HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2019-04-24MINUTES
CityCouncil Chambers
Port Angeles, Washingto n 983 62
April24,2019 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present:Mel Messineo, Pamela Hastings, Duane Morris, Ben Stanley
(Chair), Andrew Schwab, Amy Powell,TaraLopez
City Staff Present:David Wechner (Interim Director of Community and Economic
Ben Braudri ck (As s i s tan t P I anne r)
Public Present:Cheri Kidd, John Ralston
Councilperson Cheri Kidd, City Resident
Welcomed the new and returning Commissioners to the Plaruring Commission and thanked the
Commissioners for all their work.
John Ralston, City Resident.
Commented on the availability of the Comprehensive Plan for community members. Stated that he
would meet with staff at a later date to discuss the plan in detail.
Chair Schwab closed public comments
Commissioner Schwab moved to accept the minutes from the regular April 10ú meeting.
Commissioner Messineo seconded. Chair Stanley called for a vote. All were in approval.
1. Publis Hearins: PZ 19-32 - 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Chair Stanley opened the public hearing for PZ 19-32 and invited public comment.
John Ralston, City Resident.
Congratulated the Commission on its work on the Comprehensive Plan and commented on the
availability of the Comprehensive Plan for community members. Stated that he would meet with
staffat a later date to discuss the plan in detail.
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick presented the staff report for PZ 19-32, including the
background, analysis, listing of amendments to the plan, and Staff s recommendation for the
Commission in their recommendation to the City Council.
P lanning Co mmis s ion M inu te s
April 24, 2019
Page 2
Commissioner Schwab asked staff about the recommendation to continue the public hearing to
the Commission's regular May 8tr'Meeting. Interim Director David Wechner responded that the
hearing had been noticed as only taking place on Apnl24th, and it would not be a violation'of the
Public Meetings Act if the Commission made a recommendation motion to City Council at today's
meeting. The decision to continue should be based on the amount of discussion between
Commissioners and the number and nature of public comment that has been received.
Commissioner Schwab asked if continuing the meeting would cause problems for the timetable
that had been laid out for the amendment. Planner Braudrick responded that adequate time had
hee¡r huilt into the process to allow for a continued public hearing.
The Commission discussed Statt's recommendations.
Chair Stanley entertained a motion.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion to continue the public hearing to the regular May 8,2019
Planning Commission meeting to incorporate suggested changes and allow additional public
comment on the 2019 Arurual Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Messineo
seconded the motion. Chair Stanley called for a vote, all were in approval.
Chair Stanley asked the Commission if the Commission would entertain a final amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan to include another column to the hnplementation Chapter that would relate
each action back to individual elements of the plan. He provided an example of his request.
Commissioner Schwab was concemed about the amount of time the Commission had to make a
decision and still make the state mandated deadline.
Discussion followed and stafT was asked of their opinion. Planner Braudrick stated that the
amount of time required to complete the edits and the amount of time available to the public to
review the changes was inadcquatc. Hc rccommcndcd thc changcs bc pcrformcd in a futurc
amendment cycle.
Interim Director Wechner provided guidance on making a motion for the requested changes.
Chair Stanley entertained the motion.
Commissioner Messineo made a motion to incorporate changes into Chapter I I Implementation
Table to include reference to the policies and goals to the actions they are related to. Commissioner
Schwab seconded the motion and discussion ensued. Chair Stanley asked for a vote, all were in
Chair Stanley closed the Public Meeting.
Planner Braudrick related his overall experience at fhe 2019 National Planning Conference.
Interim Director Wechner updated the Commission on the status of the Housing Action
Plan.Planner Braudrick updated the Commission on the short term rental identification that is
currently underway. Interim Director Wechner added that there was an analysis on vacant
developable property underway as well. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Stanley mentioned his interest in reviewing the airport and its use.
Commissioner Schwab made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Powell seconded, all were
in favor.
P lann ing C o mmís s io n Minutes
April 24,2019
Page 3
The meeting at 6:50 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary
PREPARED BY: Ben Br¿udrick Secretary
Ben Stanley, Chair
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