Port Angeles, Washington
November 19, 2015
Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chairperson Shargel, Commissioners Forrest, Peterson, Pittis, Stratton and Young.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Director Delikat and Secretary Boone.
It was moved by Peterson and seconded by Stratton to:
Approve the minutes of the October 15, 2015 regular meeting.
Motion carried 6 - 0.
1. The Commission used this time to conduct interviews with two Port Angeles High School students, Zachary Brandon and
Olga Palenga, for the two vacant Student Representative positions.
1. Director Delikat informed the Commission that the Parks & Recreation Department is right on target for its 2015 revenue
goals. He said many of the department's maintenance budgets are over, but they will be offset by other budgets. Delikat said
everything will be wrapped up by mid-December.
1. Student Representative Election
Commissioner Forrest moved to accept both candidates for the Student Representative positions. Commissioner Stratton
seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.
2. Information Only — Deputy Mayor Patrick Downie
Downie updated the Commission on the Gateway mural project. He said an artist named Toma Villa proposed a couple of
murals and is preparing sketches. The sketches will be presented to the Commission after they are received. Downie said that
long-term maintenance of the mural is being discussed with Clallam Transit to ensure it will be kept in good condition.
3. Information Only — Feiro Marine Life Center Executive Director Melissa Williams
Williams gave a presentation to the Commission about the future of the Marine Life Center. Williams shared the MLC's
plans to partner with the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary for the two organizations to join together in a new
building. She said the MLC is currently conducting multiple studies to determine if building a new facility on the City Pier is
feasible. She expects the MLC to hold a public input session in early 2016.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT (PowerPoint Presentation):
1. Vern Burton Memorial Wall
Director Delikat said the plaque is ordered and he will schedule the dedication ceremony after he talks with the family to see
what month works best for them.
2. Locomotive #4
Director Delikat said that the City is discussing with a company the possibility of receiving donated funds to refurbish the
3. Municipal Code Ch. 2.32
Director Delikat postponed the discussion of updating the chapter of the Municipal Code pertaining to the Commission until
the December meeting so the two absent Commissioners from October have a chance to review.
4. Shane Park Covered Picnic Shelter
Commissioner Young said a committee has been created to handle the Shane Park Picnic Shelter project and design.
5. Lodging Tax
Director Delikat informed the Commission that the Parks & Recreation Department submitted its Lodging Tax application
and it was approved by City Council during the November 17 Council meeting. Delikat said the Fine Art Center's application
was also approved.
Contracts & Agreements
Director Delikat said that multiple contracts and agreements are coming up:
a. Marine Life Center Contract
b. BMX Land Use Agreement
c. Banner Contract - due in March
d. Amendment to Co -Soccer with Peninsula College - in progress
e. Sara Tucker Campfire Clubhouse Use Agreement - recently completed
f. Rock Show Contract - in progress
g. PAFAC Agreement - in progress
7. Future Items
a. Director Delikat said he plans to have a draft Field Usage Policy for the December meeting
b. Senior Center Manager D Bellamente will present to the Commission plans for remodeling the Senior Center lounge
during the December meeting
c. Director Delikat will discuss CFPs for 2016
a. Commissioner Pittis asked for an update on the Skate Park and Dream Playground. Director Delikat informed the
Commission that there are still issues with misuse of the Skate Park and the condition of the Dream Playground is
quickly deteriorating
b. Commissioner Forrest informed the Commission of a "Port Angeles Waterfront Day" in April 2016 hosted by the
Port of Port Angeles, Platypus and other local companies at the new West End Park
c. Deputy Mayor Downie notified the Commission that an Eagle Scout work party is happening on November 21 to
repaint the viewing tower at the new West End Park
Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:36 p.m.
Next meeting is Thursday, December 17, 2015
Vern Burton Memorial Community Center meeting room # 3 at 6:00 p.m.
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David Shargel, ClAirpeison Emily Boone, karetary