Port Angeles, Washington
April 20, 2017
Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:03 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Kirsch, Shargel, Sutcliffe, Wojnowski. Student Representative Palenga.
Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Peterson, Sinton. Student Representative Brandon.
Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Boone.
It was moved by Kirsch and seconded by Sutcliffe to approve the March 16 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
None. Mayor Patrick Downie used this time to thank the Commissioners for volunteering their time to serve on the Commission.
Mayor Downie presented each Commissioner with a City pin designated "Parks Commission."
Director Delikat reviewed the latest Parks & Recreation Department expense and revenue reports with the Commission. Delikat
also included the following memos to Council in the packet for Commissioners to review: Avigation Easement for Fairchild
Airport, City Pier Transient Moorage Float Replacement Project, and Race Street Crosswalk Improvement.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT (PowerPoint Presentation):
1. Civic Field Updates
a. Construction of the new roof is nearly complete
b. The third base dugout is currently being built by volunteers
c. The old batting cage and bullpen were removed and are being relocated. A new batting cage and net has been ordered
d. Bid requests for repainting the facility have gone out. Sticking with the colors in the City logo
e. Leftover funding from the lighting project will be used to install a new sound system in August
f The Lefties will begin construction this weekend on the retaining wall and fagade of the north entrance to the field
2. West Coast League Revenue Account
Director Delikat is working with Finance to look at creating a revenue account for all money received from the Lefties to be
used for future projects and reinvesting in Civic Field
3. Q1 & Q2 Major Projects
a. City Pier Floats — the project is on schedule and is under construction
b. Ediz Hook Floats — 1 float is built and 2 more need to be built
c. Georgiana Playground — has been delayed due to weather and other projects
4. Other Items
a. May 23 City Council Work Session: Advisory Boards, Committees & Commissions — Director Delikat and other City
staff members are working on a presentation for Council regarding ways to make all City boards, committees, and
commissions more consistent in regards to structure/format
b. Lincoln Park House — the vacant house at Lincoln Park is going to be a surplussed and demolished
c. Banner Replacements — all Parks & Recreation Department street banners have been professionally remade
d. Recreation Policies — all adult league policies have been reviewed, updated, and added to the policy manual
e. Vendor Policy — after receiving a number of inquiries regarding doing business on City parks properties, the
department is working on a policy and permit to allow select vendors, merchants, and service providers to do
business on City parks and facilities. The policy and permit will be brought before the Commission in May
f. Vacant Commission Position — Commissioner Scott Johns submitted his resignation via email on April 13. The
vacant position will be advertised for in the beginning of May
Future Items
a. Parks & Recreation Software Program
b. Memorial Program
c. City Security Improvements
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6. Questions
Commissioner Wojnowski asked Director Delikat if there was an opportunity for other user groups to use City facilities for
free, similar to the Athletic Field Use Policy. Delikat said there is, and he explained how the Parks & Recreation Department
has become more of a recreation facilitator for youth sports and activities since the programs were cut by Council during the
priority setting process in 2015.
Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:17p.m.
Next meeting is ay 1 _017, in the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center meeting room #3 at 6:00 p.m.
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