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1501 Marine Dr - Building
Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES OWNER PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES Owner Structure Information 000 000 C &G #07 03 Permit CLEAR GRADE Additional desc WSDOT C &G #07 03 Permit pin number 99754 Permit Fee 65 00 Issue Date .6/25/07 Expiration Date 12/22/07 Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total T•\Policies \1102.15R [1/05] Qty Unit Charge Per WA 983620251 65 00 65 00 00 00 65 00 65 00 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 07 00000399 278894 1501 MARINE DR 06 30 99 1 9 0010 0000 WSDOT CLEARING GRADING Plan Check Fee Valuation BASE FEE Paid Credited Due 00 00 00 Date 6/25/07 Extension 65 00 00 00 00 n5ej\ C 00 0 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date 0 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. r L PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK -FLOW DEVICE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I BUILDING 417 -4815 T•\Policies \1102.15R [1/05] PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4807 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES 1 NO FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT 1 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING ti Contract Plans For Construction of. PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION CLALLAM COUNTY Aff 117/./m Washington State Department of Transportation p p 100% DESIGN REVIEW SHEET NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FILE NAME TIME 2 00.01 PM DATE 3/29/2007 PLOTTED BY silbeter DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY CAD CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. ornTnuAM Anu PLAN REFERENCE NO. INI VPA DSP1 OW1 SP1 ECN1 TESCI TESCNI SRI SR2 SR3 SR4 SR5 SADI SAD2 SAD3 SAD4 SADS SAD6 SAD7 SADS SA09 P:\ CAD \1631- WSDOT\ 234 -1631- 063\ phose03\ t0sk06 \DGNs \1631063P03T \JEX :\JEx (C\\EJ) INDEX VICINITY MAP ALIGNMENT /RIGHT OF WAY PLAN OUANTITY TABULATION REMOVAL /TESC SITE PREPARATION PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE NOTES TESC PLAN TESC NOTES SITE REMEDIATION PHASE 1 SITE REMEDIATION PHASE 2 SITE REMEDIATION PHASE 3 SHOTWELL LANDFILL EXCAVATION PLAN SHOTWELL LANDFILL PLACEMENT PLAN APPENDIX A AS BUILT PLANS SITE AS BUILT DETAILS PHASE 1 SITE AS BUILT DETAILS PHASE 2 SITE AS BUILT DETAILS PHASE 3 UPPER WALL SECTIONS AND OEAILS 1 UPPER WALL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 2 STORM DRAINAGE SECTIONS AND DETAILS GRID 5 UPPER WALL SECTIONS UPPER SLAB PAVING PLAN AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE REVISION T I T L E DATE I BY RECIDN sTATE FED AID PROJ NO N0. 10 'WASH JOB MOWER CONTRACT NO. LOCATION N0. SHEET NO. 24 25 26 27 PLAN REFERENCE NO SHEET OF SHEETS 6.iw0e DATE P.E. STAMP BOX PLAN REFERENCE NO. P.E. STAMP BOX SAD1O SADI1 SAD12 SA013 DATE AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE NOTE ALL SHEET REFERENCES FIRST NOS OF STRUCTURE CODE DESIGNATIONS AND MATCH LINE SHEET REFERENCES ETC THROUGHOUT THE PLANS REFER TO THE ENTRY IN THE PLAN REFERENCE NUMBER BOX Washington State Department of Transportation TITLE 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION INDEX PLOT1 IN' SHEET 1 27 SHEETS iz RO PLACE ROAD 1 TEMPORARY SOIL STORAGE SITE a TIME 11.44am DATE Mar 29, 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. XX v� LEGEND 10 TRUCK HAUL ROUTE 27 1311 ELWHIA NDIAN RBS I LEIR LE IR FILE NAME P. \CAD \1631 -WSDOT Kino Countv\234-1631 PA Graving acvrcTrIm 2 12 10 IWASH JOB NUI ER TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES WILLIAM R PMRCIULD IN7'L AIRPORT ION 01.114 3 14) Cr CC Dock \Phase 03 \Task 06 \dwas \1631063P03T06_VPA.dwa 1 I EWA I STATE FED AID PROJ NO M I I I I I 1 I DATE I BY CONTRACT N0. LOCATION N0. STRAIT OF JUAN DE FUCA 7 —'1 *IP" NORTH WESTERLY AND NORTH EASTERLY LINES OF SAMSON DONATION LAND CLAIM 1 i WM. 11/14 /06 DATE P.E. 5TA* BOX p OI q cF �Fs P.E. STAID BOX SHOTWELL LANDFILL SITE BEGIN CONSTRUCTION AREA INNER HARBOR LINE GRAVING DOCK SITE END CONSTRUCTION AREA OAIE N 1 1 Washington State Department of Transportation 0 1500 3000 SCALE IN FEET PORT ANGELES HARBOR 1, 7 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION VICINITY MAP LW NOOK VPA SHEET 2 of 27 SHEETS A LINE A LINE-\ I GATE PIER- L_ I i— i i -I 1 J -I I 1' DOLPHIN I 1 I I I i 1_ PORT OF PORT ANGELES CONC. SLAB CP 200 PK NAIL 5 LINE 1 LINE MARINE DRIVE (NOT TO SCALE) J TIE BACK LINE F I L E NAME P:\ CAD \1631- WSDOT\ 234 -1631- 063\ ohose03\ task06 \DGNs \I631063P03T06_DSPI.don TIME 2:27.28 PM 1 REG STATE FED AID PROJ NO DATE 3/28/2007 I 10 WASH PLOTTED BY silbeter I DESIGNED BY R. HERMES I I 'BB NUMBER ENTERED BY CAD I CHECKED BY S. ELKIND 1 1 CONTRACT NO. LBCAT ION ND. PROJ ENGR. I n :r NEW dt DOLPHIN DOLPHIN i I TIE BACK LINE HARBOR LEASE AREA I/ L 1 H LINE ONAL ti T EXPPES 1 /M /08 DATE M LINE J LINE WSDOT M LINE SHORELINE =LL M TIE BACK LINE A GATE, l I4 Y1 l 5 DATE FIRE HYDRANT VERTICAL BENCH MARK ELEVATION= 14 63 FT NAVD 88 ORANGE PAINT MARK Ct C 23 MONUMENT IN C ASE COVER NOTES. LEGEND Washington State Department of Transportation POINT CP 23 CP 200 A B C D E F G H K L M N 0 P O R S NORTHING 422742 31 423621 44 424247 76 998418 65 423859 66 997791 64 424226 51 998431 81 424200 19 998389 30 423878 60 997869 74 423790 62 997771 31 423725 55 997964 48 423657 13 997853 94 423541 46 998855 84 423523 43 998808 20 423683 17 999230 16 423647 74 999136 58 423498 78 999307 63 423245 72 998980 08 422777 67 998398 30 423821 05 997766.33 423815 19 997767 29 1. PROJECT SITE ACCESS THROUGH GATES 4, 5, AND 6. RIGHT OF WAY LINE EASTING 998379 31 997916 88 COORDINATES BASED ON HORIZONTAL NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/91. ALL DISTANCES ARE GROUND DISTANCES. (NAVD) 88 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION ALIGNMENT /RIGHT OF WAY PLAN DSP1 SKEET SHEETS 1 NOTE. THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE 'CODE' BELOW REFERS TO THE SHEET NO OR THE SHEET REFERENCE NO SHOWING THE CONSTRUCTION FEATURE. THE SECOND NUMBER REFERS TO THE CONSTRUCTION FEATURE FOUND ON THAT SHEET CODE 1 LOCATION d UNIT OF MEASURE D SP1 1 (CONSTRUCTION ROUTE, PHASE 2 (CONSTRUCTION ROUTE, PHASE 1 AND 3 'HIGH VIS CONSTRUCTION FENCING SR1 1 IA -LINE SR1 211 -LINE SR1 311 -LINE SR1 -4 I M -LINE SR1-5 11 TIE BACK LINE 1 SR1-6 16.75 FT EASTERLY OF A -LINE SR1 7 114 FT NORTHLY OF 1 -LINE SR1 -8 'CONC. SLAB N. E. OF A -LINE AND 1 -LINE SR1-9 1SOUTHERLY PORTION OF STAGING AREA 1 1 SR2 -1 1J TIE BACK LINE SR2-2 15 LINE SR2 -31H LINE SR2-4 14.8 LINE WEST SR2 -5 15 TIE BACK LINE SR2 -6 1J- LINE (NORTHERLY) SR2 -71J- LINE (SOUTHERLY) SR2 -81M LINE SR2 -9 18 TIE BACK LINE SR2 1014.8 LINE EAST SR2 11 M TIE BACK LINE SR2 -12 EASTERLY OF J LINE SR3 -1 SR3 -2 SR3 -3 SR3 -4 SR3 -6 SR5 -1 TESC1 TESC2 TESC3 A- LINE 5 LINE WESTERLY 5 LINE, EASTERLY 14 FEET SOUTHERLY OF 5 LINE A LINE CONC. SLAB AREA N. E. OF A LINE AND 1 LINE PERIMETER STOCKPILE SITE PERIMETER STORM DRAIN SYSTEM GATE 4 VICINITY SHEET TOTAL 1508 SUMMARY QUANTITIES /PROJECT TOTAL 1508 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESIGNED BY IR. HERMES 103/08/071 ENTERED BY IR. HERMES 1 03/08/071 CHECKED BY IS. ELKIND 1 03/08/071 PROJ. ENGR. 1 1 1 REGION ADM. j I 1 1 DATE 1 DATE 1 245 678 11 574 170 455 36 31 89 781 781 REVISION 228 70 151 277 85 811 811 59 92 BY QUANTITY TABULATION REMOVAL/TESC 56 25 15 cn w z cn °w m m 0 cc 2 Q _1 W 0 1-- 2 5 z Fc d w Y 0 cn z 0 z o �a w 02 1 a cc 0 LL 1— O 0 w 2 w d z w O z m D Q W cc z CI z 0 Z W Ez z z 0 Z W o 0 0 >0 >Z 5c z >f__ _u) 5 Z D.. Q 0 2W 2cnn 2z 00 F- 2 0 o D CC 2z W w W= WQ WO 2H W W J W2 2 CC C z CC CC F- U U CO CO CL p) CC U) U) 0 0 I It' H L.F L.F S.Y C Y EACH 1 EACH L.F L.S. TON TON L.F EACH EACH 532 354 216 247 886 216 247 886 1 216 REGION NO.1 STATE 10 WASH JOB NUMBER 03A033 CONTRACT NO. 10800 25000 10800 25000 10800 25000 FED. AID PROJ. NO. 2 2 EXPIRES 114/05 2 2 2 1 1500 1500 1500 1 1 1 1420 600 1420 1420 3566 1 600 1 3566 600 1 3566 Washington State VW Department of Transportation 22 1 1 22 1 1 22 1 1 PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION QUANTITY TABULATION REMOVALTESC GENERAL NOTES QW 1 SHEET 4 OF 27 SHEETS 7 1 A ,p 4 r A A A I I. -ST- --CI—ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- }ST- -ST- T- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -,=.3 A 1 Lr. t.a. a -1.7-° Ay/ _J i s i I t=i7. =-=-7■'‘ 1 1 .....1 J -ST- --051 -61- -4]-51.- 1-ST- -ST---51---------C----3-S-T1 -ST FILE NAME p:\con1631-wsdot\234-1631-063\phase03\task06\dgns\1631063P03T06_SPLdqn TIME 1:20 32 PM DATE 3/28/2007 PLOTTED BY si lbeter DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY CAD CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. RE I STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 IWASH I JOG NOISIER CONTRACT NO. LOUT 1011 NO. PORT ANGELES HARBOR 1 7 i 1 4 E ii! .1- I, 1...__Hti,--4- L F t!. T 1".4 4 11 L 1 I 1 I\\ d I iti .,I -,,----2---_,7 'N) i I ----)c T 7 7 1 fnj I t I.',) 1 T ,T I I- I i 1 41 1 T ii 1 I ,P li T i VI I- i T Th. 1 I 1 k 1 1 :II CONCRETE SLAB l 0 I TOP ELEV 10' 1 4' 7 1 I 1 .2-'... 7 :1 1 .1 .L I Ti! .s: i h I I' 1 II .I.. 4'T I-LINE ,l-fl 1 i---- F IP,A. tcor =;7 1) $P4:: I Ana DATE 1 t.- `7. jjj (f .M „la e om. iL i -2' j U gIAI r\ 4a ot ,.--1 r '2 ot e 0:1 a a a .4; r• c 4_, g 1/ i i i DATE !I —0- 1: V71 Washington State Department of Transportation LEGEND MINA ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTE CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTE SHOULDER BALLAST V///] STAGING AREA SHEET PILE HIGH VIS CONSTRUCTION FENCING STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER NOTES. I CONSTRUCTION ROUTES SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATION SECTION 2-06 3 2 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES ARE APPROXIMATE. MIN CONSTRUCTION ROUTE INSIDE RADIUS 25 FEET 3 MAX. CONSTRUCTION ROUTE WIDTH 24 FEET 4 ENGINEER SHALL STAKE CONSTRUCTION ROUTE CENTERLINE 5 AND FLAG AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ROCK SURFACING AS SHOWN FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 1 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SITE PREPARATION PLAN SP1 SHEET 5 OF 27 SHEETS SHEET REFERENCE PERMIT /APPROVAL REGULATORY AGENCIES REFERENCE AND PERMIT ECOLOGY (NPDES) CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTE NUMBERS WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM CITY OF PORT ANGELES SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES GRADING PERMIT GENERAL EN IIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE NOTES 1 NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 15 WORK DAYS PRIOR TO WORKING IN WETLANDS STREAMS OR MITIGATION SITES 2 NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 5 WORK DAYS PRIOR TO PROJECT COMPLETION 3 PROVIDE A SIGNED STATEMENT TO ENGINEER 14 DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY READING AND UNDERSTANDING OF CONDITIONS FOR ALL ORDERS PERMITS APPROVALS AND DOCUMENTS REFERENCED IN THE DOE ORDER 4 IN THE EVENT OF A WATER QUALITY EXCEDENCE WORK SHALL CEASE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER 45 DAYS PRIOR TO PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE REGARDING A PERMIT TIME EXTENSION 6 NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 5 WORK DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 7 INSTALLATION OF HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE SHALL BE THE FIRST ORDER OF WORK NO DISTURBANCE OF ANY KIND SHALL OCCUR BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THE FENCE DURING THE LIFE OF THE CONTRACT SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS TITLED 'ORDER OF WORK' 8 THE ENGINEER WILL IDENTIFY THE HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD BY STAKING AND FLAGGING PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS 9 IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTERS ARCHEOLOGICAL OR HISTORICAL OBJECTS WORK SHALL BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY FILE NAME P: \CAD \1631 -WSDOT King County \234 1631 -063 PA Graving Dock \Phase 03 \Task 06 \dwgs \1631063P03T06_ECN1.dwa TIME 11.19am I REG STATE FED AID PROJ NO DATE Mar 29. 2007 1 10 (WASH PLOTTED BY I DESIGNED BY R. HERMES 1 I J08 NUMBER ENTERED BY XX I CHECKED BY S. ELKIND I CONTRACT N0. LOCATION N0. PROJ. ENGR. XX I OCT /TCTOAM I nATF IRY. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PERMIT CONDITIONS 1 DISCHARGES SHALL NOT CAUSE OR CONTRIBUTE TO A VIOLATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT STANDARDS AND HUMAN HEALTH -BASED CRITERIA 2 CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS AND EXIT SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE ROUTE IF POSSIBLE 3 WHEEL WASH OR TIRE BATH SHALL BE LOCATED ON SITE 4 IF SEDIMENT IS TRACKED OFF SITE PUBLIC ROADS SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY OR MORE FREOUENTLY DURING WET WEATHER SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ROADS BY SHOVELING OR PICKUP SWEEPING AND SHALL BE TRANSPORTED TO A CONTROLLED SEDIMENT DISPOSAL AREA 5 SEDIMENT WASHING IS ONLY ALLOWED AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 4) 6 ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS MADE OPERABLE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED SO THAT STORMWATER RUNOFF DOES NOT ENTER THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WITHOUT FIRST BEING FILTERED OR TREATED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT 7 INLET PROTECTION DEVICES SHALL BE CLEANED OR REMOVED AND REPLACED WHEN SEDIMENT HAS FILLED ONE -THIRD OF THE AVAILABLE STORAGE 8 ALL POLLUTANTS INCLUDING WASTE MATERIALS AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS THAT OCCUR ONSITE SHALL BE HANDLED AND DISPOSED• OF IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE CONTAMINATION OF STORMWATER 9 COVER CONTAINMENT AND PROTECTION FROM VANDALISM SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL CHEMICAL LIQUID PRODUCTS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND OTHER MATERIALS THAT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO POSE A THREAT TO HUMAN HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT ON -SITE FUELING TANKS SHALL INCLUDE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 10 MAINTENANCE FUELING AND REPAIR OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES SHALL BE CONDUCTED USING SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL MEASURES CONTAMINATED SURFACES SHALL BE CLEANED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ANY SPILL INCIDENT 11 ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED AS NEEDED TO ASSURE CONTINUED PERFORMANCE OF THE INTENDED FUNCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH BMP SPECIFICATIONS 12 ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER TEMPORARY BMPS ARE NO LONGER NEEDED 13 ALL BMPS SHALL BE INSPECTED MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED AS NEEDED TO ASSURE CONTINUED PERFORMANCE OF THEIR INTENDED FUNCTION REFERENCE DOCUMENT ONLY am... 03/20/00 DATE P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX DATE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT CONDITIONS 1 PRIOR TO ANY EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT AN ENGINEERED DRAINAGE PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 2 PRIOR TO EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT A TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 3 THE PLACEMENT OF DREDGE SPOILS OR EXCESS EXCAVATION MATERIAL ON AN ALTERNATIVE SITE WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES DEPARTMENT THROUGH A CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT PRIOR TO DEPOSITION 4 ALL CONSERVATION MEASURES LISTED IN CHAPTER 7 OF THE BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT ASSESSMENT DATED MAY 20 2002 AND REVISED JANUARY 1 2003 SHALL BE FOLLOWED 5 ALL CONSERVATION MEASURES FOR PILE DRIVING AND REMOVAL EELGRASS PRESERVATION EROSION AND SPILL CONTROL WATER QUALITY AND FISH PROTECTION LISTED IN THE ATTACHMENT TO THE JARPA APPLICATION SHALL BE ADHERED TO Washington State Department of Transportation 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE NOTES ECN1 SHEET 6 27 SHEETS I TIME 12:42om DATE Mar 29. 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. XX ccr_TnIJAM Anu XT[ 1 ao�. I) t 1 1 r 11 POR' ANGEL Er HARBOR SILT FENCE FILE NAME P: \CAD \1631 WSDOT Kina Countv\234-1631-063 PA Gravina RFVTSTON i s ue s 513 SHOTWELL MATERIAL STOCKPILE SITE I 1 .,e- O a o o O o a O O— o a a-- G O O O y e t Lam•- 11' U Dock \Phase 03 \Task 06 \dwgs \1631063P03T06_TESC1.dwa REGGIONI STATE FED AID PROJ NO. 10 (WASH JOB NUMBER I I I BY DATE CONTRACT NO. 0 gg t t l o O STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TYP O 0 O MARINE DRIVE ACCESS GAT 5) LOCATION NO. ORT ANGR H ARSOR J-i :-r 0 1 CPI S. 11 /14/01 DATE P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX DATE WHEEL W FACILITY :s MARINE DRIP ACC:.SS (GATE 41 Washington State Department of Transportation 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND STORM DRAIN WITH INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE NOTES SILT 1Q SILT FENCE DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLAN I 4 2Q STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SEE STANDARD PLAN I 7 WHEEL WASH FACILITY 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION TESC PLAN TESC1 SHEET 7 DF 27 SHEETS 0 FILE NAME TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. PX \CAD \1631 -WSDOT 12.02pm Mar 29, 2007 R. HERMES xx S. ELKIND )o( GENERAL TESC PLAN NOTES 1 APPROVAL OF THE TEMPORARY EROSION ANO SEDIMENTATION CONTROL (TESC) PLAN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN APPROVAL OF PERMANENT ROAD OR DRAINAGE DESIGN (E G SIZE AND LOCATION OF ROADS PIPES RESTRICTORS CHANNELS RETENTION FACILITIES UTILITIES ETC 2 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TESC PLANS AND THE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE TESC FACILITIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ESC LEAD UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS APPROVED 3 THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CLEARING LIMITS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED BY A CONTINUOUS LENGTH OF SURVEY TAPE (OR FENCING, IF REQUIRED) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE PERMITTED THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE ESC LEAD FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION 4 THE TESC FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN MUST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CLEARING AND GRADING SO AS TO ENSURE THAT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO SURFACE WATERS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES MINIMIZED 5 THE TESC FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THESE ESC FACILITIES SHALL BE UPGRADED AS NEEDED FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS AND MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS 6 THE TESC FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THE ESC LEAD AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE CONTINUED PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT OF WEEKLY REVIEWS OF THE ESC FACILITIES DURING THE WET SEASON (OCT 1 APRIL 30) AND OF MONTHLY REVIEWS DURING THE DRY SEASON (MAY SEPT 30) 7 ANY AREA NEEDING TESC MEASURES THAT DO NOT REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITHIN 15 DAYS. 8 THE TESC FACILITIES ON INACTIVE SITES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED A. MINIMUM OF ONCE A MONTH OR WITHIN 48 HOURS FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT 9. AT NO TIME SHALL MORE THAN 1 FOOT OF SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE WITHIN A CATCH BASIN. ALL CATCH BASINS AND CONVEYANCE LINES SHALL BE CLEANED AS NEEDED THE CLEANING OPERATION SHALL NOT FLUSH SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO THE DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM. 10. STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ROADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT ADDITIONAL MEASURES SUCH AS WASH PADS, MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT 11 TO OBTAIN FINAL CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL TESC MEASURES SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO SILT FENCES CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, AND STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE ALL PERMANENT SURFACE WATER FACILITIES, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS MANHOLES PIPES DITCHES CHANNELS R/D FACILITIES, AND WATER QUALITY FACILITIES SHALL BE CLEANED ANY OFFSITE CATCH BASIN THAT REQUIRED PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLEANED Kino County \234- 1631 -063 PA Grovina Dock \Phase natr 03 \Task 06 \dwas \1631063P03T06_TESCN1.dwb it l STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 IWASH I JOG NUMBER i ov CONTRACT NO. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE LOCATION NO. A DETAILED CONSTRUCTION SEOUENCE IS REQUIRED AND TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE APPLIED AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES A RECOMMENDED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE IS PROVIDED BELOW 1 HOLD THE PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING 2 POST A SIGN WITH THE NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF THE ESC LEAD 3 INSTALL PERIMETER PROTECTION (SILT FENCE, ETC.) 4 INSTALL OTHER TESC MEASURES (INLET PROTECTION ETC 5 STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ROAD AS REQUIRED FOR MOVEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 6 MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES STANDARDS AND MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS 7 RELOCATE SURFACE WATER CONTROLS OR EROSION CONTROL MEASURES OR INSTALL NEW MEASURES SO THAT AS SITE CONDITIONS CHANGE THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IS ALWAYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES STANDARDS 8 UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT REMOVE BMPS AS APPROPRIATE. REFERENCE DOCUMENT ONLY mia... o3/.0/DA DATE P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX DATE Washington State Department of Transportation 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION TESC NOTES TESCN1 SHEET 8 Of 27 SHEETS DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY CAD CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ ENGR. END A-LINE REMOVAL CONCRETE SLAB TOP ELEV 10' BEGIN 1-LINE REMOVAL I 1 t\ 0 END 1 -L I NE k k 11 i !II:. 11 ,t. 1 Tf I: 4 T' J_ 1 I T l 1 I t 1 1 Ti END 18 DIA SO CAST (i)REMOVE CONC I X 1 1 I 1 IN CONC REMOVAL STORM DRAIN TRENCH I r ...40 f' e. 1 il'. i 7i:ek, I i! 15•Ter'. 7. T 53 d I 5' 777F ..7:z=1Z5_, .A.f_i' W 1 1 V■, LT" '52 ..V,) I -,....:",,v__ 7 2! ,,z 1 '4 a -ST- MARINE DRIVE ACCESS (GATE 5) FILE NAME D:\cad\1631-wsdot\234-1631-063\phose03\task06\dans\1631063P03T TIME 1.20 35 PM RE STATE FED AID PROJ NO DATE 3/28/2007 PLOTTED BY silbeter 10 'WASH I I JOB WRIER I I CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. PORT ANGELES, HARBOR t EXPRES 1/14/01 5 T;" -J- --ST- --S T REMOVE STOCK PILED SHEET PILES AND TIE BACK RODS 5 DATE DATE •1 -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- —CI—ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- —DST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- --()-5T- -51- -ST- -ST- —X I r .2 r--- ..51 a Y 1 5 1 -1 .-;-7_••._1 I _=..7 a 155"5:755,41.=" ..'A 1 e •-.1-13, -.-r.3.1•-■-"--..1.,..- "'-.Y 7....r,...,---F---S........_itt-I'L_=S_ .T_---.-_-S____T-__. -:ST- --,=A/35.S.T.,55-=_ST=S--.."•-• --t-=' -ST -.'';'-'-'-'''ST_''''''-:-.0L-3.,sr../-_,-51-,._.,-,,,,2,;._.• cis 1 Iz' il 1 1 1 I 1.-T.:.„—... rT II 1 f 1 r 1 1 f-- 1 1,7„ T III 4 r 120 i l i il 1 1 t --1 r f T 0 i 1, T T ..1^ 1 I f- J 1 1 rall4, I 0 CONCRETE SLAB REMOVAL li: \L..- t f .0 1 i 1 1 1 1 BEGIN A-LINE REMOVAL 1 I l i I 1 --1 I 1 i. 1 1 ,Sc i BEGIN 111 CIA SO CAST IN CONC REMOVAL I it I I I i-- 3-- t !I 1 P -I- i T T- -1(DEND N-LINE REMOVAL BEGIN 1 TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL BEGIN I-LINE REMOVAL BEGIN M-LINE REMOVAL ENO 1-LINE REMOVAL r-mARNE DRIVE ACCESS (GATE 4) ENO 1 TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL Washington State Department of Transportation LEGEND ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES 1/ STAGING AREA STOCK PILE AREA NOTES. SHEET PILE STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER 1 FOR INSTALLATIONSHEET PILE PROFILE INFORMATION SEE SAD9-13 1 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SITE REMEDIATION PHASE 1 SRI SHEET 9 OF 27 SHEETS FILE NAME TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. O BEGIN 5 LINE REMOVAL —ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— —ST—_—OST— —ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— "-C)--ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— 1 --CN I 3 .7±13 ST —ST `SI 5T 1 VI i l 1 _A Tr T F 1 tw rA 4=1 1 7 1 1- I pt r 1, T 1 1- 0 i A V .1 •1., I a 41 1 1 l i 1 ii i 1 1 1 T k 1 0 ii:.-V140 \pRoildvOc46.1.—< Oi tilmw,1q1,4p. T 1 1 -..,-REMOVAI, Ilvl '7„,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T' p It' 1 !I 4.1_ '1_1, 1 l i REIKWAL 1 T '1 -ki 1 1 t 0 1 t i .-6, p x i ss 4: J, 1 k 1 (1)BEGIN J-TIE BACK T,- x' 1 fl i 1, LINE REMOVAL 1 0 1: T T 1 7 21. k k ..3,--: -r--' 1 cad \163I-wsdot 234-1631-063 Dhase03 \task06 \dans \1631063P03T06_SR2.dqn 1 .203 37 PM 3/28/2007 s i I beter R. HERMES CAD S. ELKIND O END 5 LINE REMOVAL O END 5-TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL I 40Ct MINESER I I I CONTRACT NO. I PORT ANGELES HARBOR 0 END J- T ItifiACK L I N E REMOVAL 5 LINE BEGIN 5-T4 ii3,pc I RE g ri sum FED AID PROJ NO 10 IWASH LOCO' ON NO. 11 EXPIRES 11/31 /OD ,w BEGIN H-LINE REMOVAL END H-LINE REMOVAL X END J-LINE REMOVAL 1 END J-LINEREHOVAL DATE DATE I i I i 1 c I i I i—.."=.--H. 'c 5_,-s 1- 1 L I .4 I -1- -.1. -x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-7- 4-,:-..- =x-_-_ —x .44,A. _sxL-- —SX r7:-S. ir-1-- —ST---ST— --0--ST BEGIN 4.8 LINE REMOVAL END 4.8 LINE REMOVAL END M-LINE REMOVAL BEGIN 4.8-LINE REMOVAL ,-MARINE DRIVE ACCESS (GATE 41 BEGIN 8-TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL END 8-TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL BEGIN M-TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL V71 Washington State Department of Transportation END 4.8-LINE REMOVAL END M-TIE BACK LINE REMOVAL BEGIN M-LINE REMOVAL LEGEND 01411 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES STAGING AREA SHEET PILE STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER WELL CASING PIPE PILING 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SITE REMEDIATION PHASE 2 SR2 SHEET 10 Yr7 SHEETS 0 H PILE REMOVAL BEGIN A LINE REMOVAL BEGIN 5-LIKE V. REMOVAL II If Ix. H 1 1 ith 1 1 I if HI i 1 J !I: CX 1i: HO 1 I I 1_,,,_, L r ,11 ,---,--z 1-,, 1 .1 r 7, 11 Ifr" I ti I 1,1 1 I iT-1 I ki Li LI 1 T s ti .k 1 1 .ki '1 ,,,t 1 i I r 1 lit 1 1 r rz .i 1 1 ,11 4 T 7 r---\ I J t i 0 cs,: 7 .7, i „z.. t 1 `e-- A c----. r c-- 'r ...I R-- -X-- X- -X- -X- 11- ss.H—ST- 4- 1 1, 'A END STORM DRAIN TRENCH REMOVAL END A LINE REMOVAL _1 FILE NAME PACAD\1631-WSDOT\234-1631-063\0hase03\tosk06\DGMs\1631063P03T06_SR3.dcm TIME 2 43 52 PM DATE 3/28/2007 PLOTTED BY si 1 beter DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY CAD CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. PORT ANGELES HARBOR 1 0 END 5-L I NE E. REMOVAL (BEGIN 5- L I NE E REMOVAL r 0 END 5-LINE V. REMOVAL 3—ST-- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- --CIS T -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -0-51- -ST-- -ST- --s- 77.51--,-7- .7 Ctry :a ir..s .T....:7 7'2 --..t-f___•=-_,_ ..1. y 2 ‘,.....,t...Z if f, w ,,gi. '.e.viaagsiik:w A LINE 7 e REgIN I ST ATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 IWASH JOB NUMBER CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. DATE BEGIN STORM DRAIN TRENCH REMOVAL T,2= 2 z X 7 -ST- i -x- -R= -S S -X- T- DATE LEGEND MCA 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK Washington State REMEDIATION Department of Transportation ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES STAGING AREA SHEET PILE STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER EX WELL I H PILING 100% DESIGN REVIEW SITE REMEDIATION PHASE 3 SR3 SHEET 11 OF 27 SHEETS AM' P:\C 12:482m AD\1631 -WSDOT Mar 29. 2007 FILE NAME TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R.HERINES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S.E1/UND PROJ. ENGR. XX 'aril:MAL ADM. XX Kin9 Cauntv\234 REVISION PA GrOVinG Dock\Phase 03\Tnsk BY DATE 06\dwys\1631063P0 NO FED AID. PROJ 10 IWASH asm CONTRACT NO. LQCATLON NO. 01.110. UMWM 1 DATE P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX DA TE cr; Washington State Department of Transportation N 1 16'0 0 80 SCALE IN FEET 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SHOTVVELL LANDFILL EXCAVATION PLAN SR4 say 12 27 SHEETS 'f' T i /1 X I i C}-ST- ST-ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -i75T- -ST- -ST- --ST- -ST- -ST- E) --ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- ---f• ---f• 1 -57- -Si- ai- n =_=n- i SST= ySf-� yT�- -_r= _!5: 5 r -_.r4T -ST= --i1= T i:SL- -ST= _-SL r5r J4� 7� ^mat 1 i i_ 11 0 ii 1 ill !t I j jr---r, i r i V 0 L=am I 17. 7 I II {4 1 •i. I 1 x- I ,I r lio n n —n— I` I r 1 I no n —n _n�n n —ri- n-- —o— n-- r y 1 ti, 1 L I I' 1 I _�i i f 4 r f Tili 1 i i sHoniELL --76 I MATERIAL STOCKPILE 1 I� 1 I° 25.000 CY) 1 k 1 r�` 1 r ,,1 E` Iz I 1` I 1 I❑ 1 ^y i I IV I HIGH PROBABILITY CULTURAL 1 1 I I 1 4's 1 11 CULT URAL RESOURCE I r I 1 1! 1 1 1 1 I I <t i 1, 1 11 .i J I ms s 01 1 C- t( I t �S~ 1 l X N lax I I --or-- S 1 r i -i._ L i ,!i/ I V 5T- --S7-- ST- t` `1 J L;-ST- T 5T- -5 CIiT s 7 1 sT -ST -s_t _51._ sT- FILE NAME P:\ CAD \1631- WSDOT\ 234 1631- 063\ ohose03\ task06 \DGNS \I631063P03T06_SRS.don TIME 1.20 42 PM DATE 3/28/2007 PLOTTED BY silbeter DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY CAD CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. 11 ST I r -57- -SE- —c55T MARINE DRIVE ACCESS (GATE 41 c s ---E1 X- -X- f X -X MARINE ORIVE ACCESS (GATE 5) T =�T TS -ST- ST �.T X X 1f X -X- X �'•'fX X X v v I RE STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 -WASH JOB NURSER CONTRACT N0. LOCATION N0. PORT ANGELES .1 HARBOR li! i 4 ;1 y r EXPIRES P/14 /03 SD I LG DATE GATE NOTES. 1 PLACE SHOTWELL LANDFILL MATERIAL AS DESCRIBED IN SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 2 MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED AT ANY TIME AFTER THE 4 CONCRETE SLAB IS REMOVED Washington State Department of Transportation LEGEND W w ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES SHEET PILE SILT FENCE STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES SR5 GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SHEET SHOTWELL LANDFILL PLACEMENT PLAN SHEETS Appendix A AS -BUILT PLANS FOR REMOVAL ITEMS AIM Washington State VW Department of Transportation 100% DESIGN REVIEW FILE NAME TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PPrIA FNC.1:1 STORMVATER TREATMENT PONDS (TYP i t -.4' a- 7 J- —fi- -ST- ST- -Si- -ST- --C 3—ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- —{IST- -Si- -S T- -Si- -Si- -ST- -C/--ST- -Si- -ST- -ST- —T i: L. f 4 J N 31'45 23' 11 795.94' I c__--.11y__-- --i-- I -,-S 1 IT,'' 1 1 4 1 T, S 1 r 1 k l' I f i ,1 1 T1 !I r 1 i J -„,1,1! A: T1 I F ........____r ....,,,,____-__-='-D1_ i T -1;-• 1 1) 1 SAD7 T w z i I 2 1 t T T I 1 i r i CRAIN TRENCH 5(1W `I'N'!9/ 18 f9 PIPE Ill 1 I IC Is I.E. 4.5' ul- tc-A-17 !F 1,J1i 1 T i v 4=1 'ir 7=:,1-,-,, f... 4 1 It' '3•-: 4., 1 ,l- I_ 'P\ 4 -I I -ST- --UST-- --Si-- --0-ST-LST:: -S ST 'L- -ST ::)--ST- •-.4. X- 1 -X —x- =R 81S 4, IL k 1 20 44 PM 1 3/28/2007 s I beter R. HERMES CAD S. ELKIND 610FILTRATION SWALE (TYP PAcad\1631-wsdot\234-1631-063\ohose03\task06\dgns\1631063P0 PORT ANGELES HARBOR an (n -4 .7-, .s (_1 I IP -,...-7 N i -"L--...•.._..,.._ Ik L---: .,1 51-74 7:-.--..„;,, I 1• -3:; :D. T I -/-''-‘-'''''''''.77:::,N ih :f/ 1 I I 1 1 I II I I I q. ,1 i :1' N 314] Z3 V 1191 30 RE I STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 IWASH JON NUMBER CONTRACT NO. I LOCATION NO. I 1 SI 7 =x —sr— -7ST-•--1T- -ST- -ST- -3<= J DATE DATE sJi N (s k_ I. _rli a :IL I 11 -1 11 ii Y k-2•?..'o, I Ir --3 i -I s o i I f I t_ ,;_ii 1-LINE -k Washington State Department of Transportation LEGEND -ST- -ST- ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES STAGING AREA SHEET PILE STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN LINE STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE EXISTING CONTOURS EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDGE OF ROADWAY SHORELINE OR 800Y OF WATER 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SITE AS BUILT DETAILS PHASE 1 SAD1 SHEET 15 OF 27 SHEETS --STORMVATER TREATMENT PON05 (TYP 1 BIOFILTRAT ION SWALE TYP PORT ANGELES HARBOR N 31 45 23 V 795.94 r -4‘ -ST- —0—ST- -ST-- -ST- -ST- -ST- —EIS T -ST-- -ST- -ST- -ST- -ST- -0---51.- -5T--- 7– –sr– —4; Ai i t l_j .x. T, 1 J.( It T i i 1 q lc i If! 1 _ii' i 1 1 ul T 1 ik: 11 J- 1 I I 1 I 'X- -x- -X- -X- -X- X Y X ul al vl r ___L- z- 1 T 7,;,/ 7 /I 1 X 11-11,NE 4.8LINE 7 i 11 LINE N 5-TIE BACK i j f "ts „..._.„.0._____ i 1:: I r ea -...--(...1-5 ....1 7: at CS se T u k 1 i r– 1 h.- -,J -c: l' i I :I 1 l' k i I -i ---7.-- s 5 r N k f i ,1,-,..,"_. V 4.1-----7----------IP‘-- ''1 t_ IL d" 1 i 'k VI,— J --C-ST- =-S T- -ST- 51 -51 7: 7-- ',..q 0 1 .17 .....4S, 7X-• --X -X- -X- -X-: -X- •-•-X- -X- -X- :,X -)T--..* 5(= ...7.x= :::-X- --X E-7-. 7:4<:?4,_ AT 751 --ST -ST- -ST- ---D---sT- --ST- -5 2... n r V .4 .2. N 3145 i3 V 1191.30 9 4„ TT T r J i t 1 k• 7 -:::::_-_-=.7,- F I LE NAME pAcothl631 234-1631-063 bhase03 tosk06 dons \1631063P03T06_SAD2.dgn TIME 1 20 46 PM I 1 DATE 3/28/2007 I 1 PLOTTED BY s i I beter 1 1 DESIGNED BY R. HERMES I 1 ENTERED BY CAD I I CHECKED BY S. ELKIND I 1 ppn 1 r NCR I I RE:40N I STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 IWASH JOB NUNRER CONTRACT NO. I LOCATION NO. IIEWVMS11/MAM I Id DATE DATE Washington State Department of Transportation LEGEND 1////1 -ST- -ST- ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES STAGING AREA SHEET PILE STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN LINE STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE EXISTING CONTOURS EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDGE OF ROADWAY SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SITE AS BUILT DETAILS PHASE 2 SAD2 SHEET 16 Of 27 SHEETS 4 4,11-4.81..:44 9.1 771. zi e 4 TREATMENT PONDS (TYP 810FILTRATION SWALE (TYP 1 N 3145 23 W 795.94 —ST— —0--ST— —ST— —ST— —ST-- —ST— —055— —ST— —ST— —ST-- —ST— —ST— —E1--ST— —ST— —ST— —ST— --II: f i I 1 I I -Ti j 1 ill 1 1 1 I II i T gt ,---j 1-: 1 .7 L.: iii;, I-- :IA h, r,,r____,_____:___-____,_-r-___ 1 1 1 r 0 ...s: ph T T 1 c..-.„ i.l...,I, SAD5 s„ 5 IL, 1 I et, _j 1 i 1 T 11 —,J 1 1. I i i 1 11: 1 1 T1 1 1 1 1 1 If: I Li T 1 k t:\ (V t rt- V j 1 1 .-i: i 1 r 1 r T --1. 1 .(2' f i rr 4, 1 1 ,27: x's i 1 1 ,:r- i 1 1 c=1 T 1 i_ h 1 r r 1 J 1 L.- P' i _,--...1- il 1/ ..."4 1 -f, 4. 1- li .....4. i f'-"" 1 II S J c —7_ ..4.,..... '-'S--1.— —ST— ,}ST. —SI— x x —x— —X— —x--=)7=-7-- =g N 31419 21 W 1191.30 FILE NAME 13:\cad\1631-wsdot\234-1831-083\Dhase03\tosk08\dqns\1831063P03T08..SADIdqn TIME I 20 48 PM 1 I DATE 3/28/2007 PLOTTED BY silbeter DESIGNED BY R.NERIYIES I I I ENTERED BY CAD I I I CHECKED BY S. ELKIND I 1 PROJ ENGR I I 2 REGION I STATE 1 0 1 JOB MONIER CONTRACT NO. PORT ANGELES HARBOR FED AID PROJ NO L OCAT 1 001 NO r WRFS 1/14/01 W '1= DATE L- 4 sr— —sr— 7 ..sr R 'T— --51 X —ST— —ST _7 DATE us 0 Washington State Department of Transportation LEGEND ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES V///1 —ST— —ST— STAGING AREA SHEET PILE STORM DRAIN TRENCH STORM DRAIN LINE STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN RIGHT OF WAY LINE EXISTING CONTOURS EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDGE OF ROADWAY SHORELINE OR BODY OF WATER 1 0 60 120 SCALE IN FEET INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SITE AS BUILT DETAILS PHASE 3 SAD3 SHEET 17 27 SHEETS t "0 DRAIN HOLES (TYP) LOCATE AT 4 0.. "0.C. TYP 1/4 V SECTION —SHEET PILE WALL DETAIL Q SAPI SAD3 z— MC18 INFORMATIONAL ONLY ELASTOMERIC JOINT SEALANT ABOVE EL +10.00 AT JOINTS WITHOUT WELDS (SEE NOTE 2) 1/4 V PARTIAL PENETRATION r3/8 /SPLICE CHANNELS --SHEET PILE WALL NOTE 1/ 5/161/3 ®12 END OF AZ36 OR AZ48 1/4V 3" MIN. AZ36 PZ22 OR AZ48 AT SIM. FILE NAME P. \CAD \1631 -WSDOT King Countv\234-1631-063 PA Graving Dock \Phase 03 \Task 06 \dwgs \1631063P03T06_SAD4.dwa TIME 12.139m I 1 1 REONI STATE FED AID PROJ NO DATE Mar 29. 2007 1 I I 10 WASH PLOTTED BY I I I DESIGNED BY R. HERMES I 1 I JOB NUMBER ENTERED BY XX I I I CHECKED BY S. ELKIND 1 1 1 CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. PROJ. ENGR. XX 1 I I RFf:Tnmm Anm xi I REVISION I DATE I BY DETAIL 2 INSIDE OF GRAVING DOCK PZ22 W/ END CUT OFF SDPI 5A02 SAD3 SHEET PILE INSIDE OF GRAVING DOCK i ELASTOMERIC JOINT SEALANT ABOVE EL +10.00 AT JOINTS WITHOUT WELD:" (SEE NOTE 2) CONTINUOUS i T1E STRAP C5x9 `i ce DETAIL in SDPI DETAIL TYPICAL EACH SHEET PILE SAD2 SAD3 5/16V \NOTE 1 REFERENCE DOCUMENT ONLY mIx.: a /tifoe SEE SIM. FOR SIM. (WELDS AT A 6 AZ48) SECTION DATE DATE P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX NOTE 1) 5/16 v. SPD1 SAD2 SAD3 W Washington State Department of Transportation 5/16 1/3012 \NOTE 1. SHEET PILE (TYP) NOTES. 1 SHEET PILES FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTING AGENCY WERE FURNISHED IN PAIRS AND WELDED AS INDICATED ON THIS SHEET EXCEPT AS INDICATED OTHERWISE IN THE SPECIFICATIONS 2 ELASTOMERIC JOINT SEALANT PLACED ON SIDE OF SHEET PILE FACING THE INSIDE OF THE GRAVING DOCK 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION UPPER WALL SECTIONS DETAILS 1 SAD4 SHEET 18 27 SHEETS ti SEE DETAIL SHEET iD PILE co co FILE NAME Ps \CAD \1631 WSDOT TIME 12:15pm DATE Mar 29. 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. XX Mff,701.111 An. vv W.P. (WORK POINT) CORNER BRACKET DETAIL SPD1 SAD2 SAD3 RI W8 x 35 6' —O" 8' -6" W8 x 35 1 "0 DRAIN HOLE, (TYP.) 0 0 W.P. SECTION P V7CTnM 2' -6" 1 SEE DETAIL TOP OF SHEET PILE WALL CORNER BRACKET CORNER BRACKET CORNER BRACKET TOP OF SLAB EL +10.00 Kino County \234- 1631 -063 PA Gravina Dock \Phase 03 \Task i i—SHEET PILE SEE DETAIL h TYPICAL 2 LOCATIONS) EACH SIDE nATF I RY 1 FABRICATED _11 SHEET PILE 1 41/ SECTION 5/16V 06 \dwgs \1631063P03T06_SAD5.dwo REGII�I STATE FED AID PROJ NO. 10 I WASH JOB NUMBER CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. VARIES 5/16 V 2" ti DETAIL SECTION SHIM PLATE 7" MIN DETAIL z0- REFERENCE DOCUMENT ONLY WIRES. I1/14/08 1 DATE P.E. STAID BOX 1/4 V —PL 1/2" STIFF (TYP PL 1/2" STIFF (TYP P.E. STAMP BOX DATE SHEET PILE Washington State Department of Transportation DETAIL O x5/16 I\ 7 5/16 V 7 FOR STIFFENER WELDS. SEE a3 SECTION STIFFENER (TYP EXCEPT AT SIM. SHIM PLATE (3/8" MIN. WHERE CONST 5/16 I\ 7 MIN. 1" RETURN 5/16 V 7 BOTH SIDES INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION UPPER WALL SECTIONS DETAILS 2 SAD5 SHEET 19 DF 27 SHEETS EXPANSION JOINT UPPER SLAB l FILE NAME P. \CAD \1631 -WSDOT TIME 12.17pm DATE Mar 29, 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR XX REGIONAL ADM. XX 3" CLR. #5 ----.I REVISION 4 —0" 2' -8" REMOVABLE STEEL GRATING (SEE NOTE 1) CONSTRUCTION JOINT W/ ROUGHENED SURFACE P i5 9 15 EQ. SPA. King County \234 1631 -063 PA Graving Dock \Phase 8 ,,--#5 141 I1 1 DATE 1 BY 3" CLR_ SECTION AT UPPER SLAB DRAINAGE TRENCH TYPE 1 C L5x3x5/16 LONG LEG VERT W/ 5/8 "0x4" LONG WELDED SHEAR STUDS AT 12" O.C. SPD1 SPD3 N CONTRACT NO. LOCATION N0. N NOTES. 03\Tosk 06 \dwgs \1631063P03T06_SAD6.dwa I I, NO°"I STATE FED AID PROJ NO f 10 IWASH JOB NUMBER 1 THE TOP OF THE GRATING SHALL BE FLUSH WITH THE TOP OF THE CONCRETE. REFERENCE DOCUMENT ONLY a.urs. 11/14/01 0 GATE DATE P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX r L I N 4_0 I�I SQ. 1 III= Ed 1�1= 111 II1 1 1 I II SECTION r. PLAN Washington State Department of Transportation J 1 DRAINAGE TRENCH SUMP DETAIL 0 18 "0 STORM SEWER PIPE SIDE VARIES, SEE 1 SPD1 SPD3 INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION STORM DRAINAGE SECTIONS DETAILS SAD6 SHEET 20 DF 27 SHEETS 1, TOP OF SHEET r PILE EL +28.04 EL. +23.50 V P(S E E OR B,RM(5 LINE ONLYI r 7/ SAD4 TYP SLOUGHING OF BERM MAINTAINED FOLLOWING SHEET PILE REMOVAL /e4/ /e4/ UPPER SLAB EL— +10:00 SEE DETAIL/ SAD4 FILE NAME P. \CAD \1631 TIME 12.19pm DATE Mar 29, 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ_ ENGR. XX r SEE DETAIL SHEET PILE WALL a N r BOTTOM OF SHEET PILE EL -17.00 SECTION A SAD1 SAD2 WSDOT Kina Countv\234 1631 -063 PA Gravina Dock \Phase or,TC tnu EXISTING GRADE VARIES HATE 1 CIV TOP OF SHEET PILE EL. +28.0 EL. +23.50 SEE DETAIL/ SAD4 NOTE. SEE DETAIL (T 1 \SAD4) SHEET PILE WALL a N w F —cO BOTTOM OF SHEET PILE EL -17.00 SECTION B SAD3 1. PERIMLItU BERM MAY BE USED AS A PERIMETER ACCESS ROAD. 03 \Task 06 \dwgs \1631063P03T06_SADT.dwa RE STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 (WASH I I JOB NUMBER CONTRACT 10. LOCATION N0. A1. Exnc 11/14/01 P.E. STAMP BOX DATE BERM ELEVATION VARIES P.E. STAMP BOX DATE EXISTING GRADE VARIES 9' CONCRETE SLAB EL 10 0 `r a Washington State Department of Transportation 18 CONCRETE ENCASED SD IE 4 0 V. iy a 4 NOTES. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE PIPE CONCRETE BACKFILL REPLACE WITH SELECT BORROW COMPACT SELECT BORROW BACKFILL PER SECTION2 -03 3(14)C METHOD B 24 (TYP) CLEARING LIMITS 4 18" SD REMOVAL SECTION CONSTRUCTION ROUTE GRADE 6' CSBC OR 12' SHOULDER BALLAST WHERE SHOWN FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES i i i \i i CONSTRUCTION ROUTE SECTION PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION GRID 5 UPPER WALL SECTIONS INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW SAD7 SHEET 21 oP SHEETS •a FACE OF WALL 0 0 w 6' -9" 6' -9" UPPER SLAB DRAINAGE TRENCH TYPE 1, SEE SHEET 60' -0" 60' -0" 60' -0" 60' -0" 60' -0" 60' -0" 60' -0" `CE DRAINAGE TRENCH SUMP SEE 1 STORM 18' b SEWER LINE T O co 'co O M Tt I 1 O, FILE NAME TIME 1 21 02 PM DATE 3/28/2007 PLOTTED BY si Ibeter DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY CAD CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ ENGR c DRAINAGE TRENCH SUMP SEE A UPPER SLAB DRAINAGE TRENCH TYPE 1 SEE SHEET 5A06 D: \cad \I631- wsdot\ 234 -1631- 063\ Dhose03\ tosk06 \dcins \I631063P03T06_SAD8.dgn UPPER SLAB PAVING PLAN DETAIL 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I CONTRACT NO. I LOCATION NO. SAO, REOION STATE FED AID PROJ NO IB. 10 IWASH JOB NUIBER I 1 SA06 REFERENCE DOCUMENT ONLY I EXPFES1Ali08 i 1 DATE GATE 5/8', EXPANSION JOINT `''IW PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER FOR EXPANSION JOINTS 2 9" AT UPPER SLAB 11" AT LOWER SLAB Washington State Department of Transportation 37' -0• •5 .5 SECTION AT SLAB TYPE A SLAB REINFORCING (TYP.)— RI FACE OF SHEET PILE WALL 0 DOWEL BAR J 3" UNO 1 I AT 1' -0" O.C. 9' =1 Z F 3 UNO SLAB SECTION U P_EER_S L A B EXPANSION JOINT AT WALL SECTION TRANSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINT PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION SAWED GROOVE MINH 3/16" MIN. 5/16" MAX OVER MIDPOINT OF BAR 4 INFORMATIONAL ONLY 100% DESIGN REVIEW UPPER SLAB PAVING PLAN TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT SAD8 5 22 SHEETS 3:Q 1:0 :0 I 3:0 :2:0 1:0 I -44Q ;-46 I 20 :0: FILE NAME P:\CAD\1631-WSDOT TIME 12.21pm DATE Mar 29. 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELK$ND PROJ. ENGR. XX REGIONAL ADM XX 2:0 rz 22 :CAROL= t:NE .01.awl• I I 'I I A LINE PZ REVISION I DATE :GROUIN15: :PZ 2Z BY 1• 111.s law I 20 -30 Kina Countv\234-1631-063 PA Graving DocK\Phase 03\Task 06\dwas\1631063P03T06_SAD9.dwa RE :O. °14 1 STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 'WASH 1 JOB NUMBER CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. I I I I 1 i I I 1 1 1 1 1 AZ j ROUNCi LINR 1:0: 0 5:00 FERgllc P.E. STAMP BOX 10 4 42 4:30: I 1 i 1 I -1. 0 I I 1 1 I I i -20 I I 1 1 1 30 "2:0 •6 DATE DATE P.E. STAMP BOX -A LINE' 3:0: 5 ONE; KEY Pli AN tECTION: if I I NO CLAIN TO: THE ACCIJR \CT:OF RE :INF.( RMATION 1PROVIDEID N THLS FIE: D:NERIFif CAT:LONI 1 1:00 H0TR: I .Z ONTA IOF LOCATION .AND E:LEY.AtTIONS SHOULD a P.ERFO1MED 1$ ILI$ i eil$r 2-0 VERT IICAL 1NP, ORMAT L ONLY ONLY IOWA DESIGN REVIEW wi Washington State Department of Transportation I I I PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE PRCJECI NAVD SAD9 SHEET 23 27 SHEETS 3:Q 2:0 1:0 1 -20 40: FILE NAME P.\CAD\1631-WSDOT TIME 12.23pm DATE Mar 29, 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. XX 1 Kina County\234-1631-063 mcwreirnm LINE 32 11 KE PLIAN •DIR[C-TION OF VIEW :GROUIND: I NE 10 IWASH I JOB NUMBER CONTRACT NO. 500 I PA Graving Dock\Phase 03\Task 06\dwqs\1631063P03706_SADIO.dwg REGION STATE FED AID PROJ NO nATr I PV LOCATION NO. ii_:.. RE REREICE 1 1 8 LtNE 173 11/11/011 DAM P.E. STAMP BOX -A:1 :6 I I P.E. STAID BOX l -1- I NO CLAIM:70::THF ALCOR PROVID 13 ON: THIS :PAGE 1:* LJCjTJUNAN BEFORE USING T DATE 1 1 I DEICUIMLNT tiNLY Et EVA 2:0 1:01 :0_ -10 20 —07 Al -481 :GROI. ND L NE t'Ir OF IRE :LNF:( .I :MADE.. FIE1 B:E Ohl Washington State Department of Transportation :evo: I I I I 4;$ .E.S:1 RMATrOt D: 'VER I F PEkkIF AZ. .4::. J f r 1 .1 418 t PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE -10 20 1:0 -30 50 PRCJ EXT p?,/r.um I N k/D :88 IC:ATI:ON MEN 1 t:QC H :ctRrI ON:TA:I, 11 Y: I =R:T I FAL tiNFORIMATIONAL ONLY 100% iOESGN REVIEW SAD10 sil 27 SHEETS -40 :1 3:0 1 .1 .2 :0 1:0 :Q .00111/14a j L. I:N :E: 1 -10: I I 3©- i i %nom FREIJE:C I NAVD--8i31 I 1 1 1 :0Q .H:OR:I.ZIO:NT.AL• 1 r 2:0' VERTI1C.AL 1 I GRIWND _LOI:N:E 1 I 1 i _l i I_ 1 i i i i n. r ArC I OV ND 1 CLA:I:M 10: THE CCURA:CY :OF THE; .I:NF:ORM4TION PROVIDED 11N: THIS !PAGE .15 :MADE.. !FIELD: WERIFIC:JTI :ON: OF' L'QCATI{ N AND FI.EVATIO 5HQUHD- BE P R:FQRM i3 E -l7 SI NG TH15 INEaRM. 1ON 1 I I i 1 -50 1 FILE NAME P. \CAD \1631 WSDOT K ina County \231- 1631 -063 PA Gravina Dock \Phase 03 \Task 06 \dwas \1631063P03T06_SAD11.dwa TIME 12 2512m I R CIONI STATE FED AID PROJ NO. DATE Mar 29. 2007 10 WASH PLOTTED BY 10 WASH BY R. HERMES 1 JOB NUMBER ENTERED BY XX 1 CHECKED BY S. ELKIND CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. PROJ. ENGR. XX 4 :0 i -440 071mms. ll /i: /U8 -r TAMP RDY 4 I .l:R:O:U :N:E LI Nis 1 i r worlix :fREFEf ENCE :D©CUMEN(T ONE I i i 1 1 1 DATE DATE F.E. STAMP BOX L. I N E 140: .210: 3 :Q)0 5:0:0: :W 1:00: 2:W:0 -M LINE. I 1 .t DIRECT:GDN OF uI:EW 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 4—mi LINE Id o% 1 ck :bE:S+GN kEVIEW EY PL4N vI/ Washington State Department of Transportation r� 5 :0 4 :0 30 2:0 1:0 =.10: -2a: 30: 40- -s 5:0:0 71-=T ti PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE SAD11 SHEET 25 27 SHEETS k r. mr,TnuAl Anu i:6 -440 -20 TIME 12:272m DATE Mar 29. 2007 PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY R. HERMES ENTERED BY XX CHECKED BY S. ELK= PROJ. ENGR. XX -P-Z OROLND LINE 1:00: .2:00: W-D.CLATM: 0: THE ACCURACY, OF THE INFORKTION PROVIDED 111: THIS.1PA:GE :MADE FIELD: tER IF I C4TION: Of LOCATI:IqN:.AND 1_E:VATI 0 A5 :SliO40 BE PRFORMEEI DE laRE *1:154NP TH1 FORVATI FILE NAME P.\CAD\1631 -WSDOT Kin a Countv\234 1631-063 PA Graving 4 Dock\Phose 03\Task FIATF 1 RY J. LINE TIO BA:3K. I JOB NUMBER CONTRACT NO. -20 06\dwas\1631063P03T06_SAD12.dwa m el STATE FED AID PROJ NO 10 'WASH LOCATION NO. I I :10 comm 11/14/06 5 XNE -0 R FER 'NCE IDGCU P.E. STAMP BOX DATE PIZ 27 I .GROILLN:D: LO1:E 1:0 P.E. STAMP BOX BF\CK 1 DATE isuriLDIRETIIDN.0E-11EW ENTi ONL" I 1 0- r. 1 •5 0K Tr. BACK- L HE tiE "B:AN t 1. 1 (iNE'IK OW( Washington State Department of Transportation PZ 1 TtE BACK :6 140 1:0 :0 -20 PRO‘JECJ DATUM INAM5 :88 1" 1:00' H:ORIZION:TAL 1" -7 120' VERT I CAL 100% DESIGN REVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REM EDIATION AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE SAD12 SHEET 26 17 SHEETS 1:0 :6 :Pk06:ND. 2_ 1: 0: 20 1 -30 8: LI,NE PZ 127 1 i I 1 I :10. i 31:5 IL B 1 I NDI GLATM:1 ACCDRACYI:OF THEiINFORWTION PROVI DED DN: THIS: IPADE. I SI :MADE: FIELD: fER IF I C4TIDN: I I 1 I i OF i LOCATIPIN: .AND ILE:VAT/O NS. :SHDU _D BE Pr ORME1 I I OEItOFE -OHO tH I. I-14041 FILE NAME P.\CAD\1631-WSDOT Kim] Countv\234-1631-063 PA Gravina Dock\Phase 03\Task 06\dwas\1631063P03T06_SAD13.dwa TIME 12.28pm 1 1 lel STATE FED AID PROJ NO DATE Mar 29, 2007 PLOTTED BY 10 'WASH DESIGNED BY R.HERMES ENTERED BY XX 1 JOBNONFER CHECKED BY S.ELKIND PROJ. ENGR. XX REGIONAL ADM XX REVISION 1 DATE BY 3:6 1:6 -40 -50 LJ CONTRACT NO. LOCATION NO. arms. 11/14/08 DATE P.E. STAMP BOX PZ r11 I I 1 1:0 M ,LTN TIE dACK !st: AL EFT:11E4CE1 DOCUMENT ONL Y I P.E. STAMP BOX 111:0 DATE 1 1 1 1 CRYUND: .41 NE Washington State Department of Transportation KE) PL4N :LAE 1.IE :BAtK I 11 i if, -LI -eel( 1 1 1 I 1 I:INJECT:DAR-UK I NAAiD Bil I I i I i 1 ;190. 'HER I .Z ON:TAL 4 :DI RE[TION .OF kEW 11 2:0' VERT I1C.AL ap% DESIGN EVIEW PORT ANGELES GRAVING DOCK REMEDIATION AS BUILT SHEET PILE PROFILE SAD13 SHEET 27 17 SHEETS CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Nunfoer ..... 03-00000198 Date 2/28/03 Property Address ...... 1501 MARINE DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 0630001900501000 Tenant nbr, name ...... WASH STATE DEPT. TRAN$ Application description . . . IND NEW CONST Property zonin~ ....... Application valuation .... 6913000 Owner Contractor ...... Stz~/cture Information GRAVING YARD ..... Additional desc , . E;cpiration Date . . 8/27/03 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, pdvate and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within '/80 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state ~;~"~t,ocal law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Si~ture of Owner (if owner is builder) T:\?LANN[NG\FORMS\ t t 02.15 [4/2002] '.w . . '-' '. b 1'(1 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OPF1Cl.....L USE ONLY DalVRee: Ptnn;J# Dale Approved Diltelssued. '- ./ The Electrical Permit Application must be filled out comoleterv. Please type or reprint in ink. If you have any questions, please call (360) 417-4735 Fax number: (360) 417-4711 (YI- ~7 BA'jUi:.. Phone: otz.s: %.37. 7"qS Fax: Owner or Elec. Contractor AgE?nt: D(.~C'i's. Property Owner: WAs bri,.. Address: /5'0/ Phone: mA-iUNL City: Fbtu- A1i6d: I~ .. ,wA.. ,,,"or. License #/:,6.N~c Exp: 10/01( . P"......:aa.. I ...,,4.. , Zip: '\ 8370 Zip q83~'2- ~ Electrical Contractor: ~"A""- City: Address: I ~Lj7~ p~<v", j..hu Cn... -.n&.u.L.:n..... Phone: PL., fV. €." INSTAllATION WIRED BY: DOWNER bE.-liu..tt. Billing Address: '-/2/7 :l'i'/ -6. br- b'f.r Credit Card Number: Credit Card Holder Name: PROJECT ADDRESS: TYPE OF WORK: o ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR C,cN sV>f-<.U,.17o/'i . Cou.c.. L. b"'ss. City: be4HA m Exp" Date: . .. wA. , Zip: ~833~ VJSA:~ MC:_ '501 yYl~N.t... o.e.. Check all that apply: o New o Alteration/Addition o Residential 0 Multi-family o Commercial o Mobile Home Sq. Ft o Remote Meter 0 De,tached garage 0 Hot Tub 0 Swim Pool 0 Septic Pump Number of Circuits added or altered: o Low Voltage 0 Telecom. 0 Sign DESCRIPTION OF THE ElECTRICAL PROJECT: bttAVl Nt:. L( A1ZP 1),,0. T' 11.)(.,. qoc> A) (I-Zoo) (!1~ '''A) (1- 4/014) +(I-'SA) tL~~5 '2-000 A. ~UIlIc...E: -(/.1!.oo Electrical Heat Load Additions and or Subtractions o Baseboard Q Furnace o Heat Pump o Fan-Wall KW, KW TON KW ~:t 11 Voltage: Y~"kH Phase: 0 1 .. Xl 3 Service Size: Z6a 0 Feeder Size: Service Information LRA o Overhead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service , hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and correct, and I am 3uthorized.to apply for/his permit I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits Oire required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. ~~/~~ Credit Card Haidet's Signature: Owner or Elec. Cont. Signature: Date: Date: ~/( --- 1) I~ -rL-r--~ ~lP5J1A710N PERMIT FEE: $ /0$0 ,so -, ! ! i I I I r~~l'i '. ~ ~~ - 1 [u1-:=:;:1 . ~" i : I -.16'"" I : : / \ I I : I ..:;::~ : o"r: I ~:i.. : ""'"~""....... i I "!IOST!"""l ' ,.".'i... ! I ~~'.::----- _--===L_____J /::. Ion.. I ~(f( - ~( : ,t' ,t' }-,. ';:::~ ,~,,,,::,_ ::::,,;: ::':.0;:: ,:::':',' "'""" : 'AL'" :'AL~- ot:~~';:"" =~~ ,~,=: = ,~~ I v^,'" ....."" "'.."..... I ..,,. I J ,=, _"",. ,,,... .... Irr -=f -, b :m /; m /; 1 : /6 I r( -,.!r( ....I.'r( !~'"' (6 (! ;~ :: '2 ': I I '/\("'./\9~~~""';dl :; \ : ,':.~, .., .. i I _ ~ :1 (~ ".'", ,"'.... ern,,: rrup ,y I po", CP^'" CllAHE I "'''''' ""'" """" I po... ,,,...,.: po"". ~ I ~.TtR _ _ -':._.::._.:::.._.::.._.::._-=-~..::~~~":,~_'O'" _ __..::. ..::.___J . UCHIl<. : l-. - ';~:'- J :.""'..;;-''''''-,''''''''"''n_________ -----~ I I "" ." ""'-"." NO' '"~~""",D ""''''''OOCl< I :r( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L ! "",,~_'J>H'SI:.'''''''A1C ..,,. r(~r( ,,,,. O~ ~ iJ;,hmt,h! i :~:;~: i : ';r." 1......' : l1A, : = ~~ i , ..." 0.,,____1 ". ." .",,. (!,~", (6 J r /; -, T /\ /\ ,_/"" /\ """I"': j 1r(6 : /\ '~A/"': . . . . . . ! i . . ~ ~ b ~-h._,,_,: ~,. ~. @ @ @!@i : "':~' """"'NO "".""",: I ",. ......" DOC< I """''''' ' ...,..,,, ......" :,. L :rs I ~~ "" =.. "-'JO.... .,~ ,~ .lJ~(lN r GAT!' ~OC I I I 0011:00. M"~ "'~ ~ ~ r( .oo,,, r(", r( ~ r" Fol' ..l~ 1 T~:"'"' ~ 000/1. ,- ,,. ""'II; ..- l"'~ ><10.".11<: DAllA'>! ..- DOl""'.'" JOHP - NOTES: 75HP GRAVING DRAW 540A EAg~C~ PUMPS 1-5 ROTOR CONDITION' LOCKED CRANES DRAW THIS 1$ THE M 225.5A EACH MAX THE CRANE. ~6IStU~o~6R ALL COINCIDENT 177FLA. 1,085A LOCKED RO~O~RAW LOADS ON ,.. .'WI" '"'"."""'" - ~. ""'-,-"ST ~,- 00" A 6 04 MOTOR HPs 7 03 ONE LINE WGW WGW " REV. DESCRIPTION om DESCRIPTION " REV. om ~ :~6 \ :1 \' : !~' 'I; I ,', .oo. I ,.. I : ::0,: I PU~" I L_~'-=-"_J - 0. "'"""" -~ "C'''EN "'",,(....) ~:' ......." _.~ -. __110I..':1("".) l , , , , , , , , I I I I , , , , , , , I I J ~ ~--&-i : r(2 : "~' Ii , :; I ~ Jff' I I ..,. I : ::~ I _. I L_~'.:!~J ptLMII<\fnW p~~)tA. 'i;~;;_';,J'~n"1 ~f''''"J /'H<'h<. H'In",UUC ",""'. ""::"\,:P) .m _""<;H """"UI.JC ro..." "HI'("F) OO~ ". J>WD"1'(>< .:Ji.ftC:t Automation & C t ELECTRlCAl ENGINEERINQ on (01 Services 724 lSTH W.Y sw . TURN~EY CON'TRotS '" PROGR...r.lYINO EDtdONDS.WA9B020 1"'1 697-S6" 206 J14~2175 F.~ bmOllUlooonlrol..rvTCO'.ccm ......,oulocontrol..'vIe....""'j WSDOT PORT ANGELES GRAVING 00 ONE LINE CK POWER DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM OATE ORAWN SCALE SHT OLl 7 22 03 . JOB NO. OF GC 01 </"ORr"", ~-l,~"<'(", "r-Gii- ~~ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . Application valuation 04-00000687 Date .040037 1501 MARINE DR 06-30-00-1-9-0050-1000- ELECTRICAL ONLY 8/05/04 ~ '" \ '" ~ ~ INDUSTRIAL HEAVY o Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 OWNER Permit Additional desc Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL 2000A SER / 11- FEEDERS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY19 1080.50 plan Check Fee 8/05/04 Valuation 2/02/05 .00 o Qty 5.00 1. 00 4.00 1. 00 1. 00 Unit Charge 48.1000 61.3000 73.0000 116.9000 369.8000 Per ECH ECH ECH ECH ECH EL-COM EL-COM EL-COM EL-COM EL-COM 0-100 NEW ADD SRV FDR' 101-200 NEW ADD SRV FDR 201-400 NEW ADD SRV FDR 601-800 NEW ADD SRV FDR IDOl-UP NEW SRV FEEDER Extensi'on 240.'50 61.30 292.00 116.90 369.80 .......... ~ "" Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 1080.50 1080.50 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 1080.50 1080.50 .00 .00 ~ ~ ~ Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. /:;::7 /?ftU~ Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent fJ#/.f?'/ / Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\] 102.15 [1 ]114/2003J CITY OF PORT ANGELES OFFICE OF THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 321 EAST FIFTH ST., RO. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 PHONE (206) 457-0411, EXT. 224 a 158 JOb Name /d~?J<:5 r- ~,h ~ L;I#tj Owner u/5LJor Location . /50/ /?'7~Ne:... /.?,e'. PROGRESSIVE INSPECTION REPORT DO NOT CONCEAL OR DESTROY Permit No. Ll'/'- 68 Elect6~~ 0/11 Inspectkm Dote. Area I Building or Equipment Inspected Act ion To ken ElecfricQI Inspector k.,O' ~-O /16t9 . ~ v .1"- I'Ve.. uru;7-e<-. r'~"""~K... 3" I'.....d- //li ~~;Vff.. ......-- 1.' /,ve. t.,1iZ-f/.:> :By-c j{ "':3 ;/ / I ,," ."4 )"'1 j)1 / :/ '" 1''''<-. (;c.,t:/ i-tN'f.. f),I2./ - /1 '/iTt .eel ~., ,e C/'~'- 1'0<" n 1'+ ~ v- y /Z.,/r.'/, )../,j '\ . , .~/-:-::.ill ~<{' /:" :;.. ~-.d,;: i v /1/? ~HL- /7iT ?'Nn"L 4,....,.(/ // (;."..;", / Prmp nf \ 6-26-03; 8:07AM;CITY PO~T ANGELES ;3604174711 # 1/,' -. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE OrlL "Y tb&dRA:; PmftiI .: J Dare Appm1fCd: tbce tulEll: The EIec1rical Permit ApplicatiCln must be "'led out comoletely. Please type or reprint In ink. "you have eny questiDns, please call (360. 417-4735 c:/"7 - 7 ~ Fax number. (360) 417-4711 Owner or Elee. C""lTaclor Agent ('J 1!.4-/ t:; /~o iLA-Arl Property Owner /,(1 II C; j) CJ r Phone: Utf-I- -f"/.1 e Fax: ~-.? J. ~7j>? Phone: INSTALLATION WIRED BY: DOWNER CIty: dod. r .4A/c> ii-L1 ~ / C$,b/VUK <: C ,?t' 'f",Z (' '7 License t: Exp: '(I Y; &IG City. Pcui~BC' IM'/f aELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Zip: 'TEl? & z "7~~ ?7~ Phone: :J,:;{oc> Address: 1'101 M#EI/V&- PAt Eiectrical Contraclor: G~..JV'r../?'L C,'v<,;/..i....,ho,./ Address: 1'f'l1:1.. Pow",,,,),! II/I-? oj, A/c. , ~p: ?'Y~7e;. Credit Card Holder Name: PROJECT ADDRESS: l'rOI AA 4' / /V'/.. CIty: Exp. Date- . VtA~bMr~ ~/' j J)L h/-" 7;:.1'-1;:::' Billing Address: Credit Card Number:. /56/ rn/!rUN/i /)R- Zip: . (""'., VISA:~ TYPE OF WORK: Check alllhat apply: 0 New o Alteration/Addition o Residental 0 Multi-family ".0 Commercial 0 Mobile Home '. Sq. Fl o Remote MeIer 0 Detached garage 0 HotT:ub .0 Swim Pool o5,eplic,P,u{Jlpc, 'olowVoltage 0 Telecom. 0 Number of Circuits added oraller:e<t.' /- ". , , DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PR04ECT::P.L?:?>'A. /.1!.. ~ ",w.p.;I/(1" ~'f?~;("--"';:'>..-: Te? ""-WY' ~ 'fiL-AC;',v/-A'...4,..-r';,y &#;~~ 7"7,/;Z-{I-P--~~ . .<~A'I-::'!r~. Electrical Heat Load Additions Service Information o Baseboard o Furnace o Heal Pump o Fan-Wall _KW _KW _KW _KW o Overhead Service lll. Temp Service o Underground Service VDllage: / .z t7 / 3- 'f 0 Phase: 81 03 Service SIze: '!2,.o~ A Feeder Size: ::t. @/PP/I PAMC 14.OS.06O{B): For industrial, commercial, & residential projects larger Ihan a duplex, a one - line drawing of Ihe Electrical ServiCE Feeders, building size (sq. It.), load calculations, and Ihe type & of conductors and/or raceway is required and shall accompa Electrical Permi! application. I herebycertily that I have read and examined this true and correct, and I authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. v.J r-l s DOT - N€6j)'? -p PA--( fd1 V 'PiM ~ I 0S1 f,lLL ';) Ii 0 ~ :$ fJ 0bI3 ~ J{_~.v~ Credit Card Holder's Signature: :J1 Owner or Elee. Cont.. Signature:;( ..-:..- PW -9019 ~~7- Date: Date: # ~ 9-r:;.ol( 10/5 . 10 -RORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT September 7,2004. Craig Wollam P.O. Box 1250 Port Angeles, W A 98362 SUBJECT: Temporary service 1501 Marine Drive, Graving Yard Dear Mr. Wollam: The cost for labor and equipment for installation and removal of the transformer and service wire for the temporary office on Marine Drive is $1,068.00. This cost includes the anchor and down guy, but not the transformer, meter and service wire which will be removed when the temporary is no longer required.. This estimate is good for 180 days and does not include the electrical permit fee. The work will be scheduled after receipt of the payment for $1,068.00 along with the enclosed payment form. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 360-417-4708 or e-mail: gmclain{q:!citvofPa.us. Sincerely yours, I}~ ~/I- Iii . 'J). r - /2" .~ Gail McLain J Electrical Engineering Specialist cc: James Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager Al Oman, Electrical Inspector File 32 \ EAST FIFTH STREET. p, 0, BOX \ \ 50. PORT ANGELES. WA 98362.02 \ 7 PHONE: 360-417-4805 . FAX: 360-417+4542 . TTY: 360-417-4545 E'MAIL, publlcworks@cltyofpa,us FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT- APPLICATION Date Issued: ~ The Building Permit ,,lpplication must befilled out completely. Please type or print in ink. If you have any questions, please call 417-4815 Applicant or Agent: WA Stata Dm}t. nf Tran~ - Olympic [~oginn Phone: (~60) ~57-2575 Owner: qame as applicant Phone:(~an) a~7-2575 Address:1707 South C Street City: Port Anqeles Zip:98363 Architect/Engineer: Jerry D. Moore Phone: (360) 457-2575 Contractor 1o be determi ned License #: Exp: Phone: Address: i~.:x,~ ~ . , 'iX. City: Zip:. PROJECT,ad)DRESS: 1800 Block of Marine Drive ZONING: IH LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: Lot: Block: Subdivision:NW 1/4 Section 11, T30N, R6W W.M. C L.~LL~flVI COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER:063000 ~ 900 ~ ~ ~ ~oo Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: UbJUUU1 ~UUbU ~.- ........... 0 Y Credit Card g: Exp. Date: VISA MC TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: [] Residential [] New Constr. [] Re-roof [] Wood-stove SF. @ $ /SF. =,$ ' t3 Multi-family [] Addition [] Move [] Garage SF. ~ $ /SF. = $ ID Commercial [] Remodel [] Demolition [] Deck SF. ~ $ /SF. = [] Repair [] Sign ~3Gravincl Dock TOTAL VALUATION $ 6.913,000 (Structural Elements) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: Graving Dock COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: N/A Occupant Load: lq/A Construction Type: N/A No. of Stories: __ Lot Size: % Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. ft, + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. = TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq. ft. PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN Notes: BLDG. DPW FIRE ESA/Wetland(s): [] Yes ~ No SEPA Checklist required? I~ Yes [] No Other: OTHER BUILDING PER1VIIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your application and site plan must be filled out completely to be accepted for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building consh-uction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4 815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitled. All other permit fees are dueat the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Un/form Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. [ hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and 1 am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Applicant~ Date: / ~ ~ - ..~ T:~FORMS~APPS~uildingperrnit ~7 {..)~ 1~O,T t lO"~/~g'~ (~q'~-v pORTANG S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT February 13, 2003 Jerry Moore Project Engineer Washington State Department of Transportation 1707 South "C" Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Port Angeles Graving Dock Facility Port Angeles, Washington Dear Jerry: This letter is in response to your January 6, 2003, letter to this office regarding permit fees with regard to the construction of the Port Angeles Graving Dock facility. It is agreed that, being federally funded, necessary inspections on the graving dock site will be performed by WSDOT inspectors. The City agrees to a flat fee of $4,700 for the building permit for the Graving Dock facility which will cover one hundred hours of City staffwork at $47 per hour. City staff work beyond the one hundred hour threshold will be billed at $47 per hour. This agreement has been approved by City Manager Mike Quinn. The building permit application that you submitted will be processed as soon as the $4,700 fee is received. If you have any questions, or if we can provide further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact this office. Sinc .r j // . Building Official 32! EAST FIFTH STREET ® PO BOX ! 150 ' PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-3206 PHONE: 360-417 4750 · FAX: 360-4 I 7-47 I 1 · TTY: 360-4!7-4645 E-MAIL: PLANNING~CI.PORt-ANGELES WA.US OR PErMITS~CI PORt-ANGELES,WA US Washington State Olympic Rogion Department of Transportation Port Angeles Engineering Office Douglas B. MacDonald 1707 South "C" Street Secretary of Transportation Port Angeles, WA 95363-;'456 360-457-2575 January 6, 2003 www.w ~ E~ ~ ~ Lou Haehnlen dA N Building Official City of Port Angeles c~l~ OF PORI ANGEL[S Department of Community Development C0MMIJN:Iy D[V[LOPM[-NT 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Dear Lou: Attached is the building permit application for the Port Angeles Graving Dock Facility. We have estimated the cost to construct the structural elements of this project to be $6,913,000. This project is being designed and engineered by a host of professional WSDOT staff in conjunction with KPFF Consulting Engineers of Seattle. Our design process includes a multiplicity of engineering checks at various levels. This should eliminate the need for City staff to perform an engineering plan check. WSDOT will take full responsibility for its plans. Being federally funded, the necessary inspections will be extensive and complicated. WSDOT will provide highly skilled, competent, and professional inspectors who are trained and certified to provide these services. The City of Port Angeles would normally bear the cost of inspection through the building permit fee. In this case, the WSDOT will shoulder the cost of these duties, which is expected to accrue into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In summary, the WSDOT is requesting that the fee for the building permit be reduced to the amount needed by the City of Port Angeles to cover its administrative costs. Sincerely, Jerry D. Moore Project Engineer JDM: dph if pORT"""" tO~~~ r.... 1!0 -- ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application description Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 03-00000198 Date 2/28/03 1501 MARINE DR 0630001900501000 WASH STATE DEPT. TRANS IND NEW CONST 6913000 Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 OWNER Structure Information Construction Type . . . . Occupancy Type . . . . . GRAVING YARD TYPE V NON-RATED LOW HAZ FACTORY Permit BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permi t Fee 4700.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 2/28/03 Valuation 6913000 Expiration Date 8/27/03 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 4700.00 BASE FEE Fee sununary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 4700.00 .00 4700.00 4700.00 .00 4700.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ~ Cj ~ " ~ ~ M X Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date 1pa.a -109.6 TABLE 1.A reinspection fee in accordance with Table I-A or as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by the jurisdiction. In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until the re- quired fees have been paid. SECTION 109 - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 109.1 Use and Occupancy. No building or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classi- fication of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. EXCEPTION: Group R, Division 3 and Group V Occupancies. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Certificates presuming to give au- thority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordi- nances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. 109.2 Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a build- ing shall not be made except as specified in Section 3405 of this code. 109.3 Certificate Issued. After the building official inspects the building or structure and finds no violations of the provisions of this code or other laws that are enforced by the code enforcement agency, the building official shall issue a certificate of occupancy that shall contain the following: 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1. The building pennit number. 2. The address of the building. 3. The name and address of the owner. 4. A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued. 5. A statement that the described portion of the building has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. 6. The name of the building official. 109.4 Temporary Certificate. If the building official finds that no substantial hazard will result from occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is completed, a temporary cer- tificate of occupancy may be issued for the use of a portion or por- tions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. 109.5 Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed ex- cept by the building official. 109.6 Revocation. The building official may, in writing, sus- pend or revoke a certificate of occupancy issued under the provi- sions of this code whenever the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or when it is deter- mined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in viola- tion of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code. 4 4 4 ~ TABLE 1-A-BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE $1.00 to $500.00 ~7 .o.e> $23.50 $501.00 to $2,000.00 5~6 -{" $23.50 for the first $500.00 plus $3.05 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof, 10 and including $2.000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 Qz.1'$"""- $69.25 for the first $2,000.00 plus $14.00 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, 10 and including $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 '-{t'{ :rS-... $391.25 for the first $25,000.00 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 ~7,. '2..>- $643.75 for the first $50,000.00 plus $7.00 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 I()n.z~ $993.75 for the fIrSt $100,000.00 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 '?z"S'~ $3,233.75 for the fIrSt $500,000.00 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up S-",,-gz. ~ $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $3.65 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraclion thereof Other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of nonnal business hours ............................. ..... ........ .............. .-............. $47.00 per hourI (minimum charge-two hours) 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 305.8 ........ .... ......... ..... ... ......... .... ................ $47.00 per hourI 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated ..................... ...... ......... ............. ................ $47.00 per hourI (minimum charge---one-half hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes. additions or revisions to plans . ...... .................... ... ...... ........... $47.00 per hour] (minimum charge---one-half hour) 5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections, or both . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual costs2 t t lOr the total hourly cost 10 the jurisdiction, whichever is the grealest. This cost shall include supervision. overhead, equipment. hourly wages and fringe benefits of Ihe employees involved. 2 Actual costs include administrative and overhead costs. 4 1-6 DO>' ,.R,,'Tr" AN 1: rG/' ..,ELr .Ei"S .i==- / Hrt '.'...' ~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVE.LOPMENT TO: Ben Hugel, Project Manager FROM: Brad Collins, Director ~~ DATE: August 5, 2003 RE: Temporary Use Permit - TUP 03-02 APPLICANT: General Construction Company OWNER: Port of Port Angeles LOCATION: 1501 Marine Drive REQUEST: Approval to place two 12' by 60' job trailers on a property in the Industrial, Heavy zone RECOMMENDATION: The Department recommends that the use be approved citing 5 conditions, 7 findings and 2 conclusions. PROPOSAL: The proposal is to allow two 12' x 60' job trailers on an industrial property as a temporary use while a main office structure is under construction. The request is for a six to eight week time period beginning August 1, 2003. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND VICINITY: The site is located north of Marine Drive in the Industrial Heavy zone on a property that contains a shoreline area of the Port Angeles Harbor. The site is addressed as 1$"'01 Marine Drive and is accessed by land from Marine Drive and by water from the Port Angeles Harbor. The property is currently owned by the Port of Port Angeles and is being transferred to the Washington State Department of Transportation following a land division process to be developed as a graving dock site. Permanent office structures will be placed on an adjoining property owned by Daishowa America and are expected to be in place by September, 2003. Other uses in the area are industrial in zoning and use. \J1 C> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ (V t i Temporary Use Permit - TUP 03-02 General Construction August 5, 2003 Page 2 STAFF ANALYSIS The proposal will result in two (2) temporary 12' x 60' trailers being placed on an industrial site for use as temporary offices during the construction of a permanent office structure on the subject site. The site is approximately 20 acres in area with the temporary location being the most southeastern comer ofthe site abutting Marine Drive. The temporary area will be accessed from Marine Drive with parking for the office activities immediately off of Marine Drive on the Port's ( eventually State's) property. Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies ofthe City. Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies ofthe Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies the site as Low Density Residential. The Comprehensive Plan's policies have been reviewed with regard to the proposed application and the following policies appear to be the most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Land Use Map Goal. Policies. and Obiectives To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. Industrial Goals and Policies: Goal A. Policy 2. Goal G. Policy 2 Goal H. Policy 4 To create and maintain a healthy and diverse industrial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. Office and commercial uses may be allowed in specific designated industrial areas. To provide opportunities for industrial development in a manner which efficiently uses the community's various attributes and natural resources, has minimal impact on the environment, and contributes to the City's quality of life. Industrial activity should be located in two major areas: adjacent to the harbor and around the airport. Zoning Ordinance The Zoning Ordinance establishes what types of uses are permitted and where they may be located in the City. It also establishes definitions of uses, and minimum design standards for such uses. Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the regulations of the zone in which it is located. The Zoning Map identifies the subject property, as well as some of the Temporary Use Permit - TUP 03-02 General Constmetion August 5, 2003 Page 3 adjacent properties, as being Industrial Heavy (ill). The purpose and intent of this zone is as follows: "This is the least restrictive industrial zone intended to be the area in which heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uses. Significant adverse impacts can be expected from permitted industrial uses that involve hazardous materials, noise, air and water pollution, shift work around the clock, entertainment businesses with adult-only activities, and outside storage yards and manufacturing activities. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for heavy industrial uses with direct access to major transportation facilities, design standards for greater truck traffic, and buffers for nonindustrial uses unless deemed impractical. " Setbacks required for the subject property are 30' from rights-of-way with no side yard setbacks unless abutting commercial or residential zoned properties. Maximum height is 75'. P AMC l7.95.060 specifies that the Director may issue permits for the occupancy of temporary buildings for a period not to exceed one (1) year. Buildings intended for a longer period of use will be considered by the Planning Commission at a public hearing and may be granted for a period of one to five years. Parking Ordinance P AMC 14.40 does not specify a number of parking spaces required for construction sites. P AMC 14.40.070 indicates that the Director can determine the required number of parking spaces for unspecified uses, based on the requirement of the most similar parking need and land use characteristics. Office activities will occur on a daily basis which will require continual use of the trailers for those uses which are typically associated with a large construction project including interviews of potential employees, crew maintenance, and tool storage. The City's standard 1 :400 ratio for parking spaces per floor area square footage will require 4 off-street parking spaces for the temporary use. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Although the property contains a shoreline area, the proposed office site is well beyond the 200- foot shoreline jurisdiction and is therefore not subject to the requirements of the Shoreline Management Act, State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) review, or the City's critical areas review (Section 15.20 PAMC). A shoreline substantial development permit was approved earlier in 2003 for construction ofthe graving dock. The Determination of Non significance adopted for that application and use would cover the proposal. AGENCY COMMENTS: City Departments reviewed the proposal and had no comments. Temporary Use Permit - TUP 03-02 General Construction August 5, 2003 Page 4 DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATDN: The Department recommends that the use be approved with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The temporary use is hereby approved for use during construction of a permanent office structure at l501 Marine Drive for a period not to exceed eight weeks (October 1, 2003) or until the permanent office structure is occupied, whichever occurs first. 2. Placement of the temporary office trailers shall be in compliance with all pertinent local and state development regulations. Inspection and approval of the final placement and set up by the Fire Department and the Building Division is required prior to occupancy. 3. Address numbers shall be posted on the temporary trailer. The numbers shall be at least 6" in height and plainly visible. 4. The applicant shall meet the requirements ofthe Public Works and Utilities Department for the provision of water and electrical service. Portable sanitation facilities must be on the site during use ofthe temporary trailers prior to a sewer connection being made for the future permanent structure. 5. Four (4) on-site parking spaces must be designated in the area ofthe temporary office use. Findings: Based on the information provided by the applicant dated June 27,2003, the City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development hereby finds that: 1. A request to place and use two 12' x 60' temporary office trailers at 1301 Marine Drive for a period of 6 to 8 weeks during the construction of a permanent office structure was received on June 27, 2003, from General Construction Company. The property is owned by the Port of Port Angeles and is in the process of being transferred to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for a graving dock use. General Construction is under contract to WSDOT to provide the development service and will need on-site offices. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies the site as Low Density Residential. Comprehensive Plan goals and policies that appear to be the most relevant to the proposal include Land Use Element Land Use Map Goal, Policies, and Objectives Goal A, Policy 2, Industrial Goals and Policies Goal G, Policy 2, Goal H, and Policy 4. 3. The subject property is zoned Industrial Heavy (rn) and has been consistently used for heavy industrial uses over past years. Temporary Use Permit - TUP 03-02 General Construction August 5. 2003 Page 5 4. A valid building permit for the intended office construction must be issued in conjunction with the temporary use permit approval. A building permit application was submitted by General Construction on August 5, 2003. 5. Section 17.95.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code allows the Planning Director to issue permits for the occupancy of temporary buildings used in conjunction with construction projects for a period not to exceed one year. Such temporary buildings may be located in any zone provided that sufficient setbacks are maintained to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. 6. Accessory office uses are allowed in the Industrial Heavy zone in association with permitted activities. The need for a temporary use permit in this instance is due to the applicant's intent to only use the units during the construction of a permanent office use in the most elementary manner even excluding sanitary hookup and water service. 7. Placement of the temporary units must be inspected and approved by the City's Building Division and Fire Department prior to occupancy to ensure that all relevant local and state regulations are observed. The temporary use will remain in effect until October 1, 2003, or until completion of the permanent office unit, whichever occurs sooner. 8. The units will be served with power from the Public Works Utilities Division but will not contain sanitation facilities. Portable sanitary containers will be used during the interim period prior to occupancy ofthe permanent office structure. Potable water will not be supplied to the trailers. Conclusions: 1. As conditioned, the use complies with Section 17.95.060 (Temporary Buildings) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The use as proposed does not endanger the public health, safety, or welfare and is in the public interest. Attachments i GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 19472 POWDER HILL PLACE. POULSBO, WA 98370 (360) 779-3200 · FAX: (360) 779-3132 WWW.GENERALCONSTRUCTIDNCO.COM June 26, 2003 ~IH~lE~ ~ JUN 2 7 2003 City of Port Angeles Attn: Brad Collins Community Development Director P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept.of Community Development Dear Brad, General Construction Company has recently been awarded the WSDOT contract to construct the Graving Dock to be used to fabricate the pontoons for the Hood Canal Bridge retrofit and East Half Replacement. Our initial plans are to establish an office complex on or adjacent to the property where the graving dock is to be built. Once we have formalized our requirements and location, we will submit plans to your office and request the necessary permits for construction of the office complex. In order to establish the site and begin operations, we intend to locate two (2) temporary office trailers at the south east comer of the graving dock property. We anticipate a duration of six to eight weeks for these trailers to be in use while the main office complex in under construction. The temporary trailers will be approximately 12' x 60' in size; they will be blocked and tied down, however we do not intend to have them skirted due to the short duration of their use. We have discussed our electrical requirements with your electrical engineering group and will apply for the necessary permits. It is our intent to utilize portable sanitation facilities for the temporary offices, therefore we will not require connection to the city sanitation lines or potable water lines. We hope this meets with your approval. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at 360-265-7671. . -'\ -r;- ,\ -- Thank you for you attention in this matter. Sincerely, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY \ " ,"0' j /) '-r 17F.,pi " /' ()-' . I .,o /). . ,..;'; 1....1,1 f) _.--'" .>;~ . /r!f' ..AI ,. ('i' -/ /!..J/ - .'; -1'! -' '- , ~.., -' ,./' ~)l \ ~ ).}--~ .;' '..T ,-' /' f LT' (, ,-' )1 I ,-~ ..,---~..:'-..- ... ;'1 \-\ ~ 1 ,. _,:->:)_h - 1-/ <1'-" CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEP ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application description Subdivision Name Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 03-00000756 Date 9/05/03 1501 MARINE DR 06-30-00-1-9-0050-1000- CONSTRUCTION TRAILERS(2) IND ADDITION Owner Contractor . 4-----> rr 1"1 A lGD [e}t It3 JZL 1000 Structure Information TEMP CONST GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CO. P. O. BOX 1250 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 461-9109 TRAILERS PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 Permit BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 62.25 Plan Check Fee 40.46 Issue Date 8/06/03 Valuation 1000 Expiration Date 2/03/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 47.00 5.00 3.0500 HND BL-501-2K (3.05 PER C) 15.25 ~ C) "- Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 62.25 62.25 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 40.46 40.46 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 107.21 107.21 .00 .00 ~ ~ ). ;;: (\> ~ Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCA nON. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: t1J.'lck 4 te...dcu'-l;; 10-01 -0':3- j, J.., 1i f FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDA TION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN I PLUMBING - UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE 1011105 1/ L GAS LINE BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING I FRAMING ,4bA l<~b-\ P (;/<. JOISTS 1 GIRDERS SHEAR WALL lkt WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILING beck JDI'/D5 -JL( DRYWALL , T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILING I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CHIMNEY lIOOD 1 DUCTS PW UTILITIES 1 SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'5: WATERLINE I METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'5 SEPA: PARKING/LlGHTlNG ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W.I PWI CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 If) Ii / tY? ILL,.,- BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\II02.15 [4/2002] of "ORT """Q ~~~~<,. ar-Gii~ .... --- ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application description Subdivision Name Property Use Property zoning . . . Application valuation 04-00000793 Date .521436 1501 MARINE DR TEMP 06-30-00-1-9-0050-1000- ELECTRICAL ONLY 9/13/04 INDUSTRIAL HEAVY o Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY19 19472 POWDER HILL PLACE POULSBO WA 98370 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit Additional desc Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY SERVICE 200A + 2- 100 A FEEDERS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY19 108.10 Plan Check Fee 9/13/04 Valuation 3/13/05 .00 o ""- ~ ~" i\ ~ ~~ {~ . i\ Qty Unit Charge .00 48.1000 2.00 23.4000 1.00 61.3000 Per ECH EL-TEMP SRV - 0-100 SRV FDR ECH EL-TEMP SRV -0-100 ADD SRV FDR ECH EL-TEMP SRV - 101-200 SRV FDR Extension .00 46.80 61. 30 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 108.10 108.10 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 108.10 108.10 .00 .00 ~ , Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGEIDOWN SPOUTS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN I I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS 1 GIRDERS SHEAR W ALLlHOLD DOWNS WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONL Y) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILING I I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP GAS LINE WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CHIMNEY HOOD 1 DUCTS PW UTILITIES 1 SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE 1 METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKINGILIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W. 1 PW 1 CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\PLANNINGIFORMS\l102.15 [ll/I412oo3] , , , , , , , , , :~'-< , t:' , t:' , , , , , , , , , , , , , n o 2: 2: t<1 Z >-3 Ul '0>-3 to ::rroo: 03 H :oJ 'd t:' ro 0 tJ " H ",,"'Z " Q "'">< '" to f-'rtt:' '''0 ",,,,n I-' f-'- ~ Of-' "'~~ en tJ rt>-3 f-'. H ro t<1 p.tJ 00 >: :>: :oJ Z en Ul ~ tJ Z o >-3 t<1 Ul to t:' to >-3 >-3 'tl ~ ~ Ul H o >-3 o f-' f-" o "- o f-' "- o w to 'tl n",rl Ot<1 2:0 '00:0 t:'t<10 t<1Ul >-3 >-3 to tHiS e; H "' 21 t<1He;) UlZ o:Ul'tl ~~~ H >-l "'tJl t<1t<1 gj~8 ~;::I Ul'O "->-3 nHrl OOH ;p~ t<1 Z >-3 Ul f-'. :oJ >-3 'd H , " 2: ro t<1 'd .. "'f-' o ....J " .. o en 0 ;<;" f-'. " rt f-'. :oJ to ~~~8;;jE; 'O",zzztJ t:' [Hi ;J ~ [:; Zt:' :<>>-3Ul 0: n- Ul 2: . >-3 to oz tr:l. ::u b:l. "' "' oo'UG)()1-' wmOt:r:lOLn I I ~ Z Z 0 Qwr-3t1jU)1-' 00 ::01-3 o I o;t:t::u 3: 00 i"J:j L'C:)::O 00 n::u -..J I "d () 1-3 H Lnl-'OOHZ <J\ I ::0 Z 0 tI:I I..OI-3WZ H I 1-3 t:l 6g~~~::u lllQn:<> :<>Ot<1>-3H t:l I t"' H t"l tj......tr:lOtI:l HO(l)Z::U >-30 Ul HO n_ o I 0 tv Z n'O H", >-3t<1 ><:'0 :<> 0"' 'Ot<1 tJ '0 Of-' ",0 >-3"- ~~ Qo t<1W t:'- t<1 Ulf-' W "'" f-' f-' f-' '0'0 :r::r: 00 zz t<1t<1 , , , , , , , , , , , , I I Ul' 0:' to' tJ, < : L' .. I L' , H 't<1 ,"' 't:' ><: , , , , , , H HZ ZUl Ul'O 'Ot<1 t<1n n>-3 >-3H 00 "'Z '-<>-3 ~~ t<1~ Ult<1 >-3 W '" o "'" '" f-' , '" f-' o '" tJ'O :<>:<> >-3Q t<1t<1 f-' o "- o f-' "- o WN BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION FOR OFEClAL U~E ONLY: ~::::~':~~~1;~ Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call (360) 417-4815 Date Approved: Date Issued: Address: iC\.L.\.1~ ~OO/Z... nIL> \), t-.:lE. Architect/Engineer: N \ '" Contractor (lIE~1... u,,-,.,,~,,, Address: \q,-\!;).. ~~ tt\1..A- Pi.... 10E City: t=l:uc:,~D Phone: ( 3l.oo') -'-''1 - 3acx::> Phone:( "3{oO) 714. 3aco Zip: qS~lD Applicant or Agent: ~TE0C; 'F\'Stt~ Owner: KlEiN iT - G.e:NC--;ZA...... F\ < )O"S, C\::N \l-.1..\'Q2: Phone: State License #:t.t;~q~~O'l..Exp: City: t:tu.\...~\l::P "-I\p., Phone: ~o'1'l ~'2.00 Zip: 9.~l, L U ONING: A1 Z-- I. PROJECT ADDRESS: I 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT}C~ tfi 48 Block: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: Z;>~/J'C Subdivision: f) (,{)-N Credit Ca Holder Name: C (''is.(?A \ \VI e'::>-S \e.r Billing Address: " d\ ~ '8 il.A..l.-. P l\...Il..CE N v...) City: ~ \ \. \J&R..\~""l.-€ v-J !'\ Credit CardType VISA )( MC # ' TYPE OF WORK: SIZEN ALUATION: o Residential 0 New Constr. 0 Re-roof 0 Stove SF. @ $ /SF. = $ o Multi-family 0 Addition 0 Move 0 Garage SF. @ $ /SF. = $ o Commercial 0 Remodel 0 Demolition 0 Deck SF. @ $ /SF. =~ o Repair 0 Sign (~) 0 Other TOTAL VALUATION $ 0 .~ . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECt..~ ~p [)H='((:~.E 'T1'2J:\U..6tL"-, 'R.>tl... c.Dt0':.I)?,1C_-nCH"') - ~\CL -+o~ ~ hilI? c pR.::.:Z;;: 'T~1lkll.L/ --2. "/ M.flll/"TH ..DlJ.~rr~,J ~~ \\ ~ u.5,.(!.d ~(" ~~~ (')~l(; <::. COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: '1<(3%3 Exp. Date: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. & Proposed Sq. Ft. Existing lot coverage _ % & Proposed lot coverage _% = Total lot coverage ESAlWetland(s): 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes 0 No Other: APPROVALS: PLAN$. BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. V ALUA nON OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee sch Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: Ifno permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know tame to be t a~. rrect. J am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are require ,not the City' , and th I must obtain such permits prior to work. (, r' T:\FORMS\APPS\Buildingpermit.wpd Applicant: Date: '( 12 q \ 0--::' C~c.fHC. / Cfr ~ .......... ~ \$'I s:. <.... <S +> ~--.~ ~(J) .- U (l) C 6 (l) \$'1.- <....~~ C+> +>U.-l ~-~ -,0 ~O~ 4.~02S\-P(/) /""> !I <;.....1 (\) c.1 ---I ~I IJ 0\ ~: ! I d 7 o s.. VI ..,- ,0 !~ \ VI C o +> o -n C -:s o u.... -n~ CO) :c S2. -:s'" <;.....~ l:Jv (l) Sl ~ '5 0' U C- O lJ -' -;;;. o2S \$'I <.... o s:. U C 4. .......... I~ ~ U (l) P <S o o 7 (l) <S .- 4- 70 ~~ -N - - <::i'" ~ ~r - :\~\I' () -' ~ .~ ? <.... o <S o o ~ /"~ - 'J tV . \" "\.,. ~ ~ ~ & Q) b \.0- 0- E - ) C- -~ ~ 6 ~ ~ . Ii:: c;;'" toe c: -' c: 'o'(:;'i.r::'- l5 J! Q) == :.g ~ :Q a.. ~ 0 .S ~ ~ . 19ti~~i: Q) D C c: .S!! 1GG)oJ=~:5 c~-f;c:6~O oc:-;::o - () 8. f"5 .lS r:: ~ >- I ~ 5.~.:3~ ~ ~CD fI) ~ _ Co,) -- .~ -=: ~ ~gg~:s~1S~ w_=....oo 00 C) Os ~ 0.0"C bQ"'g Z & ~ '2 ~ .~ ~ 0 ct '" ~ ':; :: JS ~ ~ I-:C"'=' gc: t/)~::) a:::Q)-~a8' 2 :~~.g~~* Co) (Q '0 Q) (::) S ~ ~-ge~~o"" ~ a:sCl')otlC~ ~ >" .!!! c: cIS' .: .g ~ > t: ",.S! E r:: ::g ~ u ~ u .:"5~-a~~~ ~ ) (/0 C VI lfl OJ U U <I: .:::L U :'5 ~ f- L III E l5 ... ~ d L I- " )( .!l ~ 8 ... o >. L -% ~ i 1/1 ~ 9 -+' -% ~ 6 "'- ~.s:: 01 .& > d a.. III .g' L.J +c III ~ +c o U U ~ U ..... . ~ :~, ~, .:) .0 " .~ 0..' ",' .~. Ill, ~ L ~ III , 0' L III Q. .9- o III. .. o '0, '\:1 :) m'l- ' Ob d ~III a~ ~a 5:tl ",-d u 'tS~ o,g Od >"'- 01' o ...I' 'tS' is III .& ...J >. ... L III 8- L a.. III ... 0.. ~. .~~. .:tl'~. . 1/1 Q. i<~ .wu III' '01 101 01 ,~ ,~ .0:. '01' s ct. " ~ 0.. 'tS 't III-+' , d ~. EIII ~.Q,I~" . s..V ,o.{.;cu, 0 ~ ,>'111.1;11 "'-. ~.>'O.l .0 . upa.. + . ~~. . 0 d u..J' c :J >. ... L III Q. o a.. .....-i o c:5 (X) .....-i ...... ~ ~ "\, ~ () III l III d u III >- L III .s :n t d . o ~ 1. 1/1 1/1 III U .If ~ u r I- ~.. :illl U ~t j!;i ,~~ -r""~"tpl)l'l.Allt 1),"1/:;6 1'~u.4' Jl S df VORT ~ l~~~ na "--~ ~ ""'c~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application description Subdivision Name Property Use Property zoning . . . Application valuation 04-00000443 Date 10/05/04 .750962 1501 MARINE DR 06-30-00-1-9-0050-1000- LARSON ANTHROPOLOGICAL COMM NEW CONST INDUSTRIAL HEAVY o Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 13 50 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 OWNER Structure Information Construction Type Occupancy Type Other struct info TEMP. CONST JOB TRAILER TYPE V NON-RATED GARAGES, CARPORTS, SHEDS TOTAL % LOT COVERAGE CONSTRUCTION TYPE HARD SURFACE AREA NUMBER OF STORIES EXISTING LOT COVERAGE LOT SIZE PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE TOTAL LOT COVERAGE NUMBER OF UNITS 1. 00 V-N 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 - - Ul o Permit Additional desc Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date BL MANUFACTURED HOME TEMP CONST TRAILER 230.00 Plan Check Fee 6/14/04 Valuation 12/11/04 .00 o ~:> .:t ~ ~ ~ r .., 5 ~ BASE FEE Extension 230.00 Qty Unit Charge Per Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.5.0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 230.00 230.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 234.50 234.50 .00 .00 t1 .., Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. f /o-S-t::J4- Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date '} ~'.. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDA TION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS 1 GIRDERS SHEAR W ALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILING DR YW ALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILING I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP GAS LINE WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CHIMNEY HOOD 1 DUCTS PW UTILITIES 1 SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE 1 METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/uSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W. 1 PWI CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. , BUILDING 417-4815 d1 BUILDING ,U'/h I _II '1l.c. T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] , OJ >-3 '" i:;;;;~8;;jE1 n'" , I:" >< ~ H" , '" '" ","ZZZt:J >-3 OJ , '" "- I:"bJr:J;;J~~ ><'" , Ul H :t> , a 0 >-l ZI:" :t>>-3Ul 0" , H ~. n- Ul "'OJ , >-3 t:J , tll OJ OZ '" , n"~ OJ. " OJ . OH " " "0 , OOJ >-3"- , 3:0 N , ",C::o 00'" I:"H ~~ , I:" OJ 0 "''''0 :t>Ul , OJUl , , " "0 Qa , >-3>-3tll ow >-3 UlH OJ'" , OJOJt< 00 0 1:"- , t:Jt:J a , 0 ZSS OJ , ~Hi 00'" UlH , a a ~~ N ':;c ... , '" "'HO >-3Z Ul , I:" w , " :I: OJ '" , I:" ~~; "'>-3 " , n' 0t:J N , 1:"'" ~~~ "'" Ul >-3 0 3:UlQ I:" , ~ aOJ 0 , Z , I:" Q , OJHOJ H >-3 OJ "t:JiIi ::<;aUl n ro c:: OJOJO a '" 3 H ~~~ no I:" '01:" 0 . t:J 1:"" Z H >-3H Ul <"'Z Ul'" >-3 n " Q "->-3 0 '" nH H 3: 1-'. '" 00 HZ 3: f-"H 3:Z ZUl OJ ro Z 3: Ul'" Z " :t> OJ "'OJ >-3 I:" Z OJn Ul '" >-3 n>-3 0 Ul >-3H ~ " 00 >-3 "Z t:J :t>H ::J 3: "<>-3 Z <"'OJ ~;:; 0 ::J" .. "'''' Ul >-3 " :I::I: @ OJ?': OJ o H 00 Ult>1 Ul '0-.) ZZ t:J >-3 o .. OJ OJ ~ I:" f-" a , 00 .. I:" to H 1-'. , OJ Ul , " <"' , I:" , >< , , , , , , , , , , , , t:J'" :t>:t> >-3Q , OJ OJ , , H a "- N N "- a ..."" BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Date Rec.7' -ZCi -0 'I Pe11l1it #04 - I/'I?> Date Approved: Date Issued: Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 Applicant or Agent: DenniS E. Lel,</orch ownecLar$~ j:,l~~'CaL&~1 Addres;e.;;'~~~ ~:;~~ Wato' City: ~ ~ WA S~/~e /~I / Architect/Engineer: Oav~d A L)QAnlBl? Phone: 1lli-9/f,-564-602B H..fIffr1IS~~ H: Contractor Gc ~J''1''Q/ H~~e License #:74/7~ Exp:1jrftJ5 Address: 19~32. Ea~U;/7~ City: ~ .WA 01 ' PROJECT ADDRESS: 1.~/"1arlne DriVe. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: Block: Phone: e 50 - ees -/355 Phone: c5.3 - 858-/41 J Zip: 98335 -1/ b4 Phone25.3 -395 4DJ Zip: 9Cb32. ZONING: Subdivision: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: City: Exp. Date: Me # ORe-roof o Move o Demolition o Stove o Garage SIZEN ALUATION: SF.@$ SF. @ $ /SF. = $ /SF. = $ 6rl No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Total lot coverage = TOTAL Sq. Ft. % APPRO~~S; ". PLAN:~~~ BLDG: . I DPWU: FIRE: OTHER: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with infonnation on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other pemnt fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no pemnt is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the tinle for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. Appli,"" ~.",.t Dateo -<p,n/ C!J i3004 T:\FORMS\APPS\B uildingpermit. wpd APR 23.2004 12:58 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.01 Our Business Is Helping Yours- with . . . Great Trailers, Great Service, 'Great Rates. . Largest selection offloorplatU in your area ., On..ite deliveIY in 24 hours If needed .:.. . . Rent, 1~a.se or buy - new or USed - flexible plans . Clean, wellmaintalncd units . Steps. furniture 8c secwity screens available . New, customer-friendly billing & return policy . Local offices nationwide ready to senre )'0\1 . GE Capital Modular Space ... centered on quality DATE: 1,tOwa/w'~~f:I MotiMlarQ,,4' !r 19432 East Valley Highway Kent, Washington 98032 253..395-0301 800-523-7918 http://www.modspacacom 'I-a. ~ -0 '-j . ~-et;""W- - FAX NUMB~ ~ "t~ 0 '-IE>=f -;;? S"'~ 7f- FAX To: FROM: ~ 253-395-0301 263-395'()235 PHONE: FAX: NLMElRa: PACE3INCUJDlNG CcMRSHEEr. / () . M~GE fuduPJ cJ ra u-J( Y"iCj S . ALE CITY OF PORT ANGELES - ContrtructIon Plans The Issuance of tills permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shan not prevent tile building official from thereafter requiring the correction of 81'101'S In said plans, specifications and other data, Dr from preventing bUilding operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. (SECTION 303fc) . Uniform Building CodeJ ,J J\pproval Date' s-- 2-~ -oLJ.. By R V APR 23'2004 12:59 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.02 - 10 WIDE, 70 MPH. Esp U{;" WIND ALT. 90 MPH Exp "B" WIND I)ACIFIC CONSULTING ENGINE.ER.S 2150 BELL AVE., #148 SACRAMENTO CA. 88838 Ph.918-564-6028 FAX 818.584-8029 GE CAPIT AL MODUlAR SPACE 19432 BAST VALLEY HIGHWAY KENT, WA 98032 DATE: 5/23/01 SHEET No. Job No. 1 of 2 01- 706 VERTICAL DESIGN 10 X 2(ttv"ough SOl Commerci81 Coach Input Data: Roof Uve Load: Roof Ceed ~o.d: Floor Live LOlld Floor Dead L.oad Building Modular Width; Metal Pier load rating: Soli Bearing Pressure: on CALCULATIONS: Vertical Loads" Support Spacing Load! at Outside Support: Max. Support Splicing: Voa(RI+Rd+F1+Fd)W/2) Spaclng:;PNo Max. pier spacing not to exceed 8' . 0" o,c. .: Rl = 25 psf' Rd · 8 ps' FI = 50 pst Fd :I 8 psf W ::: 10 ft. p == 4,000 Ibs S == 1,000 psf :: 465 plf . 8,60 ft. on o,e. APR 23' 2004 12:59 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE LATERAL DESIGN TIE DOWNS GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE 19432 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY KENT. W A 98032 Design WInd Preslure Seiamlc l.otId Flctor ~oof O.ed Load W.II O.ed L.old Floor Deed LOlel: lUterlor W.II Hehgth ~oof HerQl~: Building WIdth; Tie Oown Working Load: ( 70 mph exp. ZONE Wlad Lo.d: S.1Jmlc Load: TIe doWI"I Clpecity: Seismic ID Longltudenal Dlredlolll No, of TI. Oowns ~equired; Sel,mlc: lu Traaa"er'le DlNcrlob: No, of Ti. Oowns Required; 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.03 SHEET No. 2 OF 2 JOB No. 01-706 10 x 24.lhrough 50 Commercial Coach Input Dati: C ) l or 90 mph exp B 4 17.4 pet 16,8 psf 0.188 10 1>>' 5 Plf 10 pst 8 ft. 1 ft. 10 ft. 3,160 Ib', p. SI- Rei .. Wd- Fd = Ht- ~ht = w= tel - CALCULATIONS: Vw=P x (Rht + Ht) '" 15El.e plf Zone. VI.Slx(Rd+Fd+VV~ II ...,El5 Pit He-td x 1.33 x .707 · 2.962 Ib', l.engttl " L" 24 V lon9.- V.)( L. ::z 111.8 pIf Wind control. 32 V long. II V. x l. 1:1 1....8 pIf Wind control. 40 V IDtlg.- V, )( L. .. '88 plf lel.mle: ConU'ol. !SO V long.=- VI x l. . 232.5 plf lel.mlo Control. T long.1!( Vw x W)lHc = 1 Tie dowr. V tran,=-'\/s x W = 46.5 pit Wind Controls Length" L.u 24 Ttrln,g( Vw lC L)1Hc .. 2 Tie down. evenly lpaced 32 T tran,=( Vw Ie l.)/Ho = 2 Tie clowna evenly spiced 40 T trln &( Vw Ie l.)lHc .. 3 TIe downa evenly splIC8d eiO T tran.-( Vw Ie L)/Hc III 3 Tie down. evenly apaced APR 23'2004 12:59 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.04 50'.0'1 MAX. IIIl I ip .. - TYP. VERTICAL SUPPORTS @ 8'-0" a.c. MAX. E~Y SPACED 2'.0" MAX. "..0" MAX..:.J YERTICAL SUPPORT SYSTEM PLAN . . floor tHE WOOD PADS FO~ vanCAL SUPPOR.T ARE SHOWN Foa PLACEMENT ON E.U.TH WIIll A MOO:MUM BEAlUNG VALUE OF 1000 PSF. IF nus TJN11' IS PIACED ON CONCUTE, ASPHALT OR. EAIlnl WI1H A BEAlUNG V ALOE OF 2000 PSF OJ. GP.EAT'Ell, USE 1- 2" X 12" X 24" P.T. WOOD PAD tJNDEll EACH METAL PIAa. ...._. .n ~-.._ --.. ---.. Qu." . Ipp..... ... .... ..... 1.1"l12"11.a" P.T, Croll P.d .2"1l12'IJt 24" P. t, B..o Pa 1YP. CHASSIS SUPPO~T DATE: 5/23/0.1 DESIGN LQADS scALE: ';i7: 5. JOB No: 01.706:. ROOF LOAD: 15 P,S,F. FLOOR LOAD: 50 P.S.F. WlND LOAD: 17.4 P,S.F, 70 MPH Ellp C or 90 MPfI ~llP B SEISMIC ZONE: 4 nPlCAL VERTICAL suPPORT SYSTEM FOR 10 WWE COMMERCIAL COACHES 10f3 APR 23' 2004 13:00 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.05 .' 31'-0.' MAX, ~ ~ o - T\'P .. I II TIE DOWN SEr. DETAIL A ON IHT.J 7' . CHASSIS =+f Tn .. 2 .. TIE DOWN SKI DETAIL B ON SaT,:J l. I TYP. TIE DOWN LOC, EVENLY SPACED 4'-0" 4'-0" TIE DOWN PLAN =J DATE: 5/23/01 SCALE: . JOB No: 01-706 ~ GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE 19431 EAST VALLEY HIGU\VAY KENT, WA 98032 . 'PACIFIC aNSULTING ENGUiEERS. .2110 .., Av.n.....,..' Ph: .1NM-I02I '.cnrMntO CA. TYPICAL VERTICAL SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR 10 WIDE COMMERCIAL COACHES ROOF LOAD: zs P.S.F. FLOOR LOAD: 50 P .S.F. WIND LOAD: 17.4 P.S.F. 7~ MPH E~p C or 90 MPH E.l.p B SEISMIC ZONE: 4 20f3 , APR 23' 2004 13:00 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.06 ~ 51 ~ e &ip ~ - DATE: 5/23/01 SCALE: ' lOB No: 01-706 " 50'..0" MAX. I. 4'-0" TYP. TIE DOWN LOC. EVENLY SPACED TVP .. I .. TIE DOWN SEE DETAIL It. ON IHT.3 g =+. TVP .. Z .. TIE DOWN SEE D&TA.JL BON SHY. 3 I' 4'-6" ~ . .; ~. J.. ' ~M8: ;/\7/~ - DESIGN LOADS ROOF LOAD: 25 P,S.F. FLOOR LOAD: 50 P.S.F. WIND LOAD: 17.4 P.~.F. ~o MPH Esp C or '0 MPH .EllP B SEISMIC ZONE: 4 GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE 19432 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY KENT, W A 98032 ~CIFIC ONIULTING ENGINEERS. , 2110 "II Avenue 114. . Ph: 11........2. saenmentO CAe ..131 FIX: 11 Q TYPICAL TIE DOWNS FOR 10 WIDE COMMERCIAL COACHES 2of3 ~ .. APR 23 2004 13:00 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE " 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.07 .n erosl Member. FroatorRear C ..all' I ,,-.. loll 'f.1 OOwtf s,.....~ In NOTe .. TT~I -." TII DOWN Q!TAIL A '" T. S. ...--- $IOP S..elll. ,....C TII 00...l1li ITU~ 11 11'01'1.' Type "I" TIC DOWIiiI DETAIL B ' Ill. t I. _ 'flAME. TIC INSTALI.ATION INSTRUCTIONS- ABESCO ANCHOR OR EQ, .. ~ ~, NOTE I. THREAD 7' LENGTH OF FlUME TIE STRAP THAOJOH SUCKLE AS SHOWN.' 2. N!XT. THREAO LONG ENO C, STRAP BETWEEN 'IWr4E ANO 'l..OOR 0' eUI\"OING. IRING STAA' TMFtOUCiH IUCI<LE AS SHOWN IN OIAGIltAM AND FASTEN TO ANCHOR HI AD. 3, OIAG"'AM SHOWING STRAP IN FQ'ITION AROUND FRAM! AND THROUGH 8UCJl(L.t. .T IS IMPORTANT TO REMOvE AL.L SLACK FROM SYSTEM, -b'\.~~~O PNOp~ ~~\NE[; ~ ' 6Z THE TIE DOWN STRAPS MUST MEET ASTM NtiS AND BI AT LEAST 1%" 1.035" B~ DR CALV.I11:IL. GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE 19432 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY KENT, WA 98032 .. ' ICIFIC OISULTINS ENSINEERS I . 211O..IIAvenuel141' Ph: 111-114-1021-1 S.cramento C " DA IE: 5/23/01 SCALE:' "; lOB No: 01-706 " TYPICAL TIE'DOWNS FOR 8,10, & 12 WIDE COMMERCIAL "COACHS 3of3 APR 23 2121,1214 13: 1211 FR GE CAP I TAL SPACE 253 395 121235 TO 1361214572527 .' ,. P.I2IB ICSCO HO. 60~ OS! DAIVE ANCHOR 1 Goa -~ " 51 ABn.lZER. PLA TB . USE STABILIZER PLATE WHEN EARTH SURFACE IS NOT CEMENTED EARTH OR ASPHALT ~ . INSTALL CROSS DRIVES WHEN SOIL IS ROCKY OR CONDITIONS PRECLUDE THE INSTALLATION OF EARTH AUGE " DATE: 5/23/01 SCALE:' '; JOB No: 01-706 GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE 19432 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY KENT, WA 98032 3i.. )f 3 APR 2J 2004 13:01 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.09 -.. 1 tiO~ .,~~-- -;1-.,-- ------ --- '. IEseo No. 603 OSS OAIVE ANCHOR .~ =t. STABU"IZER PLATE . . SlOE VIEw USE STABILIZER PLATE WHEN EARTH SURFACE IS Nor CEMENTED EARTH OR ASPHALT INSTALL CROSS DRIVES WHEN SOIL IS ROCKY OR CONDITIONS PRECLUDE THE INSTALLATION OF EARTH AUGER, ,. DA. TE: 5/23/0 I SC.u.E:' -; lOB No: 01-706 GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE 19432 EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY KENT, WA 98031 " - ICIFIC a.SULTINS N81NEERS i , 2110.11 AVlnul 11..' Ph: 111-11<<-.1028- : SacnmentO CAe .5131 'ax: ; TYPICAL TIE"DOWNS FOR 8,10, & 12 WIDE COMMERCIAL'COACHS .J 3.tof3 I RPR 2S 2004 13:01 FR GE CAPITAL SPACE 253 395 0235 TO 13604572527 P.10 'I,,, ._ - "..' M".,lel '1.., "01., 'Ioor Mal.rlll '10" .101., I 'tV. ~W.4", ,., 1.1't'lIftf DOUBLl! STACI( ,11.'"xi'" HCB r WoocI ~W.4... for I..VI"", IINGLIITACK '111'"11'" HeB 10" MAX HI!IQHT ,. 40" MAX HIIQHT '1:,1".1.1'_141. .1. em, ,H ,..t")( '1".1.11 liT. Cr...,.1f . '...1'1)( 1......'1 11. ,.d. ".8"X I,"xa." "T. ,..4. ALTERNATE COMMERCIAL COACH CHASSIS BEAM SUPPORTS DATE: 5/23/01 , ., sC :. I .TOB No: 01.706 , J 343 of 3 8, 10, & '12 \VIDE COMMERCIAL 'COACHS ** TOTAL PAGE.10 **