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" -City-.Clerk's Office.--.
-S:rA:rE-QF WASHINGTON .-. -- .)--
I, the undersigned CIty Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, do hereby certify that
the attached excerpt from the draft minutes of the City Council meeting of December 19,
2006, on the Interlocal Agreement wIth Clallam County for Railroad Grade Easements, is
a true and correct copy of the document(s) indicated.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this 27th day of December - , 2006.
~~~~. UptnA
Becky J. U n, C Cle~k --
City of Port Angeles
Phone: 360-417-4634 / Fax: 360-417-4609
Website: www.cltyofpa.us / Email: cltyclerk@cltyofpa.us
321 East Fifth Street - P.O Box 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
December 19, 2006
Namzng and Renammg of Pubhc Faclhtles'
DIrector Cutler mformed the Council that staff had prepared a pohcy for the nammg
and renalll1ng of public faclhtles as a follow-up to CouncIl's dlrectlOn in lIght of
requests sublll1tted to name the Skate Park after deceased skateboarder Frank Russo.
Deputy DIrection of Recreatlon Sterlmg used PowerPomt slides to reVIew reVlslOns
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- of facihtles that would be included m the definitlOn of public facilities, as well as the
process followed m conductmg a thorough reVIew of the policy, which is intended to
estabhsh procedures for processing requests, as well as estabhsh cnteria for reviewmg
requests and recommendatlons. Mr Sterling sUlll1nanzed the major elements of the
policy. Discussion followed, and It was noted that the Parks and RecreatlOn
Subcomnuttee unanimously supported the pohcy as presented.
Nammg and Renanung of
Pubhc Facihtles
Interlocal Agreement with
C1allam County for
Railroad Grade Easements
Public Safety Network
Amendment to PenCom
Councilmember Munro moved to approve the Parks & Recreation Division
Naming/Renaming Public Facilities Policy and authorize staff to make minor
administrative changes as necessary. Councilmember Headrick seconded the
motion. Discussion followed, with Deputy DIrector Sterling answering questions
posed by the Council. Suggested language changes were suggested for SectlOn 4.5,
which WIll be addressed by staff A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
2 Interlocal Agreement WIth Clallam County for Razlroad Grade Easements:
DIrector Cutler mtroduced County employees Rich James and Joe Domsi, both of
whom assIsted m the wnting ofthe easements for the replacement of the Elwha River
Bndge which will include a pedestrian crossing. Director Cutler reviewed the
elements of the Interlocal Agreement, notmg that the County will maintain the Olympic
Discovery Trail along the former railroad grade from the Lower Elwha Road to the
Crown Z Water Road outside the City limits as a regional trail. He noted that Items 4
and 5 on Agenda Page H-8 were strIcken smce there is no agreement with the Park
Service. If the road is used by other agencIes for construction projects, the City
wouldn't reqUlre the County to do asphalt until project work has been completed.
Deputy Mayor Williams moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement to provide
easements for the Elwha River Bridge and Olympic Discovery Trail, and
authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement and associated easements on behalf of
the City. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion. Following bnef
dIscussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
3 Public Safety Network Amendment to PenCom Interlocal Agreement.
Chief Riepe discussed the fact that PenCom is a collaborative effort throughout the
County, and this amendment sohdifies some changes in technology at a reasonable cost
per year spread among the agencIes for whom PenCom dIspatches. Communications
Manager Riggins summanzed otherpertment information on the amendmg sectlOn that
adds language to computer services being brought under the pubhc safety umbrella.
Councilmember Braun moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
Public Safety Network Amendment to the PenCom Interlocal Agreement. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Wharton and carried unanimously.
- 3 -
tOl- 0<0- 074-
This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this Ic:t day of Oeeem ~v ,
2006, between CLALLAM COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (hereinafter the
"COUNTY") and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES (hereinafter the "CITY').
WHEREAS, the COUNTY is planning the replacement of the Elwha River Bridge,
#30000BR1, on the Elwha River Road including a pedestrian crossing.
WHEREAS the CITY and the COUNTY have planned for the Olympic Discovery Trail to
extend from the West City Limits of Port Angeles, to the Elwha River in order to link up
with existing trail networks.
WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires a temporary construction access route, a temporary
construction area under the existing Elwha River Bridge to be used during the bridge
replacement project, a corridor for the Olympic Discovery Trail and a permanent
easement for the Elwha River Road and the Elwha River Bridge.
WHEREAS the former Railroad Grade extending from the Lower Elwha Road to the
Crown Z Water Road at the Elwha River meets the County's criteria for the temporary
construction access route and the Olympic Discovery Trail corridor.
WHEREAS, the CITY controls the former Railroad Grade in Sections 2, 3, and 10,
Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., from the Lower Elwha Road to the Crown Z
Water Road at the Elwha River, portions of which contain the City's domestic water
transmission line and related appurtenances.
WHEREAS, the CITY desires a continuous access route along the former Railroad
Grade from the Lower Elwha Road to the Crown Z Water Road, including construction
of a fill across the ravine in the NW ~, SW ~, NE ~ of Section 2, Township 30 North,
Range 7 West, W.M.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and
performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof,
The COUNTY agrees to obtain easements along the former Railroad Grade in the SW
~ of Section 2, and the NW ~ of Section 11, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M in
order to create a continuous corridor of CITY and COUNTY easements or rights of way
extending along the former Railroad Grade from Lower Elwha Road to the Crown Z
Water Road at the Elwha River.
The COUNTY agrees to construct an engineered fill across the ravine in the NW ~,
SW ~, NE ~ Section 2, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M at the westerly end of
Kacee Way. This fill will be located either on the City's right of way or within an
Agreement No 060711
Page 1
easement on adjacent private property to the south. In the event that the fill is
constructed outside the City's right of way, an easement will be obtained by the County
that will allow the City to utilize the easement for maintenance and operation of utilities.
The fill will be constructed with a 20 foot wide surface on the top and will have a culvert
installed at the streambed level. The COUNTY further agrees to relocate water lines at
the ravine fill if necessary to complete the fill. Cost of any necessary water line
relocation shall be borne by the COUNTY.
The COUNTY agrees to perform a leakage survey of the City water transmission pipe
along the former Railroad Grade as described above prior to the bridge replacement
project. The County further agrees to perform a second leakage survey following the
completion of the bridge replacement project. To facilitate the leakage tests, the County
agrees to install suitable access to the water transmission pipe at approximately 300
foot intervals.
The COUNTY agrees to repair damage to CITY facilities caused by the COUNTY or the
County's Contractor during the bridge replacement project.
The COUNTY agrees to maintain the construction access road during the bridge
replacement project by grading and placing gravel surfacing. Following completion of
the bridge replacement project, the COUNTY agrees to place bituminous surface
treatment or hot mix asphalt on the construction access road suitable for use as the
Olympic Discovery Trail. The bituminous surface treatment or hot mix asphalt will be
ten (10) feet wide and will extend from the Lower Elwha Road to the Crown Z Water
Road at the Elwha River, a distance of approximately 2.17 miles.
The COUNTY agrees to coordinate with the National Park Service regarding work
associated with the Elwha River Restoration project.
The COUNTY agrees to maintain the Olympic Discovery Trail along the former Railroad
Grade from the Lower Elwha Road to the Crown Z Water Road as described above
outside the City Limits as a regional trail.
The CITY agrees to grant the COUNTY the following easements:
a.) A temporary easement, 40 feet in width, for construction access along the City's
ownership of the former Railroad Grade in Sections 2, 3, and 10, Township 30
North, Range 7 West, W.M., from the Lower Elwha Road to the Crown Z Water
Road at the Elwha River.
b.) A temporary easement for the purpose of bridge replacement in the NE ~ of the
NE ~ Section 10, and the SE ~ of the SE ~ of Section 3, Township 30 North,
Range 7 West, W.M.
c.) A 60 foot wide permanent easement for bridge approaches, bridge and roadways
in the NE ~ of the NE ~ Section 10, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M.
d.) A permanent easement for trail purposes matching the description in a.) above,
Agreement No. 060711
Page 2
More particularly described in the attached legal descriptions prepared by Clallam
Howard V. Doherty, Jr., Chair
Date: ~Ctm be--Y lq 1-/)ob
"' .
Becky J. U n, y Cler
--rVt-.w- tW~
Trish Holden, CMC
Clerk of the Board
Approved as to form:
Approved as to form:
1t~,~ fJ
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Agreement No 060711
Page 3
Clallam County Public Works Department
223 E. Fourth St., Suite 6
Port Angeles, WA 98362-3015
CIty of Port Angeles
321 East 5th
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Subject: Elwha Bridge construction access road/bridge easement.
Parcel~urnbers: 073002140225, 140150, 130150,230150,073003140100,410050,
To whom it may concern:
(My/Our) donation of a temporary construction easement and perpetual road/bridge
easement which is a portion oftax parcel #'s 073002140225, 140150, 130150,230150,
073003140100,410050,440000,073010110100. to Clallam County for
highway/transportation purposes is made voluntary and with full knowledge of (my/our)
entitlement to have an appraisal done and to receive just compensation therefore. (VW e)
hereby release Clallam County from obtaining an appraisal of the acquired property and
donate the needed easements '
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Property Owner , ~: Date
bi'5f>~..J~ J,;).,;n-Df..p
Property er Date
~ I!OO.J>Je___
ri\.ED f Uk \<tZ;i';~,(, 'r'C hll~\..l-,
'11__ C;e"e, ~-"'-;-~_._,
~ECOROEt:1 I:! !<~~>~~ ',;:. .' '~I_Ltd, .~(1
200G DEe 21 Pr1 2: 25
2006 1193630
Clallam County Public Works Department Road Division
Temporary Easement
THE GRANTOR The City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation
for and in consideration of Mutual Benefits and other valuable consideration grants and conveys to
a temporary easement over, under, upon and across the hereinafter described lands, situate in the
County of Clallam, State of Washington, for the purpose of construction of roads, bridges, slopes,
drainage, storage of materials and equipment, being a portion of Tax Parcel Nos: 073010110000,
The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10 alfd the Southeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 3 in Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., Clallam County,
together with the right at all times to the Grantee(s), its successors and assigns, for ingress to and egress from
said lands, across adjacent lands ofthe Grantor(s) for the purpose of construction of the project or work whIch
is the subject of this easement. The rights, tItle, privileges and authority hereby granted shall continue and be
in force until 12/30/2009 at which time all such rights, title, privileges and authority hereby
granted shall terminate.
}~- rR'7
20 (JIll
h ~~-n -l.Apm^ ,(1~-t,t{lOo~
) ss
On this ':2..-. day of \')E-c.E: '~.~E."'L. , 20 ~(:" before me, the under-signed, a Notary Pubhc m and for
the State of Washington, duly commissIOned and sworn, personally appeared
\ z..".'1.C:. IV If.-,. ~1 ''''>G <:: '( and \'\<::..-C\( ~t .\. ",,,['f,~,, ,--.) , to me known to be
the \'v'n,-( 'Svl. and C\''-'l c.t...<:::"'1..\( , espectively, of C-,q"1 ':;{" ~,vJ\ n.-,)cc llo ,)the
mumclpal corporatIOn that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary
act and deed of Said corporation, for the uses and purposes therem mentIOned, and on oath states that
..-s \\c lS authOrIzed to execute the said mstrument and that the seal affixed IS the corporate seal of said
Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written.
(71:2 ~
( " ..:.--.
\_' . ./" .I.r~ .
Notary Public m and for the State ofWashmgton,
resldmgat Y">"L.\ v-"'0bC".l<. . '-.)n'::>I~IN<.,-r'=>l..J
My appomtment expires: C; - '2~\ ..' 2. ':':) \ ",::>
, '
fll[D'rOIi ~;C~>.t;,: 1- .;' ;" ill, "
, C( ~___~_..
1)1'__.. """~-,- .....~~.. .,",~~
~~COROt.D1N;,':lJ~' '_"lj;\~1Cu
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200& DEe 27 P}~ 2: 26
2006 1193631
Clallam County Public Works Department Road Division
Temporary Easement
THE GRANTOR The City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation
for and in consideration of$10.00 and other valuable consideration grants and conveys to
a non exclusive temporary easement over, under, upon and across the hereinafter described lands,
situate in the County of Clallam, State of Washington, for the purpose of roads, slopes and drainage,
being a portion of Tax Parcel Nos: 073002140225, 140150, 130150,230150,073003140100,
together wIth the right at all times to the Grantee(s), its successors and assigns, for ingress to and egress from
SaId lands, across adjacent lands of the Grantor(s) for the purpose of construction of the project or work whIch
IS the subject of this easement. The rights, title, privileges and authority hereby granted shall continue and be
in force until 12/30/2009 at which time all such rights, title, privileges and authority hereby
granted shall terminate.
Dated }.;/- (;l '7 20;"
~K(k~~i crr~
) ss
On thiS '2. 1 day of ~ c ~'-'-~, ':J <.. '<.. , 20 ,"')<:, before me, the under-signed, a Notary PublIc in and for
the State of Washmgton, duly commIssioned and sworn, personally appeared :\
\t"JV,_c,-.) V\.'Q-":>(,:-I::. '1.. and, ~(C\ly)' \"'\')I'~1;v ~t~meknown.tobe
the \"""-1 y/I. and c, "\ C'\, ~ '1. \( , respectIvely, of cd-, 'I ~":> I;,'" ~rrl Y.,\(<: I ~the mUnICIpal corporatIOn
that executed the foregomg instrument, and acknowledged the saId mstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said
corporation, for the uses and purposes therem mentioned, and on oath states that <;' '-I ~ 'S authorized to
execute the saId instrument and that the seal affixed IS the corporate seal of saId corporatIOn,
Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above wntten
6L,.r.jl~~~/0' Notary PublIc m and for the State ofWashmgton,
resldmg at ~.,.,-c; Y"J GCL-E:- S , \.tv ~'\") I j ,1'0(, l J I\...'
My appomtment expires' S - '7L, \ 2. (::. \ <::J
Elwha River Bridge
Construction Access Road Easement Descriptions
Portions of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 10,
Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington,
described as follows;
Starting at the North quarter corner of Section 10, Township 30 North, Range
7 West, W.M., said corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point number
07301021 per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of
Clallam County, Washington; Thence North 87043'38" East 1514.65 feet to
the NW corner of the NE 114, NE 114 of said section; Thence South 00047'49"
East 379.32 feet to a point on the west line of the NE 114, NE 114 of said
section; Thence South 58002'47" East 390.38 feet to the True Point of
Beginning of this description;
Thence North 34006'06" East 60.41 feet; Thence North 36003'31" East 37.85
feet; Thence North 26009'58" East 97.67; Thence North 82026'24" East
436.59 feet; Thence North 86006'17" East 48.45 feet to the beginning of a
curve to the left; Thence along said curve 77.29 feet, said curve having a
central angle of 7026'41" and a radius of 594.82 feet; Thence North
78039'36" East 152.60 feet; Thence North 83002'22" East 133.90 feet to the
beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said curve 73.78 feet, said
curve having a central angle of 16016'55" and a radius of 259.62 feet; Thence
North 66045'26" East 189.30 feet to a point on the east line of the NE 114, NE
114 of said section; Thence South 1035'35" East 43.04 feet along the east line
of the NE 1/4, NE 114 of said section; Thence South 66045'26" West 173.43 feet
to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve 85.14 feet,
said curve having a central angle of 16016'55" and a radius of 299.62 feet;
Thence South 83002'22" West 132.37 feet; Thence South 78039'36" West
151.07 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve
82.49 feet, said curve having a central angle of 7026'41" and a radius of
634.82 feet; Thence South 86006'17" West 47.17 feet; Thence South
82026'24" West 271.15 feet; Thence South 45031'23" West 22.72 feet to the
beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve 29.13 feet, said
curve having a central angle of 25040'42" and a radius of 65.00 feet; Thence
South 71012'05" West 105.01 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left;
Thence along said curve 87.41 feet, said curve having a central angle of
37005'59" and a radius of 135.00 feet; Thence South 34006'06" West 59.43
feet to the beginning of a curve; Thence along said curve 7.97 feet, said curve
having a radial bearing in of South 34004'41" West, a central angle of
2007'28" and a radius of 215.00 feet; Thence North 58002'47" West 22.05
feet to the True Point of Beginning and the end of this description;
Thence North 61014'27" East 1342.56 feet to the Northeast Corner of said
section 10; said corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point Number
07301011 per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of
Clallam County, Washington;
A strip of land of variable width within the former Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way in Sections 2 and 3, Township 30 North,
Range 7 West, W.M., lying adjacent to the following described centerline and
to the widths as subsequently specified:
Starting at the Southeast Corner of Section 3, Township 30 North, Range 7
West, W.M., said corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point number
07301011 per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of
Clallam County, Washington; Thence North 5024'26" East 952.59 feet along
the East line of the SE 1/4 of said Section 3 to the True Point of Beginning of
this centerline description;
Thence North 53005'52" West 33.05 feet; Thence North 42006'51" West
35.58 feet; Thence North 38048'55" West 95.81 feet; Thence North 28055'06"
West 68.03 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said
curve 156.40 feet, said curve having a central angle of 9059'46" and a radius
of 896.48 feet; Thence North 18055'20" West 22.58 feet to the beginning of a
curve to the left; Thence along said curve 170.17 feet, said curve having a
central angle of 18019'32" and a radius of 532.06 feet; Thence North
37014'52" West 131.12 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence
along said curve 170.07 feet, said curve having a central angle of 21000'47"
and a radius of 463.72 feet; Thence North 16014'05" West 75.86 feet; Thence
North 22039'35" West 171.86 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right;
Thence along said curve 223.58 feet, said curve having a central angle of
30037'35" and a radius of 418.27 feet; Thence North 7058'01" East 142.41
feet; Thence North 16058'33" East 117.26 feet to the beginning of a curve to
the right; Thence along said curve 93.78 feet, said curve having a central
angle of 13030'18" and a radius of 397.88 feet; Thence North 30028'51" East
72.02 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve
183.97 feet, said curve having a central angle of 48023'03" and a radius of
217.85 feet; Thence North 78051'54" East 137.57 feet; Thence North
88029'27" East 223.12 feet; Thence North 85058'41" East 121.11 feet to the
beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said curve 81.37 feet, said
curve having a central angle of 19043'10" and a radius of 236.42 feet; Thence
North 66015'31" East 71.75 feet; Thence North 63013'31" East 210.45 feet;
Thence North 59023'13" East 194.16 feet to the beginning of a curve to the
left; Thence along said curve 117.65 feet, said curve having a central angle of
14054'18" and a radius of 452.26 feet; Thence North 44028'55" East 77.77
feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said curve 106.86
feet, said curve having a central angle 16000'22" and a radius of 382.52 feet;
Thence North 28028'33" East 127.06 feet to the beginning of a curve to the
left; Thence along said curve 324.73 feet, said curve having a central angle of
25002'02" and a radius of 743.22 feet; Thence North 3026'31" East 154.51
feet to the beginning. of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve 203.79
feet, said curve having a central angel of 39050'19" and a radius of 293.09
feet; Thence North 43016'50" East 45.37 feet to the beginning of a curve to
the right; Thence along said curve 197.07 feet, said curve having a central
angle of 24000'02" and a radius of 470.45 feet; Thence North 67016'53" East
46.26 feet; Thence North 80042'18" East 55.60 feet; Thence North 88039'33"
East 58.09 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said
curve 115.11 feet, said curve having a central angle of 23025'01" and a radius
of 281.65 feet; Thence South 67055'25" East 128.16 feet; Thence South
73031'27" East 137.04 feet; Thence South 65056'56" East 92.77 feet; Thence
South 73036'59" East 68.74 feet; Thence South 70007'56" East 187.05 feet;
Thence South 67049'49" East 669.58 feet; Thence South 70033'10" East
103.25 feet to a point on the east line of the SE 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 2,
Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M.; Thence South 70033'10" East
688.28 feet to a point on the east line of the NW 1/4, SW 114, NE 114 of said
Section 2; Thence South 70033'10" East 871.75 feet; Thence South 71036'49"
East 914.07 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said
curve 193.07 feet, said curve having a central angle of 13042'50" and a radius
of 806.65 feet; Thence South 85019'39" East 60.98 feet to a point on the
westerly right of use limits of County Road #31310 (Lower Elwha Road) and
the end of this centerline description;
Thence South 85019'39" East 4.10 feet to a point on the east line of the SE 1/4,
NE 1/4 of said Section 2; Thence South 2030'13" West 125.10 feet to the East
quarter corner of Section 2, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., said
corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point number 07300241 per
survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of Clallam County,
The basis of bearings and distances used for these descriptions are the
Washington State Coordinate System, North Zone, datum of 1983,1991
adjustment, per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records
of Clallam County, Washington;
The widths are 20 feet on each side of the centerline, except within the
Northeast quarter of said Section 2 where the widths are 50 feet on each side
of the centerline.
The sidelines extend to the westerly right of use limits of said County Road
and to the east line of said Section 3.
. l'
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2006 1193632
2006 DEe 27 Pti 2: 26
Clallam County Public Works Department Road Division
THE GRANTOR The City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation
for and in consideration of Mutual Benefits and other valuable consideration grants and conveys to
a perpetual easement over, under, upon and across the hereinafter described lands, situate in the
County of Clallam, State of Washington, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads,
bridges, slopes, drainage, trails, paths, clear zone and utilities, being a portion of Tax Parcel No:
Dated ---1j;l-hl.'7
20 D(~
-i~Sl-~ ~~~,l~A,r1;~{]QWe
) ss.
On thIS "2.- I day of \~X:. c..Cw> 0') (: 1- , 20 ''> c.., before me, the under-sIgned, a Notary PublIc in
and for the State ofWashmgton, duly commIssIOned and sworn, personally appeared
\L~,1..c,; If" \f1.<"Gc:.'2":> and ~Lc..'-C,t ,\. \.."-\"'c-c)~ ,tome
knowntobethe ~""'>'fS"'l and,-,(-\ (.\,,<:,"1-\( ,respect! ely, of <:-"'.:--l ""~ ~"'tl.T hrocCLtjhe
mUnICIpal corporatIon tha executed the foregomg mstrument, and acknowledged the saId mstrument to be the free and
voluntary act and deed of saId corporatIOn, for the uses and purposes therem mentioned, and on oath states that
-c" ~(. I") authorIzed to execute the said mstrument and that the seal affixed IS the corporate seal of
said corporatIOn
Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written.
~'J~_/./ ~ ~ t ;r-- '.. Notary PublIc m and for the State of Washington,
resldmgat V'-"L', Ir::",v(.CLC:.""", '\:~1;''')I.\''0(_-.T'.",I~'
My appointment expires. "S - 2..\ - 2.,'''::-::' \ '2>
~ '"
Elwha River Road, County Road No. 30000
Right of Way Description
Basis of bearings and distances used for this right of way description is the Washington State
Coordinate System, North Zone, datum of 1983,1991 adjustment as shown on Vol. 40 of
survey, Pg. 27, records of Clallam County, Washington:
A strip of land lying in the NE 114, NE 114, Section 10,Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M.
with a width of 30 feet on each side of the centerline described below;
Starting at the North quarter corner of section 10, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M.
(said point being Clallam County geodetic point #07301021) as shown on Vol.40 of surveys,
Pg.27, records of Clallam County, Washington;
Thence N 87043'38" E a distance of 1514.65 feet to the NW corner of the NE 1/4, NE 114 of said
Thence S 00047'49" E a distance of 414.99 feet to a point on the west line of the NE 114, NE 114 of
said section and the true point of beginning of this description;
Thence S 58002'47" E a distance of 393.13 feet and beginning of a curve to the right;
said curve has a central angle of 55000'42", a radius of 185.00 feet and a length of 177.62 feet;
Thence S 03002'05" E a distance of 11.98 feet and beginning of a curve to the left;
said curve has a central angle of 25000'47", a radius of 250.00 feet and a length of 109.14 feet
which ends at the start of a compound curve with a central angle of 23044'06", a radius of
425.00 feet and a length of 176.06 feet;
Thence S 51046'58" E a distance of 27.00 feet and beginning of a curve to the left;
said curve has a central angle of 13009'04", a radius of 1210.00 feet and a length of 277.73
Thence S 64056'02" E a distance of 71.30 feet;
Thence S 62002'03" E a distance of 118.35 feet to a point which lies on the south line of the NE
114, NE 1/4 of said section and the end of this centerline description;
Thence N 88020'43" E a distance of 555.96 feet to the SE corner of the NE 114, NE 114 of said
Thence N 01035'35" W a distance of 1312.84 feet to the Northeast corner of Section 10,
Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M. (said point being Clallam County geodetic point
#07301011) as shown on Vol.40 of surveys, Pg.27, records of Clallam County, Washington.
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2006 1193633
Clallam County Public Works Department Road Division
THE GRANTOR The City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation
for and in consideration of Mutual Benefits and other valuable consideration grants and conveys to
a perpetual easement over, under, upon and across the hereinafter described lands, situate in the
County of Clallam, State of Washington, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of trails,
paths, slopes, drainage and utilities, being a portion of Tax Parcel No: 073002140225, 140150,
20 Of"
) ss.
On thIS '2 r day of \:)LC(::_'"~"'>(:/L. ,20 0 G before me, the under-sIgned, a Notary Public m
and for the State ofWashmgton, duly connmsslOned and sworn, personally appeared
\(Y""lC,;:) yc:... "t..::>C(/L- and '~,-c...'Lt, ~, ",,\,D"~"0 ,tome
known to be the "'" ."'''1 ,",v'L and '-"-'\~( c.. L!::-,',-U ,respectl ely, of c., "\,y::: ~v'):-",- \'V0 6<< c.(;:~he
mUniCIpal corporatIOn that executed the foregomg instrument, and acknowledged the saId mstrument to be the free and
voluntary act and deed of saId corporatIOn, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath states that
--S. ~C:.. \S authorIzed to execute the said mstrument and that the seal affixed IS the corporate seal of
saId corporatIOn.
WItness my hand and offiCIal seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written.
'1)) _/1, ':+ ~r-'
Notary Public m and for the State ofWashmgton,
resldmg at Y""VL,- \,,,,,..) (;..c Ll-_~., \..vv~".s, \ l .-.JG ,- ,,> cJ
My appomtment expIres r;.. -c...\": G<::> \ "-::::.
Olympic Discovery Trail Easement Descriptions
A portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 10,
Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington,
described as follows;
Starting at the North quarter corner of Section 10, Township 30 North, Range
7 West, W.M., said corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point number
07301021 per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of
Clallam County, Washington; Thence North 87043'38" East 1514.65 feet to
the NW corner of the NE 1/4, NE 1/4 of said section; Thence South 00047'49"
East 379.32 feet to a point on the west line of the NE 1/4, NE 1/4 of said
section; Thence South 58002'47" East 390.38 feet to the True Point of
Beginning of this description;
Thence North 34006'06" East 60.41 feet; Thence North 36003'31" East 37.85
feet; Thence North 26009'58" East 97.67; Thence North 82026'24" East
436.59 feet; Thence North 86006'17" East 48.45 feet to the beginning of a
curve to the left; Thence along said curve 77.29 feet, said curve having a
central angle of 7026'41" and a radius of 594.82 feet; Thence North
78039'36" East 152.60 feet; Thence North 83002'22" East 133.90 feet to the
beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said curve 73.78 feet, said
curve having a central angle of 16016'55" and a radius of 259.62 feet; Thence
North 66045'26" East 189.30 feet to a point on the east line of the NE 1/4, NE
1/4 of said section; Thence South 1035'35" East 43.04 feet along the east line
of the NE 1/4, NE 1/4 of said section; Thence South 66045'26" West 173.43 feet
to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve 85.14 feet,
said curve having a central angle of 16016'55" and a radius of 299.62 feet;
Thence South 83002'22" West 132.37 feet; Thence South 78039'36" West
151.07 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve
82.49 feet, said curve having a central angle of 7026'41" and a radius of
634.82 feet; Thence South 86006'17" West 47.17 feet; Thence South
82026'24" West 271.15 feet; Thence South 45031'23" West 22.72 feet to the
beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve 29.13 feet, said
curve having a central angle of 25040'42" and a radius of 65.00 feet; Thence
South 71012'05" West 105.01 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left;
Thence along said curve 87.41 feet, said curve having a central angle of
37005'59" and a radius of 135.00 feet; Thence South 34006'06" West 59.43
feet to the beginning of a curve; Thence along said curve 7.97 feet, said curve
having a radial bearing in of South 34004'41" West, a central angle of
2007'28" and a radius of 215.00 feet; Thence North 58002'47" West 22.05
feet to the True Point of Beginning and the end of this description;
Thence North 61014'27" East 1342.56 feet to the Northeast Corner of said
section 10; said corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point Number
07301011 per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of
Clallam County, Washington;
A strip of land of variable width within the former Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way in Sections 2 and 3, Township 30 North,
Range 7 West, W.M., lying adjacent to the following described centerline and
to the widths as subsequently specified:
Starting at the Southeast Corner of Section 3, Township 30 North, Range 7
West, W.M., said corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point number
07301011 per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of
Clallam County, Washington; Thence North 5024'26" East 952.59 feet along
the East line of the SE 1/4 of said Section 3 to the True Point of Beginning of
this centerline description;
Thence North 53005'52" West 33.05 feet; Thence North 42006'51" West
35.58 feet; Thence North 38048'55" West 95.81 feet; Thence North 28055'06"
West 68.03 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said
curve 156.40 feet, said curve having a central angle of 9059'46" and a radius
of 896.48 feet; Thence North 18055'20" West 22.58 feet to the beginning of a
curve to the left; Thence along said curve 170.17 feet, said curve having a
central angle of 18019'32" and a radius of 532.06 feet; Thence North
37014'52" West 131.12 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence
along said curve 170.07 feet, said curve having a central angle of 21000'47"
and a radius of 463.72 feet; Thence North 16014'05" West 75.86 feet; Thence
North 22039'35" West 171.86 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right;
Thence along said curve 223.58 feet, said curve having a central angle of
30037'35" and a radius of 418.27 feet; Thence North 7058'01" East 142.41
feet; Thence North 16058'33" East 117.26 feet to the beginning of a curve to
the right; Thence along said curve 93.78 feet, said curve having a central
angle of 13030'18" and a radius of 397.88 feet; Thence North 30028'51" East
72.02 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve
183.97 feet, said curve having a central angle of 48023'03" and a radius of
217.85 feet; Thence North 78051'54" East 137.57 feet; Thence North
88029'27" East 223.12 feet; Thence North 85058'41" East 121.11 feet to the
beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said curve 81.37 feet, said
curve having a central angle of 19043'10" and a radius of 236.42 feet; Thence
North 66015'31" East 71.75 feet; Thence North 63013'31" East 210.45 feet;
Thence North 59023'13" East 194.16 feet to the beginning of a curve to the
left; Thence along said curve 117.65 feet, said curve having a central angle of
14054'18" and a radius of 452.26 feet; Thence North 44028'55" East 77.77
feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said curve 106.86
feet, said curve having a central angle 16000'22" and a radius of 382.52 feet;
Thence North 28028'33" East 127.06 feet to the beginning of a curve to the
. .
left; Thence along said curve 324.73 feet, said curve having a central angle of
25002'02" and a radius of 743.22 feet; Thence North 3026'31" East 154.51
feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said curve 203.79
feet, said curve having a central angel of 39050'19" and a radius of 293.09
feet; Thence North 43016'50" East 45.37 feet to the beginning of a curve to
the right; Thence along said curve 197.07 feet, said curve having a central
angle of 24000'02" and a radius of 470.45 feet; Thence North 67016'53" East
46.26 feet; Thence North 80042'18" East 55.60 feet; Thence North 88039'33"
East 58.09 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence along said
curve 115.11 feet, said curve having a central angle of 23025'01" and a radius
of 281.65 feet; Thence South 67055'25" East 128.16 feet; Thence South
73031'27" East 137.04 feet; Thence South 65056'56" East 92.77 feet; Thence
South 73036'59" East 68.74 feet; Thence South 70007'56" East 187.05 feet;
Thence South 67049'49" East 669.58 feet; Thence South 70033'10" East
103.25 feet to a point on the east line of the SE 1/4, NW 1/4 of Section 2,
Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M.; Thence South 70033'10" East
688.28 feet to a point on the east line of the NW 1/4, SW 1/4, NE 1/4 of said
Section 2; Thence South 70033'10" East 871.75 feet; Thence South 71036'49"
East 914.07 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; Thence along said
curve 193.07 feet, said curve having a central angle of 13042'50" and a radius
of 806.65 feet; Thence South 85019'39" East 60.98 feet to a point on the
westerly right of use limits of County Road #31310 (Lower Elwha Road) and
the end of this centerline description;
Thence South 85019'39" East 4.10 feet to a point on the east line of the SE 1/4,
NE 1/4 of said Section 2; Thence South 2030'13" West 125.10 feet to the East
quarter corner of Section 2, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, W.M., said
corner identified as Clallam County geodetic point number 07300241 per
survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records of Clallam County,
The basis of bearings and distances used for these descriptions are the
Washington State Coordinate System, North Zone, datum of 1983,1991
adjustment, per survey recorded in Volume 40 of Surveys, Page 27, records
of Clallam County, Washington;
The widths are 20 feet on each side of the centerline, except within the
Northeast quarter of said Section 2 where the widths are 50 feet on each side
of the centerline.
The sidelines extend to the westerly right of use limits of said County Road
and to the east line of said Section 3.