HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.16.17 AgendaPhone: 360‐417‐4550 | Fax: 360‐417‐4559  www.cityofpa.us | eboone@cityofpa.us | facebook.com/portangelesparksandrec  308 East Fourth Street | Port Angeles, WA 98362‐0217  March 16, 2017 Vern Burton Meeting Rooms 5:00 p.m. Meeting AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Special Presentation – Records Training, Heidi Greenwood 4. Selection of Chair & Vice Chair 5. Approval of Minutes – February 16, 2017 6. Public Comment 7. Finance/Packet Items a. Revenue & Expenditure Report 8. Legislation 9. Late Items 10. Director’s Report – Information Only 11. Adjournment Next Meeting: April 20, 2017 Vern Burton Meeting Room #3 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission  WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF Page 1 of 2 PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 16, 2017 SPECIAL PRE-MEETING – VOTE TO FILL COMMISSION VACANCIES: The Commissioners used this time to interview three candidates for the two vacancies on the Commission: Port Angeles residents Scott Johns, Carol Turner, and Christi Wojnowski. Following the interviews and a discussion of all three applicants, Commissioner Pittis made a motion to recommend to City Council that Johns and Wojnowski be named to the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission for terms beginning March 2017 through February 2021. Commissioner Sutcliffe seconded the motion which passed 4-0. Commissioner Kirsch was not present during the interviews. CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING: Chairperson Shargel called the regular meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Commissioners Kirsch, Peterson, Pittis, Shargel, Sinton & Sutcliffe. Student Representatives Brandon & Palenga. Staff Present: Director Delikat & Secretary Boone. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: It was moved by Sinton and seconded by Kirsch to approve the Jan. 19 regular meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT: 1. Alan Barnard submitted the Francis Street Park Renaming Application. He provided the Commission with background information regarding the desire to commemorate September 11th in Port Angeles. He wanted to see a permanent monument celebrating the sacrifices of public safety workers. In 2011, several local members of the Coast Guard were able to obtain an I-beam from the Twin Towers, and Mr. Barnard worked with them to raise money to ship it to Port Angeles and design a monument. On September 11, 2011, the monument was dedicated. Mr. Barnard feels that renaming the park after the monument and the waterfront accessibility is a great way to describe what’s there and draw more attention to the park. 2. Bruce Skinner submitted both the Georgiana Park and Civic Field Press Box Renaming Applications. Mr. Skinner provided the Commission with additional details about Quinn Redlin Kintner, including her work advising the City on accessibility. Before her passing, she set up an endowment with her family and designated that the funds be used for accessibility. Her family donated $20,000 to the new Georgiana Park playground equipment. Mr. Skinner also provided the Commission with background information on Howard “Scooter” Chapman, a longtime local sports broadcaster who has spent more than 65 years announcing youth sports. He has also volunteered as a baseball umpire, with the local Lions Club, and with his church. FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: None. LATE ITEMS: None. LEGISLATION: 1. Georgiana Park Renaming Application & Recommendation The Commission discussed the application submitted by Mr. Skinner to rename Georgiana Park in memory of Quinn Redlin Kintner. After a brief discussion in which the Commission agreed the application met all of the criteria in the policy, Commissioner Sutcliffe made a motion to recommend that a resolution be forwarded to City Council to approve the renaming of Georgiana Park in memory of Quinn Redlin Kintner. Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion which passed 5-0. 2. Francis Street Park Renaming Application & Recommendation The Commission discussed the application submitted by Mr. Barnard to rename Francis Street Park “9/11 Memorial Waterfront Park.” The Commission agreed that renaming the park to describe what’s there would be a great way to attract visitors and reflect the monument. Commissioner Kirsch made a motion to recommend that a resolution be forwarded to City Council to approve the renaming of Francis Street Park to 9/11 Memorial Waterfront Park. Commissioner Pittis seconded the motion which passed 5-0. 3. Civic Field Announcing Booth Renaming Application & Recommendation The Commission asked for clarification on the new name that was submitted as the Howard “Scooter” Chapman Media Booth. Commissioner Kirsch suggested to use “Press Box” instead of “Media Booth” because press box is a more common name. Mr. Skinner, who submitted the application, agreed with Kirsch on the suggestion. Commissioner Peterson made a motion to recommend that a resolution be forwarded to City Council to approve the renaming of the Civic Field Announcing booth to the Howard “Scooter” Chapman Press Box. Commissioner Pittis seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. 4. Lincoln Park BMX Track Operator RFP Presentation & Recommendation Page 2 of 2 Members of the newly formed Lincoln Park BMX Association gave a presentation on their proposal for operating the BMX track at Lincoln Park. The presenters were Sean Coleman, Lori Coleman, Cathy Bourm, and Michael McGuire. They discussed the structure of their proposed organization as well as the efforts they plan to undertake in order to improve the grounds and facilities. They also discussed ways they plan to fundraise, advertise, and recruit and retain volunteers. After their presentation, the Commission discussed the RFP and Commissioner Sinton made a motion to award the Lincoln Park BMX Track Operator RFP to the Lincoln Park BMX Association for the operation of a BMX track starting on a date to be determined in 2017 and to allow the Parks & Recreation Director to develop a three-year contract with the Association to take to an upcoming City Council meeting for approval. Commissioner Pittis seconded the motion which passed 5-0. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (PowerPoint Presentation): 1. City’s Joint Meeting with the Port of Port Angeles Director Delikat updated the Commission on the City’s recent meeting with the Port regarding Fairchild Airport. The FAA is requiring the Port to do another Master Plan before they can move on with an Environmental Assessment. The FAA says it will only fund 3,850 feet of runway, but the Port feels a minimum of 5,000 feet is necessary for reasons such as medevac flights, emergency military response, business jet activity, and to allow future airlines to fly midsize jets into the airport. The City and the Port have directed staff to work on an avigation easement and determine what it would take to get the 5,000 foot runway re-established. Director Delikat and Community & Economic Development Director Nathan West are the negotiating team for the City and they have 60 days to bring to the Council and the Port a proposed Avigation Easement at the next City and Port joint meeting. 2. Olympic Peninsula Rowing Association’s (OPRA) Building After OPRA’s building was damaged by weather last year, the club and the City are looking at ways to salvage the building. Director Delikat submitted a shoreline exemption permit to the City’s Economic Development Department so that the club can lift the building off its piles and put it on the shore until a permanent home is found. 3. City Pier Floats The City has received the Nationwide Permit from the Army Corp for the City Pier Float Replacement Project at the City Pier. The City is now putting together a proposal to go out for bids to have the floats installed by June. 4. Civic Field Updates There is a great deal of work that needs to be done at Civic Field, and one big area of concern is the third base dugout which is cracked in half. Director Delikat has asked the Port Angeles Athletic Director to move all varsity baseball games to Volunteer Field until the dugout has been replaced. The hillside behind the dugout needs to be stabilized before it can be rebuilt. The goal is to have the new dugout ready before the last game of the varsity season. This week, Delikat met with all parties involved at Civic to schedule a timeline and make sure that everyone is on board with the next steps. 5. Calisthenics Park at Erickson Playfield The equipment is already purchased, but Jesse Banks still needs $20,000 more for the ground tiles. Director Delikat is looking for potential ways to help him find the funding. 6. Future Items a. Commissioner Email Addresses b. Parks & Recreation Software Program c. Memorial Program d. Capital Facilities Projects e. City Security Improvements f. Conference Room Chairs ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Shargel adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Next meeting is March 16, 2017, in the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center meeting room #3 at 6:00 p.m. David Shargel, Chairperson Emily Boone, Secretary REVENUES Account Budgeted Goal Year to Date Percentage of Goal 8012 - Senior Center Membership $28,000 $5,958 21% 8050 - Cemetery $150,000 $19,069 13% 8155 - Banner Rental $9,500 $3,780 40% 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch $8,000 $533 7% 8155 - Gateway $5,000 $0 0% 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals $30,000 $2,745 9% 8221 - Sports $162,500 $34,017 21% Total $393,000 $66,102 EXPENDITURES Account Yearly Budget Spent to Date Percentage Spent 8010 - Administrative $258,800 $35,341 14% 8012 - Senior Center Operating $152,200 $23,737 16% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance $172,200 $23,513 14% 8080 - Parks Maintenance $1,681,300 $205,808 12% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance $42,200 $5,361 13% 8131 - Facility Maintenance $780,700 $134,961 17% 8155 - Facility Rentals $89,100 $19,616 22% 8221 - Sports $189,100 $34,456 18% Total $3,365,600 $482,793 2017 Parks & Recreation Department Financial Report 17% Year Lapsed