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304 E Park Ave - Building
IECEIVED 14 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATI0N VtiA�'r� � QP Building Division/]electrical Inspections �` � CTION$ 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington, 98362 � Ph: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 Date: r2-17 13 C Multi-Family or Commercial* r FAT2-K- Iry c :i-, 4goe-uc;5 WA 9 8 3� 7— *PI Review ay Be Required, Please mp�e e EI ctrical PI Revi w Information Sheet Job Address - i r o u'T �r Building Square Footage: Description of above ! L Owner Inf rmation Contractor lnformak!on Name: a[_ V C C Name: INS t Mailing ddres : Z$!Z 5 . e_ a Mailing Address'. Z 2 r City, s re State:_LU/f- Zip: City: ;Z_4ga art,o- State:-W4 Zip, e Phone, Fax; 4151 r Off.67 Phone: S3-9W-�Odl/&ax; z.5'1 - 7 °i3 1 6 License#1 Exp. License#1 Exp. Item Unit Charge (it Total[Qty Multiplied by Unit Charge] ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401-60C Amp $225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5,00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp.Service!Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.SorvlcolFoeder 201-400 Amp, $121.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96,00 $ SignlOutline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit)Limited Energy-Multi-Family $ 64,00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy 1 First 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96,00 2 $ l 6 I Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-SKVA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Stat $ Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW.Chapter 19.28,WAC, Chapter 296-465,The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner,electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash check ❑ Credit Card# ft x ated: �� 01f0112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT �y CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 13-00000580 hate 5/29/13 Application pin number 936300 Property Address . . . . . 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-15-5-1=2610-0000- REPORT SALES TAX Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY On your eXCISB tax form Subdivision Name Property Use to the City of Pott Angeles Property Zoning . . . . . . . PUBLIC BUILDINGS & PARKS (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . , . 0 Application desc Security camera's Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 INTRACOMMUNICATION NTWK SYS IN 215 E 4TH ST 4922 N PEARL ST PORT ANGELES WA 963623200 TACOMA WA 98407 (253) 761-0418 ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- V Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 101.00 Plan Check Fee 00 J Issue Date 5/29/1.3 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 11/25/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1100 96,0000 ECH EL--LIMITED 1ST 1500 SQ FT 96.00 ' y 5 0 S-- -- 5100 -----__°__-_____-_ _...--------------------------- --.----_____..__------ 1,00 5.0000 E H EL-ADDNT LIMITED 50 Fee summar Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 101.00 1D1,00 ,00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 00 ,00 .00 Grand Total 101.00 101.00 00 Op INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN SINAI, COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEI3UILDING May 09 2013 10:46AM Olympic Electric Co,, Inc 3604523498 page 3 RECEIVE 1 V`� CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION MAY 9 20 Building Division/Electrical Inspections ^� .� 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/Port Angeles Washington,98362 EL�,CTRtCAL Ph: (360)417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 � 1 �� � Date: R1 Multi-Family or Commercial* *Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: - Building Square Footage: Description of above_ Owner Infornnatiog Contractor Information Name: h • Name; OLYMPIC RLECIaic Mailing Address _ Mailing Address; 4230 TUMWATER City: 1 Stater zip: .� City: POR TPN6eLU State; WA Zip; 983e3 Phone:y ^ FaK: Phone;380451.5303 Fax: 980-462.1498 License#I Exp. Llaense#I Exp.CLYMPEC285Dt Item Unit Charge (qty I Multiplied by Unit Charge) ServiceiFeedw 200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServlceiFeeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $� Service)Feeder 401-600 Amp $225.00 $ Service)Feeder 601.1000 Amp $268.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $ 74.00 _ _ $__?y, Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5,00 $ Branch Circuits 14 $ 86.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp.ServicefFesder 201400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp.ServicelFeeder 401.600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy—Mut1i-Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy I First 1500 sf—Commercial $ 96.00 $ Note; $5,00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy-5KVA System or less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note:$5.00 for each additional T-Scat el 4$ 711 Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28 261:(1)Owner wi11 occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized, (2)Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale,rent or lease.Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement,I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws,fd,E,C,,RCW.Chapter 19,28,WAC, Chapter 296-486, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator, ❑ Cash ❑ check _ © credK card if � bated: � � I � 0Iro112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 13-00000497 Date 5/10/13 Application pin number . . . 255423 Property Address . , . , , 304 E PART{ AVE REPORT SALES TAX . ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-15-5-1-2610-0000- y our excise tax form A 017 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Suhdivision Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502} Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS & PARKS Application valuation . . , , 0 Application desc 1 CIRCUIT FIRE ALARM ANTENNA OWner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT'#121 OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC 216 E 4TH ST 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 PORT ANGELES WA 96363 (360} 457-53D3 -----------°--------------------------- -_------------------ --l`-Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Pee , , . . 74.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date . . . . 5/10/13 Valuation 0 Expiration Date , , 11/06/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 ECH ET,--COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74.00 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fee su rnmary Charged Paid Credited - Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -- Perm it Fee Total 74,00 74,00 00 00 Plan Check Total. 00 00 00 100 Grand Total. 74.00 74,00 00 00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ' ROUGH-IN FINAL r COMMENTS: PERMIT WILT,EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEWILDING - — � 1987 to 2007 Id � CITY OF PORT ANGF.I.FS PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION f 321 EAST 5TH STREET,PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 gas . BUILDING PERMIT Issued: 2/19/07 Permit No: 9506 Conditions: -... , OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK E 216 E 4TH S'2 Lot: 1-8 . Port Ancyelas, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/457—;)94fl Sub: GRANTS T: AUTO BODY `)HOP S: Parc No: . CONTRACTOf DESIGNER OWNER . • . VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 , 206/000-0000 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Prj Val,i0' $13 .000.00 SFD UNITS: 0 MFD UNITS: ',°'° 0` Prj T' : PAINT BOOTH SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ FT: - 0 Occ Type: PUBLIC Occ GrQnp: Occ Load: COMMERCIAL: 0 Cnstr Typa.: INDUSTRIAL: 360 GARAGE:- 0 Land Use: PBP ' PROJECT NOTES (, MOBILE PHONE i 460-2397 \J I4 TO ATTACHED FIRE DEPT REQUIREMENTS IA PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT BUILDING PERMIT $199.75 $0.00 -$0.00. PLAN CHECK $0.00 $0.00 RADON ' $0.00 STATE SURCHARGE $4.50 $0.00 $0.00 HOUSE MOVING $0.00 $0.00 _`$0.00 MANUFAC HOME $0.00 $0.00 7$0+00 SIGN $0. 00 $0.00 —=----- PLUMBING $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $204.25 MECHANICAL $0. 00 $0.00 AMT PAID: ' $204.25 $0. 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BAL DUE: $0.00 THIS PERMIT DOES NOT REQUIRE A SEPA,SHORELINE OR ESA PERMIT . Applicant Staff Date RW SANITARY WATER DWY STORM DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void it work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,If construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or t required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this appkation and know the same to be true and correct. Al provisions of laws and ordinances gcveming this type of work wi,i to complied with whether specified herein or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the proviskns of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. e z- . Sig nature octor or Auth nt Date ',nature of Owner d owner Is builder Date _ / BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD ■ CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER. INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO �. FOUNDATION: A FOOT1NOS WAILS };$ FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEFT) ROUGH-IN LONIMMEM PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATERLINE BACK FLOW!WATER s �� AIR SEAL. WALLS CEILING FRAMING )GISTS/GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS/ROOF/CEP.INO DRYWALL T-BAR INSUI.ATInN SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANIC/L CHIMNEY WOODSTOVE/PELLET PW UTILITIES/SITE WORK (Engineering Division) WATERLINE/:-STER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL PARKING OTHER — FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 4174746 LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION•RW. ENGSTRUCN ON LW./F w/ 417-1607 PW/ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 1� FIRE(MULT1•FAM ONLY) 417-4654 FIREDEPt BUILDING 417-411 S J BUILDING GENERAL COMMENTS: PW1102.1514'961 • •` CIT. Y-;Of` poRTANGELEs • • <�, v • ,��j WASHINGTON, U. S. A. • • , DATE: February 29,2000 YLE 1rL 0 TO: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist � �1 fir', vV FROM: Lou Haehnlen,Building Official , PUBLIC WORKS &UTILITIES RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-CUP-00-02 DEPARTMENT NORTHWEST TANDEM RALLY- 304 East Park Avenue Glenn A.Cutler Director[4E01] Phyllis Resler Administrative Assistant The Building Division has reviewed the application and has the following comment: (4 soo] g PP g Cate Rinehart •� Admi.tistrativeAssistant I Rally promoter to furnish adequate sanitary facilities for all participants. [d700] Ken Ridout Deputy Director[4802] Gary Kenworthy • Deputy Director and City Engineer[4803] Jim Harper Electrical Engineer[4702] Lou Haehnlen Building Official[4816] Tom Sperline °r Sr.Electrical Inspector[4735] Scott McLain .U.� Power Manager[4703] • Doyle McGinley interim Water,Wastewater Collection Superintendent[4855] Pole Burrett Equipment Services Superintendent[4835) 4. Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager(4731] • Jeff D.Young Treat Plant Superintendent [4845] e .s Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor(4878] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor(4873) v Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor (4825) • 0 CITY. OF „ oRT NGELEs r���— WASHINGTON, U. S. A. L sc -, `11.1.7• • PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date: February 28,2000 To: Public Works Dept. (1) t...Bui ding Div. (4) • Light Dept.(2) Fire Dept.(3) From: Sue Roberds,Planning Specialist Subject: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-CUP-00-02 NORTHWEST TANDEM RALLY- 304 East Park Avenue An application has been received to allow overnight camping in association with a large tandem bicycle rally in the Port Angeles area. The proposal is to use the Port Angeles Higi School to stage the rally activities and for overnight camping between June 30 and July 2, 2000. Please provide comments as to the specific impacts which are perceived and which would need to be handled with a crowd of from 700 to 1000 persons on the site for the activity. Please review the attached materials 4' and return your department comments either by E-Mail or memorandum to the Planning Department no later than March 8,2000. If the request results in a reduction in the provision of minimum LOS standards, please note those comments and any conditions that need to be addressed. Your response can be placed on the "g" drive for the Planning Department by using the "g:\exchange\planning\deptrsp\"file. The file number followed by your departmental extension will be constants in the network mailbox. The network method can be used ifvou prefer,and particularly if your response tends to be detailed. That way we will just copy your response word for word `` without rekeyng to include in Planning Commission reports. Example:g:lexchangelplanningldeptrspl[file #1 (Public Works response) y- Attachments _________......._______ ...._____ , r 1770N FFF�r, : t 4.° CUP_ 5- - -h3c)c� CITY O PORT ANGELES . eview: .$-k : ;o �J U Fbtt O� tc, E t bte Rec °`7' �1/ratan. 5 5a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Pil (umber "#ice/tJP $125: s• .:„;::vim.; ecetvedy vme�w:. $ '50 APPLICATION Total• $175• ....�_::: **JMPD LNT *.PLEASE] O **p1etwrd applications veil be`aepted To be conidered com lete an a l ction st lde al[of he information P � PP completed applicaon signed by;tihe applmcant?and the property owner(.i.f4 erent hn he pplicant}_. completed SEPA Chelist signd y he applicant vicinity map (showing thst ,n relation to surroundng prope site plan (accurately drawn at " Q` scale with complet dmnsions showing all prperty linen . isting and proposed structures and parking spaces, setbacks and'significant vegetation) 5 Interior floor•plans for each floor:of any structure to be used for the proposed.actrvtty•G Exterior building elevations for each side of any building that will be constructed for the proposed ttSe . 7 ltlaslmg;labeis and last:ofproperty ownerwithin;300' of the proposed.site A list ofthe property owners may.be';obtained from theCounty..Assessor's Office. g.' Application fee . Tt.is.important to•be:•accurate•and complete with.the information reegardtng all aspects of your project,' The Planning Commissiort's decision.will•be based on the information•contained•to thus. application, arid, tf approved,will be limited to the proposal as presented and potentially conditioned Cf:one toydttr,projee f i,rn . j what is submitted may result in the:ddet p of your project's revieri Certain proposals a!":4 F!4 4 admmrtttratwely, uch as permits for etail:stand..home occupations,and bed and breakfast uses; These.perrr its., do loot require pubtrc hearing process Please do not:hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding the permit process, time penods, or restnctions of certain;'applications The Planning Department personnel may be:reached at 417-4750 between: the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p:m_ Monday through Friday.• APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION: Applicant NORTH WEST TANDEM RALLY 2000 360-452-9408 Address: P.O.BOX 358 PORT ANGELES WA. Daytime phone #: 360-683-1253 Applicants representative (if other than applicant): Bruce B. Monro Address: 1505 Sequim-Dungeness Way Sequim Daytime phone #: 360-683-1253 Property owner(if other than applicant): PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST.#121 Address: 216 E. 4th St. Daytime phone # _ 360-457-8575 PORT ANGELES WA. Page l of 2 R — —._ .., . _.. .• PROPERTY INFORMATION: Street address: 304 E.PARK ST. C Iatc,t.k ��...l.\ Legal description: Zoning: _ PBP Comprehensive Plan designation: PUBLIC Property dimensions: Property area(total square feet): Physical characteristics(i.e., flat, sloped, vacant, developed, etc.): • PROPOSED USE INFORMATION: The area of the Gymnasium will be used as the central gathering point,where the rally participants will gather prior to setting out for each day's ride.This area will also be the finishing point for the day.The Gymnastic area will be used for a trade show,by different vendors.The Soccer field will be used for limited camping by the participants. The tarmac area to the south of the shop buildings will be used for . limited RV parking. On Sunday,the 2nd of July,there will be a banquet that will be held in the Gymnasium area for the rally participants. Number of employees: 3 O Hours of operation: /7/9-t14- 7 P..� Number of on-site parking spaces: Number of off-site parking sp..ces: Building area(total square feet of floor area for the proposed activity): SIGNATURES: r Applicant: I certify that all of the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will terminate this permit application. I have read this application in its entirety and understand my that submittal will be reviewed for completeness and, if found to be complete, will be scheduled for the next available Planning Commission meeting per the "Planning Meeting and Application Dates" 5\ handout available in the City's Planning Department. Signature��. �``/ .,i - 2 Date O/-,244-ZOOe. • \ Owner (if other than applicant): I am the owner of the subject property identified herein and approve of this application. ' . Signature Date r Page2of2 • I ' . •• . ; • I 'i '\\\'N.'.'....,••••••2........... I . ... .i1 ip„..14"11_,...,. .:,,,...,,,.....1 1 . . „ .... , .., ,.. .. I V ..':'• 1 ''s ,• ';01 ' :.1 I P I: 1 iv.: ,.._... a , .......- ss.:::..- i * cl. III: : • 1111 ,....,.. 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II 84; i ,..f........ . ... ......_. __ __ . • , . • r s CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET,PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT " Issued: 3/26/98 Permit No: 10351 Conditions: OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 , .- .. :ri ..�.,, 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 ' Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 ;:.. ', Sub: GRANTS . T: S: ;,,‘.141 . Parc No CONTRACTOR DESIGNER . OWNER VARIOUS ..,.,. . . Port Angeles, WA 99360 ,_ 206/000-0000 000/000-000o PROJECT INFO Prj Value: $11,000.00 SFD UNITS: 0 MFD UNITS: 0 Prj Type: PLUMBING SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ FT: ' 0 Occ Type: COMMERCIAL Occ Group: Occ Load: COMMERCIAL: 0 Cnstr Type: INDUSTRIAL: 0 GARAGE: ' 0 Land Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES INSTALL 3 PROPANE WATER HEATERS IN GYM BOILER ROOM I t PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT BUILDING PERMIT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PLAN CHECK $0.00 $0.00 RADON $0.00 STATE SURCHARGE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOUSE MOVING ' $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MANUFAC HOME $0.00 --- $0.00 $0.00 SIGN $0.00 $0.00 --M PLUMBING $41.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $41.00 MECHANICAL $0.00 $0.00 AMT PAID: $41.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BAL DUE: $0.00 THIS PERMIT DOES NOT REQUIRE A SEPA,SHORELINE OR ESA PERMIT Applicant Staff Date RW SANITARY WATER DWY _ STORM DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work,ubTdies, private and pubic improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authored is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have reed and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. AA provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work win be complied with whether specified herein or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or crvicel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Di ()»,.0._ 3/26,v8 t Si•nature of Contractor or Authorized A.ent Date Si.nature of Owner if owner is builder Date • BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD C ALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER a INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMIIYTS 4fi4�4 Q.tYf>., i. rx4a...,� *.Ir YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) ROUGH-TN PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB y ROUGH-IN - /-q - �" WATER LINE / BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING - - FRAMING !GISTS/GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLA B WALL,FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL CHIMNEY WOOD:TOVE/PELLET DUCTS PW UTILTLIS/SIT IS WORK (EnPnxrint Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL PARKING OTHER FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES I NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL-LIGHT DEPT. 417.4746 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R W. ENGINEERING 417-4E07 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE(MULTI-FAN ONLY) 417-4654 FIRE DEPT. BUILDING 417-41113 aglfgag 44:41/i BUILDING GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-1IO2.1514961 • CITY OF PORT ANGELES • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: Date //-7- jd rV ' ` Time /W:35' ' Received by (phone,person) inspected CgR % Work to be ins t Ar(34 Location of p Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. /&437 Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing(AP Sewer Excay. Other %k 47VAf INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date /l<<�—` Time // c'9 By Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO S M M SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee El COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPER!NTENDENT (DATE) .0 •1 ?1 'C'ITY OF PORT ANGELES e ,art�> A PUBLIC WORKS •BUILDING DIVISION -«.% ie;*r" 'o,321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Vts.or .*t s r `1? w:, sc=....... -s s BUILDING PERMIT . 1;`z' `''''' Issued: 7/16/97 Permit No: 9824 },'" : Conditions: OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION `. PASD #121 ' �: ,. :.... 304 PARK AVE E .. ---- ; . .,.-:.t 216 E 4TH STA..; ,, Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362- , x. 1,0. ) Block: 26 Long Legal: '. % 360/000-0000 r r ; , Sub: GRANTS =r 'r ,i P T: }� S: : Parc N o: k . " ° c.r.xs, 1 CONTRACTOR DESIGNER OWNER . ....: .. ,.;1, -,::F; fit . ' . c.rm Ni l VARIOUS .... ,. �":. Port Angeles, WA 99360 206/000-0000 ,; 000/000-0000 ` '''' ' PROJECT INFO Prj Value: $500.00 , ;"." -- SFD UNITS: 0 MFD UNITS:-« Y,b Prj Type: CLASSROOM i - SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ FT:'" - _. 0 Occ Type: .-.. _ . .v.. f Occ .Group: Occ Load:- COMMERCIAL: 0.._.-..�_, ., -,..a...a. ..y. t Cnstr Type: INDUSTRIAL: 0 ,. GARAGE.... , `*" 0 Land Use PBP N... -r`« ,_ PROJECT NOTES ,; SOUND WALL SEPARATING 402 & 4034 " PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT BUILDING PERMIT $21.00 $0.00 ;,$0`.00 PLAN CHECK $0.00 $0.00 RADON '.;.-'10'.00 STATE-SURCHARGE --t..- $4.50 $0.00 rat $0.00 HOUSE MOVING `' $0.00 $0.00 x; $0; 00 MANUFAC HOME $0.00 $0.00 ' '' 736.00 SIGN $0.00 $0.00 n= PLUMBING $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $25.50 MECHANICAL $0.00 $0.00 AMT PAID: $25.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0. 10 BAL DUE: ::1,;$0.00 THIS PERMIT DOES NOT REQUIRE IRE A SEPA,SHORELINE OR ESA PERMIT - . -- a. '' 4 Applicant Staff Date R_ SANITARY WATER . STORM D OTHERS Sepa,ate Permits are required for electrical work,utilities,private and pubfic improvements. This permit becomes null end void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned cot a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby Certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct AN provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ;";-10,':)'. -,,,444,:: l 11 7-/6-97 - Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date ignature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date k h I BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD F--- „ . • CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SI I Is INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS i •, .,, YES I NO �.a FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS - 0.. FOUNDATION DRAINAGE __�- � EI3ICtRICAt (LIGHT DEPT) Z .rr..j Co ROUGH-TN I I I ..- n PLUMBING m UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN •-..• ,-. --I -''I WATER LINE I-+ —I N = BACK FLOW/WATER m ci AIR SEAL C O M O WALLS ;� - —4 c r O 3 CEILING f-n ►_' —I z FRAMING _ -1 m JOISTS/GIRDERS , • '"'' SHEAR WAIL. . , . :'`} C Z WALLS/ROOF/CEILING /-2V-97 i x = ((ff —1 cn DRYWALL -< T-BAR O D 3 INSULATION ...1 m S )-4 SLAB m N WALL/FLOOR/CEILING O r MECILUNICAL ■ n m C N CHIMNEY .. . .1"4 m Cr) '1 Z C> WOODSTOVE/PELLET —I r DUCTS .'v T. PW UTTLEITES/SITE WORK (Enginarin6 Division) --1 WATERLINE/METER D Z SEWER CONNECTION 1 -1 SANITARY _ r-. N STORM Z SITE DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL 0 PARKING I n OTHER I m FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL•LIGHT DEPT. 417.4746 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION RW./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-R.W. ENGINEERING 417.4307 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE(MULTI-FAM.ONLY) 417-1654 FIRE DEPT. BUILDING 417.4315 BUILDING GENERAL COMMENTS: M-11011514961 A ....) . .... . ,, , ,.. . • ...., ,..... d r't irk%ofd / FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: 1-' BUILDING PERMIT - PREAPPLICATION P Dale ermit H:•--r-'— �!r1 Ap Complete Da Approved:' - 140/ The Building Permit -Preapplication must be filled out completely. itkcwzoo° Please type or print In Ink. If you have any questions,please call 417-4815 �A ', Applicant and/or Agent:Re,•t. nr.31(4or S e ua o) N Ya. t? t Phone: 4/5 7-0 9'/9 Owner: -nr\ �rJGol.e Se�.00� Phone: 4/5'- 0glc''? Address: ,-,)1(6 S Lib, City:4—f,r Ny, e/42. Zip: (7936,2 Architect/Engineer: Phone: Contractor S c.1,oc 1 7)t.-I License#: Exp: Phone: Address: I .City: I l Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS: 3C�- & Rae' C 1-1-fah ,�t_l.eoo! 1 f ZONING SC�oo 1 JJJ 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot: Block: Subdivision: . a -'nom TYPE OF WORK: '`� SIZFJVALUATION: o Residential ❑ New Constr. 0 Reroof 4-\oodstove SF.@S /SF.=$ 5'00 c"" • o Multi-family 0 Addition 0 Move 0 Garage SF.@ S /SF.=S ❑ Commercial to Remodel 0 Demolition q.Deck SF.@ 5 /SF.=S ❑ Repair 0 Sign o ' TOTAL VALUATION S BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: a1.i1lrl S0t.;,1A deact -�..f. wAl1 clew+slu' t)e-11„i Ne;J 4t.Vc, C.I A YS'f W PeN s' COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group— Occupant Load. Construction Type: No.of Stones. Lot Size %Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage ,/sq. ft.+Proposed Lot Coverage /sq,ft =TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq.ft ,,v .4 M y w. M -. -_ -I •e 4 to •. -.. ••■•■ PLANNING USE ONLY APPROVALS: PLAN Permits Requires Notes: BLDG Max. Height. Setbacks: Zoning: DPW Site Plan and Use Approved by: Date: FIRE ESAJWctlandi s) ❑ Yes❑ No SEPA Checklist required.o1Yes o No Other: OTHER ..4 • PREAPPLICATiON SUBMITTAL: Your application one site plan must be filled out completely to be accepted jor review: The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. ■ •BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMiTTAL:KYour completed application.site plan(for additions)and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division Any addition larger than 500 sq.ft.will need a Preapplication Review. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all case..a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div. to comply with current lee schedules Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit applicatipermit n and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance 1 EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: if no permii IN issued within 180 days of the date•tf application, this application will expire by limitations The liulthng Official can extend the time for action by die applicant up to 180 days,on written request by the applicant(see Section 304(d)of the Uniform Building Code,current edition) No application can be extended more than once I hetrbt•cernfi'that/how mad and exonrrtrrd this applicanwr and brow the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit I understand it is not the Cm's legal responsibility to determine what permits ore required: it remains the applicant's responsibility to,/'teen ie wlarr'pert itt r•rr tinned in of •n she!). ' 1 � l p .`4:i• ,4 . .t .l , 4 a i �� w '"\' i 1 .t i I L1 Ti- Applicant J V. V.' (_;GQ-4/h• Date. 7- //- / / pas.C.'1)A1AAVI'M.1.1'11RS2)L)APP Flt1.1 PW-1102.031rev.2.'%l ■ Li ir• OM•A e: CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: Date �"` V / Time 1 / Received by h n person) i9 , 6. /7-"?:;V.4-- Location of Work to be inspected ' 301/ Name of person requesting inspec tiotf M 110 2 Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. o Type of Inspection (circ ropriate one): Permit No. - -- --4- r, Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: `" m lo- 2 / Al Time By m °o Inspected: Date ime Y n Remarks: o m 0 l K. W --+ m O > Z C n -+ r = RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO (� 3 t) 1 -gym N C) o r C N r-4-- 3 N . l -� r" -Z1 r D 1 = z z --I in z o n m SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) t CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: Date 8 2,C— !q/cy Time eeZW7 Received by Ai (phone,person) �: �,e Location of Work to be inspected c5o . Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. If Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. p�z� Sewer Foundation Framing' Chimney Plumbin F' al Sewer Excay. Other p,„,t _ 5 a INSPECTION NOTES: Q _ 4� c' Inspected: Date Y"' 'G 17 Time By Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel C]Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # Cl Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) t -- CITY OF PORT ANGELES '`, 5 " 4 t 14 il PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION �' �i i 321 EAST 5TH STREETy PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 q. a it• , y , y,.,., . .. • • " 485 BUILDING PERMIT ', * -„.\ Issued: 2/06/97 � 'Permit No. ; TM .� _.. 00.4“ km�4a.uw,:.e ,y„y: ,.'. ,;.. ,. : Af.. . Conditions:�.,,;°',# OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION j- PASO:'#121 , . y.. -4. ,,, a ,, , 304, PARK E '4;,* „„„,„,� , 216 E 4TH ST .:, .. Lot: 1-8 _ ;, a *ow'. it 1/44 Port Angeles, WA 98362 -- Block: 26 Long Legal: n e , re 360/000-0000 ,,, t Sub: GRANTS w x+ � Y.,•' T: I' S:. Parc No: .. . Y�.� e u Iv'. CONTRACTOR DESIGNER "' -.1.......--.....--- MONROE HOUSE MOVING & RAISING .- -- e)- PO BOX 686 ,: ,E * , w..w-` QUILCENE WA 98376 `• ►._ SttB .a 206/765-3917 000/000-0000 .....,_;* ... ''; 1 i *,.. • o it F PROJECT Value: "" $500.00 SFDUNITS: 0 MFD UNITS i Pr j Type: HOUSE MOVE . - .. •SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ-FT3 } :x._-' 0 Occ Type: fi gam* a Occ Group: Occ:Load: COMMERCIAL: -. Cnstr Type: INDUSTRIAL: 0 GARAGE: -fa , 430 Land Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES w,`;�' :I credit from permit #9468-$50.00 to be used to pay this permit - } Q. t 1; ,,a O N.i ! _ wX..., , rY PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT ' BUILDING PERMIT " ''"' "' $0.00 $0.00 :;,..--71'$0.00 .144 PLAN CHECK !2,*•40,=4 $0.00 $0.00 RADON ` 0.00 r STATE_SURCHARGE.--- $0.00 $0.00 0:00 HOUSE MOVING ' '° $50.00 $0.00 •• :0.30 MANUFAC HOME $0.00 $0.00 4J..00 SIGN $0.00 $0.00 PLUMBING $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: 450.00 MECHANICAL $0.00 $0.00 AMT PAID: .x $50.00 $0.00 -•-- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BAL DUE: - � 0$^0.00 s RJW SANITARY WATER DWY STORM DRA OTHER' x 1.,“: '' i Separate Permits are required for electrical work,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void If work or construction authorized Is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection.I hereby certify that I have read ane examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work w,n be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to --�vi late or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction ,x,, , # .'4: it, - .& 02-06-g7 Signs 2 re ontractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD • • CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS 4 p • ',5,n S:441` YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOO'RNOS WAILS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) } %,1 ' ROUGH-IN , PLUMING 4 UNDER FLOOR/SLAB .i •ROUGH-IN r. {�t IWATER LINE j BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL Aa WALLS CEILING - I i FRAMWG . ' ..st.-; JOISTS/ GIRDERS •''( -. SHEAR WALL J i • WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION - SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING MECHANICAL CHIMNEY `;`"J i. » WOODSTOVE/PELLET • • DUCTS PW UTIIITIBS/SITE WORK (Ended Division) WATERLINE/METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL _ PA^.XINO OTHER FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL•LIGHT DEPT. 417.4746 ELECTRICAL `R UGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION-LW. •i• ENGINEERING 417.4407 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE(MULTI-PAM.ONLY) 417-4654 FIRE DEPT. BL 'ING 417.4815 _S.I• � r BUILDING GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-I102.1$14/961 r HOUSE MOVING APPLICATION And PERMIT • CITY OF PORT ANGELES - BUILDING DIVISION 1 G/�4 8s PERMfT NO. The following materials are hereby provided in application for a House Move Permit: I. Name of applicant: Port Angeles School District #121 2. Address of Applicant 216 East Fourth Streit Port Angeles WA 98362 3. Telephone of Applicant: (360) 457-8575 Date of proposed move and duration:February 1997 4. Name of insurance company and agent and copy of certificate of insurance: 5. Original location (address) of building: Dry Creek Elementary 3570 Edgewood Drive Legal description of original location of building: 7. New proposed location of building: Port Angeles High School 304 East Park Avenue Legal description of new proposed location of building: Lot 1-8 Block 26 8. Route to be taken from old location to new location: - 9. Description of current building: 28' x 60' Portable Classroom 10. Written confirmation that the following have been contacted including individual's name, telephone and date: AGENCY I CONTACT PERSO}/CN�� DATE PHONE NO. Police Department 'y.J 1 -4C-t/P(1 �2 97 v/ 7 -Y90 ,2. P tt a l s os3 Pub lic Works Engineering for Signals.Water.Sewer 24WN'-C Z76,(P7 7 4117 Ci ds Building Division City Light Department .rJ ace-f�'�G(e w�� 2-5 7 q{/7-ef os u.s.West Communications Tl4A/ r19 a Ha,I 1-.24-97 s47-s7aS Northland Telecablc 141-CO 452'4CI 4 Others,State Dept.of Tramp. I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible for injuries,damages,and any expenses incurred by the City or other agencies during the moving of this amount and that the mixture is to be restored to minimum Building Code rtquiremenna at its new location sod ready for use within one(I)year from the date of moving the 'thorium. In considention of the granting of this pe nit,it is.farther agreed by the applicant that the City of Pon Angeles and any of Ila oCeen or employees shell be saved hamdesa to the applicant from any liability or retpomibility for any accident,ton or dsmgc to persona or properly.happening or occurring as the proximate cult of any work undertaken under the terns of this application and the permit or permit.which may be granted in response thereto.and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the applicant. yr ���a Y ca oe--77 '✓ Signature Date •••OE47CIAL USE ON'LY:••• Date move took place: Treaurer'a Receipt No.: Bldg. Permit I Right of Way Constr. Permit# Damage and,or incidents enure and commerce Original Site Restoration completed:_Date ok for occupancy: Refund Date: Refund Amount$ Check No, APPROVED BY BUILDING INSPECTOR: DATE: PW-I 105.02 112193? I ‘,...1,—• • , • a r- ,.. ' . 0 i _ ■ i —:.). I , Nr" , --A-- •---..--'-•'•-'• I \ i I .0 . , • , . .. • . . I 1 ''t--tl. . ..:1- , ■!I r.-) . ■ \,_\..., . (0 < r• / I-- ' ■;)-1_ ..) -- ------- ------— --- — • ...1. — — — — — —f— _._. __ . . , 0 sr i l...-:. 1 .. ..4 1,.. 1 p.:1 •":" ,.., , I I t J ;...., „.... . , : ,.. .: zi 1 i 1 ...‘ _, v 1 / ._ I i .▪.? , • ' — . - ..., C ,,, ,,:, A - 1L) e...-4. it4.14,, :,, ...'., z.3 F., 1... .7,,,. •"zr ....■ /A a I ■ , , a 1 N ji.v.,) . VI.) V— ,'S •4.., :V,. .- 1 ' I :.t_ VA.) ■.) 1 L... ez ! , r , 1 1, _..) , . 0044, • — . •.. ...13 ■•:.- Ch I .<• ..r.'-) / --.7, '4.' 44• t4 k 1, ., ., ..,i, i yd, <4 1 I —47- —-1-- c3 ,'‘...._ __.t.■____._ :....:-',.--ik. . 4......‘ . I 1 C/ - . -'. • T ,. t......1 (..: ,......; --, - ,.j (1-•... • -I--;1 -- —-- -- - -k __ _ _ ..,._.....____....-:L...._.....i _, - -A,— -L.'"'' 7 ,,...,, -, --.:—$. ci li---- -.4 I I ii ,,,, ci) _:t .., ,20.. ..i..‘ . 4 I ',-- •-...„1 . • ,,,,, -.'C.-1 .., 1 ••• • t\..,t, U./ -*=[ ■..1 17,44i . . • 1.11 ...1:- .',' '.- \ 7C-4 'A ---,` . f',.. Z. -',.C,j c I,. \ .Z..•), -In• . •s",. 8 E,.._., " II . ):-‘ . •••••, ,•, _•, 1 1 t _______,, 1 ---7--- ,sc • - -.0. 1 -1 7-114 r-..\,,,- ..., , • '7 'r I 1 I '..- .a.:, ...__• -iF — -- "P , , . ?seplill '- , __ 0 v ' 1: I 1 . —T— 1 i 1 - — — ...__....... — . -. ' . . c • I •.... , .. . ••' . • . .. . . , . . • ' 11 G CITY OF.PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION ` ^""r1 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION Issued: 7/08/97 TF Permit No: 693 & R/W PERMIT Cond: Work Order: 0 OWNER/APPLICANT--- PROPERTY LOCATION PASD 1121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles,WA98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS PROJECT INFO Work is OUTSIDE traveled road Value Work: $0.00 Plans Required: N/A Start: / / Contractor: R. J. SERVICES Finish: / / • Performance Bond Required: N A Amount: $0.00-�.. Proof Insurance: Work to Perform: REPAIR Watermain Storm Drain c\A • * Sanitary Sewer Underground Tele/Ele Misc PROJECT NOTES !---- , • PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT R/W Excav: $0.00 San Sewer SFR: $0.00 Sidewalk: $0.00 San Sewer MFR: $0.00 Curb/Gutter: $0. 00 Add Unit: 0 Driveway: $0. 00 Other San Sewer: $0.00 Dwy Culvert: $0. 00 Sew Tap Wye/Man Tap: $0.00 Street Cut: $0. 00 Sew Cap/ W/M Removal: $0.00 Other R/W: $0.00 Alter/Repair Sewer: * $30.00 Fire Hydrant: $0.00 Storm Drain Tap: $0.00 Res Water Serv: $0. 00 Catch Basin per ea: $0.00 • 5/8" Sewer System Dev: $0.00 3/4" Milwaukee Dr. Sew Assess: $0.00 . 1" R/W Use Perm: $0.00 Comm Water Serv: $0. 00 D.R.A. : $0.00 1" Admin Costs (D.R.A) : $0.00 1 1/2" Misc: $0.00 • 2" • Oth Water Serv: $0. 00 S;' Water Sys Dov: $0. 00 TOTAL FEE: $30.00 AMT PAID: $30.00 Receipt No: 3163 ---- Inspection Fee: $0.00 BAL DUE: $0.00 R/W _ SANITARY WATER DWY_ STORM DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I heave . read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compile• w>ith whet.=r specified herein or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the ,. pro;-ions •f a , state or I•c- law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ' r • .a.` Lmorty � jui re of Contractor or Au orized Agent Date Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) Date , ' OF CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: �j 2 Date 5- 2'-i f I Time ( Received by (phone, person) Work to be inspected 6, r/-t v/2C- Location of p Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date a _ 7 Time By t;<:::) Remarks: /00 i C'6 _ 6:`T -O , RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel El Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) istfils CITY OF PORT ANGELES ilk:.._..: PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT Issued: 3/10/97 Permit No: 9539 Conditions: OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #`121 304 PARK E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS T: S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR DESIGNER W. B. DENNIS 1206 SO. C STREET Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/457-1206 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Prj Value: $4,000.00 SFD UNITS: 0 MFD UNITS: 0 Prj Type: FR.SI'IINKLER SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ FT: 0 Occ Type: COMMERCIAL Occ Group: Occ Load: COMMERCIAL: 0 Cnstr Type: INDUSTRIAL: 0 GARAGE: 0 Land Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES CIJ SPRAY BOOTH SPRINKLERS 0 PI PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT pv BUILDING PERMIT $87.25 $0.00 $0.007 PLAN CHECK $56.71 $0.00 RADON $0.00 STATE SURCHARGE $4.50 $0.00 INSPECT FEE $100.00 HOUSE MOVING $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MANUFAC HOME $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SIGN $0. 00 $0. 00 PLUMBING $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $248.46 MECHANICAL $0.00 $0.00 AMT PAID: $248.46 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BAL DUE: $0.00 THIS PERMIT DOES NOT REQUIRE A SEPA,SHORELINE OR ESA PERMIT Appi:cant Staff Date RW SANITARY WATER DWY STORM DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work, unities,private and pubic improvements. This permit becomes nul and void If work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or If required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this eopics0on and know the same to battle and correct. All provisions of taws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state •r local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. gnature or Contractor .r Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner(f owner is builder} Date r---- 1 1 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 East 5th, Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-417-4655 Fire Sprinkler System Plan Review Project Name: Port Angeles High Address: 304 E. Park School - Spray Booth Installer: W. B . Dennis Co. Telephone: 457 4242 Type of System: NFPA 13 R-3 ❑ R-1 ❑ Com ® . Date: March 10 , 1997 Permit #97-6-9539 v C C We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the r requirements of our ordinance with the following exceptions : C 1 . The fire sprinkler system shall be installed by a state c licensed and certified company as prescribed in WAC 212-80 and the system shall be installed as per applicable NFPA 13 . 2 . The 2-inch valve shall be chained and locked in the open T position. _ r* C 3 . All electrical components shall be compatible with the fire c c- c system voltage and as per PAMC and Washington r+ Administrative Codes. 2 4 . Before final acceptance of the system, an inspection will be conducted by the Port Angeles Fire Department to ensure the system installation complies with NFPA 13 . ❑ Contractor Reviewed by K- V, Building Department ❑ Fire Copy Date 300/c 7 FP - 9 Page 1 of 1 t i of°OR 7'4^o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY:ate BUILDING PERMIT - PREAPPLICATION PN' Pr.Ap Complete? Date The Building Permit -Preapplication must be filled out completely. Ncic Please type or print In Ink. If you have any questions,please call 417-4815 Applicant and/or Agent:(_<.i -y Phone: /C7-0 9 " Owner: ,Port?°r r?4JG&2CT JC oL. bt fT,eee T Phone: `/‘O -239 7 �.t/G-6/9 Zip: 91 _ Address: Z/‘ ,� y—' City: / otPi // Architect/Engineer: 0 to N - Phone: Contractor r-s)w License#: Exp: Phone: Address: City: Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS: 3 C) `l Ft2lc_ 5 ericr— ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block: Subdivision: TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: ❑ Residential ❑ New Constr. ❑ Reroof ❑ Woodstove SF.@` /SF.=S ❑ Multi-family ❑ Addition ❑ Move ❑ Garage SF.@ S /SF.=S 24-Commercial 0 Remodel ❑ Demolition 0 Deck SF.@ S /SF.=S r ❑ Repair ❑ Sip o TOTAL VALUATION S /i5r DUC' BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: COMM ERCIAIJRESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load. Construction Type: No of Stones. Lot Size %Lot Coverage: Existing Lot Coverage /sq ft. }Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. fl =TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq.ft Pi.ANNiNG USE ONLV APPROVALS: PLAN ;'ernuts Required Ne es: BLDG Max Height Setbacks: Zoning: DPW Site Plan and Use Approved by Date: FIRE E.SAAVedand■s) ❑ Yes o No SEPA Checklist required?❑ Yes❑ No Other: OTHER PREAPPLICATION SUBMITTAL: You.-application and site plan must befil led out comp letetvtobe accepted for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application,site plan(for additions)and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division Any addition larger than 500 sq.ft.will need a Preapplication Review. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all ca.s ,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div. to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire by limitations. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days,on written request by the applicant(see Section 30.1(d)of the Uniform Building Code,current edition). No application can be extended more than once. ! hereby cerni•that I haw read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit / understa.;iI it r_ not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicant's responsibility,to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. A pplicanCe Date: Z*-z0 ' �T ,,ar C.`.DATA\WP∎KEEPERS\BIDAPP.FRA1 PW-i 102.0J(rev.2r%l k 1 rt 1— „I ii ....___ n -34- . " ' t �� ¢ O 9 i N 2 CD 0 ro in I S N N z z 7 N N N Li) 0 o to Ln E {. O O Ln N co 0 r 0 JF LU nuw t -5 'A d'O t CITY OF PORT ANGELES t. . PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 '�aev40 f r 1 �,. BUILDING PERMIT Issued: 11/21/96 Permit. No: • .9375 Conditions: OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK E '' _,`. • 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 44 - 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS *r T: S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR DESIGNER , 000/000-0000 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Prj Value: $35,000.00 SFD UNITS: 0 MFD UNITS: , --•0" Prj Type: SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ FT: --. 0 Occ Type: . Occ Group: Occ Load: COMMERCIAL: 0 Cnstr Type: INDUSTRIAL: 0 GARAGEY ,' ` 0 Land Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES ADHERE TO FIRE DEPT REQMTS - ' ©W L,, PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT BUILDING PERMIT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PLAN CHECK $0.00 $0.00 RADON '"$0:00 STATE SURCHARGE $0.00 $0.00 ' $0.00 HOUSE MOVING $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MANUFAC HOME $204.50 $0.00 $0.00 SIGN $0.00 $0.00 PLUMBING $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $204.50 MECHANICAL $0.00 $0.00 AMT PAID: . $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BAL DUE: $204.50 - .. .' ,.1t.:.. .. R/W SANITARY WATER DWY STORM DRA OTHER 'Separate Permits are required for electrical work,utilities,private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned fora period of 180 days after the work as commenced,or if regUred inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection: I horebjf certify that I have read and examiner,"-,is application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of 13ws and ordinances governing this type of work will be con,,.,ed witn whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the 'lions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction.. .. 0 - .. .....- Signature of Co Iva`,.,( or.'ruthorized Agent Date Signa of Owner(if• s builder) Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PRO"IDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,, PiS,14TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE • INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES 1 NO FOUNDATION: r ". FOOTINGS • WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) ROUGH-N PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE BACK FLOW/WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/ GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS/ROOF/CEILLNG DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALT./FLOOR/CEILING MECIIANICAL CI IININEY WOODSTOVE/PELLET DUCTS PW LTU.TIES/SITE WORK (Engtneering Division) WATERLINE/METr.R • SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL PARKING OT TER FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL•LIGHT DEPT. 417.4746 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTRUCTION•R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4307 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE(MULT•FAM.ONLY) 417-4654 FIRE DEPT. BUILDING 417.4315 BUILDING /(/ /t .►/ GENERAL COMMENTS: RWI102.15(4/961 a Op ppAT AbuCFI 7itgai MEMORANDUM °Epps DATE: November 20 , 1996 TO: Linda Childers, Building Permit Coordinator FROM: Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal RE: Pre-Application Meeting - November 20, 1996 A 1620 square foot portable classroom to be located at 304 E. Park. This project was reviewed and the following requirements have been identified. 1 . A fire alarm system will be required including pull stations, smoke detectors in classrooms, heat detection in attic, horn notification devices in each room, and fire alarm system connected to the existing school fire alarm system. 2 . A 2A-10-BC fire extinguisher in each classroom. 3 . Building identification numbers will need to be plainly visible on the outside of the building. Numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches and contrast with their background. 9 . The portable classroom shall be separated from other buildings by not less than 20 feet . A 1620 square foot portable classroom to be located at 1139 W. 14th Street for Stevens Middle School. 1 . A fire alarm system will be required including pull stations, smoke detectors in classrooms, heat detection in attic, horn notification devices in each room, and fire alarm system connected to the existing school fire alarm system. Linda Childers Page 2 Noyemb 'r 20 , 1996 2 . A 2A-10-BC fire ex..inguisher in each classroom. 3 . Building identification numbers will need to be plainly visible on the outside of the building. Numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches and contrast with their background. 4 . The portable classroom shall be separated from other buildings by not less than 20 feet . A new 1067 square foot manufactured home to be located at 1409 South I Street. No specific requirements. DM/cw r.'.... , u_- r 4, l.n z , z n t, X "ru W ,...... ii r l''v {ci w j I?O 1 r.,--1, ' ' 9 3 . fiP\ iN,I'll I - I ,, �\ . ' ,() I iii , •P' W, 9 : o. ;. . l `( - � n � { i it i A .1'f. . Q. • - . ' - , l • o �) u I °, �'. Y , 'I4 h) .� — . • q,› _� , �., ■ d. w 1 M t'.1 Ili i Rr4 '1d 7.9 Oti? 9Nintrd '?tr MaN wQ _ Milli l i t Q s r , 1 4 s -------• . .._ • • • •.• . . .„ ',"t71 1 ( ...,. i t ........._ C) 1 , , ---. - „.,.... ,.,,,.4 _. ,. . . , ...%u 0 1 , 0 I ,r, ' --r ' N_ 1 - ■ -4-r =', n • 4 ! .41 :-. — : L. t <1 -.3; - . , , ,. IY :6 P. 9. 1 . -cl.,1 3 1 0 FQ-i-----1 i. 1,-- 1 . i 011_ ) - „Ii il ill ,:z (f) : ' ' I ---1 ri .17. 1E -...---- ------- i , ,- --„,._- - ,, ,,• ,..., 1 2r' li , ii ___IE -__+: -_-7-T-- I . --_ a . iln . 47 C, ---s if i ! 2--1 '</- II \\I L------- L , ■ al L.L_____J r, t 4 ip_,_______JI < [i I ._... () • --- \ ,,, i ('L: 1 . . ii_l , . 1 1 ! 1 i e '---1 —514 b • m I i , ,__ . ,& r • •:_,. 1 ■ I 1 1 ! 1 • L. .....i 14p. i • 1 ' 1 , t ,..., - — ! .r9 1 , . 0 L_ _i (i) co IA ic2 ! j v) f- 7 0. cr 1 cv 06 cc) 1 0 I I ,; ■;j cr (Y V\ ) 01 Q i •4 ) 0 rn I cs. .ci st — t0 \ c•-i vii _o 7_ c-z cf-sil C:) 17; — • ._ . ... •4 2 a; a F14 i `,F4e3 .4 CI it/ rt IC 0 0 L11 1 —10 tZ3Z.(.1 I -1 '-) ' ,,, J ■P I I .:..; 1(*■, 1 - . 1- ( 0 it ft . ..4 2. T n • ),. \ e * i • 5 � •UIIL )ING PEIZMIT - ['REAPPLICATION Lt.,r- d ' • Det Approved. The Bulldrg Permit • I'nappheatlon must be laird out completely. Pkaie type or print In Ink If you have any questions,please call 417-4b IS Applicant and/or Agent: (L 4y r)/4Y/"---S- Phone: 1-45-7-091/9 Owner: Po, - J, .. $'C,+OO 1i ` -ic Phone. 1/5-7- 85 ?5 Address: 2/6 ,6 _ City: Pan'T /�Al -e-iz� Zip:_ 936 2 Architect/Engineer: 0cvNe-2 . Phone: '5/5 7-09119 Contractor �v NC Z License #: �p�. Phone: Address: 2 91 2 S', P -2 City: Po 2T" ti 6-- Zip: q Y ' Z- PROJE CT ADDRESS: 0 E, A . 'v- ZANMO Pe B.P. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot / —g Block: 2 6 Subdivision: C.--)e R1.-/r 1>17-7OA2 FITE OF WORK: SIZEJVALUATION: 3 Residential ❑ New Constr. ❑ Rcroof ❑ Woodstove /6 20 SF.@ S /SF. °S Multi-family U Addition 0 Move ❑ Garage SF.@ S /SF.—S CommcrCial ❑ Remodel a Demolition ❑ Deck SF.@ S /SF. S ❑ Repair a Sign o TOTAL VALUATION S II REEF DESCRIPTION OF TILE PROJECT: / AJ Zv C4R-.f'S.eoOr1 ?oder-RA4_6— Z 7'?t g0 2OMMERCIAURESLDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: '4o.of Stories: Lot Size: V.Lot Coverage: % :xi sting Lot Coverage: /sq.R +Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq.It TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq.ft ?LkNNING USE ONLY APPROVALS: PLAN 'omits Required: Notes:_ BLDG vlax.Height: Setbacks: Zoning: DPW ;Ile Plan and Use Approved by: Date: FIRE :SA/Wetland(s):❑Yes o No SEPA Checklist required/❑ Yes❑ No Other: OTHER 'REAPPLICATION SUBMITTAL! Your apyesc ation and sire plan must be filled out completely to be accepted for review. The Building ;vision can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal require.nects. I UILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application,site plan(for additions)and building construction 'Taro are to be submitted to the Building Division. Any addition larger than 500 sq.ft will need a Preapplleatlon Review. /ALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cam a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant This figure will be reviewed and "ay be revised by the Building Div.to comply with current fcc schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. 'LAN CHECK FEE: Yotr plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are su'.rmitted. All other omit fees are due at the time of pcmuut issuance. .XPIRATION OF PLAN RE%_EW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire by mitationn_ The Building Official can cxtavl the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days,on written request by the applicant(ace Section 01(d)of the Uniform Building Code,current edition). No application can be extended more than once. hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and Jam authorized to apply for ''+r permit. I understand it it not the Cityi legal rrrporuibility to determine what permits are required; it renrairu the applicant', rrporuiblllty to determine what penults are required and to obtain such. • Applicant: << ():y Date: �w t .o('2' �ADATAtWrXL?E�LOA/7 tRM . . .. A . I O a 0 r- m� i I a 1j -�� a ,rime la l o jam-► c L__________-� . al 1--L.---.1 k p .1 <I , ,1 r 2 � , 1 IU D I . .. MIll i I I z o — LJ I i It Q. 1 a i I ? i ct cv J 1:')41 q Cl.....^ il 111 8 J�Q i 0 IIU!I ILI S � ® ® d) N v r In 02-19-1 997 03:01P^1 FPON TO 94174542 P.01 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SITE REVIEW ,, ... Project Name: Spray Booth for Port Angeles High School Address: 304 E. Park Date: December 13, 1996 We have checked this project and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions. 1 . A clear space shall be maintained around the exterior of the spray booth for cleaning. Combustibles or storage is not allowed within three feet of the booth. 2.. Use attached Table 4502.5-A of the 1994 UFC for minimum thickness of exhaust ducts. 3 . The metal pates of the spray booth, exhaust ducts and piping systems conveying Class I or II liquids shall be electrically grounded in accordance with the Electrical Code. 4 . Mechanical ventilation shall be kept in operation at all times while spraying operations are being conducted and for a sufficient time thereafter to allow vapors to be exhausted. Spraying equipment shall be interlocked with the ventilation of the spraying area such that spraying operations cannot be conducted unless the ventilation system is in operation. 5. Exhaust ducts shall not include individual bends exceeding 45 degrees, measured from the center line of the duct. (The proposed installation information given at the time of the inspection meets this requirement.) 6. Clean out openings shall be provided at intervals which allow thorough cleaning of ducts. Clean out openings in ducts and pipes shall be equipped with tight fitting sliding or hinge doors constructed of metal which is equal to or greater than the thickness of the duct or pipe. Such doors shall be FP - 22 Page 1 of 2 TOTAL P.01 _ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONBEPORT REQUEST: C —' (--g Date 0 2 Time Received by (phon , arson)) Location of Work to be inspected / `T t Name of person requesting inspection ��` . Address of person requesting inspection. Phone No. .7 ,,,--/ 77 Type of Inspection (circle a p opriate one): Permit No. C;-9 Sewer Foundatio Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION TES:— Inspected: Date 6g ,r--- Time By. Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO .lINNIMI F4i_c--4ff2 L..... ........ 411■111•1•1 SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved EGravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC CI Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # El Repaired by Permittee (21 COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if neces.,ary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) ,i QORT AA, 'Q ON CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,o 321 E.FIFTH•P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES,VIASHINGTON 98362-3206 PHONE(360)457-0411 FAX: (360)452-0353 -IC WO August 16, 1995 `'t,`r" O r�� pm1Cx'2 rwc UPC Mr. Clay Oakes a`^ _ , 216 E. 4th Street MM. Port Angeles,WA 98362 II EVE RE: Wood Shop Classroom at Port Angeles High School FILE: addA_.d Mr. Oakes: After our inspection of the classroom and researching the Building Code for accessibility, exiting and fire separations requirements. We found the following information: The American Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all buildings and rooms be accessible to persons with all types of disabilities, Section 1017.8 of the Uniform Building Code requires two sets of stairs for exiting, and Section 305.2.4 requires a one hour separation between the classroom and the shop area. The building does not meet the requirements of the current Uniform Building Code or the ADA • code, therefore the building needs to be brought into compliance for continued use of the second floor classroom. If the second floor is to be used, please provide us with drawings on how the Codes will be met, also please note proper permits will also be needed for all work. Sine , /(A6c..4,c_ Louis Haehnlen Building Inspector • -- `` r ' � I� '` ` ^ NOTIFICATION TO LOCAL ZNFORCEMENT AGENCY Department of Labor and Industries , CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE SECTION . [date 2,„ / .;_..,. -.7.3m e:-/_.3 805 Plum St SE . PO Box 9689 . 0 T. rmfg:4,_ . Olympia WA 98504-9689 ' 1 The Factory-Built Unit identified below, requires completion work Submitted to Dept.° L&I -1` at the site As specified. Manufacturer in single copy Owner's name i InstAljation address Type of construction City County , '..,‘ State Z'p -4-0-C-CirPan-CY- --ITA at site Installation site Is in aalci.t.7._ ,',.: 0 county DESCRIBE ITEMS REQUIRING~' 'COMPLETION WORK AT THE SITE _____________ - :' Zlii. 11, ,"1,.. ___C .I 7 /*-- ,•• 2 1(1(...cl e.../` - • _-----_'____- ...... - -~ • ___~__ ii '---__--_---- '__ __ -���-- ,���� . .' ' ` /~� .4!:' ~ ' office ' 7-:-.7,/i)'"- 'EA� � ,��x���_--����_~-__- '���� ' '.`-�- - ' - °�~°�� .White-Olympia office U�ONLY / � � ' ` • �� F623-011-000 notification to loca enforcement agency 3-88 ' • --- - —." -�` � . ` � • f _ - . _ _ ^' �� '_ ' -- CITY OF PORT ANGELES r_ _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT . REQUEST: t Date Time Received by (phone, person)` ,r location of Work to be inspected '3 L~ P' / k Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. .ewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other F-, —I INSPECTION NOTES: v) Inspected: Date ) / c) Time P pi g o y m Remarks: O I --1 S -- m AD c i :' r =1 -< RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO o a J PA/2, n 0 \ O UJç m z fI SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE El No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) i N- 53534-TE LEGAL ' DEESCRIPTION • EXHIBIT "A" SRC —\ c - • CcqiCn LOTS 1 TO 8 , BOTH INCLUSIVE', BLOCK 26 , GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , CLAL'LAM COUNTY , WASHINGTON,'`' ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS , PAGE 32 , ALSO, THAT PORTION OF BLOCKS 3 AND 4 OF H. MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , CLALLAM COUNTY , WASHINGTON, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS , PAGE 11 , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 8 IN BLOCK 26 OF GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , (VOLUME 1 OF PLATS , PAGE 32) ; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCKS 3 AND 4 OF H . MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES TO A POINT 190 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 4 OF H. MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 4 TO THE NORTH LINE THEREOF ; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 4 ; THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 3 OF H . MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES TO THE WEST LINE OF BLOCK 23 OF SAID GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 26 OF GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING . EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL 1 : PARCEL 1 : THAT PORTION OF LOTS 3 AND 4 , H. MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES . CLALLAM COUNTY , WASHINGTON , ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS , PAGE 11 , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 8 IN FLOCK 26 OF GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , (VOLUME 1 OF PLATS , PAGE 32) ; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOTS 3 AND 4 OF H . MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , TO A POINT 190 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 4 OF H . MAGUIRE ' ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES ; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 4 , A DISTANCE OF 150 FEET ; THENCE EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4 , TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 4 ; THENCE CONTINUING EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH. LINE OF SAID LOT 3 OF H . MAGUIRE ' S ADDITION, TO THE WEST LINE OF BLOCK 26 OF SAID GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 26 , GRANT ' S ADDITON TO PORT ANGELES , TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING . THAT PORTION OF BLOCK 26 , GRANT ' S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES , CLALLAM COUNTY , WASHINGTON , ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS , PAGE 32 , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8 , SAID BLOCK 26 ; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 26 , A DISTANCE OF 150 FEET ; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8 TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 26 ; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF BLOCK 26 A DISTANCE OF 150 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8 , THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8 , TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING . • or; of FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: PRE-APPLICATION FORM Date Rec. Project Si: Date Approved: � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS,BUILDING DWISION Checklist Complete? The Pre-Application Form must be filled out completely. Please type or print in ink If you have any questions,please call 457-0411,extension 125. A) Applicant and/or Agent: R21 I `C s '' vis. (21. Phone: 457-8516 Address: '21 a FA°'Y 4114 °. -r t '1- put t`-El.-M , WA. °IS vZ B) Owner, 6 deg 4rt:1/E.. Phone: Address: C) Contractor _ :.:.:. Phone: Address: D) Architect/Engineer: rceePtr Nli`l awl , IN •• phone: 457"If'l41 Address: 1.524 F.AAT srrk r , fir A.Nroe.Ges, W 9 PROPERTY/DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS: 344 134 po At-tar:LOS t WA. t ZONING (available from the City): C •t56 Q LEGAL DESCRIPTION (on Deed of Sale or available from the County Assessor's Office): d E-E ,A TYPE OF WORK: _ Residential New Constr. __ Reroof Sign Multi-family _ Addition _ Move Woodstove v Commercial _ Remodel _. Demolition Repair BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: re"(Alt;F= iWO C2) N LAN tvrITAIN.E5 1-.)451= • FActun . 1) Is a business license required? Yes: No:= 2) Will there be a change of building use? If Yes,new requirements may need to be met. Yes: No: Please explain: 3) Will there be storage or use of flammable,combustible,or hazardous materials in the building? Yes: No:= If Yes,please explain: 4) Does the project change the lot coverage? If Yes,please attach a simple site plan to this form. Yes:" No:_ (See instructions on the back of this page.) I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct,and I am authorized to applyfor this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are require,•it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Applicant: Date:6O"Z3 • 17-A- urr+n r r A sec w E5,)NC • CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: 2 5 Date \ - 3 Time Received by (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected -5 0 c- < <z h k Name of person requesting inspection ( - �°-� �,•.,� Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. 4 -O Z Cz. Type of Inspection (circl 'ate one): Permit No Aig Sewer Foundatio Framing imney Plumbing , final • ewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date ((l �'� Time I �--O By Remarks:_ 1.1 6 , 0) /)2rtV rr P w a u / l�f n- S'r e C7 t o 't! RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO alOtTP-tr: _•41 - SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) I CITY OF PORT ANGELES -- PUBLIC WORKS GO BUILDING DIVISION -- PERMIT APP..' N° 5698 . 4 Date Received / / 4 1 Datc Issued , / (// ( T7 ( N - — - Address City__ _ _ ('hone Lic.No, (Tyner P A ci-l1ti ,_ I)f j _ r ___PAIN Z `' L`' P Arch/En_r. // r' Class of Work: ' New I Addition • Alteration Repair C3 Move ❑ Demolition i Description of Work: i At C.)a ( L. /v in `-';.'N r i Al • Type of Permit: ❑ Building ❑ Plumbing Contractor - No` Fixture Type Fee Valuation S Water Closet -- _'fvatory Permit Fee Bathtub Plan Check Fee (rec.;ipt a ) w Shower` Investi_ation Fee Kitchen Sink Other , Disposer Total S Receipt I N Floor Drain/Floor Sink Building Sq.Ft. Clothes Washer Occupancy Group Urinal _ Occupant Load No.of Stories Water Heater _ Type of Construction Drinking Fountain -4 - Occupancy Permit Issued Lawn Sprinkler • Leal Dcscri.tion: Lot Vacuum Breaker Block Solar Panels -.` Subdivision Other Land Use Zone 1 r Sub Total ` Lot Area . I__ Permit Fee `I Lot Coverage%= _ Sq.Ft. = Receipt k__ Total S _ II• ,4Sign Contractor V.A t:,i Br'\,•. N F o/V Mechanical Contractor Sign Type l' \\ /, I 2 ' F �, � No. Type of Equipment Fee Illumination I e Elec. Furnace Overall Height g ' r Heat Pm Sign Height (i Oil Furnace Sq.Ft. (` tf_ Kitchen Hood - Clearance / ' '_ Other Land use Zone ;' g c� f — i \�,., Fee n i �� Total S ..4. 1 '''- Receipt 12 g2cg - Receipt a Total S APR. • •ACCEIMlD nY 11 ' Cl((:CKFD R e FOR Icsc a.NG:fly Special Conditions: \OTICF A serarate permit is required for electrical work and militia. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days.ot if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is common.ed. 1 hereby certify that 1 have rid and eramu ed tht application and know the tame to he trx and correct.AU provtstons of laws and ordinances governing this type of wodt will ()1hCr Permits: he eompli-.. 'N whether .- he.1 herein or not The granting of a permit does not pies • o g e autho.ey to date or cancel the provisions of any er sta or local law,g la ' g cons . . the permorrnance of conttrucuon. • t .�`_�.,_Y q 11.'4 1 1 Sewer R/W Siprtaw of Centasarw or Aattrwba.d Apra (Date) + Driveway Other Signorina of Oster(d a artar r balder) Moo) I Water P7;v PRINT,NC. • i ,,,2,;• -; • i o BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD I CALL 457-0411 EXT. 125 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS.INSPECTION HOURS ARE 1-4 PM. MIN. 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED.IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LL)CATION. i KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JORSITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE AccErrEn COMMENTS -EQUNDADIN. ..Y.LS ...NO. Fnotinv Walls f_zoi,Ar alnalc —4 - --—. --.-- Reugh•in • _._. *- --- — -- — , PLUMBDiti_ Ender flow/slab lotlh•in ,-- Z -Water Irne 0`-- --.• t.."*. Back floutwater c-2- _Ant SEAL a Walls 1 x Ceiltni . 1 ° EarisilaQ L) I • hnsta!girder,. I she...11 ___—_ —_----. 1:11 Walls/rtiof/cc,lin e..1k Driwall 1 =' 1-bit 1 —. - LN.SLLATISIN_ 1 Slab Wall/floor/ceilmg -------f -1 .4 _ MECHANICAL L i flumes woods tc"c i - Ducts Inauluis i SIILISIAtK I Waterline/meter I 4 Sewer Comet itton - 4 . . - - Siflitin St t,rm i 0 _, a ; , :7 Site Drainage Parking I Other . Z •i FINAL (\SPE( IlONS REctliRED PRIOR TO 0C4 I. PANCY/LSE 41....... . 6 RESIDE%TI A I. COMMF.RCIAL DATE ACCEPTED i F Electrical I Fiecmcal Phone Ext. 224 1 ...) 4/161'21, 7/72r111106_ 31 to: Esigineenng I •-t---. — Engineering z Ett 124 t 1 _.--.....- Z Fire(Multi tarn only) I -3 EAt 252 1 --4-I — _4 Fire Dcpi Building Z I 1 / . - -._ rz, Em. 125 i Ruildtrit 4) Z8V , 1i GENERAL COMMENTS — — Y CITY OF PORT ANGELES -- PUBLIC WORKS ( � BUILDING DIVISION -- PERMIT APPLICATION N� 5624 C Dater Rt.coed 8 ,e36/9) Mac[tined 5i /CO NI —. 1 A 4irc11 _. } _ Ion y. _ Thew 1 J S Nu lf' I I•.M,P_rL.__P cati�� l y E . Alen._I 1'A. 1 1 l_c . n,er a* An tl/Env_.-- 1 1 clan of Work .�. Sc. �J Alionm XAltrunm _.-:..I k,v.0 mina ❑ Ikm,Llvn 1 Dcmnowt of Wirt'. - . c t t,3n S_.nn�L4 ( (j a LTC. SAT . � _AV'N <,. d? .-_ - -__ _ Tpr of Nom; Dwldmc U llumhnp(,worm m. Y Fit hoc inn. Foe Vol I,n S IT4S n0 N1 r< H1tI _ :a. --- - - ae — - ---- - .. I n - -- -- -- ,.� !Limn o f cc tt Dm It Lf•n_(TrckFIc _.________.Cme IA ii __ _]-. _— 4 %Maser i_In•cut/Alton Fr. Kn.lrn Sin Lllt6ar Y ..$�- ; Dorn _ o — ,—Tout S- — _/ /p TO — _ -_ Rn M1_ lnicf'._. . FHrrtlhem/Sher nk- H_BVIMmy.S,1.FI. - _. .___ —. _ • _ C4npc.W'nlat. _____, i_ IA,uparx Un'-p---- -- , fond ---- L_Chr.u.Eant I ..d No cl Sonnet Wolf/ Il a 1 Tot fCw.m.:un Dnnl me Funu,n __Lkcrcvxicnna titled ___ ___.. . 1 I.a•n}.'rmkkL___. _.__- --. HBiO!! c.a_rZr L nn . Venture Drc.kcr •I- lork - 1 Sour Pond. S_uM1 - m hi • _ cc � l.nJ 1 / -_. y Sul total • r Art.._ _. Permit Fee , LrrC [cM1 . Sg Fi R rc TaalS %pJ C.nlrw'1+ I S .I 1. rases ST'T re -_ I 1 ■ S T re of at P l FK• Ilh - - Fir F - -- -_ _ . J tiS>` (All Uauhl , _ _.-_. , • J Ie Nang _. Shy II ym . 1 r - tall e, I' a 1 Amnon 16.•1 I.Uc r land Eft re _ I _ a {� Foul S# Knott. ten non I _ --- Tidal S ,y, r.. arj,< ;) . IS 0.,•1%IN Sr,n. ml.u,n, y Ca•11 N'� • C % � _~ m A..r,....r .....aa n..-.,nn. :n.. r/% M , /,nn C 2-''r le4 \ .. 1 I - x yw a flu.coma m..n.,.ua.....dJ...re o....,,.....uo.rw.*ft n..r..n« y- ACM `a/7E ..1. 1 m Mn.n ur...runs(&...k • rr -ben.NnM.w,In.(coma N y� 1 k� ID..I...wr u,w.n.r.,.l..,.+'..,aa KrVe(, 11 � / rS/ VA yI LQOF•� I sonny taut,inn 14.1M ntl.aw,J. Ye,m•a.•n.�N.,n.1.4 aw m4 bu.a,.sate .4 t%n+.i %l uJ ... fl.rmin. J tn.of n... ..i. INIrI llkTl,O N&etyma.M .M,4r inn,.of niter n .n Tv tremor M. cent con -.• prone,*to m-.awn.,, v.wins a•ise•e ,..na A on, .a,wa now..na', H rt.a, ,`vr:m nu. .�.rvtH(NW!..." /rVj / Scscr RAW rte....,-k!'J.c l ,Arm eI r1.1 DnK..r Other seen.ow..u....•Mar,. root Witt/_ {O*?oRTAko ! �0 DATE: R-o74c' Q I . ill flak trcwo TO: ' FIRE DEPARTMENT `'.," ❑ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ❑ PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DIVISION ❑ LIGHT DEPARTMENT ❑ ENERGY ❑ ENGINEERING ❑ POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ ADMINISTRATION ❑ CITY CLERK O RISK MANAGEMENT FROM: PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING D.T.VI5ION RE: ADDRESS i<24'. Ai. c'N �- -C'Ace) I NAME/CONTACT /7`•7, f"C `, -''f 6'7 / /v/IS ?G1"/ PHONE: L;?' _G G ,) PERMIT NUMBER C" ') j PROJECT DESCRIPTION 7] NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION/ALTERATION COMMENTS/CONDITIONS:: /'U ( Q,'1 f U,v i REVIEW/RETURN ❑ FILE ,... ..3,..„.--r-t.... BUILDING DIVISION . ... ..,,,..,..7.„. ..„..,...k...„,„....,,p .,., -....,-.-. ,-.'.• ,:-, -..,?...,, ;:,.4...,...',?vtr: 1.• -- „.‘...A.....w4f,4, CITY OF PORT ANGELES .. .- ,,..-,-L--,:i;,,,44.Pt,,,.;.t.zr-.7_,,„„t-,„..--, * * : -- -:TA4‘427-4=;_rg"';1,•' ',?.:,,,,‘-, ..•_ , • ,. Correction Notice , ,,..,: ,,,,,.,,,.-,-,..,,,.4.-,..:-,-..-.: 1 Job Located at Inspection of your work revealed that the following is % 1 , %'. :‘,,..,,:-,:,„4:',':a •not in accordance with the codes governing the work in ., ':-. ,A•4„.-..eiitii•...,,..„-,:-.....4.i.'ilf,i1 •,-- ,-.2!:,-,'",-; ‘,...4„'; '4,...--,:yis.,,,:,W this jurisdiction: ■ ,,..,4--- t- ',.... •...,. 4..- `,=,...''V:p• ,,,,---! ,,,.„,:,,,,;:,,- : ,--- „..,.. ,:q1 ,r,;4,44,,f4 ;':.,;`,.1.44 i,-.•!..ltr+ ' i s! "7 C2 ' ' ' C . , , , . ,...e.I ',4':4,-,f1","tZ ' :1'71. 4..i • '''':i*t.ti ,;;;4r:V4:"1.;'f:,:l'illitl ,., /V r. -'14 Ts poi .,(7. /..t•*-_, /';___ ''., .. ' ' ' ' ' I . '4 ." .. A4 ±, . ', 4tf..,-i., Ai,,, / A - ip riz-(.' 7 I(: Ill ..,r,;,zA, ';'-'1;4'4",,i'•-4.=)**-:,'-' :-,t4To I --,:-;;A.;;4 ' ‘:'.'•:'.;-. .:?';.-4 A, . 1 A.,'./..' '.. ", .4•:•;. '... -A0-,* ,d 'd ‘%,1'3 t....:•rt'!..'r":.° , '- '-'-'f.• ' r ■:: j::C:. These corrections must be made and are not to be ,,. •-:-•-•::;,- .'',:,,,I,'="-?:1At-- covered until reinspection is made. When corrections have been made, please call 4 ' ..,'`'''' ' Li / ''" i -. ::: for inspection. , ,.:-,..,,,‘. •.r,,,..-A.4-1‘.zi.-7:24,,>1:47;,. .,,.. , ' , , , , . • -.,,,,t,,,,,-.,4.-,7„,,. i--,..-,:,:,,,,,... .• , 1 1 '‘ 0-- l,4:.A2/ I-, I, -.'A/ I Date c-"/ ' ' , ' '• '-•-•',::,,,;',Iiii',:,,,:;.;-..:,„:,s-',...,:tt.Z4 1 Inspector for Building Division , , %, :,,!, p.- :. ,Q,c2.,-0•./A.,. -v,-,' DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG „— t k . ...I . =act ae..ayst'maot !reject No. P110 • MODERN BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. By V-^..1.'{1- Sale The Smart Chatce...' Sbe t • reLep?tons(503J6.32.1422:'Tax(3 31682.3683 ; P.O.Box 2.50 . 10940 S.W.C1utt=SL•1\talatzt.OR 97062 "FO LA.t D,4 T t O I\l CALC-ULATO4 • • u;4 Ar 1 o t-1 Sls F - l '47' X1,1-5 "rr-OU.1•4C. rri o r1 PL 'DE-r -tL< � �1- . "47' Ffl1.1-'7 • ' + ^j •ice: = :�, It r:•*41.4 ,t4°..44.. ii tHAL 111» . • PORT ANGFI S FIRE DEPARTMENT i JUN - 7 1993 :_J I 1 . PLAN REVIEW Project Name: Portables - Port Angeles High School Address: 306 E. Park Ave. Plan #93-17-6864 Com © R-1 ❑ Date: June 4, 1993 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions. 1. Provide 2-A-10-BC fire extinguishers as identified on the plan. Fire extinguishers to be mounted no higher than five feet and be plainly visible. 2 . Need to identify portables with a visible room number or building number. 3. Provide a fire alarm system to the portables. Fire alarm system shall include pull stations, smokes in the classroom, heat detectors in the attic, and mini horns in each room. Fire alarm system shall be connected to the existing fire alarm system in the school. NOTE: Prior to the Occupancy Permit Ling issued, compliance to the above conditions will be met. Reviewed By Date - -�� ❑ Building Department ❑ Fire Copy FP - 22 Page 1 of 1 • CITY OF PORT ANGELES -- PUBLIC WORKS ( $ �, BUILDING DIVISION -- PERMIT APPLICATION Pi°° . 6864 ' Date Received 6 / 2 / C/3 Date Issued -7 I6.." / N'1 Name Address City Phone Lic.No. Owner ?Asp "d- /2/ 2/1, E. 41-A sr PA Contractor Arch/Engr. 0 Class of Work: ❑ New ❑ Addition 0 Alteration 0 Repair 0 Move 0 Demolition Description of Work: 2- A/Ek) C LA 5 s RoO.,'1-5 Type of Permit: � ❑ Building ❑ Plumbing Contractor No. Fixture Type Fee Valuation S_ . t i (. 4,,.; 521 4-60 Watcr Closet 1 _ Lavatory Permit Fcc - , _ (� 'C'-— Bathtub Plan Check Fee e r • _- a ?'.:.cIipt 4102 z Shower Investigation Fee �' / V ,0 Kitchen Sink Other 4 5° Disposer , Total S 4 r7 5 Receipt# 4-6 rS 2/ Floor Drain/Floor Sink Building Sq.Ft. Clothes Washer Occu.anc Grou Urinal Occupant Load No.of Stories / Water Heater Type of Construction V Drinking Fountain , Occupancy Permit Issued Lawn Sprinkler _Legal Description: Lot / 124 Jeo ' Vacuum Breaker Block 2.Ce, I Solar Panels Subdivision 0 /2.1-1A/r5 A LDD • Other Land Use Zone f /3. lc,. Sub Total Lot Arca I Permit Fee Lot Coverage%= Sq.Ft.= Receipt# Total S ❑Sign Contractor Mechanical Contractor Sign Type l ^ 2 _ No. Type of Equipment Fee 1 Illumination Elcc.Furnace Overall Height Heat Pump , Sign Height Oil Furnace Sq.Ft. Kitchen Hood Clearance .. Other Land Use Zone Fcc 1 Total S Receipt# Receipt# Total S APPI.ICAIION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY Special Conditions: f L c/ L-p NOTICE /9 n, A separate permit is required for electrical work and utilities. k X_/ This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced ._.1 . within 180 days,or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of (l 180 days at any time after work is commenced. J I hereby certify that 1 have rad and examined this application and know the same io be Other Permits: true and correct.All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.The granting of a permit does-tot.. presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or lo.-al law regulating construction or the permorrnance of construction. _ Sewer R/W Signature o orv.ctor or Authorized Agent (Dace) if • , Driveway Other 7 ....AV. ). . r• 4i� � '3 L Signature of O (owner i.builder) Mate) Wflle! 1'EN PRINT.NC. i ♦ ... BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD i CALL 457-0411 EXT. 125 FOR-BUILDING INSPECTIONS.INSPECTION HOURS ARE 1-4 PM. MIN.24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED.IT IS UNLAWFUL TO C)VER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. • KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOBSITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS . FOUNDATION i— _YES t_li.Q Footings ' {C G. t� Walls Found.drainage '' 9 _., ELECTRICAL Rough-in , PLUMBING _ Under floor/slab _ • Rough-in . Z Water line % 1 :11 ' FBack flow/water —. AIR SEAL • Walls , , . , i— ■ . . . , .. z Ceiling J• FRAMING Joists/girders ;C Shear wall Q Walls/roof/ceiling — = = Drywall • T-bar 1NSULA1ION _ — I Slab Wall/floor/ceiling J MECHANICAL Chimney _ Woodstove Ducts -_-- ^_ UTILITIES/SITE WO.ZK Waterline/meter Sewer Connection Sanitary —_ tx Storm —! _ (a: "" Site Drainage I- -t- ..... Parking Other ---—1----- -- ------L. • — 1 - - FINAf.INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE cn COMMERCIAL DA E C D 7_ RESIDENTIAL \O �D�,,,,,,J Electrical Electrical � � i " E' Phone Ext.22, Li Engineering I Engineering f Ext. 124 -- - ---{ __ K Fire(Multi-fam.only) 1 Ext.252 Fire Dept. Building — - m Ext. 125 Building 11/q GENERAL COMMENTS: _ - PEN PRINT,INC J JUL 16 '92 12:©4PM MOP_RN BLDG SYSTEMS • , A' xR„9-44. . P.2/2 0 • .� . • x t I gate -Z.1-l511Z.- . • . ._ - I r MODERN BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. v4 Cr',. f • . .. .,J< s ie. The Smart Chalk- hoice...' I "' per`40-..1. ,,•-;t. S2ftct}1F- 1 or _ . _. _ ti• l'• Tskphone(503)682.1422 Far(503)682.3685 v^��irJ'�?qt„ - ' b2T A� .. . P.O.sox 250. 10940 S.W.Clutter St..'Nahuatl.10R 97062 -S ....kg.,,r tilAtui-IG - - �,A -A•L rtr E A•t l f1s .. P.:. 0:76i) Zt' o�_. kg.1QSF• • : - •- -: -- . .. _ :. m sJcvFnsr •' 7 :_. : _ .. . . ._. .. :Ktf.sr(AL-7)+ \4_"!rs;�c 4.L°)(z.16 , iLPi..p ur. 2650 d _. ._ .. _ ._ - - z813a _ '1).✓ l of P+_F . . - . . . 11•tf sr.(.zS)' too.P1.� _ ! _ _ lb-.11)15. ■_- _ _ • . - ...._ _ - - - ._ . 1...--;...U ._ c c --- —-- • ' . .._ ..\g,).P.sa-(5•?S)=•loo11Lf.. _ _ ---- ..3000 _. _ I :c Z7 27 ' _ .:. . • • t11 P� — _. .. ' —= I I IPA■ti _.— _ l)cor 566o` _ _ %slot• ' ' +�SKI(tf_ ,Z7—�'_I 1•_.._1.._1` .._...i _.`_ ' .—.... t.. —I J f i -! + I LI 1 •A)sri(LC Z1�PL-F 255r1, ., uSE 12.'71-1( wi(.� .. _-..- - 12. e ••j ZXt � Y ' -1(.� .51(1.331((•3b,• l.95P:f . . t-+a ....... ... .. use lido. G"•Ice- Zk 7D 4xG . .. ._• _ .. .. — A . J t . 150 _ . . • • . • - _ _ . - . :.. : _ ._ ... 3 ..- 0Tor Z544 ... _... . ._ 24.44.: ._• --.__Qrs Go .. • _ ._. - l ___ Go - -. -•.•Vsr4mr. iPL!. _ US>` �"1-t-11 w.1 G4 eV•lc_ 1` tZ-1c.:�isa..e . .eStDE. .wA.t.Z;S .. Aleut'. • • : ; r ___.0,6aitamiimmumegicatmaitilitetaimiatomeihtioshaimakenial majoilawm. .„,_ „ . PORT ,�NQ�ININNIMINIIMIll � F� i• CITY OF PORT ANGELES .121E Ffin•P O tioi 1150 PORT ANGELES.WASHINGTON 98.;62 PHONE (20b) 45;0411 NtiNO 1 n er 18, 1991 i p i Mr. Terry Heindl 1� 1 Port Angeles School District #121 ,i. T- , 304 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, WA 98362 A RE: Conditional Use Permit - CUP 91(09)16 Pen A.v!e High School - 304 East Park Avenue Dear Mr. Heindl: As you know, at the September 11 1991, m Y Sep meeting of the Planning Commission, the Commission approved a conditional use permit to allow the construction of tennis courts in the RS-7, = Residential Single-Family District, with the following conditions: ri Conditions: i A. Hours of operation of the tennis courts shall be limited to 7 AM to 9 PM daily. x B. A lighting plan shall be submitted for approval to the Public Works and Planning :t Departments which demonstrates that light and glare on nearby resid•:ntial uses fronting `` 'y on Park and/or Peabody is minimized, and that individual court timing systems shall be i . used, subject to approval by the Parks and Planning Departments. . e. C. Sidewalks, per City specifications, shall be provide; along Park and Peabody in the area utilized by the new tennis court facility, extending to the tennis court facility along , Peabody, f D. A parking lot plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval, `.' which includes specific attention to the need for an oil/water separator and emphasis on •.., drainage control, prior to construction. Imo► , • • :,. PA School District September 18, 1991 • Page 2 A ..1 This decision was supported by the following findings and conclusions: 1. The approval is for six (6) tennis courts and a 64-space parking lot, both accessory to the High School use, in the RS-7 zone. 2. Schools are conditionally permitted in the RS-7 Zone. 3. There are several single-family homes in the vicinity of the proposed tennis courts. 4. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires parking lots in several commercial districts to be landscaped with trees. 5. Comprehensive Plan Urban Design Policy No. 3 states that: "All non-residential signing and development should be unified and compatible and should enhance the natural beauty of the community." Conclusions; A. As conditioned, the use is compatible with the surrounding land uses and land uses in the RS-7 zone. B. As conditioned, the proposed conditional use permit is in the public use and interest and is not detrimental to the public welfare. C. As conditioned, the proposed conditional use permit is consistent with the Port Angeles Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan and other applicable land use regulations. The City Council accepted the Commission action at its September 17, 1991, meeting. Zrr ss appealed to City Council, the action will remain final. If you have any questions, of if we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this Department at 457-0411, extension 19. Sincere)ly, Sue Roberds Planning Office Specialist cc: Lindberg and Associates VBtIilding Division . 1 Z 2! / AP A-ac.E.. ,•.D , Q 45" 2. • 3 22 '-( _ ®v.) i 4)cleat— f c -E45 4-i 614 S o"t-. ►d 5-- .i/g. Ro 6-E.2s -v 0 `( *r, Pte‹. yam. 7-7L- 2 4:3 s-r-, c c (r-1-4c) J T- I l.r C. 41 I J S 1 C§)-■.) D rJ GLO C., 1• ck.-z•t.■ !A's tiJ rJ t ± ) rPR.a+,. 3 57,& i . , l / ' I Z . 3� ,c g „ 51 4,9 1 r gef,°_,";"' 41'-C� 0 0 tNP ��' Mr 4- _...... t,---- its `N4 1 V I I ____ {r'.1 - _ _. /2 1 \ 4,,o' vir G - I ,a � 41 a L Ct.', ' '..` .'.. • —. L.' ' — '''.u.- .. .'.^ ■-:1-,s 1 i vAll ,, ,.. t e i ng q .n t. avt+t..-unman— Date 1 S'91 am--ammosam mom Project No. Q4'C1 MODERN BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. sr Scala •The srnnrt Chace...* •SbKt gbtJ•I or Fot•.3-7 Telephone(503)682.1422 7'ax 003/682.3685 P.O.Box 250• 10940 S.W.C1utttr St.•TLialatirt.OR 97062 12rc•` tL= 1 t�PSG 4E O rw14_ -E P L R.00F LL= ZS PSF SSA S1-114.. zo+le j P5� Fwon LL= a-o PSr ASSLtrm4C, `js' {Soap Sr-SF • • 4t•1t•cF.(601) - •922. 11.5(3.51. 5S• rst<•S;s Sa., Zl9Z(m) , S.1-104.1.4 t>r. z {{.ISM - Z922. , .14 AIL c .1E;e-ts... 1.S(I.4c.t1 �• ZoZt-tr< ZbS�I. ISoo 1.S(-7•ZS) . . 18:sa Y 11-o r-" `,1 P.r. 4 ve,E (l 1- tlt-% LWL 211-1 • ;1- -3 —. rA : (EL r c. . �QO h � L4 F) - U 1 4.9 z.(sors 3'!'C.r (alt/a° Z?Lb 1"r- Srt- 7:7 23 1 Z U..G��.l `*) s • = Z'7c.3 -2)(1 1%4-Z• z(°S) 1SE 4x3 a: Date k I x141 • soma ,..—■MOM Project tie. 6qo • MODERN BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. 37 Scale • The Smart ChcAce—' Sb t boa-� � a•-7 Tetephone(503)682.1422 Fax i3031682.3685 • P.O. Box 250• 10940 S.W.Clutter SL•71ralatln.OR 97062 • • I.J 11-10 - 1-1-LeN r:SVz--2e., • • • .o r..ezZ G Copt..: • C.•4 J✓ 2-1.4-1 Z 7.G7 "Vt.., -b 59 L 32-5rt.p. (1,1t‘e_ 21Z rc. 1-5' •3o°artx ►=L- 14c{ (te 41 Z7oa. I.S(-7.2. - Z*-'3QS- otL- - Ca14r 11L t-114 t.tlt_. . o .. Loc. o.ot9 :Z74.' e ' ' k ■ Gf 4 1t-1c c+c-t . . �.X1140 — l n.t ar,l _.: • Con v 5 h-t- ct C. -5 `1 C. • . ._ . .Q.� G4 C.4 tiU (., ZrtF • Z. u"t< 51' n-i 1 ..,( La felr.0 'z.' c+t:-- . ... • .. : • l4L( Z,.( l\.% zt l94ct.LS1(l.v3). 'Z-n1lcs 8(c.4 tt strip. Srt I -4-ryes c....c�-b. • D.a l kid" Project No. ?ctO MODERN BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. ay Kara Scat •The Senn Choice...' Sleet P,t4.4.of Fps.r7 Tricphoru(503)682.1422 Fax(5031682.3685 P.O.Box'250. 10940 S.W.Clutter St.•Tualatin.OR 97062 -rtza as z_ e C ua.c:. Zt lsvt-nsc 7 la Zoo /Z. = Se.act L01I6. -1912.. ( '1._ • 314 to �..I 9 G ca /'74.0.11)- 95-114 . /IS '` bcot. st 9' — _' 4S1r4,r < e,251-4,t- (\.,..oh.. -o) i (S.2-5.0\ 1 use ZY4 31.L'((e �.l �ZrI GAttl e 3' 9 Goa = 3q 3 psr z 0.C.7 (47...s\ *11 sr ok t•.1 i • b -o a Z i-o F r r, 9coODf 4 .. Z400 S"l P t'. = Z +`5,, r. .T'C= Ps Z4co is) e 1 • Axca' • . MoaRc F . voLt. %3StSO * 4,4 e l49(�1t� lbze . (Z,Z 7157 15oo(1.13) ?..g-c;Se>.l`-o Q. 1,0*-1G. x`19(. 7L.4.l.3J) 40/ lZ.tar's - -1 a t na... Li f LE4 .r14 k N sty of Fc'a'S Mta l$sb i 11-0' cxC_ a s .a.i e Dw I - •o1111 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 Project No. e-O MADERAI BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. EY_�..� _Sale The Smart C1,cres ' • 'Sheet Fpti.Sol ..O-' '1 Telephone(5031682.1422 Fax(3031682.3685 • P.O.Box 2.50. 10940 S.W. Clutter St.•'lUalatirt.OR 97062 (■20-}4. CaBo rt � � c -\- ���(r�.Z�, 4.,Z(z.$)i X3-7 Soot z T=L = 73154 13.83 = 5333' • - 11114 I Cts' •h• Ccol?c,,,F • 2S 11 1 - 45l, . (Z� ok.kr•z P4G c41 Sty ASSur•ub-I(.S t-1_ -rev-114.4.1 c.4 -r1. CLoc to> �la)I)(7-1.1.1) - _ • • F..oC LoPsi`('k (G'�(zT�7� 441.-7 : • wmnW(s'.c7\( a.5..1 - 4ns7 t= u � Fs. • tZcut ( 13.83 - r78-54.2./.7b-214 Z.4 7-r,( • . • 7 ,_...ti 33"" I Itib.,_ . - ..�. ��.�.�....�. Date l t 41 ell timeaant irm°ent war Project No. `{`:kO MODERN BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. By L-Atf1 $ is •T a Smart Choice...• sheet Fwa. of "r-c•4=7 Teleptwna f5C31682.142 Tax(503)682•.3llei. P.O.Box 2:'.0 • 10940 S.W.Clutter St..'fl alatin.-0l. 97062 1 1 c = 'Z 0 ?Cr YUN: I Z.) • c CoCCOO Pd.T. I h tu f_ 3)t-,\\\1. 0.4-o tier') C.C.A. E0 l q ' U-1:-',P,i-,Z it-4. ,c3,4,„,..- t..4 ElAar 4 /t_L t-1. F 1,4 v 14%.t L . . I �i o 'o t3E c?hwt _ N S) FILAV\OE ik.b 1--r-- it • ( s : 0 i 0 p7, Zx 4 r c.t o lv I!� 1 91 P5;'s t..,( •tZ3, e - 17.-.. SrAc GE-O- ( et-VS paL ., ti • 'Q a • 4x4 l=sr' •- - AT- ,-----•ROIL Peer : • a I I 1 ..-- 9Y AZ IG'.yt-tu[ki . Eel I to I ;�, i1 T f 1?r..2i 2. .:II • VP nD 1 - -G'%V-4• z 11' ca,r•1(. Pao . "'-jar'' o) 4x5 „. mss., , L 51s-1p PAIS %.45 yse (11 tirip -s-•. lb ,,.I S-1•11o♦ .Q n- Ftta r �t2'M x - 4 x Po ST — • is... 1G '3, -. 1s.1. Corte,∎; L d , II ¢ =L a i r • a ; , $7 -r 0 F -OA of 0 dj J, -CV.o' V'c ^aC, Flo. f L� .k--.:—. 1_ Z�- x Z'. .%., 42'Cork... Fr . 2 iI 412i -p c-e› —;•cp(31 ?tA . Fp4-7 • ._.. u-�c G 1 s«w rs NS :,15-r�1p r(P �R a .Sta; Fttor't ran To 4YS t 51s-t? Sr Z9 Z ..,{ 4 •1.110 __• ••'1 I MAf..tLtAG.c 11rL£ "�n�Q...... 00° 1 ,t 1 �' l FCA k1 ' F.,4-- & -o' n►J• n,t J . . ..roc -1 ..11n e % - ♦tl,� 6 iZI►•� '.�1� Protect Na �_ • le74 mum 1 17..xi.e_e.'-1 c.. . rj., lot . SbettFor_21- ,ot r"04-7 I-� ! �2 z 7) OA- »I ri Y f • i . y o ► � . L,A,� v? mar ., � ; . . ,,,,,i V . ' mi J U Zkg r.1. coNr �/ - . _" 9-l.& Ea. Po4T--?`{P • .Ar-'�-- Illid _ 2x,- Frt�'? tC. W1 OM trig . - • ler(.: 4 7t2t.,,P'-Cr-7k3 - ' `91`,,, j , 1 (4) .'io sA.sso� r rtt ...1.:_:_. '' . ' • • • Cct"�,vz_To P At4) .'. • . ,• :E!■ o ■.1a U� . - 0,41 De. W.+L. , • �� SECT1 Q� _ _... 2.x. Sect w-; furl CMBm- w/. V cc ". ." •( r,-.1 -,epzt r op... cst,R) 54.:rr klitilt, .... . . . p So . r :"r j fix.4.. sK,R7 L Ft;0. va. u I. � 1 CP-4T• UP c►J Id 14• 1p Rut s 0;; a 1 IA-7s ., "....\ •I • *-•.a*•.•.■..■.. 7 a. r .••• I CITY OF PORT ANGELES -• PUBLIC WORKS & BUILDING I)IVISION -- PERMIT APPLICATION No 4952 Datc Rci.ci%cii 6, (2._" / el c) Date Is,ocii / / __. _ ___ NAM .Atkitc.. 1 .0 c . mar 4. ..64 INInc L.K.NA?. ... , • t, Al 7:--71i7- HContr_Aclor„ _ *04., NI,-■ N... 0.. • .r.r.. t,9 1-2' 5AVO•-'.L6- -44 ... . .. : C:lat,of Work: ' Sr lob t.44.1 Adiftisir LJ Alteraleon i Rcratt La Stove W Denwhoon Dcwription of Work 4.._ 14j L, 5 C.tt irV(__.i ---•fl- \ ■)414. IL 5 .......* Tpc of Pc.ono I ? 14u11,1ffig 1 LI l'Iltmhtng Contra..tot _ 07 iit . No 1 ' c-,,twri-)pr Fee /.1, -- .:7,•*,..i; S ' --7, 1.q . ._. . i, t w,,,,,(1,KC I -- -- 1 _ I,Ilt ihn ..—.–-- , Permit Fee /lit 5Pd. I 1 Rathush ilatt..CtteCk.h7C. , 1-1(4,4.q.a. ,......_ 1 sh..rt '1 Inv.c.o/aoon Frc 0' 1 Kok hcn Corti _ 5 ..,.. .... ,...__...„ ,, c)3, 51 .,-. Total S —1.-1 .1 _ Receipt a i FhsCrf Pillun/flaw Sink _B uildintAia.FL_ _ I ' CIettr%•vo,,Int . ... _ ...waaram•••1 ■4 I i'14 (X-4.tirliPC-1-ein'Ur .-..' -.../. I l'onal 4-41= __ —_-.....—_—_____. _ .. . ()mural'Load No.of Slum,' 1 WAItt'fester .—, Type of Cimctruction ...7mat I 1 t)nnkinfFounuo s ■ . L__Osiukgrzu_rurnil 1,,ufd ._. } . 1.4"n5rtinIkki .... L__ Lcit„al IN:q.ctiroo.; I....■ Vak ULUT1 Firetker . •-- , i_Block_ i Solo Panctt , i'll,.1 1 SubtfivIsior / 0---Cor I ()thee , ':.•.1 Land llic Zone l 1 Cub Total t ... Primtt_Ess_____- [ Lot cmcriz _0113y___ F2 R!, 52,2 Total r2S4gn(ontr act°, li mc..ttato....i Corormior ---M , , , , Sign Type _.4 ' '' Se, 4' re of Equeirrocrit Fee i Illumination 4 Flet Furnace ‘4, 4 • a a ■ I •.', 1 I)vcr all 11cl/hi at Pump , . . ■ 1 Signfleight 4 1)11 I till .t i_ Sci.,1 I. ._ 4 4 Kik Ven Plod 4 4 .4 1 Clearance 1 4 . I ()awe 1 :4 LAndt.ttc /Alm 1 4 —.., 1 41v. .c'". Total S Re..cipi Itr 1 Kt-.4.pi • Total S . - f AIM It AtWet A( FT14i at i M AN%(1St 100111 ' creltert11IterlIttl Ctrt al 1 I Sr%()al Ch.rodioocr. 1, MiTIVE A repanne permits requerd Int Oa yr..a:sort and Auto,. Pus permit liereirmi oniu and lewd if*row%00 eronnotem auto:noted ok■try,tturnenrof wafer 1 le&In.or if cmatruciw.,n,...ft .. remanded or•troodotet for a mood of 110 data at any Orme after met as eren-rtmerel I hetet.,(veldt Wei I Katt cud and r.sfwv....1 W.applKstonn and Ion. 1.1e tilOW to..r I)hr Permits win and comet AU rot oront a lea•md redteontet gotemati Os..:me of met sli: Its ftroptred loth...mho amt-thetf serern or not TM 'femora of a permit Am. nor presume to Atte tottery,to...late re kao,e1 One Ma',14.P1,1 of and rafter ante or iota Is.regulating Arstrwuon or the per-normance of,rettruoree , Se,.er __ Ft/W _ _ 14renue a Cara smear Aotertna Apo (Me) Dn'.cway _ (MC, 1 Water Salyut.,a Olney(,f elem...traitr•I Illw 1 — __ . – -- _ - .: x:; BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD i CALL 457-041 I EXT. 125 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. INSPECTION HOURS ARE I.4 PM. MIN.24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. IT iIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER. INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WI/Pc BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A I CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. I I KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOR.SITF. : INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPT En ( oH,IINT. Hzt!.�unnUN DES _BO A wall. ..r.___..— Found chwi A �LYETICM. Rough o _ , t i P1.UhWH1N(i I tj'' i 7. ,_unckr floor blab Ix I O Routh to r. Wattr Iinc I. aRack flo..!M stet i _RAM1NQ I I i i O lchata//If tkr• j ■ J Shear 'bait _ `7 V4'alltircwd/cc.lm _ 4 cz Urywalll-- Thar _---- -+ __ .__..-. , Ca gj5kLr,T1oti i f 4 Slab } r: WIIII/(Ion /ccthn `' s • MFSHANI AL Chimney t `Wtcdatmc - -------_.. {� LDucu ' 1 Imt M.LS IS I UBK ' I ' I I w eictlinc /meter Sc»cr Cones+.II ,, I t _ Samoan . , Z Storm v ` SIIc I)I/lna�r Parking tOtheT._.. _ • FINAL INMP';('TlO\S RF:Ql IRt..D PRIOR TO(K l't PA\UY r I SE 6 RESIDES II.11. l'OMMMMER('IAI. DATE ACCEPTED Elm tncal ; j I:le.tit al Ys So Li Mime tit 214 Engineering T F,ngmeenng X �at. 14 0+ Fire(Multi lam on h 1 t <__�E1L:5:_`__ __ ___.1-__ t - --- -- —__�_ _ FutDot. ____ .. . 1►. 1 Fitulding ;, �,. r J Ea t. In i 1: Odma GENERAL COMMENTS. , .y/KIST M t ► • - .. ?CRT AN -' I CITY OF PORT ANGELES � 1-'1 :. -;:miliwat 102 EAST FIFTH ST. _ PORT ANGFI FS ui SHINGTON 98362 r " MSG r-PHONE VOW 452.g5.45._ F DFPAVO 1 Pliiq_l(. Wk■ ., 0,:.-T. go PP.F:/:C 7 • 3'q u JAN J_U_19/il- w. January 30 , 1987 , ,... .......r....._ -, CITY ENCINC,.2 '— 1_.�S_ I _l L1 i • 6UILDING i"' - . Mr. Richard Smith ; ENGINEERING ~-"1 . ,,. Port Angeles High School ` 304 East Park �- • = ' Port Angeles, WA 98362 '"--'- -'�'' •5. Dear Mr. Smith, I have calculated the occupant load of the gymnasium which includes the following. _ F • 1. Gym floor 343 "` 2 . Lower bleachers 960 3 . Upper bleachers 1,085 I ,` . * . Your request to run a security line from column to column in the gynastic Grea must be denied. We need 24 feet of exit width to accomodate the egress of the main gymnasium which would require . the use of all the exit doors in your gynastic room. • ; I am requesting an occupant sign be posted above one of the north ,_ ,'. exits stating, "Occupant Load 1 , 303 . " And also, one sign over each side of the upper bleacher area again over the upper exit door stating, "Occupant Load 542 . " If you have any questions regarding this matter, or the roped off areas to insure clear egress pass , please contact my office and I am available and I will be available for yo:ir assistance. Respectfully, Bruce Becker, Fire Marshal Port Angeles Fire Department BB/cp . ., pc: Building Department Jim Widsteen, Vice-Principal • file • 1, 9 ,• •• 1 . Co ppRT qhC 00 N t ��s e_ %V O CITY OF FORT ANGELES '� 140 WEST FRONT ST.,P.O.BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON 982'?.}� PHONE(206) 4570411 p4ANNIIIG '� June 2 ,, 1986 r_ __�_ I PUBLIC WORII EPT. ` I .';vED DATE 1 Lam) I�� 4 lut. • , : 'CCIDR 1- Fii_T1(iA I-`rj°Y N Mr . William Serrette CITY ENGINEER ---�_ Superintendent of Schools E,(R _ f Port Angeles School District #121 j ,t ' '-- 216 East Fourth Street }(�' 1 • Port Angeles , WA 98362 L_�! . "'"I"'- BURCTNG t --_ . ' • RE: Variance Extension - V 85( 7 )16 ENGINEERING _ _ North of Park, between Chase and Lincoln nu I' Dear Mr. Serrette: . As you know, at the June 2 , 1986 meeting of the Board of Adjustment , the Board moved to approve a one-year extension of the Variance Permit granted to the Port Angeles School District , allowing a reduction of the required 25-foot rear yard setback to 12 •j. feet ; from the required 25-foot front yard setback to 0 feet , ;,,, and an increase in the maximum fence height from 6 feet to •; 14 feet , to allow the construction of a tennis court , on property located on the north side of Park Avenue between Lincoln and Chase Streets . If you should be unable to, at minimum, apply for a building permit for the construction of the facility ''' P y prior to June 2 , 1987 , you must apply for an additional extension of the request • in early May 1987 , otherwise, the �;ermit will expire one year from date of issuance of this extension , June 2 , 1987 . If we may be of further assistance , please contact this office . Sincerely, ,so '' • - ' Paul D. Carr " Planning Director PDC : S1: cc : Pehi .i ,, Works Dept . • a •a. 4. • . . • c_. <,l,iii peat u lot the llf1/4ll. )rtg: ammanumber t Right-of-way construction permit subjecr t0 ons Ur nvisi • n RIGHT-OF-VV AY CONSTRUCTION required by Ordinance 2166 as amended nn1 the Mnnirapal � . Code nr nUter City of Port Annul,. nt,iinanr,• ,aa■ 1. Work to be completed by (date) • 2. Location of work: Outside_ Inside_ 3 • traveled roadway (If within traveled roadway, complete items , 4 & 5) Value of work to be performed (If over $2,000, complete its 3, 4 & 5)(If under $2,u00, complete 1 item ac L/ /.S / ' 3. Contractor name C% 4. Performance Bond Amount OR PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. •• � Ok)ER 5. Proof of insurance d 7 Work $2,000 and less $50,000 personal injury, $1.00,000 per incident, $20,000 property iff�j-kt( Work $2,000 and more: $200,000 personal injury, $500,000 per incident, $100,000 pruperty / (G' �� 6. Permittee understands that no street may be closed to traffic unless approved by the City Engineer and Chief of Police and notifications given to the Chief of Fire Department may be closed to traffic from to (Street) City Engineer Chief of Police Fire Chief t ❑ WATER MAIN Service Q Installation 0 Repair 0 Inspection Fee ` f ❑ SANITARY SEWER Service 5 ❑ Installation ❑ Repair 0 Inspection Fee j ❑ STORM SEWER Service Cl Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspection Fee S ❑ TELEVISION CABLE Installation ' ❑ Repair Q Other Inspection FeeS i ❑ TELEPHONE UNOERGROUNDING Installation 0 Repair Q 0 UTILITY POLE Installation t •.' ❑ Repair Q Inspection Subtotal $ !� ACTIVITY NOTES PERMIT RESTORATION TOTAL ,t. Permanent Surface Excavation.... $30.00 $300.00 $330.00 Gravel Surface Excavation # * :. 30.00 150.00 1210.00 $ ' t =__ Non-traveled surface excavation. , 30.00 150.00 180.00 New concrete walk installation50.00 -0- 50.00 " Concrete walk, curb & gutter �?. removal and/or replacement.... 50.00 -0- 50.00 `t Driveway culvert installation.., ) 30.00 -0- 30.00 Driveway installation e 50.00 150.01) 200.00 Restoration Suulotrl $ `'' Permit Subtotal $ , t SEW Sewer permit subject to provisions required by Ordinance 2160 . as amended and the Municipal Code or other City of Port Angeles ordinance A. Single family residence $75.00 '�"��' T B. `Llti-f<anil), residence $75.00 for first dwelling unit and r (Duplex, multi-unit, apartinxtts, $5.00 for each additional unit •` trailer& auto courts, motels) , C. Otter structures o- $0.005 sq.. ft. of ground area for the first (Hotels, office bldgs., stores, 100,(00 sq. ft. and $0.0025 ft. for ~ t. •. churches, schcxpls, hospitals, rurstinder in excess of 100,000 sq. ft. : irslustrial/co/comer(int bitigs.) In addition, $5.00 for each dwelling unit a• 1° m unbined herewith, with a mini fee of •$7;.(X)and a ❑uximm fee of $750.00 ,. y r r D. Alteration, repair, cap of :� existing side sewer $25.0) a .: E. Additional direct ctxuleC(lidls, w'� ; .,�� reconnections Some as initial connection.above R t } F. Installation of catch basins or similar interceptors $15.00 per unit r S s . "4 ❑ PLUMBING : TYPE AND SIZE OF PIPE s+�r' dy,hf of.,l a! Number of fixtures Bas' ermit fee 00 • , " 00 .e f'xt e t r .4,17:7`.yr. is consid•ration of the granting of this permit, it t.further•greed by the applicant that the OEM • City of Pert Angeles and any of its officers or esplayema shall be eared heroles.by the applb. Permit total cant few any liability or r•• =. party. happening responsibility for any a cident, loom or damage to persons or pro- Restoration `,:: g or occurring as the proximate result of any work undertaken under the term mnm total of this application and the permit or serest* which may be granted to response thereto, end apt/+[. $ • that allot id iiebllit lea are hereby assumed by the applicant. p P Receipt Nu. Signed fi Telephone No. Mailing Address y !_q097 rw """:' %' '"."'":'t " •,.-,',7;-:-.1.:: 24 HOUR MINIMUM NOTICE Issued by ......e:'.1.;::;,,V '.r M v M»• 'r REQUIRED PRIOR TO Dale vsf 3?!7 • :. .;. ." . :,.::r,'.t t SERVICE OR INSPECTION , 'i�'%ri:i*> -2 ; +: i. >..0 ;: en*******0.88x# #4xr ?1 s�fi3£31.31.#3f3fOCa0034)10fr'r�v;. d , Finance - Cost of repair (from work order... $ Work•Onler Nu, .'t `d' fc.. amour•.t deposited $ - Refund amount due permi t tee $ Additional amount. due City $ Warrant No. Receipt No.. • al INSPECTOR'S COPY - white APPLICANT'S COPY - pink OPCL COPY - 1 ,< ry r" . � - u t.• • : - a - •. r• •• •t: [b hE,RP l \ ry , CIWOF PORT ANGLES .\ • ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: R ` Date -2-2 ' 7 Time Received by (phone, person) ,F Location of Work to be inspected Iok'r /1,7/./:;-..`72—.5" �. 1 s ` '�` " C $ Name of person requesting inspection ,; �' f Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. _ Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. / 9 z 3:'.'y Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewe -ay. Other ' p y "', INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 7 - 3° - ? Time 5y /Remarks: A7� r,a 'Ee, NE/�T '//F - TA' ' Stir rn rf2 . /017''% 7/� \f�G�dQY) * i, i ,. , ,e6-4.0,-,C ' " - 0009G9oaa - 2`', zS- ' u3 — j- ,vs ? /9 / /9 .N , J, /: C C _ !-e/eFLC _ 2 T A? , 4, >O 2 (r-,---7') _J z a O D_5"/ `•'c r o,c, i.; • Z M ,��i /-2 /:c, O O U 0 _70 0 A 1 /?U i4 T ,-,--.∎ 70 y i9k1v v/t)j9 .. RESTORATION REQUIRED YES -- NOS.,_ Am"."........"'Ho,•;., f 71-----1,,,,•H r 3- 1 { ✓ t. . I r Si G . � ') r c L P j` SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ., ., ❑Other Ej Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee A COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE • • (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) . ,- . ' ' , . kPi 7' -I .x • OF ?ORT 4A,0 . • 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES • :, cam® . h 140 WEST FRONT ST.,P.O.BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES,WASHINGTON 98362 .4.'. A�5 PHONE(206)457-0411 -. il..'; Ue(IC WCPS l,, w,, DATE: vcrnb,r Z51 ~987 �� TO: �C1vi' tt Cv �Lea till I�1 �1 0-01_ J [� rr ` j 3c E . -Pa v'k . �... ... ,, Povt Ai QS 1 LOA . aS3(('2 .r�`''`" Re: Permit Inspection • ti • + Dear PermIttee: - tf Or. 2' i 8. 8' , Permit No.263 owas Issued to you by the City of Port r- .r Angeles Public Works Department. Please advise the Building Section if the work on this permit is complete and/or ready for inspection. • Please call 457-0411, Ext. 125 within 10 days and request an inspection appoint- `` ' ment for your project. • ' Foundation Inspection Framing Inspection .t{ Rough-in Plumbing Inspection Final Inspection At- •': Right-of-way Construction Permit Permit Expired ,I —"L'8-7 (either final inspection or renewal required) Sincerely, C� /i Scut .: •� Larry Romig ;>< ..,- k) Building Official • - I\ ' ' .may..• s CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS.,:i., DEPARTMENT OF P pi U C W 0 INSPECTION REPORT `"' REQUES r 'h• 9 'Q .,.e; Date / o " Time 9 " " Received by , phone ers•n)� `. • v, Location of Work to be inspen 1 ted _ �� . °f Name of person requesting inspection AIIMI X. ` Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. M I., Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. ,• �' �' Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other '• 'r' `• 'yl INSPECTION NOTES: M Inspected: Date //C9/g7 Time �� By /CC/. if iFy t Remarks: _ 4 it `�! Al • "' RESTORATION REQUIRED YES_ NO } 4 -fie 0(C-P,f2t- /4q1/ d . /019)/i27 a-/ .!. : ,, / //3 65- 1(1)/ /-(i f_i/.6'-/ (Ool mt / / I 1'0.1 0,26,,jp, al/cv cr ey/77 ear ..sad ■.*�'14 SURFACE RESTORATION: `'i `'0 SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # 4' ';. ❑Rept;:red by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE . -" ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE } • (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE),.,• I , • •. '` / , " ` . • 4 • `.s. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 \IMI Application Number 11- 00001378 Date 12/21/11 Application pin number 245052 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 15 -5 -1- 2610 -0000- REPORT SALES TAX Application type description COMM REMODEL on your state excise tax form Subdivision Name Property Use to the City of Port Angeles Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS (Location Code 0502) Application valuation 1200 Application desc NEW LIGHT BAR IN AUDITORIUM Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 OWNER 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 Structure Information 000 000 Construction Type UNKNOWN Occupancy Type EDUCATIONAL Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc NEW LIGHT BAR IN AUDITORIUM Permit Fee 71.35 Plan Check Fee 46.38 Issue Date 12/21/11 Valuation 1200 Expiration Date 6/18/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50.00 7.00 3.0500 HND BL- 501 -2K (3.05 PER C) 21.35 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 71.35 71.35 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 46.38 46.38 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 122.23 122.23 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. /pia. eilizi5 Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. t ■O Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall j 72-' Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 5. T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit N N H P1 0 W W 01 0 F m 0) P. Q N r r H a F W 0 O a N n: 7 w a H N a a H 4 u4 F Qzz CU 1n w n w o o w x W 5 x x F u£ v0aa <F 0 H 1 (n z F 7 H N Q Q z �a O fY a EA M O y U U z x F a s E m Z VJ N z N H H U MMM O H F °U O P. 0) H N 3 H F W 0q U ((0 i 0 a O H O 0 a a 01 (0 0 N O W H a ac o H Co P n H ry U a (0 0 p: H z m a i f• x E 01 U1 N Z H a 4 =E H M H m Qv H (1) 0. H O a w a o 0 o p w w N (1 W Orno W FF H H() w x (0 O UIDH O W a P1 M M U1 o ff o 0 0■ 0 0 0 F W O 01 �a a ua 0 a w a a o w 0.1 Q F a w a aw z H 0 0 a E 01 X m au QU 0.. F ual BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION LONG FORM (To be used for projects that require plan review.) Date Received 12- Permit City of Port Angeles Please print in ink. C Date Approved Attn: Building Permit Technician pproved by 0;'�� 321 E. 5 St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 360 417 -4815 fax: 360- 417 -4711 Credit card payments are accepted Mon- i -5 pm (no American Express) Hours: Mon through Fri 8 5 pm Cash checks are accepted Mon -Thurs :3 4 pm Fri 8:30 -12:30 pm Contact person: C4-1-€._1 S AK_ R- Phone: 3 6o 477 zzect Property owner: PAS p (2-1 Phone: Property owner's mailing address: 2—I E S-, A 1,J ►4 98 z Contractor's business name: Phone: (or property owner's name if he /she is doing /overseeing the work) Contractor's mailing address: Contractor's L &I license number: Expiration date: Project Address: 304 E mike-- INJe 70 cA g836Z Project Type: ID Residential r,y1 Commercial o Industrial o Multi- family Project Business Name: Zoning: (for commercial, industrial, or multi family projects) Parcel Lot Complete only the portions of this permit that are relevant to your project. Pay the plan check fee (based on the valuation of the project) at the time of submittal Residential Projects submit: Two sets of plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable) Prescriptive Approach Simple Form (confirming conformance to the Energy Code) Commercial Projects submit: Three sets of plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable) Paperwork confirming conformance to the Energy Code For large projects, a pre- construction meeting with various City department personnel is highly recommended. To schedule a pre- construction meeting, contact the Planning Manager at (360) 417 -4750. Additional information may need to be submitted including: landscape plan, parking plan (including ADA spaces, ramps, etc.), utilities (existing proposed), curbs, sidewalks, storm water plan, etc. For Additions New Structures also submit: Site plan (8 1/2" x 11 showing all structures (existing proposed), setbacks, new driveways If an architect or engineer drew the plans or calculations, include at least one "wet- stamped" set of plans and /or calculations. T:Forms /Building Division /Building /Plumbing /Mechanical Permit Application Long Form (Revised 2011) Page 1 of 4 Repair Solar Panels Miscellaneous: (explain the project) Project Valuation Remodel: (explain the project, including how the building space is currently being used and what the new, remodeled use will be) �I n #4rtr InJ6 lJ i to µT G- .1 BA-Q. (64 SG� 4 foo(— -U Dt'O2tUM Project Valuation Z00 If the space will change from commercial to residential, submit: "Checklist Converting Commercial Space into Residential Space" Addition: (explain the project and complete submit page 3) Maximum height of the new addition feet Project Valuation New Structure: (explain the project and complete submit page 3) Maximum height of the new structure feet Project Valuation PLUMBING PERMIT: Will there be ANY plumbing changes (items moved, added, replaced, or altered) Check one: No Yes If yes, complete submit page 4 "Plumbing Changes" MECHANICAL PERMIT: Will there be ANY mechanical changes (items moved, added, replaced, or altered) Check one: No Yes If yes, complete submit page 4 "Mechanical Changes" Occupancy group of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type of half baths *Homeowner: If you will be doing overseeing the work, then the project valuation will be determined by doubling the cost of materials, to reflect the value the repair adds to your property. Cost of materials x 2 Project Valuation I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. Date (2// Signature (Jeri/ Arelevl Print Name 0_,/410 S 5A-K Page 2 of 4 Y A ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES --t. 360- 417 -4735 c4 Application Number 12- 00000436 Date 4/18/12 Application pin number 664684 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-15-5-1-2610-0000- your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on y Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc 1 -4 circuits stage lighting Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 ANGELES ELECTRIC 216 E 4TH ST 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -9264 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1 -4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 4/18/12 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/15/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due V Permit Fee Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 I!? Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN ti iZ(J f FINAL 11/ 247/ l- 4°F "4) COMMENTS: 0 PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G: \EXCHANGE \BUILDING 04/17/2012 12:20 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric 40003/0003 I' ,5\:;17 7 1; D ,,,c,!.. (l.; I I tit CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION c,1» t t I. r 6% l B 4 uilding Division/Electrical Inspections ELLG 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 II ISPECT!01N3 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: //".7/7--- Multi- Family or Commercial' C ommercial Addition /Alteration Remodel Repair* "Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Bu b Addmsu: y Building Square Footage: v, Description of above Owner Inj�rmat� Name: e: n l� s Contractor Information Meiling ddress: D y s Name: City f State: Mailing Address Phone: W�p' d17 C r- Fax: Phone: E 4 Kyot 4 4 State: Y Fax: !�J�► 9 License Exp. 'A �d61 AltV In't 1 45'7 og l�ceree Exp. it Chars�e Service/Feeder 200 Amp. 132 00 Total (Qtv Multiplied by Unit Cheroot Service/Feeder 201.400 Amp. 160.00 Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp 225.00 Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. 288 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp, 410.00 Branch Circuits 1-4 86.00 ve Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder 5.00 $1C Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 74.00 Each Additional Branch Circuit 5.00 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 102.00 Temp. Service/Feeder 201 -400 Amp. 121.00 Temp. Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp. 164.00 Temp. Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp 185.00 Portal to Portal Hourly 98.00 Sign /Outline Lighting 8800 Signal Circuit/ Umited Energy Multl- Family 64 Signal Circuit/ Umited Energy rgy First 1500 sf Commercial 96.00 Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less 113.00 Thermostat 56.00 o tal Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: Cath Check �1 c� I1- cr Card a ak! F/-g- X C grad: 12- 01ro1/2912 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CY CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 Application Number 11- 00000288 Date 4/06/11 Application pin number 600864 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 15 -5 -1- 2610 -0000- or) our excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY y Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc Gas solonoid circuit. Emg. kill sw Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 ANGELES ELECTRIC 216 E 4TH ST 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -9264 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 183293 Permit Fee 73.50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 4/06/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/03/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 73.5000 ECH EL- BRANCH CIRCUIT W0 /FEEDER 73.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due n�\ Permit Fee Total 73.50 73.50 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 73.50 73.50 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH- 1N FINAL q4/ COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:AEXCHANGE \BUILDING 04/04/2011 09:02 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric 00001/0002 RECEIVED 'C y O� cltyoi.porcAnialap mdtApplkltln o APR 4 2�il t_u00pia DbibiY_laetlhral.bhpaptlora tt 5 11� Ai1iN 11 0 POO iieiit$4 hl 101 1. 0 0:i OM iE ELECTRICAL ELECT P! 1 O)4:. 417mt SPECTIONS DAtet I t 1.6 2 SInDN FamBlr t>aaAlrp Jer I}f8<I OirallfpeidIY i mme cI A0ipoa/Alterdon /Remodel Repair PI n RWY ►Mai Bl Rlqulnd, Please Compl/m Elaotrlcel Man Re** I Sheet fi(Id!r Sq mre•Foolape: /6 c. alpt on.otabov ^�4 /2,0 V oLa /O 1,04 v O 1 ‘4-C ig. ih -scTz srsr 77 ,745 i* a'. v T r;MeIIAQAddrpe.: b1�7'�1t: N 32 -S/ E• dT ST Chty'•••• Stahr zip: J (2 c 4ierdcals state: AM ,ag .tddd :Phone; FOX Phons; A 4C2 -41� s e fa x X62. -11 l� ••;1.11wilie' /_Eg3, License. h:�, 414 t .Es ylo.es y_ sarrloalFwdar OO nip '3145,60' SmAoNFaarr 201400 M p. i 8s. FNdir401400MP. Se�lae/F.e4ir0011000Mo. :::3 372:60 $_,; 8OvIcacNdor.awr. 1000 Mip. :.2.110 tlrava*MYO.Sort a Fodor ;.73.50 L7. Wo th Cava V 0 Soto Fads, Eat Malted el.ird► C1eyl T SmbW i _..0210 am $.110.70. 1 Tamp. ndorrfiadr+r201100Mq. 414130 Tamp, $uvt ?tade4014f00Mq. *15180; T.inp.SirokiIFiadW6011000Mp. ;'01:110 Pahl laPodd.tiowt/ 1 20 StivOugna Witte. .ISAO C1radl UMW bogy COrMwNd. Adaloral 1M0 _6.00 :,63.0 8 S;vol Crag Laded Bite 112Famtpl3wattrl .11.00 •Bonal CrdaUnti d•Eriaplr- Mufd•FaOIMena .4 11910 MnadaobirdMOON Canieotlori r $1 .10. fienaMnfbla t0a0llwl 61NA Srdn orlon 314430' Rd IMO Spurr Ft '..:1•:..36.20 E a c h pawn or i 7x 60 f:adr ro COMd clop •-s 4 a 1 TTI�a �3 Oc isa. d. M 11,21.2af:(1) Dow .moowpi an foro Argropars eliteW O e melsl6 dfa Gawk ispda I a,nr..ae.f e e akalomdaeforn :.lboY+ aWiroA gib ►ahl/.atwlbra.Iarpft4q+b..albr !cb!M.edan. abrar.adne/ Ae ArhC .td0ii Oa a ent l Mn40!.a.Mtli.that t an 8w NNW at Ow *a.. nand pron. /wow 0e.anNe d.bte ealrootor. I am eobieelM�tke or 1r i lAl aAli! w, RE. C. RCW.Chapter1i.28.WAC.Cbapte29NOB, TheC�lofPoRMOdaMmdotpalCill, I to M p cNb ._Beebe of Omari imbeds: admYMtrator x....4 4 tet 14 4 .56_aus.. •Chook r D C ard. 40'. Application Number 10 00001376 Application pin number 648000 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PA HIGH SCHOOL Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc INSTALL A PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES (360) 457 8575 Structure Information Construction Type Occupancy Type Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Other Fees Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit WA 983623200 184 40 80 44 4 50 269 34 PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 4000 BASE FEE OWNER Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR Permit pin number 177907 Permit Fee 123 75 Issue Date 11/30/10 Valuation Expiration Date 5/29/11 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 2 00 14 0000 THOU BL -2001 25K (14 PER K) 1 2 S Ca vi Date Date 11/30/10 000 000 NEW PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR UNKNOWN EDUCATIONAL Plan Check Fee 80 44 4000 Extension 95 75 28 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR 177899 60 65 Plan Check Fee 00 11/30/10 Valuation 0 5/29/11 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 10 6500 EA ME STOVE /FIREPLACE /MISC APP Extension 50 00 10 65 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Paid Credited Due 184 40 80 44 4 50 269 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) 6,06L\ez\ 0 11 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local I w regulating construction or the performance of construction Signature of Owr r (if owner is builder) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By I Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit iZZ3 -I S L(.- PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I I ESA. Landscaping I I SHORELINE. Inspection Type FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE fig 11 Accepted by v Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 01-2S-11 LC- PREPARED 1/28/11 8 04 54 INSPECTION TICKET CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE TENANT NBR PA HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001376 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 12/23/10 PB 12/23/10 AP BL99 01 PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS ME99 01 1/28/11 J A SUBDIV PHONE PHONE (360) 457 8575 PAGE 11 DATE 1/28/11 BLDG FRAMING December 22 2010 9 33 14 AM 1pangrle ROSS 461 2317 FRAMING (PA HIGH SCHOOL) INSTALLING A PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR HE REQUESTED AN INSPECTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND STATES HE ENDS HIS WORKDAY AT 2 30 PM December 23 2010 3 37 28 PM pbarthol BLDG FINAL TIME 01 00 January 27 2011 4 41 06 PM 1pangrle CHRIS 477 2889 BUILDING FINAL INSTALLED A PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR PLEASE INSPECT BEFORE 2 30 PM HE GOES HOME AT 3 00 PM MECHANICAL FINAL TIME 01 00 January 27 2011 4 42 35 PM 1pangrle CHRIS 477 2889 MECHANICAL FINAL INSTALLED A PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR PLEASE INSPECT BEFORE 2 30 PM HE GOES HOME AT 3 00 PM COMMENTS AND NOTES P 3 0 gym a)( ,Z ko `-s0 ci-/'€)c -j\c scf' \,952:crei o 0 r G PREPARED 12/23/10 8 13 26 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 12/23/10 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PA HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE (360) 457 8575 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001376 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 12/23 10 JLL BLDG FRAMING December 22 2010 9 33 14 AM 1pangrle ROSS 461 2317 FRAMING (PA HIGH SCHOOL) INSTALLING A PLATFORM FOR A NEW COMPRESSOR HE REQUESTED AN INSPECTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND STATES HE ENDS HIS WORKDAY AT 2 30 PM COMMENTS AND NOTES c) e, \a)e s 3 si ow +wx. or, Cdr hao i Pi **1 (Z t a l (o C t1 1., S-t- P tt W J\ cis 3 6, z -32rro BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Applicant a)S_5 aon/ ✓l �f Property Owner 1-,9v7' qef e /SCttoof Property Owner's Address 246 E. L/14 Contractor 5-7/461.9 nlsf- jAa t vii c, vac¢ Contractor's Address License PROJECT ADDRESS Parcel Number Project Type Brief De Check all that apply New Construction Addition Remodel Repair Demolition Re -roof Heat System Other Floor Areas Basement 1St Floor 2 Floor 3rd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other Max. height of proposed structu Will a lawn sprinkler system b install Will a fire sprinkler system b installed? Expires scription. Residential tv I Olaf v WI `L'�►e c©rnr&ssor L 5 pp Qtr -4-o 1=.1"1 5 k A: --the v'ehC(■ House garage other Heat pump wood- burning stove Existing (sq. ft.) proposed (sq. ft.) 7 /S' Total footprint of structures sq ft. T Lot size Site Coverage the amount impervi• s surface on a parcel including structu and other impervious surface (se- PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) ft. Occupancy group Occupant load Construction typ 1s P®vi 30 y E I?U YL Av J Po YI Ph L /57 79 4 77 Phon L/ S 7— 575 (erg u-' f- q8 a 6 z. Phone E -mail Lot Multi- family Commercial Industrial Ne,kU V a° 1 Vesso✓ /s4 0(' bv,/ .vJ -'z)2, Rep1o.Ci n9 ol4 cu pves oi- -h Q� Ve,S tear off re -roof lay over one layer gas fireplace pellet stove other per sq ft. TOTAL VALUATION 000 sq ft Lot coverage r= pave driveways sidewalks patios Site coverage of bedrooms of full baths of half baths I have read and completed t is application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to ply for this p that it is my responsibility to determine at permits ar equired, and to obtain permits prior to ing o pro A Date i -10 Print Name S S Y/ Ii1 Signature T Forms/Building Division/Building permit application \it For City Use Only Date Received It- ZZ 10 ermit# 10 -1 ate Approved s, WA- /362._ Zoning nax Z, 0o-6 't and understand ''Permit 1 T Forms /Building Division/Notes NOTES L_ Mc:113ts "GO Rai cEW l s r Lii:a Y ■;■4 i .54 3. t ea o y aktrdst 3 „ot POrp/ tylf+ koe/ Coxti3ref:o^ Tice "fe H S ow IV Art `e A f 24 q r G ewe e at, e-sr E ri fey, e •e r (Pt" GL c /y d to r 7 Ufa, t *04_ C goy l CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construction Plana The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said pla^ specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this 2091 t� Approval Date d By Jg /7 li© t/ %a y! ii/2- PELO4, f 6- 1 eff Ail 7 .e (ey f W4 98..3 3 lit y jar Tazryrete-e. e83 -&-►M P82 I- r? y e Je,s w4 7 i 343 :56D °.z e p/ s Cow ys it'` oc�a ,d ye- 14e-tie-Pr I l t a- p u l< tc 4v v4 ievr- [(cc ic, d 1 Lip 1. fror r7-e- .61/z_.-? j mc, )7 A-j Co Kt r.e ice) h/ -el hr 3 feet A,►pt 1 f s le i I t Ii b F ef" f' Ai q C! 1— L t It 23 Yf dz it/ f4l' /I. g f 'V I rl II li 's/! 05 -11 IA Ivv( -4 �sd la jok 451 i 1t/ 54 al 1 I ta- p a( I poC' kl d 3 r 1„-0 /7"2",i; fi, 1,�i G /-t, u, E7 -r Ac h 1 9 itt°v 'la 77.1 /dam Nu\ OA 41 -5 Wt W V if f pi P Y �f a, nom f r V y 9 r4.d1e./ \6,14 a, G Q.OV, Ah9c1,- 5reej ,4 t°` "h s� )6./4 ,�Qtcl Ai frk t� j j'-ot 1,, EA. F306 Nei L0 2) Et .pt FROVIPe NEW PIPE 4,1 Lt,i6 tv1,6:r4 e..15 F44 t aLL.4 A31 '01,1 00b a MArYirt,„ raGVA.S P4ISCAVAWW.tlik -*V ....1.44.0. 11 ...Al ;;4 �c> Application Number 10 00000825 Application pin number 661650 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc Lighting Retrofit Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 983623200 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Contractor NORTHWEST EDISON INC 21106 86TH AVE S E SNOHOMISH (360) 668 9200 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 170993 Permit Fee 109 90 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/09/10 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2/05/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER 73 50 14 00 2 6000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 36 40 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 109 90 109 90 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 109 90 109 90 00 00 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X DATE. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION 2l n /ii IkV fti 4C. Date 8/09/10 RESULTS WA 98296 REPORT STATE SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTOR. Date: Y\. DATE tb J&I1 0 OWNER/CONTRACTOR taflQTN L i ADDRESS Soy APPROVED ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 PERMIT I 7,5 DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: C'1 V IF_ -4 Z _C_ 1)11ZTE) L,l!pl -�T CAT3U -lc D zQ TS_ID L( Q.1Sd"\Ot) OS )77 V_ c 112.t C NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE INSPECTOR 1- I NOT APPROVED D z i I I OWNER/CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 PERMIT INSPECTOR tb I�o o,614 ‘N") 1.50L1 114 ADDRESS 3bL4 �A24c 19v APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH U ROUGH IN /COVER X,, SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED 4- 1O0•(VSO 1, 4 Dl SC 14 P c2%Tt 1.otZ tr_rz t o-L G co-t b Z S n1OY ATP Iza oil-1400 PM gTS Th c. K_ t�►�1ht *._c-`c tow. I-, A 2 crt_94- P Sv_D F2(Gpkt ii .,S- Vi t- C 7q .65 1 L5 tL.L- 1 'c 3� S IL1td rt v.t z r N By 2 s-- NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452 -1381 Rug 09 2010 9 29AM HP LASERJET FAX CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street P O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: 1 Single Family Dwelling Multi- Farnilyor Commercial* Z Commercial Addition I Alteration Remodel 1 Repair` Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address. 304 EPI p4214. AJE. 'Pop- %.1A ef13 Building Square Footage: �1A Description ofabove Pn rtr Awl" Er_ +it! lt SLt4-06 e6.3 ETU, 1Lr G►.rr (Ler2o P- IA 6* 1Artj UPr,rL p Owner Information Name: or PthfjFL+?c-, H1C2H SCl*ob Mailing Address: 304 ERsr 1P4a.►4 Sr/F. City: PoR-T A nf¢ ft.es State: 14.: A Zip: R S 34, 2 Phone: 3fora -4 7 746ZFax: 6 tF� 2 02 5(. License 1 Exp Item Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Service/Foxier 201.400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder s Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201•00 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401.600 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp Portal to Portal Hourly Sign!Oulline Lighting Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy First 1500 sf Commercial Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Signal Circuit/Limited Energy 182 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi-Family Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less Thermostat NEW CONSTRUCTION OMLY: First 1300 Square A. Each Additional 500 Square Ft. or Portion of Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub x Unit Charge 119.90 145.50 204.60 26220 372.50 2.60 73.50 2.60 92.70 110.30 1 $167.90 95.90 88.20 95.90 63.90 63.90 $119.90 $102.30 56.00 $110.30 35.20 73.50 110.30 Contractor Information Name: KloR.THureST EDt.o Mailing Address: 21 101 6 i 6 se S■E City s NO rbrt4lb Pi State: w A Zip: 17..q4, Phone:346 feto8 Fax: it90- b rip 6 47, ,E License t l Exp. r40(e 4 1S3 R i) MAO Zo t© r 4 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS '7i� 36 .40 otlel/2010 MEM easlr AUG 9 2009 r► o 9 9 Total gc)vvi, 5D5 6ZO 221 P 3 Total (gip Multiplied by Unit Charri Owner as defined by RCW 19.28.261 (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner electrical contractor or electrical administrator D Cash 0 chew Credit Card PLEASE c A- pi_ (340) 453 11 65 Page 1 of 1 http. /www joslynhivoltage .com/gif /catlowenngdevice.jpg 2/3/2011 PREPARED 8/30/10 9 06 51 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 13 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 8/30/10 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE (360) 457 8587 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000504 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 8/10/10 PB BLDG FRAMING TIME 01 00 8/11/10 AP August 9 2010 1 39 24 PM 1pangrle ROSS 461 2317 FRAMING INSTALLING A DOOR BETWEEN ROOMS 302 303 PLEASE INSPECT AT 1 00 PM THIS IS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AND EVERYONE WILL BE GONE AFTER 2 00 PM August 11 2010 8 32 17 AM pbarthol t L' BLDG FINAL BL99 01 8/30/10 August 30 2010 9 03 41 AM 1pangrle 7 ROSS 461 2317 BUILDING FINAL PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL INSTALLED A DOOR BETWEEN ROOMS 302 303 COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 8/10/10 8 14 08 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 8/10/10 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE (360) 457 8587 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000504 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 8/10/10 JLL r/( BLDG FRAMING TIME 01 00 August 9 2010 1 39 24 PM 1pangrle ROSS 461 2317 FRAMING INSTALLING A DOOR BETWEEN ROOMS 302 303 PLEASE INSPECT AT 1 00 PM THIS IS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AND EVERYONE WILL BE GONE AFTER 2 00 PM COMMENTS AND NOTES r P\ 1 e c6c PREPARED 6/29/10 8 43 13 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 10 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 6/29/10 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE TENANT NBR P A HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR DAVE S HTG COOLING SRVC INC OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00000639 MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS ME99 01 6/29/10 42 JLL SUBDIV MECHANICAL FINAL June 29 2010 8 35 42 AM 1pangrle JEANNIE 452 0939 (DAVE S HTG) MECHANICAL FINAL INSTALLED 2 AIR CONDITIONERS ON THE ROOF FOR THE I T SERVER ROOM PLEASE CALL BOB ANDERSON (AT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AT 477 2887) TO SCHEDULE A TIME TO MEET HIM SO HE CAN PROVIDE A LADDER FOR YOU TO GET ON THE ROOF COMMENTS AND NOTES PHONE (360) 452 0939 PHONE (360) 457 0949 Xex zs 10 s `re' kore- Application Number 10 00000658 Application pin number 907166 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc 2 3 ton heat pumps Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983623200 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 168203 81 30 6/28/10 12/25/10 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 Plan Check Fee Valuation Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER 3 00 2 6000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT Special Notes and Comments Any modifications to the City s electrical facilities will be at the customer s expense Charged Paid Credited 81 30 81 30 00 00 00 00 81 30 81 30 00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION 4jzil),D 4Jzq /iO Date 6/28/10 Due RESULTS WA 98362 Extension 73 50 7 80 00 00 00 00 0 REPORT STATE SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTOR. Date. 06/25/2010 08 34 FAX 360 452 9265 City of Port Angeles Permit Application BUUdhWDNelonlB ctrlalInspections :321.EutFIMitieet P.O.8mt 1150 Port•Angeles Wanhtapton, 98382 Ph: (390)41747735 Fe c.(380) 4174711 Date: 1 2 Single Family Dwelling jialti-Famity or Commercial' ommercial Addition Alteration Remodel Repair' RECEIVED JON 25 2009 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Plan Review May Be Required, Pleas Co plate Electrical Plan Revlewjnfamation Sheet Job Address: s00 Afar., Arse J 1 44,14 64)e$ridub) Building Square Footsge: Description of above 2 A4-14 t Ak, %D I T F- "Owner uOWili oe Name OWL_ Name: Mailing Mdr M: Mailing City: #4 state: Zip: Z City. Phone:�.Q —O Y� Fax: Phone: :License# I Exp, A/4rLow bieeo License* 1 Exp. wit Charge •$119.90 '5'145.50 204.60 262.20 :S 372.50 2.80 .1 73.50 2.80 1. 92.70 3110.30 148.70 167.90 9.5.90 8820 1 95.90 63.90 63.90 119.90 102.30 3 110.30 35.20 S 73.50 J Angeles Electric 1J0001 /0002 Total fQty Mullioned by Unit Charge) Service/Fetter 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. Santee/Feeder 401.600 Amp. SwvtoelFeeder 601 -1000 Amp. SeMoeiFeeder over 1000 Amp. S Branch Omit W/ Service Feeder 73 v" Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 7 W Each Addltlanal Branch Circuit Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Santeeeder 201-400 Amp. S Tamp. SeMrdFeeder 4014100 Amp. Temp. Semlce!Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. S Portal to Portal Hourly S SgnfOu9ne L.bhting S Sand dreWl Limited Energy Comment i. Additional 1800 $5.00 S Signal CirenW Limited Energy 1 f: 2 Fan y Dwelling Signal Ckrxdtl Limited Energy Mufl.Famty Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less 5 First 1300 Square FL 5 Each Additional 500 Square Ft or Portion of Each Oulbuliding or Detached Garage Each Sw1mnirg Mar- HatTuO S Thermostat Total 131 Credltcud S Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator ash Ow/Was defined byRCW.19.2d.2E1: (1) Owner wfUoccupy the structure for Meyers etterMk elect** Rnaltsed (2) Owner requirodtohlre.an *MOM contraclor above eafdp rnjperyJr sera net or lam Permitexpiresafersirmonthsoflasthrspectlon. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named properly or e licensed electrical contractor. I run making the electrical Installation or atteratIonin compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 1928, WAC. Chapter296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Speclnatons. Application Number 10 00000645 Application pin number 126030 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc T stat 2 3 ton heat pumps Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 168021 Permit Fee 56 00 Issue Date 6/24/10 Expiration Date 12/21/10 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 56 0000 ECH EL LVT THERMOSTAT Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983623200 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 56 00 00 56 00 Paid Contractor 56 00 00 56 00 Plan Check Fee Valuation INSPECTION TYPE DATE. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 DAVE S HTG COOLING SRVC INC PO BOX 413 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 0939 Credited 4201,0 00 00 00 Date 6/24/10 Due RESULTS Extension 56 00 00 00 00 00 0 REPORT STATE SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTOR. Date: Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc INSTALL 2 AIR CONDITIONERS FOR I T SERVER ROOM Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES (360) 457 0949 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per 2 00 14 8000 EA Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total T:FormsBuilding DivisionBuilding Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 WA 983623200 MECHANICAL PERMIT TWO A/C UNITS IN I T 167973 79 60 6/23/10 12/20/10 79 60 00 79 60 10 00000639 247887 304 E PARK AVE 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 P A HIGH SCHOOL MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 9890 Contractor DAVE S HTG COOLING SRVC INC PO BOX 413 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 0939 ROOM Plan Check Fee Valuation BASE FEE ME FURN /HP /FAU OR 5 TON Paid Credited 79 60 00 00 00 79 60 00 Date 6/23/10 Due 00 00 00 7360 5 61 k rt, ate Print Name S ature of Contractor or Authorized Agent 0 0 0 Extension 50 00 29 60 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) Rifia Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 (p Z I O L T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Jun 2310 12'05p Dave s Heating Cooling City of Port Angeles Permit Application Building DivisionlEectrical Inspections 321 East Filth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360)417-4711 Date: 41 r! 1 t 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi-Family or Commercial` Commercial Addition Alteration 1 Remodel !Repair* Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Elect Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: 3c' Y E. 1r'a r k 4 Building Square Footage: Description of above rt S+0 -A o cr, c'. 0cP o a iG r'_ -iS' Owner I nation Name: fo! /F az_,L. Sc.‘„, oo Mailing ddr I <cs.s* City• r State: gi p: 95i'3 C- f Phone:, `f,* Fax: License 41 Exp. Unit Charoe 5 119.90 $145.50 S 204.60 262.20 5 372.50 2.60 S 73.50 S 2.60 S 92.70 110.30 148.70 $167.90 95.90 S 68.20 5 95.90 63.90 S 63.90 3119.90 5 102.30 $110.30 35.20 73.50 S110.30 5 56.00 4 Owner as defined by RCW.1928.251 (1) Owner wilt occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after sir months of last inspection. Total (Div Multiplied by Unit Charnel S Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit thil Service Feede. Branch Circuit W10 Service Feecer 5 Each Additional Branch Circuit 5 Temp. Service Feeder 200 Amp. S Temp ServiceiFeeder 201-400 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401600 Amp. Temp Service/Feeder 601.1000 Amp. Portal to Portal Hourly SignlOulline Lighting 5 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Commercial. Additional 1500 $5.00 Signal Circuit! Limited Energy 1 2 Family D+velrmg Signal Circuit Limited Energy Multi-Family Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection S Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less First 1300 Square Ft. Each Additional 500 Scuare FL or Portion of Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub 62. L Thermostat .f;to- DOTotal C Check Dale r l RECEIVED JUN 2 3 2.009 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Contractor Information Name: t/e S Ke cr Mailing Address: f: o. .f5c)c'" i 'J /-3 City' A 2 CA State: A Zip: Phone: 4 5",k- c Fax: 4 i«i .c l �9 License>r)Exp. '_),4(' r1GR' t' ,aC After reading the above statement I hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.EC. RCW Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296.468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator Cash Credit Card it 3604520939 r h ark p1 Jun 22 10 03 09p Dave s Heating Cooling 3604520939 p 1 em Scho -o1 Oi 1b E 4-+1 S ,wA 1& bur ner Ptlk►., CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn: Building Permit Technician For City Use Only 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Date Received n�2� 0 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Permit j 0 Date Approved BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink Applicant a v 2' s f-(.e Q4- -t r o Phone 4 7 1 5 .P- c 9' 3 9 Property Owner fo rir 4- nasLIQ,,s 5c-l-, o 0( 1 i s-11rk (A K 5 7 O g F 9 N6 i v Property Owner's Address a Y c, E a 5+ <1 S-fre -4 Po r+ /4►-1 --e-11- Contractor I) a `/-e s i( -t--; Phone Contractor's Address P D. .Bc K f N3, Po r---1- CJ s. L )A 9 $3C: License 1)A UES Ncq 9 t K c_. Expires S ii l E -mail c ate P o a acxty -p c_<. b`ag___ c .r. PROJECT ADDRESS 3 0 I'. A v-e_r t-c-e Parcel Number Lot Zoning Proiect Tvae Brief Description: c Residential n Multi-family n4 Commercial o Industrial Check all that apply o New Construction o Addition o Remodel o Repair Demolition o Re-roof o House o garage o other o tear off re -roof o lay over one layer o Heat System o Heat pump o wood burning stove o gas fireplace o pellet stove a other 'Other -11A_ o i r k t:lY( s ,-.0 v,-, a r r H S Floor Areas Existing (sa_ ft.) Posed Ma. ft.) Basement per sq. R 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other TOTAL VALUATION I, b O Total footprint of structures sq. ft. Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (see PAMC 17.94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type of half baths I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. 1 am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. Dater -„b..2 //O Print Name �P e. 0�c e_in kcz.,,, ,a Signature r�-1 -2)- �II r 1 T:Fo ms/8uilding Division/Bldg Permitdoc CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Application Number 10 00000504 Date 5/21/10 Application pin number 698552 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 750 Application desc INSTALL A DOOR BETWEEN ROOMS 302 303 Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 OWNER 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 (360) 457 8587 Structure Information 000 000 INSTALL DOOR BETWEEN ROOMS 302/303 Construction Type UNKNOWN Occupancy Type EDUCATIONAL Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc INSTALL DOOR BETWEEN ROOMS Permit pin number 165647 Permit Fee 59 15 Plan Check Fee 38 45 Issue Date 5/21/10 Valuation 750 Expiration Date 11/17/10 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 3 00 3 0500 HND BL -501 2K (3 05 PER C) 9 15 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 59 15 59 15 00 00 Plan Check Total 38 45 38 45 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 102 10 102 10 00 00 T.Forms/Building Division/Building Permit '9 3 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned fora period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of constr ron. Sr'21 i 11 11) !kV Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signa re of Owner (if owner is builder) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT. JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting SS 10 10 t,l PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 g -30 i 0 T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit Applicant 'Pot l a.1e3 Property Owner Property Owner's Address Contractor SC Contractor's Address License PROJECT ADDRESS 30q E P PDY P©r -n5 -es S ,et1 cJ cription. Residential Multi- family XCommercial Industrial Project Tvoe Brief Des Check all that apply New Construction Addition 'Remodel Repair Demolition Re -roof Heat System Other Floor Areas Parcel Number Basement 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in -ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 In S— I I DS T Forms /Building Division /Building permit application SclAdo I b iSTvtcT 2-1 Ph n■ y 5 7 —O /9 &'(e)nI Dirsf Vlc.f (UPhone Li-5 g 5 87 J 2! y St Po 4 A- ei€S, f, /J 9e362-3 of t- vtc 1�.ta, kc Dept y 57— 09' 9 O BVi 30o House garage other Heat pump 2-0 .144 CLOv 6Q:ktizgAi 3kZ i t td 3 13 4- Room ht o let )1 `7 S Note. *e. rrso rn nvrnbers (.40.1 ge.a4n 7 3 0 '363 vex- o p i,`r{ n t i tear off re -ruof lay over one layer wood burning stove gas filIplace pellet stove other Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Expires E -mail C Total footprint of structures sq ft. T Lot size sq ft. Lot coverage Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel including structures paved driveways sidewalks and other impervious surfaces (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. am authorized that it is my respo� eq sibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to Date C 0 Print Name 2— 1 14 14 ✓f Signature 1 For City Use Only Date Received 5 Permit (1— 5 ate Approved per sq ft. TOTAL VALUATION 5 0 00 patios e5, cuJ4 T8.3k Zoning of bedrooms of full baths of half baths apply for thi pe it and understand rking on p Permit y Ko4e. Ke v\ D v h v c s a.∎ 4 P_ ,�s c� i ,ne4 v t!e c u S T Forms /Building Division/Notes NOTES A N 4 'tt kv; j\eer E 7 r O IP tit v A.f. rte-b f fr 4/ z.ef z eoly• C A)1 Ale vt/ /4-v 41 e v 1 e P 100/7 ,e6 -4= old. room num6y3 A 3a-kueen -1 e, Vke,6-1-41/Fixyyvi irt,0 vy)\ panty rootyl h 3o2 4-303 1/1-44 7 e f e•er1el I w, 7 /4 if e .4 &l, s ,,.f e ArT e C R. ei e1 r r e .a .e e 6' lye d w,i 7 e r He-y /o 7 rife AGCS r w f/ cap �z5' /f /4' 4 e(rCfr l0� 6ir t7 .0 ©w 6 9c' b s x. r /'f e• e ,o,s- A/7 /ls �s rrce.amrel A-tte l,F 6 95 /0 m e oy f t pe, s o„ /i p J. fog! �n�ts 4 p J?.1S )oo 7f4 �1� f (fi 1)P P1,1 po /01 )101 e9 f >7Au i„ -ter ,t7 mti �':a S, Q om 9 s y l V.1 sw (i) 0 9/ 08c/ m //OA 'IV Qv k f (y' 9 i f AA tt All 'O.k4`'`�' c4- A .17 Y Y A 7,42)% %/4 j, a I-p% 0 02f 4. f 4'12 +v (.5 Q'2 .,4.9(p 001Z t7i- 4- •ar g /11 4./ f A 0 /1 /1; -I iff }gap 0 14.141/ 00 I0 4Z Q i 1 4 2 3 ('rj ipe. )7 f '7 1 61 -i 7 fe7 c- L-1 .G d P /(4 .A oat4 1 -•e 7- 2 1 1 11.V. 1 I ro`aifi (zi I I k ri-0.6"Pro e. D-04 r /7 N 0/ J Ih 1 21 #2,0 21 Vol I D 1 .=.4 Rvt-M tc 55T GORNE.g. "sr: 4,4344 f. Ts- _1: i t 305 [5044 I 4 '5 1\ r I v t s .1- .E,X1517. -1,- MAT RE3t1 F4 WALL, 4 pc:mks- tioNt.:Lr; OFAL.ttgi. ZIWA.. •tt 40.t. Q (8•6 Via$tr• 304r13041 8.4 14 I 14e;V C•4 t NPTE,1-1 T" POC‘4 1 L 111 rirt I ToiL .".15 '7r4: 11-ho r 4 1 1 /.4 Li.. tArk I: T4-45 0*.q.:.' r 1 $7.t# 11.,,, L I Z 7 -1 cv 1 01„, 4L /...zi p....qt.)c.,14 cisigt.;4 2.4 AL 4 rre NOTE.: RqTAK C WP IF Kt.-0 1)1 FOR pUILP 6:t7r. REF WITH gxI5- gE C tT E 15, x` -4' K 2 i =�K C.,E la ev. t.0t.AY 101x (c:1 C) D1::$:HWA6NER D=( I C 11/e 9pO r Wet./ `C -1AL 130NR,o TACK.160A 1 t 1-- N 01`E. P V 11D CLU5cT, 5E4 (VNJ vcp4T11.4 -paw,. r O (C4S rr. t i'<'t 1 r- t f t, r a -e .1 Y I' y i.1 :1- 5j'"S'"T43--i` 1; -T'q: .F —t- LOI VER QRA Fot:ONG t%6A40 1 11 4",•,.:m —7 s`°.� -f C� b )1 C�LEAtZ Z4 a 1 1 F i- TOR. d w 6109 48%8+ F. f, r i 1 NtON-1TQt �n i r't -.7' i t. t• r.t "ia .t VT 1 i i 774 7,446 44 4 6.-2 i A/7z? 4-23 44- 7 ./C/4 1 5 //t/7"G> %S eo' 4 4 At .04 LY t. 4/4/4 \v//c›.= 44-4 /4;:tdeEz... 0--/E /c.,d 4v7 AZO, 4 ,4;,%c. 2 .4. A 4 A 44, 4 sg',4.//c/A/4AV 4:12 (x �A 7 7,47 4.477- k-7,4 4. 4_ 7 24 N 1 147 \\1(0)_ A:357A( ,21 40 I /4.7.4./ 71,S .4,-///c/ /A/ ,Artg (2) c�A/ 4 4 e..s •6-.42 /5 i; Il-i ..,(--1,1 1 i1 I 1 0 ..x) I 1 c,'S 0 iL4 j,4 C 1) 1.1 (11 0.21.9 "it b o, Plg I- I t- I. '39, "S 'rid 5 v 517 iLi L oo N i i t_ 1\ r0 C9: )(:),INVr th.7 g+-igZ9 Z Ltin q pthaLC Id il ar- -355 M111 r 1 00( e10,LINOVs1 1 I 1 71Qt--fr -J }it L.4.'2t5T t` ,L," t '.4 4 .,TtAV S..1 ,SVA PREPARED 10/20/09 9 48 13 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 10/20/09 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PA HIGH SCHOOL AUTO SHOP CONTRACTOR COAST TO COAST CARPORTS INC PHONE (208) 436 3157 OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE (360) 461 5180 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 09 00000374 COMM NEW CONST PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BLHD 01 6/17/09 JLL BLDG FRAMING HOLD DOWNS TIME 12 00 6/17/09 DA June 16 2009 9 52 39 AM 1pangrle DAN 461 5180 TIE DOWNS FOR THE CARPORT PLEASE INSPECT BETWEEN 12 00 1 00 PM AND CALL HIM WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY June 17 2009 4 18 51 PM jlierly provide hold downs to meet the current code /jll BL3 01 6/17/09 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME 12 00 6/17/09 DA June 16 2009 9 56 06 AM 1pangrle DAN 461 5180 FRAMING CARPORT PLEASE INSPECT BETWEEN 12 00 1 00 PM AND CALL HIM WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY June 17 2009 4 18 51 PM jlierly provide hold downs to meet the current code /ill BL99 01 10/20/09 BLDG eINAL Cc_ October 20 2009 9 47 06 AM 1pangrle CHRIS 477 2889 BLDG FINAL AUTO SHOP CARPORT COMMENTS AND NOTES ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED July 21, 2009 Mr Nolan Duce, Director of Facilities Port Angeles School District #121 2912 South Peabody Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: PALOA Production of Peter Pan Dear Nolan At the request of the Port Angeles Light Opera Association, this office has inspected the construction of the stage extensions in the Port Angeles High School Auditorium for the noted project. I hereby certify that the construction has been completed in substantial conformance with the approved design and that stage extensions can support all imposed loads as set forth in the 2006 International Building Code. Please give me a call if you have any questions or if you need further information. Sincerely, Zenovic Associates, Inc. Stephen M Zenovic, P E. Principal Engineer Fc: JN 09032 Cc: PALOA/Bob Lumens w /enc. City of Port Angeles DCED /Jim Lierly 301 East 6th Street, Suite 1 Port Angeles,Washington 98362 (360) 417-0501 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: zenovic @olympus.net PREPARED 6/17/09 8 16 33 INSPECTION TICKET CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE TENANT NBR PA HIGH SCHOOL AUTO SHOP CONTRACTOR COAST TO COAST CARPORTS INC OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 09 00000374 COMM NEW CONST PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS SUBDIV BLHD 01 6/17/09 JLL BLDG FRAMING HOLD DOWNS TIME 12 00 La. June 16 2009 9 52 39 AM 1pangrle DAN 461 5180 TIE DOWNS FOR THE CARPORT PLEASE INSPECT BETWEEN 12 00 1 00 PM AND CALL HIM WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY BL3 01 6/17/09 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME 12 00 June 16 2009 9 56 06 AM 1pangrle DAN 461 5180 FRAMING CARPORT PLEASE INSPECT BETWEEN 12 00 1 00 PM AND CALL HIM WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY COMMENTS AND NOTES 144 cvive PHONE (208) 436 3157 PHONE (360) 461 5180 PAGE 3 DATE 6/17/09 I ao ►Mph, -P-ebt'n_ ovm_ Wet( )14 meek 4-14 e o (S) ea CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 09 00000374 Date 6/01/09 Application pin number 388056 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PA HIGH SCHOOL -AUTO SHOP Application type description COMM NEW CONST Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 7776 Application desc 648 SQ FT METAL CARPORT Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 COAST TO COAST CARPORTS INC 216 E 4TH ST 340 CENTENNIAL DR PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 HEYBURN ID 83336 (360) 461 5180 (208) 436 3157 Structure Information 000 000 648 SQ FT METAL CARPORT AUTO SHOP Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc 648 SF METAL CARPORT Permit pin number 144899 Permit Fee 179 75 Plan Check Fee 116 84 Issue Date 6/01/09 Valuation 7776 Expiration Date 11/28/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 95 75 6 00 14 0000 THOU BL -2001 25K (14 PER K) 84 00. Special Notes and Comments The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments May 11 2009 4 56 36 PM sroberds The proposal will allow the construction of a 648 sq ft carport addition in association with an auto shop activity at the Port Angeles High School The carport may need to be relocated south to allow a minimum passing land for emergency vehicles Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 179 75 179 75 00 00 Plan Check Total 116 84 116 84 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 301 09 301 09 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance construction. Ake_ J 2 (07' i (?)-fr C-741-+ Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:FormsBuilding Division/Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit Inspection Type FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 Ij 0 1 U (4/30/2009) Linda Pangrle school project Page 1 From James Lierly To Clair Kirkman Date: 4/30/2009 9 55 AM Subject: school project 18 x 36 carport is 296.59 plus 4.50 for the state tax grand total of $301.09 Jim Lierly Building Inspector City of Port angeles 360 -417 -4816 jlierly @cityofpa.us Date ban Hw I Phone number(s) 61 5 (8'0 Permit number 0 9.— 31 `E Contact cow -o r- for *k c o New Construction Addition Alteration T Forms /Building D vis •on /Transmittal 1 1 (V. .r 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION TRANSMITTAL To Fire Department Other Department -------4)/t 6\ V I 14° Project Address 30 'K A-u-e_ C'iV pr;nctPo Co w` 'ma 52_-76 o2 Project Description f S+_ 11 g 5q T-' iti'le V Please review return to the Building Division, Permit Technician 0 \1 'AC w t€Ics S o \LOA 5 e4 5 Date Applicant I p-e 5 f I I Property Owner Schaal s 1 2 Property Owner's Address 7 1 (j+k jv g 9 k 36Z 3200 Contractor r 0 S f r C Phone 360 x+52 5 Contractor's Address 3v u c ��f n .A\ Dr v P(A r r, License C v aS-t' cc.. 9 t Q 1 Expires /1 E -mail PROJECT ADDRESS `p' E Fade- K e- Nrviek5 h ,SclicoJ v Zoning ?Br' Parcel Number Floor Areas Deck Shed Other Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type I 27 0 Print Name T Forms /Building Division /Bldg Permit.doc BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Signature Ph O re J -l6) 18 0 Phone Lot ,Project Type Brief Description. fi o Residential Check all that apply :a New Construction I$ y 36 C c.- r Pori" V� Q+ A\ D (lc f s Addition Remodel Repair Demolition Li Re-roof House garage other Heat System Heat pump wood- burning stove Other (kr kpr trn5 +n }r Y4 (ro I' 4 C c; tP o S f'�,,t h ews Multi- family al Commercial Industrial tear off re -roof lay over one layer gas fireplace pellet stove other Basement per sq ft. 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport 55 Covered Porch Z TOTAL VALUATION 7 `77 Total footprint of structures sq ft. Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage t Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures paved driveways sidewalks pat and other impervious surfaces (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects bo 1-( 1� I For City Use Only D to Received 4'1 Oct_ Frmit Oq 3 ate Approved 1 ,1 V�I A- roof S +c of bedrooms of full baths of half baths z 4- A ,,a234 Lik 4., •'%•t •k" $3,„titiA „rp "r 44 •k; ir Ar f 4 —2 28' -1 18' -9 Old PAINT ROOM I c glx FUTURE CANOPY brAc,n) c cf 44 POST 3>3 X4 coviceerE 4 Q/R 4 C' 5 Jae /4CIJb P vor Po sr 25 —0 WELDING SHOP 1 0 B09' S-I0 502 WASH ROOM SAND BLAST 0 BOYS 50J 0 CID L) C4 MEMMECOX 0 SCALE. N/A DATE: APRIL 23, 2009 SHEET/ 1 OF 3E 41,* -giar Apr 24 09 03 30p Howard (Gnu cta_l) AgfM C( sTcc 13C 3 T Lb O /6Y ✓c 8 11 ,3rrc 1tar Date ail 69 TO: Dp,rx tp, k--c t I '31.0- (4 5'a- DaS G From Howard Lipman's Automotive (360) 452 -5050 2840 E Highway 101 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Subject: p 'k Lco Pagel of f D 360 452 -5050 p 1 4' -2" I f 28' -1" DATE. APRIL 23, 2009 SHEET 1 OF 1 -3 14� I Ye e A/6 `G 0✓IC F� C A NOPY 3 1e %e.tat br�m.0 -i v+, Cons e. x3 6 POST 3 x4 Conic2F-7—E G'' R Q 4ilEr3 ogelVIAlb Pr a/oT Peso s; O„ 18' -9" 25' POST CAOSe MOP Old PAINT ROOM Aviv\\ -X or Si G e c3 WELDING SHOP MEM 0 BOD" t32 WASH b ROOM 3 SAND BLAST AIMEE t FILE CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construction Plens The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plar specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. Zvv (v l By Approval Date it i,?Q1 1 15 2) o k er SOP 3 BOYS r �NChe� to fi H��� Pol S A. 28' -1 FUTURE 3' C.AN O P Y 3X3X 40 n t..l b ^Ac, n� C nC' r 1 4 -2' 1 PUUS- tit Sao Ol d Ai PAINT ROOM AvNCl of +0 POST 3X3X¢CoM erE e 644 de-AK/Al P vor fo s; 18' 25' -0' WELDING SHOP 3 l MAI" GO1C/ ed I OA 0 BO3YS 502 WASH ROOM SAND BLAST U 0 BOYS 50J 7 SCALE: N/A DATE: APRIL 23, 2009 SHEET 1 OF 01/ Apr 24 09 03 30p 4' Between Each Bow 12 x 21 895.00 18 12 X 26 $1,195.00 is 12 X 31 $1.370.00 12 X 36 $1.620.01i 1s 12 X 41 $1795.00 I18 12 12 X 26 12 x 31 12 X 36 12 X 41 X 21 011,0115M0 18 $1,370.00 118 51,745.00 1 is $1.990.00118 $2,245.00 I is 12 X 21 $1,020.00 f 12 X 26 $1,270.00 118 12 x 31 $1,545.00118 12 X 36 $1,820.001 12 X 41 $1,995.00118 Howard x 21 $1,095.00120 X 26 $1,305.001 20 0120 x 36 $1,995.0 20 X 41 $2,195.001 x 21 5,1295.001 X 26 st595.08 12o x 31 $1,895.00 120 X 36 $2,295.00120 x 41 $2,745.00 120 26 31 36 41 12 X 21 $1220.00 18 x 21 12 X 26 31,520.00 118 x 26 12 x 31 $1,920.00118 x sf .12 X 36 $2,190.00118 x 36 12 X 41 $2470.00118 x 41 STANDARD 14 GAUGE, 6' LEGS Prices are for top with open sides only X 21 x 26 x X x X X x X x 3%395.00120 x $1,695.001 x $2,045.001 X $2,4140.001 x $2,070.001 x 31 36 41 21 26 31 36 41 ti $1,295.00 122 $1,620.00 122 $1,895.00 122 $2,195.00 122 $2.595.00 122 $1,500.00 122 $1,695110 122 $2,240.00 1 02.620.00 122 $2.995.00 21 $1195.00 120 x 21 $7,395.00 x 21 $1.495.00120 x 26 01770.00 122 51.795.00 120 x 31 $1,995.00 32,005.00120 X 36 02.820.00 22 $2 ,395.00120 x 41 02395.00 22 21 $1.625.00 26 $2,020.00 31 $2,415.00122 36 02820.00122 41 03220.00122 360 452 -5050 AS LOS' AS 00 x 21 $1,4,95.00124 X 26 $1,870.00 124 X 31 $2.40000 36 $2,620.00 124 X 41 $2.995.00124 x X 21 51.740 .00 24 X 26 $2240.00124 X 31 $2620.00 1 x 36 53,120.00124 Y 41 $3.495.00124 STANDARD FEATURES 6 Bows and welded center braces for strength there will be a brace on every leg for added support. 30 51 X6 14 ga) 3633ST SSLLSB Waues °Are wow AA I i OII L ODiLY STANDARD 14 GAUGE. 6' LEGS 3 l 9 9 6 0 0 We Offer 3 Styles shorter than horizontal. Prices are for top with open sides only *A -Frame Longways *A -Frame Vertical Roof ail *A -Frame Vertical Entire Mt 40 0" x 26 x 31 x 36 X 41 $1,615.10 124 $2,020.00 $2575.00 124 $2,020.001 $3.220.00124 X 21 $7.865.00 24 X 26 02390.001 24 x 31 $2395110 1 24 x 36 $3„320.001 x 41 $3320,00 1 24 X p 2 RE GUREGuLAR STYLE 'STANDARD FEATURES 6 Bows and welded center braces for strength there will be a brace on every le for added support. 30z31s6 aES 5.301.X:S8. WrZDi[ CAN NOW 9A YOQS9 !OR ONLY $3 ,795.00 x 21 57, X 26 $2240.00 x 31 $2,620.00 x 36 $2,995.00 X 41 $3,395.00 X 21 51.990.00 X 26 $2,500.00 x 31 $2.99:.00 x 36 $3,495.00 X 41 $33195.00 x 21 3%965.00 X 26 $2390.O x 31 $2,795.00 x 36 $8195.00 X 41 53,595.0t X x x x 21 $2,115.00 26 52.650.0[ 31 $3170.00 36 $3.695.01 41 $42201110 PREPARED 3/05/09 8 21 45 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 3/05/09 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PA HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE (360) 457 0949 PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 08 00001322 COMM FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL99 01 3/05/09 PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BLDG FINAL TIME 01 00 March 4 2009 1 51 50 PM 1pangrle CHRIS 477 2889 BLDG FINAL SLAB FOR THE PROPANE TANK GENERATOR AFTERNOON PLEASE CALL CHRIS WENT YOU GET TO THE SCHOOL HE LEAVES AT 3 00 PM SO PLEASE INSPECT BETWEEN 1 00 PM 2 30 PM ME6 01 12/03/08 JLL MECHANICAL GAS LINE 12/03/08 AP December 3 2008 3 13 44 PM 1pangrle CHRIS 477 2889 GAS LINE December 3 2008 3 20 13 PM jlierly ME99 01 3/05/09 —TLC MECHANICAL FINAL TIME O1 00 March 4 2009 1 53 49 PM 1pangrle CHRIS 477 2889 MECHANICAL FINAL PROPANE TANK GENERATOR AFTERNOON PLEASE CALL CHRIS WENT YOU GET TO THE SCHOOL HE LEAVES AT 3 00 PM SO PLEASE INSPECT BETWEEN 1 00 PM 2 30 PM COMMENTS AND NOTES DA E ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 PERMIT 8 INSPECTOR 2 OWNER/CONTRACTOR A t\tb s ah_F- CT z-t c, ADDRESS Al APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED. I DE. FI c, TI (Th J �1 ,I' h //1hi£.r'S girt ALL 13s- 5. Tg_ jz WA- z6 %13 OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452 -1381 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc Generator 100 Building Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 WA 983623200 Charged 75 00 00 75 00 08 00001495 359715 304 E PARK AVE 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 0 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL GENERATOR 138586 75 00 Plan Check Fee 00 12/08/08 Valuation 0 6/06/09 BASE FEE Paid Credited 75 00 00 00 00 75 00 00 Date 12/08/08 WA 98362 Due Extension 75 00 00 00 00 eV V INSPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FIN AL COMMENTS: rz /--(067 z.) 2.a10M +tv Job wired by 3'Electricai Contractor /SIgnatnr X O LOAD CHANGES O Baseboard KW O Furnace KW Heat Pump Ton LAR 0 Fan -Wall KW Inspection Date y(f U 3 2O c t ANGELES 524 EAST FIRST PDRY ANGELES, WA 98362 FINAL de Acme By We.? Sellia— R E E l V FIRTRICAL WORK PERIVIITAPPLICATI)N DEC 4 2008 Electrical contractor name Purchaser's mailing address City State ZIP Telephone number FAX number 'Premisae -qw Address of ioapelen y J City Phone number to schedule i pect Owner as defined by RCW l9.28.261 Owner will occupy the structure for two years Beer this electrical permit is finalised (2) Owner Is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. f owner, e1 ctrical contractor or electrical ad ator Expiration Date: V o card O Overhead Service 0 Temp Service O Underground Service e.: II .0 ROUGH-IN A By oats Apprewa By THERMOSTAT DrICH 12/S/08 Data J Area, Building or Equipment Inspected nstalla description Commercial 0 Residentfyl d 0 New tered/Addition Po (42 /Po 4Eve,&4 zelp+,4-E, &ie4,4 0 Cash Check it Card Visa Mastercard Discover Card d'�✓ -1 C Inspection fee 75 Voltage S Phase 0 1 SeMoe Size: Feeder Size: 3 SERVICE Pits Approval yll�, FEEDER Data mime* ar Action Taken Electrical Inspector T000 /T00021 DT.110aT3 saTaBud S9Z6 ZS6 09£ %Vd £S 60 8002/£0/ZT CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 08 00001322 Date 11/05/08 Application pin number 004188 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PA HIGH SCHOOL Application type description COMM FOUNDATION ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 1700 Application desc SLAB FOR 1 000 GAL PROPANE TANK GENERATOR Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 OWNER 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 (360) 457 0949 Structure Information 000 000 SLAB FOR 1 000 GAL PROPANE TANK GENERA Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc SLAB FOR PROPANE GEN Permit pin number 136473 Permit Fee 86 60 Plan Check Fee 56 29 Issue Date 11/05/08 Valuation 1700 Expiration Date 5/04/09 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 12 00 3'0500 HND BL -501 2K (3 05 PER C) Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 2 00 10 6500 ECH ME OTHER APPL N/R 1 00 10 6500 ECH ME GAS PIPE 1 TO 5 Special Notes and Comments A minimum 2A 10BC fire exinguisher is required Extinguishers must be mounted, with the top no more than 5 off the floor Suggested extinguisher placement is adjacent to an exit October 17 2008 3 00 36 PM kdubuc Provide No Smoking signs on the perimeter fence October 27 2008 10 20 30 AM sroberds The proposal will result in placement of a propane tank and r,111 S &11 T Forms /Building Division/Building Permit Extension 50 00 36 60 Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc PROPANE TANK LINE GENERATOR Permit pin number 136481 Permit Fee 81 95 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 11/05/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 5/04/09 Extension 50 00 21 30 10 65 Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent 03 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace I Ducts Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4807 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. FINAL Date. Accepted by (FINAL Date: Construction R.W Construction R:W PW Engineering 417 -4807 PW Engineering Fire 417 -4653 I I I Fire I I Planning 417 -4750 I I I Planning I I Building 417 -4815 I I I Building I I Accepted by FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE RESIDENTIAL DATE Accepted By Commercial Date Accepted By Electrical 417 4735 I I I Electrical I I 6 Application Number Application pin number Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total T.Forms /Building Division/Building Pennit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 08 00001322 004188 Special Notes and Comments gen set The area will be fenced with a cyclone fence Slats must be placed to screen from view If noise from the generator is a problem to surrounding residential areas the School District must resort to additional sound proofing measures Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Charged Paid Credited Due Page 2 Date 11/05/08 168 55 168 55 00 00 56 29 56 29 00 00 4 50 4 50 00 00 229 34 229 34 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Electrical RESIDENTIAL T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4807 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace Ducts Gas Line I O3 OFs VLL Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting ESA. Landscaping SHORELINE. FINAL Date: Accepted by FINAL Date. /0g Accepted FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE DATE Accepted By Commercial Date Accepted By 417 -4735 I 'Electrical I 0 09 L 1 Construction R W Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4807 PW Engineering Fire 417-4653 I I Fire I J Planning 417-4750 I I Planning I I c p Building 417 -4815 I I IBuilding I'/5/ 'J I -3-1-L S C t Applicant or Agent 144 5 BA f ,a__ Property Owner 1S, 1sT Property Owner's Address Contractor /Engineer SG,ICOL Contractor /Engineer's Address License Expires PROJECT ADDRESS Parcel Number Project Tvoe Brief Des Check all that apply X New Construction Addition Remodel Repair Re -roof Demolition Heat System Other Floor Areas Basement 1St Floor 2nd Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other Total footprint of structures BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed (sq. ft.) Date D Print Name e S Signature per sq. ft. Heat pump wood burning stove gas fireplace pellet stove other E -mail 304- tom 1 Je- C Lot Zoning For City Use Only D to Received lc) I Q rmit D' ate Approved Ph 'in- 477 Z65`: P one 4 7 ep94q Phone ¢S 7 criotion. Residential Commercial Multi family Industrial "IMP 644- r? L PA-J. TWO IG- SE- INS c) 214 4 n 5 6 YY fF ic+L e.eJ /FrBe DnS 1Z 6712_tt7 cJi Lc. 8s_'SS-aev ar_L F 2 )ca F -#JCL Lt) ret f CG23N 77! e.E eeD /.me -rte TOTAL VALUATION 76:0 Ctfrpe." sq. ft. T Lot size sq. ft. Lot coverage Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type of half baths have read and completed this application and know it to be t I e and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projects. S a° ±p` 4 A r o pal Intake to direct appliance 5ft min. (Note 1 a 3 tt {Note 3) D Ir, 5 111 Central A/C compressor (source of ignitidn) (For SI units: 1 ft 0.3048 m) Central A/C compressor Min. 10 (source of ignition) (Note 1) (For SI Units: 1 II 0.3048 m) Figure 14 DOT cylinders not filled on site Note 1 5 -tt minimum from relief valve in any direction away from any exterior source of ignition, openings into direct vent appliances, or mechanical ventilation air intakes. Refer to Note (b) (1) under Table 3- 2.2,2. ��Intake o1 direct vent ppliance CkMin. 10 tt Mm (Note 1) 5 tt 2) Min. 25 ft (Note 3) Crawl space opening, windows, or exhaust fan Min. 25 tt (Note 3) Note 1 Regardless of its size, any ASME tank filled on site must be located so that the filling connection and fixed liquid level gauge are at least 1 D ti from any external source of ignition (i.e. open flame, window A/C, compressor, etc Intakn lo direct vented gas appliance or intake to a mechanical ventilation system. Refer to Note (b) (3) under Table 3 -2 2.2. Crawl space opening, window, or exhaust tan Min. 10 ft Window air conditioner (source of ignition) Min. 10 ti i �(Not�e .-�j. 3 min. t (Note 3) DOT cylinder filled on site from bulk truck Note 2: lithe DOT cylinder is filled on site from a bulk truck, the filling connection and vent valve must be at least I10 ft from any exterior source of ignition, openings into direct -vent appliances, or mechanical ventilation air intakes. Reter Note (b) (3) under Table 3- 2.2.2. Note 3: Refer to Note (b) (1) under Table 3- 2.2.2. DOT cylinders. (This figure for illustrative purposes only text shall govern.) Window air conditioner (source of ignition) Min. 10 it (Note 1)� Under 125 gal Min 5ft (Note 2) Nearest line of adjoining property that may be built upon FILE Note 2: Refer to Note (b)12) under Table.3- 2.2.2. Note 3: This distance may be reduced to no less than 10 It (3 m) for a single container of 1,200 -gal 4.5 -ma) wal_ r.pecity or less provided such container is at least 2511 (7.6 m) from any other LP -Gas container of mare than 125 -gal (0.5 -m waler capacity Refer to No (c) under Table 3- 2.2.2. Figure 1-2 Aboveground ASME containers (This figurr- for illustrative purposes-only fed hall gos- n.) L CITY OF OF PORT ANGELES Constrimion Plmns The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plaas, specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. z_colo:Fg "4 3112)-04 Approval Date /0 Zi Clk By _fir ukk 10012--tc_ SPECIAL ED. HOUSE LTE 1011 BUILDING 103 102 101 .1 I, „I I L I 1 x' J FARA: AV'& CFFICE STUDENT CODER STASE LOW. AWN EMI Nom r ACTIUM 0 SOS 505 i h I i' I! ,I__: ii 000 BUILDING ]11 1111111111111+0 MN Mkt 1:1121:123L F lIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIlIll 9124:4.1toc StGt3S. 11111111111111111111 2 Neu% oe, t.strikom 1. A N I) 1 ,I.`) 1: IRE DEPT 21% mit*C. Fv2-E. ert%■46%.4etz It S*1.001. 1.1G 107 108 I 105 Llf 103 102 1•11 MININMLIMO loo tLA..e i s 50 L� A t t U •■••.yyy.1 I. w.... NM•ANS I Ie.•..B. Y. rot �I..r�.r� s I �St.w/Ci it 1 113 ma 114 I I .•I•••....r• •••••••U j••••L••••• I 1.. I. 4. wislo r, 7' 0 4.5 0 N 6- (a '(72 D Go �C Pos-rs 3 /g 0,D 4 4 /L 0 0 7 6' C.i T WAOCLA w le4 A'T o o tt z 1; wir- l 4 S (2: Can► /5 2.1 b� Application Number 08 00001232 Date 9/26/08 Application pin number 988128 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc Signs on High school north side Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Qty Unit Charge Per 2 00 35 0000 ECH EL COMM 1ST SIGN Fee summary WA 983623200 ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 Permit ELECTRICAL SIGN PERMITS Additional desc Permit pin number 135384 Permit Fee 70 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 9/26/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 3/25/09 Charged Paid Credited WA 98362 Due Permit Fee Total 70 00 70 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 70 00 70 00 00 00 Extension 70 00 SPF,CTION TYPE DATE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH FII\ AL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL RESULTS INSPECTOR /(2, 9i3F `14 4I /SIDS 4 Application Number 08 00001087 Application pin number 582611 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc New Sign Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 35 0000 ECH EL COMM 1ST SIGN Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983623200 OLYMPIC ELECTRIC 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES (360) 457 5303 Charged Paid Credited 35 00 35 00 00 00 00 00 35 00 35 00 00 Date 9/05/08 WA 98363 Permit ELECTRICAL SIGN PERMITS Additional desc Permit pin number 133470 Permit Fee 35 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 9/05/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 3/04/09 Due Extension 35 00 00 00 00 IE\ SPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS in11 ?(oo Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc REMOVE /REPLACE EXISTING WALL MOUNTED SIGN Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983623200 N? S /O r RCA✓ 1$PSOsj `tt fe Print Name T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit (05 /13 /08).wpd CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 08 00000977 735911 304 E PARK AVE 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 SIGNS PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 12000 Contractor ASM SIGNS 1327 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 7785 Permit SIGN Additional desc REPLACE WALL MOUNTED SIGN W /NE Permit pin number 131953 Permit Fee 85 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/15/08 Valuation 12000 Expiration Date 2/11/09 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Date 8/15/08 WA 98362 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 85 0000 PER S SIGN WALL 25 SF+ 85 00 85 00 85 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 85 00 85 00 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction 1, 4 r Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES CALL 417 -4886 FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTION INSPECTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE, IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT THE JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) I PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT l's PARKING/LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 1 FIRE 417 -4653 J PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I 1 BUILDING 417 -4815 1 T r. dm imi n,v, n /R■ ilri, PernM (05/13/081.wod BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY /USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO c v 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING 1 1 FIRE DEPT 1 1 IA I I I PLANNING DEPT I I. I I i 1 1 1 BUILDING 1 10 Og ORI. Applicant t---v lQ..,3 Property O (J ,g S Property Owner's Address 2` 4 Contractor /Engineer Contractor /Engineer's Address 1 9 License c: Project Address o c+ (40 Business Name 1G,�c__Es LQ-N .Cc u o o Parcel Number (2 (U Lot R- 26 Zoning Submit an 8 %"x 11 "site plan three sets of plans that include. Type of sign- (wall- rnounted projecting- freestanding illuminated other Placement and sq ft. area How the sign will be securely attached (Engineering specs may be required for freestanding signs) Separation distance between the bottom of projecting and freestanding signs and the surface below See "Chapter 14.36 Sign Code" of the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code for sign requirements. Sian Type Brief Description. (Type, location, sq. ft.) Sign #1 Sign #2 Sign #3 Sign #4 PORT ANGELES g Permit Technician St. Port Angeles WA 98362 815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Totals (Unit charaes Unit Charae Quantity multiplied by auantities) $47 00 x $85 00 x $115 00 x Existing sign(s) area l mac, Aso GRAND TOTAL 8`S o Building facade area (heightX width) s, 000 sq ft. T Forms /Buiid.9g App!ication.doc N PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink S r. x.25_ For City Use Only ate Received -<v ermit 2 777 1 i i rte Approved Phoe S2- Z. S Pho e rr_ Phone (-(-S2 2 bf (L--t c.csZ Expires 2 c)9 20 S 0-46 )25d) C_ a t c■sQ. C:4 S Q Sign(s) 2 c"-= ape of Sian Valuation All signs less than 25 sq ft. Wall or marquees, over 25 sq ft. Freestanding and projecting, over 25 sq ft. Make Checks Payable to City of Port Angeles Credit Cards (Except American Express) are accepted sq ft. Proposed sign(s) area 2 sq ft. Total sign(s) area sq ft. Maximum allowed sign area sq ft. I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits prior to working on projects Date of Print Name Mac L_ Aa Sign' -e POI PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL' Moore. Of TryB RUUG'IRIPBl:S HZ Sk— L 3 S [44Lf FILE CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construction Plana The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plan specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. coLP w�e�sa D 5LZD c-PS I I Approval Date W! By f- SjeRY:5Ei 1 l L e p 1--C i 135(C1'47 Li y c Liz� -rte a a_ pi/Wald- P e t:, 7 P +7•. 1w, l .c ru„ 6 O C) y ba--e o Sc__ A L t 41-4 c _P I c-ro N, Z., cry .04 n °4 0 r-Y -19 Lc: IN ,C1 h 5 Application Number 08 00000233 Date 2/26/08 Application pin number 245961 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Application desc Home show Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc HOME SHOW TEMP POWER Permit pin number 121558 Sub Contractor ELECTRIC SERVICE Permit Fee 46 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 2/26/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/24/08 Qty Unit Charge Per ELECTRIC SERVICE 82 DRAPER RD PORT ANGELES (360) 4S2 6424 WA 983623200 BASE FEE Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total 46 00 00 46 00 46 00 00 00 00 46 00 00 WA 98362 Due Extension 46 00 00 00 00 INSPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FTh AL COMMENTS: ;2 ©6 /1-r-(2 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT .ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Sub. Contractor Permit Fee issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 4 000 ECH Fee summary Charged :Permit. Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 9836232,00 58 00 00 58 00 COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 07 00001010 980320 304 E PARK AVE 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 0 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC '524 E' 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL, ANG EL COMPUTER -P.M AC 110114 ANGELES ELECTRIC 58 00 9/20/07 Valuation 3,/18/08' i„ Plan Check Fee EL COMM1ALT <5 CIRCUITS Paid Credited 58 00 00 00 00 58 00 00 Date 9/20/07 WA 98362 Due 0 0 0 Extension 58 00 00. o� 00 D11'CH ROUGH IN COQ SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO COMMENTS PW-I102.0 14196] Application Number 07 00001010 Application pin number 980320 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 0 Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Fee. Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983623200 COMMI_NTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 9R362 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC '524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc AIR FLO/ T STAT a, Permit pin number 110205 h Sub Contractor AIR FLO HEATING C_OOLING Permit Fee 35 00 Plan Check Fee Issue Date 9/20/07 Valuation Expiration Date 3/18/08 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 135001)0ECH EL LV3 FIRST. THERMOSTAT Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Date 9/20/07 WA 98362 35 00 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 00 35 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 35 00 17A/ 4 z D g -5 2 7 d2Q DITCH ROUGH -IN 7 COVEk SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO COMMENTS PW- 1102.t514.961 PREPARED 9/19/07 9 44 10 INSPECTION TICKET CITY OF PORT ANGELES ADDRESS TENANT NBR CONTRACTOR OWNER PARCEL APPL NUMBER 304 E PARK AVE P A HIGH SCHOOL AIR FLO HEATING COOLING SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 07 00000979 MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS ME99 01 ME99 02 9/19/07 It 9/12/07 JLL 9/12/07 CA (0) INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY MECHANICAL FINAL 09/11/2007 01 32 ELLEN 683 3901 MECHANICAL FINAL ROOM 09/12/2007 04 38 no answer/ill MECHANICAL FINAL 09/17/2007 09 55 NOLAN 477 2893 OR MECHANICAL FINAL ROOM SUBDIV COMMENTS AND NOTES Q C i i k 4 et/ JA PHONE (360) 683 3901 PHONE PM LPANGRLE A/C UNIT DUCTWORK IN LAN I T SERVER PM JLIERLY TIME 01 00 AM LPANGRLE 457 0949 A/C UNIT DUCTWORK IN LAN I T SERVER C-v tk(49C a• e PAGE 11 DATE 9/19/07 Correction Notice __40 pod_ )b Located at 1 ?r to 4- Inspection of your work revealed that the following is )t in accordance with the codes governing the work in is jurisdiction BUILDING DIVISION CITY OF PORT .ANGELES t c� ice Lk( c c (1, r 4 (-7,,.,.._, E C „,1 A 1, R. F 0 r2 t wt i- 0 c I 1 /(,=S 3. These corrections must be made and are not to be vered until reinspection is made. When corrections ve been made, please call q/ 7 Li fir/ PREPARED 9/17/07 10 03 12 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 9/17/07 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 07 00000560 COMM FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL99 01 9/17/07 yJLL BLDG FINAL 09/17/2007 08 55 AM LPANGRLE CHRIS 477 2889 BLDG FINAL TWO CONCRETE SLABS FOR A PROPANE TANK AND A GENERATOR NEAR THE #500 BLDGS PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS ME99 01 9/17/07 MECHANICAL FINAL 09/17/2007 08 59 AM LPANGRLE CHRIS 477 2889 MECHANICAL FINAL 1 000 GALLON PROPANE TANK AND A GENERATOR NEAR THE #500 BLDGS COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 9/12/07 8 52 28 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 16 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 9/12/07 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR P A HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACTOR AIR FLO HEATING COOLING PHONE (360) 683 3901 OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 07 00000979 MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT PERMIT ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS ME99 01 9/12/07 JLL MECHANICAL FINAL 09/11/2007 01 32 PM LPANGRLE ELLEN 683 3901 MECHANICAL FINAL A/C UNIT DUCTWORK IN LAN I T SERVER ROOM COMMENTS AND NOTES riga CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPART NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN' BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, wA 98362 Application Number 07 00000979 Date 8/23/07 Application pin number 015090 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name P A HIGH SCHOOL Application type description MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 23993 Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 AIR FLO HEATING COOLING 216 E 4TH ST 221 W CEDAR PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 SEQUIM SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 683 3901 Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc A/C DUCTWORK Permit pin number 109520 Permit Fee 64 70 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/23/07 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2/19/08 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 1 00 14 7000 ECH ME INSTALL 100- FAU 14 70 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 64 70 64 70 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 64 70 64 70 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and vold if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required Inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last Inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. on -Fife. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T• \Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection rccord05 wpd [1 /4/2005) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BU1L1,ING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELEC. AICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, IA'SULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORE BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST 'PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATI ON KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE I FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS .SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR/ SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING R. HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT //'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417-4807 I FIRE 417 -4653 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 BUILDING 417 -4815 m 1 t ti, 1,1, •r,„, C„P rnrdfS wn4 f I /4 /W10Si DATE ACCEPTED YES NO 1 FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. I SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING .1 FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT BUILDING COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE I ACCEPTED 1 YES 1 NO 110.25.01 I 14—FA I I I 10 25.021 V4 d S� CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Application Number 07 00000979 Date 8/23/07 Application pin number 015090 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name P A HIGH SCHOOL Application type description MECHANICAL APPL PERMIT Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 23993 Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 AIR FLO HEATING COOLING 216 E 4TH ST 221 W CEDAR PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 SEQUIM SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 683 3901 Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc A/C DUCTWORK Permit pin number 109520 Permit Fee 64 70 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/23/07 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2/19/08 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 1 00 14 7000 ECH ME INSTALL 100- FAU 14 70 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 64 70 64 70 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 64 70 64 70 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities, private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. 2 772, Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T. \Policies \I 102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417 -4735 CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE k MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WOR BEFORE INSPECTED 4ND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE /PELLET /CHIMNEY CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 1 BUILDING 417 -4815 T \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD DATE ACCEPTED YES NO MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA. PARKING /LIGHTING ESA. LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL I I I COMMENTS FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY. FINAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW /ENGINEERING FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT BUILDING DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED 1 YES 1 NO 1 I i I I lv z -oi k DD 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 Applicant or Agent: f.:1 r R o 2 at N 4 Owner Po r A �¢t S Address: 3o4 £a3+ Pat Aye City Po rt Aldta Archrtect/Engineer Contractor Address: City PROJECT ADDRESS 30 4 /4-& 0 r k OAK LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Re -roof Multi family 7 Addition Move Garage At. Commercial Remodel Demolition Repair Sign Other BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT W t 4 b 1.1. C-+ Ir k-• COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY State License ft Stove Deck ESA/Wetland(s): Yes No SEPA Checklist required Yes No Other Phone: Phone: Subdivision. Phone: Exp: ZONING FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec. S -2; -07 Permit l J 1 4 11 e f t Date Approved: Z 7 Date Issued: 3 390 t yS7 '09 Zip: 4' 8 315 Phone: Zip: SIZE/VALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF _TOTAL VALUATION 2 3 q� t .dS-f Af G (-t rt r i t■4t+ Lat,M Mc.*" t ,server Occupant Load: Construction Type: Proposed Sq. Ft. TOTAL Sq. Ft. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION. In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This .figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinatorat.417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN .CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at.the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at.the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION +OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 -of the. International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. 1 hereby certify that 1-have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this,perrnit and understand that it is hiy.responsibility to determine what permits am required ,not the City's, and:that.1 .must obtain such permits prior to work. T �FORMS\BIdgPennitAppl. wpd Applicant:��ti A i.✓ Date: 07 APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG: DPWU FIRE: OTHER. Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E '4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 07 0000070.2 991476 304 E PARK AVE 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 0 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E 1ST ST WA 983623200 PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 ELECTRICAL NEW COMMERICAL ANGELES. EL /200A TRAN SW +.200' 104646 ANGELES ELECTRIC 149 00 Plan Check Fee 7/30/07 Valuation, 1/26/08 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00- 91 ECH Eli COM> 101 200 NEW SRV 1 00 .580000 ECH 'Eli -COM 101 200 NEW ADD Extension FEEDER 91 00 SRV FDR. 58 00 Charged Paid Credited Due 149 00 149 00 00 00 00 00 149 00 149 00 00 Date 7/30/07 WA 98362 00 00 00 00' 0 FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVED INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO DITCH ROUGH SERVICE 1 I I COMMENTS PW -I 102.15 (496) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 07 00000560 Date 6/06/07 Application pin number 046960 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST Application type description COMM FOUNDATION ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 2000 Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date 10 6500 ECH 10 6500 ECH WA 983623200 T \Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [11412005] OWNER Structure Information 000 000 SLABS FOR PROPANE TANK GENERATR Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc SLABS FOR PROPANE GEN Permit pin number 102129 Permit Fee 95 75 Issue Date 6/06/07 Valuation Expiration Date 12/03/07 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 15 00 3 0500 HND BL -501 2K (3 05 PER C) Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 2 00 ME -OTHER APPL N/R 1 00 ME -GAS PIPE 1 TO 5 Plan Check Fee Special Notes and Comments 05/21/2007 10 19 AM KDUBUC 1) 1000 gallon tank OK at 20 IAW NFPA 58 Table 3 2 2 2 note c 2) Propane tank and generator must be separated by at least 10 3) Minimum 6 fencing must be provided surrounding tank and generator 4) No Smoking signs shall be posted on all four sides of the installation 05/29/2007 03 39 PM SROBERDS No land use issues anticipated MAINTAIN CLEARANCES FROM SERVICE WIRES AND TRANSFORMER 05/22/2007 02 53 PM RLARSON Electrical load calculations and elctrical permits are required Any modifications to the City s electrical facilities will 59 59 2000 Extension 50 00 45 75 MECHANICAL PERMIT PROPANE TANK LINE GENERATOR 102137 81 95 Plan Check Fee 00 6/06/07 Valuation 0 12/03/07 Extension 50 00 21 30 10 65 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes A null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last p inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of o rs laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not G� presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of FFnn Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent ate Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date uj C1 1 CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -473 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL A.NI' WORK BEFORE LNSPECTED 4NDACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN 4 CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (I'OLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL /HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 BUILDING 417 -4815 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD T \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: COMMENTS DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE 1 ACCEPTED I YES I NO 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW /ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT 1 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING I I I I 1 1 1 I I I Application Number Application pin number Other Fees CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 07 00000560 046960 Special Notes and Comments be at the customer s expense Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review T \Policies \I 102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/20051 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Page 2 Date 6/06/07 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Permit Fee Total 177 70 177 70 00 00 Plan Check Total 59 59 59 59 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 241 79 241 79 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date CALL 417 -481 i FOR BUILDING IN SPECTIONS CALL 417 -473'1 FOR ELECTRI CAL INSPECTI ON S. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE ITN UNLAWFUL TO COVER IA'SULATE OR CONCEAL 4N7' WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN 4 CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMIAING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL /HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -IN HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT INSPECTION TYPE DATE CONSTRUCTION R W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 4653 I I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I BUILDING 417 -4815 I T \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] BUELDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD ACCEPTED YES NO FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT COMMENTS FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY. 1 FINAL 11 In/ DATE 31-t- ACCEPTED BY. SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT 1 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING DATE I ACCEPTED YES I NO I I 14!t'kk°71 FILL PREPARED 5/30/07 9 01 41 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 5/30/07 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NBR PA SCHOOL BLDG 100 CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 07 00000328 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 4/12/07 JLL BLDG FRAMING 4/12/07 AP 04/11/2007 02 05 PM PERMITS KYLE 461 0043 CALL THE OFFICE AT 452 5381 BEFORE INSPECTING 04/12/2007 04 34 PM JLIERLY BL99 01 5/30/07 JLL BLDG FINAL 05/29/2007 04 08 PM LPANGRLE KYLE 461 0043 BLDG FINAL RETAINING WALLS COMMENTS AND NOTES ,�1(2. 0 7- 5Co0 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name PAHS Propane Tank and Generator Placement Address 303 East Park Plan 07 -15 Com N Residential Date 5.21.2007 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances. 1) 1000 gallon tank OK at 20' IAW NFPA 58, Table 3 -2.2.2 note c. 2) Propane tank and generator must be separated by at least 10' 3) Minimum 6' fencing must be provided surrounding tank and generator 4) "No Smoking" signs shall be posted on all four sides of the installation. NOTE Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, compliance with the above conditions must be met. Reviewed by Building Department Copy Contractor/ Owner Copy Fire Department Copy Date 21 0 7 5 /ri /od Ken b 50,.L3 Ah1S a i`r Applicant or Agent:___ .4-1-12.t5 Owner PASO 12-1 Address: ZI E- Z}- Architect/Engmeer PLANNING USE ONLY T•\FORMS\B1dgPerniitform.wpd Applicant: (it BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELX and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 Contractor State License Address: City PROJECT ADDRESS 3o4 E, t'� t e P, A 1 1 1 6 4 BE r")E LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. TYPE OF WORK. Residential 'i New Constr Re -roof Stove o Multi- family Addition Move Garage Commercial Remodel Demolition Deck Repair Si Ot her BRIEF DESCRIPTION O F THE P 4 OR 7t Adi u 0n. t� g� rc �rNb� vc.AgS h COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group No of Stones. Lot Size: Existing Sq Ft. Total lot coverage ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Subdivision. Phone: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec. _O 1 07 Permit CJ" 1 ^,S 6 Date Appro" ate Issued: ©t -e) 6 1 c K-F Z Phone: 36,O 477 Z 8 7 (Por A ncte.les Se.Heol 45 O R H► 5c o city zip 9 3 G z Exp Phone: Zip DI mew M 500 60 /'J6 ZONING or/ )1 SIZE/VALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATI Z� 14'0%4 EL 4 Y� ,�Q rz a. c, &Qua_ ce„sc€® Occupant Load. Construction Type Proposed Sq Ft. TOTAL Sq Ft. APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE OTHER. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. Date: 6//7 67 100 109 I 110 107 100 100 104 10 BUILDING DinciAmomm 407 1 400 rAr LIBRARY 104 40.. 403 41 31400 A 70400 41 607 Al 1:1111 rad -77- 0101 114440 09.F0 LL1 103 100 101 .74 rr aes LTA '11 CF}110E SWOT °Dm 400 409 413 1 04 005 004 1 013f ?V. 1 041 -4_012 1 6 014 j fit 010 MAIN OW EMI ages ACTIVI1IE9 040 LOC= I9X015 1 T1 J. 1 L11 _1 1 500 BUILDING 11 1111 11 11111 11 1111 1 11111111111111111110 I [1111111 111111111110 10.3031.019r t \y" 5,1-Ke) d- ()PA OIL -......****stagesetgawagaleas 11111111111111111111111. gaPve, le C. 1 G PREPARED 4/12/07 11 25 25 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 27 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 4/12/07 ADDRESS 304 E PARK AVE SUBDIV TENANT NOR PA SCHOOL BLDG 100 CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 PHONE PARCEL 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 APPL NUMBER 07 00000328 COMM REMODEL PERMIT BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 4/12/07 BUILDING FRAMING 04/11/2007 02 05 PM PERMITS KYLE 461 0043 CALL THE OFFICE AT 452 5381 BEFORE INSPECTING COMMENTS AND NOTES SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Construction Type Occupancy Type Other struct info Other Fees Fee summary T \Policies \1102_15 building pennit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 07 00000328 Date 4/04/07 Application pin number 858624 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PA SCHOOL BLDG 100 Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 2000 Owner Contractor WA 983623200 Special Notes and Comments Building Division has no requirements OWNER Structure Information 000 000 TYPE V ONE HOUR K 12 >50PERS 12+ HRS /WK NUMBER OF UNITS 1 00 Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc BLDG 100 PARTITIONS Permit pin number 98392 Permit Fee 95 75 Plan Check Fee 62 24 Issue Date 4/04/07 Valuation 2000 Expiration Date 10/01/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 50 00 15 00 3 0500 HND BL -501 2K (3 05 PER C) 45 75 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 95 75 95 75 00 00 Plan Check Total 62 24 62 24 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 162 49 162 49 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned fora period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. &}2 I Aid Signature of Contractor or Authored Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR /SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL /HOLD DOWNS I WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -1N HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE /PELLET /CHIMNEY CALL 4174815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE 01? CONCEAL ANY WORE BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I BUILDING 417 -4815 I TAPolicies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] BUILDING .PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD VI/12W- JIA- YES NO I 1 1 FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY /USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE I ACCEPTED 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT I BUILDING DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. 1 YES 1 NO I I I I 1 L I dui 1 I 16 5130/6 dw I I Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Construction Type Occupancy Type Other struct info WA 983623200 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 58 0000 ECH EL -COMM ALT <5 CIRCUITS Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 07 00000313 123437 304 E PARK AVE 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 PA HIGH SCHOOL COMM REMODEL PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS 24672 Contractor OWNER Structure Information 000 000 TYPE V ONE HOUR K 12 >50PERS 12+ HRS /WK NUMBER OF UNITS Date 4/04/07 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1 5 CIR ANGELES ELE Permit pin number 98491 Permit Fee 58 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 4/04/07 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/01/07 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Charged Paid Credited Due 6 00 58 00 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 50 4 50 00 00 62 50 62 50 00 00 Extension 58 00 DI I'CH ROUGH -IN COVEk SERVICP, FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO COMMENTS PWI102.13I4196) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELX and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST B COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 Applicant or Agent: 6�1/ *Ph-- Phone: 36e9-- "15 ,z 7 g Owner P e r t AL49 e (S f t /Ct 'rgff c,lr,4„ Phone: 36D-- Address 3e 4' City 9“e f e w1 Zip ?13 6 Architect/Engineer G-e-o e /7', a kL e- Contractor e r✓' (en d..ic 4 State License Address: if/.a till 7 .447 PROJECT ADDRESS 3 0 z/ E 1.t-K LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block. Subdivision. CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. 9 D/ .5 Z Z 0 D D O 20 0 TYPE OF WORK. Residential Multi- family Commercial jgc Repair New Constr Addition Remodel Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE by l 7`a &7W4 Wed /S COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL No. of Stones: Lot Size: Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY Re roof Stove Move❑ Garage Demolition Deck Other PROJECT fSe eu v he H /ems d vD Occupancy Group Existing Sq Ft. ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Occupant Load. Proposed Sq Ft. OR OFFIC USE INLY Tate Rec. 3 .�l Date Approved: Date Issued: Phone. 360 Exp Phone: City t'rT ,Q,,, e /Ps VV4 Zip ?Z; ZONING /V SIZE/VALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION Z, ©o 0.0 sr. p -e Erg, ti.r 1 1 r� rrK y wa /l,s er.Vrc+{ u ,57;.( cv 2 Construction Type V AV TOTAL Sq Ft. rr r era �tz.v7�CIr APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE. Orin VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued witlun 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the apphcant (see Section RI05.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that l have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. Gj T•\FORMS\BIdgPermitfotm.wpd Applicant: .�e P�l/i� t��— Date: 0-' ee r 'a 7" f X 351.4 PK *345 4 X38 3 X 30 -0 X4 1 0 Cafateria 300 Bldg Kitchen X355 1 SPORT FIELD X SPORT FIELD 100 building Administration V411 X969.0 372. X391.1 333 I 200 B1c1c, I 1 I 1 X 35 Library 900 Bldg o 400 Bldg. Gym Music -o- Building 200 Bldg Student Center X355 04" 700 Bldg FRIBR 377.3 Gym 999 10 .11#111 41 047 41"11% PP Auditorium "531 A/C PK ,4337 1 '88.r 333 X 3&0.6 0560.9 X 391 NC 08.2 -65.8 Mech. 800 Bldg Shop 376 1 w 331.8 A/C C)3813 500 Bldg Wood Auto Shop 0360.4 335.2 X 335. PARK .4 ri 374. AVE. 330.3 0330 4 335.7 X NIS COURTS 1. 351.3 X X .8 NC X354.4 TENNIS COURTS 1.1 600 Bldg Sci Art. 0 NC 361.2 PK 379.0 3 449 28.6 X.17 Remodel Location h Revisions: 4.; Scale: 1"=120' Job 07017SP Date Mar ,2007 Sheet CN co co o c0 co a) 111 <c0 Et. co a_ la EXPIRES. 3 0 f 2 r� Horn Strobe Remove Wall Fire ba /na eo Area i 7 E 7 Remove 1,all Present Floor Plan 100 Building Mail Boxes 7' -7 1' -9 0 Proposed Floor Plan 1 Electrical Panel 1-1 1 r-1 d 1--/ 1-1 11' Revisions CD 0 Relocate Horn Strobe o m N� co I L N� CZ v W S 3 0 2 CL North upper window remains Door goes in window position EXPIRES. 3/17/200e o N O (Y) CO 0 3 tri n, m a_ c Q w Q o0 0 a_coQ z H U Scale' 1 =8' Job' 07017FP Date Mar ,2007 Sheet of 2/ Relocate Horn Strobe 0- U 14-2" T New Walls New Wall H 4 0 3 13'-9" North upper window remains t H T Mail Boxes H Heater T 0 Thermostat Telephone Electrical Plugins 6' o c New Walls Door goes in window position co cfN (m i co cu n CD 7. <r C 0 d Er D" aJ CD __I t( H L C la) c 0 da) New 0 Wall I Er_ o -4- L J I O 56 9 NAL I EXPIRES. 3/17/20iel f Revisions' Electrical 0 Panel a co co 0 L vis Counter from back room 0 vi 0 a; L 71.) (7: C Cl- C 13'-11" Lii 1 -P 0 o 0 a_ -is P Scale' l'=4' Job' 07017F Date) Mar ,2007 Sheet of 2 Application Number 07 00000313 Application pin number 123437 Property Address 304 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 1 2610 0000 Tenant nbr name PA HIGH SCHOOL Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS Application valuation 24672 Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Construction Type Occupancy Type Other struct info Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge Per 23 00 14 0000 THOU Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not pre to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construc s ion. WA 983623200 Structure Information 000 000 TYPE V ONE HOUR K 12 >50PERS 12+ HRS /WK NUMBER OF UNITS Charged Paid Credited 417 75 417 75 00 271 54 271 54 00 4 50 4 50 00 693 79 693 79 00 2� a/ S,i� nature q/ Contractor Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T \Policies \1102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd 11/4/2005] CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Contractor OWNER BASE FEE BL -2001 25K (14 PER K) STATE SURCHARGE Date 3/27/07 6 00 BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL REPAIR FIRE VANDALISM DAMAGE 98087 417 75 Plan Check Fee 271 54 3/27/07 Valuation 24672 9/23/07 Extension 95 75 322 00 4 50 Due 00 00 00 00 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IA'SPECTED 4ND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL ROUGH -1N HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY YES 1 NO FINAL FINAL MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING 1 PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s I SEPA. PARKING /LIGHTING I ESA. LANDSCAPING I SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY /USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION KW PW/ CONSTRUCTION R.W ENGINEERING 417 -4807 I PW ENGINEERING 1 FIRE, 417 -4653 I 1 1 1 FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I 1 I I PLANNING DEPT 1 BUILDING 417 -4815 1 1 I I BUILDING T \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd 11/4 /2005] DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED YES, I NO 5- ►'1 -0� AC Applicant or Agent: -•1 Q (\r\ C(>nc-s- 1-+rl,l.( 4- 1 r Owner Pnr-k- A .LO o r Address. r,} 64 A 9t �v_o City a Architect/Engmeer• Contractor e 5fMSI ,J Lt State Licen Address: <lan 1 [Lu r Ji PROJECT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. TYPE OF WORK. Residential New Constr Re -roof Stove Multi family Addition Move c] Garage X Commercial Remodel Demolition Deck Repair Sign Other B F DESCRIPTION OF THF, PROJECT A-AA 4 ii j s o a lso �4 COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group No of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq Ft. Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY \OC(` c eN y 6a `cli\\b BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELX and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE Date Approved: COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 j Date Issued: O City Block: (-41Lt Phone: fr (4 uc eQ12 Phone. se 400 E4 C/471G-fATExp vylr� 6 Phone: tic; ��n1V�ue Zip q 3(o3 a Pr,, 4.e ZONING Subdivision. SIZE/VALUATION SF S$ /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION 1,122vikr) 4. P P .1 AV 0.0 Tom(* o -4 ∎Pars ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Elsa -s3�i Phone.—c1 M t l u Zip q (o FOR OFFICIAL Date Rec. Permit �U Occupant Load. Construction Type Proposed Sq Ft. TOTAL Sq Ft. SE 0 APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE. OTHER. LY D7 VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the tune for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand tJaatj` is my responsibility to determine what permits are required not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to wdrk. r TAFORMS1B1dgPermitform.wpd Applicant: V O NE t X Date: (.`V., /,�062,--) CEILING TILE ADHESIVE DESCRIPTION Miracle® Ceiling Tile Adhesive is a synthetic latex, freeze -thaw stable mastic with high strength, excellent flexibility and superior aging characteristics. USES: Ceiling Tile Adhesive is used for installing acoustical ceiling tile to drywall, wood, concrete and various other structurally sound interior surfaces. APPLICATION: Apply only to clean. dry surfaces. Do not apply to a surface if paint is in poor or suspect condition. If in doubt, test first. Remove grease. water soluble wallpaper, loose plaster or other materials. which will unpair adhesion. For 12' x 12' tiles. apply four (4) dabs of adhesive, place one dab of adhesive 3' in diameter bv 1/8' to /a' thick about 3 from each corner of tile For 12' x 24' tiles. apply eight (8) dabs of adhesive around perimeter of tile. Finely press tiles with both hands onto ceiling, about 1 from final position. Work tile back and forth as it is being pushed level with other tiles. For installation of interlocking tile, make sure tile is level before sliding into position. If unable to level. remove tile and apply additional adhesive Do not level bv pulling down on corners of the tile. (Must have one porous surface) PACKAGING INFORMATION ITEM NO. SIZE PACKED WEIGHT 785 Gallon 4 /Carton 45 lbs. /Carton 784 5 Gallon Pail 36/Pallet 55 lbs./Unit TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. BASE Synthetic Latex FLAMMABILITY Non Flammable (Wet State) TYPE. Water -Based FLASH POINT No Flash to Boiling (ASTM D3278) COLOR. Light Tan TENSILE STRENGTH. 148 psi (ASTM D897) WEIGHT /GALLON: 10 8 lbs. /gal. FREEZE THAW STABLE. 5 cycles SOLID CONTENT. 67% (ASTMD 1489) WAER RESISTANCE. Excellent CONSISTENCY Heave Mastic MILDEW RESISTANCE. Resists Fungus Growth APPLICATION TEMP 40 °F to 100 °F ODOR. Mild SERVICE TEMP. 30 °F to 150 °F COVERAGE. Gallon 40 -60 sq. ft. per gallon STORAGE TEMP. Store at room temperature SHELF LIFE. 12 months with cross ventilation. Protect from freezing. CLEAN-UP. Warm soapy water before adhesive sets. OPEN TIME Up to 30 minutes at 75° F and After adhesive sets, use mmeral spirits, exercising safe 50% relative humidit practices DRY TIME. 48 hours. at 75 °F and 50% relative humidity Page 1 of 2 JOB srrE BRAND° "TIN TACC 56 Air Station Industrial Park Rockland, MA 02370 Phone 1-800-503 -6991 Fax 1- 800 231 -8222 info@itwtacc.com www.itwtacc.com CEILING TILE ADHESIVE CAUTIONARY INFORMATION WARNING! CONTAINS: PETROLEUM DISTILLATE (Less than 10 Vapor harmful. May affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness. headache or nausea. May cause eve, skin, nose and throat irritation. NOTICE. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: Use with adequate ventilation. To avoid breathing vapors. open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. If you experience eve watering. headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air or wear respiratory protection (NIOSH/MSHA TC 23C or equivalent) or leave area. AVOID contact with eyes and repeated or prolonged contact with skin. DO NOT take internally STORAGE/HANDLING: Keep container closed when not removing adhesive. Do not reuse container or transfer adhesive to any other container. FIRST AID: Inhalation Overexposure If dizziness or nausea occurs. remove person to fresh air and seek medical attention. Swallowing If swallowed, call Poison Control Center Hospital Emergency Room or Physician immediately Eve Contact Flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Skin Contact Wash skin thoroughly with warm water and soap FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS IN THE WORK AREA AND ALL ADJACENT AREAS, BE SURE THAT ALL PERSONS UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW ALL PRECAUTIONS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN F#2117 B3A NOTICE TO PURCHASER. NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE MADE INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITYAND /OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EXCEPT FOR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROM USE OF THE PRODUCT AS DIRECTED ITW TACC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN TORT OR CONTRACT FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ITW TACC A DIVISION OF ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC OR ITS AFFILIATES ("ITW TACC'') BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE PURCHASE, USE, OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT INCIDENTAL. OR CONSEQUENTIOL DAMAGES THE USER MAY SEND A SAMPLE OF PRODUCT TO ITW TACC FOR TESTING IF SUCH TESTING PROVES A PRODUCT DEFECTIVE, THE USER S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IS EITHER REIMBURSEMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR REPLACEMENT OF THE CONTAINER OF PRODUCT NO FABRICATOR, INSTALLER, DEALER, AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF ITW TACC HAS THE AUTHORITY TO MODIFY THE OBLIGATIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF THIS WARRANTY This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vane from state to state: therefore, some of the limitations stated above may not apply to you. It is to your benefit to save your documentation upon purchase of a product. The information and suggestions for use contained herein are believed to be accurate. but are not to be construed as warranties. User shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and shall assume all risk associated therewith. Please direct all inquiries regarding performance of this product to ITW TACC 56 Air Station Industrial Park Rockland. MA 02370 Phone 1-800-503-6991 Fax 1-800-231-8222 info@invtacc.com www.rtntacc.com Page 2 0£2 Rev 07/04 FINE FISSURED' Tile medium texture Visual Selection Grid Edge hem Face Profile Number FINE FISSURED Tile Concealed Beveled 592 K4C4 746 Tongue 741 Groove Physical Data Material Wet- formed mineral fiber Surface Finish Factory- applied latex paint Fire Performance Class A. Flame Spread 25 or under (UL Labeled) per ASTM E 1264 ASTM E 1264 Classification 746, 741 Type III, Form 2, Pattern C E 592 Type 111, Form 1 Pattern C E Sag Resistance HumiGuard Plus superior resistance to sagging in high humidity conditions up to, but not including, standing water and outdoor applications. Dimensions l' x3/4' 1'x1 x5/8' 1 x 1' x 1/2' FINE FISSURED Tile with CONCEALED Z' grid Performance UL Classified Acoustics Fire NRC CAC Resist 0.65 35 Class A 0.85 0 0.55 35 Class A 0.85 0 O 0.55 N/A Class A Low Formaldehyde Low Formaldehyde contributing less than 13.5 ppb in typical conditions per ASHRAE Standard 62, 'Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, California Code Title 24, and other building types in CHPS Section 1350. Anti Mold /Mildew Bacteria BioBlock Plus contains an anti microbial treatment and provides guaranteed resistance against growth of mold /mildew and Gram positive and Gram negative odor /stain- causing bacteria for 30 years. Insulation Value Items 746, 741 R Factor -1.6 (BTU units) R Factor 0.28 (Watts units) Item 592 R Factor -1.5 (BTU units) R Factor 0.26 (Watts units) Light Reflect TechLine' 1 877 ARMSTRONG 1 877 276 7876 armstrong.com /ceilings (search: fine fissured) CS- 3822 -207 0 AWI Licensing Company, 2007 Printed in the United States of America 10% post consumer waste. Printed with vegetable inks. 0 Recyclable. ?Recycled Conteltt 4066 Coru�ci Tr'chL'ant• for LE�ED Iriti I l Energy I Mgmt I Content I Matelots Mate ad is ✓V1 1 I 1 Key Selection Attributes 12" x 12' concealed tile option provides grid- hiding monolithic installation Good sound absorption LEED Credits 30 -Year System Performance Guarantee JJ Against Visible Sag HumiGuardo Plus Against Mold/Mildew Bacterial Growth BioBlock"" Plus Non directional visual reduces installation time and scrap Typical Applications Many types of commercial interiors Selection F 3oT G gRR Sag Anti R esist Microbial rd3 HumiGuard+ BioBlock+ O o HumiGuard+ BioBlock+ o o Items Susoension System 746, 592 PRELUDES Concealed CONCEALED Z grid or adhesive 741 Staple up or adhesive Low Emitting I Daylight Materials Views 1 ✓1✓ 8ss8 Color O White (WH) Dots represent highest level of performance. VOC Recycling Formaldehyde Program Durable Low Yes Standard 0 Low Yes Standard 0 0.85 HumiGuard+ BioBlock+ Low Yes Standard 0 0 0 Backloading Recommendation Contact TechLine for specific information Weight; Square Feet/Carton See product details at armstrong.com /ceilings 30 -Year Performance Guarantee Warranty Information See warranty details at.armstrong.com/ceilings Recommended Suspension System mstrong° MSDS Name MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADHESIVE MSDS Number 2114 MSDS Last Updated Page Number 1 SECTION I PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION Product Name CAS Number Hazard Rating Company Identification Telephone /Fax Chemtrec (24 Hour) Trade Name Product Code DOT Hazard Class UN Number Shipping Name Packing Group SECTION II HAZARDOUS INFORMATION Ingredient Name VM &P NAPHTHA ETHYLENE GLYCOL SILICA, QUARTZ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JAN -25 -2007 Printed On 01/25/07 MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADHESIVE MIXTURE Health 1 Fire 0 Reactivity 0 PPI B ITW TACC AIR STATION INDUSTRIAL PARK ROCKLAND MA 02370 (781) 878 -7015 (781) 871 -6727 (800) 424 -9300 MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADH 784, 785 NON REG NMFC 4620 -5 Miracle is a registered trademark of Illinois Tool Works, Inc CAS Number 8032 -32 -4 107 -21 -1 14808 -60 -7 1 -5 Percent 3 -10 1 -5 Respirable crystalline silica (quartz) can cause silicosis, a fibrosis (scarring) of the lungs Silicosis may be progressive; it many lead to disability and death Crystalline silica (quartz) inhaled from occupational sources is classified as carcinogenic to humans TSCA Y Y Y MSDS Name MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADHESIVE MSDS Number 2114 MSDS Last Updated Page Number 2 SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA Appearance /Color Boiling Range Evaporation Rate Volatile Weight Volatile Volume Specific Gravity Weight /Volume Measure EPA Method 24 VOC Photo Chem Reactive Only VOC 129 8 Flammability Class Flash Range Explosive Range SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JAN -25 -2007 Printed On 01/25/07 CREAM 212 F Slower than n -Butyl Acetate 30 4% Not Available 1 31046 10 88 177 2 g/L SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DANGER IIIB Not Applicable Not Applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Water spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical or foam SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES After water evaporates, remaining material will burn Breathing apparatus when fighting fires in enclosed areas UNUSUAL FIRE EXPLOSION HAZARDS Decomposition products may cause a health hazard PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LEVEL SEE SECTION VIII EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE INHALATION Materials are low in volatility and therefore not likely to pose a problem EYES May cause minor irritation SKIN Not likely to be absorbed in toxic amounts Avoid skin contact as much as possible; upon repeated contact, slight skin irritation may occur INGESTION None reported, not likely route of entry FIRST AID INHALATION Get fresh air MSDS Name MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADHESIVE MSDS Number 2114 SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS Last Updated JAN -25 -2007 Printed On 01/25/07 Page Number 3 EYES Flush with water for at least 15 minutes SKIN Wash with mild soap and water; apply a mild cream INGESTION Small amounts are not expected to produce adverse health effects Larger amounts should be recovered by aspiration Call a physician Stability This product is stable Hazardous Polymerization Hazardous polymerization will not occur INCOMPATIBILITY Strong acids or alkaline materials CONDITIONS TO AVOID None known HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Fumes, smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide in the case of incomplete combustion STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Confine to small area Use absorbent to clean up Place in container for disposal WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Dispose in accordance with federal, state and local regulations SECTION VIII EXPOSURE CONTROLS /PERSONAL PROTECTION Occupational Exposure Limits ACGIH TLV ACGIH TLV -C ACGIH STEL OSHA STEL VM &P NAPHTHA 300 00 PPM N /est N /est N /est ETHYLENE GLYCOL N /est N /est N /est N /est SILICA, QUARTZ 0 10 mg /M3 N /est N /est N /est RESPIRATORY PROTECTION OSHA PEL N /est N /est 0 10 mg /M3 MSDS Name MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADHESIVE MSDS Number 2114 SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS Last Updated JAN -25 -2007 Printed On 01/25/07 Page Number 4 None required for normal use VENTILATION Natural ventilation should be adequate under normal conditions PROTECTIVE GLOVES Impervious gloves, if needed, to avoid repeated or prolonged skin contact EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses Face shield as necessary if spraying OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Not likely to be needed PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE Do not store above 125 degrees F or below freezing or damage may occur to product OTHER PRECAUTIONS For professional or industrial use only Follow label instructions Keep out of the reach of children Not for consumption No smoking Do not breathe fumes Avoid contact with body Turn off all pilot lights, flames, stoves, heaters, electric motors, welding equipment and other sources of ignition Close all containers when not in use Empty containers must not be washed and re -used for any purpose Contact lens wearers take appropriate precautions Wash hands throughly after handling For spray applications, use only with approved spray equipment For flammable products, vapors may cause flash fire or ignite explosively To prevent buildup of vapors, use adequate ventilation (e g open all windows and doors to achieve cross ventilation) Containers may be hazardous when empty Never use welding or cutting torch on or near container SECTION X ADDITIONAL REGULATORY INFORMATION -SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372 Ingredient Name CAS Number Percent MSDS Name MIRACLE W/B CEILING TILE ADHESIVE MSDS Number 2114 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS Last Updated JAN -25 -2007 Printed On 01/25/07 Page Number 5 ETHYLENE GLYCOL 107 -21 -1 1 -5 -PROP 65 (CARCINOGEN) WARNING This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer Ingredient Name CAS Number Percent SILICA, QUARTZ 14808 -60 -7 1 -5 The following ingredients are registered for TSCA 12B Ingredient Name CAS Number Percent ETHYLENE GLYCOL 107 -21 -1 1 -5 DISCLAIMER NOTICE This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, except that it is accurate to the best knowledge of ITW TACC The data on this sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein ITW TACC assumes no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon these data "/ c1-'~~ ^~"~'.. "--. ,,- ~.. ~t-~.t"~ ....... "~ ""~ ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION I Job wired by o Electrical Contractor 0 Owner Installation description IJ( Commercial 0 Residential License number Date Expires A:r 12.f LH Loo '1C8 El~~rical coptractlr, name \ /\ ,r Flu "teG\+,tJ.::5 Purchaser's mailing address 2-'L1 lJ,Ju.A- ~ City S ~v.:...... Telephone number GB>- 3'1" I o New JKI Altered/Addition 5"+7" c.v,' IL; ,,~ /) Sot State ZIP iN'r1- q 11:'[1 "L ~L..( P4.t~ AVi!. Aiv~ Phone number to schedule inspection: 4 ~7- 0'11.{ 01l'f1cr as defined by.RCWJ9.28.26/:(I) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire all electrical conrractor if ahove said property is for sale. relit or lease. \ After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- lation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C.. RCW. Chapter 19.28. WAC. Chapter 296.468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code. and Utility Specifications. Signatur FAX number (;,B - ~&j7t Premises owner's name Pc, 1- A"'r~ Ad~c~s~r iOE At~o~ j), s.....: ,t 'I , , V-' I City eo,-t l fA H,',Jdi.J,.",{ ) x o Cash 0 Check # o Credit Card Card # Visa Mastercard Discover ctor or electrical administrator Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions D NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard KW o Furnace KW o Heat Pump Ton LAR D Fan.Wall KW Date: g- 2$-0" Expiration Date of card fO Service Information o Overhead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service Voltage PhaseD 1 D 3 Service Size: Feeder Size: SAME nAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUGH-IN Dale Approved By F1NAL 3~3tr-07 ~ '- Dale Approve By / Inspection Datc /' THERMOSTAT Dale Appro,'cd By -... DITCH "- Dale ApprovedBy / SERVICE Dale Appro'-ed By FEEDER Dale Approved By/ Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Inspector 9-06-206 8007AM FROM ANGELES ELECTRIC INC 360 d52 9265 P. 1 \ ,\ Ci''''' ~ :; ~~....~ . ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATfoN Job ",ired by lectri.al Contractor a Owner Install~ descriplion ~ommercial 0 Residential Electrica) contractor name License number Dale Expires CJ New o Altered/Addition Purchaser's mailing address Telephone number FAX number ~';1~ ;:(;IL ,fu7tJ- '13001 ~7fJ{ c'~ ~ City pr.emisey;:!iS named (:? ... . I -- -., I~ ~o, Addre,{ .r ID~eclI.D _ 'r? ~ - IJ'I !r tL... S-r.- CHy 'P/f PA-7,AJ1 hZJf= "hO,I(~ t'll,...bel:'" to s(':hed~le in.spcctiol'l: OW/l!!,. a.~ dcifined hy RCW,/y,2R.16/:(J) Owner will occupy the.H IJ.cJure,!or two Yl'QrJ" "fier Ihls eh!Cln('.(JI permit j"".(jlq;j!ized. (2) OWffr:r is ,.equircd 10 hire an electrical CQlllraclor if ahnVf!. .<:aid property i<: fnr .fa/e. rem nT lease. After reading the above statcrncnt, I hereby certify that I am the OWller of the above named propeny or a Iicen$cd electrical eontfact()L I am makins thc electrical in~al- lation or alteration in compliance with lhe electrical laws. N.n.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28. WA.C. Chaptcr 296-46B. Th.c City of Pon Angeles Municipal Codc, <!ood Utility Spcdflc!.tions. VLSa Mastercard Discover Card # t:J/J - F1<Jt.... ---------------- x Date: Expiration Dalo of card $0 Elee load Additions a o LOAD CHANGES CJ Baseboard KW o Furnace KW o Heat Pump _ Ton _ LAR - CJ Fan.Wall KW o Overhead Service a Temp Service (J Underground Service Service lnformation Vo~age . Lj/iov' P"ase CJ~ Service Size: '7.rn~ Feeder Size: '1to At.. ons SAME DAY INSPECTiON, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 /' ROUGH-IN TIfERMOSTAT / SERVICE '\ " U.Ille Appr03Ve!l ~l' Dale APJ'ltCW~d Ay lJ.:alc Approved By / / ~??/,.,n;->.L DITCH FEEDER .q~. ~.Ao.J " LJAlc ^pJ\r","e(l R)' '- 1)1I1c ^1'1"'O<'cxJ~y /' VAle AM'h'llVoffi ny' ~nspcction Area, Building Or Equipment Tnspected Action Taken Elocmc.ul Dalt Inspector --- 7'r"~ 9/~ /OL-. ~/ / / 8-27-207 7,57AM FROM ANGELES ELECTRIC INC 360 452 9265 P_2 - Job wired by 5"'''-- . 'I ~~~~.,. ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION - o O.mer llls~all~dc:icriplion g'fommercial 0 ResideDtial Purchaser's mailing 3.ddrcss ANCELEs-~tt'CfRl~iNc. 524 CAST ;;R3T PORT ANGELES,WA 98352 natc ElCpiTl;S ~. ~AddiliO. Electrical contractor name .3e#a>/ ::,:~' r ;<~~ F- , ~~~ Phone [wmber to schedule inspection: (5-2-.- ~~ s,- J:}.;b lit/A- c:.. /N' . /11-#/1/ j)/S~a- a""ptt; ~ sltor fl:M1L.D/N& --F~ Ftc ~ /J-tN GJb,/e.II.M7J --2kJJt-t-. . City Stale ZlP Telephone number FAX DumbCl' Owner a.\' defined by "RCw'19.28.26/:(l) Owner will occupy the struc/un' fo/' two YlJun; IIftC,. lhl.~ electrical permit i~ [vlO/t:cd, (]) Owner is n:quin~(J to hire an electrit.:al contractor if above s(lid pmpt!.Tty i.f for sa/i', rellt Qr feose, ^iicf reading the above: statement. J hereby CCrlify lhal I am the owner of the ubovc: na.med property or a. licensed eleetrieal contr.lclor. 1 am making the eleclric;:.1 ins.t\l.. l;.\lion or altcf:ltjon in compliance with the ClcClrlCal laws, N.E.C., RCW, r:hllptcT 19.2X, WAC. Cb"'lplcr 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code. 3r\d tJtility Specifications. . er, electrical contractor Cl Cash 0 Check # ~;Card Visa Mastercard Discover ____ _ M/_-fi~ ____ Card 1/ x El<piration Date of card ~nsP5-~~D Service Intormati2Q Voltage ~",2( Pha.. CJ , Service Size: 7.-"-O-'l--f Feed$r SiZQ: ~ Electrical L. IIi CJ NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard _, f0N Q Fumace KW D Heat Pump Ton o Fan-Wall KW ns n or i ~~~S LAR o Overhead Set'Vice CJ T oJPI' S.MCO ur-ctndergrotlnd SSr"iC9 SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUGH-IN /' THERMOSTAT SER\'lCE DAle ~-~ \.. D;n, A!>~\'oll(:(\ lly n.\~ ApprovcdDy -" / J.FlNAL DITCH l'"EWER tJ/-o~ " --4!2y '- Ulll~ ApPIV"..IIP..y "", App1'OvedlJy Tns:pcctinn Area, B\lilding or Equipment Inspected Action Takel1 Elcc:trical Pate lm:peCtol' . -, ~IE~!~U~ ~\Dl . "^ n .. , 1". ~.. """~. -" lIOIIT r- ~ -- 09/25/2008 10:14 FAX 360 452 9265 RECEYV~aiC ~ 000Jl0001_ s _.... UG Job wired by leet,;cal Contractor 0 Owner Electrical o8IiiGEIo[~actCTRIC, INC. License number Date Expires 524 EAST FIRST P"'chaser'~\llitli~ilS, WA 98362 cg- 2'3>2 SEP 2 5 200BELECTRICALWORKPERMITAPPLlCATION Instal~ description . Ja""Commercial Cl Residential r.J New ~dditiOD City state ZIP Telephone number FAX number Prh~/~ rJL)'-, Sf ~/_ Premises OWDerl~ Add.." of iO~1n ~. (JAeL ~ City PA- 1" rzllVl17~J> t"":JP"" t>-1.';- tJNLlf g I - N ~ PhODe Dumber to schedule iospedion: ~/-t7t. Owner as defined by RCW.J9.213.261:(l) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an declrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. After reading the above statement, 1 hereby certify that I am the owner of the above naDled property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal. lation or alteration in compliance with Ihe electrical laws. N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, Bnd Utility Specifications. Signature r or electrical administrator o Cash 0 Check # a Credit Card VISa Mastercard Discover / c~#___~_~~17~r ____ x Date: 7/Z$'; 'elF' Expiration Date of card NO LOAD CHANGES r.J Baseboard KW CI Furnace KW r.J Heat Pump _ Ton _ LAR r.J Fan-Wall KW CI Overhead Service CJ Temp Service ~erground Service VOltage~ Phase 3 SeNiee Size: $ Feeder Size: ~~ SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ~ ROUGH-IN TIlERMOSTAT SERVICE ; 10/2 IDi'6 ~ 0... Approved By nate Approved By "'" AWrol'Cd By ./ FINAL DITCH FFEDER /t!r'z,ltJ'1J ~BY/. Date Approved By D." ApprondDy./ D. Inspection Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Date Inspector . , , I 68 -IO~7 - 6-13-207 1, 56PM FROM ANGELES ELECTRIC INC 360 452 9265 P.l "'. G -&:, C- S'"'' fl'" .... ~. . i ,> "",..- ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION" Job wired by o Electrical Contractor 0 Owner Instal Ion description Conlmercial 0 Reside 'al ~ eleClTie.1 con".clo, n.me AI'lGEL~Me<I'RW, INC. Date Expi,es _~__. ~?J rA~T rIR~T Purchasc"s maiHng addrc,-, PORT ANGELES, WA 98352 prelni~e!i owner's name Iter(:d/Additiop " ,~::;'=:y=;~.1 --r; -rLe- y/'e/ ~ . ,#~ &r-.,?,,~ ~, City - ~- "'~~'~,,,' -'~.- State Zt).> Telephone number FAX number Addre" of i~n elly . V'4. Phone. nU~be~dule in5pe~iun: OW/lfIr us clltflm!rJ by RCW,I ,28.2fi1:(l) Owner witt occupy the :l1nu.'[urc for Iwo years after [MI" elecllical p~'rmj( j~' fincsliud, (2) Owner is n:qui.f'(!d 10 1uf't~ an elecl1'lcol contrrJl.'Jor if-aht)v(. !>aid prop!:"')! is fiv sale. "(~nl OJ' /eo.<:e. After reading. the above statement. I ftereby certify that I tlm the Qwner (If the above named property or a \iC~s.c~i clectrical contr3ctor. I am makins the electrical insrul. latirm nr altcration in compliance with the electrictll laws. N.c,C" RCW. Chapter 19.2S, WAC. Chaptcr 296-46fl. Thc City of Port Angeles Municipill Code, and Utility Specifications. Signahl.te f owner~ e _.W~ ~ +t St.> 4i/!lr) fIkJ/PD o Cash 0 Cheek 1/ . 9/. era ......-. .e . frO B"eredit Card Visa Mastercard Discover Card# -___-~_-_E_~-____ 1/ x /i!...Sw z,'ttJII x Date: Expiration Dale of card o ~tueriI Load Additions a d or subtractions Ila"'NO WAD CHANGES Cl Baseboard __ KW Q Furnace _ KW D Heat Pump _ Ton _ LAR o Fan-Wall _ KW CJ CTv'crhead Service o Te~rvlee ~E:rground Service ~.I:ld.P.l1,.ln19rmation Voltage I?n/?-"''i' Phase O~ SeN;ee S;ze: f'tl: Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUGll-IN 'l'fIF;RMOSfAT ,r SERVICE '. . Vate ^rrroved By 0;/,(0: Appro...edBr "- Dill" "1'J'1,,~"11 I\y ll;;fl:AL~.{zD ,r DITCH FEEDER Dille Approvoed. f:l.y ./ "- DMC: - ArlProv.,.;l il, _ / P:\l~ / ^l'tlrlWed Hy Inspcction Area, Building or Equipment Inspected A~tiOll TakeIl Electrical Date [nspeclor G,-'/./-"/ N....-eo tl6't1 M.k. ---.-.,-- . -fa Ihl?""" III 1\1 I!:o l!=I' JUN 1 4 007 UBHT DE pro " -- . 3-29-207 3, 16PM FROM ANGELES ELECTRIC INC 360 452 9265 P.l Job wired by 5''''' Ii ~- ~~~~:! ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION DOwner de!>cription o Residential ~~AdditiOD Electrical contractor nilome LlCcn.<;c numhcr Date ExpiTt:'-s CI New PO"",,,,', ro,;bnB ,dd"" ANGELt:> tLtG I RICt Ifle 524 EAST FIRS . City --,-----Ptll'lT Ar~6i~L€.9r!V1I ~~311l! /F;vai6 - fil!e ~r~ Telephone number FAX number ~~~,:pt-' n.~L .~ Addr.... of in,p.ct;.~;k;r t:-.. f~ C;ty 14 - 'Phone number to scbedule I "~~4(f' Own.'" a.f d~-jifled by RCW..f9.2/~.2fj/:(1) O.....'''(~r will Occupy Ih(~ s'r'uc1urt'}or two )'Ml'.~ afier this electricol permit i.t fi/laJi;;eJ. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical crmlractnr !f above SQid prQPf:rly Is f()r soh-. rent or '('(IIff", After rcadjn~ elle "bove sraremeutl 1 hereby certify thaI J am meowncT of the above named propcny or a licensed electrical contractor. 1 am making thl: l::lcctricl1l in<;lal- I~tion or <lltention in' compliance with the electrical laws, N.H,C., RCW. Chapter 19.28. WAC. Chaptcr 2%-4ti6, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, <Ind Utility Spccificutions. o Cash 0 Check # ~ard Visa Mastercard Discover fC~;d# ____-..Pf__-f};:. _-____ x Expiration Date of card $nSI1ect~~ Service I~formation VOltage~ ~:~~e s'ize:'M~# Feede-r Si2:s: ~ . trl I L ad Ad ilion Q NO LOAD CHANGES CI Baseboard KW CJ Furnace KW Q Heat Pump _ Ton _ t..AF: IJ Fan-Wall KW o Overhead Service o Temp Service Q Underground Service SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 d/'? l.W:UGH-1J-i:; THERMOSlAT SERVICE \!T 1:>jC ^pprnVcd ~y -.J thk AllP",ve<! ay D~jC /lpprov.:rllSy ./ / FEEDER (/" FJNA~ DITCH 6. 1 ,~- ~ 'I'I'M" ., \: D~[~ AprrgvtldBYJ O'l~ ^Pl'r<,>vc/1 ~y 'nspt".ction Area. Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken electrical D:\te Inspector _..~. -"-- ---,- -'.'~ . ---,- .. -_._- - C6-b2.33 ti~..... ;\ 'V~ -~ ''''''-'1} "'to "1''' 'S'''' <t5J . ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION' \ . Job wired by a Owner ~:~.tiOn dose,iption ommereial Cl Residential Elec~r,' ~contractor nuro1 ' License number ~~~....-..... ,7-,-S.cT~117.LO"'" Pu<chasS.;:ling t); V~ f!JJ Ci~ . ,,~ Slate ZIP -to.,e., V~~J lA.l V"- Cj'r3/'~ Telephone number FAX number ~__1- -l.. If ~ V <.. .... """-f' \ Date Expircs 1:1 New 1:1 Altered! Addillon .rr Sc.~ -iZ-Ar Phone number to schedllle in!Jpeetlon: G f.. fllli* A1I t: ) City Owner as deflm'd by RCW./9.28.26/:(l) Owner ,,'W occupy tfre .ftruchm:jor two years after this e/edrical permit is jinalizC!d. (Z) Owner Is required tu Iu're an clectn'ca/ contractor if aboiJe said properly is for sale. n?llt or fe(/se. After reading lhe above statement, I hereby certify thai I a01 the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical conh1lctor. I am makillg the elccLric.a1 inslnl. lalion or alteration in compliance with the clectricllllaws. N.E.C.. RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-468. The City of Pori Angeles Municipal Code. and UlililY Specific"liolls. Signature of owner. eledrical contractor or electrical administrator a Cash 0 Check # a Credit Card Visa Card # Mastercard Discover ---------------- x Date: Expiration Dale of card ElectrIcal Load Additions and or subtractions 1:1 NO LOAD CHANGES I:J Baseboard _ KW [J Furnace KW CJ Heat Pump Ton LAR I:J Fan-Wall KW (J Overhead Service a Temp Service [J Underground Service Voltage Phase 1:1 11:1 3 Service Size: _ Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION CALL BEFORE 7'00 AM 360-417-4735 , ROUGH-IN 'nIERMOSTAT ( SERVICE D~le ApptlJvro By "- OllIe ApJIruved By "- Dale ApproYed lJy /;t./,;'7l:AL ~. DITCH I'EEDER V Do< proved Or Oftle APllrove<l8y"/ Dllte APPfUvClllty/ Inspection Area. Building or Equipment Inspected Eleclrical Dale Action "raken Inspector - Td d nLl72.!l7 .01 l72l792Sl7 3JI~d3S JldlJ3l3:WOdJ ~8[:0T l7002-2T-dd~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFACIAL USErty ? [Qle/Ra:: I - - 0 Prnnirll: R ChleAppmvuJ.; O:uel"uaI: The Electrical Permit Application must be filled out comDletelv. Please type or reprint In ink. If you have any questions, please call (360. 417-4735 Fax number: (360) 417-4711 OwnerorElec.contractorAgenLf:\uJ,IL-' J:!z.-rU\<:"'- 111->C./ Property Owner ~h'DV l DI~<:.tr;i'/+- Address: .:sDl-[ f PO-.I!.. . ,", City: por.f fti/l.<:!-,J2.JU- -EJ ,. ~ ~ 1J Cl-.F- ::rs1f Electrical Contractor: ~Tv-Ll./~. "Cn))l"LI r-t'./ license#: 3 c~ Exp: ~t)_ Or ~u' V It- (1;- fr> J City:-A,V"/ .h {'Yr'f?"~ INSTALLATION WIRED BY: 0 OWNER ;e ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR '--/">:'-b"("i.{ Phone: _ - .'" '" Fax: -S. C< .\A.?- Phone: Zip: 0,63 C, 2.. Phone: Y-/5'2-/d.i?.I Zip: Address: Credit Card Holder Name: Exp. Date: Zip: VISA:_MC:_ Billing Address: Credit Card Number: City: PROJECT ADDRESS: 304 €.. PARI( t+ I ~ t-I 5c.ttt>o L- TYPE OF WORK: Check all that apply: 1f2 New 0 Alteration/Addition o Residental 0 Multi-family , )&. Commercial 0 Mobile Home Sq. Ft. o Remote Meter 0 Detached garage 0 Hot Tub 0 Swim Pool 0 !:\eplicP.ump Number 01 Circuits added or altered: J ,,', l o Low Voltage 0 Telecom, OSi DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: I () 0 () ""P :::1~)1!:J(111 -e-k H t) 0!.- Sh ()<.tt Electrical Heat Load Additions 176/30. .iI. Ot1r.:),cJG() Service Information Voltage: /1.0'3;; z.<) Phase: ~ Service Size: Feeder Size: l 0 V 0 ~ t-D.4r.:) o Baseboard o Furnace o Heat Pump o Fan-Wall _KIN _KIN _KIN _KIN .p Overhead Service ll'!lITemp Service o Underground Service PAMC 14.05.060(8): For industrial, commercial, & residential projects larger than a duplex. a one . line drawing 01 the Electrical Service ~ Feeders, building size (sq, ft.), load calculations, and the type & 01 conductors andlor raceway is required and shall accompany the Electrica' Permit ap/>lication. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and correct, and I a authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Credit Card Holder's Signature: Date: ));)~ l~ , Owner or Elec. Cont., Signature: r}:~/ !2JOCr-ud Date: PW-9019 08/28/2008 14:02 FAX 360 452 3488 Olympic Electric Co. . PA CITY INSPECT ~001/001 /~ ~ lRl~[E~V~~ ocg-lC87 ~ SEP ~ 2 2008 ELECTRICAL WORK 'PERMIT APPLICATION Job ,wed by I6J'tlectrJ~ol Coalraclor 0 Ownor InsllllltiOfl dClcriplion JlI: ,Collll1lercllll 0 Ro.ld.ollal L.lconlc flumblilt OIl' CJl.pil"cs (?~;r'~ elr"J/7/ /'?LY/'?-'pE.-t:hf'r- PI Pure: cr' !'Oatlln; Idclrou l/2J/7 TO-""1"wrlrh/f ~ 6lA" ZIP z:,.-r -11J/' t"/ v(.7- '/ -f"J 6'.z Telephone l1t.1mber FAX 1'lurrtbe:r - t2 -f ?. 'r~"" ....er', ..me /. r . / J Il' .L D yr t1 n 9 e ~ J .;l ~DP 11''''7 Adctrcs. or la.pecrloa f!J. v 30'-1 e- IU'r-- Chy /04 tll1.J.e i,,. Phou aurubel' to sebeduh la.apeulop: N~vv 5'/ - 6, kJ 2h \ IleClriGDI gonlra010r nomo ON... tllI AIl.r.d/AddlcloD - If1'J")K ,E..()> (~ G/ t,J--! CMJ'I-! CJ CQ ----1 wilt ifSi q~J(:J 5'0 :1 Own" OJ dejifltd b.l' RCfY.J9.28.16J:{I) Owns,. wltl O~ClJp)' lite 31r'lJCtIlrf! jor two "CUI Q/le.r ,hLl .rlcctriC4J, ",,.,,lft I.r ftn4lucd. (2) Ow,," It ref/wired '(1 hlrr IJJr ~/eclrl(JG' eoNrae/or V GbDve JOtd propfl"~ ~J far J,dll, ",", ur IlItu.. After rcndina. ~e ebove .t&tcmml, I hereby ccnif)' tha\ I am tho owner or Ihe above oamed pl1)peny OJ a IIccnlcd elcctrlUI conU'oelOr, I UfII mDklnS tbe elcttfh:al 11l1'a.1~ lalion or .herac{on in compliallcl: willi Ute elcctrical lawl. N.E.c... RCW, Chapter 19.28, W^C. Chlpler 296-46B, Th' Ci1l or P." "'801.. Mu.I,lp.1 Co.., and Uliliry Spe,Ir...tioD$_ SllDIllue owta..., eleurlc.al contractor or Ilh:ctrluJ 1It1lfllnlslrlfOr X ~ ' Date: f1 /;.q kJ Q Ql.9h 1:1 Check II lJ Cl1ldit Card VISll MllSler~l1d Disco.....er Card# ____-___~._--_'____ I!otpi:ation Dale of ~atd Elecltlcal Load Addttlons and or Bubtt8ctlons C NO LOAD CHANGES o aueboard _ ~ o Furnace _ KW o Heal Pump _ Ton _ LAR o Fan-WolI _ KW Service 'nformatlon o Ovam.ad Servloe o Temp Service o UndergrounD Servkie Voltage Ph.... 0 1 0 3 Servlcu Sl%e, _ Feeder Size, SAME DAY INSPECTION CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 , ROUGH-IN THERMOSTAl' SERVICE JtJi.../t;p, -~IIY ApptlI'tfIIl By gfJe '-- 'Dalj' o~. Appl'l1'll1f il1 /' Fl!JmER FINAL DITCH Iqf?/8f3 ~b/ UM' ~vcclIIY/ Dal.I\" AtI>f'O'cd By ..., 111,peetioD Area, Building or Equipmoul!Jlspecttd Aetion TakCD E1ocnioll D;llc h1SpcC'tor : ! i CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number ..... 03-00000739 Date 7/31/03 Property Address ...... 304 E PARK AVE ~SESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-15-5-1-2610-0000- Tenant nbr, name ...... WELD SEAM MEMBPJ~IE A~lication description . . . RE-ROOF Subdivision Name ...... Property Zoning ....... Application valuation .... 33708 Owner Contractor ................................................ SCHOOL DISTRICT %121 SCRMITTS ROOFING 216 E 4TH ST 3310 EDGEWOOD DRIVE PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 457-6419 Permit ...... BUILDING PERMIT - NO PR FEE Additional desc . . RE-ROOF GYM Permit Fee .... 505.65 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date .... 7/31/03 Valuation .... 33708 Expiration Date . . 1/28/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 414.75 9.00 10.1000 THOU BL-25,001-50K (10.10 PER K) 90.90 Uther Fees ......... STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Fee Total 505.65 505.65 .00 .00 Permit Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 510.15 510.15 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FO RMS\ 1102.15 [4/20021 s "" r;do" CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 121 EAST STH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98~62 06-00000977 Date 417181 304 E PARK AVE 06-30-15-5-1-2610-0000- ELECTRICAL ONLY 9/11/06 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER. Application type descript~on Subdivision Name Property Use Property zoning . . . Application valuation PUBLIC BUILDINGS & PARKS o Owner Contractor SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES (360) 452-9264 WA 98362 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Exp~ration Date ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL ANGELES/ AUTO SHOP ROOF /HVAC 86363 ANGELES ELECTRIC 184.30 Plan Check Fee 9/11/06 Valuation 3/10/07 .00 o Qty Un~t Charge Per 1 00 184.3000 ECH EL-COM ALT 201-600 SRV FDR Extension 184.30 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 184.30 184.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 184.30 184.30 .00 00 -- -'1 ~ ,.,...-~~ COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED Lasered CED ~ " ~. t ~ ()) . ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD I CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. rr IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER. II INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. :1 KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS II I YES I NO II I JI IIH II KI II IhH_ll'l1 CUVbK " ~bKVICb :1 I L'TAT A T I ~R, i16 -1-,1 / ... \ 'I I I I I I GENERAL COMMENTS: I PW.II02.1S 14196) _ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION ~ 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES,~. WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ~SSUED: 6/11/2001 PERMIT NO: 12714 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 [] Long Legal 360/000-0000 Subdivision: GRANTS T: S: Parcel No: 0630155126100 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT SCHMITTS ROOFING N/A 3341 E. HWY 101 Port Angeles, WA 98362 , 98360-0000 360/457-6419 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $12,852.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: RE-ROOF SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES re-roof 800 bldg, approx 10,800 sq. ft. FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $223.25 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $227.75 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $227.75 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, pdvate and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a pedod of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certifij that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of aws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of Signature of (?/!;~tractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL ~0 COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE I DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION WALL ! FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOODSTOVE / PELLET/CHIMNEy / INSERT HOOD/DUCTS PW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Enginee~ng Divislon) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEEP. YNG FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING ~q'OI ~-C/~ C:~PPL WPD BUILDING PERMIT- APPLICATION PJcme ~ er prhg tu i~L Ifyuu have may quesflous, plfase cnn 417-4816 Apl~licautm~orAgent: SC~!IT'S ~O0~I~C, ~C. P~oa=: ~_ pORT AIqGELES SCHOOL DIST. ~;Z21 l:~Or~: 457-0949 216 East &th Street C~t~: Port Angeles WA Z~: 98362 Addms=: Co~$zsoB~ SCHMITT'? ROOFING, INC. ~#%SCHMIZIl10.JE~:'05-03-02 ROme: 457-6~1~ Ad~: 3310 EdEewood Drive Ci~: Po~ A~eles WA ~: ~8363 ~~..High School 800 Bld~;, 304 Eas~ Park, Port ~~; 3310 Edge~od D;ive ~ ~o~t AnKeles WA 9S363 4454-5041-1001-0422 , ~.02/04 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~,~ ~ ~v. 10,~800 .~.~ 1.19 ~.-$ 12,852,00 m ~ o S~ m ~V~UA~N S 12~852.00 Re-~pgf B00 3uildinK.' Ne,~ ~:. ~ ~t ~: ..... ~ ~r ~o: , 1~ ~ + ~ ~ ~v~: I~. · "~ L~ ~GE: ' my ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~t ~v. m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ ~ 4174815 ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ for ~by ~e ~ ~ 180 ~ ~ ~b~ ~ ~(~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... REQUEST: Date ~ ~ c~_~(~ ( Time Received by ~ ~- (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected ~ 0 ~ ~.~/C. Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection {circle appropriate one): Permit No. ! ~ [/-( Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing~Fi Sewer Excav. ~ ~/~ ~ INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date Time By Remarks: RESTORATION REQUIRED ...... YES. NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: [] Unimproved [~Gravel [~Asphalt I~PCC []Other [] Repaired by City Work Order # [] Repaired by Permittee [] COMPLETE [] No Damage Found [] INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) &~ ~'~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DMSION 321 EAST STH STREET, PORT ANO~'~.I~-~, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED: 3/09/2000 PERMIT NO: 11799 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 [] Long Legal 360/000-0000 Subdivision: GRANTS T: S: Parcel No: CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT owner N/A VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 , 98360-0000 206/000-0000 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $700.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: WINDOWS SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: PBP PROJECT NOTES add 1 hr rated window in 400 building main corridor FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $29.60 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $34.10 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $34.10 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 RW SANITARY WATER DWY STORM DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or consbuc~on author[zed is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the won~ as commenced, or if requi~:l inspec'does have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this alan and know the same fo be'~ue and correct. All provisions of Ipws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the ~ruvisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized A~ent Date Signature bf Owner (if owner is builder} Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174.815 FOR BUILDI~O INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. /'TIS UNLAWFUL TO ~OFF_~ INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY P/ORK BEFORE INSPEL-rI~D AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. ~s~Ec'no~ T~E I Ot, T~ I¥~sACC~r-~I ~O COMM~Vrs I~OUNDATIO N: FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) ROUGH-IN ROUGH-IN BACK FLOW ! WATER o~ ~o~?~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT- PREAPPLICATION The Building Pemit - Preapplication muzt be~l~d out completely. Date Ple~e type or print In in~ If you hnve any q~atlons, please call 417~81~ Applicant ~or Agent: '%c~ ~{~ ~c&o0/ ~t3~ Phone: Owner: Phone: Address: ~l~ C ~k City: ~r~ ~5~/~ Zip: ~chitect~ngineer: Phone: Contractor License ~: Exp: Phone: Address: City: Zip: ~GAL DESC~ION: ~t: Bl~k: TYPE OF WORK: SIZE/VALUATION: [] Residential [] New Const~. a Reroof c; Woo&stove SF. ~ $. /SF. = $. [] Multi-family D Addition [] Move a Garage SF. ~ $. /SF. = $ [] Commercial [] Remodel [] Demolition [] Deck SE (~ $_ /SF. = $ [] Repair t~ Sign a TOTAL VALUATION $. BRIEF DESCRI]q'ION OF TI~ PROJECT: "~ ~ll I~t~o ~, Do_Ju_,er,^, of'f~,~e A-,,~ 61.~lJco/~c4 COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group:. Occupant Load: __ Construction Type: No. of Stories: __ Lot Size: % Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. fi. + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. fi. = TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: /sq.R I~LANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN ~lqotes: BLD~ DPW FIR~ 'ESA/Wetland(s): [] Yes [] No SEPA Checklist reqmred? [] Yes [] No Other: OTHEr. PREAPPLICATION SUIIMITI'AL: Yonr app&'at~n and siteplan rra~t be. filled ont comptt~ly to be accepted for review,. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. BUILDING PERMFF APPLICATION SUBIVII'I'I'AL: Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed und may be revised by the Building Div. to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check tee is due at the time the building Pemut application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this applicatio~ will expire by limitations. The Building Official can ~xtend the me for aclion by the applicant up to 180 days, on written request by the applicant (see Section 304(d) of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application csn be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this app lication and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal reaponsibility to determine what permits are required; it remain~s the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. PW-1102_13[rev 2/961 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDiNG DiVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number ..... 03-00000081 Date 2/07/03 Property Address ...... 304 E PARK AVE A~SESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 0630155126100000 Application description . . . ELECTRICAL ONLY Property Zoning ....... Application valuation .... 0 Property owner ....... SCHOOL DISTRICT %121 Owner address ........ 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 () Contractor ......... ELECTRIC SERVICE Permit ...... ELECTRICAL ALTER COb~ERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee .... 76.30 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date .... 2/07/03 Valuation .... 0 Expiration Date . . 8/06/03 Qty unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 76.3000 ECH EL-COM ALT 0-200 SRV FDR 76.30 Fee sun~ary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of rized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNFNG\FORM S\ I 102. I $ [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-~-81 5 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE I DATE I YEsACCEPTEDI NO COMMENTS FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PEICMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL / FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CbI~MNEY HOOD / DUCTS PWUTILITIES/ SITEWORK (EngineefingDivislon) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLiNE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ~0~ ~ ~ LIGHTELECTRICALDEPT CONSTRUCTION E.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION ~ R.W. ENGINEERING 417 4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT, 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILD1NG 417-4815 BUILDiNG T:\PLANNiNG\FOKMS\ I ~02.15 {4/2002] ~ .... CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98;362 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUED: 7/19/2002 PERMIT NO 7750 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 [] Long Legal 360/000-0000 Subdivision: GRANTS T: S: Parcel No: 0630155126100 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT ANGELES ELECTRIC N/A 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0000 , 98360-0000 360/452-9264 360/000-0000 P.OJECT,.FO Project Type: SCHOOL BUILDING Project Value: $0.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Group: Zoning Use: PBP Electrical Heat: [] Baseboard 0 KW [] Riser [] Underground Service [] Furnace 0 KW [] Overhead Service Voltage: 0 [] Heat Pump 0 KW [] TempService Phase: [] 1 [] [] Fan Wall 0 KW Service Size: 0 Feeder Size: 0 PROJECT NOTES ADD 2 CIRCUITS TO COMPUTER ROOM RECEIPT#9203 FEES ASSESSMENT Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $57.80 Temp Service: $0.00 Misc Fee: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $57.80 AMOUNT PAID: $57.80 BALANCE DUE $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITISUNLAIFFULTOCOVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED P~S AT JOB SITE DITCH ROUGH-IN / COVER SERVICE ? / GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-1102.15 [4~6] CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5Ttt STREET, PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUED: 11/21/2001 PERMIT NO 7475 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 [] Long Legal 360/000-0000 Subdivision: GRANTS T: S: Parcel No: 0630155126100 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT ELECTRIC COMPANY N/A P.O. BOX 1471 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 , 98360-0000 360/457-7120 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Type: COML.REMODEL Project Value: $0.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: ADD CIRCUITS Occupancy Group: Zoning Use: PBP Electrical Heat: [] Baseboard 0 KW [] Riser [] Undergmund Service [] Furnace 0 KW [] Overhead Service Voltage: 0 [] Heat Pump 0 KW [] TempService Phase: [] 1 [] 3 [] Fan Wall 0 KW Service Size: 0 Feeder Size: 0 PROJECT NOTES 3 240 volt circuits FEES ASSESSMENT Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $57.80 Temp Service: $0.00 Misc Fee: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $57.80 AMOUNT PAID: $57.80 BALANCE DUE $0.00 ('OMMI~NTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 41%4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO CO VER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED .4ND ACCEPTED KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE DITCH ROUGH-IN / COVER ?/!,~ (,~ ~ ~K.~ SERVICE FINA~ I ~',"<4,~, I 7,-'1~ I GENERAL COMMENTS: j fl"ORT~ 4...J..O~~ i; 'l'tl!iit. "-~ ~ 'l.til",~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEP ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application description Subdivision Name Property zoning . . . Application valuation 03-00000655 Date 304 E PARK AVE 06-30-15-5-1-2610-0000- WOOD WORKING SHOP CLASS MECHANICAL PERMIT 7/14/03 Owner Contractor ~~.J~ -y~( (01 1500 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 OWNER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit Additional desc Permit Fee Issue Date ExpiJ;"ation Date MECHANICAL PERMIT 57.65 Plan Check Fee 7/14/03 Valuation 1/11/04 .00 o Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 47.00, 10.65 BASE FEE 1.00 10.6500 ECH ME-VENT SYSTEM OTHER Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 57.65 57.65 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 57.65 57.65 .00 .00 \.N \J ~ ':t/ ~ l (\- ~ " ~ Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of ~].. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent T:IPLANNJNGIFORMSII ] 02, 15 (4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS ? - J. ).-0'7.., J.L, WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # ROUGH-IN I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB , ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER , AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL / FLOOR / CEILING I I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD / DUCTS PW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 4]7-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 4]7-48]5 l)-I1J~ 0 ~ .J,1.... BUILDING , I T:IPLANNINGIFORMS\] ]02.15 [4/2002] 3: 01 \D \D n o 3: 3: 01 Z >-3 Ul 3: , >-3 01 , ~ \D , '0 \D , "- , Ul 0'0 f-" , , , , w w , "-"- , f-'f-" "",,, ,,-,,-, 00' ...., , , , , tJ,-<, :>>,,", "", , , , , , , , r1"3:o..::X::y1-3;S:1 l-'-tIj s:: H H H tIJ I SnoG13::s:ol ::r: It ::r:.. ~ I g-~:J(f)f-3~~1 g~gge;~8: O~lQO(f)::r:~1 3t"1~gH~t"l1 I-Jj 00'" (f) I-Jj I H VlHI '~b2~~~: t' (J) I 1I I 31-3Hf-1 I ro ZlJl I rD()Cf)O"\ I rtOI-tj,t:.1-31 t"ltI:l HI ()lln 3:1 Otz11-3 tIJl o..n H .. I rD1-30 I HZ 1--'1 00 -..J I ti Z"lj .. 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HON n <--t- b ::':'-<>-33: "'tl>-l nOH ~ HHHtIj OJ OJ ;J>o ;J> ,. <;)3:3:n [JJ[JJ ~O Ul ::.:- ::.: cn , [JJ [JJ>-3:g~ ~"' 'U >-3H OJ '---- g~~8 [JJ'U "' n '->-3 3: 0 O[JJ::':;J> nH H H 1 3: o ;J>~ 00 >-3 HZ 3: ~H3: 3:Z Z[JJ J OJ [JJ '" 3: [JJ'U Z VlH OJ 'UOJ >-3 8~~~ Z OJn [JJ >-3 n>-3 ~ [JJ , ~ [JJ >-3H ~ >-3HH 00 ZVl ",Z tl n[JJ", OI"d.t>1-3 '-<>-3 Z ~OJ ~ i:::=; +- 0 ~n 'U'U Ul >-3 OJ >-3 OJ ::.:::.: g OJ;<: OJ nH 00 UlOJ 0 [JJ >-30 , zz tl >-3 L\ HZ H , OJ OJ H ~ 0 -J , < , ~ Z'" .. , .. , ~ 0 0 H [JJ", 0 , , OJ r \ 0 ;r >< , , "' [JJ>-3 ~ <fi >-3::': , >< r- OJ'" , , 3: , n , ;J> , "' 'U , ~ '" , Z 0 >-3 "' " >< , ~ , [JJ ::.: , 0 , '" , , tl'U ;J> , ;J>;l> >-3 , >-3<;) "'''' >-3 ::.: '" , , , w , '- , H , Vl '- , 0 , ..N E-' '-03; 3:04PM;CITY PORT ANGELES ;3604174711 # 1/ s Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST B COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you bave any questions, call (360) 417-4815 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Date ReC~: Pmnit #: ,Date Approved: O~ ate Issued: BUILDING PERMIT. APPLICATION Applicant or Agent:~t A V\~ elf' s ~ fj t\ s;~ it 00) Phone: 3 (, 0 -5 b) - IS 6 'I .GwMF. T'eac kPv ~ vv\" iSm V\ k. ~ Phone: Address: 30L( t= Pcu" k- 'i" City: ,Ph r t A J'f' Ie S ArchitectlEngineer: /-1 P IV ct e .--so,J /:::. ^ t e..,... f Y /..... c; e .3 Phone: Contractor .x~ fV\.e State License #: Exp: Address: 15'2()~ N ~ iI 0 t h P I City: Keflo!\l\Ol<\c) PROJECT ADDRESS: L()O())) S H b D ~ -tAHS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: Zip: 9 C( ~~ 6 L lfZs- - 'f&b -3 7~1 ~"Jc/ , Phone: Zip: q 't: 0 S- 2- ZONING: Block: Subdivision: Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit Card Type VISA TYPE OF WORK: o R~sidential 0 New Constr. [J Re-roof [J Stove o Multi-family 0 Addition 0 Move 0 . Garage .)( Commercial ~em~del 0 D.emolition O:De'ck..' . -.. _, 0 Repillr . OSlgIl .- OT9tl1.e( ~IUE.F.DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT;: -. ~,S,~ It: ....c-' '.. "~:"'<;;-S'feA @ '. P 11 I--f SwaoJ.5'-SJ./i/fs:""'H'" . . CO~ERCIALIRESIDENTIAL: OCcUpa.ri~y Group:. . Occupant Load: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. & Proposed Sq. Ft. Existing lot coverage_ % & Proposed lot coverage _% -- Total lot coverage City: MC # Exp. Date: SIZEN ALUATION:,.J SF.@$ {SF. =$ ,/SdD' SF. @ $ (SF. = $ SF.@ $ ISF. = $ ~i .. "'klsr::;fI~UtfEO~ ..$ Construction Type: = TOTAL Sq.Ft. % APPRO V ALS: PLAN : BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: ESA/Wetland{s): [J Yes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes 0 No Other: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA nON SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: Iu all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the PennitCoordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of pennit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date ofapplication, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and undersf1md that ff ~ my '""IJOIIsibililY to dete.."", _ permits are required ,no,. ''''f{'Y'~ that I must obtain SUCh permits pIiDr to wotk. T:\FORMS\APPS\Buildingpennitwpd Applicant: 1/ .' Date: ~ ~I w o PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL 304 EAST PARK PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 I I . I . '-" W = (J'\ ru - .. '-" ~ .. . I I . / I CDKJJ "" x ~ .. J> :s (0 ~ ro I--t """"5 o :s PAHS 'w'ooolshop Dust Collector D C e+- If) Q.. ro < ro ~ (/) Q.. ro < ro ~ TiM BrQnhQM 565-1564 DATE; 6/03 DRAWN BY: PAHS Drl1 f"tln9 ~ 0) .Q.) ~ ifl H Q) ;> o U >< cd .~ - . . , . -"_'-:".~"'-""7"""'~-~_...;.~ -' ...~.:'~;,.~~~.:;.-=~.,...:""": : ~'. _.,':",':::':":~+:'.....~":-:-:-'~::'. . .. " ," ~. . P ." "..... '*':-"..:T~:~':;::'. :.:"-- .:. " ... u .... . 'ORT ru~GELES SCHOOL DISTRICT Port Angeles High School om (1/9/()3. To 0; ~ t Company P A B tJJd \~ V f2-~ I- Fax No. '1/7- - '-IT 1/ Phone No. 4/ J. - '1 t 3S- From ~-,~ ~ ~ "'-0. .~ "Dtl~T i ~L~~ Fax: 360-452_0256 I-l e-r~ 't'ht i'ht Phone: 360.452.7602 ~~ cI~~'-a~ (0 tlec ...r ~ t,. hOt)J Message f\f' ~ ,'<5 D~.E + ~~ ~ Total nwnbcr of pages (including tJ\is onc) Advocacy - Achievement . Accountability ~ Did- You Know? . Port Angeles High School is an accred- ited, comprehensive high school with over 1.450 students in grades nine to twelve. . Port Angeles High School has 129 staff membe~ including administrators, leach- ers, support staff" sccmaries. para- educators. and custodians. . Port Angeles High School's Vision is to continuously improve the quality of edu- cation for our students. . Port Angeles High School has imple- mented both a Link Crew (Rider Crew) program for mentonng &eshmen and the Character- Counts progJam. These pro- grams have imp~ved school climate. Port Angeles High School offers a slrong educational program along with a full- range of athletic programs. orchesrra. COncert band, choir. swing choir, march- ing band and various ensembles. . POI1 Angeles High School has over 150 voluntee~ who help create a more per- sonalized learning environment for our studcnts_ · The Port Angeles community strongly supports local scholarship programs for graduating senio~. Each year more than S 100,000 in local funds ~ awarded. Combined with collegc-affc:red scholar- ships and other awards, more lhan $300,000 in scholarships are awarded annually to our graduating seniOlS- Port Angeles High School 304 East Park Avenue Port Angeles.. Washington 98362 Phone: 360A52.7602 Fax: 360.452.0256 f'<rr("_~~Z Dale Kentala ~253734662 M8~ 22 03 04: 14p fan motor Fan ch.lmb-cr :leeess door }"1atUL~S support frame filter cr,3rnbl:T "'';c,;s. dooe Quick.relcasi= sc" leT ~":J.r Dust C;ODt::lInu Fig. 1 UnimQsrer dust control unit Model UMA 758 illU$lraeed. having a loral fil:ration arca of753 Fl2 (70m2) 45 8 ~ /11 fl.Afl. 6 Donaldson Company. Inc. p.", Lifting brackets CIc;Int;d :lir Qutb Fork Jjftillg b""n\ Terminal box rN FAC7':IeY M2.nometcr conllccuons Filt.:;r :Isscm!;,ly Sholkcr motor Sbska- bar Pil ter Ixs g (shcwnnS wire 1TI€Sll irtSi?rc) Inkt d\let connCClor (en: Pither side andlor at rear) i i I I I I ! i I I I -~TTTm---- ~J__~L I I I i I ! i ! i I i (' \ \ \,----------------\ \ \ ~-------\ \ =~} \\ ------J \ i \ \ ---~--~ \. \ , \ \ \ \ \ :;o-c 8~ :i::~ )> C -I o IT] o o -< (J) I o U ~ r S2 Z G) (Jl (II :t: 0 0 "ll N ~~ ~ ~ -<0 ~ I CACE T> ----------~ ----.-"--.--~-_i I I I I ! -----, , I I I I im I ic=== i I I, l , I L--------,--TII~--~-I 0 i i i I i : ! I j -----_____L_LLL_L, \ i r-------------, \ : --',i I \ \ (I \ , . - ' \ / / \ I , , \ \ ! \ \ ! \ \ I \ \ ! \ \ I \ \ / \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ i \ \ I \ \ I \ \ i ~'- \ ----...-. \ I.) ~ -- \ ~ -----------------------------j ~----- -7 /;1 -~----.~--_1 i , (Jl o G-J .------.----------! , i .---~--..-...-l I 1(Jl 10 10 (Jl ~ o CD o ~ J (Jl o ~ .. ~ U\ z C) ." ." Z Z Vi Vi :t: :t: I'.J (Jl 0 CD (Jl 0 CXJ :;00 (Jl 0> O:U 0 :i:::;1\; (II '-J -l 0 :;u ..c x" ~ (fi~ - j;;) CT (II -l o ;:c (Jl o (Jl (Jl o OJ lD o i1i c;) ;u r (II i\ i \ \----------------~----\ o PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL 304 EAST PARK PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 I I . , I I I I I , I I I . I ....... W ;:= (J'\ ru .. .. ....... ~ .. . . / I D C <+ lfl Q. ro < ro ~ CDIW '" x ~ '" J> :J CO ,r- ro Vl Q. ro < ro ~ I-i ") o :J PAHS Woodshop Dust Collector TiM Bra.nhaM 565-1564 DATE 6/03 DRAWN BY: PAHS Dro. i't:1"9 I I I II rl- JJ--1~ I I ~'~''''~''"~-~-~-~'-T .,._'~-_.,~"'! CAGE] , I f !-.._~_ J-.; ; I i I I 1--- 'J t----'-l I , I L....[__-1 I ._--. I _-ULU I j------\ \ I 7 I \ \ I / \ \ I / \ \ I / \ \ i \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ ; \ , I \ \\ 1 \ ,~ \ \) \ ~ ..-".! '-, , ~. j"") 'T" , _i._. ../ -;-1 'J , ',., -"I r':--/ ! .~ . ! ;-t;;~ ci --! ! d I ' 1'_ - ;.:<,: 1.211, , !jJ I I /~'" ~.:-~":... ~r> :z i~'1 ! - I I I IUl '0 10 I 1m Ie 1- J5 z GJ ~~ (Jl o N ~ r- 9 z G') (Jl I o -0 ;0-0 8~ !I:-l )> C -I 0 CD 0 0 ---< U) I 0 --U ()l ~ 0 ." ~. ~<:; ..\ (Jl d ?O 7 / / Ii r\ / / I I \ \\-----------~ 8 ! I: :xc Ul o GJ III o ~ (Jl o ~ " " z z (Jl Ui Ui -i I :x: 0 ?O I\) ()l ()l 0 Ul 0 CD ()l (Jl 0 0 OJ OJ lD 0 ;CO ()l iii 0> 0;0 s::~ 0 G') ;0 (Jl "-.J r- (Jl d ;0 j \ \ I \ ,rr' .... I,,_.,__._~ \ \ \ ----\ \ \ \ ---1\ \ --1\\ I \ \ i \ \ --~ \\ I \ I \ I \ I ' -1 \ I I I -----, I -----1 I I -------1 -------, I I ---~ ---l ---1 I I I 1 I .0 ~! x" ..,\.) ~ -~ O'-_J -------J I --1 --~ -----1 ----l --I -__oj ----_----.J CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date 7-22.- OS Time Received by v Rl/ (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected --5 D '/ t:: Name of person requesting inspection 0\yY'\ Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): ~ r' k rI,~ ta, s.ct~oo' 8<::J9, ~ 7 '17 Phone No. ~S- - /5;6<-/ Permit No. 0~S-- Sewer Foundation . raming Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other FQ:)~~ INSPEC ~~~ _ I Inspected: Date ~ 3> Remarks: Time~ By JZ-/ Bu~,~ ~~) Wit"-, ~C>~ ~ki>,J. /l/VL ~ I s.. 1!t(J (11 ~ L- 10 fl-o ;'-1 I ~lo 100 d- ;,c,S , 1.0. fI 7:>J...l () ~ / /';1: s s~ed- W; tJ RESTORATION REQUiRED...... YES NO ~ 1lp 7/d.(}-Jt)~ ~J f4tbP1 YI1 eM~ . ~ p-t--L-t 0 F s~ ~ ~ MI4-/J~[ Sf d-~ l-J: i) SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC [] Repaired by City [] Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE r- ( \ IS 4 ~ ~ (I o Other (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DA TE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ~UILDIN(~ PEI~MIT ISSUED: 7/12/2002 PERMIT NO: 13559 OWNER/APPMCANT PROPERTY LOCATION PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Pod Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 [] Long Legal 360/000-0000 Subdivision: GRANTS T: S: Parcel No: 0630155126100 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT PENINSULA HEAT N/A 502 W. 8th Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 , 98360-0000 360/457-2775 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $3,700.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: HEAT PUMP ADD SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: PBP ~ PROJECT NOTES ~ INSTALL HEAT PUMP AND LOW VAOLAGE THERMOSTAT RECEIPT#9438 "~ FEES ASSESSMENT ~ Building Permit: $0.00 Misc Fee 1: THERMOSTAT $34.40 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 ~ State Surcharge: $0.00 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 ['~ Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $68.55 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $68.55 Mechanical: $34.15 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of I laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of co/~7 ctio n- · // S~gnature of Contractor or Authorized Age/n( ! Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date [':\PLANNING\FOPdVlS\1102.15 [4/2002] 07/30/2003 09:57 FAX 360 452 2675 SCltMITTS ROOFIr~6 ~ PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST. ~/121 ~: 215 ~ast.4th Street,. Ci~: P~rt ~eles w~, ~: 9~562 ~~, ._ ~: 457-0949 ~, SC~'S ROfiY%N~., INC. ~]~C~]~[Ii0JE ~:' 0~/OB]~ ~L~60-457-6419 ~: 3310 gdg~wood D~iva C~; P~rt A~gel~s ~A ~: 98363 ~~:. 304 East Par~,,Ave., PortAngeles '~G: ~~ 3310 Ed~ewood Prlva = ~ Pprr ~ele~. WA 98363 o~ o ~. ~ o ~ o~ o~ o ~ , ~.~$ , ~.-$__ ~~0~0~'~~: ~e-~ginal gym roof ~ ]~.4 ~ U~ B~ ~, ~ ~. d".'~ .~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION ,21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98:162 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 8/02/99 Permit No: 6704 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION-~---------------------- PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS T: PRACTICE FIELD S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- OWNER VARIOUS Port Angeles, WA 99360 206/000-0000 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO---------------~-------------------------------------------------___ prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: SERVICE INSTALL Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: PBP Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: o o o o Service Type Riser Overhead Service X Underground Service Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: 120,240 X-I -3 200 AMPS o AMPS PROJECT NOTES-----------------------------------------------------______________ INSTALL SERVICE FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM ON PRACTICE FIELD. (OLD GREEN HOUSE SIGHT, EAST OF LAUREL) PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT--------------------------------------------_____________ Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $0.00 Temp Service: $0.00 Misc BLOCK $0.00 TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $0.00 $0.00 -------------~------------------- --------------------------------- TOTAL FEE: $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTJON NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4 J 7-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS , YES I NO UIHA1 .~..-iN I ( " " X/'//9v' .. ~Al I I I . GENERAL COMMENTS: P\1{-II02.1514196] , - .~'~ ~ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ' ELECTRICAL DIVISION ~21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 9H~62 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 7/02/98 Permit No: 6363 OWNER/AFPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ PASD #121 304 PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: . 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS T: BLDG. 400 S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR--------------~--------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E. FIRST ST. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/452-9264 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: ADD CIRCUITS Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: PBP Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: Service Type o Riser o Overhead Service o Underground Service o Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: -1 o -3 o AMPS o AMPS PROJECT NOTES-------------------------------~----------------------------------- REWIRE CIRCUITS AFTER FIRE IN COMPUTOR LAB PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT---------~-----~----------------------------------------- Service: $0.00 Additional ~eeders: $0.00 Circuit wiring: $52.00 Temp Service: $0.00 $0.00 Mise TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $52.00 $52.00 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- TOTAL FEE: $52.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4 17-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVEll. INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE I INSPEC110N TYPE DATE ACCEPTED ! YES INO COMMENTS unCH ll'-lN I CUYhK ~IlVJ('P , / '7./:>:I'd ~ . . . . I I I . GENERAL COMMENTS: pW-II02.1S14r'96} (B'.~'O "aao' ~o::~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS . ELECTRICAL DNISION 32\ EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 7/24/97 Permit No: 5993 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ PASD #1.21 304 'PARK AVE E 216 E 4TH ST . Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub:~RANTS T: S: parc No: CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER-~------------------------------- ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E. FIRST ST. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/452-9264 .r. , 000/000-0000 PROJECT lNFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: ADD CIRCUITS Occ Grp: Occ Load: .:eand Use: PBP . ... ,. Electrical Heat BaEleboard KW: Fur~nace KW: HeClt Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: o o o o Service Type Riser Overhead Serv~ce Underground Service Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: 120,208 -1 X-3 o o AMPS AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 BUILDING AT HI-SCHOOL SEPARATE COMPUTER LAB--WIRE CIRCUITS '.j' '10 PROJECT PEES ASSESSMENT--------------------------------------------------------- Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 circuit Wiring: $52.00 Temp Service: $0.00 $0.00 Misc TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $52.00 $52.00 ====:::1============================ TOTAL FEE: $52.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED .. ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNI.A WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANI' WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TVPK DATY, I ACCEPTED coMMENTS I YES I NO DITCH / Rill IrTH_IN I CUYJ:.K 7/C?-t//f'J ~ ;:,nKY1Cn .I 1,,1 Lk /,. I 17/(3-1.//9'7 17t'u,w I , GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-II02.IS[4I96] , 8~ ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DMSION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 2/28/97 Permit No: 5856 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ PASD #121 304 PARK E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS T: S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR---~-------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E. FIRST ST. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/452-9264 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: ADD CIRCUITS Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: PBP Electrical Heat service Type BafJeboard KW: 0 Riser Voltage: 0 Furnace KW: 0 Overhead Service Diameter: -1 -3 Heat Pump KW: 0 X underground Service Service Size: / 0 AMPS Fan/Wall KW: 0 Temp Service Feeder Size: / . 0 AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRE NEW PAINT BOOTH AT HI-SCHOOL AUTO BODY SHOP PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT--------------~------------------------------------------ Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $50.00 Temp Service: $0.00 $0.00 Misc TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $50.00 $50.00 --------------------------------- ---------------------------------- TOTAL FEE: $50.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA. WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE I ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES I NO UlTCH llnT .-iN !l.,uvnR SERVICE FINAL l,i!z.qlti7 I .f7JvI. I GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-Il02.lS14'96] 9 ~i<i" CiTY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DMSION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 - ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 2/26/97 Permit No: 5848 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ PASD #121 304 PARK E 216 E 4TH ST Lot: 1-8 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: GRANTS T: HI-SCHOOL S: Pare No: CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- STRAITS ELECTRIC ' P.O. BOX 2914 PORT M~GELES, WA 98362 360/452-9104 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: FEEDER Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: PBP Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: FUl~nace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: o o o o Service Type Riser Overhead Service X Underground Service Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: o -1 -3 o AMPS 200 AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- HOOK UJ? 200 AMP FEEDER TO MODULAR CLASSROOM AT HI-SCHOOL PROJECT IfEES ASSESSMENT--------------------------------------------------------- Service: $40.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $0.00 Temp Service: $0.00 $0.00 Mise TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $40.00 $40.00 ================================= TOTAL FEE: $40.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO DnCH I-iN I \.-UVr.1\. I SERVICE 01 /2M?7 7 &v<1 FIN.!.T I" /ZJ./~ 7 I 'I.IMA.I GENERAL COMMENTS, PW-II02.1514196] . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address; PERMIT NO. & c:?/ .2bsht/ / ' DATE . 0 READY FOR ""JL/~(al"" INSPECTION License Number: Installed By: E Owner/Business: Owner/Business Address: ELECTRIC HEAT o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ o HEAT PUMP KW o FAN/WALL KW o RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL o NEW CONSTRUCTION o REMODEL ~DD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o TEMPORARY SERVICE Details/Description: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. o RISER o OVERHEAD SERVICE o UNDERGROUND SERVICE VOLTAGE: 01!2l 03!2l SERVICE SIZE FEEDER SIZE AMPS AMPS Nw d2u2h:C f I~"rt' S:.I/.u(.r-- . . W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: o O.K. 0 NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Ditch Inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service .;(Cf'l."f'l Final O.K. Installer: Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. .~~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ Electrical Inspector Site Address: . WHITE - File by address PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. -1"SD Permit Fee GREEN - Top: Meier Dept., Bottom: City Hall . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 Site Address: Installed By: 30 PIKi{ S~ d~ f'- It, .s~ I); PERMIT NO. <fZ z.2., 7/2Jhs , / DATE o READY FOR INSPECTION license Number: ftJ8dcr !~ C./*-S 4/t?t# s &J - flCl - A-fofecc/ ) uh-, Owner/Business: Owner/Business Address: o RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ o FAN/WALL KW _ o HEAT PUMP KW_ o SIGN o TEMPORARY SERVICE :g PERMANENT SERVICE o NEW CONSTRUCTION o REMODEL o ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) Details/Description: w/e?: ~ . :2{)O IlNy ~ C!o(' k {'I ( TAJs4/1 o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. o OVERHEAD SERVICE ~ UNDERGROU S RVICE VOLTAGE: ':2-1),.;2 0 ,8 SINGLE PHA E o THREE PHASE __ SERVICE SIZE c;;1.CJU AMPS ~. W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: o O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Ditch Inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. ~t1)Q O.K. to connect service 1&M1 ~ Final O.K. Site Address: ,30 Permit/Receipt No. /fZZ'Z- . Notify Port Angeles ity Light by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. Lt. I9f) I ~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ fib" 7D- Electrica.llnspector WHITE - File by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. Permit Fee GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. :'3:3. ~ 9 DATE /0-,;;)'1- '1 I Installed By: _ READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: ~ILL CALL FOR 1" INSPECTION Phone: Site Address: Phone: OwnerfBusiness Address: Sq. Ft. I , o Residential 0 New Construction 0 Overhead Heat KW 0 Remodel 0 Underground o Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler 0 Service update/alter/repair Voltage o Heatpump 0 Other 0 10 0 30 o Commercial/Industrial load 0 Add/alter circuits Service size Amps Total Connected load 0 Auxiliary power 0 Temporary (attach breakdown) (list below) Total Motor load 0 Special equipment (attach breakdown) (list below) DetailslDescription: .:: ~ r:; X /1 ~(8nj ~ 14, ~JL.Q . W.S. No. Service Size Capacity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. Comments o Ditch inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service #'~ Final O.K. Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for installation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Installer: E vc:ui- Permit/Receipt No. Site Address: New Meters Date: /tJ-;)<(-< I - . Notify the Department of City Li t by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the I~~ctor '~ting on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT.158 or EXT. 224. ~.5..- _ _ _ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT ~ eo InspeY Amount paid WHITE - file yaddress YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. "ll~SaaISll:e\aa ',\lO\\U, alo. I.\~:e\\:e) \\If'l'0\l)\:e 01/'l1:e\0l- \l:e01 :~lo. I.\~:e\\:e) \\IN'0\l)\ \l\lOa 1:e\0l- \l:e01 \la\~a :el~la\l.l\l.loa 0 \l:e01 1:e\l\S\'I\l\l111 '6\l.1\'16\:earl 0 ~lal.\\O 0 \l1:eOo.as:e<a 0 lal\O<ala~:e~N\)I \:earl l:e\\\la\l\sa\::l 0 f..0,3\1\--::i,i..\" :f\3~ sSg)??~ ' d )g~\llOu ^~ gill - N\O )O\ogdsU\ '1ll0\\01l'5U3',dOJ.-)\t\1 % '>" .~,,~ " ~a6s\.l1 al.\\ ",.00000" '" \llN\ \ll 10\ s\'l\l.l _ ",.,'; ,,"' ~ 0 ," ,0 ," . ,,00 .. ,00> 11~83d S\~c "30"0 03~ ~n al.\\ 10 Voda'tl O\l\I\~\I\:e~Il\~alalO \lal, , eO el.\\ f,\\\0~ ~d fjUIP\\po na1:10la\.la' \0 \\le .. ,,0.' ." ",. ; ,,'''' "0'" · . ,. ...n ,,10 I /.l . 300 ;0' ,,'0 ?" "' .~u. "",., ,..". ""."" la~ U10~ \IUlled r ' _ ,,, . _ 0 o.sse1??':I a\\S . ~~ O\3'Ja'd.\\\\.LIrao ~ ')1'0 l:e\l\~ ~ a\l\lO~ 0\ ')I 0 a~\~las \~ \l1.I.\O\'lO\::l 0 ')1'0 la~o~1 ' 0 ~a6s\l1 I.\~\\a ')1'0 \.l01\ ' ..~" , '0 0 'J\\~:eua..J ')I'O~'ON ,'O'N\ a~\""a'O 6 N'al~a\::l \l:elcl 0 \l1\l\la61\la~016 :e "'\1~6aa al\~ 0 , \o\l \\lll'-" 0 '\ll \0 \l1l\1\ ~"ea la\el/'l , ' \lau)\lau 1,101 \l1l\1\\0\l \ 1016\'1 \le\lO\'O 0 ~\\la\l.l\l.loa le\elJ)\e~\~las e1.\'O ~e\:ea ' ~ 0 ',101 \llorl , ,(Y) ~'7 "P~J (1711'S p:el06\l.1el- ~'OJ ~ e1.\S e~\~la~ s6\l.1'<i ~CO'-i1!~ 0 0~ ~eo:e\IO'1 'Z \l\lnOlOle\l\l(\ ~ \l:eel.\le~O 0 \N'Oleo. \s\l) In'Oa\:e\~a6'O 0 \\le\l.l6, \N'Oleo. \S\I) 0.. p:elll-;'\'I'<i 0 leN' U " '<i 0 \'I~ll~ le\I:eI\l\l s\\ v ' 6n e~I~le'O 0 1\:e6ellle\I:ele\:e\l le\l~\l.Ia\::l 9A , a f'l'aN"'" \lO\\~\'Il\S\lO ""vY?> ~7 5 'd 's '\~ 'os Ill"..' asua':)\\ ')3<\ "\'" ~'d~~ \'If':)\'d)"':)~\~ )..\ 0 l-~~" l-~~IJ'\l-'lrllcl~cI ~O l-l-I~ S~,\~~~'II l-'O '.3UO\XO \'IOIJ.C>3dS\'l1 'OO~ ~0'43'O 0 ~ ',3\.\0\'\0. \'IOIJ.C>3dS\'l1 ~ ,,'4C> "IN\ 0 '00 3J.'40 .4. 1- 01 Q'~'O\'lJ.II"I'03d . I.lISf\SI13\.l.rt-O '.SS8)V?':I sse . .ssaU\S(\cal)3Uf'l\O 10 ()~ ',f..S V3\\"e\S\.l\ '.ssa1??':I a\\S .' Q\""' ^J.J~ ~~ ~~ -~,!? ~~~ " ~ >~ f Dfy'rt .L'dOb . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT eo,",,", .;;, ~' DATE ~~I'~771' ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address: o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: ~ILL CALL FOR /' -INSPECTION Phone: Installed By: Owner/Business: t&AJP Phone: Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. o Residential Heat KW o Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler o Heatpump 0 Other o Commercial/Industrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) o New Construction o Remodel o Service update/alter/repair o Overhead o Underground Voltage 010' 03.0' Service size o Temporary Amps o Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) Detai I slDescri pt ion: tv IlLl D~ q"( ,de IIJ ~ ~MW-r b&tJ~J W.S. No. Service Capacity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. o Ditch inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. ~'rK. to connect service ~aio.K. Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter Size Comments o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for instaliation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Site Address: ~o Installer: Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permi!. PHONE 457.0411, EXT.158 ~T. 224. ~ ~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT .-:::J () _ Inspector Amount paid WHITE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OLV,",PIC PRINTERS. INC. . . ~. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Sitel Address: Ins ailed By: I Owner/Business: Owner/Business Address: I , ~ Residential Heat KW Q Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler [~ Heatpump 0 Other [p Commercial/Industrial load Totai Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) o New Construction o Remodel o Service update/alter/repair ~ Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) , Det!!i IslDescription: PERMIT NO. ,;2sr' DATE o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. o Overhead o Underground Voltage 01003.0 Service size o Temporary Amps . tuo..e ~~ -! -I W.S. No. Service Ca~acity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. o Ditch inspection O.K. 1 o ~ough.in/cover O.K. o 0.K. to connect service 1 ~ ~inal O.K. I Sit' Address: ! Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter Size Comments o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for installation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Installer: perm~sp~ New Meters Date: Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT.158 or EXT. 224. T~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT cQO '!:!!. Inspector Amount paid WHljrE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OlY'"'f'IC PRINTERS. INC. . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. Ol 0 G ~ .;( /:.l...-f / S'''l , , DATE Site ~ddress: c ~c>-" o READY FOR 0 WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION INSPECTION License Number: Phone: .5 e. r v " '- -<-../ "'- Sc..J_""L- Phone: OwnerfBusiness Address: I Sq. Ft. I I o Residential . Heat KW 0" Baseboard 0' Furnace/Boiler , D Heatpump 0' Other D Commercial/Industrial load I Total Connected load , (attach breakdown) Total Motor load I (attach breakdown) 0' New Construction 0' Remodel 0' Service update/alter/repair ~d/alter circuits 0' Auxiliary power (list below) 0' Special equipment (list below) 0' Overhead 0' Underground Voltage 0'100'30 Service size 0' Temporary Amps Det!\i I slDescri ption: . C/IrL .....,-1-, f,,- HtT""'-(" -51-.0...,j I" (;,t ~ . -I W.S, No. Service Size Capacity: 0' O.K. 0' Not O.K. Comments 0' CHtch inspection O.K. 0' Rough-in/cover O.K. 0' q.K. to connect service "jll F'inal O.K. ~, I Site: Address: I Joy Inst'aller: 'I , , I Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given , by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Buiiding Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT.158 or EXT. 224. ~ ~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT /6-' e-- Inspector Amount paid WHITE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: .Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall Date Hold for: D Easement 0' Letter 0' Signed up for service/meter 0' Meter Department notified for installation 0' Fire Department notified of inspection 0' Plan Review approved/pending &- fl ".. /(. E I c-c.... S e_'/ 1/ ,,- c:. ~ OLY,,",IC PRINTERS, INC. . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. /55~ /S S"P cl jz{,,/ltf I I ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE Site ~Address: :s-LI 4 ~fCf71-IL SE:,e..u/(.[.. ..30 c..- o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Inst~lled By: Owner/Business: Sq. Ft. Phone: Owner/Business Address: , I q Residential I Heat KW q Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler ,Heatpump 0 Other Commercial/Industrial load : Total Connected load I (attach breakdown) , Total Motor load I (attach breakdown) I DetailslDescription: 1 o New Construction o Remodel o Service update/alterlrepair 'J><(Add/alter circuits /0 Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) o Overhead o Underground Voltage o 1.0" 03.0" Service size o Temporary Amps ~Jt 17~fO~4 s LI 1'1 ~~ rL/J Iv Nllt.ltVJ) ~~ L S J;b..J ~jIt/ , CI It S- (Au -I W.S.' No. Service Cap'lcity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. ~h,,1i Insp""lIv" O.IC ~PU\:JII-ill;\"'UVt;:1 O.I'C, s-6!.K. Lv f..;UIIIII:H;l ;:'t:ly;""e ~f)- 0 ~ O.K. Size Comments Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for installation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Permit/Receipt No. /~\-r /55S New Meters Date: --B- Notily the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by ttje Inspej;t, in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT.158 or EXT. 224. . tI-- NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT ,;;zo ~ , Inspector Amount paid WHIT~ - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall OlYMPlr.: PRINTERS. INC. . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. /.s-fl.:z .a-/17/f? ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION D WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Owrjer/Business: Phone: Owder/Business Address: Sq. Ft. I d Residential Heat KW [~ Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler [~ Heatpump 0 Other [~ Commercial/Industrial load , Total Connected load (attach breakdown) I Total Motor load I (attach breakdown) o New Construction o Remodel o Service update/alter/repair o Overhead o Underground Voltage o 10 030 Service size o Temporary Amps o Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) Det'ili Is/Description: Il-rJi .~ tJ ~ ~O L:tlv ~E.5 ~ 4~ W,S, No. Service Cap!lcity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. o Qitch Inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. , o O.K. to connect service ~Tal O.K. SitelAddreSa , // lnst'aller: ,I " I Notify the Depart nt City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready lor inspection. Work mu~t not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, XT.158 or EXT. 224. I ~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT (Y-O I Inspecto mount paid WHITE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall Size Comments Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified lor installation o Fire Department notified of Inspection o Plan Review approved/pending Permit/Receipt No. /rYC OLVMnlC PRINTERS, INC. , . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMITNOff /4(, 8 DATE 1-/~-87 Site Address: 6)A I r., Installed By: I OwnerfBusiness: I Owner/Business Address: k S~I M.flC. t c..T1L1 c... EADY FOR INSPECTION o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: - Phone: - Sq. Ft. Res i dent i al Heat KW Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler dJ Heatpump 0 Other }f.commercial/lndustrial load I Total Connected load (attach breakdown) I Total Motor load (attach breakdown) I Details/Description: I o New Construction o Remodel o Service update/alter/repair o Overhead o Underground Voltage 01.0 03.0' Service size o Temporary Amps lr Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) !VfW 01.4-01-1 I\J € (!ftt. % 'S tf1l f ) f.A . H-t7 ~ 5L.~ D ( fIAt! II "-'1 /.lIAcit . . I ~ , , , -I W.S:. No. Service Caplacity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. o Qitch inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service ~fiinal O.K. 4~' Size Comments Date Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter o Signed up for service/meter o Meter Department notified for installation o Fire Department notified of inspection o Plan Review approved/pending . Sit~ Addres.s: I 1? IJ\ Inslaller: \ : Ol~M.l0 Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work mu~t not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT.158 or EXT. 224. I ;fA ,p---' NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT / t ~ ! Inspector Amount paid I WHilE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall s~1 IItllJ /H,/lw. tLEL Tf.lC- PermitfReceipt No. /108 -e- s-- 8 r New Meters OLYM~IC PRI"'TERS. INC. I~~~ FEE R, EIPT NUMBER. CITY OF PORT ANGELES " DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT A /21-3 PERMIT NUMBER Owner *' /t.C!E --- ,.-- . - AtM, . CONT. Lie. NO. TIMETO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY IT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT 1-6'1, '1/ u Day Pho,:,e _ Installers Phone Application is hereby made for Permit to Install Electrical Equipment as follows: , 'viW o!-?Icf ';;-/4Ci fbtl.... {;M}...lC'i /O~ s. i. /(7' f CCfI.-k PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE C~ELLED Installation By /J(JIt14. /C- Installers Address t( [.c1#UC Wiring Method ei NUMBEA AMP 120V 240V NUMBER AMP 120V 240V USE 'OF CIRCUIT 'PER 100R FEE USE OF CIRCUIT PER , 00A FEE I CIRCUITS CIR 10 30 CIRCUITS CIR 10 30 LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS OR LESS CONV~NIENCE MOTOR CONVE:NIENCE MOTOR APPLl~NCE MOTOR DISHWJ'\SHER . FIRE ALARMS DISPO~AL BURGLAR ALARM I--i RANGE; MISC. OVEN WATEF., HEATER LAUNOlw DRYER REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE # FURN~RIE SUB TOTAL FEE GAS-( IL FURNAI-"E ENERGY FEE ELECT~IC BASIC FEE ELECTf~IC HEAT TOTAL FEE ELEcnjlc HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER A.C.Uf\:IT AMP PHASE FEEDEFI I SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS SERVIC!= AW.G. , I SUB-tOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date AP~lication made ,19 By CONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Perrpission is hereby given to do the above described wqrk, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. i. ' . DIRECT ~ OF cl'rv liGHT Date PeTit Issued 713J~7 ~CANSAPPROVED. '1. Notify DeP(rtment of City Light by Street Address and Perm Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A.. Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ext. 158. WA~NING PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER - WHITE. Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK. Triplicate WHITE CARD -Inspector's Report OLYMPIC RRINTERS, INC. REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATE OF VISIT MADE BY REMARKS I. , . , ~ .. - '. n , . . . I 7/.101K'7 71;l~ /< O.K. FOR COVERING . O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE FINAL O.K. . z Cl r:r: <l: ::!i: !!! J: I- Z W I- ~. l- e z e c . . , , !,E 2C~T 9uMBEA -I .\ TOTAL FEE i I ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Site Addiess Porr /tNG. H /1761-1 ~jfH_' 12->/...-116 -# L{.tfo . 'I. - - COR~E~T AODR.ESS_IS RESPONS1B~ILlTY OF. APPLICANT _ PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED Owner' ~(],j.../ .;J) I:>>, P-/ /2/ Installation By ~r'/c; ~i-U:_'1n'a owner'skddress Installers Address ~9/' ~. i-11I}c,,"JT.-"; Day Pho~e.. Installers Phone 'L..!E;7 - S ,....~D~ A~Pticatibn is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows: ~ A-^-I ~4 ei,reU,r /.4. J; fA.) ~ /,J, 6-> C'JJz7=/ce &~6 ,)?UlJf!1~ -# c./D'1 i ~41'D I /" \ CITY OF PORT ANGELES ..~, DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APP.L1CATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT A /21-7 . PERMIT NUMBER ;2D~ 2 / L CONT. Lie. NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OC:CUPANCY Wirj~g M~thod B/?11 . I AMP 240V AMP , 240V USE ~F CIRCUIT NUMBER PER. - 120V 100A' FEE USE OF CIR"CUIT NUMBER PEA 120V 1 eiOA FEE CIRCUITS '" CIRCUITS '0 I CIA 30 CIR 30 LiGHT! SIGN LIGHT i .- 50 VOLTS - .. OR lESS CONVE~IENCE - - MOTOR .. CONVEN'ENCE .- MOTOR .. . APPLlA~CE . .. MOTOR .. DISHW+SHEA - FIRE ALARMS - DISPO,jAL BURGLAR ALARM I RANGE MISC. - OVEN I I WATEAiHEATEA LAUND~Y .. I . . DRYER REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE # FUANA E - - .SUB TOTAL FEE _ GAS-( IC' FURNA E ENERGY FEE ELEen IC .. .. BASIC FEE ELEen Ie HEAT . TOTAL FEE" ELEcn Ie HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER . , A.C. UNIT ! PHASE AMP .. - FEEDEF~ SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS 1 SEAVIC~ A.W.G. I SUB:tOTAL -. i SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I certify ~ha-t the work to be performed' under this permit will be d-one by the instalier an .E.G. Electrical Code. DateAPlllication-mad~' 7'- 2-"'7 ',192> 7 By I CONTRAc R OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) per+iSSion IS hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions r nd accord In to the approved plans and speciflc~tlons pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances 0 th City of Port An les. I 1i I "4ECT OF IT -LIGHT . Date Per",it Issued 1;. "3 -0 17 ~C.NS :RO ED " '. Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing-on Permit Placard. A.. Permits Phone: 457.0411 Ex!. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER _ . WA~NING ~ WHITE. Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK - Triplicate WHITE CARD. Inspector's Report , I OLYMPIC P.~INTERS, INC. REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATEOFVISIT MADE BY REMARKS . O.K. FOR COVERING O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE FINAL O,K. I . z Cl II: c( :E ~ :r .... z w .... . .... e z e c . lE0, ?ckr NUMBER CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT A /(1 d PERMIT NUMBER . TOTAL FEE /~09-- CO NT. lie. NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY Site Adc ress NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER TH1S P'ERMlT Owner's Address PERMITS WITH WRONGzPRESSE/tlfiANCELlE.p C Installation By L 'f { L ~ ~L 7YL lC Installers Address Owner A _ -;{.O-j/ Day Phone ~ Installers Phone Applicat on is hereby made for Pe~t to instalElec rical Equipment as follows: ~ '-- ( ftJ txff7c'[ l' ~ uJ fA/=d SJ Wiring Method . NUMBER AMP 120V 240V NUMBER AMP 120V 240V USE OF CIRCUIT CIRCUITS PEA 10 100A FEE USE OF CIRCUIT CIRCUITS PEA 10 112'0A FEE CIA 30 CIA 30 - LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS - OR LESS CONY ~NIENCE MOTOR CONY ~NlENCE MOTOR - APPll. ",NCE MOTOR - DISHV ASHER FIRE ALARMS - DISPC 3AL BURGLAR ALARM -. RANG: MISC. - OVEN - WATE : HEATER - LAUN: RY - DRYEJ REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE # Fi:JRN: C E SUB TOTAL FEE ~)IL ENERGY FEE FURN, CE ~"C BASIC FEE ELEC" ::j:IC HEAT - TOTAL FEE ELEC~ ::j:IC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER - A.C. U UT AMP PHASE - FEE DE ::j: SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS SERVll :;E AW.G. I SUB-TOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I certif) that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date Application made ,19 By . CONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Pe'mission is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifIC ations pertaining t~/tO'~bJe/ct ; c;mPllance with the or::nance of the City ~~~el~SCI' Y LIGHT Date Pf. rmlt Issued I . PLAN APPROVED Notify Department of City light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A.. Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ex!. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER - WARNING WHITE. Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK. Triplicate WHITE CARD. Inspector's Report nl VMPIr PI'IINTJ:I'I<:: INr. REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATE OF VISIT MADE BY REMARKS - . - \ . .. " : , . , .. . - . '. . '. - , . /.. '''7 AVJ O.K. FOR COVERING /y..J ( O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE , I I FINAL O.K. /i n /O/"r;1g 7 7.0 ~ '- IUa'-(!,14-!f V-d. ii~.__j/ I / " - , -"' z o l:t c( :::p; ~ J: I- Z I1l I- I.- l- e z e c . {;5' CITY OFPORT,ANGELES;- - DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT' APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT A ! I Cl,TNUMBER FEE R CEIPT NUMBER . i TOrAL-FEE CONT. Lie. NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY . I - - - I Site Addless Owner _I Owner's tddress Day Phone - A GAL PERMIT ;;'h-:eOCrPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UND:R THIS PERMIT T 0 ESB IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED ~(E.- C ~L _ (/"V- Installation By Installers Address .['L/Lv/ CL.- 4~~l I Installers Phone . pplicat ~n.is herebY,made for Permit to install Electri.cal Equipm~nt s:=;. f<?llows: -- Wiring Meth?d , . - ] AMP 240V NUMBER AMP .-120V 240V USE OF CIRCUIT - NUMBER PER 120V 100A FEE USE OF CIRCUIT PER 100R FEE CIRCUITS 10 CIRCUITS 10 I CIR 30 CIR 30 LIGHT 1 SIGN liGHT! SOVQl TS --- OR LESS CONV~NIENCE MOTOR" CONV~NIENCE .- MOTOR APPLi1NCE . MOTOR , DISHWASHER FI RE ALARMS - I DISPO~Al BURGLAR ALARM RANG$ MISC. OVEN I WATER HEATER - - LAUN RY . - DRVE .. --- REINSTALLATION [IGHT FIXTURE # FURNI CE -- SUB TOTAL FEE GAS- IL FURN4CE ENERGY FEE ELEC~RIC BASIC FEE , ELECTRIC HEAT -- -- ! TOTAL FEE ELECrRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER --- A.C. U~IT AMP PHASE FEEDER SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS , SERVI(:E AW.G , . -- -I SUB~T6TAL - - , SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I-certi~j th-at the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date Application made , 19 By I . '. - ... .. ~ONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) .: ~P~f.mi5:sion is he~eby given tq,d.o the above des.cribed .work, according to the cQndition.s hereon and according to the ~pproved plal)s Cind '"OOT"'"' .~""'". ,",,".. ,"",00' .. ~m.","oo .,"'~ o:;~tty~~'t',:"' . Date Permit Issued PLAtts A OVED V I - - Notify Department of City light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be cov:ered or cl!rr~nt turned on before inspec;;:tion and a..K. for covering or service has,been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. . Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ext. 158. . wAiRNING I I ,..." VUPI..... PI'lINTI=I'l~ INr. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER - WHITE. Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK. Triplicate WHITE CARD. Inspector's Report REPORT OF INSPECTOR CiA TE OF VISIT MADE BY REMARKS .'" - '. . , - . . .. , - . . " 'O.K. FOR COVERING O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE FINAL O.K. . . z Cl a: <I: :E !!.1 J: I- Z W l- . l- e z e c . /133 FEE RECEIPT NUMBER . CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT A /039 PERMIT NUMBER . TOTAL FEE /10 fXJ ~MN1( -- I CONT. ltC. NO. TIMETO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT '3 0 <\- E.. ? A-t1.1<- _'. . : CORRECT ADDRESS IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APlP.UCANT PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED Owner -oj?1\-. Se.WO(/ !:hi-I" Sr~,., _ Installation By 0 L'-{MPU:_ .eLcr c..{tI..1 L Owner's ~ddress .. Installers Address Day Pho~e . tS z.. - 7 (,. 0 7. Installers Phone Application is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows: 1 1 ~ Sii'r"'U..- fJfuJ lAJ H..lb 'VL 0 u T U T S" A/JD 'lJU-..J J'-oV. ec.c.pt /,.; dA-Sl(<.M.. Site Address IrV A-v70 WELDIIv; Wiring Method . NUMBER AMP 120V 240V :#- NUMBER AMP 120V 240V USE:OF CIRCUIT PER '~gR J1U;J 0.; ~RCUIT PER 100A FEE , IRCUITS CIR 10 CIRCUITS CIR 10 30 LIGHT I tr tJ? ( SIGN ~ , LIGHT I' 50 VOLTS OR lESS CONV~NIENCE M~ ~ CONV~NIENCE MOl 9~. I APPLIANCE MotOR 7 /J/lAI ~ \ trff D1SH~"ASHE~ I DISPOSAL BURGLAR ALARM RANGI; D""h J MISC. <- OVEN WCLf) m& ~ WATEfJ HEATER ( ~ {C- lAUNI!RY p(~ DRYE!I REINSTAllATION LIGHT FIXTURE # FURN{CE SUB TOTAL FEE GAS . ~Il FURN~E ENERGY FEE ELECT IC BASIC FEE ElECljAlC HEAT . TOTAL FEE ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER A.C. UNIT AMP PHASE FEEDEf SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS SERVI$E A.W.G. I SUB-TOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I certif~ that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.~_~!.filctrical C6ae:-/~ I Date Application made ,19 By , , the,approved plans and' , . Date Permit Issued 3!f( ! n By PLANS , , , WARNING Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspec-tion. Work must not be covered o! current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. - Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ext. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER _ WHITE. Original CANARY - Duplicate PINK. Triplicate WHITE CARD. Inspector's Report OLYMP!Q PRINTERS, INC. . DATE OF VISIT . , , .:r/7/17 '7 -7 -, . MADE BY /1' lllfl ;r-- f REPORT OF INSPECTOR REMARKS . z Cl a: <C ::E !a J: I- Z w ie l- e z e o er.K.fin ...1..... 0.11. 11] ;,Q.vn..t: ~O.K. . i ~8B FEE RECEIPT NUMBER I I- I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES. . . ' " DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT . APPLlCATION.AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT f A tit PEAMIT NUMBER " ~. . I bf~ . /5A.v! TClTAL FEE - - . I CONT. Lie. NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OdCUPANC': I , , .. .. ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLlSHED,UNDER THIS PERMIT \ Site Address p, tJ. Y-t,. .:js c A.n,~ EM'/ fi,PI7dN'}:' \. 30 '\ ~ ~'P4R.k I CORRECT :A.DDRESS IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT, 'PERMITS WITH WRONG ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED Own~r .. - Installation By O{.J//YJ.f1IL rCE c..7/t-l c...... I owner'slAdares5 Installers Address DfiY Phope Installers Phone Appli~at'ion is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows: 1 A- {)\b IN" M-l> H tM. S O:l ^-' Tll.lo Lr TO 1- - . ~" . .. . - . /l,f: /JI.rlt-t.. Ik~ r -f;,... ~.....J.- S/,[Jd'1 >:. ~ \ \ , Cil.v7JtlL- EPmA6,<- u,U~ ANd Wiring Method ~...A:", f . i NUMBER AMP 240V NUMBER AMP 120V 240V . 'use, OF CIRCUIT PEA 120V 100R FEE USE OF CIRCUIT PER t00R FEE CIRCUITS CIA 10 30 CIRCUITS CIA 10 30 L1GHTi SIGN i..IGHT~ ' 50 VOLTS - I OR lESS , CONVENIENCE '" L,q!",: ~~ .11~ .-:. 8 MOTOR CONV~NfENCE ... d. b'. -'- 8 MOTOR , MOTOR APPLl~NCE .. - , - , Sf ~ /1.00 FIRE ALARMS DISHWASHER . , DISPOSAL 12- 4-e~ 4-8 BURGLAR ALARM RANGE 7-A <P MISC. OVEN, WATE~ HEATEA LAUN?AY .. OAYEm REINSTALLATION LlGHT FIXTURE # FURNACE SUB TOTAL FEE . GAS-lOlL FUANtCE ENERGY FEE ELEC RIC - - ELEctAIC HEAT BASIC FEE . - , . - - TOTAL FEE ELECtAIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER - A.C.L:NIT AMP PHASE ~, FEED~A SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS . .. - SERVICE AW.G. , - - I SUB-TOTAL I SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH , I certify that the work to be performe his permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date A~plication made S ,19 By rj! If. I /, CONT ACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Peh'[li~siq.1) is.hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinan~e~ ~f th~ City of Port Angeles. . RE R F ITV LIGHT . Date P~rmit tssued 5j:n Iff ,-, \ Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be_ covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Piacard, A,. Permits Phone: 457-0411 Ext.15B, PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER _ W~RNING WHITE. Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK. Triplicate WHITE CARD. Inspector's Report I OLYMPIC PRINTERS. INC. .... " REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATE OF VISIT .MADE BY REMARKS " f , . , (;Ii 'till 7T7f'T = 7 ^,;7;.;7 r db lJJ'~ I VlffT CV C/l.. T I 'I I ,/~k';J, ,.)" , " , \ V . " , " , , ,," " ; .' \" >, " , , , , ",', , " .. , .' , " -,;- c' . ,', , \ .. , , " . ." , , a.lt r.8A s-..",a...I", . , I, &.1(, 18 _"'AN!:"" ;'I:;nw,...&' , 7fRJ F.wAI. O.K. , . z Cl ~ < :::!: !!! :t: I- Z W l- . l- e z e c . r'.' I 010' CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT A~ FEE RECEIPT NUMBER I . I I t}Q zl><;;o j 10 WJ::'IE~ - -" -" . TOTAl FEE (Q~ . I CONT. Lie. NO. TIME TO COMPLETE No,srqRIES lEGAL OCCUPANCY l ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT . Site AddreSS Pon- A-IIIGJ.;us H1t5H SeH<rOL .3D~, E" - F'AT/<- ' ... _ . CORRECT ~D~AESS IS RESPO~SIBILlTY OF APPLlC~NT. PERMITS WITH WRONG A DRESSES AR~ CA~CELLED . ""' ~_ Owner $<J.f-fotJL. [)I's;,.,- -# /bl Installation By BI--fmPtc- EL.-tiCTYIC owner's!Address Z/it> IE .~(TJ:J: . - Installers Address fff J ~ J-~ N C()I-N Day Phohe. q ~ 7 - 'bt;;.7 S. Installers Phon:) ~c::.i - 5" ~ Application is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows: U ~ ~ J;;. C<IM /1:".' QrNrrIJt.. J (L-j,h:-oNUS L.V. LiT7N6 etnJ~L- /Z-J r'i/i.$1! /ivin~ &nv1lf1Zd-rutl J . . U,7) Z;ON E ~ H cAr COtVTfOi- Wiring Method (Jf6f eoN"';,! . NUMBER AMP 120V 240V NUMBER AMP 120V 240V USE.; OF CIRCUIT CIRCUITS PER '" 100A FEE USE OF CIRCUIT CIRCUITS PER 10 100Ft FEE , CIR 30 CIR 30 LIGHT, SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS' . OR LESS CONV~NIENCE MOTOR - CONVqNIENCE' .. MOTOR APPLl4NCE . - .. - MOTOR .. OISHW~SHER FIRE ALARMS . DISPO$AL BURGLAR ALARM RAN~~r MISC. OVEN WATEFj HEATER I LAUNt!RY DRYEF'; REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE # .. ~~ FURNJ. E SUB TOTAL FEE . ~'tll ENERGY FEE FURN,t.~CE I ELECT~IC BASIC FEE I .ELECT~IC HEAT TOTAL FEE ~I ELECT~IC HEAT .. SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER A.c.urIIT AMP PHASE FEEDE~ SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS SERV;CrE AW.G. .. I SUB. TOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH . .. I certifY,that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. ~-\\o ,19~~ By .~~. ~<:"'V-'V('. Date Application made , .. CONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Perfni~sion is hereby given to do the above described work,.according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. ' , (4 . DI~OR;f:~~r LIGHT '. DatePeimitlssued 11_ 1"7 .-yr By' ~ L ~ l-f PLANS AP OVED . WA~NING I' Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be. cov.ered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for. covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. - Permits Phone: 457.0411 Ext. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK - SEE OVER - WHITE - Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK - Triplicate WHITE CARD. Inspector's Report OLYMPIC rRINTERS.INC. DATE OF VISIT I?- ;tD-55 16- )0- ((5 6- JD- ~5 MADE BY A _ _ /),'Ilj , 'f~/ ~ C-(? , REPORT OF INSPECTOR REMARKS . z Cl a: c( :E !!! J: I- Z W l- . I- o Z o c O.K. FOR COVERING ../" P 0 ~ O.K. TO CONNECT SERVI~ U'C'" ., It a v ,-1 n FlNALO,K, )'v\.(5 r.-n ~r I?\..-rrq{\~;> 'l1}\'J ef '" . I W o -Q rut PIC° r 711K ,'6A �s 1. 457-0411 Ext. 120 — INSPECTION RECORD — PERMIT _ a IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE, OR OTHEPWISE CONCEAL ANY WORK { 2 l BEFORE INSPECTED & ACCEPTED. t-7.7.,..41.., .. 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED PRIOR TO INSPECTION. POST THIS INSPECTION RECORD IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSITE AT TIME '' j i.:;11, OF INSPECTIONS. I %. A i:. Inspection Accepted Date Inspector ".�' .r' Foundation Footings Corrections _____ . ____ ` rv.- h° Foundation Walls —_ :r S PY:t ** .'', . Corrections , :'` a Rough In Electrical ' Corrections " r -, t V t 4; j Plumbing R' Corrections _-. "� ` : Framing ' 1 .:' - Corrections _ __ __ • ', ,. ,, Chimney � 'Corrections :•�; .;,gip+.;,yr .0,,,:4,,,- Mechanical r1 M , c-! Corrections Insulation ;, �`;• Corrections r.,. _ 1;i ! .- ., Electrical Final ., — , • .° i, Corrections •�\n.- �' t5. . , j Final Inspection )`_ — , % �,' • Corrections •i , •' — _ I 1 t, FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY OCCUPANCY . •7 ., . . ' • y. •t mot. • (Arili "► CITY OF -P4101- ANGELES — PUBLIC WOR Q �-""" — LIGATION & > I `'►�—y BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT APP /`_ 2303 p nl r ; Date Received I ! Date Issued / / ! `.,h tbrgi ! U1 Name Address City Phone Lic. No. "' " 1. Owner I''A� H ,,H .cH�+- ....S ? t �J'�t.a/1 - i • 2. Contractor HANNA C-/J_ l 7 y�,, 2 JS'1 _ �7_.. 3 _ �r�l rN PA_. 3. Architect/Engr. _ _.____ I� f 7c .:I 4.Class of Work: New Addition Alteration Repair Move Demolition I 5. Description of Work: k.elk-10V r Pe,7 7.)c"DA `I� S c-r� �1 I-Je24-7.41(A'S A r AI"�iN5.N I Plumbin Contractor • L 6 Type of Perml' Building g -- I s 3c_ N' I Fixture Type Fee Valuation $ Water Closet 1 , __.__-- _----_. __-_ -- avatory __ Permit gee 3�_�? — _ —_.__� e tub — t • Plan Check Fee - (receipt# ) I— Sho -r __T _ r investigation Fee _� . *_ _ Kitche Sink ,_ /;t , Other—/OD O Disposer • 4,l ~Total $ .3 VI Receipt# /7 2l � Floor Drain loor Sink ,' Building Sq. Ft. _ ~— __— Clothes Washe _ • Urinal • ��'•Occupancy Group r ( i --`-- Occupant Load — - -+��— Water Heater No. of Stories —,r��._ Drinking Fountain t ! Type of Construction Lawn Sprinkler 1 • Occupancy Permit Issued Date: Vacuum Breaker Legal Description: Lot: Block: Solar Panels ,` - I Other , , . • ' Subdivision Land Use Zone Sub Total C Lot Area - -� _�JJ�v -' Permit Fee ,°' Lot Coverage % = Sq. Ft. eceipt# Total $ Sign C tractor chanical Contractor I • 1. Sign Type\ -- _ - ---.___w � No. I Type of Equipment Fee Illumination i Ele Furnanc,e 1 I I Overall Height p , _ Sign Width a 1 Woodstove _ -__ f Sign Height 11-1 lOil Furnace _-_ Sq. Ft. Kitchen Hood I Clearance Other ,- Land Use Zone ■ Fee I _ 1_ _ ---------- Total $ Receipt# Receipt# Total $ I " APPL A l .Y A 6 P 1 f C 1 I fTt AN",(MI.(hi-t f,r A I41 i- t issueNCI bY Special Conditions: '•• y • , NOPCE •e k� • ••1 ,1,', Sxt nI 1NI. I he er ,"I e 11 1 1 n•1, .•< I ,t I 100,0-.10W-1 t :1 Fnn.the,ar^^In he Trued J I l:1 A ',I A'S I Ill he -govern Ma rh 4 IYt'e el Jr)•k.01 Ile 1 co cf.nd A It wl el l 11 1 r l T , 1 1 1 ICl of a permit do04 01 presume .. 1• 10(OP nulnprl'y I,) Yin.1 r I.:Inr, 1 the pry.v,. l�.s of an ether Slate nt local !a* regulate- onspuchvn or ISO pe[lolma re nl cun4puellon Other Permits: ��� .--------'40.,n1 _. .VI//(.1 Sewer R/W . '1 C$r4natu•e01Co `r AuthorlinA et Other r/ Driveway i • Signature of Owner III owner Is budder) IOaloi '.' • • 1 - • .•..... • - ' ` ' . . ~ � — � . ^ `� .' ;' ` � . ,.^ ` ~ ' .- '' . ``.` / � .' .` � . . .• . : .� ° '' ` � . ' . •� •� • ~ ~` '~� -+ . ' '` - �' , . � . ~ �, � '`' - . ` ` ' '� J' ' . ` ~ . ' ` ' . � . ' ' - . ' ^ ' `.�.. . . � � . ' . ^` . ��.___�_�. � , ,� ' ° ` , .Er ____' __-_____ F- �N��. �0� | • ~. � ; CITY OF PikPU8L|CVVOR��=' �' � ! f�U|�Q|NC@ D|\/|�|[)N -- PERK8|T APPL|CAT|C}y� ^ . 1 `�'~ . ' � ` `�� -i '` `�z-� ~~ + • .` ��� ` ` ° .. .- ��/� . '` �� � ' / l / /'rq to) ' ` ' .� � ~`^''~~~' Sc � � � ^�'-` 3. ''~--- "' ., " Class of «v""'~ ' . , ~ ^* 5 Description of . w" � `/ -• EL » ''~ 6. �{ «� , � | � of -- � /~^. � • Valuation � �` ^ • �� , ^ '� . 5�� �� j : ,„ _ _ "='='=^^ 'Fee ____.'^~^r~ _� ... Investigation Fee " °'"" '~ - --- --- '- � °, - !' Other / �Y l • p _ ^ _ ^'v� ^ � To�qL__. �w ����� FNorD�in / F|m� Sinh _ ,' ,� .. , ^��hp � C|c�xeyVVasher / �', : .4 - ^ . , Occopo,c � � r�� '. _____|__ _ l- . -_� _ . �� --__-__ O,cu��``� Load � ;Water Heater , | -� -------------- ---'- ��- ---- - - - - - ' ---'� � . ` \ No. of '^ Stories -- -'------' -- �� -DrDrinking y Foumoin ---- -r - w `--' --- - . `-Type of Construction , ---_ -`----- -�- Luwn8prink|er �_ ,. - 1 . ' ._ Occupancy Permit Date: i Vacuum Breaker | ` - _ ~°°^• s Legal Description: Lot' Block: Solar Panels � . ` ' , Subdwisiun \ • iO^her i . ' ..i.; . ^_ _ _ ___ _ _ � L .'� • Land Use ` Sub Total | • ' -- , • . Lot Permit Fee ���' ' . . l_+_ � . Loi Coverage ^^ = So Fl = Receipt Total $ �.. -� 3ign�nn�,oum. — ', ;. . ^ xec��.xc^/C^n�'acw' . i i Si gn Type H |z No Type E qoi pmon� Fe e � ' '' � i [ | ! mvmmaiion Elec. F`rnvno~ ��- . . */ | Overall Height . Hepom" . . � Sign Width .VVoodsmv" � � � '' Sign Height . , iOxFurnace . . • _ / Sc. Fi � Kitchen Hoo d ' . ' . . �,.` . r ev� ' Clearance . O/»e' | ' ' � ' ■ i / - - � - --' . � Land ' . . ' . ' / - . Fee : ~ � • �� - /' - � ' Total S Receipt � Receipt x Total S ��� .� ' . '3- : Special Conditions. � ~� ` ` �� `- - _ ^m,�, • . � .. `- .` ' ' . . , ` ' '' . � ^ - ^• „: . ^ . . ,``� ' � ' .^ -` �.-. , .� ' .'.^'.^ '` � , . .,' ~ ''-, '.^`'�` ` �',, . .` ,. �^,-. ,.- ,' .,. � . `. , , ^` ` ` ' ~,^`'- '` '� ' ' —� Omer Ponnim� � ``� ' , � [ • �� /'�- �� ' sewer R&� � ''�• ` ' | -- - --� -�--' -----------' '. • . a^` ^ � Driveway __--_____- Other ^ ' ` | ~ � . -� '~~~` ^°” I ~ ' ' �• '. . • . • '' ' ; ^'^ ' - -- ----'-------- - . .• • , / ' �' •� . � �~ , ' ' ^` � •^ ' •` V~ ' . ^' * ,• . .', . -' �. _ , A� l` >` ~ • ^ ' ^. ' '/ ^ ` ' . `^ ' '. '. . .. . - '^ .1 457-0411 Ext. 120 — INSPECTION RECORD — PERMIT ' •. ^ . ' __-_ _- . -- ' _ __' . .,.• IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE, OR OTHERWISE . � ` CONCEAL ANY WORK ~ ` • • BEFORE INSPECTED & ACCEPTED. / ' � / | � , - - __-_- _ _-__-__--- .. � ' ^ ` 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED PRIOR INSPECTION. POST THIS INSPECTION RECORD � ` k • ' . • IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSITE AT TIME ?"' /, OF INSPECTIONS. '' �` . • ` , ~ � . Inspection Accepted_--- ___ -D@�8 Inspector -� __ _-_ _" ' ' � Foundation Footings ____ _____ _ �^^�,°' � Corrections __ ___._ _ _____ �'' , * _________.....- .______ ___-__--_ �' ' Foundation Walls ` ' ' '' - . � Corrections .0 ' '� � ' ~ ' . ` . Rough In B8 ` ' '^ Corrections . �' � ' � 5 � ��' Plumbing ' . `, `� � ' ' Corrections ^ +� �*� ' - ' ' '- r -44 t-``"�vr '," . , ` �` /�/^ -� Framing L4� __. ~' ^~~_~���_ ~~~^^ . ' . Corrections , --- ----- ------- ------- | - _ ' Chimney _-_----------- / `r Corrections _-__ ._' ^ � '_____--_-___._ ___ '� ' ' _ -__ ' • • , ' .z Mechanical echaniC8| .,�^ . ` --_---- ^ ` Corrections ' `__ ---.- , , . Insulation '-- - __-__' ,`' ' � Corrections ___ _ ___ ____�__ _______ __ ___________ ''',� - -- ' Electrical Final -----' / J- r. __---- ` � ~ ; Corrections `' -' - ^ . ____- ` � | .j __ _ Final Inspection .� - ��'-7~~ --- - ~ -- , . �� Corrections -____.__'-____-__� - � �. ' ___---___�_----__--_-______ . /. ' -__-__ -_--- `. ' ' | F|��AL |��SPE��TIC�y4 /�� REC�U/RE�� PRIOR TOA��ly ������UPAy����� ' �.' � . ` . `� � '. `�� ^ ' ^ � ' •t • • •,i . . ,,, , , ... I • • . 'ti• if l PORT q 7- OF kC - \ •'. t �y F� 1 „ CITY OF PORT ANGELES �,wIlillir i ,;� 140 WEST FRONT ST.,P.O.80X I1SO PGr?T ANGELES.WASHINGTON 98362 + ' PHONL !206; 457.0411 - } A 7NN%tt6 1t. September 19 1985 ' '1' d {} t .4:x ,,. rs Mr. William Serrette, Superintendent �I .' Port Angeles School District #121 i ."- 216 East Fourth Street ; ',... Port Angeles, WA 98362 • RE: variance Request - V 35( 7 )16 -_ ' Y4., North sid,R of Park between Chase and Lincoln Streets a X30 y cs: ftl.rK Z Dear Mr. Serrette: -1:,, ;. ••• • At a special meeting of the Board of Adjustment , held on r{+ i ' September 18, '`1985, the Board rendered its decision to approve 1 ^R.f• the Port Angeles School District 's request for a variance '' of the required 25-foot rear yard setback to 12 feet ; from }' `"' ' ••y;' the required 25-foot front yard to 0 feet , and an increase 4,-- :, in the maximum fence height from 6 feet to 14 feet , to permit ,•'.. ,, C'1 the construction of a fenced tennis court , subject to the ‹ following conditions: ;,. 1 . The vision obscuring material on the north fence be limited to 10 feet; r. 2 . Access to the parking lot immediately west of the tennis , • courts be limited to the west end of the site. t. .(..±4'4'5-1 4,. This is the formal report of the Board. ,, This variance is valid for one year from d,,• .- of issue , until 014 % • September 18, 1966 . You are required ,d , at Minimum, to have ? '. t, - ,; applied for a building permit for the c sed construction : .'•. by that date , or have applied in writing , to the Planning /' Department , for an extension of the t •, H .` f t_.e permi,_ no later than ��, w late 9 or will become July i S6 , this permit wi invalid . z.?rq: e leas If we can be of further assistance_ in this matter, , please �' i',.; do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department . t`' +iKr r, ,: Sincerely, o ��,�� k , r I r- 4}'t Paul D. Carr • Planning Director PDC:sr . �-I'' I.-Cc: Public Works Dept . Johnston, Hunt and Asso. . i I' • CITY4OF PORT ANGELES iT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: I f / Date ( ) Time Received by ( hone person) • Location of Work to be inspected, " ` � C Nr:»L �c)c 6A ms./ / Name of person requesting inspection 3 Qct cc i'Ao_t • Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. / 0 / `)3 Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other • • INSPECTION NOTES: I i ! -) 'Pr 9-; Time / :q g Inspected: Date Y •' Remarks: (-_ k, A t O }'_.. r C A n a L' c .1 t. RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE rY " (Continue on reverse side If necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) . . , • a • • N • a. 9` h r s ` —* • LJ. . 4 • (;'' ' .. -(5,11 : t, 6 1 , 1i;Y e I E.I tI • 7 1 1 r/ = s . E C u 1 o E _ LhJ c li i F 0 Cg 1J a t. i a ~�1 U �; l lI : .y '4 Z 4 a of Y!�� v► i �1 F= .J •< • M u t ; k a i o , o o sl���l I Q P-I ,Q • I I I a : 1 • Z I iel I I ( °A � I ■ j ; � i ' a N 1 ( I 00 t I i x I I. � N a❑ I I _ ii o . I a` 1I I I l i I I .IR�� I i I I f f + I 1 I 1 I ft (ft) w 1�I• j: : I ( I . IlI3 � ) i I N = ,� a'.�1 � .,` III c i i j I 1 a x 3"� g. rs ? ;Z 1 I I I I ' � 3 3 j "��* =I.Sg!ZZ � I �i f°oi •' iyC � vl� �1,0' j j I � w rm.' 0 \ 1�I °t ' 1:0 1 c 'r.o _ •c, = ,-. a ' I (u. �, I Q J I O 1{ -, t0J o I kl o M a, 3 !U =I ; i i ! 1 s Q U ^� GI Y r pp LT. Z -7 1. �W / pp•-4 . .1) 1 4 I ilf ( ;121( ;),.i -1-1, W w i I,:, H .. IL I I I a O ° • `� I 1 ( I i a1 3 ';i1 . ie., . CI I Iv , 4j-0 .... ...?L O "� ( I I /� ..1:pe' ' I GtiC,; I Mj I ; :' I3 gl d 4� W I I I F- ~ C I IAI'r' ,R 0 —kti r� I :.:714,1 } - 1 ,; ,G.+ L• : 8' w I .�1 •j�l • i •S I N r N V �I•I ♦ I �i i 2z2.5.,' .'7 f ` I _ I • �' V a 12iziijzil!i!d=I 1I11S1,, I : " fl , I•i •. o ~,oUa lx-, = I 1 u 1 a < a z zz 1 z 3 ,,.'x� 11 % 1 ml+*�: �#I.7I0lial j 1 is ° a: � 6 pc H q W =I 17 fy 0, (`j N�I 1.� 1 I 1 f >I ••• A. �° I 'Z ( ) Pre ..f Lin Y 9i" ? J' , t O m c `� ' I i pJeA •pts N s 1 - . � a � D' to f f 1: t O v VI i I OF' z rI �( NIA o ilV I p"eA 'eab O 2 i Iuwd Z 4�1 y; 2' I ; a ° 4—y .. c1 I i J ( ) op:: < h � NI ; -- O s < W o 44 '7I ; 1 c.). o ,I I I i, x WI N i g A. A. g 1 CI S; Iu z4 < Ivii` zi�.lv; 1 ► ry Q� G . - , a sun /4.dad vl I a 3 I PERMITEE I OWNER CONTRACTORI ARCHITECT 1 n Zuum5 awe j01 1I ggw 1 Fi «i'rir°,.as:i F�.v i z • ' CITY OF PORT ANGELES {: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: ' . Date 'e,_y 977g Time / ; '/f Received by --- `"1--- (phone,person) .,, •tt Location of Work to be inspected •`1' " `l r7, t)4 t 1< Gi ,? :- _ }, -,t,li \ ± Name of person requesting inspection D; - k c ,•,e n s Address of person requesting inspection Phone No.9 5 7- 49 99 Type Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. 0 759 ewer oundation , Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other t •;•.,:: INSPECTION NOTES: ,` l Inspected: Date /ZYf F7 Time a 1 3 d By ' ( Cd Remarks: .�yV, fr t 0 n a I p f n " w:ate:, , RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO__,, (__ �, ,£.: j < k, C-,t!fit. ( , - C { • 'i' • SURFACE RESTORATION: ,, • SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC El Other _ . ❑Repaired by City Work Order # , •, ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE -_. El No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE • •1 ' (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT,_ °' x(DATE) , ' ' l '�: , _ ;� J ' ' ldm' ntcr, I • e d., . ) .+' �' •0111 ' r O C , ., ~ .""e,�� , APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PuimI'1 •N- 07 9 . r fi 4:, •` ��1�1 c�Wtzritp �. �i�k Se-lwei JOB AUDI?ess��s/ E �� -k r , "' i.bT t�r4. ,,, BLOCK SUBDIVISION �Lr4 tr! Ih % r� �y< A L,cwOw4.+ (,T;1".1.ht•Name) hel by makes appli■ation for the following: n RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION f,':''''. .1 „r rr t,,,r�it ,r "'-i Pln„i',irJr„ ; Cf,uJicf_ , Urdl-,f _e I1 Gb an am.nded and the Mur.ielpal Cede 'Jr t ,.r 1 el Port Aar o e^ . • , t nt�tinar.,e , .. 1. Work to be completed by ((fate) • 2. Location of wotRl taipes Inside_•-,- traveled roid.ay (If within traveled toariwar, complete item,, 3, 4 6 S) ' it, Value of work to be performed (If over $2,000, complete item; 3, a 6 5)(If under $2,000, complete ; i item 6) c 6 1•,. T i' ' ' 3. Contractor nelne"`" 1, '•'•",; OR PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 4 . " 4. Performance Bond Amount• WORK ORDER 5. Proof of insurance-,---7“ - p .r Work $2,000 and'lees1,150,000 personal injury, $100,000 per incident, $2U,000 property Work $2,000 and rabret,1200,000 personal injury, $500,000 per incident, $100,000 property , 6. Permittee understands that no street may be closed to traffic unless approved by the City Engineer and Chief of Police and notification given to the Chief of fire Oepartrffent ft' may be closed to traffic from to ;. _ (Street), e .' City Lngineer Chief of Police fire Chief ' ❑ WATER MAIN `>'t Service Q Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspect.inn Fee 0 SANITARY SEWER •=Service ❑ Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspection Fee S- t • ❑ STORM SEWER Service ❑ Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspect.ion Fee... • • ❑ TELEVISION CABLE Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Of her Iii pe(t ion Fee. $ ❑ TELEPHONE UNOERCROUNDINO •- Installation ❑ Repair ❑ `- Q UTILITY POLE Installation ❑ Repair ❑ ins per tion Snbtot;:l $ ACTIVITY PERMIT -- "OffS Ri:STORA1'ION rcrrnl. Permanent Surface Excavotion....I $30.00 $300.00 $330.00 $ • Gravel Surface Excavation 30.00 150.00 I".f).()11 ,.. u Non-traveled surface excavation. , 30.00 110.00 INi).00 New concrete walk installation.. 50.00 -0- ';i).un Concrete walk, curb & gutter removal and/ot (placement.... 50.00 -0- 50.00 . • Driveway culvert°Ynstallation... 30.00 -O- 30.(u) Driveway insta l'Oti.*r-::...... 50.00 150.00 200.00 Restoration Subtotal $ Permit Subtotal $ • ' SEWER . ie,, r ;;'` Sewer permit subject to provisions required by Ordinance 2160 V .1-• q.• 3, r . ,,, as emended and the Municipal Code or other City of Port Angeles ordinance 1',Al rr A. Single family rt5irt¢'er da ,; �, .`$75sc0 •B. MALI-tinily redi`dA#tce►;:..,^. ......$75.00 for first (1%A-tiling unit. and f • ' . (Duplex, rntlti-tunitp`hpthrtments,• $5.00 for mil;xidit.irxltti unit [ t railer & auto cOtlrtit^ngtelg)*: , . C. Oilier structure9 * '1 $0.(X)5 sq. ft. of grraexl arm for tilt f first r (Hotels, office bidgs.,stores, DAM)Ti. ft. and $0.0025 RI. ft. for • churches, schools, hospitals, reminder in excess;of 1(.0,iX.0 sq. ft. 1 itdustricrl/crnrrierciel bldg,.) In addition, $5.00 for each daeliing unit • + combined therewith, with a minimtm fee of•' ' . $75.00 arxi a rrriximin fee of $750.00 4. D. Alteration, repair, cap of Sy '. :\ existing side to r $2.5.(x) ' E. Add i t i mai direct connect foss, reconnections Score as initial connections above 1 ' . F. Installation of catch hisins or • similar interceptors $1:.(1)]cr tali t $4 a 1 Q ♦gat ANp Iii Of PIPL : \. :,, . i PLUMBING . N lnbrr of fixtures `; (Basic permit fee $3.00 plus $2.(X0 per fixture) $z • • i, in toaeld•raen of the*renting of this petite, it 1.further Cie,of Port Awl..rind any of fts of liters or eschews edr•ed by the.vat 1<.n[ that the Permit. total a 1 p ne..n.tl be cared hsnl•n by the•pplf• ' sa'� -•� rent from ant liability of responelbfllty far en, .c..M. lon or d....•to p.,sane or pro- 1 we,. Mppentnp or otr.rrtnt as the prptinte result of an en RosLOra[iott total. Of thfe .pplltetLen and the 1" end.r!.brn under the term. $ 'S-'-• permit or permute.hith.m, be ',wiled In response thereto, and TOTAi. that all of.aid(liabilities)' (�are Many•nue.d by the applicant. ^• I�GYiL OG�Qtt�1 Receipt No. Signed +' Telephone No. its?-07,41 • . !• Mailing Address a/4 t "�, •".:;�: .: .. ;w.... "»" 24 HOUR MINIMUM NOTICE ♦,sued by a r.. q.roe.eat A!. N.»y.«w, ben u M p ��' , "'' ""Wow ,: e a ' »:z REQUIRED PRIOR TO ), L:' ,, «. .,.,...,,.tie t.... ;.%:,.r SERVICE OR INSPECTION 3i*01.4;##s'Flt ##ft'F 0000000000**03'X05'f0#,rd t•##Srw,'S#�i:ftSoom,;5�5.S 0** :13'S4..41A,:1 3'S'r • Finance - Cost of repair (from work order... $ Work Order 'o. ' • Less amount deposited $ .- 1 Refund amount due permlttee $ lcarnnt Additional amount due City 4 Ree'k(Dk ( . . INSPECTOR'S COPY - white APPLICANT'S COPY - 1 itk Yt OFFICE COPY Y anary - . b ., . 1 ( • mow" • ° '' 6". -, ' •, • .*.. / ..,-.''•/k. ;,• i •.,t„,....7... . . , - .. • ' . .• 10 ^ 1 , 4 .*1 $ 1' ' 1 I )(\ \ ' , ' I I 1 1 *4 • ^ C fit ".. # i 2 . r A r, keN . , 64 •it (... 2 '''' ...o: NI 144,1 . ■ 1 g.--q4■, --'' . ).: cc- in I 0 s, .■ 40 1 F:: li v et. • 1 Ci v. •, • . ; 1 a I I le. -..' .2 i Z V 0 (..f..t.\• I' el 1 r. 0 1 : U 1 / ' C ‘-- / ,..; c 0 • I V: ... '. i - °O. = ...,.: D 1: N: ': a . V%n -;;; ....latta, ce ,- z. n t% , > ! .., ,..1 3 .: u. ---\43. • :". ) .e (1' . ...51 t 2 .,.....1 / 2 lii 1% .E`r - -2 E . ... .s t ,,, ,..‹..). s = • .,,,,,„, e / t 3 Cy z .... .il ...zi fliall Rh 42 rR c 1 - 3 I t • ...-... . . ZCN•1 • •• .. •-•A U-0.\ t 1. EIV -t" 0.. 1 .1 i g 3 J i ta •04 0 > 411 •N ‘4 -10b, ,. .-C.') (\•1 t 4.., , ; • . t it I N 0. 0. C , .0 ... o e, €r-4 ' I l'*'s s ....: i 2" - *6 11. ' 2 -4 I >. .44 u 0 E ! cc 1%. a. ' 'Ili . . 4, a. III ....e: k ' III- 3'1 .': ...5 .t a ..t 20 .,i, 1- m 8 81 03 .tt . >, , . , :- •, , 1 1 1 44:1.C•C c'a I I III Iln 1 -` 0 \ I 41 1 1 Z •.! 1 ■ I i : '-.;,. •lit ,._____, i 1"I z I I I I II 1 0 ill 1 I „ t- `.0 1 %.• 0 al•... 1 , ' ; al . 6 4...•-, bo C.) Z ; VII I I I ,... ° a 's. ' r151 a, c! I I 0 '''' = :... • •,,,,_ t. ... .. • .1.1 .• i _1 I 73 e 7-.. ,, • ...111 I L ,=`PliN Z1 Ia. v) . w ,o,ejr it_ ...: . • ' ,..t >. tt 1 liA I 2 1 1:1;' 1 . e 0, 1 f , .. o t 0 i tx et i c?„' c I 1 W 6 \ 1 1 :70/1111•2 gril '--- - -7.14 ; s tv Ill 1 i 1 ,.. 2. • U. e I i'll/z'tir--1 , • 1 0 -yi q U i 4 1_1 11•11 lu < ,:i 1 ■ gt j C 0 i ---- % t'-1 ri I .i I 0 w : VI ' r,, ,, .... ;.,, 113g 4 0!...,. C.■ , 0 I al 1.1 F414 `` I ''',.. ,,,, ,„., . 17. 9 2 or t1in. „. •-••-",..1 .041 ku V",1.• ,1° •,;', r 41„ 7:(8 00...CA i ... 't r41 •rrtr .11 d , - / o , . T •,,,,, . 0 • - >,. ,,, = (., 32 •2 : te, 0 R. v. 1 1z- 0 or 40 e C,.. U CD 27•:* • 18 1 - • A. ,.. a Li. 2 r 16, , ss , u 0,%.E. .. A=-g o . I 3 Z (>:'. - 3 I gekIP ;14 14 ; . 12 2:''' 4 4 A141 ; : 0° ' IN : a I . 111J,1 :1 tim 2 .7 ..1 152.4 IF I I • 1""- e .1'11 I lit I 1. p . • .... r4 w ti II ' I , .14 V I. IA C.,`.. 4.., ' ,i I i R 7'; Illi .I 11 e'llill g , r r 4j Z ;is; Ili 6111114 11 ill 1' a .17) a 2g lit , 1 - 0- z 4 4Ii1;; ; 1:1z1 Zj7. ILIZi I:o I 4 4, 1 ' , 4.' c,- 0 1 1.• I a. .7 a. .4 la i ! I 1> I 0, ig te) 'X '4) V W Ne 1 I D. Ce 0 ( ) Praparty tine i • C5 3t i - 2 u •"•• . 1 , A 1 - v, ... ....., z P2rA •P!S CI -1 o ti; 41 IA ,L i .t: 1 ' .- CO u. 71 'tj Il .4i L , , aiitp,,,A .,,.„ L . . 2 Oz `a preA o '. a c ,-1 15 'N• A i •• e./ a JUOJi • 610 Lu l'j- ■.. ' - ..'M/ A`\' I 5 ( ) k,•,4 a. a ga •'' 0 CY I '- '! i 11,4 0 \.1, •-• 2 iNIR Ci.,. ... 0 0 i 1 i a- zii 1 4.r.sril P. ,,, i i f, a 01 .... prtA apt .S ; • 2 • r..8 ril <1 i I :: k 4,11 .4.\,. !A 3. II 1 ' 4 lif _a_zi_..1. t w 21 t i wig. Zit! ' iLa; ... Z ., ila • own hotdoid ( I a 0 j 1 PERMI1ET1 OWNER CONTIACTOR,ARCHITECT 1 1 3 1 • 4 i. • :I. 066/02 •II0 401 11 PI • , ' ' • . ■••. ,. ■••••• • , • • -••' 6 ..' .• . . I / , ' .•' . ,* • o - . rt t� e eh s I( 1 r;IS'•I Ilr:c:c:;t OF 7llli .\'Ur:7r111riS7' 4' I • 140 'VEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 • December 21 , 1982 PUBLIC WORMS DEPT. RECEIVED DAZE R ,01111' c 2 1 198 FYI, ACTH. COPY CONC. DIRECTOR M. , Mr. Don Lang, Principal CITY ENGR/ASSt.DIR. Port Angeles Sr. High School OFFICEENGR. 304 East Park Street SOIIO WASTE Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 SEWER/WATER STREET Dear Mr. Lang: FILE I DRAFT Tuesday evening, December 14, 1982, during a High School Christmas Conc it was noted the required east exit doors leading from the auditorium were rendered inoperable by a non-approved locking device installed upon the �A • panic hardware. 444 4 A ¢k F • , Port Angeles lligh,S fool ;as defined by the Uniform Building Code, is a Group E-1 occupancy , e6tioti 3317 of the Uniform Building Code regarding H . . • :. exits serving auditoriimsAin Croup E, Division 1 occupancy states, 5.. "Exit cloot`g`Y f.M' .toms having an occupant loa:i of more than 50 an 74roi,corridors, sha1l not be provided with • a latch or"flock unless it is panic hardware." When the inoperative exit doors were observed, immediate contact was made with n maintenance man from the Port Angeles School District. De immediately removed these non-approved devices and stated "somebody must have forgotten to take them off." The statement "somebody must have forgotten to take them off" is the very ' • reason it is against the law to alter or modify any required exit hardware in a ;;cihool, public assembly occupancy, etc. As discussed with you in an earlier meeting, these devices must he permanents;, • removed from the panic hardware as soon as possible. • If any modifications to the required locking devices at the school are required, phase contact the Building Official in advance. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact me at 452-4545, extension 179. Very truly yours, SEAL i2;, t S Gary Braun, Fire Marshal � Port Angeles Fire Department .'! C8:ch rein L1 • cc: City Manager Building Official •--^ `• • . F r,. .. 0 , t V ►5 6, -',',;',i',;;;;; + .' Y U}2 .. F-,d?{. ,'a'.1',‘•. a' -- i .. .-3' /,. ` . -1-, 1M aia r ., ,S,a9 :% x%. . .h° . :::r4 i► \�\\� (\�\ o __ 1 i M � ' y \..:, .2 N _ to I. � o ' (:= ((L_ Q m �• �` l�; I I ; k, .1 . C 1 n $ I " "`+ a N 13 I I .. I■ I ♦ ,f t f) r E f.) •- + 3 .\� �; 1 'f 0 `,) �y� T - U >... I I I ' c 1 �� °'"et- -c,- t L I u rJ o N O va+ ) 1 0 0. a � E _ o v . ' j T�1' I e o i ,� n a •, a d u a _`y\ y � o F, n I`e 1...; �. vl V I d T ! (� l I - • ..q'. a N .0 d H- J Q CI - O 1� I < I ; ai {J, I I ,a 1 I • . H- ∎ , i 1 I ; c I ! I C� 6 ' I I I I I t I Z , I, N I I u �C I I I i I Q - I I Il G= - " O. Z � ! � ( � , a v I ' I I 0 . �I I V ! 1 I I I��.�_ I'' U n o I I 1 I ! ■ h �j A. Z. �, u A Y OZ E; o, u ; ��� ■ ( "0I I I ±W o �'� I I i 1 ' i (—S ° •a;E I •;E' I o o i ., I I I = c,.c^ I v i I ; N X _- • 0 b 3 V1 - I i I I I 8 �. n r I 1 '4 I ! i I y 3 C 0 O O J I a , , r W Z LL I aMiZ ,n 7 Z■Q a.WY.-`_; ...1 I I I ICI'" 4, `y "`� U i„11 ,4 J G O __U O N. I I ! I A W VI o i «1 W Y N i V 071i �I .✓ I ! i I I "��ia� Q 0 11 1 I €i 'a 1 I " � �v� ( I " W o .3,-.' ilk - 1.4 , '� � ° ! 1 � VM. pi I I of I I ,,. I I �f o €'e TFa e , o I j i I • ,"' I� !f:i-' ;g . D O ps 3 s I f DE ° W �r e 0 0 0 1. I I �. .0 4 d o _. S N Q O G a e _ .4 I ! 'll i . I. N 1 1;:3 •���� WI I O! F— t- 2 b!•° o o;o `0;e 3 '€ £ .1-, I n,.-It`I ' ac o q, =1 t L' .' v:U V 4�i S Z, ni I I �l ''; V z i a �!z z i = ° 3 °� _ 'IE"Ii _' I^ ' °u V ICI- I I._I �,,, I r4 j � +t,W + lux, S. ,6i9 v. NGI i Nt9I I I I I I> ``'1 '1 I. I I ( ) Pro•My Lie* a ` H N ': G o J c �l1 Z t. Zo z . P 'A °P!S i}eis f L� u. u I ` �� i i r I '� o o pJ eA s. I Z O C Z I { '}, �� �� I 1 pJeA Jeab O N Z iuw3 0- I .i O ►- m .\ '4 _-1--• '4.1\1,...1 Z S F a doe m ce 2 W a ` 4 ,� u I ° I W■ Y I °! N pie,� apis ,. aAA.q ` , z f � S C 1_, r� M. ,„ p e, T Q o r Q' � r a y ti.c 4 -ai r •I 0 l ►, si z t z a 1 : Z ,e ; u o ! 2, 41 ...'11, :;l L CC Q O . _ �.�__ i e •u!T A .do,d ( I a' PERMITEE OWNER CONTRACTOR; ARCHITECT I 3 0 < m o. s (,•u,oD o uo 4o1 +I o n • \ • . 0 L . , . ,.. 1fy U Purl Auj1e 5 y ; J ,/• "'' ti... ►(If Is ! L11 ( t ( I I rife \u1•• 1 „:t , ∎ ► 110 WEST PONT f STREET PORT n::GELES •AS INGTUr• 99:62 ' t July 24, 19S1 . , ~" • :i• ki;,r:i , ,�n,�,•r-t: 1 (,/l`)!• I . , 7• i Idirg permit • w 6 . •fhe i,1 .. . • 't t i. 1 for a ht ti lu:' permit by Craig ilres( her, f,••- , .iust rut ion . of . • , , , h•• nez7anitie of the :;tua;: • .' t 41': 81 v. ' PORT ANGELES SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL " 304 East Park Avenue ' _7, t..i- Port Angeles, Washington 98362 March 13, _'?r l \'':, , 1 I. , ,` • \ Mr, Robert • . Willson, Building <)ff icia1 • t City of Poi r /:::-,aol es \ . 140 West fl-.-2t Street Port Argele:;, WA 98362 RE: Building Problems . \.• In refercncc to gour lettez of March 6, 1981, further clarification is needed '.>u our staff on item 1 listed under 300 building. In the kitchen, the waste lines to the floor sinks Lack proper air gaps". Your attent: :n in providing information as to what is reg- uired in may detail will be appreciated. Sincerelu, • .4:c)er+,1/4-2 11-0,-----0-( • Don Lang • Principal l ,� d - i • cc: M: . William Scrretto, Superintendent: Mr. P.m :'icop( r, A s s t. . :nerinte.'ndcnt i 11". .,•••'_';— 2,-,, I , . ,: .,,i rd,,5rc••.t,-•••t /,. • Y i i , 1 eta , ` • ■ . \ . • , ' , ,xia4- P ' i x ' � . k { s+ . " ,�. iv. ,.t - r .. a tea+. ,...t.4.-, . Lily of P , ' • _ . ., is � "` TOURIST MECCA OF TIlE NORTHWEST `.. . Y , 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 tom: Y 1 W•�Z h. i re ye,,"` :a.a.', March 10, 1981 Mr. Don Lang, Principal Port Angeles Senior High School 304 East Park Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: 500 Building. Dear Mr. Lang: In reply to specific questions requested regarding our inspection 1 : letter of February 2, 1981 the following determining factors have } ` been made. Item #1 - Mr. Feaks and I have discussed fire extinguishers at length, and locations and types will be properly installed. Item #2 - The addition of a wall in the electronics room completely obstructing the required second exit. (Electronics Room is incorrect.) • This wall is located in the Woodshop's southeast corner. This wall has been constructed to be a storage room. Mr. Cornell's room at the ' • present time has only one exit where two exits are required from classroom. Item #3 - Again, Mr. Feakes has made notations of these areas. - Item #4 - Welding in p non-approved area. The exact description of L. physical boundaries are: the welding shop and the auto body shop are f two areas that meet the requirements for this type of hazard. However, welding in any other classroom is in fact a non-approved area, such as Mr. Scott's classroom where portable acetylene and oxygen bottles are stored and used. These bottles must be removed ' immediately. Chapter ==S, Uniform Building Code requirements for Group E (educational • type buildings) occupancies , Section 802(d) Special Hazards - states : T "Rooms or group of rooms in which flammable liquids, combustible dust or similar hazardous materials are used, stored, developed, or handled, shall be separated from other portions of the building by not less or (it, * 4- • '(SEAI.)'w' NAZ • ,t ,, •s.ass-4,4,4..7•4141/4,:f * .° ` '10" ,IT '1.4-:0—,3/4 4 µ'�al��� I gc. '� I da90e611 / •' i .. a .1 i I. • •. ..y , '' , . "lc '''''." .,;'''''''',"\r-e4''',g/1/4.1,:11%er • h Letter March 10, 1981 ` • Page 2 , • x R a one-hour fire-restive occupancy separation" r. If this requirement cannot be satisfied, we would recommend piping L.P. (liquific.i petroleum) gas into Mr. Scott's room or any other classroom which ma . conduct this type of activity. All required area separation fire doors must have door closures installed and kept i.losed for the safety of all students and teachers ine these areas. . If I can he of any further assistance in this matter please call me ; , at 457-8`..1, Extension 151. t Thank yo • Very truly yours, w, Gary Braun, Fire Marshal Port Angeles Fire Department • GB/dp �� ' cc: City Building Inspector F.D. File • ,•r :.\,, . . • • S • • • • I. a !v 6T I i'-,'' •.. -.� •` ' '+ 1 - ,,.,, _, • �- s. ,/-^—.--- .".'..'... }1 eel . r f . • i ,.. ..., . , .... .. .... City of Port Ange1 .,..,,,,. . .. .. ..„.. .... ,...,,..„ I(': I;I„ M1t (..1ell I III \ )RI11WIiSI - ---- 11 140 WEST FRONT S'REET PORT .'.NGELES, WASM)NGTON 9,1 '•2 h. . :t r, h 6, 1981 s, 1 , �.. Mr. Do l Lang, Principal 4 Port .'.ngeles High School 304 Last Park Avenue , ,c `1 Port :Angeles, Wa. 98362 f Dear 'Ir. Lang: • .• ' f In reviewing Fire Chief Larry Glenn's letter to you regarding our recent occupancy inspection of the High School project, I find he has already addre ,,ed many of the items that were on my List. Therefore, I shall con- fine his list to items which lfe did not cover. ' 500 Building 1. An electronics storage room has been constructed since the contractor moved out of the building. This storage room was . } &. "w. constructed without any consideration of fire resistive con- struction requirements. The walls also block off part of the exiting requirements. 2. In the photography darler'ota some of the electric outlets are ,� �-- ' uncovered. It would he very easy for someone working in there �' with only a safe-light on to try and insert a plug, miss the outlet and short across the terminals. • • 'i4: 3. In the men's rest room, there ,..'ore nco handle•~ on the faucets. • ' w`• . • 4. A hole has been cut through the concrete block wall at the east A end of the building for the purpose of running some hose to the gas cylinder storage area, . The hole has never been properly ,, led leaving a penetration between the gas storage and the interior . ,; the building where welding is being done. 5. Upstairs in the compressor room, the drain line from the compre or does not have an air gap, but has been shoved down into the was line. fw:: • • .-. • I „ ' / • y • M•irch r i'+91 :r' I'tl1.;e ,,. • f. t ) _ :iMini; In the kitchen, the waste lines to the floor sink ti z;n hick pr 1pA r.Ir cnps II A in r.%. t'lere were some prnhlems in the 500 building which pre-existed thi • <,;;trr: • �t dr:,rrve attention (plywood walls where there shnuid he one hour fir< df resists Arles; bolts to structural beams which either had never been tightene(', or cise • 7e wood had shrunk in drying and left the bolts stir'':In.' out). 'I:'.rse contact me if you have any questions. These deficiencies shout: he c,,,r,r' to(! by April 5th. At that time I will make a re-inspection. Sincere ,�∎ - c,c .2 J' i:c'hc i t :i i l son Building-, .tidal RPW:ji x. • 1A . • • • i +°OE6i 4. . • . .. , • , , •:.• . / ., .. . , .2 • - . . . . . . • ' f. . "‹.......„- -,,--- ......... A ; . ., .•.• .', , . . • g . . , . , . ... ,. • . 2. ..., • .., • : . .. • I. • ° . 'A City of Port Angeles . ... . ■.. ‘‘■ il ..; 'AN , . . ' ' '''' ' I 01'R It 1 4 l=C.C,101' I'IF NW,'I 1101:C 1 ==-- _=_- — ------ — .. 411 14G WEST F QONT STRFET PORT ANGFLES. WASHINGTON 98362 . , - . ..1 `'" . • . ' saimiaki., 104So..•- . 7.. February 5, 1981 . Mr. Oon ',in•t, 'ri:1-:r.,1 • Port A -1,-; Irig'i :',..hool • . . • 31W4 List l'ark . . Port :,ngi.1( s-, ',,A 98i62 . . ., . Dear Mr. Ling: - , An oocup,ol, ., , o,,..ti inspection was conducted recently at the Port Angeles High . ,. School. `1r. L.,5 'A'illson, Building I9spector, and I represented the City. - (hiring t'ai i!:,.. • tien sovera' items regarding construction deficiencies were - note.: an: will .,e addresr,ed in a 2,eparate letter frou Mr. Willson. . , y area of con. ..rn is the number of violations of the Uniform Fire Code noted (luring this in !Jection. !;ome of which were as follows: • • • ' , -- '200 Bnildint• . . I . -;pr.iv pal! : ing in a non-Approved area. , . :. t-, .! • aration doors bctweeA shop are 2-;, forge room, et.,-. , Aid cia.,s- -• ., ' ., rehloved from several door. -.. .- '.. La, ;• .,I ,i• .Tprovod second exit fro-, the auto sop spray hoor;,, , required ,4prinkier svcrom in the auro shop spriv hoot!). -Hillg bottles stc.ndinv, and not being secured by safety chains, etc. • . -1. . • - • ". :: . 7 . . ! ,d : f r o , x, I (1 L.! , r s were of t her not visible or s.,,t ri,,,,o,t ed. , -'''. i!-. ■ L] i' , :1 :,' .t ,: ! i I i•i th.• ,I ect r f c irins r,•or. comp I et el .• s•o--:t III•t in r c,;-.I : • ! , o, 0:7d ex:It ... , • 9. ,, •.•cr.i: ,..::;I s 1 ic.i.in... the required exit signs. 10. A :,:. i,1, le ;,:tr',..c,1 • •,,i in•;t the exit door loading outside from R ' , 1 503. . i : . ',...vot- : ! :•1,1, ':in•::-: not connect ed to the required dust col loot ion system. 12. '.:-! •In • I:: •• -1.-- 1;,provod 1:.2.t. :).)i) rni ' !'• I • ih,. : :: :: Is ,Iro not oper.it fin!, for example flnom 603. Kc•f ), ...- . , . , . . • ›(2. ii. :: : , .lihl ippArh : u•:,: -f ,in acet 17no we Id ing unit irl C1,12-,sro,,•: 6n9. -vcr • • , -. 1,! . ; I :, . • : ill -1 i ,1,..r , 7:, ; -■,■1■:; I. _.. . • • ..... 7"""•^. . . .A. ; -... . 4:: • . 7• I: A i „, ,'.., • . 4 ; • , .. . ... . • 1 . •. ; , " . . . ,1 I d89 Oe 6 I .- • . . . .. . . .. , . . . . s . .... —......... . . • ,. _ . . .... Letter - Fehr,:ary S, 1981 Page 2 3011 Rulldin 1. Exit fl :1 Room 302 obstructed 1:v a •abinet. 2. A fire ctinguisher missing from tho east end. 3. Exit 1 : ,t out on the west :e11 exit f' z,m the cafeteria. 4. A grill ,nit was being used to fry foods out from under the grease hood. S. The re,. aired self closers were disconnected from the separation doors leadin, . rom the kitchen. The doers were blocked opende,, 700 Buildi:,, I. Exit 1 ! :ts were either out or completely missing from the south exits. 2. Door s closers were di,cenntct.-1 in several areas i .e. , concession booth. 3. StJrag. )f sports equipment oLstrt..Aing exit patterns. Agri i toriutl 1. A dead it lock installed en the exit door leading from th.• rear of tli. stage. 612. Exting . ` .hers discharged at the rear of the stage. - 3. An exc. :ive amount of ' :tuber storage behind the stage area. The Uniform re Code sets minimum requirements. roe above violations are vi o1a- Lions of mi: : um requirements. **.any of the above violations could cause or contribute c s serious fire. Your immedia. attention is needed in these matters to provide a safe enviror- nt for cur stuc" tn. A re-Inspect '1 for compliance will he conducted by the Port Angeles Fire Department on or about ' ,rcli 5th, 1981 . If we can he f any assistance in further explanation or to furnish advise :o this matter plea" .-nntact me or Fire Marshal , fairy Braun at 4S7-8571. i;irtG t r Iv yours, ,G, r. t_' -t y �"` '/'y;It Larry Glenn, Fire Chief Port Angeles Fire Department LC:/dp cc: City. Ma. -or File ,A" ``� ♦ o a 4 . ¢" ;_ •. e•. . • • • f • • - - i • • •. J .. • ' • • ,, I .T, t Port Angeles Fire Department fi 102 East Fifth Street ' Port Angeles,Washington 93362 • .. February 5, 1981 ~'; Mr. Jim Murphy - Service Manager 41I • Simplex Time Recording Co. 3540 Stone Wa, North Seattle, WA 98103 Dear Mr. Murphy: _ ) This letter will serve as a record of the inspection of the fire alarm system conducted at the Port Angeles Senior High School 2/3/81 by Peter H. Peterson, • • • Technical Representative. i . The following deficiencies were noted: • 1. No supervision on the announciator panel as required. •N. A• 2. Zone (, 1 Building # 100 East, and Zone # 23 Building # 1000 have no supervision on the pull stations as required. .. In closing we realize no ordinance or codes e.:ist in the City of Port Angeles , z . ' ar to require automatic detection in hazardous areas such as shop, welding areas, .. •�. auditoriums, etc. We still believe this feature might be helpful in the early detection of a possible disastrous fire. • If we can be of any further help in this matter please contact me at the '• . .. Port Angeles Fire Department (206) 457-8521 - Ext. 151. ' ' .` ` ` • Yours truly, 4.1.3 c L. 3' . . ; • • • Gary Braun, Fire Marshal f • GB/dp ' fi cc: Mr. Sleeper- Mr. Lang Building Dept. i F.D. File . , • . • • • 4 . . " 7. ,■ • • ; Port Angeles Fire Department 102 East Filth Street Port Angeles,washm.;ton 98362 4 _ February 2, 1981 .,. 3e"c' ,8i�/ ) ,• Milton 'Hot ".1 rJ t 1112 East "r ::t ' rre t i'ort Angeles. 1:A 931n2 Dear `1r. liuu : This letter •:i11 serve as a record of our conversation 2/2/31 regarding hood aad duct system .It the Pert :Angeles Senior High School. If this cy$, __ , -its grease laden Vapors the N.F.P.A. '196-i973 will apply. - If only sty,:- otlits the Uniform Building Code Chapter .f20 will apply. .. 9 ''9 If the deter-- n:;t ic..1 that the propagation of grease laden vapors will he present, .v ". plans must ' su''r :ttei to this office for approval prior to construction. If I can be : anv further help in this matter please contact me at the Port Angeles 3• Fire Depart:- , '+57-8521 , Extension 151. ,J; Yours Truly, I ' 1 ;. ' t Braun,raun, lire 'iar:,hal Fort Angcic-: Eire P,Tartnent ; e. Cl.'/dp c' .: Cir Enc. (2) t;.•'I`i , ,, ' r - 4oest 1 a . e f>►••/////I / 7 /C,'z,,,- t. 'r, /',tx-/,' ;y.� c" -- /jac' �Tay,,e C.�OoY 1445 /-7-)6-r J, •Lt 41yt 04'o,- I'c14 foc-� -\ . £ (luh /', 1._;-IItl✓' S'. ,i av v/eck_ 1rdd/o/ ,b.e. ✓ ��c%�A% •0, IFitje ("G' 6)df- - ��X:4 .s:: h (NA. A edr-cas.i- seol ic wa//? 5 0t1 i ','ii/, PlG"I. ,"eS.S II-114 C`e: °•` i!1'T S •eYc-i'7,'t tr ( iT `l J?, A.. 67Ar- • I'4. / / (A.:ck."sG i : . /'I[o�e cl!i't-f. oct.., F te._a*7( ay!l..F 7S /9a/ '/'.'k rSir s./ 1.. ,.' a I C0t1 — PO L1,1i1:1Ic5 �, nia vc a f t/,tf11 A . --Se.It C/dsur^t-c•v,,. Scow- (i•¢4"we..s. .J4sc>9/4,4.- 4,-,� Pqit1 SFr*y la1c411 —Z e.X;-1si(S r;eehllr ?) ! k1.t ��' I c k 1 r G_" k t II I le-twee v6 W'0 1791?s s f '-- r�II , `ti( cl)1^Q.. Nvl'0ttii.EC1 l a ff i ' r 2 • COS No�L�t.t Otlsi i�/?O Accsrd�.t—Ccis<f , • Na c1,•✓` • cc os'l A'rt-e Pvc.tK. 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Z O m °`"!IPfE OWNER CONTRA GTOR ARGMITEG_ _I : our)AN.dO(d ---- ---- o• (+•ulo) o u0 10 t t _ O • ., • t r pri . . ., . . ... . .. ,. .. , . , , i 1! , '4. ,..• , ..,„,. . ...f ,,, , .:..,.::.,1 .i-•.. . .„ . .. ... 1' ._. yi� City of l . , , , , ,. ., , ,---r-c:;.= 77-7s;`,..;?, Inrr:r5r .111:( (...1 OF 1 U NOR rrrar ST . I 140 wEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES wASNINGTON 9335: , August 5 , 1980 r Curtis G. Horne 1.4:. Port Angeles Kiwanis Club .` 216 East Fourth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 '' Re: Variance No. V-80 (8) 28 !- ` t Dear Mr. Horne : a. On August 4th the Board of Adjustment voted to grant a variance to �' : �� allow the construction of spectator bleachers within 6 feet of the • ,r'_.. . south property line of the High School (Code requires 35 feet for setback) , adjacent to the existing track. .; ; . This variance must be exercised within six months, or it will auto- matically become void, unless formally extended by written appli- cation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the f • Planning Department at 457-0411, extension 177. Very truly yours, • C. D. Van,iernert Assistant Planner • CD Vii :LF • cc: School District #:121 , Building Department (2) A.._ SSE:> l. - • IctrC-0F. 6T i t • /'n , ix + • .t F, , 11.) 7a : Andrew J . Rose , City Engineer F'i .: Rohert Willson, Building Inspector i Suh . Proposed Bie chers of Port Angela_, !ii ,;`: School Tr •. In i (- it: inL the plans " tteC1 for a Lui1-(1Lng permit For . he bleachers at the Senior High School Track Site, I find a e,,, ' tens that should be given Further consideration. 1. The setback from the apparent north margin of Viewcrest v • Avenue is indicated as 6 2' . Since this area is zoned as PBP, the setback requirement is 35 Feet from the A right ,-.f way iin^_ . The bleachers themselves are virtually a ground-level structure and probably would not he objectionable. The plans , however, indicate future expansion is a liklihood , plus the possibility of a • roof str�.icture, although the architect has expressed some reservations ahont the h i 1 i ty of the soil to provide a su t:ih1e : me • ci structure . 2 . Drainngc of the site is t;c ink s;•tthered i nt c, an ex—'. t in`; c•ttchhnsin at. ,'t;e .. ,rti; end of the bIi achers . There •::a., some cc)nc(_,rn whet110r his basin n was connected to the City' s sanitary or .:torn. system. As near as I have 1,eein R1,1 e to dete: lal??C' 1)•.' .1 (`.�1 iii; i ri forria t i o:•, • from various pl::'15 in this vicinity , it appear.` the basin is Connected to the storm Sys'_( 71 o. -1 - • • • idrtta0> FI 7 , • , he ., Ire , . �7..�: f' '(1111 C1 r ' b t 1 7 t• ,.:)thing 1 s t p1 ;1 n:; I-O Indi ea!, e ;111 1>f f street parking provision:; . There is a lot zipprCX1;lately 700 feet north and cast of the bleachers ;.hich currently is part of the e,.m2:>tis parking system. It may be, this could be co^.s i c:c•red as providing parking for the bleacher area . 4 . Similarly, no restroom facilities have been provided • for the 320 bleacher seats. Restrooms do exist in the `r. gymnasium building 4-500 feet north. Whether this d •' arrangement is suitable definitely could be debated. Also, if the bleachers are expanded as anticipated, the qu•:st:ion becomes more of a problem of when should t restrooms be provided , at 640, 960 , 1250 seats , or more. 5 . Nothing on the plans shows any provisions have been made to accommodate the handicapped. I discussed this with the architect and he felt handicapped could approach • the bleachers from a gate toward the gymnasium on the • track level . There is also a gri' e •i n the fence on the I I . % Vi c:•:ci-ost Ave. level and wheelchairs co111d probably � 61, se•th;o1•: t h1eac ,crs and fence � . . „ : in , either r_ t-here could be a debatable arrangement . t:hethe rl. 1C. 1 �':i of .,t' it1,us can be mad e by City staff or would require, a . of all pircipa1 ; involved ( i- . e. , archit.ect , iffy (,o' ..littee , -ic ) 1 the next r{':fl,:t on . :J 1 -2- - IdNq 0£'61 • • '� ,) - i. a v , } ; f. • :, .t a ;t ,.;• ,• * 5ec•3321 PLANS 5 t COO5r. Phone2-730I * PLAN CHECK LIST t ci?. Date Received 7 * Commercial Date Checked 7 g * * * * * * * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * - ': Permit Number 7 6, 6 (i o� moo ) * 23. Other Hazards - Vertical } � Valuation l4-,5 co- i 7Z-" , * Opening, Stairways, etc. j A� +ressi/d ./ 0 . 70( If. , ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24. Construction: ri.�. (a) Foundation rGiRfare [�r, -&SW ' = ��� '�.: T,. • • Commercial Plan Check List Page -2- 31. Electric Service .. ' ervice • (City Light Dept. ) /VO'n€.- 32. Health Department (Health District) I/•,4 . e. - (q) Public Works 34. Fire Extinguishing System (Chp. 38) /Y,4 •. 35. Combustion Detectors /V.4. •• 36. Additional Filings Required • t (a) Environmental Impact• • • (b) Flood Plain 1/4 I Slide Hazard /V.A. • (c) Shoreline Management Al, A , ,.'.(. •0 . (d) Air Pollution /V.A. 0 Barrier Free standards APP" ' [d to ;“lo Park/(ve 'ierwt .',.• 7 e•A.7t S<f.Ive.� g c, L,/',...C, t,•�t.-,•� c, v —go(8)28 .. • n . / ` ' i .�i�S�F'.!!Y J/�i•_:cc% Scki•1 CaOt y✓_5 �r/c,'KG 4',cep-441e as h.,I 1,,, 1 N(,ne c.frfel Ca. be 1<•cu f'� 1 ��Ra�t�t C�.���od ��f�s5 — rf4 4E LG °P 1e , / , } •� �� 6.--.4.1:::....-s a�:a.1Abi� ;�t d y,.,,,,-:�.N, ; . . 4. • . ♦ :!. , . I da<;OF6 t . f Port Angeles l'irc Department rad, .,,d L,....1 � . .�. I'ORT A`Cn:I.r , WA:inN6I ON February 1, 198? -2/1' j•/./t Mr. William A. .;errette Superintendent • School District 121 Central ServiceBuilding 216 East .,,t.eet Port Ance1e ,, ':1:,_."nington98352 • Dear Mr. Serrette: This letter is in regard to the Fort Angeles Senior High School gym exit doors which .` I found to be chained and locked. During the period of occupancy, no exit doors shall be locked, bolted, or otherwise fastened forhobst�obstructed door means s so door cannot be opened from the inside by use of Yi by pressure on the door or on a panic release device. If this building fails to meet the exit requirements, and life safety standards, then . this department shall send a directive closing :,aid building until the above require- ` . . ments have been corrected. #; Thank you. Yoyrs truly,, Gary far.au?i Captain Ins!cctor Port ?ngeles Fire Dep<:rtment cc: School board i-.trice - 121 : on i mnq ,... File • r,l •1111411111161■11imaysimws,,,„„,........--_________ _ __.......sismagrasinsmaimallifffifingill • • + y • ■ T • • `...• S f it + • i .' , .., 0 ,-...--.. ,.,:,-. .-. .•.:''7,' '..'- '',"" t . , • g': i I# 3 :r s � S i y (V e r a• • .. •�f .✓I v 2 c y • 1�}c t s . '•i �.�r 1 `+ ,.► > * . 1 �,. y, • .• :.',10.,,,-;... '4••• ,C t m N \ C ((• om� ca..7 Li...: * M \ .15 * 0 ' ' • ''' ' Y ''' ' 4. -•"` ; .`"IS, CD CD•-• * 0•,• IN 1 i E • • 1 ... ',"... .,•,... :.# . „,......r v ..; ,.• .r : $ ;? �.II! • fi 1 ; �{ I"� •, " ..47 . e '�►r*� 'rr� Q • W N, * ~ O • • • 1• 1. ��CL. GC E o Ji# ,o . ' +�' . .r,.s W 1- a i. .Y. * 1.i. 0 a• G. e * r :.: }K a •e —17! LL. * 1 : . : i %: . O mn 0 • . 5 •` .,.,, .Sir,. . it ..,. , ,.... -. .,.._.--10. 55 : _ t: 4..:1' O 'gyp !•� * � /• • • ., c ,, -‘, 02 4 \i, ■ ]—j Z .i F- * / a ce ‹•.,..., .. .• +., w• ,, ` .y 1• *•-__ - - . • •r_r. • 'x Port Angeles Fire Department artment .;T sm..sea Laura &roots . 47% PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ti • January 2, 1980 *x z � , Mr. ;„•_ Bitterling :.eife_t , Forbes and Berry Architect,; .y Tacoma. :;ashin,ton 98402 ;4. T. Dear ,<r. Bitterling: This le- rer is to call to your attention the Port Angeles Senior High School paint ,-a spray c..oth in the 500 building. $.4.r Sec. 14.:102. (a) of the Uniform Fire Code. Spray finishing operation shall not be Mme' conduct 1 in buildings used for assembly, educational, institutional or residential ,_ occupa: es except in a roan designed for the purpose, protected with an approved system c : automatic sprinklers and separted vertically and horizontally from other -rs,:; areas h construction complying with the requirements of the Building Cc•de.`' As requ red in the Uniform Fire Code- Sec. 14.205. (d) electric wiring (:nd equipment not sub ;-ct to deposits of combustible residues but located in a spraying area shall A be of a;.1osion-proof type approved for use in such hazardous location. Such area ,7 shall U. considered a Class 1, Division 1 hazardous location in accordance with N the c.le_ trical Code. .;, The pal-,'- spray booth area Shall comply to the Uniform Fire Code, this will insure ,' a safe or ea to teach and t form. If furt: ,r information is needed 4�►' , please advise this department. ” Yours t: :1y, r I-, /�i-..ti. ..4 - -•�-- Gary Br<:l�n Captain Inspector iii-, Port ;ncc 'les Fire Department .t. cc: F,: .i Brown State Electrical Inspector • 7. Bo Willson Port Angeles Building Inspector .•f' Fi l? . n, t V w •• y _/ • f -• • ' . - • •• • • ^v'{ 0 i Port Angeles Fire Department ,. • !- Fifth •nd !Aural St..ta ' PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 93362 . S .. II )L., William A. Serette, Supt. of Schools 216 East ltth Street 5 Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 ' Dear Sir: On September 10, 1979 the Fire Department was requested by the Port Angeles Building Department to make a joint inspection of the Port Angeles High School . _ for final acceptance. t -• It was quickly apparent the buildings to be finaled were not ready for final inspection or occupancy for school purposes. Some of the items not finished and that have a direct bearing on life safety are noted below. temporary wiring and extension cords throughout . - • exposed wiring throughout, panels, receptles, light fixtures, switches •�_ 1-hr. ceilings in rooms and corridors not completed taping of sheetrock for 1-hr rating not completed ' door hardw. ° not installed, rooms to corridors . door relites not installed, rooms to corridors fire alarm system not completed or tested M • fire extinguishers lacking in many areas unsafe amounts of combustibles present die to construction activities We must also point out that no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued as , required by Section 306 of the building code adopted by Port Angeles and you are in violation of the Building Cods as well as the Fire Code. Under the present conditions the Fire Department cannot condone the use of the unfinished High School Buildings at this time because we feel too many , cieficiencies exist that constitute a hazard to safety. We most strongly ;* recommend to you that occupancy of these buildings for school purposes be postponed. This letter is to follow up our discussion the afternoon of September 10 in which we stated our views to you F Your truly, i ■ y r n.�( ` 'jam -- Gary Braun; Captain • Port An eles Fire Department . ' 1 . ; a Z °°\' ' ( or m. I' e > o a. 4.� r _ - _ v - ` � cr4 r4 1;::i ¢I ( d I Vo Ill cl j z(W Q !I 4 W I Y I e N PJ[A e t S r w a •• W! = a l i a P.Q W m • B r Q ip � 9 l , • Q O < PERMITFE I OWNER 1 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT o o •°!1 dl+edad ( - 2•m • • ■ • h • • ■ • • • 4. • • ■ • / r O # ` # ` # 4, ...... . . a. • ef • Z Z # • .� O ..' * 1. • • V..J O r * * 0 ro * . , t. . V * o , _ : i * ti— ID 0 „ o+ •„ . • Lr G # • • W C • 1111 -4-lin ii 1 • CC • W d 111 C .0 k ti I— W •u u #c • • l`• • G .. # i •, .`:) �`"' a • O0- • •C O * �,... •-��, o c G V ' • ..• .i u Q, ,u le::g # , G` G C # �r• 3 N V d * °a a �- # 0 lj D k ,I O yMj 4:4;4:4 •. ♦ • d d d` ; * O • J Z Q i— * MEMO 0: , •• ` • 1. 4 ••.• • I I • '• ,. •...r .{ \ *• .. ,.- ' , 'V i 4 F \. • , • i t. Cr) _ - ,•� y • ■ ANGELESCITY OF RORT ' • b r ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �}'$ • • BUILDING DIVISION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION J i ° �'~ f t �� • • __Received by (phone, •erson) .I, , a• • Time__1____— . 1 1• , . • ti of Work to be inspected —Y • ?t' person requesting inspection _ — . of person requesting inspect on. Phone No. 6454/ Permit No•. Inspection (circle appropriate one): ---� , ' Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing �ina� thther .• ,I * * * * * * * * w w .ass.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * : . * * * * * * * * * * 4, * * * * * * + . _ 1 .• • Time `' i- byL`�__� r' • ' ed. Date. i ......1:: by •• - (continue on reverse side if necessary) it •+ I •? t .• rY y.. r ,'.•t ,e.,,._.;• v �`� •.•,.i. _ - • 4• 'a • • la;. ... I.. ,'i1 t ... ••. 1 >n ,• ... ey .. r. . 0 t a . ( 1 . aa ♦ 4a '•�, Orl • t . • • to . r / ~ t Zr• _ �•rd • w - a F•,, t.i. ^f'.q• � ,fd " t I- •' • ;• I• •1 ' , , ♦ . ,, - 1 / _ raj'' r •. • , 1 il� .,`..'. • •• 1 .r., . •. + ' • ..\\,. ,° i` te . r +ti .•'! ,..Y • .' ` f� } • •: e� j.. if j I ti' Lor O # • CA a. d • v 4. • Imo' * � • i' • ± '• .. z z • `J .! 4! ;'; */ .I tiw .fir * (, + rr 6�.�j.�1 , d * S• ' .r • ^_ ..,J Z * Q. �. \ t0.' ,* s a t f �'Ye•~ rt r f s:: * „ ,/ t F f i #' t, Q p z ; o - ' # \.1 tries vi ". y cic f *7.7.: -, 2 : 1— cJ \ 1 1-- •,...,-. r..'0 M d • Q E + g O V * '1'.-cc U e • lQ.. C .d. # f • ';4 I a ml d •4 � a �.r•. 0 . .0 •E * f��... ., 44 4,• e• . .e .,.. • • • M.• C O u #y • L C N ic - Y. 7 C # so 0 c # c 'o .. , ., c I r r' ,, , '`• • • II • . 7 4 ' / • ., . . • . • e., • • ■ • •• I & J z 4 I- 1* yx.� fi r .'7' t 3 art I „ + , ♦i t' .' , i i* • • e w 4,' `� a , i •,..,.. y•.••a �'.'c t om.,• t,',• t} t ` ';'.'••• �. . • ;" %/6 r y t fir," -,! f ..,:k4-.•.. . ♦ f ( � ♦ .fir • _•• • U, + • y \ 1• y x•• A W Y. •;•..'; 4 4, .. � .` sz b ^ , •` A i K� 1Y_, 4 4i l 1.''',:,"r� rt 14'"t • ., .I k•-♦i, AN. + Y �•• j s. • !r , ., ` �`t s� i� *li c \ s y iI '. 0.. 1 `, ' .' �• t i • r Jr�,• ♦ f �1 W Oo 4 ..-"•.•,,,,,„I'A'':.",,, izi, ,•'..•...-,.-•'-tri..--;`,-.;,,::'..." a„.,...,„,..f,...y.,..„.14,„,,,_ -1-7 L,'-,,,;,.-r.kt.,,G:-•i i 1 —• -r, at ":*-" l a.: "7-4 t� R;yV.,H.'i't,.!rt ^?'- •'w.'—':' '•# . i •y 'r%' >, a tr°+ '' .�'d-' '• • • ., . ... . . . . ,• - - ,-. ---, : :- . 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V;* lb .....r. ... .... . 4.! it. 6 E 0 * * 0 0 1-,_41i ).$. - 4.• 0 E -13 a. A .1, ,9,. E • . , , • , 0 0 0 -0 ).... CI ...I Z 41C l'. 4t C 41/ • .,17,,kr ...... •••• IX • t • • . • •,. . :•?- - • •. . . • ._ . • ... * .. ' . . a• - • ' , . • • . . . . -----.------_____ . • . . 4C 6 14 vi 6 ' • Y t,. , • n' , . r b° ' i _-•,-•>�,.,. �sy'i.L r nr 1 1, * +.j�Y_.,4 : r t f •t A t SA 'f, 4 a i V w1 w... ..1. M if C j .t. 1,i • ) 't ...k...' •1 y ,&J � ir< • ✓ •■ .f� , rr v,r i ce •,::.'''''',. ,to tF' '�,. • t, ,C a J n Afr e v4 r•,y IA t) ' cl"-- t 0 . . . , a . -3 W ig- 1 a 4 . ..4"µ.l :�" • . 1 �. N. te. • • + 31f ,` • r— . . . , I • PORT ANGELES SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 304 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, Washington 98362 • is May 24, 1979 Mr. R. P. Willson, Building Inspector • 140 West Front Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Dear Mr. Willson: I am in receipt of your letter dated May 23, 1979 regarding students working in the loft area of the 500 Building. Some students from our electronics program had begun working in that area a short time ago when we vacated areas we normally would be using due to con- struction. • Those students were moved as of this date and the °g area will only be used for storage henceforth. Thank you for calling the matter to our attention. Sincerely yours, on Lang Principal DL/tdk cc Mr. William Serrette, Superintendent Seifet Forbes & Berry '? r. • I i City of or t Angeles TOURIST MECCA OF THE NORTHWEST 1. 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 `' # Y a May 23, 1979 Port Angeles Senior High School r1 304 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, Washington 98362 ATT: Mr. Don Lang, Principal Dear Mr. Lang: During an inspection of the 500 building on the high school campus, it was observed the loft area was being used for purposes other than storage. During the original plan checking on this building, it was noted there was considerable area in the loft and I pointed out to the architects the possi- bility this might develop into classroom area. I was advised at that time that the only use was to be storage and mechanical equipment. Since the loft does not have adequate head room, ventilation or exiting facilities, the only use that can be made of it is mechanical equipment • housing and storage. 4 Should you have any questions in this matter, please contact this office. Sincerely, R. P. Willson Building Inspector RPW/jh cc: Seifert, Forbes & Berry F. SEAL . a . • . . . • ••1 . • , • . • v , - • , „.• . . •, '. I, 1 • . ,•• • . ',• . • *./ • . . , ,. , . • • • . ' • ' • . . • . • • , , 4.• - a I i''■ , ( . • . . ... . . , i . . • . . • S.i' • • , .' +.. -4•Ar• . it - • • . !-.'.e •. . . . . . I . ' . . 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' • itr'' •' / .•••', .,..'.:' ,,,, „ • . ) -, „.• •,•,, - ., ..,;..-.......,,, :,•,•.41,.,,,A.1.:,,, , ••• • ,,-, .., • -.,3 : , e• , s • , ...,.. , :::;,,,,,, f c�'n.t > ,*".."'-‘4' .' a R'. -" c+ 't. ,,;` � f.1� ; r �1,-„,' .., ...,,,..r.,.:- ..,-..; 3. t� `J � � •1 ` � j .-14,-3:..,.•1 ', :r!" y r i rv.'t bra. Ys r: • ` : * ,, .' i a�"rY+ ' '_i ' G r S '.3 ' , fir, 1_7'; , • ` : CITY OE PORT ANGELES ,,, ,, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS A BUILDING DIVISION i.i.' REQUEST FOR INSPECTION 1 Dcte �' ',/ _ 1' Time t� R Received by ''7l /!/phone,person) i .,„, 1 F, • /0—I Location of Work to be inspected _., f .t r/�/ ( .� k Name of person requesting inspection i 2, •..'-∎ I 4= Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. P appropriate one): Permit No.� Type of Inspection (circle a ro riate one : 4 * Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other -. L-e i +• i. * * * * * * * * * * * #. * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *+* * * * * * * * * * ** * Inspected: Date._ ii I) 'l 1< 3. fi Time t by Remarks: i=` '" r ,4 -1,1dt . tw/Q1 l Nr t(i)r ux-f- (N: t)?‘• ► on reverse side r (continue 'f necessary)ary) 8 • a, t� _ r. 0. tt . ,, f• +� i \ f/ e er fJ 1, a+ 1 z w S ,3 , • • '.• �r • r .Y• . v i • : ' 3' / /� .. ;" J, - . I' .� • • • t t ► l'I f '�'• ■ .I ` + . /, r / .1/ .A r \y♦ ' / / 1 • V. �.�.. ) ,. , .. 1 ,..«,* ' - - ._. (• y` i � 4 :v r e \' r , ! ' .1 '' s f . . l',;., T i ¢ a a r• f , � 1 • , • —' + _ y► •^• r Y R'�a� •I I..t e e, ► " 0.d" kt- �.W'y#t}, t<�.i' tC os f vfr�.�a1 f:1.s n ,r: C i s t r�ti r S�b'>.. e ..t .t} • , f .• t+. s . 4 i w v ' ° {r'"''s ..* :1,%,,,,. a ti• ,r�f ,f .a 1 , f - r Vr r dr f . V.,...4 s {s 1,• L "; r � sj � t ��!rit *k 1,•;i'� a :Mxt � 4 tt t'+t X»,r i,. 't '4#f „r yxz, r f.` • .�. . •"4 ,a�,:?••f s;_.4 st .'r,y- •• 'g �' -'!1 .. /• s• , 7 ' 0. .y . • = z< •.y- J "L'r !``' •••...f + 33 r}c -.t•bfifl Iv,, . '-•" tIf } ' t a <. F 1,...r sC "•'+r 0. :s.^ a ,, , . n, A : + r h t -, r h + ' " .4' ,] Ill',y n c• 4 L ! � t1 2.''.;:" ,'sr.J fi. a _,, R, ' r ' ' i . f 4 i • rra v a i fi ,', ,t.,,,d1, r Y` 1ja Lf,,,rJ ,, 4 ) a ,, _ . y % , , . , V1 ,i ktti ,,,,-.,,,,..a,..-- • y„ . ., CITY OF PORT ANGELES : DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DIVISION ( ,. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ), 6•� Time 2.5s-* Received b Q y '0 (ph person)• one, p AT; �4. Location of Work to be inspected 13&1 ' v"`1 E. ti. Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection. Phone No l+_ Permit No.��`� ” Type of Inspection (circle a 9Rriate one): I ' Sewer Foundation Fromi Chimney Plumbing Final Other * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * .: Inspected: Date_ I/10/78 Time 2' 5' by Remcrks:_ I. ©K 'Dmi �+ , . (continue on reverse side if necessary) I_ " x +. 'S a.1► •_.+ 11 s +:•, 1r r, r.�+. {a. T I a-x " s S r �:a`, � t..�• 2 • 4 t b ;. y,. ., -s rw+ kth f. , - y ' 'f x Y { r• y "4• • 'S J ' � x � l t ' / i 1 S t � c a • y ` ° I I ' ' ' .. •`• 1. _t tj l t r ♦ Y t ,k,r r ? 't � x� iii �5 C c� 1 : {�' �) � J . i ;,.ter 6'�,i '4� r , 31t r�S}�' . ,` a ''. ....',41.*' ;♦ K: i i„,.1,',,','„♦ F+ . r,f ...-./...,, t:a i. ♦ i 4 �. . , f„§t4* 4 `r k'�^ •' 14;y .t 4>r v •* -;,'. Kr ! '.I,'4.. , ¢' .y,,°' i ; V-. '� 1 �:.•{ a r Y« - , • h •.,r S '.. ft. i t y, r'' ., l r s ,,, :1-4i , ., •. fiy. d K 4 .' ,. t 1 .'i • 3 x Y � 1Y�. f+j k f• •,,,,,-;, a 1 ‘....-;:s...--- � 'r s f 4 li •1 s 4 r• t F a ,. 4.i M / y #• . t a'rxS.}:t.'.,....:,•},!.:X �.. .r ;i r:,'"..4.,'-}*,t_( °t,..",„`"y "..:.,...r,4-4•;4',`. �,'.-.. •.r . I,- •. 3G�M1. _4.t a ;moo >,,YC.3 �, 1'r, r:.• s} • y t, i , t * ti• M °:t 3,.v ,,":+ .4,-;°,0,47•'Rti.> •a.r, r rt r..,''c ♦ ✓`r >i . 1 'j1 .. '•4. y r f Li F, a{ t F f , d *, . !; "`•`• uk. •o s,,: t',, s •. .•/ i t �• r�:-,:f '` ^ ♦f,4.: i ,� ''. 4,,.''•', 'F rJ' t. f. 4t b .� � i •:.,l <1 1 :"..,.,t,/,h 4 1 I � iy 9• a`• s!-''' Y CITY X4 OF PORT . w`• DEPARTMENT OF • PUBLIC : WORKS BUILDING DIVISION `t'. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION: Date 3 Time C2-r Received by ` P1>/V p one person). • Location of Work to be inspected 30� • S✓•ir . . I/'• / Eta, Name of person requesting inspection ffi..v -� 1'7r.1/ (11 -1314• °” Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. 4 •1 Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): `'' ` : '. - Permit No. ( /5 4 y, Sewer Foundation 2,. Frami . #'' Chimney Plumbing Final Other �C y !� ` 8,., . ^),,,,,r,, 5 . r. - : r r t - 4r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt * * * * * * .,,..;%=4 / . Inspected: Date. I//i Time O•iO by ,,,�, - ,,,,.,,,,...t.,. , 1 Remarks:. } .' ( ., c J, ?;� ►' I r0. ri7 r I316 �'e , " Y("' '5hr ('-k)Jk(l:l 1 : i :erir Pl ,-01:/11 hE J d r'IC1i, i O t'bn�t :l. t (continue on reverse side if necessary) '� ?a_?! a.le r nr. L•v+aa,Rr ,r �,4{a r..:•:a ° .i„s:-r ,f R - s. y4. ,l. ..,:•,',.,,v.., ,t ��,. ”' r t ► ,X s •3 ,s x i 1 't.Q , t„ , v. 1 i x a a L. ; lik H♦ t �� s't*�. y r i, ♦ ,.f x�Y • ri t .•it •• � s�a•... r a• • I dH9 V G5 l r .. '. : l. . , t d, t , • * Y.. t-'"Y-i �' E* #Lr i s •�a..'rt N 4 :.dt-44'al / Y `I `ef 1` • e a r � � .� r.f�• t ..• 1 k " •' y s A M 1' ..- rt #, * la p e d k r S ` , ' -..'''',.::::+,:i.:.--:-'' #F % t i " tf ' t1tt 1r ; � '',44., Sr ►1R " e `r/W , d , j • . 4n J t •;6<, J ,• • 1it N •:',f,',`••• . s`t�I IY.»tf I ; a 4 ` • , I . w • ' ' + '• 1 t � T i ` cFZ NI v , ' 4 x. " t ,4 x ta t *11' ,e,.$.4'4 r j G b y'1 r t • � • y' . , 1Y a ° • ti .. :- Y I a r.1{ d' } . ,,} • , s d �� r�t 1 �.,. -r.,.-,,--,,q p Mrs !� - 1�' � r� l T t:4 1 .' 4 S1rS .li J, d{ iii }.t • ^r- X41 j f{ ,, ',r -\ G '�' „,..+1.1'4`..'‘..5',,,..:43; i y`dF� • t.-. IMF • .. f' J '” .4r ?",7°;:i.., •i v t �' • sr, ter `'t { ar '+ as 4y... St'°4jt ;.-'r is 1 I' 1,. •• # L s q' k • tV4 ?t `r4J ..:,! rY lt 4 *} 4 b r ! ' I .• ,, •I 4' z,,„rr{•''JNna...v`=5:� "4` ,t,s.;n +�,� r •� ' L,�? �i•E` �t ;;d»rrC<S.�1:i'-'4.4.'4,,#'.��{y?y"y4.:�'-�::.t;,3,141.,,i;1.:;,,,,,-,,,,, ,s'�.:�.�. • +. • ... {� t {,. • ?�`" •a,'✓ K •„,,,,,,t .f L d`'• 'r 4wt• Mt z' i,*, u.sr. �1.•' *J0 3! r ,' }: • • '' .:,f ..: �e ,n-� r9• r - a �1l_�• � �ti, s ,: K7 ,.q�� ryt ��, � ra�yl� a- �. t' •�. '♦ S 4 .e, i e � ; e * ;.. ! .� g. ,;' ddb :4"/1 ! t�d' 3'w'C i#.� i'+ t "` • ` •<a- „:'Y s I J s4t✓6 1 G s t ''„:' i,k; s 4 s+, ' tit t ri' u � �' ! I i { ; ' fig r% t ,� - '(: t • * : `4' # r.,;,a y f• .o∎A s ' t•.`c a:�"€t1- '; ,. .; t • ' s ''' .1 A..ys� c � � t i`'t�� � ay. rGt f.?�l ,,. � � t�,ai�.7,r.. �r li --��,� • �� r i�Z� +`r'� r _ �}'+;�.. r (y.� K tr x y . ' Y . x fi i e ''' € w t . ti A t h !� ; a�y r,. /�CITY OF PORT ANGELES -., t � "444''''..,` 4 �DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,-_ ,, ; J - x • 1 BUILDING DIVISION °` ‘1 ; .4 , P '_ ` 'i . :;v . Pit' ax 4 1 V,r / REQUEST,. FOR INSPECTION A f•� S 1X *r4 0r rs ; .r-. Date + 2 C. Time ( (.. Cy Received by s h �erson) y1 ; r k,s € �, rs,; , aq a a""s4'y,��" ?,I...� g/zy. �'"* ' l '.. Location of Work to be inspected rt¢ rat` , . e- , S *'aW, ^i 4.::iv. ,icx, t or? iii• fro , . "H Name of person requesting inspection - xr Address of person requesting inspection ' '-' ` Phone 'a---.-4-4. °t `, , .:� ,, i, x w-` erm i t Nv „ 1 -:,,,,,,„,.• .',$:,-,•,,,,t�- it Type of Inspection(circle appropriate one) ? =.- l'4•t. - Sewer • Foundation • Framing Chimney Plumbing Final .Other �"'*� �''7' C:. 4, ul : Y C C i Fy ,� }' � 3 4 -- ? = - 2 ,. ax ,r ,p , -mac'•.v ' .H .w,+#.a; ox• • * * * * *f* * * * * * * * * * * *+* * *,* * * * * * * * * *•*.* * * * * * * * * * * fi * * * *.* * * * *:* * * * * * *` ,' ,t,.4.-1.-,.-:„.;444• 5 t* ;z1 is Inspected: Date �(,” 26 7 Time f j :S0 by, /1f '. zx ' y`, , Remarks: wm .S;W/ ('arn er -- ( /C 7o av�/ t z f,. _' j�//y ... Y • t 2 P. '' J S� 1, #• �N (continue on reverse side if necessary) ; 4 i 4, 1 rV n d 4lx,;?,i 9{� e w f r r i"� .r4%f't h, r ' f`J '£r}j . b l ' t•.,,a .f,� f}fir� k{ * -.-,'xc. F''.-.-,,t' V ti5a.7 r1 ^.♦ r t -:----•••:, ! ta,ry r' t r by y r :>( , '-',..:',)-(",‘‘,.:1'.' '•)t H i,.:1'. ;t;,:, :.. t'-1' P'',' r ,ti t *`x � r t 1`s r.kfl Y*t :tt 'r r . s l*u i r 4 7 J,• °;,i{ y K a> T r i!l + Y 1 4r f Rw.°'l`it : ,t.,,�,e.'w..r« 9�: aft t+� h ,X .t., s. ' m -,:-,,,.< p . .. i_ .t "' a.u. ,. Y . ∎> , err ,r w,.,... ,ai r4' r 4R4 , 1 .'y ',.:•„,,, 4. } ._ ':' y R t } Y _ is ,. '1 diio 0'C'6 i 1 1 fit♦ 3 i 0 is } ! • I _ ! F t • 1 t•x ♦fir t � _ . �. •� _\ �t •, s.. i �L f y " k di r '. it .. � t 1 C _..,1. � e 1 ♦ x , F a' ,laC•3 y4,M� �$ �5 �.� �3k'�r"t'CITYt OF- PORTANGELES . . _ M DEPARTMENT OF; PUBLIC WORKS , 3 r ,:''' BUILDING DIVISION.,4.. ,,y,, t* ■ ` '�" "• REQUEST FOR INSP;�ECTION -W£ k` � d - loJ2 '- Time• '' '� =Received by 't1' (Phone, person) , E. Date • c t '°J.14'-',0- >fv s / a4,. #" w y(`�e"rt[ ;` „3 $t �k.,dw � s .,.k'i , + ,, .r "l ;„�` -��� ✓ �"�`'�7�.",:,„t"4'.40"t� '�i,�t4 .K �z m� i ?1v'R��'4TM�'ad'�ts'•Location of Work to be inspected 3,; $. `�2 - .fie✓ `=a ��� ry.�„s` sr d .ttP � ���..iy. �( '&� ''°d` 6,y.2 *,1`.. ' Name of person requesting inspection •Address of person requesting inspect rt ' ` `', z'' " ., - Phone No .� J w jr x ^> x .# .� m y>sy Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): :„` z r t ', °1 �,, -` Pe it Ho. '§ r °5'� • aka„� � -��,� `�'�t€� �. -�r � � �� ,'" ''';'„1:4';'''A:, Fromirig Chimne Plumbing F Other, .. Sewer Foundation Y i a, �x tq:` s* sk z: j " '1',..n"'-a"1..._a j .fie i 4s .>r w ' ��' ��, ;E f 3 ♦ :a.*." yr' .�. '� 1 5 s 4 k^� � ' * * *"* * * * * * * * * *`* * * *.* * *' * * * *, * * * * * * *.* * * * * * *4* * * * * * * * * * *e,,,70,,,*,: ,..,..,* * * * * * * * 4-" y'. 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",+� :N F'S t*F I r • F w , 7 g x ' ; 4,'' � r v ,w: x r x r t A \>r !.'f G ' r 'te r '''.1:.i',:: :'•••� •r+rd..\ i Y t k•i Y j a ,-",,c,.-:',•'," k r € ';•... r N$3 k ! t M t r � k '� {CITY PORT ANGELES` �� 1 ' .��DEPARTMENT WORKS � � � ,: .BUILDING : 1` � . ;�.*.* ******** * �' ,,, {� , � � 1, ,, - 3?i4a- ' �*flt ; '•« REQUEST .FOR INSPECTIO f r 6`y,e r^ - ,� t r•a b•G f u' v c � 1 ,-. , t. .Dat e '? % t ,e 1;. a,' , ; .' t_T►me . , Received y �'w' ' ( a xt .' P�one• person 1.4427) r xp s i f r,,¢ � , 3 r S Y � r .Locati on of Work to be inspected ,, r 1 i t, ''''''','',44%. .--',- k� r�ii �r_ F 'Name of person re questing inspection � , at 4 W , a A ddress of person requesting r p ' .PhN �� '''.;...$''''!' ' r t • o ne o * f,YPe nspecton (circle appropriote one): ur -.v, ' ; ,'s'P� ermit No ,, r, t , h Sewer. Foundation Framen9 Chimney Plumbing l er V j* Inspected: -, . �, •• Date J �. . * * * * * * * * * NR µ Inspect Time t l* 6 ,,,_. _ 4 i U- ,a ° , .T`L'�'`� ,��, �[) Y�� ���t / } �,} � rr.. ,��+.. xtp. i :ZZ� ,� + � a" i...:.:::;;:.:;',:-', 4 '4 4 ,1 {� ;I{ i� - t '. ,:' .,�s }•t• 1.*ttx,£ 4 ' qr (continue°o n reverse e si de if necessary) rY) J + r.{ t*.:' k, %; t. y..,, a% h Y, - t^• M„ � z F �‘ :s 'r z ��r � •• l d Y r i z•.a0 € { _ ,, x T i . :• . .7 »' 1 4,/,' r l a . -r:.: ,{ w tl ' B l `C tt i i; r aix�Y i\ is ;'L''''''..'-' 4'''::.. +"x /\l is y•r .. �r,a Q _> „,, `J' t r`AM' w f 1. +. .....: ....; _ . . . . dj 'ti: t .'� .,) rY '.,r 4,, 1 �'r . ,Y err i 'w t I } .. ” i, • ___, . • . „ , . . . I . A,,..: : ..., . . ,, •, ... ...,. .,,-. s , . . . . . . :, „r • • • •' 'v 'a ' fi. �/ \ , • . icitici-OCGT . 77 w. G;V 'A♦ , a ,'. �y,�t,{ • • •' i�a t �i t"�`Sy I�Mt a { e • f. �k a• . •: v P. •/I] 'l tv.. .r f r 1 �. �'A` f • v R• ,.��.i ,a,.ti •r S1 Y K a t, s k y � ti ♦, "+�s -JF.�•+ �7 R ♦'i. iii.t� ) •Ii l .v�� ♦:l r, aR,3 ., � �. . .. . •.rr" . .. 4 i ' y y 4.+. a ♦ ' S 9'fis��x a y. i.i �"r .� �s ^� 1 • * ���S i n,� .aCy. t r i >r s „ ,,,,,,I.",",:' $ r y f, maxg' l+�ar. ♦ i `<4 y ' 7 a . Y 7 1ii •CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPART ; DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS r y. .., BUILDING DIVISION �' **************,t********** r ,. - REQUEST FOR • Date___________'3 .:',� I INSPECTION) -- __Time !V� `f , ' Received by '. • Locution of Work to be inspected ,z -�` '' — --(Phone, person petted s'._ 1 : <'_ ._. Name of person requesting g inspection__.__` `�` Address of person re uestin •- q g inspection Add of Inspection (circle a '"”' appropriate one): Phone No._ Sewer Foundvtion Framing " 9 Chimney Plumbing Final r. Permit No. * * t Inspected: Dote * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; + * Remarks: Time r r 'c•, ? y '- •r tom; t—i. _ �� fs 'k'.. ! •.F.{...� '4i��f <�'° y 9 aKP�4 y,:i'+.:y.+..,.tv.:.xi x'.,w; -,a..r �. 1 t w>.•� < a a� ~ er E(continue on reverse side if - r l .y::t .+.: =�::tw:•�t� "n.+.. .,+i.a v ,t�:. i..xr_ .t b. 1.•..,%,�•�;� Y ' ry y . Y' 1: at : Y v , , 044.. 1.s .t , e a , y �• � y.' r, �tt7 i' • • • 1<• • ,*•-,:s,' �'T '- • - , _ 1• • • ..., . , . ,, . . : . • • . . / , . .. ,,, ... . „ . idH90C61 • • • , , . . , - ,, . . :„, -,. ..,,. , . .. • , !' .,‘3 • , ,, t.,„ , . ;4.-.../' . ,.." . '' •*--, - ',k 5 . 2V--, .. .. .. . I , .., . ..':-,••• -, • . ..:-.A 4 . - . . ;,' ; •t•,,v,t. / ,,,, ;-' :ta, . . •;‘••...0.: . , ,.`, ....., , , , . .::;..._-...... . ..„7 , . • . ' -' .:', " 4- - ,"•:' 1., I • 1-*- ( • '''"t- .: .111' ,,,' , -. . •„ ,, ,.' . . r, , .. 4,0,, , ,: . , , . .. '`.• ., t'`' ' ' ''''' '-'• '''',: '<'`,4•$-.."., • • ' ' '4;,,.,:,- -,,'' ',. 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'.*•'..-: 0.,.',"i'7 ,, -*7 7" :., ",- ' /,...„ ,:, .: . . • .,7 :. -: , ',. •,'• "s, 4 • :,,V3'• •'''•--• r\0 I CITY OF PORT ANGELES A/J-- . • V., \ P DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -,. r.• BUILDING DIVISION • , '.., 1;,•'.:7 L--- _----- • REQUEST FOR INSPECTION `),I, A- ',• .4-' Date / - -2---- 1 Time eg.. -2--T A-Lk- Received by Lphor, person) - ‘- l 'k--C .:4,- ../.:ft- - ..., .,...t, Location of Work to be inspected AtZei 2J SCt -,--,'- A-,:i' 0 e‘t ..t,„ _____,7„- ....„ Name of person requesting inspection„•'. Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. . , .,..ttt: •• Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. . , .4.. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other i 1..... . •'034. _ * * * * * * * * . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * .4.1 - I - -,..,.. .//•)/ -3'. (,, , k ,J., •,..','..k, Inspected: Dot- ' li ---,..• i Time i,.,/ , .., by m, T , Remarks:___ , 1--,„. r)iir% i,,,. :1 1/-1 . ; , , i, , s.,,,., „.,...t ,.. , , ,..'-- ______ . .,,, i '24, :CA. (continuc on reverse side if necessary) wi it •-'. t-','"-- ";” , , ‘.4,':'•;,;''',' , .. . ," , , '-• ''. . . '., '. . . . : ,' . •-.0-'' -,'','-'-.-,..;',' , , ''° ''•.•4'1,4 tt.,-).,::„:. '..'. ,,- .',,, • ",.- 1. ' . ,` .,,,. ,, ' , .r. .- , - ' .* .. . •, a',.',:,.- ; ,, - ,.. .*1 Z., ' •. ,• ' • 77, '—.",`;":'Aikk.'"' ' " ',-,T-4.,...- ',.!,•;•. • ..,..—.. , , . - , % • . ., •' - --e -,• * , 'f , • '. • --• . . 1 c )', I ' . ' * ■ 1 . • . ,. . ' • , X . r • • - : I . • • * 1* , e , . * • ' • • 1 * a.. . e • • _ 1 s • e I 'P •. '• ' , • r t I di9 0£6 T '.• - . , ,, 1 t . . . .. t . 'v . . • , , ' ' f„, , ' .10v ' • .. , . , , .,,?1,.'°- . • . ., .. .. - . „,... 1•.' - ' '-ii '144*,'ii I" 4 t ' 4.- .44.,. f ' ' , - • 0 ,....,\_ -N'..... 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Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): mit No, _ • Sewer Foundation Frcm;ng Chimney Plumbing . F' Other T e,l ' * * * * . * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 1 Inspected: Date /.7I -: - Time b �� Remarks: y ti!''. , 4 } 'Ni.- (continue on reverse side if necessary) , ,,it • . ,rte • � - •{ .• `, ^ i • . . } • � 8 • • > ' , ,. o . ) . . . . ', : . no. • • . . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES : ------,; � WORKS is DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 0 BUILDING DIVISION 'j0 - REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ^2 Time / 10 Received by �(p erson) Locat!on of Work to be inspected OW Blo Name of person requesting inspection c1 errj 1bS r Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. ` Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. ,� Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other -/ �� • a * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** Inspected: Doted_ /75 . __Tire .,c)--C„) by J ' Remarks: `:'`- ' • COhjmn c4ub ;ec'1 out of `;/(l,", ol,-, . k ( PJ till " ) z J (iii,i erf f C e-,:i .: r:% f rrt) jofth 'ii. (61 ='.411i< y d (continue on reverse side if necessary) 11- rt T t ''-'et '—'t,'" 1 '/ / «a • ,, • `rte t O p ♦ x� `� .# • • i p.. . • : e y,. . . . ; ,- . • _ CiTY OF PORT ANGELES f ...........------ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DIVISION • REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date ' � � Time Received by� (phone, person) "; •• ^} tis,of Work to be inspected -' 1 i �i " S' `, Nome of person requesting inspection r ^ . • Address of person requesting 'inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No.� t Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other 4;. * * * * * * * * * * * * { * * * * * * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - J''.,, • Inspected: Date r`�1. _ Time •# by ';• ' Remarks: �} } <%' /s rT-_. 1 �I' CA I�. ,I L I rL1V j�"f - ,.v X41 - • (continue on reverse side if necessary) it • / / . r . s C1T ( OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WO RKS - BUILDING DIVISION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION • Dote 78 Time )(�; Received by (phone, • rso • Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection h No. Add Phone Address of person requesting inspection hon No. S Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): • ramin Chimney Plumbing Final Other S b T Sewer Foundation F g * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l C, Time "� by ♦ , Inspected: Date_. Remarks: . i e,. 4111 1I o J �Z'1 r g'A 0 I ,• �%�.--. • ,...a ,,, , .,. \. . ,r r:——, ..,.... , . (continue on reverse::de if necessary) I a • - ♦ • , .� G i ry • j • . = ,1J i r , • � . ` 1 • 1 • r , 4 �• '' • ~ 1 CITY OE PORT ANGELES :. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • BUILDING DIVISION - �� • ************************* • REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Date Time Received by Pw Lo II, � (phone. P rs n canon of Work to be inspected A. &�,� •- Y � � $ ` Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Phone No. • Permit No. Sewer oundatio Framing Chimney Plumbing Fan Other ;r , * * ,r * * * * * * * * * . , * ,► * * * * Inspected: Dote �� , • Remarks. Time-lO�r�` b �, }Lira_laity•-{� -L'•^�iLl�l • ill ' C P, _.._'_'— y-L1-dJ� of —` ==B i____ •be ,, P.41 . • . \ • - (continue on reverse side if necessary) �`' ; • v \`` '• • • 1 (mg 0F,61 , • e � x N� Y a ♦ • } ` e a l e , . -,,,. a s rt t, Ti` K t i a i..... 3,t OF PORT CITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS *#*#** 4 BUILDING DIVISION #**** --1 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION}•` Date °�> F -.7 _Time / `` ' CA�,,t. ,, Received by'"°':y.,� , � (Phone,`person) Location of Work to be inspected .c,,_,f i? r r.-, , Name of person requesting inspection r • Address of person requesting questi inspection f Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Phone No. fCils Sewer Foundation Framing Permit No. 4 n 9 Chimney Plumbing Final Other ' Inspected: Date, —'-""- Remarks: Time ' b �,� ) O i (continue on reverse side if necessary) v `e �. ,• � .: a .. ` r • - • • • . e • • ' • • ' 4 - • • • { IdH 0 C 61 e , . • • • ' •155 C•• t • e.1 ,1 L 1.. t 7 i 'd 1 I" = r • F Sr ,. ,. _, •. i$i n- , ..: .S 1':�>„\' s v !• ',} 1 T. t: f ,. ad. t- d"•i 'ti:.' " .' 'r 1 Y �'a"�0 ..' i. :-t' • +. C=is " a t-v • • .'?"1 x{ t*1"a**t.I.' 1'R' q*,7 t,.t ..il' .,:t. A,'3,, y ` } Vir gr • `R' l: PORT ANGELES CITY OF _ rii,4 . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS +,KC BUILDING DIVISION "'i . REQUEST FOR INSPECTION- phone erson) � . • ---_Time Received by x ,ti Date ir,Y=;,• :.. It x,. x_1:: Location of Work to be inspected N Phone No. �' Name of person requesting inspection ; *• , Address of person requesting inspection Permit No. I0� - -' ro riate one): 64 Type of Inspection (circle app F Final Other `"$' rami Chimney plumbing ....,\. ; Sewer Foundation j . _Time y Inspected: Date__i_,__-- 'Q w ) t p ; '1 pi Remarks: 4, vim t f ! Air t . It V. y (continue on reverse side if necessary P • rtr. �. r �• y - _ .� .>--- AC. u.. _ ' , • Y. ` \ •, , • , • 1 =iN90E6T i . .i r •. j,. • • •�.. ,e. • f,•. •, - �i• • •' _•�� • 4• \' c, 14 ,K •.- '.! 7 r ti j ••\ •.t :t b• ,J ANGELES CITY 0 F PORT =4 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �4 BUILDING DIVISION •,; u. • REQUEST FOR INSPECTION r `•Dat e /`' - I Time i ((c' -('� Received by, .i /C�_ d person) '? •Location of Work to be inspected t.j' ' f`- /�- c �'� ell a; Name of person requesting inspection .• • Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. y ,, Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. (I'' �` ` Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other - �-[s�.�'_i ,- f .. * * * * * * * * * * * * . r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * .J<` p 2� *} , : Inspected: Date.?/�k Time ! ' W by /\`d, {': .: Remarks: OK ILie G6kir6e,, a ba i,.. mot-wal>'i was11. oct nod-17 wail, 1-1.00 51 • !,.,IN ' •r "1.1• ::?dI •_ A 0It' ii ' 0•• I.. !i 1 1 :;. if L1 ,\ 9 0. A t' • .!,. i AI Y. ?to. ' (continue on reverse side if nece sary) tt n ,• ,..,,,I, v •,,_. •`'....,:' • - `• .II �\ tit . �,...-... '• F .. .. +�-. M1jf. P\'. • - 1 w • !. 4 ` . • ♦.•. t� _men ` (' I '' s. y 4' \ 1 .i c s fs "tr. y r - 4s.'3i� F s/♦2.` r , . • • ..,* r 't '•'t .rt .:K' 4w'4.r st +� .4,,..e...\ t�.y A ,•t t - ti y ^� • •i. , • •} • •t• .4, �1 i1C4,'*', v :4; ♦ i 1 K ,i• '77;'A " i, •�'• t L .: ::7. �: ♦ it • , c y t is { d.Jsyi♦ ^. r K :- );:)40/) .... .c--K p 'I a •CITY OE PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS " ' BUILDING DIVISION ` REQUEST FOR INSPECTION b' Date ---7 ` ;'t"q 7 Time 3 `��/ ! L Received b ��1�,► "" }r. y (pho ', person) Location of Work to be inspected 3t7 9 g ti;,, &� ' .4(/ ' 0c) Y., Name of person requesting inspection 5)"".,e h�41.1 � 1� 5/R-� . Address of person requesting inspection _. 0;No. r <' ', Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. � � Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other. D ��, 1 • A •• * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .:. ' • �•, Inspected: Date . I Time f by ). j Remarks: t ..'L' i Y 'r:. �. • -; '.-' ' .. (l77 -/"'-'('-'`z • •,. • (continue on reverse side if necessary) < tt (` _ r: . •/ 1.,4 •'• I W ♦ • • ti•'4 - • ■ ' 1 • 4 .f•�, y �' , i ) \ ' • ' `'A • s , \ \ • \ - • • 'e,- ; /--*;;ti •A ' q ^ ,• '' •. I• •. .. a ,,,.• T. tt• .x �{ 4 ;a. r*' I ' •R til , CITY OF PORT ANGELES . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS t BUILDING DIVISION ■ ' " • REQUEST FOR INSPECTION radio •: Date Time 2 . Received by j,3• (phone, person) ';'i Location of Work to be inspected ' Name of person requesting inspection RI C2 ' Address of person requesting inspection. Phone No. ,, Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. },;• `• • Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney '� J,,�,•J}{�in Final Other * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Inspected: Date c ._ . ( Time 2 ' >-- by f )• ' ' • Remarks: (t:v) • t- 0 K tic r t r �`-i rrk; (Tr .et fr _r ,-�(ci (continue on reverse side if necessary) '4`• jy 1 • 7 1 t , r7 v.N a`fiz,',i f o,:.',. a'.. s._"'� --''"+�. a, .,+r i T--• zk._+, i !t y ri°, ��r �U '. ,. °, a • ' r ` 0,t,-:, I , ;9 z t" I,♦Zi.¢ a*'., i :.. w !�wzv 41,', 1 A "6•k dt s � S4.sy, t ,°" ., a ,,+I I n C�- a «-"- r, 3h ' F i"f d . ,• ; + ti C � C * a fit"fi '� rS/ „,•*-; A t '¢"'r\ - N •.•. 3 * .c ' 9 C :t � x ^ t!S i M 1/, '1-1.� + . p �O a J `•.. . R w i c 44 „ � "' C .. a a *I U E "[y [. N *) IC. 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Li—z • 0 't. i co tit. +O N LL a . t'',.:1,,f rs , , 4 D I (.\ "1 .d r �' }` ' �1,fi• rM••CC 41.1• ■ • .W .) r ! b l S s C a.„ =I[ t yy I; ♦i I ,—. + •�■.•�. U O. C it . ..* `./ -0 a &, O •" **a 0' •C 0 +' „� Y t ir Vt.,U DI. r l, f t T C tT )f • i '�� • : `7 i r .;" ri... 1 C C N a t y w t.. U ^*°” .1 .y * ' +",.O O y C It ,I, ►mot a C. r w ,� .rc s rl A .tt. + S°Z 4, 4 , . i • .14 a �O a a+ O 'L N i I.r� \ C a O VI ..u I *y ... o a a, a o E tmaf . P. *o ° .0 >• rr I la": • p r f'f 0 \ • •s. r •G Q .L •o • fps Y �,, ..'� 7 . • ,•:'' ' s '+ � .w y i V• .-..y.-------'-',,,, .ter/ •'` { •,4 k *l ��* . 5 a r wvi' a f J y•:.•,...',..., s x . }'� y� JA • R` '( w ' ° y rr .• • �: 4.'S .//'..( Y °y may° * �., '♦`,t =% i F y V x aY * '1 \--) , * 7 t. 1 1...L.1 rim H }.:. • L �:, • '►" z .tom. I* ..L'1 �' r'rr' -,:;...-F.: t 1 ao •-j * E > ir ♦ c .-C * l C 4 w i w* #s e E; — 0 'q. 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F4 I� . ri" ... i;!t ` J■ '.; ir I]` , • /. 'M r `.4 ., 1' •.. :. [ity of 1 ri _w.7ras. _ .`..i ` . i' 2.• is.,Sr4' ? TOURIST MECCA of THE \ORTI1 EST —'– r is I; .w "' 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, K'ASHINGTON 9©3�2 r, •\ 1 f 5.14 • _ . r'a.*.m.. ' ,'r;._is April 13, 1978 �,. •:Y iVra 'nit Angeles School District 11121 ° ' '16 East 4th Street a ;' )Lt Angeles, Washington 98362 `" " ,ITT: William A. Serrette, Superintendent ill' t r- »ear Mr. Serrette: 4. ;,.',$� . This is to advise you the City of Port Angeles has paid a partial, ' '-° plan-checking fee, ($3,576.31) to the code consultant for his work ,„ ', on the Senior High School plans. Normally, the plan-checking would z': ,;' laid at the time the permit(s) is(are) acquired. However, we ^# w � eciate the problems the school district has encountered with the ;. 4 r� - i t1s on this project.'till °" ""t the same time, we recognize that the code consultant has incurred .,, rrQrtain expenses and is entitled to payment for his work. For this i ` r;cnson we felt it proper to pay his partial claim at this time, rather ,�fix _ than :Hake him wait until the permits are obtained. At that time,';" e will collect the full fee and forward him the difference. 1 l Sincerely, , C 'r . ; -- 7/1 , < riA '-2/77 .It• R. P. Willson r ' Building Inspector x yyyz t R •`T Don Sleeper , , t1 q i ., , 1 I. , y 4, S°' 1,;- P OF. pT SEAL I. ,< 1> ?.� 1 :: t,' 4'4SNc" L • -----.:.-;..2_ , ! , ,.., ,•.','• - --- - -'' , • . -,- '.. ,'• • •-•-• - '• ''- ,*- •' -- .•,■„' '.. .• ,' ••••:•,„•• ' - .,,.... . - - . ..: , . ; , us r.... • .... s.... 0 " cli • ! i CI 0 .0 - .n -.r..- c 1:: .7. 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L. cC1. u0- ur•-: 4' cr, °F• " uc •- ..> ,• -•- 00'7- 0 .; 00'..-: - , 4" - .. • f•-• 1.... u 0 C .,.. I:), 0 ,_ ...., ... 00000t" - "•- 0 al ° .ECOri -- " '-' 7 -Z.'U.-e •.---•*z-(--) ,.- _.- o : ,_ o •-• n - (., • •• -, ..r: -•- u., a 71; a a . . 7 e,.•./-r.. -20-7f"*.-,*2-r:s",-1-';'.77-;*f"--;• ,rr 7s::.,?=1727•77.17! : ." .. •' ' • i ' - ;•;:r,„2-.......1,..• •.. •••:::.....14....•- •••. AM...se .4 ..., ,, 1 ) : ) • (1 • .... • • • , , . I • A A ''•" , 1 ia r t - kp.t qy r 4 i • 1 # 2803 ADDENDUM NO. THREE 24 January 1978 GENERAL CONTRACT PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS F Page 1 `, SPECIFICATIONS 1 . ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - BID DATE REVISION: Paragraph 1: Delete the date of January 25, 1978 and add the date of February 10, 1978. Sealed bids will be received by thl Port Angeles 's' School District No. 121 until 3:00 P.M. on February 10, 1978. 2. SECTION 6G-2B - BATT INSULATION SECTION 6G-2C - VAPOR BARRIER �- M Where fiberglass bates are called for in wall thermal insulation, vapor barrier may be an integral facing on fiberglass batt. 3. SECTION 6H-2 - PRESERVATIVE Pi:LSSURE TREATMENT A. MATERIAL AND METHOD Delete this paragraph from Section 6H-2 - and add it to 6H-3 - FIRE PROTECTED LUMBER. Add the following in its' place: . ss- A. MATERIAL AND METHOD Uniform Building Code Standard 25-14-61, using Wolmanizing salts (tanalith) with .35 pounds retention per cubic foot, or an x3' equal approved by the Architect-Engineer. Apply two liberal brush coats of same solution to surfaces cut in fitting at job site. B. MATERIAL TO BE TREATED _ Add: "including lumber in Greenhouse." to the end of the last sentence in this section. ',^ t: 4. SECTION 6H-3 - FIRE PROTECTED LUMBER b� (See addendum note 6H-2A above.) Add the following Paragraph A to �, Section 6H-3 of the specifications: ;{, �' * ` A. MATERIAL AND METHOD , Uniform Building Code Standard 25-12, Fry-Gard, Pyresote or approved. `: Apply 2 liberal brush coats of same solution to surfaces cut in fitting at job site. e • 1" 2803 ADDENDUM NO. THREE 24 January 1978 GENERAL CONTRACT PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS Page 2 , 5. SECTION 7A-2D - INSULATING MATERIALS FOR SLOPES TO DRAINS WHICH ARE SHOWN Benoit Inc. is an approved manufacturer of tapered roof material as specified to be installed as specified. 6. SECTION 7D-2D - ASPHALT SHINGLES Approved manufacturers for roof shingles shall be Certainteed (Glassguard) and Owens-Corning(Glastar). 7. SECTION 7E-4B - PREFINISHED FLASHINGS SECTION 7E-5B - PREFORMED METAL SIDING MATERIALS Add: "COT-R-CAP" Batten seam roofing/siding system with ribs 16 inches O.C. and weather tight projecting rib integral roof coping at locations of preformed metal siding fascias is approved. "COT-R-CAP" is approved to furnish and install pre-finished (lashings throughout. 8. SECTION 7E-5 - PREFORMED METAL SIDING Berridge Manufacturing Co. and Merchant & Evans Industries, Inc. are approved to manufacture preformed metal siding as specified. Paragraph (1) Delete "12 inches O.C. spaced" and add "18 inches O.C. maximum spaced." 9. SECTION 8D-3 - METAL ROLL-UP COUNTER DOORS i . Add: Moeschl-Edwards is approved to manufacture metal roll-up counter doors as specified and detailed. Provide w/U.L. label and fusible link as specified M..' without exposed chain link. 10. SECTION 8F-3 - OPERABLE PARTITIONS Advanced Equipment Corporation is approved to manufacture operable partitions as specified and detailed for this project. 141) 1 • • 2803 ADDENDUM NO. THREE 24 January 1978 GENERAL CONTRACT PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS Page 3 �,f 1 1 . SECTION 9J-8D - FINISHING - EXISTING CASEWORK Add: "AND EXISTING CASEWORK" to the title of this section so that t;',e • full title shall be: 9J-8D NATURAL FINISH WOOD; SOFTWOOD AND CLOSED GRAIN HARDWOOD; TRIM, SANDED PLYWOOD AND EXISTING CASEWORK 12. SECTION 10J-8 - WIRE MESH PARTITIONS Twardus Iron and Wire Works is approved to manufacture wire mesh partitions as specified. 13. SECTION 10J-17 - "MITEK" FRAME STRAIGHTENER Delete this specification section. This item (including pots and equipment) shall be omitted from the project. 14. SECTION 10J-19- PAINT SPRAY BOOTHS FOR BUILDING #500 Add: Three Devilbiss AXQ-4148 Safety Controls for installation by Mechanical Contractor for spray booths in Room #527. • DRAWINGS 15. SHEET 200 Al - NOTE 8 - WIRE GLASS j: ' Add: Wire glass shall be set with steel stops. .if+.`C•ay 16. SHEET 200 A5 - DETAIL 4 - INSULATION CHANGE 4 .*., On Building #200 DetailA-5 Delete reference to 1" and 1-1/2" rigid insulation. Replace with 2 inch rigid insulation n and appropriate 2 inch furring in place of 1-1/2" as shown. 17. SHEET 300 A9 - KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE - OVEN B1 The oven manufacturer shall provide and install a draft inducer blower mounted on oven exhaust stack. Mechanical Contractor shall connect exhaust duct from top of inducer blower to roof vent. The 10 inch 0 duct from oven to blower shall be by the oven manufacturer and installed by Kitchen Contractor. Provide Vent blower switch with oven, located on control panel. •1-'a • f . . • t x i • !,k,F, '.RP 1 • , r • , • 2803 • 24 January 1978 ADDENDUM NO. THREE GENERAL CONTRACT PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS Page 4 18. SHEET 300 A9 - KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE REVISIONS (a) P9 PEELER - waste shall be 2 inch indirect. • (b) P9A DISPOSER - delete from this project. • (c) NOTE 10 , Revise Note 10 to read as follows: The Kitchen Contractor shall provide the following on all SST sinks: 2" lever waste fittings with perforated SST strainer and overflow (ch• ne plated where exposed to view). The Mechanical Contractor shall provide the following on all SST sinks: Chrome plated 2 inch tailpiece Chrome plated water supply stops and lines, Chicago 442 19. SHEET 300 A9 - KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE - NOTES Add the following note to Sheet 300 A9: 16. The Kitchen Contractor shall reimburse the Mechanical and Electrical Contractors for any extra expenses to them caused by providing approved Kitchen Equipment products with Mechanical and/or Electrical require- ments other than those originally specified and shown on •be drawings. 20. SHEET 400 A2 - PLAN - WALL TYPE CHANGE The WEST WALL of the new building (on Grid 1) shall be type 5 instead of • type 16 as shown. `. . 21 . SHEET 400 A3 DETAIL 21 - SKYLIGHT REMOVAL DETAIL Add 6 inch batt insulation above the finish ceiling in this detail. Drill upper a 2 X 4 Framing so that air will move through removed skylight spaces into adjacent ventilated attic spaces. ,•v t '803 ADDENDUM NO. THREE 24 January 1978 GENERAL CONTRACT `"`. PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS , Page 5 a ` � 22. SHEET 400 A4 - SECTION A-A TAPERED INSULATION i1. .t G. ': to reference to "on 1/8"/foot tapered insulation." a • 23. SHEET 500 Al - PLANS r SHEET 500 A6 - PLANS ' : Delete reference to "Mitek" Frame straightener on 1/8 and 1/4 plans :, ': Bldg. 500 A-1 and A-6. 24. SHEET 700 All - DETAIL GYM BENCHES ' ADDITIVE RIDS A-22 AND A-29 Gymnasium benches are not in the Base Bid. Add Gymnasium benches to Additive Bids A-22 and A-29. , 25. SHEETS 700 A11 & 700 Al2 DISPLAY CASES ;. To corridor display cases Elev. #8 & 10 Sheet A-11 and Elev. #12 Sheet A-12 "..{,, i tr Add: or tempered glass" . And Add: "12 inch deep display cases with 8 inch shelves." 26. SHEET 800 A7 - GREENHOUSE BEAMS t �.i Glu-Lam's shall be industrial grade, pressure treated and stained. s. 27. SHEET 900 A; - PLANS - ADD FIRE SPRINKLERS a5 }` In rooms 904 and G904 provide one automatic fire sprinkler head in the center �, of the ceiling of each room. Water shall be taken from the domestic water system. Sprinkler heads and piping shall be by Mechanical Contractor. See .* , f: Mechanical Addendum No. Three. SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY • 925 TACOMA AVENUE SOUTH TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98402 � ,1 PHONE 383-1601 f,. 3 w jj '( L nr, ; s. •rte .r ' *Olt' •. iy# >. �. 2'9i fj '�Pt 4. s . .. . 7 ' i:. 2803 ADDENDUM NO. THREE 24 January 1978 MECHANICAL CONTRACT PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL -:.•;- MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS Page 1 SPECIFICATIONS 1. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - BID DATE REVISION . t■h_ Paragraph 1: Delete the date of January 25, 1978 and add th% date of • February 10, 1978. Sealed bids will be received by ±he '`'`a Port Angeles School District No. 121 until 3:F., PM on Feb- •' ' ruary 10, 1978. 2. SECTION 1B-2 - BASE BID t va- Add the following to this Section: y.. The Bidders are hereby instructed to prorate costs of school-wide systems (on a square Foot basis) assigning 40% of cost to New Construction and 60% of cost to Modernization. =" 3. SECTION 15B-16 - COMPRESSED AIR PIPING • ; Add Item C: • ; Pipe and fittings (below ground) shall be the same as 15B-2, Domestic Water Piping. F, , ": 4. SECTION 15G Add Item 6 - Refrigeration Piping: Insulate suction piping in the building and liquid piping in the building and Y outside the building above grade with Armstrong FR/Armaflex flexible unslit `, tubing. Insulation thickness shall be 1/2". Join all seams both transverse .4.- and longitudinal with Armstrong Adhesive No. 520. Piping exposed to the ' .:- n9 P•n9 P s.. : outdoors shall be finished with Armstrong Armaflex Finish. Y„. 5. SECTION 15G-2 i,1:* Add. a. Cold water piping buried below floor slabs need not be '.'aa insulated. 1 b. Hot and hot water circulation piping buried below floor :,,, 1:” slabs insulate with some material as refrigeration piping. Install in split tile. e. i • 2803 ADDENDUM NO THREE �,< r 24 January 1978 MECHANICAL CONTRACT 'g;. . PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS Page 2 a,•� 6. SECTION 15N - PLUMBING FIXTURES +� Add: Fixture P-7F, Drinking Fountain (Handicapped). Haws No. 1118 with vandal-resistant bottom plate. ~' 7. SECTION 15R-5 - SPRAY BOOTH FANS •;` Provide at each spray booth served by exhaust fans EFI5-500 and EF1-500. DeVilbissSafety Control Set #AXQ-4148, including all tub?ng and wiring. '. 3, SECTION 15V - AIR TERMINALS <•4 "t'r Change: Unit Symbol "C" to Series 1707-35. Unit Symbol "E" to CTH-2600, Type 5 with concealed Fasteners. DRAWINGS 9, DRAWING M-1 The cold water line shown leaving the Boiler Building running past the /200 fj , Building and serving the Auditorium to the point of the 1-1/2" cold water line is to be a new 2-1/2" cold water line. For continuation see Sheet M-27. 10. DRAWING M-11 Floor Plan: The Type G supply register in Rooms 1404 and 1409 is to be a three slot register instead of 3". ,',..` {M. 11. SECTION BM-11 { ' A. The Type G supply register at this application shall have a Type 3 Frame. . 12. DRAWING M-12 Room p530: Drinking fountain in this room shall be changed to P-7F. r.i. 13. DRAWING M-13 Room #511: The two (2) items indicated in the exterior wall 32" x 60" are • louvers. y t. Y o 2:803 ADDENDUM NO. THREE -' 24 January 1978 MECHANICAL CONTRACT r PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL 4 '`'- MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS 'fir .- Page 3 ;x" a., s 14. DRAWING M-17 p, Room #618: Drinking fountain in this room shall be charrged to P-7F. :„. t ,-`y1 15. DRAWING M-33 *<: Y Miscellaneous Equipment Schedule: Item No. ME-600 Air Compressor CHANGE as follows: Air Compressor shall be a DeVilbiss, Model TDP-5050, 20.2 scfm @ 125 psi ►. with an 80 gallon horizontal receiver, 5 HP. ; {, Item No. ME-601 Refrigeration Dryer Unit shall be an Ingersoll-Rand Model 3, 25 cfm @ 100 psig, 1/4 HP. k 16. DRAWING M-26 Provide one (1) automatic fire sprinkler head each, located centered in the ceiling of Rcoms #904 cnd #G904, Fire sprinklerpipe shall be 1-1/4" size `t> service connecting into the 1-1/4" cold water service in Room 1G904. The gate valve in the riser shall be a'1 OS & Y valve with a rising stem. In the 1-1/4" fire sprinkler line proviae a flow switch and wire to, and provide an ', , `+ electric alarm bell located on the exterior of the building. • _, Material and installation shall conform to NFPA Pamphlet No. 13. 17. SHEET 300 - M-29 - K'TCI-HEN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE REVISIONS rc" a, P9 Peeler - waste shall be 2 inch indirect. ki- b. P9A Disposer - delete from this project. w Note 10 - Revise Note 10 to read as follows: ,.. ..i. The K shall provide the following on all SST sinks: 2" lever waste fittings with perforated SST strainer and overflow (chrome plated where exposed to view), it t:. i. • . . . � . . d?\ a , . r %\■ . . .���w ^ rRl � � . \ ` \ • ,, • � � � < . .\} 2 \ > § � � . . . . . , . . . . ,. . • 2803 ADDENDUM NO, THREE 24 January 1978 MECHANICAL CONTRACT PORT ANGELES HIGH O O L MODERNIZATION AND ADDITIONS Page 4 � m } The M shall provide the collowing on all SST sinks: Chrome plated 2 inch tailpiece. Chrome plated water supply stops and Unes, Chkago 442. ! � } PRIOR APPROVAL ITEM MANUFACTURER \� \ Pumps Taco Hot and Cold Water Steam and Arm tr n 'ccoth r" Condensate Piping Insulation 23 2/ � a SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY 925 Tacoma Ave South Tacoma, 'a hinqt n 98402 Telephone: 383-1601 �a d • M t` • /'�� CITY OF P ANGELES - PUBLIC WORK 6 . BUILDING DIVISION - PERMIT APPLICATION 26 $ v If�•�__� D_ ate Received] /0157 Date Issued I /f I y7 _ n — t. _Name Address City Phone Lic. No. ` 1 T. $. - _Owner!), 7� PAZ .-_ 2. Contractor _ 3. Architect/Engr,��' yt/ 0, 4.Class of Work: " New [7 Addition - Alteration D Repair D Move L Demolit'on ,,l�" 7 laz4 al �'f i J1,6*/12 oY� l \ 5. Description of Work: W,t/I(!� ''//,�,, � �12_0 // /4, %/ // /�/f/ ./ th1_ \ 6. Type of Permit: :t ilding ; i Plumbing Contractor \ Y No. 1 Fixture Type Fee \ .. .', •t Valuation $,� Water Closet \ a Lavatory Permit Fee / _/% Bathtub ' -- Plan Check Fee / a (receipt# ) Shower 1 46. Investigation Fee Kitchen Sink Other AINV Disposer ,, • ,' Total S ■ ,_,Y Receipt # 2 v ' 2 0 Floor Drain I Floor Sink f Building Sq. Ft. ,i./r , i Clothes Washer / '� Occupancy Group -/ I Urinal 7 Occupant Load Water Heater No. of Stories Drinking Fountain Type of Construction // j Lawn Sprinkler Occupancy Permit Issued Date: Vacuum Breaker .ti. Legal Description: Lot: Block: _Solar Panels Subdivision Lf&' - /- i Other +'. Land Use Zone , _ 1 _ Sub Total '? Lot Area 1 , Permit Fee Lot Coverage % = t° Sq. Ft. = ( Receipt# _� Total $ * ` • Sign Contractor _ - _ Mechanical Contractor • Sign Type ' No. _ Type of Equipment Fee j Illumination _ 'iM Elec. Furnance tt` Overall Height I Heat Pump Sign Width Woodstove Sign Height Oil Furnace ?t,_ /7— — — —�—_ -- Kitchen Hr� d r ..-` Sq. Ft. _ i Clearance _ I Other i': Land Use Zone �r Fee _ _ — _ _ _ — Total _$ Receipt # _Receipt# Total $ APP t-EPTEOFIY v, f M • :oer APF•• , e • UANCEBY Special Conditions: Y `�---- . TICE 4..r 1 A Separate permit us required ter e'er;tnra Thus permit becomes null and v.y1,1 tr wnrk nr con 5trcction authorized is not commenced Si, 1 I within'80 days n a,on;trur l(,n of wnrk.5 lalld,e,111ed Or abandoned for a oenod of 180 rft r.` days at any hmr after work.is r mm.•n•ell . j' n ♦jee', I heren.. certify that I ha,. read anrt.lammed•hr5 apout limn and know the same to be I ! y• true and correct All pronslons of taws and ordlnanceS governing thus type of work will be { 'omp,•d*Oh wh..rher spec,hed herein or not The granting pf a prlmd does not presume • 5 to pi a authwty to viola.. ollNanr-el the provisions o' any other State or local law • ` regy �,1 ng r• arurlion or the Orrormte Le of constructi Other Permits: •on •,• '1- �„1,-- Sewer RIW Spnat+le of Contracta a Authorized Agent / (Dale) I Driveway Other 'r $. ratwe of OwnV pf owner is builder) (Data) ■ PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT ',:' P L A N R E V I E W Project Name Remodel of sheet metal room `''' Address Port Angeles High School .. sk`>. 1, Plan No. 87 - 4 Com /X/ R-1 / / Date January 23 , 1987 +; •• = = = - - - -` = 0, We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the require- t ,; ments of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions. ''' ' c,;.;,.. 1. Fire extinguisher needed on upper mezzanine ( 2A10BC) mounted as air . ;5 indicated on plans no higher than 5 feet and no lower than 4" '? from the floor. . , 2 . All self-closing doors shall remain self-closing and should not f be blocked open. '" • S " ' itt v t .Y Ii r.> i t Note: Prior to the Occupancy Permit being issued, compliance to the above conditions will be met. Reviewed By Date /� Z s — ? 7 ". ; / ; Building Department / / Fire Copy FP - 22 ( 1-87 ) /I . i w I . , , ,e, ____L., . 1 i 7, 1 'r___1_.- __,— ... , _iri 1 7 f / I ..._. 4z 'e -,.: .4 ...x., , • : r) I .I. rT, 1 t,17- 1> CP 1 7, 0 ""f - — et — , N.Q....). •• t I t CS -L •4 c 1 N IL--—4t. . e 1 Gs 1 k 1 ' , .)1 j)_js •- 1 •' - - /:7 a / ('• / /.i. ,_ C.. --1 c(t ■ X • 777,7.1para-,41 - 1 : ,,,. .4: , k-, ------7-1 . r-- . , 1 1.• 1:/, 1,•.. .1 le: I + • I. 1 '-- - --- - - ' I -,.. ■ I ( . . , .••••„, S' -1-,....„/ , , , • , 1 I , 1 r . l .) -........ _ - I I ,_ _____ i L__ _ _________ ,, I• 1 ,, . ., ....4.....y. - .4 . l), ...„. r 0 os N.1 • , . , ) N'' 0 1, ''‘I■-4.4 di ,% o ..?"- ,t CY) .„.. .t—cit -,_ •. ', s-',„ ... . ..... - '. ‘---af- .r.■..,, -t, I 4. I .... ,.. r . i V C>t 1 ■ - ar 7.; ,,,_,_ 1 -i ___I _ _ 4._ ikl ____ 1 i i , . _....... ri—, ---T——I- ,. .. . 7- . -4. ,.t ...-3 I A 1.", v.• i DAA- ika srArmw.s. . cc , . o . c . . , ..c I t41. , V • f.-. I , 4 kj ..' )r...' 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PORT ANGI ES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REV I E W Pro,•ect Name Remodel in auto/machine shop Address Port Angeles HighSchool Plan No. 87 - 3 Com L27 R-1 L/ Date January 23, 1987 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the require- ments of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions. 1. This LPG tank installation shall u-tet the requirements of NFPA 58 and UPC Article 82. (Location designated on plans. ) Permit required by the Fire Department. • 2. LPG container shall be protected from vehicle damage. 3. Existing overhead door shall be replaced by a 2 hour separation wall from floor to ceiling. 4 . Existing fire extinguishers shall be within 73 feet travel distance , 5. All sue : !-closing doors shall re-.aain self-closing and should not br blocked open. Note: Prior to the Occupancy Permit being issued, compliance to the above conditions will be met. Reviews By - - Date f-22 _ L Building Department L`7 Fire Copy FP - 22 ( 1-87 ) .. - - -- 0 G . A ii A e. C j G n L'V a a Vi U f' _ tyi ^ C V C g ' U•3'V ^'- C, - =.2 g _ n 1 . ` .. , A ■ oor- In C) 0 M • • • • ■ ; s.0 O O • �O O c- �» . •r ■ • N 141 • • 0 41 to r. . f 2 ■ W 0 r-7 t-) G W ••• O W " O '_,1 Q Y C1 O tL - > s; r Ztf1 V . , . i Q : 0 r • 0 0-1 7 4. a • • i ZZ 0 O _ 1 J •[ r 1 — F- r- 0 0 = t1 . • Al F. U. Q • • U •X ; I 5. w _J ar Q z � t 4.I 1 ti o a 0 � � i VT � s > x • • 0 -1O rr W0N •1 I a En a x . . Z , ,J arc ~ ZN.Cr ft • >i ..: 4. -J K m J kt, a • v (-) Oct a x • = N 41 r7 t Q to t J'. r? ••. • 4 .0 tJ X v W tt IJ� V Z $ 4 0 m avlul� z = � rn > w •• 1n • J J 2 41 lfl '" U Z ft t `t 4 LY Q 41 V — to - •'. . h W Z Z r;-.1.C.." V a Tr- to Q .J I•J .f Z J • • 1 n r- hi W Q. t7 _t T Q a N J -•J ' , .1 ✓ ('.. 0 ,1 t .'1 ,K ) Cl n' t) t_) r . • A,f r Z to F• J i,t 7 J.+ . •i II �1 W - Cr .1 to F- - CC f •+...•, . • C> 0 C () 111 tl t rt C') R' 0 1/1 1 ti rt: -) )• I i • • rt W ^ :J Ct .. : .. 7 f) (I (.) 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L2k1 t " .G� .: to V y U ^ U O ' O• D'J tt •MC y GVU . ` O` O C C C G ... C ,M . t C•r n V V Q C v L C ucq 4l n � n C J . Jn , 4 .`. OW $ O—_ t.c � V ,s ^ C = .• O O a • t 4 1. L G n . n ••• 00 3.6 '. G S..vi:.0`0 2 .: � � • * , •• • 4 r ,,tr °hP 1 ..' " 6. ,. . • 1 • T Y R /An €/ S y " /9, /�{.k e l c/• / /i1 r �is E`cI Coyc11eaGI Per/s1.1f I' P�41ic h.e /4 . �0 ! tg LS"; • /00 I €st. 2-89, 770--F-6 6-71. So . _ 371. 48 ?4z.?S/ .- Zoo >e✓ 1c¢, GG¢°° R.:»,. FG, *¢ .d . 1? I 404-=' 4Z4.40 475. 8G 700.ZL _ '; r 300 N(k/ 2.383?2- v' Vent 243, It o 4 $ I,SD Z� SS1. zS SS'f!.S/ . 1417.7G ✓ t 4-o0 Hai, $52.,3/0° &Kt• 331, 33 o'L° — r . _ L1 B3 , 7 ZD ISP) .72.- /biz',97 zsq/.Gr - Soo aJ 2 9.5-, 0 i 2-' (Mkt Z tYLp 9 ►r`• w 583,18L' 17o. 1rY 630.42 /Gek,.8'0 _ . .. (0.- oo 1�.�.+1. z 9L 700 S'$2•«oS" 378.33 940.38''' -• 7pv meh., b' pe 14* i CAL r1�t. . 5'1 f • t x'$2-, 074-~ /ZC?.08 SZ4..?0 zops. p� ' J goo /vet., 4 /3, 100 -'� 7s7. SS 482.4-1_ I Z4 .1G__ _ r r 100 �ia� G 77, 334 I d 6¢.33 G I/ . $� /7SG./¢ 1. /coo Rot Iv!. 3, oov°'_ Z4.00 /S,Go 31:to `f . . ....� .. 'raw G T . 5;0o2., S' °-- g,o.43.DG S, L4o.47 J3,353.537_ , R°tb,. 1,&t•0, 084 °O Mk/ A 38'z,Si Z'-' 0«oo017 C_ /G 201.E .�/.c Ali rd/ 80 . C 't- t,�orh. 356, 87A L° .no/,''c • ' O i _4.0.A_4.441 r o rssar { • 4 •. • vo Z8-977, ' f / dU J Z97 ' r / 7, 77o 5?,.6.. I, h f',, s7 9 Z b4. • S-7 I ,So r,tiN.T .Ice . K GS-470 3 77.4'3 //e* ch„ - }• Zoo / 4/ 604'—° iirkt /vo 7.60. 76Gof- /,so /3 w 4 2 f ¢O 7 irwt%f fss 45% =- 275.it .40/04/��4K C�. / - _. • I" Z r7.o o '_.._ 3e1.502- _ . . 1.5d . S7Z.'LC �rSQ.ZS" Prsi X S/ - rs3.S' fsK . 400 s / f 3 720 ..__:._ .■ .. .500 , pro S S? 00 b • G b3, 72D •' 1,00 vi y3.74, is70. 72.. pet .dF•e YLs% = l°2-4'.?? plan c4, — 5 00 S83 /8Z}' Soo rrzioe, Lor, q7a. I$ grw:7#/:.,.x GS''lo ; 630.GZ?IQK64. GCO s-QG, 7ad — J , dc' z x7.00 / 9G, 7ov Z. 9S.o5 ter '' /..S1, : 37.5/,33 p✓4ac4, • i t8'L, o84i� o E. So tr7=° 38'L� vbf� DA •• zoo 311. 1249 13,-,,:4 Foe /6s%- = s 4.70 Pkk 4k. �. _. 8,p 413, 7cp°_' v0 �7,av . _ - 3I3,700- • • • A.50'. 4.70.55- . - 7s7.4-s- ger-n+:f frc .X 441 = 412. 4-1 . Flaunt. , _ tityp 677,334_ . • •e Sew /?7 33¢ . _ %064.64.33 Prar.7'i&.e X.GS°o -_L 9/. SI Plait CZ. / o, 3o o 24t' p•„r".-frtt le. Gsi'o._ /S.to .Pia',.C‘. _. • • ra • a. • i11111 . r h 0 o �+ ! - r J, 5 - •t , = iiiirt .�. . .__ - , _ w�� y #_ , 4 TOURIST MECCA OF THE NORTHWEST ., • '• 4 ` r■.?;.1• 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 - k2p1L_ ,�}, s.' ». �1 January 18, 1978 _ _ . ;,• Seifert, Forbes & Berry ', "n y. 925 Tacoma Avenue South : 1r-y Tacoma, Washington 98402 ' ° , ATT: Don Seifert ,.,� xt, Dear Don: In regards to the two remaining items on my checklist of the Port r„••r { Angeles Senior High School plans, which we discussed on the telephone f : + last week, I have come to the following conclusions: . will Building 900, Rooms 904 and G-904(Janitors room and electrical room) . ' will require sprinklers. However, because of the samll size of each , ' room, we will accept sprinklers taken off the domestic system rather : •` than running in a separate fire system. • Building 900, ventilation in the roof truss area. I have made inquir- ies of several agencies on the. possible effects of constructing this ' as shown on the plans. The answers I have obtained have been varied and range from "There should be no problem” to "It has to be ventilat- ed". This indicates to me that no one actually knows. There is no doubt that ventilation from the ceiling side is out because it would nullify the fire protection provided by the ceiling material. A At the same time, ventilation from the roof side would negate the roof : insulation. Your contention that the rigid insulation of the roof next to the roof sheathing should preclude any condensation forming . in the truss space is a reasonable proposition, although I am note" entirely convinced. , • I am willing to accept your proposed design but feel the school dis- trict should be aware of the possible ramifications. ,„ Now, in regards to the brick veneer anchoring, Gene Salveson dropped off a cop! of Lyman Bush's calculations to support your proposed ., ;., .t -i anchoring method. One of our engineers reviewed the calculations and finds them valid, so I have no objection to this proposed alternate. r; Since 1 oe.ART R. P. Willson =SEAL JN A • jot iN.w' C RPW/jh Building Inspector ,;s cc: School District 121 4 ' . . 1 r II. . ,* 3 till I [ [ 11 1 [ El 11 [ S a II [ ii iloy . . ... AR C H I T E C T S • PL A N N E R S • E N G I N E E R S ' '�4 , • • 2 3 T A C O M A A V E N U E S O U T H, T A C O M A, W A S H I N G T O N 3 1 4 0 2 • 3 S 3 • I . 0 T • 18 January 1978 J-2803 ,., , Mr. R. P. Wilson, Building Inspector City of Port Angeles Public Works Deportment P. 0. Box 711 T Port Angeles, Washington 98362 '', Re: Port Angeles High School Modernization and Additions . - --: ' $1; Dear Mr. Wilson: ate;, - The Following answers are to your summarization on the Port Angeles High School plan checking and responses. ?. 4 BUILDING 100 ITEM 10. Illuminated exit signs shall be installed in main Corridor 102 pointing into Corridor 146, and one at the east end on the wall. Also, we are , showing an exit sign on south wall of Corridor 156. [ ',,'u, 4 The facia shown is of one hour construction. Vents along the facia shall , . ` ..,, be deleted where they occur above the wall openings such as windows or doors. BUILDING 200 ITEM 9. As discussed by phone, no gasoline In cons or in equipment shall be ..., ; stored in Storage Room under Building 200. { "gF'. ITEM 11. Detail 1, Sheet 200A-5 has been revised to show a one hour wall with ' '-- "^ A :. d 2" furring applied over to hold the acoustic batt and the pegboard fac- ' i g:k +'; • BUILDING 300 k ITEM 12. All dropped ceiling ore Class I finish, either painted gypsum wallboard ' - ? or mineral acoustic tile or panels. ; • BUILDING 400 " ' All storm and waste lines remaining under new addition shall be reinstalled in cost iron regardless how indicated. • 3[0 `I • • . :. ` .. • s _` i' . '..; (t.. , \.PPt• . _ r � '' •, '..:•• I`. . • ® J-2803 18 January 1978 Page 2 : '` ` BUILDING 500 ITEM 10. All gas piping shall be above the floor slob. `°« ITEM 13. One hour ficia is shown on drawings. Building.�. ngs. Facia on Buildi 500 is i'- hung off of the masonry wall which separates it from the interior, '* 4 ITEM 17. Upper and lower ventilation is now shown on Mechanical Drawings for Building 500 and also Building 800. 1 All storm and waste lines remaining under new addition shall be reinstalled in `/`' cast iron regardless how indicated. ' BUILDING 600 No items. BUILDING 700 ,'t.i . ITEM 8. Where area separation wall passes thru lower locker room roof, 2 layers or 5/8" GWB h shown applied to the ceiling, which sctis- ;,-`'. .r., _ Pies the Code. . ' ITEM 27. An illuminated exit sign is now indicated For Door 739. fit... ITEM 17. Under the metal siding For the mechanical rooms, gypsum sheathing /. is shown, making a one hour wall. ,, g. ITEM 18. For protection of the truss joists, we have two loyers of 1/2 inch . i V, Type X GWB suspended below, on a metal channel system. This <, satisfies ICBO Report No. PFC-2436 dated February, 1976. k All existing sewer lines shall be in cost iron. BUILDING 800 "�.' f. ', ITEM 2. There is no gas storage in Building 800. An oil interceptor is shown *.. , y y r� on Sheet 800 M-24. .,t -it�'"•t'� ITEM 3. Ceramic tile 5' wainscot is shown on GWB in both rest rooms on the `p . Finish Schedule, Sheet 800 A-2. t f. t ITEM 6. Room 810 is a room set aside For combustible storage, completely sep- • {`. orated from other rooms of the building. We have no high pile storage in this building. SF8 . . . . :. • . . . . . • . . . .. ,t . . ., . . . . , . .. . . . ., t • * 0 J-2803 18 January 1978 . _ Page 3 • } BUILDING 900 • ITEM 4. The height of drinking fountains thru-out the project is 34 inches, which satisfies the Handicap Code. ITEM 6. No ventilation of the truss joist space is required since we have rigid 4 insulation on the roof deck, thus allowing the joist space to bo a warm area. Moisture is caused by air reaching a cold surface. Here the dew 4 : point is located within the insulation, above the vapor barrier. ITEM 18. One automatic sprinkler head shall be located in the center of the room in Rooms 904 and G-904. . , We trust tin_ above answers have now cleared the way for a building permit to be issued on the Port Angeles High School. . Very truly yours, SEIF RT AND FORBES ").141,W)144171L. Donald W. Seifert, AlA ,: ,j , DWS of - i 4 •M1. Is o i I • I•., [1] • ; a l• , /sue. ♦ • •.x �® 4 ,. • . .. . .. o* Ott , solo .. . otos .. ,. , •A•"n•.n I. C"Alit[" •I CHALKER ENGINEERS, INC. [ • `f•i°.Ilv!".P t." COF`"S:JLTING ENG'NEEF4S AND LAND SURVEYORS ""`"" •el • Als[•.t t....rc..t[L •re January 13, 1978 k t t Masonry institute of Washington #' s 328 Fairvi '4 Avenue North y. Seattle, Washington 98109 A.. Attention: Gene Salveson Reference: Anchor Ties for Anchored Masonry Veneer ` Dear Gene: � I have examined the above subject in an attempt to get greater standard- i '' ization of veneer ties within this area. Section 3004 of the 1976 U.B.C. • • requires that anchored veneer and its attachments shall be designed to 4 , resist a horizontal force equal to twice the weight of the veneer. It is interesting to note that if the wall were to be designed by the factors in Table No. 23-J of the 1976 U.B.C., in Seismic Zone No. 4 the . .• , , :- the connection would be designed for a force of twice the weight of the . . .. . ''r. wall while the wall could be designed for one fifth the weight of the '.° I. wall (of course wind forces would then control the design). In Seismic• t Zone No. 3 the factors would become 3/4 the above figures. This is the ,> Table I use when designing preassembled masonry, which is, of course, • 0. ; reinforced to span between connections. The factors in the Table imply ",•t ' 4 \1 that the connection is much more likely to fail than the panel itself. , '. (Cp = 2.0 vs Cp • 0.2) I can agree fully with that concept. I feel that with any such assembly, precast concrete, preassembled masonry or ;'. brick veneer and its anchors the probability of failure in the connec- tion is much greater I.han the probability of failure in the wall assem- bly itself. Section 3006 permits the use of one of the methods specified by U.B.C. Standard No. 30-1 in lieu of the design reauired by Section 3004. If • `,. no specific ob design is made for each specific g p job, it then seems that the •• *:_ Building Official must now rely on U.B.C. Standard No. 30-1, which, for anchored masonry veneer reads, in part, as follows: Anchored Veneer r. .• r ,, Sec. 30. 104. (a) Masonry and Stone Units (5 Inches Maximum in Thickness). Masonry and stone veneer not exceeding 5 inches in thick- " ness may-�; y he anchored directly to structural masonry, concrete, or studs ' in one of the fo.lowing manners: ' I r 510 SOUTH 11TH TACOMA. WASHINGTON 98402 208 3E13-2797 • • 101 NORTH F3ROAOWAY AeEROEEN.WA 'TON 98520 209 832-3838 w ;' January 13, 1978 .. Masonry Institute of Washington -mot. Page 2 1. Anchor ties shall be corrosion-resistant and if made of sr,eet }, .• ., metal , shall have a minimum size of No. 22 gauge by 1 inch or if of wire, shall be a minimum of No. 9 gauge. Anchor ties shall be spaced so as to support not more than 2 square feet of wall area but not more than 24 inches on center horizontally. In Seismic Zone No. 3, anc:.or ties shall be provided to horizontal joint reinforcement wire of No. 9 gauge or equivalent. The joint reinforcement shall be continuous with butt ='" :, , splices between ties permitted. When applied over stud construction, the studs shall be spaced a maximum of 16 inches on centers and approved paper shall first be '! ' applied over the sheathing or wires between studs except as otherwise provided in Section 1707, Uniform Building Code, and mortar shall be •`� '. slushed into the 1 inch space between facing and paper. As an alternate, an air space of at least 1 inch may be maintained • between the backing and the veneer in which case temporary spot bedding • may be used away from the ties to align the veneer. Spot bedding at the - ` ties shall be of cement mortar entirely surrounding the ties. ; ---. 2. Veneer may be applied with 1 inch minimum grouted backing - • - space which is reinforced by not less than 2-inch by 2-inch No. 16 gauge Y. 1 galvanized wire mesh placed over waterproof paper backing and anchored directly to stud construction. r ' . The stud spacing shall not exceed 16 inchr.s on center. The galvan- ized wire mesh shall be anchored to wood studs by galvanized steel wire ' furring nails at 4 inches on center or by barbed galvanized nails at "t 6 inches on center with a 1-1/8 inch minimum penetration. The galvanized wire mesh may be attached to steel studs by equivalent wire ties. If �a" ; ; this method is applied over solid sheathing, the mesh must be furred for •; ;` embedent in grout. The wire mesh must be attached at the top and bottom with not less than 8-penny common wire nails. The grout fill shall be placed to fill the space intimately around the mesh and veneer facing." ` Please note that the portion of the U.B.C. Standard addressed was the i-, e portion on masonry and stone units 5 inches maximum in thickness. I will - restrict my comments to the same. I am also restricting my comments to ' a:.. ' i, the first method listed in the U.Q.C. Standard. • �. 4. • Common practice with'n the masonry industry is to use No. 22 gauge by r= '' 7/8-inch galvanized, corrugated metal tie:. I assume that the 7/8-inch tie is considered to be 1 inch nominally. These should be spaced such ' �' that they support no more than 2 square feet and should be spaced no further apart than 24 inches in the horizontal direction. This in x.3;1 .-- conformance with the U.B.C. Standard. I would propose an additional ; " spacing requirement of 18 inches maximum in the vertical direction �r"` because that is the maximum spacing when the horizontal spacing is 16 �' inches as in normal wood stud construction as well as for other practi- cal reasons. The ties should be embedded in the mortar approximately -I ' s 2 inches minimum. ,,,. o . . •■_ - ,,4 . ® January 13, 1978 . '� t i� . i/ Masonry Institute of Washington ® x s Page ge 3 Veneer ties are normally nailed to wood st'rds with 8-penny galvanized nails. Many veneer ties are placed in such a fashion that the nail is an inch or so above the bend in the tie. This can he caused by bending the tie before it is nailed on or by nailing it or horizontally, .• then bending it such that it fits the mortar joint and rotating it ~ about the nail to its final position. The proper nail placement, as t..- • ' ` close to the angle point as is possible, can be achieved by nailing �' " all ties on well ahead of the veneer work. In order to do so, one must ° determine the coursing in advance. By laying out proper tie heights at corners and snapping a chalk line, one can readily nail all ties within say one scaffold height at the same time, thereby exposing the ties to view for ease of inspection and increasing efficiency by having 'r the ties all ready for the mason to bend down to the mortar bed as the i •. - work progresses. I prefer the use of sclfdrilling, self tapping metal screws For attach- ' ing corrugated ties to metal studs. It is more simple for s.ieathed studs than wires and causes the ties to be generally more unifor. 'y •.,r � r tight to the sheathing. A No. 8 Type S panhead galvanized or cadmium •`;• plated screw is satisfactory for this application if it is long enough to penetrate 1/2-inch beyond the face of a metal stud. The stud needs to be 20 gauge or heavier. The use of horizontal joint reinforcement for veneer work is not common in this area. I have no personal knowledge of its required use in this area, nor does anyone within the industry that I have contacted, with the exception of one building official. I do not feel that its use is ' r justifiable from a cost standpoint or required from a structural stand- --". Y point. The most common structural problems with masonry veneer const- `" < ruction relate to the supports, both vertical and horizontal , rather tian with the construction of the veneer itself. Horizontal reinforce- 'r s ment implys vertical cracks. It has been my observation that most vertical cracks in existing veneer is related to vertical support :? problems. If details cause a potential for a vertical crack a properly `' located "soft" control joint is the best solution to the problem. "•» I have done some simple computations to determine a reasonable span of • unreinforced masonry in both the vertical and horizontal direction. : ; ,_;.' I assumed running bond would be used - if stacked bond is used, the permitted span would be the same as the vertical span - it would be affected by the continuous mortar joint. These calculations are quite conservative in that I assumed simple spans and did not utilize two way action. The actual wall would be a series of continuous spans and two way action would be present. The actual stresses were less -`� .. than the allowed stresses for unreinforced uninspected brick masonry. .,,,r I am sure you will agree that the U.B.C. allowed stresses for unrein- "� forced uninspected brick masonry is well below stresses at which one f •i �. would expect any problem. A series of tests were conducted by Northwest Laboratories of Seattle .. . * in 1951 related to flexure of brick masonry, pullout of ties and :'�': , ° s 401 '" ® January 13, 1978 • . .s, ° Masonry Institute of Washington Page 4 anchorage of ties to wood studs. These are summarized in "Technical Notes on Brick Construction", published by the Brick Institute of r' • America and dated August 1966. They tested the 22 gauge x 7/8-inch ;. i ties and 8-penny nails commonly used, and the flexural tests were on unreinforced 4 inch brick. •. . The Uniform Building Code permits alternatives to those specified. -. . -.. : The sections related to alternatives r:ad as follows: a Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction :I " Sec. 106. The provisions of the Code are not intended to prevent ti. the use of any material or method of construction not specifically pre- . , scribed by this Code, provided any such alternate has been approved. /, '1` The Building Official may approve any such alternate provided he '' '` finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the %.,4. -• provisions of Chapter 23, and that the material , method, or work of- ` fered is, for the purpose intended at least the equivalent of that pre- ,- • scribed in this Code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, and safety. The Building Official shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made regard- ing its use. For the requirements as an approved fabricator see Sections 305 and 402." f,' `, Tests Sec. 107. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this Code or evidence that any material or any `+ construction does not conform to the requirements of this Code, or in •j order to substantiate claims for alternate materials or methods of con- '+ *.:` struction, the Building Official may require tests as proof of comp- iiance to be made at the expense of the owner or his agent by an approv- ed agency. , 4. y°, ` ' '. Test methods shall be as sec ' Tt thodhall bpified by this Code for the material in .. .. question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in this z' . Code, the Building Official shall determine the test procedure. ;M.4;t Copies of the results of all such tests shall be retained for a ,•? �` period of not less than two years after the acceptance of the structure." -,=.. .° I feel that by including my computations and copies of "Technical Notes '! . on Brick Construction" dated August 1966, as well as the reports from 3. Northwest Laboratories, we have fully met the letter and intent of U.B.C. `" � `. Section 106 and 107 with respect to use of 22 gauge x 7/8-inch corrugated • • ,' . • January 13, 1978 Masonry Institute of Washington • . Page 5 galvanized metal ties without reinforcing in brick veneer. Enclosed are my computations and my proposed specification. If you have any questions on this matter, feel free to contact me at any time. Very truly yours, CHALKER ENGINEERS, INC. f� �t+, • —V r-7 1r4Shi. Lyman F. Bush, P.E. 43211 Enclosure �`r, dnL �S' ' s .. 1 . • • • • • • • • »'jt,. ® Proposed Alternative Specification: • r_,; Anchored Veneer �. k{ Sec. 30.104 (a) Masonry and Stone Units. N 4 Anchor ties for anchored masonry and stone units (5 inches maximum in thickness and 2-1/2 inches minimum in thickness) shall be galvanized '!",,P: corrugated metal, a minimum size of No. 22 gauge by 7/8-inch. Ties ,,,;;. 4, ; shall be spaced so as to support not more than 2 square feet of wall area but not more than 24 inches on center horizontally or 18 inches NV K: • on center vertically. Stud spacing shall not exceed 16 inches on center. 4 , Attachment to wood studs shall be by 8-penny A�,, •y p y galvanized common nails b« `' i„ at the angle point in the tie in Douglas Fir or Hemlock, 10-penny gal- h vanized common in Hem-Fir. . Attachment to metal studs shall be by No. 8 Type S panhead self , ; . drilling, self tapping galvanized or cadmium plated metal screws. Length 5..;t shall be such that the screw penetrates 1/2-inch past the face of the „• metal stud. Metal studs shall be a minimum of 20 gauge. ,, ". i Attachment to concrete shall be by "dovetail" type anchor ties and ,; corresponding slots. ... pA - Attachment to masonry or stone units shall be by embedment in mortar ,, t-'- for a distance of 2-inch minimum. Y* ' � E GAS' ; . f � - . /R . N. a .��+ / I `P'/ONAL �� 4i`....• - • 11 •j 4..t)-.., W ._. .g.ii �.., A.",4 ti.� : l{"a s l, • , r ! i \ 3 P+ I ! ! %)37O ; ' .5 .s a'S /N MA-S DA /t Y (/c-7,..,tr'it-.t • /3747 //M v.r, v c-,-e-f s A> + o 14 v 6-�x A f Rl+ +., *� ' 4's(;t v4As64, 45),.0.14 ; Ce T2 C- SPX-c.'.4 - /(o " . `' -• l ' 4 :; ' , ' k , A,/Al c/M #/ate/C rr./77s-c.. S/o,4--7•r 0/ir y r7,..., C-L--, .. ',,;E; " Z I /pi 4-,- ic:Pili"-- /7-,.rrr7, v/3G STAiJ1 ,4-)e0 'd 30 -/ : + is w 7- 0 i.e--e yr -'e-a rt , O y'S r' 3 " rr_ct- °' ,27r5/ G--•.r / .-oZ.- G$ 'L a G U/5 C 300 sr;• i 3<. +o- .s�-c r-,o.../ ,» o u c-v6' o.a 3 Z v c7v c.re'or- • ,n.t,_`v•- r!- i or)er .A•C.- i S t e.. Z. c / Z ( 3 . Z 55C_ --Z/--/,v, 3 ! A-r>" vcit-T/C-or ,S fi e.,v /yJ - 08 C /,5) 2_ o. 0 Z L S"'- ` el h t. 1/' _ ,7,-- = c . z zs' Gib . o / 3 s� ' � ' • Zr r D. O/ t, X /. 5 7 -. 0 . 0/ 3 ,:l--GLo:.�o--� i '; . o/ . c---/o sf'c—c_/ist /A..--5 P e-r-r7 o AJ aft- /Te✓ic./ z_t7 A.-7-'4-s- Sp,tJ M - o. O Pi C L� D. O 4- "( Ti z = /z ( 5.51,'_1 Z It . 5 i C/"" 0 . 0 4- C /t fir--^ r• O. D/9S ,� S Lu. 5 o " Oz_ X /. 53 = CV. 0 L4 7 -u0 w4 . . .s. 0/C_ µ/.0 ..5"/" Er-C141-c.. /.v s P e-c-?',/U..,, '. Cl /2r//.//= pit-4 o•-.41 , .e.4 c-r- v cL' -/z a.r w/0 • F 1 ...I-Pat./if - /A.#;/1="&C-/-1 OA.) P=az SiirJPGs. S/ .-F-v s Q c /8 • vr-6'L-r/ G"-Le- Y at" , _ .. . • • • a" kv • '. v '. c : -RP I • • I a ¶ /7B Gaob Mi,ft wocvB1�f r ebafjcyc.,,f,. al'�� ror e;fkcr C/ass;)c4 714 IYla,n c f, r� fed ac�,•%•1'/4S• O -rev I1 o+t - tc�v �! Osc<L� /Q ' {i.v lM vct, vs-c- V1a /� s Sv�lt QS co wt Wt UN;Iy c/ltc,ce3� K/Cd- Kyy o�c, �1 L/!4✓. used {'ev {f� --Pcivea. ,•v,..Qf rvbl•` asst"-,6/••!S ,'f ...Chou/c/ Qe A2,/ 9 /,5.t E. / umvlci be rcnz,sok4.1/c. �J -�cvl�cr a 'fuck {,'alj ¢, / o� �..., (j Far �( H1o,-F ;.yY�Or-YGh Caus,a�lvQ-�tq� Q3 Tf s•5 i . pY-0 ,•.'Yt S ,• f v s . :r; • 11 'f � fw •': t • • • i •: ',;a t ', e�; t • i , i; ' Y`d Oki) P 4' •C I..V.4; Si...$74. .. 7`� €` ,=4,-'=1 • e,4 .4)3 -ti•wt +ry,=4N W*• ,,,e.4.t.'W"4.: ft 1, + %.; �,'I .ake et,,,,.,#„.i,,t .P. rr.,+' � •' .. , • ,' ,. !r, :4 it* [ 11 [1 [ t f] E 11 il Y . ..., i A R C H I T E C T S • Pt. A N N E R S • EN G I N E E R S •• 3 E 3 •• 1 6 0 1 f'• �„ , , WASHINGTON 08402 ,,3 3 January 1978 `,''` J-2801 k fS $441.,4::S `1 Mr. R. P. Willson, Building Inspector ., City of Port Angeles '; , 8 6ac q, • .. ,.� ♦ w *r i a y+y� 4 r: � af .. [ [i 11 E t ri E 11 II.Y ,, V if ''' 3 ! 1 f [ 1 I . ,"♦ ^i , - s"b. a 'e• , .. a 1 _ , .. I 1i A. ,� A R C H I T E C T S • PI. A N N E R S • EN G I N E E R S ' �'' 9 2 3 T A C O M A A V E N U E S O U T H, T A C O M A, W A S H I N G T O N 9 1 4 0 2 • 3 : 3 • 1 0 0 1 lA ;x., ; 22 December 1977 � ''L ,T-2803 S .. t•-.P,. c .-, Mr. R. P. Willson, Building Inspector -, City of Port Angeles • art, Public Works Department '• P.O. Box 711 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 1w4 ,w Re: Answers to comments on Building 200 ;., Port Angeles High School Modernization and Additions ,' xs s ; Dear Mr. Willson: 4, After talking with you today regarding Sheet M2-200, I now know why • "1'`.,: you didn't receive this sheet. It doesn't exist. You will note that the • ',.., mechanical drawings are in a different order than the general set. ,to 4,,.: •,4,; s. Sheet M2 is for Building 100. 1 It was a mistake in my answer for comment 9, on the 200 Building. In referring to Sheet M2-200 it should have read Sheet M4-200. ., 9 : Sheet M4, the foundation plan (or crawl space) shows the duct work ,.;`E •' t•nder the floor and the openings through the floor with fire dampers. `,• We referred to this sheet in comment 9, in order to show you the fire it,K�,�l,�,.• dampers at all openings through the floor. 144x8' !` , I hope the above explanation has cleared up any confusion you have had ,':':: about comment 9. � s : ..-1 Very truly yours, '4:.'• '; Seifert, Forbes & Berry 4 x xt.�-�1 r>. 5r Donald W. Seifert, • A ` r r..y. ' DWS TTIb A`• 'w I- 4 SFB • • ri • Ejt I i [ II I i [1 URBES BER �, ~. A R C H I T E C T S. ., .. • P L A N N E R S • E N G I N E E R S '�.. • 9 2 5 T A C O M A A V E N U E S O U T H, T A C O M A, W A S H I N G T O N 9 S 4 0 2 • 3 21 - 1 6 0 1 . 21 December 1977 J-2803 Mr. R. P. Willson, Building Inspector City of Port Angeles Public Works Department P. 0. Box 711 i. •. Port Angeles, Washington 98362 + Re: Plans Examination Report , • Port Angeles High School Modernization and Additions Dear Mr. Willson: °,' Enclosed are copies of code comments for Buildings 700, 800 and 900, which we have `• • •" received from you on the Port Angeles High School project. Attached along with the code comments are our answers. The High School is now out for bids, so we hope to have your concurrence to our an- :' swers as soon as you can. In regards to our answering your comments to our answers on Buildings 100, 200, 300, ;. . 400, 500 and 600, we hope to get them out of this office this week. We trust the enclosed answers will satisfy the City on Buildings 700, 800 and 900. Very truly yours, S RT AND FORE S ', _ . / / , •.s — / fl Jw4 Donald Seifert, AIA 1Ft - DWS/af Enclosures • d # SFB • � ' a .A ' - '',r 1,; ' q. . .. w*.r r `Ms r • .14. I t. .„ # \b.,• ♦ V...,.'.,,, f,r ■ _ : [ c•••..... 9 d ;1/4•1 ,•+� r i r'„ }o Qom• .4 . { k}A y 1 t . } 4 .a. te I. J. 1 • i 10;:l +r }_ /T ) ' — . , y 4i A r+ y f:;. *. '. , r4. '',W"0 f i .l \k i •r `rya _ ' . iii. , , • ,., .10„r, ,•4,...', Y {,.ii J'1 t9 A'TA�� =. 4;a d � f 1 z 0 4*F- • : r L " / � i d ?.• il , �. Usi m • •': YiAt 1 i, xa` ...4,,,,,,.,-„,„;....,_,:.ir � • Yl ` w w „F eQ ',; is,0 cD 0 ', , �i;' : . � •• < 1 4. c ). w a� °rte �., q, ti.1 ' t., i „,,,,.:4,i,:,..::,.:.,v3„. �I ( \\) ; pL • m ”'.:41:: e I ci Z A •� c (1 ?� v �i. k r ',y,St} rJ \ K'� Rye b : ;c. �r1r • r: 4 -t I- 0 � . \ 2��fib�. a 1/4f1 1z f} ,E v , (may f, 1 W �"' \ \•• N .X!;‘,4,•,•(,.,4' 4'144'"•"sr 16# v , ` r,�u_ „.,.,...t!.....,.. , ,,,,, \z e- I "' T \ ` ; Gµ es lA •,• i • ` Q , , — ( l' .i • rr Y «: r '` , + r . .' ' .. , ¢,RP' tl , I C IG3'/7 z ti, . 0 1 PLAN CN(CRIND / ' PRODUCT Ad[AIICH I' • CONSTRUCTION IN•I(CTION DISICN CONSULTANT COD[ CONSULTANT •ADDUCT • MAT'L,EVALUATION ARCHITECTURAL D(SIDN 1111[ ►R OTICTION Ms AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA CONSULTING ARCHITECT ,,J., Slip N,[. I SSTN ST.. SIATTLI. WASHINGTON •I1S■ y \. (SOS) 1181.104$ • ..•.. t , .`.. • 4 •••• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •••• 1,�.., DATE: DECEMBER 12, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO, 146-1 • .• - JURISDICTION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: REMODEL 6 ADDITION TO BLDG. 900 STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL , `• ,.r`- OWNER:PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST. #121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT. FORBES & BERRY .1'...,'J • .. VALUATION: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS ''' ' t` y CONSTRUCTION TYPE: -ONE HOUR OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E-1 � FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 1 +BASEMT. OCCUPANT LOAD: 302 LAND USE: �` . I ', A. FLOOR AREA: 15,872 SQ.FT. PLANS FXAMINEPS: AVD, CAT } ,, •1., ACTUAL: ALLOW: 4476 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE . , ; SEISMIC ZONE 3 k< A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). 2. MINIMUM #9 GAUGE WIRE OR THE EQUIVALENT IS REQUIRED FOR HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT IN ANCHORED VENEER IN SEISMIC ZONE #3. UBC STANDARDS 30-1. - I TIES SHOULD BE ANCHORED TO THIS REINFORCEMENT. 3. TOILET ROOM FACILITIES SHOULD BE PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 805, UBC, AND `• IN CONFORMANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE, CHAPTER 17. NO WASHROOM FACILITIES ARE SHOWN FOR THIS BUILDING. '. S 4. A WATER FOUNTAIN IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 1712 -.•:.' OF RCW 19.27, WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE. } `' 5. FIRE-RESISTIVE SYSTEMS INVOLVING WOOD TRUSSES SHOULD COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS. CONVENTIONAL FIRE-RESISTIVE SYSTEMS USING WOOD ' � f JOISTS APE NOT APPLICABLE. CONSTRUCTION IS TO FOLLOW THE EXACT DESCRIPTION :• AS SHOWN IN TJI RESEARCH REPORT #PFC-2436. , .' f 6. METHOD OF VENTILATING ENCLOSED TRUSS SPACES IS NOT CLEAR. SHOW CONFORMANCE WITH REOUIREMENTS OF SECTION 3205(C). ,± • 7. LONG DIMENSION OF 5/8" GWB SHEETS IS TO BE PERPENDICULAR TO 24" O.C. FRAMING •' •i i MEMBERS. (JAILING PER APPLICABLE ITEM, TABLE #43-B. pi ,Ili..•`+ ,1. 8. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES . . ' . WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS. w .p t' � 9. LIGHT SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 805. 1 , :. . . , •• - �. •. . • • ; • Cr,6 .RPI " . •*L • ® PLAN CHECK #146-1 ' BUILDING 900 • PAGE 2 DECEMBER 12, 1977 10. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THIS BUILDING UNTIL THE • INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESS FOR THE HANDICAPPED IS POSTED AS PROVIDED •; . ; . IN SECTION 5505 OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIERVFREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. SECTION 3301. •' 11. CARPET AND FLOOR MATS (IN ACCESSIBLE AREAS) ARE TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 5504, RCW 19.27. 12. SWITCHING, HARDWARE AND SIGNAGE ARE TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 55, WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. 13. CLARIFY HOW ACCESS TO BOTH FLOORS IS AVAILABLE TO THE HANDICAPPED. ' '• • SEE CHAPTER 75, WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE. I! t 14. FLOOR OR LANDING NOT MORE THAN 1/2" BELOW THE THRESHOLD IS REQUIRED ON EACH SIDE OF AN EXIT DOOR. SECTION 3303(H), RCW 19.27. `• .� ' 15. OPENINGS IN EXTERIOR WALLS WITHIN 10 FEET OF EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS SHOULD • BE PROTECTED WITH SELF-CLOSING 3/4-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES. SECTION 3305(K). SEE DOORS G-903, G-905, 905, 907 AND APPERTINENT SIDELIGHTS. 16. SPACE BETWEEN WOOD FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND A SUSPENDED CEILING BELOW SHOULD BE DIVIDED INTO AREAS NOT EXCEEDING 1,000 SQ.FT. SECTION 2517(E). NO SECTION FOR TYPICAL BETWEEN - CLASSROOM WALLS INDICATES THAT THESE WALLS CONTINUE TO THE FLOOR ABOVE. 17. ATTICS OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL SHOULD BE DIVIDED INTO AREAS NOT EXCEEDING • 3,000 SQ.FT. SECTION 3205(B). 18. AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM IS REQUIRED IN THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ROOM, 904, AND JANITOR ROOM G-904. SECTION 3802. THIS INCLUDES ANY BLIND SPACES ENCLOSED WHOLLY OR PARTLY BY COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION. UBC STANDARD NO. 38-13. • 19. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR CONCRETE WORK DESIGNED WITH F'c • ''A`'`; IN EXCESS OF 2,000 PSI. WRITTEN REPORTS BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVED SPECIAL INSPECTOR ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND INCLUSION IN THE PERMANENT JOB FILES. SECTION 305(A, B). 20. INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED HOLLOW UNIT MASONRY IS TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 2415. SEE SEC-ION 2312(J)2B. • • , • • r ir>t, kP1. ., 4• BUILDING 900 • '• • II:" No comment. •.••`1 1,2:/ Horizontal reinforcement for veneer shown is 9 gauge wire and the ties shall be anchored to it. • 3. Toilet Roo„ facilities in this project have been reviewed and approved by the • I Clallam County Health Department. They meet and exceed the requirements of • UBC 805 and the Washington State Barrier Free Facilities Code. There are no Wash Rooms in the 900 building because it is located close to the other buildings 3. on the campus which have an excess of toilet facilities. The 900 Building is corn- posed exclusively of rooms that open directly to the outside - not to a central cor- . ridor - and once a student is outside the classroom, the toilet rooms in adjacent buildings are as convenient as they would be in Building 900. h •• V• 64) Water fountains are not required in this building by Section 1712 of the Washington , r .1 State Barrier Free Code. a 1• ` • _ On the second floor roof/ceiling of the 900 Building under truss joists, the draw- , 1 ings now show a suspended ceiling system with single layer 5/8" GWB and acoustic tile in the classrooms and single layer 5/8" exterior GWB in the overhang. TJI research report 0 PFC-2436 allows either 2 layers of 1/2" GWB or a suspended T-Bar system with 1" of mineral wool and 5/8" fire rated acoustic tile under truss , joists. We are revising the ceiling assembly by addendum as follows: • Building 900: Revise the second floor ceiling as follows: Install two layers of ' ,\ ' 5/8 GWB on the metal suspension system in classrooms in lieu 1, of one layer of GWB. Install acoustic tile as specified. Install two layers of 5/8" water resistant GWB on the metal sus- • .. pension system in lieu of one layer of water resistant GWB where °� ; . water resistant GWB is shown. • ' 6. UBC Section 3205(C)does not apply. The enclosed truss spaces above the ceilings +. constitute a "warm attic." The thermal insulation is above the roof deck, there- • fore, ventilation is not required. tJ The long dimension of GWB sheets will be perpendicular to 24" o.c. framing and - nailing will be per Tables 43-B and 43-C. • t8`. Break-glass fire alarms will be installed in Rooms 906, 908, G906 and G908 by addendum. 19. Natural light is provided in excess of the requirements of UBC805 and 605. z rk. t% ••' ♦ • '.i • . [ • v` r • • • • • i 1110 r r� i)- •• An international symbol of access sign will be posted on the exterior wall of each • : level of this building under the covered walk overhanges by addendum. p3-1• Carpet and floor mats comply with the requirements of Barrier Free Facilities Code Section 5504. They have a tapered vinyl edge on all sides and a vinyl back that hugs the floor. ? Switches, hardware, and signage coa:ply with the requirements of Chapter 55, • Washington State Barrier Free Code. GYS. Both levels of Building 900 are accessible to the handicapped and requirements of Chapter 75, Washington State Barrier Free Code are satisfied. The upper floor •. is accessible by ramps down from the thru drive or up from the 500 Building. The lower floor of the 900 Building is level with the 500 and 400 Buildings and is ac- cessible from several directions from the exterior. (See site drawings.) d.'• 014'. All floors and landings comply. See UBC 3305(1) "Exterior Stairway Protection". This building is not over two : stories in height and the stairway is not an exit stair since all occupied rooms exit •• directly to the outside on grade on both floors. Therefore, the doors and sidelights • • within 10 feet of the stair do not need to be protected with a 3/4 hour fire resistive - assembly. • /li• This building c!oes not have wood floor construction. Precast concrete deck floor and slab on grade is used. /.1•7( It is intended that the finished partitions between rooms extend from floor to struct- ural deck above on both floors. 18. The stairway in Building 900 is an exterior stairway open to the outside and is not an exit stairway and is not a port of enclosed space. The Janitor Room and the Electrical Room are, in effect, at the exterior end of the building. Therefore, we feel an automatic fire extinguishing system is not required in these two rooms, as the code sections quoted do not pertain. We concur and this is so specified under CONCRETE INSPECTION. e AK- This item is included in the Structural General Notes under MASONRY, SheetS-2 and is required by the specifications. r. f pp`� r ; , Z t 1. yl S1.1 I a Y �v'1, •' )0. V in Z y '1 A � ■ = CO .1, \ f- `9 J" �, • 0 CV ca �° �•HM V • V1 1 :ll• \l1 \ • i o i_l_ a a c v Y N �� 4f ZIP and ° m - n c� _i� �� q �+ -“0 �' rui 11 5 a u .; 3 I i U o o u 144 W J `� r E. .. `i N y r ° 4, NI S N ° H Z ` a J ty+ ar 1 o! g m I e , of n d u a ce L ' — 0 ' I I 1 , * i ' ; � III1I , Q Z u 'o �1 fi! lTIt 9 iu , i'✓7, a ' k U �_ i O 3 0 ° ` i t O Y (d Z. (I 1 1 '� O 4 \ Z r VV ° ` . • 7 '_U c N \ 1 • .Q !v, `44 1'V...Vi r W � v �I j "✓ �' Us� � ( i W e • V O (� �i �} o�` A v' .+ n' 'r i \, • iz,:i , u 0 i e .! © � o €' g I „� I•�I w o "y C �� I• aCC >• C a. ° o g d e 3 d r o ti O c. 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Z N t .., j { Q i t� .� ( pieA Peat N Z Nail 1Q z- o i •. + y IA a.C,-:,., ' ► a ; „ I -I' J: C I V�j o _ F� w �'` J Q 'Zi •J J ,�' �, J , l �• yt Q i z, t i� Y t1 W 1 i• _ I •` p+'A a p!S F A • 1+ _ N, z < C. 21.15 ∎ z ` a . , ,. , 4 0 e$i PERMITff ' OWNER CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT •. 4wwq •w 441 ti `+ . c .�. ' 0 • • �• ••! • ^ .. .c a �' �• • , ' , , ` •. • . .� .• •• i 1 • j f ; A, 7 2 I. ..i ..:. • . . 1\ _ City of i '' '. l TOURIST MECCA OF THE NORTHWEST • • 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 • E_.. ... . _. .. November 18, 1977 ./.. ..4 Seifert, forbes & Berry • 925 Tacoma Avenue South Tacoma, Washington 98402 '~•` : Att: Mr. Don Seifert • 4.--" Dear Mr. Seifert: • We have reviewed the plans for the Port Angeles Senior High School. We hereby approve the plans for construction. • .,, ,if ::: '� R. 1 Ikon Building Inspec r • /44E.t) GA*'F.do Al • . Fire Marshall • Hf'W/jh ,r, - cc: William Serrette, Superintendent ��t � Port Angeles Public Schools �`IAN" Q('',7k Se .• `, A Ot...RT kV,,' L` ac-e/ et cr. 4.t 1M Sc. -, `,w SEAL N cap^ "a - „. • __ i- ., • . . • .....II.. . Nn I . • ' , [ity of P . , • '�/ TOURIST MECCA OF THE SORTIIW'EST ' 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98382 L._ 1 November 17, 1977• Seifert, Forbes & Berry•. 925 Tacoma Avenue South Tacoma, Washington 98402 . • , . Att: Mr. Don Seifert '_• Dear Mr. Seifert: Port Angeles Senior High School project building permits may be obtained at this office. . .' Sincerely, • orp_ . .. R. P. Willson Building Inspector y: '-4.0•1,6e c2.1.4...,..._.--- . Fire Marshall F.. RPW/jh cc: William Serrette, Superintendent • Port Angeles Public Schools • a • . Ct k L 5-c a et. • Of UR .:•>.**� P w , ;. ji ' tf L..:x 11,,, 000:06 216 East Fourth Street .:41. 457 8575 Port Angeles, Washington 93362 Port Angeles Public Schools . :r SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 121 jirt } : Super.n tenCen t November 17, 1977 a ;V: # a f 'f} w., Mr. Bob Wilson • City of Port Angeles • -0-,,,--/ 140 West Front Port Angeles, WA 98362 .,. RE: Port Angeles High School Plans Dear Mr. Wilson: . h( In regards to the plans for modernization and additions to Port • Angeles High School, any corrections necessary to comply with the "� r4` Uniform Building Code will be made. t Sincerely, 4 William A. Serrette ` Superintendent of Schools • "`' ". • WAS:cw . : cc: Don Seifert Don Sleeper :r .- , a } y 1 le • / • . • 0 I . • • - . -• • e , •:RP ! .- ' :'i f • •• ` .A1;Gin ,1 PLAN CHECKING ' • CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PRODUCT RESEARCH CODE CONSULTANT DESIGN CONSULTANT ARCHITECTURAL Ob1G1/ PRODUCT S MAT'S..EVALUATION • PERMIT COORDINATION 1,11t1 PROTECTION INSURANCE INVOrIGATION • AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA CONSULTING ARCHITECT 2S4S N.E. ISITN ST.. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 0418$ (204124S-4044 NOVEMBER 15, 1977 • • MR. R. P. WILLSON BUILDING b ZONING OFFICIAL '4 P.O. Box 711 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 DEAR MR. WILLSON: • THIS LETTER IS IN REPLY TO YOUR RESPONSES CN BUILDINGS 1( 0 THROUGH 600 OF THE PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL REMODELING AND ADDITION WORK. THE REPLY WILL USE THE SANE ITEM • NUMBERS AS USED IN THE ORIGINAL PLAN CHECK REPORTS AND IN YOUR RESPONSES. WE WILL REPLY ONLY TO THOSE ITEMS WHICH WE BELIEVE A QUESTION STILL EXISTS, THE REST WILL • BE CONSIDERED SATISFACTORILY ANSWERED. BUILDING 100 ' • • 5. WE BELIEVE THAT THE DEFINITION FOR MEZZANINE HAS NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH IN • THIS BUILDING SINCE THE STUDENTS STORE IS SHOWN ON THE MAIN FLOOR UNDERNEATH THE n MEZZANINE tt. • 7. SATISFACTORY, SINCE THE PLASTERED WALLS ARE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION. s : 10. EXIT SIGNS ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND SINCE THIS OFFICE WAS NOT GIVEN THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS THIS IS THE REASON THE ITEM WAS INCLUDED IN THE PLAN CHECK REPORT. • 12. THIS OFFICE DOES NOT VIEW THESE CONSTRUCTIONS AS 1—HOUR RATED CONST'7'JCTION. BUILDING 200 3. THIS IS WHY DOOR 217 SHOULD BE 1-1/2 HOUR RATED, SO WALL WILL QUALIFY AS AN • AREA SEPARATION WALL AND ALLOW NEW CONSTRUCTION TO BE VIEWED AS A SEPARATE BUILDING. SECTION 104(B) REQUIRES THAT THE ENTIRE BUILDING MEET CURRENT CODE. • AREA SEPARATION WALL WILL ALLOW THE BUILDING TO BE JUDGED UNDER SECTION 104(C). 5. SEE ITEM 3 ABOVE. 6. THIS IS SLBJECT TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT INTERPRETATION. TABLE #17-A DOES NOT RECOGNIZE= HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION IN TYPE V BUILDINGS, ONLY IN TYPE IV BUILDINGS. Qg yt =k Af "•'+ key$ • -i%lyq + 4.*40. r✓ {' s' p • MR. R. P. WILLSON NOVEMBER 15, 1977 • PAGE 2 • 7. SATISFACTORY. THE ERROR IS DUE TO LACK OF A DIMENSIONED PLOT PLAN SHOWING RE- LATIONSHIP TO OTHER BUILDINGS. ALSO, IF SECTION 104(B) APPLIES, PROXIMITY TO AUDITORIUM BUILDING MAY REQUIRE OPENING PROTECTION. 9. HAVE NOT RECEIVED REVISED SHEET X42-200. 14. THE FIRE ALARMS ARE APPARENTLY SHOWN ON THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS WHICH MIS /. OFFICE HAS NOT RECEIVED. 16. THIS OFFICE HAS NO QUARREL WITH SUBMITTED CALCULATIONS. QUESTION OF INTERPRE- TATION IS WHETHER SUCH FACILITIES SHOULD NOT BE PROVIDED IN EACH BUILDING IN •, 'ii " E" OCCUPANC I ES. ONLY " B" OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS MAKE PROVISIONS FOR SUCH FACILITIES IN ADJACENT BUILDINGS. BUILDING 300 9. SEE RESPONSE TO ITEM 6, BUILDING 200. 10. PARAPET WALL APPEARS NECESSARY AT EAST END OF BUILDING DUE TO PROXIMITY TO BUILDING 400. 14. SEE RESPONSE TO ITEM 14, BUILDING 200. BUILDING 400 • 2. SATISFACTORY, IF HEAVY TIMER STRUCTURE IS ACCEPTABLE TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT IN LIEU OF 1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION. 3. PROXIMITY TO BUILDING 300 REQUIRES PARAPET ON WEST END. 9. THREE-QUARTER HOUR DOORS ARE REQUIRED. i 14. SEE RESPONSE TO ITEM 16, BUILDING 200. 18. THIS AREA APPEARS TO QUALIFY AS A BASEMENT OR CELLAR, AND THUS REQUIRES AN AUTOMATIC FIRF EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM, PER SECTION 3802(B)4. • QUILDING 500 1. SECTION 503(C)1 REQUIRES NO OPENINGS IN 4-HOUR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION. 7. SATISFACTORY, EXCEPT THAT HEAVY TIMBER IS NOT CONSIDERED AS 1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION. ;. 9. SATISFACTORY, EXCEPT THAT HEAVY TIMBER IS NOT CONSIDERED AS 1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION. 11. SEE RESPONSE TO ITEM 6, BUILDING 200. • • • • • • • Ki r• • • • It. R. P. WILLSON NOVEMBER 15, 1977 PAGE 3 BUILDING 600 ALL ITEMS SATISFACTORILY ANSWERED ON BUILDING 600. • N VERY TRULY YOURS, / 1r ' ' .'S. I. • /. • `7'L „,. •. , � l a • AUSTIN K. 'IAN DUSEN, AIA AKV/PM CCs SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY • f • J • • • • .M •_• • • a• • • • • •.• 7 • 1. • • A� _ _ l of P r„: TOURIST MECCA OF THE NORTHWEST .•. ` $ 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 - ,,.. w. November 14, 1977 . Seifert, Forbes and Berry 925 Tacoma Avenue South Tacoma, Washington 98402 Att: Mr. Don Seifert ., Dear Mr. Seifert: ' y. I have, this date, been advised by our code consultant, the plan ,•_ - check on the Port Angeles Senior High School project has been can- pleted. Cn the strength of your assurance the necessary corrections have been, . or•are being made, I see no reason building permits can not be obtained for this job. • Sincere ' 4. . - ogV. . . . . • , R. P. Wilson, Buil• : spector . r, ////,Marshall/ • .. Y cc: School District #121, Super. ,• William Serrette RPW/jh ' II �,i .��a A° -ta y O�"ORr hSEALN • . • &o .+ w.s 14 • • IztAIIl1 `.. • PLAN CHCKN R[I IO PRODUCT RARCH • ® I CONSTRUCTION IN•P[CTION DI•ION CONSULTANT '� CODS CONSULTANT PRODUCT & MAT'L. [VALUATION ARCHITICTURAL DISION PIRI •ROTICTION • AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA CONOULTINO ARCHITICT 3114• N.E. ,11TH IT.. I[ATTLr, WASHINGTON SS11111 +`• (101) SOS.1041 • •"• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •"• ?.Li'YI'1;71 12/6 7 DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO. 146-1 • JUR ISD ICT ION: PORT ANC L,E,S PROJECT: REMODEL b ADDITION TO BLDG. 700 STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL OWNER: PORT ANGELES SCHOOL GIST. #121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY VAI_UAT ICN: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SEE DELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: A2.1 SEE FIRE ZONE: 3 STCRIES:� 1 OCCUPANT LOAD: BELOW LAND USE: FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH • • ACTUAL: ALLOW: 1973 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC ZONE 3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-ONE-HOUR THROUGHOUT WITH TYPE IV HEAVY OCCUPANT LOAD, AT EACH SIDE OF SEPARATION TIMBER ROOF. WALL-900. 1. IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE BUILDING WILL BE USED FOR ASSEMBLY PURPOSES SINCE • ROOM 735 IS LABELED 'LOBBY' AND BALCONIES A..E OBVIOUSLY FOR SPECTATORS. THEREF2RE IT IS CONSIDERED TO BE AN OCCUPANCY GROUP A2.1. 2. BUILDING SHOULD CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF UBC SECTION 104(C). • 3. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). •AREA GF EXISTING BUILDING IS APPROXIMATELY 26. 100 SQ.FT. AREA OF ADDITIONS IS APPROXIMATELY 23,200 SQ.FT. AREA OF EXISTING BUILDING PLUS ADDITIONS ON WEST SIDE OF AREA SEPARATION WALL EQUALS APPROXIMATELY 36,600 SQ.FT. , INCLUDING BALCONIES COUNTED AS PART OF MAIN FLOOR AREA. • THE TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF EXISTING SIDE OF AREA SEPARATION WALL IS LIMITED TO 21,014 SQ.FT. INCLUDING INCREASES OF 33% FOR LOCATION IN FIRE ZONE 3, 100% FOR THREE 60' YDS. SECTIONS 505 AND 506. ADDITIONAL AREA SEPARATION WALLS APPEAR TO BE REQUIRED. '; a 5. TWOHOUR AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 505(D). A. WALLS SHOULD EXTEND VERTICALLY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A POINT 30" ABOVE THE ROOF EXCEPT UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: • • III 0 PLAN CHECK x 146-1.ti,�, BLDG. 700 PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 14, 1977 • i 1. IF THE ROOF IS OF AT LEAST TWO—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. 2. FOR A TWO—HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALL IF THE ROOF FOR 5' ON EACH SIDE OF THE WALL IS OF ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. B. TOTAL WIDTH OF ALL OPENINGS IS LIMITED TO 25% OF THE WALL LENGTH IN THE STORY UNDER CONSIDERATION. C. ALL OPENINGS SHOULD BE PROTECTED WITH FIRE ASSEMBLIES HAVING A FIRE—RESISTIVE RATING OF 1-1/2 HOURS. • D. DUCTS THROUGH AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IF ALLOWED, FIRE DAMPERS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WALL ARE REQUIRED. 6. AREA SEPARATIONS NEED NOT EXTEND TO THE OUTER EDGES OF HORIZONTAL PRO- . JECTING ELEMENTS SUCH AS BALCONIES, ROOF OVERHANGS, CANOPIES, ETC. IF THE EXTERIOR WALL AT THE TERMINATION OF THE SEPARATION WALL AND THE PROJECTING ELEMENTS ABOVE ARE OF NOT LESS THAN ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION FORA WIDTH EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE PROJECTING ELEMENTS WITH OPENINGS IN THIS WIDTH PROTECTED WITH 3/4—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES. SECTION 505(L)2. 7. TWO—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE AREA SEPARATION WALLS MUST COMPLY WITH A TESTED AND APPROVED METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. SEE TABLE #43—B, OR ICBO RESEARCH • RECOMMENDATIOPN, OR APPROVED ASSEMBLIES LISTED IN UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES MANUAL, OR GYPSUM ASSOCIATION DESIGN DATA MANUAL. PROVIDE DETAILS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8. AREA SEPARATION WALLS AT POINTS OF A BUILDING HAVING DIFFERENT HEIGHTS: A. MAY EXTEND ONLY 30" ABOVE THE LOWER ROOF LEVEL PROVIDED THE EXTERIOR WALL ABOVE IS OF ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION TO A HEIGHT OF 10' ABOVE THE LOWER ROOF WITH OPENINGS PROTECTED WITH 3/4—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES. ' B. MAY TERMINATE AT THE LOWER ROOF PROVIDED THE ROOF IS OF AT LEAST ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT OPENINGS FOR A WIDTH OF 10' MEASURED FROM THE WALL. SECTION 505(D)4. 9. MEZZA! INES SHOULD COMPLY WITH THE DEFINITION SET FORTH IN SECTION 414. • A. THE FLOOR AREA CANNOT EXCEED 1/3 THE FLOOR AREA OF THE ROOM IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. THE POLICY OF THE TERM 'TOTAL FLOOR AREA IN THAT ROOM' 4 IS AS FOLLOWS: • 1. THE MEZZANINE MUST BE OPEN TO THE AREA BELOW EXCEPT FOR HANDRAILS. 2. No ROOMS DIRECTLY BELOW THE MEZZANINE ARE ALLOWED EXCEPT FOR BATHROOMS, ENTRY AREAS AND CLOSETS. B. THE CLEAR HEIGHT ABOVE ANL) BELOW SHOULD BE AT LEAST 7 FT. 10. MINIMUM #9 GA. WIRE OR THE EQUIVALENT IS REQUIRED FOR HORIZONTAL REIN— .i FORCEMENT IN ANCHORED VENEER IN SEISMIC ZONE 3. UBC STANDARDS #30-1. • TIES SHOULD BE ANCHORED TO THIS REINFORCEMENT. f o • . , •� ' • PLAN CHECK #146-1 BLDG. 700 PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 14, 1977 11. EXTERIOR VENEER MORE THAN 25' IN HEIGHT ATTACHED TO WOOD FRAMING IS NOT .. ALLOWED UNLESS PROVISIONS FOR DIFFERENTIAL MOVEMENT ARE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. SECTION 3001(B). 12. BUILDING WASHROOMS MUST COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF WASHINGTON STATE R � BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. 13. NON-ABSORBENT FINISH AND BACKING FOR TOILET ROOM FLOORS, WALLS OF TOILET COMPARTMENTS AND WALLS AROUND URINALS SHOULD CONFORM WITH SECTION 1711(A). 14. PROVIDE FACILITIES IN WASHROOMS, INCLUDING GRAB BARS IN TOILET STALLS FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS. SECTION 1711(C)11, RCW 19.27. 15. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT QUALIFY AS FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION r;'' NOR IS IT RECOGNIZED IN TYPE V BUILDINGS. TABLE #17-A. IN TYPE V ONE-HOUR CONSTRUCTION GLUED LAMINATED MEMBERS MUST BE ONE-HOUR •, i PROTECTED. 16. PARAPET WALLS NOT LESS THAN 30" IN HEIGHT ABOVE ROOF ARE REQUIRED. SECTION 1709. 17. METAL SIDING AT MECHANICAL PENTHOUSE WALLS IS NON-COMBUSTIBLE BUT IS NOT • RATED FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. ONE-HOUR RATING IS REQUIRED. SEE SECTION 3/A4. 18. DO NOT FIND APPROVAL FOR ONE-HOUR RATING ON INTERIOR PARTITIONS USING `ft• 5/8" GWB WITH NAILING SCHEDULE AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 9A-5 OF SPECI- FICATIONS. 19 FIRE-RESISTIVE SYSTEMS INVOLVING WOOD TRUSSES SHOULD COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS. NOTE DESCRIPTION AND FOLLOW EXACTLY IN RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS #1694 FOR TRUSS JOISTS AND IN #PA=C-2436 FOR TJI 's. 20. JUSTIFYING TEST DATA IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 106, OR AN ICBO RESEARCH RECOMMIENDATION IS REQUIRED FOR LAY-IN ACOUSTICAL CEILING. 21. SUSPENDED CEILINGS ARE TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF TABLE #23-J. • 22. CARPETS AND FLOOR MATS (IN ACCESSIBLE AREAS) ARE TO COMPLY WITH SECTION /• 5504, WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. 23. SWITCHING, HARDWARE AND SIGNAGE IN NEW CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF THIS BUILDING ARE TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 55, WASLING•!ON STATE t••� BARRIER-FREE FACILITI.=S CODE, RCW 19.27. l : ♦. PLAN CHECK #146-1 ® BLDG. 700 PAGE 4 .; NOVEMBER 14, 1977 24. EXITING FROM EXISTING GYMNASIUM AND BALCONIES APPEARS DEFFICIENT, PER CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS IN TERMS OF TOTAL EXIT WIDTH. PLEASE REVIEW. • 25. AN OCCUPANT LOAD SIGN IS REQUIRED IN THE GYMNASIUM ADDITION AND LOBBY. SECTION 3301(J). 26. MANUAL FIRE ALARM DEVICES MAY BE MOUNTED AT MAXIMUM 54" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. SECTION 1718, RCW 19.27. 27. EXIT SIGNS SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 3312(C)2, WIRED IN AHEAD OF MAIN DISCONNECT. 28. ALL INTERIOR CORRIDORS OF THE BUILDING ARE CONSIDERED 'ONE—HOUR CORRIDORS' . BEC4USE OF AN OCCUPANT LOAD GREATER THAN 30. JOB SPECIFICATIONS INDICATE 20—MINUTE DOORS AND FRAMES AS REQUIRED BUT DOOR SCHEDULES ON D?AWINGS DO NOT INDICATE WHICH DOORS ARE Tu BE 20—MINUTE LABELED ASSEMBLIES. THIS OFFICE BELIEVES THAT AL1. NC?! INTERIOR CORRIDOR DOORS INSTILLED IN THE REMODELED PORTIONS AS WELL AS NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ALL INTERIOR CORRIDOR DOORS IN NEW BUILDING SHOULD COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. • EXISTING CORRIDOR DOORS MAY REMAIN AS PERMITTED BY UBC 104(C). 4 29. HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO LOCATE A HARDWARE CALL—OUT FOR DOOR #772. 30. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR CONCRETE WORK DESIGNED WITH F'c • IN EXCESS OF 2,000 PSI. WRITTEN REPORTS BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVED SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND • INCLUSION IN THE PERMANENT JOB FILES. SECTION 305(A, B). 31. INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED HOLLOW UNIT MASONRY IS TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 2415. SEE SECTION 2312(J)2 B. =c • • , r ;t RP • . • • ' . 4 BUILDING 700 We do not agree on assuming this building will be used for assembly purposes, and • therefore to be Occupancy Group A2.1. Since this entire building is used for educational purposes at least 6 hours per day and is occupied by 50 or more persons, we classify it as being in Occupancy Group E, Div. 1. . • • L-2/ We agree that building should conform to UBC Section 104(C). • c.3. No comment. • Again, we do not agree, due to the wrong Occupancy Group used. The area of building west of 2 hour fire wall h 31,190 square feet. The area of building east of fire wall is 18,244 square feet. (See enclosed area take-off plans.) . Allowed under 'E' Occupancy in Table 5C Basic area increase for building in Fire Zone No. 3 33-1/3% (11,800) for Type V (1 hr) = 3,929.4 0 3,929 + 11,800 = 15,729 (2) 31,458.8 S.F. Base upon on 'E' Group Occupancy, no additional area separation walls are required. , • L5: The two hour separation walls shown do meet Section 505(D), including A,B,C and D as stated in your comments. • /lc:- The area separation walls shown are 2 hr. construction and have no situations where the outer edges extend or project beyond the wall. • 1,7. The two hour walls indicated on the drawings are of the following materials: , 1. 8" solid concrete. 2. 8" cement masonry units which are pumice. • 3. Wood studs with 2 layers of 5/8", Type X gypsum wallboard on each side. • 8. Area separation walls indicated on the drawings do satisfy either A or B, UBC Section 505(D), 3 and 4. ' 9. A-1 The two mezzanines total area in the existing Gym is 5,789 square feet. The total area of the existing Gym is 22,935 square feet. 33-1/3 percent of the total Gym area is 7,637 square feet. The existing mezzanines area h less than 1/3 total area 0 of the Gym. ,g,� • • i °., G c?W ► o • • A-2 Section 414 does not state that, "No rooms are allowed except Bathrooms, Entry . Areas and Closets." B s/The clear height above and below exceeds 7 feet. 110, The brick masonry walls of 700 Building are not c,�chored veneer, but are reinforced • masonry meeting the requirements of Chapter 24. The interior frame wall h furring : • to contain the batt insulation. t 44/. There are no veneer walls shown. The 8" reinforced masonry walls have pilasters which meet the code. • 42: 700 Building new Rest Rooms 775 and 776 meet the Handicap Code. All Toilet Rooms have ceramic tile floors and a 5 ft. wainscot of ceramic tile, .• . which meet Section 1711(A). • Grab bars are shown for Handicap Toilets. • r Heavy timber is allowed for Type A, 2.1 as shown on Table 5C. ,y}� Parapet walls are not required. Section 1709, exception 3, states, "Walls where, `� due to location on property, unprotected openings are permitted", need not extend through the roof, but may terminate at the roof sheathing. 7 17. Behind the metal siding, 1/2" gypsum sheathing will be installed, making the wall with a one-hour rating. • v. 5/8" GWB shall be nailed with 6d cooler nails at 7" on center, as indicated under Item 77 of Table 43 B. ?19. Two layers of 5/8" GWB metal suspended ceiling will be below the TJ I s wood trus- ses. Lay-in acoustical ceiling has been replaced in Building 700 with metal suspended 5/8" GWB ceiling. • ? Suspended ceilings shall be specified to provide for lateral force bracing to satisfy UBC Table 23J, Item 6. L 2� Carpet and floor mats comply with the requirements of barrier free facilities code Section 5504. They have tapered vinyl edge on all sides and a vinyl pack tart hugs the floor. ,�;, y .: ,: ,:',4444%'‘'''„:;+,...0=1.'.. r.rtfi�h•��,,�Y'`Cr vT'A� .z, ...;� r� �e , !^ y I 12T. Switching, hardware and signage will-comply with requirements of Chapter 55, Washington State barrier-free facilities Code RC 19.27. • p.2 • The exisiting exiting from the balconies have been analyzed and we have found them adequate except for the northwest stair which emptied back into the Gym. This has been corrected by the new Door 727. Q . An occupant load sign will be provided for the Lobby and the new Gymnasium d Addition. Manual fire alarm devices are specified to be mounted at 54" above finished floor. 27. Exit.signs are the illuminated type and are wired in ahead of main disconnect(Poo-739 0) , All doors in the project are specified to be 20 minute doors and frames. All exist- �. ?• ing doors that are shown to remain are solid wood core doors. Al l corridor doors • • . will be replaced with new 20 minute door due to the lever type hardware now re- . quired by the Handicap Code. • . /WK. Door 772 hardware call-out is as follows: 3 Pr. Butts BB1279 -4-1/2 x 4-1/2 • Lockset 540-5/8 Moderalev -8 x 2606 . 2 Ea. Closers P2810 Series 2 Ea. Automatic Flush Bolts 456B•,' Dustproof Strike C98 Astragal 357 SP ' Coordinator 469 � {• Carry Bar DR370 4' 2 Ea. Kickplates 285-8" x 2" LTDW-CAS i. 4 Ea. Silencers 33 1,21 Special inspection for concrete is specified and will be coordinated with the City • Building Department. • 13< The installation of reinforced hollow unit masonry shall comply with Section 2415. Y + `w 1. a f zlsf'y`�� -i.3r ::dR��' -1,11.444....,"ii•4's,r-z,,'! • •?fi'£,. ��4'`aT` "t4%i `' F • .•. • • • •. . 7 <#Ora , • Jr ft tif/77 • • PLAN CHECKING PRODUCT RESEARCH •.� CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION OLSIGN CONSULTANT • CODE CONSULTANT PRODUCT Si MAT•L. [VALUATION t ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION • I AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA CONSULTING ARCHITECT •• 3114111 N.I. 111111TH ST.. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON •StI• ' (LOS) 3 $-1O4S '• •••• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •••• Pery Is4 • • DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO 146-1 JURISDICTION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: REMODEL & ADDITION TO BLDG. 000 • STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL PORT OWNER: DIST.AN121ES SCHOOL ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY VALUATIJN: - ENGINEER:_ CHALKER ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SEE BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E-1 ' I FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 1 OCCUPANT LOAD: 76 LAND USE: Y, '• FLOOR AREA: 9,492 SQ. FT. PL1NS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH 1976 ACTUAL: ALLOW: A923 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE • SEISMIC ZONE 3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V 1—HOUR wins TYPE IV HEAVY TIMBER ROOF , THE WORK CONSISTS CF ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION TO HOUSE THE AUTOMOTIVE LAB AND CLASSROOt•1 ACTIVITIES. 1. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). �. < < 2. ANY COMPRESSED GAS STORAGE MUST COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 8, UNIFORM FIRE CODE. DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE. I • 3. NONAf3SURBANT FINISH AND BACKING FOR TOILET ROOM FLOORS, WALLS OF TOILET COMPARTMENTS, AND WALLS AROUND URINALS SHOULD CONFORM TO SECTION 1711(A). GYPSUM WALLBOARD IS NOT CONSIDERED COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. • COVING AT FLOOR IS TO BE MINIMUM OF 5—INCHES HIGH. 4. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT QUALII=Y AS FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION NOR IS IT RECOGNIZED IN TYPE V BUILDINGS. TABLE 17—A. IN TYPE V 1—HOUR CON— . ' STRUCTION GLUED LAMINATED MEMBERS MUST BE 1—HOUR PROTECTED. 5. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP E OCCUPANCIES WI1H AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS. 6. THE NATURE OF COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE FOR THIS FACILITY IS CRITICAL IN DETERMINING � y WHETHER THE BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 35, UNIFORM FIRE CODE, HIGH PILED STORAGE. THIS INFORMATION HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN ON SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS. BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHOULD ASCERTAIN AND EVALUATE WHETHER COMPLIANCE IS REQUIRED. SEE SECTION 35.102(A,B). Fn . ~. • PLAN CH:CK 146-1 • NOVEMBER 7. 1977 PAGE 2 • ( le FLOORS OF STORAGE GARA&3 SHOULD BE ENTIRELY PROTECTED AGAINST SATURATION. r CONCRETE FLOORS ARE ACCEPTABLE. HOWEVER, NOTE FLOOR DRAIN AND OIL SEPARATOR REQUIREMENT. SECTION 1102(B). . .` [is• EXHAUST MECHANICAL VENTILATION AT OR NEAR FLOOR LEVEL IS REQUIRED IN GARAGES i BY SECTION 1105. �• 49: INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED HOLLOW UNIT MASONRY IS TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 2415. SCE SECTION 2314(03. CLARIFY. <r • • . 4 'i • _ e'w h },. .,tab 6.. t z ,'•t'S'' : Ailt.--2,a Y ei t7 1 . •`' ` . 4 . i. ,b Ft. I a , - , '' ' t P ® & r 4e. ._ • BUILDING 800 .: kr No comment. r " 2., 2. Compressed gas will not be stored in Building 800. '_. 1 3. Toilet Rooms are to have ceramic tile on the floors and a 5 ft. ceramic tile wains- S cot on the gypsum wallboard walls, as indicated. CYG e. The code recognizes heavy timber as being better than Type V one-hour construction. See Table 5C on Page 60 where it shows that heavy timber has greater area allow- • once than Type V one-hour. Section 1201, third paragraph, states that •'.merials which will afford equal or greater public safety or resistance to fire, may oe used. ` c • i ls'• Building 800 will have an approved fire alarm system, as specified. • 16. There will be no high piled storage in this building. A fire resistant room is shown for combustible storage. • te 800 Building has concrete floors, also floor drains and oil separator. r, /13• The mechanical drawings have been revised to show exhaust intakes at or near �, floor level. We are enclosing these revised drawings for both 500 and 800 build- - ings. ` !AK The installation of reinforced bellow unit masonry shall comply with Section 2415. , . This is not only indicated on the structure notes on the drawings, but is also re- ;_ ` quired by the specifications. Section 2314(K)3 does not exist in the 1976 code/0'. but is indicated in the 1973. This structure shall qualify as reinforced masonry under provisions of the code. 9 • t • • , 2 , , 7. - s Ate : ... jk;r.,1. :, ■ tt {• ' r r.,. • • • .' • • ? + . • • • • • • ® U • 0. n a l^ N 2 M W W N J Z A • 41 CD et ^ o• • ••4 zQx = .Q m W a ,� 3 r-, F— Ow ems, y 0 0 p N w a' Y u, J CO a 3 0 < y 3 • >- V a 0 re • F- J a0 r� p Q� W • W (••) 47 n H t! Z a 0 a, c o y • • I I CU c IW. O [ W ,. < rl ,, Z 0 0 0 h . 1.1 4J • 0 o • 0 O a. U • • . a • M - � r� : • 1 8 • ,` a 4..I 0 H - Z .0 a U 0• Cr)u, I uu 0 u 1 � 0 W • q N Q cn 124 I sob u 0 Z m 0 Z-4 4) N W •0 ` � v + W �+ y H .. 2 o 0 • F . , 0 U W K▪ 90 , t m 0 h• 0 • • N la x . 9 I ` y e , ' • . 9 3 • , E •I [ [ 11 I [ li [ t ii E 11 II Y , ■ y 1 7 A R C H I T E C T S • P L A N N E R S • EN G I N E E R S =a 925 TACOMA AVENUE SOUTH, T ACOMA, W A SH I NGT ON 98 402 • 383 . 1 601 • 19 October 1977 J-2803 ` _• ' s Mr. Robert Wilson ` Port Angeles Building Department • City of Port Angeles ..ci Port Angeles, Washingt�c, 98362 •j I. Re: Mechanical Plans Examination Report • t Port Angeles High School Modernization and Additions •4 ';.' Gentlemen: .; Attached is the letter of response to the Mechanical Plans Examination Report from Ervin/Halvorson &Associates Mechanical Engineers dated October 13, 1977. The following is our response to the Mechanical Plan Examination Report dated 7 September 1977. The items listed below correspond to the items in that report: DUCT CONSTRUCTION Item M 1 See Ervin/Halvorson Response Attached. ', NON-METALLIC DUCT CODE CONFORMANCE Item M 2 See Ervin/Halvorson Response Attached. • Ea FIRE DAMPERED DUCTS IN FIRE RESISTIVE CEILINGS ..s, Item M 3 In all buildings, ducts piercing fire resistive ceilings that are •'• '`s part of a mechanical system are provided with fire dampers at • -� the ceiling. Exhaust fans exhausting directly to the outside >r through a fire-resistive ceiling-roof assembly from Janitor 1'1 ooms and Storage Rooms are provided with fire dampers at .,;;.I the ceiling. Exhaust fans exhausting directly to the outside ti through a fire-resistive ceiling-roof assembly from other "..' occupancies are not Fire dampered per UBC 4306 (i) (4) which , requires fire dampers in floor ceiling assemblies, not roof-ceiling ' assemblies. (Note your telephone interpretation to us ..'y September 30, 1977 and mechanical plan check letter Item M-14). �, Ducts piercing a fire-resistive floor-ceiling assembly are provided with fire dampers. 1 -forward e, „. ' [I] •w "is . `, . r�"4 19 October 1977 >rt J-2803 Page 2 To: Mr. Robert Wilson FIRE DAMPERED DUCTS IN FIRE TIME RATED WALLS ' : Item M 4 (A) Area separation Walls (B) Occupancy Separation Walls (C) Other Fire Time Rated Walls: Ducts penetrating ' these walls are provided with fire dampers. ;• ; Item M 5 CORRIDOR WALLS AND CEILINGS t Ducts penetrating the walls and ceilings of 1 hour rated corridors are provided with fire dampers. e • s Item M 6 TIGHT FITTING DOORS `''"' Doors from rooms into one hour corridors are not being undercut. 9 Typically, air is moved between corridors and rooms throu9ffire dampered wall grilles or by infiltraiion where separate air supply is not required. louvers are not used in doors between rooms and ,w one hour corridors. • " ` ,° Item M 7 FIRE DAMPERS SHOWN ON PLANS See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. ''` Item M 8 ELECTRIC CABINET HEATERS RECESSED IN ONE HOUR CEILINGS K There are no recessed Electric Cabinet Heaters in one hour ceilings. ": All have been re-designed '.o be surface mounted except the unit in Building 300 corridor is semi-recessed and will be protected by a one hour enclosure. Item M 9 FIRE TIME RATING OF JANITOR CLOSETS AND STORAGE ROOMS ,' All storage rooms and Janitor closets are of a minimum one hour "•`( construction throughout. All openings through ceilings, walls and ,`.; floors in these rooms are fire dampered. / Item M 10 DUCT LINING PER CODES '..4 See Ervin/Halvorson letter attache a. ,, c y: '" Item M 11 MUSIC PRACTICE ROOM CEILING DUCTS • P These rooms are separated from the mechanical equipment and each other for acoustical reasons, not fire separation reasons. The heating unit is -• rated below 400,000 BTU and is no; required to have fire-time rated x • . separation from Educational occupancies according to UBC Section 808 'j Exception. Therefore we believe that the duct penetrations in these 1 rooms should not have to have fire dampers. -forward /. 3 SEB • b '' .-1 -� ., .�r•. (. r fd '�. ja 1 rf a Yom '. i • 19 October 1977 l' J-2803 1'. Page 3 ,•!`, To: Mr. Robert Wilson A v 1 Item M 12 REFRIGERATION CONDENSATION PANS AND DUCTS ,'i See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Item M 13 KITCHEN HOODS In Fast Foods Room 324 the hood above the grill and oven is a grease extractor automatic wash down hood, Gaylord BDL. In Assembly Room '. 332 the hood located over the steam jacketed kettles is a grease extractor hood without automatic wash down, Gaylord BDL-S• ; hoods hoods Chapter an Both hds are type I hds per UMC Ch 20 d are defined as sr "UL listed grease extractors". Makeup air is provided in each '•` room as required; see Ervin�Halvoron response attached. "' i It has been noted on the drawings that hood installation shop drawings `, ., shall be approved by the building official prior to fabrication and j 3;; installation. The hood in Room 332 is semi-recessed into a one hour , shaft enclosure, and the hood in Room 324 is exposed in the room with ceiling-roof duct penetration - both per Plan Check letter suggested details. See enclosed mechanical and architectural detail excerpts. '� Item M 14 FIRE DAMPERS IN ONE HOUR CEILINGS fe dampers are provided in one hour floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling ,.;t, t :.ssemblies per our response to Item M-4. ,. Item M 15 DUCT ENCLOSURE IN PAINTING AND FINISHING ROOM 527 The ducts out of this room are enclosed in a non-combustible shaft `/. wall of minimum one hour rating from the ceiling through the roof. There are no unprotected uncombustible materials within the shaft ;� and shaft enclosure. Exhaust outlets are as required. See Details 4` (500) 10/A-4, (500) 21/A9, and 8/D3 attached. L Item M 16 FINISHING ROOM DETAILS (A,B & C) / See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. (B) Electric wiring is according to Article 500 of the NEC. (C) No drying pp ing aaratus will be used in this project. 7' ' Item M 17 ROOM NAMES ON MECHANICAL PLANS See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. w't J Item M 18 EXHAUST AIR SUPPLY OPENINGS ` See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. ,. -forward a' 3 [ '4. • • or ., S• r>. ,•�,,Jl Z . u1 6 J m 4 t- • ' " ` I 4 2.Q . ac Q r� tJ — t o Z J•1 1—� Z Z oL w4 4 5 4 3 k ' Q � �a\S r— � U1 D i N _7t \)� 2Z .Y tQ z 1 2 N z • �}— KQJ r ML Q 41 7 a VuT �+ " m r , un U m u.m utQ i k) ,., . s — // .! , 1 I— mat tr- 4 _ L.— m u -- '; pJ ad I I- D to-= 0 in vs 2 ♦ ,'. j ' NIV4 Q1 d ‘\l�, ` _ - — _ '0 0 c'' •, \A all 0■∎— O r" f Z lo be A i CV I — �� p . 1 ...,f.A. I, ii' II I 11 - s''. 0 I><1 • -% t X4 *. tS• y 5 s �! +. �� .'.•r e.. .. &. ''',. '- 4 *♦ . 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',I 1 /I IL s.-- 0 .., X • . r . 4 &4kk • ;t:',''''',.:"'e '. :\i .•.he'_ 7 ♦ i -4-• .. .1,.+,: 1 M 3 c'IL'9 ♦5:' U a ✓. Y .w W■- • "..1,4. . " ..-0,1.-,.--17 , +4+t1 f _'* s '• ", `- r �. wvy xx � 'w a < 1 704 - :'.'an rai d a --... .Y } ,M- % . f . .* { I s 3 r f i _, 1I I • ` 1 r� I . It ,,y_' 4. ire E t Z ' . 4: a ' I = 0 ._4 1 , 4 w Q *'. s,s,,,,, N REINFORCED i ON 0"TNICK� SEE MF.r..N. FOR YE -r s_ ARIEA• CAP FLAt+kINC. ( C HANNEL. £,UPRTb • SEE_ � • �*} © 1. : 3` P. 41, s z. ZAN. 6I Di. co.,. my N MESFt a RO 9bC•RCft4 'YP. * :15 CY1'PSUM SOLID VLt."IT vMe JI -*^ -� I � S-Wr WILL.AL:AROUND j" DUCT C 644K SIpe.I :; Xa r0 PI "* ` E(I57. L - Mill " r Isr Gw3 TER _ r , or }JOIE : z gg h i i •T TO '� 1 ,r % pox e 00TH FILTER WALL I ' DEyI LB4$,~PAN IE.LS ■ , ' SEC'.P".lS. 5 k. T!-1 �EGTION . PAL �T . BOO T1-1 ,, ,,a 2 S MAL . B ..Q.. l-I Y i„1E. va. N_J � - 1 � ;e4 Q , % �• dr' � • r ' � ��y:,Yr s !•';/S � n. �yk� ' t��� Y t.. . .ilR w14 d.r '''' •/. ♦ t t 9`L . r * . e 'If t -e„F1 t, )F,Rta f. t - .• . .�')_ ..ta _ t' ! _, .44...2 s ti i1 _ 1'' �+ .41, y it t It -...— . .... C: 1.3 T"a°, WALL SEc:;._ 1oK.i ii lam. ,,,, sc.A.�E ... ,/4 " _ I '- c)" 1 ...t. If ;t `��� r I Z IID . , ' �!' Y . • 1 - II ' Ili,. . t DST. 4 '�!a1EQ. "FOR ROOF �� - IW {'. BOUT 5� ` >~:.P.:�NING SE's 5! � �i� •j; t• 1, •+ ' Y : `DU' .T BY MECH. ,+ ' '• 4 :,..f:j,' i U.S.GYI-DSUM SGL ) 4'$ VZ.NT SHAFT WALL. - , , t w '- - --_ -h- -- - - - - ' --et - ALL ARCS)N D DUCT-- -- -1 -_ ,ir• - __--_ �' 1L ' i.t 4� aG .1S SNOWN __ _ Z • 22-oil MiN. !o' 3 E M.EC}-•t . ;-OS _a" 1 •• a'' 2NR.WALL , M,N... D:)GT Sl7.t , KN. ;; '14"GWt'� g'-On `�'I`� i (.. (:)',1 FIGURAT!ON 'j I SEE. S +I-. ,' 2 o'1 �.3A-..�E r 0r. ji 2x4 S ICo"O.C. I t I 1 S i r.a 1'. •/. .. t 1 iI±,�4 .` , 1 F �T>rRr� SEE Jj 1 / :`it'',. L• _ t 1 Ell D U CT D E TAl _ ' 5c.A1....E. . /.4 It . 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' Y '.1‘ rrt 7 t" M t r i t yu i F " S ' y A ''' :t:.-•' .a. r`7� •± �' , 1 •�`SF 49• -tf.},• /t, f�V `"t.t n * t I 1 4 i ',_{ }f, r ' - .'' .1::.‘f;''' ME•M0 ` ER. •. ------ _ SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY Q 'J ., �.t;,,r Architects-Planners-Engineers /011, t )1? 'a;>, 925 TACOMA AVENUE SOUTH-TACOMA, WASHINGTON 984027go3 4.4.••'%� Phone: 383-1601 • y,t "..fb;r :.M E. S S...A -B _E , R` E,.I' . Ir. Y r • .. t • , ;r n,, nn ova'/, R U !1T1, ATE UtitiGL, �iLt GI/`�-u-C`1(� Ateto,gitalP,64b, /61,-te,(0- r Atell,'Itgl,74 ftf'14 924 1 ,me- iR 1 cd- iq1 ' k U:� I'K Zsc, '...e, 911,1621telActui ?Att4 ..,,,,,,,,„ ,,,,, 41 -v,,,,,,, ' aA ,tx.e.„,.."„. , , 46",,, ..z.,", .,4,4,,,,,. 40,./ "t/q, fq94-t(6 -1h) i ' ku 'v 1 tiL, I I 4oitAz. :AVIV -a=te /i ..c,w 7Y11 ' aCett Oeht, 4 :� V�yy' a."�oL i 1 46easo}�r ... r , ...a,...., „,,,.,,,,,.„ ..,t4-$ ,4 dal', /it ' ' `r SIG t <�J 1L� ��.4r SIGNED Vs 2, EOG A R NC s 882 TH RD AVE BKNN v t 32 "l H c, COPY ',,=0(3 F0(3 PERS N An D 'ES StD ] ' . . ;l \ }y; „ • • Y+ . • • .. . r • .. �. • r .PP I 1 . ••. 44 �' .,\ . a . . . . .. • • i I • A R C H I T E C T S%, [ [I ri li E. & [ II flieY.% • P L A N N E R S • E N G I N E E R S n 011 TACOMA AVENUE SOUTH, TACOMA° W ASHINOTON 01401 • 711 • I • O1 • geld //9 /377 • r • , - 12 Octoier 1977 w .•• J-2803 • Mr. R. P. Willson, Building Inspector , City of Port Angeles •• , •• Public Works Department .1 P.O. Box 711 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 i_ ' Re: Port Angeles High School • • • • Dear Mr. Wi!Ison: • Enclosed ore copies of code comments for each building, which we have received • from you on the Por %ngeles High School project. Attached along with the yi/ code comments are our answers. You will note that most of the comments are . ; shown on the drawings we sent you, and it appears that we are crossing off a check list. • As of this dote we have not received comments on Buildings 700,800,900 and 1000• .' .' Please do everything you con to finish your review, so the City can send us a letter • • `v approving the Fire Marshal's review. • �. Very truly yours, •r Seifert, Forbes & Berry ,'4, • onald W. Seifert, A! DWSmb • F,• 7S r ° Enclosures '`' b �0t r 11 4 S[D • akit • . pg+ r < 1 , • ' . r ` a ' •1 • ® 0 , � . BUILDING 100 • . Answers to comments of September 21, 1977 • . ✓ 1. Building 100 toilet facilities are shown revised to satisfy Washington State Barrier-Free tr • ...`.,i Facilities Code. • . , ri s-'2. We agree that Building 100 should conform to UBC Section 104(c). . ' r/3. No comment. ``�a . . ✓4. Our area take-off does include the mezzanine. - . . .✓5. The mezzanine does comply with the definition set forth in Section 414. •: .,.e. A. The floor area does not exceed 1/3 of the floor area of the room in which it is located. • • <° , ✓B. The clear height above and below is over 7 feet high. } • V6. Horizontal reinforcement for veneer shown is 9-gauge wire and the ties shall be •• . , anchored to it. ✓7. The project does not have exterior stud stucco wall.-. • ✓8. All storage and janitor closets are shown to be of one-hour-fire resistive construction. `. `' /9. Approved fire alarms are indicated throughout' for all buildings. 1 • ✓ 10. Exit signs are the illuminated type and are indicated. Exit signs are wired ahead I.4 of the main disconnect. P• t, v 11 . Grease hoods over cooking units shall comply with Sections 1901, 1902, and 1107 of •,' the Uniform Mechanical Code. e- • , :: _ /12. All projections such as facias, are one hour construction as indicated on the drawings. �. Note Sections on sheets A4A-100. A f" /13. Janitor and storage rooms are separated from other areas by one hour fire resistive construction. This includes doors, hardware, walls, ceiling and fire dampers in ';«' these areas. ✓14. All interior corridors of Building 100 will become one hour construction. The speci- •.. fications indicate that all doors which will be replaced are 20 minute doors . The drawings show that all corridor doors are to be replaced. z /15. There is no s;tuation in Building 100 where there is a suspended ceiling below a wood floor. • /16. The roof drains and overflow drains shown for Building 100 are existing. According to Section 104c, we do not intend to change the existing drainage system. • • ' f.'. • . '. ® 0 Building Nc, 200 Answers to comments of September 23, 1977 t y1! Door 217 need only be one hour since both existing and new portions meet code and • are one area within the allowable square Feet. . •S'' ,. .; /2. Building 200 will meet the requirements of the Washington State Barrier-Free Facilities Code. j V3. The new addition to Building 200 satisfies the requirements of UBC Section 104 (B). 14. No comment. /5. Area separation wall is not required, even though the wall between bond and choral does ' satisfy Section 505 (D). ,.f ,6 Our interpretation of the code says that Hoavy Timber construction is better than type V ✓ one-hour construction. See table 5C cn Page 60, where it shows that Heavy Timber has greater area allowance than type V one-hour. Section 1701, third paragraph states that materials which will afford equal or greater public safety or resistance to fire may be used. • • ✓7. Parapet walls are not required. Section 1709, exception 3, states "Walls where, due . to location on property, unprotected openings are permitted". Based upon the above statement, we have not shown parapet walls. /8. Mechanical ventilation is shown For all areas of Building 200. ?poll 9 9. The basement area under Building 200 is used for storage. With the concrete floor of ■ the new addition and the heavy timber floor of the existing, along with fire dampers for duct openings through floor, there is adequate separation between floors. See revised sheet M2-200. DoM't h•✓G.Oon5e11e.4 .d rites fbtrs Is N. •rth sAss f ✓10. Penetrations of one-hour suspended ceiling will be protected by Fire dampen. 7 l i. Wall type 16 on ShJet 200A-6 shows sound absorbing wall consisting of peg board backed ,s up by rock wool. In all locations where this is used, it is shown in front of a one-hour • wall. See detail 1 on Sheet 200 A-5. S t c. 4 2 C3. I ✓12. The project does not have exterior stud stucco walls. X13. Storage and janitor closets are one-hour fire resistive construction as shown. • i/14. Approved firs ularms ore shown in Building 200. xV15. Su�ae .1t I ceilings shall be specified to provide for Ictere: force bracing to satisfy UBC irL:e 23) Item 6. di-4e Scnitary fo,:ilities ore provided in Building 100. Enclosed, with these comments are • our design ancipsis sheets which show that we have in excess the number of sanitary facilities required by Section 805. ' •. ; .4..; • � � " ': ti S w, ° ]•i' A �i �.r S. �/ a mss:.. • Building No. 200 (cont'd.) )7. All interior corridors of Building 200 ore shown as one-hour construction. The !/ specifications indicate that all doors which will be replaced ore 20-minute doors. The drawings show that all corridor doors ore to be replaced. The existing ••• 2-1/4" sound doors are solid and can be classified as meeting a 20 minute rating except for the glass relight which will be replaced with wire glass. • • i + •�. • t{ • • , • 4 • 4 • • • •:x • r • 4. KP I f • PLAN CHECKING PRODUCT RESEARCH CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DESIGN CONSULTANT CODE CONSULTANT PRODUCT i MAT'L.EVALUATION ARCHITECTURAL DE•ION /IRE PROTECTION • AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA CONSULTING ARCHITECT 3140 N.E. 100TH ST.. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON SSISS ' (500) 112.1041 • •"• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •••• far,»'I;f G/SG DATE: OCTOBER 3, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO. 146-1 JURISDICTION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: REMODEL TO HIGH SCHOOL BLDG. 600 STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL • OWNER: PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST. #121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY VALUATION: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS • • CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V 1-HOUR OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E-1 FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 1 OCCUPANT LOAD: LAND USE: _ FLOOR AREA: EXISTING PLANS EXAMINERS: Ate. CAT, GHH 1976 ACTUAL: ALLOW: XR73 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC ZONE 3 THE WORK CONSISTS OF REMODELING THE EXISTING BUILDING INCLUDING RELOCATION OR • REMOVAL OF EXISTING WINDOWS AND DOORS, PARTITION REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION, REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING FIXTURES, INSTALLATION OF SOME BRICK AND CEMENT MASONRY UNIT VENEER, INSTALLATION OF METAL FASCIA, SKYLIGHT REMOVAL AND PATCH ROOF, INSTALLATION OF BRICK SCREEN PARTITION, CABINET WORK, NEW CEILINGS. 1. THE BUILDING SHOULD CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF UBC SECTION 104(C). ..�; • 2. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). 3. MINIMUM NUMBER 9-GAUGE WIRE OR THE EQUIVALENT IS REQUIRED FOR HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT IN ANCHORED VENEER IN SEISMIC ZONE #3. UBC STANDARDS 30-1. TIES SHOULD BE ANCHORED TO THIS REINFORCEMENT. 4. SECOND MEANS OF EGRESS IS REQUIRED FOR ART ROOMS 601, 605 AND 615. SECTION 3302. .. ; .;.�, 5. STORAGE AND JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD BE OF 1-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. ", ' SECTION 802(C). !; 6. TWO EXITS FROM ART ROOM 618 DO NOT CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION � .. �. 3302(C). NOTE DISTANCE REQUIREMENT BETWEEN EXITS. ... 4 ;��', . PROJECT ' JO • ; * SEIFERT, FORBES 8:-BERRY 1O1<rat'Lc .Leis Hs SZ8o3 ARCHITECTS 6 ENGINEERS TACOMA WASH. �� • ' PREPI.RE• CAL-Cl11ATLOl4 OF R5Q'.D. 4-tAN13INAS4tu4G./ DATE TDILEEC'AND Die..iNIKINAG FOLUNTAIPI FiAC1L1TIE.5 13 OCT?C, P • ' :DWI grKk 3G TRALWITN. . .. I •15 MeiNsempsot7 1 =lob DR \ 5E5Nt16 .NS. Ai tst►.z j- o..tm. •tom t°+.raac • . • • -rctt cn, GttctS, seeowc) AVty aCW.bbt 1:45 C.t«.,) 6%EA.5'43ataPs-$ MAI,We. V•305D•tKlo WR or ro rs p1..Pt.W1i'A11. 30P-- URINAd-S t! its scres • - W.Ga l iDWA$ttltGI isEc. e4e7 3ck1/40211,_S _ _ I.sT,.PoPt 8 too,sjuce►sj s . . I sTA1►w.t i es. 2.W.C.' we usittwo.s enz,03157criorp 'ss• - Y n t .'1G5C --+P _2.6 WP S ■ e,ZS Gllct.S • I : D aRtt4$.l'•IC, Fe►.IPI-[?.►r- ' 1'7., tt'S o*cu.% j . ' R2.VW 16s0 stv/ t o:r. . t cO s t,r; I . • R(1'?D Ci11CL.S vJ.es = 18.33 = /525 c.scu ,c t w.c, 196/ 3a -. 4s a►Ru ' CtR.A... 51A. _ 8. •; ' Q@O� H.w. 25 8 2-5 a.tRC.sn t tt.w.ssA 9.4 • 2,1 POO 6$ &S REQ`D e5o`tS vi.c..s - - 82.S e.ctY S s.. t w.c• _ ✓ t 0 eat - 9 x's R£ D-3.01S tsRt NAL% = 275 = EjLS 124)YS Y I UAL ., 260" .1 36 Qo`t$ .r.. n�� ' • r.-', inf., . I Ran C�l S HMI. STA. q 825 S25 t20`l S x t lot. Sri 9✓ 30 • oil- `. .f 4 „.. ?„'an k,/ syy�9,... "1 • ,,, - 1 W �StJe 5; +,+may �t • • • ; 1"#k!5�e4 t.* ell . -'Y , •44t J,6.'4,\„4,,ab AT 'ry'.•rft!"• r • yr, r r■r RP I .. f . 'S R PROJECT JOB N� •1 SEIFERT, FORBES BERRY PST'atV H.S. J 2.805 ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS ".....!...„,2/":" 1 . TACOMA WASH. PREPARES f Ot•lA1■-'1TY 3UI= OF TOtL T/HAND- E DATE 7G , » WASKING FACI T e—..5 8 3 ,M r,_.. .. QtRLZ/.6IOME.nI • BLDG, NKS, LA ItJ�'-S, 51NK5 v't&.3, +. . 100-- 2.(le z)a 1 z- 9 2.(x2)=4 5 2 (�)s`f 8 9 8 io 200 a .. - ..e • • 300 Ai. 1 -3 I I , 3 2- 3 2 4 • St 0c) 2€=)"! 2 2k z)..4 Ji- /, 1 ( I , 1 • 2 . 2 J z 3 if `+ 7 1 7. • 500 " 2. 2. 3 3 5 3 !7 R- 4 '7 5 1 c 3 G► ea Co 3 2 3 2 3 ; 3 2.. 3 2— 3 tv►vacr■A Auto.LNIN t . I 2- 1 1 1 I 2 1 • D MC/RA u*n 3 z 2 3 3 `• nos.S ►got cauuY) • I I I 1 2 . 1 • f� , ., r • , ,` • '- * PROJECT ,. t„ • -JOB 444 • t : ' SEIFERT, FORBES & ERRY PT iG H:S": " •. �� ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS • .,. • .. . 2.9„).,C. . • TACOMA • WASH. a PREPARE QUAL∎ TLZ ( SLLICVE( OF TOtLET•A4f b4D- DATE ' • WAS!-11■44 FAG tLines 13 OCr 7c eaminr_a00.........../Y's i . , c,t>Ieu/worMtett iGYMNA.51LLM Z Z . Z 3~ a n5f;•_� 1 / Z r z ,•• I. , ; ; s , s t.a : . , L �: � , I i `I 5 } zo 31 �' • ' { I 2 F I Q z,¢ =3 40 2.3 • 3L • ` 3 t • i• ' It T .i j 1 1 • ., •8 r. I • d ._t • 1 • • . . I • • _. w • • • ' .. ` • ;- * . • :; .;: , • • • Building No. 300 Answers to comments of September 30, 1977 '' • . /1• Building 300 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Washington State .- -3- Barrier-Free Facilities Code. ✓2. Building 300 is designed to meet the requirements of UBC Section 104(c). ,• ✓3. No comment • 4. A) Area separation wall indicated extends more than 30 inches above the lower roof. • B) Area separation wall does not terminate at the lower roof. //5. The folding partition shown complies.with Section 1705(c). Partition will have a ; • , Class III or greater flame spread. ;' • I.A. Water fountain will comply with requirements of Section 1712 of RCW 19.27, , Washington State Barrier-Free Facilities Code. r • 1/7: The existing steel beam will carry wall load. This beam is fire protected and is shown on Detail 1 on Sheet 300-3A. The beam is supported on a concrete column. .3444.-1 bsdo+ . ✓ 8. Folding door in Room 311 will never completely close the opening, since it will be 3'-0" shorter than the width of the opening. 9. The Code recognizes HeavyTimber as being better than Type V one-hour construction. . X See Table 5C on Page 60 where it shows that Heavy Timber has greater area allowance than Type V one-hour construction. Section 1701, third paragraph, states that materials which will afford equal or greater public safety or resistance to fire, may be used. 10. Parapet walls are not required. Section 1709, exception 3, states "Walls where, due • to location on property, unprotected openings are permitted". Based upon the above _ ara • statement, we have not shown parapet walls. ' . ✓11. Mechanical ventilation is shown for all area of Building 300. r , 4. o ,7, 12. The envelope ceilings have been revised so that the suspended ceiling does not fire • protect the roof structure. This is being done by making the ceiling against the •,,,• ' ceiling joists one-hour and having a non-rated lay-in ceiling below, ha f 46iv'i rniepeop- •. A) Structure is individually fire protected. B) Columns are existing concrete columns and the one new column is steel protected by one-hour enclosure. / • ® Building No 300 (cont'd.) • • C) Duct, and openings need not be limited through the lay-in ceiling since a one- hour ceiling is located above the ducts. •, N- D) Electrical outlets boxes need not be limited, since a one-hour ceiling is located �►•. above them. Again, suspended ceilings in Building 300 are not fire rated. ,/13. Storage and janitor closets are one-hour fire resistive construction. • ✓'4. Approved fire alarms are shown for Building 300. • 0-''5. Suspended ceilings shall be specified to provide for lateral force bracing to satisfy UBC Table 23.,, Item 6. • £46. Exit signs are shown to be illuminated and will be wired ahead of main disconnect. ` -T7. Building 300 has no attics. The mechanical areas are less than 3,000 square feet. kTt. Detail 7 on Sheer 300A-3 has been revised to show 1/2" gypsum wallboard sheathing on the exterior under the aluminum. . • • • • • - a 7 •Y• • • . i • Gd W3/ . PLAN CHECKING PRODUCT RESEARCH • CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DESIGN CONSULTANT CODE CONSULTANT PRODUCT • MAT'L.[VALUATION ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA CONSULTING ARCHITECT St4S N.R. 111TH ST.. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON ISM (A01) 511.104/ - •••• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •••• ]4�`�j-j- P Ni+14 DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO 146-1 JURISDICTION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: REMODEL 6 ADDITION TO BLDG. 500 STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL OWNER: PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST. #121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FORBES 6 BERRY VALUATION: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS — c CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SEE BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E-1 FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 2 OCCUPANT LOAD: LAND USE: FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH • ACTUAL: ALLOW: ` X� UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC ZONE 3 • CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—ONE—HOUR THROUGHOUT WITH HEAVY. TIMBER ROOF DECK ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. THE WORK CONSISTS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION AT WEST 33 PERCENT OF BUILDING, SEPARATED - FROM EXISTING CONSTRUCTION BY A TWO—HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALL. BALANCE OF BUILDING TO BE REMODELING WORK, INCLUDING NEW PARTITIONING, WINDOW AND DOOR REMOVAL, NEW DOOR INSTALLATION, SKYLIGHT REMOVAL. NEW CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF WORK IS TO COMPLY WITH UBC REQUIREMENTS AND WASHING- ✓ TON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE. REMODELED WORK SHOULD CONFORM TO THE . APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 104(C). • VOCATIONAL SHOPS AND LABS ARE NOT BEING CLASSED AS 'H' OCCUPANCIES AS LONG AS A THEY ARE SEPARATED FROM EACH OTHER BY ONE—HOUR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALLS. OPENINGS IN SUCH WALLS ARE TO BE PROTECTED BY ONE—HOUR ASSEMBLIES. (SHOWN ON . - DRAWINGS IN YELLOW. ) ALTHOUGH BUILDING CONTAINS EXISTING WALLS, ETC. , WHICH ARE TO REMAIN, IT IS NOT CLEAR ON THE DRAWINGS WHAT THE EXISTING OCCUPANCIES ARE. THIS OFFICE MUST ASSUME THAT DRAWINGS INDICATE NEW OCCUPANCIES IN EXISTING (ALTHOUGH REMODELED) )/ ROOMS. THUS, CHANGES MAY BE REQUIRED IN EXISTING PORTIr' S IN ORDER TO SATISFY • � ` THE CODE. BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHOULD REVIEW IN THE LIGHT OF SECTION 502 AND ITS EXCEPTION. / •' // 1. BOTTLED GAS STORAGE ROOM 501 SHOULD BE SEPARATED FROM CONTIGUOUS AREAS BY A 4—HOUR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALL WITH NO OPENINGS. SECTION 503(C)1 AND TABLE 05B. • • 1,//2. IN THE :'.BSENCE OF USES SPECIFIED ON FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL AREAS, THE OCCUPANT LOADS FOR THE UNIDENTIFIED AREAS WERE ASSUMED AS FOLLOWS: LOFT AREAS 300 SQ.FT. PER PERSON • /3. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). y • • PLAN CHECK #146-1 BUILDING 500 PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 4. TWO-HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 505(D). A) WALLS SHOULD EXTEND VERTICALLY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A POINT 30-INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF EXCEPT UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. IF THE ROOF IS OF AT LEAST 2-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. G.2' FOR A 2-HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALL IF THE ROOF FOR 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE WALL IS OF ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. TOTAL WIDTH OF ALL OPENINGS IS LIMITED TO 25% OF THE WALL LENGTH IN THE STORY UNDER CONSIDERATION. v ALL OPENINGS SHOULD BE PROTECTED WITH FIRE ASSEMBLIES HAVING A FIRE RESISTIVE RATING OF 1-1/2 HOURS. DUCTS THROUGH AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IF ALLOWED, • FIRE DAMPERS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WALL ARE REQUIRED. UBC STANDARDS. 1' AREA SEPARATIONS NEED NOT EXTEND TO THE OUTER EDGES OF HORIZONTAL PRO- s. JECTING ELEMENTS SUCH AS'BALCONIES, ROOF OVERHANGS, CANOPIES, IF THE EXTERIOR WALL AT THE TERMINATION OF THE SEPARATION WALL AND THE PROJECTING ELEMENTS ABOVE ARE OF NOT LESS THAN ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION • FOR A WIDTH EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE PROJECTING ELEMENTS WITH OPENINGS IN THIS WIDTH PROTECTED WITH 3/4-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES. SECTION 505(0)2. k6' THERE APPEARS TO BE NO APPROVAL LISTING FOR DETAILS SHOWN ON THE SUBMITTED • DRAWINGS FOR ONE-HOUR INTERIOR FIRE-RESISTIVE WALL ASSEMBLIES. SUBMIT k • REVISED DETAILS CONFORMING TO APPROVED ASSEMBLY LIST IN TABLE N43-B; UL APPROVED ASSEMBLY (SUBMIT COPY OF LISTING SHOWING DESCRIPTION)= APPROVED ASSEMBLY FROM GYPSUM ASSOCIATION DESIGN DATA MANUAL (NOTE 'A' OF TABLE 43-B); OR ICBO RESEARCH REPORT LISTING SUCH ASSEMBLY. - 1 • / - 7. HORIZONTAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS SHOULD BE SUPPORTED WITH A STRUCTURAL • SYSTEM HAVING EQUIVALENT FIRE-RESISTIVE PROTECTION. SECTION 503(B). NOTE THAT LOFT FLOOR BECOMES A HORIZONTAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATION. 8 MEZZANINES SHOULD COMPLY WITH THE DEFINITION SET FORTH IN SECTION 414. A) THE FLOOR AREA CANNOT EXCEED ONE-THIRD THE FLOOR AREA OF THE ROOM • '0 (DI�r4v IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. POLICY OF THE TERM 'TOTAL FLOOR AREA IN S G•C P THAT ROOM' IS AS FOLLOWS: pet l!so' 1 ) MEZZANINE MUST BE OPEN TO THE AREA BELOW EXCEPT FOR HANDRAILS. l�( de � 2) NO ROOMS DIRECTLY BELOW THE MEZZANINE FLOOR ARE ALLOWED EXCEPT FOR BATHROOMS, ENTRY AREAS AND CLOSETS. B) , THE CLEAR HEIGHT ABOVE AND BELOW SHOULD BE AT LEAST 7 FEET. THERE- FORE, MEZZANINE M-508 IS CONSIDERED AS A LOFT AND CONSEQUENTLY A SECOND STORY AREA. " 9. FLOOR-CEILING AND ROOF-CEILING ASSEMBLIES ARE REQUIRED TO BE ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE. SUCH ASSEMBLIES SHOULD BE PER TABLE #43-C. SEE ALSO GYPSUM ASSOCIATION DESIGN DATA MANUAL OR ICBO RESEARCH REPORTS FOR APPROVABLE FLOOR-CEILING ASSEMBLIES. • • .. y • o PLAN CHECK #146-1 BUILDING 500 PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 V`). COMPRESSED GAS STORAGE MUST COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 8, UNIFORM ��/ FIRE CODE (UFC). DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE. • VY1. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT QUALIFY AS FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION NOR IS IT RECOGNIZED IN TYPE V BUILDINGS. TABLE H17-A. IN TYPE V ONE-HOUR BUILDINGS GLUED LAMINATED MEMBERS MUST BE ONE-HOUR PROTECTED. 12. PARAPET WALLS NOT LESS THAN 30-INCHES IN HEIGHT ABOVE ROOF ARE REQUIRED. • • SECTION 1709. 17 13. EAVE OVERHANGS AND SIMILAR ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTIONS SHOULD COMPLY WITH • SECTION 1710. NOTE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET 500-A3 FOR CANOPY CONSTRUCTION. UBC SECTION 1710 REQUIRES ONE-HOUR OR HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION FOR PROJECTIONS BEYOND EXTERIOR WALLS. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO FASCIA AREAS • OF THESE PROJECTIONS. PROVIDE DETAILS OF COMPLIANCE. • e lam• STORAGE AND JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD B°_ OF ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. p'. SECTION 802(C). 4 APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS. 46. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THE NEW CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF THIS BUILDING UNTIL THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESS FOR THE HANDICAPPED IS POSTED AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 5505 OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. SECTION 3301. • 17. THE NATURE OF COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE FOR THIS FACILITY IS CRITICAL IN DETERMINING WHETHER BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 35, UFC, HIGH-PILED STORAGE. THIS INFORMATION HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN ON SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS. BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHOULD ASCERTAIN AND EVALUATE WHETHER COMPLIANCE IS REQUIRED. SEE SECTION 35.102(A, B). lo 18. EXIT SIGNS SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 3312(B). • • `* PLAN CHECKING PRODUCT RESEARCH CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DESIGN CONSULTANT CODE CONSULTANT PRODUCT & MAT'L.EVALUATION APCMITECTURAL DESIGN TIRE PROTECTION AUSTIN K. VAN )USEN, AIA CONSULTING ARCHITECT • 3141 N.E. WITH ST.. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 11181111111 MS) 1S1.t041 •'•' PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT "" P�rrri;T V •• «4 • DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO. 146-1 JURISDICTION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: REMODEL 6 ADDITION TO BLDG. 400 STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL OWNER: PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST. 0121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT FOPBES F BERRY VALUATION: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SEE BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:!E-1 FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 1 OCCUPANT LOAD: 520 LAND USE: :t# _ FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH 1976 • ACTUAL: ALLOW: XM(UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC ZONE 3 CONSTRUCTION T''-JE,: V—ONE—HOUR THROUGHOUT WITH • HEAVY TIMBER ROuF DECK ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. BUILDING 400 WORK INCLUDES REMODELING OF EX?STING SOUTH WING HOUSING SOCIAL STUDIES • . CLASSROOMS (SKYLIGHT REMOVAL, REPAINT WASHROOMS, REROOFING, WINDOWS, ETC.). ALSO • a .• INCLUDED IS CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LIBRARY FACILITIES ON MAIN FLOOR, WITH PARTIAL GROUND FLOOR FACILITIES FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION, TYPING AND FACULTY LOUNGE. • NEW CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. THE NEW CONSTRUCTION SHOULD CONFORM•, TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 104(8). �,.-1.• PROVIDE INFORMATION TO VERIFY METAL FASCIA ON WALL SECTIONS COLUMN LINES. 4 AND 5, SHEET A-5 AS ONE—HOUR CONSTRUCTION. ,/2. WALL SECTION 7/A-5, SHEET 400A-2 IS NOTED AS TWO—HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALL. .y +' PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CLARIFYING TWO—HOUR CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 505(D)3. 7 3. PARAPET WALLS NOT LESS THAN 30—INCHES IN HEIGHT ABOVE ROOF ARE REQUIRED. • SECTION 1709. ✓ 4. STORAGE AND JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD BE OF ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. W` SECTION 802(C). • j/5. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES WITH . AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS. • i y 1/6. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THIS BUILDING UNTIL THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESS FOR THE HANDICAPPED IS POSTED AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 5505 OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. SECTION 3301. i (" . . .L.AN CHECK 0146-1 . BUILDING 400 • SEPTEMBER 30. 1977 ' .. . PAGE 2 e 7. STORAGE RACKS IN LIBRARY AND SUSPENDED CEILINGS ARE TO COMPLY WITH THE " REQUIREMENTS OF TABLE 023—J. , 8. THERE IS NO DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN LIBRARY FACILITIES AND WASHROOMS. LIBRARY IS RECOGNIZED AS AN ACCESSORY USE TO EXISTING FACILITIES, SO THAT ADDITIONAL WASHROOM FACILITIES ARE NOT BEING REQUESTED, BUT SUCH EXISTING WASHROOM FACILITIES SHOULD BE AT LEAST ACCESSIBLE WITHOUT HAVING • TO LEAVE BUILDING OR TO GO THROUGH CLASSROOMS, ETC. • 9. EXTERIOR WALL OF SOCIAL STUDIES ROOM 405 SHOULD BE INDICATED AS MINIMUM ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION SINCE IT IS ONLY 6 FEET FROM THE • ASSUMED PROPERTY LINE REQUIRED BY SECTION 504(C). THUS OPENINGS OPPOSITE ENO OF BUILDING 300, IN SUCH WALL, SHOULD BE PROTECTED WITH 3/4—HOUR .- , ASSEMBLIES. NOTE 04, TABLE 05—A. GLAZING IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4306(H). . 10. PANIC HARDWARE INSTALLATIONS SHOULD BE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AS WELL AS IN SPECIFICATIONS. • 11. CONFORMING EXITS ARE REQUIRED FROM THE LIBRARY ROOMS 409, 410, 416 AS • • SPECIFIED IN SECTION 3302(A). TWO EXITS ARE REQUIRED FROM THIS ROOM COMPLEX. - 1 4e . 12. EXITS SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM SEPARATION OF ONE—HALF THE MAXIMUM OVERALL DIAGONAL OF THE BUILDING OR AREA SERVED. SECTION 3302(C). • 4, •` 13. AN OCCUPANT LOAD SIGN IS REQUIRED IN THE 409, 410, 416 COMPLEX; 405, 406 COMPLEX G407, G408 COMPLEX; G412. SECTION 3301(J). �• •'. .:.., . 14. TOILET ROOMS, SINCE THEY SERVE AN AREA OF NEW CONSTRUCTION, ARE TO COMPLY ' . WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 17 OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE, RCW 19.27. CLARIFY. 15. PROVIDE RAMPS WHERE APPLICABLE TO MAKE BUILDING (ESPECIALLY GROUND FLOOR) , ♦' ACCESSIBLE TO HANDICAPPED PERSONS. SHOW CONFORMANCE WITH TABLE 033—A • AS REVISED BY WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE AND WITH _. •. a SECTION 3306 OF THAT CODE. 16. MANUAL FIRE ALARM DEVICES MAY BE MOUNTED AT MAXIMUM 54—INCHES ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. SECTION 1718, WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE. 1 •1? • 17. EXIT SIGNS SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 3312(8). +� • 18. AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM IS REQUIRED IN THE GROUND FLOOR AREA, COLUMNS 1 TO 3-1/2. SECTION 3002. '.•. • • 4 O' er - t P . . / ' 36, {l kP I • ti Building 500 iiknswers to comments of September 30, 1977 1. Bottled gas storage is separated from contiguous areas by a 4-hour occupancy separation • wall as shown on the drawings. Masonry wall is 8" pumice wall, which is 4 hours according to Table 43-B. Sit Sic. S; 3 `.-) J 1/2. Loft areas will be used for storage only. ✓'. No comment. 4. Area separation wall complies with Section 505(D) in the following manner: Walls need not extend through roof due to heavy timber one-hour construction according to Section 505D-3 Exception 2. Separation wall shown terminates at the underside of roof sheathing. • ad Total width of all openings is less than 25% of the wall length. tre) All openings in separation wall are protected with fire assemblies having fire - • resistive ratings of 1-1/2 hours. or No ducts pass•through area separation wall wit "tit fire dampers. . y5e The exterior walls and the projecting fascia are of one-hour fire-resistive construction, therefore the area separation wall need not extend beyond the exterior wall. On Sheet 500A-10, wall types are listed. Wall types shown all are covered by Table 43-B • and none are less than one hour. �( 7. Loft floors are shown as one-hour separation which satisfies Table 5B, and construction is as indicated in Table 43C Item 25, and is supported on Heavy Timber. y8. Mezzanine M508 shall be renamed as a loft area and the area shall be included as part • of the area of Wood Shop 521 . 9. Floor-ceiling assemblies shown are one-hour and are according to Table 43C Item 25. Roof-ceiling assemblies shown are Heavy Timber and are according to Section 2106. X10. The location and construction for compressed gas storage is according to code. Article 8, Uniform Fire Code, deals with the owner's storing, handling and use in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. This will be between the owner and the city. /41. Our interpretation of the code says that heavy timber construction is better than Type V one-hour construction. See Table 5C, where it shows that heavy timber has the same area allowance as Type III one-hour and has greater area allowance than Type V one-hour. Section 1701, third paragraph states that materials which will afford equal or greater public safety or resistance to fire may be used. * Building 500 (Cont'd.) ••2. Parapet walls are not required. Section 1709, Exception 3, states "Walls where due ? to location on property, unprotected openings are permitted", need not extend through the roof, but may terminate at the roof sheathing. 13. Facies on all buildings are shown as one-hour construction. On the soffit, we show 5/8" Gypsum wallboard and behind the metal fascia we will have 1/2" Gypsum sheathing. ,`, alt • Storage and janitor closets are one-hour fire-resistive construction as shown. Approved fire alarm system is shown in Building 500. i i1 1,6!'t•he international symbol of access for the handicapped shall be posted at the parking area, toilet rooms and main entrance. 7 17. Article 35 of the Uniform Fire Code is far in excess of the storage planned for Building 500. Therefore, we do not see where it pertains. �Exit signs are in conformance with Section 3312(B) as shown, v k8 - Y• • • I , . ' ® PLAN CHECKING PRODUCT RESEARCH 6 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DESIGN CONSULTANT CODE CONSULTANT PRODUCT • MAT'L.EVALUATION �:4• • ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, A! C � � t CONSULTING ARCHITECT SLID N.E. ISLTN RT.. SEATTLE. WASNINOTON POI'S \ oy.r 5 1977 (101) ISI.1O•S • 'I•• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •"' SEIFERT, fatKS & ERR? DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO. • .146-1 ' JURISDICTION: PORT ANGELES • PROJECT: REMODEL'b ADDITION TO BLDG . 500 ..,•. STATE: WASHINGTON :. PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL OWNER: PORT ANGELES SCHOOL_ DIST. A121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY VALUATION: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SEE BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E-1 =Y FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 2 OCCUPANT LOAD: LAND USE: • FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH ' • ACTUAL: ALLOW: ` X UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC ZONE 3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-ONE-HOUR THROUGHOUT WITH ..': HEAVY. TIMBER ROOF DECK ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. THE WORK CONSISTS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION AT WEST 33 PERCENT OF BUILDING, SEPARATED .a FROM EXISTING CONSTRUCTION BY A TWO-HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALL. BALANCE OF BUILDING TO BE REMODELING WORK, INCLUDING NEW PARTITIONING, WINDOW AND DOOR > REMOVAL,tNE'W DOOR INSTALLATION, SKYLIGHT REMOVAL. J . NEW CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF WORK IS TO COMPLY WITH IBC REQUIREMENTS AND WASHING- TON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACIL;TIES CODE. REMODELED WORK SHOULD CONFORM TO THE . APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 104(C). VOCATIONAL SHOPS AND LABS ARE NOT BEING CLASSED AS 'H' OCCLPANCIES AS LONG AS • THEY ARE SEPARATED FROM EACH OTHER BY ONE-HOUR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALLS. OPENINGS IN SUCH WALLS ARE TO BE PROTECTED BY ONE-HOUR ASSEMBLIES. (SHOWN ON . DRAWINGS IN YELLOW.) • ALTHOUGH BUILDING CONTAINS EXISTING WALLS, ETC., WHICH ARE TO REMAIN, IT IS NOT • CLEAR ON THE DRAWINGS WHAT THE EXISTING OCCLPANCIES ARE. THIS OFFICE MUST ASSUME THAT DRAWINGS INDICATE NEW OCCUPANCIES IN EXISTING (ALTHOUGH REMODELED) R • OOMS. THUS, CHANGES MAY BE REQUIRED IN EXISTING PORTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY • • THE COD:. BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHOULD REVIEW IN THE LIGHT OF SECTION 502 AND ITS EXCEPTION. 1. BOTTLED GAS STORAGE ROOM 501 SHOULD BE SEPARATED FROM CONTIGUOUS AREAS BY A 4-HOUR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALL WITH NO OPENINGS. SECTION 503(C)1 AND TABLE 15B. f 5 ' 2. IN THE ABSENCE OF USES SPECIFIED ON FLOOR PLANS FOR ALL AREAS, THE OCCUPANT LOADS FOR THE UNIDENTIFIED AREAS WERE ASSUMED AS FOLLOWS, LOFT AREAS 300 SQ.FT. PER PERSON • 3. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). • • . • • • • PLAN CHECK #146-1 • BUILDING 500 PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 30, 1977 4. TWO—HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 505(D). •r; A) WALLS SHOULD EXTEND VERTICALLY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A POINT 30—INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF EXCEPT UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSI 1. IF THE ROOF IS OF AT LEAST 2—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. 2. FOR A 2—HOUR AREA SEPARATION WALL IF THE ROOF FOR 5 FEET ON EACH • SIDE OF THE WALL IS OF Cx C—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. 8) TOTAL WIDTH OF ALL OPENINGS IS LIMITED TO 25% OF THE WALL LENGTH IN THE STORY UNDER CONSIDERATION. C) ALL OPENINGS SHOULD BE PROTECTED WITH FIRE ASSEMBLIES HAVING A FIRE RESISTIVE RATING OF 1-1/c HOURS. • D) DUCTS THROUGH AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IF ALLOWED, FIRE DAMPERS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WALL ARE REQUIRED. UBC STANDARDS. 5. AREA SEPARATIONS NEED NOT EXTEND TO THE OUTER EDGES OF HORIZONTAL PRO- JECTING ELEMENTS SUCH AS BALCONIES, ROOF OVERHANGS, CANOPIES, IF THE EXTERIOR WALL AT THE TERMINATION OF THE SEPARATION WALL ANO THE PROJECTING ELEMENTS ABOVE ARE OF NOT LESS THAN ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION FOR A WIDTH EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE PROJECTING ELEMENTS WITH OPENINGS IN THIS WIDTH PROTECTED WITH 3/4—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES. • 4 SECTION 505(D)2. • 6. THERE APPEARS TO BE NO APPROVAL LISTING FOR DETAILS SHOWN ON THE SUBMITTED _ DRAWINGS FOR ONE—HOUR INTERIOR FIRE—RESISTIVE WALL ASSEMBLIES. SUBMIT REVISED DETAILS CONFORMING TO APPROVED ASSEMBLY LIST IN TABLE N43—B; UL APPROVED ASSEMBLY (SUBMIT COPY OF LISTING SHOWING DESCRIPTION); APPROVED ASSEMBLY FROM GYPSUM ASSOCIATION DESIGN DATA MANUAL (NOTE 'A' OF TABLE 43—B)s OR ICBO RESEARCH REPORT LISTING SUCH ASSEMBLY. 7. HORIZONTAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS SHOULD BE SUPPORTED WITH A STRUCTURAL SYSTEM HAVING EQUIVALENT FIRE—RESISTIVE PROTECTION. SECTION 503(8). NOTE THAT LOFT FLOOR BECOMES A HORIZONTAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATION. ' r1 8. MEZZANINES SHOULD COMPLY WITH THE DEFINITION SET FORTH IN SECTION 414. A) THE FLOOR AREA CANNOT EXCEED ONE—THIRD THE FLOOR AREA OF THE ROOM IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. POLICY OF THE TERM 'TOTAL FLOOR AREA IN • +i THAT ROOM' IS AS FOLLOWS3 1) MEZZANINE MUST BE OPEN TO THE AREA BELOW EXCEPT FOR HANDRAILS. 2) NO ROOMS DIRECTLY BELOW THE MEZZANINE FLOOR ARE ALLOWED EXCEPT FOR BATHROOMS, ENTRY AREAS AND CLOSETS. B) THE CLEAR HEIGHT ABOVE AND BELOW SHOULD BE AT LEAST 7 FEET. THERE- FORE, MEZZANINE M-500 IS CONSIDERED AS A LOFT AND CONSEQUENTLY A SECOND STORY AREA. 9. FLOOR—CEILING AND ROOF—CEILING ASSEMBLIES ARE REQUIRED TO BE ONE—HOUR • FIRE—RESISTIVE. SUCH ASSEMBLIES SHOULD BE PER TABLE #43—C. SEE ALSO • GYPSUM ASSOCIATION DESIGN DATA MANUAL OR ICBQ RESEARCH REPORTS FOR APPROVABLE FLOOR—CEILING ASSEMBLIES. i• • � x'• o ' • PLAN CHECK 0146-1 BUILDING 500 PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 30. 1977 10. COMPRESSED GAS STORAGE MUST COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 8. UNIFORM • FIRE CODE (UFC). DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE. 11. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT QUALIFY AS FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION NOR IS IT RECOGNIZED IN TYPE V BUILDINGS. TABLE 017—A. • IN TYPE V ONE—HOUR BUILDINGS GLUED LAMINATED MEMBERS MUST BE ONE•HOUR PROTECTED. • 12. PARAPET WALLS NOT LESS THAN 30—INCHES IN HEIGHT ABOVE ROOF ARE REQUIRED. SECTION 1709. 13. EAVE OVERHANGS AND SIMILAR ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTIONS SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 1710. NOTE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET 500—A3 FOR CANOPY CONSTRUCTION. UBC SECTION 1710 REQUIRES ONE—HOUR OR HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION FCR • • PROJECTIONS BEYOND EXTERIOR WALLS. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO FASCIA AREAS OF THESE PROJECTIONS. PROVIDE DETAILS OF COMPLIANCE. 14. STORAGE AND JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD BE OF ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. SECTION 802(C). 15. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS.' 16. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THE NEW CONSTRUCTION • PORTION OF THIS BUILDING UNTIL THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESS FOR THE HANDICAPPED IS POSTED AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 5505 OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE. RCW 19.27. SECTION 3301. 17. THE NATURE OF COMBUSTIBLE STORAGF. FOR THIS FACILITY IS CRITICAL IN •a DETERMINING WHETHER BUILDING MUST COMPLY WITH PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 35. ;. UFC. HIGH—PILED STORAGE. THIS INFORMATION HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN ON SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS. BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHOULD ASCERTAIN AND EVALUATE WHETHER COMPLIANCE IS REQUIRED. SEE SECTION 35.102(A. B). 18. EXIT SIGNS SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 3312(9). • • • Biiilding 600 ®Answers to comments of October 3, 1977, Building 600, we agree, should conform to the applicable requirements of UBC, Section l04(c). 0'. No comment. Horizontal reinforcement for veneer shown is 9-gauge wire and the ties shall be anchored to it. Le Room 601, 605 and 615 ccn be classified under Item 18. School shops and vocational rooms in Table 33-A. These rooms need to be much larger than standard class rooms, and so 50 square feet per occupant is needed. The largest of these rooms is 33' x 46' or 1518 square feet, or 30 students each, which is under the 50 students where two exits are required. As an extra bonus, each of these areas have exits which open directly to the exterior. 14 Storage and janitor closets are one-hour fire-resistive construction as shown. 4e6 Crafts Room 618 again can be classified under Item 18 in Tabte 33-A. On this basis, the room has an area of 1673 square feet or 33 students. On this basis, only one exit is required. • • • • • - _ . . ,.•• 4' .. • - • . _ . 1 - . . • . s`, . • i:� • • t . m rt •• ..m Z 141 N ,� J z a ^ °� . •r • ,. • • .• Ium < • L' a " o o , • r z w ^n O G < <. a F CI ›.• U d �, l� yl • .. ` W V � G' i^ N• .. z L O 4 .n r p • Z W • t1 3.-4 4 W • ' i . " . • W i. a N. Nf J - W 01. • • . • W ° - • l' P . i All V W O 1- • • •s ' p . Zw V J.Z.: v♦ X Ei in t. "SF * t., -fr iiii . a,.. *II Eg 4 S 4 . 1611 '4:1 - IR U. vc?f Z I III1 /t.• . of F. . •.(:. _ ,r,. ......ate .....y.. .. ^ _ I •' • .. , . `., • . , ! •. �' PLAN CN(CKINJ PRODUCT R[•[ARCH :,ONYTPUG.I^•, 1....(CTIO•. D[11QN CONSULTANT • COPS Cf1N,•.ILTA.•1' ►RCiUCT IA MAT'L.[VALUATIO?. AMCI.IT[CTU.^L ,..i,04 • FIR[ PROTLCTION �t '• • 1 • AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AtA CONYULTINO ARCHIT'UCT )f`/`r-�`�`!e.—=�` r ` L f' 7.4. N.4 1.1TN ST.. 1rYATTL[, V.'Aek1N.a TON 'OM' (SOS) SOS.1041 1. I, . • 1 7 ' •••• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •••• . SEPTEMBER 26, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO. 146-1I f!:. i i, MCi:Z.." & /ARTA' ,DATE: •JUN I (CT ION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: PcMODrt £, �1o: 1'TIrii r3;.,?G 0^. STATE: WASHINGTON . PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL '* OwNER: Pnwr ANrF1 FS So-rrt [It ST a,12 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT) FORBES & BERRY . I , VALUATION: • ' ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS . CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SNF BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: ' E-1 FIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 1 OCCUPANT LOAD:,_,_LAND USE:___,____ FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH• :.' : :., 1976 • 1 ACTUAL: IALLOW: ISM UN I FORM BUILDING CODE . • ' -•SE ISM IC ZONE 3 C NSTRUCTI ON TYPE* V-ONE-HO R 11-Fowl-lour WITH . ' HEAVY TIMBER ROOF DECK ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. BUILDING 300 WORK INCLUDES REMODELING OF EXISTING BUILDING (SOME WALL REMOVAL, . NEW WALLS, PLUMBING ALTERATIONS, ETC.) ALSO INCLUDED IS NEW CONSTRUCTION OF `.• • A FOOD PREPARATION FACILITIES'WING AND EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING CAFETERIA. • • 1. COnFDF>NANCE WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FAGILITIES.CODE DOES • j APPEAR'TO BE.REQ.UIRED'IN BUILDING 0300. a. ' THIS BUILDING 6HO.LD COnFOg4 TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF UBC SECTION.{104(C). • '7 `• • • • 3. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). 4. .AREA SEPARATION AL;• AT POINTS OF A BUILDING- AvlNci UIt+ERENT HEIGHTSt A) MAY E'n_ r, CMLY 30-INcHhs ABOVE THE LOWER ROOF LEVEL PROVIDED THE EXTERIOR WALL ABOVE'•IS OF ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION TO A HEIGHT OF 10' ABOVE THE LOWER ROOF WITH OPENINGS PROTECTED WITH • • ' 3/4-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES. . B) MAY TERMINATE AT THE LCWER ROOF PROVIDED THE ROOF IS OF AT LEAST ' ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT OPENINGS FOR A WIDTH - OF 10' MEASURED FROM THE WALL. SECTION 505(D)4. SEE SECTION 2. • SHEET 300A-4. 7 ' I .. 5. FOLDING PARTITIONS SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 1705(C). NOTE THAT A CLASS • III FLAME SPREAD IS REQUIRED. 1+ 6. WATER FOUNTAIN IS TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 1712 OF RCW 19.27 WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER-FREE FACILITIES CODE. %; I I . I . , • 1' i r i RF•I . • \ I t • L{J!LI,t.-41 M_(',.i PAC . _ . .. :..:41i-n; `' ER `_'ti, 10/? - 7. J:.,ES IGh !';14 v .rt'"i':•kL. WALL LOAD IS TO BE CARRIED WHEN LOWER F..c'<, :CN IS - c..*tin..ED. ;:z:E :r-.•."'(,.iN 1/A3. NOTE THAT UNSUP.�D1 TEO WALL SEEMS YO ;E • CARRIED ON COLAJ"N IN CAFETERIA 301. ' - ..: • 3. P:U?SING ROOM 311 SHOULD BE PROVIDED WITH 04"' CONFO.M''G'EXIT PEP . . . SECTION 3302(A). FOLDING DOOR IS NOT.A'.:.OWA8'.E AS REQUIRED EXIT. . 1' SECTION 3303(F). - L . 9. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUTION DOES NOT QUALIFY AS "IRE—RELI.iIVE CONSTRUCTION .. v NOR IS IT RECOGNIZED IN TYPE V BUILDINGS. TABLE #17-A. •IN TYPE V ONE—HOUR CONSTRUCTION GLUED LAMINATED MEMBERS MUST BE ONE—HOUR PROTECTED. • . .S 10. PARAPET WALLS NOT LESS THAN 30-INCHES IN HEIGHT ABOVE ROOF ARE REQUIRED. SECTION 1709. • ' 11. MECHANICAL VENTILATION IS REQUIRED IN THIS WILDING SINCE OF?1:T1ABI..E _ WINDOWS HAVE NOT •.EEM PtROVICED. _ _ _. /,. ' _ 12. ENVELOPE 'CEILINGS SHOLLO SATISFY THc FJLLOWING CONDITIONS. SECTION 4303(8)6 - - ' - • . . . A) SHOULD NOT BE USED TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION FCxR BEAM AND GIRDERS , - ' '; SUPPORTING MORE THAN ONE FLOOR. 8) COLUMNS SHGI LD BE INDIVIDUALLY FIRE—PROTECTED. _ _ -_ • C) DUCT AND OUTLET OPENINGS ARE LIMITED TO 100 SQ. INCHES IN EACH 100 SO.FT. OF CEILING AREA 'AND SHOULD BE PROTECTED WITH•APPROVED FIRE DAMPERS. • • ' 4 D) ELECTRICAL OUTLET BOXES SHOULD BE OF STEEL AND NOT GREATER THAI . .•- - , 16 SQ. INCHES IN AREA. . 13. STORAGE ANO JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD BE OF ONE—I-DUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CON- STRUCTION. SECTION 802(C). 5 5 . 14. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS. r - 15. SUSPENDED CEILINGS ARE TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF TABLE •23—J. •, 16. EXIT SIGNS..SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 3312(C)2. WIRED ECT IN AHEAD OF MAIN DISCONN . • 17. ATTICS OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL SHDU.D BE DIVIDED INTO AREAS NOT EXCEEDING • 3,000 SO.FT. SECTION 3205(8). . 18. PROVIDE ONE—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION FOR EXTERIOR OF DETAIL 7. SHEET 300A-3. . •• • �, ' Y - • ' RF>.t r . •; actin 400 • Answers to comments of September 30, 1977 1 Behind all metal fasciae, 1/2 inch gypsum sheathing is shown over the wood studs, giving _ one-hour construction. ✓2. Wall Section 7/A-5, Sheet 400A-2, shows a two hour area separation wall. According . ` to Section 505(D)3 Exception 2, wall does not have to extend through roof if the wall is two hour up to roof sheathing and the roof is one-hour for 5 feet on each side of the separation wall. On the new addition side of our separation wall, we show a Heavy Timberroof structure, and on the other side we show a one-hour roof structure, which we feel satisfies Section 505(D)3. . . ' ` kr3. Parapet walls are not required. Section 1709 Exception 3, states "Walls, due to • location on property, unprotected openings are permitted." /4. Storage and janitor closets are shown to be one-hour fire-resistive construction. . j5. Approved fire alarms are shown for Building 400. I/ 6. The international symbol of access for the handicapped shall be posted at the entrance to Building 400. • i/7. Storage racks in library are under 8 feet high. Free standing cabinets will be anchored to , �� the floor. Suspended ceilings shall be specified to provide for lateral force bracing to ,•. satisfy UBC Table 23J, Item 6. A. The sanitary facilities for this project have been approved by the Health Deportment. Enclost:d, with these comments are our design analysis sheets which show that we have in excess the number of sanitary facilities required by Section 805. • Exterior wall of Social Studies Room 405 is a one-hour wall, having 4" brick on exterior • and 5/8" gypsum wallboard on interior. Wall opposite in Building 300 is shown as two hour separation wall with 1-1/2-hour doors penetrating this wall. Glazing is in accordance with Section 4306(H). 1 , Panic hardware is shown in the specifications and is indicated for all doors which serve . an occupant load of more than 50 persons. In Building 400, this would be the two corridor doors out of Corridor 425, and the exit doors out of the Library. , A41. Two exits from Library Rooms 409, 410, and 416 are shown in Entrance 402, and Exit Hall 412. A. The distance between Entrance 402 and Exit Hall 412 is greater than one-half of the length • of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area. • ✓13. •Occupant load signs •shall be posted for rooms in •the following areas: 409, 410, 416 Complex, 405, 406 Complex, 6407, 6408 Complex and G412. P. wilmaiimaimmeimmirmaimarr ' • • r - J ,. ••, i ulding 400 (Cont'd.) r level where toilets are provided, one handicap • 14. The Code states that on every floor (o ) • toilet for each sex shall be provided. Building 400 has two levels. On the lower level, ' ) toilets are provided in Building 100, where handicap toilets are shown, which are on • • ` 4 the same level as the lower level of Building 400. On the upper level, toilets are •:ovided in Building 300 where handicap toilets are shown, which are on the same level as the upper level of Building 400. £45. Ramps are shown on C3 C4, C5 and C6 which reach all levels of the school facilities • and which meet Table +f33-A os revised by Washington State Barrier-Free Facilities Code and Section 3306. • I/i6. Manual fire alarm devices are shown to be placed at fifty inches high. 47. Exit signs are shown on Electrical Drawings in conformance with Section 3312(B) 18. The ground floor area does not require automatic fire extinguishing system according ? to Section 3802(6). Building 400 has more than 20 square feet of opening entirely above grade in each 50 lineal feet. The opposite wall is less than 75 feet from such openings. • • • • • . /1 C G9 . I • •• ,•„ ,.1„ „ rMUDUCT NK]1A%CH , •,••..,1r. •.1,1 �...IFTu)N GMtON CON'it1.TANI . Lk.•A ...•,••4iIta-. PNOOUCT I. MAfL.AvALUATION • arTUA AL t•.►tuN rims r,OTtCTION • . , AUSTIN K. VAN DUSZN, AIA _ CONOULTINO ATICHITIZCT I 1 111•• N.E. I•uTH IT., RATTLE. WAYHINOTON iili/ ( t.. . (101) 1i1•1O1i • • • **** .PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT •••• _ DATE SEPTEMPER 23, 1977 PLANCHECK NO 146—d' _ . .t.N—r .” . JUR ISO ICT ION: PORT ANGELES •PROJECT: LREMODEI-'C`'AODIT!(1 •;';^„P. „'; 0r :r STATE: 'WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HI4H SCHOOL • OWNER: PORT ANGELES SCHOOLDIST. #121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FOR&S i. BERRY • VALUATION ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SIDE BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E—I FIRE ZONE: 3 _STORIES:_I _� OCCUPANT LOAD: LAND USE: FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH 1976 ACTUAL:��ALLOW: '9990( UNIFORM BU ILO INS CODE . • SEISMIC ZONE 3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE, V—ONE—HOUR THROUGHOUT WITH NAVY TIMBER ROOF , ' DECK ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 2500 SQ.FT. OF NEW ADDITION TO THE EXISTING MUSIC BUILDING, PLUS COSMETIC ALTERATIONS • IN EXIST;NG BUILDING. IEl ADDITION IS TO CONFORM TO CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW I CONSTRUCTION. , • t \ 1• DOOR 217 IS TO BE 1-1/2 HOUR LABELED ASSEMBLY IN ORDER TO CONSIDER NEW . CONSTRUCTION AS SEPARATEIBUILDING FROM EXISTING CONSTRUCTION. THIS WILL i . ALLOW EXISTING BUILDING TO BE CONSIDERED UNDER REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 104(C). 2. CONFORMANCE .WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE DOES ' • ~ NOT APPEAR TD BE REQUIRED IN BUILDING /200. : :',.**. 3. THE NEW ADDITION TO BUILDING 200 SHOULD CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REWIRE— • MENTS OF UBC SECTION 104(B). 4. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EACH BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). . 5. THE AREA SEPARATION WALL SHOULD COMPLY WITH SECTION 505(D). PAY SPECIAL . • NOTE TO THE FACT THAT DUCTS TN OUCH AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IF ALLOWED, FIRE DAMPERS ON EACH SIDE OF THE WALL ARE REQUIRED. t UBC STANDARDS. 6. HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT QUALIFY AS FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION '+ . o NOR IS IT RECOGNIZED IN' TYPE V BUILDINGS. TABLE #17—A. IN TYPE V—ONE—HOUR CONSTRUCTION GLLED LAMINATED MEMBERS MUST BE ONE—HOUR PROTECTED. 1 4 s �} i1_ • BC A LL.' . •., PAGE . 1 7. PI;�Ao�- •1Ai_1•S .,I,,- ' .-`TS KHAN 110-INCHES IN HEIGHT ABOVE 1^.:'CF ARF 4EQUIRt:O. ; SEC,' I' N 170•x. • . a. R:CF' N:Cai. NTII \TIt'•N I3 REQUIRED IN THIS BUILDING, SINCE: OPENASLE 41Ii C77+S • 4VE NUT BEEN PROVIDED. • , 9. E:'Pt.AIN USE OF BASEMENT AREA SHOWN UNDER BUILDING 200. SEE EAST ELEVATION. • SHEET 200A-2. • 10. PENETRATIONS OF ONE-HOUR SUSPENDED CEILING ARE TO BE PROTECTED BY ONE-HOUR LABELED FIRE DAMPERS, SEE SHEET 200A-5. . (-' 11. PROVIDE ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION FOR WALL TYPE 16, SHEET 200A-6. • 12. A WEEP SCREED SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE FOUNDATION PLATE LINE ON ALL EXTERIOR STUD STUCCO WALLS. SECTION 4706(E). • 13. STORAGE AND JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD BE OF OW—HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CON- STRUCTION. SECTION 602(C). 14. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES . WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEEDING 50 PERSONS. • 15. SUSPENDDED CEILINGS ARE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF TABLE 023-J. 16. SANITARY FACILITIES SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 60S. 'N 17. ALL INTERIOR CORRIDORS OF ALL BUILDINGS ARC CONSIDERED '(?E-HOUR COR- RIDORS' BECAUSE OF AN.000(PANT LOAD GREATER THAN 30. JOB SPECIFICATIONS HAVE INDICATED 20-MINUTE DOORS AND FRAMES AS REQUIRED BUT DOOR SCHEDULES 1 ON THE DRAWINGS CO NOT INDICATE WHICH DOORS ARE TO BE 20-MINUTE LABELED ASSEMBLIES. THIS OFFICE FEELS ALL NEW INTERIOR CORRIDOR DOORS INSTALLED IN THE REMODELED PORTION OF THE BUILDING AND ALL INTERIOR CORRIDOR DOORS IN • „ NFW BUILDINGS SHOULD COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. ExibiiKG CORRIDOR DOORS MAY REMAIN AS PERMITTED BY UBC SECTION 104. ` • .: O • • ., y . a �. ,, klr t . •{ 't, ' • 1 \ '\ _ l f of Y oAncrele's . . . . .. , ....,---s-s--------7 • TOURIST MECCA OF THE NORTHWEST L i 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 N 1 • r. • • 4 September 21, 1977 t , • Seifert. Forbes & Berry • 925 Tacoma Avenue South • Tacoma, Wa. 98402 Att:Michael Hess RE:Port Angeles Senior High School Plans !► Dear Mr. Hess: Following your telephone call on September 20th, I contacted the plan s check consultant who is reviewing these plans. He advises me he has not yet completed the detailed review of these plans. "' However, he did ind4.1ate that as far as he has gone, the plans are well prepar- ed and the only ite,.: he has found requiring corrections are relatively minor. On this basis, he does not anticipate any major problems on the remainder of the plans. Going on this assumption, there should be no problem in obtaining a permit once the plan-check report is received. ! - Sincerely yours, R.P. Willson - Building Inspector 5 tt/Lk EAL : • • n A ` v - , • i • • • • /p •• i • • • s `•• . . f jv t r ••V 1 ' .. • �� Y tc � }- • J ` ' ✓ r • e• o + • a a NI in • t • E t i lai . at ? a •' Z • Y • O 3 • A /▪ • t • • I • . f -�r W 0 « " W 3 1- W • • Z A • ` N • p n 4 J 0 J cg _ , y! s,• F<h� Y• N W• C7 Z W J V CL: a. h L� O ►- i r 2J W In N = WOweO < CX 10• SOOLW/f < r 1- Y. Y 1 2 N 3 ol- A 03 Z o J1- WO C) tOtl •- � W 2h • W < h0ladt cc cc -- 2_' _2hm _N C) • 2 O CC •1- h l- O 2 < 4 a W cc h r N IX W 2 C •C CIW- 00W ~ — Q Sox ON _ �f •1. N 1- CA1"' � a < CC a h- < 2LO10W Li w,..•ti Q z CMp CI 2WKOOh W ■ x XJ OS 2Y • • !J O� -Lt. = m = = ONE XIC W < CJZ ZIP p-N 2 _ O WN< CC 1-• < Z OF• 2 2 <cn • N to g < N n W = yyyNj NCL . Z •HN •o -• +• el Yl ' m W < OLJ 2h � NZC: < J3: W � S2 � t0/fo • O V O < = < t) -• p e • • in • _ .3t !� OhW Z ZO VW NCY � 0•• 24 : 2Nr- N CL: CA O Le. < ZCC W = < < Xh. 4C.tW4. M ' • . r. OYC- W WN C! ShCC < i; j • JmQ � W ¢� 4aaWdhWW � SShWZO WOA �; + •; ". +c 1.4 . J (. 00 W WJOZ V • C) F- 02F' h 1I 3. Laa §: • 1 !r• • C) g ` 0- -- C) C• N .. LY JN1 "'• 2 NA. 3NWNW a S- Oc2N U. h0- J �� i •y 1 •.sGr • W < Mi- S W _ .. X Whh < O O Y� A..', M040. 0.O w- 'J N O N W V > J L. h W W N I- < W W O I • .., . • C7 Oh• 0414W000CArO = C) hOc0 •r < _N 6 : 2 W < 2 < v12 ++ Wp- W CIO- WI•. h CC C.JOZO < EC f ; w �' I,� W1- .OJ — lWh C[ or02C2CyIOC4KWC7OC) LDOY x • M V4C O1-p- or 1.- CI WCCWW la La k . ( , C I"O Z XNW " 021- 146 t 030 0X SOSW2 = a 1- otL1WW— asZ — NON < -- I- C) hhhh- LOy e ; . m ! a +, • a ► • 1 s i e. • • rip If 2 `� ...e •.1 N'93 . ' . • • • pp •( I• • ` ' ' . • • , • MEMO, LETTER- SEIFERT, FORBES & BERRY J1 2b03 "` :' Architects-Planners-Engineers 925 TACOMA AVENUE SOUTH-TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98402 • Phona: 383-1601 • ', M E S A G E E R. E P LYa - t�, TO Mr. Don Sleeper DAB • Port Angeles School District 1121 • Port Angeles, Washington • , L_ Din June 18,1977 Dear Mr. Sleeper, Gh•t ;j., Enclosed herewith are o sets of drawings and specifications for the ort Angeles High School Modernization and Additions project for submittal to the Port Angeles building inspec Ion department• x Sincerely, •- ,dal• Michael Hess ,/if,, Sei eLrtp, olrb�e ssT ('/CHf / 'ca� � a . T• /i4, (e� 6_14• t BGNED __ L ;ft e S'/fie n`,�• . FORM AVAI.ARI[FROM GRA.ARC CO•INC. ----••�� , De n.% r O a t 2 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESS E^ ,, + , , s , \ \ - ' • ' 1 _ 1 , . 4 •.F c,FIP.1 y \\\ s. # A Red 743/77 �`. • I • ' • 'LAN CNECKINO PRODUCT RE SEARCH Y, ,r, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DEIION CONSULTANT �. ' CODE CON/ULTANT PRODUCT • MAT'L.EVALUATION 1•._ ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN /IRE PROTECTION • _ •, AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AIA ,) CONSULTING ARCHITECT ,. 1141 N.I. (ROTH ST.. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 11111 ' . (101) III-1041 R� "J U/S1 ____ _` ••'• PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT es** I • y GATE; SEPTEMBER 21, 1977 PLAN CHECK NO 146-1 .• _JR ISD ICT ION; PORT ANGELES PROJECT; S ADDITIONS TOPBLDG:. 19f;,..;J' SATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: PORT ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL . PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT OWNER: #121 ARCHITECT: SEIFERT, FCRBES & BERRY VALUATION: ENGINEER: CHALKER ENGINEERS ' CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—ONE HOUR OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: E-1 SIRE ZONE: 3 STORIES: 2 OCCUPANT LOAD: LAND USE: , . • FLOOR AREA; PLANS EXAMINERS: AVD, CAT, GHH 1976 \ '1 ACTUAL: ALLOW: A}A ( UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ' •`. SEISMIC ZONE 3 ✓ 1. CONFORMANCE WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE BARRIER—FREE FACILITIES CODE DOES NOT . APPEAR TO BE REQUIRED IN BUILDING #100. \• ` •' v' 2. THIS BUILDING SHOULD CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF I'3C SECTION `''#,/( , 104(C). ' 1 `'` ✓ 3. A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BUILDING. SECTION 301(A). A/4. THE BUILDING AREA INCLUDES MEZZANINES AND BALCONIES, EXCEPT FOR PRIVATE . • BALCONIES OR PORTIONS THEREOF PROJECTING BEYOND THE ADJACENT EXTERIOR WALL LINE. - .'+y 5. MEZZANINES SHOULD COMPLY WITH THE DEFINITION SET FORTH IN SECTION 414. ✓ A) THE FLOOR AREA CANNOT EXCEED 1/3 THE FLOOR AREA OF THE ROOM IN . ' WHICH IT IS LOCATED. THE POLICY OF THE TERM 'TOTAL FLOOR AREA IN THAT ROOM' IS AS FOLLOWS: 1) THE MEZZANINE MUST BE OPEN TO THE AREA BELOW EXCEPT FOR HANDRAILS. , ., ) NO ROOMS DIRECTLY BELOW THE MEZZANINE FLOOR ARE ALLOWED EXCEPT FOR BATHROOMS, ENTRY AREAS AND CLOSETS. KITCHENS HAVING EACH , a � , • COMMON WALL AT LEAST 50% OPEN TO THE AREA ARE ALLOWED. is B) THE CLEAR HEIGHT ABOVE AND BELOW SHOULD BE AT LEAST 7 FEET. i • ✓6. MINIMUM #9 GAUGE W'RE OR THE EQUIVALENT IS REQUIRED FOR HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT IN ANCHORED VENEER IN SEISMIC ZONE #3. UBC STANDARDS #30-1. TIES SHOULD BE ANCHORED TO THIS REINFORCEMENT. . , \ 0 ' PLAN CHECK #146-1 • PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 21, 1977 .. ,/7. A WEEP SCREED SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE FOUNDATION PLATE LINE ON ALL ; r; i EXTERIOR STUD STUCCO WALLS. SECTION 4706(E). '. .i 8. STORAGE AND JANITOR CLOSETS SHOULD BE OF ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CON- \ STRUCTION. SECTION 802(C). ./9. APPROVED FIRE ALARMS SHOULD BE PROVIDED FOR ALL GROUP 'E' OCCUPANCIES WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD EXCEED'NG 50 PERSONS. • • e* • A0. EXIT SIGNS SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 3312(C)2, WIRED IN AHE!,D OF MAIN DISCONNECT. NOTE: BASICALLY, CHANGES CONSIST C? COSMETIC ALTERATIONS, INCLUDING BRICK •' . VENEER, NEW ROOFING, NEW ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILINGS, WINDOW AND DOOR CHANGES, • LIGHTING CHANGES, SKYLIGHT CLOSURES, NEW CABINETRY, ETC. NO STRUCTURAL CHANGES OF CONSEQUENCE ARE NOTED. 1./11. GREASE HOODS OVER FRYERS, GRIDDLES, ETC., IN COMMERCIAL KITCHEN FACILITIES o ; ,,' MUST COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 1901, 1902, 1107 OF THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL f;>' •, CODE (UNC). l� 7.% ' • 1/12. UBC SECTION 1710 REQUIRES ONE-HOUR OR HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION FOR .- , PROJECTIONS BEYOND EXTERIOR WALLS. THIS ALSO INCLUDES FASCIA AREAS OF THESE PROJECTIONS. PROVIDE DETAILS OF COMPLIANCE. • ,/13. Room OR GROUPS OF ROOMS IN WHICH FLAMMABLE LIQU?DS, COMBUSTIBLE DUST . �.•' • OR SIMILAR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE USED, STORED, DEVELOPED, OR HANDLED SHOULD BE SEPARATED FROM OTHER PORTIONS OF T;-E BUILDING BY NOT LESS t THAN A ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE OCCUPANCY SEPARATION. SECTION 802(D). r 1 1✓14. ALL INTERIOR CORRIDORS OF BUILDING 100 ARE CONSIDERED 'ONE-HOUR CORRIDORS' / BECAUSE OF AN OCCUPANT LOAD GREATER THAN 30. JOB SPECIFICATIONS HAVE INDICATED 20-MINUTE DOORS AND FRAMES AS REQUIRED BUT DOOR SCHEDULES ON • THE DRAWINGS DO NOT INDICATE WHICH DOORS ARE TO BE 20-MINUTE LABELED ASSEMBLIES. THIS OFFICE FEELS ALL NEW INTERIOR CORRIDOR DOORS INSTALLED IN THE REMODELED PORTION OF THE BUILDING AND ALL INTERIOR CORRIDOR DOORS .N NEW BUILDINGS SHOULD COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. EXISTING CORRIDOR DOORS MAY REMAIN AS PERMITTED BY UBC SECTION 104(C). ✓ 15. THE SPACE BETWEEN WOOD FLOOR CONS Pi K T ION AND A SUSPENDED CEILING BEL Aw ;` SHOULD BE DIVIDED INTO AREAS NOT EXCEEDING 1,000 SQ.FT. SECTION 251 VC:. t v'16. OVERFLOW DRAINS HAVING THE SAME SIZE AS ROOF DRAINS AND ON INDEPENDEN- ''• DRAIN LINES ARE REQUIRED. IN LIEU OF THIS, OVERFLOW SCUPPERS THREE. . TIMES THE SIZE OF ROOF DRAINS SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN PARAPET WALLS. OVERFLOW SYSTEMS SHOULD HAVE INLETS LOCATED 2-INCHES ABOVE THE LOW POINTS OF THE ROOF. SECTION 3207(C). • • • SP • • l T ` /• `` .. - •• �. I ,i • \ Tr` A . l r• j . O. y . . 111 W, _ '^ Y • J 0 ;` • < ' •-.-1 > 'b • W U ' • Y w 'W - ' . _ _ ?r G m ; • ••$ v Ifs X11 CC ro Jf 4: J 4 J • I _• . �,� r W •Y •z !.1 G) •x n — r± 41 0 ,+i, ,'� }. T_ ' :C Z lf' Al 4.f ►•• U 'Y -. • h ( !- al d 0 — ;Y } . . , }'" W C9 .r .., u, a (? z -) C 3 0 f r 2 Y� — tT, ac n 0 Vt ,� 4. tf) F ' 1• -- T .1 W (r, t.l 2 1 0' 1. s S'S ti : I- , t•, •C C} 4) r > t!t y •,:� •to r. „p •tal N 2 1.1 f d — F- -f Y • ^' t i 'r\ J C.) ti) t* 1- Cr C) tt'1 •7_ — ' Y .. *t) r„), W 41 J! T tT C .'C ft, ..J }- W W d ':) 1-- 2 7 4f Z LC Z d cg, J 1- tJ) } w U 0 G: :D V) C) 47 4.% i- • to C4. JLI h • n _- -1 1 • l E J cr) ac'.. 'x t •t.) " " Q z 1- tel t7 1.: U -�s•..' �) , rt a. r.. C) la, f- J U) J — — — C7 .-1 y il " W a n• _. cr : 1 u• C_ tr. '1 - ...1 -' I Y, R, r. 1- > t.) • 4, v: t. 3" — J ., V y d '41 t. 0 7 •t 1.: .-1 tr l rJ ,n r m •t") fY (..., r,) c7 1•- :• -1 .•' Et • • W ..) ce' S ..) U1 _1 M M }_ .•..1 fl '-) h to I '. 1 ', .! CI, 1.1 •f CI ■,1 I• l,. 1.:f I.. Y "7 A. • • i• UI .' C) 1.1 t r, • ) 1- f Y ' .f 1,1 .": X• t , t f L Cr.ti s .1 ,,, . it .._> �t• t,l tit U '1 > T .` t., �•• t to C.. • rt. _t • . L> F- (7 ', 1-• ,C a. •t f.t • ;r cr t, Li. W X n. 2 5 ' t.! X. T taf 7 _ • • • p rtln •.. v) — r7 V Clt.) ') ,` ._ y ! Cr ii (f. r. 1- (). n Z CI fY to 7 ' -Y $.•.. !'' t — a t) a . 1 CL • 7 I. — toci41ii , C. to "• lal Y. Li 4, Z —r. 412 C) =1 W4f :Jtil • a f. O O : m / • - I • f • C t14•.— F4-11 • '/y %„ \I i i !' v ® PLAN CHECKING PRODUCT RE ¢ n ARCH •fr•' •�1.•• CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DC31014 CONSULTANT .•. - CODs CONSULTANT PRODUCT 5 MAT'L.EVALUATION .. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FIRE PROTECTION 7 t AUSTIN K. VAN DUSEN, AlA t. CONSULTING ASCHITCC7 • ;7 • 784E N.E. 111TH ST.. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON •5111 /. (10S) 151-1045 J11ECHANICAL PLANS EXAMINATION REPORT . , �' 1 _\ . ' DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 PLAN CHECK N0. 146-1 JJRISDICTION: PORT ANGELES PROJECT: REMODEL & ADDITIONS TO HIGH SCHOOL BLDGS. STATE: WASHINGTON PROJECT ADDRESS: TATS OF WASHINGTON, � OWNLR; ORT ANGELES SSCHOOL DIST. #121 ARCHITECT: -•. / / VALUATION: ENGINEER: CONSTRJCTION TYPE: SEE BELOW OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: FIRE ZONE: STORIES: OCCUPANT LOAD: LAND USE: • . 4 -% FLOOR AREA: PLANS EXAMINERS: ACTUAL: ALLOW: 1973 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE • ', SEISMIC ZONE THE CORRECTIONS LISTED BELOW ARE KEYED TO THE CORRECTION NUMBERS ON THE DRAWINGS. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE: BUILDING 100, 200 (V 1-HOUR); BUILDING 300 (V 1-HOUR ♦'; WITH TYPE IV HEAVY TIMBER ROOF); BUILDING 400 (V 1-HOUR); BUILDING 500 (V 1-HOUR); BUILDING 600 (V 1-HOUR); BUILDING 700 (V 1-HOUR WITH IV HEAVY TIMBER ROOF); - BUILDING 800 (V 1-HOUR WITH IV HEAVY TIMBER ROOF); BUILDING 900 (V 1-HOUR). NOTE: NO PLANS ARE PROVIDED FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL ON BUILDING 1000. M-1 SHEET METAL DUCTS: THE GAUGES PROVIDED, CONSTRUCTION, JOINING DEVICES, BRACING AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE AS REQUIRED PER UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE SECTIONS i1 1001, 1002, 1003 AND 1004, TABLES 10-A, 10-B AND 10-E. ALL DUCT WORK IS ' • ,.' PRESUMED TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF SHEET METAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON T-2 + N PLANS. NONMETALLIC DUCTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CORRECTION M-3. PROVIDE CODE REFERENCES WHENEVER A.S.H.R.A.E. OR S.M.A.C.N.A. RECOMMENDATIONS CONFLICT . I„ v .ITH THE CODE, THE CODE SHALL GOVERN. SEE 1973 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, SECTION 103. v 2 ',3TE: THIS CORRECTION APPLIES ONLY IF THIS MATERIAL IS TO BE INSTALLED. NOINTMETALLIC DUCTS SHALL BE LABELED CLASS I AND CONFORM TO UNIFORM MECHANIC e CODE STANDARD 10-1 AND U.L. STANDARD 181 AND THE CONDITIONS OF LISTING, INC,_UDING THE JOINING METHODS, MATERIALS AND SUPPORTS PER UNIFORM MECHA.NICA. r `, • CODE SECTION 1002(3) AND SECTION 1004. •' -3 -VERY DUCT PIERCING A REQU:IED FIRE-RESISTIVE CcILING SHALL BE FIRE DA1. EKED WITH APPROVED FIRE DAMPER ASSEMBLIES AS PROVIDED IN 1973 UNIFORM BUILDING, CODE, SECTION 4303(8)6, SECTION 4306(J)4, AND THE UBC STANDARD 43-7. SEE FIRE DAMPER LEGEND PLAN SHEET M-1. • / t, �. • r • • y -' A / • i ). ® PLAN CHECK 146-1 SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 . PAGE 2 MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK / M-4 THE FIRE-RESISTIVE INTEGRITY OF FIRE TIME RATED WALLS SHALL BE MAINTAINED* 4; (A) AREA SEPARATION WALLS SHALL BE FIRE DAMPERED WHERE DUCTS PENETRATE SUCH ' ,` /f WALLS PER UBC SECTIONS 505(D)1, 4306(B) AND 4306(I)1. •J (8) OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALLS AND HORIZONTAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS AS REQUIRED BY UBC SECTIONS 503(B), 503(C)1,2,3,4, SECTION 4306(B), 4306(I)1, . ' AND THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, SEC-ION 704,5,6 AND 7 SHALL BE FIRE i DAMPERED. (C) FIRE DAMPERS ARE REQUIRED IN OTHER FIRE TIMED RATED WALLS WHERE DUCT PENETRATIONS TERMINATE IN REGISTERS AND GRILLES PER UBC SECTION 2201. LABELED FIRE DAMPERS (U.L. OR SMACNA) SHALL BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY BEHIND SUCH REGISTERS AND GRILLES. EXCEPTIONS WHERE VERTICAL DUCTS ARE PROVIDED WITHIN THE WALL CONSTRUCTION AND THE THICKNESS OF THE WALL • DOES NOT PERMIT THE FULL nUCT DEPTH BEHIND THE FIRE DAMPER, THE REGISTER -.--;•.• BOX SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF THE SAME GAUGE OF GALVANIZED IRON SHEET METAL - AS REQUIRED FOR SLEEVES IN UBC STANDARD 43-7, AND SECTION 43.702. THE FIRE DAMPER SHALL BE MOUNTED IN THE NECK OF THE REGISTER BOX IN LIKE • MANNER AS A FIRE STOP PER UBC SECTION 2517(F). SLEEVES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE PRECEEDING CODE REFERENCES IN ALL OTHER FIRE DAMPER WALL LOCATIONS. • M-5 WHERE CORRIDORS ARE REQUIRED TO BE OF 1-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION ALL • ��:` OPENINGS IN WALLS AND CEILINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH APPROVED FIRE DAMPER • ASSEMBLIES AS SPECIFIED IN SECTIONS 3304(H), 4306(A). 4306(1) AND STANDARD 4 43-7, UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. M-6 UBC SECTION 3304(H) REQUIRES DOORS TO BE TIGHT FITTING DRAFT STOP SMOKE BARRIER . . . FIRE ASSEMBLIES WITH A 20 MINUTE FIRE RATING. IT FOLLOWS THEREFORE, THAT THES= DOORS SHALL NOT BE EXCESSIVELY UNDERCUT. LOUVERS WITH APPROVED FIRE DAMPER MAY BE INSTALLED IN THE DOORS FOR THE PASSAGE OF AIR BETWEEN A 1-HOUR CORRIDOR - 1 t AND A ROOM. THIS SHOULD CONSIST OF A METAL SLEEVE WITH A GRILLE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE WALL, PROVIDED THAT THE CORRIDOR IS NOT USED AS DUCT. SUCH IS PROHIBITED IN UMC SECTION 706(B). M-7 THE ARCHITECT OR THE SYSTEMS DESIGNER SHOULD SHOW THE LOCATION OF ALL THE FIRE `,) DAMPERS REQUIRED PER UMC SECTION 302(B). EACH FIRE DAMPER SHALL BE INDIVIDUALLY '' , INDICATED PER SUB ITEM 8. REFERENCE NOTES AND STATEMENTS ON THE PLANS AND IN THE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE CODE COMPLIANCE. A CORRECTION IS SITED FOR EVERY FIRE DAMPER NOT SO INDICATED. M-8 PER CORRECTION M-5, ELECTRIC CABINET HEATER RECESSED IN REQUIRED 1-1-CUR CORRIDOR CEILING SHOULD BE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED AND MATERIALS APPROVED FOR 1-HOUR CONSTRUCTION. SEE ALSO UMC SECTION 1002. PROVIDE FIRE STOPPING PER UBC SECTION 2517(F). Q•. . • ,, • RPI l .v . . e . • • ® PLAN CHECK. 146-1 SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 PAGE 3 .j •• MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK .` t M-9 STORAGE ROOMS, JANITORS CLOSETS SHALL BE OF 1—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC SECTION 802(C). ALL OPENINGS THROUGH THE CEILINGS, WALLS AND FLOOR SHALL HAVE THEIR FIRE INTEGRITY RESTORED BY THE INSTALLATION OF APPROVED FIRE DAMPERS. • M-10 DUCT INSULATION SHALL BE PROVIDED PER SECTION 1005 AND TABLE 10—A. DUCT ' r LINING SHALL CONFORM TO UMC STANDARD 10-1 AND SHALL BE LABELED CLASS I. • ' M-11 NOTE ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING 200 PLAN, SHEET A-1, STATES: BUILDING , IS TYPE 1—HOUR CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT ROOF IS HEAVY TIMBER. CROSS SECTION r •' • ELEVATION ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS INDICATES THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF—CEILING `` SYSTEM AS THE CEILING. UBC SECTION 2005(F) STATES THAT ROOFS SHALL BE WITHOUT - CONCEALED SPACES, THEREFORE THIS CONSTRUCTION SHOULD BE CLASSIFIED TYPE V 1—HOUR CONSTRUCTION. SHEET M-5 DOES NOT PROVIDE A CROSS SECTION THROUGH THE ROOMS INDICATED TO HAVE HEAVY TIMBER ROOTS. THEREFORE, IT IS NOT CLEAR IN ROOMS #222, 221, AND 220 IF THE SUPPLY DUCTS ARE LOCATED ABOVE OR BELOW THE " CEILING. IF THE DUCTS ARE LOCATED ABOVE THE CEILING THEN DUCT PENETRATIONS SHALL BE FIRE DAMPERED AS REQUIRED BY CORRECTION M-3. • ' • M-12 PROVIDE CONDENSATE PANS AND DRAINS PER UMC SECTION 1202 FOR ALL REFRIGERATIVE AIR CONDITIONING UNITS LOCATED ABOVE SPACE FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY WHERE STRUCTURAL DAMAGE MAY OCCUR. .. M-13 A HOOD SHALL BE INSTALLED AT OR ABOVE ALL COMMERCIAL FOOD HEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT IN FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ANY PORTION OF A BUILDING APPROPRIATED TO THE PROCESSING OF FOOD. A TYPE I HOOD (CANOPY OR SLOT TYPE) S • HALL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL HOT TOP RANGES, GRILLES, FRENCH FRYERS AND OTHER COOKING EQUIPMENT RELEASING GREASY VAPORS. A TYPE II HOOD SHALL BE PROVIDED li FOR GENERAL KITCHEN EXHAUST TO REMOVE STEAM VAPORS, ODORS AND HEAT PER SECTION .. 1109, UMC AND TYPE II HOODS PER UMC CHAPTER 20. PROVIDE MAKE UP AIR UNIT TO RESUPPLY SPACE AT 10 TO ,;;;c LESS AIR THAN THE QUANTITY REMOVED. PROVIDE TWO •, SETS OF PLANS DRAWN TO SCALE GIVING COMPLETE DETAILS OF INSTALLATION PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION. • M-14 1—HOUR FIRE TIME RATED BUILDINGS SHALL BE 1—HOUR FIRE—RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT AS REQUIRED BY UBC SECTIONS 2001, 2101, AND 2201 AND TABLE 17—A. r FIRE TIMED RATED FLOOR—CEILING AND ROOF—CEILING ASSEMBLIES ARE RATED EN TOTO, PLANE TO PLANE, AND WHEN EITHER PLANE IS PIERCED BY DUCTS, THE FIRE INTEGRITY • OF THE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE RESTORED BY THE INSTALLATION OF LABELED FIRE DAMPERS PER SECTIONS 4301, 4302, 4303, 4305 AND 4306. PER SECTION 1706(B) EXCEPTION OPENINGS TO THE EXTERIOR NEED NOT BE FIRE DAMPERED, EXCEPT WHERE THE LOCATION • OF EQUIPMENT WOULD REQUIRE OPENINGS TO BE PROTECTED PER UBC SECTION 504 AND • TABLE 5—A. • • 1 • I • i • • • • - • , . .` e . • • . . , . , . . .. . • .. , . ' , . , . , . • . . '• . • ' / • , . . . . , i .. ANT . 1 %TM•, ..., .e.... . 17 ea,- • - . p"C) :,,:. II,.I-1 t..1 CI' ..... 1.---=-k '''..:-.;..F.:.2.. Ici 0 I . . . • 4 1\1 D -CAT?..L .: S-A 'JAZ.. SM-C... RE DUCT1C 34,1; 24,N1.'Ll L-ta r ki 0.ci(L, AND :...1‘.1.c_ i-A er....E 2:-,-- . 0 • : _ ________ _ , _ ---r-....-.-.-.-■-r.-..----i-.. , 1 1 , CL SA • Q,E. '0, , 4 1., ----i' I ■49 : . I 1 • ' EC. 1109 OD)a. " I 1 1 30' 1 \ I G. 1 I I C12,---•t-;,I-. \ • .COCK-1 NI Cr- . Nt I I I . 1 ALL . SI)RFA(- ' . P .—As Ni .3 ; 15" \\ I i 1 I ftlr.L5.--.-5 ' . • A i--1001) 54A.LL- I L. _ ..„, ....---- \-----1- . .. ! 13E INSTA.LL-E---CD — —• _ ------- -- 1--- , ASOVE ALL COM- . . ------ '..-----..'------"----.„......,_ 32" r MER.C.IAL PCOD /... _...-- i• ......,.... , Fra..-r-9 Rs)C.E.--55 111 Cr I . -• .1-10CD r:zEvc).To EQUiPkT -PER ■ ,. .. •, . 3.7.7i2C..EC--7 r2." I U.k.0 r.-5 .110C1 74-I Z--".--4----------• 6r-0" - -`-r-le— .01s. ALL CPEN ;. COOK\'i SURFACE ...__ •5\t) E-. __ __ . , t -. 8- 0' - --- --- • .• -,, M_I_L\1-11-12-__S..6.AF T NI 0, 1-- 1 i..e.e,... :.... a J'.7-1- , . • 1-01,./T 313T5T I B L F... CO 5T. 1:2sR ! I Atzeb. :._:_--z:....L —■ri4r. 4 w '1 GA. ...-1.),1.,0 ES tc. N1-7.-Irci-.u•,.i05.7 U-508 1-.6 -' GVEQ. 44 1 14 GA.. RS.----" OD. \ . - .= ____ - - ---.._ . G-ALV. I .D b.t --..,/,',1 .--- ---- , ..-...E.._...;;;c.,- r.d.,2,-.; \A./.,6.L.',. PADS --... • -, • ft . : S GA 0',.. s-r)..1L-.5.- ---... 0.2.i..v. s, 1 Fil.L...1:1 • , .. . . ._ , , . lk.i iN G-A , 0 ZO -7,..- --- .....„--..„,.. \A./. ,1/1 I ALF.,-.......1 L.. ■NC,C,.r... A LL weLDE() . EtrrTS An -11-;‹ . -..F._-•-:.: ,S0(\i5Tra.)c.-ft 0 ,.1. 1 • Afkr-f..h-ligS4-G.I, sCRO. , 1•I.F.P.'A ' (:. A —-e-- ..b.: SEC 311 ( SEC . 1.10cl P.:,7-ct.c:, t-'.,:z_.1... ..7- . MAX . C) ' HOOD Ait...?,OV... CC.:0',INIC:-.- IJ F A C_Ez_ !,.,T 1 t.) . P.7-4..._ --.---a-,..--. ' 4'--0" - 4 1-10(..)0 A 1 R E T . . l.)P..t IT iTl'ii:-.., -t,E--■.;-. . ._,-E:',..1 ! _) ,:e (c. •) ?,, r r ... ' • • . w,,_-:-.,--A ., FL--; ',., i o.-.^: .: ,,:',' 2POV IDE MAi<EUP-Al -7-27....t 1.::::---S2 1 '._... .:_.7---/.1 R5•Qk.17, 15.::-:- . C.).M.C. 5E':. 't 1 ;:i -r•-:: CE TA t i 1 L.;,_)\__-7 :_-_I:a ) N'0 V . -1-..3--4.:_ C-P t,` -'. - I I.., • 0 C_ 17"--,*) - ._\A...-F.:;• I k. , , I V \ > ' _ .... i i -- -- - , • , • . _Noi----c_. CALL FOce:, 11:■5, PE-;LT" 1 .:±1 0 Erf)k:.:.-_- t INJ,'-;.:7-,.LLIC:-._:- f-kc.:,_.);1) . , .;• - . b.t\A Ce? 7L. 1 N.\C.,- Q t2.C...1 G-E-_ , I 1( _1EAT E-- -N O. 1. • . . . CANOPY - "TYPE HOOD — I N', FoR \ATIoN f.:DRvic--, • • . ., - -..--- k.• -_-_-. 1 ..., ... I % . ,-..• . •• i • • ,, • . • • . .. . • , . . , . • • • . . I • . . . t • .. .. • . ,... • • • *'' • . . . . . . • ... . . , . . . ' . ...' . , • • . •',„ "I ' -'• — ' , ,,, ' 1P ! • 4 .. . \.• . - . , • . • PRo\livz----. w..s.- r.- c)r2. Dz/ —Per2-: u•m,c_ sec, I 107 (b) A u To- 5 eeiNi(Le.,-.-tz IN .r7oc.-1- ,--- pR.cysilip _ 2.LOWS;;;.', WITH • , ..--- .- •` :p _t-2_ N‘ • '4 -s-ro ,,,- 9( : ..- :Bac .c.,y,,7‹:0--c-v-z.J..7- Night...". . . , , . • 'SE'G pAGe•-5 44s :Loo- C.-, 1 NI - b'LA.CE.-:•';' W._ .. , ----1-1131111-..1G----,;) —• ' . --- . /•4 I; r7iP7 c•-,rz.€4.55 , . .. ' —, ,---- ,7- CrzP-1N Ar0T: OF FAN. - •• 1 . _St—IALL. 1:7,20V lt.)&—. I 7s, / S'IAIELz' ELLS -- I' L4 I 1, , . . -- — 1 II - I / t ----r— :ONLY PeR.- U. C. 7 ,iiti_.. - ,, 1 1 . • .. . ., . . •,,. 1 ,01 .( b). -, // _ill !I _ I 4, . _.c..,, . - ___ - —,2- BOT-I-C iv1 .1,F 1.:_'=114. OISC.HA2.6-5. - . ,1-0 e L4!Ai NArg -11 , MIN Of2CFAS5 ` -. MtW. 40" . • , . ' -e---.-X.3-xTDrVIkE TzAc.:? SWAP) p ,_ .. • . s !-: - ill,nit.c._...s Ec_-.'s 7(b)+ 1 I Oa ' • . . •.• ., Ai3DVI- •Roo":7 . - pod1Z-.._ • , • 4 I a" 1 _ , . ......_-4-- .... _ . ' , . •• _ _____•._ —7' \ . . . . ,- \ ..... • • \ 1 I C7.7. I \ / 1 \ III TI ,_.4 — • ,„ . „...1,--.SEE• PLATE 1\10.1 POP._ i 1 b • • . . :0E-r1.1..ILS 6 '' II-I1 _ si4A.Fr --,—.1 1 ___ , — _ 1. ,-- 1 , . ..e.--_P cz_o v t c.-;r_z. 14 EA-1- ,..--.;'t;•tELD \ I . ., -. . -PADS a:."-..-Li'll\ND DUCT 1--IC:OL., , •... --_---A1\1-0- -V.-t-,QC.-,E-1:-'1"-..'Ve._ NF.T-',.:., P',24-A . \i :' II :NO, 9 Go —sEe NOTE — PLATE"! \ • , -. ., . . I, 111 • . ...,, .. . , ;1.. ...:. ••• ''.':''. ''.:'' '' =, - ' ' -''-7"kV •\;. 1 \ \ . li ' V- - :‘', •;.,._.: i .•*: \-,:* '''-; - ._E-I LTG R.5 'SEC . II .. ‘•.:., . ...:;.;.:...:-.!•:,-.,! ' . ..,•,:‘.,,t. '-,;•:'.z,:.. \\\?11 1 • • • . .1-.._ v,I N. I4G F4 r, s'..., E. TTOt,t_ !I I ' • , . . . . II COOK-It.1C-r C ED 7 ,. 1-c C 1.L'r E 2. 22.,-;:' — -.: . 1 • i 1 2-. 6, sto e. !*: : P201.IT ELEV. _ - . • • 1 - • 1 ,. 1 , 1 1 II i \, i ... - ' 1 . .. , %.. . , •• . 1--- (..*: )./10 :... A, Z7)Q_ ...01-- HOOD AIR EY\-4.AUS-T. a'2ANIT-11-1:-:-_-`:.; . . PE.-.;-...- l..)..I.R.0 `.-311.----..C_-ll041 (d.). I.E. SLOT LENGTI4 X 2,SCJ -- TOTAL CPM . ' 1 1 • ,,, PLATE NO. 2 ... • . . • • • . .. s L 0 T - TY P E HOOD - I N F 0 RNAATi 0 N DRWG-. •. • • . 1\10 SCALE --17,.Nr•- 2, - I • .. • .. - ' . - •• . ■ , . , . • , . - . - , - . .• . .. . - . ,.•• • •, •• , . • it •• . . • . , •• . .. . . • • . . . . . . • .• . . . . - . - • • . . • ' 4. • • 0 • ® W .t'. y .1 9 7 b` ;Y i i N N :: N 5. — 3.. : ,,a q 57. u G y ] 2.• V; �y G°q � €o- . - 11- -hh--4 'c_ >5" " `: • hG y • S" 3 s = . _"u; ° '-.4 .-:.:•,,,,1 1:11.4.?, .;-3 -.,..t.• 0 17"© 2aas" 11161.. a cio . . . ", , ..;;•". te.? Li ":.E,>"?..: '..,::3: _a: I. L i .1 ./,A" ..z 0 ai (1) .1_11 1 1`•,;:V V :ij�g po° • • 1 •IIS 1'• a.°:X.a►U 7Od �-TE o zp° w 3 Y}-4 U fi? _ia " • oj ❑ tl-1 d °'C G • 1 O • %u- . ', QX _i 'o_.nta 9a a •a t-".n° Z. io,-,J' 'o "w 0.,_.1 f) � lr. -▪- >E• -nc ` G: ° • ' O ° e�aE.N E . o aYp� c ;i. )•.1 • fJ�$ Nw F a O c>'ai Mud'e O 3x, � I_p . ° danaCc b Uy �CI • QJ ��"u`~ '� O a S o� o .:,..5 e , M.41 t x $-■ b � J '• ^� rer .`p% Oir � : ...... a C �R„ < l'°1:-..-- ; I '' '7!,',''''','E• F . Uz )i 11, Q 3°°Iot�r" M▪`La�62� 5; O I . gAvVv 3Q:UQi r y u°u • c.•_u n U._ A „" .„,E-g.1 °! c_c`y7o. ''—'••!// R iap. °nr3 i;i i..,.. : JUEJU <• o Ce4 5 , gd�Ug +pJq at i -2 i 11 ; c - .,, • . i ,• • . e?a e q -.I.,y.,. 1 U aE .• °-9•U r ^strast :" � : .. le ? '0 �N • _: o v u r' nnUC a. .. ....1a :o0 Uo..i.r Ua -3�: EI I yi . : [ • C;-" 000" a�• 2: A I mao: F 1.......11„,,P.--: i� .r -iii"....,l `-. '"n",,e t•. u ty. . '' . Q. el i<;:i ail" oc ! a';,i° "o; • . •-RPI Plena n nozzle tee is centered in lengt an vii • . ��•• • ,• upper third of plenum as measured from bole hood.plenum. Duet nozzle centered in cross section and 3" to 6" into the duct above • • ® DETECTOR MOUNTED FAC'd OUTSIDE AND PROJECTING INTO DUCT. • EXHAU3T DUCT—\ POSITIJN DETECTOR IC.CENTER • OF DUCT WIDTH. ,...,„. • , up I • \\ I = 4. // \.,,,. ('. KITCHEN r000 ,P-2 • I %::: \� PLENUM ARC: 1 • . e i• • 5uPPLY PIPE ,•.�•. :- FILTER FACE • COOKING LOU P4EN • t ELECTRIC . "-1` CCh'TROL HEAD �� . 'r DRY CHE M,CAL /� CYLIN.;ER -__./ r Rood without Filters or Plenum Area with Filters - 42' 0" x 4' 0" One Duct Unlimited Lengthx 150" Perimetc-r; Round, Square or Rectangular (Centered or Offset) .• 1'i�ure 20. IIDR 50T)C-2 Electric Thermostat:tirranrement �t 5.} •r © U. L. EX 2153 8 March 1973 -- •=F?ACi_E_4' V1---.--- 1 N • t - I • , • (11110 50 PP Le A tei,e T- '_ .T0::: No . ---- ;LD: . Cr_:y.lttz {; :::1:lo'ot :t CaCUP . C_J_..__.... DATE t!._=_507,. . CC,,._.:R.CIAL 1:T7: OD IMO CO?� "TISaS *`: ,,. 'i,,r-;1 • .' . • M-2!4. :.-7 design construction and installation of coT"3roia1 %i tche hood: a:id Conne::ted du'ctwor:C sb CO. �•r n f' h� 73 S ' ' X11 moll with all , O°J :�io..s o_ the U.M.0.773 ec• tioas 1101,1107,110 ,1109 and 1110. The Prefaeoe to the Uniform Fire Co'Ae ' ' states that the Uniform Building, techanical and Fire Codas are co_r lnt ' • end intended to be compatible and that each Code is not intended to stand alone. The U.F.C. further e_" prcvide5 that when one Code does adequately add the Code subject in Section 1.216, then nationally recognized standard: r . be used a;, though they:'Tar: adopted aS: written it full and there ore,p_rt cf the Code. this e' ere a conflict occurs between the requirement of the- U.M.C. 2nd N.F.A. Std. To96 t: 3 most restrictive requirement sh22 . '" • ' govern. See U.M.C. Section 103 and U,F.C. Section 1,103, See attached �a ' ` ings for added clarification. Submit (2) sets of S:07 drawings 103 °p5:7? « ' • r.o to fabrication and installation. t311 for L:SDecti of t- d. Jl ', - . enclosure prior to the installation on of the hood. :i0TES: , (1 ) The attacheircorrection sheets reflect the most restrictive e reouirei,e "' !� +F of the 1973 U.M.C. Chapter 11 and the i(.F.P.&. Std. ?(o. 96, the ;for•a.t 7:7-o---,------- . information o Lded Ate the attached illustrated i conform pr .�i o @�,5 ?!_11 both criteria. , ) (2) In the event the d.S.:',io-'. er of the commercial :Ci 35'.=:'. hood and 'related o components chooses to co�'"orm to the applicable provisions of the bv' - Chapter 11 1973 e__tion only, than note t he following di I. C ;C es b - ,. tween 'the information on our drawings and this Code are as follows': ' ' 1. .: d/ • (a) The a_tchen d: �a`�t enclosure is required to 1 h , ` ~e dust 1 Q 1^� 1?_ !lt L'7 i fire-resistive constru:tio. per U B.0 Seo 1 O J and :able 17 ( :Tote: Excerption il.o.5 of Sec,1706 does not apply to kitchen hood • • ducts. They are governed exclusively by the U.M.C. Sections- 1101 - ' ' t (f) ,1107 107 (h) • 1107 (i) ,1107 (j) and 1107 (k)1 Construction may in.iuda any 1 hr. wall construction listed in Table 43-B X73 U.L .. ' (b) The kitchen hood duct clearance measured from the outside surface ' ' ,r of• tl..on duct to the inside finished surface of the re. uir•-_.d 1 Hr, . a • shaft :ells shall be from 3°'n_::. to 12" par U.dC Sac -?107 (g) (c')' Th-n enclosure itself, shall be sealed at, th'z penetration ' • itself, i of the ceiling. Th— oval' area be'cbr " tie s-art inside .Tabs and the dsc : shall �d°_ ventilated `t.4 the outside-air per the TJ.�'! C,t73 See, 110 •• �. • (d) :1O •�7�.." ':'li.�.:ate is provided f the 1 _• du L she Pm�+' t \\ ' • height above is a roof it penetrates. .. . • '� (t) The o.ocLired height of the •it :en hood duct shaft above the roof is 24 minimum per U.M.C. Sec,1103. • (f) :l cdo are required to be co str. :t''.d of gal iron SP 22 ga. or. -.a:.r„ of steiala:,s steal min. guage of .030.pa= Sr:. 1109 (b) l , o (g) To al!em'itic fir e-en ingui.shi_ti' system required. (h) Comp? t .nc.e ith the attached correction sheets meets ets both th-- U.`'t. , .'A' • and N.,r.?.A. :�i :dard :to. 96 requirements thou increased �, once ...:e;:. . :i t • • ,, �; C L� 1, '� .; ; .G • ■ .0".L'�i` '� "/l4bT.1-r`.a 14 L641% 5;{40x1. i�" ADD . _ . • _ PAtIt1T" SPie<WINICT Arz>✓AS ANv PArl NT- BeoM REct.n acMt-urs, ,' 1• 9�_-•.• ARTICLE 14 Electric Wiring and Equipment • Seca 14.105. Electric wiring and equipment shall conform to the provisions of this Article and shall otherwise be installed in accordance APPLICATION OF FLAMMABLE FINISHES with the Electrical Code. .. • �+ Division I • NV it Division II ? GENERAL Pt40YISiDYS SPRAY FINISHING •1 ''i. cope Definitions . , , ` Sec. 14.101. .1.b Article shall apply to locations or areas where the Sec. 14._U1. r(.t) 5['f{;\1'I.\'C 1IiE,1 shall rnc:,n any area in which r ollowing activities are conducted: dangerous rivantities of flammable vapors or combustible residues, 1. The application of flammable or combustible paint, darriiyh, du:.ts or deposits are present due to the operation of spraying pro- s v lacquer, stain or other flammable or combustible liquid-applied cesses.The Chief may define the limits of the spraying area in any case. } as spray by compressed air, 'airless" or "hydraulic atom!i'3: ' A spraying area ',all include: } lion,' or by steam, or electrostatic methods orb any other 1. The interior of s r by Y pray booths. means in continuous or intermittent processes; and 2. The interior of ducts exhausting from spraying processes, 2. Dip tank operations in which articles or materials are'•`rrb'ssed 3. Any area in the direct pith of spray or any ire it containing •:,'...•.b through contents of tanks, vats or containers of fiamm:kse••or dangerous quantities of au-suspended powder, cornbustible rest- combustible liquids, including coating, finishing, treatment'and !.su' • `•. r g don,dust,deposits, vapor or mists as a result of spraying opera- similar processes; and •• or a �• r f� 3. The application of combustible powders when applied pow- J' 1/ions. of PP P PP lIY pu (b) $Y,l{AY BOOTH shall mean a power ventilated structure of der spray guns, electrostatic powder spray guns, fluidized beds varying dimensions and construction provided to enclose or accommo- or electrostatic fluidized beds. date a spraying operation and to confine and limit the escape of spray • u 'omit Required t vapor and residue and to exhaust it safely. r Sec. 14.102. A,Ft�e�rmit shall be obtained for spraying or.dippint„. dater?PSPR'gYoperations i and shall comply with designed Building Code r re- - ,perations utiliiing`lamrnab1e liquids included within the scope of this' quirernents for an E-2 Occupancy. . krtide and by Section 14.101. ■rc•s• ,s. t, • Locatit ncODSpray Finishing Operations ionising Prohibited t c- .e------ - , Sec. 14.103. Smoking shall be prohibited in any spray finishing (a) Spray finishing operations shall not be conducted P. areas and in the vicinity of dip tanks, "NO SMOKING"signs with let• 1° buildings used for assembly, educational, institutional or residential p occupattcics except in a mom designed for the purpose, protected with eying of approved size shall be conspicuously posted in such areas. ;m'£7tirover{syystem Of automatic sprinklers and separated vertically Voiding Warning Signs aryrLY,n7ont illy from other are by construction complying with the • , Sec. 14.104. Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the vicinity of all t,:requirements In ther ncrrx'a ins alrltx�ravin3±nperatin,s'nerfnrmrd inside r spraying areas,dipping operations and paint storage rooms,conveying i p he following warning: i, o n at huddle,' .hall he cfor s tr d id an aoorovrl•;pray beOth or ip ,. suray+T., areas approved for such use; aim.- 11pra Booths t'" No WELDING nt ssec. 14.203. (u) Spray booths shall be substantially concrrncted of • The use of welding or cutting equipment in or near this area steel not less than No. 13 U. S. gauge in thickness or other approved . is dangerous because of fire and explosion. Welding and ..noncombustible.materials. 4 • cutting shall be done only under the supervision of the (b) The arca of a paint. spray booth shall not exceed 1500 square foreman in charge. feet nor 10 per cent of the basic area permitted for the major uSe of the building as set forth in Table No.5-C of the Uniform Building Code. , 84 85 • •(c) The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth and con- .1 (c) MI discarded filter pads shall he immediately removed to a sale •. , '. tinuotrs without edges and otherwise designed to prevent pocketing of well detached location or placed in a water filled metal container and residue, to permit the free passage of exhaust air from all parts of the disposed of at the close of the day's operation. interior and,to facilitate washing and cleaning without injury. (d) The location of filters in a spray booth shall be ;o as not tc - ;`'..'` (d) The floor shall be of noncombustible material or shut.)be env- reduce the effective booth enclosure of the articles being sprayed. R ` cov- ered with a noncombustible,nonsparking material of such character to (e) Space within spray booth on the downstream and upstream ,,,' facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residue. sides Of filters::hall be protected with approved automatic sprinklers. (e) If installed, baffle plates shall be of a noncombustible material 85 ' readily removable or accessible to facilitate cleaning and designed td provide an even lii`sv'of air through the booth and to prevent the de- posh of overspray before it enters the exhaust duct. Such plates shall (f) Filter ;hall not be used when as he in,r,a spray material nown not be installed iii the exhaust ducts. .,it to be highly susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition. (f) Each spray broth having a frontal area of more than 9 sryu ib, (g) Clean filters shall be noncombustible Jr of approved type. •`� feet in r:ea and which is not equipped with doors shall have a metal . deflector or fire curtain nut less than 4'. inches deep installed at the (in) filters shill not alternately bo used far the:application of lac- •r' • 7 upper outer edge of the booth over the booth opening. 0.,in ss ' quer and other materials such as varnish,stains and ground coats.• (g) Each spray booth shall be separated from other operatic4€oday r ''•� not less than 3 feet or by a wall or partition or by a greater distance, Electrical and Other Sources of Ignition "' as the Chief may require. " tit•:t Sec. 14,:05. (a) • ( ) �mlhall In no open flan or span: pnxlucin, h All ,Onions of a s r.ty booth shall he readily :wadable for t �i y ( ) F P Y equipment anent in;env spraying area as d i u d .ii Section ui I t tit nor within droning and a clear space of not less than 3 feet shall be kept free of ? set t t i P t) ij hereon,mi ess separate ,i titrt.t• c••t•pc a1 i---rr in storage or combustible materials. Sect m 14.2_1(1, Dryim;Apparatus,and Sections 14.401-m;-1,171)2,Elec. '•(i) When splay booths are illuminated, it shall be done through I trostatle—Cr ppiratus .'a • heat treated or hammered wire glass. Fixed lighting units only s}14U be •r ,� ,' b rt , Pe'da'l•r t I s a.- used as a source of illumination and panels shall he so arratS',ed too' ( )_ �. tm e•;f saran,pipes or I:ut suriaors shall not •t• minimize breakage. Weld so that normal accumula ion of residue on t}ie3 be locat••,t in a sin l ir• are.t wru•rc rismo•,its of roruhusrible rrsir oes exposed surface olthe panel will not be raised to a dangerous tempera-vi may readily:u.cum'rlatc. 4 ture by radiation Jr conduction from the source of illumination. o '; (e) Unless sperificnlly approved for locations containing both T• • ,h- Dry Type Overspray Collectors(Exhaust Air Fillers) deposits of readily ignitable residue .r:,d '.plosive vapors, there shall be no electrical equipment oment in tin era in area whereon deposits of • Sec. 14.204. (a) Overspray dry fitters or filter rolls, if installed in comblts'ible residue,. !nay readily accumulate, escv,t svinn, iii rigid `•!�'t' . •r conventional dry type. spray booths shall conform to Section 14.20.3 rxsnduit or boxes or fittings cur readily) no t.r,, splices or terminal MY... (c) the,r..h 14.205 (h). ) l I cmirlections :std except as hereiralter omvidcd in Section 1421'0 (c) (h) The spraying operations shall be so designed, installed and reLtteig to drying:ipp,tratus and Sections 14.401 toc'14.402 relating to y •" , maintained that tale average air velocity over the open face of the,booth elcictrostetic apparatus. . 1,-,r howIt rroca cnrti••n dnrin" cnrnvino nr,eralions) shall hr. not !rsa cope oeomouua I . e, Sec. 14.101. , ie Article shall apply to locations or areas where the Sec. 1.1.20E (a) SPItAYtNC AltEe shall mein any area in which �' ollowing activities are conducted: l dangerous quantities of flammable vapors or c+rmbustible residues, • 1. The application of flammable or combustible paint, varriiyh, duets or deposits are present due to the uper.,tion of spraying pro- s lacquer, stain or other flammable or combustible liquid`applied cusses.The Cbief may deft:e the limits of the spraying area in any casu, as spray by compressed air, "airless- or "hydraulic .itornii's'•' A spraying area ',all include: . lion, or by steam, or electrostatic methods or by any other 1. The interior of spray booths. • means in continuous or intermittent processes; and 2. The interior of ducts exhausting from spraying processes. 2. Dip tank operations in which articles or materials are'`Pei4erl 3. Any area in the rl;rect path of spray or any are:e containing t.. through contents of tanks, its or containers of flammLe or • dame-eons quatteries ut air-suspended powder, combustible resi- combustible liquids, including coating, finishing, treatment'and '."-''d • ue,dust,deposits, vapor ur mists as a result of spraying opera-t- similar processes; and ur a t) ',lions. o) 3. The application of combustible powders when applied by pow- .a(b) SP,ttAY BOOTH shall mean a power ventilated structure of der spray guns, electrostatic powder spray guns, fluidized beds varying dimensions and construction provided to enclose or accommo- or electrostatic fluidized beds. date a spraying operation and to confine and limit the escape Of spray 'emit Required tt vapor and residue and to exhaust it safely. " • Sec. 14.102. A,permit shall be obtained for spraying oil! ippins c date pea ng operations ROOMS shall shall,comply rooms ith designed Building C de re- .• rperations utiliiing`8ammable liquids included within the scope of this' guire:ments for:ill L-2 Occupancy. • - krticle and by Section 14.101. o,: ,r. t. 1oiatigncCDSpray Finishing Operations ;molting Prohibited m Sec. 14.103. Smoking shall be prohibited in any spray finishing Sec. '14.^_0•?. (a) Spray finishing operations shall not be conducted in buildings used for:usrmbly, educational, instihrtiooa!or residential ' trees and in the vicinity of dip tanks."NO Sti posted "signs with let- occupancies except in a mom de,iteled for the purpose,protected with eying of approved size shall be conspicuously posted in such areas. :m approver s stem of automatic sprinklers and se pirated vrrrtic•a y Yalding Warning Signs suet txrn7nntally from other areas by construction (erne-riving with the ,, Sec. 14.104. Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the vicinity of all le u�e In caner the ci��I,ncies all spraying oprr.rttrnts p rfnnnrd inside praying areas,dipping operations and paint storage rooms,conveying n miming it , l he following warning: i• ,r:o hall },e amdnctr r an ayucov 1 ;nrav br gill or iu . spree-Mg areas approved for such use; -Ulf,' ,ttleray Booths s r�o �WELDING i • nr s,Sec. 14.203. (a) Spray booths shall be substantially constr.,cted of The use of welding or cutting equipment in or near this area steel not less than No. 13 U. S. gauge in thickness or other approved ti is dangerous because of fire and explosion. Welding and .,t noncombustible,materials. { • •cutting shall be done only tinder the supervision of the (b) The arca of a paint. spray booth shall not exceed 1500 square foreman in charge. feet nor 10 per cent of the basic area permitted for the major u§e of the • building u set forth in"bible, No..5-C of the Uuifortn Building Curie. • 84 • 85 .. (c) The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth and con- ( (c) All disnarded filter pads shall he immediately removed to a safe • tinuous without edges and otherwise designed to prevent pocketing of well detached location or placed in a water filled metal container and residue, to permit the free passage of exhaust air from all parts of the disposed of at the close of the c!,ny's olteracon. ; interior and to facilitate washing and cleaning without injury, " (d) The ior.•ation of filters in a spray booth shall be ,n is not tc , (d) The door shell be of noncombustible material or shall be cov- reduce the effective booth enclosure of the articles being sprayed. • • erect with a noncombustible,nonsparking material of such character to (e) Spa:e within spray booth on the downstream and upstream . %;•••.', facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residue. sides of filters::hall be protected with approved autornetic sprinklers. ♦. (e) If installed, baffle plates shall be of a noncombustible matecia) 88 readily removable or accessible to facilitate cleaning and designed t , provide an even HEW of air through the booth and to prevent the de- • posit of overspray before it enters the exhaust duct. Such plates shall (f) Filter shall not be used when applying a spray material known to be highly susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition. not be installed iii the exhaust ducts. Y susce u P (f) Each spray booth having a frontal are,. of more than 9 squ4i8'•' (g) Clean filters shall be noncombustible or of approved type, feet in r:ea and which is not equipped with doors. shall have a metal r , '•._. deflector or fire curtain not less than 4'. utch.e, deep installed at the (h) Filters shall not alternately be, used for the application of lac- .. upper outer edge of the booth over the broth opening. ,s•,iii w qucr and other materials such as varnish,stains and ground coats. .. •.ii• ' (C) Each spray booth shall be srpac tad from other operatir(isAy • -- . not less than 3 feet or by a wall or partition or by a greater distance. Electrical and Other Sources of Ignition .. as the Chief may require. "or a Sec. 14.205. (a) The•• shall be no open flame or spark produc g in ,. y. (h) All portions of a spray booth shall he readily available (or equipment in any spy:nine;Neel:ie ti7unr d n Section ti,ii 1.4_J I. nor within , , cleaning and a clear space of not less than 3 feet shall be kept free of :'.0 cut di rro� unless separated hvt tl in ti,;to t, e', a—liertnittrii m ., storage or combustible materials. , Section 14._'10, •pparatus,and Sections 14.4oi1-to 1470-2,L•Iec- (i) When splay booths are illuminated, it shall be done through i trost.rtiXpp,rattis • : heat treated or hammered wire glass. Fixed lighting,units only shall be • ' used as a source of illumination and panels shall he so arraiihed tore (b) Space hcatin:::,nnl.iances ateai,pip.•s or fur,,,riar•es shall not minimize break sgt c d so that normal accumulation of residue on die3 lt'J located in_:i strain arer.0 why r" deposit, of rani!:u,rihl•:7777, exposed surface of the panel will not be raised to a dangerous tempera•vt n-'-'x readily accum:elate. • Lure by radiation or conduction from the source of illumination. e• (c) Unless specifically approved for locations containing both Y .• i. Dry Type Overspray Ccllectors(Exhaust Air Filters) deposits of readily ignitable residue and explosive vapors, there shall • be no electrical equipment nment in air' s rs ire, area whe•rcon deposits of •Sec- 14,_04. (a) Overspray dry filters or filter rolls, if installed in comhlus'ible residues may readily 1Qennulate, except ,virin, in rigid • !'7r •r conventional dry type spray booths shall conform to Section 14.20a conduit or bpscs or fittings containing no taps, splices or I retinal (e) thrriogh 14205 (h). crWiticottons and except as hereirrlter nrcividiel in Settee 14.210 (c) (h) The spr.lying operations shall he so designed, installed and relating tp drying apparatus and Sections 14.401 tor'14.40' relating to '. ' maintained that Ilse average air velocity over the open face of the booth electrostatic apparatus. v •,': (or booth cross section during spraying operations) shall be•not less (d) Electric wiring;and equipment nment not subject to deposits of corn- , than 101) linear feet per minute. Dry spray booths equipped with a 1 1 j• 1 . filter roll v:hich is automatically advanced when the air velocity is Miscible residues but located in a spraying acre shall be of e.plosinn. • t reduced to that specified in this paragraph,shall he arranged to cause proof tape approved for use in such hazard.+ua lunation.Such are.i shall shutdown of spraying operations if the, filter roll fails to advance se considered a Class i, Division I hazardous locatten in accordance • , • automatically.Visible gauges or audible alarm devices shall be installed wiflldbe I.-lcctrical Code. •• . • t. ...,. .a � ,.,1 , - ,•,.r.,,.ih' is rn'iinta!ned. . . , 1 , • L .• r. �- • • • • ♦• %. ' VI g c COO 'tT'9, 01'i• OF etC'CC, MEC.1-4o,i■ltQ.1_ cc 9Z2:r ION 51a9'E.'i"Y •ti . , •M 1 N.•'• nr+•.•a 1 re . /'w 1 a+'"I• r1.•Y r ... .,. ., • .-, • ... . k' 'AG COUNT'q, 014. OF .;I..CCz• MEC.14A`Itc\ . CCr CTIONI SUE�'t1�J08 D. of--� . c = G � = JNctZ JO8 ADD2>✓'S5 (e) 1:xctrna$wirutg, nurtors .uul other equipment outside of but wititis=['D.T Get of any spr.ayiag'area and not separated therefrom by oar ctii ns, shall not produce sparks under normal operating conditions. ! • Such area shall be considered a Class i, Division_2 hazardous location i in accordance with the Electrical Coale. S'e- 1-17 Ham. •'eY (tr Electric lamps outside of but within 20 feet of any'praying urea and not separated therefrom by a partition,shall be totally enclosed to prevent the f.allimg of hot h,articlrs and shall be protected from ph}sical damage by suitable guards or by location. ";t ' .t.4 • fg) Portable electric lamps shall not be used in any spraying area• ,d : luting prying operations. Portable electric lamps, if used durieg , . 'Iearling or repairing operations, shall be of the t i``re approved for hazardous locations. s ,,:,.(h) All metal pacts of spray booths, exhaust ducts and piping sys- terns convewiug flammable liquids shall be properly electrically grounded in accordance with the Electrical Code. i ti t g spray nozzles and auxiliary equipment, provided such cleaning.i - conducted 'onside spray booths and ventilating equipment is operat- ag during draining. ,' (e) Spray booths shall not be alternately used for different types of sating materials,where the combination of the materials may be coati; ucive to spontaneous ignition, unless all deposits of the first used s aterial are remos(ed from the booth and exhaust ducts prior to spray- ag with the second. + ' p (f) Approved metal sv,ute cans shall be provided wherever rags.or • j• 'aste are impregnated with finishing materials and all such rags or • aste deposited,t}ierein immediately after use. The contents of waste Ins shall be properly disposed of at least once daily and at the end • f each shift. . ,ii tying Apparatus ub,o• . ' Sec. 14.210. (a) Drying apparatus shall,in addition to Conforming ith the requirements of this Article, comply with the applicalileiN- 1 , isions of Article 25,Ovens, Industrial Flaking and Drying. s Codi s . (b) Spray booths, rooms, or other enclosures used for spraying perations shall not alternately he used for the purpose of dryin r �h . ny arrangement which will cause a material incn•ase in the surface. ttmperature of the spray booth, roam or ,rtcbnui. . (c) Except as specifically provided in Section 1.4.210 (d), drying r baking units,utilizing a heating system has im;open flames ur which Tray produce sparks shall not be io.t iled in .t sp r c,lug area as defined , n Section 14.201, but may be installed ach.iceilt thereto' ivhem" i quipped with an n4terloc•ke(1 ventilating sy.,tern arr,t. :,ed to: .o. • 1. Thoroughly ventilate the dry ink; space lichee heating system •• ,p• can be started; a` 2. Nlaintain'a safe atmosphere at ally source of ignition; !x •. 3. Automatically shut doss-. heating system in the event of failure of the ventilating system. (d) Automobile refinishing booths or enclosures,otherwise installed nd maintained in conformity with this Division, may alternately be - ised for drying with portable infrared drying apparatus when con- . orming with the following: ` - • • • 1. The procedure shall he restricted to low v,oLunr,oosasional spray application. 2. Interior of spray enclosures shall be kept free of overspray de- , posits. •. 3. During spray operations, the drying apparatus and electrical connections and wiring thereto shall not be located within spray enclosure nor in any other location where spray residue may be deposited thereon. 4. Spraying apparatus, drying apparatus and ventilating system of • yr spray enclosure shall be equipped with suitable interlocks so arranged that: U,•P.Cr 90 (i) Spraying apparatus cannot be operated while drying apps- s rains is inside spray enclosure. s (ii) Spray enclosure will be purged of spray vapors for a period of not less than three minutes before drying apparatus c'an he errergi'red. (iii) Ventilating system will maintain a safe atmosphere within the enclosure during the drying process and drying appa- rates will automatically shut off in the event of failure of .' the ventilating system. 5. All electrical wiring and equipment of drying apparatus shall s . conform to the provisions of this Article and shall otherwise be sl installed in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical . • Code. Only equipment of a type approved for Class 1, Division 2, hazardous locations, in accordance with the Electrical Code shall be located within 13 inches of floor level.All metallic parts 0‘. drive! apparatus shall he properly electrically bond..1 and 1 .. dresent the t,ruu:of but i..at._lcs and shall he protcl tc'l trout pt,l,,cal ' damage by suitable guards or by location. :t '. (g) Portable electric lamps shall not be used in any spraying area• .. 'luring spraying operations. Portable electric lamps, if used during leaning nr repaving operations, shall be of the t�'`ki, approved for hazardous locations. s • ,;(b) All metal parts of spray booths, exhaust ducts and piping sys- ° terns amveyiug flammable liquids shall be properly electrically • grounded in accordance with the Electrical Code. U4-•C. a7 > • g spray nozzles and auxiliary equipment, provided such cleaning:' conducted inside spray booths and ventilating equipment is opecat- g during cleaning. (e) Spray booths shall not be alternately used for different types of )ating materials,where the combination of the materials may be cots., wive to spontaneous ignition, unless all deposits of the first used,, taterial are remoyt•tl from the booth and exhaust ducts prior to spray- •'--' g with the seccnu) (1) Approved metal waste cans shall be provided wherever rags or ' • •t • •aste are impregnated with finishing materials and all such rags or 'ante deposited,t)7etein immediately after use. The contents of waste: arts shall be properly disposed of at least once daily and at the end F each shift. . .•it tying Apparatus ' Sec. 14.210. (a) Drying apparatus shall, in addition to confot niug •ith the requirements of this Article, comply with the applicaltle11m- i:.• isions of Article 25, Ovens, industrial flaking and Drying. Coclt •(b) Spray booths, rooms, or other enclosures used for spraying perations shall not alternately be used for the purpose of drying.,}n; ny arrangement which will cause a material increase in the surface . i' ;mperature of the spray booth, ritual or cnclosun+. (c) Except as specifically provided in Section 14.210 (J), drying , r baking units,utilizing a heating system 11.o.in,opal Haines or which .• nay produce sparks shall not be installed in a spray mg area as defined a Section 14.20t, but may be installed adjacent there/co lvheru,•' • quipped with'an interlocked ventilating system arras ,ed to: •t>• 1. Thoroughly ventilate the hying space before heating system •• can be started; I. 2. Maintain'a safe atmosphere at any source of ignition; • 3. Automatically shut doss-, heating system in the event of failure of the ventilating system. (d) Automobile refinishing booths or enclosure:,otherwise installer) lid maintained in conformity with this Division, may alternately be red for drying with portable infrared drying apparatus when con- - ,. orming with the following: • •. 1. The procedure shall he restricted to low volume,ota;:uional spray application. ' 2. Interior of spray enclosures shall be kept free of overspray de- posits. ••• 3, During spray operations, the drying apparatus and electrical connections and wiring thereto shall n■nt he located within spray enclosure nor in any other location where spray residue may be deposited thereon. ;, 4. Spraying apparatus, drying apparatus and ventilating system of • � spray enclosure shall be ecptipped with suitable interlocks so arranged that: U,. -.C . 90 t, (i) Spraying apparatus cannot be operated while drying appa- ratus is inside spray enclosure. i 5 (ii) Spray enclosure will be purged of spray vapors for a period of not less than three minutes before drying apparatus con he energized. . (iii) Ventilating system will maintain a safe atmosphere within the enclosure during the drying process and drying appa- rates will automatically shut otf in the event of failure of ' the ventilating system. 5. All electrical wiring and equipment of drying apparatus shall • • ' conform to the provisions • of this Article and shall otherwise be r installed in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical • Code. Only equipment of a type approved for Class 1, Division 1 • 2, hazardous locations, in accordance with the Electrical Code shall be located within 13 inches of floor level. All metallic parts ' of drying apparatus shall he properly electrically bond.1 and groundedrn 1 _. :xits:Group E Occupancies Sec.3319. Every portion of a Croup E Occupancy having a floor . r oon. r. .. . ,.,., ,. .t..rl 1,. ,.'twirl by 7,11,..M ton u,n•ruhs • 1 • • • - �� . . , . yw. . . . . • • • A f, 'PP 1 . Z•.. . ® PLAN CHECK 146-1 • • SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 , PAGE 4 • MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK • M-15 DUCTS USED FOR THE VENTILATION OF FLAMMABLE VAPORS SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST 12-INCHES FROM ANY UNPROTECTED COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. UMC SECTION 1106. IN . THE EVENT OF FIRE IN THE PAINT SPRAY FINISH AREA NO. 527, TEMPERATURES / • GREATER THAN A LOW HEAT APPLIANCE METAL CHIMNEY UP TO 1000 DEGREES F., CAN OCCUR. AN ENCLOSURE OF MINIMUM NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION OF NOT LESS THAN 1-HOUR FIRE-RESIST,.NCE FROM THE CEILING OF THE LOWER LEVEL CONTINUING THROUGH THE UPPER LEVEL TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 18-INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF. SEE SECTION 914(A)2,8. SEE SECTION 1107(G). PER UNIFORM FIRE CODE SECTION 102 • AND CHAPTER 14, THE EXHAUST OUTLET SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST 2 FEET ABOVE THE ROOF SURFACE PER SECTION 1108 OF UMC. SEE ALSO SECTION 1104. • M-16 THE SPRAYING APPLICATION OF FLAMMABLE FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, ARTICLE 14. PARTICULARLY NOTE THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS: ' (A) AIR FILTERS SHALL BE NONCOMBUSTIBLE OF AN APPROVED TYPE PER SECTION 14.204(G). .• , • (B) ELECTRIC WIRING AND OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 14.210, UFC. (C) DRYING APPARATUS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION 14.210, UFC. M-17 THE PLANS SUBMITTED SHALL INDICATE THE USE OF OCCUPANCY OF ALL ROOMS OR AREAS PER SECTION 301(C), UBC. M-18 PROVIDE EXHAUST AIR SUPPLY OPENINGS TO FURNISH SOURCE OF AIR SUPPLY AND REPLACE AIR EXHAUSTED. EXCEPTION: NOT REQUIRED IF VENTILATION SUPPLY SYSTEM PROVIDES CONTINUOUS AIR CIRCULATION DURING THE OPERATING HOURS WHEN THE BUILDING IS IN USE. ., M-19 IDENTIFY THE USE OF THE HOOD SHOWN ON PLAN SHEET M-13, BUILDING 600, ROOM 618, • • 3D ART ROOM. IS TEMPERATURE INVOLVED, AND IF SO, WHAT IS THE CALCULATED MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE? SEE UMC SECTIONS 103 AND 302(3). M-20 THIS ROOM MEETS THE VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS OF UBC SECTION 805, WHICH PROVIDES '. •SECTION 605 FOR LIGHT, AIR AND VETILATION OF 15 CFM PER PERSON OF WHICH 5 CFM SHALL BE OUTSIDE AIR. THE WASHINGTON STATE SCHOOLS BUILDING PROGRAM VENTILATIO1. REQUIREMENT IS 1.3 CFM SUPPLY AIR PER SQUARE FOOT AND 1/3 OUTSIDE AIR REQUIRED. ' WE DO NOT ENFORCE THE LATTER CODE. THIS STATE HAS ADOPTED BOTH CODES. IF THE STATE FOLLOWS THE RULE OF THE MOST RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENT (PER UBC SECTION 103), ' • THEN THE DESIGNER IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE PER WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING PROGRAM . VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS. M-21 THE JOINTS AND SEAMS OF ROUND DUCTS PER UMC SECTION 1002(C) SHALL 3E MADE SUBSTANTIALLY AIR TIGHT. FLIP JOINTS SHALL HAVE A CONTACT LAP OF 1-1/2 INCHES • MLNIMUM AND BE MECHANICALLY FASTENED BY SHEET METAL SCREWS, RIVETS OR EQUIVA- LENT MEANS. TAPES FOR CEILING JOINTS (BOTH SCREWS AND TAPE ARE REQUIRED) SHALL NOT BE MORE COMBUSTIBLE THAN APPROVED FLAME PROOF FABRIC. 1T�tr I ;4J • r ( ( 'yt` HP1 . 4 • . . PLAN CHECK 146-1 SEPTEMOER 7, 1977 PAGE 5 MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK M-22 THE STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SHOPS SHALL COMPLY WITH UNIFORM FIRE CODE DIVISION IV CONTAINER AND PORTABLE TANK STORAGE. SECTIONS 15.402(A,B), 15.403, 15.404, 15.405-15.411. M-23 THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHEET M-11 AND BUILDING 500, A-7 DO NOT NECESSARILY PROVIDE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO POSITIVELY DETERMINE IF ALL REGULATIONS RELATING TO LIFE AND FIRE SAFETY ARE PROVIDED ON THE WOOD SHOP NO. 521 AND THE CARPENTRY SHOP No. 530 AS THESE RELATE TO THE EXISTING WOOD DUST COLLECTING SYSTEM. SHOULD THE EXISTING SYSTEM NOT INCLUDE EXPLOSION VENTS, THEY SHOULD BE PROVIDED PER UBC SECTION 1009. FURTHER INCLUDED ARE NFPA PAMPHLETS No. 91 AND NO. 68. SEE ATTACHMENTS. M-24 A PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION DETECTION DEVICE,WHICH WILL DETECT PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION OTHER THAN HEAT AND WHICH WILL SHUT DOWN THE EQUIPMENT, SHALL BE PLACED IN THE • MAIN RETURN AIR DUCT ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE FILTERS AND LOCATED SO AS TO OPERATE IN THE EVENT OF SMOKE IN THE AIR STREAM. THESE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH SINGLE SYSTEM OPERATING IN EXCESS OF 19,000 CFM. THE DEVICE SHOULD COMPLY WITH UBC STANDARD 43-6 AND UMC SECTION 1009. 4 ,. • • • • .t: 41. . \y\,` 1 . 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O 4J CL W W W W Y ,y i W I- a s I-°x'3 -.M o'3 Cc 3 ac • z . >0- ) >, v r • m if, , v • • I • • • • • ' i • \ A 'R C H I T E C T S • PL A N N E R S • EN G I N E E R S 9 2 5 T A C O M A A V E N U E S O U T H, T A C O M A, WASHINGTON 9 1 4 0 2 • 1 $ 3 • 1 601 I 19 October 1977 J-2803 , Mr. Robert Wilson Port Angeles Building Department City of Port Angeles Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Mechanical Plans Examination Report Port Angeles High School Modernization and Additions Gentlemen: Attached is the letter of response to the Mechanical Plans Examination Report from •' Ervin/Halvorson &Associates Mechanical Engineers dated October 13, 1977. The following is our response to the Mechanical Plan Examination Report dated 7 September 1977. The items listed below correspond to the items in that report: DUCT CONSTRUCTION Item M 1 See Ervin/Halvorson Response Attached. NON-METALLIC DUCT CODE CONFORMANCE Item M 2 See Ervin/Halvorson Response Attached. r \'! FIRE DAMPERED DUCTS IN FIRE RESISTIVE CEILINGS Item M 3 In all buildings, ducts piercing fire resistive ceilings that are �, part of a mechanical system are provided with fire dampers at a the ceiling. Exhaust fans exhausting directly to the outside "•' :k through a fire-resistive ceiling-roof assembly from Janitor Rooms and Storage Rooms are provided with fire dampers at the ceiling. Exhaust fans exhausting directly to the outside through a fire-resistive ceiling-roof assembly From other occupancies are not fire dampered per UBC 4306 (i) (4) which 4 ' requires fire dampers in floor ceiling assemblies, not roof-ceiling assemblies. (Note your telephone interpretation to us September 30, 1977 and mechanical plan check letter Item M-14). Ducts piercing a fire-resistive floor-ceiling assembly are provided • with fire dampers. • e -forvrard c• 0■ ,' , vm ` ,,,, !g{if•,.. .41h444; .(vw, 1,4 • ® ' • ® 19 October 1977 J-2803 Page2 To: Mr. Robert Wilson FIRE DAMPERED DUCTS IN FIRE TIME RATED WALLS Item M 4 (A) Area separation Walls (B) Occupancy Separation Walls (C) Other Fire Time Rated Walls: Ducts penetrating these walls are provided with fire dampers. • . Item M 5 CORRIDOR WALLS AND CEILINGS -.`;, Ducts penetrating the walls and ceilings of 1 hour rated corridors are provided with fire dampers. •. Item M 6 TIGHT FITTING DOORS Doors from rooms into one hour corridors are not being undercut. Typically, air is moved between corridors and rooms throu;glfire ' dampered wall grilles or by infiltration where separate air supply is not required. Louvers are not used in doors between rooms and one hour corridors. '' , Item M 7 FIRE DAMPERS SHOWN ON PLANS See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. j. Item M 8 ELECTRIC CABINET HEATERS RECESSED IN ONE HOUR CEILINGS ' ' 1':.: There are no recessed Electric Cabinet Heaters in one hour ceilings. ..' '' All have been re-designed to be surface mounted except the unit in Building 300 corridor is semi-recessed and will be protected by a '''' one hour enclosure. Y Item M 9 FIRE TIME RATING OF JANITOR CLOSETS AND STORAGE ROOMS ti All storage rooms and Janitor closets are of a minimum one hour construction throughout. All openings through ceilings, walls and . 1 r• floors in these rooms are fire dampered. Item M 10 DUCT LINING PER CODES f, See Ervin/Halvorson letter attached. Item M 11 MUSIC PRACTICE ROOM CEILING DUCTS These rooms are separated from the mechanical equipment and each other b ` :` for acoustical reasons, not fire separation reasons. The heating unit is )' rated below 400,000 BTU and is not required to have fire-time rated separation from Educational occupancies according to UBC Section 808 Exception. Therefore we believe that the duct penetrations in these rooms should not have to have fire dampers. ►H'f. , -forward �•, = b Gr•r..;4.RP.t. ' ____-__ ,µ1d•', . 0 19 October 1977 } J-2803 ' 4 Page 3 To: Mr. Robert Wilson • Item M 12 REFRIGERATION CONDENSATION PANS AND DUCTS See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Item M 13 KITCHEN HOODS f;. In Fast Foods Room 324 the hood above the grill and oven is a grease extractor automatic wash down hood, Gaylord BDL. In Assembly Room • +`J 332 the hood located over the steam jacketed kettles is a grease I:. extractor hood without automatic wash down, Gaylord BDL-S. • Both hoods are type I hoods per UMC Chapter 20 and are defined as "UL listed grease extractors". Makeup air is provided in each room as required; see Ervin/Halvorson response attached. It has been noted on the drawings that hood installation shop drawings shall be approved by the building official prior to fabrication and installation. The hood i• Room 332 is semi-recessed into a one hour shaft enclosure, and the hood in Room 324 is exposed in the room with ceiling-roof duct penetration -both per Plan Check letter suggested details. See enclosed mechanical and architectural detail excerpts. Item M 14 FIRE DAMPERS IN ONE HOUR CEILINGS Fire dampers are provided in one hour floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling assemblies per our response to Item M-4. Item M 15 DUCT ENCLOSURE IN PAINTING AND FINISHING ROOM 527 `4 ..• The ducts out of this room are enclosed in a non-combustible shaft wall of minimum one hour rating from the ceiling through the roof. There are no unprotected uncombustible materials within the shaft '` 1.,. and shaft enclosure. Exhaust outlets are as required. See Details a. (500) 10/A-4, (500) 21/A9, and 8/D3 attached. . ti Item M 16 FINISHING ROOM DETAILS (A,B & C) s ;; See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. (B) Electric wiring is according t to Article 500 of the NEC. (C) No drying apparatus will be used in -' .. this project. Item M 17 ROOM NAMES ON MECHANICAL PLANS • See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. • Item M 18 EXHAUST AIR SUPPLY OPENINGS See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Icy". -forward . Hi . . 19 October 1977 J-21303 ' Page4 To: Mr. Robert Wilson Item M 19 ART ROOM HOOD USE IDENTIFICATION fee • Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Item M 20 WASHINGTON STATE SCHOOLS BUILDING PROGRAM VENTILATION CONFORMANCE • See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Item M 21 JOINTS AND SEAMS OF ROUND DUCTS • See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Item M 22 AUTO SHOP FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS STORAGE The School District Program calls f9r no flammable or combustible liquids to be stored in the automotive shops. • Item M 23 SAWDUST COLLECTION SYSTEM See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. Item M 24 PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION DETECTION DEVICE See Ervin/Halvorson response attached. This check list of items has been reviewed by Ervin/Halvorson and ourselves and we hereby convey to you the way these items have been complied with. We trust that these drawings will allow you to send your letter of Fire Marshal approval on this project to the State. ; Enclosed are copies of the details mentioned above. A set of the Revised Mechanical Drawings is being sent to you this date via Greyhound Package Express. Sincerely, • Sei t, Forbes & Berm / '• Donald W. Seifert, • A DWS mb Enclosures cc: Mr. William Serrette, Superintendent, Port Angeles Public Schools Ervin/Halvorson &Associates yAl. SEE] ,•. EA.// Halvorson & Associates ,- Consulting Engineers 2150 NORTH 107TH. STREET / SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98133 / (206) 364-3640 October 13, 1977 ,s, 4. Seifert, Forbes & Berry 925 Tacoma Avenue South 11, Tacoma, Washington 98402 i. Attention: Don Seifert RE: Port Angeles Senior High School - - Gentlemen: The following is our response to the Mechanical Plans Examination Report on subject project, dated September 7, 1977. The items listed below ' correspond to the items in that report: Item M1 - The plans and specifications do comply. Item M2 - The plans and• specifications do comply. • . Item M3 - Fire dampers have been indicated on the drawings per your direction. Item M4 - Fire dampers have been indicated on the drawings per your direction. 'e, Item M5 - Fire dampers have been indicated on the drawings per your direction. `Item M6 - This is an architectural item requiring your response. 4•• Item M7 - Plans do comply. • -.Item M8 - This is an electrical item requiring your action. Item M9 - Fire dampers have been indicated per this item. • . Item M1O- Plans and specifications comply. • ` Item M11- Fire dampers have been indicated per your direction. Item M12- Plans and specifications do comply. Item M13- The make-up air system does comply. The other items in this item are of an architectural nature and require your response. Item M14- Fire dampers have been indicated per your direction. Item M15- Your office has indicated that the necessary enclosures have been . provided. Item M16-A and B - The mechanical portions of these items do comply. • Item M16-C - The space contains no drying apparatus per information from your i office. Item M17- Plans do comply. 1.:. Item M18- Plans do comply. • 4' - '' Item M19- This hood is used for collecting small amounts of smoke or vapor that might be produced by soldering work on jewelry or art objects of small size. No high temperatures are anticipated. Item M20- The plans and specifications comply with the Washington State School Building Program Ventilation Requirements. Item M21- Plans and specifications comply. Item M22- Your office has informed us that there is no flammable or combustible >+ liquids stored in the automotive shops. Item M23- The new as well as the existing sawdust woodworking equipment are being r ` • served by a sawdust collecting system, which meets code requirements, including explosion relief vents. Item M24- Plans and specifications do comply. :Y• PRINCIPALS —Dixon A.Ervin,Jr.,P.E. • James n.Halvorson,P.E. . . ASSOCIATES—Harry E.Bower • Donald E.Bee.n,P.E. ' ". •• ; * ,.. r 1 , ErYF *Halvorson & Associates ConsualT5g Engineers 2150 NORTH 107TH.STREPT / SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98133 / (206)364-3640 1.2ifert. Forbes & Berry October 13, 1977 Page Two We are returning herewith the marked-up set of mechanical drawings that have �.'+ been referenced to the report. We are keeping a copy of the report in our office. If you have any questions about these items, or responses to them, please do not hesitate to contact us. :4 Very truly yours, ERVIN / HALVORSON & ASSOCIATES (-671V . ., J E..� Harr g. r HEB:mf Enclosures • i'l''' b•- -1 r • ■ V' gyp.-a ...w•... "'^-: .. . s .•r• „, ..t • • . •r f `4 •. . • • _ • • R • • r y •• St-AFT WAL-L. Wi 4"STEED Q , ] STUD`S `✓e" GW ON BUft! _ •• 'I `i ty°°'�1 * 0, ',.. . . L.A.CEILING iW . P& . • • -e.1- er, ON I I. • '. �{ ( '.- \r CONI.It1U0U5- "' r ' ' ' ' ' VENTED -' . : : 3 SIDES _'� in ?ri f 0 4 'w am X. 3( IvIECA-k -.::* "��' ''•+ F®I i K-.2:'34 ' III - MOW M t �'! ((HOOD r '��� - �'' . I lm :.:.,1--------02." NK,�6" '% 1 ,^;°~., 4. - -7r DOOR' . 'r.- a 0 w;• ,ter'17"I • II .a C.M.U.WALL .."..c. t ,m� 1i7 • t ', ••••."--•4'M 1 } ' .1 5. . 4• . : . I el j -;I1 0 .C 0 0 (zi ..... IN lil •!. ,A.,....., ...........4,.,, 1 . ,,,. ,.;., .. • 4 ...— - :).„. 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QZ uil J4 5* Dl'i r rY t z • • 4Y. 4 d . ll 013 Wet tLtn ILDV - \d tt , . • . 7J-4-13.1"99. . • • • : • . •••. iimid 21 . .* • o�a Vr . • 3 il-N1Hill . - 3 I-- . rw . p t 4 -z •yIW nQl Z .� _ -o o 3 �0 •tti -Z V • • I = . . . .. „ _ . . D MM - • I It ..•:-. . • . ' '. ' . . a •• 4 i v'l • cr . . •ftf.' I • - 11 11(ed' .1 _ • . I 1 •• �! } Q #� • ; ,• . 0 ' • J Q .'•14 REINFORCED '1 ON 0't-r K) SE M Ef-_f4. r-OR` VE.-1 ` .1 AREA CAP' f=Lt•`,rk1NCA f, CHANNEIr • • SEE 9 0 r p` 10r LR_ I It_� I i .. EXIS1 I I gxCe" VENT OpNCo5 Z EA. SIDe. any. /)'ME54.4 r.AR.D SCREEN NP, If 1•US GYPSUM 'SOLID VEV1 . . ! 1 ra--At,F T WALL ALL AROUND _ DUCT 4 1 N fi.MIN. 4',h:: • *. .'.XI:;?T. - �61M1:/..; • _ -- . ' ITER t ! .3LE) i . I • i �c r'1 NOTE r ,J / , , T TG w b I?iOX E; T H . . F11."TER. e.-.Wh1"� ■■ • :),ViLE,Ic.,, • fJA? 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I ...DUCT' E)'1' M EC H. 1\ e-....? ' •1). ,1 i\ - . , - i,■..4 7 i • :-.--'''' -i- • ',11---"''''-'U.S•G..-\l/2:::)1--1.M --:•C`,..'11) c V.=t.'.1 c-• -4,•-s,‘E.'"i ■/ ",..i.---/ 1 ,•• i —ii- I -),,---------------- ----,.• - ,,,,- — ALL t...•=0....);.--.1D CUCT------------:--------,L*N-----i--------- _— r-----t it).---- It i• . . . / , AS t:NONN - i,.., 0 . .,c,... FS , ,• , f . .. il I / 1 .....co__ 4. it ' i\ • • '. 7 2...H ,.WI ...t... ,1.1,1,,,i. -..1)',..)C-T , • .....j: , 5, ch :-AINI (.2.Qt.,.4 r-:I(SU RA1 '0!■1 , ii 1 .. s : . ;-..-2. ...TOP. 2x4 e. ic..40.c. • -,:o. . 1 / 1 • . . 1 *,;_. .., . /.. •• .r-T- , , 1 • ‘ 1 -• , e•-; • . . e ,. , • `... !t, „I ' , • (F.i.--rr:."‘‘.:., sic . . •",E:C..,--1 • .-'1, 1— CT . • - _ . 11 - . . • l 'U E---..-_-1-A,1 L . , I0 -.,,....A.L.i.... ..:,../ 4. 0 i14. , ,e , , ,. 0 . • - •. - . /.. ( . . . ' ... ' , -,,.-'....-.--. -•,!.,,,-• ork,-4 - _ .. t• - . • . ., . a • / . .. . . . • • ‘ , ' . . , N... / ' • . • • • 4..• . . ir,.. . . ' 4.*•4 I• • ■ ... ' ■ '''' • •, - • e/ - • 4. ' 1, ., • . / • • • :t 4.14PMIIIMONICIIIIIIIIIMIMIPORMONONNIMP • •e - _ , . - _ • s ,- � 4;� I , • • • •`I •r. • • (1,.-.)-- 1._ 1:1$b4 t 7--_'--�, 1 -., , • I L h r •• • �'• 4 . • • W .. .. 4 .47 il il — -— i � • 1 ;' . .� 'NSW .,BI4 • �, j�• • ,fii o (I , ,. _ _ 3 in LL V • % titt v : . r v L.._ r____ U�d = • , •. 1/4 2 U a `-\ "� . • .1 CI N • (:)0) . • • . G.�'+ . 1,• • • • • , • II . , • .. 1 . . City of Anqeles • •w I_ t TOURIST .MECCA OF THE NORTHWEST 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98382 • _. . June 10, 1977 • Mr. Austin VanDusen 3549 North East 165th Street ..\. Seattle, WA 98155 4 Dear Sir: Attached are two rolls of plans for the expansion and remodeling of Port Angeles Senior High School. These are the plans we discussed over the telephone Friday morning, June 10th. Time is a critical factor, as I discussed with you. The local school district has to have the plan review by July 7th, in order to get their application in to the State for funding. All pertinent data is on sheet C-2. If there is anything I've missed, please call me. The plan check required is a complete review, except for the electrical, • as I told you. Thank you. Sincere ours, - , ': '. P. Willson `" ' Building Inspector RPW/rm attachment \` �\: • k 4T G`j • std ' .1SEAL J s : .0 M • • . . , \ . . . • . ' - • s� . 3 [ I I [ 11 I I 0 A A [ & D E D R Y s. A R C H I T E C T S.. ... .. • P l A N N E R S • E N G I N E E R S 025 TACOMA AVENUE SOUTH, TACOMA, WASHINGTON 91402 • 313 . 1 • 01 • • 7 June 1977 J-2803 f r Building Deportment City of Port Angeles Port Angeles, Washington 98362 • Attention: Mr. Robert Wilson ; Re: Port Angeles High School, Modernization and Additions i . a Gentlemen: Enclosed is one complete set of plans and specifications on the above ..p referenced project for your Department, the Health Department and Fire Marshal's review. Sincerely, Seifert, Forbes & Berry 1btZ4t&Q4 ith,tikt . .. Warren B. Wotton, MA . `\ WBW/bd Enclosures J • Gil/0/7 7 r n,��,/ o v 71c Hv� t / ,k VQk Ov rr K •c„^ f la,t rev/VA-1. Pr. 5v./5c..,� • fa hake! �s/licf. �� e oli D�,rs•T G///, 77 4//3/7 7 VV-k 1)c#s e it C Q//el 4 Al kid I ie./ Pe, kao d 4/44,7/bop",...-../do a/4 As. 14..1 in 4.€K d✓r-/ -/a .5114,-,4 t. t?/ oh A/c 4ker.,l Cs,t /ae�.ta/ se4N�3 s 7T.'c-c 4n.d wa, 4./d foes) hcilire? /4/f 4c ° p1.4 kc W'J4'.k •{c4, .sekeo1 s<. Pse' Mf1/ ,'e e 1Cor-V4 D.$e,i '4'1_11177 177 ttk v . 1/a(17vjrh oVa.s senovase 1�o keve b.csst 5. 4s'f: 4� v - b ' . y � , , �Ca deaf V4 1 Ave', 6ac1 .v.-Iti 460,"e ik,'..^,.,,snot,, He ate,/ i<pi • r0,-ar by 'iltey ktw/ ca/ /as ke h416sak ..f P.P.. trvki/r •r A / S R 4ltGr•t ldtf it Ptr'•'� 4,74.14.1,e w�l4•Z Ars 4vTiM•gfiL y:I ;4,014,014v- # e•'dd•r ita.e✓ho A K e/.'orf'ell. 1 ..}. 1 ,. �� 77 vit y Dvs•eit eel//,c �o say A-c h01 Poe• dd Pfi 41ie . t/ / i c f / /ea koef -1/►..tm o er, .1c?..el h.e c1.2 ,, . f'/.Hs c►n� 6►' y . n o•1 k't or✓ 4 I T" h e coal, 'l•s r T/t.cd.r re dry iii.e Jv 1 Y 74 it dz�c St/r se/ 1 .a l . 4 /,1 It f t. 1014X, :iif.7• yI ( do Q nrvc ( � • e l . l� 4 f,r 11..4. has f• p, .10 6, e ,rd / e � , 06/77 ✓aK Dc',ck cal/cd1 - hee ed s•/epelt✓r4I C4/C ,/ I,•on,f 040( moy...c. S-trv[ Tvh4/ dt4oi/ c u 'irtvS, • wrP M,.c.r' f /y ca lie/ S-F-g aMdJ 4s/4/ Warr., Wo*l?M. 14, S4.'1 Apt Wovki '" g e1 fA• e i,,•rer'14214. Lt d;v,cc><ly Yo van OvseK 41.,•c/ kit,' -.lw•Ii4 p rwe '' • FYI yr•t G0.1~1 f1•11. .?,c 1-5 ,t►•r•d S4•r••..e. C-OPr•refea/ 3i i< pia-ft s to Doi, S ( • r •4`•r t-e 411 a el*,ilk O, f. F,-c Dep . , cal e,I k7n D.5e�t _back r:f lcQ4a y ak.d .Sc y o .-.3.e�s►n A:J P *e.re.a or>ies, . " � r , ' �� L z /?" ?...re, eak D,��o►1 - c • Tr✓c•Iv�4/ i••- cei✓Go/ �f L � �' PA"),ear S1cg . PWe�.� Dl V" 4 '� t . Fb1Jr r.t4�v4� O ooh/tes JG ." G 2 ) 77 11:4Y Von .D✓Jeh Phonrs/ - .S`�.// Flo Sfrvvs/��reee.vr� •• 1. , Z :4j- �ak.r-is+1 hoI4 &,I Sc and r s,>/ At ,►.41/ 3F41.8 . tf a r-s- el4y� vv a-r ,• al.."• rlPYd J€ dc?4.'r1$ *"Y1 in • •t1. •• ,,' I I Do •SC;�iv•r 9 D+k neoe-re .f f#ppa. 14.c /Xr-. . Ti/c/ /hem, s�44 A.„„,j. ,.. • pve 6/*t.«. . Sr:/ ry wo' / .rye /hel /(-c •f f/u i a�orofa i., he .: N•e a d.! . kf#q Cart eYOI4 060 41(44r-fed �Vv 44,46•7( role/ C eit 4i./ •. 1 Cet.+i 11-7 a p. 0,rsrf 0 C r» A.'.'1A fh,rff.. 624/77 S.4S Pfr4 r Ph.” e/ P H Na / . o 1 r t Ces , S' I,Se;',-4.1 w;f! se/ -7' /4610-1r. . 4/2.7/77 4:4.5' Van Pv.x n p hnru/ fo ad✓.:r,e he /tad nil y.�4 eeee;vrd s4rvol4 jet-R,v 4t4 4;A Asd h•'S •s`frvs•e/W4/ ` e.4 e'a . 9e.k�9 emot voe•.7f J,�i f , f4.,kel :�' ,.4 ,vev/a( .6e Q/r,JhI :1: P,4 .d sic le :.x / �i// A.'w+ q►e a/i,rite! „ p CI;Nli t-/ly, I ✓ • e' S f 7 1. Zo i/u►, OvJeh eai/ei iv say /ate li,J sf,'ll ref e4ee�'ved j4< - '' meccJS••vy .74evtfvval d414 Pvv /14/ . Af65eis./[Pla si vhd h,s ' '• . et<pti.HoL C4.:1J 1'•1�vir:Kt Qbev7 444/ apt_ "40 b s•M? rt•64.4ed, r • • $/:.3/77 3:00 Called Va i Dvs!►t id See iP he A4d rece.'ved sfrve¢ve.al platis ve . ` q/z,/77 Re,.''( pfa 1% ckee.4..- , .,-/ ,•/ c"•61,1fr• :�. . •� � q/Lg177 ,'4r tissM G•I//�C/ amp s4•I flap, C�rs4 ret.tf " t • 2.00' 1�0 .6Ni%Q,%t s i i ', 7'. .,,, 444. .044,./ H! #4a/ e'/Js /v5•/ /a/ked •i0 iv,.t Jfrvs4,/-47/ "(Qh cti.sci .cnfs., re),, ae(...s.i k.•.,•, •#l-1✓ JI.-valves/ekee:If oft Avl/d/VS.•7.C) Sip Leo (SCC'• had btaK c.>•s. /t4.,,A/' *Ad 16-8/41d Se.1 / '.r6.1 II t errj,1J 'i' ♦ • f_.►1)L, JO1•d Tlv enia,'li•ON.r/ STrv61vv.o/ :•+ 4rw►,O74'44 a'-2 bids • .. icr✓', JSee, Goo akd fop (.t/Cre Orr fie.•.- £J7. S4rve/vr.v/I .1.1 •'� bv, �GI. N* 7GD /9oF re CG+�rt/�c�.t� 6y a/rc/=i i!C>/,t rlT•G�f, . 1111171 S'F-B ad1•,ei Com....eifi, ovi Toe-r .00-do 6/.11,, (✓ 4,0 eim:..f nay✓/ IL/5i77 5-F'.B r ..4ll id:.: v;v:.. 44,04 900 61/ rt .'f r. 12 1,117 Calied VRN PO r PC• ?0. 6//� Plrs visl.' s.. /es-Lsi 6/V�r VaK Da�e.� . : 'L ssrd he d.•cfq•Is./ fio b/d re .,�e�:nlhrr •:<:.+11 as /ov aK./ t f ..�� -'•••f hark hat :1 al 144 sa...14. 1:: y. cS'•ta,fs c. .,:i. nr, r • /117/117 Cn•4 4✓s.l .✓s 1•/b. la.j/''� 1` b • . . ; -,, . . , . , . . , 1 . I . 1 , 1-,,, L';',1i.. 1.1,-...:, '..... .i 3 L• 1.-- -.1,-'- ••: -3 1••,';:•;,:-.1-4-tit : ' - =-/7/77 V411 O✓.reft, ca//,r./ osII erd4s it h.r a i. Jdlri/ ;•ea/.,. 4411;'edify -IAA. ' y,,o bm,/a/.•h rep/Pr,' e/lh•v'4, A€ s:•I /.b/h41 y40{✓ , . -• -E / , er kg rttoor-l. In1f..•„/ «/.re.e.10/:: 7 •K� /PyiN fo /'a.✓ 1�/i� , rsp►rii 44 a�k../ N4.l �a rs7�✓rn �/i� p/4Ko Trr Tw 9� 6.►.,, # '. Cry/y, &AI /tt 44,oci/1 ' ,.14r•� A .•� 4,•14 I.•s /,,,A, 4'i Js «/4k.! . ta1.✓ r1lf*e AIh.d'GK hs J�sv4w/ h7 l , A.1I T�/tl t eh. I ih' i6.rae 1 d 4svi 714.3.,, ono owl/44,, �` _ , e . eta-4 .by /IPs, (�Osys 19/.4,-)Ilea. 4,4 , 4,$ 490 7 4✓/aS 4.6.s., .'2.:t i s) 1 • ri 1c i . . ., :N 3 M1 6 - . r r.... �«r ~. i'b4t-' ,,,, 4, 9. Fig}&F.., k ..�.��....a...;� _�..�,........�...Y�,f,.c3....L..._,..�.s°..."��,;' � ••� • •', N ♦ - '2 E,6 f RQ..I j ♦ • . • . r • r -P , f♦ k Port Angeles Fire Department Fifth and Laurel Streets PORT ANGELES, 'WASHINGTON °,r November 19, 1976 f,: Seiffert Forbes & Berry 925 Tacoma Avenue South Tacoma, Washington 98402 ;,. Dear Sir: '` I would like to bring to your attention the need for private fire protection facilities at two school locations in Port Angeles, Port Angeles Senior High and -: the Stevens Junior High sites. f; We have adopted the 1976 Edition of The Uniform Fire Code and it contains , sections on water supply, fire hydrants and access roadways. l_ Attached for your convenience is a copy of the before mentioned material for your convenience. ,, JZI 4 Yours truly, ' ' J �i 4."•s-it? ,47. '1...e•4 Yom..-- A• • Kenneth M. Cameron 4.i Chief ,I$ • • •K. �ti A Al . s. try P . • } ( • - " `° < JAN 1."E a vw1 vN .2 a% GW _97 5 �_ Y°1y 5 N O . w J • + ,lam • r •4 •t A O g c w g o i N 1 11 f a '+,.. L G 4k s sus oa u a d • ..,.. .,,,, .. . :,•• • : • , . ., , ,... •41 4 L4Dp. ,o ... E - -. i--f:-... - jig/ ..0,;--. 1 ' , . ' , ►s Fenn i.4 7r„^# R �;•*t iw r`4 •" ,'.• ' �IMtlb;' �. q91.�'!; ttURN:RtClI11ttl0i2t#GRID.:•#NSIIRf[OANO; `�•= ' 1N - rM, w,• ,t . • ( '` #fit . •• x ., • . . +. r << . >, ..t.:.-'.. ''' .'-. : * ::. — :. '7*--------r” .77:::s :.....„.:..:„.i...7.,,,,,:5, , ,I,ti „/ y, , O - • s. ' , .'4 s 4 r i r•- . Sti ..., . y •r ` , 4r i 1•Ir't• wpe;.,-. :5 ,. +y fxr { fir.rw• . R • • x • • a. if .1 ' ._a! 1 rt ; • ' �' . .• _ l ' • . . I. ,A D P 1 f r i I '' ,.. r T v 7 r1 -r p ! r I r r t r s r y ':r• --- - _--_ / /// 1, 1 -/ / , t. - i 1111 .rii' ; I'• 1 ' l y..: ) i s 1 t r, '+ l r i I G !,7*N r, f'( . 1 I. 1 . I.'r' •C. ; t . ';•• Fc::' u��i y ' � I 1` .'1..� Tyr v�i' • 3. W. b.'ertz. Construction Co. - 'A koute 5 Box 990 \ �: Port Angeles, WA 98362 t_ RE: Building Permit „ =.529 .�, Dear Sir : - ' This is to advise you I have received a copy of a letter from tF the State Fire Marshall ' s office to the Superintenuent of Schools J 1 . relative to the Domestic S x_11s and Spec ia l ,ucat ion building ;' you are constructing on the Port Angeles Senior High School Property. ■� { The electrical problems appear to have been resolved and I am therefore removing the posting notices Irom tnis project. rlork '- may be resumed. • fir'• � „1 • C.)\ . , i, ' -7 R. F. . i 1 lsor \ 1;1i w• .1c . _.I tlYr: (' �`,ti 1:.1 1. I . 1 .Jri90r 6I t. w \ - _ � • .'y ., • \ i ' • STATE Of WASIRNGTON • " NAM nruunny,r ` Rrx JONGAN 1•• �,A,, �n n ..,r .., i.� .� , CHIP/III,MAP•HAL • Ann•.tnir ,n r n (`- .. . ,!,a .. • 4' OFFICE Or AOL MP1A orr , In•U„n Ntf null einn ' ' ,' OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON ee1Ce• STA T E FIRE MARSHAL 703.3e.11.A11u ceec foe ' .1,. i • i s January 30 1975 5 File: A-20 . ` I r L .I. . E. • ,ij cr.int .nlc.:it c1`' 2chool .. • Port An;:-T'; , r'b ,o.l Dist. No. 21 216 E. Fourth E't.reet Port Angeles, Washington 93362 Reference: Occupancy Classification - Special Use Faciliti's • Mr. Scarr: I appreciate very much your meeting with us in Olympia followed by your very comprehensive letter of January 22. You and your school board should be commended in recognizing special needs in providing appropriate services. We are • classifying your Home Living Center as a residential occupancy . and will forward this information to the Department of Labor & Industries, Electrical Inspection Division, and the Office of • Superintendent of Public Instruction. t • •; Your local fire and building officials should be contacted for any requirements that they may apply. Items such as fire extin- guishers, fire alarm systems, etc. would be as they determined. • May I suggest the group of each learning F period have a policy . to insure fire safety prior to closing. Here, again, your local fire department would be of service. • Sincerely REX JORDA.:, r Chief ire Marshal • RJ:oj . , CC: Ken Cameron, Chief ° Port Angeles Fire Department Dept. of L & I% Electrical Inspection Div. Supt. of Public Instruction RC A 0 /1S " 2 5 • r r V'iN V deg a n ,y - „ v'' �v. $ t � ' , M ♦ } • . It o ort e e s !�� s g 1 "C. 4` ;.1 ^'' {,;;., 701 RIS1 41:(:';.1 nF lllf! YUR'TII14lS'1 • •• 1 s 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 a l'% •,," January 9, 1975 t•. -, J. L. Wertz Construction Company • ,c Rt. 5, Box 390 ! ' •c Port Angeles, WA 98362 1 RE: Building Permit #4529 M-1• a' ` Dear Sir: ..1 . '• T As the permittee of building permit #4529, you are hereby notified i ' ' ' the domestic skills, special education classroom located on the Senior High School property at 304 East Park Avenue is being posted i . ,. for "No Occupancy". • This posting is the result of violations of the state electrical • .1 . '•s; cods. For further information, please contact Mr. Larry Wickersham, ; . the electrical inspector of Port Angeles City Light. Hit telephone • H number is 457-0411, extension 242, and the City Light office is t.': located at 240 West Front Street. Sincerely, I: R. P. Willson Building Inspector w RPW/rm ' .. • cc: City Light School District #21 '.►;: •0, i. •c • t ti4 t ,:!••L'94°.?, 0 �. f 1y •i SEAL 1,, ,,,� 1f27 I,t4 • i' P . • . . ' . .. . . - . . . . . . . 4,,,L .• . ' , , ... . • / • • 44'. • -. ,,., . ..:' I - • + • . . • '-'.7 / ' / •4 „...) ,•. . ca7 .,„),.....„,•__ 3,,,,,..... • . . ,• . . .. ., . • , _ (i. j.,, ...tcy.t.„1, <„y„_c_t.....p..:_t_,,..„;._.Y Y.5-2,1 y......) • 4. . . 1 • ,.."......0-7 - c.1.---e...-e....c•..( -,c......-4 r:..-e--f i li ( .. •• • N. • 0...-c-P.--t-4-14-e"-1— , Az....„,....81....e.‹...1 ....„,/cr_. g...„,...._ , • ,...„,4-.i. e„..,-- 2.,t_ ..-t---1 .. • c/ .....4:t7.....k/_ la- xt..“---(/-f1/45._.- IV A 6 ,.2 9 6 _ X4 — / YU .. • . . ..„. ..-:. 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HIGH SCHOOL SITE until this notice has been removed by a representative of the Depart — ment of Buildings and until written authority to occupy said building _ has been given the owner or lessee by the Superintendent of Buildings. ' This notice is posted because VIOLATIONS OF THE STATE ELECTRICAL CODE ' • DEPA)ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • • ,•"*^y Bi�lldiny�ivisi 7 • • y R. P, WILLSON Date of Posting: JANUARY 9 , 19• ��� WARNING The removal,mutilation,destruction or concealment of this Notice is a Misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. • - Every day that any person shall continue to occupy premises after the issuance • and posting of a Notice by the DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS directing their vacation ' shall be deemed a separate offense committed by the owner or his 4111+1 1 ,NcnrFr-.r � A ° +I 1,v k....) aoN . V • 't • ._� ,♦ - /; • ' ryr • r. 0 -0 . .,,. . S.1 ` * - .. • 0. it • Z Z * .. • • W Y a. 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'cr /, G"v 29 e4edi t E. _ ts (Sec .3302 330 r' /i. ;A; Founr.,� tion (Chp.29) t."�'• 3305 ) 3� , :r Bea• ; (Chp.25) Floor q .`//c' S,'r,Z ., 57- .. , • �esi :�tiv„ �iei Roof _ t ara y ions (Tb1 .5B ;Sec . 1409) C. Floor Joists (Tbl . �c J!. t` =i ,1' c 25T;Sec.2517 ) rl YYCd Spaces (Sec . 2517, 326:, 704 ) ,.-. _- D. Ceiling Joists (Tbl . ( ' . 1, ) 25U;Sec.2518) Sanitation (Sec . 1405) -="=-==- / 'E Rafters (Tb1 .25V & W) - -- .i4 . Light & Ventilation -------- (Sec . 1405) 6`: Ti; ros I i r c „ 1,/,%i.,f r'4 �c 1.9s . 1 . r . 15. Attache) Garage or Car • (G;• Headers (Sec.2518) 1iX __G/%/=,•, ' • - port (Chp. 15; Sec , 1'12 )--•��`-- 2`-E ri,c w✓`1e Studs; (Sec.2518) _1r cc_ `61 Heating System (Vol .II ) J �, /r 17. Chimneys & F :: laces -.A,,�>A.L. (1.; Shonthing: :Palls �L-Ztz '��l Chinn p (Tb1.25S,25P;Sec.2518) (Chp.37) Roof -- _ile ,, 1/ '' 7 f. j; cis ., ea.,\..) *'° a N o C. •a •s' IA` O 3 * uo o c n -'oo sd. * M E r . . 0 J Z < 1— * = OC f I t • „ . \ . 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(D-S aTgel) ( '4daQ 446T1 Al TO) ),-',•,. , (.xooT; at6uTs) ea2V �0°Td 'L aoTnxas oTz�oaT3 '9Z o . (ZZ d4O:VS:10.10 auoZ) • (s4uaa.Tnbad X T0) Xgzado.d uo uoTleoo- •g ', z , 6ut>[aed 3aaa4S-330 'SZ o (out tZ-LT'd40) (SZIT'pa0 X4TO) /7 ' uot4onalsuoO ;o ad�C1 'S • sbuTuadp ,(eManTaa •b? 1 �., ,, v abeuTex �( zado� (out £T-S'd4O:VS'Tgl) I ',- , � r a d '£Z dnozp ,(ouednaop •b v ./ suoTltppV aJngnd •ZZ .;.• (9I'dy0) auoZ acid •E Q, aotnaas >pa43 ueid •q j ,,.; 1 ( 'p20 A4TO) 6uTuoZ •Z 'p • , > padwegs •z6u3 uoTgdT.LDsaa Ieba•I •T /4a1T4DIV pa,zalsT6a8 •e . • V �,. ! .t .,y I- — d39WfIN LIWti3d • :Teanqon.x4S 'TZ / P' ' -I frI (/ '7 '' r . J !/ i •aiO3a 31Ve •oga'sXeM2tegs'6utuadp • .. r TeoT;xaA - spaezeH Jay^.p 'OZ r • > , h(' . /0.;y-(. `,' `) SNV'Id c 'IVI0233WW00 - ISI'I )JO3HO NV1d • sn d. r • . I - i 4. r1 C I I ' •l * . 1 S Sri _ • •" .- 1r • • /. • • • • • , I,. - • • ` ..7...-. i -' .. ., , , •. + I •• • . • • 1 r a 0 t':' � 2 0 a a O a. T; • , i , 2 ,*. In ••••• (I) 0 I • ,� I r: a p' O 7l- f j • o > > A I{s\ �' c '� • • I I c a A P - 9 i * ry j� .�...- - • • O i I !*I A ,o Al ! I i _1 ;; T • O ' ;r; .• MI eD N.... ,,.., • . .. . • . , . , . : , . I , , :1...L. .- ,..... 0 .„_ric:),:::, - . . . . . kA, ,..,, .. : 0 . , I ,*h „it>. z- • <-1.--, • . . ,.. . 4, . . 0 )*1,1: -TY l*IC In Z1 �� �a. ,•L3 �j I irl� �' n n �� v 1+,$0 ---111°71 1 1, �. ' i i I I c i*4 m O • �► i• ! I II*' 1 • il�*; .� ”• �i 1 II * • 0 \_ • • • • '� fA r- r•-• /-• r- r �. Ut A W fV • • • • • .//r* , . 7/ . ._. I • .. :' • / H // .. t co i I t , I a T S 0 �� Q I p,1 I • i'. h ,� O. n .n o cr Y IA * 07- ....4.4 7 7 r. • VI •r ' j�y *I �� O 7 r • • ' I ^ ^ * \7 •, v Y 0e. ^ ' i *I N'° o. N _ I p t _ ^ I _ O �' tr ♦' e o �' • o i ' ..•' • 0 " C o ? I ! dI !,F't\ 7 I • •..1 rc C ^ 1 K rr .;' It\ —{ ■* r C T1 ' 1 .1 I - y i *� eT a 10 0 ,p ° �' Z �,C � •9 2 c' t IC I to . � • ' Z7 0 Z'•i n ' *1 o cr I I Z r: r, ti I CD j W i *I ' i * • • �II1 ' • •1 4 • * I• o• • •r 9 R" n �D A 3 n o ;�: ♦ ' '. 0 • . • ( KZ, (-.1 F O PORT qH .-- V:2/ `�N _. ��- -- X71 CITY OF PORT ANGELES �� 140 WEST FRONT ST.,P.O.BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES.WASHINGTON 98362 :-•4-'-'_:. PHONE(2061 451.0411 P4ANMING _ - September 19 , 1985 RCC�G v,.,. ,; , was lir, .•r: Mr. William Serrette, Superintendent c ' Port Angeles School District #121 216 East Fourth Street y` ;• Port Angeles , WA 98362 __ RE: Variance Request - V 85( 7 ) 16 r;;u .., North side of Park between Chase and Lincoln Streets '3o e. i-tzrK. _ . - Dear Mr. Serrette: -. At a special meeting of the Board of Adjustment , held on • ' b ' September 18, 1985, the Board rendered its decision to approve the Port Angeles School District 's request for a variance 1,. of the required 25-foot rear yard setback to 12 feet; from the required 25-foot front yard to 0 feet , and an increase in the maximum fence height from 6 feet to 14 feet , to permit the construction of a fenced tennis court , subject to the following conditions: 1 . The vision obscuring material on the north fence be limited to 10 feet ; 2 . Access to the parking lot immediately west of the tennis courts be limited to the west end of the site This is the formal report of the Board. This variance is valid for one year from date of issue , until ' • September 18, 1986 . You are required, at minimum, to have applied for a building permit for the proposed construction by that date , or have applied in writing, to the Planning Department , for an extension of the permit no later than a `. . ' late July 1986 , or this permit will become invalid . If we can be of further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department . Sincerely, , C.--Y41441.4 Paul D. Carr Planning Director PDC:sr v :: Public Works Dept . Johnston, Hunt and Assoc . AW:.OF . \ . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: . Date 111 `) 1 ' Time "; ` ) Received by � \(phone person) Location of Work to be ins acted — (' A !'. Name of person requesting inspection -- -.7.----. . 0`f L PALI k Address of person requesting inspection_.— Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): \ Permit No. / 0 / 3 Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final 1 Sewer Excay. Other , INSPECTION NOTES: ' ; r: Inspected: Date / ' 19 1 9- Time / :(s3 O By r Remarks: _i k) A � � c/ n � 5 � ���n L�S( -, RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO I e 4.. SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 11 Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑Repaired by City Work Order # ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) . - r- . • f y \ • +1 p• N I 1 I I 1, N O I • �, p i. M M J 4 cr. un I i • 1 Z 1 rt I ",� I I I 0 N ~ ~ 8 Q' ? I- I ! I I ' • 4 = 0 , I ." � 1I �kr p I O rte' - 1 I "e Z v 14 tab>. � co ...,,,,to M I I I i 0 j C ` • a1 J ( I II o = ® Q I Q I� ,(( I ce J. I $ O a I .' ' S ! 45('`;` 0 i S I. E u O �r A I� N CI j 1 1,...,..-. — 1 f d i Q j• d 1 I ? a D J 10 E . ` a 3 I I Q •p •° -.. 0 j a <9j �`< /- I ! 1 I I' �ti Z , I I I i ; I e I I I 2•. j Ii , ! II 1 1 ! , !. I � Q i i + . 3 IdA I j LL Z I i ie, I 'Nl j ! j6'I I ; = _ I `` I j ! I o I .. I I l j j l l I I I �' !fI I I 4 I I 1 1 C9 N i ' _ I j I o ,. O Z C E1SI;�• wI I _I I� I I 1 ' r'« o� t ! 'S141113 fl 1 1 kA I• WI c I k 1 E...1:C1 = Y • I I Iv �I 1 a ;mot' I ; ►. r , 1 E' h..! ' .n h I I`. I •_°_' ri m I ' ! I I I•O j CC I —' r 1�a "a eIN j I 1 I ' 1"• ° ' `' �" Z , � 11 3 C ` ]� oZ °_ I °j ° v� 0 V O 1 W Y aj j� 1�pj° o'0 3!Q2 .I 1 I ei °i > ❑ tG, '� � � j• Mr W .Z' La. I VV1 ,,, 8,�_ ~ W I •1 I I v1 I t 1_ __ _ r r y 4 •'1 0 • I - I Q J O O N < „,,- — „ I X 7, 1 ;p:•. u OC 2 I i lo I I I _I•V W O N I ILL I ' N < I AL.a y +r I N I I vol c� j f, e.E.+ io� 4,�l !II • I I A I W !I ! I0I G nl�I I a~O I I �~' I ! �. I IOI I I1 « V « .+D f9Q .� I I I ! �C 3 1_, ,.sj a eI1I 1 1A F,..g ��I I Q 11:111i,11111 I _E '� I` 0 010 —0 I I I I Si i } t 1 e ! v N i- N ,,, O W . ►- au 'o �I i «I.`ji i of 3 3 c 5 c a e �•'� : D °'. 01p I` 1 MI• or I I 3 ;_.:>,...9.• am' .41 I �CI•/my iz .c .cI °".I0 0 0z ;:721/17, ' I I I�� ol�, i'= s D L7VI 2 1141 1 Ib1 N Q I i N Z ZZ 'E' 1W'=i 1.L W SW a =1 c-'7*-1-.. 0" i/1-' 1•k W ]C I 1 11 es Y N`1 N1,1 1 ' , 1>I ! 14, Pro.Orty Una 7. Z (> I 1 1 1 1 ! Z N Q 40 O it I= 1 I i I �� I PJeA °P!S 1 z c = a > 0 • k7i Ii 1: ) 1 , j o! y- I I I 1 i I n s` cr ° z I ?4, �; 1 44 O z1 �r l i 1 £ Pie). b ° z p.e,� W �,f �diV C. I �rt I 1 1 1 E ie Jea O N Z 4Uw1 Z c1 7 I a •E—� Q I _, II 0 I «e °C o7 Q W 0 �I W i7 I •, C I 1 I 1 t. 00 I� Iii I 1 ., ______,...._______ . O. A. to a :: I 4, o t. `a! $ ft i < b I Z fl.i1 2, N Pie). aprS •i 0 N d , -., �` 2i $ U 2! QjU Z! Q1Ud Z1QIr' '° i • CI I PERMITEE i �I a •ufT�,o -.d It m OWNER CONTRACTOR I ARCHITECT ■ T►Q ° ' inuro3 o°o 441 tl n 0 n n ''t. • . 'I• ..t1 • . -0k.• • )\ ,A A igt i x , ^� I 1 •g'q 4' �. ; X11 I Z v ` .� « a « I I= ; p ` j I Iii ;7 ` W N 1 I . < I R t4 E ; H q� '<p;c!1 Z ' t ' ' N. * , ii D * , 1 1 40t Il' -'1E I 0 c•.% g. 7. 2 (ts‘ A' '; -2 ) Z ..\ : i 4 k 4 • o.• . ....--: - '�i:: E � ri L a o 1 01.11 d o o t o > . \p , 8 L 4 uI d N a a t E a� D � I u ` .a.� ci « Q d n JIB u m o. w 3 i 1_ 1, :` :I •< o I! *1 i I- O O 8 Z rK Q' Rai ti j I I I �+ oc III vo � I 1 , Z 1 1 j $ ' �•3 I 11 1 1 Q I 1 I .: a,eo I ! i • d. Z I ( I I 1V a.S I 1 i '1 I i 'o K O I , I j i�' 1 1 I I �I I I ul A o g \ I 11 ' I 1 i v z v .-- e ! I ICI I I I I I` �jy o ! I 1 O - E a i ■ , t;.` N Y ola1 El o°I I Al I 1 1 I I 1 c W'9 �� \ •I I j 1 i l I I 1 ' I . Q �� O C■N I I I I ■o ■ ,t. n 5 •1 Z 1 1 I 1 I ! I 1 ' 3 CC O Z C 1 ' I I t_I I O) . ' d ..0 1 O' 1 I 1 1 W 3 N I ; ■ !1 .. .. ...o' O F. •` I ia° a�i I >c w 4 a 3 O, �1 I 1 1 I _ R n 4 A rn W 1_'I II 2 i7, I< • _• -I : I I i0 "'4 q U. i2 Q J O O 1 , . V p N -7 I „ 11! d H I 1 I J7 v W Isi I I I 3 I I w 2 I I I g ng \II:il O °; 1 V ; 1 { I ,n I « w °J v I I o I o >I .� CI Im c� 3$ n 1W! I ► I I In I 11i 1 01 I 'KI 1 .$dam 1 I j j /� I I I I I .... R I •- Q LL ( I 1 §!w l I I 1 .i lu i I A ra d . I I c ¢I o C i ,c •Q I o 31 0... ~ 1p 0!0l001I jcli!II1I 1N .". « uM1 I l0II a c:°� �W I 1.4 12 < <1I u e o2i 1 q S N 2 Z 2 ∎ t01� r x o F3.. c. r, Cg oz) vt I � I (� ; I•, I ( ) Pre•.r!), L,no Z I Y ` _ u t� • m _o \� Z! �2 LI P21tJI •P.1 IILd. t . I I I I . I fI - � I Z 4. �I �( I I pjeA Jeab H Z a oc m 1 1 , T.I °!• I i i - I ..� zI I W W • j W O o W : « /e a 4. w g i 1 z' n.-1 _; a -0 rj <fbl =i a; ;1r. t 1 o P A P.S A. a s41 ' - ; Z� < ►;; ZI < 1u1. ZI <Iul�l • s 1 PERMITEE ' d ( ) Q m'<I 1 ; OWNER ~CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT 1 I 'a oO1T 4'edo/ / . . 4 Ll•Y,O•) O YO 401 If A. - 1111111111111K11111 ), `�ttff= "^'yR,�� APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PERM 1'I N-° O7 59 , : • v OWNER P IN. tt iyk .s,ciao 1 JOB ADDRESS :Q - � - LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION % ! A"(l e•I-6 (Print Name) he; !,r makes , ti ._-. < cw t 1 u,cm f'.r E.,i i,, 1-,y: n RIGHT-OF-WAY Rirpt of wry c„nst ru tint emit't ,1 l"' reouirerf tv fjrdina u' 2166 Pan a.�nNr � - ,� '1,'ir:pa, Code al n h i City 91 pert Ar ,r 1. Work to be cunPlr"red by '�� - (date) 2. Location of works Outside Inside traveled roadway (If within travelers irn,rfwae, ccrn„let 11 • ;; , .;) Value of work to be performed (If over $2,000, complete itt'fns .. A 6 5)I It w..Er: , ♦, :tin 6) i $1 p,; ', ,.,. `��. • 3. Contractor name OR I'l`GI.IC WORKS 111;P1. 4. Performance Bond Arnount WORK ORI 4,R, 5. Proof of insurance . •• Work $2,000 and lesst $50.00f)personal injury, $100,0(X] per incident, $20,000 property . • Wuta $2,000 and more: $200,000 personal injury, $500,000 per incident, $100,000 property 6. Permitter understands that no street may be closed to traffic unles( approved by the City Enyineor and Chief of Police and notifications given to the Chief of Fire Department • • may be closed to traffic from to (Street) City tfl)ineer Chief of Police Eire Chief ❑ WATER VAIN Service ❑ Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspect inn Fee •• 0 SANITARY SEWER Service ❑ Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspect inn Fee c, ❑ ,TORII SEWER Service ❑ Installation ❑ Repair ❑ InspecIion Fee t, - ❑ IftfVISION CA(1LE Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Other Inspe( t ion Fee..,S ❑ 1E.LLPI,ONE ONDERGROt1NDING Installation ❑ Repair ❑ ❑ UTILITY POLE Installation ❑ Repair ❑ Inspect ion Snht..t it ACTIVITY NO'1"ES PERMIT — RESTOR,I.I.ION ToTAI E'nrmancnt Sur far e F"xcavntion.... $'i0,00 5300.10 533r1,00 Gravel Surfdre Excavation 3(1.0(1 ISO.n(1 I0,00 _ Non-traveled surface excavation , 30.00 150.00 lO.00 New concrete walk installation.. 50,00 -O- ,E),I)(i Concrete walk, curb & gutter removal and/or replacement.... 5(1.00 -U- ;n,(pi • Driveway culvert installation.., 30.00 -O- 30 (1(1 Driveway installation 50.00 150.00 '00.O( — Restorat ion Subtotal $ Permit Sub(uinl $ • • ■ SEWER • Sewer permit subject to provisions required by Ordinance 21fil as amended and the Municipal rode or other City of Port Angeles ordinance , A. Single family residence $75.00 . •- B. yltlti-family residence $75.10 for first dwelling unlit aryl ' (Duplex, milt i-Unit, apartments, $5.(T) for (hell ;iddit tonal unit ttailei K alto courts, motels) ' C. Other structures $0.(X)5 sq. ft. of ground arm for the first , (Hotels, office hldgs., stores, 100,(Xt) sq. ft. and $O.(1115 sq. ft. for (Ixrrcflc's, xtxxTls, hospitals, reminder in excess of 1(X.401)sq. ft. .. irxlustria]/r(rrtmrcial bldgs.) In axldit1(11, $5.00 for etch dwelling unit c(mbined therewith, with a minimtm fee of $75.00 and a miximim fee of $750,(X) D. Alteration, repair, cap of 4 exist rug side s w'r $25.00 E. Aelfit heal direct. re xlrleet irzis, rr<rnne t ions Sore as initial eenrxrtions above F. Instal let ion of ratrh Instils or similar interceptors SIS.00 per tuna s..._,..1 ' r1 PLUMBING : TYPE ANO SIZE OF PIPE Number of fixtures b I. (895i; permit fee $3.00 D1us $2.00 per fixture) -.:31it,1,.1,,7 ` In eeneteer.tton n(the areettnd of thio per.lt. it le further.tried by the•ppltctnt that the 2.4— city of Port Sheets.and any of Its officers or•eptoer..h.21 be.red hereto"by the.pplt- Fermi[ total t frs y It•'tli«C n. r•.pnn.tbtaty for.n..<ruent, loci or doege to persons or pro- Rest oral.i On tut al t e rt,sh.ppro.op urr,, . the pntt..te suit of t .pyllr.tie, •nd the soy work undertaken se under the tens $ l 5 t'—�• an,e e. welt.churn•n be granted In response thereto. and T0'fAl, 0 1 that all of amid liabilities hereby .ueN by the aped/rent. ' - - Receipt Nu, ,■ Signed Q(.J42,"\J T 441 e l ep hn � oe (). �S �-G g \ , ,• Mailing Address 0?/(,/ t <Pk ,...),” .-"::' """ 24 HOUR MINIMUM• ii �•.• ; "�.,; .„• ' N hJM NOTICE Issned I. �v o . ' "" ''»"µ" '"'" " REQUIRED PRIOR TO ^ ' SERVICE OR INSPECTION �ltXVl' GC•:• ,¢ rGI#il!44 #4####i�#####4e4*�f: :r^ 521# #�i : :!• Sri • Finance - Cost of repair (from work order... $ , .. Hark Order o, 1 Less amount deposited $ Refund amount due permittee $ 11:Irfanl ■ Additional amount due City 5 Rot (•p, II. .._—._._._,. INSPECTOR'S COPY - white APPLICANT'S COPY - pi t I OhrICF- COPY - I.IUairy , P.0 3sgs e' • 1 i 1 • . CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: • t • Date k f - �:-1 Time / ' '/ J Received by-rs- (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected _, ; ', t"4 s k Ci + , , .- 1) Name of person requesting inspection ; - k Q t„e s Address of person requesting inspection Phone No.1 S'7— ca 0 Lig Type Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. n 7J 9 • a ewer oundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: ,.• Inspected: Date le/**2—''./�” �1 Time a ') 3 cp By _,• . Remarks: 1 d , RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO_ Y•Y \ C / I l (s` 1J'' i� 4 • ' ci r. 7 4 . r, .t„0 '1::: .n : *, IS1N . 4,i ::..,,, SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑Asphalt ❑PCC ❑Other ❑ Repaired by City Work Order # — ❑Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE • El No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE • • .r (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) •• ' ' . . . . ' . ^ ` CITY OF P� ANGELES PUBLIC xwnm ^ i `' � - -' -- ' . DIVISION PERMIT APPLICATION | \ � _ __ . , i d / / ua�o .ovovv ^ ' ' ' ��� ! � Name A~~'`~~ f .,•• ' ` -1, ' `'4 - ' - /�' | Z Contractor H c �y � /?4-/Exu/ 2-- / - -^ / n 3. Architect/Engr. ` ' --- Addition m/eranov ^\nuvw. Move Demolition -` ` �5. Description of Work: 1) // ��� ���«�4/*s A W ` �� k`''� 0�t� �7�/7p m�� c�� ` ^ � �«�/�,� r. .� | bi Contractor � | " 'z,^ of � ___ _ • ' � N- � ` Valuation S • - --- i Permit Fee ~7_"n o , . ^ Plan Check Fee (receipt* _--_) _ Sho . _ . � .`` ' ^ . � � Receipt Floor Drain loor Sink _~-� ����� ��=^=�/ �� �=_' + _____ ____--_� . / ` | BuUdingSq. FL Clothes Vuoh o • . Occupancy �,ou� ` Water Heater ' 1 Occupant Load IT , ' � No. of Stories __________________ _,___ Drinking��s__�__- '�� . ------- --� Lawn Sprinkler '` • fConstruction | .� '--_-_� ' , • ..�� �� ,` , 1 Leg 3i Description:-_-���� Subdivision� L Other ^ Land � 1Sub Total I ' -11 Lo A • . ,. , �� .� • ,�| -- ' - 1- Overall Height . \ i' .. • \ v Furnace ` ` �~ ��' / Sq. i Ki�ohen Hn .` h _ ,���i C|ep,anou Other � `` | � � ' �1 | � ��` $ Receipt # Receipt # Total $ ' ^ | ``' ~ ', ' | ^.�' '' `/``^^*� ^' S p e c i a l Conditions: ] � 1. .. NOTICE �^ �� ' . � ` /� . � ^.w ' i '^' ``* `^'`� ' '` ^ ``'`'`'`^`' `� ' —' '^r^' i ! ' . . . two�'~""' ^''.`^ — ^'^",^ w ,~ ~~.�~,/,�,."~. ^mw 1 . . . Other Permits: | -. �� | | ` ` Q//4/1 Sawer R/W \ .^_`�^_~ � � '' :�~=~'~ ~^ Ddveway _ __. Other ' ' - - - -- Signature*Owner III~^"°�builder) iD"w � � . . � ~ . � . . � �~ ' � ` .. �~� `. `� � ` • `��� ' '� . .� �� — ` • � ',�� ..� `` '' � � . .''^ ' _ � '' • '' ' . • ^ • . . . �N�. -- -- — — ---_��N� _- _-_-_-_ _ • ` 457'0411 Ext. 120 -- INSPECTION RECORD -- PERMIT / � ` � IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE OR ` BEFORE INSPECTED & ACCEPTED. | 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED PRIOR TO INSPECTION. POST THIS INSPECTION RECORD IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSITE AT TIME OF INSPECTIONS. Inspection Accepted Date Inspector , -__ - _ Foundation Footings ____ . Corrections _______ ___--__-__-___-_' . `� _-__ -_'---_-____-__-___-_' Foundation Walls � Corrections __-__'_-____--_--__--___'�--_____. . '^. ____---_--_--_'_-----________ _-_-___ Rough In Electrical Corrections. ` _--_- __--___'__-__- ! . - --- -- Plumbing ^' ' Corrections ____________ •. �v� --- '----------'--� ----- ' ' Framing ^. ---- ~ -' Corrections � ! Chimney Corrections ___________ Mechanical � + Corrections �- Insulation COrUSCUnnS | .� — E l e c t r i c a l .' �|�C�riC�| F'n�! Corrections --___-_____ __ Final Inspection Corrections ' / ------ --- / � | / / _--__-----_-__' .'� _'. FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY OCCUPANCY ____ `.• CITY OF P ANGELES — PUBLIC WORK' °' 4� y' i 161 BUILDING DIVISION — PERMIT APPLICATION , '3 W.. > rrj M -Cn� r•" '711111011r Date Received I I Date Issued fr) I /!'; I T a. F Name I. Address City Phone 1 Lic. No. •• ' ,; 1. Owner 1),,s, c N.-r,c I ) r l '� L� k ���(zv r I -- >yt 1 1 7 s- I'1 1 F -mi. '. 1 •� , r 2. Contractor t F1 i q �� H. Class of Wok.: New Addition I I 3 Architect En r. Alteration Repair Move Demolition 1.....4 5. Description of Work: f' r ' < . r{- i��G' � c_ nc I ':1'� L- tT.c )� C, tih1,.rC_-L=7\,-)L. t': Er_„,.,,: C"•,v r7zr-n\\/iN-k \\'AY 5,rhlr:t-N r a� r 40,.:, t ', i._6.-Type of Permit. ,› Building Plumbing Contractor No. 1 Fixture Type 1 Fee ' ' Valuation $ ( / C- S1-I Wafer Closet l _ r. • •. Lavatory Permit Fee 4- („ j Bathtub I Plan Check Fee (receipt# ) ; i shower i - -- - _ .. f -Investigation Fee Kitchen Sink -_ — 4 • ' Other �: I - .._ _ I Disposer ,� L-_Total S' tjO°Receipt # ('7(,Z-4- Floor Drain I Floor Sink I ; Building` •q. Ft. Clothes Washer Occupancy roup -- t Urinal I t • Occupant Load Water Heater No. of Stories ! Drinking Fountain • 1 Type of Construction i ; Lawn Sprinkler l Occupancy Permit Issued Date: I� I Vacuum Breaker 1_ - y I Legal Description: Lot: Block: i S_olar Panels • Subdivision !- 3 Other l- Land UseZo Zone - - - µ -- - _Sub Total II t Perrnit Fee Lot Area 1--- _. ._.________ L } • Lot Coverage ", = Sq. Ft I Receipt # Total $ Sign Contractor 1- Mechanical Contractor Sign Type No — — Type of Equipment 1—Fee •` 1—_ - st- -._- .._._ __-_.. _ _--._ ._ .-.�_ r .. -____ - _.._... _ ___-.___._-. .____.__-__i t _. Illumination t I l Elec Furnance_ __. _, ' a -. i_. i _ - Overall Height I Heat Pump a Sign Width Woodstove ., c ' Sign Height : Oil Furnace e* ..: a Clearance l Kitchen Hood }. ' q. Fi. µ i Other , f • Land Use Zone i� E i < ; : t. t_ ' $ i I _ r Tot I Receipt # Recei pt # Total $. { „� •r - .:• t-.1, , ...F - ,I Special Conditions: � ' i NOTICE - , i• i ;, -- I . 13,` �.I hpr,.. r ,, +n,rt .t. ,',; r,: ,r r, , thn..:• ,r,, ,a"�I kn r r:the`,I-n I i titre r,. 0,r.. A ,.. r...•d._..rd,n.r , .r , .q f his I:P,'4 ,irk will he IO r , ,r h air c.rr,. u. V ,t d,Y a;h.v slit V, Io.a1 law egula -,.,s „ r•, .,�.r,. .� Other Permits: ��r �_� --,ir?•- 7_ /.2-- ,F(... Sewer _ - R/W _ - i Signature at Gonha:fr nr Authpnled Agent (Date) d--- Driveway Other - Signature of Owner ill owner is buude,I - - i Natel ~ � �� } � ' ' ~ � ' , �� ` . . ' • ' ) '� � ^' . �, . ^� `' ' ` � . ' . • � •, . / ` � `' . � ' . � ^. � � . . . . • •� -- - - �m�---'-- ------ _ _ . ` 457'0411 Ext. 130 -- INSPECTION RECORD -- PERMIT i - ---- - --- -- ----- -' - -- ---------- -- ' -� IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE, OR OTHERWISE CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED & ACCEPTEO � . 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED PRIOR TO INSPECTION. POST THIS INSPECTION RECORD IN A CONSPICUOUS L(}CAT|{lN, APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSITE AT TIME OF INSPECTIONS. , �` ` Inspection Accepted [)Rte Inspector --__-_--- Foundation Footings ____ '.'�^ Corrections _'-- --_____---- -___-_--__'__-__-__ __-___ Foundation Walls ��. Corrections _ ___-__________ • • Rough In Electrical Corrections ' _ -_-_ ` Plumbing ---- __ �`-- Corrections Framing Corrections . • Chimney Corrections _ -_- -- ----_-_'__-_______---- - —'---_ •'� ��• Mechanical Corrections __ Insulation � _--_-_----______' Corrections . Electrical Final � �`� Corrections • __ '--' , Final Inspection � - ! Corrections • -'-----' ------ -- ----- ----------- � /� FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY OCCUPANCY | �^ � `• . • . ' I R ' :. 1' a i t.;. rn . Lily Of Port AngeiPs ,.. ., ....... ,,.... , .,,, „,. _,,,, -- _ I W l:IS'I 111,(.(;A U F 1 I r .\'()R I II 1ti l:.S1 r, k 140 WEST FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 , c ,' >+ December 21, i 982 PUBLIC WORIS DEPT. n .1 RECErvED DAiE REC�O n.f: 2 1 1982 Fr. ACTN. COPY CONC. DIRECTOR M. . '• w••L° Mr. Don Lang, Principal CITYENGR,ASST.DIR. Port Angeles Sr. High School OFFfcEENGR 304 East Park Street !,0t10 WASTE _ ?— Pert Angeles, Wa. 98362 SEWER/WATER STREET Dear :•ir. Lang: FILE •• DRAFT Tuesday eveninz, December 14, 1982, during a High School ChrisLna C n . . it was noted the required east exit doors leading from the auditorium were rendered inoperable by a non-approved locking device installed upon the panic hardware. Port Angeles High School, as defined by tl:;; Uniform Building Code, is a Group E-1 occupancy. Section 3317 of the Uniform Building Code regarding .• .. exits serving auditoriums in Group E, Division 1 occupancy stares, ?— "Exit doors from rooms Having an occupant load of more e ' than 50 and from corridors, shall not be provided with a a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware." When the inoperative exit doors were observed, immediate contact was made with a maintenance man from the Port Angeles School District. He immediately removed these non-anproved devices and stated "somebody Rust h<_ve forgotten ..- to take them off." The statement "somebody must have forgotten to take them off" is the very ..,!- 4 reason it is against the law to alter or modify any required exit hardware ' " • in a school, public assembly occupancy, etc. As discussed with you in an earlier ms. eting, these devices must be permanentl" removed from the panic hardware as soon as possible. ®•' If any modifications to the' required locking devices at the school are required, please contact the Cuilding Official in advance. } If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact me at 452-4516, extension 179. Very truly yours, �L �.T'u .�►-t"�5,�•,),4..4...La . `� •w AI . Cary Braun, Fire Marshal `' `;EAL It • Port Angeles Fire henartment . cc: City Manager (( ' y Building Official - 1• CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT N<? 15274 Port Angeles, WaShington...!2..~___LZ.=.............................., 192.;1 In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation, extension, or repair of elec- trical equipment in, on, or about any building or other structure in the City of Port Angeles. per- mission is hereby granted to do electrical work as listed below. Address ........~...Q...~t...~L.___e~~l\................______...... Occupancy..............!~_:72=:_:.~."'....... Bi-)~/J~ ~:::~~:~=:~~~2i:::Z:=~~=~=::::::::::....~~~~~~~:::::::::::::...........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Light Out1etsn.....hn.....~...i=.__.._.. Receptacle Outlets.._J_...~,....... Dcr<<, KWI................~..................... Range, KW .............L.~ Water Heater: KW................'i.!...\.................. Hea" RW ........::l.,'J,...K.j,,).....f"'-..~. Motors: size, volts and phase: Service, volts .mL;!...Q.::.n?:::n~___~... No. wires .nnn_._n_.__........nnn_._n.___ Size wires.......1:.._1...j.=.f.~j' .--,-.......,.. ..- Main Inse ....7 "G./,f--....... ,.......:::F./.... Enclosure ..-p"..... _h__C,/-__,C1_... Type of wiring: Entrance Cable _m.m.n.......h__nn__. Rigid Conduit _.......h_..n_____n___m... MetalUc Tubing ....~...................... Current transformers: No. & Size...m..m__m_!....._.......h_... Ser. NO.__.._......_.__..n__..........h__.....n_n Ser. No. 00...._.00...00...............__0000_0000.... Ser. No. _0000__000000.00.._...__...00...._..0.__00___ Type of Wiring: Armored Cable m. Non.iVIetalUc ..n.m.mm_hm...nh__.._ Knob & Tube Rigid Conduit .....mh...n.____.........n Metall1c Tubing _..m...._.____.........__ Race,\'ay .00__.......__........._..............._.. Circuits, LlghL.........":/........................ Utility ..............3=........................ H~at ____________.._.0._..____._____..____..._.__ Range ..............2........................... Water Heater __m2~.m._m..__._. Motor ___n_n...nnn__.nnn.n...n..._.n__.. ';2- Dryer.._.__.__________.__._....._...__..._..._.....h.. Furnace .nnnnn_n__.n_.n_.'___.nn________ Total Load__...............n..nnn.. Ser. NO...._._.........n_.n_n___n.___..__....h. Total nnn.~--I..................... Remarks: .n.../.~t:n..nn~n..L~~l.l-..nn..!2'LL---___f:.d?:.iL,d".,~...7~1J..~ :::~-::..~::::i:::::::=~:::::~::::Z:.~:::::~~~~:~=:~~:::~::::::::::: Permit Fe;, "1 /) Treas. Receipt $..............LZ>.,..-f............. No.....___....__............... By ........m...n..___.......__..I::v..~m..__......... NOTICE-Current must not; be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work is to be con. cealed due noUce must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION ~ 0-JYl..a.,/-fL ',<g, ':l. J(W r--~. '_ E~CTRICAL PERMIT N? 15274 :?- A. ~j<H.-f u~l I At--. J' ) Date called IONtspeCJou':::/....--...d'..............f..~..:._....__.........m................__...........__...... / 2:: - I 7_ I '-j ~::;~::::ryc::~:::_:~~~::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::;=.::::::~::::::::: Total Load 00_00___....00__00_._00.00__...00___......................_.0000. .. 1M 3-72 Olympic Printers, Inc.