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408 S Lincoln St - Building
PREPARED 3/19/10 8 05 57 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 3/19/10 ADDRESS 408 S LINCOLN ST TENANT NBR MARIA S MEX RESTAURANT CONTRACTOR AFFORDABLE CRANE INC OWNER HERBERT MARIA LUTZ PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 6810 0000 APPL NUMBER 08 00000852 SIGNS PERMIT TYP /SQ BL99 01 SIGN 00 SIGN REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS 3/19/10 JL:/'1 BLDG FINAL March 18 2010 4 42 04 PM 1pangrle HERBERT 425 444 3423 BLDG FINAL SIGN PARAPET SUBDIV COMMENTS AND NOTES PHONE (360) 683 9619 PHONE (425) 444 3423 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc Use right to install sign Owner HERBERT MARIA LUTZ 5312 156TH DR NE REDMOND Permit RIGHT OF WAY Additional desc USE R/W TO INSTALL SIGN Permit pin number 158030 Permit Fee 75 00 Plan Check Fee Issue Date 12/16/09 Valuation Expiration Date 6/14/10 Qty Unit Charge Per Special Notes and Comments This permit is a ROW Use permit for the installation of sign No permanent Right of Way use permit is needed Applicant to meet PAMC 14 36 Sign Code If boom or lift to place sign applicants contractor is to provide Certificate of insurance naming City of Port Angeles as additional insured Permit is valid for the duration of installation Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 98052 BASE FEE j /V /io a Signature of 'ontractor or A Agent T \Policies \1102.15 [10/08] CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 09 00001295 383430 408 S LINCOLN ST 06 30 00 0 1 6810 0000 PUBLIC WORKS UTILITES COMMUNITY SHOPPING DISTR 0 Contractor AFFORDABLE CRANE INC 258663 W HWY 101 SEQUIM (360) 683 9619 Charged Paid Credited 75 00 75 00 00 00 00 00 75 00 75 00 00 1 -1 V c)--Ic tZ -IL Date U n igh Date 12/16/09 WA 98382 a used an sign Due 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 75 00 n 0 r: V 3 n Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I e read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governi s ty of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not e auth- y to vi.,ate 3r cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date CALL 417 -4831 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK -FLOW DEVICE CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING I FIRE I PLANNING DEPT BUILDING T \Policies \1102.15 [10/08] KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO RESIDENTIAL 417 -4831 417 -4653 417 -4750 I 417 -4815 PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD I I I I I I I I COMMENTS FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT BUILDING ZOO /TOO DATE 3 -3 AFFORDABLE SERVICES OLYMPIC DIVERS AFFORDABLE CRANE Ca 258663 HIGHWAY 101 WEST SEQUIM, WASHINGTON 98382 -7426 360- 683 -9619 360 -452 -0840 360 -385 -2724 FAX 360- 582 -9029 E -MAIL. jketchum @usintouch.com TO: m ve [d (f�� COMPANY i 413 /5F PA FROM. l 63--dttx_vh suB;1ECT' S f TOTAL PAGES (including cover sheet) Z Page 1 RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION 31IVUH0d1V 6Z06 Z8S 09£ XVd 6Z 9T OTOZ /EO /EO 04 N Buildmg Inspector of the City of Port Angeles Port Angeles, Wa 98362 March 3, 2010 Dear Jim, I would like you to know that neither myself or company is m anyway mvolved with the sign project at Mama's Mexician Restaurant on Lincoln Street. Tha sign was installed by others. The frame work is the game old pre existing nonconforming from years ago. The new frame work that was t6 be manufactured and assembled by us was 6 inch vertical channel 8 feet with two 6 inch horzontial upper and lower supports, Guy- Imes horizontal 2 top 2 bottom 1/4 inch with stainless thunbled eyes with adjustable turn buckles. Further a 5th guywire was to run 45% from the top of the 8foot 6 inch support to the ridge. Myself nor company accept any liability of this project, damage to anyones property, bodily damage or wrongful death. The City needs to know that we are no way affiliated with this project. Respectfully, gaiiegto Jay Ketchum 258663 Hwy 101 sequim, WA 98382 -7426 RECEIVED' MAR 032010 CITY OF PORT ANGELS /1'1 BUILDING DIVISION ZOO/Z000 HIEIVUHOddV 6206 Z89 09£ Ydd bZ 91 OTOZ /£O /£0 FAX(TX) I DATE 'START T I RECEIVER 10011 JAN /21I 03 46PM195829029 FAX TRANSMITTAL TO• —e \Kd to .m Company' Fax: 3 90 2 g' Number of pages (Including transmittal page) P 01 /01 TRANSACTION REPORT X r JAN /21 /2010 /THU 03 47 PM ICOM TIMEIPAGEI I 0 01 001 2 I. W A S H I N G T O N U S A Department of Community Economic Development 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Planning Division. (360) 417 -4750 Building Division (360) 417 -4815 FAX_ (300) 417 -4711 TTY (360) 417 -4645 Website www cityofpa.us FROM SS n r, TYPE /NOTE IFILEI OK ECM193981 5 C_A-e Sterne. 54L-4%_ DLO LL--e rapy HERBERT MARIA LUTZ 5312 156TH DR NE REDMOND (425) 444 3423 Fee summary CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 08 00000852 Date 12/16/09 Application pin number 345088 Property Address 408 S LINCOLN ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 6810 0000 Tenant nbr name MARIA S MEX RESTAURANT Application type description SIGNS Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning COMMUNITY SHOPPING DISTR Application valuation 6300 Application desc 2 SIGNS 32 SF PROJECTING 32 SF READER BOARD Owner Contractor WA 98052 AFFORDABLE CRANE INC 258663 W HWY 101 SEQUIM (360) 683 9619 Permit SIGN Additional desc 2 SIGNS PROJECTING &RDR BOARD Permit pin number 130211 Permit Fee 170 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 12/16/09 Valuation 7000 Expiration Date 6/14/10 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 2 00 85 0000 PER S WALL SIGN OR MARQUEE 25 SF 170 00 00 115 0000 PER S F/S OR PROJ SIGN 25 SF 00 Special Notes and Comments July 24 2008 5 19 21 PM sroberds The sign projects over City right of way A right of way use permit is required prior to approval of sign for liability purposes July 28 2008 12 08 14 PM sroberds Sign area okay for CSD (32 sq ft BUT will require a right of way use permit for approval February 12 2009 4 19 23 PM sroberds The proposal is to place a 4 x 8 building mounted sign along the north building wall entirely on private property The proposal is to light the sign If the sign is lit is MUST BE UL APPROVED Charged Paid Credited Permit Fee Total 170 00 170 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 170 00 170 00 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not pr sss gZve authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of constructi Date Print Name Signaare of Contact efAuthor z T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit WA 98382 Due F 3 y_lo Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Inspection Type FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s Parking Lighting I Landscaping T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 FINAL Date SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. Comments FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by Date Accepted By 00 V 1 V1 3-4410 I at-L- FAX(TX) I I DATE (START T I RECEIVER 1 0011 DEC /161 00 16PMI94528029 TRANSACTION REPORT DEC /16 /2009 /WED 00 19 PM ICOM TIMEIPAGEI I 0 02 491 4 I 1. 1 OAT 1 A T(' T ES W A S H I N G T O N U S A FAX TRANSMITTAL Department of Community Economic Development 321 E Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Planning Division. (360) 417 -4750 Building Division. (360) 417 -4815 FAX. (360) 417 -4711 TTY (360) 417 -4645 Website. www cityofpa.us TO' e,tKQ, FROM' r Company' ASS S Lfk' k, Pan o I Fax: Li 5 Z- S02-9 J Number of pages 1_ f (Including transmittal page) P 01/01 TYPE /NOTE IFILEI OK G3I9043I 4.1; 6-6) (z--uo-oci Owe. A/1/‘,2. 1 Tn2init al LAW, e 142- OK 'd ovn. ,A4z-� 3 -ttfukt uo-uw- _14 0J.g,� ter, z a P9 -10 f2x kiA0, it0)1 C- TO n Ti T 1 1 A N G L W A S H I N G T O N U S A FAX TRANSMITTAL Compan As v1 Si G Vl s Fax' L151- Number of pages ti (Including transmittal page) Department of Community Economic Development 321 E Fifth Street Port Angeles WA 98362 Planning Division (360) 417 -4750 Building Division (360) 417 -4815 FAX (360) 417 -4711 TTY (360) 417 -4645 Website www cityofpa us FROM Ck nay (Z t (00 /c1- 01:42z OkAA, TA@Yvt ko, YJ-61,iu, -w.a e-n I4e- 4 (12/8/2009) Linda Pangrle Re Maria s ROW Permit From Eric Walrath To: Sue Roberds Date: 12/8/2009 1 45 PM Subject: Re Maria's ROW Permit CC. Glenn Cutler; Linda Pangrle, Steve Sperr Sue, As was previously mentioned, 11 12 PAMC deals only with obstructions to pedestrian and vehicular travel. The installed sign, as proposed, obstructs neither pedestrian nor vehicular travel. In fact, no temporary right of way use permit would be required if they were able to install the sign without obstructing the right of way such as installing the sign entirely from the roof of the building .Eric Sue Roberds 12/8/2009 1.30 PM Eric: Oh! We told Mr Lutz that he needs a ROW permit if any of the sign hangs into the ROW as a permanent hold harmless. So, I guess he measured and found that wasn't the case. Sorry In that case, if there is no need for a ROW for intrusion, we will issue the sign permit and then the ROW for the sign work. Sue exit anii dick the photo leen c f\ i _17 CIT'' vF POrtt ANGELES Construction Plans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations:and other data shall not prevent the.building official from -thereafter' requiring the correction in said pI Specifications and other da om 'preventing building operations being c 4;1 othereu he in violation of au odesv dl s of th. 10 i l ion (4cficrik; '393 f :tr 4 1 1 0 ,--At kA APOnivti T '.4" 6 NT/ www.nli4u.com December 2, 2009 Maria s Mexican Restaurant c/o Shane Cunningham 408 S Lincoln St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE Inspection for Re- Hanging Sign on Front of Maria s Mexican Restaurant at the Above Location Mr Cunningham At your request, on December 2, 2009 Catherine Bailey PE from NTI Engineering Land Surveying visited the above site to inspect the existing connections for the hanging of a new sign at the front of the restaurant. This sign has been constructed and supplied with steel cables and turnbuckles by the manufacturer The existing connection on the front of the building has cables, chains and large eyehooks that have been mortared into place It is our opinion that these existing connections will be sufficient to support the sign at the front of the building see photos below this sign is comparable in size and weight to the original sign and will be placed on the building vertically per the City of Port Angeles Sign Ordinance. Front of Building Eyehooks If you have any questions regarding this matter or would like to order the work, please contact us. Sincerely NTI ENGINEERING SURVEYING, INC. Catherine Bailey P E Project Engineer G:\Gen\Catherine12009 Jobs\NTI0901 -19 Maria's Restauranhinspections.doc NTI ENGINEERING SURVEYING, INC 717 SOUTH PEABODY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Engineers Land Surveyors Geologists Construction Inspection Materials Testing (360) 452 -8491 1.800 -654 -5545 FAX 452 -8498 E -Mail: )ofoCa?nti4u.com Sign Location Front of Building RECEIVED DEC 0 3 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION 0 rjao,h-, dale /0"No 188955 or 40 received fro alte fraaf Jne 4/ars Vo liars for payment of 0 cash amount due amount paid balance O :re,'1 er: mone order 0 ,cd ,l 90.-1 1 r '11 /1 1t.Ili! I °1 1 I 'i'i +'t f; f I1111p�i11i1l 1 iii; ,i I'' r tl 1I i! .It 101'11 !11 +II! +I i1 i a I 1 f ,11 I litirt f 11I ;li1i;1 ll11 iI j tI► jl t ill iti4 ti. r 1 1 1I 1 t I I I;� 1;; l; I I I •Ili,1 41 I, 1/ iii !1i +,t' 1 11 i'1!tji ,�J 111 1 11 11 {IS Irl 1 It iil 1� 1 S .h9 i 1 d 1 11 1 l I`4 !!`'iii I 1 i1l11 'I ;ii i II 11'' Ill y l,l /1 i i i 11 I 1 I i i II I 11.1 11 I i► 1 !a I!r ll �lf r -a x y. It 11 1 1, l 1 1 1 ,r ;1 1 7 ►I (1 1 .1 I' 1 11 I I, X11 e r a 10 1 41 1 ri r,'.q I it 11 1 i ,I 11 II 11 r' Irld I ii ill ..11 i I Ir 1. 1 1 11 li r PI r ;f It. h y1 1 '17 1,, II f1 r1 11 Li I 1 tr 1. r 1., pry I 41 I 1, g! 1 I i 1 1. ''1 41 I II 1 1111M f. I r '1 rr r' I„ r I I II i l j 1 I I I, 1 11 i r rl pb "i I ;y 11 g41 11 11 j tt 1!,s i i Id i r pl ,1( d� i 41 ;j y,; r 1 Ir i ,t1 of 1.t 1 11 jt' 1 I S I- i r1 I. 1111, i ��1 —li 1;1.: oJ "Y) fl (-le to -n1 not—pit-1i 4145 sigh, SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT' ANGELES 1cc-o cA ke For City Use Only Attn Building Permit Technician V S f- e Received, j 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 O I- co, i iDat Received Perm (9 5 (36 0 v fax Lutz_ o2? ate Approved e ()hone call t N I th H 417 -4815 evi, -eet t 417 -4711 2`0/4" 2' j Applicant or A ent H ''e tuLtt t P t I o, s f z_- s' way Phone pP g. L U �k25- 4� Property Owner k e' r t-/ rn a_ sao fo-355--gh 3 Phone Property Owner's Address 5312._ 15(, Dr N E Re.jrriood, t,JA q Contractor /Engineer�i` o Op, e, t� (,�3._%1q Phone Contractor /Engineer's Address 25g6b3 Hutt Ifai. td se-4-41111 c ig3$2 License FAR Gig Lib Exp CITY OF PORT ANCELES Dept. of Community,Development Project Address Business Name Parcel Number Submit an 8 A "x 11 "site plan three sets of plans that include Type of sign (wall- mounted projecting freestanding illuminated other Placement and sq ft. area How the sign will be securely attached (Engineering specs may be required for freestanding signs) Separation distance between the bottom of projecting and freestanding signs and the surface below See `Chapter 14.36 Sign Code of the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code for sign requirements. Sian Type Brief Description. (Type, location, sq. ft.) 3 2 st f+ 0-1( x Fs t 11. uri n0 5tiq Sign #1 Sign Sign #4.2, Unit Charae Quantity multiplied by quantities) $47 00 x $85 00 x $115 00 x X 2 (9104 C i phorve. c w mile a t ASm 5is,hs (ovn 4' wa 11) (&ZaXe.,r G?) (i4oyhh Stde,1 'fix 8' non illuri►+nar HO 3 L co t v 5 E i 1 c t r y' a's YYl e 1 c c o h s u r y a S 5 2 G 9 (09 Lot Zoning c, sr) Totals (Unit charges Sign(s) Type of Sign Valuation 300 00 S5.Oo GRAND TOTAL `rla o oq.-1© J All signs less than or equal to 25 sq ft. Wall sign or marquees, over 25 sq ft. Freestanding sign or projecting sign, over 25 sq ft. Make Checks Payable to City of Port Angeles Credit Cards (Except American Express) are accepted Existing sign(s) area 0 sq ft. Proposed sign(s) area Id 7 sq. ft. Total sign(s) area sq. ft. JUL 17 2009 r Building fagade area (height ft. X width ft.) sq. ft. (If a building has more than one business in. it, only measure the area of the building fagade that is used by the business applying for this permit.) I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits pric_'¢I to 'or' .n projects Date It'��\) lint Name -9 1 Signature �.t 4 T Forms /Building D /Sign Permit Application.doc 1 NOTES Q -fir et.a— u\ p1v1s1anlo� s F P C, vexA-gt- asAny; L i S" avrbvo Ate, si-fA8--Vore e, e 1 5 or o va OL T AN ta_ 11=e1B27 4, 'MKS Ae' NAME OF APPLICANT r LL X MAILING ADDRESS L{ N La L ICJ Ste_. PHONE NUMBER ©6 355 cC c,,c STREET ADDRESS OF PROPOSED STREET USE '4 8 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST-(include drawings required for clarity) [If street closure is requested please state the name of the street and limits of'closure together with the of closure Ins +alliinci a...5.i otirl .-R d- WiI p rot c* and har c. -4-hp Sij1t?ldri.IR v V 3 I x 1 w i r, ti IS THE USE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT? Oei^n'1i'1 n HOW LONG WILL THE OBSTRUCTION BE IN PLACE? A s On a cc.s e..h u s v, e ss .2.:x .�'Sfs WHAT ARE THE HOURS OF OPERATION? I I s Oo of1 10 0Ootwt v HOW IT WILL BE LIGHTED? 1 11`k -116A I 1 Cpl htS EXPLAIN THE NECESSITY TO USE THE PUBLIC STREET SIDEWALK OR PLANTING STRIP ARE THERE ALTERNATE AREAS THAT COULD BE USED? HOLD HARMLESS and INDEMNIFICATION' AGREEMENT In compliance with the Port Angeles Municipal Code and in consideration of the issuance by the. City of Port Angeles of a Right Of Way Use Permit to the undersigned allowing the placement of the above described street use or obstruction; the undersigned for himself and for his successors in interest, hereby agrees to indemnify hold harmless, and defend the City of Port Angeles against any claims or lawsuits for personal injury or property damage arising out of or in any way connected with the placnt of the use or obstruction on the City street, sidewalk, plar{t' g strip or right f w e {m e l lii/ /j fig DATF this l da U 20 S 401'A 1 3 .O Eft' A' N� 7" A 2 4.20 1? t� `B O O WASi ./7/1 r (This permit, if approved, may be terminated by the City of Port Angeles without cause and at any time) Approved copies to Applicant 0 Fire 0 Police 0 Street 0 0" RIGHT OF WAY USE PERMIT APPLICATION [OFFICE USE ONLY] N:1Urben Services Standards ..:n i .2009 ROW Use Permit.doc, last updated.tv,ar 2009 DATE:. Ps Les WA- c t Z.4,2 Marl a's rilext coil Re,1- awuzunt 5 c0 1'l N a (')(it1 I- ex a a Applicant Date application received paid Receipt.# Date Certificate of Insurance per PAMC 11 12 140() received Agreemenf to Remove Encroachment signed and on N/A and recorded on N/A &JAI, k./ 2.0.p NOTARY 'PU t IC for Wington residing at 7 J' ,Q �z My commission expires-- Application reviewed and recommendation by City Engineer Date is to deny or approve and with the following conditions Application approves or denied by the Director of Public \Norks Date 0 Address file O RUP Th ay ,,dedj legal e k p: L of fe or app roil ,graph' May fe fe f ctual lo Ms ay,:11 ng p edt eel In the ,f I' Angetc urpo dm, ng shall ht q) 0,1, 4-the Co. V 4 Water main WWater main SWater main FlPrirtral distrihi it inn t4, 4 40 Feet Ve al Da NAVI)38 el ran Man r z Z e 1 i 4 sc cv\ --1 a te` MEMO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Nathan West Director 417 -4751 Sue Roberds Planning Manager 417 -4750 Scott Johns Associate Planner 417 -4752 Daniel Bialzik Assistant Planner 417 -4804 Jim Lierly Building Inspector 417 -4816 Patrick Bartholick Code Compliance, Building Inspections 417 -4712 Linda Pangrle Permit Technician 417 -4815 Fax 360-417-4711 pORTNGELES W A S H I N G T O N U S A December 4, 2008 TO City Council and Interim Manager Osterman FROM RE Nathan West, Director Department of Community Economic Development Public Comment Issue Lutz 408 South Lincoln Street This memorandum is to provide background regarding the sign issue that was discussed during the Public Comment section of Council s December 2 meeting. Mr and Mrs. Lutz own the property and structure located at 408 Lincoln Street. The site has been operated under lease for more than 10 years as a restaurant(s) but has been closed for some time The Lutzs have recently re opened the building as Maria s Restaurant. A sign permit to install (replace) an 8 foot projecting sign was submitted in July 2008 Because projecting signs may not extend more than 4 V2 feet from the face of a structure anywhere in the City, the sign permit was denied. Additionally a Right -of -Way (ROW) Use Permit is required due to the desired location over a right -of -way Since the proposed sign did not comply with the Sign Ordinance, a Right -of -Way Use Permit was subsequently denied as well. Mr Lutz then explained that the original sign had been removed from the building by the previous tenant without his permission, and he wished to replace it in the original, nonconforming location. Staff explained that a permit could not be issued in a nonconforming location except by a judgment issued by a court of law The new sign had already been made at a cost of some $6300 Staff tried to provide alternatives to use the new sign in conforming locations on the structure to no avail. Over the next few weeks, Attorney Dickson and Planning Manager Roberds spent considerable time reviewing various scenarios that would allow use of the new sign in accordance with the City's sign regulations. Council Person Kidd also discussed the matter with Mr Lutz, to no avail. He felt victimized by the theft of his sign and was not willing to consider other options. Staff is anxious to work through any viable option with the Lutzs to our legal ability Update At the invitation of Interim Manager Osterman, Jerry Osterman and Sue Roberds met with Mr Lutz during the afternoon of December 3 The matter was again reviewed and several options discussed. Mr Lutz seemed to better understand the issues and his options didn't look so gloomy Prior to his exit from the building, Sue was under the impression that the options presented would allow him to move forward in a positive manner within a short period of time 07/25/2008 FRI 15 50 FAX %aft Nu nrk City of Port ngel tiht NAME OF APPLICANT n.Q., 44 (6 DATt= ngm ern+ MAILING ADDRESS ZS P-66 2 &w 2 (n-. PHONE NUMBER (0 (G'( l I 5Lig S TREET ADDRESS OF PROPOSED STREET USE L Qp) 5 Lf2r\ v DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST (include drawings required for clarity): [If street closure is requested, please state the name of the street and limits of closure, together with the duration of closure.] )n5-101 fad will hair p2141, alter csidett mak IS THE USE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT? Per Mon P.(1 -1- this form use Right of Wav Permit application form) HOW LONG WILL THE OBSTRUCTION BE IN PLACE? /1(A WHAT ARE THE HOURS OF OPERATION? /1. DO f j q a l tom HOW IT WILL BE LIGHTED? I n+'P,rrvf I laik L.1 EXPLAIN THE NECESSITY TO USE THE PUBLIC STREET SIDEWALK OR PLANTING STRIP ARE THERE ALTERNATE AREAS THAT COULD BE USED? f 4-11--ani7i Ar hQ t/`�_ t• w1 w Jt! W 6 &4I' Il d_ e HOLD HARMLESS and INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT In compliance with the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and in consideration of the issuance by the City of Port Angeles of a Right Of Way Use Permit to the undersigned allowing the placement of the above described street use or obstruction, the undersigned for himself and for his successors in interest, hereby agrees to indemnify hold harmless, and defend the City of Port Angeles against any claims or lawsuits for personal injury or property damage arising out of, or in any way connected with, the pl .emea#:oj the use or obstruction on the City street, sidewalk, r _strip, or t f wAr f e V (1- 21)0'a V 15) tai RIGHT OF WAY USE PERMIT APPLICATION [OFFICE USE ONLY[ Date application received Fee paid Date Certificate of Insurance per PAMC 11 12.140(B) received Agreement to Remove Encroachment signed and on and recorded on Application reviewed and recommendation by City Engineer is ta en reve and with the following cco�nditions: Does n -oi'3' S C�d`e j Si a >1 is Application approved or denied by the Director of Public Works Approved copies tie. Applicant 0 Fire 0 Police 0 Street 0 Other 0 Address tale 0 N:1Urban Services StenderdstCh112O08 ROW Use Pemtitdoc, March 19. 2008 N/A N/A Receipt JUL 3 0 2009 (if answer is PERMANENT. do not use Date 8 1 5 '0 8 Der .36.0f10 5 Date RUP# tgi 001 Applicant i i l A e o 0 d 0 /17,?3)3 NOTARY P LIC fo Washington residing at J 96 My commission expir 7 v o 7 (This permit if approved, may be terminated by the City of Port Angeles w thout cause and at any time) 14 36 070 14.36 080 I Signs in the Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Zone, Signs in the PBP zone shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection One building mounted sign per building shall be permitted provided that the sign does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in total sign area and is unli ghted and provided further that intermittent or flashing lights lighted signs are prohibited One freestanding sign per site shall be permitted provided that the sign does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in total sign area Signs shall he placed so as not to impact a facing residential zone Maximum height shall be 20 feet. Off premise signs including billboards, shall be prohibited within the Public Buildings and Parks Zone J Temporary Commercial Event Sims, The total sign area of temporary commercial event signs that are intended to advertise a special event such as a new business grand opening going out -of business sale or similar special sales event shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet for a business provided the temporary commercial event signs are removed within one (1) day after the event and are not up for more than one (l) month commencing at the date of installation and not up for more than three (3) months in any calendar year except that this Section shall not allow the type of signs that are specifically prohibited by PAMC 14 36 080 K. A Frame Signs One A frame sign shall be permitted per site as a freestanding sign An A frame sign shall be no larger than ten (1 0) square feet per side with the top of the sign no higher than forty four (44) inches nor lower than thirty (30) inches from ground level and the width of the sign no greater than thirty two (32) inches A frame signs shall not be located in public rights -of way except where a building is built to the front lot line and provided the sign owner obtains a right -of way use permit and identifies the specific sign in and names the City as an insured on the sign owner s insurance policy A frame signs shall not be located in a vision clearance area as described in PAMC 17 94 090 (Ord 3179 §1 12/17,2004 Ord 3126 §1 (part) 11/1 'D/2002 Ord 2542 64 7R0/89 Ord 2182 §3, 12/1D/8l Ord. 212 §7 7/1/81 14.36.080 Prohibited Signs The following signs are prohibited A. All signs illuminated by or containing, blinking, flashing intermittent. ormovin« lights and all flashing rotating, or intermediate lights in on or around windows roof[ines. or building exteriors. provided that electronically changing message and digital time /temperature signs which do not change the message more than once per 30 seconds and the moving hands of a clock. as otherwise allowed under this Chapter shall not be prohibited and provided further that this Section shall not prohibit seasonal decorations B All roof mounted signs. including any signs painted directly on the roof surface C Fluttering devices except as permitted in PAMC l 4 -;6 070 (B)(5) provided that such fluttering devices may be displayed to make notice of the opening of a business for a period not to exceed ten (10) days, and provided further that this Section shall not prohibit seasonal decorations festive banners or other distinctive noncommercial displays affixed to light poles or other public standard by the City or non profit organizations D Billboards and other off premise outdoor advertising signs except in compliance with PAMC 14 36 070(B) (G) and (H) provided that such signs shall not be directed toward with the intention of being viewed from any shoreline that is subject to Chapter 15 08 P AMC E Temporary signs located on or resting against a motor vehicle trailer bicycle planter or decorator card for the purpose of advertisement or directing people to a business F All signs which purport to call attention to a business or building with words such as "look" "stop" "slow down or other words of like impoit or which are similar to traffic signals or signs G All moving rotating. or animated signs, except barber poles H. All signs which no longer serve an ongoing business I All signs which have no permanent attachment to a building or the ground including but not limited to A frame signs sandwich board signs. pole attachments, and other mobile signs. provided that signs painted on ,'chicles Which are otparkL l it a ir ner directing people to bus nes. are of prohibited and provided further that A frame signs as exempted in PAMC 14 ;6 050(.1) or permitted in PANIC 14 36 070(K) and s. 'lwich board signs as exempted PAMC 14 36 0A(N) are not prohibited 14 43 12/2004 14 36 080 14 36 100 J Projecting signs that project further than four and one half (4-1/2) feet from the building facade prom. idcd that signs occurring under marquees (Di shall be governed by the requirements fur pedestrian signs in Section 14 36 070(A)(3) K Bar'ie ins in the CBD Zone L II signs not specifically addressed herein and contrary to the provisions of this Chapter (Ord '',126 I (part) 11/1D/2002 Ord 2 7/30/89 Ord 2182 §4 12/1`)/8 I Ord 2152 7 7/1/81) 14 36.090 Removal of Prohibited and Nonconforming Signs A The Building Division shall notify the business owner and the sign owner or lessee and the owner of the property of each sign that is either a prohibited or nonconforming sign under the terms of this Chapter B If a sign advertises a business no longer existing or a product no longer sold on the prom Ices for the previous 36'i days it shall be removed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice from the Building Division The 36 day period shall also be applied to businesses that clotted prior to November 1 2002 If the sign is not removed within the thirty (30) day period the City may remove the sign or cause It to be removed and place a lien against the property for the cost of such removal C Any sign which is ofa type of sign permitted under PAMC 14 36 070 but which does not conform to the specific requirements for that type of sign and which was legally erected before November 1.5 2002 shall be classified as legal nonconforming and may remain in use (Ord 3126 §1 (part) 11/15/2002 Ord 2604 §1 7/14/90 Ord 2580 §1 4/25/90 Ord. 2542 §6, 7/30/89 Orcl 2182 §D, 12/14/81 Ord 2152 §9, 7/1/81 14.36.095 Maintenance A Signs shall be maintained to protect the public safety present a well kept appearance and prevent deterioration. such that the sign is maintained in its original condition B A permit shall be required for structural and electrical modification but not normal repair and maintenance C The Building Division shall notify the business owner and the sign owner or lessee and the owner of the property of each sign that is not maintained per subsection A D Any sign which is not properly maintained may be subject to abatement as a nuisance per the Uniform Sign Code (Ord 3126 §1 (part) 11/15/2002) 14. ;6.100 Variances A When the strict enforcement of these regulations may impose an excessive hardship upon any applicant, depriving him of signage rights extended to other parties under this Chapter then a variance from these regulations may be requested B Variance applications shall be made to the Board of Adjustment. C A variance application shall be submitted on a form obtained from the Department of Community Development. It shall be made by the owner or lessee of a sign or the owner of the property and shall be acknowledged by the owner of the property, if other than the applicant. D Upon receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of this Section the Department of Community Development shall route the same to all appropriate Departments Each Department shall submit to the Department of Community Development recommendations and comments regarding the application The Department of Community Development shall prepare a report to the Board of Adjustment summarizing the factors involved, the recommendations of other Departments. and the Department of Community Development recommenda_ and findings A copy of the report shall be mailed to the applicant and copies shall be made available. at cost, for use by any Interested party 12/2 14 4 4 S L I q-D til S so f a d -Y11 A �ar5� L k m a�( U�1 �v s s aU n 2 0 4 wl G n Adv c A LAC;5 0 c\raJ, --J-)\\0,A Thp s tea`\. U IS\ )(3Uc© \s i 0 r- DkA V._ SNA f a X;A.) 3 U )\-17-) 'av,OU‘3) (WI MVP LA-C) X°C\ 39vd l\ --?(Ns A off. 3lfivac10d.9v till' '14 LI k r 1' C I (I 6206G3S09E TT VT 2 @0? /7/L0 s5. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn: Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 J Applicant or Agent d1i4p 441' Ph e Property Owner .r+ i- Jw ick. La.-f-z Phone Property Owner's Address 531. t.2(' C_r. Ai 6 1,2e mrrm I Contractor /Engineer /fib& (ro P Contractor /Engineer's Address Z S$!Ql O t i lA IU( W QtvYi \)e_ License a m a4[ &Eg Expire m en al COY \Alia c+or L►ceanse A E FO R5 *0 65c03/ Project Address LU _5. jc_JCpi ,54- Business Name 65 /i -eq n__-1-- Parcel Number D( (l C) Sign .Type Brief Description. (Type, loc ion, sq. ft.) Sign #1 Sign #2 Sign #3 Sign #4 $47 00 $85.00 $115 00 x x x /I I15.00 T:Forms /Building Division/Sign Permit Application.doc Lot Submit two sets of plans Type of sign (wall- mounted, projecting, freestandin illuminated, other Placement and sq. ft. area How the sign will be securely attached (Engin Separation distance between the bottom of p See "Chapter 14.36 Sign Code" of the C' Totals (Unit charaes Unit Charae Quantityf multiplied btguantities) Type of Sian site plan that includes: All signs less than 25 sq. ft. Wall or marquees, over 25 sq. ft. Freestanding and projecting, over 25 sq. ft. To I sign area 3Z sq. ft. Maximum allowed sign area Print in ink For Ci Use Only Date Re ed 1 Permit C')R Date /proved (Q 67 (043 1 125 tggi 3 /22 90652 3()tie3gcQlq? 9 S3 2 s /4 /Z /a Zoning CS-1) ing specs may be required for freestanding signs) jecting and freestanding signs and the surface below of Port Angeles Municipal Code for sign requirements. P rt e Qr )4- o u.lr nirl o r,txd g 6� "tl Y`' Sign(s) 0.00 Valuation S 1 GRAND TOTAL Make Checks Payable to City of Port Angeles Credit Cards (Except American Express) are accepted sq. ft. I have ead and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to alpI for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are r� ired and to obtain permits prior to working on projects Print Name n-(1 1/1A SignatuC nior F4 1,6 152-61t44,10/ peo iyea0344 ed-Pteei Joiv- l i **trvkli 4., i.44,44-..4 rpcOp sxo4 oo 1 c 4 R PRESENT 3 INCH ANGLE IRON TO BE REPLACED WITH 4" X 4" BOX TUBING. POST FOR SIGN WILL BE UPGRADED TO A 4" X 4" BOX TUBING FOR ADDED WIND STRENTH AND WIND SHEAR. SIGN WILL BE ATTACHED TO A 4" X 4" POST RESTING ON A GUSSETED BASE WITH 1 (ONE) VERTICIAL GUYLINE TO THE: TOP OF 4" X 4" POST HORIZONALY ATTACHED AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE FROM THE FRONT TOP AND BOTTOM FRONT, TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE OF BUILDING WITH 3/16 INCH STAINLESS CABLE. ADJUSTED BY TURN BUCKLES. THE SIGN WILL BE 10 FEET FROM SURFACE BELOW Page 1 ') j;) ~ ~ Ck s: - o o ~ ,-" .-J V\ 00 o ..... M '-'N ..... ..< '" (1) U (1) P: .. Q.l Q.l ~ ~ .a.J e Q.l tV cd'~ ..Q-r-! QE-<e;:: ;> " Z ctl U " '" "'z 0", o~ ....0 0E-< o <:0 ,-,..< ..< <: '0..< (1) ctl H e U (1) P: o o DO o -:J H (1) '-' 4-1 -< '-' 0 <: '00 ;>..< o ctl eo. -< o o '" '" '" '" 0 '" '0 (1) '0 E-< (1) '" (1) H <: '" U '-' 0 0 '" 0 <:0 0 P: <: '-' -.< -.< <: z Ol '-' '0 -.< 0 "' -.< (1) ctl H ..:1 e He E-< "' H U (1) U ClE-< (1) (1) P: '" ~[:jo 0. H P: N 0 P: p:", " .... 4-1 0 E-<E-<.... .... ctl (1) U P:Ol.... .... U '" 0 0 -.< '-' '" '" 0.:1:>< o"dC~ <: '0 '" '" E-<O o t:: co 0::: ;>-.< l<.",m o~..c:~ Octlo 0 0 4-IU:;: eo.", '" "' en Q) Q) ~ -< >< op:e~ E-<....O HN UMo. " 0 ~ " 0 <: " 0 <: H .... 0 ctl 00 .-.< '-' \ '-' 0 0 H 0. '-' 0 E-< Q) t:: "M ..< - 00 {j.~ ~ e 0 H I ..... ;> '-'" (1) "' 0 <: 0. (1) 0. :;: M 0'0 :>. CO ..... <: .a N 0<:<: (1)Ol 0 .... ..... 0 0 't:1 H",O .wo,-i -.-I Q) ;>",0 0 roJJ.LJ.LJ '-'l<.o "' U U U U U p: .r-! Q) OJ Q) ~E-<O ~ ~ H H l-l HO o.HHH '-':;:0 "' 0.000 (1)OlP: P: <(UUU (1) "' 0. l<. 0. ICash Adjustment I Application # 0<6 - \ \"12- Receipt # 0 \ 00 Co t..t if Fee Type fl1e.c\ttCLV\fep.\ PtN'VY\~ + , '- ~- 0'0 f c.", Amount Pil 1 i:!:: ' , ,.,. IIxr Cashier info Payment Type ~ hecK , ,Check iff q-23~Og: \OWc2h See. ~c.h,eJ..-7 'Posted Fee' .,.$~o' ~5 Refund Amount:. .... :0 :. .;~. ::; : :. :.~ . \ -"~ 'tx)(ye .' \2-/30 10' g Adjustment : Signalure lltY}JA"Q"j / SEND TO: l\ Se.YI \'ur) 1=-; 're, Pro+cc--{"{ Oh Po (bOx. 5'D~ Por-t AV18ele,>) \~ A q <i) 3~2.- I I Reo..5>Ol'\ ~ 11'\ \ s ?er M \ t- h~ -two fOvr-t-$ -tv l-\-. Hoo~ 4 'j)uc-t SuppresSIon SI.{S~ $110 00 k?~ Dubuc \' Ansu~' s L\$~ . 0 'i ,'-' I ~) <oJ ~ VI s F~ 2) (Yl e.c\1CL~'d cQ\ F-QX'm~+ $ be) I G S .in ......_ J,/Yl L. ~ ...J- , H~/Dvct ~~>~~ \n5p~~ ftf-\&- ~e' farm'rt- wo.. s \ <; ~ oeJ ) I fn ~nd out- fu ~ cA L~ S~~ bv~ evnF lojee. ~Q+ -the.- rnec-ha.nl~ portion. of' ~~s permit- l;\.lL\.<;~~+, ned~ttf4ev- \ Q\l. 'The.-j were. not- rep [a..c] ~ -Hte-,tluct- Sj$.~ 6r- rYle GhcAh lCOJ fov-t1c VI of 'the.. :/w)~o\ >js-{em , " \D-~,,?~ r:J.>>" l,>XI'"' r") U ---of{. \2-."..-",-1 SUNQARD' pueuc SeCTOR HTE. N~v;line' Application Inquiry '* Application 08'0000111 :..' [iJ Bonds , Iil Contractor escrowJ ;- [iJ Fees ri1I Global balance du I:'iiIlnspection history Iil Miscellaneous info Iil Names Ed Permits 1'\0 Plan tracking .; Recelpi~' Iil Square rootage caJI . iii Structures Ira Valuation calculali Property Information Address: P 408 5 LlT'K:OlN ST ~ PORT ANGaES, WA 98362 Locahon ID: 92046 '" o.mer name: HERlERT I MARIA LlJTZ . ASSESSOR PARCEL NlJI'i3ER: I ALTEI1NATE ID: 063000016810 :3 [if-~ :/ ---.-------i-~-J)J Contractor Information J Q, Contractor Na.e: LISENBlJR'( FIRE PROTECTlOO~). I Contractor Number: 2607 Type: GENERAL ",. Status: ACTIVE Contractor Requlrements Ooc ~lJmber -- -- ~....-. -.--------- -. -.. -. - .-- ---------- -- . f".T-.---------.~---.---.I-.---I-.-1 ~ 0- m ~ ?3l -:::b .' Application Information 0 APPh.'cation dese: ANSUL Rl02 FIRE SYSTEM_FlNA~.r..... I App licahon status: PERMIT ISSUED _ Status Date: 12/24/2008 ,., App hcation type: HOOO/DUCT 5lIPPRESSION SYST j App lication date: 9/15/2008 , Tenant name/number: MARIA'S HEX, RESTAURANT -; [U--~-. ill ----____r---i!!. [" outstanding Inspections Insp Type ID jJ Schedule Confir.ahon I Date Number I No outstanding inspections exist 1<1 m 1.1 i.:7Iu'_..k....n,__,--o._...._._-~~.__._--- " ",' ......_' _.1.\___1_____..1...._.___._.__.._._.___.___._._____.. I ''',. :;, Print .{ Cancel ')( Ex" 'Zt Refresh land InquUy Documents - __m_ - - . .- 9/23/08 I I I 0100644 I TOWEN I I n, I I CK . I' Total I I 100. 65 100. 65 ,DO .00 I il ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5lh Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 08-00001172 Date 9/23/08 951252 408 S LINCOLN ST 06-30-00-0-1-6810-0000- MARIA'S MEX. RESTAURANT HOOD/DUCT SUPPRESSION SYSTEM COMMUNITY SHOPPING DISTR 3500 Application desc ANSUL RI02 FIRE SYSTEM Owner Contractor HERBERT / MARIA LUTZ 5312 156TH DR NE REDMOND WA 98052 LISENBURY FIRE PROTECTION PO BOX 508 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 683-5132 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date HOOD & DUCT SUPP SYSTEM ANSUL R102 FIRE SYSTEM 134544 40.00 Plan Check Fee 9/23/08 Valuation 3/22/09 .00 o Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc HOOD/DUCT SYSTEM Permit pin number 134551 Permit Fee 60.65 Plan Check Fee Issue Date 9/23/08 Valuation Expiration Date 3/22/09 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 1. 00 10.6500 ECH ME-HOOD/DUCT SYSTEM ~ ~\S r~O~ OQ...~Y' '20/0& ~ \1.:' 7 Qty 1.00 1. 00 Unit Charge Per 25.0000 ECH 15.0000 ECH HOOD/DUCT INSPECTION/TESTING HOOD/DUCT PLAN REVIEW Extension 25.00 15.00 Special Notes and Comments A K Class fire exinguisher is required. Extinguishers must be mounted, with the top no more than 5' off the floor. Suggested extinguisher placement is adjacent to an exit. September 16, 2008 4:44:49 PM kdubuc. A full acceptance test will be required for this system. Test will include appliance shut-off, balloon test, pull station and fusible link. . September 16, 2008 4:45:08 PM kdubuc. hl){t/eJ 10.-3. O()g Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examimrl this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compled with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the pr sions of any state or local law regulating the work specified in the perm it. - N r2j-oR Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date rn FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360-417-4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24-hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested. Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough-in inspection Alann final LP-GAS Completed by Contractor: Underground piping inspection/pressure test Test # I Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Piping pressure test pSI Time initiated . Tank (container) inspection Test #2 Appliance inspection Piping pressure test pSI Time initiated LP-gas final UNDERGROUND .STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable/combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permit final Inspection Type I Date Passed I Comments GENERAL COMMENTS: 2/15/00 ,------ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362 Application Number . . . . . 08-00001172 Application pin number 951252 Page 2 Date 9/23/08 Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 100.65 .00 100.65 100.65 .00 100.65 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compled with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the isions 0, any state or local law regulating the work specified in the permit. - ;J.. cr~ Z3-0% Signature of Contra tor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360-417-4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24-hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. Comments o d) I~ KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE FIRE SPRINKLER :.J Underground piping hydrostatically tested ~ Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM 0 Rough-in inspection OQ Alann final V\ LP-GAS Completed by Contractor: \ Underground piping inspection/pressure test Test # 1 Piping pressure test /" Above ground piping inspection/pressure test pSI :5 Tank (container) inspection Time initiated S Test #2 --- Appliance inspection Piping pressure test pSI :5 Time initiated LP-gas final ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable/combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permit final t-\ DOc\. / \)urA- ,,"S () PI' re SS to \'\ C;;u s-k..vn /6J301DS --L. , II <J . , 3 P- I:::--. Inspection Type I Date Passed I -+== r ~ 2/15/00 o c 1- \fl cY)c V)~ 'i;-"J ~ ~ GENERAL COMMENTS: City Permit # 1172 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT HOOD/DUCT SUPPRESSION SYSTEM PLAN REVIEW Project Name: Maria's Restaurant Address: 408 S Lincoln HID Installer: Telephone: 452-1143 System Installer: Lisenbury Telephone: Permit # 08-04 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our ordinance. The following items must be noted: 1) A "K" class fire extinguisher must be provided along with the system. The extinguisher must be located in an easily accessible location, with the top no more than 5' off the floor. 2) A full witnessed acceptance test of the system will be required. This test will include a balloon test, as well as tests of the fuel/electrical shut-offs, the pull station and the fusible links. Reviewed By: J\&QJ:).G \ ct. t c... ~~ Date: ItJ D D Building Department Contractor Fire Department - t . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION TRANSMITTAL To: XFire Department o Other Department ('I\~r-l o-lS (0\ e)<:l (ffiV\ \<e.>~\J (?L~+ Date 9 -- \ 5" .... 08 Project Address 402> 5 ~ L ,I h O!J [h Sf- Contact . Y"'O-.~ Phone number(s) Lf 52. ~ I' ~ :s Permit number O~ -}\ 12 Project DescriPtion~ \ ClUe- e,x ~ s.~ ~ A Y) Su I s~~ o New Construction ;(.,A*iti~ / Alteration Please review & return to the Building Division, Permit Technician. T: Forms/Building Division/Jransmittal l .t BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA TION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn: Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360)417-4815 fax (360)417-4711 For City Use Only: Date Received (j~ - t l) -08 Permit # d~ - 111 2- Date Approved Applicant or Agent LJStt\~X("(.. ,:\>fi)~l)Y'I Property Owner .~ ~QI..\~I\ Re.~I..l.VA-I',,:t Property Owner's Address 'iOt2l ~ Ui\U>\r') Contractor/Engineer U~b\.V'~~ l>Y"okti-ilSY\ Contractor/Engineer's Address ~ 5D~ 1t>(t- ~lS License # L\~Y\'FP~4qQ.~ Phone 4-'52-11~~ Phone Phone ~'5z.- 1l+3 Expires Il- oz.- 080 PROJECT ADDRESS 4O~ ~ UY\~\)'\ Parcel Number Lot Zoning Proiect Tvpe & Brief Description: Check all that apply o New Construction o Addition o Remodel N o Repair oRe-roof o Demolition o Heat System fil Other o Residential tlf-Commercial o Multi-family o Industrial ~ o gas fireplace 0 pellet stove 0 other 'f1 S Floor Areas Existinq (Sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Basement @$ per sq. ft. = $ 1 st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other TOTAL VALVA TlON $ 3500. DO Total footprint of structures sq. ft. Lot size sq. ft. = Lot coverage % Max. height of proposed structures Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? ft. Occupancy group Occupant load Construction type # of bedrooms # of full baths # of half baths I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to 0 tain permits prior to v.:orking on projects. DateCf'-/S'-of! Print Name r3Rh0 ~oRf};cI2&- Sig nature T:FormsiBuilding Division/Bldg Permit !\ppl.-2006 Cr.rle.doc , ~ . c cP \ ~ - ~~. 02-01-08 Date Post on the premises in a conspicuous place. ThIs a I not be removed except by the Building Official. ~~. I ~ 0 f{\~ ;{!z, ~ J 08 ~ IJ1 ,hIS It0a.S rYM.; \eJ -to 'tt1e YO<6 s. L~Y"\(oh") s:f;- a..dtl\"eS.5. , J+ WAS retorned .- , o..s uv\ Je.l,V~l€. ~ a.. 3/Io{o%. ::r rn~~ leJ. ;~ +0 'the 0 Whex-'s home a..M v-e s.> . :s ~ e~ ~ " CERTIFICA TE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICA TION Permit # 0)5- 3~ . - . g-- CITY OF PORT ANGELES FEES Attn: BUilding Permit Technician $50.00 Certificate / Inspection 321 E Fifth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 $100.00 Parking BUSiness Improvement Area (PBIA) (360) 417-4815 fax (360) 417-4711 Pnnt In Ink \ fee charged for downtown locations )J\,\W V\ ) BUSINESS NAME 7/V1 ~ ~;;t;; AA/?~ _,.uT , m./.A"k././ ~c:c;J BUSINESS ADDRESS Li 0 f? S. ~/ ~(.!. ~~ --- - / Zoning - . BUSiness mailing addre.ss '.5 t>y"K.~ - Phone # -I ut4L/') Opening date ~ /2 iJ/ t? ?) Days & hours of operation / / --?ii 9 - CJ-z /0 ~ Bnef descnptlon of proposed bUSiness Y.uL,~___u.-/ ~IJ~/;~- I - - - I Business owner's name 1~-tJ~~Cv- ~_ . .... Phone# 4Us g~l,,3LJ.~ , I BUSiness owner's home address, -5'~/.2, IS 0~h. 1)/7 11 ~ /f:'.J::7~~d /A~ 7' .?O)2- - I ,,( r- , I PLEASE NOTE: A Business License IS also required for the following bUSinesses TaXI, Peddlers, Second-hand dealer, Pawn broker, Dance, Hotel- Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, Tattoo shop. Contact the City Clerk at 417-4634 for additional Information ACTION V- I Will THERE BE ANY OF THE FOllOWING? I ~QV" YES V" IF YES, CONTACT I Electrical changes _ _~. _ ...... _ ,.-~ X Electncal Dept at 417-4735 New bUSiness I New or relocated signs lAJ l l..-L b~ ~ ~ 'v f ~. BUilding DIVISion at 417-4815 I I Construction changes I . ... .. I Mechanical changes (heating, cooling, stoves) Ik' .. I Transfer of bUSiness I Plumbing changes I '-k .. I location from a PBIA location I Fire sprinkler system changes I /)< I .. I I Fire alarm system changes I )< I i " I Transfer of bUSiness I Is this a home occupation? I )( I I Planning DIvISion at 417-4750 location from a I Second-hand dealer or pawn broker? I X I I City Clerk at 417-4634 non-PBIA location I New or relocated sewer or water service I 'X. I I Public Works at 417-4807 I Excavation or filling of lots IV , .. Change of ownership X' I Work done In the City nght-of-way I "'Y.' .. I New dnveway openings I 'y' .. Remodel I I Grading site drainage (parking lots, downspouts, etc) I "")( I .. Landscape Irrigation system (backflow deVices) I 'K I I Water Dept at 417-4886 Temporary bUSiness I I Off-street parking I ~ I I I EXisting streets paved I ~/" I ~ I I Change of use I I EXisting sldewaiks I~ I X I I I Curb and gutter I~ Iv I Call for Certificate of Occuoancv insoections before ooenina business: BUlldmg Department InspectIOn 417-4815 FIre Department InspectIOn 417-4653 Please proVide a mmimum 24-hour noftce for mspections I hereby apply for a Certlftcate of Occupancy I acknowledge that I have read thIS application and state that the informafton I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge 7if~ ~ DateLA/z;t Print Name IijJl ff I/:; d. V 7 L Signature .. c? ~ Fo< C<lV "" '"IV - . I Department Approved Rejected Comments I Conditions Itla & date Initials & date I BUilding , ~!t ( Type of construction Occupant Load Fire O~ Ver f) Automatic fire spnnkler system required no yes I PBIA I - - I Planning 11/z,OV (f1, sit I City Clerk I'/q /Df!. RUJ I I Public Works I . I I I , ... T Forms/Building DIVISion/Certificate of Occupancy Application ~ Parcel Lookup Page 1 of 1 . . . . Parcel Number 0630000168100000 Site Address' 408 S LINCOLN ST PA quit;1 f Back I Taxpayer: HERBERT / MARIA LUTZ 408 S LINCOLN PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Title Owner: HERBERT / MARIA LUTZ 408 S LINCOLN PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Description: S 26'2"OF N 106'2" OF LOTS 1 &2 BL 168 Value Summary: Note: Listed values do not reflect adjustments made for exempllon programs such as Senior/Disabled or Current Use programs (except Commercial Forestland properties) Land Value' 39,300 Improvements Value 94,200 Total Assessed Value. 133,500 Property Characteristics: Note: Use Code IS for Assessor's purposes only Contact the appropnate planning or bUilding departments for ZOning and allowable usage of property Use Code. 5810 RESTAURANTS Land Size (acreage) 00 Note Acreage IS not listed for all properties In the Assessor's records More information about land size Tax Status Taxable Tax Code Area 0010 Note Zoning and zoning codes change constantly Verify all zOning with the appropriate planning or bUilding department Building Characteristics: (Click on Bldg # for more details) .JL Blda. Tvoe Blda. Stvle Total S.F. BD BA 01 One Story 1968 Tax History Sales History 'QuitJ Bac~ 111.628.0481\ http://apps.clallam.net/website/sitis -p.pgm?parcel=0630000 168100000 2/11/2008 ",:>.: . Low pH Agent . Proven Design · Reliable Cartridge Operated · Aesthetically Appealing · UL Listed - Meets Requirements of UL 300 · ULC Usted - Meets Requirements of ULC/ORD-C1254.6 APPUCAnON The ANSUIAi R-102™ Restaurant Fire Suppression System is an auto- matic, pre-engineered, fire suppression system designed to protect the following areas associated with cooking equipment; ventilating equip- ment induding hoods, ducts, plenums, and filters; fryers; griddles and range tops; upright, natural charcoal, or chain-type broilers; electric, lava rock, mesquite or gas-radiant char-broilers and woks. The system is ideally suitable for use in restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, schools, airports, and other similar facilities. Use of the R-102 system is limited to interior applications only. The regu- lated release and tank assemblies must be mounted in an area where the air temperature will not fall below 32 OF (O OC) or exceed 130 OF (54 OC). The system must be designed and installed within the guide- lines of the UL/ULC Listed Design, Installation, Recharge, and Maintenance Manual. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The restaurant fire suppression system is a pre-engineered, wet chemi- cal, cartridge-operated, regulated pressure type with a fixed nozzle agent distribution network. It is listed with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (ULJULC). 004215 The system is capable of automatic detection and actuation and/or remote manual actuation. Additional equipment is available for mechani- calor electrical gas line shut-off applications. The detection portion of the tire suppression system allows for auto- matic detection by means of specifIC alloy rated fusible links, which, when the temperature exceeds the rating of the link, the link separates, allowing the regulated release to actuate. A system owner's guide is available containing basic information pertaining to system operation and maintenance. A detailed technical manual is also available induding system description, design, installa- tion, recharge, and maintenance procedures, plus additional equipment installation and resetting instructions. The system is installed and serviced by authorized distributors that are trained by the manufacturer. The basic system consists of an ANSUL AUTOMANQD regulated release assembly which includes a regulated release mechanism and a wet chemical storage tank housed within a single enclosure. Nozzle blow-off caps, detectors, cartridges, agent, fusible links, and pulley elbows are supplied in separate packages in the quantities needed for fire suppres- sion system arrangements. Additional equipment includes remote manual pull station, mechanical and electrical gas valves, pressure switches, and electrical switches for automatic equipment and gas line shut-off. Accessories can be added such as alarms, waming lights, etc., to installations where required. Tanks can be used in multiple arrangements to allow for larger hazard coverage. Each tank is limited to a listed maximum amount of now numbers. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Wet Chemical Agent - The extinguishing agent is a mixture of organic salts designed for rapid flame knockdown and foam securement of grease related fires. It is available in plastic containers with instructions for wet chemical handling and usage. Agent Tank - The agent tank is installed in a stainless steel enclosure or wall bracket. The tank is constructed of stainless steel. Tanks are available in two sizes: 1.5 gallon (5.7 L) and 3.0 gallon . (11.4 L). The tanks have a working pressure of 110 psi (7.6 bar), a test . pressure of 330 psi (22.8 bar), and a minimum burst pressure of 600 psi (41.4 bar). The tank includes an adaptor/tube assembly. The adaptor is chrome- plated steel with a 1/4 in. NPT female gas inlet and a 3/8 in. NPT female agent outlet. The adaptor also contains a bursting disc seal which prevents the siphoning of agent up the pipe during extreme temperature variations. Regulated Release Mechanism - The regulated release mechanism is a spring-loaded, mechanicaVpneumatic type capable of providing the expellant gas supply to one or two agent tanks, depending on the capacity of the gas cartridge used. It contains a factory installed regula- . tor deadset at 110 psi (7.6 bar) with an extemal relief of approximately . 180 psi (12.4 bar). It has automatic actuation capabilities by a fusible link detection system and remote manual actuation by a mechanical pull station. The regulated release mechanism contains a release assembly, regula- tor, expellant gas hose, and agent storage tank housed in a stainless steel enclosure with cover. The enclosure contains knock-outs for 1/2 in. conduit. The cover contains an opening for a visual status indicator. It is compatible with mechanical gas shut-off devices; or, when equipped with a field or factory-installed switch. it is compatible with electric gas line or appliance shut-off devices. Regulated Actuator Assembly - When more than two agent tanks are required, the regulated actuator is available to provide expellant gas for additional tanks. It is connected to the cartridge receiver outlet of the regulated release mechanism providing simultaneous agent discharge. It . contains a regulated actuator deadset at 110 psi (7.6 bar) with an exter- . nal relief of approximately 180 psi (12.4 bar). It has automatic actuation capabilities by a fusible link detection system and remote manual actua- tion by a mechanical pull station. The regulated actuator assembly contains a regulated actuator, regula- tor, expellant gas hose, and agent tank housed in a stainless steel enclosure with cover. The enclosure contains knockouts to pennit instal- lation of the expellant gas line. Discharge Nozzles - Each discharge nozzle is tested and listed with the R-102 system for a specific application. Nozzle tips are stamped with the flow number designation (1/2, 1, 2, and 3). Each nozzle must have a metal or rubber blow-off cap to keep the nozzle tip orifice free of cooking grease build-up. -APPROVALS Applicable Standards: ULllisted under EX.3470: ULC listed under CEX-747; meets requirements of NFPA 96 (Standard for the Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and Grease-Laden VaporS from Commercial Cooking Equipment): NFPA 17A (Standard on Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems). ORDERING INFORMATION Order all system components through your local authorized ANSUL Distributor. SPECIFICATIONS An ANSUL R-102 Fire Suppression System shall be fumished. The system shall be capable of protecting all hazard areas associated with cooking equipment. 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 References 1.1.1 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) ULStandard 1254 UL Standard 300 1 .1.2 Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) ULC/ORD-C 1254.6 1.1.3 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 96 NFPA 17A 1.2 Submittals 1.2.1 Submit two sets of manufacturer's data sheets 1.2.2 Submit two sets of piping design drawings 1.3 System Description 1.3.1 The system shall be an automatic fire suppression system using a wet chemical agent for grease related fires. 1.3.2 The system shall be capable of suppressing fires in the following areas associated with cooking equip- ment: ventilating equipment including hoods, ducts, plenums, and filters: fryers: griddles and range tops; upright, natural charcoal, or chain-type broilers: elec. tric, lava rock, mesquite or gas-radiant char-broilers. 1.3.3 The system shall be the pre-engineered type having minimum and maximum guidelines established by the manufacturer and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). 1.3.4 The system shall be installed and serviced by person- nel trained by the manufacturer. 1.3.5 The system shall be capable of protecting cooking appliances by utilizing either dedicated appliance protection and/or overlapping appliance protection. SPECIFlCAnONS 1.4 Quality Control 1.4.1 Manufacturer. The R-l02 Restaurant Fire Suppression System shall be manufactured by a company with at least thirty years experience in the design and manu- facture of pre-engineered fire suppression systems. The manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 registered. 1.4.2 Certificates: The wet agent shall be a specially formu- lated, aqueous solution of organic salts with a pH . range between 7.7 - 8.7, designed for flame knock- down and foam securement of grease-related fires. 1.5 Warranty, Disclaimer, and Limitations 1.5.1 The pre-engineered restaurant fire suppression system components shall be warranted for five years from date of delivery against defects in workmanship and material. 1.6 Delivery 1.6.1 Packaging: All system components shall be securely packaged to provide protection during shipment. 1.7 Environmental Conditions 1.7.1 The R-l02 system shall be capable of operating in a temperature range of 32 OF to 130 OF (0 oC to 540C). 2.0 PRODUCT 2.1 Manufacturer 2.1.1 Ansul Fire Protection, One Stanton Street, Marinette, Wisconsin 54143-2542, Telephone (715) 735-7411. 2.2 Components 2.2.1 The basic system shall consist of an ANSUL AUTO MAN regulated release assembly which includes a regulated release mechanism and a wet chemical storage tank housed within a single enclosure. Nozzles, blow-off caps, detectors, cartridges, agent, fusible links, and pulley elbows shall be supplied in separate packages in the quantities needed for fire suppression system arrangements. Additional equip- ment shall include remote manual pull station, mechanical and electrical gas valves, pressure switches, and electrical switches for automatic equip- ment and gas line shut-off. 2.2.2 Wet Chemical Agent: The extinguishing agent shall be a specially formulated, aqueous solution of organic salts with a pH range between 7.8 - 8.2, designed for flame knockdown and foam securement of grease related fires. 2.2.3 Agent Tank: The agent tank shall be installod in a stainless steel enclosure or wall bracket. The tank shall be constructed of stainless steel. Tanks shall be available in two sizes; 1.5 gallon (5.7 L) and 3.0 gallon (11.4 L).The tanks shall have a working pressure of · 110 psi (7.6 bar), a test pressure of 330 psi (22.8 bar), and a minimum burst pressure of 600 psi (41.4 bar). The tank shall include an adaptor/tube assembly containing a burst disc union. 2.2.4 Regulated Release Mechanism: The regulated release mechanism shall be a spring-loaded, mechanicaVpneumatic type capable of providing the expellant gas supply to one or two agent tanks depending on the capacity of the gas cartridge used. It shall contain a factory installed regulator deadset at 110 psi (7.6 bar) with an extemal relief of approxi- mately 180 psi (12.4 bar). It shall have the following actuation capabilities: auto- matic actuation by a fusible link detection system and remote manual actuation by a mechanical pull station. The regulated release mechanism shall contain a release assembly, regulator, expellant gas hose, and agent storage tank housed in a stainless steel enclo- sure with cover. The enclosure shall contain knock- outs for 1/2 in. conduit. The cover shall contain an opening for a visual status indicator. It shall be compatible with mechanical gas shut-off devices; or, when equipped with a field or factory- installed switch, it shall be compatible with electric gas line or appliance shut-off devices. 2.2.5 Regulated Actuator Assembly: When more than two agent tanks are required, the regulated actuator shall be available to provide expellant gas for additional tanks. It shall be connected to the cartridge receiver outlet of the regulated release mechanism providing simultaneous agent discharge. The regulator shall be · deadset at 110 psi (7.6 bar) with an extemal relief of · approximately 180 psi (12.4 bar).The regulated actua- tor assembly shall contain a regulated actuator, regula- tor, expellant gas hose, and agent tank housed in a stainless steel enclosure with cover. The enclosure shall contain knockouts to permit installation of the expellant gas line. 2.2.6 Discharge Nozzles: Each discharge nozzle shall be tested and listed with the R-102 system for a specific application. Nozzles tips shall be stamped with the flow number designation (1/2, 1, 2, and 3). Each nozzle shall have a metal or rubber blow.off cap to keep the nozzle tip orifice free of cooking grease build- up. 2.2.7 Distribution Piping: Distribution piping shall be Schedule 40 black iron, chrome-plated, or stainless steel pipe conforming to ASTM A 120, A53, or A 106. 2.2.8 Detectors: The detectors shall be the fusible link style designed to separate at a specific temperature. 2.2.9 Cartridges: The cartridge shall be a sealed steel pres- sure vessel containing either carbon dioxide or nitro' gen gas. The cartridge seal shall be designed to be punctured by the releasing device supplying the required pressure to expel wet chemical agent from the storage tank. 3.0 IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Installation 3.1.1 The R-102 fire suppression system shall be designed, installed, inspected, maintained, and recharged in accordance with the manufacturer's listed instruction manual. 3.2 Training 3.2.1 Training shall be conducted by representatives of the manufacturer. · Fast Rame Knock-Down and Securement of Grease-Related Fires · Provides a Cooling Effect Which Further Enhances Its Ability to Prevent Reflash . Designed for a Wide Variety of Restaurant Hazards · Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Part of the R-102 Restaurant System . Ease of Recharge and Post.Rre Cleanup . Non-Corrosive APPUCATlON ANSULEXTM Low pH Liquid Rre Suppressant is designed for use only in ANSUlAP R-102™ restaurant fire suppression systems. This "liquid" agent will combat grease-related tires as found in restaurant appliances and ventilating equipment. It should not be used for tires involving ener- gized electrical hazards. DESCRIPTION ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Rre Suppressant is a specially-formulated, aqueous solution of organic salts. The agent is pre-mixed, eliminating the need for dilution before system charging. When used as an extin- guishing agent, it will produce no toxic by-products. AGENT PROPERnES Appearance. . . Storage Life. . . Refractive Index Freeze Point . . Boiling Point . . Specific Gravity. Kinematic Viscosity. . pH. . . . . . . . . . Color-Goded Ruorescent Yellow-Green 12 Years 1 .4040 . -40 OF (-40 oc) . 230 OF (110 OC) . 1.32 . 5.26 centistokes .7.7-8.7 · NOTE: Care should be taken when handling the agent. II contact is made with the eyes or skin, flush with water. lithe agent is swallowed, dilute with water or milk and contact a physician. ANSUL. A.l02. and ANSULEX are trademarks 01 Ansul'rlCOlJlOrated or lis alliliales. PERFORMANCE When used in the ANSUL R-102 restaurant system, ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Rre Suppressant is extremely effective on tires in restaurant venti- lating equipment - hoods and ductwork, as well as in a variety of cooking appliances - deep-fat fryers, griddles, range tops, and several types of broilers and char-broilers. As the agent is sprayed in tine droplets (atomized) onto an appliance grease fire, it provides excellent flame knock-down, surface-COOling, and fire-securing capabilities. When the agent reacts with the hot grease, it forms a layer of foam on the surface of the fat. This soap-/ike blanket of foam acts as an insulator between the hot grease and the atmosphere, helping to prevent flammable vapors from escaping and reducing the chance for flame reignition. Post.fire cleanup can be readily accomplished by flushing the area with water or steam. Because of the composition of ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Rre Suppressant, it is compatible with metals commonly found in restaurant kitchen environments (i.e., stainless steel, aluminum, galvanized metal, mild steel, copper and brass). APPROVALS AND LISTINGS ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Rre Suppressant has been tested, and is listed with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (EX-3470) as part of the ANSUL R-102 Restaurant Rre Suppression System. ORDERING INFORMATION ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Rre Suppressant is available in sealed containers. Part No. 79694 1.5 gallon (5.7 L) Part No. 79372 3.0 gallon (11.4 L) Recharge services are available from ANSUL-authorized distributors. ~ANSUL.II tqeD / Fire ~ / Secuflty Tyco Safely Products Marinelle, WI 54143-2542 715-735-7411 www.ansul.com C2OO6 Ans<.j IncotpOf1lled Form No. F-9140-2 ---...' ',,---, SYSTEM DESIGN The Ansul R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression System may be used on a number of different types of restaurant cooking appli- ances and hood and duct configurations. The design information listed in this section deals with the limitations and parameters of this pre-engineered system. Those individuals responsible .for the design of the R-102 system must be trained and hold a current Ansul certificate in an R-102 training program. The R-102 and the PIRANHA systems use compatible agents and components, therefore, they may be used together for cooking appliance, hood, and duct protection. The primary ANSUL AUTOMAN Release can be either an R-102 or a PIRANHA ANSUL AUTOMAN Release and can actuate up to two additional R-102 or PIRANHA Regulated Actuators. In systems utilizing a 101 remote release, any combination of the maximum number of regulated actuators can be used. . Both systems must actuate simultaneously. . Each system must be designed and installed per its appropri- ate manual. . Adjacent appliances requiring protection must be protected with the same type of system, either R-102 or PIRANHA, unless the center-to-center spacing between the adjacent R-102 and PIRANHA nozzles is no less than 36 inches. . When appliances are protected with R-102 nozzles, the hood and connecting duct above those appliances cannot be pro- tected with PIRANHA nozzles. . Mixing systems in a common plenum is not allowed. One of the key elements for restaurant fire protection is a correct system design. This section Is divided into ten sub-sections: Noz- zle Placement Requirements, Tank Quantity Requirements, Actu- ation and Expellant Gas Une Requirements, Distribution Piping Requirements, Detection System Requirements, Manual Pull Sta- tion Requirements, Mechanical Gas Valve Requirements, Electri- cal Gas Valve Requirements, Electrical Switch Requirements, and Pressure Switch Requirements. Each of these sections must be completed before attempting any installation. System design sketches should be made of all aspects of design for reference during installation. ~ NOZZLE PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS This section gives guidelines for nozzle type, positioning, and quantity for duct, plenum, and individual appliance protection. This section must be completed before determining tank quantity and piping requirements. Duct Protection - Single Nozzle All duct protection is UL listed without limitation of maximum duct length (unlimited length). This includes all varieties of ductworks both horizontal and vertical including ducts that run at angles to the horizontal and ducts with directional bends. The R-102 system uses different duct nozzles depending on the ~ size of duct being protected. ",--/ SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-1 10-1-02 REV. 5 ~ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Nozzles must be located 2-B in. (5-20 cm) into the center of the duct opening, discharging up. See Figure 1. 2-8IN. (5 - 20 em) FIGURE 1 000173 2. In Installations where a UL listed damper assembly is employed, the duct nozzle can be installed beyond the Bin. (20 em) maximum, to a point just beyond the damper assem- bly that will not interfere with the damper. Exceeding the maxi- mum of Bin. (20 em) in this way will not void the UL listing of the system. - 3. Previously listed 3 flow number and 5 flow number duct pro- tection detailed in earlier published manual, Part No. 4180B7- 06, can also still by utilized. DUCT SIZES UP TO 50 IN. (127 cm) PERIMETERJ 16 IN. (41 cm) DIAMETER . One 1100 nozzle (Part No. 430912) = one flow number . 50 in. (127 cm) perimeter maximum . 16 in. (41 em) diameter maximum DUCT SIZES UP TO 100 IN. (254 em) PERIMETERJ 32 IN. (B1.3 cm) DIAMETER . One 2W Nozzle (Part No. 419337) = two flow numbers . 100 in. (254 cm) perimeter maximum . 32 in. (81.3 cm) diameter maximum . A 2WH nozzle (Part No. 7807B) must be substituted for a 2W nozzle for any installation using Option 2 of the 1.5 gallon sys- tem coverage (duct and plenum protection only). A 2WH nozzle is limited to a maximum of 75 in. (190 em) perimeter or a maxi- mum diameter of 24 in. (61 em) of coverage. The chart below shows the maximum protection available from each duct nozzle. Part No. Description 2W Nozzle 1100 Nozzle ~ 419337 430912 3.0 Gallon System Maximum 100 in. (254 em) Perimeter Maximum 50 in. (127 em) Perimeter 1.5 Gallon System Maximum 100 In. (254 em) Perimeter Maximum 50 in. (127 cm) Perimeter ~"- Plenum Protection The R-102 system uses the 1W Nozzle (Part No. 419336) or the · 1100 Nozzle (Part No. 430192) or the 1 N Nozzle (Part No. 419335) for plenum protection. The 1W nozzle tip is stamped with 1W and ,. the 1 N nozzle tip is stamped with 1 N, indicating they are one-flow nozzles and must be counted as one flow number each. When pro- tecting a plenum chamber, the entire chamber must be protected . regardless of filter length. · VERTICAL PROTECTION - GENERAL · One 1W nozzle or 1100 nozzle will protect 4 linear feet (1.2 m) of plenum. The ma~imum distance from the end of the hood to the first and last nozzle must be no more than 2 ft (.6 m). After the first nozzle, any additional nozzles must be positioned at a maximum of 4 ft. (1.2 m) apart down the entire length of the plenum. The · plenum width must not exceed 4 ft. (1.2 m). (The 1W or 1100 noz- zle can be used on single or V-bank filter arrangements.) See . Figure 6. . '----./ . FIGURE 6 000197 . When protecting plenums with the 1 W or 1100 nozzle, two options of coverage are available: . Option 1: The 1100 or 1 W nozzle must be on the center line of the single or .Y" bank filter and positioned within 1-20 in. (2.5-51 em) above the top edge of the filter. See . Figure 7. "'---'". SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-5 10-1-02 REV. 3 t 20 IN. (51 em) MAXIMUM t 20 IN. (51 em) MAXIMUM ~ . FIGURE 7 000'99 · Option 2: The 1W or 1100 nozzle must be placed perpendicular, 8-12 in. (20-30 em) from the face ofthe filter and angled to the center of the filter. The nozzle tip must be within 2 in. (5 em) from the perpendicular center line of the fil- ter. See Figure 8. . . FIGURE 8 0110200 · HORIZONTAL PROTECTION - OPTION 1 1 N NOZZLE - PART NO. 419335 - SINGLE BANK PROTECTION One 1 N nozzle will protect 10 linear feet (3.1 m) of single filter bank · plenum. The nozzle(s) must be mounted in the plenum, 2 to 4 in. (5 to 10 em) from the face of the filter, centered between the tilter height dimension, and aimed down the length. See Figure 9. ~ 10 FT. (3.1 m) MAXIMUM . ..."', FIGURE 9 ''-~~'' , . ----- --- Range Protection 2-Flow Nozzle Medium Proximity Application (2-Flow Nozzle): 30 in. to 40 in. (76 em to 102 em) above the cooking surface. The medium proximity application uses the 260 nozzle, Part No. 419341. The nozzle tip is stamped with 260 indicating this is a two-flow nozzle and must be counted as two flow numbers. · One 260 nozzle will protect a cooking area of 76'8 sq. in. · (4955 sq. cm) with a maximum dimension of 32 in. (81 cm). When using this nozzle for range protection, the nozzle must be pointed vertically down and positioned as shown in Figures · 31 and 32. 260 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTERLINE OF COOKING SURFACE ~ t . I ! I 130 IN. (76 em) 1 MINIMUM I I HEIGHT I OF 260 I NOZZLE h,P I I ooW c:iE f 40 IN. (102 em) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 260 NOZZLE TIP llOO236 FIGURE 31 . . 260 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE OR 10 IN. (25.4 em) MAXIMUM FROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZLE TO CENTER OF ANY BURNER GRATE . . 260 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE OR 10 IN. (25.4 em) MAXIMUM FROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZLE TO CENTER OF ANY BURNER GRATE . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-15 10-1-02 REV. 4 COOKING AREA FIGURE 32 0007" . NonCE Four burner grates shown in Figure 32. For sin- gle or double bumer grates, locate nozzle at center of cooking surface. . SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-24 REV. 5 10-1-02 Electric Char-Broiler Protection The R-102 system uses the 1 N nozzle for the protection of electric char-broilers. The maximum length of the hazard can be no longer than 34 in. (86 cm) and the total cooking area must not exceed 680 sq. in. (4388 sq. cm). 1. Nozzle Location: 20 to 50 in. (51 to 127 cm) above the grate surface. The 1N Nozzle (Part No. 419335) is used for electric char- broiler applications. The nozzle tip is stamped with 1 N, indi- cating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. When using this nozzle for electric char-broiler protection, the nozzle must be positioned anywhere along or within the perimeter of the maximum cooking area and shall be aimed at · the center of the cooking surface. See Figure 50. COOKING 1........ AREA .......... COOKING r: AREA ...- -;-......... ~ ,.' I ................ fo... I ....... I ....... , ....... ........L _...., I ,--............ ,,_" I I I"', I I I I " I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I \ j n : \ I /! . =, ~\i b I , ~~~6M J llOO>O4 . FIGURE 50 ---- - Gas-Radiant Char-Broiler Protection The R-102 system uses the 1N nozzle, (Part No. 419335) for gas- radiant char-broiler protection. The nozzle tip on the 1 N nozzle is stamped with a 1 N, indicating that this is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. One IN nozzle will protect a hazard with a maximum length of 36 in. (91 cm) and a total cooking area which does not exceed 864 sq. in. (5574 sq. em). The nozzle tip must be located 15 to 40 in. (38 to 102 cm) above the hazard surface. When using this nozzle for gas-radiant char-broiler protection, the nozzle must be positioned anywhere along or within the perimeter of the maximum cooking area and shall be aimed at the center of the cooking sur- · face. See Figure 51. "---.- , I 1\ I I I ' I I \~/ ~ ~ ' ! , ,/115IN.t38 em) I' I MINIMUM I t 40 IN. (102 em) MAXIMUM ----.-/ 0002S7 . FIGURE 51 "'~" ~ '----"" ~ Nozzle Application Chart (Continued) Hazard Fryer/Split Vat Fryer"" .~ Range ~ I ~ Maximum Hazard Dimensions Maximum Size (with drip board) 21 in. (53 em) x 14 in. (36 em) (Fry Pot must not exceed 15 in. x 14 in. (38 em x 36 em)) High Proximity Medium Proximity Maximum Size (with drip board) 25 3/8 in. (64.4 em) x 19 1/2 in. (49.5 em) (Fry pot side must not exceed 19 1/2 in. (49.5 em) x 19 in. (48.2 em) High Proximity Low Proximity Maximum Size (with drip board) 18 in. (45.7 em) x 27 5/8 in. (70.2 em) High Proximity Longest Side 28 in. (71 em) Area - 336 sq. in. (2168 sq. em) Longest Side (High Proximity) 28 in. (71 em) Area - 672 sq. in. (4335 sq. em) Longest Side (Medium Proximity) 32 in. (81 em) Area - 768 sq. in. (4955 sq. em) Longest Side (Low Proximity) 2 36 in. (91 em) Area - 1008 sq. in. (6503 sq. em) Minimum Nozzle ~ .--., .. For multiple nozzle protection of single fryers, see detailed information on Pages 4.7 through 4-11. SECTION IV - SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-29 10-1-02 REV. 3 Nozzle ~ 27 - 47 in. 20 - 27 in. 21 - 34 in. 13 - 16 in. 25 - 35 in. (64-89 em) 30 - 50 in. (76 -127 em) 40 - 48 in. (102 -122 em) (With Backshelf) 40 - 50 in. (102 - 127 em) 30 - 40 in. (76 - 102 em) 15 - 20 in. (38 - 51 em) Nozzle Part No. 419339 419340 419338 419342 419338 419333 419340 419341 419342 Nozzle Tip Stamping - Flow No 230 245 3N 290 3N 1F '\ 245 260 290 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 11/29/2001 PERMIT NO: 13115 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 408 LINCOLN S HACIENDA DEL MAR 408 S. LINCOLN Lot: S.26'.2" OF N.106'OF 1&2 Port Angeles, WA 98360 Block: 168 [] Long Legal 360/452-5296 Subdivision: TPA T: S: Parcel No: 063000016810000 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT J & J CONSTRUCTION N/A 233 ALICE RD Port Angeles, WA 98363 , 98360-0000 360/457-1809 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $10,000.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: SIDING SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: RS7 PROJECT NOTES TEAROFF AND RESIDE WITH CEDAR BEVEL SIDING J~ ~ ~ '[ ~ ~3~ ~ RECEIPT # 8567 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $181.25 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $185.75 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $185.75 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, pdvate and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a pedod of 180 days after the work as commenced, or f required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereb~cerUfy~j~t I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of aws and ordinanc~'gov~err)~6g this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume.~' giv~/ut~/~/to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance o! constru);ffion. ~/ "~ Signatur~/~f"Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Si0natura of Owner (if owner is builder) . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 Site Address: Installed By: Owner/Business Address: o RESIDENTIAL ~ COMMERCIAL o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ o FAN/WALL KW _ o HEAT PUMP KW_ D SIGN DetailslDescription: ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. C/"/? z C//r;./y3 . I DATE D READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: D WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. D TEMPORARY SERVICE D PERMANENT SERVICE D NEW CONSTRUCTION D REMODEL ~ ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS D SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR D SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) ~OVERHEAD SERVICE D UNDERG~UND~E VOLTAGE: ?JP ~ SINGLE PHASE' D THREE PHASE. SERVICE SIZE c;H9--U AMPS (' j(~~ It r It IrAJI' I ~ f /flh . . CI!fr-t!I'k l . W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: D O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: D CHANGE TRANSFORMER D INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. D CHANGE SERVICE WIRE D OTHER D Ditch Inspection O.K. D Rough-in/cover O.K. o O. K. to connect service -1lV.A..-rA.Finalo.K. Site Addres 08 So. Lf~ InJtaller Ie' 1I€.I/VI1'rVl& c::- Notify Port An les City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the...Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. / t NO OCCUPANCY OA USE ESTABUSHED UNDEA THIS PEAMIT : ~ $ 1 Electrical Inspector . PermitfReceipt No. L/II/L New Meters ;]r/O Permit Fee WHITE - File by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPICPRINTERSINC CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . REQUEST: Date " - {O-O (p Time {D'. i'i II"", Received by J4.kl,",,- H. (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected l{ D f 5.:,. L : IALot V\ Name of person requesting inspection UR-V\."," ~"5 f:. - Address of person requesting inspection Co r () Y""vJ I Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): 17~ "f- 1). Phone No. L{( 7 -'111'10, Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Permit No. Sewer Excav. Ot~uJ",--{-~ INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 4; -10 -oro Remarks: ,::( <!:.jl to..c:...e.d 5R-,-...;' ce I Time I ~ i') jJpvL By O.€,.tvt <$ L. i < ~ -9.-0.......... V\A..&.. < '" +0 IM..e +1' r , I ~I ~ L{-f~ ~ " 11 ~ .- 0 v . :( lI\ - <l -.J r:u J V) , RESTORATION REQUIRED. . . . .. YES~ NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel o Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found o Asphalt 0 PCC 0 Other 0Dvvc_Ie.+L Work Order # '3039{." -f (( L~ COMPLETE 3i!obl-U--/ 1!ljo..6--.J 15", de Co<- (A= o INCOMPLETE- ~ /1C /;/yee!- 1//~1/0tbT;C ICnntinue.on.reverse.side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) ~