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1411 Pendley Court
Address: 1411 Pendley Court PREPARED 3/03/15, 12:21:20 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES LIERLY DATE 3/03/15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS . : 1411 PENDLEY CT SUBDIV: CONTRACTOR : PHONE OWNER RUSSELL H AND SHANA MYREN PHONE PARCEL 06-30-01-8-6-0130-0000- APPL NUMBER: 14-00000742 RES NEW SFR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPR 00 BUILDING PERMIT - RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS —---------------------------------------------------------------------—----------------------- BL1 01 8/22/14 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING 8/22/14 AP August 22, 2014 9:31:37 AM pbarthol. August 22, 2014 11:58:33 AM jlierly. BL2 01 8/27/14 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION STEM WALL 8/27/14 AP August 27, 2014 10:14:48 AM jlierly. August 27, 2014 3:39:29 PM jlierly. DSD O1 9/15/14 JLL BLDG DOWN SPOUT DRAINS 9/15/14 AP September 15, 2014 8:38:24 AM pbarthol. Bruce 912-0079 September 15, 2014 3:58:40 PM jlierly. BFF O1 9/19/14 JLL BLDG FLOOR FRAMING 9/19/14 AP September 19, 2014 8:38:16 AM pbarthol. Bruce 912-0079 September 19, 2014 4:23:24 PM jlierly. BL9 01 10/31/14 JLL BLDG SHEARWALL 10/31/14 AP October 31, 2014 1:02:53 PM pbarthol. October 31, 2014 3:16:31 PM jlierly. BAIR O1 12/11/14 PB BLDG AIR SEAL 12/11/14 AP December 11, 2014 8:54:46 AM pbarthol. December 12, 2014 9:34:14 AM pbarthol. - BL3 01 12/11/14 PB BLDG FRAMING 12/11/14 AP December 11, 2014 8:54:25 AM pbarthol. December 12, 2014 9:34:14 AM pbarthol. BLI O1 12/16/14 JLL BLDG INSULATION 12/16/14 AP December 16, 2014 10:36:24 AM jlierly. sue December 16, 2014 4:36:43 PM jlierly. FFNL O1 2/06/15 KDD FIRE FINAL 2/06/15 AP February 6, 2015 12:18:39 PM kdubuc. fire final February 6, 2015 12:19:08 PM kdubuc. fire final PW99 01 2/18/15 RV PUBLIC WORKS FINAL 2/18/15 AP February 23, 2015 1:41:20 PM rvess. February 23, 2015 1:41:51 PM rvess. BL99 01 2/19/15 JLL BLDG FINAL 2/20/15 DA February 19, 2015 9:12:28 AM pbarthol. Bruce 912-0079 February 20, 2015 4:53:05 PM pbarthol. impact protection for heat pump unit. Temp occupancy for 30 days issued, expires 3/19/2015 BL99 02 3/03/15 L BLDG FINAL tf March 3, 2015 11:24:52 AM pbarthol. ------------------------- ----------- COMMENTS AND NOTES --- CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 E 5TH STREET P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 C E R T I F I C A T E O F O C C U P A N C Y T E M P O R A R Y Issue Date . . . . . 2/19/15 Expiration Date . . . . 3/19/15 Parcel Number . . . . . 06-30-01-8-6-0130-0000- Property Address . . . 1411 PENDLEY CT PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Subdivision Name . . . Legal Description . . . PENDLEY ESTATES SUB LOT 13 VOL15 PG78 Property Zoning . . . . RS9 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Owner . . . . . . . . . RUSSELL H AND SHANA MYREN Contractor . . . . . . Application number 14-00000742 000 000 Description of Work RES NEW SFR f� Construction type . . . Occupancy type . . . . Flood Zone Special conditions February 19, 2015 2 : 36 : 04 P r 1. Bollards place to prot a Approved . . . . . . . ' B ildi g ffic 'al VOID UNLESS SIGNED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000742 Date 7/16/14 Application pin number . . . 480194 Property Address . . . . . . .1411 PENDLEY CT ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-01-8-6-0130-0000- REPORT SALES TAX N\ Application type description RES NEW SFR Subdivision Name . . . . . . on your state excise tax form Property use . . . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS9 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 114302 (Location Code 0502) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1687 sq fr SFR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ RUSSELL H AND SHANA MYREN OWNER 305 E 5TH ST #111 .� PORT ANGELES WA 98362 \ ---------------:-----------------=--------_--------------------------------- Permit . . . . BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL Additional desc 1687 SQ FT SFR Permit Fee . . . . 1104.25 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 7/16/14 Valuation . . . . 114302 Expiration Date . . 1/12/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1020.25 15.00 5.6000 THOU BL-100,001-500K (5.60 PER K) 84.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . MECHANICAL Permit Fee . . . . 141.60 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 7/16/14 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 1/12/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 1.00 14.8000 EA ME-FURN/HP/FAU < OR = 5 TON 14.80 3.00 7.2500 EA ME-VENT FAN (SINGLE DUCT) 21.75 1.00 10.6500 EA ME-HOOD/DUCT-MECH. EXHAUST 10.65 3.00 14.8000 EA ME-HEATER(SUSP/WALL/FLOOR-MTD) 44.40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . PLUMBING SFR Permit Fee . . . . 149.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 7/16/14 Valuation . . . . 0 cm Expiration Date 1/12/15 1 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 6.00 7.0000 EA PL-PLUMBING TRAP 42.00 1.00 7.0000 EA PL-WATER LINE 7.00 4.00 7.0000 EA PL-DRAIN VENT PIPING 28.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. G Jc j/j'l��v �✓ Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Pennit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-In Water Line Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted b AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-In Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted b MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit#s SEPA: Parkin /Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction- R.W. PW I Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES a• B�� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000742 Date 7/16/14 Application pin number . . . 480194 REPORT SALES TAX Qty Unit Charge Per Extension On our state excise tax form 1.00 15.0000 EA PL-SEWER LINE 15.00 Y 1.00 7.0000 EA PL-WATER HEATER 7.00 to the City of Port Angeles --------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments (Location Code O$OZ) June 24, 2014 11:51:21 AM pbarthol. Plan check fees for permits 14-743 and 14-742 pain on permit 14-743. No plan review charged on 14-742 pb July 2, 2014 7:10:05 AM rbecker. You did not mark on your permit, if you were installing a fire or lawn sprinkler system. Of which you would have to install a backflow assembly. If you have any questiions call Ron Becker at 360-417-4886, fax:360-452-4972, or E-mail: rbecker@cityofpa.us Address numbers shall be plainly visible from the street. Address numbers shall be a minimum of six inches high and be of contrasting color from the background. A full acceptance test will be required for the fire sprinkler system. Call for cover inspection for all sprinkler installations. All homes in new subdivisions that are outside of the Fire Department four-minute response area shall be equipped with residential fire sprinkler systems that comply with the International Fire Code (IFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) . July 9, 2014 10:35:25 AM sroberds. The proposal will result in a new sfr in the RS-9 for total lot cov of 19W and site cov of 41$. The "asphalt access road" shown on the site plan is not an alley -it is for access to the storm drainage easement. Electrical load calculations and electrical permits are required. Ditches & 12" culverts will be installed to City Stanards. See Public Works Engineering for Standards. All SWPPP elements must be followed as this is part of a larger plan of development (Pendley Ct) including: 3.1.1 Element #1 Mark Clearing Limits 3.1.2 Element #2 Establish Construction Access 3.1.3 Element #3 Control Flow Rates 3.1.4 Element #4 Install Sediment Controls 3.1.5 Element #5 Stabilize Soils 3.1.6 Element #6 Protect Slopes 3:1.7 Element #7 Protect Drain Inlets 3.1.8 Element #8 Stabilize Channels and Outlets 3.1.9 Element #9 Control Pollutants 3.1.10 Element #10 Control Dewatering 3.1.11 Element #11 Maintain BMPs 3.1.12 Element #12 Manage the Project Consider applying for the City Green Infrastructure Rebate Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit _ w BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD -- PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS— Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-in Water Line Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted b AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-in Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted b MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit#s SEPA: Parking/Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction-R.W. PW I Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES mb DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Page 3 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000742 Date 7/16/14 Application pin number . . . 480194 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT SALES TAX Special Notes and Comments on your state excise fax form of up to $750.00 towards the materials to install rain garden to control roof and driveway runoff. Also rebates to the City of Port Angeles available for downspout disconnections.Contact Jonathan (Location Code 0502) Boehme at 360 417-4811 All construction work within the City right of way requires a separate Right of Way Construction application to be completed by the contractor and approved by Public Works Engineering prior to the start of work. A pedestrian or traffic control plan is to be submitted for approval with the application as necessary. Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Public Works Inspection request line 417-4831 Trench safety per applicable laws.' Temp erosion control and surface restoration responsibility of applicant. Contact City inspector prior to start of work @ 360 417-4831. No attachment to sanitary sewer of stormwater roof leaders, foundation drains, yard drains, or any other CSO contribution is allowed. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. Concrete with exposed aggregate or other non-standard finishes(including colors or dyes)are not allowed in the City road right of way. Broom finish only. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to pouring concrete. Public Works inspection request line 417-4831 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . RES UNDERGRND SERVICE FEE 770.00 SEWER SYSTEM DELV CHARGE 2260.00 STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 PW WATER SYSTEM USE FEE 2260.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- - ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 1394.85 1394.85 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 5294.50 5294.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 6689.35 6689.35 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit G s °q BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS— Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor/Slab Rough-In Water Line Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted b AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists/Girders/Under Floor Shear Wall/Hold Downs Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-in Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted b MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit#s SEPA: Parkin /Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction-R.W. PW I Engineering 417-4831 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 Building 417-4815 T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit J°F°wF�� CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,.. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000742 Date 7/16/14 Application pin number . . . 480194 Property Address . . . . . . 1411 PENDLEY CT REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-01-8-6-0130-0000- on your state excise tax form Application type description RES NEW SFR Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use . . . . . . . . (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS9 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 114302 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc 1687 sq fr SFR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ RUSSELL H AND SHANA MYREN OWNER 305 E STH ST #111 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 -------------------------------------------------------_--------------------- Permit . . . . . . DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION Additional desc DRIVEWAY AND CULVERT Permit Fee 180.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 7/16/14 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 1/12/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 180.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PUBLIC WORKS RES WATER SERV Additional desc 3/4" DROP IN WATER METER Permit Fee . . . . 420.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 7/16/14 Valuation . . . . 114302 Expiration Date . . 1/12/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 420.0000 EA PW WATER METER DROP IN 420.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SANITARY SEWER HOOK UP Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 150.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 7/16/14 Valuation . . . . 114302 Expiration Date 1/12/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 150.0000 EA SAN SEWER HOOKUP 150.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments June 24, 2014 11:51:21 AM pbarthol. Plan check fees for permits 14-743 and 14-742 pain on permit 14-743. No plan review charged on 14-742 pb July 2, 2014 7:10:05 AM rbecker. You did not mark on your permit, if you were installing a Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construct' n. G � y Signature of Contractor ovAohorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102.15[10/081 PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4831 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB&GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4831 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 4174653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\Policies\1102.15[10/081 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000742 Date 7/16/14 Application pin number . . . 480194 REPORT SALES TAX --------------------------------------------------------------- on your state excise tax form Special Notes and Comments fire or lawn sprinkler system. Of which you would have to to the City of Port Angeles install a backflow assembly. (Location Code 0502) If you have any questiions call Ron Becker at 360-417-4886, fax:360-452-4972, or E-mail: rbecker@cityofpa.us Address numbers shall be plainly visible from the street. Address numbers shall be a minimum of six inches high and be of contrasting color from the background. A full acceptance test will be required for the fire sprinkler system. Call for cover inspection for all sprinkler installations. All homes in new subdivisions that are outside of the Fire Department four-minute response area shall be equipped with residential fire sprinkler systems that comply with the International Fire Code (IFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) . July 9, 2014 10:35:25 AM sroberds. The proposal will result in a new sfr in the RS-9 for total lot cov of 19% and site cov of 41%,. The "asphalt access road" shown on the site plan is not an alley -it is for access to the storm drainage easement. Electrical load calculations and electrical permits are required. Ditches & 12" culverts will be installed to City Stanards. See Public Works Engineering for Standards. All SWPPP elements must be followed as this is part of a larger plan of development (Pendley Ct) including: 3.1.1 Element #1 Mark Clearing Limits 3.1.2 Element #2 Establish Construction Access 3.1.3 Element #3 Control Flow Rates 3.1.4 Element #4 Install Sediment Controls 3.1.5 Element #5 Stabilize Soils 3.1.6 Element #6 Protect Slopes 3.1.7 Element #7 Protect Drain Inlets 3.1.8 Element #8 Stabilize Channels and Outlets 3.1.9 Element #9 Control Pollutants 3.1.10 Element #10 Control Dewatering 3.1.11 Element #11 Maintain BMPs- --- - 3.1.12 Element #12 Manage the Project Consider applying for the City Green Infrastructure Rebate of up to $750.00 towards the materials to install rain garden to control roof and driveway runoff. Also rebates available for downspout disconnections.Contact Jonathan Boehme at 360 417-4811 All construction work within the City right of way requires a separate Right of Way Construction application to be completed by the contractor and approved by Public Works Engineering prior to the start of work. A pedestrian or traffic control plan is to be submitted for approval with the application as necessary. Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102.15(10/081 PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4831 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB&GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4831 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT, PLANNING DEPT, 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\Policies\1102.15[10/081 Op'0"T4""'* CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES -�� 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Page 3 Application Number . . . . . 14-00000742 Date 7/16/14 Application pin number . . . 480194 REPORT SALES TAX ------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments on your state excise tax form Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by to the City of Port Angeles Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance (Location Code 0502) notice is required. Public Works Inspection request line 417-4831 Trench safety per applicable laws. Temp erosion control and surface restoration responsibility of applicant. Contact City inspector prior to start of work @ 360 417-4831. No attachment to sanitary sewer of stormwater roof leaders, foundation drains, yard drains, or any other CSO contribution is allowed. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. Concrete with exposed aggregate or other non-standard finishes(including colors or dyes)are not allowed in the City road right of way. Broom finish only. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to pouring concrete. Public Works inspection request line 417-4831 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . RES UNDERGRND SERVICE FEE 770.00 SEWER SYSTEM DELV CHARGE 2260.00 STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 PW WATER SYSTEM USE FEE 2260.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 750.00 750.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 5294.50 5294.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 6044.50 6044.50 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102.15(10/08] PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD • 'y CALL 417-4831 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB&GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4831 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 1 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING TAPolicies\1102.15[10/08] City Use�I , } For Cit � - TY OF W A S H I N G T 0 N , U . S Permit# ��O_p �1'� .�42`�`� Date Received �j / 321 East Sl' Street l t�r- /`Z Port Angeles, WA 98362 /-/,o �t-moi[/ ��� +�/ Date Approved P: 360-417-4817 F: 360-417-4711 permits@cityofpa.us t Irl Building Permit Application "l Project Address: &1V Cv Utz /��. 1 LV0T' y g3 G3 Main Contact: 2�ctrro,,/ soPhone # 36d- �la - o o> Peri^) Sv, i) 17u r M og tT E-Mail: h,.o �261,1,nxvlq 2h 4, C19Property Name Phone Owner u,SS� 6/-/,#A/,l /k7 ✓f - C) - 7 - F, Mailing Address Emall CityState Zip o RT Contractor Name Phone 4wNi✓2 v��� �f2 Mailing Address Email City State Zip Contractor License# Expiration: Project Value: Zoning: Tax Parcel # Lot# Type of Residential 0 Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Public ❑ Permit Demolition ❑ Fire ❑ Repair ❑ Reroof(tear off/lay over) ❑ For the following,fill out both pages of permit application: New Construction ©� Remodel ❑ Addition ❑ Tenant Improvement ❑ Mechanical ❑ Plumbing ❑ Other ❑ Existing Fire Sprinkler System? Maximum height of structure Proposed Bedrooms Proposed Bathrooms Yes ❑ No ❑ 6 33 Project r/8A'_) S AI6 �,� R S r� ✓c c✓/ t l c!I iZ,g Description 16167 I have read and completed the application and know it to be true and correct.I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand,that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. I understand that the plan review fee is not refundable after plan review has occurred. I understand that I will forfeit the review fee if I cancel or withdraw the application before the permit is issued. I understand that if the permit is not issued within 180 days of receipt,the application will be considered abandoned and the fees forfeit. Date Print Name Signature 7//G11C� � Ur c C o��'`r'.►� Residential Structures t _ For Office Use Area Description(SQ FT) Existing Proposed $$value Basement First Floor / yl /O Seconc(Floor Covered Deck/Porch/Entry 1/ 3 Decd, i J'W Garage -'37J'-- l/ -v Carport Other(describe) Area Totals ��8 7 Commercial Structures For Office Use Area Descriptions(SQ FT) Existing Proposed $$Value Existing Structure(s) Proposed Addition Tenant Improvement? Other work(describe) Area Totals LoVSite Coverage Calculations Footprint(SQ FT)f aallStructures: Lot Size: %Lot Coverage 7 D� r SQ FT Site coverage(all impervious+ o %Site Coverage structures 3667 / 0® C/0, 7 Mechanical Fixtures Indicate how many of each a of fixture to be installed or relocated as part of this project Air Handler Size: # Haz/Non-Haz Piping #of Outlets: Appliance Vent # Heater(Suspended,Floor,Recessed wall) # 3 Boiler/Compressor Size: # Heating/Cooling appliance # re air alteration Evaporative Cooler(attached,not # Pellet Stove/Wood-burning/Gas # portable) Fireplace/Gas Stove Gas Cook Stove/Misc. Fuel Gas Piping #of Outlets: Ventilation Fan,single duct # 3 Furnacpfffeat Pu Size: BTU # ` Ventilation System # ' Forced 02/. Plumbing Fixtures Indicate how many of each type of fixture to be installed or relocated Plumbing Traps # Fuel gas piping #of Outlets: Water Heater # / Medical gas piping #of Outlets: Water Line # Vent piping # LI Sewer Line # Industrial waste pretreatment # interceptor Other(describe): T:\BUILDING\APPLICATION FORMS\BUILDING PERMIT 081212.DOCX z D T 21C 1 l r � p D9 Fil � I Cl�-F Al Gli 1 : r z r ! tz f ' Q` S z3 F Girl ` - >, 5 WM R4,r Ate plan r-200 1411 �' V-T NORTH) _ POjZT ANGELES,\\/A 98363 COUNTY of CLAuJaM PENDI._EY COu1ZT LOT 13 L-OT CO\/L-R.A(;E 1687/90066f 18-796 1TE CO1/ERAC,E ':X'669/90066f= 40,796. 4�out)L STYLE;T.NE.'NEIL--A I ��OF rC7R7Ar���� PRESCRIP'T'IVE APPROACH-SIMPLE FORM For the Washington State Energy Code(WSEC)2009 Edition. Climate Zone 1 WY GOVERNMENT Site Information: Building Department Use Only: Lot: / 3 bs^l D,t..e, S 7 fS Permit# Address: /Ll// /0 i4V D,4- y Co c)2tl— Notes: City: 10o9-q-- State: Zip: �T3 G 3 Contact: Phone: 3 bol Phone 2: 36o - Ys'a 763/ FAX: &l�ra S WSEC Table 6-1 IF I PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL OR DUPLEX' CLIMATE ZONE 1 (Unlimited Glazing Option Only) Wa11 Wall Glaitig 4, lai�ng l) 1= ctorDoor x. Wall , Option~ �►e /o df 1v w• � �x Ceiling vwltetl -,At3bve I�itebor fxt<enor Floor Slab on lo+ Vertica 3 bverh�. d s how_ x Irellinq Gn fB�el�virF3+elow Concrete Vri� p. ,1Jre: R-49 / III Unlimited 0.30 0.50 0.20 or R-38 R-38 int TB R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 U=0.029 2' adv This Project complies with the following: The project is a single-family residence or duplex. The project is a wood frame OR all of the insulation is interior or exterior of the framing. All building components meet the requirements listed above. The project will meet all other provisions of the WSEC and VIAQ. The Project will take advantage of the following exceptions to the prescriptive option. ❑ 602.6 Exception 2. One unlabeled or untested exterior swinging door, 24 sq.ft. or less, may be installed per unit for ornamental, security, or architectural purposes. Location of the.door taking this exception: ❑ 602.6 Exception 2. If a door is mostly glass, it should meet the requirement of the vertical glazing U-factor listed above. Location of the door(s)taking exception: /11/Nl— 5104/T Type of Heat Source: D ve-fps-s's IJIAT P wYr(_1 wJ/3 Zolv"}-1- G14t4- /41 n Tf7 T:Forms/Building Division/Prescriptive Approach-Simple Form vow, m Electrical Information Form a Public Works&Utilities Department(360)417-4700 City Electrical Inspector(360)417-4735 3 Please complete and return to Public Works&Utilities Department Permanent service: Name: Name and address of party Street: responsible for permanent City/ State/ ZIP: service billing? Daytime Phone: Home Phone: M. 1 oil• • (if other than above) Site contact: Name: eRVe-9— /j?---e o PPf V Title: Go V-SF, sup cit U1 hwx , Daytime Phone: - :3 Ga- �/a-- b C"? Contractor: Name: O WAJt4 "6L/1LdDVZ Company: Daytime Phone: Electrician: Name: Company: Daytime Phone: Excavator: Name: Company: Daytime Phone: ' ❑Existing Rl ew ingle-family residence �❑M{ulti-family residence; #of units ❑Commercial subdivision;#of lots i 7 ❑Overhead service ❑General service 19"Underground service ❑Other: • + Description of work: /✓� 61wat � ES'r,D f"/e 1 Street address/lot number: / // Fi/v0�� Cv,-)(e AL 3 Nearest cross street: W F- / 9 -5r. Desired connection date: Electrical transformer serving property is: ❑on a pole on the ground Totalsquare footage: 7 sq.ft. Main disconnect size: or? f' amps Voltage: PI-20/240 1p ❑120/208 3ph ❑277/480 3ph 0120/240 3ph 0480 3W 3ph ❑ Other [EMtandard residential Io os(Lighting, refrigerator, dishwasher,washer) Check all that apply: ❑A/C (_ton) D>nge/Oven El Hot Tub Clothes Dryer Heating ❑Pumps Hp) ❑No Load Change ©Water Heater ❑Elevator(_Hp) ❑Other Suppooc ume ntationPlease provide a copy of the following: "Detailed plot plan (.dwg or.dxf format mandatory for subdivisions). *Electrical one-line drawing showing the service entrance panel and location. *Connected load data. *Size and locked rotor amps of all motors over 50hp. Applicant's Signature: Date: MAIL OR DELIVER COMPLETED FORM TO: 321 E 5TH STREET; PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 FAX TO: 360-417-4711 WS Information form.xls WF , , fJ:`PJdKb,_i-IGH7`.�NGR1#1�:. i �!':,::is'.fnforrr.'::::,r:fo.i7.