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2026 E. First Street
2026 E First Street CUP 05-04 1 09/07/2005 14:27 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA 10002 DRAFT G10NC ,�, NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION FINAL DETERMINATION TO AP p s V = Olympic Region Clean Air Agency D ' s ORCA.A. SEP 1 2!O5 n 1rfFEkSOe.MM1SOP.i���� CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dopt.of Onr;munity Development Issued to: Ruddell Lease Sales Inc Crity: 09 Location: 2026 East First St. Srce: 971 Port Angeles, Washington RC: RC6 Application #: -05NOC431 File: 527 Prepared on: September 2, 2005 1. Project Description & Emissions Ruddell Lease Sales Inc. proposes to establish a new truck bed lining service at their existing automotive service center located at 2026 East First Street in Port Angeles, Washington. A two-part polyurethane coating-will be spray applied onto vehicles and equipment, principally the beds of pickup trucks. The spray coating operation will be housed within an existing building at the east end of the Port Angeles Plaza shopping center which is zoned Commercial Arterial. Highway. 101 to the North borders the shopping center, with retail tenants located in several buildings around the plaza. The nearest business in the vicinity of Ruddell Lease Sales is Rite Aid, approximately 100 feet to the south and west. There is a Taco Bell restaurant approximately 300 feet to the north and west of the facility on the other side of US 101. The Best Western Olympic Lodge is located approximately 250 feet to the south and east. The lot to the east of Ruddell Lease Sales is currently undeveloped. Ruddell Lease Sales was required to obtain a conditional use permit from the City of Port Angeles to allow a spray coating operation at this location. The building where Ruddell Lease Sales will be located originally housed a tire shop. There are separate reception and storage areas located at the north and-south ends of the building. The central 90' by 40' portion of the building is used as a shop area. The 15' by 40' spray area will be at the south end of this shop area, curtained off to prevent A migration of overspray and to enhance the efficiency of the exhaust ventilation system. Air emissions from the truck bed lining operation will include particulate overspray, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), compounds listed as Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPS) in the Washington Air Toxics regulation (WAC 173-460) and pollutants identified as Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) under the federal Clean Air Act. Particulate will be controlled by the filtered exhaust system. The exhaust ventilation system, as specified in Table 1, is designed to exhaust remaining air contaminants not captured by the filter bank through a vertical stack to be dispersed downwind. Final Determination Page 1 FD05NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/07/2005 14:28 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA 10003 Do"ARAFT Table 1: Summary of Air Pollution Control E ui m � c� icatio Spray Area: . Dimensions— 15'w 14' x 40' length Separated from adjacent area by 20-mil "curtain wall" • Exhaust through vertical stack Exhaust Ventilation . Manufacturer- Colmet System: . Model # - IBC-1210 Exhaust Chamber • 15,000 scfm at 0.5" static pressure • 5 hp motor • 30"tube-axial fan • Filter bank: thirty (30) pcs: 20" x 20" x 2" paint-arrestor filters ORCAA's analysis of the potential ambient impacts from the proposed truck bed lining operation demonstrates that emissions will be below regulatory thresholds intended to protect human health and safety. Provided that the system is operated and maintained in accordance with the conditions in the attached Order of Approval, ORCAA concludes that the operations proposed in Ruddell Lease Sales NOC application will be in compliance with applicable air pollution control regulatory requirements. 2. Facility History The building was previously used as a tire sales and service shop. The proposed truck bed lining operation constitutes a new stationary source at this location. 3. Administrative Requirements ®Fees paid. ®Application complete. 4. SEPA Review ❑Exempt per WAC 197-11-800(3) since project involves only repair, remodeling, maintenance or minor alteration of existing structures, equipment or facilities and will involve no material expansions or changes in use describe basis). ®SEPA Applicable. On July 27, 2005 the City of Port Angeles issued a Determination of Non-significance (DNS)for the proposed project. This was followed on June 27, 2005 by the city's issuance of a conditional use permit to allow spray coating at the location, which is zoned Commercial Arterial. The conditional use permit was issued under the condition that Ruddell Lease Sales will comply with all applicable requirements imposed by ORCAA, as well as any applicable worker safety and health, building and fire code requirements. Lead Agency City of Port Angeles Determination DNS Date of Issuance July 22, 2005 Final Determination Page 2 FD05NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/0!/2005 14:28 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA IM004 • 10 DRAFT 5. Applicability and Compliance Evaluations ZThe proposed new stationary source or modification will likely comply with all applicable state, federal and local air regulations and standards. The following table lists those air regulations and standards that required an applicability and/or compliance evaluation. A comprehensive list of applicable air re u[ations and standards is attached. Regulation/Standard Description Applicable? Compliance Evaluation Likely? Attached? General ORCAA and State General regulations and standards found Yes Yes not needed Air Requirements in Article 9 of ORCAA Regulation 1,and WAC 173-400-040. Washington's Air Toxics Contains Washington's requirements for Yes Yes Yes Regulation(Chapter 173- proposed new sources of Toxic Air 460 WAC) I Pollutants. 6. SACT The proposed new stationary source or modification will employ BACT for all pollutants not previously emitted or whose emissions would increase as a result of the new st ionary source or modification. Pollutant SACT Description: Describe BACT limits, and control technology or Applicable? methods to meet BACT limits. NOx no CO no VOC Yes Use of spray area, exhaust through vertical stack. SO2 No PM10 Yes Use of spray area equipped with paint arresting filters. Toxics I Yes Use of spray area, exhaust through vertical stack. 7. Ambient Impact Analysis (Criteria Pollutants) Allowable emissions from the proposed new stationary source or modification will not delay the attainment date for an area not in attainment nor cause or contribute to a violation of any ambient air quality standard: ❑No criteria pollutant emissions increases expected. ®Expected increases in criteria pollutant emission rates are below significant emission rate thresholds for all criteria pollutants (see Attachments). ❑Air Quality Impacts Analysis completed by ORCAA (see Attachments). ❑Air Quality Impacts Analysis provided by applicant (see NOC Application). 8. Ambient Impact Analysis (Toxic Air Pollutants) The requirements for approval of new sources of Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPS) in Chapter 173-460 WAC have been met. ❑No TAP emissions increases expected (see Attachments)_ ®Maximum TAP emission rate increases do not exceed the "small quantity emission rates" specified in WAC 173-460-080(2)(e) (see Attachments). ❑Analysis of TAP emission increases with respect to Acceptable Source Impact Levels (ASIL) in accordance with WAC 173-460-080 completed by ORCAA (see Attachments). Final Determination Page 3 F005NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/07/2005 14:28 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA 0005 0 0 DRAFT ❑Analysis of TAP emission increases with respect to Acceptable Source Impact Levels (ASIL) in accordance with WAC 173-460-080 completed by Applicant (see NOC Application). 9. Title V Air Operating Permit (AOP) ®Minor Source. AOP not required since facility-wide potential to emit is minor for all pollutants (see Attachments). ❑Synthetic Minor Source. AOP not required since applicant requested voluntary limit on emissions (Describe voluntary limit and associated conditions): ❑New Major Source. AOP required since proposed new stationary source or modification results in a new major source under Title V. ❑Existing Major/Revision Not Required. New stationary source or modification proposed at an existing major source with an AOP. However, revision to the AOP not required as the proposed new stationary source or modification qualifies as a "change not requiring permit revisions" in accordance with WAC 173-401-722. ❑Existing Major/Off-Permit Change. New stationary source or modification proposed at an existing major source with an AOP. However, revision to the AOP not required as the proposed new stationary source or modification qualifies as an "off-permit change" according to WAC 173-401-724. ❑Existing Major/AOP Revision Required. New stationary source or modification proposed at an existing major source with an AOP. Revision to the AOP required in accordance with: ❑Administrative permit amendment procedures under WAC 173-401-720_ ❑Minor permit modification procedures under WAC 173-401,725(2). ©Procedures for group processing of minor permit modifications under WAC 173401-725(3). ❑Permit modification procedures under WAC 173-401-725(4). Additional information to support.AOP applicability determinations: 10. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permitting ®PSD permit not required since the proposed new stationary source or modification will result in a minor source with respect to the State's PSD program in WAC 173-400- 141 (emission calculations attached). ❑The existing source is a PSD major source. However, a PSD permit is not required since the proposed modification is not a major modification with respect to the State's PSD program in WAC 173-400-141 (emission calculations attached). ❑PSD permit issued by Ecology PSD Permit Conditions Attached): Additional information to support PSD applicability determinations: Final Determination Page 4 F005NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/*/2005 14:28 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA 0006 • • D A RRi6tv 11. Public Involvement ❑Public notice was not triggered as the application does not trigger a mandatory public comment period and the application was received prior to the October 6, 2003 effective date of the new public noticing provisions. ®Public notice of ORCAA's receipt of the NOC application, pursuant to ORCAA 1.7.04(x), was issued on July 9, 2005. No comments were received during the comment period. ❑Public notice of ORCAA's Preliminary Determination, pursuant to ORCAA 1.704(c), was issued . No comments were received during the comment period. ❑Public notice of ORCAA's Preliminary Determination, pursuant to ORCAA 1.7.04(c), was issued . Comments were received during public comment period and were considered in making this Final Determination. Staff's Responsiveness Summary is provided in Attachments: ❑Public Hearing held pursuant to ORCAA 1.7.04(e) on . Comments received during public comment period and public hearing were considered in making this Final Determination. Staff's Responsiveness Summary and Hearings Examiner Ruling are provided in Attachments. 12. Conditions of Approval The following conditions of approval are necessary for assuring compliance with ap licable air regulations and standards: 1) MATERIAL USE LIMIT: The cumulative amount of VOC or TAP-containing materials used, applied or disposed of during any 12-consecutive month period shall not exceed 4,000 gallons, unless prior approval is granted by ORCAA. [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173-460-070] 2) MATERIAL USE RECORDS: Material use records shall be maintained and updated on a monthly basis. Records shall be sufficient to verify the actual, cumulative amount of VOC or TAP-containing materials used in terms of gallons per month and 12-consecutive month period. Monthly records shall be certified as true and accurate by the facility owner, or a designated facility manager, and shall be retained at the facility for at least two years. At a minimum, material use records shall include the following: a) Purchase invoices indicating the amount of VOC or TAP-containing materials purchased, date of purchase, and corresponding product identification numbers; b) Actual cumulative use of VOC or TAP-containing materials in terms of gallons per month; and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all VOC or TAP- containing materials used. [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173-460-070] 3) STACK SPECIFATIONS: Exhaust stacks on the paint spray area shall have a vertical dischargeoto the atmosphere at least 6 feet above the peak height of the building. There shall be no flow obstructions at the point of discharge from any stack (ie. cap). However, a weather-proof stack exhaust configuration which does not obstruct the air flow as it exits the stack, is acceptable. [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173-400-113] Final Determination Page 5 FDOSNOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 Oai09i2005 11:52 FAX 360 491 6,308 ORCAA QJ 006 4) FILTERS: Spray area exhaust air shall be adequately tittered to remove particulate overspray. Filters shall be monitored on a regular basis and shall be replaced whenever damaged or loaded with particulate build-up to an extent that jeopardizes theeffectiveness of the spray area in capturing and controlling emissions. All filters shall be properly seated and-shall cover all ripenings. [Regulatory Basis: WAG 173-400-113] 5) OPEkATION & !MAINTENANCE: All reasonable measures and precautions shall be'laken for minimizing volatile emissions and overspray including but not limited to: a) Keeping VOC and TAP-containing materials in closed containers when not being used. b) Storing all solvents or solvent containing cloth or other material used for surface preparation in closed air-tight containers. c) Minimizing and promptly cleaning up all VOC or TAP-containing material spills and leaks. d) Using low VOC or TAP.-containing coatings and solvents when suitable. e) Conducting spray-coating operations only in the approved spray area, with cargo door closed and the curtain wall in place. [Regulatory Basis: ORCAA 1.9.1 6] PREPA 7BYJOhn T. Kelly D to REVIEWED 19Y Mark V. Goodin Date Final Determination Page 6 FD05NOG431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/7!2005 09/07/2005 14:28 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA 4008 ATTACHMENTS ®APPLICABLE AIR REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS ®LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ®EMISSION CALCULATIONS ❑AMBIENT AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS ®AIR TOXICS ANALYSIS ❑SEPA DOCUMENTS ❑PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ❑OTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION Final Determination Attachments FD05NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/07/2005 14:28 FAX 360 491 6306 ORCAA 1&009 E)R A FT APPLICABLE AIR REQUIREMENTS AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR Ruddell Lease Sales Inc TITLE CITATION BRIEF DESCRIPTION GeneraLlyAppficable Requirements and Performance Standards: Annual WAC 173400-109 Requires annual registration and reporting of annual emissions. Registration ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect. Registration Category: RC6 5.01 Annual WAC 173-400-104 Provides local air pollution agencies the authority to assess an Registration Fees ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect. annual fee to registered air pollutant sources. 5.05 New Source ORCAA Reg. 1 Article Approval by ORCAA through a NOC application is required prior to Review(NSR) 7; establishing or constructing any new source of emissions,or Requirements WAC 173-400-110: modifying an existing source.This includes removal of a control WAC 973.400-114 device or substantial modification of an existing control device. Concealment and WAC 173-400-040(7) Prohibits the installation or use of any means that conceals or Masking ORCAA Reg, 1,Sect. masks an emission of an air contaminant that would otherwise 9.12 violate any provisions of this chapter. Control ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect. Requires air contaminant sources to keep any process and/or air Equipment 9.16 pollution control equipment in good operation and repair. Maintenance and Repair Emission WAC 173,400-105(1) Requires maintenance of records relating to air pollutant emissions Inventory ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect and submittal of an annual emissions inventory if required. 5.03 Emissions WAC 173-400-040(5) Prohibits emissions of any air contaminant from any source that are Detrimental to ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect. detrimental to persons or property. Persons or 9.23 Property Fallout WAC 173-400-040(2), Prohibits particulate emissions from any source to be deposited, Prohibition ORCAA 1.9.05(e) beyond the property under direct control of the owner or operator of the source, in sufficient quantity to interfere unreasonably with the use and enjoyment of the property upon which the material was deposited. Fugitive Dust WAC 173400-040(8) Requires reasonable precautions be taken to prevent fugitive dust Sources ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect. from becoming airborne. 9,05(c) Fugitive WAC 173-400-040(3), Requires that reasonable precautions be taken for controlling Emissions fugitive emissions. Odors WAC 173-400-040(4) Requires use of"recognized good practices and procedures"for State Regulation control of any odor which may unreasonably interfere with the use or en'o ment of another persons roe . Odors ORCAA Reg. 1,Sect. Requires that reasonably available control techniques and measures ORCAA 9.11 be used to control odor-bearing gases. Regulation Prohibits emissions of any odor that unreasonably interferes with anotherperson's use and enjoyment of their property. Record Keeping ORCAA Reg. 1,Article Requires the following: and Reporting 13 1_ Maintenance of records on the nature and amounts of emissions and other related information as deemed necessary by ORCAA: 2_Re orting of emissions to ORCAA upon request. Sulfur Dioxide WAC 173-400-040(6) Prohibits emissions of sulfur dioxide from any emissions unit in excess of 1000 ppm of sulfur dioxide on a dry basis, corrected to 7% oxygen for combustion sources,and based on the average of any period of sixty consecutive minutes. E ui ment-S ecltic Applicable Requirements and Performance Standards: Particulate WAC 173-400-060 Prohibits emissions from any process unit in excess of 0.1 Standards for ORCAA Reg.'1,Sect. grain/dsef. EPA test methods from 40 CFR Appendix A shall be Process units 9.05(a) used should demonstration of compliance be required. Final Determination Attachments FD05NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/67/2005 14:29 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA X010 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS RCW Revised Code of Washington AOP Air Operating Permit SOZ Sulfur Dioxide AP-42 Compilation of Emission Factors, SQER Small Quantity Emission Rate listed AP-42, Fifth Edition,Volume I, in Chapter 173-460 WAC Stationary Point and Area Sources-- ORCAA Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Published by EPA TAP Toxic Air Pollutant pursuant to ASIL Acceptable Source Impact Level Chapter 173-460 WAC pursuant to Chapter 173-460 WAC T-SACT Best Available Control Technology BACT Best Available Control Technology for toxic air pollutants FCAA Federal Clean Air Act VOC Volatile Organic Compound CAM Compliance assurance monitoring WAC Washington Administrative Code (40 CFR 64) CFR Code of Federal Regulations UNITS OF MEASUREMENT CO Carbon monoxide minute(measurement of angle) EPA United States Environmental second (measurement of angle) Protection Agency 13 degree HAP Hazardous air pollutant listed acfm actual cubic feet per minute pursuant to Section 112 FCAA atm atmosphere MACT Maximum Achievable Control Bhp Brake horse power Technology Btu British thermal units NESHAPs National Emission Standards for cfm cubic feet per minute Hazardous Air Pollutants dscfm dry standard cubic feet per minute NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality °F degree Fahrenheit Standard ft feet NOx Nitrogen oxides g grams NOC Notice of Construction application g/s grams per second NSPS New Source Performance gal gallon Standards gr grain NSR New Source Review hr hour PM Total particulate matter(includes hp horsepower both filterable particulate matter in inches measured by EPA Method 5 and K degree Kelvin condensable particulate matter kg kilograms measured by EPA Method 202) km kilometers PM10 Particulate matter with an kW kilowatt aerodynamic diameter less than or L liter equal to 10 micrometers (includes Ib pounds both filterable particulate matter m meters measured by EPA Method 201 or M thousand 201 A and condensable particulate min minute matter measured by EPA Method Mbf thousand board feet 202) MMbf million board feet PM25 Particulate matter with an MM million aerodynamic diameter less than or ❑g micrograms equal to 2.5 micrometers (includes MMBtu million British thermal units both filterable particulate matter mmHg millimeters of mercury measured by EPA Method 201 or mph miles per hour 201A and condensable particulate MW megawatts matter measured by EPA Method ppm parts per million 202) ppmvd parts per million, dry volume PSD Prevention of Significant ppb parts per billion Deterioration psi pounds per square inch RACT Reasonably Available Control s second Technology scfm standard cubic feet per minute RBLC RACT/SACT/LEAK Clearinghouse tpy tons per year Final determination Attachments FD05NOC431 05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/67/2005 14:29 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA C�O11 ID ORDER OF APPROVAL NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION 05NOC431 Ruddell Lease Sales Inc This Order of Approval (Order) is issued in accordance with Olympic Region Clean Air Agency's (ORCAA) Regulation 1, and Chapter 173-400 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Conditional approval is hereby granted to Ruddell Lease Sales Inc. to establish a new truck bed lining service at their existing automotive service center located at 2026 East First Street in Port Angeles, Washington as described in the associated NOG application (05NOC431). The special conditions established in this Order are enforceable requirements, which are in addition to applicable state, local and federal regulations and standards. Compliance with the conditions of this Order does not relieve the owner or operator from compliance with ORCAA Regulation 1, RCW 70.94, or any other emissions control requirements, nor from the resulting liabilities and/or legal remedies for failure to comply. The owner or applicant may appeal this Order to the Pollution Control Hearings Board (PCHB) by filing a written appeal with the PCHB and serving a copy upon ORCAA within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Order. THIS ORDER OF APPROVAL 1S ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) MATERIAL USE LIMIT: The cumulative amount of VOC or TAP-containing materials used, applied or disposed of during any 12-consecutive month period shall not exceed 4,000 gallons, unless prior approval is granted by ORCAA. [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173-460-070] 2) MATERIAL USE RECORDS: Material use records shall be maintained and updated on a monthly basis. Records shall be sufficient to verify the actual, cumulative amount of VOC or TAP-containing materials used in terms of gallons per month and 12-consecutive month period. Monthly records shall be certified as true and accurate by the facility owner, or a designated facility manager, and shall be retained at the facility for at least two years. At a minimum, material use records shall include the following: a) Purchase invoices indicating the amount of VOC or TAP-containing materials purchased, date of purchase, and corresponding product identification numbers; b) Actual cumulative use of VOC or TAP-containing materials in terms of gallons per month; and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all VOC or TAP- containing materials used. [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173-460-0701 3) STACK SPECIFICATIONS: Exhaust stacks on the paint spray area shall have a vertical dischargeQto the atmosphere at least 6 feet above the peak height of the building. There shall be no flow obstructions at the point of discharge from any stack (ie. cap). However, a weather-proof stack exhaust configuration which does not obstruct the air flow as it exits the stack, is acceptable. Order of Approval Page 1 of 2 F005NOC431 NOC#05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 09/b7/2005 14:29 FAX 360 491 6308 ORCAA X012 0 * DO"R A F X""'M [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173-400-113] 4) FILTERS: Spray area exhaust air shall be adequately filtered to remove particulate overspray. Filters shall be monitored on a regular basis and shall be replaced whenever damaged or loaded with particulate build-up to an extent that jeopardizes the effectiveness of the spray area in capturing and controlling emissions. All filters shall be properly seated and shall cover all openings. [Regulatory Basis: WAC 173.400•-113] 5) OPERATION & MAINTENANCE: All reasonable measures and precautions shall be taken for minimizing volatile emissions and overspray including but not limited to: a) Keeping VOC and TAP-containing materials in closed containers when not being used. b) Storing all solvents or solvent containing cloth or other material used for surface preparation in closed air-tight containers. c) Minimizing and promptly cleaning up all VOC or TAP-containing material spills and leaks. d Using low VOC or TAP-containing coatings and solvents when suitable. e) Conducting spray-coating operations only in the approved spray area, with cargo door closed and the curtain wall in place. [Regulatory Basis: ORCAA 1.9.16] PREPARED BY John T. Kelly Date REVIEWED BY Mark V, Goodin Date Order of Approval Page 2 of 2 FD05NOC431 NOC#05NOC431 Prepared 9/2/2005 RIT, NG-ELES I►��- WASHINGTON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT s July 28,2005 Mr.H.A.Ruddell r r 110 Golf Course Road r d a '> Port Angeles,WA 98362 Re: Conditional Use Permit-CUP 05-04 2026 East First Street k � Dear Mr. Ruddell: As you latow;the Planning Commission reviewed your application for a conditional use permit to allow a bed liner spray booth in the Commercial Arterial zone at the above address on July 27,2005. The use is approved with the following conditons: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall meet all requirements imposed by both the Olympic Region ' Clean Air Agency ORCAA) and OccUP ational Health and Safety Administration ^; (OSHA). Development under these permit authorities shall not occur until and unless permitting from the aforesaid agencies has been received. 2. A building permit for the intended installation shall be obtained from the.City of Port Angeles Building Division with inspections as required by the Port Angeles 4 R-,"h `w' Fire Department. If you have any questions regarding the above conditions of approval,please dont hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Imo '` Sue Roberds Assistant Planner ORCAA � . Building Division ,w K F jd 321 EAST FIFTH STREET • PO BOX 1150 • PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-3206 PHONE: 360-41.7-4750 • FAX: 360-417-4711 TTY: 360-417-4645 E—MAIL: PLAN NING@CI.PORT—ANGELES.WA.US OR PERM ITS@CI.PORT—ANGELES.WA.US a NO. 1113 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE Description of Proposal: A conditional use permit to allow the installation of a bed liner spray booth in the City's Commercial Arterial zone. The booth will be installed per ORCAA and OSHA standards and will sprinklered. Toxic waste disposal will be per state standards with City oversight. Location of Proposal(including street address, if any): 2026 East First Street. APPLICANT: H.A. Ruddell Lead Agency: City of Port Angeles The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant ad P verse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [ X ] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Comments must be submitted byAu�l.st 5, 2005 at which time the DNS may be retained, modified, or withdrawn. [ ] There is no comment period for this DNS. [ ] This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. July 22, 2005 �- Date Mart E. Madsen,Dr ector You may appeal this determination to the Port Angeles City Council through the Department of Community&Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street,Port Angeles,WA, 98362,by submitting such written appeal to the Department no later than August 19,2005. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Mark E.Madsen,Director,Port Angeles Department of Community& Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street,Port Angeles,WA 98362,phone(360)417 -4750. Pub: N/A Post: N/A Mail: 7/22/05 DOE - o m ky 1889�O STATE Of WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PO Box 47775 • Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 • (360) 407-6300 July 18, 2005 Ms. Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner Your address is in the City of Port Angeles - Department of Community and Economic Development _ Elwh P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles,WA 98362 watershed Dear Ms. Roberds: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the notice of application for the proposed installation of spray booth in an existing building, located at 2026 East 1st Street,Port Angeles,Washington. We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments: Hazardous Waste and Toxic Reduction: Alex Stone(260)407-6344 Item#7 Environmental Health is incomplete. Spray booths as a rule have environmental health concerns for the employees, as organic solvents are used is sufficient concentration,to require the need for ' respirators and other worker safeguards. In addition,the process usually generates dangerous waste in the form of spray booth filters and unused paint which must be disposed of as dangerous waste. Depending upon the amount of waste generated,this may require the generator to obtain an EPA ID number. Regardless, dangerous waste would be generated and must be disposed of in accordance with the state dangerous waste regulations(WAC 173-303). This section needs to be redone to capture these concerns and provide an indication of the expected about the dangerous waste generated on a monthly basis. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments please contact the appropriate reviewing staff listed above. Department of Ecology Southwest Regional Office (LMC: 05-5252) cc: Alex Stone,HWTR Bob Warren, TCP Betty Dickes,WQ Mike Strieger,Ruddell Auto Mall(Applicant) ow a IV P r ............ ORT NGELES ,_— W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY& ECONO.MIC DEVELOPMENT: TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner DATE: July 27, 2005 RE: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 05-04 APPLICANT: Ruddell OWNER: Eli Ganor LOCATION: 2026 East First Street REQUEST: Spray booth in the Commercial Arterial zone RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve CUP 05-04 with 2 conditions, citing 13 findings and 5 conclusions in support of that action as listed in Attachment A. SITE LOCATION AND EXISTING CONDITIONS: The subject site is located within a structure in a developed shopping plaza. The structure was previously operated as an automotive repair and tire business and is located at the east City limits. The Plaza site is 100%covered with impervious surface and contains two other structures in which several businesses are located. The subject structure is a stand alone structure situated approximately 1 00'from any other structure within the Plaza development and several hundred feet distant from uses on adjacent properties which include two hotels, two restaurant uses, other commercial uses,and a residential trailer park. A portion of Ennis Creek is located north of Highway 101 north and east of the site. No portion of the site is considered environmentally sensitive and no drainage from the site will be directed into the Creek. The application and site maps are attached as Attachment B. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 05-04 • Ruddell Page 2 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments: ■ The Fire Department will inspect the installation to ensure that all requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration(OSHA) are met. ■ The Public Works and Utilities Department had no comments. ■ The Building Division of DCD will inspect the installation and building access and ventilation prior to occupancy for the use. ■ The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency must issue an approval order through its review process prior to use of such a unit. PUBLIC COMMENT: Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 7,2005, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 5, 2005. Written comments were received from the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency(ORCAA) during the public comment period. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNII'Y DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: The subject site is located in the City's Commercial Arterial zone, which is the least restrictive commercial zone in the City. The proposed use is associated with a large car dealership located on an adjacent property. Established traffic patterns in the area will not be affected by the activity. The structure is currently being used for car detailing and the additional spray bed liner booth will augment the existing activity. The proposal will allot a certain amount of the area within the existing structure for the use-no new construction is planned. The spray booth is intended only for bed liner spraying, no auto body work is proposed. Bed liner spray work involves a bed liner material being applied in a closed, contained environment. The activity is subject to the restrictions of Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA)and Occupational Health and Safety Administration(OSHA)for operation.The bed liner material is applied in a prepared form and, as it can be reused for additional applications, toxic materials are not disposed of with the frequency of a typical body shop. The enclosed spray booth to be used is made by Col-Met Spray Booths, Inc., and is designed to meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA)and OSHA. The use of potential air pollution generating equipment falls under the authority of the ORCAA. State and local regulations require pre-construction review and approval by ORCAA for new or modified faciities. Ruddell Lease Sales filed a Notice of Construction for the proposed activity with ORCAA on July 2,2005 as the components used in truck bed lining materials include several volatile organic compounds and toxic air pollutants that are subject to ORCAA. ORCAA's analysis includes verification that maximum downwind concentrations of any toxic constituents will be below allowable health based thresholds in the applicable regulations. ORCAA is expected to Conditional Use Permit-CUP 05-04 Ruddell Page 3 issue a final determination that will include an approval order specifying enforceable administrative and operating conditions to ensure that adequate pollution controls are in place within the next 15 days. The installation of equipment shall not commence until such an order has been issued. The City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies the area as being located in the East Planning Area. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed with regard to the proposal. Section 17.24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code provides development regulations for the Commercial Arterial zone in which the activity is located. Paint and body shop activities are permitted by conditional use permit in the CA Zone. In consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Uses developed by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval or the use may be revoked. Consideration is also given to the impacts on traffic patterns, the physical circumstances of the subject property and other uses in the area. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on July 22, 2005. per WAC 197-11-340(2). The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency is an agency with jurisdiction over the proposed project. Attachments: A-Conditions,Findings,and Conclusions B-Application Conditional Use Permit-CUP 05-04 • • Ruddell Page 4 ATTACHMENT A RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit CUP 05-04 subject to 2 conditions and based on the following 13 findings and 5 conclusions in support of the action: Conditions: 1. The applicant shall meet all requirements imposed by both the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency(ORCAA)and Occupational Health and Safety Administration(OSHA). Development under these permit authorities shall not occur until and unless permitting from the aforesaid agencies has been received. 2. A building permit for the intended installation shall be obtained from the City of Port Angeles Building Division with inspections as required by the Port Angeles Fire Department. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community&Economic Development Staff Report for CUP 05-04 dated July 27, 2005, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. A conditional use permit application to install a self contained bed liner spray booth was received by H.A. Ruddell on July 1, 2005. Such a use is considered to be most like an auto body and paint shop under the City's Zoning regulations. 2. The proposed site is 2026 East First Street and is located in the Commercial Arterial District. Surrounding and adjacent uses are also zoned Commercial Arterial with the exception of the Peninsula Golf Club which is zoned Public Buildings and Parks. Adjacent uses include a residential trailer park, other commercial activities, two hotels, restaurants, and a recreational use. 3. The proposed location is within an established shopping plaza that consists of three unattached structures. The nearest structure is approximately 100' distant from the subject building. 4. Section 17.23.160(A) (Commercial Arterial) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code allows auto body paint and spray shops by conditional use permit in the Commercial Arterial Zone. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located,consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever Conditional Use Permit-CUP 05-04 • Ruddell Page 5 restrictions or conditions are considered essential to protect the public health,safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. The Planning Commission will evaluate the proposal to determine if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies the site as being in the City's East Planning Area and identifies the site as being Commercial. Adjacent properties are also designated Commercial and Open Space. 6. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. The Land Use Element - Commercial Goals Policies, and Objectives section of the Comprehensive Plan contains one commercial category thus providing maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning Ordinance in regulating the types of commercial uses and their permitted locations. Commercial Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal D encourages planners " To create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy." 6. PAMC Chapter 14.40 requires 3 off-street parking spaces for each service bay. The proposed spray booth will encompass one of six existing service bays. At least 30 off-street parking spaces are located on the subject site and greater than 100 spaces are provided surrounding the subject structure within the common plaza area. 7. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked. 8. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of the application. 9. Auto body bed liner spray work involves a material being applied in a closed, contained environment that is subject to the restrictions of the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) for operation. Material is applied in a prepared form and, and as excess product can be reused, toxic materials are not disposed of with the frequency of a typical auto body shop. Waste materials will be disposed of as is required by state law for the disposal of toxic materials. 10. The enclosed spray booth is made by Col-Met Spray Booths,Inc., and is designed to meet or exceed requirements and recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA), ORCAA, and OSHA. 11. The use of potential air pollution generating equipment falls under the authority of the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency(ORCAA). State and local regulations require pre-construction review and approval by ORCAA for new or modified facilities. Conditional Use Permit-CUP 05-04 Ruddell Page 6 Ruddell Lease Sales filed a Notice of Construction for the proposed activity with ORCAA on July 2, 2005, as the components used in truck bed lining materials include several volatile organic compounds and toxic air pollutants that are subject to ORCAA. ORCAA's analysis includes verification that maximum downwind concentrations of any toxic constituents will be below allowable health based thresholds in the applicable regulations. ORCAA is expected to issue a final determination that will include an approval order specifying enforceable administrative and operating conditions to ensure that adequate pollution controls are in place within the next 15 days. The installation of equipment shall not commence until such an order has been issued. 12. Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on July 7, 2005,public notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on July 5, 2005, and the site was posted on July 1, 2005. No comments were received during the notification period. 13. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on July 22, 2005, under WAC 193-11-10340(2). Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 05-04 dated July 27, 2005, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 1. As conditioned, the project is in compliance with Section 17.23.160(A) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code for development of an auto body spray shop in the Commercial Arterial zone. 2. The proposal is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map specifically with Land Use Element - Commercial Goals Policies, and Objectives Goal D 3. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as specified in PAMC 17.96.050. 4. The proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 14.40(Parking Ordinance)as the site can provide a greater than the minimum parking area. 5. Project review will under specific reviewing agencies-ORCAA,OSHA,and NFPA- will ensure that the development is in the public interest. •�' GION C� . • A •C s ORCAA �JQso ��yABBOB,IffFFASON•NASOM • D July 14, 2005 E D Olympic Region JUL 1 ® 2005 Clean Air Agency 2940-B Limited Lane NW CITY OF PORTANGELES Olympia, WA 98502 Dept.of Gomminit, DevelopmAnt �ea� Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner ._�, -�---� 1-800-422-5623 or City of Port Angeles (360)586-1044 Fax: (360)491-6308 Department of Economic & Community Development www.ORCAA.org PO Box 1150 Executive Director Port Angeles, WA 98362 Richard A. Stedman Dear Ms. Roberds, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Conditional Use Permit application for Ruddell Lease Sales to permit the installation of a spray booth associated with spray application of truck bed lining materials at 110 Golf Course Road in Port Angeles. The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) has jurisdiction over sources installing air pollution generating equipment in a six-county region, including Clallam County. State and local regulations require Clean Air is pre-construction review and approval by ORCAA of new and modified facilities, including spray application of materials containing volatile and Everyone's hazardous air contaminants. Pre-construction review and approval of Business new air pollution sources is accomplished through the Notice of Construction (NOC) process. This review includes an evaluation of whether proposed air pollution controls will be sufficient to protect the public from impacts attributable to the source. Ruddell Lease Sales filed an NOC application for the truck bed lining operation on spray booth on July 2, 2005. The components used in truck bed lining materials include several Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) that are subject to regulation by ORCAA. ORCAA staff are in the process of reviewing the application at this time. State law (WAC 173-460) requires that our analysis include verification that maximum downwind concentrations of any toxic constituents will be below the allowable health-based thresholds in the applicable regulations. In accordance with ORCAA Regulation 1, Article 7.04(a) a Public Notice announcement regarding the proposed project was posted on the ORCAA website on 7/8/05. The notice, inviting public comment will remain posted until the expiration of the required 15-day public interest period on 7/23/05. Serving Clallam, Grays Harbor,Jefferson, Mason, Pacific and Thurston counties. After reviewing an application, and verifying that the SEPA process has been concluded, ORCAA will typically issue a Final Determination on a proposal within 60 days. If approved, the Final Determination will include an approval order specifying enforceable administrative and operating conditions to ensure that adequate pollution controls are in place. Installation of the proposed equipment may not commence until an approval order has been issued. Thank you for doing your part to protect the quality of the air we all breathe. If you have any questions, please give me a call at (360) 586-1044, ext. 109. Sin rel John T. Kelly Engineer 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF POSTING RE: I, JIM LIERLY state that on the day . of 2005, I posted said notice, a true copy of which is h eto attached and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 7 . 96 . 0 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as amended, n the opert proposed for a land use action. FFI Subscribed to me this _�_ day of 2005 . C.Z. NOTARY PUBLIC for the/-State of _ Washington, residing in Port nnom``` Angeles . O�OM'M'yj gS •. \40 Tq F�q . v, IC �gSHING�G� CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF MAILING RE: I, Sue Roberds state that on the �-Q day of 2005, I mailed said notice, a true copy of which is Jereto attached and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 17 . 96 . 140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, to the persons on the attached list . In addition, the notice was posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby of City Hall . AFF:91NT Subscribed to me this, day of , 2005 . NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Washington, residing in Port Angeles. Best Western Olympic Lodgeer 8 Motel hua's Restaurant 140 Del Guzzi Drive W04 East First Street 19 Del Guzzi Drive Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Jordan Excavating Port Angeles Plaza Associates Jeff Konopaski C/o M Genauer and Co 2005 8th 1826 South Golf Course Rd. Ave Seattle, Wa 98121 Port Angeles, WA 98362 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on July 1, 2005,the City of Port Angeles received an application for a conditional use permit for the construction of an enclosed paint spray booth use in the Commercial Arterial zone. The application was determined to be complete on July 1, 2005. Interested parties may comment on the proposal and may request a copy of the decision once it's been made. Written comments regarding the proposed action must be received by the City no later than July 22, 2005, in order to be included in the staff report. Additional comment will be accepted at the public hearing which will be conducted by the PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION on JULY 27, 2005, 6 p.m., 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles. The application and any studies may be reviewed at the City Department of Community&Economic Development, City Hall, Port to persons with disabilities. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting Angeles. City Hall Is accessible p p g of non significance DNS STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: It is anticipated that a determination gm ( ) will be issued for this application per WAC 197-11-355 following the review period ending July 22, 2005. This may be your only opportunity to comment on the potential environmental impacts of the application. APPLICANT: RUDDELL LEASE-SALES LOCATION: 2026 East First Street For further information contact: Sue Roberds, (360) 417-4750 PUB: 7/7/05 POST: 7/1/05 MAIL: 7/5/05 T:\NOTICES Wpublichearing.wpd F P"ENINSULA DAILY NEWS Afflovit of Publication In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Clallam/Jefferson oun ..y. - --- - -. --�� P'eninsula .Da: ly News . ---------------- --- -------------------- --- -t- - ------ -- -_ CITY,OF PORT ANGELES' - P:LIB.LIC,NOTICE % LEGAL ACCT/CITY CLERK I GF:D'EVELOPMENT„ } CITY OF PORT ANGELES I APPLICATION ANQ�1� ---- PUB,L`"VHEARING �-- -- PLI-8071 X50 ,NoTjcEasElzEaY GI�Et�I-.. PORT ANGELES WA 9836 I that on"Jury ;zoos the" City of'tPort "Angeles?ire !ceived'dh application for•{a -- —— I -- 'coriditional use permit for — the,..construction,rof.an;,en. 1 i closed-paint ,pray booth- REFERENCE: 4900481 'use m.;the Commercial Arte; _ - 1 ;nal;zone', The`.;;apphcationi p D 5'3$X173-R u d d el l e a 5'e 5 l.e S. 1 -I was determined to be com T __ plete on July 1, 2005.Inter- I '.ested,parties.may comment : The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath. I ,on the,proposal and may re- . QUestacopy-ofthe,decision deposes and says: 1 once it's been-made. Writ ten comments regarding the That she/he is authorized to and does make this I proposed action must be re- .ceived by the City no later affidavit for and on behalf of Peninsula Daily I than July 22,2005,in order -N- wS, a corporation, andtht the fo 1 low :ng I to be included in the staff.: - report. Additional comment:. statements of 'fact are wxth.lin :her/h:is :personal I will be accepted at the pub lic hearing which will be con- and actual :knowledge. . I ducted by the PORT AN- -- I GELES PLANNING COMMIS- SION on JULY 27, 2005, 6 That said corporation is the owner and publisher I p•m.,321East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, The applica- of the Peninsula Daily News published in 1 tion and any studies may be - Cla17am/je erson Counes, and had been a. roved I reviewed at.the,cicyDepart-. p p ment of',Community & Eco- as a legal. newspaper by order of the SU,perlOr I nomic 'Development, Citys; Hal l;<Port Angeles `;City Hall: . Court of said Clallam/Jeff,er:s'on. County of the I is accessible to .persons:- stat e Washington. I — with lisabilit es.',Interested' parties are mvited:.fo attentl. That the annexed is a true copy of a legal I tnemeeting insertion as STATE n:ENVIRONMENTAL xt was published in regular issues i POLIGYACT:.Itis,anticipat and n---ot 1n sup,:p I emen orm o said Ttewspa.p€r I ed thata determination of non signs icance (DNS) will was regularly d i s t.r i b u t e d 'to its s u:b s c r is b er s I be issued>for this applica d u r i n a 1:1` o f said ,tion per a4VAc 19711355 g period. The. p u b l:i s h i:n g date I ;fouo Ing,the•review period, cited x s a last day o publication. I ending,July 22;?005 rhes may be your only,,opportuni;; 1 ty to comment on the potent;. tial environme. a.i":impacts of the application . :APPLICANT: x RUDDELLLEASESALES $„ ; 2026'East First°Sf[e't=t �r 1er-i>,of rmation con I tact Suer Roberds, (360)417- ;Pu July 7,2005 1 -TOTAL-COS T -6 I --- ------ -�-�-9-� � - FILED ON: 07/07/05 I = 08-05-07 � - ------------------------------------------------------------- _-Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of -No ary ubli)cin and or the tate of Washington residing at Port Angeles. O ® ECEOR ov� P A-Z.,- I...." , TNGELES JUL 13 2005 �•- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept.of Community Development .� DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: July 1, 2005 To: renia Funston, Public Works and Utilities Department Ken Dubuc, Fire Department From: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner Subject: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 05-03 Ruddell Sales-Lease-2026 East First Please review the attached application for a automobile paint spray booth in the Commercial Arterial zone. Your departmental comments no later than July 11, 2005, are appreciated. Thank you. Attachments tt~IN G'�S �0D Ilei-'fes t U j C) � !S To t t4To EFFNTCFe—ek'Rd� TRW, From: Ken Dubuc To: SuaRobardo Date: 7M3/05 1:59PyW Subject: CUP 05-03 Sue. | truly apologize for the delay getting this back to you - I have no objection to Conditional Use Permit for the paint spray booth at 2026 East First. | will be submitting a separate plan review tothe Building Department with my comments. The major item will be that |will require that the spray booth be protected with ofiva sprinkler system. � Again. | apologize for being |obn. / Ken � � o • � ...........r P R"T� NGELES WASH IN G T O N, U. S. A. ,...i- MOM DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: July 1, 2005 To: Olympic Air Pollution Control From: Sue Roberds, Assistant 1 Subject: Conditional Use Permit- CUP 05-03 Ruddell Sales-Lease Please review the attached application for a conditional use permit for an automobile paint spray booth. Your departmental comments would be appreciated no later than July 18, 2005. This project has been referred to your agency prior to this time by phone but we would appreciate your written response if there are any concerns. Thank you for your time. Attachments Yahoo! Mail - reihitco(ayahoo.com Pagel of 3 E Pa...R�$c by IM1400M A I L.,, OUTSIDE IN' Print-Close Window HTML EXPORT CITY OF PORT ANGELES CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NOTES:(For your use) APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION: Applicant: RJ �4 i.L L4AS-f- S 2 cS W &aD I2 S� Address: xT grt>l Daytime phone#: qS2 �o g Z Applicant's representative(if other than applicant): Yk( VC fc 5-M(f 6£ Address: leo &Ot-f Coo-t.sIE Daytime phone#: LKa- �8 Property owner(if other than applicant): C-AVO W- Address: Daytime phone#: 2oG- 6 1 1 - ��7 t http://us.f501.maii.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&Msgld=7969_18518716_102... 06/23/2005 Yahoo! Mail - reihitco@yahoo.com Page 2 of 3 PROPERTY INFORMATION: S( Street address: -Jo 2`o Legal description: 06 .-30 ICA55 � c0c—)c)CDc:)C Zoning: C. Comprehensive Plan designation: C Property dimensions: Property area(total square feet): Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat,sloped,vacant,developed,etc.): PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: 5 p 2 Please describe the proposed conditional use. FAC TX iWil,L gE- V;£6 FW it, "DJ`CA (Lt NCr Number`of employees: �p Hours of operation: O J 4A Number of on-site parking spaces: W Building area(total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity):SIGNATURES: Applicant: I cert that all of the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in its entirety and understand that my submittal will be reviewed for completeness. If found to be complete the application will be scheduled for the next available Planning Commission meeting. If not complete, when requested information has been received the application will be scheduled for the next available meeting. Signature 0 > A c k4-'� Date Owner(if other than applicant): I am the owner of the subject property identified herein and approve of this application. Signature Date http://us.f5O l.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?box=Inbox&MsgId=7969_18518716_102... 06/23/2005 To All Whom It May Concern June 28, 2005 All Col-Met Spray Booths are designed to meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Standard Number 33 dated 2000, as well as the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) CFR 29.1910.107 covering the operation and construction of spray booths. Please review the attached UL Listing and Approval page accompanying this statement along with the current UL file numbers regarding components supplied but not manufactured by Col-Met Spray Booths, Inc. Sincerely, Robbie Owens Col-Met Spray Booths, Inc. 1635 Innovation Drive Rockwall, TX 75032 Phone: 888-452-6684 Fax: 972-772-1833 www.colmetsb.com robbie colmetsb.com 1635 Innovation Dr. •Rockwall,TX 75032•Phone:888.452.6684•Fax:972.772-1833•www.colmetsb.com [ace UL Listings and Approvals on Col-Met Spray Booth Components • Motor: Manufactured by Leeson Electric. Motor: General Duty A.C., ODP type enclosure. UL file number: E49747. • Spray Booth Fan: Manufactured by Acme Fan Company. Manufactured in accordance to A.M.C.A. specifications. Fan is tube-axial type and equipped with non-sparking, non-ferrous aluminum blade. Motor is mounted outside of the airflow. • Motor Starter: Manufactured by Sprecher&Schuh. Starter is a general duty I.E.C. motor starter with a manual motor starter/over-load combination. UL file number: 508. • Light Fixture: Manufactured by LDPI,Inc. is a fluorescent fixture 120 volt. Light is mounted on the exterior of the Spray Booth and sealed with tempered safety glass. UL file number: E107621 • Tempered Safety Glass: Manufactured by Guardian Glass Co. Glass is fully tempered clear glass manufactured and tempered to meet the requirements of ANSI Z97.1 Standard and Federal Standard CPSC 16 CFR 1201. Meets NFPA 33 requirements. • Exhaust Filters: Manufactured by:Viledon Filter is a paint arrestor filter rated at 98%efficiency for removal of paint over-spray. UL file number: R11507. • Intake Filters: Manufactured by: Viledon Filter is an air intake filter rated at 95% efficiency at 10 microns. UL file number: R13314(N) • Caulking: Manufactured by CR Laurence Co.,Inc. Meets ASTMC-838 specifications. Materials are non-hazardous and non-flammable. • Limit switch: Manufactured by Square D. Limit switch is rated for 15 amps 120 volt. UL file number: E42259. • Air Solenoid Valve: Manufactured by ASCO. Valve operates on 120 volt A.C. power. Valve is normally closed one way. UL File number: MH9011S • Manometer Draft Gage: Manufactured by Dwyer Instruments to meet NFPA 33 requirements. • Galvanized Steel: Manufactured by: Wierton Steel Industries, 18-gauge Prime G-90 lock forming quality-mill flat. Meets ASTM-A653 specifications. Steel is galvanized in the hot-dipped process with a zinc coating. Meets NFPA 33 requirements. Eric Jones Vice President COL-MET Spray Booths 1635 Innovation Dr. •Rockwall,TX 75032•Phone;888.452.6684•Fax:972.772.1833 9 www.colmetsb.com 06/24/2005 12:53 2062542566 EILAT PAGE 04 EXMBIT A } s� z 1,egal D�eription of the Shopping PP� g Center at portion of Puget Sound Cooperative Colony First Addition th4;:Towvnsite of Port'Angeles, as per plat thereof reeorded rdilume 1 of Plats, page 3, records of Clallam County, �. s hits ton des+cri ed as follows: h � g =� f 2I Beginning at the intersection of the southerly margin o Ve mary Statd Highway No. 9 (U. S. Highway No. 101) and + t eterly margin of the county road known as the Golf Cluha 2: cr T%iL.ad# said read being along the westerly side of said Piaget ; d Cooperative Colony First Addition; thence southerly >jong Maid ea®terly margin of Golf Club Road 474 feet more or.' lAJ s to the northerly margin of the unnamed street in said j#*ition lyi4g b�tween•Blocks D, E and F on the north side, d ]dock G, on they south side; thence easterly along the E . n rthtrly rn' argii► of said unnamed street 8ZQ feet more or less, ?. to s point on the boundary between Dots 5 and 6 in Block E of e ; id Addition; thence northerly along said boundary b 4-id � k' 1. ts:s and 6 and ceestinuing on the same course along the _ I ' ian+daxy betwr✓eein Lots 15 and 16 in Block 5 of said Addition to qthe southerly rrmtrgin of Primary State Highway No. 9 (U. S.' ': ghway No. 101); thonce westerly along said southerly margin JiE' ' to they point of beginning, EXCEPT „ That ortfon of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 1 b in Block 6 of 1: p ra ive Colon 's First Addition to the et Sound Go- es t Y >� is B �P m4itet of Port Angeles, W: T. , as per plat thereof recorded 101 Volume 1 of Plats, page 3, records of Glallam Gou t n y, � l e.shi-ngton, lying south of the south right of way line of U. S. I jjjgh+ iay 101, TOGETHER WITIJ any portion of abutting.street$ gid silleys which may attach by operation of law. ' tune in ClallanCounty, State of Washington. li. r i � a i 'i }. {l "c 1.3%. ;.1.�k:.