HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Minutes 04092019������� ���
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City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, VVA 88362
April O9,2W19
L Call To Order
Chair Cherie Kidd called the meeting toorder at3:OOpm.
& Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Counci|member Present: Mayor BisaiBruch, Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter, Counci|mmnberand
Chair Cherie Kidd, Counci|mombmrJim Moran, Counoi|memberMike
French and Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
CuunciknmnbersAbaent Counci|memberMichael Mehdeth
LIAC Members Present: Vice Chair William Atkinson, MattiaoJ6rvegnen.Paul Collins and
Rob Feller
UACMembers Absent: Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Glen Gnodvvorth.Gregg King, James Burke and Jonathan Boehme
Others Present: Three Citizens
/it. Approval OfMinutes
Paul Collins requested a motion for approval of the March 12, 2019 minutes. Kate Dexter
seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
8V. Late Items: None
V. Public Comment:
Matt Jordan talked about dark skies and energy waste.
Becky Swan talked about wastewater averaging.
Vt Discussion Items:
A. Pump Station 3 Design and Construction Support, Professional Services Agreement
Jonathan Boehme.City Engineer, reviewed the Pump Station 3and needed construction support. Pump
Station 3isnot working and needs bobmreplaced. The City issued aRequest For Proposal (RFO)and
selected Kennedy Jenks. Discussion ensured.
Kate Dexter made the motion that the LAC provide mfavorable recommendation for City Council
tmauthorize the City Manager tmsign the 2Q19 Pump Station 3 Design and Construction Support
Professional Service Agreement with Kennedy Jenks Consultants inthe not buexceed amount of
$2i5,95Oand make minor modifications ifnecessary. Rob Feller seconded. Motion carried T -o.
B. 2O1QNP0ESWastewater Outfall Inspection, Professional Services Agreement
Jonathan Boehme.City Engineer, explained that the City must renew its NPDESpermit for its
Wastewater Treatment Plant every five (5)years. This agreement is for underwater inspection ofthe
outfalls from the Plant. The City issued a Request For Proposal (RFQ) and BergerABAM was selected.
Discussion ensured.
Bill Atkinson made the motion the UAC forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to
authorize the City Manager bmsign the 2O19NP0ES Outfall Inspection Professional Service
Agreement with BergerABAM in the not to exceed amount of $50,000 and make minor
modifications ifnecessary. Rob Feller seconded. Motion carried 7-0.
C. Net Metering Policy
Gregg King, Power Resource Manager, discussed the House Bill 2773 and that the City is coming up on
the legislated cap ofU.5% of its 1996 peak load. The City wishes toencourage continued customer
owned generation and wishes to modify its net metering agreement to purchase generation at a
wholesale cost auoonot toburden other rate payers.
Discussion ensured concerning the calculation for wholesale power and the billing process. There was
also concern a current House bill would render the need to update the Net Metering Agreement moot.
Staff will research the UAC's questions and return at a later date.
No UAC action.
D. Changes bmElectric Utility Port Angeles Municipal Code
Gregg King, Power Resource Manager, went over some housekeeping ofthe City's municipal code ouit
relates toelectric utilities: Time ofUse not required for most rate payers, Yard Light Efficiency updated for
more efficient lighting, and slight increase charged for lockbox installation. Discussion ensued about time
ofuse and the blue lighting ofsome LED lighting.
Lindsey Sohromen-Wawhnmade the motion the UAC forward a favorable recommendation to City
Council *madopt the following updated municipal codes and tnmake minor modifications as
needed: 13.12.020 — 13.12.066, 13.12.072, 3.70.100. Kate Dexter seconded. Motion carried 6-1.
V11. Information Only Items:
A. Wastewater and Stormwater Cost of Service Analysis (COSA)Presentations
Glen Goodworth, Senior Accountant, went through the COSA model developed for Wastewater.
Discussion followed. S<onnwmharCOSAwas cut short due totime.
V0i Next Meeting Date:
April 23,2O1ASpecial Meeting
May O2.2O1QVVebimareducation
May 14.201OUAC meeting
Ix. Adjournment: 5:02pm
Chair Cherie KL Gregg King,Power ReTsource Manager