May 15, 2019, 2:30pm
Vern Burton Meeting Room/Port Angeles, Washington
Committee Chair Bruch called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Voting Members Present: Chair Sissi Bruch, Donya Alward, Kim Reynolds, and Christine Loewe.
Non-voting Members Present: David Mattern
Members Absent: Cody Coughenour
Staff Present: Nathan West, Ben Braudrick, and Sherry Curran.
Public: Jeri Weinold, Peter Stolinsky, Jane Vanderhoof
It was moved by Loewe and seconded by Reynolds to:
Approve the minutes from the April 24, 2019 meeting.
Motion Carried 4-0. All in favor. Motion passed.
Chair Bruch opened the public comment period. No public comment was given.
a) Interim Scoring Criteria
Handouts were distributed and discussion of scoring criteria commenced. Mayor Bruch suggested a
revision to the criteria forms, including the addition of columns with quantitative data provided in
applications, for both Funds and Events. Planner Braudrick provided the final scoring sheet. Suggestions
included: New(1-3 yrs.)vs Old(3+yrs.) events, include a Profit and Loss statement after event
(threshold of$5,000.00), provide exact numbers of participants, and feedback on how Lodging Tax
Committee could help.
Add columns to report:
• status
• dollar amount of request
• numbers
time of year
• age of event
age of organization
• category
• past requested/past invoiced
• does the event fit the Master Plan?
Planner Braudrick noted that staff provides numerous email reminders to organizations to submit
information on time. Chair Bruch added that administrative information could be provided to the
Committee: amount of money actually used at the event, did the organization meet the deadline(60 days
to submit invoices), was the past-event grant report completed and turned in. The decision-making
timeline for the Committee may be shortened.
Budget Percentages: City has not received funding numbers from Finance Dept. It was suggested to
communicate to the public that Lodging Tax Funds are used to promote Port Angeles, example: $30,000
of Lodging Tax funds seeded the Winter Ice Rink.
100%Funds presented by Mayor Bruch for 2020. Committee will take this recommendation to Council.
LTAC Minutes
April 24,2019
Page 2
30%Capital (City Council recommends)
5% Master Plan priorities
35% Operations
10%Events-weighted factor for new and no peak events.
Nathan brought forth questions regarding priorities: Do we deviate from the Criteria scoring sheet? How
do we build in the weighted factor for new and no peak events? Add 5 points for new event, add 5 points
for no peak event.
Within Events (10%):
0-5 Year events get 10%
6+ Events get 90%
The next County Lodging'Fax meeting is June 15.
b) Master Plan Update and Priorities
1. Visitor Bureau
2. Infrastructure: bathrooms, sidewalks, clean up area, signage, tables& chairs, clean paint, safety,
beautification, pride of,'ownership, outdoor activities
3. Better coordination between City, County, and Downtown Association
4. Transportation: City/County issue
5. One digital presence
6. Experiences can be authentic and personalized. Eg. paddling, biking, cultural, historic
Committee then ranked the Priorities: Janet,Jeri and Peter participated in the Master Plan Survey:
1. Infrastructure
2. Transportation
3. Digital Presence
4. Experience
Motion: It was moved by Reynolds and seconded by Alward to:
Recommend to City Council to modify the August 21, 2018 Resolution I I-18 regarding the peak and non-peak
dates of mid-October to mid-May criteria for scoring events offered by Lodging Tax Committee.
Motion Carried 3-0. All in favor.Motion passed.
None. Manager West noted if there is ever a question of conflict of interest, contact city attorneys for clarification.
Chair Bruch adjourned the meeting at 4:37 p.m.
Sissi Bruch, Chair Sherry CurraUDeputy Clerk