HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Minutes 11/16/2017L - 101/02/2017 City of Port Angeles Committee Assignment Descriptions City Wellness Committee 1 Councilmember Assigned City of Port Angeles Committee Meets as needed, usually during the hours of 9am to 5pm / City Hall An employee wellness committee can serve many helpful functions with regard to the successful development and promotion of a wellness program. The committee consists of approximately 2-12 members, representing a variety of departments, work areas and specialties. Clallam County Board of Health Sequim Councilmember Assigned Clallam County Committee Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month / 1:30 pm / Commissioner’s Board Room In 2004 the Board of Health (BOH) adopted an ordinance creating an expanded Clallam County Board of Health. The Board consists of the Clallam County Board of Commissioners (3), a representative of the incorporated cities (1), a representative of a hospital district (1), and 2 at-large positions (2) for a total of 7 members. The incorporated cities of Clallam County are asked to reach consensus on a recommendation for appointment. Port Angeles, Forks and Sequim alternate appointing a representative to the BOH every three years. Sequim Councilmember Pam Leonard-Ray has agreed to serve in this capacity until 2019. Clallam Transit System Board 2 Councilmembers Assigned Meets 3rd Monday of each month / 1pm / Rotating locations Clallam Transit System (CTS) is organized into three departmental areas: operations, maintenance, and administration. Oversight of all agency operations is the responsibility of the General Manager. Legal counsel is at the disposal of the General Manager as needed. Agency policy oversight is the responsibility of an appointed panel of elected officials. The three municipalities within the service area (Forks, Port Angeles, and Sequim) and Clallam County each appoint two elected representatives to the CTS Board. Disability Board Mayor Assigned Clallam County Committee 3rd Tues of month / 9am / Meetings set by the Clerk of the Disability Board The purpose of the Disability Board is to establish rules and procedures and administrative policies regarding the conduct of business of the Clallam County Disability Board (Disability Board) in order to ensure compliance with the provisions of RCW 41.26, the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System Act. L - 201/02/2017 City of Port Angeles Committee Assignment Descriptions Feiro Marine Life Center Board of Directors 1 Councilmember Assigned Meetings to be determined A Feiro Board member spends on average between 5-10 hours per month providing organizational guidance during monthly board and committee meetings, working with the executive director on special initiatives, and volunteering to carry out programs and projects. Fireman's Pension Board Mayor Assigned City of Port Angeles Committee Meets once a year at City Hall The Firemen’s Pension Board meets annually and consists of the Mayor, the City Clerk, two trustees, and the Chief Financial officer. The Board administers the Firemen’s Pension Plan (FPP), a closed, single-employer defined benefit pension plan established and amended in conformance with Chapter 41.185 RCW. The FPP provides retirement, disability, long-term care, and death benefits to fire fighters (hired prior to March 1, 1970) and their beneficiaries. As of October 15, 2017, four individuals and one spouse are covered by this system. Growth Management Steering Committee (GMSC) 1 Councilmember Assigned Clallam County Committee Meets as needed / Locations rotate The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) of 1990 requires that a county that plans under RCW 36.70A.040 shall adopt a countywide planning policy in cooperation with the cities located within the county. A Growth Management Steering Committee was appointed to review and draft the policies. At its February 21, 2017 meeting, Council passed Resolution 06-17, approving of a process and framework for updating the County-Wide Planning Policy under RCW 36.70.A.210. The resolution states that the county and each city shall appoint two representatives to serve on the GMSC. Each jurisdiction may also appoint alternates that can participate in a GMSC meeting in the absence of the regular appointee(s). The City of Port Angeles appoints one Councilmember and one staff member. Lauridsen Trust Mayor Assigned Charity Trust Board Meets 3rd Thurs of month / 11am / First United Methodist Church The G.M. Lauridsen Charity Trust Fund provides aid, in the form of grants, to deserving widows in Clallam County. Money can be used for many purposes including medical needs, rent and utility payments. L - 301/02/2017 City of Port Angeles Committee Assignment Descriptions Law and Justice Council 1 Councilmember Assigned Clallam County Committee Meets as needed / Clallam Commissioners Board Room The purpose of the Law and Justice Council is to provide a forum and structure to coordinate all civil and criminal justice agencies, programs and services in Clallam County. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 1 Councilmember Assigned Port Angeles City Council Advisory Committee Meets as needed / City Council Chambers The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee reviews, comments, and makes recommendations to the City Council on activities and/or facilities to be funded by lodging excise tax revenues. The Committee’s recommendations must be related to the statutory purposes of paying for the cost of tourism promotion and/or acquisition or operation of tourism-related facilities. The members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee are appointed to one-year terms, with possible reappointment for successive terms. Marine Resource Committee 1 Councilmember Assigned Clallam County Committee Meets 3rd Monday of the month / 5:30 pm / Meets at the Clallam County Courthouse The Clallam County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) was established by the Clallam County Commissioners in 1999 to protect and enhance the local marine environment and contribute to the protection of the marine environment of the Northwest Straits region. The Clallam MRC is one of seven MRCs established in the Northwest Straits region as part of the Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative. North Olympic Peninsula Resource Conservation & Development Council (NOP RC&D) 1 Councilmember Assigned Meets 4th Thursday of the month / Meets at the John Wayne Marina in Sequim The goals of the NOP RC&D are:  To develop, support and carry out regional plans for economic and community development;  To support the efforts of other organizations and agencies to enhance quality of life in the region;  To provide networking opportunities to collaborate on and advance regional projects;  To leverage the coordination and cooperation of members in projects which enhance the economy and environment of the North Olympic Peninsula. L - 401/02/2017 City of Port Angeles Committee Assignment Descriptions Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission 1 Councilmember Assigned 1st Thursday of the month / 11am to 1pm / Locations rotate Since January of 2015, the City of Port Angeles has contracted directly with the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission. The City joined eight other jurisdictions and/or entities in an inter-local operating agreement for the purpose of tourism promotion on the Olympic Peninsula. Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) 1 Councilmember Assigned 2nd Monday of the month / 6:15 pm / Port Angeles Downtown Association Office The mission of PADA is to develop and promote a healthy and prosperous downtown. Port Angeles Forward Committee 2 Councilmembers Assigned Port Angeles City Council Advisory Committee Meets quarterly / at 7:30 am / City Hall The Port Angeles Forward Committee is dedicated to creating a strong, economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of citizens through the following goals to:  Foster private sector investment in Port Angeles;  Facilitate input from stakeholders to create a consensus, strategy, and vision for development and implementation of a Port Angeles Forward Master Plan;  Provide communication between stakeholders;  Recommend actions to encourage private investment and stimulate the economy and livability of the community; and  Identify and resolve barriers that adversely impact the ability to achieve committee goals. Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce 1 Councilmember Assigned Meets 2nd Friday of the month / noon / Location varies The mission of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce is to provide services and cultivate an environment where businesses in the region can thrive and connect as a community. L - 501/02/2017 City of Port Angeles Committee Assignment Descriptions Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (PRTPO) 1 Councilmember Assigned Formed through an Inter-Local Agreement Meets 2nd Friday every other month / 10am / Location varies The PRTPO is the Regional Transportation Planning Organization for Clallam, Jefferson, Mason and Kitsap Counties, located in Northwestern Washington State on the Olympic Peninsula. It is a voluntary association of cities, towns, counties, ports, tribes, transit agencies and major employers that work together to develop transportation plans designed to meet the region's future economic and population growth. Solid Waste Advisory Committee 1 Councilmember Assigned Clallam County Committee Meets 3rd Thursday of odd months / 3pm / Clallam County Commissioners Board Room Assists in the implementation of programs and policies concerning solid waste handling and disposal, and reviews and comments on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The committee is comprised of nine representatives; one from each of the incorporated cities, the waste industry, tribal councils, Clallam County, state and federal agencies, private industry, and one at-large. Trust Lands Advisory Committee 1 Councilmember Assigned Clallam County Committee Meetings are generally the 3rd Friday of each month / noon / Clallam County Courthouse The Trust Lands Advisory Committee reviews and analyze the history, issues, benefits, challenges and advantages of re-conveyance of trust lands to Clallam County and if found to be in its best interest, to recommend such action as may be required to effect this change in the management of these properties. If not in the greater interest of the County to seek re-conveyance, the Committee is tasked to provide guidance to ensure a continual engagement with the Department of Natural Resources and how it is promptly and adequately fulfilling its Trust Land objectives to Clallam County, its taxing districts, and its citizenry. Volunteer Fireman's Pension Board Mayor Assigned, plus one additional Councilmember City of Port Angeles Committee Meets as needed / City Hall The Volunteer Fire Fighters’ Relief and Pension System is a cost-sharing multiple-employer retirement system that was created by the Legislature in 1945 under Chapter 41.16 RCW. It provides pension, disability, and survivor benefits. Membership in the system requires service with a fire department of an electing municipality of Washington State, except those covered by LEOFF. L - 601/02/2017 City of Port Angeles Committee Assignment Descriptions Utility Advisory Committee 3 Councilmembers Assigned Port Angeles City Council Advisory Committee Meets 2nd Tuesday of month / 3pm / Council Chambers The Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) gives advisory recommendations to the City Council on matters relating to City utility policies and operation. The UAC is comprised of three City Council members, one member representing the industrial customers of the City’s utilities, one member representing a licensed care facilities in the City, and three members that represent all other customers of the City’s utilities. Members are appointed to four-year terms, with a limit of two consecutive terms. William Shore Memorial Pool District 2 Councilmembers Assigned Clallam County Committee 4th Tuesday / 3pm / Clallam Commissioners Board Room A board of five Commissioners set policy and carry out the official business of the Pool District. Board Commissioners are composed of two City of Port Angeles Councilpersons , two Clallam County Commissioners and one at-large Commissioner, who is approved by the WSMPD governing board and can serve a four year term. *Alternate representatives will be assigned to all committees. If you cannot attend, please contact your alternate directly. L - 701/02/2017