HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2019-02-20MINUTES
Vern Burton Meeting Rooms
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 2 O, 2019 6:00 p.m.
Rescheduled February 13, 2019 Meeting
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:05 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Mel Messineo, Pamela Hastings, Duane Morris, Andrew
Schwab (Chair), Amy Powell
CommissionersAbsent: BenjaminStanley
City Staff Present:Allyson Brekke (Director)
Ben Braudrick (,4s s is tant Planner)
Public Present:Sean Johnson
Chair Schwab moved "Staff Updates" and "Reports from Commission Members" items
ahead of the "Actior/Discussion Items"
Chair Schwab closed public comment.
Commissioner Morris moved to accept the minutes from January 23,2019 meeting.
Commissioner Hastings seconded the motion. Chair Schwab called for a vote. All were
in approval.
Director Allyson Brekke updated the Commission on the Housing Needs Assessment
presentation that was made to City Council on February 19th and detailed the location of
the three prototypes that were proposed.
City Council has approved the previous façade grant corridors to remain open indefinitely,
which will provide funding above and beyond the $10,000.00 maximum match to projects
on Railroad Avenue and ls Street between Laurel and Race Streets.
City will be having a discussion on general fund revenues on February 26. This discussion
may include code enforcement due to the program being funded by the general fund.
P lann ing C ommission M inu tes
February 20, 20 I 9
Page 2
Chair Schwab described a meeting he recently attended as a representative of the Planning
Commission concerning housing.
Discussion related to the Comprehensive Land Use Map occurred.
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Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick provided a staff report presentation on the proposal to
completely rebuild the façade facing I't Street at224 East I't Street.
Commissioners asked staff about parking requirements for the business due to the
structures fooþrint encompassing the entire lot. Staff responded that parking was not a
consideration of the current grant proposal, but would be a consideration during the
building permit review.
Discussion with the applicant, Sean Johnson, concerning the project details followed.
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on the scope of the project and moved to approve FSG 19-02 in the amount of $20,625.
Commissioncr Powell sccondcd thc motion, all were in approval
2019 Compreheneive Plan Amendment Draft Roview Caoital Focilities ond Lond Usc
(Commercial and Industrial Sections) Elements:
Director Brekke reviewed the 6 motions City Couneil provieled to elirect the Planning
Commissions 2019 Comprchcnsivc PIan Amcndmcnt rcvicw. Discussion of the motions
and the current scope of work for the amendment process followed. Staff reviewed the
purpose and utility of the Comprehensive Land Use Map. It was generally agreed that
revisions to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map would take a considerable amount of
public notice, involvement, and time and should be undertaken at a later date.
Commissioner Powell presented changes to the Land Use Elements Residential and Open
Space sections. Discussion followed and feedback was given to Commissioners Powell
and Stanley for the second draft of the Element.
Commission made a motion to adjourn. The motion passed 5-0 all in favor.
The meeting adj tt7 m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick, Secretary
Andrew Schwab, Chair