HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.21.15 Agenda Thursday, May 21, 2015 Vern Burton Meeting Rooms 6:00 p.m. Meeting AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes- April 16, 2015 4. Public Comment A. Public Comment B. Ethic’s Training- Legal Department 5. Finance/Packet Items A. Budgeting for Priority Process B. Format for Revenue Information-Discussion 6. Legislation A. Port Angeles Fine Art Center- Historical Register (Phillis Olson). B. Softball Umpire Wage C. Regional American Legion Team- Civic Field Use D. Gateway Mural E. Boy Scout Project- Ocean View Cemetery 7. Late Items 8. Director’s Report-Information Only A. Tiny Olympic Library Project B. Skate Park Event C. Youth Athletic Facility Grant- Civic Field Lights D. Administrative Assistant Update E. Contracts/Agreements F. Future Items G. Questions/Comments 9. Adjournment Next Meeting September 18, 2015 Vern Burton Meeting Room #3 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 16, 2015 CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING: Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson Shargel, Vice Chairperson Stratton, Commissioners Murray, Forrest, Pittis, Peterson, and Young. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Director Delikat. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Forrest and seconded by Pittis to: Approve the minutes of the March 19, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried 7 - 0. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE: 1. Director Delikat used this portion of the meeting to discuss the Budgeting for Priorities Process and mentioned to the Commissioners that Senior Staff had a workshop with the Council on April 23, 2015 to discuss the priorities further. Commissioner Pittis requested a revenue update when Director Delikat had some time and he mentioned that he would email the Commission that information before the next meeting. LATE ITEMS: None. LEGISLATION: None. DIRECTOR’S REPORT- (PowerPoint Presentation): 1. Senior Center Update D Bellamente, Senior Center Manager gave a presentation to the Commission that discussed the 2015 Senior Center Board Goals which include topics as the Skating Rink, Web Page Update, Plans for the Senior Center Lounge, and their new brochures. 2. Duncan McKiernan Donation Director Delikat discussed the exciting opportunity the City has by accepting a donation given by local artist Duncan McKiernan. The bronze piece is called the Northwest Cougar and will be placed in the atrium between City Hall and the Vern Burton Community Center. Delikat mentioned to the Commission that there will be a ceremony to present a proclamation to McKiernan at 5:00 p.m. before the May 5, 2015 City Council meeting. Delikat encouraged the Commission to attend. 3. Memorial Wall Update Director Delikat mentioned to the Commission that he has not gotten any further on taking the recommendation to City Council to place Vern Burton on the Community Wall, but did mention that he found a company that can make and match the existing plaques on the wall. Delikat hopes to take this to the City Council in the next month or two. 4. Contracts & Agreements Delikat mentioned that the last contract he needs to complete is the renewal of the Marine Life Center contract but was waiting until the Budgeting for Priorities process since this particular contract is on the list. He mentioned that he was going to discuss this with City Manager McKeen and update the Commission at the next meeting 5. Future Items Director Delikat commented that he would be discussing future topics, such as a Parks & Recreation maintenance update and he reminded the Commission that next month’s meeting would be the last meeting before the summer hiatus. 6. Questions/Comments None. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. Next meeting May 21, 2015 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center meeting room # 3 at 6:00 p.m. ____________________________ ___________________________________ David Shargel, Chairperson Corey Delikat, Director Page 2 of 2