HomeMy WebLinkAbout208 W. 6th Street Address:
611 Street
(To be used for projects that require plan review.) Date Received
-City of Port Angeles Please print in ink. Date Approved
Attn: Building Permit Technician Approved by
321 E. 5t' St., Port Angeles,WA 98362
360-417-4815 fax: 360417-4711 Credit card payments are accepted Mon-Fri 8-5 prn (no American Express)
Hours: Mon through Fri 8-5 pm Cash & checks are accepted Mon-Thurs 8:30-4 pm & Fri 8:30-12,30 pm
�(Contact person: Phone:
, /I Y_A F_- 'S'Umg-ate
Property owner: f V Phone:
A�5w A-r-k"r ttJli IZAIS-SW,*OICA?
roperty owner's mailing address, v . /
Contractor's business name:'Hiline- kom&s Phon
(or property owners name if he/she is doingloverseeing the work) 25.3- 3 4 0-13 Ll cl
Contractor's mailing address- /�"
113 0 G (a 2 !-' Ave (I,_�WA qS'313
Contractor's L&I license number: Expiration date:
HILINPqg?) OS'- 13
Project Address: NV
Project Type: MIResidential o Commej:cial, Industrial u Multi-family
Project Business Name: Zoning:
(for commercial, industrial, or multi-family projects)
Parcel # Lot#
Complete.only the portions of this permit tha,fa,r�r�levant to your project.
V) Pay the plan".'h, ck fee':.(based on the valuation of the project) at the time of submittal
�,l �\\
Residentia roject
1p submit.
V) X Two'seftW plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable)
V) Prekdptive Approach-Simple Form (confirming conformance to the Energy Code)
Commercial Projel//submit:
-f e sets of plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable)
Paperwork confirming conformance.to the Energy Code
- \SIA
For large projects, a pre-construction meeting with various City department
personnel is highly recommended, To schedule a pre-construction meeting, contact
the Planning Manager at(360)417-4750.
Additional information may need to be submitted including:
landscape plan, parking plan (including ADA spaces, ramps, etc.), utilities
(existing& proposed), curbs, sidewalks, storm water.pian, etc.
For Additfons&New Structures also submit:
Y Site plan (8 1/2"x 11") showing all structures(existing & proposed), setbacks, & hew driveways
*.If an architect or engineer drew the plans or calculations, include at least one "wet-stamped"set of plans
and/or calculations.
T:Formsffluilding Division/Building/Plumbing/MechanicaI Permit Applicabon-Long Form (Revised 2011)
Page 1 of 4
�'Repalr7SolaT Panels/ Miscellaneous: (explain the project)
Project Valuation $
Remodel: (expiain the pro'ect. including how the building space is currently being used and what the new,
remodeled use will be)
Project Valuation
If the space will change from commercial to residential, submit:
00hecklist—Converting Commercial Space into Residential Spacen
Addition: (explain the project and complete& submit page 3)
Maximum height of the new addition feet Project Valuation $
New Structure: (exiplain the pro*ect and complete &submit page 3)
Ao W) Si'n�jp - 44.kj�!� (AW011;AJ 2 h eAWM a 6a 1-0 0 VK
Maximum height of the new structure 15 feet Project Valuation $
PLUMBING PERMIT. Will there be ANY plumbing changes (items moved, added, replaced, or altered)
Check one:
No Yes X If yes, complete& submit page 4"Plumbing Changes"
MECHANICAL PERMIT. Will there be ANY mechanical changes (items moved, added, replaced, or altered)
Check one:
No X Yes -if yes, complete&submit page 4-"Mechanical Changes"
Occupancy group #of bedrooms
Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load #of full baths
Will a fire sprinkler system be installed?* Construction type #of half baths
*Horneowner: If you will be doing I overseeing the work, then the project valuation will.be determined by doubling the
cost of materials, to reflect the value the repair adds to your property..
Cost of materials x 2 = Project Valuation $
I have read and completed this application and know It to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit
and understand that it is my responsibility,to.determine what pennits are required, and to obtain permits prior to
working on projects.
Date Signature
Print Name
Page 2 of 4
FloorAreas Existing square Newsqua Price per ne
footag foots-ge scluare foo
Basement X
15� Floor 1 � Ll
2 nd Floor
Covered Porch
(> 30" high)*
(:5 30H higl�)"
Remodel project valuation
I C)
Walking surface of the deck above ground
For residential building projects the minimum square foot-valuation we accept is:
Dwelling $85.00 per sq. ft. garage/uti lity/misc.structure$30.00 per sq, ft. porch/deck/carport$12.00 per sq. ft,
Lotcoveram is the amount or percent of ground area on which buildings are located.
It includes: houses, garages, carports, covered patios, cantilevered portions of buildings, roof overhangs that are longer
than.30-inches, uncovered decks or porches having walking surfaces higher than 30-inches off the ground, etc.
Total footprint of structures sq. ft. lot size sq.ft. = Lot coverage %
Site Coverag is the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks,
patios, and other impervious surfaces, , (see Port Angeles Municipal Code 17.94.135 for exemptions)
Does the project include a new driveway? c3 yes E2 no
If yes, what will the driveway be made of? o cement u asphalt ED gravel o other
(NOTE: 18 feet is the recommended minimum drIveway length for residentlal projects)
Does this project include a new parking pad? m yes E3 no
If yes,*what will the parking pad be made Df? o cement o asphalt o gravel ci other
Total footprint of structures sq, ft. (existing & new)
b) Total concrete, asphalt, & other impervious surfaces sq. ft, (exisbng & new)
c) Add lines ua" &"b" above to get the total impervious sq. ft. (existing & new)
Total lmpervious�__sq.ft.+ -lot-size sq. ft Site coverage 42 %
Page 3 of 4
Check"No"or"Yes" (and enter quantities)for each line Item.
Type Plumbing.Chang (Moved,Added
, Replaced,
Sink (hand, mop, floor etc.) -No X Yes 7- Quantity
Toilet -No )< Yes 2- Quantity
Bathtub, No __2L_Yes i_Quantity
Shower -No —y—Yes __L_Quanbty
Washing Machine -No --y—Yes I Quantity
Hot Water Heater No Yes I _Quantity
Water Line (meter to structure) -No Yes Quantity
Re-plumb the structure No Yes Quantity
Sewer Line No Yes Quantity
Backfow Prevention Device Types:
Beverage Machine No Yes Quantity
Landscape Watedng System No Yes —Quanbty
Fire Sprinkler System :5 2 inch line No Yes Quantity
Fire Sprinkler System > 2 inch line No Yes Quantity
Please list all other planned plumbing changes or additions that aren't listed above.
Check"No" or"Yes" (and enter quantities)for each line item.
TVIDe Mechanical Chang (Moved,Added, Replaced,
Furnace, heat pump, or or Altered)
forced air unit:5 5 tons No Yes Quantity
Furnace, heat pump, or
forced air unit> 5 tons 'No Yes Quantity
DucUess heat pump No Yes Quantity
Wall(recessed) heater No ___�L_Yes Quantity
Baseboard heater No Yes Quantity
Steffes room heater No 'Yes Quantity
Wood-burning stove No Yes Quantity
Pellet stove No Yes Quantity
Radiant floor heat No Yes Quantity
Gas fireplace or freestanding stove No Yes Quantity
Gas cooking stove No Yes Quantity
Propane tank set No Yes Quantity
Gas line No Yes Quantity
Boiler No Yes Quantity
Clothes Dryer No —2c—yes J --Quantity
Ventilation fen (single duct) 'No x Yei Quantity
Hood & duct mechanical exhaust No x Yes Quantity
Ventilation system (not part of a heating or air
conditioning system) No X Yes I Quantity
Air handler No Yes Quantity
Evaporative cooler(non-portable) No Yes Quantity
Please list all other planned mechanical changes or addAions that aren't listed above.
Page 4 of 4.