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1305 Marine Dr - Building
RECEIVED FEB 20% tl�r�r.r,v� CITY QE PORT A GELES PERTNI.IT APPLICATION ELECTRICAL Builclin$ Division/Electrical Inspections IgPECplfl� 321 East Fifth Street—P.O. Box 1150 /Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 417.4711 Date: 2Ls I ho i+ /Multi-Family or Commercial* *Plan Review Ma Be,Re uired, Please fete Ei ctrl al P n Review Inform .lob Address: O A 0V� � N r Bulfft9 Square Footage: t- 2SD0 Description of above acal-lm'F m 4vigi C Owner�t forr��ati n Contractor Information Marne: YnRT- H AA;ajj�3 Vi*A (fLV g 016 RigKDy VO KC2 name: hAaili Address: 0 Meiling Address: City-0Q SlatewA zip: City:— - Stale; zip Phon ax:, Phone: Fax: License A/Exp. License 91 Exp, Item Unit Char e � Total (Qty Multiplied fa Unit Char e SerkelFeeder 200 Amp, $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601.1000 Amp. $288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1400 Amp $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder 74, 0 I $ Each Additional Branch Circuit 5.00 5 Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 5 Temp.Service!Feeder 200 Amp, 5102.00 5 Temp.Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp $12}.00 5_ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 S Temp.Service/Feeder601.1000Amp $185.00 5_ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 5 SignlOutllne Lighting $ 88.00 5 Signai CircuiU Limited Energy—Multi-Family $ 64.00 5 Signai CircuiU Limited Energy!Firsl 1500 sf—Commercial $ 96.00 5 Note: $5,00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-SINA System or Less $113,00 $ Thermostat S 56,00 5 Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Slat $ Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized.(2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last Inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.i am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,KE.C.,RCW. Chapter 1928,WAC. Chapter 296-4613, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Appfcatlons. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: 0 cash El Check J� © CreditCard� X Dated: 2/5_4 '0l 0110112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 CITY OF PORT ANGELES R_ 360-417-4735 V� Application Number 14-00000138 Date 2/10/14 Application pin number , • • 383118 C�n [� Property Address . , . • • 1305 MARINE 4R REPORT w�,I ALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06--3o-00-0-7-9835-5001- on our excise fax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Y Subdivision Name . • • . • . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning . • . , . , . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation . , • 1 0 Application deac 1 circuit bathroom and meeting Owner Contractor PORT ANGELES YACHT CLUB OWNER 40� PO BOX 692 PORT ANGELES WA 983620123 ------------------------------------------ \,J' Permit , , • , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional deoc • . 00 VVV Permit Fee . . , 74,00 Plan Check Fee Issue Bate 2/10/14 Valuation • . • . 0 Expiration Date 8/09/14 Qty unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74,0000 ECH EL-COMM .SRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 ---- Fee summary--- - -°Charged -----Paid -- ----- Paid .Credited Due ---------- ---------- ---------- rS Permit Fee Total. 74,00 74.00 00 .00 Plan Checic Total 00 .00 .00 •00 Grand Total 74.00 74.00 DO .00 V INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN 2.187P4 FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCIIANGEIBUILDING Application Number 09 00000361 Application pin number 757172 Property Address 1305 MARINE DR HS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 7 9620 0000 Application type description CLEARING GRADING Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Application desc Parking lot stormwater improvements C /G #09 02 Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES Structure Information 000 000 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS Permit CLEAR GRADE Additional desc Permit pin number 144691 Permit Fee 475 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 4/23/09 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/20/09 T• \Po \110 1 5 [10 08] Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 5 00 55 0000 HR PW INSPECTION 1 00 55 0000 ECH PW ENG ADDITIONAL REVIEW Special Notes and Comments April 23 2009 9 00 15 AM permits project will require 16 trees All work and materials to be in conformance with attached plans Permittee to meet all requirements of its NPDES permit Changes to the attached plans must be submitted to the City for approval prior to commencement of associated work Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983620251 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 OWNER Charged Paid Credited Date 4/23/09 Due 475 00 475 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 475 00 475 00 00 00 Extension 145 00 275 00 55 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction q43 /b Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4831 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK -FLOW DEVICE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4831 FIRE 417 -4653 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 BUILDING 417 -4815 T \Policies \1102 15 [10/08] YES NO FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO I I I I I I CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT I BUILDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES G� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 07 00000624 Date 5/31/07 Application pin number 117920 Property Address 1305 MARINE DR HS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 7 9620 0000 Tenant nbr name PORT OF PORT ANGELES Application type description DEMOLITION Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 3000 Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 OWNER Structure Information 000 000 DEMO 13 BOATHOUSES 2 BOATS Permit DEMOLITION Additional desc DEMO 13 BOATHOUSES Permit pin number 103325 Permit Fee 50 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 5/31/07 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 11/27/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 50 00 50 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 50 00 50 00 00 00 :47,/3/9 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T' \Policies \1102 15 building.pennit'inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] 1 CALL 417 -4515 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -473 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDES MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE LNSPECTED AND 9CCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/ DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL /HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 I FIRE 417 -4653 I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I 1 BUILDING 417 -4815 T. \Policies11102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD YES ACCEPTED I NO FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY /USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT I BUILDING COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO Contractor Address Architect/Engineer 1A Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY OA BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to hN accented for review I1' you have any questions. call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FA.X(360)417 -4711 SUSan gWJe)r Applicant or Agent /2T OP 14n A 1,0 S Owner t=. 4 Address P eBk 13S TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Re roof Stove Multi family Addition Move Garage Commercial Remodel XDemolition Deck Repair Sign Other BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ,bepi D /9 F Phone (._(00) q L -7 -camgSD Phone q(7- /q(,. Cite RNG t 1 �P ��S Zip q'5 /n Phone State License Exp 1 0 r mg" nw_Dr City PROJECT ADDRESS PA- Z rqscd- Ma D11) I 1 1.€. 4 ,t Ja ro rkp ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block. Subdiviision. CLALLAM 'COUNTI PARCEL NUMBER. 06 30 0007 -(6 2-6 0000 Phone Zip FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec 0S-30 -Q Permit D l 6 Date Approved'__ 1 Date Issued. (1q31 n ST7.F/VALUATION SF /SF SF (a! /SF SF 'SF TOTAL VALUATION 060 P c- Q 11 h _ct CIakia 1<) >L LpfQ r/. 'PLnis (k to a .dC(1/ COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group Occupant Load. Construction Type. No of Stories. Lot Size. Existing Sq. Ft. Proposed Sq Ft. TOTAL Sq Ft. ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE OTHER. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no pemut is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003) No application can be extended more than once I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. f am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that t must obtain such permits prior to work. T•�Policies\BL 1102 13 d A licant wp PP i )2/,(47 -1 Date W A S H I N G T O N U S A May 30, 2007 pORTANGELES PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Port of Port Angeles P 0 Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE. Port Angeles Landfill Transfer Waste Disposal Application, WDA 07 -23, Building demolition (Boat house Derelict Boat Demo) at PABH west parking lot, adjacent to PA Yacht Club We have received your application for disposal ofbuildmg demolition debns from the referenced 0 site and reviewed the testing results for asbestos content. Based on the testing results the debns appears to be acceptable for disposal at the transfer station. A copy of your approved application is attached. This approved application must be shown to the transfer station scale attendant at 3 the time of disposal. Please be advised that this disposal application is only for the materials and quantities listed in the application. Materials not listed or in excess of the quantities noted may require separate applications and approval. Please call if you have questions. Very truly yours, GWK:tf &7'U a5 J(1 Gary W Kenworthy P.E. City Engineer Deputy Director of Engmeenng Services Encl. WDA 07 -23 Copy Claudia Strotnski N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\WDAPPLIC 07 -23 File: Landfill Solid Waste Disposal Applications 321 EAST FIFTH STREET P 0 BOX 1 150 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 -0217 PHONE 360 -417 4805 FAX 360 417 4542 TTY 360 417 4645 E MAIL publIcworks @cityofpa LIS 0 To City of Port Angeles City Engineer 321 E Fifth Street P O Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington 98362 NOTE. 1 Generator Information Company Name Mailing Address: Contact: Phone Project Name Project Location 2 Other Contacts (if applicable) Consulting Firm. Contact: Phone Contractor Name Contact: Phone Laboratory Contact. Phone PORT ANGELES LANDFILL WASTE DISPOSAL APPLICATION wPA- o 1 z Phone (360) 417 -4803 FAX. (360) 417 -4709 All questions must be answered for waste to be approved. 8S") pikk i sJ Cc, 16f 0.14 rn`)' TS City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 3 Source of Waste Check the appropriate box below and briefly describe the project, process and /or cleanup that will or has produced the waste requiring disposal Include the gasoline service station number (if applicable) CERCLA/MTCA Remediation Independent Remedial Action Unused Chemical Product Spill L3 i- ha, Pf 17 c t 14-at 3 lc to C-1-1\ aY t 1 1 frA H- F`" rk t n (as qt: .r� PA- r H-i cry 1 4 Waste Material Composition. (check all that apply and include percent of total) Soil Concrete /Asphalt Preserved Wood Coal Ash Wood Ash NOTE. Total must equal 100% 5 Waste Material Contaminants Gasoline Solvents Unused Motor Oil Other Unknown Foundry Slag Dredge Sediments Debris Other (list) (check all that apply) Metals Heating Oil Used Motor Oil /Waste Oil Other Petroleum Product NOTE. Supply any MSDS information with application if available Agency Contact: UST Removal Y Other Source rt, j) I L !6n% Diesel PCBs City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 2 ti- 6 Estimated Quantity of Waste for Disposal Cubic yards Drums Other _/.2 636 ,ye� u rn p s�`� i 7 Frequency of Disposal One time Number of DISCRETE samples NOTE 1 0 -25 25 100 101 500 501 1000 1001 2000 >2000 cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards Monthly Tons (estimate both) Tons (estimate both) NOTE. Estimated quantity for disposal must be within 20% of the quantity actually disposed (10% for projects over 7 500 tons or 5 000 cubic yards Annual Other 8 Waste Sampling. Proper characterization of the waste for disposal requires the collection of representative samples The methods and equipment necessary for obtaining representative samples of a waste, and the frequency of sampling will vary with the type and form of the waste Check the appropriate box and briefly describe how and where the waste was sampled. Include site maps with sampling locations if possible Number of COMPOSITE samples number of discrete samples per composite Unless prior approval has been granted by Port Angeles the following sampling frequency will be used 1 composite sample 3 composite samples 5 composite samples 7 composite samples 10 composite samples 10 plus one sample for each additional 500 cubic yards NOTE 2: One composite sample shall contain a minimum of three /maximum of five discrete samples. City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 3 9 Waste Analysis The 'Dangerous Waste Regulations (WAC 173 -303) shall be utilized to determine the appropriate analytical requirements for waste characterization Ecology Publication #91 -30 (Revised April 1994) 'Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils' shall also be used to characterize petroleum contaminated soils from UST releases Submit all laboratory analytical results QA/QC data and Chain of Custody sheets along with this application (NOTE. The laboratory must be accredited by the Washington State Department of Ecology a) List all analytical test methods used b) Provide a narrative as to why the above analytical methods were selected NOTE. Additional sheets attached. YES NO 10 Soil Classification *FOR PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOILS ONLY Based on the analytical data and Ecology Publication #91 -30 the soil classification is (check one) X Class 1 Class 2 Calculated Hazard Index 11 Dangerous Waste Affidavit: Class 3 Class 4 Based on a review of the analytical test results site history and the applicable regulations this waste is classified as (check one) Neither Dangerous Waste (DW) nor Extremely Hazardous Waste (EHW) Dangerous Waste (DW) and Waste Code Extremely Hazardous Waste (EHW) and Waste Code City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 4 Pate: 5/23/07 lob Location. Owner: tact: 5uhject: Inspector: Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360- 385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants@cablespeed.com Boat Haven and Boat Storage Yard 801 Marine Dr Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port of Port Angeles P.O Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Susan Bauer P.O. Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Demolition Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042- 10270601 Expires 10/27/07 Scope of work 1) Good faith inspection for asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) 2) Survey sample and record suspect materials. 3) Report to Susan Bauer with results. avertion Report The inspection started with a visual survey looking for Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) Boat Haven, 1) Boat House #2- I Float Metal siding and roof, wood flooring and plastic windows. No suspect ACBM. 2) Boat House #58- YC Cross Metal and wood siding, metal roof and wood floor No suspect ACBM. 3) Boat House #22- J Float Wood siding, metal roof and wood floor No suspect ACBM. 4) Boat House #73- J Float Metal siding and roof, wood floor No suspect ACBM. 5) Boat House #21- J Float Metal siding and roof, wood floor No suspect ACBM. 6) Boat House #15- 0 Float Metal siding, plastic roof and wood floor No suspect ACBM. 7) Boat House #59- 0 Float Metal siding, metal roof and wood floor No suspect ACBM. 8) Boat House #62- 0 Float Metal siding, metal roof and wood floor No suspect ACBM. 9) Boat House #63- 0 Float Metal siding, plastic roof and wood floor No suspect ACBM. 10) Boat House #64- 0 Float Wood siding and floor, metal roof. No suspect ACBM. 11) Boat House #71- 0 Float Wood siding and floor, metal roof No suspect ACBM. 12) Boat House #75 0 Float Wood siding and floor, metal roof and some fiber glass insulation. No suspect ACBM. 13) Boat House #36- 0 Float Metal siding and roof, wood floor No suspect ACBM. Note: Boat House #79- 0 Float at both visits was inaccessible 12 Certification We THE UNDERSIGNED certify that this application is true to the best of our knowledge All information provided is correct and the enclosed analytical results represent the proposed waste material to the best of our abilities Waste Generator Signature /9 /1 i 9- V/ evil i/ -iNl-i :/a n/4'1, A.L Printed Name Company 5 7 Date eI N:\POLICY_P\1000 SW\1009 01.WPD City of Port Angeles Landfill Waste Disposal Application Page 5 Figure C.3 Problem Waste Dis Generator contacts City of Pod Angeles or CCEHD* requesting to dispose of problem wastes at the PALF• •a City sends an approval letter to the generator. Yes Upon receipt of the waste at the landfill, the gate attendant verities that the quantity received is within 20% of the quantity reported In the WDA (within 10% for >7500 tons or 5000 cy Yes CCEHD or City of Port Angeles Or• forwards the generator a copy of the PALF WDA• (Anadtment A to Waste Acceptance Policy) •CCEHD• Clallam Counth Environmental Health Division osal Acce tance Process No Generator completes and submits to City the WDA including laboratory analytical results and quality control information. City of Port Angeles Engineer or designated representative signs WDA and forwards a copy to CCEHD for their review and authorization. City of Port Angeles, City Engineer or designated representative reviews WDA for completeness and accuracy Yes PALS. Port Angeles Landfill WDA. Waste Disposal Application City notifies mentor in writing of reason for disapproval and forwards copy to CCEHD. Generator may resubmit WDA after addressing City and or CCEHD concema. Boat Storage Yaj Boat #1- WN7931MC- approx. 32 ft., all wood mostly dismantled. No suspect ACBM. Boat #2 Chris Craft boat approx. 36 ft., all wood mostly dismantled. No suspect ACBM. Summary of Inspection All asbestos containing building materials with a reading greater than 1% is considered a hazardous material if disturbed. If removed a certified abatement contractor must follow the rules of the EPA and governed by Olympic Region Clean Air Agency During renovation it is possible that additional suspect asbestos containing building material (ACBM) may be found. Should such suspect material be discovered an AHERA certified inspector will have to sample and test the material to prove it is of non asbestos. Northwest Asbestos Consultants is not responsible for identification of hidden materials that are not identifiable with reasonable diligence Copies for City of Port Angeles Permit Center and Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Thank you, Bob Witheridge, E.F.M. jVr dCa pyy *(ice Ty ..x j �4►i WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION of MAINTENANCE and OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATORS THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Bob Witheridge Participated in the EPA AHERA INSPECTOR, MANAGEMENT PLANNER Refresher Course-offered by the WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION of MAINTENANCE and OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATORS The full day training program covered all topics specified in the Model Accreditation Plan under Section 206 of Title 11 of TSCA The course was taken on October 27, 2006 in Silverdale, Washington Certificate #10270601 Expiration October 27, 2007 Colin MacRae Course Administrator 2714 228th St. SE, Bothell WA 98021 (425) 456 -4568 ,Z s; 111 Alp -, of pORT ~ t~"~ ,. 'lL -=..:or ~ 'l,\,,~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application description Subdj.vision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 04-00000113 Date .719908 1305 MARINE DR 06-30-00-0-7-9835-5001- COMM REMODEL 2/19/04 INDUSTRIAL HEAVY 800 .._~ Owner - - - - - - - - - -~~':. - - - - - - -- - -- Contractor PORT ANGELES YACHT CLUB PO BOX 692 PORT ANGELES WA 983620123 OWNER Structure Information REMOVE WINDOWS & INSTALL NEW SIDING Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V NON-RATED Occupancy Type . . . . . . BUSINESS:OFF/PRO/MED/REST Permit Additional desc Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 5 CIRCUITS STRAITS ELECTRIC 59.40 Plan Check Fee 2/19/04 Valuation 8/17/04 .00 o ............ W ~ ~ Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 ~ ~ Qty Unit Charge Per 1.00 59.4000 ECH EL-COMM ALT->600 VOLTS Extension 59.40 Fee.,sununary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - permi t Fee Total 59.40 59.40 .00 .00 . Plan. Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 63.90 63.90 .00 .00 ~ Sep;;u~at~ pjl-ril)its are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and"void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period-of-180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and-ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to .give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] L. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS . .... ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR W ALUHOLD DOWNS WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONL Y) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL / FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP GAS LINE WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD / DUCTS PW UTILITIES 1 SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #"s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL 3h7 h,iI J.., ~) LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. r I ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] e' c "jp'l -.., '1It.:!~ \t~ ~,.., ~ 05/15/2003 15:2; FAX 3604~~98 00 ' A L-- '" uEq:gTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION STRAITS ELECTRIC &:,1'7 ~01 . .' Th. EJectr1caJ Po""il Application ",ust be flUe<:! OUl comDletelV. R:lR. OFFlCIAL USE ONLY 0.011I= ,1"b1tIir._:__ De1CAppnIw.1: D;u.el=rd: l Please type Or reprint In Ink. II YOU have .ny quosUon.. plellse call (360. 417-4735 Fa. number. (360) 417-4711 REQUEST INSPECTION 0 OwnerorEIec.Con!r.ll:l<lrAgant straits Electric Phone' 452-9104 Fax: 457-4696 Propertyo.na~ ?er.r- ~"-t ~I#~ / f. A. Y-II. Jrt- ("J.,. L-. PMna: 4-~ - 103""+ " Cl.. L1-A, D Address: ~.O. ~x {D9~ CIty: ~r+ ._-~(VO Zip: Q?3(,,::} ElectricalConlr.le1o~ straits Electric Ueense#: STRAIE*O~x'bPS 9/03 Phon.' 452-91 04 Address: P.O. Box 2914 City: Port Angles, WI'. Zip: 96362 INSTALLATION WIRED BY: 0 OWNER :lI(ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Credit Card Holder Nsrne: Straits Electric -=If ')J?J!J) BillingAddress: P.O. "'Ox 2914 CIty: Port Angeles , WI'. Credit Card Number:. 4 64 4 5400 1082 2392 Exp. Date: 10/0j Zip:98362 , V/SA:.....!.- MC:_ PROJECT ADDRESS: J306 m~ 'OJL. TYPE OF WORK: Check gU that ~ply: 0 New k(AtteratiOnlAddition o Aesidental 0 Mutti.family ~ Commercial 0 Mobile Home Sq. Ft. Cf / ~ o Remote Meter 0 Detached garage 0 Hot Tub 0 Swim Pool 0 Septic Pump 0 Low Vottage 0 Telecom. 0 Sign Number of Circuits added 0' altered: DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PA~ECT; /". ChIt .h A ~ J f/Ju:Jl-J..; c>t-. rL ., II,+- uA.- N ~ nll 1:4.: ~ Q (Atr+itl ~ ----u Electrical Heat Load Additions Service Information -aBase board o Furnace o Heat Pump o Fan-Wall Cem~,.)L o Overhead Service 8m 'Ct! "JJUndergno '1 -;r" ..30 PAMC 14.05.060(8): For industrial, commercial, Idenlta! projects I er than a duplex, a one . line dmwlng of the Electrical Service & Feeders, building size (sq. It), load calculations, and the lYJjij 0 conductors andlor raceway is required and shall accompany the Electrical Permit application. ..a.KW _KW _KW _KW Voltage: Phase: liiCl 0 3 Service Size: FeederSiZe:IOt)~ ~~ I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and COrrect. and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Credit Card Holde"s Signature: John Tucker/Christie Tucker Date: PW -9019 Owner or Elec. Cont. Signature: Date: ~CO--- 5//7/03 l Vr-. 6[\l\to1} ifP-O ~ 02/13/2004 10:55 FAX 36045i4698 ~FEB/13/FRI 09: 10 AM _.~ITYJ)f, l'A BLDG DEPT ~ (p. '\ .. . ~Q+-(i e.,1/\ . liP ST~~ITS ELECTRIC FAX No. 360 4174711 14101 P. 002 \ ~ ... 'ELECTRICAL PERMit APPLICATION -R* aFBCIAt.US6t>>&.T """""" -.. .....- -- . _. E1eClr!ca\ Pam1~ AWlIClI1illlllD_'" tlIl.d DIll comalflbolv. P-1Wtt ;"l1lpflnlln ink. lfyaV""" any...-Bons, ~ Call peel 417'-t735 . -F.... """""""' (3101417-4711 - - - .-. Ownerar EIec:. Qlnlr&eturAgoonl: ~ T<:S" P"'p~Owner. .P~ A?V~.s" """-t: /,/e'sr-.~ ~ . .. ~ Contr'acb7; ~~ -$ ~_--1">- _ ~tJ.~ 2):'/"" INSTALLATIOI\I WIRED BY: MlWNER - cRdlt C....I HoIrlerName: SlUing ArI~: credit Card Number. E,.t~ ~~ Phcna: t:,/.$~ -J"/O</ f8; ev..T~"5'! ~'/1 .P.,4. Pit"".: ZIp: 5'~~6,). . n..___. .Phone: <V.5',t Y;,OU ZIp: $' 8.3 ~ ;: elll'- Uwioe tI: ~,,4 - E>;l: ~ ~CTRlCAL CONTRACTOR PRO.re:CT AUIlREliS: H/.5S-r": .~ ~ "fYPE OF WDRIe Check !!!llhatepply. 0 New o Reslden~al 0 MUltl-fam~~ ~eommen:ial City: Zip: . VlsA.:.....:...- MC: Exp. D.~ .. . !:JACHr CL-a~ .- 13 tJ5 /?"7AlZtNL ~ler8lIonlAdditiiin : o-e. o M~e Hame . Sq. Ft o Remote Miller : Cl Octnc/Icd ~ 0 Hat Tub 0 Swtm Pool 0 Septic Pump 0 lJ:Iw VOltage 0 Telecom. 0 Si! l\Iumller of ClrtuIlI; added fl. ....d: . r::S'" - DESCRIPTION Dt TIm EU:CmlCIIL. PIlOJ"'crr~ A.5-tJ.?;"ct/;r- ~/f~G./~~ W//?r / . ~ /Vt9~~~ ~ -...yo" - A;z:>P-'77"",,*,- ~...Vr-E -..ek3.:;D ...... ,>.;. ~ ~de;s Elec!rical Heet Load Additions _ ..dlubntltlons o B.....board n Fwnace ci Huat F'uriIp ::l Fan-Wall _KW KW- TON =KW lRA 'Servlce information o OVlllhead -Servfoe oTemp SeIvIce . 0 Und"'lJ'DUlld SMIice V~ Phase: 0 1 0 3 SMIIl:Io ~ Feed~ SIze, , heroby certify that I have nnld fIIld flxuminsd thia appfication and know that same tg be true and CDlT'ect, and I aT. wthorlzad to apply for this permit. I ulJder.stand it ;5 nal the City's 18g81 nosponsibility to defsrmi1le what penn/t$ Jre mquln3d; it remains the 8PlJllca,nts respons/blJity to wflar pet7TI- Bt8 required and tD obtain such_ Credit Card Holder's Sillnatullt: Date, 2"/3 -O~ Dale: 2. -;/~~ -0(/ Owner or E11lC. Cant Slllnablnl: 77JTlON ~/6101- /k{) 2) ij In/ '! . PERMIT FEE: $ ~~ ~ h~ J.{ 7 ~ 0-'1 .... CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~.~¢~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DWISION ~ 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 5/28/2002 PERMIT NO: 13413 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 1305 MARINE DR PORT ANGELES YACHT CLUB 1305 MARINE DR. Lot: Port Angeles, WA 99360 Block: 12 [] Long Legal 206/000-0000 Subdivision: TIDELANDS T: S: Parcel No: 063000798355001 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT EXCEL UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION N/A 54 Misty Lane Port Angeles, WA 98362 , 98360-0000 360/452-1110 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $30,000.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: ADDITION SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: HI PROJECT NOTES NEW 912 SQ. FT. ADDNT. AND STOAGE RECEIPT#9158 Ir~l~ FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $442.25 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $265.35 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $712.10 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $712.10 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within '180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\ l 102.15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROV1DE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE I ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: WALLS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PE~IT: g PLUMBING ~DER FLOOR / SLAB GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL JOISTS / GI~ERS DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHI~EY HOOD / DUCTS SEWER CO~ECTION SAN]TAKY PLANNING DEPT. SEPA~TE PE~IT g's SEPA: PARKING/LIGhTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHOaL[NE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECT~CAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECT~CAL CONSTRUCTION ~.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. FIE 417-4653 FI~ DEPT. PLA~ING DEPT. 417~750 PLANNING DEPT. o~ ~'onr ~4~ FOR OFFICIAL US ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION _e Date Approved: Date lssucd:. ~ The Building Permit - Pre-application must beJ'dled out cotnpletely. Please type or print in ink. If you have any questions, please call 417-4815 Applicant or Agent: ~c_~- k'~o%~c-~:~ Phone: q%g)- \ \ ~ o Owner: Phone: Address: /~- ~,~- ~-- City: ~-~ ~coeI~_, I~ Zip:. c~% (=2.. ~- ~ %~- Phone: ~? -'~(I o Architect/Engineer: '" - - Contractor t~¢c~x. ~)~c,~ ~/ O~'~License#: ~¢c_~-cvc&~%~Exp: , ~- o:~ Phone: N5-'~--~ Address: ~ L.~e~ g/~,~-c~/ t~._~ City: ~*~r ~.~ c~e{~., ~3L_ Zip: ~8~%(. LEG~ DESC~PTION: Lot: Block: 1 ~ Subdivision: ~ /c~ t?~,% CL~I,~ CO~ P~CEL ~ER: g&~zDq~{~qO ~r~it Card ~older Name: Billing Addr~s: Ci~:. Credit Card ~: Exp. Date: ~SA MC ~E OF WO~: S~E~UA~ON: D Residential D New Com~. D Re-roof D Woo&tore ~ [ ~ SF. ~ $ /SF. =~]~O D Mulfi-fa~ly ~ Addition D Move D G~age SF. ~ $ /SF. = $. D Co~ercial'D Remodel D Demolition D Deck SF. ~ $ /SF. = $ D Repak o Sign D TOTAL VALUA~ON $ B~FDESC~ONOF~PRO~CT: ~'~c~xo~ -4o ~g~,~x,~ ~ , COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: __ Consia'uction Type: No. of Stories: __ Lot Size: % Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. ff. + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. = TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq.ft PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PI,AN Notes: BLDG. DPW ESAAVetland(s): [] Yes [] No SEPA Checklist required? r~ Yes [] No Other: OTHER BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your application and site plan must be.filled out completely to be accepted for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the pemut Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the ~ne the building permit application and consa'uction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. [ hereby certify that ! have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Applicant: ~~ Date: "~" T:\FORMS~A PPS\Buildingpcmnit WASHINGTON, U.S.A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: March 26, 2002 To: Brad Collins, Director Community Develol~ment Division /// From: Scott K. Johns, Associate Planner//~_~ Subject: Modification to Port Angeles Yacht Cltib Proposal File #: Shoreline Substantial Development SMA 01-02 Applicant: Port Angeles Yacht Club Owner: Port of Port Angeles Location: 1305 Marine Drive Proposal: A Shoreline substantial development permit for the enclosure of an attached covered patio area, the construction of a small building addition, and the placement of an uncovered deck, waterward of the ordinary high water mark. The proposal was to be located on the east end of the existing building so that the Port of Port Angeles could have access to the rip rap and sea wall located to the north of the structure. The entire project would cover 1200 square feet. The Port of Port Angeles has recently completed development of a park area on the north side of the Yacht Club building. The park area has provided the Port of Port Angeles with the necessary access to the rip rap and seawall. The Yacht Club now would prefer to locate their development on the north side of the existing structure. Locating the addition on the north side of their existing building would move the proposed building addition away from the water and create a more interesting building appearance. The existing deck that was to be covered would no longer be included in the project and would remain as an uncovered deck. The additional building would encompass an area of 912 square feet. The original proposal was for an area of 1050 square feet. Findings: Port Angeles Department of Community Development reviewed the change to the original proposal. The amended design moves the development further from the shoreline and eliminates the need for construction over the rip rap area and water. The amended design reduces the area that will be covered by the addition from 1050 square feet to 912 square feet. Brad C~llins, Community Development Director Date pORTANGELEs WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT April 8, 2002 Bill Roberds, Rear Commodore Port Angeles Yacht Club 54 West Misty Lane Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - SMA 01 ~ 02 Dear Mr. Roberds: Port Angeles Community Development Department has received and reviewed your request for a minor modification to Shoreline Substantial Development Permit SMA 01-02. The minor modification that you requested has been approved per the attached memorandum. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this Department at 417-4750. Sincerely, Scott K. Johns/~' - Associate Plafiner Attachments cc: Department of Ecology Building Department 32 I EAST FIFTH STREET ® p O BOX 1150 ® PORT ANGELES WA 98362-O217 PHONE: 360-417 zt750 · FAX: 360-417-4609 · TTY 360-4~? z1645 E-MAIL: PLANNING~DCI PORT-ANGELES WA US CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: /~ ~ {phone, person) Date '7'- ~ -(~ Time Received by Location of Work to be inspected ~J~ /~fd~ ~.~, Name of person requesting inspection ~'~-~:>~'~:3.v~ J/~, Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. '/'//F/~/~ Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final SewerExcav. Other_~-ZL.~ ~_~ Inspected: Date r Time By Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved []Gravel []Asphalt []PCC []Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # [--} Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE ~--} No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: Date _r'~ ,q/.//~/D ~w'~ Time / ~,~ *' :~ C) Received by ~, _~)~z-- ~, erson) Location of Work to be inspected ! ~.~ (~-~}/~z~/?r. Lf/r, ~ ~-~ (~/I, Name of person requesting inspection ~(~, ~ ~-~ ~_ . ' //~:~ ~'. Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. ,~-~ Type of Inspection {circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundat~Joh~r~ming~-~ Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other / INSPECTION NOTES: / L~/~ ~ ~'~' ~ Inspected: Date '~ / ~/~ .~ Time ~' / By ..~ Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved []Gravel []Asphalt []PCC []Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # I--] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE ~1 No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE {Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: Date///~-~ -'~---- Time Received by (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected /~c//t~ -~-~ ~ Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No, Permit No. / ~/~ Type of Inspect~cle appropriate one): Sewer Foundat;mn ~raming Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other INSPEC~TES: Inspected: Date / / ' ~-- ~ Time By ~ ~ Remarks:. RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved {~Gravel []Asphalt I~PCC {~Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # [] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE []No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: Date~-'~/~ //~ Time .Received by ~_:J-~-~ (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected y 77 , ~ ,~ ~,L ~ J~ Name of person requesting inspection ~c-~ -~ - ~/~ Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation ra~g~ Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other ~ INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date ~(~-6~ ~ Time_ ~./$<~/X~-~, By Remarks: ~'~ ~ ~ ~d/~ /~d_ ~__~ ~<.y~ ~<.~ ~o~ RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved [~Gravel []Asphalt F-]PCC [~Other [~ Repaired by City Work Order # [] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE [--} No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: Date /~ '-/~-~-~ Time Received by ~'~ (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected J~-~(~- /~'~ ~'~ ~ ~ C/~ Name of person requesting inspection ~'-/[ ~~ ~ Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. ~ -/0/~ Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): ~ Permit No. 1~/~ Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing ~Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: ~ ~ ~ . , Inspected: Date ,~C~7-~);~, Time ~ /' ~ By ~ ~..~ Remarks: RESTORATION REOUIRED ...... YES NO ;URFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ~ Unimproved ~Gravel ~Asphalt ~PCC ~Other ~ Repaired by City Work Order 8 ~'/~'. ~ Repaired by Permittee ~ COMPLETE ~No Damage Found ~ INCOMPLETE {Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT {DATE) ~I'I)!I'I":'lll!!1!ll".l,IIIJ~.f~;' "~"", ,:/:~~,- ~~ T"4iQ ~.J... _ ~~~ a~~ "-~ ~ "tii.--;--v;irP CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number pin number . . . . Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application description Subdivision Name Property Use Property zoning . . . Application valuation 04-00000113 Date .719908 1305 MARINE DR 06-30-00-0-7-9835-5001- COMM REMODEL 2/10/04 INDUSTRIAL HEAVY 800 Owner Contractor PORT ANGELES YACHT CLUB PO BOX 692 PORT ANGELES WA 983620123 OWNER Structure Information Construction Type . . . . Occupancy Type . . . . . REMOVE WINDOWS & INSTALL NEW SIDING TYPE V NON-RATED BUSINESS:OFF/PRO/MED/REST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 56.15 Plan Check Fee 36.50 Issue Date 2/10/04 Valuation 800 Expiration Date 8/08/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 47.00 3.00 3.0500 HND BL-501-2K (3.05 PER C) 9.15 ~ o \5l ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 56.15 56.15 .00 .00 plan Check Total 36.50 36.50 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 97.15 97.15 .00 .00 ~ ~ ~ ....r ~ (0 \d ~ Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construc,! tlir .~ }1 , J ~ 11 ;/ -f-~~ icJtX~ ZILO((jL-j Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGEIDOWN SPOUTS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS ~ -/~ -cP).) J. J-" CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS / ROOF / CEILING ') - 1"3-0H J 1- DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL / FLOOR / CEILING !J. ... j'~-O ~ \ 1.. I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP GAS LINE WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD / DUCTS PW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 .':)., -/1 - 0 rf J , J-., BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: "). fD - OLj Date Rec.: <:.... - Permit #: D~ . 1/ '3. Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call (360) 417-4815 Date Approved: Date Issued: ---' Applicant or Agent: .-iCi~-tI-..L IJ At(L- Owner: ~jz..r A0c::-'-(:L-c-.5t \I A C- t-\ r Cc- u e I Address: J 30'S I'll AtJ2'-t;-)c J)i< < City: fA. Architect/Engineer: {'../ 1\ Contractor ll.f ILL€: /< A~ (> A ~i:t:'A'$rState License #: Phone: 3 dJo" J./:J- 7 - If I .32 Phone: 36cJ - ~ s-, - 4' 3.L Zip: Q'8,.."3 '-'/ Phone: A.I CL Exp: Phone: Zip: ZONING: Address: PROJECT ADDRESS: I :3 0:) City: ~/I A (<' \ r...Jc- D '7 , 1'-. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CLALLAMCOUNTYPARCELNUMBER: CXc 5cJ u607 q 835: ~OO( Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit CardType VISA MC # TYPE OF WORK: SIZEN ALUATION: o Residential 0 New Constr. 0 Re-roof 0 Stove SF. @ $ ISF. = $ o Multi-family 0 Addition 0 Move 0 Garage SF. @ $ ISF. = $ o Commercial III Remodel 0 Demolition 0 Deck SF. @ $ ISF. = $ o Repair 0 Sign 0 Other TOTAL VALUATION $ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: 7<e..i'K-~LI':'- ~/,. +k w ,; 1- dCHiJc:;. e:rr new s~~; ~) 0..21 d 'i>'E:>'f+ Hal~ u_h"vdO u..J COMMERCIALIRESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: City: Exp. Date: i~ Construction Type: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. & Proposed Sq. Ft. Existing lot coverage _ % & Proposed lot coverage _% = Total lot coverage APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: ESAlWetland(s): 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes 0 No Other: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: Ifno permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. T:\FORMS\APPS\Buildingpermit.wpd APPlicant~_ 4,- Jil Date: 2 I,.::> I {/'f tJj tJj tJj tJj "' 'tl ;I>'tlon;l> n'tl , r-' r-' r-' ;I> 0< ~ 'tl;l>,.;OO H", '" W ,.; H '0 'O",ZZO "'''' , '" (J) "' -.... ~ntI:l.,:::o 0<'0 , (J) H "'"'"'''' ;I> , 0 0 0 0 0 >-l Zr-' ;I>{J) 0", , H H H H ~. n{J) "'''' , >-l 0 rt"""""" tll tJj 0 '0 'tl ",. 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I 3:on - C, Oc:: OJ OJ 00t" :I:H ~~8 ~';'fil r Zt" tJ t":C01 t" .....-.- "'H >-JH Ul Z [fj'O n -.J ,::;1 I '-.>-J 0 I nHC"l H 3: '" '"" 00"" HZ 3: 1--' :::0 ~Z~ Z[fj ,-,1 :t.. , OJ W't> [fj'O Z f\J ~s: OJ '0 OJ >-J H Z OJn (" [fj "': >-J n>-J . (:;) [fj >-JH (-I ~ 00 :COZ . tJ V"'. I '-<>-J Z :>>H r. 0 'O'O[fj 3:n $ >-J :I::I:C:: OJ?: OJ OOtJj CfJOJ [fj ZZtJ >-J - OJOJH t" <: t" H OJ :co , t" -:p >< .-:::") tJ'O :>>:>> >-JG) OJl'l '" '-. H W '-. o "'-J CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDiNG DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 A~plication Nua%ber ..... 03-00000205 Date 5/23/03 Property Address ...... 1305 MARINE DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 0630000798355001 A~plication description . . . ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERCIAL Property Zoning ....... Application valuation .... 0 Owner Contractor PORT ANGELES YACHT CLUB STRAITS ELECTRIC PO BOX 692 PO BOX 2914 PORT ANGELES WA 983620123 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-9104 Permit ...... ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL Additional desc . , Sub Contractor . . STRAITS ELECTRIC Permit Fee .... 76.30 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date .... 5/23/03 Valuation .... 0 Expiration Date . . 11/19/03 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 76.3000 ECH EL-COM 0-100 NEW SRV FEEDER 76.30 .00 59.4000 ECE EL-COM 101-200 NEW ADD SRV FDR .00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 76,30 76.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FOKM S\ I 102.15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WP~LL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR NSULATION WALL / FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD/ DUCTS PW UTILITIES [ SITE WORK (Engincedng Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATEILLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 LIGHTELECTRICALDEPT /~f~,~/~ ~ CONSTRUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-48[5 BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\ I 102.15 [4/2002]