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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending sections
of Chapter 17.94 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to zoning.
Section 1. Ordinance 1709 as amended, and Chapter 1.7.94 of the Port Angeles Municipal
P g P
Code are hereby amended by amending sections of Chapter 17.94 as follows:
17.94.020 - Lot area not to be reduced, exceptions.
width,I!A. No lot area shall be so fedueed or- diminished that the lot area, lot
yards or oth
unobstr-ueted spaees shall be less than pr-eser-ibed by these regulations for-the zone in which it
is loeated, nof shall the residential density be iner-eased in an), manner- exeept in eonfoffflity
with the regulations.
however,B. For-the pur-pose of the eonstizuetion of off sty-eet par-king spaee under- of A,ithi
buildings fathef than in fear-, side of ffont yards, the following exeeptions to minimum lo
areas shall be pefmitted:
For-each ten foot by 20 foot area to be permanently r-esefved and used for-a par-king sp
under or-within a building, a lot area credit of 300 square f�et shall be pefMitted. Sai
area eredit ean be deducted from the required minimum lot area, or-can be used to inefease a
pfoportional numbef of permitted dwelling units in motels and multi family stfuetwes. Said
lot area or-edit,
shall not apply to the reduetion of any building line sethaeks.
A. De minimis variance: Adjustment to the lot area of no more than 5% of the minimum lot
size established by the underlying zone.
17.94.065 - .Development standards for conditional uses in residential zoning.g
Yard Requirements
Uses Lot Area Lot - - Lot Signs Per
Width Front Interior Corner Rear Coverage Site
Side Side
Art Galleries and * 10 r
* * * * * * unlit rt or
museums indirectly lit
Bed and breakfasts PAMC Two 5 sq.
in R7, R9, and RI 1 Chapter * * * * * ft. si ns
indirectly lit
daycare Child da
_r 7,000 sq. 0 _5 sq, ft.
y ft. unlit
24 sq. ft. of
Churches or other 25,000 sq, 100 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 0 reader board
places of worship ft. ft. signage
indirectly lit
transmission * * * * * * 10 sq. ft.
structures, radio/TV unlit
stations and towers
RS 7�G I8 L7ft.
35 _ 10 s ft.
Libraries 'h acre 100 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. * q'
ft. unlit
convalescent homes, 40 * 10 sq, ft.
assisted living 1 acre 200 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. ft. unlit
Public parks and 20 sq. ft.
recreation facilities unlit
Public utility 9,000 sq. _- 10 * 20 sq. ft.
structures ft. 75 ft. 25 ft. 8 ft. 25 ft, ft. unlit
Public and private schools:
5 acres
Elementary schools I ear100 r 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. ft 25% 100 sq. ft.
10 acres + f
Middle, Jr. and Sr. 1 acre per 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 25% 100 sq. ft,
high schools ea. 100 ft.
20,088 24 sq. ft.
Priv i,.,
to efL #,.100 ft. 4 48-f-. 4� � 25-OAr-eader bo
indir-ectly 44
* See applicable zone for minimum standards
17.94.070 - Development standards for an accessory dwelling fesid�unit (ARUADU).
An ARLUADU, in any zone, shall comply with the following development standards:
A. Configuration. An ARUADU -may be located either within, attached to, or detached
from the primary structure housing the primary single-family residence.
B. Density. Only one ARUADU may be created in conjunction with each single-family
residence. The ARUADU must be located on the same zoning lot as the single-family
C. Minimum lot size. An ARUADU shall not be established on any parcel smaller than
5,000 square feet.
D. Maximum unit size. The gross floor area, calculated from finished wall to finished wall,
of an existing structure, an addition, or new detached structure, converted to, or
constructed for the purpose of creating an ARUADU shall not exceed 50 percent of the
gross floor area of the primary single-family residence, not including a detached garage
and/or a detached accessory building, or 600 square feet, whichever is greater. The unit
may not be more than one-bedroom.
E. Setbacks and
lot coverage. Additions to existing structures, or the construction of new
detached structures, associated with the establishment of an ARUADU shall not exceed
the allowable lot coverage or encroach into required setbacks as prescribed in the
underlying zone.
F. Scale and visual subordination. The ARUADU shall be visually subordinate to the
primary unit. If the ARUADU is located with an existing residence, there can only be one
main entrance located on the primary street-facing facade of the single-family residential
structure, unless the residence contained additional entrances before the ARUADU was
proposed. An exception to this regulation is an entrance that does not have access from
the ground, such as an entrance from a balcony or deck.Detached ARUADU's are exempt
from this standard.
1. Building height and footprint: If the ARUADU is detached from the primary single-
family residence, it must abide by the building height and footprint of the particular
zone where the ARLUADU is located.
G. Parking. One additional off street pafking sp �d for the The off-street
parking requirements set forth in Chapter 14.40 shall be provided or maintained for the
primary residence in addition to the ARU required par-king.
H. Construction standards. The design and construction of the ARUADU shall
conform to all applicable State and City standards in the building, plumbing, electrical,
mechanical, fire, health and any other applicable codes. The ARUADU shall be served
by water and electrical services that are separate from the primary residential services.
A separate address must be created for the ARUADU.
17.94.090 - Vision clearance.
-All comer and reverse comer lots shall maintain a triangular area within which no tree,
fence, shrub, wall or other physical obstruction shall be permitted higher than 30 inches
above the established grade for vision safety purposes. Said triangular area shall be
measured as follows:
A. Street intersections. At any intersection of two streets, curbs or sidewalks of way, two
sides of said triangular area shall extend 20 feet along both improvemgnts6ght-ef-wa3�
4nes, measured from their point of intersection.
B. Street and alley intersections. At any intersection of street and alley rights-of-way, two
sides of said triangular area shall extend ten feet along both rights-of-way,measured from
their point of intersection.
C. Street and driveway intersections. At any intersection of a street, curb or sidewalk-of-way
and a driveway, the sides of each required triangular area shall extend ten feet along the street
right-of-way line and 20 feet along the edge of the driveway, measured from the point of
intersection of each side of the driveway and the street right-of-way line.
17.94.120 - Permitted intrusions into required yards.
The following intrusions may project into any required yards:
A. A7- Fireplace structures not wider than eight feet measured in the general direction of
the wall of which it is a part.
A-.B. and exter-ior--Exterior residential elevators not greater than three feet in depth nor
wider than eight feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part.
43C.Unenclosed, uncovered or covered porches, terraces, or landings, when not extending
above the first floor of the building, may extend not more than six feet into the front yard
setback, eight feet into the rear yard setback and three feet into the side yard setback.
Open railing or grillwork in conformance with the International Building Code may be
constructed around any such porch, terrace or landing.
GD. Planting boxes or masonry planters not exceeding 30 inches in height may extend a
maximum of three feet into any required front yard.
DE. Porches, decks, platforms, walks, driveways, etc., not more than 30 inches above grade.
EF. Eaves with a maximum overhang of 30 inches.
FG. Detached accessory buildings within the rear one-third of a lot are permitted not closer
than three feet to side nor ten feet to rear property lines or alleys.
17.94.130 - Lot coverage exemptions.
The following shall be exempt from the maximum lot coverage requirements of any
A. Sidewalks, driveways, and uncovered off-street parking spaces.
B. The first 30 inches of eaves.
C. Uncovered swimming pools and hot tubs.
D. Uncovered, unenclosed decks and platforms not more than 30 inches above grade.
E. Systems that allow the infiltration of stormwater into the underlying soils, such as
permeable pavement and bioretention facilities, are not counted against lot coverage
F. A professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington is required to perform
infiltration assessment for sites which add 5,000 square feet or more of new or replaced
hard surface area.
All applieants seeking exemptions under-this seeti ed to pai4ieipate in a pfe
''applieation pfojeet feview fneeting with City staff...
17.94.135 — Stormwater Site coverage exemptions.
Systems that are not hard surfaces and allow the infiltration of stormwater into the underlying
soils, such as bioretention facilities, are exempt from the maximum site coverage requirements of
any zone.
All applicants seeking exemptions under this section are required to participate in a pre-
application review meeting with City staff A professional engineer licensed in the State of
Washington is required to perform infiltration assessment for sites which add 5,000 square feet
or more of new or replaced hard surface area. -Walls and fences.
In all residential zones a wall or fence shall be no taller than four feet within the front building
setback area,provided that a height of six feet is permitted within the front setback area if the top
two feet is constructed of material that is at least 50 percent open work. The fence height may be
a maximum six feet between the front setback line and mid--point of the lot. The fence height
may be a maximum of eight feet from the mid--point of a lot to the rear property line,provided
that the top two feet is constructed of a material that is at least 25 percent open(Note: lattice is
25 percent open). All vision clearance requirements per section 17.94.090 (driveways, street and
alley corners) shall be maintained. The finished side (side without the support) of a fence must
face the neighboring property or if on a corner lot must face the street if o ^ ^^rn^r'^*. Fence
post supports may contain a decorative cap that does not exceed six inches above the maximum
(fence height. Fences taller than six feet in height require a building permit.
Section 2. - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
f ,
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors,references to other local,state,or federal laws, codes,
rules or regulations,or ordinance numbering,section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
(Section 3. - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions of
the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4.-Effective Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
1 held on the day of a 2019.
Si,• III
ssi Bruch, y Mayor
F M:
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Kari Martinez-Bailey, •it'y Clerk