HomeMy WebLinkAbout2450 W. Highway 101 2450 W Highway 101 CUP 07-09
Stark Foundation LLC
6102 NE 35 th Circle
Vancouver, WA 98661
DATE: AUGUST 17, 2007
PR03ECT MANAGER: Daniel Stark, P.E.
v WASiy.,,
EXPIRES: 7113106
Stark Foundation LLC was retained Ina limited.capacity for this project..Design is based uponinformation providedby
the Client, who Is solely responsible for accuracy of the same. No responsibility and/or liability is assumed by,or is to be
assigned to Stark Foundation LLC for Items beyond what Is shown within the attached calculations.
Date: 06--Atig-07
Icongroupe Signs:,' Designed by: NDS
M 10'-6"x 36"Full Flag/Center Mount Checked by:
0 &10'-0"x 30"Full Flag/Center Mount
IL Page: I of 12
Job# SF026
Desian Criteria
International Building Code(IBC)2003
ASCE 7-02
Steel: ASTM A572 Concrete: r, 3000 psi 0 28 days
F,- 50 ksi (Calcs based on rc 2,500 psi;SI not required.)
Pipe Sections: ASTM 538,A252 GR,or API-5LX Rebar: ASTM A615 Grade 60
F, 35 ksi(minimum) F,- 60 ksi
Welding Rods: ASTM E-70
F,= 70 ksl
Bolts: A307 A325
Ft= 20 ksi F,- 44 ksl
F,- 10 ksi F,- 21 ksi
Design Loads:
Dead: Soil:
Sign Face Weight- 2.5 psf Allow Lateral Bearing Pressure 200 psf/ft (IBC Table 1804.2)
Grating- 2.0 psf
Trivislon= 6000 lbstface
Maintenance Platforms= 20 psf or
(4) 200 lb point load at any location
Exposure= C Importance Factor,I= 0.87 Category I
Wind Speed,V= 100 mph k,- 1.0
Gust Effect Factor,G- 0,881 (see attache d calculation) kd= 0-85
C,= 1.2 ASCE 7-02;Figure 6-20 Sign Height,h,- 90 ft
Design Wind Pressure:
where: p.= q,G Q Design Load Combo= D+L+wW
q,= 0.00256 k,k.kd V I w- 1.3
Wi d Pressure,p.
Wind Speed(mph) 85 90 100 105 1 110 . 120 125 130 140 1.45 150
q,(psf) 13.68 15�33 18.93 20.87 22.91 27.26 29-58 3 L.99 37.11 39,80 q2.6O
15 0.85 1230 !3.79 17.02 18,76 20+59 24.51 26.59 28.76 33.36 35.78 38.29
20 0.90 13.02 )4.60 18.02 19.87 21.81 25�9S 28.16 30.45 35.32 37.89 40.5s
77 42.35
2S 0.94 13,60 5.25 JR.82 20.75 22., 21".10 29.41 31-81 36.89 39�57
30 0.98 14.18 15.69 19.62 21.63 23.74 28.26 30.66 33.16 38.46 41.26 44.15
40 1.G4 15.05 16.87 20.82 22.�6 25.20 29.99 32.54 35.19 40.81 43.7.8 46.851
so 1.09 15.77 0.66 21.83 24.06 + 26.41 31.43 34.10 36.88 42,78 45.39 49.11
60 1.13 t 6.35 18-0 22.63 24,95 27-38 32.58 35.35 36.24 44.35 47.57 50.91
ILL 70 1.17 16.93 18.98 23.43 25.53 28.35 23.73 36.60 39.59 45.92 49.26 52.71
0 80 1.21 1 7�50 1�14.62 24.23 26.;11 29.32 34.89 37.86 40.95 47.49 SO.94 54.51
90 1.24 1;1..94 24.�3 27.37 30,04 35,75 38-�9 41.96 48.66 52.20 5.5.86
100 1.26 Ir-23 20.44 2.5.23 2.7.61 .30.53 36.33 39.42 42.64 4-9.45 53.04 56.77
120 1.31 18.95 2 1.25 2 6.2 3 28.92 31.74 37.77 40.98 44.33 51.41 55�15 59.02
p� 24.31 psf
Factored Wind Pressure,p'. 32 psf
Structure Criteria*
Size of Sign:11 2x3O hW�AL. 12 it Spread: 0-30 ft (V-Build,Back-to-Back,or Single Face)
Sign Type:I Full Flag W��L' 30 ft HAGL:�41 rt (Height Above Ground Level)
Max.Cladding/Column Width,wcL 3 ft hA_, 2 ft
Date: 06--AL19-07
Icongroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
0 Checked by:
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Job# SF026
Gust Effect Factor
B= 30 ft Horizontal Dim normal to wind e- 2,718 Mathematical constant
L- 25 ft Horizontal Dim parrellel to wind E 1.0 (Assumed)
h,= 75 ft Height of main column P= 0.20 Damping Ratio(assumed)
h�- 12 ft Height of sign go 3.4
h. 81 ft Mean roof height or structure height 9� 3.4
Z,. 18.6 ft 0.6 x h Exposure C
V- 100 mph Basic wind speed
nl= 0.4 Hz Building natural frequency
Table 6-2:Terrain Exposure CoeMcients
Exp I a Z, (ft) a� b� a- b" c e,
8 7.0 1200 &1429 0.84 0.25 0,45 0.30 320 0.333 30
C 9.5 900 0.1053 1.00 0.15 0.65 0.20 500 0.200 is
D 11.5 700 0.0870 1.07 0.11 0.80 0.15 650 0.125 7
Therefore: a-- 9.55 a^ 0.105 bA= 1.00 Z.,= 900 ft
0 = 0.1 b- 0.65 c= 0.20 . 500 ft
E= 0,200 Z--= 15 ft
To calculate Vz(Mean hourly wind speed)
Eq.6-14 VZ 84.44 ft/s
To calculipte R,facto
RL N: R,
rl 1.8 rl. 0.7 n= 1.8
Eq.6-13 RL 0.402 RB= O�676 R, 0.411
To calculate
Eq.6-7 L�= 540.2 ft Intergral length scale of turbulance
Eq.6-12 N,= 2-559 Reduced fequency
Eq.6-21 R�- 0,077
To Calradyte R(Resonant Response Factor)
Eq.6-10 R 0.277
To Calculate OR(Peak factor for resonant response)
Eq.6-9 OR 1,530
Tb Calculate 1.(Intensity of turbulance at height z)
Eq.6-5 0.188
To calculate 0(Background response)
Eq.6-6 Q
To qtcglaLe(if(Gust effect factor)
Eq.6-8 Gf 0.881
Date: 06-ALjq.-07
U icongroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
0 Checked by:
IL Page: 3 of 12
Job# SF026
Lefter&Strimer Design(SFIV-Structure&BIB Structure)
Design Loads:
MAINTENANCE Grating= 4.0 plf
Stringers- (5 plf self-weight assumed)
PLATFO�M 10%contingency= I.1� p
WDL= I_5�4 pif
LL- 280 Itis or
400 Itis(men+equip)
'2'-0 1/2"
----------- Ledger width,wLGR 2.6 ft
Grating: Use 2.0 psf McNichols Expanded Metal Grating(or equivalent).
Capacity=20 psf&150 lb concentrated load at mid-span per width of grating.
MSGR'WDL 5�'/8+PL,sJ4
. 0.79 ft-kips Try:
. 0.40 ft-kips/stringer F�- 0.6 Fy
Fb- 30 ksl
S= 0.569 in' fb= M/S
fb- 8.4 ksi OK
Therefore use L3X3X1/4 stringers
MLOR=(wDL s,+Pu)(wu,,/2+0.5 ft)+9 ptf w�,,2/2
. 0+94 ft-kips Try:Fw�uq �*
F�=0.6 Fy
Fb- �'30 ksi
S= 5.56 in' f� 2 04 kst OK
Therefore use W6X9 stringers
Ledaer/Upright Connection:
T- MLGpj(2 d) d 5.9 in
. 0.96 kip/bolt Try:
F,- 20 ksl
Ab,�- 0.19 jn2 TALLOW- F,Abh
= 3.8 kip/bolt OK
Therefore use 1/2 dia.bofts
L3x3x,/4 Clip Anole:
dw,- 0�5 in 2= 1.25 In b- 1.5 In
d'=d,.,,+1/16 a'=a+d,.,/2 b*= b-dh.ft/2
- 0.5f�25 in = 1.5 in . 1+25 in
p: 2.375 in. P=b7a' 0= I/P(BIT-1)
F, 50 ksi = u�83 _1�55
T= 0.96 kip/bolt 6= 1-d7p 1�0
B- 18 kip/bolt 7 13
0,214 In 0 25 in OK
Note: For back-to-back structures top clip is not required.
Bolts are in shear only;therefore,check bolts for shear: Vb.ft (WDL S.+Pm)/4
OA�l kip
1.q kip 0 9
Date: 06-Aug-07
1congroupe Signs: Designed by: NI)S
0 Checked by:
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Job SF026
Upright-Spreader Desilln(V&SIB-Structure)
Upright Height,h.- 7 ft Design Wind Pressure,p'.= 32 psf M- hu2/2
Upiright Spadng,s.- 7 ft Uniforrn Load,w= p'�su = 71.5 ft-kips
Unbraced Length,L- 7 ft . 0.23 kif
No.Uprights,n= 5 Try: w8x 10
Dist to Torsion CL,dtcL= 5.5 ft
S= 7.81 in'
Lu= 17 ft
I,= 3.4 ft
The,efore,Fb Fy[0.79 0,002�bfj2tf)VFyj
MR. L8 ft-kips OK
A_= 0 13 in
Therefore use WBXIO
Dead Load:
Upright,wu- 140 lbs
Ledger,WL- 23 lbs
Stringer,ws= 137 lbs;
Handrail,w,,- 70 lbs
MaInt.Platform,wmp- 193 Ibs
Sign Face,wi,- 210 Ibs
Trivislon,w,- 1200 lbs
10%Contingenc y- 197 lbs
j:DL- 2171 Itis
Max.Cant Length,L_,,- 14.0 ft Try: W1 2X22 TIP
Max.Unbraced Length,L- 14.0 ft
MDL' J:DL"nt/1000 S- 29.4 in'
= 30.4 ft-kips L�- 4.6 ft
MMND= 5.5 ft-kips L,- 36 ft
J:M- 35.93 ft-klps Therefore,Fb Fy[0.79-0.002(bf/2'tf)VFy3
MR. 102 ft-kips OK
A_x- O�19 In
Therefore use W12X22
Max.Cant Length,L_t= 10�0 ft Trv: W1 2XI 9
Max.Unbraced Length,L- 1.0,0 ft
MDL- j:DL L..t/1000 S !1.3 in'
- 21�7 ft-kips 3�8 ft
MWINO- 5.5 ft-kips 3.6 ft
IM- 27.24 ft-kips Theielore,Fb Fy[0.?9-0.002(bf/�tf) %/Fy]
MR 94 ft-kips OK
A_ 0.08 In
Therefore use W12XI9
Max.Cant Length,L.,t= 5.0 ft Try: W1 2XI 6
Max.Unbraced Length,L= 5.0 ft
M,=JDL L—,/1000 S- 17.1 in'
- 10.9 ft-kips Lu 3.6 ft
MWINc= 5 S ft-kips L, 2_9 ft
IM- 16�39 ft-kips Therfor,;Fb Fy(0,7� 0.002(J)fj)t1) ;Fyj
MR CS ft-kips OK
A_- 0.01 in
rherefore use W12X16
L3x3xl/4 Stringers: (at visual face of uprights)
S- 0.577 in' M. 1.33 Fb$ w�W.m+WD.
Simple span,s- 7 ft 210 in-kips = ?2.x 50 04
2_?2 S 0 C 12 2 4A El w w- M/8 240 plf� 2x 50 Dif
. 0 2,; kif X= 6.3 ft
Cantilever span,sc- 4 ft . 240 pif
M,=W S,2/2
8". The r e Cc r c u S e L3 x3 x I t�;t r n qe rs a t 6 ft o.c. ma g)
Date: 06.-Auq-07
lCongroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
0 Checked by:
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Job# SF026
Ueright-Spreader Connection Design V-Structurel
Upright/Spreader connection:
Upright: WSX10 Spreader: W12X22
Sr- 7�61 in S,- -,5.4 in
SPREADER d,- 7,39 in db- 12.3 in
LJ PR.�GH T ti,- Or205 in tfb- 0.42 5 in
bfc- 3.94 In b,,= 4�03 in
t.,- 0.17 in t,�,= 0�26 in
kc- 0.505 in kb- 0.725 in
kj,= 0 in k1b- 0,625 in
tp PL P,= 1.5 in = 0.5 in
dw,- 0-5 in gage- 2.5 in
---v'-- tfc MOL- 1.1[((wudd2)*((ws+2wm d,))/12)+1.5 ww+2.0 wrv)]I-_/1000
dc 3+8 ft-kips
MWIND' 5.5 ft-kips
j:M= 93 ft-kips
Bolt Design:
Flange force;Ff-YM/(db-tfl) Twft= Ff/4
. 9.4 kips . 2.4 kips Try: 16"4)A325 bolt
TALLOW- 1.33 Ab�F,
. ij.2 kips OK
Therefore use 1/2-in dia A325 bolts
Spreader Flanae/End Plate weld:
CIK�O Ff C 2(t4b+tfb)-tb]0.928
t�2 Therefore 1/4 fillet oeld
End Plate Design:
b. b,+I P.= Pr-(clb.d4)-0.707w At/A.- (bfb tfb) (0.3DS(db-2 trb))
5.0 in say 8.0 In = 1.20 - 0.490
C. 1.11 P./dw,= 2.40 =C.C,,(0,1A.)"'(P./d.,)""
Cb M10(b.+1))"' -0.975
0.895 M.=a,F,P./4 Try: 1h"plate _761
. 2.7 5 In-kIps
Allowable M.- 1.33(4.5 b,t,2)
. 12,0 In-kips OK
T6erefore use 1h"plate x 8.0 in wide end plate
Column Stiffeners:
Check column yielding:
Pbf- 5/3 Ff Pbtf~- F,t-(trb+6k+2%+2.)
. 15.7 kips . 42.12 kips OK
Check column web buckling:
Pbff.M.):5 P.b (4100 t_3 4FJ/cl� . 18 05 kips OK
Check column flange bending: (opposite tension flange)
b.- 2.5(Pf+lt�+P,) Adk- 1.0 P_- gage/2-k�,-clb./4 a,- 1.!159
. 8,562� in Cb= 1-0 = 1.125 In M.. �.60 In-kips
Required tj,- (6 M,/27 pjIJ2
= 0.3! in GOOD
".erefore column web stiffeners are r,_,quhPd
Column Web Stiffeners: (per AISC ASD Specification K-8)
Pbf= 15.7 kips Pfb- F,t,'/O.16 P.j= F�t_ P..- 5 F�t_k,
P�b- L8.05 kips . 13.13 kips - 8.7, kips = 21 4625 kips
Req'd stiffener area,A_ O.S(Pw-(P..+t�P.,))/1-33*F, Min.stiffener thickness= t,/2
0.0 7 in' = in
Req'd thickness= A_/width
Min.stiffener width 'A bib-t.,12 = �.V,56 in Use 1/4 1 n
26 in Req'd width= A_/thickness
or bfd2-k,, . -0?8 in
:_47 in Use 1,25 in Min.length- (d,/2)-lt�
4 4 1 n
Min.w- 114 fillet weld
Req'd weld length- _!.3
in Use 4.0 in
rhk�,e�o,c 1,14;n 4.0 in
Date: 06-Auq-07
U 1congroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
0 Checked by:
Page: 6 of 12
Job# 1_5F026
Torsion-Spreader Connection Design: Fuli�Partial Flaj_g�ura�tion
PWO 1,. 2,17 ft
= 7�0 ft
.17 ft 4 spaces x 7 ft-28 ft 82.4 pff
PDL= (2(1:DL+(W.dr L—W1000 MU PDL(512+10S)+W�n(11+4S)2/2
. 4.34 kips = 388.6 ft-kips
Pw=p'.(h,+h_—)S./1000 Mm,v- P,(51,+1 Os)
. 3.16 kips - 255.7 ft-kips
1P= POL+PW M�- (M"Ll+M..1)111
- 7.50 kips - 465 ft-kips
M,- n Pw[(h�,..+h_j/2-dtcL]
- 24 ft-kips
Try: w=F30-in_I Ar tw., M�p 1158.9 ft-k M_, 1287.7 ft-k
A- P/3EI[1�"+(2s�+1')3+(3s,+1')3+(4s.+1,)'+(5s.+1,)'] Mb Mb—+(Mt/Mtcm)2- 0,40 OK
ao�- 1,3 In
AW= 2.3 In 1.33 MDL M�.. OA 5 OK
2.7 in Therefore use 30-In dia x 0.625-in torsion pipe.
Torsion-$preader Connection:
1 1 2� s d El 's .�i 112,
Spreader: W12X22 Pw= 3+16 kips
S�- 25.4 In
KADER clb= 12 In MM= 30.39 ft-kips
tfb- 0.425 in M"�- Sr54 ft-kips
bib= 4.03 In j:M- 35.9�1, ft-kips
a-ynroi h325 tw,- 0.26 in
12 CA
a k,- 0.725 In
k�= 0.625 in
t.--- 1/4 in
gage- 2�5 In
1/4 d= 8 In
5= 4 in
Solt design:
Gusset plate force;F.=ZM/(2d+s) T�ft- F./4
Try 11/2"4)A325-N bol
. 21,6 ft-kips . kips
V�k= PW/8 TAUOW- I I_1' kips OK
. DA 0 VA�OW- K.
kips 1.3, kips
Therefore ose Yi*'0 A325-N bolts
1/4"Fillet Weld to Torsion:
Torsion size: 0 30-in V 2:M (d+s/2) weld capacity 0.3(70 ksl)(0.707)(1/4)1.33
t.a 1/3 4.94 kips/in
.3 in 4.3,1 1 kips
Min weld length,L V/weld cap
8 73 In
Note: Use similar connection as above for upright-spreader connection of single face&back-to-back structures(rotate 90').
Date: 06-Aug-07
fcongroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
0 Checked by:
Page: 7 of 12
Job# SF026
Torsion-Sgreader Connection Design: Center Mount Configuration
S.. 7,0 ft
55�1 pif
5 spaces x 8 ft 40 ft
POL (2(FDL+(W.dr L.M))/iooa MD1 4.5 P,,,s uh_,(2.Ss)2/2
PW: P'�4.34 kips M i�io 145.2 ft-kips
(h,i_ +h....)sJ100o wl 4.5 Pw 9 (Wind on one side of sign-conservative)
3.16 kips 99.6 ft-kips
Mb (MDL'+MMNDI)112
176 ft-kips
M, n P1w[(h,..I+h.-n)/2 dtcLJ
24 ft-kips
Try: 4, t."- -------00� Mb, 311.0 ft-k M,,. 345.5 ft-k
A P/30(11'+(2s,+11)3+(3s,+11)3] Mb Mt.-+(Mt Mt..)2= 0+57 OK
A�L 0,2 In
Aw- 0�2 in 1.33 MDL Mt-. 0.62 OK
A_._ N/(AOL 2+AWI)
03 In Therefore use 20-In dia x 0.17S-in torsion pipe.
Torsion-Spreader Connection:
1 1 2" s d d s �1 112w
Spreader: W12X22 PW- 3.16 kips
%= 25A in
SFFAOER db= 12.3 in MDL= 30.39 ft-kipS
tpb- 0,425 in MWIND= 5.54 ft-kips
bit, 4.03 In IM= 35.93 ft-kips
a 5e.'O A325 tb 0.26 in
8 T 3 112'CA
kb 0,725 in
k1b 0.625 in
SSET to.- 1/4 in
1/4 gage 2.5 :n
d 8 n
s. 4 in
it 1/4-
Bolt design:
Gusset plate force;F.=YM/(2d+s) T�k-F./4
. 2 1.6 ft-kips = 'j,39 kips Try:I Y2"0 A325-N boll I
V�.ft= PW/8 TAuow= 11.2 kips OK
. 0.40 kips V�w= 5.3 kips 0 K
Therefore use'A"(0 A325-N bolts
1/4"Fillet Weld to Torsion:
Torsion size: (D. 20.in V- J:M/(d+s/2) weld capacity 03(70 ksi)(0.707)(1/4)1.33
t,,- rP.EF( in . V,' [1 kips 1 4 94 ktps/in
Min weld length,L V/weld cap
3.7 3 in
Note: Use similar connection as above for upright-spreader connection of single face&back-to-back structures(rotate 90').
Date: 00-Jan-00
lcollgroupe"kins: Designed by: 0
0 Checked by;
Page: 8 of 12
Job SF026
Selumn-Torsion Pipe CagMilfes
ID t F, A 5 M F,, M_ L-. W.
1� I t I k�L I!!, i.. k,S�t Z . ft-k I'n ft
1.0 1.000 20.0 15 5.9.C,9 2 W.1 2701 754.4 14 838�2, 6.73 53,4 203.1
31132 0.969 20.6 35 S7,92 262.9 2629 2 5.2 7.34.3 t 4 -515�9 6.74 53.5 197.1
15,116 0.938 21.3 35 SO.14 Z55.6 2556 �S.,, 714.0 14 793.3 0,Z,', 53.6 197.0
2.9132 o.90( 22.1 35 .54 Ni 2118.3 2103 2-5.2 (193.5 14 11705 6,75 6 1135.0
7,lB n.41?5 211,9 35 52.5;� 9 -1409 215.2 672.7 14 147. 6.;7 5.11.7
27132 0.944 23..7 35 50.78 233.4 2334 25.2 651.8 14 7,14.2 6,18 53.S 8
13116 0.613 24,C 35 .16.98 225.f? 2258 25.2 630.6 14 AUZ 6.79 53.9 166.7
25132 0.781 25.6 35 47.17 2 18.1 2161 25.2 609,3 14 1177.0 6�80 94.0 160.5
314 0"150 26- 35 -15.36 210.4 2104 2.5.2 587.;' 1.1 653.0 6.81 54.1 154.3
23132 2
O.oll 9 V.6 35 43.54 20-1.6 2026 2.5.2 56.5.9 14 6 8 7 1118, 5.1.1 148.i
11116 0,688 29.1 .15 4 1,71 jg.,,, 1947 25.2 543.8 ,4 604 3 (183 54.2 14.1.!)
20 �/8 ')625 J2.o 35 38.04 1/8. 2787 2S.2 499.1 14 554A 15.65 54.4 129 5
19132 0.594 33.1 35 3620 170. 1706 25. 476,4 14 S;19�31 6 86 45 1)3.11
9116 0.56.3 ?5.6 35 34.35 10.4 115;14 .15.2 453.5 14 503.8 6,88 .54.6 116�9
17132 0-531 31.6 35 32.11) 1.54,1 1541 25.2 -130.3 14 4749.1 6.89 54.6 1 10�6
112 0.500 40.0 3.5 JOA3 1,1,51 14,17 2,1*2 41169 14 452,1 6*90 54,7 1114,11
1-5132 0,469 42,7 35 2R 76 ,37.2 372 25.2 383,3 14 425.9 6.91 54,8 97.9
Z11 6 0,438 -15.7 :�5 26�69 1116.7 1287 25.2 .359.4 14 .399.4 6.92 54.9 91.5
13132 0.406 49.2 35 25.01 120,1 1201 25�2 335.3 14 3726 6.93 55.0 85.1
318 0.375 53.3 35 2.3.12 112-3 1113 25.1? 3 Z 1,0 14 �45.5 6.94 55.1 76./
j 1/32 0..-,-44 58,2 Xj 2 1."?-4 10 1".A 1026 25.1 286 4 14 318.2 r 95 55.2 7.1.2
-5/16 0.313 64,0 .35 19,33 93.7 937 25.2 C,1.6 14 '190�7 6.96 55.2 65,8
9132 (l.;181 71-1 35 17.42 84,Z 947 25.2 236.6 14 -'b2.8 6.Q? 55.3 59,3
114 0.250 190,0 35 15.51 15.6 1 7.56 252 211.3 14 234.;' 6.98 55.4 5-1,8
1.0 11000 30.0 35 91.11 6393 9569 25.2 1785.5 14 1993.6 10.26 81.4 .310.0
3.1132 0.969 .3j.0 .35 S&35 62 9319 2.5.2 1735.1 14 [927.9 10.27 B1.5 300.C
15116 0.938 32.0 3S 85.60 6o3.1 9047 25,2 1684,5 14 1871.6 10,28 8J.6 291-11
29132 0.906 33.1 35 62.83 5$4.8 8773 25�2 1633.5 14 1815.0 10.29 1?1.7 281.9
716 0.875 34.3 115 80.oc M cl.5 R491 2 r-I 1982.1 14 1757 9 10.30 61.8 ?72.4
27132 0.844 35.6 J5 71.29 548,0 8219 �!5.;, 1530.4 14 1701). Z0.31 81.6 10.0
13116 0.813 36.9 35 74.51) 529.3 7940 25.2 14.18.4 14 1642. 1032 rj,9 5.7-5
,?5132 0.781 .)8.4 35 j1O.C. 7659 25,2 4,6.0 14 1584.�� 10.1) 132,0 �44.0
.314 0.750 40.0 .35 60.92 491.1 7315 1,3;13.3 4 1525,9 10.34
23132 0.719 477 35 66.12 472.7 11090 ;15.2 1320.2 14 1466.9 10-36 82.2 22.510
11116 0.688 43,6 31, 63.3 1 453.6 6803 25.2 1266.1? 14 1407.6 io.37 82.3 215"1
.30 1 518 0.625 48.V 35 5i'.Al 114.9 6.224 .15.:! 1.156.9 14 12417,Y 10.39 62.4 96.3
9,132 0.594 .50.5 35 54.6�5 39.5.4 .1143i 25.2 7 104.4 14 122,1.1 1 R 40 8z 5 186.6
��/l 6 0.563 53.3 '75 5.?,02 ;75.11 5C37 iO52 ;049�6 .14 1166,P 10.41 62.6 177.0
17132 0.5.31 5r.5 45 �jq IH J,�(.o 5341 25.2 994.4 14 1104.9 10.42 82.7 16,.4
112 0.500 r,0.0 35 46,34 3�6.� 5(W 25.Z 9313.9 24 104 3.� 10.113 8��.9 15�,7
15132 0.469 .1,4.0 ?5 4-1.4!1 3 1(1,1 4�'4,' 2 S.2 4182.9 14 981.1 10.44 0 2.9 148.0
7116 0.438 68.6 :;,; 40,C3 296.0 4440 25,2 026.;' 14 9 1 U-� I Lk 45 83.() .13H.3
13132 0.406 73's 35 V.77 2�5,/ 406 25.2 770.0 14 85�'.6 M46 83,0 1211.5
318 0.375 80.0 '15 34�90 2511.3 A21, 25.-1 713.0 14 /9:).3 10.47 U.1 118,a
11132 0.344 87-3 35 3.1.03 2.74.P 1521 :15.2 655.7 14 ;2R.5 10.49 8.1.2 109.0
5116 0.313 .1)15.0 3 5, 214.1 31,11 .10.�; 19.5.8 1.; 664.4 �Ck.50 53.)
R�l 32 O�281 106.7 7.5 i-1-3,3 20.2 4.3-Y 14 699.6 10 51 U,4 89.4
1/4 0.250 120.0 3!; 1 1--5 f4 .5.34.3 10.,;2 U-5
1.() 1.000 36.0 ,5 9,,,,�" i 68.151 1.11.2 il rlj 14 2 1)W;,2 12-38 98�; 3/4 2
31,13;? 0.969 3�I? ).,; 106 151 )09-1 1636� 2539.6 14 :,8 2 1.f�l ;2.39 �43,3 :62.fl,
I 1V f C, 0.938 JK4 35 1032, NO,j 1.5081 14 -,7.-�8.0 12.4o �;8.4 .3,51.4
29132 0.906 79,7 3.5 -9�91 85-,J 1 Y.1192 251.11 :_MR-3 ;4 1653.6 i�Al 5 3-10.0
7118 0.875 41.1 J-5 96.�5 62!V !119130 25 2 ?31�,.0 la il.,,68.9 12�42 11,C, 120.
2/1.32 O�844 42.;; 35 9-1.19 800.3 1 440c, Z5 2 2-131;.3 1� .1.4133�6 1;'43 9R.7 :;1/.1
):,/16 0.813 44_1 ?.5 8(,62 772.j, f3908 .'-r.2 7 ISR,I pl. .2391.9 1?.-44 �8.6 30S.6
?5132 0.761 46 1 .11 8�,44 Z44,9 11141,9 25,2 2(113().6 11 2.31'.8 1?.45 8 2 1)1.1
-114 0.750 4R.0 3 93,�4; P 40 1�1906 1,15-� 2 0(";,.6, 14 2-11.1 1�-4" 9 R2 1�
14 0 V),j
-32 0.719 :�O.1 9 1'.1110i .11;-,
U/16 0.688 j .14 j 5
5/3 0.625 Y",; 75 60,1,R 1086H 1,1 13,8 14,j :136.4
15.2 1 oll,6,.1 1).Sl
36 1 9,�12 0.594 (10. .35 !;6.04 5�S.I iO.�52 I;.2 16.06.3 J 4 M,�a I i .",:
91-16 35 6.)C, 1,16-1 96J." 2!1" 15217.:, LI-53
11132 0-531 6/8 3,
5 )4411.1 14 1605-p?, "54 4)J.4
lll� 0.500 V86 1.1163.3 14 --!:"1 9 0-1.-5 ,,,, ;�O 8
1,�132 0.469 8 -!.544 2 5!1 :,"J"R A i.*Nj,0
V 9��- 166
1,,16 0.438 RZ 119, V�Iil .1 !:?*,2� i.,
0.406 r", 7 ;1 �9
�/H 0.375 4) 1" W, j�,W o 41� I F�;,.I
I I,-,� 0.344 il� fle'.0 20 f. I W6
�,/Icl 0.313 1 f f5 114 JOIJ /R 7 3�1.
9 �2 t;.� 00.2
0 50 ,,5-
Date: 06-Aug-07
U 1congroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
Checked by:
Page: 9 of 12
Job# SFO_?6
jersion-Column�gnnectipn Desion: Full/Partial Flaa Confifilaraltiom
Design Loads:
Dead Load: Wind Load:
MOL 3S9 fit-kips P., p'.(Ilw_,+h....)w,_, Torsion CL to Plate,d� 1+5 ft
. !3.6 kips .
M.= P.(0-5(h_.,+ha.... (dtcL+d,.,�)
0 ft-kips
M, 256 ft-kips
Plate Dimensions&Properties:
1�,11- 4[2(22-3.25)2+(22-8.75)2]
. 3514.75
7029,5 in'
C. 18.75 In
. 26.5 in
Bolt Spc,g,Swn= 5.5 in
Bolt Design:
T= (M.+M000 rt-T/Ab�ft A,-,- 1.767 in' Try; 1 Yz"4)A325-N
. 24.9 kips/bolt . 14.1 ksl
Ft 1.334(F,'-4.39f,')
V- Mtr/J+P412 f,= VIA4.ft 55.0 ksi OK
= 12.7 kips 7.2 ksii F, 21-0 ksl OK
- 24-9 kips/bolt ftu- 14.1 ksi OK
Torsion Saddle Beam Design:
Try:I W3 6x 150 t�- O�625 In b, 12.0 In t, 0.94 In k, 1.125 in
a. 3.24 In 3.99 In p- 0.42 8= 77.7 kips
b- 2.44 In W. 1,69 In a- 0.67 T= 24.9 kips
d- 1.5 in d'. 1.56 in P- 5.,Q 2
p- 4.75 1 n a.
t�d- %'8Tb'APF,(1+60')
0.80 in 0 K
Check flange bending:(as a plate fixed an 3 sides and free on one side)
b- sm-t.�� q-T/ba M- M Coeff qa2/1000 fb= M/S1
. 5.0 in . 1.02 ksl M,Coeff 56 M�= 1.35 In-kips/In f,= 9.2 ksi
a- b,/2-k, M,Coeff 87 M,= 2.10 m4ips/In fb,- 14.3 ksl
- 4.8625 In st-t,/6
b/a- 1.0 . 0.15 In'/In
(fb.+fb,)/Fb- 0.47 OK
Required Web Stiffener Size:
A�d-T/F, t-'d-A_d/(O.Sbrkl)
. 0,83 in' . 0.17 in Use 1/2 in stiffeners Stiffener Width= 0.5bf-k,
. 4.86 in
Fillet weld size- 0.5 T/0.3 F,O�707(bf/2-kj)1.33 w/t- 9.7
0.13 in Use 5/16 in fillet weld 951-VF,- 13.4 OK
Therefore.use 1/2 in stIffeners
Column Cap Plate Design:
Mm= 4.5 T/6 W 4.5 in Req'd t, 46M/1.33 27 Therefore tL 1,25 in
. L8_1 In-kips 0.830 In
MPL 1W= 5 in Therefote. tse 1�25 in thictc plate
Required Stiffener Size; L_� 7.5 in L_ 10 in
A_,= T/Ft t,_.- A_,/L...
. 0�,,? in 2 11 in Use 112 in stiffeners
Fillet weld size= 0.5 T/0.3 F�0.707 L_
= 0�i I in Use 5/16 in fillet weld
rhe'etwe 4.5e X12 141
Date: 06-Aug-07
1COrIgrOUPe Signs: Designed by: NDS
Checked by:
Page: 10 Of 12
Job# SF026
jersion-Column Connection Des!M: Center MounlLConfturotlon
Design Loads;
Dead Load: Wind Load:
MDL� 145 ft-kips P� p'.(h_.,+h.-J w- Torsion CL to Plate,cl�� 1.0 ft
13.6 kips
M� P�(0.5(h_+h.-)-(d,,+d�)
7 ft-kips
100 ft-kips
Plate Dimensions&Properties:
I.,I� 4[2(22-3.25)2+(22-8.75)2]
7029�5 in 4
C 18�75 In
r 42c'
2r�5 In
soft spc'g,s� 5.5 In
Bolt Desion:
T- (M.'+MDJC/1 ft T/Aj�k A�. 1.767 in' Try: 1'A"4)A3 2 5-N
. 9.7 kips/bott ksi
F't- 1.33q(F,2-4.39f,')
V- Kr/j+P./12 f� V/Ab.k = 57.8 IkSi OK
. 5.6 kips 3.2 ksl F,- 21,0 ksi OK
. 9.3 kips/bolt fux� S.3 ksl OK
Torsion Saddle Beam Design:
Try:I W24x76 Aw" li;� 0,44 in 8.99 in t,= 0.66 in k, 0.9375 In
a= 1.75 in a'= 2.50 in p- 0.71 8= 77.7 kips
b- 2.53 in b'= 1.78 in 6= 0.67 T- 9.7 kips
d- 1.5 in d'� 1.56 in 0. 9.80
p- 4.75 In a
t-'d= _V8Tb'APF1(1+6a')
0.51 In OX
Check flange bending:(as a plate fixed on 3 sides and free on one side)
b- s�m- q=T/ba M m M Coeff qa2/1000 fb= MISI
. 5,0 In . 0.55 ksi M�Coeff- 56 M�. 0.39 In-kips/In rb�= s.0 ksi
a- b,12-k, M,Coeff- 87 M,- 0.60 in-kips/In r,- 7.8 ksl
- 3.5575 In S,= ti�/15
b/a- 1.4 . 0.08 In3/in
(fb.+fb,)/Fb- 0_26 OK
Required Web Stiffener Size:
A-d=T/Ft t,= A_d/(O.Sbrkl)
= 0.32 in' . 0109 in Use 1/2 in stiffeners Stiffener Width- 0.5be-k,
. 3.56 in
Fillet weld size- 0.5 T/0.3 F,0.707(bj/2-k,)1.33 w/t. 7.1
0.07 in Use 5/16 in Met weld 951-0,- 13.4 OK
Viverefore tjqe 1/2 in sliffeciers
Column Cap Plate Design:
M, 4.5 T/6 W 4.5 in Req'd t,, 46M/1.33 27 Therefore tL 0.75 in
7._3 in-kips in -fherefofe imo 0.75 in thi ck V)I;*te
M,,/W 6�, in-kips/in
Required StIffener Size: 7 5 In L- 10 In
A,�d T/F, t_.d= A,.../L..
0 32 in' = Q.04 in Use 1/2 in stiffeners
Fillet weld size 0.5 T/0.3 F,0.707 L_
.)4 in Use 5/16 in fillet weld
rt,eri�i,,re use j/2 in stiffeaers
Date: 06-Aug-07
1congroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
Checked by:
Page: 11 Of 12
Job# SF026
GelyMn and FoyMhtlon Man
Design Loads:
Dead LoW: Wind Load:
M,,L- 389 ft-kips On Visual: P_-p*.(h-m+h-)W�w M.- P_(HAGL+(h..+h-)/2)+P_(HAGV2)
. 13.6 kips . l3a4 ft-Wps
On Column: P_- p.HAM W. fA-Ps(613/s+15)
. 7.3 kips . 256 ft-kips
Column Pipe capacity Chart:
MAGI. -P. ESIGN LJO S Column Pica Size A"WA9 LE LOADS 4t.P)2
P-+P- M. M'. woj+M.T'2 0 t MbCo M,., Mb mbcw+(Mt
ft ft-k ft-k In I
10 14.5 267 471 9132 0.281 594.2 867.8 0.88
15.0 353 525 5/16 0.313 678.2 961.7 0.64
20 ISS 439 586 11132 0.344 765.8 1055.1 0.82
25 16.0 525 653 11132 0,344 765.11 1055.1 0.91
30 16.5 611 724 318 - 0.375 856.B 1148,0 0.89
35 16.9 696 798 13132 0.406 1116.4 1240.5 0.76
40 17.4 782 874 13132 0.406 1116.4 1240.5 .0.82
45 17�9 868 051 13132 0.406 1116.4 1240.5 0.89
50 18.4 954 1030 7116 0.438 2199.2 1332.4 0.90
55 18.9 1040 1110 7116 0.438 1199.2 1332.4 0.96
60 19A 1126 1191 36 15132 0.469 1281.5 1423.6 0.96
65 19.9 1212 1273 112 0.500 1363,3 1514.8 0.96
70 20.3 1298 1355 17132 0.531 1444.7 160S.3 0.96
75 20.8 1384 1437 9116 0.563 1525.7 1695.3 0.96
80 21.3 1470 1520 19132 0.594 1606.3 17,114.8 0.97
8 5 21.8 1556 .1604 5/8 0.625 1686.4 1.872.8 0.97
90 22.3 1642 1687 11/16 0:688 1845.4 2050.4 0.93
95 22.8 1728 1771 23132 0.719 1924.2 2138.0 0.93
foo 23.2 1814 1855 314 0,750 2002.6 2225.1 0.94
105 23.7 1900 z939 25132 0.781 2080.6 2311.8 0.94
110 24.2 1986 2023 13116 0.813 2158.1 2397.9 1 0.95
Therefore use 36-in diameter x 0.563-In pipe column
Round Footina Design Chart
HAGL D n S h b P, 200 Psf P_ 300 Qsf P- 400 Psf
P. Mb S, A d S� A d S, A d
Lt! ft-k ft ft Rg it psf ft psf
10 14.5 471 .32.45 5.0 1064 6.4 19.0 1596 �.1,3 15:0 2128 3.2 12.5
15.0 525 34.96 5.0 1064 6.6 20.0 1596 4.4 15's 128 3.3 13.0
20 15.5 536 37.82 5.0 1064 6.3 2.1.0 1596 4.5 16.5 2 8 3,4
25 16.0 6S3 40�36 5.0 OC4 7.0 22.0 4�7 17.0 1 3.r 14.0
30 16.5 /24 43.96 5.0 1064 7.2 23.0 1,196 4�8 18.0 2128 3.6 14,5
35 16.9 7548 47.06 5.0 10(54 7.5 24.0 1596 5,0 19.0 i2B 3.7 14.5
40 Z 7.4 8114 50 12 5.0 !064 7.7 25.0 1596 5.1 19.5 ' 2128 -�.8 1510
45 17.9 951 53.10 5.0 1 OC4 7.9 26.0 1596 5.3 20.5 1 128 3.9 1.5.5
50 18.4 1030 56.00 5.0 1064 3.1 27.0 1 q�96 5.4 21.5 2128 4.0 16.0
55 16.9 1110 .58.81 S.0 1064 8.3 29.0 1596 5,5 22.0 2128 4.2 1610
60 19.4 1191 61.51 5.0 1064 8.5 29.0 1596 5,7 23.0 21,',8 .1.3 16.5
65 19.9 1273 64.12 5.0 1064 8,7 29.5 1596 5.8 23.5 2128 4.4 17.0
70 20.3 1355 66.63 5.0 1064 8.9 30.5 1596 C.0 24.5 21128 4.5 17.0
75 20.8 1437 69.05 S.0 1064 9.2 31.5 1596 6.1 25.0 212B 4.6 17.5
so 21,3 1520 71.37 5.0 1064 9.4 32.5 .1596 6.2 25,5 2.128 4.7 17.5
85 21.8 1604 ;3 60 5.0 1064 9.6 3.310 1596 6.4 2615 2128 4.8 18.0
90 223 1687 75,75 5.0 t 064 98 34.0 .1596 11.5 27,0 2128 'J.9 1810
95 22.8 1771 77,82 5.0 1064 10.0 .35.0 1596 6.7 27.5 2128 5.0 .18.5
I of) 23.2 1955 79.81 5.0 1064 10.2 35.5 1596 6.8 28.0 212,13 5.1 I&S
105 23.7 1939 81.73 S.0 1064 101.4 36.5 1596 11.0 29.0 2128 5.2 19.0
110 24.2 2023 83.58 5.0 1064 10.6 37.0 1596 7.1 29.5 2128 5.3 19.0
Alternate Cube Footina Design Chatt
HAGL Deslan Loads :h ] P... 200 Pst P- 300 pst P., 400 psf
P. Mb S b d S b d S b d
ft kips ft-k It It It ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
10 14.5 471 32.45 9.0 12'? 11.0 S.0 11.3 9.5 8.0 11.3 8.0
15 15.0 525 34.96 10.0 14.1 11.0 8.0 IIA 10.0 9.0 11.3 8.5
20 15.5 586 37.82 11.0 15.6 11.0 8.0 li,3 10.5 8.0 11.3 9.0
25 16.0 653 40.86 11.0 15A 11.5 8.0 It,3 11.0 8.0 11.3 9.5
16.5 �724 43.96 12.0 1".0 11.5 8.0 11.1.3 11.5 8.0 11.3 10.0
'35 16.9 798 47.06 12.0 17.0 1210 8.0 11.3 12,0 8.0 11.3 10's
40 17.4 874 50.12 13.0 1.6.4 12.0 9.0 12�7 .12.0 8.0 11�3 11.0
45 17.9 951 53.10 14.0 19.8 12.0 9.0 12.7 .12.5 8.0 ll.� 1110
50 .18.4 11030 56.00 14.0 19.8 12.5 9.0 12.7 12.5 8.0 11.3 1115
55 18,9 1110 58,81 14.0 19.8 �13.0 1010 14 1 12.5 9.0 12.7 11.5
150 19.4 .1191 61.51 14.0 L9.8 13.5 10.0 14.1 .13.0 9.0 12.7 11.5
65 19.9 127.3 64,12 15.0 21.2 13Z 10.0 14.1 13.5 9.0 U.? 12.0
70 20.3 1355 66.63 15.0 21.2 13.5 10.0 14.1 13.5 9.0 12.7 12.5
:15 20.8 1437 69,05 IS.0 21.2 14.0 10.0 t4.1 14.0 9.0 123 13.0
80 21.3 520 71.37 15.0 21.2 )4�5 11.0 15.6 14.0 9.0 12.7 13.0
85 "21.8 1604 73.60 IS.0 21.2 15.0 11.0 1.�.6 14,0 9.0 12.7 13,5
90 22.3 1687 7f,15 16.0 22.6 14.5 11.0 15.6 14.5 10.0 14A J.3.0
95 2-1.6 1771 ;1�7.82 16.0 22.6 15.0 12.0 1?�O 14,0 10.0 14.i 13.5
1 100 23.2 1113 5 5 79.81 16.0 22.6 15.5 12.0 17�0 14.5 10.0 14.1 J 3,5
1,05 23.7 1939 81.73 16.0 22:6 16.0 13.0 16.4 14.0 10.0 1-1.1 14.0
110 24.2 202-J' 83.513 16.0 6 16.0 13.0 1.8.11 14.5 10.0 f,;.1 1 14,6
Tfiereforp use 5.0-ft d larneter x 31.5-ft deep foundation or use 15 AD-ft x I S.0-ft x 14.0-ft deep foundation
Date: 06-Auq-07
U Icongroupe Signs: Designed by: NDS
0 Checked by:
Page: 12 of 12
Job# SF026
Splumn and F oundation EWlign
Design Loads:
Dead Load: Wind Load:
M�- 145.2 ft-kipS On Visual: P_= p'.(h..+h._.)w_., M. p_(HAGL+(h,+h._)/2)+P_(HAGL/2)
. 13.6 kips 1384 ft-kips
On Column: P.,- p'.HAGL w� no torsion on Center Mount
. 7.3 kips 0 ft-kips
Column Pipe Capacity Chart:
P. p-+P- M. M, (MOLI+ 4) t M,_' M". Mb Mb�+(Mt M-1)'
ft k ps ft-k - in in ff-LI ft-k I
10 14.5 26 7 304 114 0,250 513.? 773.4 0.59
is 15.0 353 381 9132 0.281 594,2 867.8 0.64
20 15.5 439 462 9132 0.281 594.2 567.8 0.78
25 16.0 525 544 5116 0.313 678+2 961.7 0.80
30 16.5 611 628 5116 0,313 678.2 961.7 0.93
35 16,9 696 711 11132 0.344 76S.8 1055.1 0.93
40 17.4 782 796 318 O�375 856.8 1148.0 0,93
45 17.9 368 880 13132 0,406 1116.4 1240.5 0.79
50 18.4 954 965 13132 0.406 1116.4 1240.5 0.86
55 18.9 1040 10510. 7116 O�438 11�9.2 1332,4 0.88
60 19.4 1126 1135 36 15132 n.469 1281.5 1423.8 0.89
65 19.9 1211, 1221 112 0.500 1363.3 1514.8 0+9()
70 20,3 1298 1306 112 0.500 1363.3 1514.8 0.96
75 20.8 1,384 1392 17132 '0.531 1444.7 1605.3 0.96
so 21.3 1470 1477 9116 0.563 152.5.7 1695.3 0.97
65 21.8 1556 1563 19132 O�594 1606.3 l,'84.8 0,97
90 22.3 1642 1648 518 0.625 1686.4 14173.8 0.98
95 22.8 1728 1734 11116 0.688 18,15,4 2050.4 0.94
100 23.2 1814 18,19 23132 0.719 1924.2 2138.0 0.95
f05 23.7 1900 1905 314 0.750 2002.6 2225.1 0�95
110 24.2 1986 1991 25132 0.7$1 2080,6 231 L.8 0.96
Therefore use 36-in diameter x 0.531-in pipe rolumn
Round Footincl Design Chart
HAGL Desi n Loads h b P.L 200 psf p.. 300 psf P_ 400 psf
P. Mb S, A d S, A d S, A d
ft Ef ft-k ft ft psf ft ft Dsf
20 14.5 304 110.91 5.0 0.54 6A 1610 15S,6 4.3 12.5 2123 3.2 10.5
15 15.0 3SI 25.,,1 5.0 1064 6.6 17.5 1596 4A 13.5 2.:28 3-3 11.5
20 15.5 462 2982 5.0 1064 6.3 19.0 1596 4.5 15.0 2126 14 12.0
25 16.0 544 34.07 5.0 1064 7.0 20.5 1596 4.7 16.0 2128 3.5 1310
30 16.5 628 38.12 5.0 1064 7-1 21.5 IS96 4.8 17.10 2128 3.6 -13.5
3S 16.9 I'll 41,98 5.0 1,,'),',4 7.5 23.0 i 596 5.0 18.0 2128 3,17 14.0
40 17.4 796 45.66 5.0 1064. 7.7 24.0 1596 5.1 19.0 2128 3.8 14.5
45 1 7�9 980 49.15 S.0 3064 :1.9 2510 1596 5.3 20.0 2128 3.9 15.0
SO 18.4 965 52.4;' 5.0 1064 8.1 26.0 2596 5.4 20�5 2128 4.0 ls�s
55 1 S.9 1050 55�62 5.0 f064 3.3 27.0 t596 5.5 21's 2125 4.2 16.0
60 .19.4 1135 Ss.63 5.0 064 8.5 28.0 1596 5.7 22.5 2128 4.3 16.0
65 19.9 1,21 61.50 5.0 1064 8.7 29.0 1596 5.8 23.0 2128 4.4 16.5
70 20.3 1306 64.23 5.0 1064 -S.9 30.0 1596 6.0 24.0 2128 4,5 lzo
75 20.8 1.391. 66.34 5.0 1064 9.2 31.0 1596 6- 24.5 2128 4.6 17.0
so 21.3 1477 69.34 5.0 1 064 9.4 32.0 1596 6.2 25,S 2z28 4.7 17.5
85 21.8 1963 71.72 5.0 1064 9,cl 33.0 11596 6.4 2610 2128 4.8 17.5
90 22.3 16,98 /4.01 5.0 1064 9.8 33,5 1596 -5 26.5 2128 .4.9 18.0
95 22.8 1734 76,119 5.0 1064 10.0 34.5 1596 6.7 27.5 2128 5.0 18.0
100 23.2 1819 78.29 5.0 1064 10.2 35,5 1.596 b.8 28.0 2.125 5A 18.5
105 23.7 1905 80.31 5.0 11064 10.4 36.0 1596 7.0 28.5 2128 5.2 18.5
110 24.2 1991 62.24 5.0 z(164 10.6 37.0 1596 29.5 2128 5.3 19.0
Attemate Cube Fboting Desion Chart
HAGL h P- 200 Dsf P... 300 psf PALI '400 Dsf
P. M6 s b d s b d s b d
Win ft-k
ft Efil ft I ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
.10 14.5 304 20.91 9.0 t2.7 9.0 8.0 11.3 8.0 8.0 11.3 6.5
15 15.0 381 25.41 10.0 141 9.5 8.0 11.3 8.5 8.0 11.3 7.5
20 15.5 462 29.82 11.0 15.6 10.0 810 11.3 9.5 8.0 11.3 6.0
25 16.0 �44 34.07 11.0 15.6 10.5 8.0 11.3 1010 8.0 ti.3 8-5
30 16�5 628 38.12 12.0 17.0 1110 8.0 li.3 11.0 8.0 11.3 9.0
35 IG.9 M 41.98 12.0 17.0 11.5 8.0 11.3 11.5 8.0 11.3 10.0
40 17.4 ;196 45.66 13.0 18.4 11,5 9.0 12.7 11.5 8.0 11.3 10.5
45 17.9 5130 49,15 14.0 L9.8 11.5 9.0 12,7 12.0 8.0 11.3 11.0
50 18.4 965 52.47 14.0 t9.8 12.0 q:.0 12.7 .12.5 8.0 11.3 11.5
55 18.9 i 050 55,62 14.0 L9.8 12,5 10.0 J 4.1 12.0 9.0 12.3 11.0
CIO 19.4 1139 58.63 14.0 19.8 13.0 10.0 14.1 12.5 9.0 123 11.5
6 5 19.9 1:1Q1 6 1.50 15.0 21.7, 13.0 10.0 14.1 13.0 9.0 12.7 12.0
;10 20.3 1306 64.23 15.0 21.2 13.5 10.0 14.1 13.5; 9.0 12.7 IZ5
75 20.8 1.392 66.84 15.0 11-11 14.0 10.0 L4.1 14.0 9.0 12.7 12.5
80 21.3 1477 59.34 Mo 1-1.2 14.5 11.0 15.6 13.5 9.0 12.7 13.0
85 21.8 15,53 71,72 15.0 2.1,�2 14.5 11.0 15.6 1410 9.0 12.7 13.5
90 22.3 1611 j 8 ;4.01 16.0 22�cl 14.5 11.0 15.6 .14,5 10.0 14,1 .13.0
51 5 22.8 17,34 �6.19 16.0 22,6 15,0 12.0 111.0 14.0 10.0 1-1.1 13.5
1 100 23-2 isi9 76.29 16.0 22,6 75.5 12.0 17.0 14.5 10.0 14.1 1315
105 23.7 80.31 16.0 N.6 15�5 13.0 18.4 14.0 10.0 14.1 14.0
2�.2 1�49) 92.24 16.0 22.6 1 16.0 13.0 )8,,' 14.5 10.0 14.1 1 14.0
Therefore ose 5.0-ft.cliamete,x 31.0-ft t".ep foundkAory or use 1-9,0-ft x IS.0-ft x 14,0-ft tleev foundation
W A S H I N G T 0 N, U. S. A.
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Scott K. Jolu-is, Associate Planner
DATE: December 12, 2007
RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 07-09
APPLICANT: iconGroupe
OWNER: Paul R. Robertson
LOCATION: 245 0 W. Hwy 10 1, Port Angeles
REQUEST: Construct outdoor advertising sign 35 feet tall with '300 square feet of sign
surface in the Industrial Heavy zone.
The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve CUP
07-09 with 1 conditions, citing 11 findings and 2 conclusions in support of that action as
listed in Attachment A.
The subject property is located at 2450 W. Hwy 10 1 in Port Angeles. Lots in the block
vary in size and are typically large. The property is developed with a commercial structure. No
environmentally sensitive areas exist on the site. The site is accessed from Cameron Road or
from Hwy 101. The site is generally level and flat. The application and site maps are attached
as Attachment B.
Development in the area is comprised of a mix of residential, commercial, industrial, and
agricultural uses.
City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments:
The Fire Department had no concerns or objections to the proposal.
The Public Works and Utilities Department
The Building Division of DCD did not comment.
ViconGi-OUI)e -09 11age 2
Debemb 0 71
Notification of the.proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily Nelvs on
November 26, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on
November 28, 2007, and posted on the site on November 28, 2007. No comments were received
during the public comment period.
The applicant is proposing to place a single sided billboard on the north side of the
property located at 2450 W. Hwy 101 in Port Angeles. The sign face is proposed to be 10' by 30'
or 300 square feet in total sign area. The billboard will extend to 35 feet in height and be
mounted on a frame supported by a single 36" diameter pole. The sign will be lit by shielded
low intensity lights so that light will be directed at the sign faces and to not produce glare or
direct lighting onto surrounding uses. The readable sign area will face west.
The entire Comprehensive Plan and Port Angeles Municipal Code were reviewed with
regard to the proposal. No Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, or objectives could be found
support of large outdoor advertising signs. Development regulations in the IH zone are also
included in Attachment C to this staff report.
The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map identify the area as being located in
the Southwest Plannina Area and the site is designated industrial (I) on the Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Map.
The site is zoned Heavy Industrial (IH). A billboard is allowed by conditional use permit
in the IH zone PAMC 14 36.070 HA. when the sign does not exceed 300 square feet in total sign
area and is no taller than 35 feet in height. Per PANIC 14.36.020(L), sign area is defined as the
sum of each display surface, including both sides of a double-faced sign. No other sign for an
existing business may be located on the site and no other billboard may located within 1,000 feet
on the same side of the street. There are no other signs exist on the site, nor are there any other
billboards within 1,000 feet of the site. The proposed sign is consistent with the requirements for
billboards in the IH zone.
In consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may
impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public
health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Uses developed
by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval
or the use may be revoked.
Consideration is also given to the impacts on traffic patterns, the physical circumstances
of the subject property, other uses in the neighborhood, schools, and needed public
A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on December
10, 2007, per WAC 197-11-355.
Attaclinients: A - Conditions, Findings, and C011C)LISiOnS
B - Zoning Ordinance, Conil)rehenskle Plan, and Otlier Municipal Code Referenc es
C - Application niaterials
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 3
December 12,2007
The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use
Permit CUP 07-09 subject to 2 conditions and based on the following 11 findings and 2
conclusions in support of the action:
1. The maximum sigh area shall be no more that 300square feet total, including both sides of
the sign.
2. All lighting of the billboard shall be shielded and directed in a mariner such that no direct
light will impact nearby properties or vehicles on nearby streets and roads.
Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP
07-09 dated December 12, 2007, including all information in the public record file, comments
and testimony presented during the public hearing,the Planning Commission discussion and
deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Plai-ining
Commission hereby finds that:
I. iconGroupe LLC submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-09 to construct a
billboard 35 feet tall with a total 300 square foot of sign area on November 13, 2007.
2. The proposed site is located at 2450 West Highway 101, the comer of Cameron Road and
Highway 10 1.
The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Industrial. Adjacent designations are also
Industrial. The site is located in the City's Southwest Planning Area. Development in
the area includes industrial, commercial, agriculture, and residential uses. No
Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, or objectives could be found that address signage.
4. The site is zoned Heavy Industrial (11-1). Adjacent sites to the north and west are located
outside of the city limits in Clallarn County.
5. Billboards are allowed by,conditional use in the IH zone per PAMC 14.36.070(H) to a
height of 3 5 feet with a total sign area of 3)00 square feet.
6. Total sign area is defined in PAMC 14.36.020(L) as the sum of each display surface,
including both sides of a double faced sign.
7. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for
conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning
Regulations. The Plam-iing Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and
compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application
the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered
essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of
neighboring property. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use
permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's
zoning regulations.
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 4
December 12,2007
8. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain
in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked.
9. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this
10. No environmentally sensitive areas are located on the site.
11. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in
the Peninsula Daily News on November 26, 2007, public notice was mailed to property
owners within 300 feet of the subject property on November 28, 2007, and posted on the
site on November 28, 2007. No written comments were received during the public
comment period.
12. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on December
10, 2007.
11 The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the December 121
2007, regular meeting.
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community and Economic
Development Staff Report for CUP 07-09 dated December 12, 2007, including all of the
information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions
of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes
I. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as
specified in PAMC 17.96.050.
2. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 14.36 (Sign Ordinance),
specifically 14.36.020(L).
iconGroupe-CUP 07-09 Page 5
December 12,2007
Comprehensh,e Plan
The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City. Any
project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
The site is located in the City's Southwest Planning Area. The Plan was reviewed in its entirety with
regard to the proposed application. No Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies, or Objectives could be
found that address signage.
Zonin- Ordinance
The Zoning Ordinance is the primary implementing ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan. The
Ordinance establishes what types of uses are permitted and where they may be located in the City. It also
establishes definitions and rninirnurn design standards for Such uses. Any project proposed in the City
rnust be consistent with specific regulations of the zone in which it is located.
The Zoning Map identifies the subject property and adjacent properties as Industrial Heavy (IH).
Other nearby properties (adjacent to the west and north) as being located outside of the City in rural
Clallarn County. The Purpose and intent of the IH zone is: "This is the least restrictive industrial
zone intended to be the area that heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other
land uses. Significant adverse impacts can be expectedftom permitted industrial uses that
involve hazardous materials, noise, air and water pollution, shift work around the clock,
entertainment businesses -ii)ith adult-only activities, and outside storage yards and manufacturing
activities. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for heavy industrial uses with
direct access 10 Major transportation facilities, design standardsfor greater truck traffic, and
buffersfor non-industrial uses unless deemed impractical".
The purpose of a conditional use permit is defined as "A Conditional Use Pernlit shall be to
ass ure that the inaxiinuin degree of compatibility b etiveen uses shall be allained. Thepurpose of these
regulations shall be inaintained vi,ith respect to the particular use of the P07-fiCtIlar site and in
consideration of other existing andpolential uses within the general area in which such use is to be
PAMC 17.96.050 specifies procedures for the review and processing of conditional use
applications, as follows:
17.96.050 C077ditional Use Perinit
A. The Planning C01171niSSi071 shall consider applicationsfor Conditional Use Perinits Of
uses as specified in the al-)pliccible Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission n7ay
grant said perIn its which are Consistent and compatible with the P117-1-2ose of the zone in which the use is
located, consistent ivil.h the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and inlerest. The
Planning C01171niSSiOn inay refuse to issue a Conditional Use PerInit if the characteristics of the intended
use as related to the specific proposed site are such as ivould defeal the purpose oJ'1hese Zoning
RegulaliOns by introducing inC0177palible, del.riinental, or hazardous conditions.
B. In each application, the Planning C0171177iSSiOn May i.inpose -ii,hatever restrictions or
condilions they consider essential to protect the public health, sqfety� and welfare, and 10 prevent
depreciation of neighboringpi-operly.
Sign Ordinance
The Sign Ordinance establishes standards and regulations for all exterior signs and sign
Applicant: C Otl 6� 1-0, Ck P e-
Address: 3 '16, �� A W, S id Daytimephone#: 2 0 6, 9133. ?6,6
Applicant's representative(if otherthan applicant): De"LI,7
Address: 23Y60 St-a-t-te,,, P�cl /V - _ Daytime phone#:
Property owner(if other than applicant): Pet " / )q. Eobc�,,rtsor?
Address: /,?(, C, PM,835S-J, � Daytime phone#: 6'0 0 --S
Por f C-le-�s k/V 9 Y,-7 6"2
Street address: ;Z /I S-61 i/k/, H in/ 0 1
Legal description: 1� 04FSTC- k Y/40 /RT PI-117- V,41 PZ;L 4o-r 3 3,3,z/f
Zoning: Eti d 61s ecvil Comprehensive Plan designation:
Property dimensions: Property area(total square feet):
Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat,sloped,vacant,developed,etc.):
y e lo,a&d
Please describe the proposed conditional use:
u -f-cJ 0 o i,- C'Yver t, S/
0 , Ql-
Fff - f
IN IP', E`� ITT'
i NOVI 3
OiTY r J`,-I
11, U t-,Al AfToLL-o
Dept.ui Coaorjuility D�Velopll-lullt
Number of employees: 1V11Y Hours of operation:
Number of on-site parking spaces:
Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): A141
6)that all ofthe above statements are true and complete to the best ofmy knowledge and acknowledge
that wi�ful misrepresentation ofinformation will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in
its entirely and understand that my submittal will be reviewedfor completeness. Iffound to be complete the
application will be scheduledfor the next available Planning Commission meeting. -Ifnot complete, when requested
information has been received the application will be scheduledfor the next available meeting.
Z z
Signature Date. 7t I
Owner (if other than applicant):
I am the owner of the subject property identified herein and approve of this application.
Signatur,�,� Date
For Staff Use Only:
Permit No.
Appl. complete
Add. Tnfo requested
;4 L
i4wf, lot
W '
1011VS 63007N I SW4
3 1 T.
12 Section __7
L 0,oLa.�j
W W Township-
81.54a. Total
LOT 3 SCALE.* 1`�=200.�
0.76. m
ry 7
541m e
4 0,
o , - 3 .—
4.92., LAN
-1.7,Pa,ge 21
Im 54�5412�2 5 —
14. 0 9
26 APRIL.14.71
iiEV-127�iEPT.14 71
30 MAY W3
, 1 20 SEPT 1973
34-L- 13 JUNE;974.
2,24�./ ?_20�/ 8 JULY 9744
r", 4.49o./ 6 M�Aly
D.45,0 .21
341—Au� 34 J-�-
1-11 R T
�rg 2.44.. SAO
PLAT 4.86J
13 18 VOINS 63018,VW
0A. .
List of Property Owners Within 300' of Site
Donna C. Anderson
Amelia Shultz/John Anderson
Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co.
Bernice Katherine Kitz
Kenneth K Simpson
Stephen Wirth
DORI. .,
W A S`H I N G� TO-N, U.. S. A.
Community & Economic Development.Department .
December 14, 2007
Mr. Daniel Tefft
23460 Seatter Rd. NE
Kingston, WA 98346
..Re: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 07-09
Highway 101 West - iconGroupe
Dear Mr. Teffti
Asyou know, f6llowinga,public hearin nducted on December 12, 2007,;the Port Angeles
P g co
Planning-Commission approved the above referenced conditional use permit to allow'a 300
t 2450 Highway 101 West subject to the
square-fo6t-outdoor advertising sign to be located,a
following two.conditions:
Conditions: -
The maximum. sigh area shall be no more that 3 00 square-feet total, including both sides
of the sign and shall be placed 3 5' from rights-of-way...
2. All lighting,of the billboard shall be shielded and directed in a manner such that nP.direct
light will impact nearby'properties orvehicles on nearby streets and roads..
3. The non commercial side of the.structure shall be covered with-,a design approved by the
City, at the sign owner's expense, and shall be-maintained in like manner to the
The decision-of the Commission is final unless appealed to the City Council.
Phone: 360-417-4750 Fax: 360-417-4711
Website: www.cityofpa.us/ Email: smartgrowth @ cityofpa,us
321 East Fifth Street - R.O. Box 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
.................. ........... .....
It has been-a oleasuid-dealing with:you. If you have any,further questions, please,don't.
hesitate,to contact this office.
cc:, Building Division
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 12, 2007, the Port Angeles Planning
Commission took the following actions:
1. DENIAL of a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor advertising sign in the
Commercial Arterial zone at 439 West Second Street; and
L.�,�. APPROVAL of an outdoor advertising sign in the Industrial Heavy zone at 2450
Highway 101 West.
For further information, please contact Sue Roberds, Planning Manager, Department of
Community & Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington,
(360) 417-4750.
Pub: 12/18/07
Affidavit of Publication
In the Superior 1purt of the State of Washington for Clallarn/ferson County.
Peninsula Daily News
PO BOX 1150
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles,WA 98362
that on December .12,
2007, the Port Angeles
Planning Commission took
Reference: 4900481 the following actions:
1. DENIAL of a conditional
3592157 Notice of decision use permit to allow an out-
door advertising sign in the
---Gefnmen��rtenal zone at
439 we t —, d Street;
2. APPROVAL of an outdoor
'--RdvedisW9--99n--1h the In-
clustrial Heavy zone at 2450
Highway 101 West.
The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and For further information,
please contact Sue Ro-
says. herds, Planning Manager,
That she/he is authorized to and does make this affidavit for and Department of Community&
Economic Development,
on behalf of Peninsula Daily News, a corporation, and that the 321 East Fifth Street, Port
Angeles, Washington, (360)
following statements of fact are within her/his personal and 417-4750�
actual knowledge. Pub:Dec.19,2007
That said corporation is the owner and publisher of the
Peninsula Daily News published in Clallarn/Jefferson Counties,
and had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the
Superior Court of said Clallam/Jefferson County of the State Of
That the annexed is a true copy of a legal insertion as it was
published in regular issues (and not in the supplement form) of
said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers
during all of said period. The publishing date cited is the last
day of publication.
1 Insertion in Pub PDN on
. ...... 00
CO 0 T A/?.I,.%
Cn 08/05/2011
C' C)
U80 A,
////////I I 111110
Sworn to) me�onthis 26th dayy oflDeceember 200
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing in Port Angeles.
Peninsula Daily News P.O. Box 1330 Port Angeles, WA 98362
Highway 101: Request for a conditional use penult to erect a 300 sq4are foot free
standing outdoor advertising sign in the Industrial Heavy zone.
Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department's report recommending approval of the
conditional use permit with conditions and responded to questions regarding development
standards and the definition of sign area. Commissioner Harris suggested that a review be made
of the City's sign regulations to determine if the sign area permitted for outdoor advertising signs
should be reduced.
Chair Beier indicated that those who testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that their
testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge. He then qualified Commission
members on their ability to act on the matter, and opened the public hearing.
Frank Podany, 2103 46th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98116 represented the application. Mr.
Podany addressed questions regarding the installation specifics of outdoor advertising signs. He
stated that in other areas, where all of the signage is placed on one side, a mural or artwork is
used rather than a blank side non commercial backing. Mr. Podany explained safety issues that
are inherent to such signs. He described methods used to ensure that little light pollution is
caused off-site, and noted that without the use of catwalks, vandals are discouraged from
defacing signs. The new, improved signs are attractive and are of superior quality construction.
There being no further testimony, Chair Beier closed the public hearing.
Commissioners discussed artwork that could be placed on the non commercial side of an outdoor
advertising sign that would benefit the traveler. In response to a direct question, Mr. Podany
answered that his company would be willing to apply artwork acceptable to the City to the
noncommercial side of the sign up to a cost of$1200 per year, which is a typical face
development cost. Signs are inspected on a weekly basis to ensure that they are in good
condition and have not been vandalized.
Commissioner Matthews moved to approve the conditional use permit subject to the
following findings and conclusions:
I. The maximum sign area shall be no more that 300 square feet total, including both sides of
the sign.
2. All lighting of the billboard shall be shielded and directed in a manner such that no direct
light will impact nearby properties or vehicles on nearby streets and roads.
3. The noncommercial side of the structure shall be covered with a design approved by the City
at the applicant's expense up to $1200. The noncommercial side of the sign shall be
maintained in a manner similar to the commercial side, at the applicant's expense.
Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 07-09
dated December 12, 2007, including all information in the public record file, comments and
testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and
deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
Planning Commission Minutes
December 12,2007
Page 3
1. iconGroupe LLC submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-09 to construct a
billboard 35 feet tall with a total 300 square foot of sign area on November 13, 2007.
2. The proposed site is located at 2450 West Highway 101, the comer of Cameron Road and
Highway 101.
3. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Industrial. Adjacent designations are also
Industrial. The site is located in the City's Southwest Planning Area. Development in the
area includes industrial, commercial, agriculture, and residential uses. No Comprehensive
Plan goals, policies, or objectives could be found that address signage.
4. The site is zoned Heavy Industrial (IH). Adjacent sites to the north and west are located
outside of the city limits in Clallam County.
5. Billboards are allowed by conditional use in the IH zone per PAMC 14.36.070(H) to a height
of 35 feet with a total sign area of 300 square feet.
6. Total sign area is defined in PAMC 14.36.020(L) as the sum of each display surface,
including both sides of a double faced sign.
7. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional
use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The
Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the
purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and
not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may
impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered essential to protect the public
health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. The Planning
Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended
use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations.
8. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in
continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked.
9. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this application.
10. No environmentally sensitive areas are located on the site.
11. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in the
Peninsula Daily News on November 26, 2007,public notice was mailed to property owners
within 300 feet of the subject property on November 28, 2007, and posted on the site on
November 28, 2007. No written comments were received during the public comment period.
12. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on December 10,
13. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the December 12, 2007,
regular meeting.
14. The applicant provided testimony during the December 12, 2007, public hearing indicating
that it is not uncommon to have a non commercial side on an outdoor advertising sign. A
mural or other artwork is sometimes used rather than a blank, unused side. During the public
hearing, the applicant offered suggestions for non commercial use of the blank side of the sign
which he offered could be at the applicant's expense up to an agreed maximum.
Planning Commission Minutes
December 12,2007
Page 4
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community and Economic
Development Staff Report for CLIP 07-09 dated December 12, 2007, including all of the
information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions
of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes
1. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use pen-nit as
specified in PAMC 17.96.050.
2. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 14.36 (Sign Ordinance),
s 'f
peci ically 14.36.020(L).
Commissioner Reiss seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
4 2007
CITY OF 130�-,;,TA ve E Ment
Qept,OfCommuilityD lo
We are a group of highly experienced, senior level, out-of-home industry
professionals who left corporate jobs to establish a small but fast growing service
oriented outdoor company. Our group experience is deep, with each of us having
20 to 40 plus years in out-of-home media, including all disciplines of the business:
operations, finance, construction, leasing, site development, sales, client services,
OOH planning and buying.
We are based in the NW with locatiohs in Seattle and Portland and are expanding
nationally with growing inventory in Detroit, Boston, Florida and New York. Our size
allows us to be more flexible in partnering with clients to offer unique and creative
opportunities and we are expanding quickly enough to offer the best strategic
coverage to meet client needs. We pride ourselves on integrity, exceptional
workmanship and building successful partnerships.
-4 We offer state of the art modern displays that add value to the communities
they call home and to the advertisers who occupy their copy space.
Our focus is on large format advertising (walls and bulletin displays) with
an eye toward unique and alternative out-of-home opportunities as
warranted by our client's needs.
Our structures are distinctive, clean,well lit, modernly designed, strategically
placed and positioned.
Our plan is to provide Port Angeles with the unique medium sized advertis-
ing space and provide the best value to our clients both local and national.
The structures will be built on a single pole with 10' x 30' frames for the
advertising copy. We have the ability to paint the pole and framework to
meet any aesthetic needs or requirements of the community. Service walk-
ways are typically hidden between the advertising frameworks with only the
advertising itself seen on the face. The material used for advertising is a high
strength vinyl wrapped around the frames. This material is stretched drum
tight by our operations crews and because we are a local company we can
insure our advertising copy and structure are maintained at the highest
quality in our industry.
We are very excited to have the opportunity to work with the community of Port
Angeles and hope this is the beginning of a long and quality relationship between
2 Port Angeles and iconGroupe.
Distinctive Out-of-Horne Media
Business Development Dan Tefft
p 360.860.0290
e dtefft@icongroupe.com
Robertson/iconGroupe Sign Proposal
2450 W.HVVY 101 Port Angeles,WA
Project Robertson iconGroupe
Project Contact -4 Dan Tefft
W,Jakes 101
Site Address --4 2450 W Hwy 101
Port Angeles,WA /Y-
Parcel info -4 0630073390300000 101 -19
Sign height -4 35 feet
Sign face --0 10 feet high x 30 feet wide
Construction -44 Steel monopole Mpfton P"
Distinctive Out-of-Horne Media
cl p 206.686.6543
e info@icongroupe.com
0 0 ---1
Area Map & Site Plan: 2450 W. HVIfY 101 Port Angeles, WA
V'Qfiam R-T awcfWaTrNet nafional.iw porl
Porl Angeles
-n (D
W-4--k--R I F�110 W HvIY I'll
Hwy 101
00 icon
;t Existing
C\j warehoUse
0 144'.91"
C 0
�—�22-V IT
� I j
,.C.1TY',0F r N, E 1 L E,S
P� o
W A S H I N G T 0 N, U. S. A.
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Scott K. Johns, Associate Planner,
DATE: December 12, 2007
RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 07-09
APPLICANT: iconGroupe
OWNER: Paul R. Robertson
LOCATION: 245 0 W. Hwy 10 1, Port Angeles
REQUEST: Construct outdoor advertising sign 35 feet tall with 300 square feet.of sign
surface in the Industrial Heavy zone.
The Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission approve CUP
07-09 with 1 conditions, citing 11 findings and 2 conclusions in support of that action as
listed in'Attachment A.
The subject property is located at 245 0 W. Hwy 10 1 in Port Angeles. Lots in the block
vary in size and are typically large. The property is developed with a commercial structure. No
environmentally sensitive areas exist on the site. The site is accessed from Cameron Road or
from Hwy 10 1. The site is generally level and flat. The application and site maps are attached
as Attachment B.
Development in the area is comprised of a mix of residential, commercial, industrial, and
agricultural uses.
City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments:
The Fire Department had no concerns or objections to the proposal.
The Public Works and Utilities Department
The Building Division of DCD did not comment.
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 2
December 12,2007
Notification of the.proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on
November 26, 2007, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on
November 28, 2007, and posted on the site on November 28, 2007. No comments were received
during the public comment period.
The applicant is proposing to place a single sided billboard on the north side of the
property located at 2450 W. Hwy 10 1 in Port Angeles. The sign face is proposed to be 10, by 3 0,
or 300 square feet in total sign area. The billboard will extend to 35 feet in height and be
mounted on a frame supported by a single 36" diameter pole. The sign will be lit by shielded
low intensity lights so that light will be directed at the sign faces and to not produce glare or
direct lighting onto surrounding uses. The readable sign area will face west.
The entire Comprehensive Plan and Port Angeles Municipal Code were reviewed with
regard to the proposal. No Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, or objectives could be found
support of large outdoor advertising signs. Development regulations in the IH zone are also
included in Attachment C to this staff report.
The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map identify the area as being located in
the Southwest Planning Area and the site is designated Industrial (1) on the Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Map.
The site is zoned Heavy Industrial (IH). A billboard is allowed by conditional use permit
in the IH zone PAMC 14 36.070 HA. when the sign does not exceed 300 square feet in total sign
area and is no taller than 35 feet in height. Per PAMC 14.36.020(L), sign area is defined as the
sum of each display surface, including both sides of a double-faced sign. No other sign for an
existing business may be located on the site and no other billboard may located within 1,000 feet
on the same side of the street. There are no other signs exist on the site, nor are there any other
billboards within 1,000 feet of the site. The proposed sign is consistent with the requirements for
billboards in the IH zone,
In consideration of a conditional use permit application, the Planning Commission may
impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered to be essential to protect the public
health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Uses developed
by conditional use permit must remain in continual compliance with the conditions of approval
or the use may be revoked.
Consideration is also given to the impacts on traffic patterns, the physical circumstances
of the subject property, other uses in the neighborhood, schools, and needed public
A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for this proposed action on December
10, 2007, per WAC 197-11-355.
Attachments: A -Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions
B - Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and Other Municipal Code References
C -Application materials
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 3
December 12,2007
The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use
Permit CUP 07-09 subject to 2 conditions and based on the following I I findings and 2
conclusions in support of the action:
1. The maximum sigh area shall be no more that 300square feet total, including both sides of
the sign.
2. All lighting of the billboard shall be shielded and directed in a manner such that no direct
light will impact nearby properties or vehicles on nearby streets and roads.
Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP
07-09 dated December 12, 2007, including all information in the public record file, comments
and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and
deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
I iconGroupe LLC submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 07-09 to construct a
billboard 35 feet tall with a total 300 square foot of sign area on November 13, 2007.
2. The proposed site is located at 2450 West Highway 101, the comer of Cameron Road and
Highway 101.
3. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Industrial. Adjacent designations are also
Industrial. The site is located in the City's Southwest Planning Area. Development in
the area includes industrial, commercial, agriculture, and residential uses. No
Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, or objectives could be found that address signage.
4. The site is zoned Heavy Industrial (11-1). Adjacent sites to the north and west are located
outside of the city limits in Clallam County.
5. Billboards are allowed by conditional use in the IH zone per PAMC 14.36.070(H)to a
height of 35 feet with a total sign area of 300 square feet.
6. Total sign area is defined in PAMC 14.36.020(L) as the sum of each display surface,
including both sides of a double faced sign.
7. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for
conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning
Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and
compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application
the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered
essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of
neighboring property. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use
permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's
zoning regulations.
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 4
December 12,2007
8. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain
in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked.
9. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this
10. No environmentally sensitive areas are located on the site.
11. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in
the Peninsula Daily News on November 26, 2007, public notice was mailed to property
owners within 300 feet of the subject property on November 28, 2007, and posted on the
site on November 28, 2007. No written comments were received during the public
comment period.
12. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on December
10, 2007.
13. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the December 12,
2007, regular meeting.
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community and Economic
Development Staff Report for CUP 07-09 dated December 12, 2007, including all of the
information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public
hearin g, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions
of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Plani-ling Commission hereby concludes
I. The proposal is consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as
specified in PAMC 17.96.050.
2. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 14.36 (Sign Ordinance),
specifically 14.36.020(L).
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 5
December 12,2007
Comprehensive Plan
The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City. Any
project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
The site is located in the City's Southwest Planning Area. The Plan was reviewed in its entirety with
regard to the proposed application. No Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies, or Objectives could be
found that address signage.
Zoning Ordinance
The Zoning Ordinance is the primary implementing ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan. The
Ordinance establishes what types of uses are permitted and where they may be located in the City. It also
establishes definitions and minirnurn design standards for such uses. Any project proposed in the City
must be consistent with specific regulations of the zone in which it is located.
The Zoning Map identifies the subject property and adjacent properties as Industrial Heavy(IH).
Other nearby properties(adjacent to the west and north) as being located outside of the City in rural
Clallam County. The purpose and intent of the IH zone is: "This is the least restrictive industrial
zone intended to be the area that heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other
land uses. Significant adverse impacts can be expectedftom permitted industrial uses that
involve hazardous materials, noise, air and water pollution, shift work around the ,clock,
entertainment businesses with adult-only activities, and outside storage yards and manufacturing
activities. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for heavy industrial uses with
direct access to major transportation facilities, design standardsfor greater truck traffic, and
buffersfor non-industrial uses unless deemed impractical".
The purpose of a conditional use permit is defined as "A Conditional Use Permit shall be to
assure that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be attained The purpose of these
regulations shall be maintained with respect to the particular use of the particular site and in
consideration of other existing andpotential uses within the general area in which such use is to be
PAMC 17.96.050 specifies procedures for the review and processing of conditional use
applications, as follows:
17.96 050 Conditional Use Permit
A. The Planning Commission shall consider applicationsfor Conditional Use Permits of
uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may
grant saidpermits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is
located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The
Planning Commission may refuse to issue a Conditional Use Permit if the characteristics of the intended
use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning
Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions.
B. In each application, the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or
conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent
depreciation of neighboring property.
Sign Ordinance
The Sign Ordinance establishes standards and regulations for all exterior signs and sign
iconGroupe—CUP 07-09 Page 6
December 12,2007
PAMC 14.36.020 Definitions:
C. Billboards. Billboards are defined as an off-premise sign containing a commerci.al
message unrelated to any use or activity of the property on which the sign is located
D. DisplaySurface. That part of a sign structure used to display an integrated advertising
L. SiRnAre . The area of the sign shall he the sum of each display surface, including both
sides of'a double-faced sign, as determined by circumscribing the exterior limits on the mass of each
display erected on one sign structure with a circle, triangle, or quadrangle connecting all extreme points.
Where a sign is composed of two or more individual letters mounted directly on a wall, the total display
surface, including its background, shall be considered one signfor purposes of calculating sign area.
The structure supporting a sign is not included in determining the area of the sign unless the structure is
designed in a way to form an integral part of the display.
PAMC 14.36.070 Permitted Signs,
B. Signs in the IH Zone: One off-premise sign up to a total sign area of 300 squarefeet, up
to 35feet in height, on sites that contain no other signfor businesses on the site are allowed through the
approval of a Conditional Use Permit. No billboard may be permitted when it is within 1,000feet of
another such sign that is on the same side of the street.
Applicant: I C Oil arocko Lo—
Address: 2 10 3 Y6C4 14ve, sid Daytime phone 0 5 S 3, 66
,Seavfle , W/I qe )16
Applicant's representative(if other than applicant): Dat, F-Ft
Address: 2 3 Y 6 0 S ea rtel 9 d N 6- Daytime phone#: 0. 0 �0
K I& 0-9 g�t C k? , W19 I? fr 3,Y&
Property owner(if other than applicant): P4U GbOttSCY?
Address: j,?6 C, 5i-b Daytime phone#:,?60 'e160
Po r f Awj c-1&�s PVV 51 eS 6,2-
Street address: i/t/, .-/-/in/y. 0
Legal description: 1� 04FSTE- R JHQAT PI-117- VAI P7-2- oT 3 3,32A
Zoning: 17ndtts'l, 14e&vV Comprehensive Plan designation:
Property dimensions: Property area(total square feet): 5;5�
Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat,sloped,vacant,developed,etc.):
Deve /o/0 C/
Please describe the proposed conditional use:
13 1 d fna I a fk,'ta -r--ej er vi,4-c. (2 U t 0 Or cNIVer b,S j ��F
(r P�
NOV 13 '2-037 1
Dept.of Community Developrvient
Number of employees: Hours of operation:
Number of on-site parking spaces:
Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): /VM
Icertify that allofthe above statements are true andcomplete to the bestofmy knowledge andacknowledge
that wiffiul misrepresentation ofinformation will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in
its entirety and understand that my submittal will be reviewedfor completeness. Iffound to be complete the
application will be scheduledfor the next available Planning Commission meeting. Jfnot complete,when requested
information has been received the application will be scheduledfor the next available meeting.
Signature Date
Owner(if other than applicant):
I am the owner of the subject property identified herein and approve of this application.
S Date 'J( eJ
For Staff Use Only:
Permit No.
Appl. complete
Add. Info requested
Eg T50 tv,
a 5-0
CA j'o Cp
Washington State Transportation Building
IVIAP Ofeparrtraent of M-ans-portatn"on 3 10 Maple Park Avmw S.E.
PO. F2ox 47300
Douglas 8. MacDonald Olympia,INA 98504-7300
Secretary of Transportation 3 .9 20 360-705-7000
7 Rt' 1' R
TTY: 143W833-633.9
November 9, 2007
DEC 3 2007
2103 46'Ave SW Dept.of Commun,',Ly Development
Seattle, WA 98116
RE: SR 101, Milepost 245244.37 Rt., OAC Sign Permit 9's 5103 &5104
Dear Sir:
I'm writing to inform you that the Washington State Department of Transportation has
approved the Outdoor Advertising Sign Permit application for your sign structures
along US 101 near Port Angeles. I am enclosing two permit tags,numbered 5103 and
5104. These tags are to be displayed on the sign, visible from the right of way. The
permits are valid for the calendar year in which they are issued and must be renewed on
an annual basis. You will receive renewal certification documents in the mail during
late November of this year. There is no renewal fee, you simply sign the form to certify
that your sign is still being maintained at the present location.
This approval,allows you to maintain the sign described for the above-numbered permit
in accordance with the Scenic Vistas Act of 1971. However, nothing in the Scenic
Vistas Act shall be construed to permit a person to erect or maintain any sign that is
otherwise prohibited by statute, or by the resolution or ordinance of any county, city or
town of the state of Washington.
We wish to thank you for your cooperation in complying with requirements of the
Advertising Control Act. If you should need any further assistance with respect to
o utdoor advertising control,please feel free to contact me at (360) 705-7296, or email
at oIeqW(&wsdot.wa..gov.
Pat O'Leary
Outdoor Advertising Specialist
cc: Gerald Nelson; Olympic Region
Washington State Application - Outdoor
MAP Department of Transportation Advertising Sign Permit
Name I For WSDOT Use Only
o e7 6�r c e Log Number
Date Received
2 11q ile- Region
State Zip Code
Permit Number
64 tt Y
Phone Date ear
Date Permit Issued
Location of Sign Inventory Number
State Highway Number / 01 SR Milepost
Side of Highway [IN El E �ff [I W E] Nonconforming F�Limited Access
Sign Facing Ej N [3'r El S ETk"
Distance and Direction from Center of Nearest Cross Road Application Fee:
ft. Direction [JN E3�'E El S El W $300.00 Per Sign Structure
Make checks or remittance payable to:
Cross Road Name a r27 e r -,y? "Department of Transportation"
Sign Description Mail with proper fee to:
ft. x Yi ft. Total Area sq. ft. Washington State
Size L
F1 TriVision Department of Transportation
Outdoor Advertising Control
Shape E]-Rectangular E]Octagonal El Other PO Box 47344
[-] Square [:] Round Olympia, WA 98504-7344
1, the undersigned applicant, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the information provided herein,
concerning the location of sign, sign description, and property ownerllessee, is accurate and true. also acknowledge that any discrepancy in
such information discovered hereafter is cause for the Department of Transportation to revoke this sign permit; and, further declare that, after
permit revocation, /shall remove without compensation any sign erected under such permit.
Print Applicant Name V7 I
Applicant Signature
Date It I' 0 �7 Place
Name of Property Owner
Address City State Zip Code
JiE S"i4 11 1 /
as t 1-01--t 19nq—P4�-s WA 7 '?J to",2
Phone Property-Mx 1.D. No.
06300 73
-33 03 00000
the undersigned,have consented to the erection and maintenance of the above described outdoor advertising sign on property which
own) (/Lease) in conformance with the Washington Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of
1971 (F?CW 47.42)and the Department of Transportation rules and regulations for outdoor advertising control along interstate,primary,and
scenic routes.
A Copy of a Completed Lease Accepted in
Lieu of Signature Signature
Property Owner
This permit shall not be considered to allow a sign to be erected or maintained that is otherwise prohibited by Statute or by the Resolution or
Ordinance of any county,city or town of the State of Washington. By issuance of this permit the Department of Transportation does not warrant
that this sign is not prohibited by such Statute,Resolution,or ordinance.
Signature of Department of Transportation representative
validates this permit and acknowledges receipt of fee paid.
DepartMent of Transportation
DOT Form 224-018 EF Supersedes Previous Versions
Revised 3/04
p o' ,E 1c)
CAMCADA/ i�l Ci R 0,CA as Efl
SRweb 2 Page I of I
tw m
t A'A
5 5
R P2
DIR a-
http:Hsrviewi.wsdot.wa.gov/S Rweb2 I/SRweb.asp 11/30/2007
06 d a y o f 4&6&,LAW 0 7
I Patrick Bartholick state that on the I posted said notice, a
.true copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as amended, on the pr�,�rty proposed.for a land use
day of 2007.
Subscribed to me thi�&
S. NOTARY PUBLrC for' State of
Washington, resi-----_ ort Angeles.
0 T,4
'A 18 L 1 0
1. Sue Roberds state that on thZbday of 2007, 1 mailed said notice, a true copy
of which;is hereto attached and made a part hereof pursuant to Section 17.96.140 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code, to the persons on the attach.ed list. In addition, the notice was'
posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby of ity
Subscribed to me this Z--1z'j day of Qb\j 2007.
NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of
Washington, residing in Port Angeles.
MAR. 1.2008
'; :C)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 9, 2007, the City of Port Angeles received an
application for a conditional use permit to allow a OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN to be erected in
the Industrial Heavy zone. The application was determined to be complete on November 20, 2007.
Written comments regarding the proposed action must be received by the City no I ater than December 10
2007, in order to be included in the staff report. Additional comment will be accepted at the public
hearing that will be conducted by the PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION on DECEMBER 12, 2007,
6 p.m., City Hall. Interested parties are encouraged to comment on the proposal and may request a copy
of the decision once it's been made. Information may be reviewed at the City Department of Community
& Economic Development, City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles. CityBall is accessible to
persons with disabilities. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.
STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT: It is anticipated that a determination of non significance
(DNS) will be issued for the proposal following the required review period, which will expire on
December 12, 2007, per WAC 197-11-355.
LOCATION: 2450 West Highway 101
Southeast corner of Highway 101 West and Cameron Road
For further infon-nation contact: Scott Johns, (360) 417-4752
PUB: 11/26/07
POST: 11/21/07
MAIL: 11/21/07
Donna C. Anderson Donna C. Anderson Amelia Schultz/John Hashem
51 Cameron Rd. 51 Cameron Rd. 14541 Ashworth Ave. N.
Port Angeles, WA 98363 Port Angeles, WA 98363 Seattle, WA 98133
Anderson &Middleton Lumber Co. Bernice Katherine Kitz Kenneth K. Simpson
PO Box 240 222 E. I 11h St. 2425 W. Highway 101
floquiam, WA 98550 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles, WA 98363
Stephen Wirth
333 Crescent Bay Ln.
Port Angeles, WA 98363
0 Affidavit of Publication 40
In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Clallam/Jefferson County.
Peninsula Daily News
that n.November 9, 2007,
CITY OF PORT ANGELES the Coity of Port Angeles re-
LEGAL ACCT/CITY CLERK ceived an application for a
conditional use permit to al-
I NG SIGN to be erectdd in
PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217 the Industrial Heavy zone.
The application was deter-
mined to be complete on
November 20, 2007. Writ-
ten comments regarding the
proposea action must be re-
ceived by the City no later
than December 10 2007,in
Reference.- 4900481 order to be included in the
3591130 Icongroup applicant staff report. Additional com-
ment will be accepted at the
public hearing that will be
conducted by the PORT AN-
2007, 6 p.m., City Hall. In-
terested parties are encour-
aged to comment on the
proposal and may request a
The undersigned being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and copy of the decision once
it's been made. information
says. may be reviewed at the City
That she/he is authorized to and does make this affidavit for and Department of Community&
E'onomic Development,City
on behalf of Peninsula Daily News, a corporation, and that the Hrall, 321 East Fifth Street,
following statements of fact are within her/his personal and Port Angeles. City Hall is
accessible to persons with
actual knowledge. disabilities. Interested par-
ties are invited to attend the
That said corporation is the owner and publisher of the meeting.STATE ENVIRON
Peninsula Daily News published in Clallarn/Jefferson Counties, MENTAL POLICY ACT: It is
anticipated that a determi-
and had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the nation of non significance
Superior Court of said Clallarn/Jefferson County of the State Of (DNS)will be issued for the
proposal following the re-
Washington. quired review period, which
That the annexed is a true copy of a legal insertion as it was will expire on December 12,
2007, per--WA-C--197-11-
published in regular issues (and not in the supplement form) of 355.,
said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers —LOCATIQN:2450 West Hi h___�,
during all of said period. The publishing date cited is the last way 101-.—So eas comer-
of Highway 101 West and
day of publication. Cameron Road
For further information con-
tact: Scott Johns, (360)
1 Insertion in Pub PDN on
11/26/07 No Z
S co
C)181051? 0
�A P U 0
0 F VV
Sworn to me on this_�3ard d�ayof'�De�cember 2t
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing in Port Angeles.
Peninsula Daily News P.O. Box 1330 Port Angeles, WA 98362
lT28/' 07) SueRoberds- CUP07-09anriO7-10
From: Ken Dubuc
To: Sue Roberds
Date: 11/28/2007 8:40 AM
Subject: CUP 07-09 and 07-10
The Fire Department has no objection to either of these CUP's.
A.".." ,
W A S H I N G T 0 N, U. S. A.
November 27, 2007
To: Department of Transportation
Gerald Nelson
From: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager
DEPARTMENT OF Subj: Conditional Use Permit- CLIP 07-09
COMMUNITY ICONGROUP - 2450 West Highway 101
Enclosed you will find a notice of development application in association with a
Mark Madsen conditional use permit application to allow an outdoor advertising sign in the Industrial
417-4501 Heavy zone. The property is located fronting a State Highway. The application
materials are being forwarded to you for review during the public comment period.The
Sue Roberds, City will not issue a threshold determination until after the comment period which will
Planning Manager end on -December 10, 2007. This may be your only opportunity to comment on
417-4750 potential impacts of the application.
Nathan West
Principle Planner Written comments must be received by the City Department of Community&Economic
417-4751 Development, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362, no later than
Scott Johns December 10, 2007. Please don't hesitate to contact this department if you have any
Associate Planner questions.
Thank you.
Jim Lierly
Building 1nspector
Permit Technician Sue Roberd�,-�fanning Manager
Patrick Bartholick
Permit Technician
November 27, 2007
MEMO To: Department of Ecology, SEPA Division
From: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager
Subj: Conditional Use Permits - CUP 07-09 and CUP 07-10
DEPARTMENT OF lCONGROUP - 439 West Second Street and 2450 Hwy 101 West
DEVELOPMENT Enclosed you will find notices of development application in association with a
conditional use permit application to allow two off site outside advertising signs within
Mark Madsen the City of Port Angeles. The application materials are being forwarded to you for
417-4501 review during the public comment period. The City will not issue a threshold
deterinination until after the comment period which will end on December 10, 2007.
Sue Roberds, This may be your only opportunity to comment on potential impacts of the application.
Planning Manager
417-4750 Written comments must be received by the City Department of Community&Economic
Nathan West Development, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362, no later than
Principle Planner December 10, 2007. Please don't hesitate to contact this department if you have any
417-4751 questions.
Scott Johns Thank you.
Associate Planner
Jim Lierly
Building Inspector Sue Roberds, .Vfai�ing Manager
Permit Technician Enclosures
Patrick Bartholick
Permit Technician
P "M
Date: November 27, 2007
To: Trenia Funston, Public Works and Utilities
Ken Dubuc, Fire Department
From: Sue Roberds, Planning Manager
Subject: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 07-09
ICONGROUP - 2450 West Highway 101
Please review the attached conditional use pen-nit application materials for issues pertinent to
your department and forward your comments or conditions to this Department no later than
December 4, 2007.
Thank you!
Applicant: / COrl a J-0 CAP e-
Address: 2103 Y6t-4 14V-e, -�;(A/ Daytime phone#: 2 0 3, 766
seaf-fle , W4
Applicant's representative(if other than applicant): at,
Address: .23,4160 Seattel 9d NC Daytime phone#: 36/0, 1?6 W
Property owner(if other than applicant): Pet a go b Or ts 0 il
Address: U6 C, fr6 Daytimephone#:360 '160 -3 k66—
soorf 19oijete-IS W11
Street address: iA/, jt/ 0 1
Legal description: kQ4z-*S -T-C- R YHOAT PI-117- V,41 P:42- I- o-r 3 3,324
Zoning: X'qdLot tjeaVy Comprehensive Plan designation:
Property dimensions: Property area(total square feet):
Physical characteristics(i.e.,flat,sloped,vacant,developed,etc.): 16f I-
pe ve toped
Please describe the proposed conditional use:
m4inf&"11 a—cl Seryii-e (2 u t o cw /V c74 er tts;�7y
P7 ,
OV -13 2037
Dept.of Community Development
Number of employees: Hours of operation:
Number of on-site parking spaces: JVM
Building area (total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity):
I certify that all ofthe above statements are true andcomplete to the best ofmy knowledge and acknowledge
that wilful misrepresentation ofinformation will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in
its entirety and understand that my submittal will be reviewedfor completeness. Iffound to be complete the
application will be scheduledfor the next available Planning Commission meeting. Ifnot complete,when requested
information has been received the application will be scheduledfor the next available meeting.
Signature Date z'�_ YZ 41 7
Owner(if other than applicant):
I am the owner of the subject property identified herein and approve of this application.
Signaturd�-�3 --A <a. Date ft -2'1
For Staff Use Only:
Permit No.
Appl. complete
Add. Info requested