HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2019-05-08MINUTES
CityCouncil Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
May8,2019 6:00p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present:Mel Messineo, Pamela Hastings, Duane Morris, Ben Stanley
(Chair), Andrew Schwab, Amy Powell,TaraLopez
City Staff Present:David Wechner Qnterim Dírector of Community qnd Economic
Ben Braudri ck (As s i s tan t P I ann er)
Public Present:Tom McGuinity, Vicki Heckman, John Heckman, Brandon
Meyer, Mary Sue French, Chris Jackson, Beth Witters
Commissioner Schwab moved to accept the minutes from the regular April 10th meeting.
Commissioner Messineo seconded. Chair Stanley called for a vote. AII were in approval.
Chair Stanley moved the Façade Grant Action Items ahead of the Continued Public Hearing forPZ
1. Facade Grant 19-04 lHeckman I2I E.8th)
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick presented the Staff Report for Façade Grant 19-04. Chair
Stanley asked the Commission if they had any questions for staff. Commissioner Lopez asked if
the provided budget included the fourth wall of the building, and if it wasn't that meant the wall
was not being improved. Planner Braudrick explained that a budget was included for all non-
alley walls to allow continued construction, but that the alley wall was a part of the overall project.
The applicant provided further details about the project.
Commissioners asked the applicant questions about the parapet design and landscape included in
the project.
Commissioner Hastings made a motion to approve Façade Grant 19-04 citing 7 Findings,3
Conclusions, and 6 Conditions in the Staff Report. Commissioner Schwab seconded the
motion, all were in approval.
P lann ing Co mm iss io n Minute s
May 8,2019
Page 2
2. Facade Grant 19-05 (Yakovich I135 E. Front St)
Planner Braudrick presented the Staff Report for Façade Grant 19-05. Chair Stanley asked Staff
about the Façade Grant process and the Planning Commissions role. Planner Braudrick described
the process and provided examples. The applicant provided further details about the project.
Commissioners aske<l the applicant questions the builcling ownership, prcrject estimates, ancl state
of construction of the project. Discussion followed between Commissioners.
Commissioncr Hastings madc a motion to approve Façade Gr¡nt 19-05 citing 7 Findings,3
Conclusions, and 6 Conditions in the Staff Report. Commissioner Schwab seconded the
motion, all were in approval.
1. Facade Grant 19-04 (Heckman 121 E. 8th)
Assistant Planner Ben BraudrÍck presented the Staff Report for Façade Grant 19-06.
Commissioners asked the applicant questions about the parapet design and landscape included in
the project.
CommissÍoner Hastings made a motion to approved Façade Grant citing citng 7 Findings, 3
Conclusions, and 6 Conditions in the StafTReport. Commissioner Schwab seconded the motion,
all were in approval.
2. Façade Grant 19-06 (Mathews Glass Co. 117 N. Lincoln)
Planner Braudrick presented the StaffReport for Façade Grant l9-05. Chair Stanley asked Staff
about the Façade Grant process and the Planning Commissions role. Planner Braudrick described
the process and provided examples. The applicant provided further details about the project.
Commissioners asked the applicant questions about the project. Discussion followed between
Commissioner Morris made a motion to approved Façade Grant citing 7 Findings, 3
Conclusions, and 6 Conditions in the Staff Report. Commissioner Powell seconded the
motion, all were in approval.
1. Continued Public Hearine: PZ 19-32 - 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Chair Stanley opened the public hearing for PZ 19-32 and invited public comment.
Brandon Meyer, City Resident.
Agreed that the Plan was now much more concise. He had some questions about the Mill and the
odors (nuisance) that could come from it.
Mary Sue French, City Resident.
Addressed the previous public comment and educated the Planning Commission and community
member about the Mill and lack of a digester, which is the main source of odors (nuisance) from
paper mills such as the one in Port Townsend.
Interim Director Wechner provided public comment written by John Ralston as part of the public
record. Chair Stanley read the comments to the audience.
Chair Stanley closed the public hearing. Planning Commission discussion followed.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to recommend approval of the 2019 Annual
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Application No. 19-32) to City Council, citing
recommended changes listed in Appendices A and Do Appendix E recommendations, and the
3 conclusions in support of that action listed in the Staff Report. Commissioner Schwab
P lann ing C o mmis s ion Minu te s
May 8,2019
Page 3
seconded the motion, all were in favor.
Interim Director Wechner referenced a document given to the Commissioners related to the
purpose and procedure of work sessions and provided some examples ofpossible topics. Discussion
followed. The Commissioners asked Staff to provide a list of possible work session items at their
next meeting.
Commissioner Hastings asked about the Lauridsen Street open house that recently occurred at the
Clallam County Library. Planner Braudrick explained the proposed changes to Lauridsen that
were being proposed.
Commissioner Morris asked about the state of Railroad Avenue east of Laurel Street, which is
visibly in disrepair.
CommissÍoners Lopez asked to be excused from the June 26 meeting due to a work related trip.
The Commission excused her.
Commissioner Hastings related a story about a single mother who recently became homeless
because she made to much money to apply for assistance, but not enough to afford a rental in the
community. She and her child are currently staying with a friend.
Chair Stanley commented on the lack of stops signs in the community.
The meeting at7 58 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick Secretary
Ben Stanley, Chair
\l1/ A 5 H I N G T O N. U.S
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