HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/12/2019P-QUANGELES
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City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, VVA 98362
March 12, 2019
1. Call To Order
Chair Cherie Kidd called the meeting 0oorder ad3:OOpm.
I/. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Counci|membensPnesent: Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter, Counci|memberand Chair Cherie Kidd,
and Counoi|memberLindsey Sohromen4Nmwrin
Councilme bersAbsent:
UAC Members Present:
UACMembers Absent:
Staff Present:
Others Present:
8t Approval OfMinutes
Vice Chair William Atkinson, and Rob Feller
[NaMiaaJ5rvegvon.Paul Collins, and Laura Dodd
Gregg King, James Burke, William B|oor.Jonathan, Boehme.
k8erySueFrench, Vincent McIntyre, Marian Boda¢and
Michelle Hale
Five Citizens
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin requested a motion for approval of the February 27, 2019
minutes. Vice Chair William Atkinson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
/V. Late Items: None
V. Public Comment:
Marilyn Eash, a resident and a member of a new group, Interfaith Earth Care Coalition, (six
different congregations). Personally and from the Coalition, requested and encouraged
moving forward with the community solar project.
David Mattern, resident, stated he had spoken to City Council previously to support the solar
projectand relayed how appreciative heimofCity staff. Heunderstands the consideration of
staff limitations, yet stressed to the Committee the importance of the solar project.
V1. Discussion Items:
A. WA Department ofEcology PrenonstmoUonGrant Acceptance
Jonathan 8oehm*.City Engineer, reviewed the Department ofEcology (OOE)Water Quality Stormwabs
grants. City Engineering applied for these two grants in 2015, and received a favorable ranking. However
the projects were put onhold in2D18due tofunding limitations okthe state level. |n2O18.the projects
were revived and approved for funding.
Project #1isfor planning and design oflow-impact development (L/D)retrofit improvements hoVV.1Gm
Street between Cand LStreets for the purpose ofimproving downstream water quality inTumwater
Project #2 is for planning and design of Low -impact development (L|D)retrofit improvements to the City
Hall Parking Lot for the purpose of improving downstream water quality in Peabody Creek.
Requesting grants to hire consultants to assist in formulating design alternatives, do not require City
match funding and are included in the approved 2019-2024 Capital Facilities Plan. Following the
plan ning/clesign, able to proceed with clear construction plans and environmental documentation.
Discussion held.
Lindsey Schromen~Wbmxrmmade mmotion tpforward afavorable recommendation for City
Council to authorize the City Manager to sign
1) Grant Agreement with ECY in the amount mf$160.000for the 1QmStreet LID Retrofit Project
and make minor modifications if necessary.
2) Grant Agreement with ECY inthe amount mf$1O2,UUOfor the City Hall Parking Lot LID
Retrofit and make minor modifications if necessary.
Kate Dexter seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-O.
V11. Information Only Items:
A. Community Solar Project
Gregg King, Power Resource Manager, provided anupdate on the Community Solar Project. Following
the City Council meeting, it was requested staff obtain more clarity and detail onthe community solar
project, as Council was informed City staff was unable to move forward with the project. Staff was made
aware of the solar project opportunity last summer, received a favorable recommendation for RFP
(Request for Proposa|).and received two proposals last fall. Upon further review, staff noted the number
of items needed to be accomplished with this project and the number of staff required. The City currently
has a Work Plan in place that does not address this project, and staff need to attend to day to day
responsibilities. Based on staff analysis, key required components, such as financial feasibility model
analysis, sufficient staff time to dedicate to the project and the ability to meet the pre -certificate deadline
prevents the City from moving forward with the Community Solar Project in 2019.
James Burke, PW&U Director stressed the City strongly supports renewable energy projects; however it
is necessary to incorporate the project(s) and grants in a timely manner and as resources allow. Ca/bon
footprint progress is important and we are constantly looking at and bringing forward projects to UAC and
Council. Discussion followed.
pg 3
B. Wastewater and Stormwater Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) Presentations
Delayed to future meeting.
C. UAC Meeting Notice
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin requested public notice for UAC and special meeting notifications be posted
more than 24 hours in advance.
VIN. Next Meeting Date:
April 9, 2019
Ix. Adjournment: 3:42pm
Chair Cherie Kidd Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist 11
pg 4