HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/2018 Agenda PacketParks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting February 15, 2018 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes—January 18, 2018 4. Public Comment 5. Finance/Packet Items a. Revenue & Expenditure Report 6. Legislation a. Park Renaming Application —City Pier Stage 7. Guest Speakers a. Matt Acker, Lefties Baseball 8. Late Items 9. Director's Report— Information Only 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: February 22, 2018 [Special Meeting] Jack Pittis Conference Room 6:00 p.m. Phone: 360-417-4550 1 Fax: 360-417-4559 www.citvofpa.us I emoore@citvofpa.us I facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec 321 East 5t" Street I Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 18, 2018 CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING: Chairperson Shargel called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Commissioners Kirsch, Shargel, Sinton, Sutcliffe, Tucker & Wojnowski; Student Representative Bailey. Members Absent: Commissioner Peterson. Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Moore. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Commissioner Sinton and seconded by Commissioner Sutcliffe to approve the December 14, 2017, regular meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: None. LATE ITEMS: None. LEGISLATION: 1. Adopt -A -Bench Policy Director Delikat gave the Commissioners a brief history and overview of the Memorial & Donation Program and 2005 Policy, as well as provided details about the objectives and the plans for moving forward with the new Adopt -A -Bench Program and Policy. Commissioner Tucker made a motion to approve the Adopt -A -Bench Policy and allow the Parks & Recreation Director to make minor modifications to the policy, if necessary. Commissioner Wojnowski seconded the motion. After a brief discussion amongst the Commissioners, the motion passed unanimously. GUEST SPEAKER: 1. Jessica Elliott, Port Angeles Fine Arts Center (PAFAC) PAFAC Executive Director Elliott updated the Commission on the progress being made at PAFAC since its transition from the City. She said the transition has empowered the PAFAC Board and allowed them to operate like a non-profit business. Elliott said PAFAC's relationship with the City continues to develop as they plan for the future of the center and the art park. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: 1. 2018 Work Plan: Director Delikat gave the Commissioners an overview of the Parks & Recreation Department's work plan for the coming year, which included Civic Field projects, Senior Center projects, Capital Projects, and Administrative projects. 2. Future Items: a. Future Guest Speaker — Steve Methner, Dream Playground Foundation b. Two Meetings in February — Regular & Commission Interviews c. Capital Facilities Plan d. Group & Individual Photos e. Chair & Vice -Chair Elections ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m. The next meeting is February 15, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. David Shargel, Chairperson Emily Moore, Secretary Page 1 of 1 2018 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report 8% Year Lapsed REVENUES 8012 - Senior Center Membership $28,000 $2,939 11% 8050 - Cemetery $139,000 $13,394 10% 8155 - Banner Rental $15,000 $1,894 13% 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch $8,000 $122 2% 8155 - Gateway $5,000 $2,200 44% 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals $40,000 $2,505 6% 8221 - Sports $172,000 $13,340 8% Total $407,000 $36,394 EXPENDITURES 8010 - Administrative $252,800 $18,668 7% 8012 - Senior Center Operating $156,600 $11,959 8% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance $175,300 $10,232 6% 8080 - Parks Maintenance $1,722,600 $113,669 7% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance $27,600 $3,127 11% 8131 - Facility Maintenance $705,600 $50,809 7% 8155 - Facility Rentals $105,100 $5,960 6% 8221 - Sports $193,400 $21,157 11% Total $3,339,000 $235,581 ECEIVE ° PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT _ PR -0504 NAMING/RENAMING PUBLIC FACILITIES POLICY FEB 0 1 1018 NOMINATION FORM Naming/Renaming Public Facilities Nomination Form Application Requirements: ■ Application must be submitted to the Parks & Recreation Department by February 1 in order to be considered during the same year. ■ The Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission will consider all requests/applications at the regular February meeting of the Commission. Application Datey -�2 k -1b Received By: L Individual Nominated: 'Y 5"ro Nc-, Date of Birth: Z / I i- / Rq Nominator: N` IL- kL- ''D1 �iLrYL Date of Death (If Applicable): 7 / 11/1 -7 Address: w f0Y92e51 Poe--[ (1Nc.V.\'eS U36ZPhone: S(pp q00 Public Facility Being Requested for Naming/Renaming: ? - A . P I l; n 5 %N GA a / Major Area(s) of Community Contribution(s): ❑ Public Service ❑ Contribution of Land ❑ Contribution of Major Equipment for Community Projects ❑ Monetary Contributions ® Other: C u t.1 -u 2A -L- /a tit - en a N AL- Please Include the Following Criteria in Letter Form and Attach to the Nomination Form: 1. Length of Community Involvement 2. Different Aspects of Community Involvement 3. Public Service in the Community 4. Public Offices Held 5. Special Circumstances This policy requires approval of nominee (if living) or a member of the immediate family (if deceased). I, the public facility designated above. Signed: , do hereby give permission for my name to be submitted for naming/renaming of Date: Y f 1 do hereby give permission for the name of t to be submitted as a,nonynVe for the n*iug*aming of the public facility designated above. Signed: Relation 2 F—"/e—'s+0l'l it.- Page i Page 1 of 2 To Whom It May Concern: ECEIV Er.'�, FEB 0 1 2018 BY, - I am writing this to suggest the naming of the amphitheater/stage on the city pier after Ben Eyestone. Ben passed away this past summer in July from a cancer that had gone undiagnosed until it was too late to cure. I am committed to this idea for a number of reasons, and would greatly appreciate any and all consideration. Ben's contribution to Port Angeles, as a native son of this wonderful town, are to have left a legacy of peers and admirers, both here in Port Angeles and throughout this country. His musical roots ran deep here, including starting a band at the age of 13, and continuing to play in town with that band frequently even after his departure from town. In addition, he was instrumental in bringing many talented musical acts to Port Angeles throughout the years that would have otherwise not known of our fantastic little berg. I believe that by naming the amphitheater after him, we would honor him and his family's loss, and create a memorial of an individual who grew from these great roots, to blossom wherever he was to reside. The disaster of Ben's untimely passing was one that should never befall a member of this great country, or our wonderful community. He was unable to obtain the proper diagnoses for a condition that should have been treatable, due to his lack of adequate health insurance. The correction of this sad occurrence is one that will take much work from many folks in many walks of life, and that is certainly not what this would do. However, we can, as a community, do one simple thing to insure we don't forget to fight for this cause, and that is to memorialize a member of the community that brought so much joy to so many through his love and expression of music. I hope you will consider naming the amphitheater after Ben Eyestone so we will not forget our friend and fellow son of Port Angeles, and what he endured at such a young age. Best Regards, Neil Dexter • PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES PR -0504 NAMING/RENAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. PURPOSE: 1.1. To establish written policies and procedures for processing request for naming or re -naming public facilities to establish criteria for use in deliberating such requests. 2. DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS/PERSONNEL AFFECTED: 2.1. Parks & Recreation Department 2.2. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission 2.3. City Council 3. DEFINITIONS: 3.1. Public Facilities: public facilities shall include streets, roads, lanes, avenues, bridges, parks, public buildings, public lands, and fountains, including all appurtenances associated with the aforementioned public facilities under the management and control of the City of Port Angeles. 4. POLICY: 4.1. The naming of public facilities and areas should be approached with caution, patience, and deliberation, and with an awareness of the potential sensitivity of these actions. 4.2. The City Council designated the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, an advisory board, as the Memorial Committee. 4.3. To avoid duplication, confusing similarity or inappropriateness, the Memorial Committee, in considering names, shall review existing public facility names. 4.4. Consideration in naming public facilities shall be given to geographic location, historical or cultural significance, and natural or geological features of the facility. 4.5. When individuals are being considered for names of public facilities, consideration shall be given to the significance of the impact which the individual had on the community. Criteria, such as length of community involvement, the different aspects of community involvement, public service in the community, public offices held, and apparent motivation, shall be considered. In addition, special circumstances may be considered. 4.6. As a general rule, facilities should not be named for living persons; however, exception may be considered when: (a) A significant contribution of land or money is made and the donor stipulates naming or dedication of the facility as a condition of the donation, or (b) when an unusually outstanding public service would so justify. 4.7. If an individual is being considered as an appropriate name for a public facility, the individual, if living, must consent to the use of his her/name on the facility. In the event the individual is not living, then the immediate family shall be consulted and approval obtained (in writing) before the individual's name is used. 4.8. In cases where an individual's name is being considered where the person is living or in which the death of the person or the event to be commemorated took place within the past year, there shall be a lapse of at least six months to one year between the receipt of the name proposal and the final recommendation of its adoption. 4.9. As a general rule, portions of a facility shall not have a name other than that of the entire facility. This does not preclude the placement of appurtenances on or within public facilities, which are "donated by" or "in the name of or "in memory of individuals other than for whom the facility may be named. As an alternative, a Community Memorial Wall has been established. Placement on the Community Memorial Wall would be for the purpose of special recognition of these individuals which would be considered more significant recognition than the renaming of any public facility in their honor. 4.10. Timing is of the essence in naming facilities, since the interim or temporary designations tend to be retained. In the development of facilities requiring naming, a name shall be designated, whenever possible, prior to construction of the improvement. Page I of 2 PR -0504 • PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES PR -0504 NAMING/RENAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES 4.11. A name, once adopted, should be bestowed with the intention that it will be permanent, and changes should be strongly restricted. 4.12. Existing facilities should not be considered for renaming except in the most unusual circumstances. Original names and designations tend to remain when facilities are renamed, resulting in lack of recognition for the new name. 5. PROCEDURES: 5.1. The Memorial Committee shall be the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission. The Committee shall consider applications for memorials and make recommendations to the City Council. 5.2. All parties interested in making memorial recommendations should apply the established policy criteria prior to presenting their recommendation. 5.3. Suggestions for names, whether solicited or not, shall be acknowledged and recorded for consideration by the committee. When names are to be solicited, every effort should be made to involve community organizations, citizens and the media, to assure the public an opportunity to participate. 5.4. The City Council may designate the names of public facilities after receiving a written recommendation from the Memorial Committee. 5.5. The City Council will have the prerogative of accepting or rejecting any recommendation from the Memorial Committee. 5.6. When recommending names to the Council, the Memorial Committee shall provide such historical or supportive information, as appropriate, to justify the recommendation for naming or renaming a public facility. The Committee needs a 2/3 majority vote of all Commission Members present. 5.7. The Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission shall appoint a representative to attend Council Meetings at which recommendations will be considered. The appointed representative, the Chair of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, will brief the Council during the meeting on why the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission came to the decision to recommend the facility naming/renaming nominee to Council. If the Chair is unavailable, the Vice Chair will take their place. 5.8. Naming/Renaming of public facilities shall be by City Council Resolution. 5.9. In the event that a new facility is being named, the designated name shall be established prior to dedication of the facility. 5.10. The Memorial Committee shall consider all applications at the regular February meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission. Applications may be submitted on a year-round basis; however, the Parks Commission recommendations to Council will take place one time annually. 5.11. Applications must be submitted to the Parks & Recreation Director no later than end of business day on February 1 St 5.12. All applications, whether approved or denied, will be responded to in writing. 5.13. In the event that an existing facility is being named or renamed, the new name shall become effective upon approval by the Council and the placement of facility signs designating the new name. Effective: July 5, 2016 Supersedes: No. 01.2006 Approved: et"" Page 2 of 2 PR -0504