HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.18.16 AgendaPhone: 360‐417‐4550 | Fax: 360‐417‐4559  Website: www.cityofpa.us | Email: eboone@cityofpa.us   308 East Fourth Street ‐ PO Box 1150 | Port Angeles, WA 98362‐0217  February 18, 2016 Vern Burton Meeting Rooms 5:00 p.m. Meeting AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes – January 21 & February 11, 2016 4. Public Comment 5. Finance/Packet Items a. Revenue & Expenditure Report b. PAFAC Amendment & Memo 6. Late Items 7. Legislation a. 2016 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) Priority Ranking b. Vote to Backfill Commission Vacancies 8. Director’s Report – Information Only 9. Adjournment Next Meeting: March 17, 2016 Vern Burton Meeting Room #3 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission  WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 11, 2016 CALL TO ORDER – SPECIAL MEETING: Chairperson Shargel called the special meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson Shargel; Commissioners Forrest, Pittis, & Young; Student Representatives Brandon & Palenga. Members Absent: Vice Chairperson Stratton; Commissioner Peterson. Staff Present: Director Delikat and Secretary Boone. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. FINANCE: None. LATE ITEMS: The Commission used this meeting to conduct an interview with a Commission applicant, Port Angeles resident Hildegard Martin. LEGISLATION: None. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (PowerPoint Presentation): None. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m. Next meeting is Thursday, February 18, 2016, in the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Meeting Room #3 at 5:00 p.m. David Shargel, Chairperson Emily Boone, Secretary DATE: February 18, 2016 TO: PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION FROM: COREY DELIKAT, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 2016-2022 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT LISTING Summary: The Parks & Recreation Director prioritized the 2016-2022 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) to review with the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission during the February 18, 2016 Parks Commission meeting. Recommendation: 1) Approve the order of the listed Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) items; and 2) allow the Parks & Recreation Director to make minor modifications to the Department’s portion of the CFP until the final Resolution is passed by City Council in May. Background/Analysis: The Capital Facilities Plan is needed to satisfy State requirements for managed growth. This course of action also helps secure grant & loan funding and is used by the Federal Government for evaluation of national programs and funding support. The CFP process starts by having City Staff put together a prioritized list together of Capital Projects that are more than $30,000. Once complete and prioritized (see attachment “A”), there is a Council Workshop, Public Hearings, and then a resolution is adopted by the City Council in May. The Project Selection Criteria for these projects is based on the following and was used by the Parks & Recreation Director when developing the Department’s priority list:  City Council Goals  Employment Impact  Infrastructure  Community Benefits  Safety  Grant/Loan Opportunities  Legal Mandates  Economic Development  Public Health & Safety  Public Need Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Memo SUBJECT: 2016-2022 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT LISTING ATTACHMENT “A”-PARKS & RECREATION CFP PRIORITY LISTING 2016 Capital Facility Plan    Ranking Project # Project  Year  1 PK0314 Civic Field Lighting Replacement 2016  2 PK0312 City Pier Float Replacement 2016  3 PK0116 Downtown Tree Pit and Sidewalk Replacement 2016  4 PK0214 Erickson Playfield Camera Upgrades 2016  5 GG1113 Proximity Control 2016‐2018  6 GG0116 AC for City Hall Training Room 2016  7 PK0205 Restroom Replacement  2017‐2019  8 PK0115 City Hall Camera Upgrades  2021  9 PK0216 Facility Improvement Revolving Fund 2017  PL Ranking  Parking Lot   1 PK0206 Fine Art Center Parking Entrance /  2 PK0110 Civic Field Upgrades /  3 PK0406 Shane & Elks Ball Field Lighting /  4 PK0307 Erickson Playfield Tennis Court Lighting /  5 PK0412 Lincoln Park Development 1A /  6 PK0414 Lincoln Park Development 1B /  7 PK0802 Neighborhood Park Renovations /  8 PK0316 Restoration of Locomotive #4 /  DATE: February 18, 2016 TO: PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION FROM: COREY DELIKAT, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR SUBJECT: INTERVIEWS FOR COMMISSION VACANCIES Summary: The Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission will interview four community members at the February 18, 2016 meeting. Applications were solicited and received, and applicants are scheduled to interview at the following times in the Vern Burton Meeting Room: Matthew Kirsch- Interviewed at the January 21 meeting due to scheduling conflict in February Hildegard Martin- Interviewed during special meeting on February 11 due to scheduling conflict on the February 18 regularly scheduled meeting. 1.) Iris Sutcliffe- 6:00 p.m. 2.) George Suhr- 6:15 p.m. 4.) Elwyn Gee- 6:30 p.m. 5.) Carol Sinton- 6:45p.m. Following the completion of all six interviews, the Commissioners will vote and select the next two Commissioners. Their recommendations will be taken to the March 1, 2016 City Council Meeting. Recommendation: 1) Interview six community members who applied for the two vacant Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission positions; and (2) Make a selection on two of the candidates that will represent the Commission for the next four years. Background/Analysis: The Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission will interview four community members at the February 18, 2016 meeting. Applications were solicited and received, and interviews were scheduled. Following the completion of all six interviews, the Commissioners will select the next two Commissioners who will serve for the next four years. The Commission’s recommendations will be taken to the March 1, 2016 City Council Meeting. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Memo