HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/05/2019AUGUST 5, 201.9
City of Port Angeles Council Special Meeting Agenda
City Council Chambers, 321 East 5"' Street
The Mayor maY determine the order ot'businessfiv a particidar City Council meeting. The agenda should Ire arranged to best serve
the needs and/or convenience ofthe Council and the public. The Ala.vor will determine time o,l'break. Ilearingdeviees are available
for those needing assistance.
A. Call to Order — Special Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
C. Public Comment
The Cit , v Council desires to allow the opportunitY.lbr Public Comment. However, the business of the 01Y must proceed in an
order/Y. timely manner. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall he limited to a total ol"15 ininutesfi)r the Public Comment
period. Individuals mo.Yspeak for three minutes or less, depending on the number ofpeople wishing to speak. /('more than 20
people are signed up to speak, each speaker° nwIv he allocated two ininutes (Council Rules ref Procedure Section 12).
D. Appoint committees to prepare arguments advocating approval and disapproval of ballot proposition to
enact a tax pursuant to RCW 82.14.530.
E. Adjournment
August 5, 2019 Port Angeles City COLHICil Meeting Page I
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Date: August 5, 2019
To: City Council
From: Nathan West, City Manager
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Subject: Appoint committees to prepare arguments advocating approval and disapproval of
ballot proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW 82.14.530.
Summary: On July 16, 2019, City Council approved a resolution to place on the ballot a
proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW 82.14.530. Now that a ballot proposition has been
formally adopted, state law requires Council to appoint a committee to prepare arguments
advocating voters' approval of the measure and a committee to prepare arguments advocating
voters' rejection of the measure. The arguments will be included in the local voters* pamphlet.
Funding: N/A
Recommendation: By motion, 1) appoint not more than three people to act as a committee to prepare
arguments advocating approval of the City's ballot proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW
82.14.530; and 2) appoint not more than three people to act as a committee to prepare arguments
advocating disapproval of the City's ballot proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW 82.14.530.
Background / Analysis:
The sole agenda item for this special meeting is to appoint two committees who will prepare
arguments advocating for voters' approval and for voters' disapproval of the City's ballot
proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW 82.14.530. Each committee is to consist of no more
than three people. However, each committee may seek advice from any other person or persons.
State law places on the City Council the initial obligation appoint these. The statements written
by the committees will be included in the local Voters' Pamphlet.
To solicit members for these committees, the City published in the local newspaper and on the
City's web site an advertisement calling for volunteers. Interested people were requested to submit
their names to the city clerk by August 1. Then a special City Council meeting was set for on
August 5 to approve the committees. That date was set because the required committee
appointments and the other documents for the tax proposition must be submitted to the County by
the end of the business day on August 6.
For your additional information, a copy of the explanatory statement written for the ballot
proposition is attached to this memo. Under state law, the explanatory statement is written by the
City Attorney, but the County has final editorial authority over the language. It, too, will be
submitted to the county, along with the other documents, on August 6.
Funding Overview: N/A
Attachments: Explanatory Statement
This proposition will increase the sales tax within the City of Port Angeles by
0.10'%x. Tile additional revenue from this sales tax increase will be used only for affordable
housing and providing housing -related services within the City as provided in RCW
82.14.530. More specifically, the additional sales tax revenue will be used for: constructing
affordable housing and facilities providing housing -related set -vices; or funding the operations
and maintenance costs of new units of affordable housing and facilities where housing -related
programs are provided. Such affordable housing and facilities will be provided to persons whose
income is at or below sixty percent of the median income of Clallarn county and who are:
persons with mental illness; veterans; senior citizens; families with children who are homeless,
or at -risk of being homeless,; unaccompanied homeless youth or young adults; persons with
disabilities; or domestic violence survivors.
Passage of` this proposition will make the City eligible to claim additional revenue from
the State. The additional revenue is a credit, not an additional tax, that is transferred to the City
from the State's portion of sales tax. It is equal to 0.0146% of sales taxes paid within the City.
Five letters of interest were received by the deadline.
1) Advocating disapproval of ballot proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW
a. Andrea Williams
2.) Advocating approval of ballot proposition to enact a tax pursuant to RCW
a. Emily Dexter
b. Bobby Dunlap
c. Mike French
d. Amy Miller
It should be noted that Council's appointment of committee members in no way indicates its
support for any position, but rather the body's desire to ensure a fair voter process.
.Kari Martinez -Bailey
Promm Andrea Williams <drandreawiUiams@ao|zom>
Sent: Tuesday, July 3(12OI97:22PM
To: Kori Martinez -Bailey
Subject: Letter of Interest for Writing a Ballot Proposition
Good morning:
1.Name: Andrea yWWilliams
2. Address: 588Dan Kelly Road, Port Angeles, WA, 98383-gO82
3.Phone number: 53O'045 -D234
4. Email address: dnandreawiUiamu@aoicmm
5. Committee Preference: Opposition
6. My qualifications.- I am a retired college professor who specialized in several business subjects. One of them was
Business Communications. | know how towrite clearly yet concisely, | did extensive reaaeooh in earning m PhD, and am
willing to research this proposition. Throughout myown education, | wrote a multitude of papers, including 444 -page
dissertation. As a professor | read and critiqued thousands of student papers, | mm a critical thinker who keeps her
analytical brain turned on in the face of others who allow their emotions to rule.
7, K8yreason Lowanting to bmmnthe committee: Thirty years ago mymother told methat i was community minded. At
that time | didn't understand. Yet during the intervening three decades, | learned that she was right. | have always
volunteered for numerous organizations. Currently | am a volunteer for hospice, a Master Gardener |ntern, and the Rear
Commodore ofthe SequimBay Yacht Club. ( see this masnopportunity tmreach the public mnthis rather vital issue.
Kari Martinez -Bailey
From: Emily <emily@thedexterfamily.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 4:33 PM
To: Karl Martinez -Bailey
Subject: Application to be on committee to develop FOR Statement
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AUGUST 1, 2019
TO: City of Port Angeles
FROM: Bob Dunlap
RE: Committee in Support of 0.1% sales tax for Affordable Housing
I am submitting my name to be part of the committee to write supporting material
for the proposed 0.1% sales tax levy to support increasing affordable housing and to
serve as matching funds for obtaining other support for such projects.
NAME: Bobby D. Dunlap
HOME ADDRESS: 624 Billy Smith Road, PA 98362
PHONE NUMBER: 360-4.92-2537
COMMITTEE PREFERENCE: In favor of the tax levy
President, Serenity House of Clallam County Board of Directors
Treasurer, Clallam County Homeless Outreach, Project Homeless Connect
Previously member of Homelessness Task force for five years and Chairman
for two of those
Director, MANNA
We are reaching a homeless crisis in Clallam County, Shelters are seeing
record numbers of people coming in. Rents are ever increasing, leading to people
having to leave their homes or apartments. The economics in Clallam County are
still not recovering at the rate of other parts of the country. This is likely to continue
into the near future with the problem becoming worse. In addition to the homeless,
the "working poor" are also under great pressure to stay above water.
The local housing inventory is not good across the entire range of prices, and
for low income it is really not good. When it becomes financially possible for a
person to move out of homelessness into permanent housing, there can be difficulty
finding a place that is affordable. This also will continue to get worse unless
something different happens.
The approach of a sales tax levy has been found to work in several other
Washington cities, and it seems like a good approach for Port Angeles. I am
interested in helping to craft the argument in support of this move.
Kari Martinez-Baille
From Mike French
Sent: Thuruday, August 01,2Ol94:85RN
/o: Kari Martinez -Bailey
Subject: Re: Special City Council Meeting -Committee Appointments
Hi Kari,
I am interested in serving on a committee to prepare statements for the Voter's Guide,
11Mike French
2)71OEstes Court, PA98363
5) Prefer the Pro Committee
6) Qualifications - local business owner, born and raised in Port Angeles, lived in a variety mfhousing types in
the Port Angeles area throughout my life and understand the issues surrounding housing well.
7) Reason for wanting to be on the committee - I want to be part of the solution - a lack of affordable housing
is a drag on our local economy and prevents Port Angeles from growing into a vibrant and sustainable tourism
From: Kari Martinez -Bailey <Kmbailey@cityofpa.us>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24,2O19I0:40AM
To: City Council <[mumci|@dtyofpaus>
Subject: Special City Council Meeting -Committee Appointments
When: Monday, August Ei2O195:3OPK4-6:OOPM.
Where: Council Chambers
Dear Council Member,
At your meeting on July 16, you approved a resolution requesting the Clallarn County Auditor include a ballot
proposition onthe November 5,2O1QMunicipal General Election Ballot. Asapart ofthat request, the State law
authorizes the City Council to formally appoint committees to prepare statements to be included in the Voters'
Pamphlet advocating voters' approval of the measures, and advocating rejection of the measures. Each committee can
have op(othree members.
In order to allow the public as much time as possible to participate we need to act quickly. VVewill beadvertising for
those interested in serving on a committee, to provide information to the City Clerk expressing their interest in
participating. This meeting will offer the opportunity for Council to review applicants for the committees and make their
recommendations during anopen public meeting. Once Council has made their recommendations, staff will submit the
names to the County on Tuesday, August &h, The committees have until August 16m to submit their statements.
Applications tnbeconsidered must bereceived VVewill ask that all those interested in
serving on a committee, provide the following information to the City Clerk via email or by
mailing or delivering a letter myinterest io City Hall (321 E. Fifth Street): '
First and last name;
* Home address;
° Phone number;
• Emai(addess;
• Committee preference;
° Qualifications vowrite the statement; and
w Reason you wish t*beonthe committee.
Kari Martinez -Bailey
From: Amy Miller <arTliller0831@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2019 1:53 PM
To: Kari Martinez -Bailey
Subject: committee application
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