2 �,. Ex,S )N v- (.:P,�, I ��Oftu1) ) 1 t 1 t �lcc FSS, 1 I�t '47 ��� iLJ t i 1 x-}T N qoo IT !S vs F.rJ tlwW -7< (74,121( ow .aB 4,s' 31, 1 i� IF 1 1' ` I rZ C.Ae,.. . I— ,uoT - - o;3�,rr L fli h m, f, . 1 1j. lel J n N0T S -INCOMPLETE SRE PLANT 'stomedhas verified and approved the location of the building,orientation of the building to the North,and verifies that all Grid White-Customer Copy Plain White-Office Copy r' Miles are shown on this drawing in the correct location. _ a JSTOMER SIGNATURE `-=ti"' - LEAD# 1''��-/J J ®2012 Perma-Bili®Industries FR-34 07112 I IIII'I II'll III IIII 0 oven ---p 16521 HlBhway 99,Suke C•Lynnwootl,WA 9893]3161 Dram North Arrow in Circle Ed—:1425)H,adq 1•Puyallup:12531840-9551 Building —_ POST FRAME BUILDINGS FAX(4 5)142437-800-8(425)743-1555 Des i g n • � I • ° FAX 1425)]42<3)e•600-824-9552 COM-et"'%GC.#:TOWNCPF099LT Quliry:Our F—loge&O,It err- pWit-cnm•Iacehook.coMperr 111, - PIPSE CHECK / In oil-up doors fit in Bays �L Wind MPH Roll-up doors will not hit Truss "=Wind Exposure / kZ1 Roof Pitch Eave Height _ Snow Load Minimum Clearance FLOOR PLAN DENIM T VES �70 ) ase circle) 8_'l hum 7 of -Alt rL!:P}_(J - LF2V b S.T�M IwJt-(iL- (SL ci - T .. _.._.:,... - - 7ty=a,�3•, 6Ca aciscvr:� ° 4?-�Ov SrFf.t4„aa� T I11 SI 61 r,,L 2�J tea; IZ061', .- p�rstntwn� 4x3 Suo4/L 3x11 6" - ._ SRN -ruP Al- NJ Mil _ cC X Z4.. 51,04-9 C 7-Y ij 5 r I �1 ;�nn�Aur�v'MS � l Iz " �PSAvL 1 T{)S:.Ei:Fq�.µc� • -r-I11 3Q 1/2"7� Dco1 3342 70 ADotNh—*-3 Z Sk.E 1 _t BUILDING ELEVATION n Customer has verified and approved the orientation of t4ind tilding to the North and verifies that all t= items specified in Paragraph B of the contract are sht-vu on this drawing and vice versa. -^ IIIIII VIII IIII IIII Customer Name:``�:,�-t,l. IJ I, Lead#:f llq9b Customer Signature: o a Whit,-Custom"Copy Canary-Office Copy 02012 Penna-BineIndustries'FR- 85 07/12 ® 16521 Highway 99, Suite C•Lynnwood,WA 98037-3161 TOWN & COUlltil'y Everett-(425)258-4171 •Puyallup:(253)840-9552 POST FRAME BUILDINGS Administrative Headquarters: (425)743-1555 ® FAX: (425)742-4378.800-824-9552 Contractor's Lic.#:TOWNCPF099LT DIVISION OF permabilt.com•facebook.com/permabilt Quality: Our Future Depends On It.T" DIRECTIONS TO SITE JOB NAME: SHIP TO ADDRESS: ZZ I S C 44- OkF S ",a- �K3 TELEPHONE#AT JOB DROP: .)� 7� 37�� THOMAS GUIDE Can a semi'turn around at the job drop? Yes ❑No ❑ Back-in Only ❑Other Can a two tone get into the job drop? EYes E] No El Other Can a concrete truck get into the drop? QYes ❑No ❑Other MIA- Will a 4 wheel drive vehicle be required for deliveries? ❑Yes E�J No ❑Other Directions IN" 4 lAf7-D � — LLd W / % U/Ji—D `C/V C oL�(/ 0 — TU fFSU /�Gr�T oti CI�Csf — t / US 0V L�SR DIRECTION N S 'Truck Dimensions:65'long,8'wide, 121/2 high,and it weighs 35,000 Ibs.empty. 2Truck Dimensions:30' long,8'wide, 121/2 high,and it weighs 18,000 lbs.empty. 02012 Perma-Bill®Industries FR-35 07/12 I IIIIII VIII IIII IIII _ i. * 1 4 Town& OUrit 16521 Highway 99,Suite C•Lynnwood,WA 98037-3161 Draw North 1,in Circle Everett:(425)258-4171•Puyallup:(253)840-9552 Building POST FRAME BUILDINGS Administrative Headquarters: (425)743-1555Design FAX: (actor 742-4378•800-824-9552 � orviswr,ur � � Contractor's Lic.#:TOWNCPF099LT Quality:Our Future Depends On It." permabllt.com•facebook.com/permabllt PL SE CHECK i / %L$ oll-up doors fit in Bays Wind MPH(�� Roll-up doors will not hit Truss " - Wind Exposure Roof Pitch Eave Height d ± _ Snow Load Minimum Clearance 1rlr `FLOOR PLAN DENT YES O (aPease circle) _ z vY � R d +� to f/z TO to OF 'Dr7�.'.- • o n CD n p QQ TI rs e i I -1� tTr�Q4% -7 c) 0Vr, iZLA-P y. l t/ 7 3 2q = 51-6m wat.t, 2,1 1 rl –6-1 j Ross �vr�rr �,nsJ ��-ta,c, �i o 3' i1)Sc 12.6 y�„Aly L)oJr� r 7-0P_ f cG X, , 1 4r '3 XZ�., SIA G �'I j(�4Vt w F1 C•L � � � _. c 4-F Z Fri t� ! ' � (14 E ..r _r4( IIt rlfo� k `� -�'St�-tet �,tx$t �PsKc� r tl BUILDING ELEVATION Customer has verified and approved the orientation of tlte, uilding to the North and verifies that all items specified in Paragraph B of the contract are shown on this drawing and vice versa. ~� II'lII�Il'I IIII III Customer Name: -itE, .._.., j� W. Lr. _ Lead#: f c)q�b Customer Signature: * 0 8 White-Customer Copy Canary-Office Copy ©2012 Perma-Bilt®Industries FR-85 07/12 sjze Tian Tnwn K Cnnntry 16521 Highway 99,Suite C•Lynnwood,WA 98037.3161 Ple a Check After Doing Site Plan: epti 010 of size 'Draw North Arrow in Circle wicT E-kannF a1 uLDINUS Everett:(425)258.4171 • Puyallup:(253)840.9552 7' roperty dimensions ewerlines Wp4vation of property ® Administrative Headquarters: (425)743-1555 ItiJ xisting buildings [✓� etbacks of proposed&existing buildings tidies of water FAX: (425)742-4378 • 800-824.9552 �, - �� orvi$io a , Contractors Lic.#:TOWNCPF099LT Exproposed building p Main road with name L7Faoorplan Quality:Our Future Depends On It.- permabilt.com •facebook.com/permabilt W Easements Ql;(ccess to proposed building 21slopes&Co/ntou�rs/(5'iinc1re_men ) Job Name:_� •�/V\ Job Site Address:. ;�• Legal Description: V`-' l✓ ,� Tax Account#: �/lL.�- 11--�`Jl =„� o<' Rex-M,cq�LV4 Lmy cm %L+�s Ci' t `� f�fZ•Of'USF t� I r ) v�F:i? NSW 7s r4•121 4 ♦^ � � a S 7---T2- ,� I c • 1 U •• I rZ . r=; Fryi itW ta:I ' hJ 6Y )O NOT SpAh COMPLETE SITE PLANI �ustome0has verified and approved the location of the building,orientation of the building to the North,and verifies that all Grid White-Customer Copy Plain White-Office Copy = utilities are shown on this drawing in the correct location. 'USTOMER SIGNATURE 4 LEAD# Y ©2012 Perma-BiltO Industries FR-34 07/12 I IIIIII VIII IIII IIII 1 0 FRAME ENDWALLS PER DETAIL 2/2 33'-O" SHEATHING NOTE/1 (TYPICAL) T1-11 SHEATHING `` IQ '�,ro1'" TYPICAL AT WALL SHEATHING TO BE 19/32" 1T-11 PANEL SIDING. � T,� �"°•a I'� r- ----- ------------- t - ---------=------ -� NORTH, EAST AND WALL PANELS SHALL BE NAILED WITH 6d COMMON OR G� N)BLDG. LIN 4'x3' WINDOW 18" OVERHANG, TYP. I WEST WALLS. NAIL GALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 4" O.C. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND DETAIL 5/3NAT FACE DOFF SHEATING PER 12" O.C. IN THE FIELD. ALL EDGES OF SIDING TO BE BLOCKED. �A� 0 6 �o�� o PO (TMp1) 3'x6'-8" NOTE #1 SHEET 1FOR SHIPLAPPED EDGES BOTH PANELS SHALL BE EDGE NAILED �I DOOR I METAL ROOFING PER A S 4x6 HF#2 I WITH Bd AT 4" O.C. IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S \ A v c 4x6 HF#2 SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE #4, SHEET I CORNER FRAME WALL I� POST I 2. (29 GAUGE) POST, TYP. 12 OPENINGS PER o GABLE END TRUSS j FRAME SIDEWALL I DETAIL 6/3, TYP. I m WITH BRACING PER I o 3PURLIN/3 IN 4ER DETAILS / 4 PER DETAIL 1/2 DETAIL 8/3 iv FRAME Q PER DETAIL TAIL 1 1/22 4x6 HF#2 j 46 HF#2 j WALL SHEATHING AND-\ SIDEWALL POST I SIDEWALL POST I SHEARWALL CONSTRUCTION PER z _ _ _ I TRUSS o 1 # TRUSS BY OTHERS_ _ _ NOTE TRUSS SUPPORT 0 PER DETAIL 1/3. w (NOTE #2 AT SOUTH ENDWALL) WITH BRACING PERl . = -BUSS N 2x6 HF STUDS DETAIL 1/1 OR 2/1 X I I X AT 24"o.c. � g 1 I 1 EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR 8110181Aa I00 �'—- - - - - - EXISTING 8" CONCRETE STEMWALL AND EXISTING I j o 6"x12" (MIN) FOOTING EXISTING P.T. SILL PLATE I FIELD VERIFY. w/ANCHOR BOLTS AT APPROX. O FRAME THIS FRAME THIS WALL iv 24"o.c., (FIELD VERIFY WALL PANEL PER I PANEL PER DETAIL I V) DETAIL 4/2, TYP. I 4/2, TYP. I 33' SPAN Z U I I I 0 j AS f¢Y T U) 16•x8' SRU I 6'x8' SRU a Lu TYPICAL SECTION THRU CLEARSPAN XId co to INSTALLGABLE END TRUSS—/ �n �i WITH BRACING PER , Y W HOLDOWNS PER 11 METAL ROOFING Z 4�S DETAIL 8/3j �j DETAIL 9/3 T1-11 PANEL PL/`\N `►,AI\1 SHEATINGNOTE 2 ` 19969 SIDING OVER 7/16" SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" v�V/ WALL SHEATHING TO BE 19/32" TI-11 OVER 7/16" OSB (SPAN RATED 24/0)OSB SHEATHING OBSEDGES COMMONB SHEATHING WITH 6d OR GALVANIZED O �TTYPIALATTMNAILS AT 41D.CALONG PANEL AD 1O.C. FIELD (BLOCK ALL I ENDWALL. NAIL PER PANEL EDGES). E— WALL SHEATHING INSTALL T1-11 PANEL SIDING OVER OSB SHEATHING IN ACCORDANCE IA NOTE #2 SHEET 1 WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. `_f ENDWALL EAVE GIRT 2x6 BETWEEN c POSTS w/(3) 16d p v TI-11 SIDING TO 2x4 BRACE 44 16d AT 24"o.c. AND (3) 16d TOE 6 7EAVEGIRT TO 2x6. NAIL AT POSTS. (2)16d, EA GIRT TO BRACE. e SIMPSON CS16 co STRAP BENT AT 4 BRACE EAST/WEST ELEVATION EAVE GIRT w/(5) " M 1 O x 1 1/2 O L AT SAVE ENDWALL POST SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 1 GIRT) o o PER PLAN SYM O 6 (IF OCCURS BAY WIDTH NORTH ELEVATION �W RU PURUN �Lr-1 J SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" x W 3-1Od • LAP F 2-10d (TYP.) Z SPLICE (TYP.) r N LIJ Q I 2-10d TOENAIL 2x6 HF#2 BRACE ACH SIDE r=Q AT LOCATIONS d NOTED ON TRUSS BRACE DRAWING LL 2x4HF#2 CONTINUOUS 6 l-N u- BRACE APPLIED A7 DBL TRUSS (OR SINGLE •�`j 45.0' � TRUSS AT END BAYS IF LOCATIONS NOTED ON 6 �: Q OCCURS PER TRUSS TRUSS DRAWING. =C-4 MANUFACTURER ATTACH TO TRUSS -10d TOE NAIL 04_ BOTTOM CHORD 0/ EA. SIDE (n�1) 2-10d TOE-NAIL AT EACH CHORD. 2 TYP. TRUSS BRACING ® BOTTOM CHORD wl MULTIPLE TRUSSED BAYS. SS BRACING ® BOT. CHORD TRUSSED 1 1 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 3 . rT NOTES: N"- o 7 3 1.) ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2012 IBC $ e v 2x6 HFA2 (INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE). y PURLINS T CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL METHODS AND MEANS. �y •6 24"o.c., 2.) TRUSS DESIGN AND FABRICATION SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2012 IBC (INTERNATIONAL TYP. TRUSS TOP BUILDING CODE) ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BEAR 1ICAL WALL FRAMING NOTES: CHORD THE STAMP OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. ) WALL STUDS ARE TO BE ATTACHED TO TOP PLATE WITH TRUSS BRACING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. (2)16d ENDNAILS AND TO THE BOTTOM PLATE WITH EITHER (2)16d ENDNAILS OR (3)16d TOE-NAILS LOADING: 2) CORNER POST ORIENTATION IS NOT CRITICAL ROOF SNOW LOAD: 25 psf DESIGN WIND SPEED: 126 MPH, EXPOSURE C. NAIL STUD TO FACE P PLATE (SIM TO SHOWNRNER ON DETAILPOSTS 1 /S AND 2/3 3) ATTACH TRUSS BRACE TO ENDWALL PER DETAIL SOIL BEARING: 2000 psf (3-sec gust) O PPORT O 8/3 WHERE OCCURS) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: D 4) SEE DETAIL 4/2 FOR WALL FRAMING WHERE ROLL UP DOORS OCCUR WITH Ss = 150%g MAX 5) SEE DETAILS 6/3 FOR FRAMING AT TYPICAL WINDOW AND MAN DOOR OPENING STRUCTURAL 4.) METAL PANELS SHALL BE BHP NOR CLAD, OR EQUAL, HAVING 80 KSI MINIMUM YIELD GABLE STRENGTH. ROOF PANELS SHALL BE FASTENED WITH #14 x 1-1/2" SELF TAPPING END SCREWS AT 9" O.C. ALONG EACH PURUN AND EACH RAKE BEAM AND #12 STITCH SCREWS TRUSS AT 24" O.C. ALONG EACH LAP. WALL PANELS SHALL BE FASTENED WITH #9 x 1-1/2" SELF TAPPING SCREWS AT 9" O.C. ALONG EACH GIRT. SEE SHT. 1 FOR METAL GAUGE. suolel. A23 ANGLE AT TRUSS WITH CONNECTION . PER 5.) LUMBER SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING U.N.O. ON THESE PLANS: 2x TRUSS SUPPORT STUD PER DETAIL 1/3 DETAIL 7/3 2X4 THRU 2X12: HF NO. 2 NAILED TO SIDE OF POST 3 DETAILSTRUCTURAL PER DETAIL 1/3 PURUN BETWEEN 7 POSTS: 4x6 HF NO. 2 S4S CONTINUOUS WALL TRUSSES LINED UP 6x6 & LARGER HF NO.1 ROUGH SAWN & AS NOTED. POSTS to TOP PLATE WITH FACE OF WALL 3 NOTED WITH "*" MAY BE NO. 2 GRADE PLUS 2x6 PT HF NO. 2 -� W�ALL� ul r"A&T TRUSS BOTTOM FCHORDTO 1/3 THE EAVE HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE. NAIL SCAB WITH (4) ROWS 0.131" DIA x 3-1/4" GALV NAILS SPACED 4" OC EACH ROW.CS16x30 BLOCK PER 1 1 6.) EMBEDDED STRUCTURAL POSTS SHALL BE PRESERVATIVE TREATED USING TREATMENT FORw/(16) 1Od DETAIL 2/30.60 pcf RETENTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH AWPA USE STANDARD UC4B. ALL OTHER.LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH SOIL OR CONCRETE, OR EXPOSED TO WEATHER SHALL BEPRESERVATIVE TREATED FOR 0.40 pcf RETENTION. NAILS USED WITH PRESERVATIVE TREATED CS18x30 LUMBER OR BELOW GRADE SHALL BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED.2x STUD NAILED TO w/(16) 1Od CONTINUOUS WSTUD WITH 16d AT WALL TOP 7.) BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A307 AND HAVE WASHERS UNDER EACH HEAD AND NUT PLATE BETWEEN U.N.O. PRE-BORE BOLT HOLES 1/18" LARGER THAN BOLT DIAMETER. Z POSTS 8.) CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A 28 DAY MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 psi. 4x6 HF#2 FOR WEATHERING.(2500 psi USED FOR DESIGN, SPECIAL INSPECTION IS NOT REQUIRED). ENDWALL POST 9.) BACKFILL FOR EMBEDDED POSTS SHALL BE''CLEAN SAND. COMPACTION SHALL BE BY MANUALLY TAMPING WITH A 20 POUND 4x6 HF#2 SIDEWALL MINIMUM STEEL TAMPING BAR IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 8". e POST, TYp, 10.) STEEL STRAP SHALL BE SIMPSON CS16 OR EQUAL. 2x6 HF STUDS AT 11.) 19/32" T1-11 OR LP SIDING MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF METAL PANELS ALONG C 24"o.c., TYP. ENDWALLS AND SIDEWALLS. SIDING SHALL BE NAILED WITH 6d COMMON OR F FOOTM J J24 HF STUDS AT GALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 4"o.c. ALONG PANEL EDGES AND 12"o.c. IN FIELD. ALL o.c., TYP. EDGES OF SIDING TO BE BLOCKED. FOR SHIPLAPPED EDGES BOTH PANELS SHALL BE EDGE NAILED WITH 6d AT 4"o.c. IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S c SIMPSON HDU2 AT P.T. 2x SILL PLATE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. POST LOCATIONS EXISTING ANCHOR BOLTS 12.)CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS WHERE SHOWN ARE AT THE BUILDER'S DISCRETION. MP OF SIMPSON HDU2 ATP.T. 2x SILL PLATE WITH 13.)NAILS ARE COMMON WIRE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NAILS INSTALLED IN w�u POST LOCATIONSEXISTING ANCHOR BOLTS PRESERVATIVE TREATED LUMBER TO BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED, OR EQUIVALENT it u u n 3 ii }n u ii TOP OF 2 L Lti u Lti CONC.WAtI E��ST�NG � ii— FOUNDATION WALL 11 o 11 0 it TOP OF 6 � ILOUNDATION WALL�ST �E TOP OF STRUCTURAL FTiNNG vA23 ANGLE ATGABLE DTIgTING24"o.c. PER TRUSS 5/8" 0 THREADED ROD EMBED 10" INTO EXISTING ONCRETE TRUSS BOTTOMCONCRETE WALL w/SIMPSON "SET-XP" EPDXY OOTING DETAIL 7/3 7 � ADHESIVE SYSTEM (SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR EPDXIED ANCHORS NOT SIM) W CHORD REQUIRED BY TSE. BUT MAY BE REQUIRED BY 5/8" 0 THREADED ROD EMBED 10" INTO EXISTING (a JURISDICTION. CONSULT LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL CONCRETE WALL w/SIMPSON "SET-XP" EPDXY (8) 16d BEFORE INSTALLATION) ADHESIVE SYSTEM N W (SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR EPDXIED ANCHORS NOT 01 _TYPICAL SIDEWALL ELEVATION REQUIRED BY TSE. BUT MAY BE REQUIRED BY (to O �•.��• JURISDICTION. CONSULT LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL T BEFORE INSTALLATION) CONTINUOUS Q 00- TYP C L ENDWALLELEVATIONWALL TOP 11 N Li- SIDING LSIDING PER PLAN r �• Q � PLATE (2) 200 DFL#2 O 0 HEADER ABOVE DOOR Q N 2x6 HF STUDS AT P.T. SILL PLATE N 24"o.c., TYP. w/EXISTING ANCHOR BOLT L JACK STUD = C4 V EXISTING FOUNDATION SHEARWAL EDGE NAILING e» V) (BY OTHERS) (WHERE SH WALLS OCCUR) (3) 2X6 HF KING STUDS EXISTING 1 6" (MIN) BETWEEN ' SPIKE TOGETHER WITH t6d FLOOR SLAB ' GRADE AND TOP ` OF FOUNDATION AT 6"o.c. 3 E OF WALLAli�� r4_')I ENDWALL ROLL UP DOOR OPENING FRAMING DETAIL_ sheet d l-' 3 ! ;:,' t1S.3:. 00, M SIMPWN ANGLE`123•EACH SIDE U)W D OF POST AND LANG IED ON n U M c POST. toe x 1-1/2• N . NAILS. ((77yypp� STEEL STRAP AT2-16 EM.) C:'0 Aa,swwmE p aosr 2x BLOCK 2. _p�RL_p1 a$ La v EACH W/B-tee NAGS I « ROOF PANEL 48'CA(�) FOR NOT /4. �� o Pjr PER 2%4 BLOCK.MAIL M EACH 177n7T\ 4-16d(IYP.) + P/U�R�UNN HBETWEEN TRUSSES�7p 7pp Q�A� 1RlISS W/2-I ft ANGLPURUN TO ED. + 4 W/Sd TDENAILB AT 6"O.C. I BLACK k TRUSS W/2-iSeT H . AS SHOWN. + * SWPSON MTS16 STRAP AT EACH 2x6 FASCA SIMPSQN A23 ANCLE �DETAIL T/OyPURIM ATTACH UPPER 30'OF * + TRUSS r/('7)Tod x t)5•NAU W 3-16d 16d MNL EACH PURUN TO PE 22SppT��UD To Posr « O Posr a(%Noe x uf'wms t>�r.) �(�T +) PLMR11tME0(N 2 OAT a + O TRUSS 3'as STAGGERED + + EDGE NAIU ppL�AA� WALL « * BEIYNEEII POSTS « * 2x6 SND + AT 24"a 11-17 SHEAHMG TRUSS 11-11 5HFA7H11No + PLAN 0 PER PLAN + 1 NHLs sP�CIFIED ABOYE YAY 6E 0.13,1 dA.x31 4 OF CONT.WALL STUD TO /C31 DIA.x ATTACH LOWER « POST),/16d NAGS AT I YANUFACTURE'RS NMNLN�her ONE FXCEPT TOE-NAIL 6 OD.STAOGFJ TT JM TR ff MUD ONNECTION t 1qN AT TOP OF WALL E-3'\§ECT._THRU PURUN AT TRUSS C t , 3-led PURIM m To.Acx(rm.) METAL aaoFnlG �� STOP 2x6 HF¢2 PURLINS AT 2V'*a � MEMBER BALL P PLAN 1'-6'LAP LTM. 1'-8'LAP MIN. SIDEQ i1PPLE WALL PANELS + + + + a I ♦I -, HEADER—/ 2)TONG SNOB + « JACK SND I 3-16d POyT IYPr L AS EACH END OF LAP . AS SHOWN OR 0.131'DIA. x 3 i/4'LONG END OF IAP POSE 1� W H POSE� 776133 TOP CHORD a BOTH SPLICE CONFlTNAtgI0N6 (11P.) BUILD TO MATCH ARE EQUALLY STRONG,EITHER ONE MAY BE USED AT THE BUILDERS DMCRERON. C O F OCCURN�im DOOR Nor v III'-4rSPLICE 09NI. ��Q=PdST RIDGE CONNE00N /-a'\TYPICAL WALL OPENING a -Q 3 pgg 6 ROOF PAM!SCREWS- FOR Pl[(�1N PER Pl1RLIN PER NOTE/4. PLS BWL IST TP4' EACH STACK TO TRUSS 0SM.,LOAN FOR TRUSS PER PLAN. �— _ sHEARWN,L EDGE EDGE NA PURIM NAILING FOR CONN. w OF SHEATHMG TO NGIDWII SND AS SHOWN AT Raw 3 16d FROM BLOCK AND WRAP\ (P2)URUNS,L BLOCKS W/ VyPNAILS 2x rA r2XG BLOCK BETWEEN HDUDOWN/UD led HOIDOAM SRUi MANUFACTURER TOP OF POST / , BLACK.(TYP.) Oto'STAGGERED Nod O 3•L PURUN WTMP SIRiM CHER ( ) tel.BLOCK P.T.SILL PIAS FPERPLM r/ANCHOR SOUSNAL TRUSSW%(4)16d // g (AlTRUSB OW.WALL PURIM EN tID OTTRU�SS yOR RAFFIER, now (71'P TFO NWGgN WALL � LyJ JNEATRLY NOTCH TOP OF POST SO GABLE END TRUSS gR--�44(RUSHWIiH WRH FACE OF POST •BRACH a/(3)TDP PLATE THA NI FACE ESDI CE (� 10 W (51 lr Or DDL"'�BLOCKt>♦oEtDOE M NAT 24 0OR Nm TOP OF L_U '�16x7$'WOOD SCREWS AT2-10d TOE NAILCBL BLOCK WHERE LENGTH OF BRACE FOOTING WEA SIDE 'D(CEEDS V-6*T'BRACE 76%ALEN H �— ) ' Q16d AT B'O.C. OF PER PLAN lx.�me =O 2x6 SND 16d O 12'o.e. ktel �Q V 0- GABLE 80 AT 24'ao. 2x4 YJ �W LlV)O CDNNECTDR I ��� LL N mE I sr N's�"'F"C"'L HOLDOWN DETAIL AT SOUTH ENDWALL MRN AT MP OF ENDWALL ®SIAL L o 1 GABLE END TRUSS BRACE BITN,et 3 3 Page 1 of 1 Job Truss Truss TypeQty Ply �SHAFFAR/23753 BB312398 TO1 MOD.QUEEN 1 1 Job Reference(optional) The Truss Co./Tri-County Truss,Sumner,Burlington,Pasco,WA/Eugene,OR,TSE Run:7.430 s Jul 25 2013 Print:7.430 s Jul 25 2013 MiTek Industries,Inc. Sat Dec 28 08:46:05 2013 Page 1 ID:iNttSwZxghjyPSTyDWcrLTyVuEE-30csl3ZOEWNPI FAUlzdeE2vb0UBnzjJ2dAWJ43y4Skm 6-4-8 11-5-4 16-6-021-6-12 26-7-8 33-0-0 6-4-8 5-0-12 5.0-12 5-0-12 I 5.0.12 I 6-4-8 Scale=1:54.4 6x6= 4 4.00 F12 3x4% 3x4 12 3 5 13 3x6-Z�- 3x6 2 6 W W3 1 7 � At A9Io 11 10 9 8 5x12= 3x4= 3x8— 5x8 MT18HS= 3x4= 5x12= 8.10.14 16-6-0 24-1-2 33-0-0 8-10-14 7-7--2 7-7-2 8-10-14 Plate Offsets(X,Y):[1:0-6-0,Edge],[7:0-6-0,Edge] LOADING(psf) SPACING 6-" CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 25.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) 0.43 10-11 >914 240 MT20 220/195 (Roof Snow=25.0) Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.77 Vert(TL) -0.55 10-11 >714 180 MT18HS 220/195 TCDL 5.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.89 Horz(TL) 0.17 7 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0 Code IBC2012ITP12007 (Matrix) Weight:188 Ib FT=10% BCDL 1.0 LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 DF SS TOP CHORD 2-M oc purlins(2-4-5 max.). IF ACTUAL SPACING OF TRUSS IS 2-TRUSSES BOT CHORD 2x6 OF 2400F 2.0E BOT CHORD 4-5-0 oc bracing:1-7 SPACED 12'-0"-(1-TRUSS EACH SIDE OF 6x POST),THE SPACING OF THE BOTTOM CHORD WEBS 2x4 OF Stud WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-10.5-10 LATERAL BRACING MAY BE INCREASED TO 12'-0"- PROVIDED 2'-0"-PROVIDED CONTINUOUS 2z6 BLOCKING IS USED REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=3026/0-5-8 (min.0-3-0),7=3026/0-5-8 (min.0-3-0) ALONG THE FULL LENGTH OF THE BOTTOM CHORD Max HOrz1=249(LC 9) PER SECTION A-A.CONNECT BLOCKING WITH 10d lift1=-2236 LC 10,7=-2236 LC 10 z Y NAILS SPACED 6"-ALONG EACH BOTTOM Max U P ( ] ( ) CHORD.WEB BRACING MAY BE ELIMINATED IF BLOCKING IS APPLIED SAME AS FOR BOTTOM FORCES (lb)-Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension CHORD. TOP CHORD 1-2=-7693/5620,2-12=-6755/5100,3-12=-6483/5115,3-4=-4902/3854,4-5=-4902/3854,5-13=-6483/5115,6-13=-6755/5100,6-7=-7693/5620 BOT CHORD 1-11=-5129/7100,10-11=-4025/5840,9-10=-4025/5840,8-9=4025/5840,7-8=-5129/7100 CONTINUOUS WEBS 2-11=-1088/953,3-11=-620/811,3-10=-2043/1422,4-10=-1739/2140,5-10=-2043/1422,5-8=-020/813,6-8=-1089/953 2x6 BLOCKING NOTES tOd NAIL 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=126mph(3-second gust)Vasd=100mph;TCDL=3.Opsf;BCDL=0.6psf;h=25ft;B=45ft;L=30ft;eave=4ft;Cat.II;Exp C;partially;MWFRS (directional);cantilever left and right exposed;end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 (TYPICAL) 2)TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=25.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category 11;Exp C;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.1 3)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4)The bottom chord dead load shown is sufficient only to cover the truss weight itself and does not allow for any additional load to be added to the bottom chord. 5)Dead loads shown include weight of truss. Top chord dead load of 5.0 psf(or less)is not adequate for a shingle roof. Architect to verify adequacy of top chord dead load. 6)All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 2x TRUSS 7)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. BOT CHORD 8)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 2236 Ib uplift at joint 1 and 2236 Ib uplift at joint 7. SECTION 9)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. A—A 10)"Semi-rigid pitchbreaks including heels"Member end fixity model was used in the analysis and design of this truss. LOAD CASE(S)Standard 1 6g sj v NAL 12/2E Digitally signed by:Terry L.Powell,P.E. ... ................................. ........ .__.... WARNING] VERIFY DESIGNrPARAMETERS AND READ ALL NOTES ON THIS TRUSS DRAWING NOTES BEFORE USE <. Design eand fior use with'Mitek connectors'7tus'desgn"rs based only upon parameters shown acid is for an indtvldual?bU@AQ cgmponentto be Iristalled acid 1padedverticatly Applicability of dengn parameters and proper mcorporahon of component is'responsibility of building designer, Bracing Mown is for lateral support of individual wet members only Addihpnal temporary hinting to msure stability dunng cdnstruchon>s the' responsilnhtq'ofthe erector Aiidlhonal perniazient tuaang of the Dveiall stxiicture is th'e tesponsibilifp of the building designer For general guidance regaling fabrication;quality;control storage delivery eieclron anii:braang consult ANSUTPi 1`Quality tYtar�;DSiSB,and:BCSI:l`:Build ng 0 r Cu¢nponertSafety.Infor�tionavailable'•fiomTrussP4adelnditufe 583D'.OnofnoDiiae'MadisonUJI53719 i ToV JOB -IWO M ENGINEERING _ JAN 0 6 2014 By: 12810 N,E, 178"Street Shite 218 Woodinville,WA 98072(425)481-6601 DATE: Job Name: Shaffar Site Address: 1221 Chase Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Jurisdiction: City of Port Angeles Job ID: Shaffar Design Specifications: 2012 IBC Building Type: Post-Frame Design Wind Speed (3 sec gust): 126 mph @ SD Level Wind Exposure: C Roof Snow Loading: 25 psf Occupancy Category: I R: 6.5 of Snow Incl. w/Seismic: 0 % Soil Site Class: D Allowable Soil Bearing: 2000 psf Analysis Procedure: Wind: ASCE 7-10 Envelope Procedure Seismic: ASCE 7-10 Equiv. Lateral Force Procedure Spectral Response Acceleration, Ss: 150 %g Load Combinations: ASD Basic Building Design Parameters Roof DL: 3 psf Wall DL: 7 psf r � iF.Y'.YV7, Ij v 5. .07 b t t - ®TDA'ti L tyjt 16a21 H:2hxxY 89 5:s1a C•ltrrzrdpE,WA 98IXi]�161 D2w N6n"-.w in Circle "1_ Eveett:(425)258 61Tt•Pa1•a°up f25dS a40.3a52 �$, g-� .� POST FRAM BUILDINGS Aars,.erameFl�Agiurers{425,]gb1555 �t sign � tip s s FAx(625)]62.43]8•880 aZA 9552 Building e Fj u VV Y�7 t Cak•actp-alJc R:TOYlNCPFP.BLT .:..- Sb�irywlT rFxture DtPc *0ii[."• can/Pe<+'.xON ,__ - � ""�•–,.. PLFr4SE CHECK 'UJ LMnd MPH L� oil-up doors fit in Bays � Roll-up doors will not hit Truss wind Exposure K-'Roof Pitch _Eave Height _. - Snow Load- Minimum Clearance FLOOR PLAN 89�1Il _� ,,r�l �'I=for 7 oP r7r l INcnvxucvkl'; -- _ _ t •� t - I STrivn iYnr}G •^ >r _ _ 1 -Zy -- I 1 7 Ill �al r�i A,L 0A, zti G� 3 ... ... ...I Rv S'S '6.Ta FNa utFLa-S jf �n. 4 2` vert I' IZt _ . r�x� N� cC 4 Fxr`;Tinrh ti IL �� T-If( __--� f Ilat i Sx8 �Lt7S,ecC .�`l''/z"'7o33-tIIZ.' :To sr F:a7nF v7u T- 3 BUILDING ELEVATION Customer has verified and approved the orientation of thg,Hyuldmg to the North and verifies that all X, p - items specified in Paragraph B of the contract are sjib,riHon this drawing and vice versa. l l��ll11111 Jill Jill Cu,.tner Name:` L. `L_.f! Lead#: b 9 Customer Signawrc: o e - whits-Cno Lmer Copy Canary-00ice Copy ®2012 Penna-B7tS,I.d.WFR-8507/12 �® PROJECT Shaffar , PAGE 3 CLIENT: ,Pdrmabilt .' DESIGN BY: i JOB NO.: 23753 .. DATE: 01/02M4' REVIEW BY: Wind Analysis for Low-rise Building,Based on ASCE 7-2010 INPUT DATA WIND SURFACE Exposure category(B,C or D,ASCE 7-10 26.23) G FOR DESIGN Importance factor(ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2) Iw = 1.00 for all Category Basic wind speed(ASCE7-1026.5.1 or 2012 IBC) V = 'A26 mph Topographic factor(ASCE 7-10 26.8&Table 26.8-1) Kn =: '` .9 ::` Flat Building height to eave he 9 ft c` Building height to ridgehr = `-:"14:5, ft � Building length L 24 ft Building width B 33, ft G Effective area of components(or Solar Panel area) A = 50 ft2 B DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length,L,face = 5.62 kips,SD level(LR,FD level),Typ. Max horizontal force normal to building length,B,face = 8.44 kipsSee Page 4 for Adjusted Wind Forces ANALYSIS Velocity pressure qt,=0.00256 Kh Kt Kd V2 = 29.36 psf where: qh=velocity pressure at mean roof height,h.(Eq.28.3-1 page 298&Eq.30.3-1 page 316) Kh=velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height,h,Crab.28.3-1,pg 299) = 0.85 Kd=wind directionality factor.(Tab.26.6-1,for building,page 250) = 0.85 h=mean roof height = 11.75 ft <60 ft,[Satisfactory] (ASCE 7-10 26.2.1) Design aressures for MWFRS <Min(L,B),[Satisfactory] (ASCE 7-10 26.2.2) p=qh[(G Cpf)-(G C:pi)] where: p=pressure in appropriate zone.(Eq.28.4-1,page 298). pmin= 16 psf(ASCE 7-10 28.4.4) G Cpf=product of gust effect:factor and external pressure coefficient,see table below.(Fig.28.4-1,page 300&301) G Cp;=product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coefficient.(Tab.26.11-1,Enclosed Building,page 258) 0.18 or -0.18 a=width of edge strips,Fig 28.4-1,note 9,page 301, MAX[MIN(0.1 B,0.1L,0.4h),MIN(0.04B,0.04L),31 = 3.00 ft Net Pressures(psf),Basic Load Cases Roof angle 0 = 18.43 Roof angle 0 = 0.00 Surface Net Pressure Frith Net Pressure with GCpr (+GCpi) (-GCpi) GCpt (+GCpi) (-GCpi) 1 0.52 9.88 20.45 -0.45 -18.50 -7.93 2 -0.69 -25.55 -14.98 -0.69 -25.55 -14.98 3 -0.47 -19.04 -8.47 -0.37 -16.15 -5.58 4 -0.42 -17.48 -6.91 -0.45 -18.50 -7.93 5 0-40 6.46 17.03 6 -0.29 -13.80 -3.23 1 E 0.78 17.62 28.19 -0.48 -19.38 -8.81 2E -1.07 -36.71 -26.13 -1-07 -36.71 -26.13 3E -0.67 -25.06 -14.49 -0.53 -20.85 -10.28 4E -0.62 -23.44 -12.86 -0.48 -19.38 -8.81 5E 0.61 12.63 23.20 6E 443 -17.91 -7.34 ` I zr i is vats LINO_-tt;re Load Case A (Tran,verse) Load Case S (Lon<IHudinal) C;casic Load Cases TSE Engineering Page: LATERAL ANALYSIS Job ID: WIND Shaffar The analysis on the previous page determines the wind force on the total exposed wind surface of the building. For post-frame construction , the amount of wind force imposed on the main force resisting system equals the roof projectE)d area plus 1/2 of the wall projected area. Vt &VI are adjusted by 0.6 for allowable stress values. Calculations that follow adjust the total wind force to the design force on a post-frame building: INPUT: PT= 5620 lbs. (non adjusted) 1 PL= 8440 lbs. (non adjusted) 1 hr= 14.5 ft. he = 9 ft. ADJUSTED WIND FORCES: Transverse; Vr = [(hr- 0.625 he) /hr](PT)(0.6) = 2326 lbs. Controls Longitudinal; VL_ ([0.375 he+ 0.5(hr-he)]/[he + 0.5(hr- he)]}(PI- 0.6) = 3125 lbs. Controls SEISMIC The seismic force imposed on the main force resisting system of a post-frame building is based on the seismic weight of the roof plus 1/2 of those walls that are perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force. INPUT: Building Width = 33 ft. p = 1.3 Building Length = 24 ft. 1= 1 SEISMIC WEIGHTS: W roof = 2376 lbs. Wend walls = 2195 lbs. W side walls = 1134 lbs. SIDS = 2/3 Ss = 1.000 Cs= SDS/(R/ I) = 0.154 SEISMIC BASE SHEAR: V= Cs W Transverse = 540 lbs. Longitudinal = 703 lbs. SEISMIC DESIGN FORCES: VT= Cs Wt p 0.7 = 491 lbs. VL= Cs WI p 0.7 = 640 lbs. ' i "®loVVIl IJl�;ptlittrcT tCF2t alpn rov5i c ynnwum lvA asa3]aist G Draw North Arrow in Circle" "1 E.rzatC(d25)2a9di]t Hry_Ury,Q53f agdg552 r� @@�� es ■ ■■ n ' oT FAAA'EB.LD-fNu Fdri- k'..ztlgi¢r• (42A]d3-15:5 - LYiID■� w l l idi@��{� /1 /•• -v--'- FAX(425)]d243]9 900-a2G9552 Y�6J� Cmtmc4ws Lc.E:TuNp4cKoALT ' (Ldiry,Dur Fue..c D,p<:dr On 1,- P�mabttcom•hcc000kco�xrmapll. - -. PL�SECHECK Wind MPH T oil-up doors fit in Bays RDII-up tloors will not hit Truss Wind Exposure Roof Pitch _Eave Height Snow Load" Minirnum Clearance FLOOR PLAN s.I YES .0 .1.1.) - 9 � ` _ �7 F m •w4f L �ti -. 6 i. 4m v,tI-,- T-1)t s!/fir v6 t7/J�) TUB i 711 : !' 1. 3 L Vx3 Sutti2 3'x!o'$ :.c oem _.ry.Al, 6.01C :.. hqr_. 6 12, ZJ wt<t t�xis7. - �...: Qme r In 'T VHF o 7-- 31 ht'SKLQ N BUILDING.ELEVA►TIOIV Customer has verified and approved the orientation of tite'bjtilding to the North and verifies that all �y, '/ _ • rr !! items specified in Paragraph B of the contract are shown ou this drawing and vice versa. dV ..�I�IIII"I�I�IIII") Customer Namei�j'i:E:•_ t� .1! d . o e - tvwte,cWseum,reoyy. c:ia�y-oratesari il: `� Customer Signature: Copy 92012Penha•B9t0Industncs,FR-65 07/12 TSE Engineering Page: 6 SHEARWALL DESIGN Job ID: SIDEWALL Shaffar B e�RIDGE VL® o mo®oo®00®00®00® ENDWALL A_ 1 I tvT 2I PLAN VIEW WITH GRIDS SHEARWALL SHEAR UNIT LENGTH FORCE SHEAR (ft.) (Ibs.) (plf) 7''tf ENDWALL GRID 1 5.9 1163 197 -K-- t4e' 05,16 '511CO NCO- I'j1Sk )4'1 - E-.Vje-1)4,rL/q. , 4� 4"a e, ENDWALL GRID 2 9 1163 12,lo . "Oe ,rj 7-#e-Ftg Ley sirk 4-p rwe- SIDE'NALL GRID A 24 1562 65 SIDEWALL GRID B 24 1562 65 ROOF SHEAR UNIT LENGTH FORCE SHEAR 41,5e FI- rf 5ft*7-zn - (ft.) (Ibs.) (plf) &/6,P AJ4 `OC ROOF GRID 1 & GRID 2 34.8 1163 33 �� I '06 Pl 7-Ef1 FICIP ROOF GRID A & GRID 13 24 1562 65 �G0'?1�BC.6X7,0 PLf'>129pLF D , ------- pv D t. �= 7y 8 ., 7 G7" = 15 76 Zoo x 0, xa ATTACHMENT DETAIL �— '/4"-14 x'/n'Stitch Screw(1'-0"o.c.) >$lope The minimum recommended slope for Pro-Panel Ila roof -#9-15 Woodscrew panel is 3:12. =� >Substructure Pro-Panel ii&is designed to be utilized over open structural framing,or a solid substrate. To avoid panel distortion,use a properly aligned and uniform substructure. D Coverage Optional Pro-Panel Ile panels are available in a s/a'rib height with a I Profile coverage width of 36". i I i i I 0,Length Minimum factory cut length is 5'-0 Maximum recommended panel length is 464". Longer panels require additional consideration in packaging,shipping,and -Anti-Siphon Groove erection. Please consult Metal Sales for recommendations. ®Fasteners The fastener selection guide should be consulted for choosing the proper fastener for specific applications. FASTENING PATTERtd Quantity and type of fastener must meet necessary loading and code requirements. NOTE:All panels are subject to surface distortion due to improperly applied fasteners. Overdriven fasteners will ..1/4"-14 x'/e'Stitch Screw #9-15 Woodscrew cause stress and induce oil canning across the face of the 9 - ir Y panel at or near the point.of attachment. i 19 Availability Finishes:Acrylic Coated Galvalumea or MS Colorfast450 Gauges:26ga and 29ga standard SECTION PROPERTIES Width Yield Wei ht Top In Compression Bottom In Compression Inaad OL acrd Ga. 9 —--- --- —--- ---- -- (in.) KSI PSF Ixx Sxx IxX Sxx Ino/ft In'/ft In"ift Ina/ft 2- 2.6' 3' 3.6' 4' 5' t2' 2.6!ff3" .6' 4' 5'29 36" 80 0.71 0.0067 0.0134 0.0047 0.0133 00 58 41 27 18 9 18 9 — -----..26 36" 80 0.87 0.0090 0.0181 0.0063 0.0170 115 75 52 35 23 12 5 23 12 I. Theoretical section properties have been calculated per AISI 2001"Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Stntctural Members." Ixx and Sxx are effective section properties for deflection and bending. 2. Allowable load is calculated in accordance with AISI 2001 specifications considering bending,shear,combined bending and shear and deflection. Allowable load considers the worst case of 3 or 4 equal span conditions. Allowable toad does not address web crippling or N fastener/support.connection and panel weight is not considered. o 3. 'Deflection consideration is limited by a maximum deflection ratio of L7180 of span. a 4. Allowable loads do not include a 1/3 stress increase in uplift. a. S. Diaphram 306 plf average Ulitmate Shear Strength using the above fastening pattern on 2x supports located Ton center per ASTM E455-04 Co W1 U0 ���� Kent,WA 800.431.3470 Jefferson,OH 800.321.5833 Anchorage,AK 866.640.7663 manufacturing corporation Temple,TX 800.543.4415 Rock island,IL 800.747.1206 Bay City,MI 888.777.7640 Longmont,CO 800.289.7663 Sellersburg,IN 800.999.7777 Detroit Lakes,MN 888.594.1394 -�q60--qqo�--� Antioch,TN 800.251.8508 Jacksonville,FL 800.394.4419 Mocksville,NC 800.228.6119 Woodland,CA 800.759.6019 Orwigsburg,PA 800.544.2577 Fort Smith,AR 877.452.3915 Rogers,MN 800.3289316 Independence,MO 800.747.0012 Spokane,WA800.572.6565 Fontana,CA800.782.7953 www.metals,ales.us.com TSE Engineering Page: TYPICAL SIDEEWALL POST Overall End Conditions Intermediate Supports Loading Length Kexx Keyy xx axis yy axis P axial w)oc w yy 8 1 1 0 C 5880 0 0 ft. lbs. plf plf Column Size Duration _ Plate Properties b d CD Specie Fc(perp) Cb? Cb 3.5 5.5 1.15 HF 405 YES 1.107 in. in. psi MATERIAL Type/Specie Grade Fbxx Fbyy Fc Exx (10)"6 Eyy (10)"6 Manuf.Lbr. Timber Dimen.Lbr HF #2 1105 1105 1430 1.3 1.3 psi psi psi psi psi fc 305 psi RESULTS SRxx (le/d) 17.45 SRyy(le/b) 1 COLUMN CSI = 0.309 <1 o.k. Fc* 1645 psi KcE 0.3 FcE 1281 psi fc(perp)/ Fc(perp)' = 0.681 <1 o.k. c 0.8 ki 1.111766 k2 0.973531 ALLOWABLE AXIAL LOAD = N/A Cp 0.599426 Fc' 986 psi M>C( 0 ft.lbs SXX 17.65 in"3 fbxx 0 psi FcE XX 1281 psi P o x i o l Fb)o(' 1271 psi k3 0 x y Myy 0 ft.lbs y x Syy 11.23 in"3 fbyy 0 psi FcE yy 390000 psi KbE 0.438 W x x Ra 6.565 Wyy FbE 13211 psi k4 0 d b USE: v 3.3.03 TSE Engineering Page: TYPICAL CORNER POST (�,#etf pyo �vSS Overall End Conditions Intermediate Supports Loading Length Kexx Keyy xx axis yy axis P axial w xx w yy 8 1 1 0 0 3430 0 0 ft. lbs. plf plf Colurrin Size Duration _ Plate Properties b d CID Specie Fc(perp) Cb? Cb 3.5 5.5 1.15 HF 405 YES 1.107 in. in. psi MATERIAL Type/Specie Grade Flom Fbyy Fc Exx (10)^6 Eyy (10)^6 Manuf.Lbr. Timber Dimen.Lbr HF #2 1105 1105 1430 1.3 1.3 psi psi psi psi psi fc 178 psi RESULTS SRxx (le/d) 17.45 SRyy (le/b) 27.43 COLUMN CSI = 0.372 <1 o.k. Fc* 1645 psi KcE 0.3 FcE 518 psi fc(perp)/Fc(perp)' = 0.397 <1 o.k. c 0.8 ki 0.821997 k2 0.393994 ALLOWABLE AXIAL LOAD = N/A Cp 0.291257 Fc' 479 psi Mxx 0 ft.lbs Sxx 17.65 in^3 fbxx 0 psi FcE xx 1281 psi P a x i a l Fbxx' 1271 psi k3 0 x \ y Myy 0 ft.lbs y x Syy 11.23 in^3 fbyy 0 psi FcE yy 518 psi KbE 0.438 W x x Rs 6.565 wyy FbE ''13211 psi k4 0 d b USE: �XC ffr02 v 3.3.03 TSE Engineering Ke By: Page: l0 TYPICAL WALL STUD DL+WIND Overall End Conditions Intermediate Supports Loading Length Kexx Keyy xx axis yy axis P axial ;kw XX w yy 8 1 1 0 C 200 50 0 ft. lbs. plf plf Column Size Duration _ Plate Properties b d CID Specie Fc(perp) Cb? Cb 1.5 5.5 1.6 HF 405 YES 1.25 in. in. psi MATERIAL Type/Specie Grade Fbxx Fbyy Fc Ex (10)^6 Eyy(10)"6 Manuf.Lbr. Timber Dimen.Lbr HF Stud 675 675 800 1.2 1.2 psi psi psi psi psi fc 24 psi RESULTS SRxa (le/d) 17.45 SRyy (le/b) 1 COLUMN CSI = 0.601 <1 o.k. Fc* 1280 psi KCE 0.3 FCE 1182 psi fc(perp)/ Fc(perp)' = 0.048 <1 o.k. c 0.8 ki 1.202274 k2 1.154547 ALLOWABLE AXIAL LOAD = N/A Cp 0.662909 Fc' 849 psi MXX 400 ft.Ibs Sxx, 7.56 in"3 DEFLECTION DUE TO W xx= 0.185 in. fb)o( 635 psi FCE XX 1182 psi P axial Fbxx' 1080 psi k3 0.600146 x\ Y Myy 0 ft.lbs y x Syy 2.06 in^3 fbyy 0 psi FCE yy 350000 psi KbE 0.438 W x x RB 15.319 Wyy FbE 2240 psi k4 0 d b USE: v 3.3.03 r 3 TSE Page: Engineering PURLIN INPUT: Uniform Loading Span Length w(DL) w(SL) IS L Roof (psf) 3 25 1.0 11.25 ft 0 Tributary(ft) 2 2 CS= 1.0 Wall (psf) 0 0 Tributary(ft) 0 0 Floor (psf) 0 0 Tributary(ft) 0 0 Other (plf) 0 0 w(TL) 0 6.0 50.0 56.0 0 plf plf plf RESULTS: VI (DL) Vr (DL) VI (LL) Vr (LL) VI (TL) Vr (TL) M (DL) M (LL) M (TL) 34 34 281 281 315 315 95 791 886 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. ft.lbs. ft.lbs. ft.lbs. DESIGN: MATERIAL Fb Fv Fc(perp) E x 10A6 Manuf.Lbr. CD 1.15 Timber CH 1 Dimen, Lbr. HF#2 1105 75 405 1.3 Cr 1.15 psi psi psi psi Ci 1 b d A S I 1.5 5.5 8.25 7.6 21 in. in. in.^2 in.A3 in.A4 fv = 53 psi Brg.Lgth.= 0.043 ft. CL= 1.000 fb = 1410 psi GL Cv = N/A R = PJ/A A (DL) = 0.08 in. A (LL) = 0.67 in. A (TL) = 0.75 in. RATIOS OF ACTUAL TO ALLOWABLE RATIOS OF SPAN TO DEFLECTION fl// Fv' = 0.61 L/ 203 for LL> L/180 ok fl)/ Fb' = 0.96 L/ 181 for TL> L/120 ok USE 2x6 HF#2 @ 24" oc Table 604.3 v 3.3.03