HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/2018 Agenda PacketParks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting September 20, 2018 City Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes — May 10, 2018 4. Public Comment 5. Finance/Packet Items 6. Legislation a. Hollund Bailey Student Representative Appointment b. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Bylaw Changes 7. Guest Speakers — None 8. Late Items 9. Director's Report— Information Only 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: October 18, 2018 City Council Chambers, 321 East 5t" Street 6:00 p.m. Phone: 360-417-4550 1 Fax: 360-417-4559 www.citvofpa.us I emoore@citvofpa.us I facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec 321 East 5t" Street I Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 10, 2018 CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING: Chairperson Shargel called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Commissioners Forrest, Kirsch, Shargel, Sinton, Tucker, Winslow & Wojnowski. Members Absent: Student Representative Bailey. Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Moore. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Commissioner Winslow and seconded by Commissioner Wojnowski to approve the April 12 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: Director Delikat reviewed the year to date revenue and expenditure reports with the Commission. LEGISLATION: None. GUEST SPEAKERS: None. LATE ITEMS: None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: 1. Senior Center Bus Wrap: Senior Center Manager D Bellamente showed the Commission a mockup of the wrap that will go on the new Senior Center bus. 2. City Pier Floats: The Pier Floats were installed in five days and there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony during the first ever Port Angeles Maritime Festival. 3. Interlocal Agreement: The Interlocal Agreement has been approved and will go to City Council on Tuesday, May 15. 4. Field Use Policy: The Facilities Committee will review the Field Use Policy and will come up with a recommendation regarding Lacrosse. 5. Adopt A Bench Program: The first benches are slated to be installed in the fall. An application and marketing materials are being created, and the CRTC is planning to hire additional staff for production. 6. Waterfront Trail Issues: There is a small lake on a portion of the trail due to some plugged culverts. We need to do some ditching to contain the water prior to the North Olympic Discovery Marathon. 7. Day of Play: The Parks & Recreation Department is planning the first ever Day of Play, scheduled for Saturday, July 28. Various community groups will work together to provide recreational activities throughout town. 8. Departmental Updates: a. Hollund Bailey turned in his synopsis following the end of his Student Representative term b. The 101 West Welcome Sign is finished and will be installed and unveiled on May 25 c. The Parks & Recreation Department maintenance crew is gearing back up to complete the installation of the Quinn Redlin Kintner Memorial Playground following the Memorial Day Weekend d. The City is continuing construction projects at Civic Field in partnership with Lefties Baseball, including ADA sidewalk improvements and home plate seating e. The City Pier load rating report is being conducted in the near future which will help us determine what vehicles can access the pier The Erickson camera replacement project should be completed soon ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. The next meeting is September 20, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. David Shargel, Chairperson Emily Moore, Secretary Page 1 of 1 2018 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report 67% Year Lapsed REVENUES 8012 - Senior Center Membership $28,000 $16,931 60% 8050 - Cemetery $139,000 $87,473 63% 8155 - Banner Rental $15,000 $9,793 65% 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch $8,000 $5,589 70% 8155 - Gateway $5,000 $2,300 46% 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals $40,000 $27,361 68% 8221 - Sports $172,000 $119,934 70% Total $407,000 $269,381 EXPENDITURES 8010 - Administrative $252,800 $165,067 65% 8012 - Senior Center Operating $156,600 $97,863 62% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance $175,300 $109,701 63% 8080 - Parks Maintenance $1,722,600 $1,217,247 71% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance $27,600 $23,829 86% 8131 - Facility Maintenance $705,600 $430,088 61% 8155 - Facility Rentals $105,100 $59,040 56% 8221 - Sports $205,400 $137,776 67% Total $3,351,000 $2,240,611 Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission U U I 3r -r I 'j "lu LJ CITY OF PORT ANGELES Applicant Name and General Information First Mi Last �JA Address City State Zip Home phone Work phone Cell phone V�o 1 v4 k Z---) '0\v --,al I, ( P_ C'� E-mail address Certification and Location Information Areyou employed by the City of Port Angeles? .................................................................................................................................................................. Yes Areyou a citizen of the United States? ........................................................................................................................................................................................... es) No Areyou a Registered Voter? ................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................. Yes No Areyou a City resident? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Yes No Ifso, how long: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I I Doyou own/manage a business in the City? ......................... ........................................................................................... ...................................................... Yes �0 Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field? .............................................................................. Yes (:N::o" If so, please list: 0 -11 -r -Ir Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for? If so, please explain: The City of Port Angeles 1 Advisory Board Application Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume Employer Q Z)e>�vtC6 Brief job description VP( Employer ;b�yoo� n Brief job description Employer Brief job description Education — List most recent experience first Institution/Location Institution/Location Institution/Location Yes Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated'? Yes No Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships — List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective ID-�VJJ t r,1 ZD1 Brief description of your participation Organization/Location Brief description of your participation Group's purpose/objective t i ir The City of Port Angeles Advisory Up Board Application i F, Parks, Recreation and Beatification Commission Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire 1. This Commission focuses on three areas: parks, recreation, and beautification. If you had to choose, which of these three areas would be the primary one in which your interests and experience would be aimed? -7-b 1 7`„ (F i 3 it 1' ^✓� , i , p 2. What is your favorite City of Port Angeles parks and recreation facility and why? I 3. Think of a Port Angeles park you visit. What would you do, or like to have done, to improve your experience? What do you love about this park? Applicant Signature Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk City of Port Angeles 321 East 5"' Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 q �( 0// �/ Date Kari Martinez -Bailey 360-417-4634 kmbailey@cityofpa.us In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally, it may become a part of a City Council packet. ►� CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION BYLAWS ARTICLE I — DEFINITIONS Section 1. Definitions 1.1. Commission: The Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission 1.2. Department: The City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department 1.3. Director: The Director of the City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department 1.4. Secretary: The City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Administrative Specialist II ARTICLE II — PURPOSE Section 1. Purpose of the Commission 1.1. To give advisory recommendations to City Council on all matters relating to parks, recreation, beautification, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. 1.2 To cooperate with and advise the Director on developing and implementing comprehensive recreation programs. 1.3 To cooperate with and advise the Director on beautification programs and the general appearance of the City. 1.4 To cooperate with and advise the Director on a comprehensive park development program. The Commission shall have the power to accept for the City donations for park and recreational purposes and, with the consent of City Council, to accept real property for park and recreational purposes, provided that title to any real property shall vest in the City. 1.5 To review the annual budget with the Director that is submitted to the City Manager's office. 1.6 To cooperate with the Director in resolving any problems or complaints that arise from the various departmental programs and facilities. 1.7 To adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations consistent with the laws of the State for conducting the meetings of the Commission. ARTICLE III — MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Procedures 1.1. Seven members of the Commission shall be appointed by City Council in accordance with the criteria set forth in PAMC 2.32.020.B. 1.2. Two members of the Commission shall be appointed by majority vote of the seven members appointed by the City Council. These two members shall be Port Angeles High School students and residents of Port Angeles. 1.3. Members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the appointing authority, including but not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. Section 2. Criteria 2.1. Members shall be residents of the City. 2.2. Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Commission. 2.3. Members shall be selected in accordance with the equal opportunity guidelines. 2.4. The Commission shall represent a broad spectrum of the community. 2.5. Members shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation. 2.6. Members shall not be City employees or members of the City Council. Section 3. Terms 3.1. A full term of office shall be four years except that the term for the high school student member shall be one school year. 3.2. The term of office shall start March 1St of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment, and provided further that appointments to the Page 1 of 4 Commission Bylaws ►� CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION BYLAWS high school student positions shall start on October 1St of the year in which the appointment is made and shall terminate after the last meeting in June. 3.2.1.At the end of each student representative's appointment, the student will submit a one to two page paper to the Commission stating what they learned from their time served on the Commission. 3.3. Members of the Commission may be appointed to succeed themselves. 3.4. Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be made. Reappointment requires the Commissioner to go through the appropriate application process through the City Clerk's office. 3.5. The terms of office for members appointed to unexpired terms shall be designated in the appointment and shall be for the maximum length of terms, not to exceed four years, that result in no more than two members' terms expiring in the same year. 3.6. No person shall be allowed to serve on the Commission for more than two consecutive four-year terms; provided that this prohibition shall not disqualify any person now serving on the Commission from completing the term that he or she has been appointed to serve as the effective date of this chapter; _ 3.7. Nno high school member shall be allowed to serve for more than two consecutive one-year school terms. 3.6- A student interested in serving a second term does not need to fill out another application for the vacant position. -They can express interest by simply sending an email to the Administrative Assistant in the Parks & Recreation Department. -The Commission can then approve the student f st � representative pes . gppointment at the next Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission. -Approval of the second term must be based on good attendance during the first term, completion of the end of t�ear report, and contribution during meetings. -A returning student representative will have a priority ranking higher than a new applicant. 3.3.8. Commission members shall serve without pay. 44-.3.9. Two unexcused absences from regular meetings or continual excused absences by a member shall cause the Commission to review that member's status and, if necessary, recommend to the City Council that member's Commission seat be filled by a new appointment. Charges against the Commissioner and a time scheduled to hear the Commissioner's rebuttal will be presented at a regular meeting, and the vote on the removal of the Commissioner shall take place at a subsequent meeting. There must be majority vote in favor of the removal. ARTICLE IV — OFFICERS Section 1. Election of Officers 1.1. The Commission shall elect its own Chairman and Vice -Chairman from among its members and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of the business and keep written records of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, which shall be a public record. 1.2. Voting for officers will take place during the regular March meeting and nominations and voting will be the first item on the agenda. The current Chair shall open the nominations for each office. The nomination for Chair is elected first, followed by the Vice -Chair. Any Commission member may nominate candidates for an office. After all nominations have been made, the Chair shall close the nominations, and the Commission shall vote by a majority rule. If there is no clear majority, the process of elimination will be determined by using the method of a roll call. If more than two people are nominated and roll call does not work, then a weighted ballet election will take place. Each officer shall be nominated and voted upon before proceeding to the next officer. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately after both elections take place and will commence the regular March meeting. Page 2 of 4 Commission Bylaws ►� CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION BYLAWS 1.3. The terms of the officers shall be for one year starting from the first meeting in March through the last meeting in February the following year. Officers may not hold the same office for more than two consecutive years. Section 2. Duties of Officers 2.1 Chair: The Chair shall conduct the meetings of the Commission and is the chief executive of the Commission. He/she has all the powers and duties usually incident to such office and is responsible to appoint subcommittees on behalf of the Commission. The Chair shall retain full right and responsibility of partaking in all deliberations and voting for good and sufficient reason. However, he/she does not have the right of casting an additional deciding vote. When the Commission forwards a recommendation to City Council, the Chair shall attend the City Council meeting to represent the Commission and answer any questions relating to the recommendation. 2.2 Vice Chair: The Vice -Chair shall act for the Chair in his/her absence. In the absence of both Chair and Vice - Chair, the members present shall elect a temporary president for the meeting. 2.3 Secretary: The Parks Administrative Specialist will serve as the Secretary of the Commission and provide staff support. The Secretary shall keep minutes of regular meetings and work sessions. ARTICLE V — MEETINGS Section 1. Organization 1.1. Per PANIC Ch.2.25.060: To the extent possible, all meetings of all permanent committees shall be held in the City Council Chambers. 1.2. The Commission shall hold at least nine meetings annually and other meetings as it may deem necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. 1.3. The nine regularly scheduled meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month, starting in September and running through May with a summer hiatus from June through August. 1.4. For purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall consist of any four members of the Commission. 1.5. In the event of the lack of a quorum at a regular meeting, the Chair, Vice -Chair, or Chair pro tempore, in that order, shall adjourn the meeting to another day, and it shall be standing order that absentee members be advised of the determination to hold such a recessed meeting. If the Department knows in advance that there will not be a quorum, then the Director will reschedule the meeting so that a majority of the Commission can attend. 1.6. Roberts Rules of Order will be used to conduct meetings. 1.7. Members shall disqualify themselves from voting on any matter which may involve a conflict of interest with their business, and may abstain from voting for good and sufficient reasons. Section 2. Agenda 2.1. Per PANIC Ch.2.25.070: Agendas shall be prepared in advance for each meeting of a permanent committee. At least five calendar days prior to the committee meeting, the agenda shall be sent to all committee members, members of the press, and it shall be published on the City's website. 2.2. The Director and Secretary shall prepare the agenda for the meetings. 2.3. Agenda items may be placed on the agenda by any Commission member by: 2.3.1. Contacting the Director seven days prior to the regular meeting date so that the item can be placed on the agenda to be mailed out and advertised. 2.3.2. By consensus of the Commission during a regular meeting for an item to be included on future agendas. 2.4. Order of Business: 2.4.1. Call to Order 2.4.2. Roll Call 2.4.3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Commission Bylaws ►� CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION BYLAWS 2.4.4. Public Comment 2.4.5. Finance 2.4.6. Legislation/Discussion Items/Other Business 2.4.7. Guest Speakers 2.4.8. Late Items 2.4.9. Director's Report Section 3. Special Meetings 3.1. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chair or by three members of the Commission, provided that notice is given at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. 3.2. Special Meetings conducted by the Commission shall be advertised publicly with location, date, and time. Notification will be posted on the City's website. ARTICLE VI — AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS Section 1. Amendments 1.1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Commission by a majority vote of the entire Commission, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one regular meeting before the action shall be taken. Effective: November 16, 2017 Approved: David Shargel — 2017 Chair Page 4 of 4 Commission Bylaws