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123 E. 9th Street
123 E 91" Street CUP 11-05 sb Y f 1".E1 .'�.r��{i � �7 ..0 .;7i" e''r i+ts't"d Y N';- 4 d '"` '-tey( •t gt, w.. r e ,'_ .,. ,$d 1� �,h. .'�„v -H•.:.xv_ r-'e, rAlly UJ[ P17 A - �p e �� -' ""-- - '(01,'1:15'7" ,NF•CCA 0V 7•M H Nt71:'!'1114'!i$"(' 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANCELF ��..M1_., •.� 1 • ; _St WASHINGTON 3t1362 September. 6 , 1978 William Bailey � Northwest Mild.ing Center, Inc . 118 Fast Kh Street Port Angeles , Washington >dl Dear- :It.r. Bailey : s It has been brought to our attention that Northwest Building Center, Inc . , has been using Property south of the alley behind your build- #� ing to part vehicles and to store lumber. Investigations into the y matter clearly indicate that the area of Lots 14-16 , Block 268 , T. P .A. is being used for these purposes . The storage of .Lumber and parking of vehicles in conjunction with your business cannot be construed as anything but a commercial use Of this property. On the other hand, the City ' s zoning Ordinance and map designates all of the area south of the alley in Block 268 � T. P .A. as residential property. The commercial storage of lumber and parking of vehicles is not compatible with the character of a residential None , thcrefOre , it is not a permitted use within resi- dential zones . Two of the fundamental objectives of the zoning Ordinance that are applicable to this situation are : "To protect the character and maintain the stability of resi- denti.al , cowmerc i-,al and manufacturing areas within the city and to promote the orderly development of such areas , ' ` "To Prohibit uses , bui..ld:i.ncJs or structures which are :i-ncom- i.-)a&hlr_ with the character OF development or the permitted uses within sped Cicd zoning districts , '' 2 } The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the situation has �{ + bccn brought to our attention and :i.nves tiya tion shows that a viola- tion of the zoning ordinance is taking place. Therefore , under fits'. Ordinance 1.709 we have no alternative but to request: that you re- frain from any further violations and , if necessary, restore any arca that was developed for commercial Purposes within the residen- tial zones . If you choose not to comply with this letter then it � will be necessary to refer the matter to the City Attorney for ji� IN .,v . *e^�.++-^rn*., sy.. ,�"•ma' �Mi.�w*F t+,.,,x +iny�'�n. '• .�•a �c .. "' �.s - F,%Ir`... �,�„r,,„;, �.r-as ..•w. a,� w)^k a�� .�"�#�+� Kr� ;• � `'}iC i ...v � � ,.� x.� 3".i'"'i�` �a� 8. .. yas.a� :±� .wk•a•'tr'x'"�A '' r1 :.'°.'r+.�. .,� y. , ; ,, .?re ``�,., "",. .w?�±�+.• r5y+.r ,i; ! 'tri 'i �} ix..� r� �k�t "� ... �N •K_ ,;S•_ � � xE ;r. :,• . c�>, � moi• ,�-S, �t ? . ,A •r rw,7r` ;s "' .# 'rad±a•�L'�;54? � ;rt;� ^f�° �; '. ,A. .�r r si t a ;,t $ x s; t •;• A d'=> -iy�'hY dr firs •'t *a H 1 µ,�y<;5• k;.J^...�, gin..yrs .#? ry{,;.:sw;Ir.�, ,1• t r� : 3€,+ M v Affif r 'Wm. 13ai.ley Page 2 3 on.for.rement of the ordinance. ltot.iever, 7 am 11opc.ful t11.tt this rrlattel- Can be :I-csolved without r.r_sor_ tr:i.ng to this. Please fuel J77-ce to call or come in and d:i.. cu:-,s this 111jttter %gitlz i Paul Carr of t11e Planning Department or myself. . Since.l-c.l_y, R. P. tIillson 13ui.ld:ing Inspect o_ KSW:PLIC :pr t i y ® t2NDER Complete nems I,:,pnd i. R Add your address in the "RETURN.TO" space on 9 rcverx. _ i I.-The following service is requested (check one). r Q Show to whom and chic delivered............ 15( E p:.Show:co,whom,,date,`&address of delivery.. 350 a'• 1. [� RES"I'RICTED DELIVERY.` and,datc.dclivcrcd... ......... (i5� Show,to whom 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date,and address of delivery 85( t. � 2.:ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: +r am- Bailey—"...13C Inc ., 1. 3 Last $t:11 St •Z P Pbrt 'Angeles, `W� ' 983GL m _ } I ARTICLE DESCRIPTION +}3 4 REGISTERED NO CERTIFIED NO: INSURED.NO. n _ 805207 , I .. , m (Always obtain signature or adc^resece or agent) r AI have received the article described above. i 'p SIGNATURE, d Addressee .t C1 Authorized agent t A DAt. OF DELIVERY - to POSTMARK : O 3. ADDRESS (Complete only it roquoA'ed) 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CLERK'S INITIALS r {r GOP:19ro-0-203-4:,a ' 1 L � q. U'\ } 'i tt ra C- 111 CV, C� Ca >t,c �� 1 P ORTNGELES FILE . WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager DATE: .January 11, 2012 RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 11-05 APPLICANT: Peninsula Community Mental Health OWNER: Mrs. Nancy German LOCATION: 123 East 9th Street REQUEST: A group home in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone PROPOSAL: The application is to allow a maximum 2 person residential group home use in the RS-7 Residential Single Famih zone per Section 17.10.040(I) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). The home is intended to provide a transitional living situation for individuals who are minimally assisted on a daily basis by employees of the property owner, Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH), a social service agency. PCMH provides transitional housing for individuals who, with some assistance, can manage their lives and wort: toward self sufficiency skills so that they can move to even more independent housing. Support staff from PCMH will visit the house 7 days a week to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, transportation needs, and vocational plans. Residents of the group home benefit from a structured living situation and need some assistance with community integration and activities of daily living; residents otherwise function in healthy, constructive ways with considerable independence. With periodic assistance, residents manage their finances,take medication, purchase and prepare food, and perform necessary housekeeping activities. The main goal in providing the group residency situation is to provide a living setting that will allow residents to strengthen self-sufficiency skills with the ultimate goal being a more independent housing situation. Consumers who will reside in the home are the most independent of those served by PCMH. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: . The subject location is situated in the City's Central Planning Area. The site address is . 123 East 91h Street. The neighborhood is a single family neighborhood comprised of single .._ . .� Condifona mit- CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 2 January 11,2012 family homes on individual lots. With the exception of the two vacant lots immediately east of the subject property, the neighborhood is completely built out with single family residential structures. The neighborhood block is located immediately west of Lincoln Street, which is a major transportation corridor and is also Highway 101. Jefferson Elementary School is located four blocks south of the site at the corner of 13t" and Lincoln Streets. Further north of the site along 8`h Street are located commercial uses permitted in the Commercial Shopping District including PCMH's main office, banks, a.bowling alley, and other professional uses. The Commercial Shopping District (CSD) extends one block northwest of the area along 8th Street and three blocks northeast of the site along 8th Street. The CSD is a commercial zone of medium intensity. BACKGROUND: Peninsula Community Mental Health purchased the adjacent property to the north of the subject site that is located in the City's Commercial Shopping District in 1999 as a base for its conununity mental health services. A component of PCMH's services is to assist in placement of clients in supervised or transitional living situations where a varying degree of support and assistance is provided on a daily or weekly basis. PUBLIC COMMENT: Public notification was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and posted on the property on December 16, 2011. Notification was placed in the Peninsula Daily Nei-vs on December 20, 2011, with written comment accepted until January 4, 2012. Written comments submitted during the written comment period are incorporated into this staff report as Attachment C. Ms. Robin Popinski and Mr. Craig Short, business owners in the area, provided written comment in support of the application. Letters in opposition to the group home use were received from neighbors including Mr. Earl Richardson, Christina Williams, Marcus Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. Dermy Goudie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schmid, Derek Goudy, and Heather Buckmaster and Dan Mock. All of the written continents are incorporated to this staff report as Attachment Written comment in support of the conditional use permit were due to the need to enable the service that PCMH provides to the cormnunity, and in support of the ability to share off street parking on adjacent property. Written comment in objection to the conditional use permit . expressed.concerns regarding the imposition of residents of the group home on other neighbors and the illegal expansion of an off street parking use of two vacant residential lots west of the subject property in association with PCMH. With respect-to the use-of the residential lots west of the subject property for-off street parking in association with the PCMH.use,that use is not permitted. Residentially zoned properties may not be used foroff street-.parking for commercial activities. A pre existing use of several parking spaces along the 8/9 alley at.the rear of 11'8 E. 8th Street existed for many years in association with a previous building.supply use at that location. That use has recently been improved and has been considerably expanded which is not permissible. Staff has notified the property owner, Mrs. Nancy German, that the use must cease as it is an illegal use of Conditional Use Permit- CUP H-05 PCMH Pare 3 January 11,2012 residentially zoned property. Staff has notified the applicants that a parking lot is not permissible in any residential zone within the City and is not a consideration of this application. Other matters of concern raised by neighbors are not land use matters that the. City can address. Some of the concerns are those that the property owner (PCMH in this case) and neighbors must address between themselves that involve courtesy and responsibility. Some are perceptions that carmot legally be considered when making decisions regarding housing. The only issue under consideration in this conditional use permit application that can be addressed by the Port Angeles Municipal Code is whether a group home can be conducted at the subject location. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) is a con-miunity mental health agency licensed by the Division of Mental Health of the State Department of Health for supervised residential programs. The agency is governed by an eleven-member Board of Directors and includes a multi-disciplinary staff of professionals comprised of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners (ARNPs) and nurses, psychiatric social workers, licensed mental health professionals, clinical case managers, and chemical dependency professionals. PCMH owns the subject property and is applying to establish a 3 person group home in the structure that will be supervised by nearby PCMH staff. PCMH has applied for a second group home use in the subject neighborhood two lots west of the subject site. The site is across an alley from the main PCMH office located at 118 East 8°i Street. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies land use and social policies guide planning decisions that enable diversity while retaining a sense of security and place in individual neighborhoods. The overall good of the community and its citizens is the primary goal of the City's planning efforts. The goals, policies, and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan are used as the basis for development within the City. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety in consideration of this proposal. Citations found to be most appropriate to the subject proposal are listed in Attachment "B" to this staff report. The Zoning Ordinance provides the tools that enable the goals, policies, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Each zone within the City includes a definition of its specific purpose in furthering the goals of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Activities that are expected in each zone are listed as well as conditional uses that are permitted Nvith conditions attached to ensure that such uses do not conflict with the purpose and intent of the. zone. Conditions are often attached to conditional use permits to ensure consistency with state laws. The subject site is located in the City's RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. The purpose and intent of the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone (Section 17.10.010 PAMC) is:"... a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses,few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally... " Conditional Use Permit-CUP l l-05 PCMH Page 4 January 11,2012 A "family" is defined in Section 17.08.035 (A) PAMC as "... one person or hvo or more legally related persons living together, or not more than six unrelated persons living together as a single., nonprofit, housekeeping unit;provided that there shall not be more than four unrelated persons living together 101ith legally related persons as a single, nonprofit, housekeeping unit. " A "conditional use permit" is defined in Section 17.08.020(G) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as "... a limited permission to locate a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary,to the public interest" and further states in (H) of the same section that "Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. " A "group home" is permitted under Section 17.08.020(G) PAMC as a conditional use in the RS-7 zone. Group homes are defined as: "... anon-independent, non-family, housekeeping unit in which the residents are assisted by an outside agency or organization. Some examples of group homes include state licensed homes for the handicapped and physically disabled, homes for the mentally ill, homes for those ivith developmental disabilities, except that group homes do not include adult family homes, supported living arrangements, or residential care facilities. They also include state licensed group homes for residential centers,/or rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs, and transitional housing_for victims of domestic violence. " The proposed activity fits within the PAMC definition of a group home. The expectation in supported housing is to provide an independent living setting with minimal support that will allow each resident to transition to housing that is independent of the mental health center over time. This practice has evolved from an effort to deinstitutionalize people with mental illness and is overseen by the Departments of Health and Social and Health Services. Staff was informed by a Regional Services Network (the PCMH oversight funding management service) employee for this area that consumers of PCMH services are largely people who live here and are not from other counties. Residents are responsible for daily life management activities in group home living situations. Occupants will not need resident supervision due to the close proximity of the PCMH center across the alley. PCMH staff will visit the house twice daily (day and evening) and once a day on weekdays with 24/7 crisis staff available if needed. As a conditionally permissible activity in the RS-7 zone, it is important to focus on conditions that would ensure neighborhood outreach in the event of unresolved issues, establish operational characteristics, and provide structure for the living activity. PCMH'.s policy on supportive residential,,placement;(Attachment D) identifies the screening criteria for individuals. . who,could reside in,the residence. Residency is based on a required level.of.competence, independence,.and lack of•criminal'history. Residents who do not meet PCMH screening criteria will not reside in the home: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 5 January 11,2012 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) RE MEW: A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed action on January 6. 201'), per WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Attachments: A. Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions B. Comprehensive Plan Citations C Written public comment letters D. Application Conditional Use Permit-CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 6 January 11,2012 ATTACHMENT "A" RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS The P1amang Division recommends the Platming Commission appro>>e Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-05 based on the following 3 conditions, 20 findings and 7 conclusions in support of the action: Conditions: 1. The conditional use permit for Peninsula Community Mental Health to operate a maximum 2-person group home use at 123 East 9"' Street per application identified as Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-05 dated received on November 18, 2011. Any change in the operation of the residence from that described in the staff report and application materials will require prior review by the Planning Commission or the approval shall be deemed invalidated. 2. PCMH will carefully screen clients pursuant to established procedure as presented in the application materials. 3. The residence will continue to be maintained in a manner such that it complements other residences in the neighborhood in appearance and character and shall be maintained in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code. Two required off street residential parking spaces will remain available for the residence at the rear of the site. Site activities will be residential in nature. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-05 dated January 11, 2012, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation. and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. On November 18, 2011, Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) applied to the City of Port Angeles Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) for a conditional use permit to allow a group home to be located at 123 East 9th Street in the City's RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. 2. Supported housing provides an independent living setting with minimal support that allows residents to transition to a more independent housing situation separate_from a health care center over time. This practice is an effort to deinstitutionalize those persons with mental illness who are able to live more independently with little support service needed. Supportive residential use is overseen by the Departments of Health and Social and Health Services. 3. 1Group homes and hospices are identified as conditional uses in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone per Section 17.10:040(1) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). Section 17.10;040(R)PAMC allows for""other uses compatible with_the.intent of thisiChapter" to be consideredas conditional uses when not specifically defined. 4. A conditional use is defined inSection 17.08.020(H) PAMC as "a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. Conditional Use Permit- CUP 11-05 PCMH Pale 7 January 11,2012 5. A conditional use permit is defined in Section 17.08.020(G) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as "... a limited permission to locate a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to nodi&the controls stipulated b>> these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to .surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest" and fin•ther states in (H) of'the same section "Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses- in the same zone. " 6. A croup home is defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code_ as "... a non-independent, non-family, housekeeping unit in which the residents are assisted by an outside agency or organization. Some examples of group homes include state licensed homes•.for the handicapped and physically,disabled, homes,for the mentally ill, homes,for those with developmental disabilities, except that group homes do not include adult,family homes, Shp/907-ted living arrangements or residential care facilities. They also include state licensed group Tnomes for residential centers for rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs, and transitional housin,.for victims of domestic violence. " 7. Section 17.10.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code describes the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone as a "...10111 densit7) residential zone intended to create and preserve Urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on standard TOYVnsite sized lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. " 8. Section 17.96.00 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code provides that "The Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits for uses specified in the applicable Charpter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Connna.ission mcry grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of ill zone in which the use is located, are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. Ibn each application the Planning Commission may, impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring properly. " Such review identifies emergency service needs of a particular use and identifies particular characteristics of individual neighborhoods. 9. Section 17.96.070(A) PANIC reads "Hearing and Appeal of Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit Applications. Notice and Hearing for Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits. Upon filing an application for a conditional or unclassified use permit in which-the application sets forth fully the grounds for, and the facts deemed to justify, the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall give public notice, as provided in PAMC 17.96.140, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit." The Planning Commission's action is final unless appealed to the City Council within 14 days of a decision. 10. The site is situated in the City's Central Planning Area and is served by all municipal and emergency services. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 8 January 11;2012 11. The subject neighborhood is nearly built out with the exception of the two residentially zoned lots immediately east of the subject site. Jefferson Elementary School is located three blocks south of the site. The site is accessed from Lincoln Street east of the site, from 9"' Street via Laurel or Lincoln Streets, and from the 8/9 Street alley. The City's main fire hall is located four blocks immediately north of the site with other commercial and goveriunental uses along 8"' and Lincoln Streets north of the site. Property south of the location is single family residential. 12. The property is owned by Nancy German, who signed the application as being aware of the proposal. The two bedroom residential structure exists on a single Townsite lot and provides two off street residential parking spaces at the rear of the site as is required by the City's Parking Ordinance. The exterior of the two bedroom residential structure has been considerably upgraded over the past year. 13. Residents of the home will live in a transitional living situation moving toward a more independent living environment. Residents will have been diagnosed with mental illness such that they are in need of some assistance in their daily lives that will be provided by PCMH staff. Residents are able to manage their finances, purchase and prepare food, and perform housekeeping chores and some residence maintenance activities. PCMH staff will visit the residence twice daily 5 days per week and once a day on weekends to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, budgeting, transportation, health support, and vocational plans. The group living situation is intended to provide a residence for individuals who are able to live capably with minimal responsible supervision. 14. The application provides criteria by which placement will be provided. Residents will be screened prior to placement in the residence. Screening criteria includes a criminal background check and an assessment of the level of independent function of potential residents. Application information indicates that consumers who occupy this type of group residence do not need 24- hour care but benefit from supervision. Applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be placed in the residence 15. The Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA) requires that licensing requirements shall not violate the rights of individuals to reasonable accommodations in zoning practices. Conditional use permits may not discriminate against the handicapped but shall protect their safety as well as the safety of the community in general. 16. Peninsula Conununity Mental Health operates under oversight by the Departments of Health (DOH) and Social and Health Services (DSHS). 17. The Federal Housing Authority Act (FHAA) limits municipal zoning authority in an effort to avoid stereotyping to achieve community integration. The common FHAA policy is to distribute group homes throughout a community where residents are able to live in mainstream residential neighborhoods rather than in a cluster of group homes segregated from the rest of the community. Local zoning regulations maintain final authority over locational siting but regulations must be administered similarly to any group occupancy. This application is being considered jointly with a second such application for a group home on property within the.same neighborhood but not immediately adjacent to the subject lot. Conditional Use Permit -CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 9 January 11, 3012 18. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was reviewed it in its entirety in analysis of this application. The goals, policies, and objectives listed in Attaclunent B to this staff report were found to be the most applicable to the proposed use. 19. Public notification was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and posted on the property on December 16, 2011. Notification appeared in the Peninsula Daily Neivs on December 20, 2011, with written comment accepted until January 4, 2012. Ms. Robin Popinski and Mr. Craig Short, business owners in the immediate area, provided written comment in support of the application. Letters in opposition to the group home use were received from neighbors including,Mr. Earl Richardson, Christina Williams, Marcus Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Goudie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schi iid, Derek Goudy, and Dan Mock. All of the written comments are incorporated to this staff report as Attachment "C." 20. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed action on January 5, 2012, per. WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the Washington State Enviromtiental Policy Act (SEPA). C079C11ISiO77S: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-06 dated January 11, 2012, including all of the information in the public record file, continents, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. The proposed use meets the definition of a group home as defined in Section 17.05.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and is permissible by conditional use permit in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone under Section 17.10.040(R) PAMC. Group homes and supported living arrangements ensure that special needs individuals are afforded reasonable accommodation in their residential living situations thus empowering such individuals to live as independently with little responsible supervision. B. The conditional use permit was processed per Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Conditions are attached to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. C. Registration of group homes and supported living arrangements protects residents and identifies the homes for responders in the event of emergency and general aid calls. Siting review of group homes and supported living arrangements ensures that the uses will integrate well into residential neighborhoods while providing reasonable accommodation to all groups of people. D. As conditioned, the residence will be maintained in a manner consistent with other neighborhood properties and will therefore ensure the retention of neighborhood property values in the single family neighborhood. E. The group home will be supported by PCMH professionals and staff ensuring that the special needs population will be supported in basic living skills including site maintenance. PCMH staff supervision will ensure a quick response to any issue that may arise within the Conditional Use Permit- CUP 11-0i PCMH Page 10 January H,2012 residence thereby reducing the need for outside assistance from the City's emergency services personnel. F. As conditioned, the residence will be operated in accordance with the operational plan and established policies of the PCMH agency that is overseen by a large group of professional health care providers. G. As conditioned, the use is in compliance with goals, policies, and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A and Policy A.l.d; Land Use Element Land Use Map, Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A, and Policy A.2; Residential Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal B, and Policy B.1, and Goal C and Policy C.1; Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and B, and Policy B.2; Housing Element Goal A. and Zoning Ordinance. Conditional Use Permit- CUP 11-05 PCMH Pate I I January 11,20'13 ATTACHMENT B COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS.POLICIES. AND OBJECTIVES GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Goal A. To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. LAND USE ELEMENT LAND USE MAP, GOALS, POLICIES, and OBJECTI17ES Goal A. To guide current and future development within the City in a mariner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. Policy A.2. All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. RESIDENTIAL GOALS, POLICIES, AND OBJECTIVES Goal B To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the enviromlient, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. -Policy B.1 Urban services should be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy. Goal C To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment, and enjoyment; that are attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests. Policy CA Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities, which may be augmented, by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, daycare and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT Goal A To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance.the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests and to achieve the desired urban design of the City. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 12 January 11,2012 Police A.3 Social services providing home care should be located in residential neighborhoods in a manner that maintains the character of the immediate neighborhood. Goal B To support services and facilities through different levels of participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies. Policy B.2 The City should participate as a "financial partner" to support essential programs and services including: • Youth recreation programs and facilities • Library facilities • Senior programs • Low and moderate income housing programs • Facilities for senior programs • Utility assistance for low income households and • Social and public health se7-Vices HOUSING ELEMENT Goal A. To improve the variety, quality, availability, and attainability of housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles. Conditional Use Permit -CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 13 January 11,2012 ATTACHMENT "C" WRITTEN COMMENT LETTERS h January 5, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: As the owner of the building on the corner of 8"' and Lincoln, I realize how critical parking in that area has become, especially during the busier times of the year, when the UPS store relies on available parking for their customers. During the Christmas season, Peninsula Community Health graciously supported us by asking their people to park in their parking lot, as well as the parking area to the south across the alley. We appreciate their cooperation so much, and support the continuation of having that extra parking available to them. Therefore, we support their effort to retain that parking area for their continued Use. Thank you.. Sincerely, ------------ Craig M. Short Owner/the UPS building 460-1730 R OV January 4, 2012 JAN 4 j � i ClTv t1F POR L Bu � �LD�IC�_C:I'vtil7i j To. Nathan West, Planning Director City of Port Angeles 3"1 Fast 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98352 PSE: Peninsula Community Mental Health's CUP request for 113 E.9th street and 123 E. 9th Street Mr. West, 1 believe the City of Port Angeles has violated my Fourteenth Amendment rights and will further violate said rights by granting a Conditional Use Permit to Peninsula Community Mental Health. I further believe the City of Port Angeles has violated state ethics laws and will further violate said laws by granting a Conditional Use Permit to Peninsula Community Mental Health. In regards to Fourteenth Amendment violations, the City of Port Angeles (hereby referred to as "City") has not afforded me equal protection by law specifically related to property. The City continues to make erroneous decisions without proper investigation that directly relate to infringement on my property use and value without concern or regard to its` own ordinances and regulations. I cite specific to this claim the commercial parking use by Peninsula Community Mental Health staff and clients as demonstrated and documented by concerned 9th and Laurel Street residents at the December 8th, 2010 city council meeting regarding the renting of a Peninsula Community Mental Health building to the Eagles club. The commercial use of said property south of the alley between 8th and 9th streets and Lincoln and Laurel streets is a clear commercial use in a residetially zoned (RS-7) area yet even though the City is aware of this nothing has been done. To further substantiate my claims, in a conversation with Sue Roberds, Planning Department, she admitted to me this was a clear violation but one that she was not aware of until just recently. Please review the December 8th, 2010 Eagles minutes for verification. Several attendees can or are willing to confirm this was brought up. This leads me to secondary subject matter discussed with Sue Roberds while picking up my copies of the Conditional Use'Permits filed by Peninsula Community Mental Health. She stated to me that she saw no violations that precluded Peninsula Community Mental Health from being granted the Conditional Use Permits they filed but certainly if we had concerns to bring them to her attention. Within the body of the Conditional Use Permits, Peter O. Casey, Peninsula Community Mental Health Executive Director attempts to establish legal parking by precident. Specifically on his cover page, he states in part, "PCMHC rents both the horse and the rear north lots for parking, which is used by clients and staff." On page 8 of the City Of Port Angeles Environmental Checklist# 14 C., Mr. Casey states, "There are approximately 6-7 parking spaces on the street adjacent to the property; no spaces would be eliminated. There is also 2 parking spaces in the yard at 113 E. 9th and approximately 24 on the back of the German property, which PCIAHC rents for clients and staff use." Again, that property is clearly residentially zoned (RS-7) and puts Peninsula Community IViental Health in violation of the City's own ordinances, rules and zoning regulations. To partially conclude my point of no equal protection by law specifically related to property under my 14th Amendment rights, the City has done nothing about this violation having heard both verbally and in writing of said violation. As a matter of record, I consider the City's ignorance of their own ordinaces, rules and zoning violations to be blatant at this juncture. This is a year old issue. Under#14 G. of the same document, Mr. Casey states, "If the CUP does not allow for continued parking on German north lots, parking on surrounding streets would increase rather than be reduced." This means one of two things or both. If the CUP is approved, it violates the RS-7 residential zoning by continued commercial use parking related to the commercial use and zoning of Peninsula Community Mental Health and that the City would be in known violation or that parking on surrounding streets would increase by Mr. Casey's own admission thereby inflicting our residentially zoned neighborhood with commercial use parking. In either case, there is enough concern and/or violation for the Conditional Use Permit to be denied and the neighborhood's 14th Amendment rights ( specifically mine) to be protected and restored. In regards to state ethics laws being violated, I request the City to investigate any and all non city or business relationships between Sue Roberds and Fancy German and or family. Word in our neighborhood is that they spent personal time together celebrating the Christmas holidays and that they are personal friends. As you know Peninsula Community IViental: Health rents a house from Nancy German. 1 don't believe I have to spell out the conflict of interest or potential ethics violations here. I am certain that the City falls under the same ethics laws as provided by RCW 42.52 or it's own close facsimile. We have also experienced nuisance intrusions like the attempt of Peninsula Community Mental Health clients bumming cigarettes and money along with them knocking at our doors stating that if we didn't approve of them living in our neighborhood thay would have no where to live. A parking demonstration (I believe orchestrated by Mr. Casey) plugged 9th street when the illegal parking just south of the alley was emptied. We have documentation to prove this claim. I have one last question---Is the City receiving any local, county, state of federal grants related in any way to Peninsula Community Mental Health? In conclusion, please address the concerns that I have as a residential property owner. I trust that you will also respond to the zoning violations that I have cited and to the requests of public dislclosure related to the conflict of interest and grant monies I have inquired about. Thank you. Sincerely, r) Earl R. Richardson 819 S. Laurel St. Port Angeles, WA 48362 cc: Personal File, Legal Representation IREC Jan 3, 2012 ?ur? Christina Williams orri ��UORi�NGELEs Bur DICV�DNISION t 1 11 East 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles Planning Commission c/o City Planning Dept. Port: Angeles, IWA 98362 Pie: Ponl'nsula Mental Health's CUP requests for 113 and 123 9t1' St. I live on residentially-zoned 9th Street, across the alley from Peninsula Mental Health's commercially-zoned 8th Street headquarters. 1 owned my home for several years when PMH bought the house next door, at 1 13 E. 9th St, and began operating it as a "client residence."I object to the pernutting of both of its 9"' Street houses for these reasons: The house next door has been used as anon-permitted "client residence" for years, and does not contribute to the stability of a neighborhood that is already at risk due to crime, foreclosure and a decaying infrastructure. The proximity of this house to my property has resulted in multiple issues regarding clients and property usage. Historically, PMHs responsiveness to the needs ofthe surroundmgresidential neighborhood is unreliable. Pl-viH ivants to permit the house next door to me, areal the residence at 123 9th St. These properties comprise two of f ve client residences operated by PJAH, but:they are currently used for other purposes as well. The house at 113 E. 9th St. has a garage addition that. serves as a smoking area near the alley. Smoking near Mental Health's 8th St. entrance is prohibited, so smokers congregate at the residentially-zoned client residence. The smoke is often a nuisance, and the environmental impact shows hypocritical disregard for 9t" St. PMH rents its 123 East 9t" Street property, which includes two vacant:residentially-zoned Tots. In 2010, without prior notification to the neighborhood, the northern section of both lots were compacted and covered with rock, for use as PMH's commercial parking. These combined properties constitute four out of five contiguous residentially-zoned lots on the north side of the E. 100 block of 9`h Street. This commercially-purposed monopoly constitutes encroachment that benefits Mental Health, its clients, and the landlord from whom it rents the property. Surrounding homeowner/residents are stakeholders in this neighborhood'. Despite our vocal objections, this encroaching usage continues. The traffic to and from the residentially-zoned commercial parking lot affects the alley lle that serves as sole ingress/egress. Sue Roberds in (December of 2011) J Y verbally confirmed that there is no variance for the residential lots that currently serve as commercial parking. But that use, and its impact on the neighborhood is ongoing. Our small; historically residential neighborhood recognizes the value of Mental Health's services to the region; but since their purchase of the 9t" Streett property years ago, we have often been inadequately informed of their plans until a crisis develops or a permit request is submitted. 'Why must our small, residentially-zoned neighborhood suffer so much impact from the commercial operations of an agency that serves such a Large region? There are surely alternative solutions that.are more equitable. As stakeholders, we have been often overlooked in decisions that disproportionatel37 impact us. 1 implore the Planning Commission to ensure a future in which all stakeholders are fairly treated. Sincerely, Christina Williams R E V E D ' J amiar y3, 2012 JA N 0 From: 20L - --------------------- --------------j T -�l C1,YOF PORT ANGELES BUILDING D1\/)Sj,:)r\i" L,/'-A 71 To: Ms. Sue Roberds Planning DI-pl. In City of Port Angeles 321 East 5" Street Port-Angeles. WA 98362 Angeles. Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request fOr 1, 11-1 E. 9" Street and 123 E. 9"' Street Dear Ms. Roberds: I am a longterm resident/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9"' Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. 'While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, I object to the permitting of these two residences or, 9"' Street, based on the following reasons: Sincerely, R WE 81 JAN 0 4 2012. January 3, 2012 r — CIT OF PORT ANGEL ; BUILDING DIVISION, Prom: Mr. and Mrs. .Denny Goodie 126 E 9ti, St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Ms. Sue Roberds Planning Dept. City of Port Angeles 321 East �t'' St. Pont Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request fo>i- 113 E 9"' St and 1.23 L+ 91I' St Dear MS. Roberds: I and a loiag term resident/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9t'' Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health (PMH) has requested pern>jts. While I Understand the deed for Mental Health's services in the large conln1unity, I object to the permitting of these two residences on 9`h Street, based on the following reasons: 1 . My children's safety. While playing in the front yard of our house my lads are being watched by PMH's patients. I don't know what type of medical condition the patients have toward my family and my home safety. My kids can't play in the front yard anymore. PMH representative stated that they are- monitoring these houses and patients who live there, but I don't believe that. An elderly lady who used to live in 123 E 9`I' died in the house and was laying there for a few days! If they monitor the patients all the time how could that happen? 2. .Another lady, the patient of P1 H, came to my house and told nye \Vhen ny kids were born. It vvas my actual bid's birthdays. How would she know that i�»format�ion without n-iaybe breaking into my house? �. None of my neighbors are happyabout it. I don't feel safe allynore. I thought about it: a lot, but 1 couldn't find one little reason to agree with PMH request. PMH representatives chose to have that job so they think about it 40 hours a week and get paid for it. I live in that block and no�NI 1 ha\/e to ���orry about my family and neighbors safety 24/7. 4. 1 don't think its right to hake so many families with kids unhappy. They need to find a different solution. Or maybe they can cone up With a better idea so we can all agree, and, finely, be happy again. -;7 v January 3, 2012 JAN 04 2?Ti2 From: Mr and Mrs. Dan Schmid 114 East 9th Street Cl, OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Planning Dept. City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Ike: peninsula IVlEenntal Health's CUP request for 113 E. 9th Street and 123 E. 9th Street Dear Planning Commission: We are lifelong residents/stakeholders living in the neighborhood of the two 9th Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. )AIhile I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, 1 ot?ject to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street, based on the following reasons: 1) We have lived at 114 E. 9t" St. for 20 _years. Our home is our investment and this proposal puts the value of our home in jeopardy—both financially and emotionally. 2) The Peninsula Mental Health has demonstrated that it is interested in its own mission statement, however, and whatever that may cost the residents of 91h Street. 3) The zoning for this block of 9th St. —from the alley between 8"' and 9'' Street and south up to Lauridsen Boulevard, was decided years ago, after a year long struggle—for this neighborhood to retain and protect its historical and residential character. 4) 1 have served the neighborhood children for the past 30 years by teaching both at Queen of Angels and Jefferson Schools. It is my choice when and where to serve after contract hours and I do not want this choice dictated to me by the patients/clients of Peninsula Mental Health. 5) Peninsula Mental Health has encroached onto our block of 9th Street without permits for the past several years. Whereas there have been no other encroachments on the entire length of 9th Street. Will this not be a precedent set for any other agency or business to enter neighborhoods of our city? 6) In reviewing the application of Peninsula Mental Health—How does a 30 car— improved—but not approved parking lot become allowable as part of a conditional use permit for a single family dwelling? Also in reviewing the application under environmental factors it is stated that there is no slope to Inc property- there is a large hill that slopes directly into the improved but not approved lot. We wonder what other inconsistencies can be found in the application? 7) Vile have long maintained that the large, over sized building; (currently housing Mental Health) is zoned for use on 8"' Street–and was there when we bought this house. We, do not have a problem with the activity and use within the zoning area. We do not want our neighborhood commercialized or changed by any agency or business, zoned on 8"' Street and encroaching on 9"'. There are a multitude of buildings and parking lots throughout the city that could be used as pari of Peninsula Mental Health—this Street however, is our home. Please consider these points while preparing to matte a decision on this established neighborhood. Sincerely, (~ ` N Theresa Schmid and Dan Schmid R7 E E V E D, January 3, 2012JA t' 4 201z' From: DL-1-1 CI-I 6.7)t,j p rITY O-POR TANGLE77` 01 n BUILDING DTVI-2 Fle,e, To: Ms. Sue Roberds Planning Dept. City oj-'Port Angeles 321 East 5tI' Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for 113 E. 9t" Street and 123 E. 9t" Street Dear Ms. Roberds: -dent/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9t" I am a longterm res] Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, I ob�ject to the permitting of these two residences on 9t" Street, based on the following reasons: Sincerely, i CiTi AN- BUILDING DIIiISiOt`iES G January 3, 2012 From: Heather Buckmaster & Dan Mock 118 East 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Port Angeles Planning Commission c/o Port Angeles City Planning Dept. Port Angeles City Hall Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for 113 East 9th Street and 123 East 9th Street Dear Planning Commission: We are long-term resident/stakeholders living the surrounding neighborhood of the two 9th Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. We understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, but we object to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street based on the following reasons- 1. easons:1. We don't believe it is consistent with the "residential" zoning of the lots in question. 2. We don't believe that the current residents of the houses are monitored very well. Here are two examples of this lack of supervision: a. One resident last year was smoking marijuana on the front porch at all hours of the day and night. b. One resident frequently observed walking/pacing and talking very loudly to themselves for long periods of time. 3. There are also many non-resident patients that frequent these houses. 4. It feels as if this neighborhood is bearing the full burnt of the Peninsula Mental Health's planned expansion. Sincerely, Heather Buckmaster ia n Mock Olympic Iyengar Yoga 710 South Lincoln Port Angeles, "IA. 98362 ++ r 360,452,-")'01-2 f`' �, ; + Deo?-of Communiiv—eve � t My business is right across the street from PCI�7HC as a fellow ne blrbz�r;1--arr�-piWalfthat our community supports all individuals, but especially the people w7ho have mental health conditions. No one family is immune from any of the many diagnosis that can affect you and change the course of your life, from depression to anxiety to other diagnoses, someone you know is struggling to manage on their own. The PCMHC supports and allows people to led a productive and separate life as all of us would want for ourselves and family. Robin Popinski PS, again I am proud the Clallium County takes care of all citizens. /7 a Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-0� PCNIIi Pa�e ]4 January 11 2012 ATTACHMENT "D" APPLICATION Peninsti ,, �T11I.�21 X71 ,ele , N/A 0 Pil. (300) 457-0213)1 Fax ('360) 257-N93 Mental He info@pcmhc.c)rc7 - v\,v,,vv.pcM�,L01- mer 5) Eru F! : 5 2011 i D�CITY 0 F p 0 R G E L ES -Di.of communiiv DLdevej1opnten1 Sue Robcrds PlanninL,Manager 21 E. 5"' St. Pon -A-I-IL)cjes, 'WA 9836-2 ,Subject.- 1.13 and I,), E. qtb Street SjnL-je Fami)v Homes Dear Sale.: i-J'alth C (PC�4.HQ subilill u-L, T.Nvc) Conditional P"-ninsLiki Ccx1_1111IL111.11), Center �, and - ) Use Permit applications for Transitional Livnig Houises that We operate at j I East 9'hSpoll �,jjoej-s, WA 9F,36?. Transitional Living, HOUSCS are used W JDFOV'de aff'orclabic, s-Ltpp I (,)]-I: Ve hOUSITIL to dl.sablcd, ill Fesidenis, l ?CJ\4HC owns the house at 11 13 East 9"' S ... 211d -NLMcY 0��,rivai.� owns the one aI East Oth lots. PC�41-C r1,111S J)otjl, the 110LISe and the Fear " St., along �vlth the acc I - .1 rents 1101-th lots for parj-I13-1w]1Ch IS used ))' Clients and staff. Thanks for consideration 01four CUP applications.. Sincerely, G Peter 0. Casey, LICSW Executive Director COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 490 North Fifth Avenue Sequim,WA 98382 Ph.(360)681-0585 Fax(360)681-2808 -ff ik �'Ci t V. no" Appl. 4' APPIACALNIT/OM NER INFORMATION, Dtc')t.o,,omnunity DeveloPm2n, Applicant: A- Address: 7-- C(t 3 r. 4, - ApI)licaill'S representative(i f0thelthan applica C) Address: , 'S c C- o v Daytime phone',`: o '_ P_ pj_OPej-tN/O\vjjej- f otilel-tlian applicant): '_^' GES,r"\'- T-N Address: -t N Daytime phone#: 21 PROPERTY INFORKATION: Streetadclress: ZOIIIIIL': Comprehensive Plan designation: Property dimensions: pj-()pej-ty al-ca (total square feet:): Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat sloped;vacant,developed;etc.): -5 PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: Please describe the proposed ColiCiltiolial Use: 47 G C, ci qL d !Tours of o)e anon: a � t� Number of employees: t ' Number of on-site parking spaces: a`� Building area (total square feet of floor area for the, proposed activity): SIGNATURES: Applicant: I certifi%that all ofthe above szaierrrerns are trace and eornplete to the best ofiny icnolvlecge chid ackI701,14ecLge that I'vilf ll misrepresentation of inforrnctiion Trill terminate/.hispernait application. I hove read this application in IIS eniiretp and undersicnid that my a.tba��ittal will be reviewed jor completeness. Iffound to be complete the CI liccaion ivill be schedatled for the next cn)ctilable Planning Conm7ISSlOn tneetit��. Ifnoi complete, when re yuesied it7167-ancaion has been received the application ii,ill be scheclr.rled for the nexi cnVailable meeting. Sicmature Date ` — s a ° 4 Owner (if other-than applicant): I cim the oivneerf the svhj(y propetlt.v identified herein and approve of tris application. Si�natur Date For Staff Use Only: Permit No. Appl. complete Add. Info requested Peninsula Corrmmunniry Mental Health Center (r'C]\41=IC) is applying ior conditional use permits for our house at 113 East 9u, St., and :for Nancy German's house at 123 East 9°i St, wl ich we rent. Currently, three adults reside at 113 East 9"St Although there is capacity for two adults to reside at 123 East 9"' St:., it_is currently vacant. Doth residences operate as modflied group home for adult tenants v,\7110 are disabled and have diagnoses of Mental Illness. They have either limited or no contact with their families few social supports and subsist on low, fixed, monthly incomes typically ranging from 5339.00 to $637.00. In a state licensed group home; staff are required to be on the premises of the house on a 24/7 basis because the residents are incapable of much self-reliance. Although the 9"' St house residents benefit frons structure and need some assistance with community integration and their activities of daily living, they function in healthy; constructive ways with considerable independence. With periodic assistance,they manage their finances. tale medication on their own, purchase and prepare the food they eat. wash their clothes, and clean their living space. The main goal of our houses is to provide a comfortable and supportive living setting that will allow each resident to strengthen their self-sufficiency skills so that in time they can transition to more independent housing, as well as qualify or re-qualify for subsidized housing. Wework to raise the quality of'life :for each resident and empower them to live as capably as possible in our community. To ensure the safety and well-being of tenants, l'CN4HC. Designated Mental Health Professionals are available 24/7 to our residents for emergency support and crisis response. Our Residential Case Manager and Peer Support Specialists visit the house 7 days per �veel� to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time mEmag'ement, problem solving, budgeting finances_, transportation arranoeirient, health support service follow- through, self advocacy and vocational plans. Within the past year,the outside of both residences have been renovated, as well as part of the inside, so that it is more appealing for our residents and its in more easib, with the upkeep and quality of homes of our neighbors. Also,members of our staff and Board of Directors nnet with 9"' St. neighbors on February 1; and November I of this year to relationship-build and address concerns between our tenants and neighbors. PENINSULA -OMf UNITY MENTAL HEALTH ER POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUALS Subject, Residential Policy No: 1 Page: 1 of 2 Title: Supportive Effective Date: Revised Gate: Housing Admission August .2 2010 Guidelines Approved by. G Executive Director Authority: PURPOSE: To provide admission criteria for Peninsula Community Mental Health Center's (PCMHC) Supportive Housing Program. POLICY: PCMHC clients will be screened prior to placement in Supportive Housing to ensure they are appropriate for that level of residential living and supervison. This screening may include a criminal background check for violence, the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale as well as an assessment of their instrumental activities of daily living skills. DEFINITIONS. Community Supportive ,-lousing - PCMHC owned or rented community based housing which provides residential opportunities for clients of the agency to live in a setting with minimal supervision to promote independence and community integration. Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) - Is a numeric scale (0- 100) to subjectively rate the social, occupational, and psychological functioning of adults. Instrumental Activities of Daily (Living Skills (ADLs) - Hygiene and health-related skills (eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, housework managing medications)beneficial for fundamental functioning, that enable an individual to live independently in a community. Crime of Violence as defined in RCW 9.41.010: a) Any of the following felonies, as now existing or hereafter amended: Any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or an attempt to commit a class A felony, criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit a class A felony, manslaughter in the first degree, manslaughter in the second degree, indecent liberties if committed by forcible compulsion, kidnapping in the second degree, arson in the second degree, assault in. the second degree, assault of a child in the second degree, extortion in the first degree, burglary Page I Policy anal Procedure/Policy Title n the second degree,, , esidential b!irglary' and robbery I. . -, ie second degree. b) Any conviction for a felony offense In effect at any time prior to June 6, 1996, which is comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence in (a) of this subsection; and (c) Any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence under (a) or (b) or this subsection. PROCEDURE- 1. Individuals considered for Supportive Housing will be screened to ensure they meet the criteria and functioning level to live with considerable independence and minimal assistance and monitoring. 2. The PCMHC Residential Services Supervisor .will have the discretion to request a criminal background check on any individual being screened for PCMHC Supportive Housing services. The fee for this background check will be paid by the applicant Supportive Housing services will not be provided prior to its receipt and review by the Residential Services Supervisor. 3. If the criminal background check does not reveal any pending charges or convictions for any crimes of violence as defined above, the _individual will be considered for Supportive Housing services and the screening process will proceed. 4. If the criminal background check reveals a conviction or pending charges for a crime of violence as defined above, the individual may be denied Supportive Housing services. The Executive Director, after consultation with the Residential Services Supervisor and Clinical Director, may approve housing services if there are extenuating circumstances. 5. If at any time an existing resident of PCMHC Supportive Housing services is arrested and charged with a crime of violence as defined above, continuation of their Supportive Housing services is at the discretion of the Executive Director. 6. Once approved for supportive housing, the individual will be advised of the housing rules and conditions of continued residency by the Residential Services Supervisor. 7. The .individual's ability to remain in this setting will be monitored and assessed by the Residential Counselor on a daily basis and Community Support Services staff a minimum of once a week, or as determined by the Community Support Services Supervisor., 8. If the individual violates any of the housing rules or conditions of continued residency the Residential Services Supervisor has the authority to terminate their Supportive Housing and place them ina more restricted and supervised setting. Page 2 . Policy and Procedure/Policy Title z 12 � 11 10$ • ais 111 is r /f r. 121 710 r. * e 772 p zo T i l 2 817 i!`I 136 134- 1 as . 1r, d T a s j kt 1 F 106 v - . .110 X / 114 < .I 807 t `1�`y '• `�1 _ f s�2 r i' � r } '12G log 15 �V � ry2j7\ '107 12 is r 2 J\ 111 13 �� 134 123 r4 F 1 a 108 ' wy\ a 16 1.17 /{" � � y �kf5 irk :''y*1 / �'\.. �• _ F ,. 119 17y f r rr �, �•� > � ` 1 121 r, 117 s A.' ; # 710 prt .105 . 7 19 fi• 74, ^b'l . � f t �'�- \ 119 t4 1 205 114 ' , e.. a: f €, 112 4 3 a .4� u. Gj�' 819 � '"'c��. �;f. � �` r s r •' ,: `` '` !:'t 106 34' ,� �`' Rt�n�'S .j: r .". �'`$-a. � �Y r '`1 -� s�k'•u `'�3..t } b�U'• 1 3 ..: 1di t. r. �� ar�"=i '„� � /��`'1"a �•.,,`. r��`t,,,.�"'l,e y 124 p° ✓' � r�� - ':� •4 u'. k4` i; I.. w ';��a Y.,;; ` - yip/#� * '��° G R p ///'R„ • ;:.r • t4 106 110 123 807 ,� ,. S 4�9"gr• r ,r,' � C4 ��1 W f 51 7 . H /1y :i ° 94 105 $ ��'y� "�' • ti f `�" % - \' H191 122 ice. yca'. ti r \ k 1 easp�n a � 1?_6 t`" kj r �,'11 :,. ' - � \`•, t l` 101 k c 1+ E.. ; T !\ i ✓�, \ MOP 130 207 209 � �� ,, � _r� .:� � �' �'. . �.•� r' �. • ���\ jF,, / �,- :.. . t � ,A;�� ..•," - 215 11 ink ,titir� s �� l909 / r 217 ti 119 'L \• '4 : 3 •bye �f \ �\\� s � ��, � 901 0 6 \ h `N 206 �` 4 e ;t :'' + Sr 1 . 916 fi r 'f 2 712 111444 �` 10 "'r�r ckaara. 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Value 1 1112 1112 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 $168,750 $0 Roll Value History Year Improvements Land Market Current Use Total Appraised Taxable Value 2011 $39,889 $159,375 $0 $199,264 $199,264 2010 $45,207 $168,750 $0 $213,957 $213,957 2009 $45,207 $168,750 $0 $213,957 $213,957 2008 $53,185 $187,500 $0 $240,685 $240,685 2007 $53,185 $187,500 $0 $240,685 $240,685 2006 $56,405 $101,835 $0 $158,240 $158,240 2005 $42,570 $74,880 $0 $117,450 $117,450 2004 $37,015 $57,600 $0 $94,615 $94.615 2003 $30,850 $57,600 $0 $88,450 $88,450 2002 $30,850 $57,600 $0 $88,450 $88,450 2001 $30,850 $57,600 $0 $88,450 $88,450 2000 $22,365 $52,800 $0 $75,165 $75,165 1999 $22,365 $52,800 $0 $75,165 $75,165 1998 $22,365 $52,800 $0 $75,165 $75,165 Deed and Sales History Excise Deed # Deed Date Type Description Grantor Grantee Volume Page Sale Price Number Number 1 03/27/2011 EXEC EXECUTOR OF ESTATE ROBERT GERMAN JR NANCY J GERMAN $0.00 92169 2011-1265480 Payout Agreement 1 1/v')m 1 ')-(Id PNf Clallam County Assessor&Treasurer-Property Details- 58471 N... http://websrv8.clalIam.net/propertyaccess/Property.aspx?cid=0&year.!. 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First Floor 123 E. 9th St. On Lot 16) E. 9th St. r-o �, d other The sketci� Is for your aid in loc ;Your land with reference jostreets an �-�cels.While it Is believe to e correct, the Company zssumes no liability for any loss occuiring b1' reason of ielian ereon. t SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 41. rC A, So' �Loc � TOWNSITE OF PORT AN TELES TizEE"T5 AQE -70 FEET NOTE WIoE EXCEPT >=12ST, PENN , INERT r', RAGE VINE S`p--EETS., V*/HIC.N AR.E BO FEET WIDE �'' = loo' f ? 2 i r Re: 9th St. Houses d .6� 3 1, r —123 E 9TH C.jpg Re: 9th St. Houses a , k N + -v a 3a - —123 E 9TH D.1P9-- R E w►O J o� t ;o N.s ,M f Re: 9th St. Houses f - ..+rn .y 'b t —A hments: 113 E 9TH A.jpg 112 KB 113 E 9TH B.jpg 123 KB 113 E 9TH C.jpg 131 KB 113 E 9TH D.jpg 112 KB 123 E 9TH A.jpg — ------------ 234 KB 123 E 9TH B.jpg 159 KB 123 E 9TH C.jpg 156 KB 123 E 9TH D.jpg 168 KB s ®R iA NGELES W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. Community & Economic Development Department January 25, 2012 Peninsula Community Mental Health Mr. Peter Casey, Executive Director 118 E. 8`h Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Conditional Use Permits CUP 10-05 and 10-06 123 and 113 East Ninth Street Dear Mr. Casey: As you know, following a public hearing conducted on January 11, 2012, the Port Angeles Planning Commission moved to approve the above referenced conditional use permits to allow two group homes for the mentally ill and/or disabled in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone at the noted addresses. The permits were approved with the following conditions: Conditions. 1. The conditional use permit for Peninsula Community Mental Health to operate a maximum 2-person group home use at 123 East 9th Street per application identified as Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-05 dated received on November 18 2011. Any change in the operation of the residence from that described in the staff report and application materials will require prior review by the Planning Commission or the approval shall be deemed invalidated. 2. PCMH will carefully screen clients pursuant to established procedure as presented in the application materials. 3. The residence will continue to be maintained in a manner such that it complements other residences in the neighborhood in appearance and character and shall be maintained in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code. Two required off street residential parking spaces will remain available for the residence at the rear of the site. Site activities will be residential in nature. The period for appeal has passed for these two permits without an appeal being filed. If you have any questions regarding the conditions of approval,please-don't hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Sue Roberds Planning Manager Phone: 360-417-4750/ Fax: 360-417-4711 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: smartgrowth@cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O.. Box 1150 / Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Plannhig Commission Minutes January 11,2012 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT— CUP 11-05 —PENINSULA COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH— 123 E. 9t' Street: A group home for a maximum of three (3) residents in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT—CUP 11-06 —PENINSULA COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH— 113 E. 9t Street: A group home for a maximum of two (2) residents in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. Planning Manager Site Roberds reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the conditional use permits with conditions. Vice Chair Matthews reviewed the qualifying questions for Commissioners regarding Appearance of Fairness matters. All Commissioners responded that they had no Appearance of Fairness issues to report. The Chair then reviewed the quasi judicial public hearing procedures for audience members. No concerns were noted. The Vice Chair then opened the public hearings (together) and noted that, given the number of audience members who expressed an interest to testify,testimony would be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Peter Casey, Executive Director of Peninsula Community Mental Health, 242 Leprechaun Lane, Port Angeles spoke in favor of the conditional use permits that aid in providing supportive housing for disabled and mentally ill patients. Peninsula Community Mental Health(PCMH) has been providing treatment services in this community for the past 40 years and has been providing supportive housing for disabled and mentally ill citizens for 25 years. Mr. Casey indicated that residents of 113 and 123 East 9"' Street have been in residence for 6 years. Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) was not aware of the need to seek group home permits for the residencies until such a requirement was brought to their attention during a similar use was questioned at 12`x' and Oak Street. Following approval of that group home activity, PCMH has been in the process of applying to legitimize the use at the subject properties. Following the rental of a building on the PCMH property in late 2010, complaints were received from the neighborhood. In preparation to apply for a use permit for the subject properties, PCMH held two neighborhood meetings: one in March, and one in November, 2011. Over the past three years, PCMH patient census has grown from 2,000 to 3,000. This increase in services has necessitated an increase in staff from 70 to 96 which has resulted in an increase in patients visiting the facility and an increase in staff parking. The additional parking has caused neighborhood upset. For the past 18 years PCMH has used residential lots across the alley for overflow parking. It was understood that the parking could occur due to a pre existing, nonconforming use situation that had occurred with the previous ownership. In response to Commissioner Powers, Mr. Casey confirmed that staff will visit with residents twice a day on weekdays and once on weekends. Upon questioning from Mr. Casey, Commissioner Powers indicated that a condition requiring staff visitation is desirable due to the fact that background checks are not required. Planning Commission AUfinutes January 11,2012 Page 4 Commissioner Miller asked Mr. Casey to confirm whether criminal background checks are required. Mr. Casey responded that they are done at PCMH's discretion. A good deal of background is known about PCMH patients. Commissioner Boyle questioned the level of background check that is done prior to placement in a resident group home situation. If someone came into the system who had a questionable history or from out of state, a background check would be done. In response to Commissioner Powers, Mr. Casey responded that people with chronic mental illness who need significantly more support would not be residents in a transitional group living situation but would be placed in a monitored environment with 24/7 staff such as Second Street House, which is licensed by the state. Transitional group residences are not state licensed and are only occupied by residents who require a low range of support. Responding to Commissioner Anderson, Mr. Casey indicated that some residents stay longer than others due to living relationships; some prefer to transfer to another location; some stay for many years in the same home and become part of the neighborhood. Community & Economic Development Director Nathan West confirmed that an e-mail in the application file, which is part of the record, indicates the method of support and daily visitations that is expected. Mr. West encouraged the Commission to restrict conditions to land use based issues and not to become involved in operational issues. Director West confirmed that the matter of parking on the adjacent residential property is not a matter of discussion at this time; that matter is under a code enforcement action and is not before the Planning Commission at present. Teresa Schmid, 114 E. e Street has been gravely concerned over the use of the subject residential structures over the years. Her family has lived in the neighborhood nearly her entire life with her mother having been born in the neighborhood. Nearly every resident in the neighborhood has someone with a mental illness in their family; the neighborhood understands mental illness. The rotation of mentally impaired people across the street is a concern. Strange behaviors such as people walking through the neighborhood watching what the other neighbors are doing and asking for money for cigarettes causes great unrest with neighborhood youth. She is afraid. Grant Munro, 1765 E. Woodhaven Lane, is on the Board of Directors of PCMH. This type of housing is critical for many patients who have nowhere else to go if not into functional housing. This population needs to be addressed and their needs must be addressed. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Munro responded that a resident who commits a crime would be treated like any other member of society who commits a crime. Cristina Williams, 111 East 91h Street stated that she contacted PCMH several years ago when it was apparent that the occupants of 113 and 123 East 9th Street appeared to be transient and asked what was going on next door to her. Although she is sympathetic to the plight of the mentally ill, she was concerned that no one told her or the other neighbors about the occupancy; there was no mechanism for the neighborhood to know what was going on. The lots are small and in close proximity to neighboring lots and residents. She is concerned about boundaries. Planning Commission Minutes January ll,20/2 Page 5 Dr. Joshua Jones, 315 Shadetree bane is a psychiatrist. a forensic psychologist, and the PCMH medical director. When he applied for the position he now holds, he was told that the Port Angeles community is known for tolerance and progressive attitudes. A vast majority of crimes are committed by non disabled people. If this type of housing didn't exist, these people would be homeless. He urged the City to stand against intolerance to disabled and mentally ill people by helping to provide adequate housing for these citizens. Martin Roloson, 122 E. 91h Street is a former social worker who previously ran a boys home in the subject neighborhood. He is concerned with a lack of accountability. He had 24 hour supervision in his group home. He is not concerned with mentally ill people, only with heavily medicated mentally ill patients. The neighborhood is changing due to PCMH expanding. The Eagles Club is now in the neighborhood along 81h Street and serves alcohol. Kristen Chittick, 106 E. 91h Street is disabled due to a brain injury. She is concerned about occupants of the PCMH residences although she is not concerned about mentally ill or disabled people in general. As a purchaser, she was not told of the use of the homes for commercial purposes in this single family residential neighborhood. It would have made a difference and will make a difference when she goes to sell her home. The house has operated for six years without proper permitting. Neighborhood residents have not had an opportunity to voice their concerns or become familiar with the parameters of the use prior to this time. No one from PCMH introduced themselves to the neighborhood. The neighborhood only saw a revolving door of people coming and going to the houses. She is fearful for her teenage girls and doesn't allow them in the front yard of her home adjacent to the use. There is a general lack of communication with PCMH and the neighborhood regarding this use. Dawn Saiz, 32 Evergreen Place, Sequim is the Residential Supervisor for PCMH. It appears to her that the residents at 113 E. 9th Street are being closely monitored by the neighborhood. She has tried to open a line of communication with the neighborhood by offering business cards to neighborhood residents who have particular concerns. She is on call 24/7 and encouraged residents to call if concerned: she has not had one call. She screens residents who are in PCMH homes. Residents on 9th Street are long term Port Angeles residents who have been in the system 20, 30, 40 years. They are well known to PCMH staff. They have friends who visit,just like everyone else. The level of supervision is dependent on the specific needs of the occupants. If more supervision is needed, more will be provided. She responded to Commissioner Matthews that the residents are reasonably functional people who have bank accounts, cook, clean, one of them actually drives, and some have jobs. No alcohol or smoking is allowed in the house. Peer counselors visit every day and augment supervision on a regular basis. Of the 3 current residents at 113 E. 9th Street, two residents have lived there 3 —4 years and one resident has been in residence approximately 8 months. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Saiz said that residents within the system can move from house to house; however, this house has pretty long term residents. Ear/Richardson, 819 E. Laurel Street understands the plight of mentally ill people but he doesn't believe the neighborhood has been given an opportunity to weigh in on the encroaching commercial uses in the neighborhood. Neighborhood children used to play on the residential lots (owned by Mrs. German) that have recently been expanded as parking for the PCMH use across Planning Commission Minutes January 11,2012 Page 6 the alley. The expanded parking area fueled neighbor concerns about commercial creep into this residential neighborhood. It feels like the residential use is being squeezed out. Ken Pottinger, Human Resources Manager for PCMH believes the objections raised are based on perceived fears rather than fact. While visiting the City's Department of Community & Economic Development, he viewed aerials that indicated some parking on the two lots owned by Mrs. German that are the subject of discussion this evening. He believes that nonconforming use should be able to continue to be used for commercial parking for PCMH employees and clients. Julie Calabra, 253 Shadow Lane, Port Angeles works for PCMH and said that supported living homes are located all over the state to house mentally patients. There are certainly opportunities to provide adequate oversight for group homes in this particular neighborhood given the proximity to the main PCMH office structure, and PCMH staff knows the history of the residents. If neighbors have specific issues, staff can readily address them. Residents will not be allowed to remain in the group homes if concerning behavior cannot be addressed. Glenn Gordon Barbieri, 401 E. 1" Street is a former PCMH client. He currently lives independently but is a schizophreniac. His life has been stabilized by taking proper medications such that he functions in a very independent lifestyle situation. From a zoning perspective, he can understand why some neighbors would not appreciate such an intrusion into their living area. Group homes are very needed to support mentally ill clients and to provide the independent type of living situation that is beyond the more intensive care provided in larger group facilities. In response to Commissioner Miller, Mr. Barbieri felt that he received excellent care from PCMH; the supported living use provided him an opportunity to live independently. Vice Chair Matthews asked Mr. Casey how complaints or residential incidents are handled. Mr. Casey stated that if serious incidents occur, an incident report would be made that would be reviewed both by internal staff and staff at the regional level of the state agency responsible for oversight. PCMH is audited by 6 or 7 outside agencies. Less serious incidents, or neighborhood or citizen concerns would be handled in house with follow up to the reported person(s). Records of all complaints and incidents are kept and staff discusses the matters on a regular basis to try to learn from the experiences. Mr. Casey said that the tenor of the concerns expressed appears to be largely about fears rather than incidents. He hopes to work more closely with the neighbors in the future to address specific issues that can be addressed . Director West wanted to clarify to anyone who had entered the meeting late that the public hearing for both applications (113 and 123 E. 9t") are open at this time. Jason Chittick, 106 East 9"'Street is concerned that the neighborhood can't work with Mr. Casey. Neighborhood residents live in fear of the residents and these fears and concerns have not been addressed by PCMH staff. Someone from PCMH should have known that land use review and permitting is required for group homes. He believes that in home supervision should be required because residents are incapable of much self reliance. Staff is not apparent at the homes as much as staff says. PCMH stafff has been quite unresponsive to the neighbors. Phone calls go unanswered. Planning Commission Allinu[es January Il,2012 Page 7 Druz. Pottinger asked if the City was aware of the legal case Sunderlin vs Pascoe that prohibits cities from denying conditional use permits based on the limitations of clientele. Kristin Chittick, 106 East 9`1i Street continued to express concerns over the welfare of the neighborhood children relative to the group home residents. She did not have an opportunity to decide whether she would prefer to live across the street from a PCMH group home when she purchased her home because she already lived there when the home was established. She was ultimately concerned that the use of the two proposed residential structures as group homes will convert the appearance and use of the neighborhood to commercial neighborhood rather than a single family neighborhood as it is zoned. It appears that the group homes and the lot parking area along the north side of 9t" Street in this location is converting the neighborhood to commercial use, and it will never be returned to a single family neighborhood. Wendy Sisk, 21 Libby Street, Sequimm is the Crisis Intervention Supervisor for PCMH. She urged the Commission not to restrict or try to control the number of visits needed daily by home residents because that level of supervision is best determined by staff professionals Some homes need more than others depending on the residents: some need less. If a tenant needs more supervision than is intended for a particular individual, a resident may be moved to a more supervised situation. Marcus Roloson, 122 E. 91h Street said that these group homes are under a microscope. The issue is the kids in the neighborhood. It's about supervision; there is no in house supervision. When he operated a boy's youth home in the neighborhood, he had to have 24-hour supervision. There being no one else to speak to the matter, Vice Chair Matthews closed the public hearings. In response to Commissioner Powers' concern that some of the operational issues that were spoken of as a concern to the neighborhood were bothersome. The number of group homes in a neighborhood can be restricted in a neighborhood if specific impacts are noted that require such a restriction. Director West responded that the Planning Commission is charged with dealing specifically with land use issues. Commissioner Boyle moved to approve Conditional Use Permits CUP 11-05 and 06 citing staffs recommended conditions, findings, and conclusions. The motion died for lack of a second. Following claritive discussion regarding background checks referenced in Finding 14 for both applications, Commissioner Miller moved to deny CUP 11-05. Commissioner Powers seconded the motion. Upon discussion, Commissioner Miller said his motion was due to the fact that he believed an additional condition was needed requiring specific staff monitoring. He then moved to approve CUP 11-05 adding a Condition 4 requiring staff monitoring twice a day and once a day on weekends. Director West noted that Finding 13 indicates that staff monitoring will be twice a day and once on weekdays and stated that conditions should address mitigation of land use impacts but not direct operational policy. Director West noted that this monitoring commitment was submitted by the applicant as part of the application and was verified by Mr. Casey's testimony during the current public hearing. Commissioner Miller withdrew his motions. Commissioner Powers then moved to approve CUP 11-06 citing the following 3 conditions, 20 findings, and 7 conclusions: • Planning Commission Minutes Jamuary 11,2012 Page 8 Conditions: 1. The conditional use permit for Peninsula Community Mental Health to operate a maximum 3-person group home use at 113 East 9th Street per application identified as Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-06 dated received on November 18, 2011. Any change in the operation of the residence from that described in the staff report and application materials will require prior review by the Planning Commission or the approval shall be deemed invalidated. 2. PCMH will carefully screen clients pursuant to established procedure as presented in the application materials. 3. The residence will continue to be maintained in a manner such that it complements other residences in the neighborhood in appearance and character and shall be maintained in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code. Two required off street residential parking spaces will remain available for the residence at the rear of the site. Site activities will be residential in nature. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-06 dated January 11, 2012, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. On November 18, 2011, Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) applied to the City of Port Angeles Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) for a conditional use permit to allow a group home to be located at 113 East 9th Street in the City's RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. 2. Supported housing provides an independent living setting with minimal support that allows residents to transition to a more independent housing situation separate from a health care center over time. This practice is an effort to deinstitutionalize those persons with mental illness who are able to live more independently with little support service needed. Supportive residential use is overseen by the Departments of Health and Social and Health Services. 3. Group homes and hospices are identified as conditional uses in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone per Section 17.10.040(I) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). Section 17.10.040(R) PAMC allows for "other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter" to be considered as conditional uses when not specifically defined. 4. A conditional use is defined in Section 17.08.020(H) PAMC as "a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. 5. A conditional use permit is defined in Section 17.08.020(G) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as "... a limitedpermission to locate a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission. is required to modify the controls stipulated by these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest" and fiwther states in (H) of the same section "Conditional Use - a use permitted 0 0 Planning Commission Minutes Januai7,11.2012 Page 9 inn a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. " 6. A group home is defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code_ as "... anon-independent, non-family, housekeeping unit in which the residents are assisted by an outside agency or organization. Some examples of group homes include state licensed homes for the handicapped and physically disabled, homes for the mentally ill, homes,for those with developmental disabilities, except that group homes do not include adult family homes, supported living arrangements or residential care facilities. They also include state licensed group homes.f6r residential centers for rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs, and transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. " 7. Section 17.10.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code describes the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone as a "...low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting ofpredominantly single family homes on standard Townsite sized lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. " 8. Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code provides that "The Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits for uses specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. " Such review identifies emergency service needs of a particular use and identifies particular characteristics of individual neighborhoods. 9. Section 17.96.070(A) PAMC reads "Hearing and Appeal of Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit Applications. Notice and Hearing for Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits. Upon filing an application for a conditional or unclassified use permit.in which the application sets forth filly the grounds for, and the facts deemed to justify, the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall give public notice, as provided in PAMC 17.96 140, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit." The Planning Commission's action is final unless appealed to the City Council within 14 days of a decision. 10. The site is situated in the City's Central Planning Area and is served by all municipal and emergency services. 11. The subject neighborhood is nearly built out with the exception of the two residentially zoned lots immediately east of the subject site. Jefferson Elementary School is located three blocks south of the site. The site is accessed from Lincoln Street east of the site, from 9"' Street via Laurel or Lincoln Streets, and from the 8/9 Street alley. The City's main fire hall is located four blocks immediately north of the site with other commercial and governmental uses along 8"' and Lincoln Streets north of the site. Property south of the location is single family residential. i Planning Commission Minutes Januat7,11,2012 Page 10 12. The proposed structure is owned by Peninsula Community Mental Health. The three bedroom residential structure exists on a single Townsite lot and provides two off street residential parking spaces at the rear of the site as is required by the City's Parking Ordinance. The exterior of the residential structure has been considerably upgraded over the past year. 13. Residents of the home will live in a transitional living situation moving toward a more independent living environment. Residents will have been diagnosed with mental illness such that they are in need of some assistance in their daily lives that will be provided by PCMH staff. Residents are able to manage their finances, purchase and prepare food, and perform housekeeping chores and some residence maintenance activities. PCMH staff will visit the residence twice daily 5 days per week and once a day on weekends to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, budgeting, transportation, health support, and vocational plans. The group living situation is intended to provide residency for individuals who are able to live capably with minimal responsible supervision. 14. The application provides criteria by which placement will be provided. Residents will be screened prior to placement in the residence. Screening criteria may include a criminal background check and an assessment of the level of independent function of potential residents. Application information indicates that consumers who occupy this type of group residence do not need 24-hour care but benefit from supervision. Applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be placed in the residence 15. The Federal Fair Housing Act(FFHA)requires that licensing requirements shall not violate the rights of individuals to reasonable accommodations in zoning practices. Conditional use permits may not discriminate against the handicapped but shall protect their safety as well as the safety of the community in general. 16. Peninsula Community Mental Health operates under oversight by the Departments of Health (DOH) and Social and Health Services (DSHS). 17. The Federal Housing Authority Act (FHAA) limits municipal zoning authority in an effort to avoid stereotyping to achieve community integration. The common FHAA policy is to distribute group homes throughout a community where residents are able to live in mainstream residential neighborhoods rather than in a cluster of group homes segregated from the rest of the community. Local zoning regulations maintain final authority over locational siting but regulations must be administered similarly to any group occupancy. This application is being considered jointly with a second such application for a group home on property within the same neighborhood but not immediately adjacent to the subject lot. 18. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was reviewed it in its entirety in analysis of this application. The goals, policies, and objectives listed in Attachment B to this staff report were found to be the most applicable to the proposed use. 19. Public notification was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and posted on the property on December 16, 2011. Notification appeared in the Peninsula Daily Neia;s on December 20, 2011, with written comment accepted until January 4, 2012. Ms. Robin Popinski and Mr. Craig Short, business owners in the area, provided written comment in support of the application. Letters in opposition to the group home use were received from neighbors including Mr. Earl Richardson, Christina Williams, Marcus Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Goudie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schmid, Derek Goudy, Heather Buckmaster and Dan Mock, and Planning Commission Alinales Jamory 11,2012 Page 11 Jason and Kristen Chittick. All of the written comments are incorporated to this staff report as Attachment"C." Written comment in support of the conditional use permit were due to the need to enable the service that PCMH provides to the community, and in support of the ability to share off street parking on adjacent property. Written comment in objection to the conditional use permit expressed concerns regarding the imposition of residents of the group home on other neighbors and the illegal expansion of an off street parking use of two vacant residential lots east of the subject property in association with PCMH. 20. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed action on January 5, 2012,per WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusions.- Based onclusions.Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-06 dated January 11, 2012, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. The proposed use meets the definition of a group home as defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and is permissible by conditional use permit in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone under Section 17.10.040(R) PAMC. Group homes and supported living arrangements ensure that special needs individuals are afforded reasonable accommodation in their residential living situations thus empowering such individuals to live as independently with little responsible supervision. B. The conditional use permit was processed per Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Conditions are attached to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. C. Registration of group homes and supported living arrangements protects residents and identifies the homes for responders in the event of emergency and general aid calls. Siting review of group homes and supported living arrangements ensures that the uses will integrate well into residential neighborhoods while providing reasonable accommodation to all groups of people. D. As conditioned, the residence will be maintained in a manner consistent with other neighborhood properties and will therefore ensure the retention of neighborhood property values in the single family neighborhood. E. The group home will be supported by PCMH professionals and staff ensuring that the special needs population will be supported in basic living skills including site maintenance. PCMH staff supervision will ensure a quick response to any issue that may arise within the residence thereby reducing the need for outside assistance from the City's emergency services personnel. F. - As conditioned, the residence will be operated in accordance with the operational plan and established policies of the PCMH agency that is overseen by a large group of professional health care providers. Planning Commission Arlin aes January ll,2012 Page 12 G. As conditioned, the use is in compliance with goals,policies, and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A and Policy A.l.d; Land Use Element Land Use Map, Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A, and Policy A.2; Residential Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal B, and Policy B.1, and Goal C and Policy C.1; Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and B, and Policy B.2; Housing Element Goal A. and Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Boyle seconded the motion which passed 5 — 0. Commissioner Anderson moved to approve CUP 11-05 citing the following 3 conditions, 20 findings, and 7 conclusions: Conditions: 1. The conditional use permit for Peninsula Community Mental Health to operate a maximum 2-person group home use at 123 East 9"' Street per application identified as Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-05 dated received on November 18, 2011. Any change in the operation of the residence from that described in the staff report and application materials will require prior review by the Planning Commission or the approval shall be deemed invalidated. 2. PCMH will carefully screen clients pursuant to established procedure as presented in the application materials. 3. The residence will continue to be maintained in a manner such that it complements other residences in the neighborhood in appearance and character and shall be maintained in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code. Two required off street residential parking spaces will remain available for the residence at the rear of the site. Site activities will be residential in nature. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-05 dated January 11, 2012, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. On November 18, 2011, Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) applied to the City of Port Angeles Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) for a conditional use permit to allow a group home to be located at 123 East 9th Street in the City's RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. 2. Supported housing provides an independent living setting with minimal support that allows residents to transition to a more independent housing situation separate from a health care center over time. This practice is an effort to deinstitutionalize those persons with mental illness who are able to live more independently with little support service needed. Supportive residential use is overseen by the Departments of Health and Social and Health Services. 3. Group homes and hospices are identified as conditional uses in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone per Section 17.10.040(I) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). Section 17.10.040(R) PAMC allows for "other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter" to be considered as conditional uses when not specifically defined. 0 • 0 • Planning Commissiai kfinules January 11,2012 Page 13 4. A conditional use is defined in Section 17.08.020(H) PAMC as "a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. 5. A conditional use permit is defined in Section 17.08.020(G) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as "... a limited permission to locate a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest" and further states in (H) of'the same section "Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. " 6. A group home is defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code_as "... anon-independent, non-family, housekeeping unit in which the residents are assisted by an outside agency or organization. Some examples ofgroup homes include state licensed homes for the handicapped and physically disabled, homes for the mentally ill, homes for those with developmental disabilities, except that group homes do not include adult family homes, supported living arrangements or residential care facilities. They also include state licensed group homes for residential centers for rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs, and transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. " 7. Section 17.10.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code describes the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone as a "...low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting ofpredominantly single family homes on standard Townsite sized lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. " 8. Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code provides that "The Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits for uses specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible ivith the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. " Such review identifies emergency service needs of a particular use and identifies particular characteristics of individual neighborhoods. 9. Section 17.96.070(A) PAMC reads "Hearing and Appeal of Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit Applications. Notice and Hearing for Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits. Upon filing an application for a conditional or unclassified use permit in which the application sets forth filly the grounds for, and the facts deemed to justify, the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall give public notice, as provided in PAMC 17.96.140, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit." The Planning Commission's action is final unless appealed to the City Council within 14 days of a decision. • Planning Commission Minutes January 11;2012 Page 14 10. The site is situated in the City's Central Planning Area and is served by all municipal and emergency services. 11. The subject neighborhood is nearly built out with the exception of the two residentially zoned lots immediately east of the subject site. Jefferson Elementary School is located three blocks south of the site. The site is accessed from Lincoln Street east of the site, from 9t" Street via Laurel or Lincoln Streets, and from the 8/9 Street alley. The City's main fire hall is located four blocks immediately north of the site with other commercial and governmental uses along 8"' and Lincoln Streets north of the site. Property south of the location is single family residential. 12. The property is owned by Nancy German, who signed the application as being aware of the proposal. The two bedroom residential structure exists on a single Townsite lot and provides two off street residential parking spaces at the rear of the site as is required by the City's Parking Ordinance. The exterior of the two bedroom residential structure has been considerably upgraded over the past year. 13. Residents of the home will live in a transitional living situation moving toward a more independent living environment. Residents will have been diagnosed with mental illness such that they are in need of some assistance in their daily lives that will be provided by PCMH staff. Residents are able to manage their finances, purchase and prepare food, and perform housekeeping chores and some residence maintenance activities. PCMH staff will visit the residence twice daily 5 days per week and once a day on weekends to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, budgeting, transportation, health support, and vocational plans. The group living situation is intended to provide a residence for individuals who are able to live capably with minimal responsible supervision. 14. The application provides criteria by which placement will be provided. Residents will be screened prior to placement in the residence. Screening criteria may include a criminal background check and an assessment of the level of independent function of potential residents. Application information indicates that consumers who occupy this type of group residence do not need 24-hour care but benefit from supervision. Applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be placed in the residence 15. The Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA) requires that licensing requirements shall not violate the rights of individuals to reasonable accommodations in zoning practices. Conditional use permits may not discriminate against the handicapped but shall protect their safety as well as the safety of the community in general. 16. Peninsula Community Mental Health operates under oversight by the Departments of Health (DOH) and Social and Health Services (DSHS). 17. The Federal Housing Authority Act (FHAA) limits municipal zoning authority in an effort to avoid stereotyping to achieve community integration. The common FHAA policy is to distribute group homes throughout a community where residents are able to live in mainstream residential neighborhoods rather than in a cluster of group homes segregated from the rest of the community. Local zoning regulations maintain final authority over locational siting but regulations must be administered similarly to any group occupancy. This application is being considered jointly with a second such application for a group home on property within the same neighborhood but not immediately adjacent to the subject lot. • • Planning COnn77i.SSi017 A9inutes January 11,2012 Page 15 18. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was reviewed it in its entirety in analysis of this application. The goals, policies, and objectives listed in Attachment B to this staff report were found to be the most applicable to the proposed use. 19. Public notification was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and posted on the property on December 16, 2011. Notification appeared in the Peninsula Daily News on December 20, 2011, with written comment accepted until January 4, 2012. Ms. Robin Popinski and Mr. Craig Short, business owners in the immediate area, provided written comment in support of the application. Letters in opposition to the group home use were received from neighbors including Mr. Earl Richardson, Christina Williams, Marcus Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Goudie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schmid, Derek Goudy, Heather Buckmaster and Dan Mock, and Jason and Kristen Chittick. All of the written comments are incorporated to this staff report as Attachment"C." 20. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed action on January 5, 2012, per WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusions.- Based onclusions:Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-06 dated January 11, 2012, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. The proposed use meets the definition of a group home as defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and is permissible by conditional use permit in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone under Section 17.10.040(R) PANIC. Group homes and supported living arrangements ensure that special needs individuals are afforded reasonable accommodation in their residential living situations thus empowering such individuals to live as independently with little responsible supervision. B. The conditional use permit was processed per Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Conditions are attached to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. C. Registration of group homes and supported living arrangements protects residents and identifies the homes for responders in the event of emergency and general aid calls. Siting review of group homes and supported living arrangements ensures that the uses will integrate well into residential neighborhoods while providing reasonable accommodation to all groups of people. D. As conditioned, the residence will be maintained in a manner consistent with other neighborhood properties and will therefore ensure the retention of neighborhood property values in the single family neighborhood. E. The group home will be supported by PCMH professionals and staff ensuring that the special needs population will be supported in basic living skills including site maintenance. PCMH staff supervision will ensure a quick response to any issue that may arise within the residence thereby reducing the need for outside assistance from the City's emergency services personnel. Planning Commission Minutes Januar 11,2012 Page 16 F. As conditioned, the residence will be operated in accordance with the operational plan and established policies of the PCMH agency that is overseen by a large group of professional health care providers. G. As conditioned, the use is in compliance with goals, policies, and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A and Policy A.Ld; Land Use Element Land Use Map, Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A, and Policy A.2.- Residential .2;Residential Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal B, and Policy B.1, and Goal C and Policy C.l; Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and B, and Policy B.2; Housing Element Goal A. and Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion which passed 4— 1 with Commissioner Powers voting in the negative. Commissioner Powers' opposition vote was due to her belief that only one group home should be approved; two group homes in the neighborhood is burdensome. CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 NOTICE OF DECISION NO'T'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 11, 2012, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission approved two Conditional Use Permits to allow two group homes in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone in the 100 Block of East Ninth Street. Appeal of this decision must be made within 14 days of this notice, dated January 12, 2012, to the City of Port Angeles Department of Community and Economic Development. For further information, please contact Sue Roberds, Planning Manager, Department of Community & Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, (360) 417-4750. Pub: 1/17/11 Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Clallam/Jefferson County Peninsula Daily News P.O.Box 1330,Port Angeles,WA 98362 9932 PortAngeles CITY OF PORT ANGELES/LEGAL Legals PO BOX 1150 CITY OF PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles,WA 98362 NOTICE OF DECISION Reference: #359468/48149481 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 100 Block of East Ninth Street. 11,2012,the City of Port Angeles Planning Com- mission approved two Conditional Use Permits to allow two group homes in the RS-7 Resi- The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and dential Single Family zone in the 100 Block of Says. East Ninth Street. Ap- That she/he is authorized to and does make this affidavit for peal of this decision must be made within 14 and on behalf of Peninsula Daily News,a corporation,and that days of this notice, dated the following statements of fact are within her/his personal and January 12, 2012, to the City of Port Angeles De. actual knowledge. partment of Community That said corporation is the owner and publisher of the and Economic Develop- ment. Peninsula Daily News published in Clallam/Jefferson Counties, For further information, and had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the please contact sue Ro- Superior Court of said Clallam/Jefferson County of the State Of bergs, Planning Manag- er, Department of Com- Washington. munity & Economic That the annexed is a true copy of a legal insertion as it was Development,321 East Fifth Street, Port An. published in regular issues(and not in the supplement form)of geles, Washington, said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers (360)417-4750. during all of said period.The publishing date cited is the last Pub:Jan.17,2012 day of publication. -S-hoLrt-c_t----��`���u� �l �f:Yt_ �j--- Shanie McLaughlin,Peninsula Daily News Start:1/17/2012/Stop:1/17/2012/#Inserts:1 Sworn to me on this day ofRI NOTARY PUBLIC � OT A,q y A T TF,9 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington '� residing in Port Angeles EXP.09/23/2015 2 �17�k 'OUB1.�G �Ca OF WASN� El .N'G( 1LE W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. ® DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager DATE: January 11, 2012 RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 11-05 APPLICANT: Peninsula Community Mental Health OWNER: Mrs. Nancy German LOCATION: 123 East 9th Street REQUEST: A group home in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone PROPOSAL: The application is to allow a maximum 2 person residential group home use in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone per Section 17.10.040(I) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). The home is intended to provide a transitional living situation for individuals who are minimally assisted on a daily basis by employees of the property owner, Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH), a social service agency. PCMH provides transitional housing for individuals who, with some assistance, can manage their lives and work toward self sufficiency skills so that they can move to even more independent housing. Support staff from PCMH will visit the house 7 days a week to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, transportation needs, and vocational plans. Residents of the group home benefit from a structured living situation and need some assistance with community integration and activities of daily living; residents otherwise function in healthy, constructive ways with considerable independence. With periodic assistance, residents manage their finances, take medication, purchase and prepare food, and perform necessary housekeeping activities. The main goal in providing the group residency situation is to provide a living setting that will allow residents to strengthen self-sufficiency skills with the ultimate goal being a more independent housing situation. Consumers who will reside in the home are the most independent of those served by PCMH. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The subject location is situated in the City's Central Planning Area. The site address is 123 East 9"' Street. The neighborhood is a single family neighborhood comprised of single Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 2 January 11,2012 family homes on individual lots. With the exception of the two vacant lots immediately east of the subject property, the neighborhood is completely built out with single family residential structures. The neighborhood block is located immediately west of Lincoln Street, which is a major transportation corridor and is also Highway 101. Jefferson Elementary School is located four blocks south of the site at the corner of 13th and Lincoln Streets. Further north of the site along 8th Street are located commercial uses permitted in the Commercial Shopping District including PCMH's main office, banks, a bowling alley, and other professional uses. The Commercial Shopping District (CSD) extends one block northwest of the area along 8th Street and three blocks northeast of the site along 8th Street. The CSD is a commercial zone of medium intensity. BACKGROUND: Peninsula Community Mental Health purchased the adjacent property to the north of the subject site that is located in the City's Commercial Shopping District in 1999 as a base for its community mental health services. A component of PCMH's services is to assist in placement of clients in supervised or transitional living situations where a varying degree of support and assistance is provided on a daily or weekly basis. PUBLIC COMMENT: Public notification was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and posted on the property on December 16, 2011. Notification was placed in the Peninsula Daily Nevus on December 20, 2011, with written comment accepted until January 4, 2012. Written comments submitted during the written comment period are incorporated into this staff report as Attachment C. Ms. Robin Popinski and Mr. Craig Short, business owners in the area, provided written comment in support of the application. Letters in opposition to the group home use were received from neighbors including Mr. Earl Richardson, Christina Williams, Marcus Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Goudie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schmid, Derek Goudy, and Heather Buckinaster and Dan Mock. All of the written comments are incorporated to this staff report as Attachment «C 1, Written comment in support of the conditional use permit were due to the need to enable the service that PCMH provides to the community, and in support of the ability to share off street parking on adjacent property. Written comment in objection to the conditional use permit expressed concerns regarding the imposition of residents of the group home on other neighbors and the illegal expansion of an off street parking use of two vacant residential lots west of the subject property in association with PCMH. With respect to the use of the residential lots west of the subject property for off street parking in association with the PCMH use, that use is not permitted. Residentially zoned properties may not be used for off street parking for commercial activities. A pre existing use of several parking spaces along the 8/9 alley at the rear of 118 E. 8th Street existed for many years in association with a previous building supply use at that location. That use has recently been improved and has been considerably expanded which is not permissible. Staff has notified the property owner, Mrs. Nancy German, that the use must cease as it is an illegal use of • Conditional Use Permit-CUP 1]-05 PCMH Page 3 January 11,2012 residentially zoned property. Staff has notified the applicants that a parking lot is not permissible in any residential zone within the City and is not a consideration of this application. Other matters of concern raised by neighbors are not land use matters that the City can address. Some of the concerns are those that the property owner (PCMH in this case) and neighbors must address between themselves that involve courtesy and responsibility. Some are perceptions that cannot legally be considered when making decisions regarding housing. The only issue under consideration in this conditional use permit application that can be addressed by the Port Angeles Municipal Code is whether a group home can be conducted at the subject location. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY(DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) is a community mental health agency licensed by the Division of Mental Health of the State Department of Health for supervised residential programs. The agency is governed by an eleven-member Board of Directors and includes a multi-disciplinary staff of professionals comprised of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners (ARNPs) and nurses,psychiatric social workers, licensed mental health professionals, clinical case managers, and chemical dependency professionals. PCMH owns the subject property and is applying to establish a 3 person group home in the structure that will be supervised by nearby PCMH staff. PCMH has applied for a second group home use in the subject neighborhood two lots west of the subject site. The site is across an alley from the main PCMH office located at 118 East 8th Street. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies land use and social policies guide planning decisions that enable diversity while retaining a sense of security and place in individual neighborhoods. The overall good of the community and its citizens is the primary goal of the City's planning efforts. The goals, policies, and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan are used as the basis for development within the City. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety in consideration of this proposal. Citations found to be most appropriate to the subject proposal are listed in Attachment"B" to this staff report. The Zoning Ordinance provides the tools that enable the goals, policies, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Each zone within the City includes a definition of its specific purpose in furthering the goals of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Activities that are expected in each zone are listed as well as conditional uses that are permitted with conditions attached to ensure that such uses do not conflict with the purpose and intent of the zone. Conditions are often attached to conditional use permits to ensure consistency with state laws. The subject site is located in the City's RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. The purpose and intent of the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone (Section 17.10.010 PAMC) is:"... a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting ofpredominantly single family homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses,few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally... " Conditional Use Permit-CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 4 January 11,2012 A "family" is defined in Sectionl7.08.035 (A) PAMC as "... one person or two or more legally related persons living together, or not more than six unrelated persons living together as a single, nonprofit, housekeeping unit;provided that there shall not be more than four unrelated persons living together with legally related persons as a single, nonprofit, housekeeping unit. " A "conditional use permit" is defined in Section 17.08.020(G) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as "... a limited permission to locate a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest" and further states in (H) of the same section that "Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. " A "group home" is permitted under Section 17.08.020(G)PAMC as a conditional use in the RS-7 zone. Group homes are defined as: "... a non-independent; non family, housekeeping unit in which the residents are assisted by an outside agency or organization. Some examples of group homes include state licensed homes.for the handicapped and physically disabled, homes for the mentally ill, homes for those with developmental disabilities, except that group homes do not include adult family homes, supported living arrangements or residential care facilities. They also include stale licensed group homes for residential centers for rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs, and transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. " The proposed activity fits within the PAMC definition of a group home. The expectation in supported housing is to provide an independent living setting with minimal support that will allow each resident to transition to housing that is independent of the mental health center over time. This practice has evolved from an effort to deinstitutionalize people with mental illness and is overseen by the Departments of Health and Social and Health Services. Staff was informed by a Regional Services Network (the PCMH oversight funding management service) employee for this area that consumers of PCMH services are largely people who live here and are not from other counties. Residents are responsible for daily life management activities in group home living situations. Occupants will not need resident supervision due to the close proximity of the PCMH center across the alley. PCMH staff will visit the house twice daily (day and evening) and once a day on weekdays with 24/7 crisis staff available if needed. As a conditionally permissible activity in the RS-7 zone, it is important to focus on conditions that would ensure neighborhood outreach in the event of unresolved issues, establish operational characteristics, and provide structure for the living activity. PCMH's policy on supportive residential placement (Attachment D) identifies the screening criteria for individuals who could reside in the residence. Residency is based on a required level of competence, independence, and lack of criminal history. Residents who do not meet PCMH screening criteria will not reside in the home. 0 • Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 5 January 11,2012 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed action on January 6, 2012, per WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Attachments: A. Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions B. Comprehensive Plan Citations C Written public comment letters D. Application 0 • Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 6 January 11,2012 ATTACHMENT "A" RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-05 based on the following 3 conditions, 20 findings and 7 conclusions in support of the action: Conditions: 1. The conditional use permit for Peninsula Community Mental Health to operate a maximum 2-person group home use at 123 East 9"' Street per application identified as Conditional Use Permit CUP 11-05 dated received on November 18, 2011. Any change in the operation of the residence from that described in the staff report and application materials will require prior review by the Planning Commission or the approval shall be deemed invalidated. 2. PCMH will carefully screen clients pursuant to established procedure as presented in the application materials. 3. The residence will continue to be maintained in a manner such that it complements other residences in the neighborhood in appearance and character and shall be maintained in compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code. Two required off street residential parking spaces will remain available for the residence at the rear of the site. Site activities will be residential in nature. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-05 dated January 11, 2012, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. On November 18, 2011, Peninsula Community Mental Health (PCMH) applied to the City of Port Angeles Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) for a conditional use permit to allow a group home to be located at 123 East 9th Street in the City's RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. 2. Supported housing provides an independent living setting with minimal support that allows residents to transition to a more independent housing situation separate from a health care center over time. This practice is an effort to deinstitutionalize those persons with mental illness who are able to live more independently with little support service needed. Supportive residential use is overseen by the Departments of Health and Social and Health Services. 3. Group homes and hospices are identified as conditional uses in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone per Section 17.10.040(1) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC). Section 17.10.040(R) PANIC allows for "other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter" to be considered as conditional uses when not specifically defined. 4. A conditional use is defined in Section 17.08.020(H) PAMC as "a use permitted in a zone but TMich requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible ivith other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. 0 Conditional Use Permit-CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 7 January 11,2012 5. A conditional use permit is defined in Section 17.08.020(G) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as "... a limited permission to locate a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest" and further states in (H) of the same section "Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zone but which requires a special degree of control to make such use consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible uses in the same zone. " 6. A group home is defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code-as "... a non-independent, non family, housekeeping unit in which the residents are assisted by an outside agency or organization. Some examples of group homes include state licensed homes for the handicapped and physically disabled, homes for the mentally ill, homes for those with developmental disabilities, except that group homes do not include adult family homes, supported living arrangements or residential care facilities. They also include state licensed group homes for residential centers for rehabilitation from alcohol and drugs, and transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. " 7. Section 17.10.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code describes the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone as a "...low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on standard Townsite sized lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single,family residential environment may also be located in this zone. " 8. Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code provides that "The Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits for uses specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. " Such review identifies emergency service needs of a particular use and identifies particular characteristics of individual neighborhoods. 9. Section 17.96.070(A) PAMC reads "Hearing and Appeal of Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit Applications. Notice and Hearing for Conditional or Unclassified Use Permits. Upon filing an application for a conditional or unclassified use permit in which the application sets_forth fully the grounds,for, and the facts deemed to just, the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall give public notice, as provided in PAMC 17.96.140, of the intention to consider at a public hearing the granting of a Conditional or Unclassified Use Permit." The Planning Commission's action is final unless appealed to the City Council within 14 days of a decision. 10. The site is situated in the City's Central Planning Area and is served by all municipal and emergency services. • • Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 8 January 11;2012 11. The subject neighborhood is nearly built out with the exception of the two residentially zoned lots immediately east of the subject site. Jefferson Elementary School is located three blocks south of the site. The site is accessed from Lincoln Street east of the site, from 9"' Street via Laurel or Lincoln Streets, and from the 8/9 Street alley. The City's main fire hall is located four blocks immediately north of the site with other commercial and governmental uses along 8"' and Lincoln Streets north of the site. Property south of the location is single family residential. 12. The property is owned by Nancy German, who signed the application as being aware of the proposal. The two bedroom residential structure exists on a single Townsite lot and provides two off street residential parking spaces at the rear of the site as is required by the City's Parking Ordinance. The exterior of the two bedroom residential structure has been considerably upgraded over the past year. 13. Residents of the home will live in a transitional living situation moving toward a more independent living environment. Residents will have been diagnosed with mental illness such that they are in need of some assistance in their daily lives that will be provided by PCMH staff. Residents are able to manage their finances, purchase and prepare food, and perforin housekeeping chores and some residence maintenance activities. PCMH staff will visit the residence twice daily 5 days per week and once a day on weekends to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, budgeting, transportation, health support, and vocational plans. The group living situation is intended to provide a residence for individuals who are able to live capably with minimal responsible supervision. 14. The application provides criteria by which placement will be provided. Residents will be screened prior to placement in the residence. Screening criteria includes a criminal background check and an assessment of the level of independent function of potential residents. Application information indicates that consumers who occupy this type of group residence do not need 24- hour care but benefit from supervision. Applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be placed in the residence 15. The Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA) requires that licensing requirements shall not violate the rights of individuals to reasonable accommodations in zoning practices. Conditional use permits may not discriminate against the handicapped but shall protect their safety as well as the safety of the community in general. 16. Peninsula Community Mental Health operates under oversight by the Departments of Health (DOH) and Social and Health Services (DSHS). 17. The Federal Housing Authority Act (FHAA) limits municipal zoning authority in an effort to avoid stereotyping to achieve community integration. The common FHAA policy is to distribute group homes throughout a community where residents are able to live in mainstream residential neighborhoods rather than in a cluster of group homes segregated from the rest of the community. Local zoning regulations maintain final authority over locational siting but regulations must be administered similarly to any group occupancy. This application is being considered jointly with a second such application for a group home on property within the same neighborhood but not immediately adjacent to the subject lot. • Conditional Use Permit-CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 9 January 11,2012 18. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was reviewed it in its entirety in analysis of this application. The goals, policies, and objectives listed in Attachment B to this staff report were found to be the most applicable to the proposed use. 19. Public notification was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject site and posted on the property on December 16, 2011. Notification appeared in the Peninsula Daily News on December 20, 2011, with written comment accepted until January 4, 2012. Ms. Robin Popinski and Mr. Craig Short, business owners in the immediate area, provided written comment in support of the application. Letters in opposition to the group home use were received from neighbors including Mr. Earl Richardson, Christina Williams, Marcus Roloson, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Goudie, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schmid, Derek Goudy, and Dan Mock. All of the written comments are incorporated to this staff report as Attachment "C." 20. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed action on January 5, 2012, per WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusions.- Based onclusions.Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 11-06 dated January 11, 2012, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. The proposed use meets the definition of a group home as defined in Section 17.08.040(C) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and is permissible by conditional use permit in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone under Section 17.10.040(R) PAMC. Group homes and supported living arrangements ensure that special needs individuals are afforded reasonable accommodation in their residential living situations thus empowering such individuals to live as independently with little responsible supervision. B. The conditional use permit was processed per Section 17.96.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Conditions are attached to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. C. Registration of group homes and supported living arrangements protects residents and identifies the homes for responders in the event of emergency and general aid calls. Siting review of group homes and supported living arrangements ensures that the uses will integrate well into residential neighborhoods while providing reasonable accommodation to all groups of people. D. As conditioned, the residence will be maintained in a manner consistent with other neighborhood properties and will therefore ensure the retention of neighborhood property values in the single family neighborhood. E. The group home will be supported by PCMH professionals and staff ensuring that the special needs population will be supported in basic living skills including site maintenance. PCMH staff supervision will ensure a quick response to any issue that may arise within the Conditional Use Permit-CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 10 January 11,2012 residence thereby reducing the need for outside assistance from the City's emergency services personnel. F. As conditioned, the residence will be operated in accordance with the operational plan and established policies of the PCMH agency that is overseen by a large group of professional health care providers. G. As conditioned, the use is in compliance with goals, policies, and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A and Policy A.Ld; Land Use Element Land Use Map, Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A, and Policy A.2; Residential Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal B, and Policy B.1, and Goal C and Policy C.1; Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and B, and Policy B.2; Housing Element Goal A. and Zoning Ordinance. • • Conditional Use Permit- CUP 1 1-05 PCMH Page 11 January 11,2012 ATTACHMENT B COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS,POLICIES,AND OBJECTIVES GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Goal A. To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. LAND USE ELEMENT LAND USE MAP, GOALS, POLICIES, and OBJECTIVES Goal A. To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. Policy A.2. All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. RESIDENTIAL GOALS, POLICIES, AND OBJECTIVES Goal B To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. Policy B.1 Urban services should be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy. Goal C To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment, and enjoyment, that are attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests. Policy C.1 Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities, which may be augmented, by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, daycare and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT Goal A To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests and to achieve the desired urban design of the City. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 11-05 PCMH Page 12 January 11,2012 Policy A.3 Social services providing home care should be located in residential neighborhoods in a manner that maintains the character of the immediate neighborhood. Goal B To support services and facilities through different levels of participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies. Policy B.2 The City should participate as a "financial partner" to support essential programs and services including: • Youth recreation programs and facilities • Library facilities • Senior programs • Low and moderate income housing programs • Facilities for senior programs • Utility assistance for low income households and • Social and public health services HOUSING ELEMENT Goal A. To improve the variety, quality, availability, and attainability of housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles. • NO. 1298 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE Description of Proposal: Conditional use permits to allow two group homes in a RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. The group homes are located in the 100 block of East 9"' Street and are separated by two vacant residential lots. APPLICANT: PENINSULA COMMUNITY MENIAL HEALTH Location: 113 and 123 East 9"' Street Lead Agency: City of Port Angeles The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [ ] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Connments must be submitted by at which time the DNS may be retained, modified, or withdrawn. [ ] There is no comment period for this DNS. [XX ] This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. Date Nathan West, Director Cormnunity & Economic Development You may appeal this determination to the Port Angeles City Council through the Department of Community&Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA, 98362, by submitting such written appeal to the Department no later than January 21,2012. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. _ Responsible Official: Nathan West, Director of Community and Economic Development, City of Port Angeles, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362, phone(360)417 - 4751. Pub: NA Post: NA Mail: to DOL-1461 �: �1p � 201Z January 5, 2012 i on l VI-Q i u� �I t Ga scwt,. To Whom It May Concern: As the owner of the building on the corner of 8t" and Lincoln, I realize how critical parking in that area has become, especially during the busier times of the year, when the UPS store relies on available parking for their customers. During the Christmas season, Peninsula Community Health graciously supported us by asking their people to park in their parking lot, as well as the parking area to the south across the alley. We appreciate their cooperation so much, and support the continuation of having that extra parking available to them. Therefore, we support their effort to retain that parking area for their continued use. Thank you. Sincerely, Craig M. Short Owner/the UPS building 460-1730 January 3, 2012 From:��s�N '� Ids i�e� CH Int � C t� I,as-r 9-r-SsT i € JAN - 4 2012 CITY Or PORTRhlGELES To: Ms. Sue Roberds Dept.of Community Development Planning Dept. 1 City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CIT request for 113 E. 9th Street and 123 E. 9th Street bi Dear Ms. Roberds: (}1� L� I am a longterm resident/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9' Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, I object to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street, based on the following reasons: bum T�T�l� C-`;f\W1.1-T`E P�kFO �t-��IR PEUSI D 1J� t�.Po r..) TI'1� SU��p v..rJ�l�Icj c.o t�M�►�MT''(. W�,\0" q-\R-cl AT i EI;Pv��; B,3r fJ V-1- u WO-V D , . . uv-; 1 ��c�£�1-1 o �ys�br�.r►c, con��,�-x�is of ��t' S-r��l�bt�r2S, �L���,t�u uS� zs�- P�PE✓ri'�'� ttJ L"A `( tI1WS KO C,o'D�S � �� c+r r��}t �o t�P %1,&J o1F —M-j" do ��$ �� �o�t�tL� Carr �'FS ¢�►.C� �tD>JS T}��—► 1\4�r tS�ctAT ty6 PF��Clj vr� p-��s�,s-��� k-.s�� o� ��;��-��i_ ���uJ rrs �v.,r� ���;��t'�r�rt�or� �"��� t-lA'�I✓ �✓�;- �C'l-11S G6ZGFt�.1tz.A-T�b� Str►Du,� �� � I�uJ�;��,p ��� KiSdW(N� �J Arra v.>� Da �tL r vs > rt��rz 6 N c(SRU-r N IMTo 0 L)rz V\sf,I r1l3 tOD Korb W-O.LA LD 1 t XTDC©1� DSR f�_.t D I��v��� A N Ac5nc>r J_ Sincerely, TNS vl►w C.t-%pogG T+4� DyNPyN-kC.s o� OofL1,3Fk �tl�ettnvD d � 3 � 1Z • RECEIVE ® January 4, 2012 JAN 0 4 2012 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDINO DIVISION To: Nathan West, Planning Director City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 RE: Peninsula Community Mental Health's CUP request for 113 E.9th Street and 123 E.9th Street Mr.West, I believe the City of Port Angeles has violated my Fourteenth Amendment rights and will further violate said rights by granting a Conditional Use Permit to Peninsula Community Mental Health. I further believe the City of Port Angeles has violated state ethics laws and will further violate said laws by granting a Conditional Use Permit to Peninsula Community Mental Health. In regards to Fourteenth Amendment violations,the City of Port Angeles(hereby referred to as "City") has not afforded me equal protection by law specifically related to property. The City continues to make erroneous decisions without proper investigation that directly relate to infringement on my property use and value without concern or regard to its'own ordinances and regulations. I cite specific to this claim the commercial parking use by Peninsula Community Mental Health staff and clients as demonstrated and documented by concerned 9th and Laurel Street residents at the December 8th, 2010 city council meeting regarding the renting of a Peninsula Community Mental Health building to the Eagles club. The commercial use of said property south of the alley between 8th and 9th streets and Lincoln and Laurel streets is a clear commercial use in a residetially zoned(RS-7)area yet even though the City is aware of this nothing has been done. To further substantiate my claims, in a conversation with Sue Roberds, Planning Department,she admitted to me this was a clear violation but one that she was not aware of until just recently. Please review the December 8th,2010 Eagles minutes for verification. Several attendees can or are willing to confirm this was brought up. This leads me to secondary subject matter discussed with Sue Roberds while picking up my copies of the Conditional Use Permits filed by Peninsula Community Mental Health. She stated to me that she saw no violations that precluded Peninsula Community Mental Health from being granted the Conditional Use Permits they filed but certainly if we had concerns to bring them to her attention. Within the body of the Conditional Use Permits, Peter O. Casey, Peninsula Community Mental Health Executive Director attempts to establish legal parking by precident. Specifically on his cover page, he states in part, "PCMHC rents both the house and the rear north lots for parking,which is used by clients and staff." On page 8 of the City Of Port Angeles Environmental Checklist#14 C., Mr. Casey states, "There are approximately 6-7 parking spaces on the street adjacent to the property; no spaces would be eliminated. There is also 2 parking spaces in the yard at 113 E.9th and approximately 24 on the back of the German property,which PCMHC rents for clients and staff use." Again,that property is clearly residentially zoned(RS-7)and puts Peninsula Community Mental Health in violation of the City's own ordinances, rules and zoning regulations. To partially conclude my point of no equal protection by law specifically related to property under my 14th Amendment rights,the City has done nothing about this violation having heard both verbally and in writing of said violation. As a matter of record, I consider the City's ignorance of their own ordinaces, rules and zoning violations to be blatant at this juncture. This is a year old issue. Under#14 G. of the same document, Mr. Casey states, "If the CUP does not allow for continued parking on German north lots, parking on surrounding streets would increase rather than be reduced." This means one of two things or both. If the CUP is approved, it violates the RS-7 residential zoning by continued commercial use parking related to the commercial use and zoning of Peninsula Community Mental Health and that the City would be in known violation or that parking on surrounding streets would increase by Mr. Casey's own admission thereby inflicting our residentially zoned neighborhood with commercial use parking. In either case, there is enough concern and/or violation for the Conditional Use Permit to be denied and the neighborhood's 14th Amendment rights( specifically mine)to be protected and restored. In regards to state ethics laws being violated, I request the City to investigate any and all non city or business relationships between Sue Roberds and Nancy German and or family. Word in our neighborhood is that they spent personal time together celebrating the Christmas holidays and that they are personal friends. As you know Peninsula Community Mental Health rents a house from Nancy German. I don't believe I have to spell out the conflict of interest or potential ethics violations here. 1 am certain that the City falls under the same ethics laws as provided by RCW 42.52 or it's own close facsimile. We have also experienced nuisance intrusions like the attempt of Peninsula Community Mental Health clients bumming cigarettes and money along with them knocking at our doors stating that if we didn't approve of them living in our neighborhood thay would have no where to live. A parking demonstration (I believe orchestrated by Mr. Casey) plugged 9th street when the illegal parking just south of the alley was emptied. We have documentation to prove this claim. I have one last question---Is the City receiving any local,county,state of federal grants related in any way to Peninsula Community Mental Health? In conclusion, please address the concerns that I have as a residential property owner. I trust that you will also respond to the zoning violations that I have cited and to the requests of public dislclosure related to the conflict of interest and grant monies I have inquired about. Thank you. Sincerely, Q Earl R. Richardson ► \ . 819 S. Laurel St. Port Angeles,WA 98362 cc: Personal File, Legal Representation RECIVE ® Jan 3, 2012 JAN 0 4 2012 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Christina Williams WILDING DIVISION 111 East 9`" Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles Planning Commission c/o City Planning Dept. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP requests for 113 and 123 9' St. I live on residentially-zoned 9th Street, across the alley from Peninsula Mental Health's commercially-zoned 8th Street headquarters. I owned my home for several years when PMH bought the house next door, at 113 E. 9tt' St, and began operating it as a"client residence." I object to the permitting of both of its 9th Street houses for these reasons: The house next door has been used as a non-permitted"client residence" for years, and does not contribute to the stability of a neighborhood that is already at risk due to crime, foreclosure and a decaying infrastructure. The proximity of this house to my property has resulted in multiple issues regarding clients and property usage. Historically, PMH's responsiveness to the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood is unreliable. PMH wants to permit the house next door to me, and the residence at 123 9th St. These properties comprise two of five client residences operated by PMH, but they are currently used for other purposes as well. The house at 113 E. 9th St. has a garage addition that serves as a smoking area near the alley. Smoking near Mental Health's 8th St. entrance is prohibited, so smokers congregate at the residentially-zoned client residence. The smoke is often a nuisance, and the environmental impact shows hypocritical disregard for 9th St. PMH rents its 123 East 9th Street property, which includes two vacant residentially-zoned lots. In 2010, without prior notification to the neighborhood, the northern section of both lots were compacted and covered with rock, for use as PMH's commercial parking. These combined properties constitute four out of five contiguous residentially-zoned lots on the north side of the E. 100 block of 9th Street. This commercially-purposed monopoly constitutes encroachment that benefits Mental Health, its clients, and the landlord from whom it rents the property. Surrounding homeowner/residents are stakeholders in this neighborhood. Despite our vocal objections, this encroaching usage continues. The traffic to and from the residentially-zoned commercial parking lot affects the adjacent alley that serves as sole ingress/egress. Sue Roberds in(December of 2011) verbally confirmed that there is no variance for the residential lots that currently serve as commercial parking. But that use, and its impact on the neighborhood is ongoing. Our small, historically residential neighborhood recognizes the value of Mental Health's services to the region,but since their purchase of the 9`" Street property years ago, we have often been inadequately informed of their plans until a crisis develops or a permit request is submitted. Why must our small,residentially-zoned neighborhood suffer so much impact from the commercial operations of an agency that serves such a large region? There are surely alternative solutions that are more equitable. As stakeholders, we have been often overlooked in decisions that disproportionately impact us. I implore the Planning Commission to ensure a future in which all stakeholders are fairly treated. Sincerely, (114 Christina Williams January 3, 2012 EESVED— From: JAN 0 4 2012 L Z L °� ' 7 i- CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION To: Ms. Sue Roberds Planning Dept. City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for 113 E. 9th Street and 123 E. 9th Street Dear Ms. Roberds: I am a longterm resident/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9th Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, I object to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street, based on the following reasons: �►`tip ��t����� ��� //VDa Sincerely, RECEIVE JA4 2012 January 3, 2012 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION From: Mr. and Mrs. Denny Goudie 126 E 9t" St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Ms. Sue Roberds Planning Dept. City of Port Angeles 321 East 5t" St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for 413E9th Stand 123E9thSt Dear MS. Roberds: I am a long term resident/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9t" Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health (PMH) has requested permits. While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the large community, I object to the permitting of these two residences on 9t" Street, based on the following reasons: 1 . My children's safety. While playing in the front yard of our house my kids are being watched by PMH's patients. I don't know what type of medical condition the patients have toward my family and my home safety. My kids can't play in the front yard anymore. PMH representative stated that they are monitoring these houses and patients who live there, but I don't believe that. An elderly lady who used to live in 123 E 9t" died in the house and was laying there for a few days! If they monitor the patients all the time how could that happen? 2. Another lady, the patient of PMH, came to my house and told me when my kids were born. It was my actual kid's birthdays. How would she know that information without maybe breaking into my house? 3. None of my neighbors are happy about it. I don't feel safe anymore. I thought about it a lot, but I couldn't find one little reason to agree with PMH request. PMH representatives chose to have that job, so, they think about it 40 hours a week and get paid for it. I live in that block and now I have to worry about my family and neighbors safety 24/7. 4. I don't think its right to make so many families with kids unhappy. They need to find a different solution. Or maybe they can come up with a better idea so we can all agree, and, finely, be happy again. ,j Sincerely, RECEIVED January 3, 2012 JAN 0 4 2012 From: Mr and Mrs. Dan Schmid 114 East 9`" Street CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Planning Dept. City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for 113 E. 91h Street and 123 E. 9th Street Dear Planning Commission: We are lifelong residents/stakeholders living in the neighborhood of the two 9th Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, I object to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street,based on the following reasons: 1) We have lived at 114 E. 9th St. for 20 years. Our home is our investment and this proposal puts the value of our home in jeopardy—both fmancially and emotionally. 2) The Peninsula Mental Health has demonstrated that it is interested in its own mission statement, however, and whatever that may cost the residents of 9th Street. 3) The zoning for this block of 9th St.—from the alley between 8th and 9th Street and south up to Lauridsen Boulevard,was decided years ago, after a year long struggle—for this neighborhood to retain and protect its historical and residential character. 4) I have served the neighborhood children for the past 30 years by teaching both at Queen of Angels and Jefferson Schools. It is my choice when and where to serve after contract hours and I do not want this choice dictated to me by the patients/clients of Peninsula Mental Health. 5) Peninsula Mental Health has encroached onto our block of 9th Street without permits for the past several years. Whereas there have been no other encroachments on the entire length of 9th Street. Will this not be a precedent set for any other agency or business to enter neighborhoods of our city? 6) In reviewing the application of Peninsula Mental Health—How does a 30 car— improved—but not approved parking lot become allowable as part of a conditional use permit for a single family dwelling? Also in reviewing the a application under environmental factors it is stated that there is no slope to the property-there is a large hill that slopes directly into the improved but not approved lot. We wonder what other inconsistencies can be found in the application? 7) We have long maintained that the lame, over sized building, (currently housing Mental Health) is zoned for use on 8 Street–and was there when we bought this house. We do not have a problem with the activity and use within the zoning area. We do not want our neighborhood commercialized or changed by any agency or business, zoned on 8t`Street and encroaching on 9`h. There are a multitude of buildings and parking lots throughout the city that could be used as part of Peninsula Mental Health—this Street however, is our home. Please consider these points while preparing to make a decision on this established neighborhood. Sincerely, 4Lt�-AA"Y� U" '"� Theresa Schmid and Dan Schmid RECEIVED January 3, 2012 JAN 0 4 2012 From: Pe eLj J CITY OF PORT ANGELES 12-2, Olt 5T BUILDING DIVISION To: Ms. Sue Roberds Planning Dept. City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Re: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for r 113 E. 9th Street and 123 E. 9th Street Dear Ms. Roberds: I am a longterm resident/stakeholder living in the neighborhood of the two 9th Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. While I understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, I object to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street, based on the following reasons: d Sincerely, r IVED V JAN 0 4 2012 CITY OF PORT ANGELES January 3, 2012 BUILDING DIVISION From: Heather Buckmaster & Dan Mock 118 East 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Port Angeles Planning Commission c/o Port Angeles City Planning Dept. Port Angeles City Hall Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Peninsula Mental Health's CUP request for 113 East 9th Street and 123 East 9th Street Dear Planning Commission: We are long-term resident/stakeholders living the surrounding neighborhood of the two 9th Street houses for which Peninsula Mental Health has requested permits. We understand the need for Mental Health's services in the larger community, but we object to the permitting of these two residences on 9th Street based on the following reasons: 1. We don't believe it is consistent with the "residential" zoning of the lots in question. 2. We don't believe that the current residents of the houses are monitored very well. Here are two examples of this lack of supervision: a. One resident last year was smoking marijuana on the front porch at all hours of the day and night. b. One resident frequently observed walking/pacing and talking very loudly to themselves for long periods of time. 3. There are also many non-resident patients that frequent these houses. 4. It feels as if this neighborhood is bearing the full burnt of the Peninsula Mental Health's planned expansion. Sincerely, U A*,Ib Heather Buckmaster ban Mock Olympic Iyengar Yoga 710 South Lincoln Port Angeles, WA. 98362 p E C E �n 360.452.3012 U D DEC 2 1 209 CITY U PORTANGELES My business is right across the street from PCMHC as a fellow neighb�TmI am pr8�iR'1�'t--hat our community supports all individuals, but especially the people who have mental health conditions. No one family is immune from any of the many diagnosis that can affect you and change the course of your life, from depression to anxiety to other diagnoses, someone you know is struggling to manage on their own. The PCMHC supports and allows people to led a productive and separate life as all of us would want for ourselves and family. Robin Popinski PS, again I am proud the Clallium County takes care of all citizens. eift)1'r4 a CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF MAILING I, SUE ROBERDS, state that on the day of 2011, I mailed said notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached and made part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, to the persons noted on the attached list. In addition, the notice was posted on the front lobby bulletin board in the main lobby of City Hall. AFFIANT Subscribed to me this day of 2011. F ary Public NOT , Y PUBLIC for the State of f Washington Washington, residing in Port Angeles SSA M. HURDMIS91ON EXPIRESY V, W4 T/fomes/affidavitmaiIing CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF POSTING I JIM LIERLY, state that on the L-(�L- day of 2011, 1 posted said notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached and made part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Co e, on the property proposed for a land use action. AFFI T� 2"' 2011._�� �r Subscribed to me this —� day of,/l/ate NOTARY PUBLIC forithe State of 5 s Washington, residing in Port Angeles NO 9' a 0 { � ]7 = uruunn T/forms/affidavitpostingj im • • CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEADING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 18, 2011, the CITY OF PORT ANGELES received a conditional use permit application to conduct a group home use in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. The application was considered to be complete on November 28, 2011. The CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION will conduct a public hearing on JANUARY 11, 2012. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the request and to attend the public hearing that will begin at 6 p.m., City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington. Written comment must be submitted no later than January 4, 2012, to be included in the staff report. Information maybe reviewed at the City Department of Community & Economic Development, City Hall, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: It is anticipated that a determination of nonsignificance will be issued for the use following the end of the public comment period, per WAC 197-11-355. APPLICANT: PENINSULA COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH LOCATION: 123 East 91h Street For further information contact: Sue Roberds, (360) 417-4750 PUB: 12/20/11 POST: 12/16/11 MAIL: 12/16/11 T:\NOTICES\PCpublichearing.wpd Easy Peel® Labels i A Bend along line to n AVERY@ 5160 Use AveryO Template 51600 •Feed Paper ® expose Pop-Up Edge TM 1� Seattle Bank Loan Operations 600 University St. STC 1850 Jason & Kristen Chittick Robert & Lou Nevaril Seattle, WA 98101-1120 106 E. 9`" St. 909 W. Laurel St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Residence Dan & Joann West Dan & Theresa Sclunid 110 E. 9`i' St. 112 Sierra Drive 114 E. 9`" St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Sequim, WA 98382 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Heather Buckmaster Residence Kenyon & Susan Nattinger 118 E. 9`i' St. 122 E. 9`" St. 4227 Deer Park Rd. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Denny & Julie Goudie Harry Amos Residence 126 E. 9`i' St. 130 E. 9`I' St. 902 S. Lincoln St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Lien Lam & Yan Yi Thompson Residence Charles Raab 111 La Tour Rd. 901 S. Lincoln St. 2518 S. Oak St. Sequim, WA 98382 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Carl Elkhart Jr. Residence Residence 108 W_ 8`' St. 104 E. 8`" St. 124 E. 7`" St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Residence US Bank Corp. Properties Residence 134 E. 7`I' St. 2800 E. Lake St. 710 S. Lincoln St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Minneapolis, MN 55406-1930 Port Angeles, WA 98362 John & Robin Popinski Residence David & Janet Erickson 93 Lake Dawn Rd. 205 E. 8`I' St. 144 Thompson Rd. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98363 ID Residence BP West Coast Productions LLC George Drake 807 S. Lincoln St. PO Box 5015 819 S. Lincoln St. Port Angeles, WA 98 362 Buena Park, CA 90622-1066 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Residence Fred & Lynda Beyers Residence 207 E. 9`I' St. 9414 1615` CT E 129 E. 9"i St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Puyallup, WA 98375 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Etiquettes faciles a peler A Repliez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERY®5160® chargement reveler le rebord Pop-UpTM 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy PeelO Labels i A Bend along line to I AVERY@ 5160® Use Avery®T@mplate 51600 Feed Paper ® expose Pop-Up EdgeTM • Karl Baumwell Nancy German Earl & Lori Richardson 175 Harrington Rd. 3225 E. Masters Rd 819 S. Laurel St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Silverio Gallegos Christina Williams Residence 817 S. Laurel St. 111 E. 9t" St. 1291/2E. 9"' St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Eagles Club 112 E. 8"' St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Etiquettes faciles a peler ® Repliez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit AVERY®51600 Sens de reveler le rebord Pop-UpTM ' 1-800-GO-AVERY b chargement 1 1 • o Peninsula 118 East Eighth Street Community PortAngeles,WA 98362 Mental I ealth Ph. (360) 457-0431 • Fax (360) 457-0493 enter info@pcmhc.org • www.pcmhc.org November 15, 2011 ®� 18 ��� I CITY QFPORTANGEtr— Dept.of Community Development Sue Roberds Planning Manager 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Subject: 11.3 and 123 E. 91h Street—Single Family Homes Dear Sue: Peninsula Community Mental Health Center (PCMHC) is submitting two Conditional Use Permit applications for Transitional Living Houses that we operate at 113 and 123 East 9th St., Port Angeles, WA 98362. Transitional Living Houses are used to provide affordable, supportive housing to disabled, mentally ill residents. PCMHC owns the house at 113 East 9th St., and Nancy German owns the one at 123 East 9th St., along with the accompanying lots. PCMHC rents both the house and the rear north lots for parking, which is used by clients and staff. Thanks for consideration of our CUP applications.. Sincerely, Peter O. Casey, LICSW Executive Director COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 490 North Fifth Avenue Sequim,WA 98382 Ph.(360)681-0585 Fax(360)681-2808 APPLICATION FEES :d; , FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Rec'd: CUP: $500&$250(SEPA) � `' File Number: Total$750 ��� -Administrative CUP CITY OF PORT ANGELES HTE# Received by: $200 & $100 SEPA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Total:$300 .;, ECNWE APPLICATION D Fww ,, 9 209 #*IMPORTANT * PLEASE READ CITY OF P0RTANGELE8 Dept.of Community Development ! Only completed applications will be accepted. To be considered complete, an application must include all of tl-e following information: A completed application signed by the applicant and the property owner(if different than the applicant). A completed SEPA Checklist signed by the applicant. A vicinity map (showing the site in relation to surrounding properties) 0 A site plan (accurately drawn at 1"=20' scale with complete dimensions showing all property lines, existing and proposed structures and parking spaces, setbacks and significant vegetation). Interior floor plans for each floor of any structure to be used for the proposed activity. Exterior building elevations for each side of any building that will be constructed for the proposed use. 7f Mailing labels and list of property owners within 300' of the proposed site. A list of the property owners may be obtained from the County Assessor's Office. Application fee. It is important to be accurate and complete with the information regarding all aspects of your project. The Planning Commission's decision and staff recommendation will be based on the information contained in this application, and will be limited to the proposal as presented. Changes to your project from what is submitted may result in the delay ofyourproject'sreview. Certain proposals are decided administratively such (retail stand permits, home occupations, and bed and breakfast uses). These permits do not require a public hearing process. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding the permit process, time periods, or restrictions of certain applications. Community Development Department personnel may be reached at 417-4750 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. NOTES: (For your use) Mn P r� U ®� 9 � �o�� Appl. # APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept.of Community Development Applicant: N1flw,+c+1 �q_a.\-It\. Cer„} e0. Address: INV E S� Daytime phone#: 3 G o L-!S h-o-1�a POp.t �NqQ \eS , WIN gle3 4 -A Applicant's representative(if other than applicant): -V�L+eA Address: S ►+a o.s a b o v R. Daytime phone#: 3 4 o 19 Property owner(if other than applicant): Geo.M a,r4 3 3 z.S F est- M a. Sireas R d Address: w IN Daytime phone#:3 9(0 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Street address: ► a 3 IF- W A cj-e 3 6 a Legal description: o Zoning: P. S - 1 Comprehensive Plan designation: L 'R Property dimensions: Property area (total square feet): Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat,sloped,vacant,developed,etc.): 5 t n ,A. PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: Please describe the proposed conditional use: Q-etC�.'r� C, c `•e d, de�cra. • 0 Number of employees: d Hours of operation: a `. Number of on-site parking spaces: a4 Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): SIGNATURES: Applicant: Icerlift that all of the above statements are true and complete to the best of'my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in its entirety and understand that my submittal will be reviewed for completeness. If found to be complete the application will be scheduledfor the next available Planning Commission meeting. Ifnot complete,when requested information has been received the application will be scheduled for the next available meeting. Signature Q,,y��J C, Date ` - S - a C ` Owner(if other than applicant): I am the owner f the subje °t property identified herein and approve of this application. Signatur'e—/ 6V Date f/ /S For Staff Use Only: Permit No. Appl. complete Add. Info requested • 0 Peninsula Community Mental Health Center (PCMHC) is applying for conditional use permits for our house at 113 East 9t1i St., and for Nancy German's house at 123 East 91h St., which we rent. Currently, three adults reside at 113 East 9t'St. Although there is capacity for two adults to reside at 123 East 9"' St., it is currently vacant. Both residences operate as modified group home for adult tenants who are disabled and have diagnoses of Mental Illness. They have either limited or no contact with their families, few social supports and subsist on low, fixed, monthly incomes typically ranging from $339.00 to $637.00. In a state licensed group home, staff are required to be on the premises of the house on a 24/7 basis because the residents are incapable of much self-reliance. Although the 9t' St. house residents benefit from structure and need some assistance with community integration and their activities of daily living, they function in healthy, constructive ways with considerable independence. With periodic assistance, they manage their finances, take medication on their own, purchase and prepare the food they eat, wash their clothes, and clean their living space. The main goal of our houses is to provide a comfortable and supportive living setting that will allow each resident to strengthen their self-sufficiency skills so that in time they can transition to more independent housing, as well as qualify or re-qualify for subsidized housing. We work to raise the quality of life for each resident and empower them to live as capably as possible in our community. To ensure the safety and well-being of tenants, PCMHC Designated Mental Health Professionals are available 24/7 to our residents for emergency support and crisis response. Our Residential Case Manager and Peer Support Specialists visit the house 7 days per week to provide coaching in nutrition, hygiene, time management, problem solving, budgeting finances, transportation arrangement, health support service follow- through, self-advocacy and vocational plans. Within the past year, the outside of both residences have been renovated, as well as part of the inside, so that it is more appealing for our residents and fits in more easily with the upkeep and quality of homes of our neighbors. Also, members of our staff and Board of Directors met with 9th St. neighbors on February 1.5 and November 1 of this year to relationship-build and address concerns between our tenants and neighbors. PENINSUAMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH OTER POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUALS Subject: Residential Policy No: Page: 1 of 2 Title: Supportive Effective Date: Revised Date: Housing Admission August 24, 2010 Guidelines Approved by: (qj � Executive Director Authori PURPOSE: To provide admission criteria for Peninsula Community Mental Health Center's (PCMHC) Supportive Housing Program. POLICY: PCMHC clients will be screened prior to placement in Supportive Housing to ensure they are appropriate for that level of residential living and supervison. This screening may include a criminal background check for violence, the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale as well as an assessment of their instrumental activities of daily living skills. DEFINITIONS: Community Supportive Housing - PCMHC owned or rented community based housing which provides residential opportunities for clients of the agency to live in a setting with minimal supervision to promote independence and community integration. Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) - Is a numeric scale (0- 100) to subjectively rate the social, occupational, and psychological functioning of adults. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Skills (ADLs) - Hygiene and health-related skills (eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, housework, managing medications)beneficial for fundamental functioning, that enable an individual to live independently in a community. Crime of Violence as defined in RCW 9.41.010: a) Any of the following felonies, as now existing or hereafter amended: Any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or an attempt to commit a class A felony, criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit a class A felony, manslaughter in the first degree, manslaughter in the second degree, indecent liberties if committed by forcible compulsion, kidnapping in the second degree, arson. in the second degree, assault in. the second degree, . assault of a child in the second degree, extortion in the first degree, burglary Page 1 Policy and Procedure/Policy Title in the second degreO, sidential burglary, and robbery ii e second degree. b) Any conviction for a felony offense in effect at any time prior to June 6, 1996, which is comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence in (a) of this subsection; and (c) Any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence under (a) or (b) or this subsection. PROCEDURE: 1. Individuals considered for Supportive Housing will be screened to ensure they meet the criteria and functioning level to live with considerable independence and minimal assistance and monitoring. 2. The PCMHC Residential Services Supervisor will have the discretion to request a criminal background check on any individual being screened for PCMHC Supportive Housing services. The fee for this background check will be paid by the applicant. Supportive Housing services will not be provided prior to its receipt and review by the Residential Services Supervisor. 3. If the criminal background check does not reveal any pending charges or convictions for any crimes of violence as defined above, the individual will be considered for Supportive Housing services and the screening process will proceed. 4. If the criminal background check reveals a conviction or pending charges for a crime of violence as defined above, the individual may be 1 denied Supportive Housing services. The Executive Director, after consultation with the Residential Services Supervisor and Clinical Director, may approve housing services if there are extenuating circumstances. 5. If at any time an existing resident of PCMHC Supportive Housing services is arrested and charged with a crime of violence as defined above, continuation of their Supportive Housing services is at the discretion of the Executive Director. 6. Once approved for supportive housing, the individual will be advised of the housing rules and conditions of continued residency by the Residential Services Supervisor. 7. The individual's ability to remain in this setting will be monitored and assessed by the Residential Counselor on a daily basis and Community Support Services staff a minimum of once a week, or as determined by the Community Support Services Supervisor., 8. If the individual violates any of the housing rules or conditions of continued residency the Residential Services Supervisor has the authority to terminate their Supportive Housing and place them in a more restricted and supervised setting. 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M f� F r i Land # Type Description Acres Sqt EH-ront Eff Depth Mar<et Value Prod.Value 1 1112 1112 C.0000 0.00 10) 000 $168,750 $0 Roll Value History Year I Tip rovements Land Market Curren Jse Total Appra sed Taxable Value 2011 $39,889 $1E9,75 $0 $199,264 $199284 2010 $45,207 $1E8,750 $0 $213,957 $213957 20C9 $45,207 $1E8,750 $0 $213,957 $213957 2008 $53,185 $1E7,500 $0 $240,685 $240685 2007 $53,185 $1E7,500 $0 $240,685 $240685 2006 $56,405 $10,835 $0 $158.240 $158 240 2005 $42,570 $74,880 $0 $117,450 $117450 2004 $37,015 $E7,600 $0 $94,615 $94615 2003 $30,850 $E7,600 $0 $88,450 $88450 20C2 $30,850 $E7,600 $0 $88,450 $88450 2001 $30,850 $E7,600 $0 $88.450 $88450 2000 $22,365 $E2,800 $0 $75,165 $75135 1999 $22,365 $E2,fc00 $0 $75,165 $75135 1999 $22,365 $E2,800 $0 $75,165 $75135 Deed and Sales History Excise Deed # Geed Date Type Descripticn Granlor GranlEe Volume Page Sale Frce Number Number 1 C3/27/20'1 EXEC EXECUTOR OF ESTATE ROBEP.-3 GERMAN JR NANCY J GERMAN $0 00 92169 2011-1265480 Payoct Agreement 4 ol''� 11/7/2011 2:04 PM Clallam County Assessor&Treasurer- ?-ope6Detai I s- 58471 N... http://rebs-vE..,-lalI net/properr,access/Property.aspx?cid=0&year... r "":.'%—' YIY YAfAIY YYY1YI t..I♦HIYNII ♦.... ^ttYHs.1A-Mvlla,wl.�V .e.w Mi - .w 092169 •:111uwa tI u'n'i - c r y 3 oi'5 11 ; -O 11 x:04 11\1 • Alley • Basement 28, First Floor: 22.0 x 28.0 = 616.0 6.0 x 13.0 = 78.0 Low finish 6.0 x 8.0 = 48.0 utility room Gross Living Area = 742.0 Sf 6' head Basement: 28.0 x 28.0 = 784.0 Sf wh clearence 281 Unfinished earth floored GERMAN area with storage utility Not Scale 81 Yr y4 131 Vacant Lots 14 and 15 to the west RO Dining wood 6 area 7Bdrm 10 Kitchen clT % r & j 28' P jc� j Cl Is ) 28' .______L6 61_ 4 ---4 TF s Living Bdrm 1 28' SRO Cc. First Floor 123 E. 9th St. ( On Lot 16) E 9th St. The sketch is for your aid in to your land with reference to streets and othercels.While it Is believed to be i- correct, the Company assumes no mobility for any loss occurring by reason of refianereon. SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY i 19.6 �0 6 411 �I 1, /> ^o yfi 0 st so. BOCK- ` TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES NOTE- : ALL STREETS ARE 70 FEET W1pE ExGEp-T PIRE,T, PENN , LIBERT`(, P—AC E V STP—EET5 , WHICH ARE 80 FEET WIDE . ��� = 100 1I� L Ol 1 i)A 72 mamma Iy,� 77 (lit �// Re: 9th St. Houses .µ �w 3 123 E 9TH C jpg -�-- -- - -- Re: 9th St. Houses A -123 E 9TH D.1P9 R e..r o v a t �o N� � d.. a e. '� o �^o ., s c. •a. f, w o p e�� y lk • Re: 9th St. Houses r Attachments: - ---- --- 113 E 9TH A.jpg 112 KB 113 E 9TH B.jpg 123 KB 113 E 9TH C.jpg 131 KB 113 E 9TH D.jpg 112 KB --....._......................................... ----- --- 123 E 9TH A.jpg 234 KB 123 E 9TH B.jpg 159 KB 123 E 9TH C.jpg 156 KB 123 E 9TH D.jpg 168 KB Clallam County Assessor&Treasurer-PropertvDetails- 58471 N... http://websrv8.clalltm.net/propertyaccess/Property.aspx?cid=0&year... Clallam County Assessor & Treasurer Property Search Results > 58471 NANCY J GERMAN for Year 2010 -2011 Property Account Property ID: 58471 Legal Description: LOTS 14-16 BL 268 Geographic ID: 0630000268760000 Agent Code: Type: Real Tax Area: 0010-PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L W MP Land Use Code 11 Open Space: N DFL N Historic Property: N Remodel Property: N Multi-Family Redevelopment: N Township: Section: Range: Location Address. 123 E NINTH ST Mapsco: PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Neighborhood: Cycle 5 Res Map ID: 2 Neighborhood CD: 10955130 Owner ............. - ......- .............. Name: NANCY J GERMAN Owner ID. 150988 Mailing Address: 3225 E MASTERS RD %Ownership: 100.0000000000% PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Exemptions: Taxes and Assessment Details i Property Tax Information as of 11/07/2011 Amount Due if Paid on: - NOTE: If you plan to submit payment on a future date, make sure you enter the date and click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due. Click on"Statement Details"to expand or collapse a tax statement. First Half Second Half Year Statement ID Base Amt. Base Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid Amount Due Statement Details 2011 153122 $1131.60 $1131.52 $0.00 $0.00 $2263.12 $0.00 � Statement Details � '• 2010— 41411 $1083.67 $1083.64 $0.00 $0.00 $2167.31 $0.00] Values _._. ...... _ __.._..._ — - - ----- (+) Improvement Homesite Value: + $0 (+) Improvement Non-Homesite Value: + $45,207 (+)Land Homesite Value: + $0 (+)Land Non-Homesite Value: + $168,750 (+)Curr Use(HS): + $0 $0 (+)Curr Use(NHS): + $0$0 -------------------------- (_)Market Value: _ $213,957 (—)Productivity Loss: — $0 -------------------------- (_)Subtotal: _ $213,957 (+)Senior Appraised Value: + $0 (+)Non-Senior Appraised Value: + $213,957 -------------------------- (_)Total Appraised Value: _ $213,957 1 of 5 _ 11/7/2011 2:04 PM Clal lain County Assessor&Treasurer- Prope Details- 58471 N... 11ttp://websrv8.cIallnet/propertyaccess/Property.aspx?cid=0&year... (-)Senior Exemption Loss: - $0 (-)Exemption Loss: - $0 -------------------------- (_)Taxable Value: _ $213,957 Taxing JurisdictionOwner: NANCY NANCY J GERMAN %Ownership: 100.0000000000% Total Value: $213,957 Tax Area: 0010-PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L WMP Levy Code Description Levy Rate Appraised Value�� Taxable Value Estimated Tax (STATE SCH STATE SCHOOL 2.1596751287 $213,957 $213,957 $462.08 CC GENERAL CLALLAM COUNTY GENERAL 1.1547734747 $213,957 _ $213,957 $247.07 DEVDISIBLT DEVELOPMENT DISABILITIES COUNTY 0.0250000000 $213,957 $213,957 $5.35 1 LND ASSMT LAND ASSESSMENT COUNTY 0.0012000000 $213,957 $213,957 $0.26 TAX REFUND TAX REFUND FUND COUNTY 0.0000000000 $213,957 - $213,957 - $0.00 VET RELIEF VETERAN'S RELIEF COUNTY - 0.0112500000 $213,957 $213,957 $2.41 CAPT IMP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PORT DISTRICT 0.1677993347 $213,957 $213,957 $35.90 LIB T-� LIBRARY COUNTY -- -0.5000000000 $213,957 $213,957 $106.98 LIB BD PORTANGELES CITY LIBRARY BOND 0.1654451760 $213,957 $213,957 $35.40 i PRTANG PORT ANGELES CITY GENERAL - 2.3561063648 $213,957 $213,957 $504.11 REFUND BD PORT ANGELES CITY REFUNDING BOND 0.2307742048 $213,957 $213,957 $49.38 i SD 121 BD SD 121 BOND 0.3918290569 $213,957 $213,957 $83.83 SD 121 GEN SD 121 M&O 2.4312295368 $213,957 $213,957' $520.18 HOSP 2 GEN HOSPITAL DIST#2 GENERAL 0.4894116658 $213,957 $213,957 $104.71 WSMETPARK WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL MET PK DIST 0.1487586921 $213,957 $213,957 $31.83 Total Tax Rate: _ 10.2332526353 - Taxes w/Current Exemptions: $2,189.49 Taxes w/o Exemptions: $2,189.49 Improvement/Building Improvement#1: HOUSE State Code: 11 720.0 sgft Value: $45,20-7 -_ Exterior Wall: 2-Siding Foundation: 2-Post and Pier Heating/Cooling: 2-Baseboard Electric Kitchen Quality: 2-Average Roof Covering: 4-Composition Type Description Class CD Sub Class CD Year Built Area MA Main 01 03- 1928 720.0 Sketch No sketches available for this property. Property Image i This property contains TIFF images. Click on the button(s)to download the full image(which may contain multiple pages). 2 of 5 11/7/2011 2:04 PM File No.GERMAN Pae#1 Comparable Sales Map BoTrower Client Client: Peninsual Community ental Heath PropertyPioperty Address 123 E.9th St. City Port Angeles County Clallam State WA ZiD Code 98362-7805 Lender Peninsula Community Mental Heath ,r l c� i r a^ Edz Hook std Ma !! f P M ,yam H-� r g w �z� gd ljj k Mane 6, yy. iv, y k� � .. k, lyB9yIv �, F kwNa. * IeF ,, o� bfq. kf� 4 r_ t}}}� k, FF ?a} 0 - F � k' F F 4 ` 117 Ib /P Ive 94 6� lot MOW AV6 LId,,n 01 AAve o"'Ave g �¢a 4g �a AVB FS a F le gy�St FOyBAy Ave '-4°� W FQM4 Av v#.Cby sr Vatllon S w RbearWt'_Rda _N WPerk AVB M E Park AvB tisitBrd 9 E Pyk Grat Ave df Viowo M Avc UY!BP+s Ave Jly'rty1 Rarf'a: r � 1a C Yi1:112fo! 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