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1729 E. Third Street
1729 E Third Street CUP 04-08 ORTNGELES t FILE Y WASH I N GTO N, U. S. A. 4, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Chair Hewins and Planning Commissioners FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner DATE: August 25, 2004 RE: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 04-08 APPLICANT: John and Mary Damazio OWNER: Same LOCATION: 1729 East Third Street REQUEST: Establish a duplex in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve CUP 04-08 with 3 conditions, citing 17 findings and 7 conclusions in support of that action and listed in Attachment"A." EXISTING CONDITIONS IN AREA: The subject property is located at 1729 East Third Street and is legally described as the east one-half of Lot 16 and all of Lot 17,Block 117 F.G.Richards Subdivision of Suburban Lot 14,Port Angeles. Lots in the area range in size from 7,000 square feet to 15,000 square feet with the irregularly shaped subject lot (measuring 88'x 120')being10,560 square feet in area. The property contains a two level single family residence containing approximately 2800 square feet of area. The proposal is to split the structure exactly in half with 1400 square feet for each level, remodeling the interior to allow a duplex use with separate entrances. No other construction is proposed. All City utilities are available to the lot. The lot is sloped such that the upper level is accessed from Third Street with the lower level accessed from the rear(2/3 Alley) of the site. Access streets east and west of the site are Penn Street and Golf Course Road. The entire subject area is developed with single family residential uses. 7 ' ` D mnzio C40Use Permit-CUP 04-08 C efageJ� ZONING The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family, wherein by conditional use permit, duplexes may be developed on a case by case basis. Residential districts are to be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density. While the City's Comprehensive Plan allows duplexes to be developed by conditional use permit in residential single-family areas, the City's development standards do not provide written criteria for the siting of duplexes in the RS-7 Zone other than as specified in Table "A" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code which only defines minimum setbacks and lot size. Duplex development is decided on a case by case basis in single family residential areas by conditional use permit with several issues being considered in order to ensure that the characteristics of an intended use do not defeat the purpose of the zoning regulations and will be compatible with other uses and characteristics of a specific area. Consideration should be given to traffic patterns, the particulars of a proposed property, other uses in the neighborhood, schools, and roads in an area in determining if a duplex is an appropriate pdevelopment in the RS-7 zone. Per Section 17.96.050 PAMC,the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property in consideration of a conditional use permit application. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval or the use may be revoked. Standards relating to the City's Zoning Ordinance, codified as Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, are also included in Attachment"C"to this staff report. The proposed site contains sufficient area to allow a duplex use per Section 17.11.140 of the PAMC. There are no other duplexes in the subject area. The proposal involves the remodel of an existing structure to increase housing opportunities only and will not result in an additional structure and therefore,the siting of the duplex would not be in conflict with density standards of the RS-7 Zone. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map identify the area as being in the East Planning Area and is designated as Low Density Residential(LDR). The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed with regard to the proposal,and the goals,policies,and objectives listed in Attachment "C"were found to be the most relevant to the proposal. Comprehensive Plan residential land use goals and policies encourage neighborhoods to be developed in a manner that is compatible not only with the characteristics and typical activities that occur within a neighborhood, but also with the environment. The Plan's residential goals and policies indicate that a mix of uses is acceptable and even expected when desired densities are maintained. The City's Comprehensive Plan encourages a diversity of housing opportunities as long as expected densities are not increased. The proposed development will not increase the density in the area as the average lot size is larger than the minimum permitted in the zone. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-08 _ Page 3 PARKING ORDINANCE Parking for the duplex use can be located in the improved front yard area that is large enough to accommodate'4 vehicles. East Third Street in the area is not constructed to minimum City immediately east of the subject site. Properties directly east and south of the site were standards im y J 1950's and to the northeast in the 1980s. The alignment of East Third Street changes annexed in the , directly at this property(see attached map)and is skewed due to previous platting with the developed roadway narrowing down to the immediate east such that on-street parking causes significant sight. distance problems. Continued heavy use of the street for parking and storage purposes is a problem that is not necessarily observed from the subject lot west on East Third Street. Secondary parking can be located elsewhere on the property. The City's parking regulations,codified as Title 14,of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are included in Attachment"C"to this staff report. Residential traffic patterns will continue to be residential in nature. The site contains sufficient area such that parking for the two residential units can be located off the residential street. PUBLIC COMMENT Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 22,2004, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 19, 2004. Written comment was received from a neighbor during the public comment period in opposition to the proposal(attached for your review). The opposing comment stated opposition to a zone change to multi family housing in the area, and parking. Zoning in the area will not change as a result of the conditional use permit activity, nor will it allow the same type of use without a conditional use to simply occur in the area. As there are no other duplex uses in the area and lots are basically oversized in the vicinity, density will not be increased. The site will provide adequate off-street parking for the duplex use. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments: ■ The Building Division of DCD will require a building permit for the proposed remodel/conversion and compliance with all pertinent building codes for any construction.. ■ The Fire Department has no objections. ■ The Public Works and Utilities Department had no objections. Sanitary sewer,water, and power are at the site. The second unit will require separate water and power meters. ■ Planninp,Division Analysis The site is zoned RS-7 Residential Single Family. Duplexes are allowed by conditional use permit in the RS-7 zone (PAMC 17.10.040(H)) on 10,500 square foot minimum lots. The site Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-08 Page 4 slopes from south to north with the upper floor being level with Third Street. Primary access to the site is from East Third Street. Off-street parking will be available to the lower unit from East Third Street with secondary access from the 2/3 Alley. The main entrance to the lower unit will be at the north side of the building. The site plan indicates that the residence contains nonconforming front and east side setbacks. From the original plat and aerial maps, it also appears that there may be a property encroachment from 1727 East Third Street to the subject property (which is only noted here but which the City is not responsible to pursue). A Zoning Lot Covenant will be required to legally recognize the existing building site for building permit purposes. The submitted floor plan indicates that the units will each be 1400 square feet in area and consist of 2 bedrooms and 1 bath for each unit with off-street parking for both units on the site either off East Third Street, alongside the west side yard area, or off the 2/3 Alley. Existing lot coverage is 27%. Maximum lot coverage in the RS-7 Zone is 30% . In the past,the County Assessor's Office has stated that they do not consider the construction of a duplex to be a factor in the degradation of property values)but rather the maintenance of properties to be more of a key factor in the value of property in a neighborhood. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW A Determination ofNonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on August 23,2004, per WAC 197-11-355. Attachments: A-Findings and conclusions B-Zoning Ordinance,Comprehensive Plan,and Parking Ordinance information' C-Application information Damazio Conditional Use.Permit-CUP 04-08 Page 5 ATTACHMENT "A"' RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit CUP 04-08 subject to 3 conditions and based on the following 17 findings and 7 conclusions in support of the action: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall meet all permitting and utility requirements including the provision of four off-street parking spaces:two(2)for each duplex unit for a total of four(4)parking spaces. Off-street parking must not be obstructed and shall remain available for primary parking for the duplex use. Secondary parking shall occur in the rear off the alley. 2. The proposed duplex units shall each contain 1400 square feet in area with covered off-street parking for a total lot coverage of 27%. Any building addition to the site shall observe minimum development standards for the RS-7 Zone. i 3. Prior to any construction that requires a building permit,a Zoning Lot Covenant shall be filed and a building permit obtained. Separate entrances shall be constructed. Separate water and electric services are required. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 04-08 dated August 25,2004, including all information in the public record file,comments and testimony presented during the public hearing,the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation,and the above listed conditions of approval,the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. John and Mary Damazio submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 04-08 to establish a duplex use at 1729 East Third Street on July 12, 2004. The Damazios are the owners of the subject property. 2. The proposed site includes the west one-half of Lot 16 and all of Lot 17, Block 117 F.G.Richards Subdivision of Suburban Lot 14,Port Angeles. The subject site is 88' x 120' in size (10,560 square feet) and will be required to be combined into one building site by a Zoning Lot Covenant. 3. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. Duplex uses are allowed by conditional use permit per Section 17.10.040(H) PAMC. Section 17.10.050(C) Table"A"of the PAMC provides development standards for conditional uses in the RS-7 zone. Duplex uses require a minimum lot width of 75 feet and a minimum lot area of 10,500 square feet in the RS-7. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-08 Page 6 4. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR). Adjacent designations are LDR. The site is located in the City's South Central Planning area. The subj ect site is located at the west end of Park Avenue terminating at Valley Creek. The neighborhood is composed of several large lots with the . majority of platted lots being similar to the subject lots at 50'x 125' in size. 5. Section 17.08.025(J) PAMC defines a dwelling unit as "one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used.as living quarters for one family only. Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete single kitchen facilities, permanently installed shall always be included for each dwelling unit." 6. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered essential to protect the public health, safety,welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Established City policy requires that duplex uses be scattered throughout single family residential neighborhoods and that impacts of each proposed duplex be evaluated to determine if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous j conditions. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. 7. While the City's Comprehensive Plan allows duplexes to be developed in residential single-family areas, nowhere in the City's development standards is there written criteria that provides a guideline as to where and at what density duplexes may be developed in RS-7 zones other than as specified in Table "A" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code which only defines minimum setbacks and lot size. Duplex development is decided on a case by case basis by conditional use permit with several issues being considered in that decision.Consideration should be given to the impact of traffic patterns, the particulars of a proposed property, other uses in the neighborhood, density, and roads in an area in determining if a duplex is an appropriate development in the RS-7 zone. 8. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2;Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.1 and B.4;Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.6, and Goal B and Policy B.6; Transportation Element Policy B.1; Capital Facilities Element Policies B.1 - 7, and Housing Element Policy B.5 were found to be most relevant to the proposal. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-08 Page 7 .9. Residential uses require certain access requirements and street improvements for emergency and standard access purposes. The site is located off an improved City street with standard City utilities available to the site. 10. PAMC 14.40.060(D)requires 2 off-street parking spaces per residential dwelling unit Cit wide. The subject site can provide at least 4 off-street parking spaces. Y J 11. Setbacks in the RS-7 zone for single family development are 20' front and rear, 7' each side with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Proposed lot coverage is 27%.The existing structure does not observe required front or east side yard setbacks,but, as the structure is nonconforming,no problem will result from the duplex development o as no exterior construction is proposed. No exterior construction along th nonconforming sides of the structure will be required. 12. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked. 13. No other duplex uses have been identified in the subject area. 14. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this application. The proposed activity will require a valid building permit and the installation of separate water and electrical meters. 15. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 22,2004.- Public notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 19, 2004. One written comment was received from a neighbor in opposition to the duplex proposal based on a concern that zoning in the area would change and a concern regarding parking issues in the area. 16. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on August 23, 2004. 17. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal at the August 25, 2004,regular meeting. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 04-08 dated August 25,2004,including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-08 Page 8 1. As conditioned,the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2;Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.1 and B.4; Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Transportation Element Policy B.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.1; Housing Element Goal B and Policy B.6; Conservation Element Goal A and Policy A.1,Goal B and Policies B.1,2,4, 5, 8,and Objectives B.3,4, and 7; and Economic Development PolicyB.5.The Plan specifies that multi-family residential units should be allowed in certain zones by conditional use approval in order to provide a variety of, and adequate, affordable housing and also encourages clustering of residential development where necessary to protect environmentally sensitive areas while preserving the rights of private property ownership.The Plan's residential goals and policies indicate that a mix of uses is acceptable and even expected when desired densities are maintained. 2. The proposed use complies with Section 17.10.0�0(H) (RS-7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and, as conditioned, the proposal is consistent with development standards for duplex uses in the RS-7 Zone. 3. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as specified in PAMC 17.96.050. 4. The proposal is consistent with Section 14.40.060(D)PANIC (Parking Ordinance). 5. As conditioned, the proposal will provide an alternate housing opportunity in compliance with established building and zoning standards. 6. The proposal will result in the conversion of an existing two level single family residence to a duplex use which will not result in an additional structure in the neighborhood but will utilize existing housing stock. 7. As conditioned,combination of the property into one building site will create a legal building site for the existing structure. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-08 Page 9 ATTACHMENT"B" COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS,POLICIES,AND OBJECTIVES THAT SUPPORT DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE RS-7 ZONE Comprehensive Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City.Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The site is „ located in the City's East Planning Area. The Plan was reviewed in its entirety with regard to the proposed application and several goals and policies were found to be relevant to the proposal. An analysis of compliance with those policies is as follows: Land Use Element Residential Goal A: "To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future." Policy A.2 - All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions,Boards.or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map." The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR)which designates residential uses as being encouraged. Adjacent designations are also LDR. As the project would be required to proceed in accord with the established development standards of surrounding residential uses, the proposed activity would be in compliance with the Plan. Land Use Element Residential Goal B: "To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City." Policy B.1 -"Urban services shall be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy." Policy B.4 - "All residential developments should be encouraged to preserve and capitalize on existing unusual,unique,and interesting natural, historic,archaeological,and/or cultural features, should preserve and utilize natural vegetation, should utilize and preserve scenic views, should maximize southern exposures and solar efficiency, should offer protection from prevailing winds, and should be designed to minimize energy use." Land Use Element Residential Goal C "To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction,.fulfillment and enjoyment,attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests." Policy 1-"Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composedprimarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi family homes,parks and open-spaces,schools, churches,day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-08 Page 10 district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing." Housing Element Goal A - "To improve the variety, quality, availability, and affordabilityof housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles." Policy I- "The City should expand the residential land use options in the Zoning Code by classifying residential zones by allowed density rather than by housing types." Housing Element Goal B- "To participate with Clallam County and other entities in programs to increase the availability and affordability of public assisted housing and rental units as well as other affordable housing opportunities." Policy 6- `Adequate low and moderate income housing opportunities should be provided within the Port Angeles Planning Area." Transportation Element Policy B.14- "Off-streetparkingshouldbe sufficient and accessible within business and residential areas to ensure that the traffic flow of the street is not impaired." Economic Development Element Policy B.5 - "The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire spectrum of the community's work force. Zoning Ordinance / The Zoning Ordinance is the primary implementing ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan. The Or finance establishes what types of uses are permitted and where they may be located in the City. It also establishes definitions and minimum design standards for such uses. Any project proposed in the City must 'be consistent with specific regulations of the zone in which it is located. The Zoning Map identifies the subject property and adjacent properties as Residential Single Family (RS-7). The purpose and intent of this zone is:"This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting ofpredominantly single family homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone." Duplex uses can be scattered within residential zones by conditional use permit ensuring a balance of density compatible with a specific neighborhood and thereby preserving the purpose and intent of the RS-7 zone. . A duplex is described in PAMC 17.08.025(D) as "Duplex-a residential building containing two one family dwelling units within the four walls of the building." Section 17.10.050 PAMC Area and Dimensional Requirements Table"A"requires 10,500 square feet of area for a duplex in the RS-7 zone with a minimum lot frontage of 75 feet. Such development is subject to design and dimensional requirements as set forth under PAMC 17.10.050(C) Table "A"which includes front and rear setbacks of 20 feet,7 foot interior side setbacks,30 foot height,and 30%maximum lot coverage.The proposed development shall comply with development standards set forth by the Zoning Code and can therefore be deemed consistent with the Zoning Code. The purpose of a conditional use permit is defined as "A Conditional Use Permit shall be to assure that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be attained. The purpose of these regulations shall be maintained with respect to the particular use of the particular site and in consideration of other existing and potential uses within the general area in which such use is to be located." x� , l :i �. 3. .... .. ....... < U' J r of tiz n j) f ddd y -r�. •n �� r t<, AFF! < _.„._... f' < '•ti AY v 7j M� f' Z, i 4 _ tf} •, iii M, Site w L ` y f vi Cav N Y Jr ovs d EIECENEG ® �0F PORT ANGELES- -ommunity Development 7� 6LIVI C� n _ .. . -- -_ _ eA tisT� ra File R n u E rn „ APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION: J'UL I b 2004 w Z\ ANGELES Applicant: I ya 1. De tyf C. rpiynity Development Address: \��C ��� s� t ���u�, P,�- Daytime phone #: YIJW - `- 9��- asp- '37qf *Applicant's representative (if other an applicant): h�\\ Address: _h 5 Daytime phone #: 3(c) �,1'jC � 5 Property owner (if other than applicant): Address: Daytime phone #: PROPERTY INFORMATION: Street address: Legal description:Lc. ' c \C! �{ \ lC- -7'r2_5---7 Com rr�ehensive Plan designation: ,- -c=IS� /,Zoning: i foY,-C X51,QQ5 1140' _� 151 Property dimensions: Property area (total square feet): /2 DUCE Physical charac ristics (i.e., flat, sloped, vacant, developed, etc.): 61 e �. ' PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: Please describe the proposed use: 0NNUeC Number of employees: Hours of operation: 31/ Number of on-site.parking spaces: Number of off-site parking spaces: Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): 45d0 Q 4rrprx'. SIGNATURES: Applicant: 1 certify that all of the above statements are true ma ate this to the best of permit application.yl Navel read this dge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will to A application in its entirety and understand my that submittal will be reviewed for completeness and, if found to be complete, will be scheduled for the next available PI ping Commission meeting. Date �f C Applicant's Signatee” Owner's Signature (if other than applicaPAT ;� Date _�- -7— Q� `C r —C a vin c ti r 1 J U L L CITY OF PORT ANGELRS Dept.of Community Developm t 7T- -- \ +y i \�tt 1 l � 1 ::APPLI- ►rz`� YNCD O � -_P_ROPOS ED:DUPLEX I V 1 c� \ S of k r X00 f c DECK 52IM0P%c. SeA1_ Pic, 6Efoe S.G.D. l0°2° SIDR,(6'HDR.HEIGHT) b° 2flSLDR. (VHvR;IACIGHT) - -� - - - r---I'----j�D a p i .D.W I WASH. 1 I. DRY. I a `✓ 01 0l 0 o RFG_� VOID v P -401D o Lij \ Lu CAAMD FW a- d - Hnir I O O Lu (°°2b SLDR, DEC14, D EEE VED UPPER LEVE1 FLOOR, PLAN' UU JUL I X2004 — - SC ALE: '/4"= 1'•O" CITY OF PORT ANGELES . DeDI.of Comfiundy Developmed - -- t I — � 0 E ST: iV OfT H ——I / -SOUTH:SLEVATVOM (311-0 ST,) EAST- RECEI _ 1UL S 2 2004 s CITY OF PORT ANGEnI_ - DepLoif,ommnnitypeveto mn^� REPLACE EXLST.WDW." $43t Xp ' FILLEXtST.GAA.DR.QPAIG. 2434.GARDEN WDW. :-REPLACE.EX157. !!!/SB..94X0 _f:CLC-EXISS WRW:.aPwG"- -FALL%XtST.SNDW.OPNG SASH•–1 .DRY' O (ADJUST EXIST.MOW..NOR.) REPLAGEEx%ST.n.R. 00 h; i - I I INSTALL NEW 37SX11 G.L,HDR.DM, � —_--- I–r -REPIAGE.E1liST..YioW._ !I!! Yl�c-e-3 G-XO (-CUT.OUT cOMC.FOv ND.WALLY' A5 T540-) - —1--1 N.E1..... FXISt.. I iD,w, 0 I---- - ----- -1 �- Y II I O I :.:13A5EMENT. AQJ.U5TtASNT-S ELECT.SEfCV.FAME R E C E �._ EDD ; JUL 1 22004 ! CITY OF PORT ANGEL. } Dont.of�nmmunily Oevelopmem _ �Eln 1 IkM IIII s �a E „F > E P �' z A° ORT` NGELES I.., �� Wm A S H I N�G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT x;y September 1, 2004 7' Mr. and Mrs. John Damazio k 1410 N. 10 Street t e: i -Colton, CA 92324 s RE- Conditional Use Permit- CUP 04-08 "y> DAMAZIO - 1729 East 3rd Street Dear Mr. and Mrs: Damazio: As you know, following consideration b the Planning Commission at public hearing Y g Y g p g "Aconducted on August 28, 2004, the Commission approved your.application for a conditional, use permit to allow the conversion of a single family residential structure to a duplex at K 1729 East 3rd Street with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. " The applicant shall meet all permitting and.utility requirements including the provision of four off-street parking spaces: two (2)for each duplex unit for a total of four(4)parking spaces. Off-street parking must not be obstructed and shall"remain available for rim parking for the duplex use. Seconda arkin shall occur.in . # primary p g P . Secondary:parking g the rear off the alley. ` 2. The proposed duplex units shall each contain 1400 square feet in area.with covered Y ,;N off-street parking for a total lot coverage of 27%. Any building addition-to the site t shall observe minimum development standards for the RS-7 Zone. 3. Prior to any construction that requires a building permit, a Zoning Lot Covenant shall be filed and a building permit obtained. Separate entrances shall be constructed. Separate water and electric services are required: Conditional Use Permit approval will remain valid for one year from the date of issue. If the use for which the permit was approved has not been commenced within that time, or an extension has not been requested,the permit approval will expire. OM tint 0, 321 EAST FIFTH STREET • PO BOX 1 150 • PORT ANGELES, WA 98362=3206 PHONE: 360-417-4750 • FAX:. 360-417-471 1 • TTY: 360-417-4645 E-MAIL: PLAN NIN.G[7a CI:PORT-ANGELES.WA.US .OR PERMITS@a CI:PORT=ANGELES.WA.US If you have any questions, or if we can provide further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Sue Roberds Assistant Planner cc: Public Works and Utilities Planing Commission Minutes August 25,2004 Page 23 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT- CUP 04-08 -DAMAZIO 1729 E. Third Street: A conditional use permit for a duplex in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone. Assistant Planner Sue Roberds reviewed the Department's report recommending approval of the conditional use permit as proposed. She confirmed that the site is greater than 10,500 square feet in area, which is that required for a duplex in the RS-7 Zone. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Bill Traub, 1730East Third Street,PortAngeles, WA agreed with the staff report and noted that no exterior construction would occur for the duplex development. There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Commissioner Honnold moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall meet all permitting and utility requirements including the provision of four off-street parking spaces: two (2) for each duplex unit for a total of four(4) parking spaces. Off-street parking must not be obstructed and shall remain available for primary parking for the duplex use. Secondary parking shall occur in the rear off the alley. 2. The proposed duplex units shall each contain 1400 square feet in area with covered off-street parking for a total lot coverage of 27%. Any building addition to the site shall observe minimum development standards for the RS-7 Zone. 3. Prior to any construction that requires a building permit,a Zoning Lot Covenant shall be filed and a building permit obtained. Separate entrances shall be constructed. Separate water and electric services are required. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 04-08 dated August 25, 2004, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval,the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. John and Mary Damazio submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 04-08 to establish a duplex use at 1729 East Third Street on July 12, 2004. The Damazios are the owners of the subject property. 2. The proposed site includes the west one-half of Lot 16 and all of Lot 17, Block 117 F.G. Richards Subdivision of Suburban Lot 14,Port Angeles. The subject site is 88'x 120'in size (10,560 square feet) and will be required to be combined into one building site by a Zoning Lot Covenant. Planning Commission Minutes Augus125,2004 Page 24 3. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. Duplex uses are allowed by conditional use permit per Section 17.10.040(H)PAMC. Section 17.10.050(C)Table"A"of the PAMC provides development standards for conditional uses in the RS-7 zone. Duplexlex uses require a minimum lot width of 75 feet and a minimum lot area of 10,500 square feet in the RS-7. 4. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR). Adjacent designations are LDR. The site is located in the City's South Central Planning area. The subject site is located at the west end of Park Avenue terminating at Valley Creek. The neighborhood is composed of several large lots with the majority of platted lots being similar to the subject lots at 50' x 125' in size. 5. Section 17.08.025(J) PAMC defines a dwelling unit as "one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family only. Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete single kitchen facilities, permanently installed shall always be included for each dwelling unit." 6. Per 17.96.050 PAMC,the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located,consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered essential to protect the public health,safety,welfare,and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Established City policy requires that duplex uses be scattered throughout single family residential neighborhoods and that impacts of each proposed duplex be evaluated to determine if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions.The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. 7. While the City's Comprehensive Plan allows duplexes to be developed in residential single- family areas, nowhere in the City's development standards is there written criteria that provides a guideline as to where and at what density duplexes may be developed in RS-7 zones other than as specified in Table "A" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code which only defines minimum setbacks and lot size. Duplex development is decided on a case by case basis by conditional use permit with several issues being considered in that decision. Consideration should be given to the impact of traffic patterns, the particulars of a proposed property, other uses in the neighborhood, density, and roads in an area in determining if a duplex is an appropriate development in the RS-7 zone. 8. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2; Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.1 and B.4; Land Planning Commission Minutes • • August 25,2004 Page 25 Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.6, and Goal B and PolicyB.6;Transportation Element Policy B.1;Capital Facilities Element Policies B.1 - 7, and Housing Element Policy B.5 were found to be most relevant to the proposal. 9. Residential uses require certain access requirements and street improvements for emergency and standard access purposes. The site is located off an improved City street with standard City utilities available to the site. 10. PAMC 14.40.060(D) requires 2 off-street parking spaces per residential dwelling unit City wide. The subject site can provide at least 4 off-street parking spaces. 11. Setbacks in the RS-7 zone for single family development are 20' front and rear, 7' each side with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Proposed lot coverage is 27%. The existing structure does not observe required front or east side yard setbacks, but, as the structure is nonconforming, no problem will result from the duplex development as no exterior construction is proposed. No exterior construction along the nonconforming sides of the structure will be required. 12. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked. 13. No other duplex uses have been identified in the subject area. 14. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this application. The proposed activity will require a valid building permit and the installation of separate water and electrical meters. 15. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 22,2004. Public notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 19,2004. One written comment was received from a neighbor in opposition to the duplex proposal based on a concern that zoning in the area would change and a concern regarding parking issues in the area. 16. A Determination ofNon-Significance was issued for this proposed action on August 23,2004. 17. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal at the August 25,2004, regular meeting. Planning Commission Minutes August 25,2004 Page 26 Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 04-08 dated August 25, 2004, including all of the information in the public record file, comments,and testimonypresented during the public hearing,the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2; Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.1 and B.4; Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Transportation Element Policy B.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.1; Housing Element Goal B and Policy B.6; Conservation Element Goal A and Policy A.1, Goal B and Policies B.1, 2, 4, 5, 8, and Objectives B.3, 4, and 7; and Economic Development Policy B.S. The Plan specifies that multi-family residential units should be allowed in certain zones by conditional use approval in order to provide a variety of, and adequate, affordable housing and also encourages clustering of residential development where necessary to protect environmentally sensitive areas while preserving the rights of private property ownership. The Plan's residential goals and policies indicate that a mix of uses is acceptable and even expected when desired densities are maintained. B. The proposed use complies with Section 17.10.040(H) (RS-7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and, as conditioned,the proposal is consistent with development standards for duplex uses in the RS-7 Zone. C. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as specified in PAMC 17.96.050. D. The proposal is consistent with Section 14.40.060(D)PAMC (Parking Ordinance). E. As conditioned,the proposal will provide an alternate housing opportunity in compliance with established building and zoning standards. F. The proposal will result in the conversion of an existing two level single family residence to a duplex use which will not result in an additional structure in the neighborhood but will utilize existing housing stock. G. As conditioned,combination of the property into one building site will create a legal building site for the existing structure. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and passed 4 - 0. CITY OF OR' ANGELES A W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT' TO: Chair Hewins and Planning Commissioners FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner DATE: August 25, 2004 RE: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 04-08 APPLICANT: John and Mary Damazio OWNER: Same LOCATION: 1729 East Third Street REQUEST: Establish a duplex in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve CUP 04-08 with 3 conditions, citing 17 findings and 7 conclusions in support of that action and listed in Attachment"A." EXISTING CONDITIONS IN AREA: The subject property is located at 1729 East Third Street and is legally described as the east one-half of Lot 16 and all of Lot 17,Block 117 F.G.Richards Subdivision of Suburban Lot 14,Port Angeles. Lots in the area range in size from 7,000 square feet to 15,000 square feet with the irregularly shaped subject lot(measuring 88'x 120')being10,560 square feet in area. The property contains a two level single family residence containing approximately 2800 square feet of area. The proposal is to split the structure exactly in half with 1400 square feet for each level, remodeling the interior to allow a duplex use with separate entrances. No other construction is proposed. All City utilities are available to the lot. The lot is sloped such that the upper level is accessed from Third Street with the lower level accessed from the rear(2/3 Alley) of the site. Access streets east and west of the site are Penn Street and Golf Course Road. The entire subject area is developed with single family residential uses. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-0 Page 2 ZONING The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family, wherein by conditional use permit, duplexes may be developed on a case by case basis. Residential districts are to be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density. While the City's Comprehensive Plan allows duplexes to be developed by conditional use permit in residential single-family areas, the City's development standards do not provide written criteria for the siting of duplexes in the RS-7 Zone other than as specified in Table "A" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code which only defines minimum setbacks and lot size. Duplex development is decided on a case by case basis in single family residential areas by conditional use permit with several issues being considered in order to ensure that the characteristics of an intended use do not defeat the purpose of the zoning regulations and will be compatible with other uses and characteristics of a specific area. Consideration should be given to traffic patterns, the particulars of a proposed property, other uses in the neighborhood, schools, and roads in an area in determining if a duplex is an appropriate development in the RS-7 zone. Per Section 17.96.050 PAMC,the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property in consideration of a conditional use permit application. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval or the use may be revoked. Standards relating to the City's Zoning Ordinance, codified as Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, are also included in Attachment"C"to this staff report. The proposed site contains sufficient area to allow a duplex use per Section 17.11.140 of the PAMC. There are no other duplexes in the subject area. The proposal involves the remodel of an existing structure to increase housing opportunities only and will not result in an additional structure and therefore,the siting of the duplex would not be in conflict with density standards of the RS-7 Zone. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map identify the area as being in the East Planning Area and is designated as Low Density Residential(LDR). The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed with regard to the proposal,and the goals,policies,and objectives listed in Attachment "C"were found to be the most relevant to the proposal. Comprehensive Plan residential land use goals and policies encourage neighborhoods to be developed in a manner that is compatible not only with the characteristics and typical activities that occur within a neighborhood, but also with the environment. The Plan's residential goals and policies indicate that a mix of uses is acceptable and even expected when desired densities are maintained. The City's Comprehensive Plan encourages a diversity of housing opportunities as long as expected densities are not increased. The proposed development will not increase the density in the area as the average lot size is larger than the minimum permitted in the zone. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-00 • Page 3 PARKING ORDINANCE Parking for the duplex use can be located in the improved front yard area that is large enough to accommodate 4 vehicles. East Third Street in the area is not constructed to minimum City standards immediately east of the subject site. Properties directly east and south of the site were annexed in the 1950's,and to the northeast in the 1980s. The alignment of East Third Street changes directly at this property(see attached map)and is skewed due to previous platting with the developed roadway narrowing down to the immediate east such that on-street parking causes significant sight distance problems. Continued heavy use of the street for parking and storage purposes is a problem that is not necessarily observed from the subject lot west on East Third Street. Secondary parking can be located elsewhere on the property. The City's parking regulations,codified as Title 14,of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are included in Attachment"C"to this staff report. Residential traffic patterns will continue to be residential in nature. The site contains sufficient area such that parking for the two residential units can be located off the residential street. PUBLIC COMMENT Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 22,2004, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 19, 2004. Written comment was received from a neighbor during the public comment period in opposition to the proposal (attached for your review). The opposing comment stated opposition to a zone change to multi family housing in the area, and parking. Zoning in the area will not change as a result of the conditional use permit activity, nor will it allow the same type of use without a conditional use to simply occur in the area. As there are no other duplex uses in the area and lots are basically oversized in the vicinity, density will not be increased. The site will provide adequate off-street parking for the duplex use. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments: ■ The Building Division of DCD will require a building permit for the proposed remodel/conversion and compliance with all pertinent building codes for any construction.. ■ The Fire Department has no objections. ■ The Public Works and Utilities Department had no objections. Sanitary sewer, water, and power are at the site. The second unit will require separate water and power meters. ■ Planning Division Analysis The site is zoned RS-7 Residential Single Family. Duplexes are allowed by conditional use permit in the RS-7 zone (PAMC 17.10.040(H)) on 10,500 square foot minimum lots. The site 10 Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-0 • Page 4 slopes from south to north with the upper floor being level with Third Street. Primary access to the site is from East Third Street. Off-street parking will be available to the lower unit from East Third Street with secondary access from the 2/3 Alley. The main entrance to the lower unit will be at the north side of the building. The site plan indicates that the residence contains nonconforming front and east side setbacks. From the original plat and aerial maps, it also appears that there may be a property encroachment from 1727 East Third Street to the subject property (which is only noted here but which the City is not responsible to pursue). A Zoning Lot Covenant will be required to legally recognize the existing building site for building permit purposes. The submitted floor plan indicates that the units will each be 1400 square feet in area and consist of 2 bedrooms and 1 bath for each unit with off-street parking for both units on the site either off East Third Street, alongside the west side yard area, or off the 2/3 Alley. Existing lot coverage is 27%. Maximum lot coverage in the RS-7 Zone is 30% . In the past,the County Assessor's Office has stated that they do not consider the construction of a duplex to be a factor in the degradation of property values but rather the maintenance of properties to be more of a key factor in the value of property in a neighborhood. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on August 23,2004, per WAC 197-11-355. Attachments: A-Findings and conclusions B-Zoning Ordinance,Comprehensive Plan, and Parking Ordinance information C-Application information Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-080 • Page 5 ATTACHMENT "A" RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit CUP 04-08 subject to 3 conditions and based on the following 17 findings and 7 conclusions in support of the action: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall meet all permitting and utility requirements including the provision of four off-street parking spaces:two(2)for each duplex unit for a total of four(4)parking spaces. Off-street parking must not be obstructed and shall remain available for primary parking for the duplex use. Secondary parking shall occur in the rear off the alley. 2. The proposed duplex units shall each contain 1400 square feet in area with covered off-street parking for a total lot coverage of 27%. Any building addition to the site shall observe minimum development standards for the RS-7 Zone. 3. Prior to any construction that requires a building permit,a Zoning Lot Covenant shall be filed and a building permit obtained. Separate entrances shall be constructed. Separate water and electric services are required. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 04-08 dated August 25,2004, including all information in the public record file,comments and testimony presented during the public hearing,the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval,the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. John and Mary Damazio submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 04-08 to establish a duplex use at 1729 East Third Street on July 12, 2004. The Damazios are the owners of the subject property. 2. The proposed site includes the west one-half of Lot 16 and all of Lot 17, Block 117 F.G.Richards Subdivision of Suburban Lot 14,Port Angeles. The subject site is 88' x 120' in size (10,560 square feet) and will be required to be combined into one building site by a Zoning Lot Covenant. 3. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. Duplex uses are allowed by conditional use permit per Section 17.10.040(H) PAMC. Section 17.10.050(C) Table"A"of the PAMC provides development standards for conditional uses in the RS-7 zone. Duplex uses require a minimum lot width of 75 feet and a minimum lot area of 10,500 square feet in the RS-7. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP 04-08 • Page 6 4. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR). Adjacent designations are LDR. The site is located in the City's South Central Planning area. The subject site is located at the west end of Park Avenue terminating at Valley Creek. The neighborhood is composed of several large lots with the majority of platted lots being similar to the subject lots at 50' x 125' in size. 5. Section 17.08.025(J) PAMC defines a dwelling unit as "one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for one family only. Individual bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete single kitchen facilities, permanently installed shall always be included for each dwelling unit." 6. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Established City policy requires that duplex uses be scattered throughout single family residential neighborhoods and that impacts of each proposed duplex be evaluated to determine if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. 7. While the City's Comprehensive Plan allows duplexes to be developed in residential single-family areas, nowhere in the City's development standards is there written criteria that provides a guideline as to where and at what density duplexes may be developed in RS-7 zones other than as specified in Table "A" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code which only defines minimum setbacks and lot size. Duplex development is decided on a case by case basis by conditional use permit with several issues being considered in that decision.Consideration should be given to the impact of traffic patterns, the particulars of a proposed property, other uses in the neighborhood, density, and roads in an area in determining if a duplex is an appropriate development in the RS-7 zone. 8. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2; Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.l and B.4;Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.6, and Goal B and Policy B.6; Transportation Element Policy B.1; Capital Facilities Element Policies B.1 - 7, and Housing Element Policy B.5 were found to be most relevant to the proposal. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-00 Page 7 9. Residential uses require certain access requirements and street improvements for emergency and standard access purposes. The site is located off an improved City street with standard City utilities available to the site. 10. PAMC 14.40.060(D)requires 2 off-street parking spaces per residential dwelling unit City wide. The subject site can provide at least 4 off-street parking spaces. 11. Setbacks in the RS-7 zone for single family development are 20' front and rear, 7' each side with a maximum lot coverage of 30%. Proposed lot coverage is 27%.The existing structure does not observe required front or east side yard setbacks,but, as the structure is nonconforming,no problem will result from the duplex development as no exterior construction is proposed. No exterior construction along the nonconforming sides of the structure will be required. 12. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked. 13. No other duplex uses have been identified in the subject area. 14. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this application. The proposed activity will require a valid building permit and the installation of separate water and electrical meters. 15. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 22, 2004. Public notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 19, 2004. One written comment was received from a neighbor in opposition to the duplex proposal based on a concern that zoning in the area would change and a concern regarding parking issues in the area. 16. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on August 23, 2004. 17. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal at the August 25, 2004, regular meeting. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 04-08 dated August 25,2004,including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04� • Page 8 1. As conditioned,the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Land Use Element Goal A and Policy A.2;Land Use Element Goal B, and Policies B.1 and B.4; Land Use Element Goal C and Policies C.1; Transportation Element Policy B.1; Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.1; Housing Element Goal B and Policy B.6; Conservation Element Goal A and Policy A.1, Goal B and Policies B.1,2,4, 5, 8,and Objectives B.3,4, and 7; and Economic Development PolicyB.5.The Plan specifies that multi-family residential units should be allowed in certain zones by conditional use approval in order to provide a variety of, and adequate, affordable housing and also encourages clustering of residential development where necessary to protect environmentally sensitive areas while preserving the rights of private property ownership.The Plan's residential goals and policies indicate that a mix of uses is acceptable and even expected when desired densities are maintained. 2. The proposed use complies with Section 17.10.040(H) (RS-7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and, as conditioned, the proposal is consistent with development standards for duplex uses in the RS-7 Zone. 3. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as specified in PAMC 17.96.050. 4. The proposal is consistent with Section 14.40.060(D)PAMC (Parking Ordinance). 5. As conditioned, the proposal will provide an alternate housing opportunity in compliance with established building and zoning standards. 6. The proposal will result in the conversion of an existing two level single family residence to a duplex use which will not result in an additional structure in the neighborhood but will utilize existing housing stock. 7. As conditioned,combination of the property into one building site will create a legal building site for the existing structure. Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-O • Page 9 ATTACHMENT`B" COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS,POLICIES, AND OBJECTIVES THAT SUPPORT DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE RS-7 ZONE Comprehensive Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City.Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located in the City's East Planning Area. The Plan was reviewed in its entirety with regard to the proposed application and several goals and policies were found to be relevant to the proposal. An analysis of compliance with those policies is as follows: Land Use Element Residential Goal A: "To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future." Policy A.2 - "All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map." The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the site as Low Density Residential (LDR)which designates residential uses as being encouraged. Adjacent designations are also LDR. As the project would be required to proceed in accord with the established development standards of surrounding residential uses, the proposed activity would be in compliance with the Plan. Land Use Element Residential Goal B: "To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City." Policy B.1-"Urban services shall be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy." Policy B.4 - `All residential developments should be encouraged to preserve and capitalize on existing unusual,unique,and interesting natural,historic,archaeological,and/or cultural features, should preserve and utilize natural vegetation, should utilize and preserve scenic views, should maximize southern exposures and solar efficiency, should offer protection from prevailing winds, and should be designed to minimize energy use." Land Use Element Residential Goal C. "To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities forpersonal interaction,fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests." Policy I-"Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Singlefamily and multi family homes,parks and open-spaces,schools, churches,day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-O • Page 10 district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing." Housing Element Goal A - "To improve the variety, quality, availability, and affordability of housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles." Policy I- "The City should expand the residential land use options in the Zoning Code by classifying residential zones by allowed density rather than by housing types." Housing Element Goal B- "To participate with Clallam County and other entities in programs to increase the availability and affordability of public assisted housing and rental units as well as other affordable housing opportunities." Policy 6- `Adequate low and moderate income housing opportunities should be provided within the Port Angeles Planning Area." TransportationElementPolicyB.14- "Off-streetparkingshould be sufficient and accessible within business and residential areas to ensure that the traffic flow of the street is not impaired." Economic Development Element Policy B.5 - "The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire spectrum of the community's work force. Zoning Ordinance The Zoning Ordinance is the primary implementing ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan. The Ordinance establishes what types of uses are permitted and where they may be located in the City. It also establishes definitions and minimum design standards for such uses. Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with specific regulations of the zone in which it is located. The Zoning Map identifies the subject property and adjacent properties as Residential Single Family (RS-7). The purpose and intent of this zone is:"This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban singlefamily residential neighborhoods consisting ofpredominantlysinglefamily homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone." Duplex uses can be scattered within residential zones by conditional use permit ensuring a balance of density compatible with a specific neighborhood and thereby preserving the purpose and intent of the RS-7 zone. A duplex is described in PAMC 17.08.025(D) as `Duplex- a residential building containing two one family dwelling units within the four walls of the building." Section 17.10.050 PAMC Area and Dimensional Requirements Table"A"requires 10,500 square feet of area for a duplex in the RS-7 zone with a minimum lot frontage of 75 feet. Such development is subject to design and dimensional requirements as set forth under PAMC 17.10.050(C) Table "A"which includes front and rear setbacks of 20 feet,7 foot interior side setbacks,30 foot height,and 30%maximum lot coverage.The proposed development shall comply with development standards set forth by the Zoning Code and can therefore be deemed consistent with the Zoning Code. The purpose of a conditional use permit is defined as `A Conditional,Use Permit shall be to assure that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be attained. Thepurpose of these regulations shall be maintained with respect to the particular use of the particular site and in consideration of other existing and potential uses within the general area in which such use is to be located." Damazio Conditional Use Permit-CUP-04-O • Page 11 PANIC 17.96.050 specifies procedures for the review and processing of conditional use applications, as follows: 17.96.050 Conditional Use Permit A. The Planning Commission shall consider applications for Conditional Use Permits of uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a Conditional Use Permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. B. In each application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. PARKING ORDINANCE PAMC 14.40.060(D) requires 2 off-street parking spaces per residential dwelling unit with a total requirement of four(4)for the proposal. The development will be required to provide the four parking spaces within the property boundaries. CIO FAUG CE VE =- -2004- C LT Y-O F-P-O R TtA N G ELE S- Dept.of Community Development ol Z-Olt r O r o � ELES nin ED JUL 2 8 1004 WASHINGTON, U. S. A. CITY OF P()RT ANIGral S ep.of Community pevelopment DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: July 19, 2004 To: �Pu"iilic Works and Utilities Department Building Division Fire Department From: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner Subject: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 04-08 Traub - 1729 E. 3`d Street Please review the attached application to allow a duplex in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.Please forward your department comments no later than July 30,2004. If the proposal results in a reduction in the provision of minimum LOS standards, please note those comments and any conditions that need to be addressed. Thank you. Attachments aY e Ca�r�G-r - � See ,sd�/�►e-�- r" �? �c''�-dD plfe?4- 7r ^40' X44145 'WL 17 R on 4f iz ffllla �c /6 /7 186A4i4b btO- 4"10 401t;0' c 4S4 7 6 3 4 9 2 �J ~" 50 Su�� '/0014 $acovta5 d� 6 7 6 S C1wXa4-0 COVKJ LV 1.feb %vw Vi W Ffat 14 AfU, tilavvtd a� 4�wwv1 IT on Wiz o�-Lei rfat- ef -M4 90wvVd� oef Pott , i -n- ✓�efa.t&4 -vv elm ,on U4 :M. � YLP4. iat Ca.nb 4VffFi LC , �4,Cb tltt 15-�U &bwa4bo, eF�2 t1b.I SOA as SA4cff`4,aan tat -c*o.IA. mei c1 � Secant .avnb 0444b cStO .aVt.e � ,�r�te�-of -tC►.¢ �¢ .x to fi•Et e/J� T��c!`��cvw, a�►ti J lta,vvw,4Lcco sc�i�v . /O 9 O 7 6 ! 4 ! ! / •O� /J Q' '�7' (Inn/0 ,�/Z,e �O -t `T W '. tOj;O ia4,0 i 50 t 41j,IAO�t OAe fnac-t: .. ;_.:. " !Cots VL/ns & �fXoc fk4 .a4,c tGe 4TIOw-na4b .o-n tAlC' 14' Knw f ate—110-VV X-j-tEta-s-f-vt4"-n t CLca ¢7, c`f-R.¢I�."a4ba eLln- tfi.� GW4f c1"�of ce IV .of Zit.% tv---- , eo,Cwvwfi t.a, tL"e a�nb tf fiCi es a 1atz4lo is bo donate " oto 4*z use Of IMC cel wGtic�ozeve-t -tit.¢ ,o-tt," 441 .b a.tte ta-s .fa ib ota-t allon- tevi4 1pfa.t: t%n¢oo JK W- 4VXj a4.eof' el .0"O A44eu-ve.to .410r -V" Aa4lb 'CL v 44,-M,. -lcw CT vt b S4n¢b,L4eaXapba►asy OF, L'T.�ONyY{iL.Q � Ul Lf ��Oka t-ly 49,40.f4C, &,tu eoc I j'40-IAH'f o � PUDLIC �1 l 's;.�cntio giW fin AW410 v,.te.a 41. eC&t""of G�raeea m @o.vwtn� IVT 6yAZT—&t o1` �a 6UCA4&66 A on U d. 6 a`x? r iE 1889 fit.30tirtLn u,to� poet 105'°JT�7 eRreouSea a2pti.t 9.1889 i,.&ooft 1 �!"oum c1�4ake, C°Xctitta vn CaaLvnX - apt-it 9. 188a &-A t6. EfA"N tot eL t."-.e. . .y Otto&401 ilfta. 9Japuxu. Parcel Lookup • • Page 1 of 1 Parcel Number 0630005502650000 ' Site Address: 1729 E THIRD ST PA ;Ault` Back= Taxpayer: WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK 1191 2ND AVE MS SAS0701 SEATTLE, WA 00008 Title Owner: DAMAZIO MARY/JOHN S 1410 N 10TH ST COLTON, CA 92324 Description: RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 E2 LT16 &ALL LT17 (.24A) Value Summary: Note:Listed values do not reflect adjustments made for exemption programs such as Senior/Disabled or Current Use programs(except Commercial Forestland properties). Land Value: 31,000 Improvements Value: 107,010 Total Assessed Value: 138,010 Property Characteristics: Note:Use Code is for Assessor's purposes only.Contact the appropriate planning or building departments for Zoning and allowable usage of property.. Use Code: 1114 FOUR BEDROOM Land Size (acreage): .00 Note:Acreage is not listed for all properties in the Assessor's records.More information about land size. Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code Area:: 0010 Zoning Code: RS7 Note:Zoning and zoning codes change constantly.Verify all zoning with the appropriate planning or building department. Building Characteristics: (Click on Bldg.#for more details.) # Bldg�_pe Bldg. Style Total S.F. BD BA 01 House One Story 1276 4 2 Tax History Sales History ,Qutt Back.; 281,432 7/28/2004 -------- ---------- -————————— c: 16&6ft �166.9ft al j aft ------ vA 167.3ft 7 Z 1166.9ft % I Y_ A 175ft r\ i 165,Aft _1 — -----——— X18 41 '-168 9ft 168.1 ft -168.5ft A _167.3ft f ------------------- :--------- .2in Cl t 01� 2"U'St., 175.2ft % .-2nd,S t _iR vc 2in-CI-797ft 2 gn 1q7ft (D LO co __u) 2Q 171. 40 C', Nuf B 44— 58 OR 83 WN EMl�-11 l�MT J R 71; � m A ---------------------- M ------------- —A ;231A,1; I/ 7_ _1 a, co -2M7ft 5: cc)q cmo ul -- � 9 _. -_ E�� oo I __U) -_ — I .u) CN 04 (D - (3) — S510 (N % I cl)- __7 C*4 or),l 5 n- -191.7fti 6in!61 4(�M _4i"CIAT�ft__�m 6 1� ------ ---------------- ---- ----- 8 - ft 1477ft �7`77 ---- ------ B -- ------- .77 CN 17 lrll��,! crcj) 09Vco 5 e— z P • IST NGELES P' �- WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CEONE - D Date: July 19, 2004 JUL 2 12004 To: Public Works and Utilities Department rDept.TY OF PORT ANGELES of Community Develo ment ing Division Fire Department From: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner Subject: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 04-08 Traub - 1729 E. 3rd Street Please review the attached application to allow a duplex in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.Please forward your department comments no later than July 30,2004. If the proposal results in a reduction in the provision of minimum LOS standards, please note those comments and any conditions that need to be addressed. Thank you. Attachments a I f f ( I � ► �� ;,_t C�2wt� S Li �� �r iZcc3 J p CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF MAILING RE: I., Sue Roberds state that on the day of 2004 , I mailed said notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 17 . 96 . 140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, to the persons on the attached list . In addition, the notice was posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby of City Hall . AF IANT Subscribed to me this day of 2004 . ``���11N1/F/►►►/ NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of \\� � kiN ����i Washington, residing in Port `,�.��� ..... +�,��;0 Angeles . NARY % =Q• Z' .Z: OF • • Y CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF POSTING RE: I, JIM LIERLY state that on the day of 2004, I posted said notice, a true copy of which is he to atta hed and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 1 . 96 . 140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as amended, on the r per proposed for a land use action. IANT Subscribed to me this -�-9 1-) day of 2004 . 1�70TARY PUBLIC for t State of Washington, residifig in Port Angeles . CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on July 12,2004,the City of Port Angeles received a conditional use permit application to allow the development of a duplex in the RS-7,Residential Single Family zone.The application was determined to be complete on July 16,2004. Interested parties may comment on the proposal and may request a copy of the decision once it is made. Written comments regarding the development must be received by the City no later than August 6,2004,in order to be included in the staff report.The application and any studies may be reviewed at the City Department of Community Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362. The PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION will conduct a public hearing on the proposal on AUGUST 25,2004,6 p.m.,City Hall.Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: It is anticipated that a determination of non significance(DNS) will be issued for this application per WAC 197-11-355 following the review period ending August 6,2004. This may be your only opportunity to comment on the potential environmental impacts of the application. APPLICANT: DAMAZIO LOCATION: 1729 E. 3RD Street For further information contact: Sue Roberds, (360)417-4750 PUB: 7/22/04 POST: 7/22/04 MAIL: 7/19/04 C:\MyFiles\Forms\Notices\Combopchrg.wpd , per �� t\ts Qs0�� 3 5�. �N\t7No ,TIS `rC'�A �\-js X51 �JCl ��3�- 314 o� �r36a S�1u�A j� rnYti� � 4�u �. 3�dS{-. \ \\ n ao1 i-`-tom- 5� n I p s ('o A3 N "'s UJ A 4'd 5l `� t 3 �• 3. 5s,�cS, wR- �-t536 3 q 6,PL 601 c�LZ- 4, Co w � � LG�i S L��4N tpoA 90 / C_o 4 J ��36a R�36� RK36a POQA 5-,X,-:5 i?c, ,AlV STS/ cJ q'6: 36� r4,Lk �. ate- 13u� Qo?A Ati9A�s� �,�,�- Qo�a t� q`636� VAM Qoc�.�r � 5�,\c5, 1�•� A 1 A1,oi. Cs�-� , C.q 9Y 3 6 SES \� voLC.hfQ S��N� Sc�` Nsc, Y3 �� Q 0.� FiN��.tcs, �t$36aw n . Cl X133 l. o� �Z� Ifo 3 ask 6(Z F _ N TL q t�,''j 5��.,sI �.,� q,6-56a01 3�� G-0 RA Poi. A,U SCI. C. S) ��3 6a Go r- c\o ,N Tho M Coulres CIA c.,3 A P��.� A tis��t, WA- �aezWZN �zNU �02��� 1�©art 1�w► X36_0 � o iz1836 Ay ,—Awe WE.\\ m�1N VC, 9-Ats� 36a I�L���o�0 , 6� ��1a3 ���� �NS���S � �$3Q Q�v.S 5�� � ����� ���t�i�W�A����'j4.z ��. Q-L�-K �1 fl N �A�Z�✓U�SZ fox q << 3 TO�� -1-\CL- W � Po co A�► ����S,��K3�� Po�-� Qo�� QcvSL��S, Q wQK3Ca Po�� ANScI�-5, �36.-') i� E C E E RP440 C L A L L A M COUNTY PAGE1 E04 14.38 REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/ADDRESS LIST 7/12/04 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARCEL NUMBER *********** DESCRIPTION ************ ***** TAXPAYER & ADDRESS ****** *** LEGAL OWNER & ADDRESS ***** Dept.of Community Developme-,, 063011500500-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION SANDRA RUDDELL TRUSTEE ETAL SANDRA RUDDELL TRUSTEE ETAL TWO BEDROOM LTS 1-7 & VAC ALY BL5 1134 E 8TH ST 1134 E 8TH ST 77,000 LAND AV SURVEY V25 P16 (1.00A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 194,775 BLDG AV 063011500510-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION JOHN E SUHR JOHN E SUHR TWO BEDROOM LOTS 10&11 & PT VC ALLEY BL5 PO BOX 1421 PO BOX 1421 25,000 LAND AV (.17A) TAHOE CITY CA 96145-1421 TAHOE CITY CA 96145-1421 53,595 BLDG AV 063011500512-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION BANK OF AMERICA/CO HOME FOCUS RICARDO C ALIN-ALIN THREE BEDRM LTS 8&9 & VC ST & ALY BL5 14528 S OUTER FORTY RD 1802 E 2ND ST 25,000 LAND AV (.28A) SUITE 1 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4952 75,940 BLDG AV CHESTERFIELD MO 00001 063011500513-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION FREDRICK/CHARLOTTE NORTON, TTE FREDRICK/CHARLOTTE NORTON, TTE\, TWO BEDROOM LOT 12 & PT VC ST & ALLEY BL 5 NORTON 1991 FAMILY TRUST NORTON 1991 FAMILY TRUST As LAND AV (.12A) 1807 EAST 3RD 1807 EAST 3RD 95,320 BLDG AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 063011500515-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITIONCORDON C/RUTH THOMSON GORDON C/RUTH THOMSON THREE BEDRM LOT 13 & PT VC ST & ALLEY BL 5 1813 E 3RD ST 1813 E 3RD ST 19,000 LAND AV (.12A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 143,145 BLDG AV 063011500520-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION GORDON C/RUTH THOMSON GORDON C/RUTH THOMSON UNDEVEL LAND LOT 14 EXC E6'& VC ALY BL 5 1813 E 3RD ST 1813 E 3RD ST 19,000 LAND AV (.10A) ORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 BLDG AV 063011500530-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION JAMES F WALKER JAMES F WALKER TWO BEDROOM E61LT 14 LT 15 &W14'LT16 BL 5 1815 E 3RD ST 1815 E 3RD ST 25,000 LAND AV (.17A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 _ 108,355 BLDG AV 063011500540-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION OZ CUNNINGHAM OZ CUNNINGHAM ONE BEDROOM LOT 16 EXC W 14' & LT 17 BL 5 1825 E 3RD ST 1825 E 3RD ST 25,000 LAND AV (.19A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4911 99,345 BLDG AV • 063011500550-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION SANFORD/LA VERNE KEYS SANFORD/LA VERNE KEYS THREE BEDRM LTS18&19 BL5&VAC ALY ABTG 280 GOLF COURSE RD 280 GOLF COURSE RD 31,000 LAND AV (.23A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4933 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4933 153,315 BLDG AV 063011500625-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES EXEMPT 4&5TH ST ABTG G-B&B-H ADDITION PO BOX 1150 PO BOX 1150 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0217 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0217 BLDG AV c� c RP440 C L A L L A M COUNTY PAGE 2 JUL 1 4 204 14.38 REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/ADDRESS LIST 7/12/04 CITYOFPOrTANGELES Dept.of Community Development PARCEL NUMBER *********** DESCRIPTION ************ ***** TAXPAYER & ADDRESS ****** *** LEGAL OWNER & ADDRESS ***** 063011500650-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION U P F INC. TAX SERVICE DARWIN A LIND TWO BEDROOM TX #4217 EXC #8323 BL 6 2017 W NORTHWEST BLVD 1812 E 3RD ST 37,500 LAND AV (1.47A) SPOKANE WA 99205-3716 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4912 59,510 BLDG AV 063011500660-0000 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK JEFFREY C/KATRINA C WELLER FOUR BEDROOM TX#8323 BL 6 1191 2ND AVE 1803 E 4TH ST 45,000 LAND AV SEATTLE WA 00008 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 172,700 BLDG AV 063011570020-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS JAMES R/KATHRYN L CURRIE JAMES R/KATHRYN L CURRIE UNDEVEL LAND LOT 2 2352 SE TANAGER CIR 2352 SE TANAGER CIR 27,000 LAND AV HILLSBORO OR 97123 HILLSBORO OR 97123 • BLDG AV 063011570030-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK NORMAN/LILLIAN G HOLTTUM THREE BEDRM LOT 3 1191 2ND AVE 1828 E 3RD ST 27,000 LAND AV MS SAS0701 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 96,930 BLDG AV SEATTLE WA 00008 063011570040-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN SARAH C JACKSON THREE BEDRM LOT 4 PO BOX 351 PO BOX 732 27,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0055 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0000 109,275 BLDG AV 063011570050-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS MIRIAM A WELLMAN MIRIAM A WELLMAN THREE BEDRM LOT 5 PO BOX 2775 PO BOX 2775 27,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0332 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0332 133,060 BLDG AV 063011570060-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS ELLEN/RUSSELL KUEBEL ELLEN/RUSSELL KUEBEL THREE BEDRM LOT 6 PO BOX 943 PO BOX 943 46,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0164 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0164 121,730 BLDG AV 063011570070-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS ALICE / DUANE HARPER MERLIN K WEATHERBEE TTE ET AL THREE BEDRM LOT 7 20406 SE 269TH 386 HULSE RD 46,000 LAND AV COVINGTON WA 98042 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-9243 111,845 BLDG AV 063011570080-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS HOMEFOCUS TAX SERVICE-BUFFALO RICK / JUDI HANGARTNER THREE BEDRM LOT 8 BEST ATRIUM WEST - MAIL: 1815 E 4TH ST 46,000 LAND AV RICHMOND VA 23227 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 111,930 BLDG AV 063011570090-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS HAROLD W/MILDRED H ENGLUND HAROLD W/MILDRED H ENGLUND TWO BEDROOM LOT 9 1813 E 4TH ST 1813 E 4TH ST 46,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 144,710 BLDG AV D Cif iW/lE RP440 C L A L L A M C 0 U N T Y PAGE 3 !� 14.38 REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/ADDRESS LIST 7/12/04 JUL L 1 2 2004 DESCRIPTION TAXPAYER & ADDRESS LEGAL OWNER & ADDRESS CITY OF POST ANGELES PARCEL NUMBER '`'""`"""""" """'`"""""' """' "'`�""' "`� �"�' Dept.of Community Development 063011570100-0000 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS GLENN E/LISA WYATT GLENN E/LISA WYATT TWO BEDROOM LOT 10 1805 E 4TH ST 1805 E 4TH ST 46,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4915 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4915 128,025 BLDG AV TOTAL PARCELS 21 • I OQ3 RP440 C L A L L A M C O U N T Y PAGE 1 9.54 LIST FOR BILL TRAUB REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/ADDRESS LIST 7/12/04 (� PARCEL NUMBER **+****+*** DESCRIPTION ******+***** ***«* TAXPAYER & ADDRESS ****** **« LEGAL OWNER & ADDRESS ***** 1 D C 063000101305-0000 N 2A S HWY&PT VC ST SUB LOT 1.3 PORT ANGELES BOWL INC PORT ANGELES BOWL INC L�� -- BOWLING & LTS 1-11&VAC ST ABTG HOME AD 1714 E 1ST ST 1714 E 1ST ST 415,965 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 96362-4904 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4904 JUL `5 `}1�Sf1 386,380 BLDG AV iiJJ(0 063000550100-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 MICHAEL C CLAPSHAW MICHAEL C CLAPSHAW CITY OF POF;�i ANGELES TWO BEDROOM LTS 1 & 2 SL 100 C/O MARJORIE CLAPSHAW C/O MARJORIE CLAPSHAW Dept.of F OK- 45,000 LAND AV 1738 E THIRD ST 1738 E THIRD ST y Development 66,225 BLDG AV (.36A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 063000550105-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 FRANK P FRITZER FRANK P FRITZER FOUR BEDROOM LT 3 BL 100 904 S F ST 904 S F ST 25,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98363-5520 PORT ANGELES WA 98363-5520 84,125 BLDG AV 063000550110-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 GEORGE E SHEPLEY GEORGE E SHEPLEY TWO BEDROOM LTS 4 6 5 BL 100 1716 E 3RD ST 1716 E 3RD ST 45,000 LAND AV - PORT ANGELES WA. 98362-4910 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4910 57,405 BLDG AV (.32A) 063000550115-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD_ OF SB L14 DAVID L DUNLAP DAVID L DUNLAP THREE BEDRM LT 6 BL 100 1718 E 3RD ST 1718 E 3RD ST 25,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4910 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4910 62,035 BLDG AV 063000550120-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK JAMES A HUNT THREE BEDRM LT 7 BL 100 1191 2ND AVE 1232 E 5TH ST 25,000 LAND AV MS SAS0701 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 99,265 BLDG AV SEATTLE WA 00008 063000550125-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK CRAIG F/IDAH SMITH TWO BEDROOM LT 8 & E2 LT 9 BL 100 1191 2ND AVE 1710 E 3RD ST 42,000 LAND AV SEATTLE WA 00008 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 76,270 BLDG AV (.24A) 063000550140-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUED OF SB L14 WESLEY/HIDEKO GOECKER WESLEY/HIDEKO GOECKER FOUR BEDROOM LTS 13 & 14 BL 100 1713 E 4TH ST 1713 E 4TH ST 54,000 LAND AV SURVEY V29 P51 (.32A) PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4913 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4913 188,935 BLDG AV 063000550145-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 OHIO SAVINGS BANK WILLIAM/SARAH TOZIER THREE BEDRM LT 15 & W2 LT 16 BL 100 ATTN:JOYCE 422 DICKMAN RD 45,000 LAND AV 1801 E 9TH ST SUTE 200 SAN ANTONIO TX 78234 87,130 BLDG AV (.24A) CLEVELAND OH 00005 063000550150-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 DAVID L HURD DAVID L HURD THREE BEDRM E2 LT 16 & ALL LT 17 BL 100 1729 E 4TH ST 2009 W 15TH ST 45,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4913 PORT ANGELES WA 98363-5130 182,185 BLDG AV (.24A) RP440 C L A L L A M C 0 U N T Y PAGE 2 9.54 REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/ADDRESS LIST 7/12/04 PARCEL NUMBER *********** DESCRIPTION ************ ***** TAXPAYER & ADDRESS ****** *** LEGAL OWNER & ADDRESS ***** 063000550155-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 ELIZABETH P OWEN ELIZABETH P OWEN THREE BEDRM LT 18 & PT LT 19 BL 100 1733 E 4TH STREET 1733 E 4TH STREET 45,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 120,255 BLDG AV (.28A) 063000550160-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 INEZ H COWAN INEZ H COWAN THREE BEDRM PT LT 19 & ALL LTS 20&21 BL100 1741 E 4TH ST 1741 E 4TH ST 54,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4913 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4913 166,730 BLDG AV (.40A) 063000550200-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 MARY H ROBSON MARY H ROBSON TWO BEDROOM LTS 1 & 2 BL 117 1728 E 2ND ST 1728 E 2ND ST 31,000 LAND AV PORT-ANGELES WA 98362-4908 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4908 60,265 BLDG AV (.31A) 063000550205-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 EVERETT K WINTERS EVERETT K WINTERS TWO BEDROOM LT 3 & E10' LT 4 BL 117 1724 E 2ND ST 1724 E 2ND ST 22,500 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4908 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4908 78,735 BLDG AV (.13A) 063000550215-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 RURAL HOUSING SERVICE JEANA M JOHNSON TWO BEDROOM W 401LT 4 & E 10' LT 5 BL 117 1520 MARKET STREET FC23 1718 E 2ND ST 20,000 LAND AV ST LOUIS MO 00005 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4908 59,675 BLDG AV 063000550220-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 PAUL J BECK PAUL J BECK ONE BEDROOM W 40' LT 5 & LT 6 & E 10' LT 7 433 LOPEZ ST 433 LOPEZ ST 35,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6506 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-6506 37,225 BLDG AV (.32A) 063000550225-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 DONNA D GORT DONNA D GORT FIVE BEDROOM LT7EXC E10' <8&E10'VCSTBL117 1704 E 2ND ST 1704 E 2ND ST 37,000 LAND AV PORT_ANGELES WA 98362-4908 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4908 99,550 BLDG AV (.32A) 063000550230-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 LINDA M NUTTER LINDA M NUTTER FIVE BEDROOM LT 9 EXC E8' & EASE BL 117 1701 E 3RD ST 1701 E 3RD ST 21,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 110,220 BLDG AV (.18A) • 063000550235-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN SYLVIA SOMMERFELD THREE BEDRM E8'LT9,LT10<IIEXCE35.60BL117 PO BOX 351 1705 E 3RD ST 27,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0055 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 110,730 BLDG AV (.24A) 063000550240-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 CITIMORTGAGE INC STEVEN M VELTKAMP UNDEVEL LAND E35.60' LT11 EXC E10' BL117 14528 S OUTER FORTY DRIVE 1713 E 3RD ST 12,500 LAND AV CHESTERFIELD MO 00005 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 BLDG AV (.08A) RP440 C L A L L A M C 0 U N T Y PAGE 3 9.54 REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION/ADDRESS LIST 7/12/04 PARCEL NUMBER *********** DESCRIPTION ************ ***** TAXPAYER & ADDRESS ****** *** LEGAL OWNER & ADDRESS ***** 063000550245-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 CITIMORTGAGE INC STEVEN M VELTKAMP FOUR BEDROOM E10' LT 11 < 12EXCE7.6'BL117 14528 S OUTER FORTY DRIVE 1713 E 3RD ST 25,000 LAND AV CHESTERFIELD MO 00005 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 108,355 BLDG AV (.17A) 063000550250-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 COUNTRYWIDE LOUIS W LIVENGOOD FOUR BEDROOM E7.6' LT 12 LT 13 & W2 LT 14 BL 117 ATTN: TAX DEPARTMENT SV24 1715 E THIRD ST 40,000 LAND AV VAN NUYS CA 91410 POT ANGELES WA 96362 38,270 BLDG AV (.26A) 063000550260-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 GARY D BROWN GARY D BROWN TWO BEDROOM E2 LT 14 & LT 15 & W2 LT 16 1727 E 3RD ST 1727 E 3RD ST 45,000 LAND AV PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-4909 87,140 BLDG AV (.32A) 063000550265-0000 RICHARDS, FG JR SUBD OF SB L14 WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK MARY/JOHN S DAMAZIO FOUR BEDROOM E2 LT 16 & ALL LT 17 1191 2ND AVE 1410 N 10TH ST 31,000 LAND AV MS SAS0701 COLTON CA 92324 107,010 BLDG AV (.24A) SEATTLE WA 00008 TOTAL PARCELS 24 PENINSULA DAILY MEWS �i.davit of Publication • In the Su-perior Court of the State of Washington for Clall:afft./Jefferson County.-- �- Peni.ns.ula Daily mews - -------------------- ----•--.-- ------------------.--_---.._._.-.._--_---.-.------- :..._. .. { CITY OF PORT ANGELES - .PUBLIC NOTICE. LEGAL ACCT:CITY CLERK OF OF DEVELOPMENT CITY OF PORT ANGELES j APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING PS BOX 11.50 ._.-. I .. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on JULY 12,2004,the PORT AIWuELES WA 9836G City of Port Angeles re- 1 I ceived a conditional use ! { permit-application to allow- the development of a duplex { in the RS-7, Residential Family zone.The application REFERENCE: 4900481 I was determined to be com- pC%2519734. Damazio applicant I plete on JULY16,2oo4. In- ____ terestedested parties may com- ment on the proposal and- may request a copy of the The undersigned being first d u i y sworn o n oath, j decision once it is made. Written comments regardingePoses and says: - - - _. the development must be _. :...:.._ That she/he is authorized to and does make this I [ received by the City no later affidavit for and on behalf of Peninsula Daily I ; order to bencldedin'the News, a corporation, and that the -following ollowing The applicatio neantudies n: may be re-.,........ statements of fact are within her/hisviewed:at'-the City.Depart, _ personal { ment of-.Community Deveix and actual 1,n ow 1 e d g:e. I opmerit,� .321 East ,Fifth's { ;Street,,1P6rt Angeles, Wash" ington;'98362. The PORT; ANGELES-:PLANNING COM- That said corporation 1s the owner and publisher I MISSION.vuiuconduct apub- of the Peninsula Dai1y 1'4 a to s published i n j Iio-.hearing-on the proposal- Clallam/,.1efferson Counties, and had been approved I _mo .AUGUST 25, 2004,.46= 'P.M.,"CITY HALL. Interested as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior I p artiestare invited to attend: the:meeting. City Hall is ad` Court o f said C l a l l a m l a e f f er s o ri County o f t h.e. 1 cessible:-to persons with' disabilities. State of Washington. I STATE ENVIRONMENTAL'__ `f'h a t the annexe d i -a t r u t� copy o f a 1 e g a i { ''POLICY ACT: It is anticipat.- ed that a determination'of; insertion a s it was published in regular issues i noni significance (DNS) will- (arid not in supplement form) of said newspaper a I i- be for this applica p P _ _ P P tion per WAC 197-11-355: was r e g u l a.r l y d i=tr.i b u t e d t o its s u b s c r i,b er s-- - - j - following the review period' ending.August 6, 2004., during. al I of s a..i d period. The pu b 1 i 5 h i n g tl a t e { I ":This`may`be your only oppoe-' L'tunity:.to comment on,.thecited is the last da.y of PubliC ation. potential,environmental im;ipacts of the application. j IAPPLICANT:DAMAZIO',, LOCATION i 1729E 3rd9Street ' I � For'ifurther information�con� --- — — - j tact.;Sue Roberds�^�) (360)417 4750 ( Pub`July,22 y2004�g PUBLISHED ON: 07/22 1 ---- —_._ ._._.... ... _. ._. . ----_-- j 1 i TOTAL COST: 54. 00 - I. 07/2;2/04 ------------------------------------------------------ -----_-------------- --- Subsc ibPd and sw rn, t�q before free this day of Notary Public in and for the. State of Washington -residing at rt.Okf � OB-05-07 _ %nP% PUB L`G '�� i - �11;11OF ���/llllll��` Sue Roberds--CUP 04 08 Pa�eT1 ' From: Ken Dubuc To: Sue Roberds Date: 7/19/04 3:31 PM Subject: CUP 04-08 Sue, The Fire Department has reviewed CUP 04-08 for Traub at 1729 E3rd Street and we have no comments or objections. Thanks, Ken Dubuc, Fire Marshal 0 P CITY OF ORT , NGELES ............ It W A S H [ N G T O N, U. S. A. July 19, 2004 MEMO To: Department of Ecology, SEPA Division DEPARTMENT OF From: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Subj: SEPA Project Review - TRAUB Conditional Use Permit - 1729 E. 3rd Street Brad Collins, Enclosed you will find a SEPA Checklist and a conditional use permit application to Planning Director Y P pp 4 Planning Di 1 allow the development of a duples in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. The notice of development application and environmental checklist are being forwarded to Sue Roberds, you under the WAC 197-11-355 optional review process. The City will not issue a Assistant Planner threshold determination for 15 days from the mailing of this notice. This maybe your 417-4750 only opportunity to comment.on potential impacts of the application. Scott Johns, Associate Planner Please forward your comments to the City Department of Community Development, 417-4752 P.O.Box 1150,Port Angeles,Washington,98362,no later than August 6,2004. Please don't hesitate to contact this department if you have any questions. Jim Lierly Building Inspector Thank you. 417-4816 Roger Vess Permit Technician 417-4815 Sue Roberds, As tant Planner Enclosures ORT NGELES 111111,11; A E WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. OREWN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: July 19, 2004 To: Public Works and Utilities Department Building Division Fire Department From: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner Subject: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 04-08 Traub - 1729 E. 3' Street Please review the attached application to allow a duplex in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.Please forward your department comments no later than July 30,2004. If the proposal results in a reduction in the provision of minimum LOS standards, please note those comments and any conditions that need to be addressed. Thank you. Attachments • File # R APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION: JUL 12 2004 Applicant: v C& 'L ANGELES LA De —0 ity Development Address: \LA\0 iJ.��� �P��c�.n. `,k, ya1aytime phone #: Q *Applicant's representative If other an applicant): U), ��� ���� pP P C � \\ J Address: " 0 LkS7 Daytime phone #. 3f© Lill— 109-5 Property owner (if other than applicant): Address: Daytime phone #: PROPERTY INFORMATION: Street address: Legal description: - t log i S 1,T p lack . «L.Q , 0� R5 r Irlom (ehenslve Plan designation: roc:-i � � L onin � S g caoT Sic 05 ILlo, -� 1:n g Property dimensions: 7 talk Property area (total square feet): /2 Oct® 17 � Physical charac ristics (i.e., flat, sloped, vacant, developed, etc.): Oner2 �� PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: Please describe the proposed use: o dN u e e-Yk S Sx A LMA Number of employees: N /A Hours of operation: Number of on-site parking spaces: Number of off-site parking spaces: Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): Q-'600 Q ` clap�-�;�, SIGNATURES: Applicant: 1 certify that all of the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in its entirety and understand my that submittal will be reviewed for completeness and, if found to be complete, will be scheduled for the next available PI Hing Commission meeting. Applicant's Signable�IV' r� Date-7— -7— �7 Owner's pp other than if Signature a lic A Date -7- -7- 4 g ( �Qf SoCk was D rP i JUL 1 2 2004 CITY OF PORT ANGEL S Dept.of Community Gevelopm t �I 1 P,Pvi F-►z- J� ED c PROPOS�r� DU�'LCK ' 1 EYOST. REWDE'NCc ) cu i � 1 l � 0.r 2U \ S r V � 0v A FUS- UT �eo,ST _ 6 7-14-O4; 11 :43AM 90994043?%6;# 1 "REC . 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Franklin E Ln Bryson AV 75 Cd Nancy Park AV '2 F:ir -0: W St Park Ln ITZ Cure : Laurldsen 5 3 M Wall St a; roa Angeles Olympic Highland A co peninsula i - ca National Park Grant A 8 Pon Blvd Monroe_t 0 il� = M 0 in College t V Peninsula Lindberg ES m -9.1.ff[nterl;vw n.E CC Boardwalk St Ter (D .,_a (D Visitor Center IN 0 Me Pauline :1 rn a. Melody dlrLzu 6 Golf Club R11 d Rd -J I Dr 0 -0 in s AV Melody Ln-, Lindber Roosevelt2 cc LL c Crai 4" Rd Farrell PI Is 'ew Marsden R( Or 0 Cam bellAv M.BHughes Rd ha air L rest Dr z" -F SumSmun P111 10 i EckardAv hV W P L) Ben ami Maddock Rd Brown Rd Rd ISM 'Ej 1110W Ash Gravel 5AV Ash Sat Pear 2 Horn Pit Rd OF AI Rd Roy t 0 UrCh steed n -DID New 5�..' - AGI nbrook Cl Ocean c(r ridge L `7 0 41chu h AV Breeze Ln :) 0 Pe Rd Brown Rd 0 91 Home `7 AV r Stu Ramon Bro 11: Pearce R FL This Rd Han Four o 10 Winds Rd incc )r Rd Z Scrivner RdBlue Arnette Rd C5 i Pi b 0 fi Gadi Rd Shade C Mariah Tree Ln Rd Winds WY Billy Smith Rd cc "o c T Deer F �aracicvc 0 CD0 8 . FL 0 2 0- a Elliott ;e y. 0 Creek Rd Patterson Rd Z b- a50fiFav ?Ne A I d 0. Le d+LR d Crook D, ea eles Rid e Rd 0:� DraperIS Rd eek Dr WhitesbroOk Lin .5 Baker Farm Rd -16 Schutz Dr o'(9 Shady Creek Ln b N 4f QY/ cb. FELarrin ton Rd Ln Yellow ROck Ln 111 Hen Bo d N, 10 12 13 14 15 16 Dwest AOR,HAVW4T ) �O_° 2° SLD R, ( tom' WQtZ,�\il"!GHT) 5°A 9.\C. 5.2 4'° P tr s.c. D. -- WASH. o � o j_RFGs l _V t�.►D ° ° l V / (IIA6 FL9Q1 I r-7 Q i i n ESE VE JUL 12 2004 - SCALE '/4''' `�-ol► CITY OF POET ANGELES Dept.of Community Development 4 1 W EST r i 10_f Sl t RECHVED Jt7L 1 2 2004 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept.of Community Development 2°30.Gq�Q.F-W W0W S3.E:P ACE E X�S"�:w DW vl �Q�.� )t,� _._ E-�-LL_�X\.STr W Qa►r OPNG. FtL1. r Rs? XSSf,_.G,AR..�St..(7P �... Q'—\CE_�X�St_v� a IF - REPLACE Ek1,i.�R. _ �.�._ 00 ajif�- - j �___–_-- JNS'fAt,LNEW 3'/8X12 G.t..1tD-R.��+1• ;fi,r — i I! j i OvT CO NI•Fr7vND,WAtIL. i -pw, 1 :A S E-M i E�r:s . sERv. PAWE L - U JUL 12 2004 CITY OF PONT ANGELES Dept.of Community Development I