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727 E 8th St - Building
(3/11/2009) Linda Pangrle Rook Dr Building Permit Page 1 From Sue Roberds To- Tim Woolett Date: 3/9/2009 11 50 AM Subject: Rook Dr Building Permit CC: James Lierly; Linda Pangrle, Nathan West; Roger Vess, Steve Sperr Tim. �DY aX�o p Ut'm i - Jim told me you phoned early this morning, you alread ow that,due to the delay in processing the building permit application,the City will work with you on doing undation work up to the pour for the.new Rook Drive residence. Do not pour the foundation without the permit bein " ed. interpretation on the lot coverage issue will not be finaled this week because Nathan is taking a needed vac ' n for the week. On another note. Building permit 04-1177 727 E.8th Street, has never been finalized. The parking lot was not constructed consistent with the approved engineering plans, nor did Roger Vess concur with your changes to parking lot layout as actually installed. The promised revised plan showing parking stall location,width and angle has not been submitted. Having said that, Steve Sperr inspected the work last weekend, and will accept the work as is in order to final the permit. If there remains an issue with the Big Leaf Maple limb,you can deal with it as you see fit. If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to call. Planning Manager City of Port Angeles WA (360)417-4750 sroberds a(7cityofpa.us (3%12/2009) Linda Pangrle 272 E 8th St Page 1 From Roger Vess To: Linda Pangrle Date: 3/9/2.009 11 37 AM Subject: 272 E 8th St Linda, ��c,w Building permit 04-1177, Green Crow office, final inspection completed Roger 027%2009 Linda Pan rle,'Unfinalized Permit#04-1177 for Green Crovv a't 727 E.8th St.'' Pa e 1 From Linda Pangrle To: Sue Roberds Date: 2/27/2009 11 14 AM Subject: Unfinalized Permit #04-1177 for Green Crow at 727 E. 8th St. Attachments: Green Crow History 01-05-06 through 02 18-08 pdf Hi Sue, I'd like your help in finalizing Green Crow's Permit#04-1177 The building,permit application states that the permit is for 'modifications and additions to existing residence(offices)' at 727 E. 8th St. The valuation is$142,260 A Public Works department final is still needed. Jim Lierly's last inspections were.on 11/15/05 He disapproved their final building, plumbing,and mechanical inspections. Public Works needs to do their final,then Jim can do his. I have attached sixteen pages of history(e-mails, letters, photos etc. regarding this permit). Last year on 02 20-08 I made a note in HTE stating: ON 02 19-08 TIM WOOLETT DELIVERED A TWO-PAGE LETTER,AND STATED THAT HE WILL BRING IN AN AS BUILT' PLAN IN A WEEK. I GAVE THE LETTER TO ROGER FOR HIS REVIEW Neither Roger nor I have any recollection of an 'as built' plan being submitted. Yesterday I talked with Roger about this. He said Glenn Cutler was given a copy of the 02 18-08 letter from Green Crow and that resolving this situation is now in Glenn's hands. Roger stated he can't give final approval because they didn't follow their approved design plan. I'd appreciate any help you can give me to get this permit finalized. Thanks, Linda GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC ' GREEN CROW February 18 2008 lzr Linda Pangrle °l 10aM City of Port Angeles Building Division P O Box 1150 Port Angeles WA 98362 Re Green Crow Office =727 East 8th Street Dear Linda The purpose of this letter is to perhaps answer some questions the City may have as to the final inspection of Green Crow's office at 8th and Francis Streets It has been brought to my attention that there remains to be issues of concern including parking bank (J restoration and vegetation I want to begin by stating that we worked extremely close .IJ with City staff during the finishing of this office building and did not occupy until such time as we were authorized to do so Jim Lierly Roger Vess and Ken Dubuc were very m helpful in working through the final inspection process and I would go so far as to say their service was exemplary The parking lot was constructed consistent with the approved engineered plans including the ESA permit associated with its drainage provisions City staff was present for inspections through every step of the parking lot construction process from installation of the drainage infrastructure to the final surfacing I might add at this point that we chose to upgrade the alley at our expense and to the benefit of the City The striping was done by Rainbow Sweepers consistent with City parking standards and has functioned in all respects without flaw I was present when Roger Vess measured the lane through the .parking lot and parking space dimensions and have heard nothing since I am not sure what the City's concern is or what is meant by bank restoration in this case As you are aware the lot in its former condition was a concrete surface that extended to the top of the bluff with a slope such that it drained uncontrolled over the top of the bank. This area of concrete surface extended approximately eight feet from the top of the bank back to the edge of the property line and the current pavement edge at its widest point tapering in width from south to north In removing the old concrete surface Green Crow mitigated a pre-existing nonconformity to the City's environmental policies This impervious surface that so freely conveyed stormwater over the edge has since been removed and in its place a layer of gravel was placed to allow infiltration Additionally a small gravel berm is in place at the top of the bank to keep any flow of stormwater from eroding or rilling into the hillside Although excavated material had inadvertently been cast over the top of the bank during construction of the parking lot, it has been pulled back and measures were implemented as requested by City staff to 727 East 8th Street P O Box 2439 Port Angeles,WA 98362 (360)417 3654 FAX(360)417 3674 A prevent further erosion into the ravine The pre-existing vegetation has not been removed but now that the former impervious surface has been removed it is beginning its creep over the now permeable surface and will soon completely cover this area The final issue of concern appears to be that of landscaping As we recall we were required to place two street trees on the property due to the requirement for one tree per ten parking spaces Among a significant number of shrubs fronting our office building on both Francis and 8th Streets there are no fewer than eighteen trees consisting of both deciduous and coniferous species We feel that we have more than exceeded the City's minimum landscaping requirements and further have received the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce beautification award for our work. We did not place any vegetation along the west edge of the office parking lot because it is not our property we believed that street trees would eventually compete with the native vegetation already established there and tree root systems would eventually undermine the parking lot with the potential for damage We don't believe that much more can be done in the form of landscaping however if you continue to have concerns we are more than willing to discuss the matter with you We have been in this office for approximately ten months City staff has inspected the parking lot throughout its construction reviewed the fire systems inspected the building for building permit requirements and to complete your records our engineer will provide you with an as-built for the drainage system and parking lot. We have experienced some of the worst weather with respect to rainfall wind and snow/freeze/thaw conditions yet, not so much as a puddle has formed either on or off the parking lot and stormwater runoff outside the as-built drainage channels over the parking lot, was not even perceptible In fact, the only mishap occurred during a high wind period in the spring of 2007 where a tree on City property weakened by rot fell and damaged two Green Crow and one Green Crow patron s vehicles Certainly there must be some mistake or miscommunication leading to the assumption that this facility is not complete Please convey the matter discussed in this letter to the appropriate personnel for their consideration If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions at (360) 417 3663 Sincerely VZ, Tim Woolett Green Crow Properties Inc (2/13/2008) Linda Pangrle Re Permit#04-1177 Green Crow 727 E. 8th St. (the old address was 722 S Francis) Page 1 . From Linda Pangrle To Roger Vess Date: 2/13/2008 10 05 AM Subject: Re Permit #04-1177 Green Crow 727 E. 8th St. (the old address was 722 S. Francis) Roger Thanks for the info. I left Dennis Yakovich a message telling him your issues. Please let me know when he makes the needed changes,and you have done your final approval. Thanks, Linda Pangrle, Permit Tech City of Port Angeles 360-417-4815 >>> Roger Vess 2/13/2008 9 57 AM >>> Linda, The parking layout has not been completed per the approved plan, multiple times I have requested Green Crow to resubmit a revised plan for approval. I do not believe we have received this plan.The last I remember Glenn Cutler and Karen Rogers was to meet with Dennis Yakovich to work this out. I have not been told what the outcome was.Also Green Crow needed to restore the edge of the bluff on the City owned property on the west side of the parking lot and move the bumper stops away from drainage flow of the parking lot. Roger >>> Linda Pangrle 2/13/2008 9,07 AM >>> Hi you two, I'm trying to finalize old commercial permits that never got finaled. (Sue doesn't want commercial permits to expire and not be finaled.) I talked with Jim L.and he said he didn't final it because he was waiting on you two to do your final inspections first. Please let me know if you did your finals and if it is ok for Jim to sign off on this permit. Thanks, Linda Pangrle, Permit Tech City of Port Angeles 360-417-4815 (2/13/2008) Linda Pangrle Re Permit#04-1177 Green Crow 727 E. 8th St.,( the old address was 722 S Francis) Page 1 From Roger Vess TO, Ken Dubuc; Linda Pangrle Date: 2/13/2008 9 57 AM Subject: Re Permit #04-1177 Green Crow 727 E. 8th St. (the old address was 722 S. Francis) CC: Sue Roberds, Trenia Funston Linda, The parking layout has not been completed per the approved plan, multiple times I have requested Green Crow to resubmit a revised plan for approval.I do not believe we have received this plan.The last I remember Glenn Cutler and Karen Rogers was to meet with Dennis Yakovich to work this out. I have not been told what the outcome was.Also Green Crow needed to restore the edge of the bluff on the City owned property on the west side of the parking lot and move the bumper stops away from drainage flow of the parking lot. Roger >>> Linda Pangrle 2/13/2008 9.07 AM >>> Hi you two, � gWit KM I'm trying to finalize old commercial permits that never got finaled. (Sue doesn't want commercial permits to expire and not be finaled.) I talked with Jim L.and he said he didn't final it because he was waiting on you two to do your final inspections first. Please let me know if you did your finals and if it is ok for Jim to sign off on this permit. Thanks, Linda Pangrle, Permit Tech City of Port Angeles 360-417-4815 001 eP7- J OV ) Roger Vess- Fwd Re Green Crow office-8th Street _.._....,....._..,........._.._,_.....,................_..........._._...,..Page 1 From: Mark Madsen To: Glenn Cutler; Trenia Funston Date: 8/21/2007 7 24 AM Subject: Fwd Re Green Crow office-8th Street CC: Kathryn Neal, Roger Vess, Steve Sperr Trenia- I am meeting with Mayor Rogers at 11:00 AM today Tuesday 8/22 to discuss this issue. Time is of the essence. Thanks Mark >>>Glenn Cutler 8/20/2007 5 17 PM >>> Trenia, Please put a package together per Mark's request. I would like to review before it goes to Mark. Regret the late notification. I am just getting to my e-mails. Glenn >>> Mark Madsen 8/20/2007 10:27 AM >>> Glenn: Please get me pictures of the bumpers and as built layout,as well as a copy of the submitted/approved layout plan. I am meeting with Karen tomorrow and this is one topic. Thanks Mark >>>Glenn Cutler 8/16/2007 2.24 PM >>> Mark, The beat goes on. What if anything do you want us to do? Please advise. Thx. .Glenn J (2/20/2008) Roger Vess Fwd Re Green Crow office-8th Street _,...._.Pa9ey1' From Glenn Cutler To: Funston,Trenia / Date: 8/20/2007 5 17 PM Subject: Fwd. Re: Green Crow office-8th Street CC: Madsen, Mark; Neal, Kathryn, Sperr, Steve, Vess, Roger Trenia, Please put a package together per Mark's request. I would like to review before it goes to Mark. Regret the late notification. I am just getting to my e-mails. Glenn >>> Mark Madsen 8/20/2007 10:27 AM >>> Glenn: Please get me pictures of the bumpers and as built layout,as well as a copy of the submitted/approved layout plan. I am meeting with Karen tomorrow and this is one topic. Thanks Mark >>>Glenn Cutler 8/16/2007 2.24 PM >>> Mark, The beat goes on. What if anything do you want us to do? Please advise. Thx. .Glenn ( ) g Vess Gw office-8th Green Croce-8th Street Page 1...y 2/20/2008 Ro er, ,.. u._.... ,...�...__.,_._.._..,.. _........., From Roger Vess To: Glenn Cutler Date: 7/11/2007 11 12 AM Subject: Green Crow office-8th Street CC: Sue Roberds, Trenia Funston Glenn, Monday the 9th of July,I meet with Tim Woolett to look at the parking bumper stops before they anchor them in place. Again,I stressed that I can not approve the work they are doing. It is not installed per the approved plan and Green Crow must submit a revised plan for approval. I did go over some of the measurements of the parking using the City Standards for reference. I also pointed out the problem with the location of their bumper stops.Tim has agreed to submit a revised parking plan. Roger (2/20%2008)Roger Ves ..._...s.._,,...:.._..._.._.................... ..._....:._._...._.............__..., .._.._ ._..... ___.._,.�.................................. .._. .._.. ._..._..__u....._�........._....:�...._ . _ .._. _ s Re. Green Crow Parking Lot Encroachment X Page From: Steve Sperr To: Glenn Cutler L j Date: 6/18/2007 9.09 AM Subject: Re Green Crow Parking Lot Encroachment CC: Roger Vess, Trenia Funston Glenn, Roger has discussed this with Tim Woolett of Green Crow,who understood what we wanted them to do and said it would be done. Roger will follow up and let me know of their progress. >>>Glenn Cutler 6/5/2007 7.46 AM >>> Steve, I want enforcement of the encroachment by Green Crow when they did the clearing and gravel placement on our buffer near their new office building. We can talk when we get a chance. Thx. .Glenn ( 0!2008) Roger Vess-Green Crow Office Page 1 2/2 From Roger Vess To: Glenn Cutler Date: 6/7/2007 8.20 AM Subject: Green Crow Office Attachments: IMGP1114.JPG, IMGP1113.JPG, IMGP1112.JPG CC: Scott Johns, Trenia Funston Glenn, Here are photos of the Green Crow office on 8th Street. I talked with Tim Woolett about completion of parking lot. Bumper stops will be delivered on Fri.this week.They are changing the approved layout and will submit a revised plan for approval prior to striping and placement of the bumper stops.They expect to have the parking completed in the next two weeks. Tim also mentioned they have placed plants along the top of bluff abutting the paved parking.See photos.This does not look acceptable to me. Thank you, \ `J Roger C�s� J G) s�C/" 4% ( ) GP1114.JPG � ���Page 1 t � 'n'F 'b. x tw" n't '�,�# +F�K.P (hy Yt &a ="si.5�,,,w'� ` ,'"p'�8 ���� d''rS A-a � t s 3 7,�x �'r fle �� Ow 6 ' MAN �1 V.,M. Yr , ' f P _t' r t _.- aft 7 u r to gg ��.., Lx '�f�., s•. ` 3r rte ' t £ IM Al A* MAN r tt 3." - `s'd � 'i i t r ., t .��. of a , +•:*`= � r(2/20/2008) Roger Vess IM GP1112.JPG _... ..... ...,. _. .. , . .,.... ..... .... .,......_..-Page 1 NO PA,I �r�`�K+; a� �- ,. y�a'�r 'rta� i�W��rx�l'��� �`�� r t E 1 w` �dK���� � •� x, 4*;..r 'b'�, �T 4 a•'�.+„t.t'k� r �' {t �' p$C>w s IFRK sa Ml �u - 'ti c.•�. aY a � r �'t %,�' ,. •q at'"� .s'� `*} '�'g YgSt�x a %""92�'�`&a.}4rr �iZ� ,�r*,„ <9�';,;;^s '� '�, �� ;;� a nf�.w swcY" � �: 7 v, �y�f {��EPa�e�.tt•,ti , URT NGELES, A W A S H 1 N G T 'O IN U S A ONOM Community & Economic Development Department J, March 7, 2006 Green Crow Properties, Inc Ms. Win Slota 722 South Francis Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re Green Crow office - 722 South Francis Street Building Permit#04-00001177 Dear Win. In response to your letter rd-C61vdd Febtuaty'22,72006,-regarding requirements-for,final occupancy of the Green Crow offices located at 722 South Francis Street, the City is in agreement that you may postpone the parking lot striping and downspout connections for the current construction until completion of the office expansion project. We agree with the reasonableness of your proposal to postpone the improvements to enable incorporation of both tliq draina e plan and,parking requirements into the final expansion design. Your letter amu, 9 indicated an anticipated b- urlding permit submittal date of late February or early Marc 2006 Please include a copy of the ORCAA paperwork for demolition of the original office structure along with your building permit application no later than March 31,2006 A temporary certificate of final occupancy will be issued for the new office structure for a r. period not to exceed July 31, 2006 Although temporary c of o's are not normally extended beyond 3 months, this should provide ample opportunity for completion of the projects and required associated on-site improvements. You must have a valid certificate of final occupancy in order to occupy the building. If you have any questions, or if I can provide some assistance; don't hesitate to contact me at 417-4750 Sincerely, Sue Roberds �s Planning Manager Phone 360-417-4750 Fax 360-417-4711 Website www cityofpa.us / Email smartgrowth@cityofpa us 321 East Fifth Street P 0 Box 1150 / Port Angeles WA 98362-0217 GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC ' GREEN CROW February 16 2006 F F E B 2 2 2006 Trenia Funston Engineering Permit Specialist -_____� City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5'St. PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE. Green Crow Offices located at 722 S Francis St. Building Permit#04-00001177 Requirements for Final Occupancy Dear Trenia: Green Crow is aware that we have not completed the downspout connections and parking lot striping on the above referenced property The reason for our delay is that Green Crow is currently working on plans to construct a new office building addition at this same location. We know that with an expansion of the office space there will be an additional requirement for both drainage and parking on this site. Bill Lindberg, Lindberg & Smith Architects, is currently working on the construction drawings needed for the building permit application and has contacted the building department to arrange for a pre-application review with city staff prior to application submittal. We foresee a building permit application being applied for by the end of February or early March 2006 We have also contacted Jay Petersen 4-Seasons Engineering to design an engineered drainage plan for this site. Application for approval of the engineered drainage plan will be initiated upon completion of the design. Implementation of the new drainage plan is expected to take place upon approval. To avoid the needless demolition of newly constructed features, we have decided to postpone the parking lot striping and downspout connections and will incorporate both drainage plan and parking requirements for the new addition into our construction plan. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this information. I can be reached by telephoning (360)417-3648 Regards, T--- Win Slota Green Crow Properties, Inc. C. Dennis Yakovich Mark Madsen,City Manager Bill Lindberg,Lindberg&Smith Architects Jay Petersen,4 Seasons Engineering Roger Vess,Assistant Civil Engineer Jim Lierly Building Inspector 703 East 8th Street P O Box 2439 Port Angeles,WA 98362 (360)417 3654 FAX(360)417 3674 P&rK,t%5 moon Assumed Property Line x Is J rem q '!2 int8'd 1#'arkinq Stripe I (Tradric: rip L pincj L o min w. FARKING; I VanAccessable PARKING E¢ 7 TP�- Pavement Smooth Riding— . , (VeriPS irk Rccjuircment,.) Transition Vd Walk Curb(VerIP9 Requir&metita) -4- --3 0 fu 0 V) existing Stru turd I (To be AY EXISTING r F_ 52.0 qt I 5rcezewai A t t r-65 I r7 �><15TING RSIDI 1;228 sq f E.N.C:.E —Fainted F rking Stri - - - - - - - - - - zF,, Van hete�sdle_ 4e te�s i b 5y�bi, i L Existing Drive 4 GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC ' GREEN CROW January 5 2006 Mr Roger Vess City of Port Angeles Public Works& Utilities Dept. 321 East Fifth Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE. Green Crow Properties, Inc. Office Complex located at 722 S Francis St. Clallam County Tax Parcel#06-30-00-022590 Dear Roger- Thank ogerThank you for meeting with me on-site on Tuesday January 3 2006 As per our discussion enclosed please find a revised parking plan for the above referenced property The significant changes you will find are the reduction of parking spaces from eleven which were previously submitted and approved to seven which is the minimum number of parking spaces required, pursuant to PAMC 14 40 Off-Street Parking, Parking Requirement Table A Of those seven parking spaces, one will be handicap accessible as indicated on the revised plan Upon receipt of written approval on this revised plan, we will arrange for immediate striping of the parking spaces. Should you have any questions regarding this information please do not hesitate to contact me at 360-417-3648 Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on this matter Regards, (A.J_,,� ::iA 1- 7L Win Slota Green Crow Properties, Inc c. Trina Funston,Public Works Jim Lierly Building Division /ws Enclosure: Revised Parking Plan dated 1 5-06 703 East 8th Street PO Box 2439 Port Angeles,WA 98362 (360)417 3654 FAX(360)417 3674 PREPARED 11/15/05 12 25 38 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 11/15/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PHONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 1/21/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 17 00 1/21/05 AP REID 460 4561 BI2 01 1/25/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL 1/25/05 AP REED 460 4561 BAIR 01 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL 5/10/05 AP 05/09/2005 02 56 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 417 3667 05/10/2005 03 43 PM JLIERLY BL3 01 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING FRAMING 5/10/05 AP 05/09/2005 02 55 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 471 3667 05/10/2005 03 43 PM JLIERLY BLWS O1 5/25/05 JLL BUILDING INSULATION WALL/FLOOR TIME 17 00 5/26/05 AP 05/25/2005 11 04 AM JLIERLY DENNIS Y 460 1177 BUILDING WIDE OPEN 05/26/2005 10 48 AM JLIERLY BL99 01 9/20/05 JLL BUILDING FINAL TIME 17 00 9/20/05 DA 09/19/2005 09 08 AM PBARTHOL DENNIS 460 2500 09/20/2005 04 38 PM JLIERLY no occupancy until final siding not finished house numbers 6 12 inches pressure treated wood at concrete contact strap water heater down spouts connected hand rails stairs/ramp BL99 02 11/15/05 L BUILDING FINAL TIME 17 00 Lj � 11/15/2005 08 26 AM PBARTHOL ELLA 417 3654 CALL DENNIS IST SO HE CAN MEET YOU THERE* PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ME99 01 11/15/05 (��LL,� MECHANICAL FINAL TIME 17 00 �l T��.,� ll/15/2005 08 27 AM PBARTHOL PERMIT PL 00 PLUMBING PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS PL2 01 3/28/05 JLL PLUMBING ROUGH IN TIME 17 00 3/28/05 AP John 460 6902 PL99 01 11/15/05 LL PLUMBING FINAL TIME 17 00 11/15/2005 08 27 AM PBARTHOL COMMENTS AND NOTES C ►a 8 tA,, �j4�L�f�ta.i PREPARED 9/20/05 13 12 22 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 9/20/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PHONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 1/21/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 17 00 1/21/05 AP REID 460 4561 BI2 01 1/25/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL 1/25/05 AP REED 460 4561 BAIR 01 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL 5/10/05 AP 05/09/2005 02 56 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 417 3667 05/10/2005 03 43 PM JLIERLY BL3 01 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING FRAMING 5/10/05 AP 05/09/2005 02 55 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 471 3667 05/10/2005 03 43 PM JLIERLY BLWS 01 5/25/05 JLL BUILDING INSULATION WALL/FLOOR TIME 17 00 5/26/05 AP 05/25/2005 11 04 AM JLIERLY DENNIS Y 460 1177 BUILDING WIDE OPEN 05/26/2005 10 48 AM JLIERLY BL99 01 BUILDING FINAL TIME 17 00 09/19/2005 09 08 AM PBARTHOL DENNIS 460 2500 COMMENTS AND NOTES rf ' BUILDING DIVISION CITY OF PORT ANGELES Correction Notice Job Located at -7�Z.. Inspection of your work revealed that the following is not in accordance with the codes governing the work in this jurisdiction L()%N C-q I11br tk—L2&r.,-- ?�5CV--1r- These corrections must be made and are not to be covered until reinspection is made Whep corrections have been made, please call for inspection Date dS Ins ect for Building Division DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG PREPARED 5/25/05 13 18 29 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 8 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 5/25/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PHONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 1/21/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 17 00 1/21/05 AP REID 460 4561 BI2 01 1/25/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL 1/25/05 AP REED 460 4561 BAIR O1 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL 5/10/05 AP 05/09/2005 02 56 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 417 3667 05/10/2005 03 43 PM JLIERLY BL3 01 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING FRAMING 5/10/05 AP 05/09/2005 02 55 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 471 3667 05/10/2005 03 43 PM JLIERLY BLWS 01 /25 OS BUILDINGINSULATION WALL/FLOOR TIME 17 00 05/25/2005 11 04 AM JLIERLY DENNIS Y 460 1177 BUILDING WIDE OPEN COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 5/10/05 13 18 14 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 5/10/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PRONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 1/21/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 17 00 1/21/05 AP REID 460 4561 BI2 01 1/25/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL 1/25/05 AP REED 460 4561 BAIR O1 5/10/ 5^ BUILDING AIR SEAL rd ff- Ao 05/09/2005 02 56 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 417 3667 BL3 01 5/10/05 JLL BUILDING FRAMING 05/09/2005 02 55 PM JLIERLY DENNIS 471 3667 COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 3/28/05 13 03 07 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 7 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 3/28/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PHONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT PL 00 PLUMBING PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS PL2 01 3/18/OfJLL PLUMBING ROUGH IN TIME 17 00 John 460 6902 COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 1/25/05 13 07 17 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 9 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 1/25/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PHONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 1/21/05 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 17 00 1/21/05 AP REID 460 4561 BI2 01 /25/15 LL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL REED 460 4561 COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 1/21/05 12 27 34 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 8 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 1/21/05 ADDRESS 722 S FRANCIS ST SUBDIV CONTRACTOR MOORE CONSTRUCTION PHONE (360) 457 8890 OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 APPL NUMBER 04 00001177 COMM ADDITION PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 1/21/P5 LL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 17 00 REID 460 4561 - COMMENTS AND NOTES °F°°pT°" CITY OF PORT ANGELES Q DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION � 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number 04 00001177 Date 12/28/04 Pin number 725825 n 72 7 je 2 j'1 S+ Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 2 2590 0000 P Application description COMM ADDITION �/Subdivision Name v Property Use Property Zoning COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD / �A Application valuation 142260 !/ v� Owner Contractor yL GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC &9944- vPO BOX 2439 15 ars— ��/ ✓ O »Cie- 124 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312EAG orf—/] _ LVcl Structure Information REMODEL EXISTING AND ADDITION OF NEW OFF Construction Type TYPE V NON RATED Occupancy Type BUSINESS OFF/PRO/MED/REST Other struct info TOTAL a LOT COVERAGE 10 61 NUMBER OF STORIES 1 00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 1228 00 t�� LOT SIZE 22500 00 O PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 1160 00 ^ / TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 2388 00 NUMBER OF UNITS 2 00 /� j Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee 76 20 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 12/28/04 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 6/27/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 47 00 IV 1 00 14 7000 ECH ME INSTALL 100- FAU 14 70 2 00 7 2500 ECH ME VENT FAN 14 50 Permit PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee 89 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 12/28/04 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 6/27/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 47 00 5 00 7 0000 ECH PL- EA FIXTURE ON ONE TRAP 35 00 1 00 7 0000 ECH PL- EA WATER HEATER 7 00 Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 1258 05 Plan Check Fee 817 73 Issue Date 12/28/04 Valuation 142260 Expiration Date 6/27/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1017 25 43 00 5 6000 THOU BL-100 001 500K (5 60 PER K) 240 80 Special Notes and Comments ButTat Separate Per sare require ore ectrica'wor , A, Ronreline,e§X,uTifVies,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of constru n. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T•\PLANNING\F0RMS\1102.15[11/14/2003] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT # ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING a► FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR W' OLD DOWNS WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL(INIMOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULAT N* SLAB 11 ..0 r t WALL/FLOOR/CEILIN4eQ LV MECHANICAL r 40 HEAT Plj v P GAS LINE' WOOD STOVE/PELLE%,CWMNM HOOD/ DUCTS PW UTILITIES/ SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT#'s: WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA. PARKING/LIGHTING ESA. LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTIONR.W /PW/ CONSTRUCTION ILW ENGINEERING 4174807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T-\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15[11/14/20031 `�wN CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number 04 00001177 Date 12/28/04 Pin number 725825 Special Notes and Comments than 12 in height Numbers colors must contrast with wall color they are mounted on (Ord 14 36 050 E) When roof gutters are installed drains will located in dry wells or piped to approved storm drain locations Comments from Fire Department are seperate and attached Proposal will result in an office addition in the CO zone for lot coverage of 12%(2908 sq ft ) Setbacks are good 11 off street parking spaces are provided 7 are required Dimension changes on Parking Lot design see site plan attached with changes required Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required MAINTAIN CLEARANCES FROM SERVICE WIRES Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1423 25 1423 25 00 00 Plan Check Total 817 73 817 73 00 00 Grand Total 2240 98 2240 98 00 00 Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T•\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15[11/14/2003] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE -� INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE -7DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO ` FOUNDATION: J FOOTINGS i WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT # ROUGH-IN 'S O PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) 03'-6-Q(—og P L u m b 1 n CI GAS LINE BACKFLOW/WATER m �e`�I AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS/ROOF/CEILING j JQ-05 J LL- DRYWALL(INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL 1 HEAT PUMP GAS LINE t WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY F^n 4 O4 Per Try, Lt e_r t HOOD/ DUCTS PW UTILITIES/ SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PE T#'s: WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA. PARKING/LIGHTING ESA. LANDSCAPING SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTI UIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 4174735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W /PW/ CONSTRUCTION RW ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 s FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417-4�50 PLANNING DEPT 9 �g _ BUILDING 417-4BUILDING i T•\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15[11/14/2003] I PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name Green Crow Office Building Address 722 S Francis Street Plan# 04-22 Com ® Residential ❑ Date 12.20.2004 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances. The following comments apply- 1) The plans indicate a set of stairs adjacent to the conference room. The plans do not indicate whether the stairs extend into a second floor or into a basement. No basement or second floor plans are shown. 2) Fire extinguishers will be required for this occupancy Provide (2) 2A-1 OBC fire extinguishers The preferred locations for the extinguishers would be adjacent to exit doors. Extinguishers are to be mounted, with the tops no more than 5' above the finished floor 3) The site plan does not indicate the location of a trash dumpster If a dumpster is to be utilized for this occupancy, it must be located at least 5' away from combustible construction. 4) The mechanical notes indicate a new HVAC system, but they do not specify the type. If a propane tank is to be utilized in conjunction with the HVAC or any other building system, the location must be approved. 5) The plans indicate the location of two smoke detectors. If the smoke detectors will be monitored by an off premises alarm company, then the building must be equipped with a KNOX locking keybox that will allow for after-hours Fire Department access. If this is the case, contact the Fire Department for a KNOX order form. NOTE Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. Reviewed by- Date 1 2 Zo04 ®' Building Department Copy ❑ Contractor/Owner Copy ❑ Fire Department Copy *C,�aaM Ot BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION DaRte RecI;�LUSEONLY Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK.Your application and site plan MUST BE Pernvt OF: COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have an Date Approved. �t PERMITS(360)417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 questions,call Daze Issued: ---_— Applicant or Agent: ER \1 g- tV UT 4�d' yl f p,�' 'C� ---. � one: ��_ Owner- &,"45N CrL p� Phone: ��,-' 5 (OG Address:_ City' t,':1 L^&.WL63 S Zip Architect/Engineer- _E5 V h tN Cif1..VT4t iQ..s 4 2 sir# rW Phone-1>66 Contractor State License#ftzP � vxp: Phone: Address: City. Zip* PROJECT ADDRES . 2fL e-,lS 19T ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: Subdivision. CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. Credit Card Holder Name: I`} }}l3 n 5 CT 0(z (3,AQ Billing Address:_ 3 d ArLa- 62b ISP Ci A7��t..r trt e+'S W q 3►(o. Credit Card Type VISA _MC #_ TYPE OF WORK. Exp.Date: SIZE/VALUATION ❑ Residential 9 New Constr. ❑ Re-roof ❑ Stove SF @$ /SF =g ❑ Multi-family X Addition ❑ Move ❑ Garage I I ko SF @$ 'Z S /SF =$ O D p ❑ Commercial 0 Remodel »Demolition ❑ Deck —L'22$ sg @$ _/SF =$ eL D ❑ Repair E3 Sign ❑ Other TOTAL VALUATION $ l,CA9'2.i Z 6 D " BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 0 91 g l�l�-+Ct O,N S �N Q I�JT�t i�1��►Z i 6V,'!st `��,f7 .l� a�iC-� COMMERCIALMESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group: vl�–> Occupant Load: Construction Type: S No.of Stories: I Lot Size: 10 a Existing Sq.Ft 1 V7,91 &Proposed Sq.Ft. t 16 U =TOTAL Sq.Ft Total lot coverage_ PLANNING USE ONLY APPROVALS:PLAN BLDG: DPWU ESAIWetland(s): ❑Yes❑No SEPA Checklist required? ❑ 'Yes ❑ No Other: FIORE: OTHER. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant_ This figure will be reviewed and maybe revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE.IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other-permit-fees.are due at-the-time_of permit:issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application,the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant(see Section RI 05.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code,2003). No application can be extended more than once. i hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits-are required;not the City's,and that I must obtal ch perm's prior to work T•1RVPSSIBLDG-fomes-brochures12003-Bui`idinspermitwpd Applicant: Date: 1p EVAN CRUTHERS FAIA CCS 91 Hoare Road Port Angeles WA 98363 360.457 0289 voice ARCHITECT 360.457 3219 fax 360.461 4912 mobile cruthers(&olvoen.com TRANSMITTAL Date* December 16 2004 To: Jim Lierly Building Inspector Port Angeles Dept of Community Development 321 E 5 St Port Angeles WA 98362 From: Evan Cruthers Architect Reference 722 S Francis St-Offices for Green Crow Description: Final Plans for- New Offices-addition and modifications to existing residence at 722 S Francis St Plans 3 Sets Sheets 1 thru 8 and Building Permit Application Message There are 3 sets since the additional set, you suggested, would facilitate distribution through the departments for review Green Crow the Owner would appreciate a speedy review of their Permit application. 5�'-Oj�140'-O" , 'Assumed Proper-,y Line I i I I F—J Exis-�ing Structure I O (To be Removeov 1 Painted � arking StripH�✓! I I l�uftivcl' ! I p ' Gra Fir-Strippings L _ I N r Gp L /rl I Van Accessable PARKING 2 Existing 8 New 11 Total o Smooth Ridin 2 rh �n Pavement g Verify Transition l r J Requirements) �t 10 7 ,,_o, _ — — — - — — — — —� Va i Acce5s6ble w/:accessibility T Sy bol � m Gonc Walk f Curb(Verify Requirements) ,� i I� Planting----► J ,o txisting:5tr CFo be Relr I I I to -'W I I I 34 i Rail �%:GCEsslblfllt 1l i �Y�J I 1,1bDsgft Placard PI Irl. I 5 x5� m y Ramp 1/12 Slop. I . Existing Stru4 turd andira — -1 I I Cro"be Remo ed) N I ly I -Planting- X TIN �' .�• ,, iLandln I :: C-4 GE" In - - - - I Breezewa I I { - - - - - - - - - - - - -J I I I EXIST,INCA 1'. Painted Parking Stripes 4 N�mbers I l I Cfraffil Strippin I I I- - - - - - - - - - - - I I ! ra'Lo 's L - - - - - - - - - - Existing Drive I PREPARED 10/08/07, 9:39:06 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 10 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES LIERLY DATE 10/08/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS . : 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV: TENANT, NBR: GREEN CROWE CONTRACTOR : PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER: 07-00000126 SIGNS --------------- ---------------- -------------------------------- PERMIT: SIGN 00 SIGN REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- BL99 01 10/08/07J BLDG FINAL October 8, 2007 9:14:43 AM 1pangrle. LINDA 417-4815 (TO FINAL AN OLD PERMIT) BLDG FINAL - SIGN (GREEN CROW) --------------------- -------- COMMENTS AND NOTES -------------------------------------- d pD� CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES.WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 4/27/07 Application pin number_ . . . 727545 Property Address . . . . . . 727 E 8TH ST W ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- co Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . GREEN CROW TIMBER Application type description COMM ADDITION (n Subdivision Name . . . . . . v 1 Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info . . . . . TOTAL % LOT COVERAGE 30.00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2.00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000.00 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163.00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL Additional desc . . HI-TECH/ FA SYSTEM Permit pin number 97857 Sub Contractor HI TECH SECURITY INC '. Permit Fee . . . . 62.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 4/27/07 Valuation . . . . 0 Co Expiration Date 10/24/07 1 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 40.0000 EL-LOW VOLT SYS <=2500 SQFT 40.00 2.00 11.0000 EL-LOW VOLT SYS >2500 SQFT 22.00 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Special Notes and Comments .. This project will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required - 21 are provided. No land use issues are anticipated. 05/01/2006 04:01PM SROBERDS -------------------------=- Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required. Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's expense. 04/26/2006 08:45 AM GMCLAIN ---------------------------- Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in the City road right of way. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A NUNIMI>IvI 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO DITCH SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: Pw-1102.15(ave) CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 FAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES.WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number 06-00000385 Date 4/27/07 Application pin number . . . 727545 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- - ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 62.00 62.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 66.50 66.50 .00 .00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED 1 ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MIND"24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPEDATE ACCEPTED COMA4ENTS YES NO DITCH SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: -FW-1 102.15[11961 10F yORTµOF �w CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 07-00000126 Date 2/07/07 Application pin number . . . 076468 Property Address . . . . . . 727 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . GREEN CROWE Application type description SIGNS Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 300 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SIGN Additional desc . . FREE STANDING SIGN Permit pin number . 94805 Permit Fee . . . . 115.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 2/07/07 Valuation . . . . 300 Expiration Date . . 8/06/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 115.0000 PER S- SIGN FREE OR PROJ 25+ 115.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 115.00 115.00 .00 .00 ,^l Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 \ Grand Total 115.00 115.00 .00 .00 O rr�ww N 0 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. /7, O Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd[1/4/2005] �' BLM,DING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAN FUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANYWORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS/WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES(POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL(INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH-TN HEAT PUMP/FURNACE/DUCTS GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING/SLAB BLOCKING&HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\Policies\1102 15 building permit inspection Tecord05.wpd[1/4/2005] FOR OFFICIAL US ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT -a APPLICATION DateRec.: Permit#: -I Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK.Your application and site plan MUST BE 1111 P Date Approved: COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions,can Date Issued: O PERMITS (360)417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 Applicant or Agent: r Y e P Cro w T/Vt&ter LLC Phone: ( Owner: Phone: 703 Address: Bax.14L35 City: Tola� �6e Zes Zip: ��3f, r Architect/Engineer: �i/✓ ��a �-- Ssoc . Phone: Contractor IV6/U e State License#: Exp: Phone: Address: City: Zip: / PROJECT ADDRESS: 72 7 E 8 -'-" '� ZONING: /V LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: : _ / Block:_5g-g-5_ Subdivision: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: O O O O 2�Z-J O OD 4 CJ TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: ❑ Residential ❑ New Constr. ❑ Re-roof ❑ Stove SF. @$ /SF.=$ ❑ Multi-family ❑ Addition ❑ Move❑ Garage SF.@$ /SF.=$ ,44 Commercial ❑ Remodel ❑ Demolition ❑ Deck SF. @$ /SF._$ ❑ Repair ,'Sign ❑ Other TOTAL VALUATION $ _HCl D BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: No.of Stories:_ Lot Size: Existing Sq.Ft. &Proposed Sq.Ft. =TOTAL Sq.Ft. Total lot coverage % PLANNING USE ONLY: �O APPROV S: i i I PLAN'r2 BLDG: DPWU: ESA/Wetland(s): ❑Yes/ o SEPA Checklist required? ❑ Yes No Other: Fes' OTHER: VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE:IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application,the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant(see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code,2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that itis my responsibility to determine what permits are required,not the City's, and that 1 must obtain such permits prior to work. TAFORMS\B1dgPermitf6rm.wpd Applicant: .. Date: CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DIVISION FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: 412107 To: Labor& Industries Fax: 417-2733 Re: Inspections Sender. Kathy Trainor Phone: 417-4724 Fax. 417-4729 YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 1PAGE, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET, f IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL(360)417-4724. Please inspect for. i( Jim Halverson !I 457-7803 727 E Oth •FINAL /C � c 77 Thank you, Kathy i r Z�Z LOOd-CO-60 -we 60 {O BO This is the same sign we have had at 805 E. 81h street since 1987. We are going to move it to our new location at 727 E. 8th street. We will have two pressure treated 6 x 6 posts approximately 8ft long and placed 7 feet apart with cross bars at the top and bottom. The sign will be framed inside. r �,3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 FAST STH STREET, PORT ANGELES.WA 98362 Or .Krs' Application Number . . 06-00000385 Date 11/07/06 Application pin number . . . 727545 Property Address . . . 727 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . GREEN CROW TIMBER t A Application type description COMM ADDITION V\ Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info . . . . . TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 30.00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2.00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000.00 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163.00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 NUMBER OF UNITS1.00 ---------------------------------- ------------------ - ----- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL Additional desc . . HALVORSEN/ 400A SVC. Permit pin number 88559 Sub Contractor HALVORSEN ELECTRIC Permit Fee . . . . 184.30 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 10/17/06 Valuation 0 Expiration Date . . 5/05/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 --184.3000 ECH EL-COM 201-400 NEW SRV FEEDER 184.30 -------------------------------------------------------- - f Special Notes and Comments This project will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. A 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a V`' commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required_ - 21 are provided. No land use issues are anticipated' " 05/01/2006 04:01 PM SROBERDS --------------------------- Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required. Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's expense. 04/26/2006 08:45 AM GMCLAIN ---------------------------- Sanitary sewer-connection inspection is required by Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in theity road right of way. An inspection by Public Works"-` Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A NGNI?"24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO DITCH SERVICE GENERAL COMMENTS: Pw-1102.1514%] dT``+ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES.WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 06-00001019 Date 9/20/06 Application pin number . . . 774750 Property Address . . . 727 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PENINSULA HEAT PO BOX 2439 782 KITCHEN DICK RD PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 681-3333 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL Additional desc . . PENINSULA HEAT/ 3-T-STATS Permit pin number 87106 Sub Contractor PENINSULA HEAT Permit Fee . . . . 59.20 Plan Check Fee .00 1� Issue Date . . . . 9/20/06 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 3/19/07 t Qty Unit Charge Per Extension �1 1.00 36.4000 ECH EL-LVT-FIRST THERMOSTAT 36.40 2.00 11.4000 ECH EL-LVT-ADD THERMOSTAT--------- -- 22.80- --------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 59.20 59.20 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 59.20 59.20 .00 .00 LA COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MR41 MUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE ITIS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO DITCH SERVICE FINAL I Z- I GENERAL COMMENTS: FW-1 102.1514%] GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC COPY GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC. GREEN CROW May 11, 2006 RECEHE Roger Vess D City of Port Angeles MAY 10 2006 Public Works and Utilities Department P.O. Box 1150 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 dept.of Community Development Re: Green Crow Office Building — 727 East 8th Street Dear Roger: I have read your letter dated May 8, 2006 regarding the above referenced matter and have attempted to follow up on the listed items. Some of the items will be addressed by the architect and we will address Items 1, 2, and 6 through 10. We understand the requirement stated in number 1 that driveway approaches not being used or (V relocated are required to be installed to City standards. We do not understand the last part of that sentence. To further our understanding, is there a City standard requiring unused driveways to be demolished and reconstructed? If so, please cite, if not, please contact us so that we may discuss the matter with you to gain a better understanding of the requirement. The drainage calculations for parking lot and roof down spouts required in number 2 have been done as part of the engineered drainage plan, but did not seem to make it to your office. A copy of these calculations will be forwarded to you promptly. With regard to items 6 and 7, Subsection 15.20.080 C. PAMC provides drainage facilities as a Development Exception, provided that all requirements of the City of Port Angeles Stormwater Management Plan and all other local, state, and federal laws are satisfied, and so long as — increase-and multiple natural resource functions are achievable and the benefits outweigh any lost resource. As you may be aware, this site is currently covered with impervious surfaces that have historically run off untreated and unchecked into the ravine. The proposed office expansion will not pose an increase to the parking lot, which was established some forty or more years ago as a car sales lot. The installation of the new drainage system will collect water, run it through an oil/water separator, and disperse it at the bottom of the ravine slope. It will not use or alter the creek in any way, which leads into the issue of Hydraulics Project Approval (HPA). Under the State Hydraulics Code, a Hydraulic Project is defined as: ...construction or performance of other work that will use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or bed of any of the salt or fresh waters of the state. Hydraulic projects include forest practice activities, conducted pursuant to the forest practices rules (Title 222 WAC), that involve construction or performance of other work in or across the ordinary high water line of- (a) f(a) Type 1-3 waters; or (b) Type 4 and 5 waters with identifiable bed or banks where there is a hatchery water intake within two miles downstream; or (c) Type 4 and 5 waters with identifiable bed or banks within one-fourth mile of Type I- 3 waters where any of the following conditions apply: 703 East 8th Street • P.O.Box 2439 Port Angeles,WA 98362 (360)417-3654 • FAX(360)417-3674 (i) Where the removal of timber adjacent to the stream is likely to result in entry of felled trees into flowing channels; (ii) Where there is any felling, skidding, or ground lead yarding through flowing water, or through dry channels with identifiable bed or banks with gradient greater than twenty percent; NO Where riparian or wetland leave trees are required and cable tailholds are on the opposite side of the channel; (iv) Where road construction or placement of culverts occurs in flowing water; (v) Where timber is yarded in or across flowing water; (d) Type 4 and 5 waters with identifiable bed or banks that are likely to adversely affect fish life, where the HPA requirement is noted by the department in response to the forest practice application. [WAC 220-110-020(42)] 1 spoke with Jay Peterson of 4 Seasons Engineering and inquired as to this projects use of or impact to Peabody Creek. This project will not use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow of Peabody Creek; therefore, the project does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Hydraulic Code. In that no ESA review is required, there would be no SEPA review as indicated in item number 7. Under item number 9 you require that we obtain the appropriate easement for the storm water drain; therefore, in that the City of Port Angeles is the property owner, please consider this a formal request for easement as shown on the engineered plans in your possession. If you need any additional information please advise at your earliest convenience. As to the requirement outlined in item number 10, we don't see how this can be accomplished. Items 3 and 4 could not possibly be accomplished until after building construction has commenced and item number 5 can not be accomplished without site preparation. I'm sure this requirement is not meant to be strictly interpreted. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 417-3663. Tim Woolett Green Crow Properties, Inc. Attached:Copy of City Public Work's May 8,2006 Letter Cc: Scott Johns,City Department of Economic and Community Development Bill Green, Lindberg&Smith Architects Jay Peterson,4 Seasons Engineering, Inc. • ORTNuELES WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. OREM Public Works & Utilities Department May 8, 2006 Bill Green Lindberg & Smith Architects 319 So. Peabody Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: 727 East 8th. Street Dear Bill: A plan review of the commercial addition for Green Crow Timber LLC has been completed and the following corrections are requested. 1. Existing driveways approaches not being used or relocated are required to be reinstalled to City Standards, this is not an owners option. 2. Drainage calculations for parking lot and roof down spouts will be submitted for review. 3. Existing ADA ramp located on the northwest corner of 8th Street & Francis Street will be retrofitted with a detectable warning device. 4. ADA ramps with detectable warning device will be installed at the south and north sides of the alley sidewalk between 7th and 8th Streets along Francis Street to City Standards. 5. Relocate utility pole at alley parking area. 6. Storm water drainage system work will be done within environmentally sensitive area(Peabody Creek Ravine & Buffers) requiring ESA Review. Contact Scott Johns, Community & Economic Development for questions on items 6, 7, 8 7. ESA Review requires SEPA(Agencies W/Jurisdiction) Phone: 360-417-4805 / Fax: 360-417-4542 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: publicworks@cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 P 0""'R,T NGELES A- WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. 1 Public Works & Utilities Department 8. Applicant will be required to contact WDFW for Hydraulic Permit approval (HDP) 9. Obtain appropriate easement for construction of storm water drain pipe to be located on City property. 10. All will be required prior to start of work. Sincerely, Roger Vess Assistant Civil Engineer I City of Port Angeles cc: Scott Johns CED Trenia Funston Eng. David Yasumura Bldg. Phone: 360-417-4805 / Fax: 360-417-4542 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: publicworks@cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC. ' GREEN CROW April 20, 2006 Scott Johns R E C E U E D City of Port Angeles Economic & Community Development Department APR 2 0 2006 P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept.of Community Development Re: Riedel II Subdivision, Phase 3 Dear Scott: As we have previously discussed, the recent modifications to the Campbell Avenue PRD design on the adjacent property to the south has necessitated reciprocal modifications to Phase 3 of the Riedel 11 Subdivision. To recap, the redesign has reduced area of the Campbell Avenue property while increasing the area of Phase 3 of the Riedel 11 Subdivision. This has also resulted in an increase to the number of lots in Phase 3 from ten (10) to eighteen (18). There were originally forty-three (43) lots approved with the Riedel II Subdivision, while through the development process it became necessary to make some changes for the sake of more functional lots. Of these changes was the elimination of lots in Phase 2. As you can see by the attached map of the proposed third and final phase there will be fifty-one (51) lots within the Riedel II Subdivision. The immediate question is will a redivision or subdivision alteration be required. I do not see where an alteration would be required because we are not altering a recorded plat, which narrows the question to the need for a new application for subdivision which would allow the review of the additional lots for consistency with the underlying zone and the standards set forth for subdivision development in the City of Port Angeles. The latter is fairly straightforward in that it is satisfied with adherence to the conditions of preliminary approval of the Riedel 11 subdivision, as well as noting that all lots meet the minimum lot size requirements and the density for the underlying zone has not been exceeded. We do see the need for application as a means of satisfying the intent of public notice and participation in creating the additional lots; however, we will rely on the City staff to determine what will be needed to proceed with the third phase of the Riedel 11 Subdivision. If it is determined that reapplication is required, we will submit a new application with environmental checklist for the additional lots contained in Phase 3. It is hoped that the previous MDNS could be adopted in accordance with WAC 197-11-600 (4)(a). In looking at the previous staff report, it is not readily apparent where there would be any change to the analysis or conclusions other than the number of lots within the subdivision. This being the case, could a fairly expeditious process be possible. We would like to commence work with the drying weather conditions. 703 East 8th Street • P.O. Box 2439 Port Angeles,WA 98362 (360)417-3654 • FAX(360)417-3674 Please consider this issue at your earliest convenience and advise us at to which course of action to take. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 417-3663. Sincerely,, Tim Woolett Green Crow Properties, Inc. Cc: Dennis Yakovich Attachments: Revised Map for Phase 3, Riedel II Original Preliminary Subdivision Map for Riedel II VISION CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS PER 17.94.090 PAMC In all zones all comer and reverse conger lots shall maintain vision triangles for safety purposes. Such a triangular area may not contain trees, fences, schrubs, walls, or other physical obstructions, such as signs, higher than 30" above the established grade. Said triangular area shall be maintained as follows: STREET INTERSECTIONS - At any intersection of two street rights-of-way two sides of said triangular area shall extend 20' along both right-of-way lines measured from their point of intersection. STREET/ALLEY INTERSECTIONS -At any intersection of street and alley rights-of- way two sides of said triangular area shall extend 10' along both rights-of-way measured from their point of intersection. STREET/DRIVEWAY INTERSECTIONS -At any intersection of a street right-of-way and a driveway, the sides of each required triangular area shall extend 10' along the street right- of-way line and 20' along the edge of the driveway measured from the point of intersection of each side of the driveway and the street right-of-way. See illustrations below: I l CLjFz6 r_J26 S P=- SIT= _7, + I 30� E 30' f � .. /STREE STREET AITFRSEC'!'IONS c o d / & b o PR�Z- N on PRPPEKTY ALLEY - C)) Cvsa.JE� I / C° DUERSE=ONS < / I Zorn DRnrEWAY ( � 2 0 _4� STREET AND I f s o s DRNEWAY 1N=E=0NS 3wQ Q Uo z op - U Uoa� oww U-z :,zUti Q ~VaJw� �j°0� av��1�W(tY�atuZ`"��QIu�OZ`i'�zOZ�QW�y� o QzjQQw � � 2OaOwZ�w2w � ��`Z��WQU���Op�QU�QztxZ timvQui �zQQCQ��tiQ� Q riwai0; a. � �aNW$ � �QL CD \. cn V) o Im CL Zm�Q o` Q Ct 0. uj W `txq Qkm c)(Y. J cn 0. s uj Q W �WQ2 1- Q J �� o0 �w www m + W f Li >- \ `!. Y p 0. tis ? W � \ \ \C ' v o / \ 1/ �C,) aim �:, QaI IQL Ld �j�' Q W O 00LLL Lu0. m �W �� U Z) b OO W \ b OS \ U 0. 4 0' \ lv �S. \ �• \ 1 o cQn�i2tio�2 Lu U-) Lu Lf) ! 166. / \ � ' QFOu,p ��W Ln �LOIL] �W o f/ � O x w �Q W Z to > U U ti° r 0 - O U Ln 0. L/ vi 0 2 / Y - - S°� Q3W obQ Q � �� R _OOr1n /p O t-WOW zL Z La- 4 /y C \ \ U tkit Vwi O � � Q 3(t 0.O \ 0 Z m O CV \ i: / f• �/ f / m ' .•i h \ \� � �� �� Q Q N .J In 3 a ��j'. � ,. / / W W�2 �pjQ i p O` j p�co co Q51 r164. UG wQQ �` U s \� •,\ �a ' \ Jg Z0. 0 t- �� W � x \ �� bm bQ oXl., tiW xTZZ , PS / 4, r � o Zj vQLo CL 991 � / Qz 2 � : 0. W C) LJ m0. t C�0. 0. q p _ Cl p ti Cid � v T lei t � U F-L�l �� /• / C]a Z Q Lf)L-- L Z pCr Z� 3 �\•`y �V(/�i x Gam. ��� \. / /./ ~ T Z \ cr L-- ` \' // _ J Cl- LAJ z� OZQ w ..moi W > Cl) Q) QU /i D � : °?3 � �j U Cr • U 3 s cr Lt cY rY C, pORi CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS -UTILITIES DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000902 Date 8/16/06 Application pin number . . . 451716 Property Address . . . . . �,�c Nonni Tc eS -7 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- O Application type description PUBLIC WORKS UTILITES Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD Application valuation . . . . 0 Lasered Owner Contractor CED FA ------------------------ ------------------------ W GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Ul ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . RIGHT OF WAY Additional desc . . RUP FOR EASEMENT FEE Permit pin number . 84947 Permit Fee . . . . 195.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 8/16/06 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 2/12/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 195.00 ------------------------------------------------------- -------------- 1 Fee summary Charged ed - - Paid Credited Due i 1 ----------------- Permit Fee Total 195.00 195.00 .00 .00 ^,� Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 a Grand Total 195.00 195.00 .00 .00 Q -U CO :S i (n L4.,� fl Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction orwork is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent - Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102.15R[1105] PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4807 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB&GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 4174653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT 4174750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 4174815 BUILDING T:\Policies\l102.15R[1/05] CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 0 321 East 5`h Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 � t Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 3/23/07 Application pin number . . . 727545 Property Address . . . . . . 727 E 8TH ST ^ ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- 1"141 Tenant nbr, name . . . . . GREEN CROW TIMBER Application type description COMM ADDITION Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info . . . . . TOTAL % LOT COVERAGE 30.00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2.00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000.00 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163.00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Additional desc . . FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Permit pin number . 97733 Permit Fee . . . . 150.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 3/23/07 Valuation . . . . 16000 Expiration Date . . 9/19/07 �1, Qty Unit Charge Per Extension v 1.00 100.0000 ECH FIRE INSPECTION & TESTING 100.00 1.00 -50.0000 ECH FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEW 50.00 ---- Special Notes and Comments This project will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required - 21 are provided. No land use issues are anticipated. 05/01/2006 04:01 PM SROBERDS --------------------------- Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required. Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's expense. IL 04/26/2006 08:45 AM GMCLAIN ------ L�j Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by ` /f Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. l No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in the City Q� road right of way. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection.I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compled with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating the work specified in the permit. ignature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if Owner is builder) Date FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360-417-4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24-hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE Inspection Type Date Passed Comments FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough-in inspection Alarm final LP-GAS Completed by Contractor: Underground piping inspection/pressure test Test#I Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Piping pressure test psi Time initiated Tank (container) inspection Test#2 Appliance inspection Piping pressure test psi Time initiated LP-gas final UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK(UST)ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable/combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER(specify) permit final GENERAL COMMENTS: 2/15/00 CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5" Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 3/23/07 Application pin number . . . 727545 ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 154.50 154.50 .00 .00 This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection.I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating the work specified in the permit. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if Owner is builder) Date FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360-417-4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24-hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE Inspection Type Date Passed Comments FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FUZE ALARM Rough-in inspection Alarm final LP-GAS Completed by Contractor: Underground piping inspection/pressure test Test#1 Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Piping pressure test psi Time initiated Tank(container) inspection Test#2 Appliance inspection Piping pressure test psi Time initiated LP-gas final UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK(UST)ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable/combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER(specify) permit final to�Z� ty GENERAL COMMENTS: 2/15/00 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name: Green Crow Remodel and Addition Address: 805 East 8'' Street Plan# 06-13 1 Com ® Residential ❑ Date:4.27.2006 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances, with the following comments: 1) This building is over 6250 square feet in size. A monitored, addressable fire alarm system is required throughout. Per Port Angeles Municipal Code 14.23.040, the 2-hour separation does not negate the requirement for the fire alarm system. 2) Separate fire alarm system plans will be required for review. 2) A KNOX box will be required for the building. Contact the Fire Department for a KNOX order form and also for KNOX box placement requirements. NOTE: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. Reviewed by: lkQ,6a aQ Date: 14.21. 0 6 54 Building Department Copy ❑ Contractor/ Owner Copy ❑ Fire Department Copy PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PLAN REVIEW Project Name: Green Crow Office Building Address: chc�h eA +o- 72-7 C .2 0-1 5+, Plan# 07-05 Installer: Hi Tech Security Date: 3.23.2007 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances, with the following comments: 1) Provide detection in the attic. 2) The building must be equipped with a KNOX locking keybox. Contact the Fire Department at 417-4653 for a KNOX order form and for mounting location information. The following comments apply to all systems: 1. All systems shall be installed per NFPA 72. 2. A final field acceptance test will be conducted before final approval. The field acceptance test will be a test of ALL system components. NOTE: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. Reviewed by: Date: 3-23-07 tp Building Department Copy ❑ Contractor/Owner Copy ❑ Fire Department Copy ❑ Light Department HI TECH SECURITY, INC. 723 East Front St. Port Angeles, WA. 98362 360-452-2727 360-452-8560 (fax) www.gotohitech.com March 21, 2007 Ken, Green Crow has requested,we include this letter with our plan submittal. If there are any devices that you feel can be eliminated, please advise. Regards, Mike Shirley Gary Politika m 14-C - \N LQS- sm ONu1 'MC-� -hflQjt'C�� lIJ -'CPI - TCtG. tai,iai:r.71Y, FCP.OFPICIF VSE NLY BUILDING PERMIT ' APPLICATION DateReo 07 Permit# Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK.Your application and site plan MUST BE Date approved COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360)417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 Date Issued Applicant or Agent: H:c sermoR%T`? Z�-nG. Phone: L452- 2 -4 Owner- (5R9—t, D CR-O"J Phone: `f52 - 3325 Address: 772 g -0City: �M-V- (Ji►'*E-kyee5 Zip: 98361-91' Architect/Engmeer: L, obtst2(•, Phone: Contractor Nz T Sser-oft.%* z*Jc .State License#: �' 'S 453 8 xp: I 1 •09 Phone: x{52-292 Address: 72 go-Sr City: �bizZ- C�`z�Srr 71p: QiB3311112— PROJECT ADDRESS: -Z N1NG: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: Block: �� Subdivision: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: City: Credit Card Type VISA MC # Exp.Date: TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: ❑ Residential ❑ New Constr. ❑ Re-roof ❑ Stove SF. @$ /SF.=$ ❑ Multi-fanuly J4 Addition ❑ Move ❑ Garage SF. @$ /SF.=$ 91 Commercial Z-Remodel ❑ Demolition ❑ Deck SF. @$ /SF.=$ ❑ Repair ❑ Sign ❑ Other TOTAL VALUATION $ I fe goo 0 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT. -F1RL P 2vv� COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load- Construction Type: No of Stories: 2, Lot Size: Existing Sq Ft &Proposed Sq.Ft. =TOTAL Sq.Ft. Total lot coverage % PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: ESA/Wetland(s): EIYes 11 No No SEPA Checklist required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Other: OTHER: VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION. In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and maybe revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no pernut is issued within 180 days of the date of application,the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the tune for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant(see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code,2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required,not theCi 's, and that 1 must obtain such permits prior to work. T\RVESS\BLDG-forms-brochures\2004-Builduigpernut wpd Applicant Date: AFt7 07-0 S BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFbRE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NOOf 1i FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS---------------- WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS 03 V PIERS POST HOLES(POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN Q WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL ' WALLS � Nov( W/y �11 Z/C ,,7 ( CEILING !! FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS ] SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS �/" WALLS/ROOF/CEILING talii00 DRYWALL(INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION \ SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING V MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP/FURNACE/DUCTS GAS LINE V� WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: 13�, COMMERCIAL HOOD/ DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES O FOOTING/SLAB BLOCKING&HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING inn rernrd05 wnd f 1/4/2 00 51 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 `+ate ,Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 6/07/06 Application pin number . . . 727545 ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 3854.00 3854.00 .00 1 .00 Plan Check Total 2505.10 2505.10 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 6363.60 6363.60 .00 .00 t " Ik r � 1 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd[1/4/2005] . 6 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORKBEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES(POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALLMOLD DOWNS WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL(INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION r SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL HEATPUMP/FURNACE/DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: COMMERCIAL HOOD/ DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING/SLAB BLOCKING&HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT#'S SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING _._ .. ....... .1 --- ...n d05.wnd f 1/4/20051 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DMSION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 6/07/06 Application pin number . . . 727545 Property Address . . . . . . 727 E STH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . GREEN CROW TIMBER Application type description COMM ADDITION Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . _ Application valuation . . . . 625000 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info . . . . . TOTAL % LOT COVERAGE 30.00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2.00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000.00 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163.00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit pin number . 79632 Permit Fee . . . . 3854.00 Plan Check Fee 2505.10 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 625000 Expiration Date . . 12/04/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 3260.25 , 125.00 4.7500 THOU BL-500,001-1M (4.75 PER K) 593.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments HOLD OFF ISSUING PLUMBING & HVAC PERMIT UNTIL SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW OF PLANS. 06/07/2006 08:37 AM DYASUMUR ------- `v This project will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required - 21 are provided. No land use issues are anticipated. 05/01/2006 04:01 PM SROBERDS --------------------------- t Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are / required. Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's O f expense. ((J 04/26/2006 08:45 AM GMCLAIN Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by Public works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in the City road right of way. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete. Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signattie of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd[1/4/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD''"' CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: W FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS/WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS �1\ PIERS POST HOLES(POLE BLDGS) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL(INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP/FURNACE/DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY- COMMERCIAL HOOD/ DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES IU FOOTING/SLAB BLOCKING&HOLD DOWNS ' SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA. �\ PARKING/LIGHTING ESA. LANDSCAPING SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W /PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R-W ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T\Policies\]102_15 budding permit inspection record05 wpd(1/4/20051 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION `—� 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 8/28/06 Application pin number . . . 727545 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required. Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's expense. 04/26/2006 08:45 AM GMCLAIN ---------------------------- Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in the City road right of way. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 207.45 207.45 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 211.95 211.95 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I-hereby-certify that] have read-and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T.\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd[1/4/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORL CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS/WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES(POLE BLDGS) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE(METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLDDOWNS WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL(INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP/FURNACE/DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNEY FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: COMMERCIAL HOOD/ DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING/SLAB BLOCKING&HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING - PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA- PARKING/LIGHTING ESA, LANDSCAPING SHORELINE- FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W /PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W ENGINEERING 4174807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 4174653 FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd[1/4/2005] CITY OF PORT ANGELES lzb DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 f Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 8/28/06 4� Application pin number . . . 727545 Property Address . . . . . . 727 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . GREEN CROW TIMBER Application type description COMM ADDITION Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 625000 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info . . . . . TOTAL % LOT COVERAGE 30.00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2.00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000.00 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163.00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit pin number . 85456 Permit Fee . . . . 86.45 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 8/28/06 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 2/24/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 1.00 14.7000 ECH ME- INSTALL 100- FAU 14.70 3.00 7.2500 ECH ME-VENT FAN 21.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit pin number . 79590 Permit Fee . . . . 121.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Z" \ r Issue Date . . . . 8/28/06 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 2/24/07 11 (� op Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 rV BASE FEE 50.00 6.00 7.0000 ECH PL- EA.FIXTURE ON ONE TRAP 42.00 1.00 7.0000 ECH PL- EA. INSTALL WATER PIPE 7.00 1� 1.00 15.0000 ECH PL- EA. BLDG SEWER 15.00 1.00 7.0000 ECH PL- EA.WATER HEATER --- - 7.00- O� ------------ --------------------------- V Special Notes and Comments This pro3ect will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage r of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required - 21 are provided. No land use issues are anticipated. t' 05/01/2006 04:01 PM SROBERDS --------------------------- Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements.This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby-certify thatA have read-and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authonzed Agent Date Signalure of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T.\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd[1/4/2005] OF PORT qn,C CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS -UTILITIES DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 6/07/06 Application pin number . . . 727545 Property Address . . . . . . 727 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- 'Fe-rant nbr, name . . . . . . GREEN CROW TIMBER Application type description COMM ADDITION Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . Application valuation . . . . 625000 Owner Contractor GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info . . . . . TOTAL % LOT COVERAGE 30.00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2.00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000.00 µ PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163.00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .Permit . . . . . . DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION Additional desc . . Permit pin number 79608 Permit Fee . . 170.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 12/04/06 Qty 'Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 170.00 Permit . . . . . . RIGHT OF WAY Additional desc . . Permit pin number . 79616 Permit Fee . . . . 50.00 Plan Check Fee .00 'I�;'Sue Date . . . Valuation . . . . 625000 Expiration Date . . 12/04/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 50.0000 ECH RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT 50.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . SANITARY SEWER HOOK UP Additional desc . . Permit pin number . 79624 Permit Fee . . . . 110.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . 625000 Expiration Date . . 12/04/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 110.0000 EA SAN SEW ADD DIR CON 110.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments HOLD OFF ISSUING PLUMBING & HVAC PERMIT UNTIL SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW OF PLANS. 06/07/2006 08:37 AM DYASUMUR ------- Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void If work or construction authorized Is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or If required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. C Slgnatur of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(If owner is builder) Date T\Policies\1102 15R[1/05] PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4807 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORKBEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES (Engmeenng Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB&GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO CONSTRUCTION R.W /PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R W ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T\Policies\1102 15R[1/05] ♦ pORTgn, CITY OF PORT ANGELES F 'BO'S`^FCS` 4�11� PUBLIC WORKS -UTILITIES DIVISION s 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 06-00000385 Date 6/07/06 Application pin number . . . 727545 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments This project will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required - 21 are provided. No land use issues are anticipated. 05/01/2006 04:01 PM SROBERDS ---------------- ---- Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required. Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's expense. 04/26/2006 08:45 AM GMCLAIN ---------------------------- Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by Public Works prior to back fill of ditch. 24 hour advance notice is required. Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards. No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in the City road right of way. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 330.00 330.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 334.50 334.50 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T\Pohcies\1102 15R[1/05] PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4807 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE ITIS UNLAWFUL TC,,,COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORKBEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT INA CONSPICUOUS L r If:,TION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) �& WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB&GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK-FLOW DEVICE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO CONSTRUCTION R W /PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R W ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T\Policies\1102 15R[1/051 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 FAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Lis , Application Number 06-00000385 Date 5/18/07 Application pin number - 727545 Property Address 727 E 8TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER- 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- Tenant nbr, name GREEN CROW TIMBER Application type description COMM ADDITION Subdivision Name . . Property Use . . . Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 Other struct info TOTALS LOT COVERAGE 30 00 NUMBER OF STORIES 2 00 EXISTING LOT COVERAGE 2908.00 LOT SIZE 21000 00 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 4163 00 TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 7071.00 ,NUMBER OF UNITS 1 00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL Additional desc ANG COMM / VOICE DATA Permit pin number 102046 Sub Contractor ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC Permit Fee 40.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 5/18/07 Valuation 0 V Expiration Date 11/14/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 40.0000 EL-LOW VOLT SYS <=2500 SQFT 40 00 ---------------- - Special Notes and Comments This project will require a seperate permit and fire alarm plans for review. 05/01/2006 03:35 PM SROBERDS -- The proposal is a Qb commercial addition in the CN zone for total square footage of 7071. 19 off-street parking spaces are required - 21 are provided No land use issues are anticipated 05/01/2006 04 01 PM SROBERDS --------------------------- Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required Any upgrading of City Electrical facilities at customer's expense 04/26/2006 08 4-5 AM GMCLAIN ---------------------------- Sanitary sewer connection inspection is required by Public works prior to back fill of ditch 24 hour advance notice is required Construct driveway and Sidewalks to City Standards No concrete with exposed aggregate allowed in the City road right of way. An inspection by Public Works Engineering is required prior to prouring concrete ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA R'FUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTSD COMMENTS YES NO DITCH SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-11021514" CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES.WA 98362 yv . Page 2 Application Number 06-00000385 Date 5/18/07 Application pin number 727545 ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- .......... Permit Fee Total 40 00 40.00 00 .00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4.50 00 00 Grand Total 44 50 44 50 .00 00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED s ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO DITCH ROUGH-IN / COVER SERVICE FINAL -v2 GENERAL COMMENTS: -FW-1 102 13[4" c PREPARED 4/13/07, 8 52 19 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 4/13/07 — -----' - -- ADDRESS . . 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV: TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER: 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ———--—- ----------------------------————-----'-------------------------- 10/24/2006 08 24 AM JLIERLY ---------------------------- 10/24/2006 04 06 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BAIR 02 11/02/06 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL TIME 13.00 11/02/06 AP TODD 461-9566, PLEASE INFORM TODD THAT THE ADDRESS IS 727 E. 8TH ST NOT 722 FRANCIS ST. 11/02/2006 07 51 AM DYASUMUR ------ ---------- 11/02/2006 02 28 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BL3 03 11/02/06 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME 13 00 11/02/06 AP 11/02/2006 07 52 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 11/02/2006 02 28 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BLI 02 11/06/06 JLL BUILDING INSULATION TIME- 13 00 11/06/06 AP TODD 461-9566 11/06/2006 07 52 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 11/06/2006 03 30 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BL99 01 4/06/07 JLL BUILDING FINAL 4/06/07 DA 04/05/2007 11 05 AM PERMITS TIM 417-3663 04/06/2007 03 42 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- slope soil away from fnd/ exit signs and emergency lighting/ hand rail on west exit needs two hand rails/ extend south hand rail 12" beyond top of ramp/ seal holes through floor in hvac mech room/311 BL99 02 4/13/07 JLL BUILDING FINAL TIME O1 00 04/12/2007 03 10 PM PERMITS TIM 417-3663 ---------------------- ---- ---------- COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 4/06/07, 9 22 03 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 4/06/07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ----- - `----------------------------------------------------------------- REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS -" ------------------------------- 10/24/2006 08 24 AM JLIERLY ---------------------------- 10/24/2006 04 06 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BAIR 02 11/02/06 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL TIME. 13 00 11/02/06 AP TODD 461-9566, PLEASE INFORM TODD THAT THE ADDRESS IS 727 E. 8TH ST NOT 722 FRANCIS ST 11/02/2006 07 51 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 11/02/2006 02:28 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BL3 03 11/02/06 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME- 13 00 11/02/06 AP 11/02/2006 07 52 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 11/02/2006 02 28 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BLI 02 11/06/06 JLL BUILDING INSULATION TIME: 13.00 11/06/06 AP TODD 461-9566 11/06/2006 07:52 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 11/06/2006 03 30 PM JLIERLY ------------------- -- BL99 01 4/0_f BUILDING FINAL i/, 04/05/2007 11-05 AM PERMITS TIM 417-3663 ----------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES ----- PREPARED 11/06/06, 8 22.20 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 8 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 11/06/06 -------------------------- -------------------------------------- ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10/24/2006 08 24 AM JLIERLY ---------------------------- 10/24/2006 04-06 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BAIR 02 11/02/06 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL TIME 13 00 11/02/06 AP TODD 461-9566, PLEASE INFORM TODD THAT THE ADDRESS IS 727 E 8TH ST NOT 722 FRANCIS ST 11/02/2006 07 51 AM DYASUMUR ----------------- 11/02/2006 02 28 PM JLIERLY ------------------- BL3 03 11/02/06 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME 13.00 11/02/06 AP 11/02/2006 07 52 AM DYASUMUR ------- 11/02/2006 02 28 PM JLIERLY ------- BLI 02 11/06 06 L BUILDING INSULATION TIME 13 00 TODD 461-9566 11/06/2006 07 52 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- --------------------- -- COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 11/02/06, 10 14 49 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 11/02/06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/24/2006 08 24 AM JLIERLY ---------------------------- 10/24/2006 04 06 PM JLIERLY --------------------- BAIR 02 11/02/06 BUILDING AIR SEAL TIME TODD 461-9566, PLEASE INFORMRM TODD THAT THE ADDRESS IS 727 E 8TH ST NOT 722 FRANCIS ST 11/02/2006 07 51 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- BL3 03 11/02/06L/� BUILDING FRAMING TIME 13 00 -•(��,1,/\}y` 11/02/2006 07 52 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- ---------------------- -/---- COMMENTS AND NOTES -------------------------------------- PREPARED 10/30/06, 8 44 15 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 9 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 10/30/06 ---------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV: TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------ -- --------------------- PERMIT: PL 00 PLUMBING PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS -------------------------- -------------------- PL2 01 10/30/06L PLUMBING ROUGH-IN TIME. 13:00 JOHN 460-6902 10/30/2006 08 OS AM DYASUMUR ---------------- --------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 10/24/06, 11 11 50 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 10/24/06 ---- ' ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION -------- --------------------- PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS -—-—------------------------------------------------------—---------------—' --- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13.00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11 20 AM DYASUMUR ----------------------- 06/08/2006 04 51 PM PBARTHOL BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME 13 00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11-35 AM DYASUMUR -- ---------------- 06/16/2006 02 14 PM JLIERLY DSD O1 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME. 13 00 7/03/06 AP TODD 07/03/2006 08 13 AM DYASUMUR - ---------- 07/03/2006 12 50 PM PBARTHOL BL1 02 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13.00 8/29/06 AP TODD 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR BL9 01 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 8/29/06 DA 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04.10 PM DYASUMUR PLYWOOD/OSB DOES NOT ATTACH TO SILL IN VARIOUS AREAS 1ST & 2ND FLOOR NOR TIED WITH SHEATHING, VERIFY STRAP LOCATION W/ENG. BL9 02 9/01/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME: 13:00 9/01/06 AP PAT 461-9566 AM INSPECTION. 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR 09/01/2006 02 34 PM PBARTHOL BL9 03 9/06/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 9/06/06 AP TODD 09/05/2006 04 56 PM DYASUMUR 09/06/2006 04 29 PM JLIERLY - BAIR 01 10/20/06 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL TIME 13 00 10/20/06 AP TODD 461-9566 THIS IS A PARTIAL 10/19/2006 02 28 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 10/20/2006 03 52 PM JLIERLY BL3 01 10/20/06 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME 13 00 10/20/06 DA 10/19/2006 02 28 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 10/20/2006 03 53 PM JLIERLY fireblock landing/strap beams to top plate/move ice maker supply in fire wall/truss hanger over entry/311 BL4 01 10/20/06 JLL BUILDING FIREWALL TIME 13 00 10/20/06 AP 10/20/2006 08 49 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 10/20/2006 03 53 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BL3 02 10/23/06 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME 13 00 10/24/06 AP TODD 461-9566 10/23/2006 08 18 AM DYASUMUR 10/24/2006 08 28 AM JLIERLY ----- BLI O1 10/2 06AL BUILDING INSULATION TIME- 13 00 TODD 461-9566 10/24/2006 08.02 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------------- CONTINUED ONTO NEXT PAGE ----------------------------------- PREPARED 10/23/06, 8 25 35 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 11 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 10/23/06 ---—-----------—-------——---------------------—----- ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR: GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE : OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION --------------------------------------- PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ----—-------------------———------------------------------------------------—------------ BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME- 13 00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11-20 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/08/2006 ------ — -- 06/08/2006 04:51 PM PBARTHOL ------ BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME 13 00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11 35 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/16/2006 02 14 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- DSD 01 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME 13 00 7/03/06 AP TODD 07/03/2006 08.13 AM DYASUMUR ----- --------------- 07/03/2006 12 50 PM PBARTHOL --- ------ BL1 02 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME. 13 00 8/29/06 AP TODD 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR --------------- 08/29/2006 04.10 PM DYASUMUR --- BL9 01 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 8/29/06 DA 08/28/2006 02 44 PM I)YASUMUR --------------------------- 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR PLYWOOD/OSB DOES NOT ATTACH TO SILL IN VARIOUS AREAS 1ST & 2ND FLOOR NOR TIED WITH SHEATHING, VERIFY STRAP LOCATION W/ENG BL9 02 9/01/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13.00 9/01/06 AP PAT 461-9566 AM INSPECTION 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR ---- ---------------------- 09/01/2006 02 34 PM PBARTHOL ----- --------------------- BL9 03 9/06/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 9/06/06 AP TODD 09/05/2006 04 56 PM DYASUMUR ------- 09/06/2006 04 29 PM JLIERLY ---------- --------------- BAIR 01 10/20/06 JLL BUILDING AIR SEAL TIME 13:00 10/20/06 AP TODD 461-9566 THIS IS A PARTIAL 10/19/2006 02 28 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 10/20/2006 03 52 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BL3 01 10/20/06 JLL BUILDING FRAMING TIME: 13 00 10/20/06 DA 10/19/2006 02 28 PM DYASUMUR ----- ---------------- 10/20/2006 03 53 PM JLIERLY --- fireblock landing/strap beams to top plate/move ice maker supply in fire wall/truss hanger over entry/lll BL4 01 10/20/06 JLL BUILDING FIREWALL TIME 13 00 10/20/06 AP 10/20/2006 08 49 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 10/20/2006 03 53 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- BL3 02 10/ 3/06 J BUILDING FRAMING TIME: 13 00 TODD 461-9566 10/23/2006 08 18 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- -------------------------- --------- -------------------------- _ ---------------— COMMENTS AND NOTES -------------------------------------- PREPARED 10/20/06, 8 38 43 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES L LIERLY DATE 10/20/06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS : 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR: GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR : PHONE OWNER : GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE . PARCEL - - 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13 00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11 20 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/08/2006 04 51 PM PBARTHOL BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME 13 00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11 35 AM DYASUMUR -- 06/16/2006 02 14 PM JLIERLY DSD O1 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME- 13 00 7/03/06 AP TODD 07/03/2006 08 13 AM DYASUMUR 07/03/2006 12 50 PM PBARTHOL - BL1 02 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13 00 8/29/06 AP TODD 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- BL9 01 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13:00 8/29/06 DA 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR PLYWOOD/OSB DOES NOT ATTACH TO SILL IN VARIOUS AREAS 1ST & 2ND FLOOR NOR TIED WITH SHEATHING, VERIFY STRAP LOCATION W/ENG BL9 02 9/01/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 9/01/06 AP PAT 461-9566 AM INSPECTION 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR 09/01/2006 02 34 PM PBARTHOL BL9 03 9/06/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 9/06/06 AP TODD 09/05/2006 04 56 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 09/06/2006 04 29 PM JLIERLY BAIR O1 10/20/06 J BUILDINGAIR SEAL TIME 13 00 ('( TODD 461-9566 THIS IS A PARTIAL 10/19/2006 02 28 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- BL3 Ol 1-0/2{0-/06 JjtL_ BUILDING FRAMING TIME: 13.00 ` -t-,�L-JN10/19/2006 02 28 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- -------------------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES ------------------------------------ �-, al� �I j - Yeo vb' C c' �II� O)R' PREPARED 9/06/06, 11 07 10 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 13 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 9/06/06 ------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL : 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS '-------------------------------- - ----------------------------- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME: 13 00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11 20 AM DYASUMUR ---------- 06/08/2006 04 51 PM PBARTHOL --------------------------- BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME 13 00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11 35 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/16/2006 02 14 PM JLIERLY ---- ------------- DSD 01 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME 13 00 7/03/06 AP TODD 07/03/2006 08 13 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 07/03/2006 12 50 PM PBARTHOL ------------- BL1 02 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13 00 8/29/06 AP TODD 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- BL9 01 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 8/29/06 DA 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR PLYWOOD/OSB DOES NOT ATTACH TO SILL IN VARIOUS AREAS 1ST & 2ND FLOOR NOR TIED WITH SHEATHING, VERIFY STRAP LOCATION W/ENG BL9 02 9/01/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 9/01/06 AP PAT 461-9566 AM INSPECTION 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR 09/01/2006 02 34 PM PBARTHOL - -- BL9 03 9/06/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13:00 t � TODD 09/05/2006 04 56 PM DYASUMUR -- ------------------------------ COMMENTS AND NOTES -------------------------------------- PREPARED 9/01/06, 8 12 21 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 16 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 9/01/06 ------------------------------------- ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV: TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13 00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11 20 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/08/2006 04 51 PM PBARTHOL --------------------------- BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME. 13 00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11 35 AM DYASUMUR 06/16/2006 02 14 PM JLIERLY DSD 01 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME. 13 00 7/03/06 AP TODD 07/03/2006 08 13 AM DYASUMUR 07/03/2006 12 50 PM PBARTHOL BL1 02 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME• 13 00 8/29/06 AP TODD 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04 10 PM DYASUMUR BL9 01 8/29/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 8/29/06 DA 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR 08/29/2006 04.10 PM DYASUMUR PLYWOOD/OSB DOES NOT ATTACH TO SILL IN VARIOUS AREAS 1ST & 2ND FLOOR NOR TIED WITH SHEATHING, VERIFY STRAP LOCATION W/ENG BL9 02 9/01/06 JLL BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME: 13 00 yt PAT 461-9566 AM INSPECTION � O8(31J2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR 08/31/2006 03 12 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- --------- - ---------------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES -------------------------------------- PREPARED 8/29/06, 10 43-49 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 8/29/06 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS 727 E STH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE : OWNER - GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------------------------------------------ ------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13 00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11 20 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/08/2006 04 51 PM PBARTHOL - BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME 13 00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11 35 AM DYASUMUR ---- 06/16/2006 02 14 PM JLIERLY ---- DSD O1 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME- 13 00 7/03/06 AP TODD 07/03/2006 08 13 AM DYASUMUR ---- 07/03/2006 12 50 PM PBARTHOL ---- BL1 02 8/29/06 Jj,L BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13 00 TODD 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR --------------------------- BL9 01 8/29/06 JLL `- BUILDING SHEARWALL TIME 13 00 % " 08/28/2006 02 44 PM DYASUMUR ----------------- ------------------------------------ COMMENTS AND NOTES --- BUILDING DIVISION CITY OF PORT ANGELES Correction Notice Job Located at L Inspection of your work revealed that the following is not in accordance with the codes governing the work in this jurisdiction: f tit 4) These corrections must be made and are not to be covered until reinspection is made. When corrections have been made, please call r for inspection. Date 7 Inspector for Building Division 00 NOT REMOVE THIS TAG PREPARED 7/03/06, 9:48 32 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 10 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES L LIERLY DATE 7/03/06 --------------------------------------- ------- ADDRESS . . 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV TENANT, NBR: GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR : PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER• 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION -------- ------ -- -- ------ ------------------------- ----- PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ---- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 13.00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11:20 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/08/2006 04:51 PM PBARTHOL --------------------------- BL2 01 6/16/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME: 13:00 6/16/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11:35 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/16/2006 02:14 PM JLIERLY ---------------------------- DSD 01 7/03/06 JLL BUILDING DOWN SPOUT DRAINS TIME: 13 00 TODD 7174 07/03/2006 08 13 AM DYASUMUR --------- -------------------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 6/16/06, 11 31 33 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 7 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 6/16/06 ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS . • 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV: TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER. 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ----- ------------ - - --------------------------------------------- PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------- - --------------------------------------- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME: 13:00 6/08/06 AP TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11:20 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- 06/08/2006 04:51 PM PBARTHOL ------- --- BL2 01 6A16/06 JLL _ BUILDING FOUNDATION WALL TIME• 13.00 TIM 417-3663 06/15/2006 11 35 AM DYASUMUR --------------------------- ------------------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES ---------------------- PREPARED 6/08/06, 8 58 56 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 14 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: JAMES L LIERLY DATE 6/08/06 --- - -- ----- -- ADDRESS 727 E 8TH ST SUBDIV: TENANT, NBR GREEN CROW TIMBER CONTRACTOR PHONE - OWNER - GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC PHONE PARCEL - - 06-30-00-0-2-2590-0000- APPL NUMBER 06-00000385 COMM ADDITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ----------- -------------------------------------------------------- BL1 01 6/08/06 JLL BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME: 13:00 ---TIM 417-3663 06/07/2006 11 20 AM DYASUMUR -- CC`�/�jCCJJ-------- COMMENTS AND NOTES --------------------/------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC GREEN CROW PROPERTIES, INC. ' GREEN CROW-, 10J) May 11, 2006 M AY 1 1 2006 l Roger Vess City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Re: Green Crow Office Budding—727 East 8`h Street Dear Roger I have read your letter dated May 8, 2006 regarding the above referenced matter and have attempted to follow up on the listed items Some of the items will be addressed by the architect and we will address Items 1, 2, and 6 through 10 We understand the requirement stated in number 1 that driveway approaches not being used or relocated are required to be installed to City standards. We do not understand the last part of that sentence. To further our understanding, is there a City standard requiring unused driveways to be demolished and reconstructed? If so, please cite, if not, please contact us so that we may discuss the matter with you to gain a better understanding of the requirement. The drainage calculations for parking lot and roof down spouts required in number 2 have been done as part of the engineered drainage plan, but did not seem to make it to your office. A copy of these calculations will be forwarded to you promptly With regard to items 6 and 7, Subsection 15 20 080 C. PAMC provides drainage facilities as a Development Exception, provided that all requirements of the City of Port Angeles Stormwater Management Plan and all other local, state, and federal laws are satisfied, and so long as Increased and multiple natural resource functions are achievable and the benefits outweigh any lost resource. As you may be aware, this site is currently covered with impervious surfaces that have historically run off untreated and unchecked into the ravine. The proposed office expansion will not pose an increase to the parking lot, which was established some forty or more years ago as a car sa!es lot The installation, of the new drainage system will collect water, run ;t through an oil/water separator, and disperse it at the bottom of the ravine slope It will not use or alter the creek in any way, which leads into the issue of Hydraulics Project Approval (HPA) Under the State Hydraulics Code, a Hydraulic Project is defined as: ...construction or performance of other work that will use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or bed of any of the salt or fresh waters of the state. Hydraulic projects include forest practice activities, conducted pursuant to the forest practices rules (Title 222 WAC), that involve construction or performance of other work in or across the ordinary high water line of (a) Type 1-3 waters; or (b) Type 4 and S waters with identifiable bed or banks where there is a hatchery water intake within two miles downstream, or (c) Type 4 and S waters with identifiable bed or banks within one-fourth mile of Type 1- 3 waters where any of the following conditions apply 703 East 8th Street • PO Box 2439 Port Angeles,WA 98362 (360)417-3654 • FAX(360)417-3674 (i) Where the removal of timber adjacent to the stream is likely to result in entry of felled trees into flowing channels, (z i) Where there is any felling, skidding, or ground lead yarding through flowing water, or through dry channels with identifiable bed or banks with gradient greater than twenty percent, (in) Where riparian or wetland leave trees are required and cable tailholds are on the opposite side of the channel, (iv) Where road construction or placement of culverts occurs in flowing water; (v) Where timber is yarded in or across flowing water, (d) Type 4 and 5 waters with identifiable bed or banks that are likely to adversely affect fish l fe, where the HPA requirement is noted by the department in response to the forest practice application [WAC 220-110-020(42)] 1 spoke with Jay Peterson of 4 Seasons Engineering and inquired as to this projects use of or impact to Peabody Creek This project will not use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow of Peabody Creek; therefore, the project does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Hydraulic Code In that no ESA review is required, there would be no SEPA review as indicated in item number 7. Under item number 9 you require that we obtain the appropriate easement for the storm water drain; therefore, in that the City of Port Angeles is the property owner, please consider this a formal request for easement as shown on the engineered plans in your possession If you need any additional information please advise at your earliest convenience. As to the requirement outlined in item number 10, we don't see how this can be accomplished Items 3 and 4 could not possibly be accomplished until after building construction has commenced and item number 5 can not be accomplished without site preparation I'm sure this requirement is not meant to be strictly interpreted. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 417-3663. Sincerely, Tim Woolett Green Crow Properties, Inc Attached Copy of City Public Work's May 8,2006 Letter Cc Scott Johns,City Department of Economic and Community Development Bill Green, Lindberg&Smith Architects Jay Peterson,4 Seasons Engineering,Inc rc �ate. I V ORT , NGELES +@— W ASH I N GTO N, U. S. A. Public Works & Utilities Department a,xj s r a:- May 8, 2006 y`c•R'{q"t�"rw'w,"q''�,`'S».4"k5Y?hA „ " h Bill Green Lindberg & Smith Architects " 14„ 319 So. Peabody =:9z,>r Port Angeles WA 98362 th ,ter RE: 727 East 8 . Street �,X% --,;;"zf i2;°.'•ti vas s � Y Dear Bill: A plan review of the commercial addition for Green Crow Timber LLC has been completed and the following corrections are requested. 1. Existing driveways approaches not being used or relocated are required to be reinstalled to City Standards, this is not an owners option. 2. Drainage calculations for parking lot and roof down spouts will be submitted for review. 3. Existing ADA ramp located on the northwest corner of 8th Street & Francis Street will be retrofitted with a detectable warning device. All 4. ADA ramps with detectable warning device will be installed at the south and north sides of the alley sidewalk between 7th and 8th Streets along ` <. Francis Street to City Standards. 5. Relocate utility pole at alley parking area. 6. Storm water drainage system work will be done within environmentally sensitive area(Peabody Creek Ravine & Buffers) requiring ESA Review. Contact Scott Johns, Community & Economic Development for questions Fa i' on items 6, 7, 8 e,. 7. ESA Review requires SEPA(Agencies W/Jurisdiction) _ r Phone: 360-417-4805 / Fax: 360-417-4542 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: pubhcworks@cityofpa.us ,�» 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 P ORT NutLE 4 S r WASH I N G T O N U. S. A. Public Works & Utilities Department pv 8. Applicant will be required to contact WDFW for Hydraulic Permit approval (HDP) `` '� '� " ��� 9. Obtain appropriate easement for construction of storm water drain pipe to be located on City property. - . 10. All will be required prior to start of work. x�'rozu xm";z1Yig'�.av moi'*°is Sincerely, =,"',x.i.= Roger Vess f.y Assistant Civil Engineer City of Port Angeles ,h3�» cc Scott Johns CED Trema Funston Eng. David Yasumura Bldg. Phone: 360-417-4805/ Fax: 360-417-4542 Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: publicworks@cityofpa.us 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 4 SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC. 619 South Chase Street PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 DATE JOB NO (360) 452-3023 FAX (360) 452-3047 ATTENTION Tk V.A' w CO L_Zr""r- TO RE ��7 -C N O` -cam 7 S t WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following Items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FORBIDS DUE ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO 1\ SIGNED: if enclosures are not as noted,kindly n y us t once. LINDBE ITH A R C H I C T S 319 south peabody suite b/port angeles,wa 98362/360.452.6116 fax 360.452.7064 email contact@lindarch.com/www.lindarch.com memo-letter TO O,,./I. L_� �1 ► ! DATE SUBJECT: 777 �O MLCC-802-2 PRINTED IN USA. ti} W �h"�r2 �tV�f�;rti���1�r s'" �s��r ,•�i�+ r; �, �;.t� t�'�}(� '��{`� d �� ��� t� �,. ? � '44�i ✓� { �N1��t �1{i,s��t t� ��S d ��.rN riw".rc 6 d �A 7 � � i x;�J' d„�4'K ,?:+'�;, y �" ri a' � �"t R.ru� �•`%' �.,..' E i �� '� a1 l��� '•t�F� } ��� � ��r/��,r� � t� P'4�'f l��� � �� '�� Mi ����jd�ll' a'��,... ;.��?-r �t} .1 4 pt t �.1 t; gI ✓� r tyoyl3r �� y � "-.rye � fi ✓ X�ry � u�LM'r� i r �, ,?d t c } �� /•fj�J�• '' i�rz .. UJ ;.. 4 d ' s A,4 7\ ��` 1 9$A.��� '.`-b„�•;,'• r�,. .,r•sem' sad lj!AA�.. I'�l�I n 1sj.;.,t,� :1 qI /.�f�/i/ �''✓'.. • a � #fit o J � � ! OV I} �• � '�'L` .�IR!i ��f, ' ,fir,`;yL'k�' , �t � �•'�.� r�Ft��• f �r �...� I �I it' ' f _ u- ^""'�';1'�� �f ;ri� ,�t rr,, i..a" !��� ��4 W°` fy � 1 I��j�` . . 1 Ir ✓� ...,r till s la` � x 4 1 ti 1 F at. MW u J FENCE I WE - DISSI > m�DETAIL E APAP` SEE ;' I'I'' ' ' SCALE: i"=20' ao' w � f L � I 1 i 1 ,` 153 uµE N FEET "60•'1 D CONC _TE CULVERT �`��S'D 8'ply, ^j; %I�'' f TOP=12215 111 SSD T�Sp" !4'ry I I•��I I Il I SIGN el /1 IF=116 f5 ..�/',to,� / ' TYPE 1 C.B. W/01 I D CONCRETE Cuc VERT _ j ;'r ro� 'i SEPARATOR TEE OP=12230 RIM-163.9 / I =ff630 BACKFILL TRENCH, WV-159.0 COVER W/STRAW _ _ / I SAWCUT&REMOVE EXSTG A.C., AND RESEED W/ :_-- -- ' '�,� �4A•9 h REGRADE& REPAVE AS NEEDED TO — �AY'!' *� SLOPE TO C.B. El CRASS E, - ! ;i!! <� 54'/ TYPE 2 c.a. W/ !4 OUTLET CONTROL TEE / PRABk�Y3y�1( 9ltq- �� �Vq�.'fiQ RE�/�113 \ s4� RIM-164.8 UL RNEEb�P1'ALL21S� ' 'U� V- N 159.3 c� Ot r h'fVP,E'1'c'�.,'W/OIL ;'' ' �� cF�l Ca o.5 5EMPARA igR,TEE w S 3�NF C \ y16f.T 1r ss r4. F 1 C.Y. DRYWELI 'N 2Q / J BASE OF D.S. „ ,b ] �<' c• MATCH EXSTC. A.C. A7 o " / J ` Q 04 / \ ALLEY �y� TiDNOF /�• \ 185.9 0 \_ -'`�'1. 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THAACONNEU HANDRAIL di - \:< I I / / G 7 v�'/ r PORCH PER ADAIT la I A/ 5 • �IN�INit�NI�N�NII�N�INNI�f NN�NIINNN 2006 1177196 awn RECORD OFSUN EY LOFS 1649 AKOCK225 v r0WN,91rE`0FA0ffrA I(GEXES CKaUAN COU M WASHINGrOU 9 FOR.ORF"CROW77 DERLLc LEGEND A SEP ON 2-22-2006,A LID PLUG WIN PK NAIL AND BRASS WASHER STAMPED'KHENGER PLS 26704' `•T/" h`\ Q�'43'�'� ❑ SET.On 2-22-2005.A PK NAIL MTH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED'MENG.ER PLS 26J04' �\ yv • SET.ON 2-2z-2006.A 5/8'REBAR MITN SURWYOWS PLASTIC CAP STAMPED'MENOFR PLS 26304' t+5r• `\ c•gG�ar'Lr?'ems- G'+Y � �.\``�Jj�G tee• XrL'� per,,\ •' .�' te7, �$•�, j •ra Z 4; y �4 c�' \ J�, 18 F _S 0 25 50 100 'P'•�' \ � SCALE IN FEET NOTES , \ � 1)THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON!THE WASHINGTON COMINAIE SYSTEM GRID.NORTH 2OIE NOR"' LCB, AMERICAN DATUM OF IOU 1891 AOAUSTMENT(NAM/1911 SAID DATUM WAS DERIVED FROM TIES ro ®®® GPS STATIONS 0630116OP(N74-3-1)AND O&MI77POIJ-2-1)AS SHOWN ON VOLUME 34 OF SURWYS �Q� PAGE 4Z RECORDS OF CLALIAM COUNTY,WASHINGTON. ♦,EQ THE AVERAGE COMBINED SCALE AND ELEVATION FACTOR USED FOR RIS SURVEY IS 0.999R3750.TO OBTAIN GROUND DISTANCES MULTIPLY SAID DISTANCES BY 10000625 2)THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED BY FIELD TRAVERSE USING A 5 SECOND TOTAL STATION.EDM EMIPMENT WAS CALIBRATED ON 4-15-200.5 AT THE NGS BASELINE IN PORT ANGELM 1)MIS SURVEY DOES NOT PURPORT ro SNOW THE Dn7DKE OF ALL EASOVENTS AND LIR ENCUMBRANCES RECORaD OR UNRECORDED THAT MAY AFFECT TINS PROPERTY C A)TNS SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE C.LO MLS PLAT OF THE 107E OF PORT ANGELES AND VARIOUS Q MOA/MDHTATION PLANS ON FILE V47H THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES SEE SAID PLAT FOR ORIGINAL LOT 5.)FOR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF RECORD SEE AUDITOR'S FRE NUhIBERS 2004-113W64 RECORDS OF OBIEHSIGNS THE D7ERSECTIONS OF THE STREETS BETWEEN FOURTH AND EIGHTH STREETS ALONG FRANCIS AND CARIAM COUNTY,WASHINGTON EUNICE STREETS ARE BASED UPON THE 1961 MAP TITLED'CON7Ra SURVEY BOULEVARD TO FRONT-LIBERTY To LAUREL'PREPARED By" VMGR,PLS ON FILE MTN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES IRS PROCEDURE TILLS BEEN Q)THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED ACCORDING TO WAC 372-130-090 STANDARDS FON LAND BOUNDARY SURVEYS.TILLS USED ON VARIOUS SURVEYSINCLUDING VOLUME 43 OF SRVEM PAGE 93 BY MT MURK,PLS SURVEYS SURVEY WAS NOT PERFORMED OR CEIRRAW TO MEET THE'UMMAN STANDARD DETAIL REOME7 ENW OR O PERFORMED BY DAVID C ISANS PLS RECORDED ODER VOLUME 30 OF SURVEYS PAGE 65 AND MAWS 35 OF 'ACCURACY STANDARDS'FOR ALTAIACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS THEREFORE.THE USE OF THIS MAP FOR THE O SURVEYS PAGE 54 DO NOT USE THE 1961 WRIGHT CONTROL MOW NOR ARE THEY CONSISTENT WIN EACH OTHER ISSUANCE OF AN ALTA/ACSM OMNOYS D fTENOED COVERAGE POLICY IS STRICTLY PRONBTED AND HAW REV REECTED PER THIS SURVEY L9 AUDITOR'S CER�7.TII EK4 E / W SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Hg'URIT7�'dt`I, & A YC'r � p FILEDFOR RECORD iMSOC�6 aY OF Moak /oak .2008 _ �E__ p 66 ^ THIS MW caREcnr REPRESOlIS A SURVEY MADE Br ME DR 330 EAST FIRST ST., SUITE 10 ATV?-5-2 /).0 IN BOOL 10�_a SRLEYS AT PACE . - �✓ DIRECTION IN OONFO4AWA{wmH THE REouREINBY of nE PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 AT THE REQU =AND LLAPPINNG Do. .�. SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE RE*9ST OF CREDO CROW M BER (360) 457-9800 LLC IN FEBRUARY.XOG. aMID �_ FAX (360) 457-9556 Ao IDIFS FILE wa www.wenglersurveying com a-z7-toes LX '76 tY`sJI, E« FOR OFFICIA (USE NLY Date Rec BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Permit# `. .,. Date Approved Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK.Your application and site plan MUST B Date Issued COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions,call PERMITS (360)417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 ',•i' 0� Applisaor Agent: Lz„rz*w=gr..-,4i.!�;6ai,��,ge,.4Phone: d,5;2_ , g�a�� Owner: G,216e,Ai T'11C/ff:r-72... L Le—, Phone: 4-5Z — 3 3 2S Address: �-yZG7 _ �j G7-� City:_F7no:r i ► Zip: �d � d Architect/Engineer: 1_m4Z>A /y,..4 Sj!g1 / Aj42CAV12]&=;5 Phone:¢SZ-- Contractor_ State License#: Exp: Phone: Address: City: Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS:_ -7.2 8r ZONING: Ckj LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: L0,j Block: :2_7S Subdivision:W�10 pe= e--A, CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit Card Type VISA MC # TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: -mss ❑ Residential ❑ New Constr. ❑ Re-roof ❑ Stove SF.@ $ /SF =$ 6L,25y 4!z2+j ❑ Multi-family %Addition ❑ Move❑ Garage SF.@ $ /SF.=$ Commercial X Remodel ❑ Demolition ❑ Deck SF.@$ /SF.=$ ❑ Repair ❑ Sign ❑ Other TOTAL VALUATION $ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: �I�i1r•T�C�AZ>,C7j=A./ Tp Zs•.�"��Cr� CO MERCIA /RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: jff2 Occupant Load: Construction Type: V. r No.of Stories 2 Lot Size:2t,ben Existing Sq Ft qQ�_&Proposed Sq Ft 4u�3 =TOTAL Sq.Ft 7Z�i 7f fir— Total lot coverage &_-� % —� PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: ESA/Wetland(s) ❑ Yes ❑No SEPA Checklist required?❑ Yes ❑ No Other: — FIRE: OTHER: VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE:IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application,the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant(see Section R105 3 2 of the International Building/Residential Code,2003). No application can be extended more than once l hereby certify that l have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required,not the City's, and that! must obtain such permits prior to work r Applicant Aw/j X; T� )Qae Date G� l4A&--H/1Z,:;7n TECHNICAL Multi-Loaded Beam[2000 International Bwldinq Code(97 NDS)1 Ver.6 00 7 dd Lp> By Charles Smith , Lindberg&Smith on 04-05-2007 3 54 09 PM Project GREEN CROW-Location 2ND FLR ENTRY BEAM Summary 5 125 IN x 12 0 IN x 16 0 FT /24F-V4-Visually Graded Western Species- Dry Use Section Adequate By 48 6% Controlling Factor Moment of Inertia/Depth Required 10 52 In Center Span Deflections Dead Load DLD-Center= 005 IN Live Load LLD-Center= 036 IN = L/535 Total Load TLD-Center= 041 IN = U467 Camber Required C= 008 IN Center Span Left End Reactions(Support A) Live Load LL-Rxn-A= 2332 LB Dead Load DL-Rxn-A= 353 LB Total Load TL-Rxn-A= 2685 LB Bearinq Lenqth Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked) BL-A= 0.81 IN Center Span Riqht End Reactions (Support B) Live Load LL-Rxn-6= 3105 LB Dead Load. DL-Rxn-B= 432 LB Total Load TL-Rxn-B= 3537 LB Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked) BL-B= 1 06 IN Beam Data Center Span Lenqth L2= 160 FT Center Span Unbraced Lenqth-Top of Beam Lug-Top= 1 67 FT Center Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam Lug-Bottom= 160 FT Live Load Duration Factor. Cd= 1 00 Live Load Deflect Criteria L/ 360 Total Load Deflect Criteria L/ 240 Center Span Loading Uniform Load- Live Load wL-2= 263 PLF Dead Load wD-2= 26 PLF -� Beam Self Weight BSW= 15 PLF Total Load wT-2= 304 PLF J Trapezoidal Load 1 Left Live Load TRL-Left-1-2= 0 PLF Left Dead Load TRD-Left-1-2= 0 PLF Riqht Live Load TRL-Right-1-2= 275 PLF �I Riqht Dead Load. TRD-Right-1-2= 28 PLF Load Start A-1-2= 70 FT Load End B-1-2= 160 FT Load Lenqth C-1-2= 90 FT Properties For 24F-V4-Visually Graded Western Species Bendinq Stress Fb= 2400 PSI Shear Stress Fv= 190 PSI Modulus of Elasticity Ex= 1800000 PSI ([� Ey= 1600000 PSI Stress Perpendicular to Grain Fc perp= 650 PSI Bendinq Stress of Comp Face in Tension Fb_cpr= 1200 PSI Adjusted Properties Fb'(Tension) Fb'= 2395 PSI Adjustment Factors Cd=1 00 CI=1 00 Fv' Fv'= 190 PSI Adjustment Factors Cd=1 00 Design Requirements Controllinq Moment M= 11840 FT-LB 8 64 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Controllmq Shear V= 2971 LB At a distance d from nght support of span 2(Center Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 Comparisons With Required Sections Section Modulus(Moment) Sreq= 5933 IN3 S= 12300 IN3 Area (Shear) Areq= 2345 IN2 A= 61 50 IN2 Moment of Inertia(Deflection) Ireq= 49672 IN4 t/14t 1= 73800 IN4 '"WIEE Footinq Design F 2000 International Buildinq Code (97 NDS)1 Ver 6 00 7 By Charles Smith , Lindberg&Smith on 04-05-2007 3 55 26 PM Prosect AGREEN CROW-Location- STAIR PAD Summary Footinq Size 2 0 FT x 2 0 FT x 10 00 1N Reinforcement #4 Bars @ 8 00 IN O C E/W/(3) min Footing Loads Live Load PL= 2332 LB Dead Load PD= 353 LB Total Load PT= 2685 LB Ultimate Factored Load Pu= 4459 LB Footing Properties Allowable Sod Bearinq Pressure Qs= 1500 PSF Concrete Compressive Strenqth F'c= 2500 PSI Reinforcinq Steel Yield Strenqth• Fv= 40000 PSI Concrete Reinforcement Cover c= 300 IN Footing Size Width W= 20 FT Lenqth L= 20 FT Depth Depth= 1000 IN Effective Depth to Top Layer of Steel d= 625 IN Column and Baseplate Size- Column Type (Wood) Column Width- m= 400 IN Column Depth n= 400 IN Bearing Calculations Ultimate Bearinq Pressure Qu= 671 PSF Effective Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure Qe= 1375 PSF Required Footing Area Areq= 1 95 SF Area Provided A= 40 SF Baseplate Bearinq Bearinq Required Beannq= 4459 LB Allowable Bearinq Bearing-Allow= 47600 LB Beam Shear Calculations(One Way Shear) Beam Shear. Vu1= 1068 LB Allowable Beam Shear vc1= 12750 LB Punching Shear Calculations(Two way shear) Critical Perimeter Bo= 41 00 IN Punchinq Shear Vu2= 3645 LB Allowable Punchinq Shear(ACI 11-35) vc2-a= 65344 LB Allowable Punchinq Shear(ACI 11-36) vc2-b= 88188 LB Allowable Punchinq Shear(ACI 11-37) vc2-c= 43563 LB Controllmq Allowable Punching Shear vc2= 43563 LB Bending Calculations Factored Moment Mu= 13376 IN-LB Nominal Moment Strength Mn= 127575 IN-LB Reinforcement Calculations Concrete Compressive Block Depth. a= 046 IN Steel Required Based on Moment As(1)= 006 IN2 Minimum Code Required Reinforcement(Shrinkage/Temperature ACI-10.5 4). As(2)= 048 IN2 Controllinq Reinforcinq Steel As-reqd= 048 IN2 Selected Reinforcement #4 Bars @ 8 00 IN O C E/W/(3) Min Reinforcement Area Provided As= 059 IN2 Development Lenqth Calculations Development Lenqth Required. Ld= 1500 IN Development Lenqth Supplied Ld-sup= 900 IN Note Plain concrete adequate for bending,therefore adequate development length not required Uniformly Loaded Floor Beam[2000 International Buddmq Code(97 NDS)1 Ver: 6 00 7 By Charles Smith , Lindberg&Smith on 04-05-2007 3 47:29 PM I,1vco; Project GREEN CROW- Location 2ND FLR ENTRY BEAM Summary 5.125 IN x 12 0 IN x 16 0 FT /24F-V4-Visuallv Graded Western Species- Dry Use Section Adequate By 181 0% Controlling Factor Moment of Inertia/Depth Required 8 5 In Deflections Dead Load DLD= 006 IN Live Load. LLD= 019 IN = L/1012 Total Load TLD= 025 IN = L/779 Reactions(Each End) Live Load LL-Rxn= 1368 LB Dead Load DL-Rxn= 409 LB Total Load TL-Rxn= 1777 LB Bearinq Lenqth Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked) BL= 053 IN Camber Reqd . C= 009 IN Beam Data Span L= 160 FT Unbraced Lenqth-Top of Beam Lu= 1 67 FT Live Load Deflect. Criteria L/ 360 Total Load Deflect. Criteria L/ 240 Camber Adjustment Factor CAF= 1 5 X DLD Floor Loadinq Floor Live Load-Side One LL1= 500 PSF Floor Dead Load-Side One DL1= 100 PSF Tributary Width-Side One TW1= 262 FT Floor Live Load-Side Two LL2= 400 PSF Floor Dead Load-Side Two DL2= 100 PSF Tributary Width-Side Two TW2= 10 FT Live Load Duration Factor Cd= 1 00 Wall Load WALL= 0 PLF Beam Loadinq Beam Total Live Load wL= 171 PLF Beam Self Weiqht BSW= 15 PLF Beam Total Dead Load wD= 51 PLF Total Maximum Load wT= 222 PLF Properties For 24F-V4-Visually Graded Western Species Bendinq Stress Fb= 2400 PSI Shear Stress Fv= 190 PSI Modulus of Elasticity Ex= 1800000 PSI Ev= 1600000 PSI Stress Perpendicular to Grain. Fc perp= 650 PSI Bendinq Stress of Comp Face in Tension Fb_cpr= 1200 PSI Adjusted Properties Fb'(Tension) Fb'= 2395 PSI Adjustment Factors Cd=1 00 CI=1 00 Fv' Fv'= 190 PSI Adjustment Factors Cd=1 00 Design Requirements Controllinq Moment M= 7109 FT-LB 8.0 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads Controllinq Shear V= 1564 LB At a distance d from support Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads Comparisons With Required Sections Section Modulus(Moment) Sreq= 3562 IN3 S= 12300 IN3 Area(Shear) Areq= 1235 IN2 A= 61 50 IN2 Moment of Inertia (Deflection) Ireq= 26261 IN4 1= 73800 IN4 r Footinq Desiqn f 2000 International Buildinq Code(97 NDS)1 Ver 6 00 7 By Charles Smith , Lindberg&Smith on 04-05-2007 3 49 27 PM Proiect AGREEN CROW- Location STAIR PAD Summary Footinq Size 2 0 FT x 2 0 FT x 10 00 IN Reinforcement #4 Bars @ 8 00 IN 0 C E/W/(3) min Footing Loads, Live Load PL= 1368 LB Dead Load PD= 409 LB Total Load PT= 1777 LB Ultimate Factored Load: Pu= 2898 LB Footing Properties Allowable Soil Bearmq Pressure Qs= 1500 PSF Concrete Compressive Strenqth F'c= 2500 PSI Reinforcinq Steel Yield Strenqth Fv= 40000 PSI Concrete Reinforcement Cover c= 300 IN Footing Size Width W= 20 FT Length- L= 20 FT Depth Depth= 1000 IN Effective Depth to Top Layer of Steel d= 625 IN Column and Baseplate Size Column Type (Wood) Column Width m= 400 IN Column Depth n= 400 IN Bearing Calculations Ultimate Beannq Pressure- Qu= 444 PSF Effective Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure Qe= 1375 PSF Required Footing Area Areq= 129 SF Area Provided. A= 40 SF Baseplate Bearinq- Bearmq Required Beannq= 2898 LB Allowable Beannq Bearing-Allow= 47600 LB Beam Shear Calculations (One Way Shear). Beam Shear Vu1= 694 LB Allowable Beam Shear- vc1= 12750 LB Punching Shear Calculations (Two way shear) Critical Perimeter Bo= 41 00 IN Punchmq Shear Vu2= 2370 LB Allowable Punchinq Shear(ACI 11-35) vc2-a= 65344 LB Allowable Punchmq Shear(ACI 11-36) vc2-b= 88188 LB Allowable Punchmq Shear(ACI 11-37) vc2-c= 43563 LB Controllinq Allowable Punching Shear vc2= 43563 LB Bending Calculations Factored Moment Mu= 8695 IN-LB Nominal Moment Strength. Mn= 127575 IN-LB Reinforcement Calculations Concrete Compressive Block Depth. a= 046 IN Steel Required Based on Moment As(1)= 0.04 IN2 Minimum Code Required Reinforcement(Shrinkage/Temperature ACI-10 5 4) As(2)= 048 IN2 Controllinq Reinforcmq Steel As-reqd= 048 IN2 Selected Reinforcement #4 Bars @ 8.00 IN 0 C E/W/(3) Min Reinforcement Area Provided As= 059 IN2 Development Lenqth Calculations Development Lenqth Required Ld= 1500 IN Development Lenqth Supplied Ld-sup= 900 IN Note Plain concrete adequate for bending, therefore adequate development length not required Green Crow Office Complex Q �Select Panel •Ilist. yy iII II - �'S• �• - � Y - �Y � - rY �• "ry • •f • •f - ����\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W\\\\\\\\\� • •f- ��� MEMEO\\\\\EN,\\\\�\\\E •f ��MMMKW f\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\EW I AUXILIARY POWERED DEVICES ;4204CF Enter no of relays used \\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\��1� •" • • •• \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\©®� repeater •• \\\\\\\O\\\\ ++�� Radio58FITM wireless xmtr module '5881 EN receiver 5883 hi-security receiv r 7845C Cellular Radio 0 Current Limited7---- "INEOWNEEN ■ �� •++ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\��� 78451 Internet ���� \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\��� Ceiling997 •Communicator PIR ' ' \\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\��� • ����\\\\\\\\\O\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\��� • , ����\\F. N • ��®�\\\\\\\\\\\\\\EN •• - - ����0\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\��� ------------------------ a POLLING LOOP DEVICES 4190SN Two Zone-SIM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ �\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ p \\\\�\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ • - ' ■ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' \\\\\\\\\\\\`\E\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MIRM&MOCHIN \\\\\\\\\\O\..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\��\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\ ■LED \O\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\�\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ EAWNRIO \\\\\\\\\\\\\\:\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\\\\\\\\\\�\� INEM\\\\O\0\\\\ 0\\\\\\\\\',\\\W\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ • �� \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ • \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ g�\\\\\\\\\\O\ \\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ �5192SDSmoke -ctor \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ] \\\\\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ •2 S D T • •MX _ • •- ��\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ .\\\\\\\\O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O\`\\\\\\\\\WOMEN \\\\\\�\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\EN \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\VEN 11NEWENON,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ How many POW Fntalutnidsr 12V NOTIFICATION DEVICES ON Enter poweredStitrrdhy Faux Alarm TotalPoltiYg Standby Currentfmmpanei 3lztalsound®r BELL OUTPUT#1 Quantity externally? pwr) current(Aux) A& tOLoop tarp cWtent fbl m Cu-m f— .7t Enter device name,quant,¤t 6 0 0 135 081 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 0 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 0 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 D 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 01 0 0 01 0 fto 1 Favatoverdraw f h 1 a"Aftx vWPUMxmeciea ir w4ligmea How many Total Tow-wounder 12V NOTIFICATION DEVICES ON Enter powered stttttrgpp(attx Alarm Tot>ll tto(g2ty Standby CW.MWtiglrrV-ei f4tpt Spender BELL OUTPUT#2(IF USED) Quantity externally? pWtj Cunent(Aux) P4tlilt;tteog WAP ou"IAt 80AZ Ctii4eut(el?tert* Enter device name,quant,¤t 8 0 0 135 1 08 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 0 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 D 0 ' Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 0 0 Enter device name,quant,¤t 0 0 0 0 0 F uvemrawif hMN 1 #Y O 12V AUX POWER AND BELL CIRCUIT 1?i►m8 PW 5 t1Ahant Actual! t +3 f{bstt t Volta"Drop WIRE RUN DATA ttttiY ► # t+rRJ t?tthlen$Ih krFkirilE 6} Vaita,O*OL (PencEnlf Panel Aux Power Wire Run twin lead Feet v <Select Wire Gauge> v 000 0 000 1200 000 Panel Bell 1 Wire Run twin lead Feet v #14 AWG solid v 319 300 191 1200 001 PaneJ Bell 2 Wire Run twin lead)- Feet v #14 AWG Solid v -71-9 300 191, 12001 0021 #3524 Power Supply i•�� ��`� StandbvlAlarm Durations tram to Battery Standby(hours): �kzotts+ceQaKr ea iatemahetwi rat AY 33 9hts ttasa vak Alarm Duration(minutes): Regcur, t-ililp"ity#Asl) 1.059 Use TWOiaonft-W b0#Q i*$`wfMatAH 7.0 l�tcnitulteilnred�ttatytrap�in+ct�c for 48•flrRecltart#@ PS24 POWER SUPPLY MODULE,MAXIMUM CAPACITIES Panel 12V Pane)12V Output A Output A Output B Output B PS24 PC Maximum Total Maximum Total Max Battery Standby(mA) Alamr(mA) Standby(MA) Alarm(mA) Standby(mA) Alar Board(mA) Standby Output Alarm Output capacity Eaiwig 4 to hack upconttot Pant 570 1700 570 1700 40 610 4180 34.4 Fotat3'mlidb FotatAl�rn1 gtriVa(ent{tar►et/oaFf®3dlt 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 40 40 4 owmied to*VDC>ftm 24V f df vi w) $Ld70g6F tai r Budget A.batc+t 33trptE 510 0 636 9 5 0 17000 5700 17000 570 0 4140 0 34 4 re re 24V NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES Eater RWNhPS24 &Mddby£oatt PoiaeAlarm 11W40WA § Enter Device Names&Specifications 1luarlttty 0QVV0 fes) low tVA t tanday Alarm Snbiotat b$tant)by $ubtotaf BR#trm 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 01 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 Output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 01 01 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification A liance 0 Output A v 0 0 0 D D 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 Output v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 0 0 0 0 0 0 24V Notification AWiance 0 output A . 01 0 01 01 0 0 24V Notification Appliance 0 output A v 01 0kXX'W 0 0 0 0 #otaluiiatm .Actual aJltll8l>�`` #ytrledJrJ?Idw #22Si.StanpE VollOtnP xc 24V BELL CIRCUIT WIRE RUN DATA [snits Ga 10of �� l�bettg£tr f��s� Volt�yeAt1 kL (Fe>cetd) � PS24 Output A Wire Run twin lead Feet v <Select Wire Gauge> v 000 0 000 2400 000 PS24 Output B Wire Run twin lead Feetv <Select Wire Gauge> v 000 0 000 2400 00 ,. TA—I'd 2%8 F B Pill V In 2" 8 rw"-B P—2"'"4 Commercial Fire and Partitioned Burglary Alarm Control Panel Designed to integrate seamlessly with CCTV, access keypads, RFreceivers and relays are supported by control, and ADEK4COtfull range offire and burglary extremely powerful control platform ThaV|STA'128FBP oompunenCu, the NEW V|STA-128R3Pprovides the has been designed k» mount quickly and easily man ultimate protection oflife and property The ULlisted attack resistant cabinet, and iaavailable m12Vand 24V Commercial Fire and Burglary Control Platform oon|m|o models Arevolutionary new feature called Panel Linking upVoeight partitions, and supports up to 128 allows multiple partiUono, paoe|u—oven buildings to be zones/points using hanjvwnad, wireless and V-P|ex armod, disarmed and have status checked from one addressable technologies Adiverse line ofADEKXCO |ono8mn m/UuUog dav/oeu, notification oxou/ta, digital d/u|o/o. FEATURES ° Eight hardwired zones standard, ° Supports CCTV applications with ° Supportu Remote Control-via the expandable to 120 V-P|ex the newV\utaYew-1UU CCTV inhel addressable points/zones or128 Svv/toherK4odu|o ^ Supporta Internet Alarm wireless points/zones ° Identifies the point orzone ofa Report/ng°° ° Cunoonko| o/ghtoepara\eareau fire oralarm, using the new FSA- ° Supports the new Graphical User independently(8partitions) B/FSA-24Fire System Annunciator Interface Consoles ° Supports Panel-Linking u||owo up ' ° Programmable to meet SIA false ° Supports upuo25Oaccess card toOsystems orbuildings tobe alarm prevention specifications holders using VmtaKey oon(mUedfrom one central Tbmeet ULapproval foo4NS|/3|A location (using VA82[0) CP'01-2O00order part number ° Supports A|phuNumoriopager up ^ Supports commercial UL wireless VISTA-1288|A to8different numbers using the fire and burg °Two on-board notification (beU) VA8201 circuits delivering 23 amp ~non�«�mmvmmncumnu�n ^ ��omoup\o512ewen\aaodc�n accommodate 150user codes @12Vo/34 uml 24V puoapmmtAccess Control Systems mux/mumouuvo,s ^Automatic smoke d��eoVzr ° Supports add/eauub\oV-P\ax access control points using sensitivity maintenance teahum ng ^^w�rouxouw � u,mwot-/ ViutaKey (1 to 8 doors) °4+mire�moke reset using on' ° 3uppu�aup0a1Odoomof board J2output trigger access control using Vista ° Supports Dynamic Signaling for Gateway Module(VGKJ)° LRR MEMO= VISTA-1 28FBPN1 28FBP-24 Commercial Fire and Partitioned Burglary Alarm Control Panel Additional Features —Supports 120 two-wire zones —Supports UL864/NFPA • Notification Appliance Circuits points approved wireless smoke (two) —Global polling technology for detectors —Programmable faster processing + Access Control integration —Temporal code compliant —Increased current draw capacity —Full integration with PassPoint —Individually sllenceable (128mA) Access Control System • Programmable on-board auxiliary —Supervised s panel Complete Gateway interface of g y a —Individually assignable to relay partitions, notification circuit Vista and access functions • SIA false alarm reduction features (bell) output or aux relay • Up to 8 doors using VistaKey —Exit error logic —4,000 ft capability without the V-Plex Access Control —Exit delay reset use of shielded cable Event reporting —Cross zoning —Extender/Isolation bus module p g —Call waiting defeat —Two-wire smoke detector • Local printer of access or VISTA —Recent close report zone/group expansion module related event adds two or four zones • Supports commercial hardwired, —Eight zone—Class A and B • Scheduled uploading of events to addressable V-Plex polling loop extender module central station and wireless zones —Eight zone—Class B extender • Stored events for one call retrieval • Hardwired zones module —Provides eight style B hardwired —One zone supervised contact • Communication zones monitor module —Phone mapping by zone —EOLR supervised for Fire and • UL Listed wireless expansion response type UL burglary installations —Supports up to 128 wireless —Supports VIP interactive phone —Supports N O or N C sensors zones/points using 5881ENHC —Panel operation during voice module --individually assignable to any receiver download eight partition —Supervised by control for _Uploading equipment list to —Up to 32 two-wire smoke check-in signals central station detectors each on zone one and —Tamper protection for two (64 total) transmitters —Communication to PassPoint via—Up to 50 two-wire glass break —Individually assignable up to Vista Gateway Module detectors on zone eight eight partitions • CCN integration • Patented addressable V-Plex —Supports VistaVIew-100 ECP polling loop technology based CCN switchers 46Y ' •� �� ae>xtumo. F:��j------ 420611 4193SN 5792 Eght-Za1e Serial Interlace 5192 4203SNF Serres Smoke Expansron Module Serres Smoke Eight-Zane Der-t." Module V-PLEX Det-t— Ex ansmn Loop tv�o reit With 2 ClaS Class A Wueless Zones _-Rece 6160CR Red Alpha Console VlstaV-1-100 CCN �t•. Swrtcher VstaKey V-Plex " c``"�"� Access Control AS4�. Module lv;r•�•.v^;� ±� ................ ' Nnhtu.ation Appliances 420a +Y;e+. l NAG(eelp RelayCuft 4204CF Module?:`w�.•X? ��`:: Eight Class B Haidv+ e Zones Parallel Printer 416 5140 LED •••—'�Smech Communicator, _ OPllan Status Mudule t w i Serial Punter • 0 4100SM Printer _ Interface Module RS232 Noti icauon Appliances 6220S Printer t i Alpha Paging , .�:,:..,..�Phone Lme to Central Station Modula ,••, ' M7720ULF Long Range Radio ;,.i,c:,Ratl o F Cellular n Applications •Alarm power 12VDC, 1 7A max Cabinet dimensions The VISTA-128FBP control is well for each notification(bell)circuit • 18"H X 14 5"W X 4 3"D suited for a variety of applications output Total 2 3amps® 12V as an integrated fire and burglary • Environmental Aux standby pwr 12VDC, 1A . Storage tem -10°C to 700C control A diverse line of ADEMCO max g p initiating devices supports this ' • Operating temp 0°C to 50°C extremely powerful control Some of • Total power 2 3A at 12VDC, 3 4A the applications supported are at 24VDC from all sources • Humidity 85% RH medical and professional buildings, . Standby time 24 hours with 1A • EMI Meets or exceeds the churches or synagogues, office standby load using 34 4AH following requirements buildings, schools, strip malls, battery -FCC Part 15, Class B Device larger residences and factory or -FCC Part 68 warehouse environments • Fusing Battery input, aux and -IEC EMG Directive installation notification(bell)circuit outputs The VISTA-128FBP alarm system are protected using PTC circuit Agency Listings Burglary protectors All outputs are power • UL609 Grade A Local Mercantile has been designed to mount both limited Premises and Mercantile Safe and quickly and easily It meets all Vault applicable requirements for UL •Optional 24-volt power supply, PS commercial fire and burglary 24 Supplies two 24 VFW, 1 7A full • UL611/1610 Grades A, AA, installations wave rectified, unfiltered Central Station- Specifications Electrical outputsMain Dialer • UL365 Grades A, AA Police • Primary power 18VAC Q 72VA • Line seize Double Pole Connect ADEMCO No 1451 * Ringer equiv 0 7B Fire • Control panel quiescent current . Formats ADEMCO Low Speed, •Ul-8641NFPA72 Local, Central draw 350mA ADEMCO 4+2 Express, ADEMCO Station and Remote Station • Backup battery High Speed, ADEMCO Contact • Factory Mutual -12VDC, 12AH min to 34 4AH ID, Sescoa and Radionics max • Dual phone line capability (using • California State Fire Marshal -Lead acid battery(gel type) 514ODLM module) • MEA •UL985 Manual Pull Statmns 5140MPS-1- 5140MPS-2- 4190SN at 93SN V-Plex Two-Zone Sena]lnten.ce Expander J29 GN 4944SN Module V-Plex Adapter Add,essaole tamper Switch' 5881 Recessed Mount Flow Switch' Wueless Receiver Contact Low Ternp Switch' ECP Bus tMax Two) _- 4297 Ext-de, Melation/ 6139" 5808LS7 Extender Motlule 32 Character - Wil'""- Smoke 890 Red-A ha Detectors less Keypa.f Wueless FIR F .___._---_ 42D9U Group Zoning 4204CP N. Module Supervised y- : - 5816 � ' NAC D-1wmdow 5808LST _ I 41905N Module M,nss,we Smoke Tr ner Detectors + Supports Up To 10' - V-Plex AW Symphony Apph nce CSn oke Detect— Twp expander Appliance m VGM(PTVGM) 2 Vista Gateway Supports Up To 64 Module +•;:' Convenvonal 2-Rhre Smoke Detectors fix-�+i-''�r'.k�' 3���r�?�:a.,r.•':.,, j n §W'. Panel-rrking Panel Linking Module Module T �4 se VS OR- Selectable �� lTi`-�. Output t . w Horns, Strobes, and Horn/Strobes .�:,• ry f"• yv SpectrAlert'Advance selectable-output horns,strobes, and horn/strobes are,rich with features guaranteed to C, t InStaliailon ti roes Z7nd rnay,,rni re profiLs SPECT RAle The SpectrAlert Advance series of not.,rcanon a;-r)li 3nces r, Features designed to simplify installations,with features such as plug in .Electrically compatible with existing SpectrAlert products designs,instant feedback messages to ensure correct installation of Automatic selection of 12-or 24-volt operation at 15 and 15/75 individual devices,and;i fv-ld-;electable candela sett:rrgs for wall candela and ceiling strobes and horn/strobes Plug-in design h4.en:nstallrr,-,Advance products,dist attach a universal mounting Field selectable candela settings on wall and ceiling units.15,15/75, plate to a four-inch square,four-inch octagon or double-gang 30,75,95, 110,115,135,150,177, 185 )unction box The two-wire mounting plate attaches to a single-yang .Same mounting plate for wall-and cerlrng-mount units )unction box Shorting spring on mounting plate for continuity check before Installation Next,cent leer the norficati,,n a�pllunce��rar;t wiring r;,th. SEiNS terminals on the mounting plate Tamper resistant construction Outdoor wall and ceding products rated from-40'F to 151'F Finally,attach the horn,strobe or horn/strobe to the mounting plate Design allows minimal intrusion into the back box by inserting the product's tabs in the mounting plate's grooves-The Ho,n fated at 88+db,,at 16 votes device will rotate into positron,locking the product's pins into the mounting plate's ter nunals The device will temporar dy hold in place Rotary switch for hot n tone and three volume selections with a catch until it is secured with a captured mounting screw •Outdoor products UL listed to UL 1638(strobe)and UL 464(horn) outdoor requirements The;peri Wert Advance series Includes outdoor .Outdoor products rainproof per UL 50(NEMA 3R) appliances Outdoor strobes and horn/strobes(two wire and four wire')are available for wall or ceding Outdoor horns are available for Cor-npatrble with MDL sync module wall only All System Sensor outdoor products are rated between minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 151 degrees Fahrenheit In wet or dry applications enc L%stiff s SMALING 1125 1 GS3186 p,uiecr tob�il R�iiAe �� 73007653181{ou[doors[mb�sl l—��l t,_ 7131653 tII3liioi n,'.uoLcS approved rno-na'<.rwbesl LISTED APPROVED 71351653189(horn5 ctarncsi ]4011 3023572 1,11,A45205h 55512 53593 SpectrAlert Advance Specifications S General SpectrAlert Advance horns,strobes and horn/strobes shall mount to a standard 4 x4 x 11/2-1 rich back box,4-inch octagon back box of double-gang back box Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 13'a-inch back box A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceding and wall p:«:urr: fi:e noun iugn appliance arcurt,^:nary sham tem anate at thr un:,cr SSI mountrn;plata Also.-,pectrAlert Advance plcxi•tcts•+,vf:<^n used with the Sync Circwt t.9odule a:cessoiv 1131Q.6 pgwered r oro ncxru)dt d r:ot•ti;arlo i a1•phano urc:3[uut�ut::nil shall opeiatr on norrnai 12<jr'4 vo ti,^/flea u,edv,'�thtneSit,c•Gicwitd�alule,I?-+igluatalnouncaUan�pphanceuicwtqnputssha�lopeiatebety,�:x-Ili.l;t;•ai,�ll5�oits,l4-+�olt,,tadi,out,catior; appliance cucuwt outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts Indoor SpectiAlert Advance products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit rromi a requlate,i DL,of Iult;va`,e rectrtie:,unfllte;ed pov'er sur r,ly St:<t,es a ru hom/strnixas shaA have acid soli-cL>.ble r_ai;dela serirnas u,nuding 15,15/7513u, 75,95,110,1 1 S,135,150,177,185 Strobe [he,twb e shall Lea Svstern Sense i Specuruer i Aavar;ce(+n:f ei listed tr UL i n71 and shall bear proved toi lire protect rye service The strobe shall be wrxi as a pui nary-sr�naiin.;n,xatc uqn apphanr-e and corn(.ly wuh Che Art3ar,carn wrth L`jsabihnes act taqurraments tui v:,tL Ie s;gria(n-ig appl:arices riastrn0 at i H.-_,•ver rl><snolx-s enure� .era::rna voltage!,rn7�-the strobe hunt shall consist o�-a r<•non tlasl-�tub-and a<s:�-sated lens`retlectorrysterri Horn/Strobe Combination The ho,f,'w be snail be�Svstti r.Sensri Specti Alei t Advance Nlodd li rlf,to Ut 107 1 a to Ui_4cv1 at-d still be approved fo r f ire protective service Thr h-ri/strobe nall Le',^rlre•i as a pun-ay stg;alin•;n,tlfi:auon a;phan;e ind comply�vrth the Arn-rrcam with f it,ihihnes Act r,-,;,t jif,?rfvint;for visiNr- vgnahrvg.:pp lances•t)ashu c1 at:Hz over tl ie strobes entire operacng voitaye range he<.tiotie light shall consist of a xenon i fh;h tube.ind associated ien�,'r•.fecte;system the ho•n wall have itue.audibdry oF•nons<:nd an optio;l to switch bet,w�•.n a ten-�pgrai three pattern and,ron-temporal(c ontlnucus) pattern These options are set by a multiple position switch On four-wire products,the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder The horn on horn/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply Outdoor Products SpectrAlert Advance outdoor horns,strobes and horn/strobes shall be listed for outdoor use by UL and shall operate between minus 40 degrees and 151 degrees Fahrenheit The products shall be listed for use with a Systern Sensor outdoor/weatherproof back box with half inch and three-fourths inch conduit entries Synchronization Module llte module shawl be ')ysu ru Sensor Sync•Clrcwt nc,tE I VUL listed to UL 454 and,,hail I)-approved for ftie p orectwe ervicE-The nodule shall rynchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hzand horns at temporal three Also,while operating the strobes,the module shall silence the horns on horn/strobe models over a single pair of wires The module shall mount to a 41°h6 x 416'i�x 21,'s-inch back box The module shall also control two StyleY(class B)circuits or one Style Z (class A)circuit The module shall synchronize multiple zones Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control The module shall not operate on a coded power supply X Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120'F(0°C to 49°C) K Series Operating Temperature -40°F to 151°F(-40'C to 66°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93%non-condensing(indoor products) Strobe Flash Rate 1 flan;i per second --— ----------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------- - ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ----------- Nommal Voltage Regulated 12DC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWR- - Operating Voltage Rangel 8 to 17 5 V(12V nonunal)or 16 to 33 V(24 nominal) Input terminal wire gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling mount dimensions(including lens) o8'ctrarneter x%5-high(171 trimdr.:rtE•ter-64 mn)hlg'rii Wall mount dimensions(including lens) ;61 x n 7W x 2 5 D(142 inn L x 119 rnm W/64 mrr•Lt) Horn dimensions GL x 47-W\1 3"D(142 rnm L\119 mm:^1 r 33 rn:i,D) Wall-mount back box skirt dimensions(BBS-2,BBSW-2) _91-i:u`vd x.2-T)(1 1 1 nm)-x 1`8 rnm',,','y 5},rain'')) -------------_------------------------------- -•------------------ - _ ------------------------------ -- - ---------------------------------------------------- Ceding-mount back box skirt dimensions(BBSC-2,BBSCW-2) 7 E•dl<•i•ra•:r t;"hl�ttl(i 80 ran diameter x;7 r'rn frgh) ------ ------ - ---—- — — ---------------------------— - _— -- -- -------- -- ------------- Wall-mount weatherproof back box dimensions(SA-WBB) 5 71 `•1"YV i?0T�(14`)nun L/130 mm W x 51 rtrr 1 Di Ceding-mount weatherproof back box dimensions(SA-WBBC) 71-diametei Y_0-hdo_,I,1130 t orn uiarrnetei x 51 m;i high) Notes: 1 Fut A/aV,Rer:ifk et PAIR):'.r'tagr Is a iron regul,t-:d,ame v<:wing pqt^;ei'our,e that s•i.ed on•on ie p,-,jmr sus ply an,I p,riE-1 gwputs 2 P,S,PC,and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 cd Au5 u395-003 Honeywell 580883 PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE/HEAT DETECTOR WITH BUILT-IN WIRELESS TRANSMITTER Honeywell's 5808W3 is a 3V lithium powered, Since there are no holes to drill or wires to run, you can photoelectronic smoke/heat detector with a built-in preserve the beauty of the budding while protecting it The wireless transmitter It is Intended for use with any 5808W3 is an ideal smoke detector for those difficult to wire 5800 Series Wireless Receiver/Transceiver for residential locations, applications where room aesthetics are critical, or installations (for commercial installations,the 5881 ENHC where hazardous materials exist or the 5883H receiver is required) All models also feature a restorable, built-in, fixed temperature The transmitter can send alarm, tamper, maintenance(when (135°F)thermal detector that is also capable of sensing a control panels are equipped to process maintenance signals), pre-freeze condition if the temperature is below 41°F and battery condition messages to the system's receiver Smoothing algorithms minimize nuisance alarms by smoothing out short terra spikes from dust and smoke— virtually eliminating nuisance alarms FEATURES • Improved Robust RF Field • Drift Compensation • Easy-to-install Mounting Base Strength Virtually eliminates nuisance alarms The sturdy mounting base allows the The distance between the detector from long-terra dust build-up by detector to be more easily installed and receiver has been significantly automatically adjusting the detector's on uneven surfaces(i e stucco) The increased without the need for a sensitivity mounting base has larger mounting repeater Removable Detector Cover and ports, which accommodate drywall • • Smoothing Algorithms Chamber Top anchors for easy surface mounting Mathematical calculations in the The technician is able to quickly and detector's software that minimize easily clean the detector chamber ADDITIONAL FEATURES: nuisance alarms by smoothing out without disassembling the detector . Utilizes one long-life 3V lithium short term spikes from dust and head battery smoke •Approved UL Listings for Residential • Microcontroller runs on a 4 0 MHz • Smart Check and Commercial Applications clock A signal is sent to the control panel Both residential and commercial . Horn operates at 3 3 KHz with sound when the detector requires cleaning installation requirements are met pressure level of 85dBA at 10 feet This allows a regular, non-emergency • Additional LED Status Indicators • Built-in wireless transmitter,temporal service call to clean the detector Identifying between alarm or trouble code 3 sounder before it goes into alarm conditions is a snap with green and • Maintenance signal fully complies red LED status indicators A green LED with the sensitivity test requirement denotes a normal condition while the specified in NFPA 72, 7-2 2 and is red LED indicates abnormal conditions approved by UL v 5808W3 PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE/HEAT DETECTOR WITH BUILT-IN WIRELESS TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATIONS • Dimensions • Air Velocity • Power Source -Diameter 5 3, Height 2 30" -1,000 ft/ruin, max -One 3V CR123A lithium Battery •Weight •Operating Voltage • Audible Output -8 5 ounces(without batteries) -2 5-3 6VDC -85dB min e 10 ft • Operating Temperature • Standby Current • Fixed Temperature Heat Sensor -32-100-F(0-37 8°C) -8 5 pA avg -135'F Fixed • Humidity Range • Alarm Current • Agency Listings -0%to 95% RH, non-condensing -35 mA max -UL268-Commercial and Residential With adapter bracket(4 9"without mounting base) T Replacement batteries include Duracell DL123A,Sanyo CRI 23A,Panasonic CRI 23A,or ADl 466 ACCESSORIES(sold separately) SE S-RDR Infrared RT Removal Tool _ Sensitivity Reader �•r. Simplifies the attachment ?;;;.{r•, <<•• :..- Reduce testing time with the ' n' > Y : and removal of the handheld SEMS-RDR infrared }", detector head to the ""'*" • : > sensitivity reader The reader Il` :. ` Q mounting base, It may simplifies sensitivity measurements ; •` be attached to a threaded and displays precise sensitivity extension pole or broom " .. measurements In terms of handle thereby eliminating percent per foot obscuration _ ? the need for ladders The SEMS-RDR eliminates the =_ ..... need for magnets, voltmeters "" { `: ; '.', •. " ..." and ladders •�.,•,� �:. ��.', w } �.`.= ORDERING 5808W3 Photoelectric Smoke/Heat Detector with Built-in Wireless Transmitter Accessories sold separately: SEMS-RAR Hand-held Sensitivity Reader RT i3 Removal Tool used for easy installation and removal of head from base Honeywell Security&Custom Electronics Honeywell International Inc HUmneywcell P O Box 9035 PLo6032 Syosset, NY 11791 L/5808W3D5/D December 2006 WWW honeyWell Corn �02006HoneywellInternational lnc y r r 'f'.0:::y:•••i,'.i{.;'}ni4::r}:.i'+,"N','t:'S+Ti•.S`0.\viti\\\+�+$+\}tiiitti+ ':}ilii".r.f,.y.v.y +:•tiivrir r vi'1'rttvtit�'f:::'.i.•�:f{.:G.L.�,••. s`/I1f��� : .'i..• ..:rN. .. y .'t ff:• /rr.rrn f r + .•. 616 q�_,tom' .2•� .;•a' y ; .. ..r,:t 2. .}}vin•$.}'', t •.: t :-�t:` t �:::�� CR COMMERCIAL FIRE ALPHA KEYPAD ':<"<+ )rriyy "yy"• Mrny.•:}± kK• ,n`'2 t:yt•; •:'n'rC,�. :5,'?:T.::+-'�„t,£:hr�eti,t',3:t••�:"i,.yrr,ty<;t•r' �%` ;i.#r.xt-'�:?„?•v✓•{:}i': rt„f✓£nvi'•'i`•;✓,ir,;,.;r; `{�; %`'}t :,�: nsw:.a:;s`c#s,'%tr''.'�j°yx`•j%;2,T,r;?kc::<c?'."^::;i}t�-f`�: �':f':y:�<`,��: 'i y.?•`':i.n}::.:j2: yV11,1111, v.f~5�;''2•q.a.':•-'.,;...T�ti":tS`.t.yy 3,.`v.)t.«a 4Z:y\y<yt.X2^•Lr'tt.” ,,t+r.itt},{,`:u•:,.,t.�;$.ry'<ri+a'?i•y:;,`',{•.y:v'�;2'�2)t;iYtr 22a •. J•�r+'.•ft t:. i ty{y::r'rr'"•i':yi};'y.vi'.,•`..,'::r�i ~`~"'''�'+`i::� +.tit,ttttt••y:;.`o.tti'ti`.�+':1r ��. .,.. T.',�+`�t'y.::•n•.u•,:+<..x:}-rf�\t'v\\`'.l'i:•.�i C:`L•\yr2j•Gv:}:v\:`: ::.}``�•,><•}ry{`zy:`�'' v�:y \\"t•`.}'•.i'y\n:'t`..:n:4:;yti:}':.,.:2�.k• T ':l`'tit••�:•vyii}n}•y''n'•:-.}.:i++y:Sy }\.2.•..\•".,+;ti.<•.:v:•:•.v rt\•�{rv'::Ly+•.K.i 'tie •}:�}'fit��. r '}r The 6160CR is an addressable remote keypad Intended only when a key is depressed,or when the system is In for use in commercial fire applications with Honeywell's alarm or trouble condition control platforms.The keys are continuously backlit for 'Note On some platforms,the LCD may be programmed to remain on at ail convenience and easy visibility.The LCD display is backlit times(see panel instructions for derails), FEATURES • Four programmable • Four LEDs • Large easy-to-read display function keys -Armed • Red removable door • Built-In sounder -Ready -Trouble • Physical -Supervisory 5.250"W x 7.437" H x 1.312" D SPECIFICATIONS Display Sounder Compatibility •Alphanumeric, 32-character • High-quality speaker •Supports Control Platforms (2 Imes x 16 characters) Electrical -VISTA-32FB Rev. 3 and higher LCD back light LEDs, -VISTA-128FB Rev. 4 and higher Armed (red) •45mA standby 150mA In alarm -VISTA-128FBP Ready (green) (sounder,back light and LED on) -VISTA-250FBP `Trouble (yellow) Wiring Table(Af1 keypads) -V128FBP-24 g yp 'Supervisory (yellow) —V250FBP-24 • See control panel's Instructions for DI "Data IN"to control panel from keypad UL/CUL Listed for Residential and Commercial Fite specific applications regarding — Ground(-aux Power) and Burg installations To be employed with manufacturer's listed control units as indicated in Trouble and Supervisory LEDs. + +12VDC(+aux Power) the installation instructions DO "Data OUT"from control panel to keypad ORDERING 6160CR Commercial Fire Alpha Keypad Honeywell Security&Custom Electronics Honeywell Internatlonat Inc. PO Box 9035 Syosset, NY 11791 L:/6160CR/D January 2007 www.honeywell.com 0 2007 Honeywell international Inc 5881 ENHC Commercial Wireless Receiver The new 5881 ENHC RF Receiver Is designed for use with control panels that are approved for use in commercial fire and/or burglary Installations The receiver recognizes alarm, status, and keypad control messages from wireless transmitters operating at 345MHz The receiver also features a Spatial Diversity System that virtually eliminates "nulls" and "dead spots" within the coverage area FEATURES: • Front and back tamper for • Spatial Diversity System virtually • Compatible with all 5800 series commercial fire/burg Installations eliminates"nulls" and "dead spots" wireless devices • One or two receivers can be used to within the coverage area • Connects to control panel via the provide redundant coverage or • Can be mounted remotely, anywhere keypad bus extend coverage in large areas on the keypad bus for extended • UL listed for Commercial Fire/Burg coverage applications COMPATIBLE CONTROLS: • Vista-32FB • Vista-128FBP • Vista-250FBP •Vista-128BP •Vista-250BP • FA1600 series • FA1700 series SPECIFICATIONS: Dimensions: Interface wiring: Installation: • 7-3/8"W x 4-3/8"(10-7/8"w/antennas) • RED 12VDC input(+)Aux • See product installation instructions H x 1-7/16"D 188mm W x 112mm H power for details on programming and (277mm w/antennas) x 37mm D • GREEN Data out to control mounting • YELLOW Data in tram control Input Voltage: • BLACK Ground (-) UL Listings: • 12VDC (from control's keypad • Commercial Fire UL864 terminals) Range: • Household Fire UL985 Current • 200ft(60m) nominal Indoors from • Household Burg UL1023 • 60mA(typical) wireless transmitters(the actual • Commercial Burg UL365, UL609, range to be determined with the UL1076,UL1610 security system in the Test mode) • FM Operating Temperature: • MEA •0-50°C • CSFM ORDERING: 5881ENHC Commercial Wireless Receiver Honeywell Security&Custom Electronics Honeywell International Inc Honeywell PO Box 9035 Syosset, NY 11791 U5881ENHQD Eebaary 2005 www,honeywell.com ©2005 Honeywell Intemet,anal Inc e SEASONS (360) 023 - Fax(360) 452-3047 ENG/NEER/NGS INC. 619 S. Chase Street-3 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph SCS Type IA rainfall distribution Green Crow Office Building Tax Parcel# 063000722590 Prepared by 4 Seasons Engineering C allam- oypus Soils-type C Date: ay 0, 6 Rainfall Amounts(inches) 6mo 24 hr Tyr 24 hr 10yr 24 hr 1 00y 24 hr 1 8 2.00 13 00 4 50 re eve oment Condition CN Ns lawn/landscape 6,762 86 015 roof/paving 13,962 98 0 011 gravel 250 89 0 011 forested 0 70 0 4 Pervious Impervious Sheet Flow Tc Sheet Flow Tc Avg Ns 0 150 Ns 0 011 L(ft) 100 CN= 8600 L(ft) 100 CN= 9784 slope(%) 2 Tc-- 1216 slope(%) 2 Tc-- 150 2yr-24hr 2 00 S= 1 63 2yr-24hr 2 00 S= 022 Post Deirelopment Condition N Ns lawn/landscape 4,582 86 015 roof/paving 6,39 8 011 gravel 0 89 0 01 forested 70 ::::!OJ4 Pervious Impervious Sheet Flow Tc Sheet Flow Tc Avg Ns 0 150 Ns 0 011 L( CN= 86.00 L( 100 = 00 slope(%) 2 Tsc= 1216 lop T 1e(%) 2 c= 150 2yr-24hr 00 S= 1 63 2yr-24hr 2 0 S= 020 Detention Pipe utlet rifice 1 diameter Length Stor Vol Safety DesignVol elev esign Vol #of Orifice feet feet cu ft Factor cu ft ft at onfice onfices Size(in) 3 100 707 1 707 000 0 1 175 2 yr 10 yr 100 yr Outlet Orifice 2 max predev.(cfs)= 0.1829 0.2943 0.4634 elev Design Vol V of Orifice Max Postdev.(cfs)= 0.1840 0.2952 0.4641 ft at orifice onfices Size(in) Max Overflow(cfs)= 0.0896 0.2850 0.4588 1 0 353 1 2 2 %of predevelopment= 49 97 99 Outlet Orifice 3 Flow Control for Stream Protection adequate? 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Property Use . . . . . . . �' D Property Zoning . Application valuation . . . . 5000 Owner ------------------ Contractor �/ ' 7i /�C ------ ------------------------ GREEN CROW TIMBER LLC OWNER PO BOX 2439 PORT ANGELES WA 983620312 --- Structure Information 000 000 CAR SALES BUILDING --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . DEMOLITION Additional desc . . DEMO CAR SALES BLD / CANOPY Permit pin number . 67272 Permit Fee . . . . 50.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 12/14/05 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/12/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summaryCharged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 50.00 50.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 50.00 50.00 .00 .00 N 1 � Separate Permits are required forelectrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date T\Policies\1102_15 building permit inspection record05.wpd[1/4/2005] 4gVt16 1t.v+ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4 'r Date Rec Z I BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Permit# " Date Approved Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK.Your application and site plan MUST BE Date Issued ( D COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360)417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 Applicant or Agent: Grfto— Crow TimbtA LLC Phone: 360- t-1/1- 31s5� Owner: .3 GliYr�.e_ riv•fL �.� -�-f_ Phone: Address: *'P`'9• �VX .2'L/3 ? City: ©a'-4 17-Ad lee 10/9' Zip: `jk3fa Architect/Engineer: n/'- Phone: Contractor n/!4- State License #: Exp: Phone: Address: City: Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS: '7a l E 6 A,I-eleS ZONING: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: -� Block: 0?-5 Subdivision: TP/-?- CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: Q le '3U-UV - O 2 Credit Card Holder Name: I Billing Address: Credit Card Type VISA MC # TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: ❑ Residential ❑ New Constr. ❑ Re-roof ❑ Stove SF a $ /SF.= $ ❑ Multi-family ❑ Addition ❑ Move❑ Garage SF a $ /SF.= $ ❑ Commercial ❑ Remodel -a-bemolrtion ❑ Deck SF. a $ /SF.=$ ❑ Repair ❑ Sign ❑ Other TOTAL VALUATION $ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: I f )IIS A c, &r 5!n I rs 6 a ; i IA ez 'd ii� S'r�r 7� r'e will be su v/�t Y Gf 4r- re e/ D El I/ P__ Qr, rl-.r Ige &I-ef,{ to f lall&tn Ce ion .f C MMERCIAL/ SI ENTIA : Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type- No. of Stories-, Lot Size. Existing Sq. Ft & Proposed Sq Ft =TOTAL Sq. Ft Total lot coverage % PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPW U: ESA/Wetland(s): ❑ Yes ❑ No SEPA Checklist required9 ❑ Yes❑ No Other: FIRE: OTHER: VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION. In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application,the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant(see Section R105 3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code,2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that/have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct /am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that It is my responsibility to determine what permits are required,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work ))nn Applicant W—.1*,A Date 09/15/06 13:43 FAX 3606812086 Peninsula Heat 1603 10, ELECTRICAL WORK PERMITAPPLICATIO(Y Inslnllauon description Job wired by ectrical Contractor ❑Owner U.e'6mmercial O Residential EIy�c�{(r-cal contractor name ' / License number Dale Eryir�s /'i'/7lns/� I� l /_�� N ❑ New 17fered/Additioo Purchescr s�m\silmg y[d .77I"YYXCC ,I� x 3l. City Stsu ZIP ��u/r✓I Gt/�, 1 �3�f�. Tele hone umber FA numt+cr 1C/ �Pre Iles owner'! me ra w �r Addresr of insp�e�/1c 'on City ✓_tom/,-r� l�s G+/y9- 953�� Phone num1er w s edulc ibs action-- 5 Ownrr,as defined by RCW l9?B161:(1) Owner will occupy the sfrvelure for Iwo years after thu electrical pernrir is firmli:ad. (=)Owner it required to hire an electrical contractor if above raid propem-it far.rale, renr or lease. ❑ Cash ❑ Check# After reading the above atatemcnt, 1 hereby certiCv that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I ani making the electrical instil- ❑Credit Card1Sa Mastercard Discover lotion or alteration in ColnplianCe with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B- The City of Pon Angcles Municipal Code, and Card# M��L -- Utility Specifi stions. —"'— Siena or own r. tr' co actor or lectrical adml Istrat0 Expirefion Date D of card Inspection fe O X Date; � $ S Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions Service Information ❑ NO LOAD CHANGES , ❑ Baseboard _I�KW Voltage P-rumece t5 KW O Overhead Service Phase 0 1 0 3 11'reat Pump 4E Ton_LAR ❑ Temp Service Service Size: O Fan-Wall —KW ❑ Underground Service Feeder Size: SAMF, DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUCH4N THERMOSTAT SERVICE Da¢ wpprovm uy Dam Appmved ay Dam AIV.11-14 a, E FINAL DITCH FEEDER r, L� Apnm•N Br Due A,— B. Dao Approved by Inspection Date Area,Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical ,,Inspector 9-14 0� /IPPi2o/t-D (�L r� e,rar,y 1 s w y AK PERMIT APPLICATION r r�� 2 e'• 1 ♦y,-fa 1 h ., ..Alien Job wired by ❑Electrical Contractor ❑Owner �? ❑ Residential xs/ Elec��tL cal cont actor name .� Liceryrysse number Date Expires , "— ,i� ,,, m trI'�UA GQ V SLS ❑Altered/Addition Purchaser mailing a, s - IL-lOz I, r(a���rcl�I �r�l a04– Telephone yjUc�iG� - t / d V eec7 State i` 4– Tellee11rpphone number U FAX number t 57- 37 �1S7-G'Z i Z Premises owner's name (:preen Address of inspection ,�-7 �. Citv Phone number to schedule Inspection: �0- C) Owner as defined by RCVV.19.28.261:(1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical perndt is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above.said property is for sale, rent or lease. ❑ Cash ❑ Check# After reading the above statement, 1 hereby certify that I am the owner of the above ,,f,r named properly or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- {'�Credil Card Visa Mastercard Discover lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Card# ____ Utility Specifications. On /e Signature of wn r, electrical contractor or electrical administrator Expiration Date .n Inspection fee Date; of card $ 0 r �� Electrical 1.709dlljditions and oAubtraCtIons Service Information ❑ NO LOAD (>K NG ES ❑ Baseboard _KW Voltage ❑ Furnace _KW ❑ Overhead Service Phase❑ 1 ❑ 3 ❑ Heat Pump _Ton_LAR ❑ Temp Service Service Size: ❑ Fan-Wall _KW ❑ Underground Service Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ft THERMOSTAT SERVICE 0 Dane Approved By Dme Approved By nITCH rEEDER Dade Approved By Uale Approved By Inspection Area,Building or Equipment Ins ected Electrical Date Action Taken Inspector Idly Aly / � — 4 '°• ELECTRICALWORKYEliM1TAPPLICATION.t, installation description Jub awed by ❑ Electrical Contractor ❑ Owner 'Commercial ❑ Residential Electrical contractor name License numbcr Dale Expires ❑ New ❑ Altered/Addition _HS T£r-tr. C' -LAa1t5 s� H=t�cTS 955135 a/oq Purchaser's mailing address -423 �� �i5va: ST'• Y ascA�� �.R� ��A(u 1__ C(Ji��ty Slate ZiP p,p Toee,� (�..aOti1vS wP_ 7 eJ3�o 2� _ 5 ST•e� . Telephone numbcr FAX number r 'moa -a►s2 - 2727 3(ao -ySZ-85CPc� 'Premises owner's name Address ull inspection Yp� city _fit©c;- — Phone numbs , Schedule inspection: ao- `f5Z- 332 Owner as ae"Med hy.Nf�W l?.?3.3G/:(/) Owner will occupy fire atrucrure Jnr Mn years a/ter this electrical permit ie fnalice'ri. (2)Owner ec required to hire an eleciricnl c.,wractnr if above said prnpa'gr is Jen sale, rent or lease. ❑ Cash ❑ Check# Alter reading the above statcm=4 I hereby ccnify that I am the owner of the above named properly co,a licensed cleelrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- 0 CreditCard V1S8 MasterCard Discover lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.C.C., RCW. Chapicr 19.28. WAC, Chapicr 296-4613, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Card' Utility Specifications. -- Slgnawre of own r, •lectrical contractor or electrical admirllstrator Expiration Date cF�P_ In cction feu I{ 4 Date: 3/1410-4- ofcard Electrical Load Additirgnti and or subtractions Service IniorMAtien ❑ NO LOAD CHANGES ❑ Baseboard _KW voltage ❑ Furnace _KW 0 Overhead Service Phase L3 i❑ 3 ❑ Heat Pump _Ton_LAR ❑ Temp Service Service Size: ❑ FarrWall _KW ❑ Underground Service Feeder Size: SAME :DAY INSPECTION CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROIJGH-IN I HERNIOSTAT SERVICE A °- oh Dmc nppmvcJ lly uom A,N-N HY lla;c Approval Dv FINAL DITCH FEEDER Liz mm avnm.ea nr D;ne nnrm..d or Dmc Apnm.ea ny terra Insprclion Area,Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Date Inspector REG MAR 2 --- - - — LIGHT — ---- —Tel Wd2T:20 L00Z TZ '-IEW 09S8 ESV 092 'ON Xb'd SDIN081DE73 HD31—IH WWl3 3604172733 ST OF WA L&I 08 07 42 a m 04 1 1 13 ' 04/06/2007 12:12 3604174729 PORT ANGELES CITU L7 afiF 01 ' CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DIVISION ,I ... FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Bate: 416107 To: Labor& Industries Fax: 417-2733 Re: Inspections Sender. Kathy Trainor Phone: 417-4724 Fax: 417-4729 YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 1 PAGE, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. y ^ IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL(300)417-4724. Please inspect for. Mike, HI-Tech Electronics y. 452-2727 722 S. Francis (their phone is 452-3325) Fire alarm system PerMike, the address was previously 727 E 8t' (you did a final there on 412, I u that's the address on the permit); he says the address has been changed to 2 S. Francis. Should be someone there any day from Barn-4:30pm. Thank you, Kathy I CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DIVISION �ttS pNOV� FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: 4/6/07 To: Labor & Industries Fax: 417-2733 Re: Inspections Sender: Kathy Trainor Phone: 417-4724 Fax: 417-4729 YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 1 PAGE, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (360)417-4724. Please inspect for: U Mike, Hi-Tech Electronics 452-2727 1a� 722 S. Francis (their phone is 452-3325) Fire alarm system Per Mike, the address was previously 727 E 8th (you did a final there on 4/2, and that's the address on the permit); he says the address has been changed to 722 S. Francis. Should be someone there any day from 8am-4:30pm. Thank you, Kathy W.1 ELECTRICALWORKPERMITAPPLICATION t Installation description Job wiredby Electrical Contractor ❑Owner ACotnmercial ❑ Residential Electrical contractor name License number Date Expires r�ALI/n 5i&,S fg1 ZC��/rJ Vzf Ff094C( New LJAltered/Addition Purchaser's mailing address 244? ,o/i)CIF Rot 4o/2A sg:wylce City State ZIP &A7T IiyZGL/=sW yM?G 3 Telephone number FAX number �t 3 9 -gal Premises owner'sname — ✓ xm? / Address of inspection 2 ^ /TnsSj 3 1� City Phone number to schedule inspection: Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. ❑ Cash ❑ Check# Atter reading the above statement, 1 hereby certify that I am the owner of the above �� named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- 0 Credit Card `i ' Mastercard Discover lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N-E.C., RCW. Chapter 19,28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Card# _�jil - _----- Utility Specifications. Stgna[ure of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator Expiration Date Inspectionfee X � Date:/O / i of card �� $ /g4, , 0 ElecYrical Load Additions and or subtractions Service Information ❑ NO LOAD CHANGES ❑ Baseboard KW Voltage ZIZv 0 0 Furnace KW ❑ Overhead Service Phase 1 M 5a'Heat Pump Ton_LAR ❑ Temp Service Service Size: 49 0 Fan-Wall _KW Underground Service Feeder Size: 5 SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 a- Do,, THERMOSTAT SERVICE ✓ Il '�4 tDale Approved By Dale ✓Ajnoved By D CH FEEDER Da e Approved Fly Daty Approved By Inspection Area,BuildingorEquipment Ins ected Electrical Date p Action Taken Inspector /0ll/Or� &w(,- s G%7'&3T lo7- .#OCETF 4j1LL 9EL7U/l2F 44,d17-,-,j4,1 ORk 76 SERV6 wig/ PawE/e. In ,Q r . l 404VORr4,,c ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT m` �F 417-4735 C�OflKS 6 DATE PERMIT» INSPECT R 0/-NER/CONTRACTOR ADDRESS / APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .//. ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: g) zm7 fl /L/�j� ?lam Ltio T1-ed �9�d NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS a ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - OLYMPIC PRINTERS,INC.(360)452-1381