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Agenda Packet 12/03/2019
AMENDED DECEMBER 3, 2019 City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda City Council Chambers, 321 East 5`h Street The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order—Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. 5:00-5:30 p.m.Think Tank a. Council Committees,Council Community Outreach and Council Compensation............................................A-1 5:30-6:00 p.m. Executive Session—Executive Session to be held under authority RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Call to Order—Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions C. Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 p.m.for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three minutes or less,depending on the number ofpeople wishing to speak. Ifmore than 20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two minutes(Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). D. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. E. Consent Agenda I Approve 1. City Council Minutes of November 19,2019/Approve.................................................................................................E-1 2. Expenditure Report:From November 9, 2019 to November 22, 2019 in the amount of$3,204,918.26/Approve.........E-7 3. Lease Agreement—Port of Port Angeles/Approve........................................................................................................E-33 F. Public Hearings 16.30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter 1. 2020 Budget/Conduct 2"d Reading/Adopt Ordinance..................................................................................................F-1 G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings 1. AMENDED 2019 249 Budget Amendment#3/Conduct 2"d Reading/Adopt Ordinance...........................................G-1 2. Amendment to Ordinance for 2020 Wastewater Non-Taxable Fixture Utility Rates/Waive 2"d Reading/Adopt Ordinance .........................................................................................................................................................................................G-9 H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings 1. Ranked Choice Voting Resolution/Pass Resolution .....................................................................................................H-1 December 3,2019 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 i I. Other Considerations 1. Dream Playground Presentation by Steve Methner 2. Vacant Council Seat Process...........................................................................................................................................I-1 3. 2020 Cost of Living Adjustment Management/Non-Represented/Pass Resolution......................................................I-6 J. Contracts & Purchasing 1. PA Harbor Cleanup/Environmental Issues 8th Amendment to Professional Service Agreement with Integral/Approve Agreement........................................................................................................................................................................J-1 K. Council Reports L. Information City Manager Reports: 1. Waterfront Phase 3—Downtown Renaissance Follow Up..............................................................................................L-1 2. Washington State University Visit...................................................................................................................................L-4 3. Police Department Accreditation Award.........................................................................................................................L-7 4. Rayonier Mill Letter and Comments...............................................................................................................................L-10 5. Update on Code Enforcement Officer.............................................................................................................................L-18 M. Second Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 p.m.for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three minutes or less,depending on the numher ofpeople wishing to speak. If more than 20people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two minutes(Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). Adjournment PtiBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens.Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. December 3.20 19 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 I. Other Considerations 1. Dream Playground Presentation by Steve Methner 2. Vacant Council Seat Process...........................................................................................................................................I-1 3. 2020 Cost of Living Adjustment Management/Non-Represented/Pass Resolution......................................................I-6 J. Contracts & Purchasing 1. PA Harbor Cleanup/Environmental Issues 8th Amendment to Professional Service Agreement with Integral/Approve Agreement........................................................................................................................................................................J-1 K. Council Reports L. Information City Manager Reports: 1. Waterfront Phase 3—Downtown Renaissance Follow Up..............................................................................................L-1 2. Washington State University Visit..................................................................................................................................L-4 3. Police Department Accreditation Award.........................................................................................................................L-7 4. Rayonier Mill Letter and Comments...............................................................................................................................L-10 5. Update on Code Enforcement Officer.............................................................................................................................L-18 M. Second Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment.However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive,Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 p.m.for the second Public Comment period.Individuals may speak for three minutes or less, depending on the number ofpeople wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two minutes(Council Rules of Procedure Section 12). Adjournment PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens.Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. December 3,2019 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3, 2019 To: City Council From: Sissi Bruch, Mayor Subject: Think tank Topics: Council Committees, Council Community Outreach and Council Compensation. Council Committees: As we work to wind down the term for 3 Council members and welcome 4 new Council members, I would like to propose that we each work to summarize the work done by the committees that we all attend and to hand over the information to ensure an easy transition. In addition, we should discuss the usefulness of these committees, what committee work is missing, and how to best meet our obligations. Council Community Outreach: Council has strived to be available for our community members to have easy access to us. We have explored various venues and I would like to propose that we discuss the successes and failures of some of our attempts. Council Member Compensation: The last raise that City Council members received was in 2008. Year Position Salary 2004 Mayor $500 Deputy Mayor $450 Council Member $400 2006 Mayor $600 Deputy Mayor $550 Council Member $500 2008 Mayor $650 Deputy Mayor $600 Council Member $550 December 3, 2019 A - 1 N ti ti � U U 0 N M + N C U N U Na3 Es O Q U C'j U a '� x U � � v' x v' w P� U U 'o '~ A�•• � � � U v U '��' U �, o 0 0 •�, �, •�, o U �, o 0 0 �n o 0 0 0 0 0 �, o O O N O O U •--� --� 01 C-• U --� U U .--� .--� AO •--� --� M •--� M U M U by ct � O H N � c O N U U NN N N O N N U U N O Z3 U �' U U U O y_ y_ 1= N z H H Z j Z H Z Z H H w w w H w H Z H cn cn cn c M M M C-• --� M M --� N O� N N M M N En bA O � U y c U O � U Q cp NCt U O 00 O � C41 U �. Q" a N o y y U O O C ci U o cto o CIO V) � ti H �, A a� a� U) �. d M M M M M M o z � 0 U 03 U s.. y U u u 03 03 O Q � O Q. O Q. zs ctoo N H Z d titid � Z v� C242 Z C/� C2w03 � a� ct 0 U � � N 03 03 u O Z3cn O ^� d d W ct O N O cn cn cp O r U O N o M U i ctct °n U 03 ii ct u m C." 0 o U 4. 1M CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 19, 2019 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Bruch called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Bruch, Deputy Mayor Dexter, Councilmembers French, Kidd, Merideth, and Schromen- Wawrin. Members Absent: None-one seat vacant. Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey. EXECUTIVE SESSION Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Bruch announced the need for a closed Executive Session to be held under authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(c), to consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered; and RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Council moved to the Jack Pittis Conference Room for Executive Session for approximately 25 minutes.The Executive Session convened at 5:34 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bruch adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:03 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Bruch called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Bruch, Deputy Mayor Dexter, Councilmembers French, Kidd, Merideth, and Schromen- Wawrin. Members Absent: None-one seat vacant. Staff Present: City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C.Delikat,M. Sanders,B. Smith, A.Brekke,T.Hunter,and S.Carrizosa. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Bruch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS,PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS Each member of the City Council took a moment to speak about Council Member Moran who passed away over the weekend. Community members Bill Atkinson and Marilyn Eash spoke about Council Member Jim Moran and his volunteer work in the community. City Manager Nathan West spoke about Council Member Jim Moran and shared his gratitude for the work he did in the community and conveyed his and staff's appreciation for his support. PUBLIC COMMENT Anja Samawicz,spoke in favor of the Port Angeles Nature School consent agenda item. April Bellerude, spoke on behalf of the Port Angeles Downtown Association(PADA)and reminded Council of the tree lighting event sponsored by PADA. December 3, 2019 E - 1 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 19,2019 Cole Walsh,city resident and Port Angeles High School senior,shared information about the DECA Club. Jane Montgomery,city resident,spoke about the late Council Member Jim Moran. Jane Vanderhoof,city resident,spoke about the budget and her concerns of rising electrical rates. Marilyn Eash, spoke about the recent challenges Council has faced and encouraged the Council to explore conflict resolution. Dan Shottafer,city resident,spoke about the levy presentation item on the agenda. Bill Adkinson,city resident,spoke about the Peninsula Housing Authority Loan Amendment agenda item. Mike Doherty, city resident, spoke about the recent resolution that was passed by Council regarding Climate Change. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Ordinance Levying 2019 Property Tax Collection in 2020 Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented the agenda item and reminded Council it was before them for a second reading and noted two changes that would be included in the final ordinance. The Mayor continued the public hearing. Hearing none,the Mayor conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3647 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,levying regular ad valorem property taxes for collection in the fiscal year 2020,and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners. The Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:43 p.m. It was moved by French and seconded by Dexter to: Amend the resolution authorizing the tax increase of 1%or$46,437.49,to reflect the change in the amount of a 1% collection as read. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTION NO. 21-19 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,pursuant to RCW 84.55.120, authorizing an increase in the regular property tax levy for 2020. It was moved by French and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: Adopt the ordinance as read. Motion carried 6-0. 2. 2020 Budget Manager West introduced the agenda item and invited Director Carrizosa to present. She shared a PowerPoint presentation on the 2020 Budget which included background on the process of balancing the budget and used slides to display changes from the preliminary budget and provided the budget schedule. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by French to: The City of Port Angeles make a$10,000 contribution to the Clallam County Economic Development Corporation for 2020 and have staff bring back information as to how the City can include the funding in the 2020 budget. Motion failed 2-4,with Kidd and French in favor. Page 2 of 6 December 3, 2019 E - 2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 19,2019 It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Direct staff to look for more funding for public bathrooms. Motion carried 6-0. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. Jane Vanderhoof, city resident, asked about the amount of staff time required for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Dale Wilson,city resident,asked that Peninsula Area Public Access be considered during the next budget process. Mike Doherty,city resident,spoke about the need for funding eco-friendly options for the City. Mayor Bruch conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the 2020 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,2020. Council discussion followed. The Mayor continued the public hearing to December 3. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Capital Levy Presentation by Port Angeles School District Superintendent Marty Brewer Superintendent Marty Brewer presented a PowerPoint presentation,spoke about the mission of the school district, and discussed the asks of the school district through the Capital Levy. Port Angeles School District Director of Maintenance Nolan Duce spoke about the condition of the district's current facilities and shared a timeline of Capital Levy projects.Council discussion followed. It was moved by French and seconded by Kidd to: Direct staff to prepare a resolution in support of the school levy and add it to a future agenda once a full title and number of the School's ballot proposition has been provided and give notice that members of the public are afforded an approximately equal opportunity for the expression of an opposing view. Motion carried 6-0. Mayor Bruch recessed the meeting for a break at 8:23 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 8:30 p.m. 2. Local Options Bill for Tabulating Votes Lucy Ayrault, Chair of Fair Vote Washington, shared a PowerPoint presentation on ranked choice voting and discussed benefits of the process. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Direct staff to prepare a resolution for Council consideration at the next meeting based on the sample provided by Fair Vote Washington. Motion carried 4-2 with Merideth and Kidd opposed. 3. Dry Creek Water Service Area Agreement Manager West introduced the item and recognized Manager of Dry Creek Water Association Cindy Kelly who was present. Director of Public Works Thomas Hunter thanked Ms.Kelly and City Attorney Bloor for their work on the agreement. Page 3 of 6 December 3, 2019 E - 3 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 19,2019 It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Dexter to: Authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the Water Service Area Agreement with Dry Creek Water Association and to make minor modifications to the Agreement as deemed necessary. Motion carried 6-0. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Mana,-er or Councilmember—Manager West added Authorization for the City to Submit a Grant Application to the Washington Department of Commerce's Community Economic Revitalization Board item to the agenda. By consensus of the Council,the item was added to the Consent Agenda as item E-7. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by French and seconded by Dexter to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes of October 15,2019 and November 6,2019/Approve 2. Expenditure Report:From October 26,2019 to November 8,2019 in the amount of$3,647,104.83 /Approve 3. Peninsula Housing Authority CDBG Loan Amendment/Approve 4. Program Agreement-Olympic Community Action Program(OLYCAP)/Approve 5. Facility Use Agreement-Port Angeles Nature School/Approve 6. Interlocal Agreement for Rural Broadband Planning Grant and Rural Broadband Study/Approve 7. Authorization for the City to Submit a Grant Application to the Washington Department of Commerce's Community Economic Revitalization Board/Approve Motion carried 6-0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2019 Budget Amendment#3 Director Carrizosa presented the agenda item and noted some of the items contained in the amendment are projects that will be deferred to 2020. Mayor Bruch conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending the 2019 budget and funds. The Mayor continued the matter to the December 3 meeting. 2. Rezone Application No. 19-59 Manager West stated the item was a quasi-judicial matter and asked City Attorney Bill Bloor to qualify Council for the decision. He informed the Council of the process,including the role of the Hearings Examiner,and stated that it was now the Council's responsibility to accept the report package. He then went through the qualifications in appearance of fairness,and asked if Council had responses to his questions.Council Member Kidd recused herself, stating she lives within 300 feet of the rezone. She left the chambers for the presentation.Director of Community and Economic Development Director Allyson Brekke introduced the agenda item,noting the matter was a site- specific rezone. Director Brekke shared the Hearing Examiner's recommendation to approve the rezone. Mayor Bruch conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,rezoning three 7,000 square foot parcels from RS-7, Residential Single Family(RS-7)to Community Shopping District(CSD). Page 4 of 6 December 3, 2019 E - 4 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 19,2019 It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Adopt the ordinance as read,based on the Hearing Examiner's findings and conclusions listed in Attachment A and to waive the second reading. Motion carried 5-0,with Kidd recused. Council Member Kidd returned to the Council Chambers. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. City Wayfinding Program Update Director Brekke provided an update on the program which included the proposed amendment to the current contract approved by Council. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Dexter and seconded by Kidd to: Approve the amended Professional Services Agreement with Tangram Design,LLC and authorize the City Manager to sign the amended design agreement and to make minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary. Motion carried 6-0. 2. Elwha Water Facility Professional Services Agreement Director Hunter presented the agenda item,provided background on the agreement and offered his recommendation. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by French to: Approve and award an Elwha Water Facility—Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group not to exceed the amount of$150,000.00,and authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group and to make minor modifications to the contract documents as he deems necessary. Motion carried 6-0. 3. Peabody Street Sidewalk Repair and Civic Field ADA Access Improvements Director Hunter presented the item and provided the background on the project and explained how the City was able to incorporate the project and efficiencies and shared the Civic project was an additive bid. He walked Council through the recommendations. It was moved by Merideth and seconded by French to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to award the base bid and sign a construction contract with Simmons& Sons Contracting Inc.for the Peabody Street Sidewalk Repair Improvements,for the total bid amount of$76,920.00, and make minor modifications,and increase funding for the additive project-Civic Field ADA Access Improvements to a total of$100,000;a.authorize the use of REET funding for the additional$25,000 required for this project;b.award the base bid and additive bid for the Peabody Street Sidewalk Repair and Civic Field;and c. sign a construction contract with Simmons&Sons Contracting Inc.of Montesano,WA,for the total bid amount of $172,390.00,and make minor modifications. Motion carried 6-0. 4. Renewal of Microsoft Enterprise Licenses and Subscriptions Licenses Information Technology Manager Todd Weeks spoke about the agenda item which would approve payment of 2019-2020 subscriptions and licensing and provided clarification to the contract.Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Merideth to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to approve payment to the State contracted reseller, SHI,for the City's 2019 and 2020 Microsoft Enterprise licenses and subscriptions in the amount of$115,900.68 per year including taxes,for a two-year total cost of$231,801.36,and to make minor modifications as needed. Motion 5-1,with Schromen-Wawrin opposed. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council Member Kidd shared information on Council Member Moran's celebration of life. Council Member Merideth stated the Shore Aquatic Center met and approved 2020 budget. Page 5 of 6 December 3, 2019 E - 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—November 19,2019 Deputy Mayor Dexter shared updates regarding Clallam Transit. Council Member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about the housing proposition and shared he was happy to see that it was passing and discussed solution opportunities it may have for the community. He spoke about the rezone item that was passed and discussed costs for development. Council Member French shared he attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting and discussed their potential 5-year strategic plan for downtown. He spoke about Homelessness Task Force discussions and how the group will be moving forward. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Dexter to: To extend the meeting by 10 minutes,to 10:10 p.m. Motion carried 4-2,with Kidd and Merideth opposed. Mayor Bruch spoke of the Clallam Marine Resource Committee meeting she attended,and spoke about several upcoming community meetings. INFORMATION Manager West shared the date and time for Jim Moran's celebration of life. He reminded Council of the upcoming Port Angeles Municipal Code code work session. Council Member Kidd asked to be excused from the November 26 work session. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT Dale Wilson,city resident,spoke about the Peninsula Area Public Access. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bruch adjourned the meeting at 10:05 p.m. Sissi Bruch,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page 6 of 6 December 3, 2019 E - 6 Nkj ` ' ES I CITY OF WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. MEMO December 3, 2019. Finance Department We, the undersigned City Officials of the City of Port Angeles, do hereby certify that the merchandise and/or services herein specified have been 5arina Carrizosa received and that these claims are approved for payment in the amount of Finance Director $3,204,918.26 this 3rd day of December, 2019. Trina McKee Senior Accountant y r Wm MarySue French Senior Accountant Mayor City Manager Linda Kheriaty Financial Systems Analyst Melody Schneider Management Accountant Micah Rose Financial Analyst Jane Perkins Payroll Specialist Julie Powell Accounting Technician Jason Jones Accounting Technician Nicole Blank Administrative Analyst Kathyellen Haney Customer Services Manager Tracy Rooks Utility Billing Specialist ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3, "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-0000-237.00-00 87.67 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-0000-237.10-00 75.62 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-0000-237.30-00 916.95 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS CAMPFIRE CLUBHOUSE DEPOSI 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 CAMPFIRE CLUBHOUSE DEPOSI 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 CAMPFIRE CLUBHOUSE DEPOSI 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 VERN BURTON DEPOSIT REFUN 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00 LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Pre-inked fingerprint rol 001-0000-237.00-00 (6.35) SYSTEM Motorola canopy radios 001-0000-237.00-00 (57.42) Training Smoke 001-0000-237.00-00 (23.90) City Credit Card Pmt 001-0000-213.10-95 (18,912.43) Refund-McAfee renew 001-0000-213.10-00 (108.69) Adapter Cable 001-0000-237.00-00 (3.73) City Credit Card Pmt 001-0000-213.10-95 (13,383.80) CITY CREDIT CARD PMT 001-0000-213.10-95 10,558.83 Division Total: ($20,407.25) Department Total: ($20,407.25) US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Registration-Bruch 001-1160-511.43-10 50.00 SYSTEM Lodging-Schromen-Wawrin 001-1160-511.43-10 212.50 Mayor&Council Division Total: $262.50 Legislative Department Total: $262.50 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 001-1210-513.49-01 724.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Office Supplies 001-1210-513.31-01 8.17 SYSTEM Lunch Mtg-West 001-1210-513.43-10 12.90 Breakfast Mtg-West 001-1210-513.43-10 12.30 Lunch Mtg-West 001-1210-513.43-10 37.46 Lodging-West 001-1210-513.43-10 327.84 Chamber Lunch-West 001-1210-513.43-10 18.00 Registration-West 001-1210-513.43-10 25.00 Chamber Lunch-West 001-1210-513.43-10 18.00 City Manager Division Total: $1,183.67 MISC TRAVEL INGRAHAM-HR WELLNESS TRAI 001-1220-516.43-10 33.00 Page 1 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 7 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Parking-Fountain 001-1220-516.43-10 5.00 SYSTEM Parking-Fountain 001-1220-516.43-10 5.00 Human Resources Division Total: $43.00 LEMAY MOBILE SHREDDING MANAGEMENT SERVICES 001-1230-514.41-50 105.74 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Membership-Curran 001-1230-514.49-01 110.00 SYSTEM Membership-Martinez-Baile 001-1230-514.49-01 170.00 Notary License-Curran 001-1230-514.41-50 30.00 City Clerk Division Total: $415.74 City Manager Department Total: $1,642.41 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-2020-514.31-01 39.93 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Webinar-Carrizosa 001-2020-514.43-10 35.00 SYSTEM Webinar-Carrizosa 001-2020-514.43-10 35.00 Lodging-Carrizosa 001-2020-514.43-10 283.38 Finance Administration Division Total: $393.31 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-2023-514.44-50 82.30 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS FINANCE LUNCH TRAINING-GA 001-2023-514.43-10 89.26 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-514.31-01 22.61 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Furniture 001-2023-514.31-80 65.22 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-514.31-01 13.52 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-514.31-01 27.18 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-514.31-01 11.46 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-2023-514.31-60 80.94 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Cert of Achievement-CAFR 001-2023-514.41-50 460.00 SYSTEM Training-Mckee+3 001-2023-514.43-10 85.00 Training-Mckee+5 001-2023-514.43-10 150.00 Accounting Division Total: $1,087.49 LEXISNEXIS FINANCIAL SERVICES 001-2025-514.41-50 163.05 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2025-514.31-01 2.61 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2025-514.31-01 6.02 PAYMENTUS GROUP INC Transaction Fees 001-2025-514.41-50 166.00 Transaction Fees 001-2025-514.41-50 5,774.50 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Boot Sealer- L Anderson 001-2025-514.31-11 13.41 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-2025-514.31-01 12.28 Customer Service Division Total: $6,137.87 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PAPER(OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 001-2070-518.31-01 61.08 Page 2 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 8 ., City of Port Angeles if IL W--v City Council Expenditure Report ryrpI Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Ink Cartrage-Postage mach 001-2070-518.31-01 279.36 SYSTEM Reprographics Division Total: $340.44 Finance Department Total: $7,959.11 CLALLAM CNTY COMMISSIONER'S SUPPLIES 001-3012-598.51-23 72,561.44 OFFICE Jail Contributions Division Total: $72,561.44 LEXISNEXIS LEGAL RESEARCH 001-3030-515.49-01 375.02 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-3030-515.31-01 12.34 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-3030-515.31-01 112.27 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COWGILL CHAIR 001-3030-515.31-01 270.77 OFFICE CHAIR FOR CITY ATT 001-3030-515.31-01 270.77 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Condemn Ct Notice 001-3030-515.49-90 51.85 SYSTEM Shipping 001-3030-515.49-90 4.56 Shipping 001-3030-515.49-90 17.56 Reg-Bloor/Cowgill 001-3030-515.49-90 488.80 Webinar-DeFrang 001-3030-515.49-90 35.00 Condemn Ct Notice copy 001-3030-515.49-90 5.00 Condemn Ct Notice copy 001-3030-515.49-90 3.00 Membership-DeFrang 001-3030-515.49-01 25.00 Seminar-DeFrang 001-3030-515.43-10 520.00 Webinar-Cowgill 001-3030-515.43-10 247.00 Lodging-Bloor 001-3030-515.43-10 312.30 Lodging-Cowgill 001-3030-515.43-10 468.45 City Attorney Division Total: $3,219.69 City Attorney Department Total: $75,781.13 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-4050-558.31-60 319.49 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-4050-558.31-60 282.78 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Extension cord/Manila Fol 001-4050-558.31-01 22.98 SYSTEM Registration-Lierly 001-4050-558.43-10 995.00 Building Codes Materials 001-4050-558.43-10 139.00 Cert Renewal-Lierly 001-4050-558.43-10 90.00 Pens/Notepads 001-4050-558.31-01 75.19 Building Division Total: $1,924.44 MISC TRAVEL BOLIN-LAND USE WORKSHOP 001-4060-558.43-10 57.00 Page 3 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 9 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r. Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC TRAVEL BAGWELL-LAND USE BOOT CAM 001-4060-558.43-10 296.50 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 001-4060-558.48-02 119.84 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-4060-558.31-60 3,837.63 SOUND LAW CENTER, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 001-4060-558.41-50 3,307.50 SOUND PUBLISHING INC PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 001-4060-558.41-15 37.18 PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 001-4060-558.41-15 43.50 PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 001-4060-558.41-15 47.40 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Monthly Survey fee 001-4060-558.49-01 37.98 SYSTEM Membership-K Bagwell 001-4060-558.49-01 105.00 Pens/Notepads 001-4060-558.31-01 23.02 Monthly Survey Monkey 001-4060-558.49-01 37.98 APA Conf Reg-K Bagwell 001-4060-558.43-10 305.00 Lodging-K Bagwell 001-4060-558.43-10 252.42 Lodging-Brekke 001-4060-558.43-10 607.14 Harvard Business Review 001-4060-558.49-01 105.44 Planning Division Total: $9,220.53 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Breakfast Mtg-Brekke 001-4071-558.31-01 18.74 SYSTEM Book-Strong Towns 001-4071-558.31-01 23.87 Refund-Book-Strong Towns 001-4071-558.31-01 (2.16) Economic Development Division Total: $40.45 Community Development Department Total: $11,185.42 CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 001-5010-521.35-01 47.47 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-5010-521.31-01 48.52 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Pens-5 gift sets 001-5010-521.31-01 76.05 SYSTEM Registration-McFall 001-5010-521.43-10 225.00 Membership-McFall 001-5010-521.49-01 40.00 Fuel-Veh#911 001-5010-521.43-10 47.39 Registration-Peninger 001-5010-521.43-10 1,790.00 Refund Lodging-Peninger 001-5010-521.43-10 (540.22) Police Administration Division Total: $1,734.21 GALLS POLICE EQUIPMENT& SUPPLY 001-5021-521.31-11 198.91 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Ordona Travel#1002033- 001-5021-521.43-10 0.01 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST WEST INFORMATION CHARGES 001-5021-521.49-01 354.73 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Training-E Smith 001-5021-521.49-01 289.00 SYSTEM Parking-Peninger 001-5021-521.43-10 44.00 Page 4 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 10 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Cell phone case 001-5021-521.42-10 29.32 SYSTEM Investigation Division Total: $915.97 GALLS POLICE EQUIPMENT& SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-11 64.12 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 81.51 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 152.06 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 107.56 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 001-5022-521.31-60 362.58 OLYMPIC PENINSULA COMMUNITY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 001-5022-521.41-50 7,777.78 CLINIC PORT ANGELES POLICE Wheel nut 001-5022-521.35-01 7.59 DEPARTMENT QUILL CORPORATION SOUND SYSTEMS&ACCESSORY 001-5022-521.31-01 141.80 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Tactical Jacket-Patrol 001-5022-521.31-11 274.99 SYSTEM New Veh Lic Fee-#1910 001-5022-521.45-21 52.75 New Veh Lic Fee-#1913 001-5022-521.45-21 52.75 New Veh Lic Fee-#1914 001-5022-521.45-21 52.75 Gaskets/Washers-Patrol Ve 001-5022-521.45-21 3.07 Gaskets/Washers-Patrol Ve 001-5022-521.45-21 8.37 Bridge Toll Account 001-5022-521.43-10 50.00 Conf Reg-Fairbanks 001-5022-521.49-80 300.00 Cell Phone Cords 001-5022-521.42-10 9.77 Cell Phone Cords 001-5022-521.42-10 20.62 Patrol Division Total: $9,520.07 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Uniform shirts/belt keepe 001-5026-521.31-11 66.52 SYSTEM Tactical Pants 001-5026-521.31-11 63.03 Belt Buckles-4 001-5026-521.31-11 79.21 Reserves&Volunteers Division Total: $208.76 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE TUITION REIMBURSEMENT-J 001-5029-521.43-10 369.75 REIMBURSEMENT QUILL CORPORATION JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-5029-521.31-01 41.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 243.95 SOUND SYSTEMS&ACCESSORY 001-5029-521.31-01 141.80 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 001-5029-521.48-02 119.84 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.49-90 243.08 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Pre-inked fingerprint rol 001-5029-521.31-01 79.34 SYSTEM Page 5 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 11 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Records Division Total: $1,239.06 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT HDMI converter adapter 001-5050-521.48-10 62.29 SYSTEM Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $62.29 Police Department Total: $13,680.36 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 10-23 A/C 206T300778183B 001-6010-522.42-13 178.40 GLOBALSTAR USA 10-16 A/C 1.50018853 001-6010-522.42-10 87.43 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 001-6010-522.31-01 223.47 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Officers Meeting-C Dewe 001-6010-522.31-01 29.06 Paramedic Testing-C Dew 001-6010-522.31-01 14.84 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT File Cabinet 001-6010-522.31-01 333.20 SYSTEM Motorola canopy radios 001-6010-522.42-13 717.42 Breakfast-Officers Mtg 001-6010-522.31-01 22.51 Laminator 001-6010-522.31-01 40.21 Fire Administration Division Total: $1,646.54 CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 001-6020-522.43-10 750.00 CURTIS&SONS INC, L N CLOTHING &APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 536.28 CLOTHING&APPAREL 001-6020-522.31-11 285.68 GALLS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-6020-522.31-11 37.75 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS Account#336925-Kroh 001-6020-522.49-90 4,508.90 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-6020-522.20-80 30.34 SHOES AND BOOTS 001-6020-522.20-80 355.20 SUPPLIES 001-6020-522.31-01 61.67 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-6020-522.31-01 36.37 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Batteries-Lithium 001-6020-522.31-01 22.45 SYSTEM Pens 001-6020-522.31-01 6.50 Flashlight Bulbs 001-6020-522.31-11 34.99 Lodging-Kroh 001-6020-522.43-10 1,090.25 Lodging-Mason 001-6020-522.43-10 167.47 Fire Suppression Division Total: $7,923.85 MISC TRAVEL GAGE-FIRE SPRINKLER INSTA 001-6030-522.43-10 152.00 HAUSE-FIRE SPRINKLER INST 001-6030-522.43-10 152.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Smoke Detectors-Grant rei 001-6030-522.31-01 1,997.08 SYSTEM Bottled water-fire scene 001-6030-522.31-01 13.00 Fire Inspector Recert-San 001-6030-522.49-01 90.00 Page 6 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 12 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Knox Key Supplies 001-6030-522.31-01 29.24 SYSTEM Office Supplies 001-6030-522.31-01 68.45 Fire Prevention Division Total: $2,501.77 CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 001-6045-522.43-10 950.00 CLINICARE, LLC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 001-6045-522.41-50 175.00 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC MEMBERSHIPS 001-6045-522.41-50 330.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Training Smoke 001-6045-522.31-01 298.62 SYSTEM EMT Testi ng-Scoonhove n 001-6045-522.43-10 80.00 FireZone Target 001-6045-522.31-01 328.55 EMT Testing-T Register 001-6045-522.43-10 80.00 PALS textbook-Symonds 001-6045-522.43-10 64.33 Adapter Cable 001-6045-522.31-01 46.60 Lunch-Support Officers Mt 001-6045-522.31-01 46.72 Fire Training Division Total: $2,399.82 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-6050-522.41-50 307.25 HOME DEPOT PRO-SUPPLYWORKS EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 19.08 OLYMPIC PARTY&CUSTODIAL EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 431.62 SUPPLIES SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.48-10 45.88 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Laundry Detergent 001-6050-522.31-01 32.59 SYSTEM Hand Soap for Bathrooms 001-6050-522.31-01 8.70 PPE storage supplies 001-6050-522.31-01 185.30 Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $1,030.42 Fire Department Total: $15,502.40 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 141.65 SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 64.76 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE SAFETY BOOT REIMBURSEMENT 001-7010-532.31-01 125.00 REIMBURSEMENT MISC TRAVEL BRADLEY-AUTOCAD ESSENTIAL 001-7010-532.43-10 272.00 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 10.25 SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 44.11 SCHUNZEL, STEVEN THOMAS DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 001-7010-532.41-50 300.00 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 001-7010-532.31-60 163.46 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Ferry-Bodart 001-7010-532.43-10 19.15 SYSTEM Lodging-Bodart 001-7010-532.43-10 218.58 Page 7 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 13 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Supplies for Corp Yard Ad 001-7010-532.31-01 11.71 SYSTEM Registration-Feller 001-7010-532.43-10 1,195.00 Badge Reel for ID Badges 001-7010-532.31-01 7.52 Ferry-Boehme 001-7010-532.43-10 38.30 Name Plate-Baack 001-7010-532.31-01 19.56 Ferry-Boehme 001-7010-532.43-10 38.30 Name Plate-Bruning 001-7010-532.31-01 15.64 Magnetic Pins 001-7010-532.31-01 5.03 Planners for Eng 001-7010-532.31-01 138.18 Refresh ments-Notetaking T 001-7010-532.31-01 37.79 Public Works Admin. Division Total: $2,865.99 PENINSULA AREA PUBLIC ACCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES 001-7032-532.41-50 20,916.65 Telecommunications Division Total: $20,916.65 Public Works&Utilities Department Total: $23,782.64 PENINSULA AWARDS &TROPHIES SUPPLIES 001-8010-574.31-01 27.20 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Post-It Notes 001-8010-574.31-01 11.30 SYSTEM Misc Office Supplies 001-8010-574.31-01 46.40 Lighting to USB Cable 001-8010-574.31-01 20.63 Parks Administration Division Total: $105.53 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Lunch for Volunteers 001-8012-555.31-01 55.88 SYSTEM Invitations-PASC 50th 001-8012-555.31-01 32.04 Senior Center Division Total: $87.92 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-8050-536.44-50 (0.10) Excise Tax Returns-Oct 001-8050-536.44-50 230.62 MATTHEWS BRONZE PA SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 339.71 QUIRING MONUMENTS INC SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 295.00 SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.34-01 2,451.00 Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $3,316.23 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 43.35 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 16.81 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 105.87 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.48-10 270.00 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF COMM ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 001-8080-576.49-90 500.00 DEV CLARK HORTICULTURAL, INC. SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.48-10 271.75 Page 8 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 14 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t-17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 001-8080-576.43-10 247.00 ASSN, INC FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 10.99 GREEN HOUSE, THE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 2,374.00 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.48-10 297.29 PORT ANGELES POWER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 133.40 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 328.61 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 001-8080-576.48-10 2,291.48 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 62.77 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 17.72 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 77.73 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 8.71 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 17.39 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 43.07 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 156.77 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Monthly Rental-20ft Conta 001-8080-576.49-90 81.53 SYSTEM 20ft Container Rental 001-8080-576.49-90 81.53 Parks Facilities Division Total: $7,437.77 Parks &Recreation Department Total: $10,947.45 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 24.78 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 7.47 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 10.13 ANGELES PEST CONTROL SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.48-10 104.35 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 42.94 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 289.14 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 149.77 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 11.35 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 12.15 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 33.47 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Microphone w/cable 001-8131-518.31-01 150.98 SYSTEM Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $836.53 ASM SIGNS SUPPLIES 001-8155-575.41-50 994.61 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS VB CHRISTMAS FAIR BOOTH R 001-8155-347.30-18 100.00 VB CHRISTMAS FAIR BOOTH R 001-8155-347.30-18 150.00 Page 9 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 15 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount Facility Rentals Division Total: $1,244.61 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $2,081.14 ANDERSEN, BRIAN L REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 325.00 COMA, ROBERT A REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 125.00 COUTLEE, CRAIG REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 125.00 EDGAR, KELSEY REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 300.00 GUERRA, JOE REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 150.00 HEILMAN, JOHN REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 275.00 HOLLOWAY, MICHAEL REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 175.00 MOPPINS, FRANK IRVIN REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 75.00 NICKERSON, BRADY SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR T 001-8221-574.41-50 180.00 PIMENTEL, HENRY REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 275.00 ROONEY, RANDY L REFEREE PAYMENT FOR TIPOF 001-8221-574.41-50 150.00 SHAMP, CASANDRA SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR T 001-8221-574.41-50 210.00 SHAMP, KEIZER V. SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR T 001-8221-574.41-50 210.00 Sports Programs Division Total: $2,575.00 Recreation Activities Department Total: $2,575.00 General Fund Fund Total: $144,992.31 OLYMPIC PENINSULA VISITOR COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 101-1430-557.41-50 2,184.10 BUREAU PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF REAL PROPERTY,RENT/LEASE 101-1430-557.41-50 8,998.21 COMM Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $11,182.31 Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $11,182.31 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Total: $11,182.31 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 102-0000-237.00-00 237.10 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 102-0000-237.10-00 9.61 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Lever Kit#6504 102-0000-237.00-00 (10.90) SYSTEM Propane Regulator 102-0000-237.00-00 (12.02) Division Total: $223.79 Department Total: $223.79 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 102-7230-542.41-50 105.13 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 84.68 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 64.76 CASCADE MACHINERY& EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 102-7230-542.31-20 319.02 ELECTRIC, INC Page 10 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 16 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 102-7230-542.43-10 247.00 ASSN, INC DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 102-7230-542.31-20 182.72 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 102-7230-542.47-10 17.82 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 102-7230-542.41-50 2,507.44 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Conf Reg-Romero/Cameron 102-7230-542.43-10 930.00 SYSTEM Lever Kit#6504 102-7230-542.45-21 136.15 Sharps Containers 102-7230-542.31-01 63.60 Propane Regulator 102-7230-542.45-21 150.10 Lodging-Cameron 102-7230-542.43-10 433.24 Lodging-Romero 102-7230-542.43-10 433.24 Batteries-Corp Yard-Stree 102-7230-542.31-01 15.22 Street Division Total: $5,690.12 Public Works-Street Department Total: $5,690.12 Street Fund Total: $5,913.91 A WORKSAFE SERVICE, INC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 107-5160-528.41-50 55.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 11-02 A/C Z0203801119 107-5160-528.42-11 192.50 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF COMM DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 107-5160-528.51-01 382.54 DEV CLALLAM CNTY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES 107-5160-528.51-01 18,000.00 TECHNOLOGY CLINICARE, LLC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 107-5160-528.41-50 50.00 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS PRE EMPLOYMENT DRUG TEST 107-5160-528.41-50 18.50 MISC TRAVEL COLEMAN-TYLER NW USER GRO 107-5160-528.43-11 385.90 HOMAN-TYLER NW USER GROUP 107-5160-528.43-11 598.95 PORT ANGELES POLICE Batteries 107-5160-528.31-01 30.44 DEPARTMENT QUILL CORPORATION COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 107-5160-528.31-01 863.49 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 107-5160-528.41-15 295.50 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT APCO Conf Reg-Online 107-5160-528.43-10 100.00 SYSTEM Books-2 107-5160-528.31-01 41.30 Membership-Conner 107-5160-528.49-01 95.00 Registration-Coleman 107-5160-528.43-11 425.00 Computer Video Cards 107-5160-528.31-60 489.73 Membership-Romberg 107-5160-528.49-01 142.00 Airfare-Coleman 107-5160-528.43-11 126.60 Page 11 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 17 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3, "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Airfare-Homan 107-5160-528.43-11 126.60 SYSTEM Book-Resilient Supervisor 107-5160-528.31-01 30.37 Pencom Division Total: $22,449.42 Pencom Department Total: $22,449.42 Pencom Fund Total: $22,449.42 CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 175-3059-594.61-01 12,000.00 Property Development Division Total: $12,000.00 City Attorney Department Total: $12,000.00 Code Compliance Enforcmt Fund Total: $12,000.00 TANGRAM DESIGN ARCH ITECTURAL&ENGINEERING 312-4160-595.65-10 13,270.00 Capital Project-Planning Division Total: $13,270.00 PA Housing Rehabilitation Department Total: $13,270.00 Transportation Benefit Fund Total: $13,270.00 ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO ROADS IDE,GRNIDS,REC, PARK 401-0000-223.40-00 (627.44) DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 401-0000-237.00-00 41.35 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL CABLES&WIRES 401-0000-141.41-00 2,655.13 MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 8.33 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 12.19 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 14.15 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 23.80 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 30.75 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 31.28 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 56.13 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 64.70 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 65.62 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 66.65 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 73.19 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 78.85 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 84.80 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 86.36 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 97.41 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 120.12 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 193.52 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 196.18 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 210.50 Page 12 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 18 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r. w Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 224.51 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 308.80 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 324.87 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 570.17 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 798.32 OVERPAYMENT-1009 LINCOLN 401-0000-122.10-99 252.00 OVERPAYMENT-1012 MADRONA 401-0000-122.10-99 149.42 OVERPAYMENT-1214 W 12TH 401-0000-122.10-99 0.08 OVERPAYMENT-1326 CAMPBELL 401-0000-122.10-99 79.37 OVERPAYMENT-515 I ST 401-0000-122.10-99 218.14 OVERPAYMENT-621 LOPEZ AVE 401-0000-122.10-99 254.64 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 1.00 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 9.55 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 9.71 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 60.86 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 63.04 FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 166.33 TKCONTRACTORS, LLC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 401-0000-223.40-00 (1,629.13) Division Total: $5,445.25 Department Total: $5,445.25 MISC TRAVEL SHERE-SMART UTILITY SUMMI 401-7111-533.43-10 112.40 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 401-7111-533.49-01 119.84 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 401-7111-533.31-60 3,428.64 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 401-7111-533.31-60 1,039.77 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 401-7111-533.31-60 41.31 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Reg istratio n-S here 401-7111-533.43-10 490.00 SYSTEM Lodging-Shere 401-7111-533.43-10 246.64 Lodging-Torres 401-7111-533.43-10 904.25 Engineering-Electric Division Total: $6,382.85 BPA-POWER WIRES ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7120-533.33-10 1,052,424.00 PUD#1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7120-533.33-50 5,336.42 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 401-7120-533.31-01 119.84 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Lodging-King 401-7120-533.43-10 104.77 SYSTEM Power Systems Division Total: $1,057,985.03 Page 13 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 19 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r, ► Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.41-50 281.65 ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 2,024.00 ANGELES MACHINE WORKS INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 (27.12) ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 27.12 ANIXTER, INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 217.40 ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO ROADS IDE,GRNIDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 (12,548.80) ROADS IDE,GRNIDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 12,548.80 ROADS IDE,GRNIDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 12,548.80 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.31-01 5.13 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST ELECTRICAL CABLES&WIRES 401-7180-533.34-02 782.64 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 204.36 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,045.48 CLINICARE, LLC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 401-7180-533.49-90 350.00 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 1,974.00 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 401-7180-533.44-50 38,471.97 FIRE CHIEF EQUIPMENT CO, INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.48-10 288.06 GENERAL PACIFIC INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 2,593.29 MISC DEPOSIT& PERMIT REFUNDS MORSE CREEK PROPERTY APPR 401-7180-533.41-50 2,355.00 MISC TRAVEL SHERE-E-W OP MTG TOLL FEE 401-7180-533.43-10 5.00 MURREY'S DISPOSAL CO, INC 6 yd Container 401-7180-533.47-10 490.85 NAPA AUTO PARTS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-01 17.57 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-01 17.57 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-01 26.60 OLYMPIC PARTY&CUSTODIAL PAPER& PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 401-7180-533.31-01 72.52 SUPPLIES OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 66.44 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLY,INKS,LEADS 401-7180-533.31-01 63.68 PORT ANGELES POWER ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 113.90 EQUIPMENT ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 206.74 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 88.85 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.35-01 63.59 SECURITY SERVICES NW, INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 750.00 SURVALENT TECHNOLOGY DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 401-7180-533.48-02 19,768.18 TKCONTRACTORS, LLC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 401-7180-533.48-10 (35,417.18) Page 14 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 20 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' ' Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount TKCONTRACTORS, LLC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 401-7180-533.48-10 35,417.18 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 401-7180-533.48-10 35,417.18 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Mesh Letter Tray-3 401-7180-533.31-01 36.49 SYSTEM Lodging-Amiot 401-7180-533.43-10 399.24 Parking-Amiot 401-7180-533.43-10 43.36 Lodging-Peppard 401-7180-533.43-10 898.35 Bottled Water-Pallet 401-7180-533.31-01 174.63 Food/Supplies for Storm 401-7180-533.31-01 113.02 LED Lamps 401-7180-533.31-20 85.85 Electrician Cert-Peppard 401-7180-533.43-10 72.70 Training Reg-Raymond 401-7180-533.43-10 120.00 Shipping-Lithium battery 401-7180-533.42-10 12.90 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 401-7180-533.49-90 32.73 CTR Electric Operations Division Total: $122,299.72 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $1,186,667.60 Electric Utility Fund Total: $1,192,112.85 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 3,201.45 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 2,301.11 Division Total: $5,502.56 Department Total: $5,502.56 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 116.73 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 64.76 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 402-7380-534.43-10 247.00 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 402-7380-534.44-50 22,722.08 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 402-7380-534.31-20 182.72 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 402-7380-534.31-20 418.50 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HOSES,ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.31-20 58.67 HOSES,ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.31-20 95.88 PEN PRINT INC PAPER(OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 402-7380-534.31-01 141.31 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER food for water main break 402-7380-534.31-01 59.34 PORT ANGELES POWER LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 402-7380-534.35-01 379.70 EQUIPMENT US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Membership-Wright 402-7380-534.43-10 135.00 SYSTEM Lodging-Groves 402-7380-534.43-10 215.64 Page 15 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 21 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Refund-Lodging-Groves 402-7380-534.43-10 (115.27) SYSTEM Refresh ments-Elwha Meetin 402-7380-534.31-01 47.01 Batteries-Corp Yard-Water 402-7380-534.31-01 15.22 USA BLUEBOOK FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 497.42 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 402-7380-534.49-90 32.73 CTR Water Division Total: $25,314.44 ANGELES MACHINE WORKS INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 402-7382-534.48-10 1,630.50 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 402-7382-534.48-10 (1,630.50) Industrial Water Treatmnt Division Total: $0.00 Public Works-Water Department Total: $25,314.44 Water Utility Fund Total: $30,817.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 403-0000-237.00-00 71.43 Division Total: $71.43 Department Total: $71.43 ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 403-7480-535.48-10 1,072.87 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 110.56 ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.48-10 19.57 CARUS CORPORATION WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM 403-7480-535.31-05 1,445.82 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 403-7480-535.43-10 247.00 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 403-7480-535.44-50 17,031.46 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 403-7480-535.31-20 182.72 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 403-7480-535.31-20 418.50 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 (413.82) PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 30.82 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 41.19 FERRELLGAS INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-12 266.20 FKC CO, LTD. BEARINGS(EXCEPT WHEEL) 403-7480-535.34-02 2,252.27 GRAINGER CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP &SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 86.91 MISC TRAVEL HARTLEY-PICK UP PUMP FROM 403-7480-535.43-10 38.00 RICHMOND-PUGET SOUND SEC 403-7480-535.43-10 17.75 WHITE- PUGET SOUND SEC MT 403-7480-535.43-10 23.75 NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL, INC CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 403-7480-535.31-05 3,091.82 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 403-7480-535.31-20 88.71 Page 16 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 22 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r, ► Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC PUMPS &ACCESSORIES 403-7480-535.31-20 331.49 PUMPS &ACCESSORIES 403-7480-535.31-20 347.20 PUMPTECH INC EQUIP MAINT& REPAIR SERV 403-7480-535.48-10 4,469.31 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.41-15 113.76 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 94.05 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 (73.49) THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 22.63 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 14.15 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.48-10 11.69 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.48-10 17.31 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Lodging-Freed 403-7480-535.43-10 532.62 SYSTEM Batteries-Corp Yard-WW 403-7480-535.31-01 15.22 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 403-7480-535.49-90 32.72 CTR WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.49-01 576.00 ECOLOGY Wastewater Division Total: $32,556.76 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $32,556.76 Wastewater Utility Fund Total: $32,628.19 A/R MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS OVERPMT OF TRFR STN FEES 404-0000-213.10-90 280.46 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-0000-237.00-00 394.57 Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-0000-237.10-00 223.94 Division Total: $898.97 Department Total: $898.97 CLALLAM CNTY SOLID WASTE BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 404-7538-537.49-90 3,124.73 DEPT COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 404-7538-537.43-10 247.00 ASSN, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-7538-537.44-50 31,642.27 EPICENTER SERVICES, LLC HUMAN SERVICES 404-7538-537.41-50 3,516.27 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE MEAL REIMBURSEMENT- 10/2 404-7538-537.31-01 38.00 REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT- 1 404-7538-537.31-01 141.17 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 404-7538-537.31-01 38.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Office Supplies- M Hale 404-7538-537.31-01 19.50 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 404-7538-537.41-51 398,453.04 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-537.41-51 1,413.75 Page 17 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 23 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r, ► Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-537.45-30 5,367.27 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-582.75-10 41,086.32 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7538-592.83-10 21,692.41 SW-Transfer Station Division Total: $506,779.73 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7580-537.41-50 105.13 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 115.14 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 404-7580-537.44-50 16,382.92 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 404-7580-537.31-20 182.72 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7580-537.31-01 75.83 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 404-7580-537.31-01 38.00 REIMBURSEMENT PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Office Supplies-T McCab 404-7580-537.31-01 43.96 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 52.05 SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 40.15 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT LexisNexis Service Fee 404-7580-537.45-21 7.00 SYSTEM New Veh Lic Fee-#1980 404-7580-537.45-21 61.75 Batteries-Corp Yard-SW 404-7580-537.31-01 15.22 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7580-537.41-51 63,794.11 Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $80,913.98 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Training-Paynter 404-7585-537.43-10 120.00 SYSTEM Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $120.00 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $587,813.71 Solid Waste Utility Fund Total: $588,712.68 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 406-7412-538.49-50 687.39 DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 406-7412-538.31-20 182.72 EJ USA, INC STEAM & HOT WATER FITTING 406-7412-538.31-01 849.09 MISC EMPLOYEE EXPENSE SAFETY BOOT REIMBURSEMENT 406-7412-538.31-01 125.00 REIMBURSEMENT MISC TRAVEL MCINTYRE-LAND USE WORKSHO 406-7412-538.43-10 57.00 BRADLEY-STORM SYMPOSIUM 2 406-7412-538.43-10 38.00 MCINTYRE-STORM SYMPOSIUM 406-7412-538.43-10 38.00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Supplies for Fair Booth 406-7412-538.44-10 53.92 SYSTEM Water for Fair Booth 406-7412-538.44-10 3.63 Book-Aquatic Pest Ctrl 406-7412-538.31-01 19.26 Training-Haskins/Truckenm 406-7412-538.43-10 240.00 Page 18 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 24 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r, ► Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 406-7412-538.49-90 32.72 CTR Stormwater Division Total: $2,326.73 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $2,326.73 Stormwater Utility Fund Total: $2,326.73 A/R MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS N. TAYLOR#15-2017-4186:1 409-0000-213.10-90 393.25 Division Total: $393.25 Department Total: $393.25 CLALLAM CNTY EMS MEMBERSHIPS 409-6025-526.41-50 840.00 JIFFY CLEANERS CLOTHING &APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 65.22 CLOTHING&APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 10.87 LIFE ASSIST SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 452.20 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 99.84 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 52.31 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 234.38 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 86.48 OLYMPIC OXYGEN SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 60.93 REIFENSTAHL, PATRICIA FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 409-6025-526.31-08 50.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 409-6025-526.20-80 23.77 SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.31-01 17.33 FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 409-6025-526.20-80 29.21 FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP. 409-6025-526.20-80 29.21 SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 3,225.75 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT BLS Memberships-6 409-6025-526.31-08 130.44 SYSTEM Title Transfer-#006 409-6025-526.45-21 13.25 Reg istration-Stroobant 409-6025-526.43-10 250.00 Text Books 409-6025-526.43-10 203.34 Carry Totes 409-6025-526.31-01 28.24 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 481.00 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-01 64.18 Medic I Division Total: $6,447.95 Fire Department Total: $6,447.95 Medic I Utility Fund Total: $6,841.20 INTEGRAL CONSULTING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 413-7481-535.41-50 127,555.00 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS INS.REIMB.PA HARBOR 413-7481-369.40-00 76,536.87 Page 19 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 25 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' ' Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS PACIFIC IND.PA HARBOR 413-7481-369.40-00 9,375.91 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Lunch Mtg-WPAH 413-7481-535.43-10 73.81 SYSTEM Wastewater Remediation Division Total: $213,541.59 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $213,541.59 Harbor Clean Up Fund Total: $213,541.59 AIR FLO HEATING COMPANY INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 500.00 ALL WEATHER HEATING & CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 500.00 COOLING BILL MAIR HEATING &AIR, INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 500.00 MATHEWS GLASS CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 102.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 52.50 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 270.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 267.00 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTERS,DP&WORD PROC. 421-7121-533.49-01 119.84 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Ferry-Currie 421-7121-533.43-10 38.30 SYSTEM Registration-Currie 421-7121-533.43-10 400.00 Lodging-Currie 421-7121-533.43-10 1,113.12 Training Reg-Kajfasz 421-7121-533.43-10 30.00 Conservation Division Total: $3,892.76 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $3,892.76 Conservation Fund Total: $3,892.76 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS CONSULTING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 2,481.11 Wastewater Projects Division Total: $2,481.11 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $2,481.11 Wastewater Utility CIP Fund Total: $2,481.11 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 267.00 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 151.98 TECHNOLOGIES ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 5,586.73 PRODUCTS, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 5,785.88 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 15.80 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 144.82 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 47.41 DAREN'S POINT S AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 254.20 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 67.74 Page 20 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 26 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t-17Z3' ' Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 135.49 FREIGHTLINER NORTHWEST AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 1,579.45 GRAINGER AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 94.96 MASCO PETROLEUM, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 357.61 N C MACHINERY CO AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 963.08 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 25.19 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 299.00 OWEN EQUIPMENT AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 118.24 PAPE' MACHINERY AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 118.41 PENINSULA LUBRICANTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 1,761.42 SIX ROBBLEES' INC AUTO&TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 1,403.09 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 224.40 WESTERN PETERBILT INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 320.88 Division Total: $19,722.78 Department Total: $19,722.78 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.41-50 130.70 ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 240.33 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 80.24 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 150.45 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 152.69 PRODUCTS, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 85.97 BAXTER AUTO PARTS#15 AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 45.55 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 6.00 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 501-7630-548.43-10 247.00 ASSN, INC DAREN'S POINT S EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 18.42 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 18.42 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 18.42 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.70 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 27.12 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.70 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 165.89 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.70 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 36.85 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 21.67 Page 21 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 27 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3' "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount FAR-WEST MACHINE & AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 35.64 HYDRAULICS FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 20.33 FREIGHTLINER NORTHWEST AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 (789.91) AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 (197.48) HEARTLINE AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 421.17 HECKMAN MOTORS, INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 178.00 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2,168.85 J B'S UPHOLSTERY AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 21.74 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 230.99 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 14.29 MURRAY MOTORS INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 7.19 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 30.43 PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 17.09 QUALITY 4X4 TRUCK SUPPLY AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-594.64-10 567.46 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 371.75 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 465.24 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 104.35 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 146.09 RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 73.83 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 741.43 SONSRAY MACHINERY, LLC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,441.58 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC AUTO&TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 94.81 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 97.49 AUTO &TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 170.57 TRANCO TRANSMISSIONS INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 108.70 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 216.86 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Bridge Fee-#1891 501-7630-548.43-10 7.00 SYSTEM Bridge Toll Account 501-7630-548.43-10 60.00 Bridge Toll#1891 501-7630-548.43-10 7.00 Equipment Services Division Total: $8,499.31 Public Works Department Total: $8,499.31 Equipment Services Fund Total: $28,222.09 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Excise Tax Returns-Oct 502-0000-237.00-00 87.33 ILAND INTERNET SOLUTIONS DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-0000-237.00-00 (413.28) Page 22 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 28 ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t_17Z3, "* Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount CORP US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Hard drives for SAW 502-0000-237.00-00 (87.33) SYSTEM Software-Duplicate Cleane 502-0000-237.00-00 (2.61) Division Total: ($415.89) Department Total: ($415.89) CENTURYLINK-QWEST 10-10 A/C 360Z100240955B 502-2081-518.42-10 198.35 10-14 A/C 3604570411199B 502-2081-518.42-10 794.72 10-14 A/C 3604570831558B 502-2081-518.42-10 52.85 10-14 A/C 3604570968343B 502-2081-518.42-10 111.55 10-14 A/C 3604571270975B 502-2081-518.42-10 262.81 10-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 502-2081-518.42-10 95.07 10-14 A/C 3604574859247B 502-2081-518.42-10 112.14 10-14 A/C 3604575170121 B 502-2081-518.42-10 126.51 10-14 A/C 36045763156896' 502-2081-518.42-10 111.35 10-14 A/C 3604576684085B 502-2081-518.42-10 639.00 10-16 A/C 206T325585090B 502-2081-518.42-10 54.51 10-16 A/C 206T329544912B 502-2081-518.42-10 54.51 10-16 A/C 206T355724768B 502-2081-518.42-10 57.62 10-16 A/C 206T359336570B 502-2081-518.42-10 489.69 10-20 A/C 206T217227465B 502-2081-518.42-10 57.62 10-23 A/C 206T300675463B 502-2081-518.42-10 92.06 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 502-2081-518.42-10 633.73 10-23 A/C 206T302424142B 502-2081-518.42-10 102.78 10-23 A/C 206T310164584B 502-2081-518.42-10 489.69 10-23 A/C 206T411255315B 502-2081-518.42-10 64.75 10-23 A/C 206T418577331 B 502-2081-518.42-10 57.62 10-23 A/C 79513296 502-2081-518.42-10 15.24 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42-10 467.48 ILAND INTERNET SOLUTIONS DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 5,163.56 CORP DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 1,958.01 DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 2,509.03 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE MACHINES&ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 2,170.26 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPP 502-2081-518.31-01 244.54 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 502-2081-518.48-10 3,661.67 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE 502-2081-518.48-10 123.33 Page 23 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 29 ; ., City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r, ►w Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SUPERION, LLC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 1,861.64 DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 2,616.33 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC DATA PROC SERV&SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 6,291.70 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Digital Cert for web 502-2081-518.48-02 414.00 SYSTEM Hard drives for SAW 502-2081-518.48-10 1,091.09 Registration-Weeks 502-2081-518.49-01 425.00 Velcro Roll 502-2081-518.31-01 278.26 Web File Sharing 502-2081-518.31-60 208.70 Software-Duplicate Cleane 502-2081-518.31-80 32.56 7U 2Post Coversion Kit 502-2081-518.31-80 295.18 VERIZON WIRELESS 10-15 A/C 842160242-00001 502-2081-518.42-10 2,908.02 10-15 A/C 842160242-00003 502-2081-518.42-10 906.27 10-15 A/C 842160242-00004 502-2081-518.42-10 4,605.82 10-22 A/C 571136182-00001 502-2081-518.42-10 141.43 11-05 A/C 542276284-00001 502-2081-518.42-10 92.61 Information Technologies Division Total: $43,140.66 Finance Department Total: $43,140.66 Information Technology Fund Total: $42,724.77 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST L1 MED/VIS PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-34 6,113.92 LIFE INSURANCE 503-1631-517.46-32 1,645.73 LTD 503-1631-517.46-31 3,111.55 MED/DEN/VIS PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-30 185,916.78 HSA BANK Employer HSA Contr 503-1631-517.46-30 1,500.00 Employer HSA Contr 503-1631-517.46-30 3,000.00 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT INSURANCE, ALL TYPES 503-1631-517.46-33 80,757.40 INSURANCE,ALL TYPES 503-1631-517.46-34 5,763.60 REDACTED Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 4.56 Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 20.39 Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 52.37 Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 260.14 Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 500.00 Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 2,014.37 REDQUOTE, INC. HRA REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 2,638.69 HRA REIMBUREMENTS 503-1631-517.46-30 5,475.66 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT Supplies-Apple Cider 503-1631-517.41-51 30.00 Page 24 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 30 ., City of Port Angeles if City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount SYSTEM Supplies-Wellness Event 503-1631-517.41-51 7.62 Gift Cards-Wellness Event 503-1631-517.41-51 50.00 Supplies-Wellness Event 503-1631-517.41-51 5.44 Supplies-Wellness Event 503-1631-517.41-51 20.00 Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $298,888.22 DEPT OF LABOR& INDUSTRIES 3RD QTR SELF INSURANCE RE 503-1661-517.49-50 20,915.02 3RD QTR L&I REPORT 503-1661-517.49-50 140,054.64 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL SVCS NOVEMBER 2019 FEE CONTRAC 503-1661-517.41-50 750.00 Worker's Compensation Division Total: $161,719.66 MISC ONE-TIME VENDORS IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 149.73 Comp Liability Division Total: $149.73 Self Insurance Department Total: $460,757.61 Self-Insurance Fund Total: $460,757.61 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST RETIREE PREMIUMS 602-6221-517.46-35 2,082.00 Fireman's Pension Division Total: $2,082.00 Fireman's Pension Department Total: $2,082.00 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $2,082.00 AFLAC AFLAC SUPPLEMENTAL INSURA 920-0000-231.53-10 1,186.22 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-11 192.31 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-12 836.16 AFSCME LOCAL 1619 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 480.00 BROWN & BROWN OF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-40 2,081.08 WASHINGTON EMPOWER-P/R WIRE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-20 19,170.73 FEDERAL PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 1,100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 0.41 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 68,068.43 FICA/MEDICARE PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 765.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 81,186.68 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-30 2,588.40 HSA BANK Employee HSA Contr 920-0000-231.52-40 5,697.42 Employee HSA Contr 920-0000-231.52-40 5,642.42 Employee HSA Contr 920-0000-231.52-40 5,331.42 Employee HSA Contr 920-0000-231.52-40 5,608.37 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-40 5,179.25 Page 25 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 31 ., City of Port Angeles if City Council Expenditure Report Between Nov 9, 2019 and Nov 22, 2019 Vendor Description Account Number Amount IBEW LOCAL 997 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-20 1,421.81 ICMA-P/R WIRES PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-10 27,474.13 JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-25 2,814.44 CO LEOFF PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-21 30,574.13 OFFICE OF SUPPORT PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-20 253.84 ENFORCEMENT PERS PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-10 1,274.84 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-11 15,787.80 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.51-12 97,280.61 POLICE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-10 384.00 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-10 241.54 WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 5,348.29 Division Total: $387,969.73 Department Total: $387,969.73 Payroll Clearing Fund Total: $387,969.73 Total for Checks Dated Between Nov 9,2019 and Nov 22,2019 $3,204,918.26 Page 26 of 26 Nov 25, 2019 12:34:01 PM December 3, 2019 E - 32 -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Aubry Bright,Senior Center Manager(on behalf of Director, Corey Delikat) Subject: Lease Agreement-Port of Port Angeles Summary: The City is looking to enter a Lease Agreement with the Port of Port Angeles to house the Parks Maintenance Staff. This 10,000 square foot area,located at 2007 South O Street,will be $5,152 per month,not including utilities. Since this move is directly correlated to the December 14,2018 storm event,costs will be covered by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Funding: The Lease Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles will be $5,152 per month,not including utilities. Both these costs will be covered by FEMA due of the displacement of the Parks Maintenance Crew after the December 14,2018 storm event. Recommendation: (1)Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Lease Agreement with Port of Port Angeles and; (2)Make minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary. Background / Analysis: On December 14,2018,residents of the City of Port Angeles experienced a powerful windstorm that toppled trees, forced roadway closures, and left 30,000 utility customers in Clallam County without power. At approximately 12:00pm during the storm event, a large tree fell on top of the City's 2,000 square foot Parks Maintenance building,located at 1310 West 16r' Street, destroying the building. The Parks Maintenance crew has since been stationed in various locations until a suitable,more sustainable location could be found. The new Parks Shop building, approved by City Council on July 7,2019,will be built on West 16' Street. Shortly after the purchase of the new building,the City received word from the Port of Port Angeles that a facility had become available at 2007 South O Street. This building was previously occupied by a business that relocated out of town. This facility is approximately 10,000 square feet and has secured fencing, allowing staff to safely park City vehicles and equipment. The Lease Agreement is for two years at$5,152.00 per month and is renewable if the construction of the new Park Shop Building has not been completed by the end of the agreement. Since the December 14,2018 event,Fire Chief Dubuc has been working closely with FEMA on cost recovery for the storm damage. As part of the emergency,FEMA has confirmed that it will cover the rental cost of$5,152.00 per month, along with utilities,until the new Park Shop has been built. On an informational note,the Parks&Recreation Department has been working with Public Works& Utilities to demolish the original Park Shop building,located on West 16' Street. Completion of this project will be in Q1 of 2020. Funding Overview: The Lease Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles will be $5,152 per month,not including utilities. Both these costs will be covered by FEMA because of the displacement of the Parks Maintenance Crew after the December 14,2018 storm event. December 3, 2019 E - 33 COMMERCIAL PREMISES LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is executed in duplicate as of the date of the last signature affixed below,by and between the PORT OF PORT ANGELES,a Washington municipal corporation(hereinafter"Port"or "lessor")and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES,a non-charter code city and Washington municipal corporation(hereinafter"lessee"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertaking and promises contained herein, and the benefits to be realized by each parry, and in future consideration of the benefit to the general public of the City of Port Angeles to be realized by the performance of this agreement, and as a direct benefit to the lessor,the parties agree as follows: I. Leased premises. Lessor hereby leases to lessee, upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, the real property situated at 2007 South O Street, Suites A and B, approximately 10,000 square feet of floor space and office (see Exhibit"A"), in the City of Port Angeles,Clallam County,Washington, legally described as follows LTS 119-126 & 141-150 & VAC STS ABTG; EXC R/W ;SURVEYS V14 PI I;V25 P99;V27 P17;V42 P70;V44 P49;V53 P54; SURVEY V69 P7;SUR V7I P78;SUR V72 P13;VAC ORD#3431;BSP V I P20(hereinafter"the premises"), 2. Use of premises and purpose. Lessee shall conduct the following activity on the Premises: Operations,storage, and offices for the City of Port Angeles Parks& Recreation Operations(the "Authorized Use")and such additional uses incidental or otherwise related to such Authorized use. 3. Term. This lease shall begin on the Commencement Date and shall continue thereafter for a period of two (2)years or until such time as it is not renewed or terminated by either parry in accordance with the terms of this Lease. The Commencement Date shall be the date upon which the second party's official signature is affixed to this lease agreement. If lessee takes possession of the Premises before the Commencement Date, lessee shall pay the pro-rata rent for the period prior to commencement of the lease term. 4. Renewal option. This lease shall be renewable for or up to an additional two (2)years if construction of the new Parks Maintenance Building on West 16"' Street, Port Angeles is not completed. Such renewal agreement shall be in writing and executed at least six months (6) prior to the expiration of the initial term. The terms and conditions of the lease for such renewal term shall be identical with the original term, except that either parry shall have the right to request that the amount of the rent be renegotiated, that any issue not already addressed in this agreement be considered for inclusion in the agreement,and/or that any other provision of this agreement be considered for modification. 5. Termination. This agreement may be terminated by lessee or lessor thirty (30) days following written notice of intent to terminate. If termination is based upon failure of either parry to comply with any term or condition,or to fulfill any obligation,of this agreement,the party who is not in compliance with this agreement shall be given thirty (30) days after written notice from the other party to cure or to request dispute resolution under section 25 of this agreement. However,if the noncompliance is of such a nature that it cannot be completely remedied within a thirty(30)day period,this provision shall be complied with if the noncompliant party begins correction of the default within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence and good faith to affect the remedy as soon as reasonably practicable. 6. Rent. The term "Rent" as used herein includes Base Rent and other fees and charges assessed herein. Governments are exempt from paying Leasehold Excise Tax. December 3, 2019 E - 34 6.1 Rent shall be paid on or before the first (1st) day of each month beginning on the Commencement Date. A late charge of one percent(1%)per month will be assessed against past due Rent from the date such Rent became due. If Rent is not received by the twentieth (20th) day of any month, lessee shall pay the Port an additional fee of $100 or five percent (5%) of the delinquent payment, whichever is greater, to defray costs of collecting and handling such late payment. All accrued interest and late charges shall be paid no later than the twentieth (20th) day of the month following that month in which such interest or late charges accrued. 7. Base rent. Lease Area SF $/sf $/mon MTI B Suite A&B 10,000 0.45 $4,500.00 Parking/Laydown 32,600 0.02 $652.00 Total Base Monthly Payment $5,152.00 Leasehold Excise Tax EXEMPT Total Monthly Payment $5,152.00 8. Base rent adjustment. The Port may, in its discretion, adjust the Base Rent hereunder upon the provision of written notice prior to the anniversary of the Commencement Date. Upon the provision of such notice, the rental rate shall be automatically adjusted effective upon the anniversary of the Commencement Date to reflect the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for the United States Western Region, All Urban Consumers, as issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, or the closest comparable index if the above index is no longer published, over the last full 12- month period immediately preceding the anniversary of the Commencement Date for which such data are available. If the resulting rent rate adjustment is negative, then the rental rate shall not be decreased but shall remain the same as the preceding period. 9. Premises & acceptance of premises. In consideration of the rents hereinafter reserved and of the covenants and conditions herein set forth by lessee, the Port does hereby lease the premises to lessee. The lessee has examined the premises and accepts the same in its present condition. 10. Utilities. Lessee shall be liable for and shall pay throughout the term of this lease all charges for all utility services furnished to the premises, including but not limited to, light, heat, gas, janitorial services, garbage, disposal, security, electricity, water, stormwater and sewerage, including any connection fees and any fire protection, police protection, or emergency health services as furnished by local authorities and as may be the subject of a contract between the Port and such local authorities or as imposed by ordinance or statute. If the premises are part of a building or part of any larger premises to which any utility services are furnished on a consolidated or joint basis, lessee agrees to pay to the Port lessee's pro-rata share of the cost of any such utility services. Lessee's pro-rata share of any such services may be computed by the Port on any reasonable basis, and separate metering or other exact segregation of cost shall not be required. At the conclusion of this lease, lessee shall arrange for such utility services to be terminated and for the final bill to be sent to lessee. Lessee shall be liable for all utility charges that accrue if it fails to so terminate services. 11. Compliance with Port regulations and with all laws. 11.1 Lessee agrees to take reasonable action to comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the Port pertaining to the premises now in existence or hereafter promulgated for the general safety and convenience of the Port, its various lessees, invitees, licensees and the general public upon receipt of notice of the adoption of such regulations. December 3, 2019 E - 35 11.2 Lessee agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and municipal laws, ordinances, and regulations, including without limitation those relating to environmental matters. Any fees for any inspection of the premises during the lease term by any federal,state or municipal officer related to lessee use and occupancy of the premises and the fees for any so-called "Certificate of Occupancy"shall be paid by lessee. 12. Maintenance by lessee. The maintenance and repair of the premises are the sole responsibility of lessee, except as set forth in the Maintenance Inclusion List attached hereto as "Exhibit B" and incorporated herein by this reference; PROVIDED,however, that the Port shall be responsible for repairing at its own cost any interior damage resulting from a roof leak. Lessee shall notify the Port immediately upon discovering any indication of a roof leak. Lessee shall maintain the premises in good condition, and shall repair all damage caused by lessee,its employees,agents,licensees,invitees or anyone on the premises as a result of lessee's activities. In lieu of common area maintenance charges, lessee's exterior premises maintenance and repair responsibilities include,without limitation and by way of example only, mowing, general landscape maintenance, snow removal, parking lot sweeping, parking lot striping, and parking lot, curb and sidewalk repairs. The Port and lessee specifically acknowledge and agree that the Port has no responsibility to maintain,repair or replace the Lessee-owned Improvements. 13. Damage or destruction. If the premises are damaged or destroyed by fire or any other cause, lessor shall restore the premises, except for such fixtures, improvements, and alterations as are installed by lessee in accordance herewith, as nearly as practicable to their condition immediately prior to such damage or destruction. Lessee, at lessee's expense, shall so restore all such approved fixtures, improvements, and alterations installed by lessee. The obligations to restore provided in this Section shall be subject to lessor's termination rights provided below. Any restoration shall be promptly commenced and diligently prosecuted. Lessor shall not be liable for any consequential damages by reason of any such damage or destruction. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section, in the event the premises shall be destroyed or damaged to such an extent that lessor deems it is not economically feasible to restore the same, then lessor may terminate this lease as of the date of the damage or destruction by giving lessee notice to that effect. 14. Alterations and improvements. Lessee shall make no changes, improvements or alterations to the premises without first obtaining the written consent of lessor,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The lessor shall determine which changes, improvements, alterations, and repairs, made by lessee, if any, shall remain on the premises and become the property of lessor upon the expiration or sooner termination of this lease. 15. Signs. Lessee may place in or upon the premises only such signs as are related to the authorized use of the premises, PROVIDED that lessee shall first obtain Port's written consent as to size, location, materials, method of attachment, and appearance. Lessee shall install any approved signs at lessee's sole expense and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Lessee shall not damage or deface the premises in installing or removing signs and shall repair any injury or damage to the premises caused by such installation or removal. 16. Quiet enjoyment. The Port acknowledges that it has ownership of the premises and that it has the legal authority to lease the premises to lessee. The Port covenants that lessee shall have quiet enjoyment of the premises during the term of this lease so long as the terms are complied with by lessee December 3, 2019 E - 36 and subject to the Port's right of entry onto the premises as set forth herein. The Port shall have the right to place and maintain"For Rent"signs in conspicuous places on the premises for a reasonable period of time prior to the expiration or sooner termination of the lease. Lessee understands that various federal agencies,including the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Coast Guard,have the authority to restrict access to certain areas on property owned by the Port in order to counter a terrorist or other threat. Such restrictions could impact lessee's ability to access the premises for an indefinite period of time. Since such restrictions on access are outside the control of the Port,lessee agrees that such interruptions shall not be deemed a violation of this lease or the covenant of quiet enjoyment. 17. Port may enter premises for inspection. The Port reserves the right to inspect the premises after written notice (except where the Port reasonably believes there exists or is about to exist an emergency,in which case no notice is required)at any and all reasonable times throughout the term of this lease,provided that it shall not unduly interfere with lessee's operations. The right of inspection reserved to the Port hereunder shall impose no obligation on the Port to make inspections to ascertain the condition of the premises and shall impose no liability upon the Port for failure to make such inspections. 18. Security. Lessee specifically acknowledges that the Port has no duty to provide security for any portion of the premises or surrounding areas. Lessee assumes sole responsibility and liability for the security of itself,its employees,customers,and invitees,and their respective property in or about the premises. Lessee agrees that to the extent the Port elects to provide any security,the Port is not warranting the effectiveness of any such security personnel,services,procedures or equipment,and that lessee is not relying and shall not hereafter rely on such security personnel,services,procedures or equipment. The Port shall not be responsible or liable in any manner for failure of any such security personnel,services,procedures or equipment to prevent or control,or apprehend anyone suspected of personal injury or property damage in,on or around the premises. 19. Indemnification. Lessee shall forever indemnify,defend,and hold the Port harmless from all losses,claims,and damages for any injury to person or property that may result from or be caused in any manner by the lessee's use,maintenance or repair of the premises,and the lessee shall defend any claim or litigation against said Port arising from such injuries at the lessee's expense,except the lessee shall have no obligation to defend or save and hold the Port harmless from damages arising from the negligence of the Port,its agents,contractors or employees. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the lessee's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance,Title 51 RCW,solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated and agreed to by the lessee and the Port. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this lease. 20. Liability insurance. Lessee represents that it is self-insured. Lessee shall, at no expense to the Port, maintain and provide proof of Washington Cities Insurance Authority Self-Insured Coverage, in the minimum limits described in "Exhibit C" hereto (Washington Cities Insurance Authority Self- Insured Coverage Document),and hereafter in such increased amounts as the parties may from time to time mutually agree upon,to indemnify both the Port and Lessee against any such liability insurance. 21. Property. Lessee shall procure, maintain and provide evidence to the Port during the term of this Lease and any extensions or renewals of this Lease, fire and extended coverage property insurance for physical loss and damage, written on an "all risks" basis excluding earthquake and flood insurance, to the Leased Premises and to all Lessee-owned improvements, with the Port named as a loss payee. Such policy or policies shall be written in the form of replacement cost insurance in an amount not less than 100% of the full replacement value, which amount shall be adjusted not less frequently than annually. The proceeds of such insurance in case of loss or damage shall be first applied on account of the obligation of the Port to repair and/or rebuild December 3, 2019 E - 37 the Leased Premises to the extent that such proceeds are required for such purpose. Lessee shall also procure, maintain and provide evidence to the Port during the term of this Lease and any extensions or renewals of this Lease,business interruption insurance by which Rent will be paid to the Port for a period of up to one (1) year if the Premises are destroyed or rendered inaccessible by a risk insured against by a policy of fire and extended coverage property insurance, with vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements. 22. Waste and refuse. Lessee agrees not to allow conditions of waste and refuse to exist on the premises and to keep the premises in a neat, clean and orderly condition and to be responsible for all damages caused to the premises by lessee,its agents,or any third parry on the premises. 23. Casualty loss of lessee. The parties hereto agree that the Port shall not be responsible to lessee for any property loss or damage done to lessee's property, whether real, personal or mixed, occasioned by reason of any fire, storm or other casualty whatsoever unless such loss or damage is caused by the Port. 24. Assignment and subletting.Neither this lease nor any right hereunder may be assigned, transferred, encumbered, or sublet in whole or in part by lessee, by operation of law or otherwise without lessor's prior written consent,which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. 25. Dispute resolution. In the event a dispute arises as to whether the parties are complying with the terms of this agreement,the parties hereby agree to use the following dispute resolution procedure before pursuing any other remedy. First, lessee's city manager and lessor's president, or their designees, shall meet to resolve the dispute within twenty (20) days of written notice by either parry. If the dispute continues,either parry may give written notice to the other to call a Resolution Panel consisting of lessor's designee,lessee's designee,and a third designee selected by the first two. It is intended that the Resolution Panel be comprised of designees that are neutral and detached and are not employed by or on the governing boards of either parry to this agreement. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the third member of the Resolution Panel,either parry may petition the Superior Court of Clallam County for the appointment of the third member of the Resolution Panel.Each parry shall be responsible for any costs or fees associated with its representative and shall equally pay for any costs or fees associated with the third member. The parties shall present the dispute to the Resolution Panel within thirty (30) days of the selection or appointment of the third member of the panel. The Resolution Panel shall render a decision within thirty (30) days of the presentation or as soon as is otherwise reasonably practicable. The decision of the Resolution Panel shall be binding upon the parties,and any violation or failure to comply with such decision shall constitute a default hereunder. 26. Fiscal records.Lessee shall maintain fiscal records and accounts consistent with practices of similar municipal corporations. 27. Nondiscrimination.Lessee agrees to manage and operate under this agreement in a fair, equal, and non-discriminatory basis to all users of the premises without discrimination to any person or group of persons in any manner prohibited by applicable local,state,or federal laws and regulations. 28. Notices.All notices,demands,and requests to be given by either parry to the other shall be in writing. All notices,demands, and requests may be personally served or mailed. If mailed, such notices, demands,and requests shall be sent by certified or registered mail to the parties at the addresses below their respective signatures herein. December 3, 2019 E - 38 29. Non-waiver. Time is and shall be of the essence of this lease and of each and every part hereof, and failure of a parry to insist upon the strict performance of any provision hereof shall not be construed as depriving such parry of the right to insist upon strict performance of such provision or any other provision in the future. No waiver of any provision of this lease nor any alteration,modification, or abandonment of any covenant,term,or condition of this lease required to be performed shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the parties.No acceptance of rent or of any other payment by lessor from lessee after any default by lessee shall constitute a waiver of any such default or any other default. 30. Attorney's fees. In connection with any controversy, claim, or dispute (including arbitration, administrative, bankruptcy, and judicial proceedings, including appeals therefrom) arising out of or relating to this agreement, the method and manner of performance hereunder, or the breach hereof, the prevailing parry shall be entitled to and awarded,in addition to any other relief,a reasonable sum as and for its attorney's fees and costs. 31. Entire agreement. This document contains the entire and integrated lease agreement of the parties and there are no terms, obligations, covenants,or conditions of said lease agreement other than those contained herein. This document may not be modified except in writing signed and acknowledged by all parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES(lessee): PORT OF PORT ANGELES(lessor): By: By: Signature Signature Title Title Date Date Address for Service Address for Service Approved as to form: Attest: William Bloor,City Attorney Kari Martinez Bailey,City Clerk December 3, 2019 E - 39 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of Clallam ) On this day of a ,2019,before me,a Notary Public for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Nathan West,to me known to be the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles, the municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the seal of said municipal corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing at Port Angeles. My commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of Clallam ) On this day of , 2019,before me, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared Karen F. Goschen,to me known to be the Executive Director of the Port, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the seal of said municipal corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing at Port Angeles. My commission expires: December 3, 2019 E - 40 ,477 a Q cl, r— V C Y 41 Ca IAa+ sy = W O O a l5� cb r ( t k {Ie ►r , :, �" r LLJ �+ '1 1 7 00 0 as p, h1i�r'f l��ll C l CVy - w jw-v, �. .P-1 � . ` 4let S 4b F; Jfa Ea "0ra Cu � ;a' •'i��F��°3,� .Sd.. �.i fav �� }Y:.�}# +� �� iL.�AM,�ry°,. �� � C December 3, 2019 E - 41 EXHIBIT B -Repair and Maintenance Inclusion List Premises Improvements to be repaired and maintained by the Port: • ACCESS ROADS • WHOLE LOT PAVING& SURFACING • SIDEWALKS/CURBS • MANHOLES& CLEANOUTS • HYDRANTS • WATER DISTRIBUTION(EXTERIOR MAINS) • FOUNDATION DRAINAGE • STORM SEWAGE SYSTEMS • CATCH BASINS,GRATES,FRAME • DRAINAGE PIPE • SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEMS(EXTERIOR MAINS) • HANDRAILS AND RAILINGS • THERMAL&MOISTURE PROTECTION • INSULATION • ROOFING SYSTEMS(DECKING) • GUTTERS&DOWNSPOUTS • SEALANTS& CAULKING/EXTERIOR • ENTRANCES& STOREFRONTS • ALUMINUM WINDOWS • DOOR HARDWARE • WEATHERSTRIPPING& SEALS • GLAZING • SIDING • PAINTING(EXTERIOR) • FIRE EXTINGUISHERS& CABINETS • PLUMBING(OUTSIDE OF TENANT LEASED SPACE) • ELECTRICAL SERVICE&DISTRIBUTION Lessee shall be responsible for repair and maintenance of any Premises improvements not identified on this Exhibit B. Initials: Port of Port Angeles City of Port Angeles December 3, 2019 E - 42 "Exhibit C" Self- Insured Coverage Document # CT � 2019 PA Insurance Authority December 3, 2019 E - 43 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 2 WASHINGTON CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY Self-Insured Coverage Document CT-2019 January 1,2019 to January 1,2020 12:01 am Pacific Standard Time LIMITS/ULTIMATE NET LOSS: SELF-INSURED LAYER LIMIT: $4,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE REINSURED LAYER GEM: $3,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE REINSURED LAYER Argonaut Insurance Company: $8,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE AND $8,000,000 AGGREGATE PER MEMBER REINSURED LAYER Allied World Assurance Company, Inc.: $5,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE AND $5,000,000 AGGREGATE PER MEMBER TOTAL LIMIT: $20,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE, subject to aggregates and sub-limits below and in Section LD, and Section I.E in the WCIA Joint Protection Program. SPECIFIC AGGREGATE LIMITS/SUB-LIMITS: $4,000,000 per occurrence limit and $4,000,000 annual aggregate per Member applying to Terrorism. $5,000,000 per occurrence limit and $5,000,000 annual aggregate limit per member for Errors or Omissions Coverage arising out of the operations, ownership, maintenance or use of any airport. $5,000,000 per occurrence limit and $5,000,000 annual aggregate limit per member for any liability arising out of Land-Use Planning and Land-Use Regulation,zoning, and any other land use and permitting process. DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE: General Liability,Automobile Liability, Stop-Gap Coverage, Errors or Omissions Liability, Employee Benefits Liability and Employment Practices Liability Coverage. LIMITS OF LIABILITY FOR ALL COVERAGE: The Limits/Ultimate Net Loss stated herein and the rules below set the maximum the Authority will pay regardless of the number of: a. members, b. claims made or lawsuits brought, or C. persons or organizations making claims or bringing lawsuits. TERRITORY:This coverage applies to General Liability,Automobile Liability, Stop-Gap Coverage, Errors or Omissions Liability, Employee Benefit Liability and Employment Practices Liability occurring anywhere in the United States of America, its territories and possessions or Canada. Members covered by this agreement include the following and new members approved by the Executive Committee during the Coverage Year; members of the Large Deductible Program have their deductible levels listed by their names: December 3, 2019 E - 44 A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) LOTT Clean Water Alliance Aberdeen Mabton Anacortes Mason County Emergency Communications Arlington (MACECOM) Auburn Maple Valley Bainbridge Island Marysville Fire District Battle Ground McCleary Benton City Medical Lake Benton County Emergency Services (BCES) Medina Bonney Lake Mercer Island Bothell Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma ($25,000) Brewster Mill Creek Brier Millwood Burien Milton Burlington Monroe Camas Monroe Transportation Benefit District Cashmere Moses Lake ($25,000) Centralia Mount Vernon Chehalis Mountlake Terrace Chelan Mukilteo Cheney Multi Agency Communications Center(MACC 911) Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency(CRESA) Newcastle Clarkston Normandy Park Cle Elum Normandy Park Metropolitan Park District Clyde Hill North Bonneville Coupeville Northshore Utility District Covington NW Incident Management Team Cowlitz 911 Oak Harbor Cowl itz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments Ocean Shores Des Moines Olympia Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District Olympia Metropolitan Park District Duvall Olympia Transportation Benefit District Eastside Public Safety Communications Agency Olympic View Water and Sewer District (EPSCA) Othello eCity Gov Alliance Pasco Edgewood PENCOM Edmonds Port Angeles ($50,000) Ellensburg Port Townsend Elma Poulsbo Enumclaw Pullman Everson Pullman Metropolitan Park District Ferndale Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport Board Fife Puyallup ($100,000) George Richland Goldendale Ridgefield Grandview Sammamish Grays Harbor Communications Center, E9-1-1 Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority Hoquiam Sequim Issaquah Shelton Jefferson County 911 Shelton Metropolitan Park District Kelso Shoreline Kenmore Silver Lake Water&Sewer District Kennewick Skagit 911 Kirkland Skagit Council of Governments Kitsap 911 Public Authority Snohomish Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) Snohomish County 911 La Conner Snoqualmie Lacey Soap Lake Lake Forest Park South Correctional Entity(SCORE) Lake Stevens South Sound 911 Lakewood Spokane Regional Emergency Communications Leavenworth Spokane Valley Long Beach Stanwood Longview Steilacoom December 3, 2019 E - 45 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 4 Sumner Warden Sunnyside Washougal Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority Washington Cities Insurance Authority Thurston 9-1-1 Communications Washington Multi-City Business License and Tax Thurston Public Utility District Portal Agency Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) Water Operating Board Toppenish West Richland Tukwila ($25,000) Westport Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District WHITCOM 911 Tumwater William Shore Memorial Pool District Union Gap Woodinville University Place Woodway Valley Communications Center Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Valley Regional Fire Authority Yarrow Point Walla Walla Zillah Walla Walla Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization This document is not an insurance policy. The Washington Cities Insurance Authority(Authority) is not an insurance company. This document is an agreement by and between the Authority and its members to pay all covered losses subject to the limits and other terms, exclusions and conditions of this Agreement and any addenda attached. This document is to be construed and enforced under the law of the State of Washington. In consideration of the assessments paid by the members, this Agreement provides the following coverages: I. COVERAGE AGREEMENTS A. GENERAL&AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COVERAGE 1. Coverage In consideration of the assessment herein provided, the Authority hereby agrees,subject to the limitations,terms, exclusions and conditions hereinafter mentioned,to pay on behalf of the member all sums which the member shall be obligated to pay by reason of liability: a. imposed upon the member by law; or b. assumed under contract or agreement by the member and/or any officer, director, official,or employee of the member, while acting in his or her capacity as such; c. for damages, direct or consequential and expenses, all as more fully defined by the term"ultimate net loss" on account of: i. personal injury, ii. property damage, iii. advertising liability, caused by or arising out of an occurrence during the coverage period. The coverage for the liability assumed under contract in I.A.1.b. above shall be limited to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions in the Coverage Document and the Liability Joint Protection Program document. "Damages" as used in this section and this Agreement, do not include punitive or exemplary damages or fines or penalties or any similar relief awarded against the member. 2. Defense and Settlement of Covered Claims Subject to the limits and other terms, exclusions and conditions of this Agreement, for any claim covered by this Agreement and properly tendered to the Authority, the Authority shall have the absolute and unrestricted right and duty to select legal counsel to defend the member against the claim and pay the costs of the selected defense counsel and; further, shall have the absolute and unrestricted right to settle any covered claim within the limits of the provided coverage. The Authority shall have no obligation or duty to pay for the defense costs of a member for any uncovered or excluded claim. December 3, 2019 E - 46 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 5 3. Exclusions This Agreement is subject to the following exclusions: This Agreement shall not apply to any claims against any member: a. Regarding any obligation for which the member or any carrier as insurer may be held liable under any Workers' Compensation, unemployment compensation or disability benefits law, or under any similar law; i. with respect to liability arising out of bodily injury to Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters employed by the member it is agreed that exclusion (a)above is deleted and the following substituted therefore: this Agreement does not apply to personal injury of any employee arising out of and in the course of their employment by the member to the extent that benefits for such personal injury are either payable or required to be provided under the"Washington Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters' Retirement System Act." b. For personal injury to or sickness, disease or death of any employee of the member arising out of and in the course of their employment by the member. c. For any liability arising from providing or failing to provide health care or otherwise subject to RCW 7.70. However, this exclusion shall not apply to paramedics or physical therapists and does not apply to first responders administering opioid antagonists pursuant to RCW 69.41. The term "physical therapists"shall include any member who is providing physical therapy service to another member and who is subject to RCW 18.74. "First responder" is defined as any career or volunteer firefighter, law enforcement officer,or paramedic as defined in RCW 18.71.200, or emergency medical technician as defined in RCW 18.73.030. Furthermore, this exclusion shall not apply to the legal drawing of blood samples from criminal suspects for evidence in criminal investigations by police personnel currently certified by the Washington State Department of Health as Phlebotomists under RCW 18.360. d. For advertising activities, including claims made against any member for: i. failure of performance of contract, but this shall not relate to claims for unauthorized appropriation of ideas based upon alleged breach of an implied contract; ii. infringement of registered trade mark,service mark or trade name by use thereof as the registered trade mark,service mark or trade name of goods or services sold, offered for sale or advertised, but this shall not relate to titles or slogans; iii. incorrect description of any article or commodity; or iv. mistake in advertised price. e. For: i. contamination of any environment by pollutants that are introduced at any time, anywhere, in any way; ii. any bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, costs or other loss or damage arising out of such contamination, including but not limited to, cleaning upon, remedying or detoxifying such contamination; or iii. the payment of sums related to (1)the investigation or defense of any loss, injury or damage or (2) payment of any cost, fine or penalty or(3) payment of any expense involving a claim or suit related to i or ii above. As used in this Exclusion, the following terms will have the following meanings: (1) "Contamination" means any unclean or unsafe or damaging or injurious or unhealthful condition arising out of the presence of pollutants, whether permanent or transient in any environment. December 3, 2019 E - 47 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 6 (2) "Environment' includes any person, any man-made object or feature, animals, crops and vegetation, land, bodies of water, underground water or water table supplies, air and any other feature of the earth or its atmosphere, whether or not altered, developed or cultivated, including but not limited to any of the above, currently or formerly owned, controlled, leased, used or occupied by the member. (3) "Pollutants" means smoke, vapors,soot,fumes, acids, sound, alkalis, chemicals, liquids, solids, gases, thermal pollutants, waste materials and all other irritants, poisons or contaminants. However, the pollution exclusion as stated above in section 3e(i),(ii),(iii)does not apply to liability from an"Occurrence" causing"Personal Injury"or"Property Damage" when the cause is : (1) the release, discharge or backup of liquids and/or effluents from waste water and/or sanitary sewer lines owned, leased, maintained or operated by a"Member". or (2) the release of fuels, lubricants, fluids or similar materials required for the normal mechanical, electrical or hydraulic functioning of an "Automobile" and the materials are accidently released directly from an"automobile" part designed by its manufacturer that has failed or been damaged.. f. For personal injury or property damage due to war, whether or not declared, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution or to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing, with respect to liability assumed by the member under contract. g. For personal injury or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, use, loading or unloading of: i. any aircraft owned or operated by any member; ii. any other aircraft operated by any person in the course of his/her employment by any member; iii. any aircraft in the care, custody or control of the member for storage, servicing or fueling; or iv. any watercraft over 30 feet. Exclusion 3(g) (i.)does not apply to authorized use of unmanned aircraft under remote control or unmanned helicopters under remote control-while used in the scope of the members business and if the aircraft weighs less than 55 pounds. h. For any liability or claim alleging, arising out of, based upon or attributable to the refusal, failure, or inability of any member to pay wages, provide benefits, make pension or retirement payments, pay overtime wages, minimum wages, back pay and interest thereon or any other form of compensation legally owed an employee per a contract, collective bargaining agreement, resolution, law, statute or regulation of the State of Washington and/or of the United States of America. This exclusion applies to but, is not limited to: i. any wage or compensation order or award resulting from a labor grievance arbitration, civil service commission hearing or appeal from either; ii. any claim alleging violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Fair Labor Standards Act(except the Equal Pay Act), the National Labor Relations Act, the Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and any rules or regulation of the foregoing acts promulgated thereunder or amendments thereto and/or any similar provisions of any federal state or local statute, common law, regulation or ordinance. December 3, 2019 E - 48 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 7 This exclusion shall not apply to any court entered judgment against a member on a claim for damages when the court determines that back pay and interest thereon to be a part of a prevailing party's compensatory damages for which they are entitled to a judgment. i. For property damage to premises alienated by the member arising out of such premises or any part thereof. j. For loss of use of tangible property which has not been physically injured or destroyed resulting from: i. a delay in or lack of performance by or on behalf of the member of any contract or agreement; or, ii. the failure of the member's products or work performed by or on behalf of the member to meet the level of performance, quality, fitness or durability warranted or represented by the member; but this exclusion does not apply to loss of use of other tangible property resulting from the sudden and accidental physical injury to or destruction of the member's products or work performed by or on behalf of the member after such products or work have been put to use by any person or organization other than a member. k. For property damage to the member's products arising out of such products or any part of such products. I. For property damage to work performed by or on behalf of the member arising out of the work or any portion thereof,or out of materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection therewith. m. For damages claimed for the withdrawal, inspection, repair, replacement, or loss of use of the member's products or work completed by or for the member or of any property of which such products or work form a part, if such products, work or property are withdrawn from the market or from use because of any known or suspected defect or deficiency therein. n. For any liability arising out of or in any way connected with the operation of the principles of eminent domain, condemnation proceedings,or inverse condemnation, by whatever name called, whether such liability accrues directly against the member or by virtue of any agreement entered into by or on behalf of the member. o. For any liability arising out of the operations, ownership, maintenance or use of any airport. p. For any liability arising out of ownership, operation, maintenance or use of any transit district, or transit department buses,or other transit district or transit department automobiles, including loading and unloading thereof; however, this exclusion does not apply to liability arising out of transit district or transit department buses chartered by a member in respect to special events. q. For any liability assumed by the member under any contract or agreement or arising out of the member's failure to perform, failure to pay or default on any contract or agreement. This exclusion would not apply to contracts or agreements to hold harmless or indemnify another person or entity as contemplated by Section A.1.b. of the General &Automobile Liability Coverage. r. For any liability for fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages awarded against a member for any reason. s. For any liability arising out of the failure to adequately supply, interruption or impairment of electrical, gas, water, or sewer service. t. For nuclear energy liability as further described below: i. This Agreement does not apply: (1) Under any Liability Coverage,to personal injury or property damage: (a) with respect to which a member is also an insured under a nuclear energy liability policy issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters or Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada,or would December 3, 2019 E - 49 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 8 be an insured under any such policy but for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of liability;or, (b) resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and with respect to which: (i) any person or organization is required to maintain financial protection pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any law amendatory thereof; or, (ii) the member is, or had this Agreement not been issued would be, entitled to indemnity from the United States of America, or any agency thereof, under any agreement entered into by the United States of America, or any agency thereof, with any person or organization. (2) Under any medical payments coverage,or under any supplementary payments provision relating to first aid, to expenses incurred with respect to bodily injury resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and arising out of the operation of a nuclear facility by any person or organization. (3) Under any Liability Coverage, to bodily injury or property damage resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material, if, (a) the nuclear material: (i) is at any nuclear facility owned by, or operated by or on behalf of, a member; or (ii) has been discharged or dispersed there from; (b) the nuclear material is contained in spent fuel or waste at any time possessed, handled, used, processed,stored, transported or disposed of by or on behalf of a member;or, (c) the bodily injury of property damage arises out of the furnishing by a member of services, materials, parts or equipment in connection with the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear facility, but if such facility is located within the United States of America, its territories or possessions of Canada,this exclusion (3)applies only to property damage to such nuclear facility and any property there at. ii. As used in this exclusion: (1) "hazardous properties" include radioactive toxic or explosive properties. (2) "nuclear material' means source material,special nuclear material or by-product material. (3) "source material," "special nuclear material'and "by-product material' have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any law amendatory thereof. (4) "spent fuel" means any fuel element or fuel component,solid or liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor. (5) "waste" means any waste material: (a) containing by-product material other than the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content; and, (b) resulting from the operation by any person or organization of any nuclear facility included under the first two paragraphs of the definition of nuclear facility. (6) "nuclear facility" means: (a) any nuclear reactor. December 3, 2019 E - 50 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 9 (b) any equipment or device designed or used for: (i) separating the isotopes of uranium or plutonium, (ii) processing or utilizing spent fuel, or, (iii) handling, processing or packaging waste. (c) any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of special nuclear material if at any time the total amount of such material in custody of the member at the premises where such equipment or device is located consists of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranium 235. (d) any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used for the storage or disposal of waste and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such operations. "Nuclear reactor" means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material. "Property damage" includes all forms of radioactive contamination of property. u. For liability, defense costs,judgments, fines or damages arising out of any Intentional Act and/or any willful or wanton violation of any constitutional right provided in the Washington State Constitution or the United States Constitution, statute, ordinance or regulation of Washington State or the United States of America committed by or with the knowledge or consent of any member, except that any fact pertaining to any one member shall not be imputed to any other member for the purpose of determining the application of this exclusion. v. For any liability, defense costs, fines or damages which arise out of, brought about or contributed to by fraud, dishonesty or bad faith by a member or arising out of the willful violation of a penal code or ordinance committed by or with the knowledge or consent of any member or claims of injury arising out of the acts of fraud committed by or at the direction of the member with affirmative dishonesty or actual intent to deceive or defraud, except that any fact pertaining to any one member shall not be imputed to any other member for the purpose of determining the application of this exclusion. w. For any liability of a member arising in whole or in part,out of any member obtaining remuneration or financial gain to which the member was not legally entitled, except that any fact pertaining to any one member shall not be imputed to any other member for the purposed of determining the application of this exclusion. x. For any property damage or personal injury arising out of subsidence. "Subsidence" means any earth movement, including but not limited to settling, expansion, earth sinking, earth rising or shifting, slipping, falling away, tilting, caving in, eroding, mud flow and any other movement of land or earth. This exclusion does not apply to property damage or personal injury arising out of subsidence proximately caused by a negligent act or omission of any member. y. For any liability arising out of the rupture, bursting, overtopping, accidental discharge or partial or complete structural failure to any owned dams. "Dams" means any artificial barrier, together with appurtenant works, which: i. Is 25 feet or more in height from the foot of a natural bed of stream or watercourse at the down stream toe of the barrier,or from the lowest elevation of the outside limit of the barrier, if it is not across a stream channel or water course to maximum possible water storage elevation;or, ii. Has water impounding capacity of 50 acre feet or more. z. For any liability or claim arising out of, based upon, resulting from or attributable to the improper administration or collection of any taxes, fees or assessments or any loss that reflects any tax or, tax fee or assessment refund obligation of a member. December 3, 2019 E - 51 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 10 aa. Arising out of or resulting from: i. Inhaling, ingesting, or prolonged physical exposure to asbestos or goods or products containing asbestos; ii. The use of asbestos in constructing any good, product or structure;or, iii. The removal of asbestos from any good, product or structure; or, iv. The manufacture, sale, transportation, storage or disposal of asbestos or goods or products containing asbestos. ab. To any liability, indemnity, defense or responsibility of any kind arising out of or imposed by Chapter 98 (R48) known as the Private Property Regulatory Fairness Act. ac. For any liability, indemnity, or defense arising out of the operations of: i. Any separate non-member legal or administrative entity created in accordance with Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington entitled, "Interlocal Cooperation Act", excluding the Authority its employees, officers and members; or, ii. Any local improvement districts and/or taxing districts including but not limited to Fire Protection Districts (RCW Chapter 52), Port Districts (RCW Chapter 53), Public Utility Districts (RCW Chapter 54), Sewer Districts (RCW Chapter 56), Water Districts ( RCW Chapter 57), Intercounty Rural Library Districts (RCW Chapter 27.14), Irrigation Districts (RCW 87.03), Lake and Beach Management Districts (RCW 36.61), County Roads& Bridges Service Districts (RCW 36.83)and County Park and Recreation Districts (RCW 36.69)excluding any authority members. This exclusion is not applicable to any appointed or elected official of a member while acting in the scope of their lawful duties for or on behalf of a member as a board or commission representative to organizations described in (i)and (ii)above. ad. Any liability, indemnity, consequential damages or defense arising out of or occurring in whole or in part due to a member's criminal actions or conduct that violates any criminal statute, code, ordinance or law. ae. For any liability arising out of the operations, ownership, maintenance or use of any hospital or alcoholic center. "Jail Facilities," including detoxification units (commonly known as"drunk tanks")are not to be considered as"alcoholic centers". af. For property damage to property owned, leased or rented to the Member. ag. For any liability, defense cost or indemnity for any monetary award, consequential damages, penalty, fine, costs, attorney fees or defense costs arising out or occurring, in whole or in part, due to a members violation of the Open Public Meetings Act(RCW 42.30), and/or the Public Records Act(RCW 42.56), or for any claim alleging any of the above. ah. For any liability for or indemnity for the imposition of any monetary fine, penalty or other monetary award for anything other than compensatory damages to an injured party or person and/or any award of attorney fees and costs to a prevailing party seeking a fine, penalty or non-compensatory damages award against a member in any court proceeding, administrative law proceeding or any other lawful tribunal with authority to grant such awards under the laws of the State of Washington and/or the United States of America. ai. For any monetary costs,fees or awards voluntarily incurred by a member or imposed upon member by any lawful order to bring the members property, conduct, practices, laws and/or policies into compliance with any legal requirements mandated by the laws of the State of Washington and/or of the United States of America. This exclusion applies to but, is not limited to, any claim seeking to have a members buildings and facilities made more accessible or accommodating to any disabled person as mandated by the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1992, and as amended, or any similar federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance. December 3, 2019 E - 52 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 11 aj. For any claim alleging, arising out of, based upon or attributable to any member's activities or omissions as a trustee or fiduciary as respects any type of employee benefit plan, including any pension,savings or profit sharing plan, medical benefits plan,or to any amounts or benefits due under any fringe benefit program, retirement program, incentive program, medical benefits or insurance program, life and/or disability benefits or insurance program, perquisite program, entitlement program or other benefits owed or allegedly owed to any employee. ak. For any claim alleging, arising out of, based upon or attributable to: the gaining in fact of any profit, remuneration, benefit or advantage to which the member is not legally entitled; the return of any taxes, assessments; penalties,fines or fees; any award of salary, wages, benefits, back pay or earnings except for those awarded as compensatory damages resulting from a covered claim and occurrence. al. For any defense or defense cost for or liability and/or indemnity for any award, order or relief granted in any labor arbitration proceedings, civil service hearings or unfair labor practices proceedings or any other similar employer/employee labor dispute administrative hearing or proceeding initiated against a member under the laws of the State of Washington and/or the United States of America or as provided for in any collective bargaining agreement between a member and any employee bargaining unit or union for any form of grievance resolution. am. For the defense or defense costs for any proceeding before or liability and/or indemnity for any award,judgment, fines, penalties or decision of the Growth Management Hearings Board in and for the State of Washington. an. For any claim by or personal injury and/or property damage to a member arising out of a collision or vehicle accident caused by a non-member who is uninsured or underinsured in amounts insufficient to fully compensate the members loss. This exclusion shall not apply to property damage claims by members for property damage or destruction of member owned vehicles scheduled under separate property insurance provided the member by the Authority. ao. For any claim against a member or a member's officers,officials,employees or volunteers for personal injuries or property damage arising out of, based upon or attributable to their maintenance, use or operation of a privately owned motor vehicle not owned by their employing or appointing public entity member unless the public entity member has given prior express consent for the use of the privately owned motor vehicle by the member's officers, officials, employees or volunteers in the course and scope of their conduct of the public entity members business and then only when such use, maintenance or operation of the privately owned motor vehicle is being done in the course and scope of their employment and the conduct of the member's official business. Member employees,officials, officers and volunteers traveling in a privately owned motor vehicle to and from their location of employment or location where they conduct their business on behalf of the public entity member either before or after their hours of work will not be regarded as acting in the course and scope of their public employment or appointment. B. STOP-GAP COVERAGE 1. Coverage In consideration of the assessment herein provided, it is agreed that if, under any circumstances, it is determined that any employee of the member who is reported and declared under the Workers' Compensation Law or Laws of the State of Washington is injured in the course of their employment but is not entitled to receive (or elects not to accept)the benefits provided by the aforementioned Law, then this policy shall cover the legal liability of the member for such personal injury, disease, or death and pay on behalf of the member all sums which the member shall become legally obligated to pay as damages and expenses, all as defined by the terms"ultimate net loss" and "occurrence." 2. Exclusions The exclusions applicable to General and Automobile Liability(section I.A. 3.)of this agreement also apply to this section except exclusion"o" and exclusion"b." The coverage granted hereunder shall not apply to: December 3, 2019 E - 53 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 12 a. Personal injury, disease or death suffered or caused by any person knowingly employed by the member in violation of any law as to age or under the age of 14 years regardless of any such law except for persons volunteering for the member; b. any claim recoverable under the insurance provisions of any Workers' Compensation or Occupational Disease Act or Law or under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act or any other insurance available for the protection of the member; c. Personal injury, disease or death caused by or arising from the use, maintenance, or operation of aircraft; d. any premium assessment, penalty,fine or other obligation imposed by any Workers' Compensation Law; e. any claim for personal injury, disease,or death with respect to which the member is deprived of any defense or defenses or is otherwise subject to penalty because of default in premium payment under, or any other failure to comply with the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law or Laws of the State above named; f. bodily injury by accident or disease to the master or members of the crew of any vessel. C. ERRORS OR OMISSIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE 1. Coverage In consideration of the assessment herein provided,the Authority shall pay on behalf of its member all sums which the member shall become legally obligated to pay arising out of any occurrence which results in a claim for damages and expenses, all as more fully defined by the term"ultimate net loss", arising out of any claim for breach of any duty made against the member by reason of any negligent act, wrongful act, error or omission committed by the member during the policy period. 2. Exclusions The exclusions applicable to General and Automobile Liability section I.A. 3. also apply to this section except exclusion"o." Additionally, the Errors and Omissions section does not apply: a. to physical injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use thereof at any time resulting therefrom; b. liability or responsibility arising out of or imposed by any constitutional provision, statute, county, municipal or local ordinance or law administrative order, or rule of law dealing with the power of eminent domain, condemnation or inverse condemnation, or any acts arising out of or caused by the member(s)thereunder; c. to any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act; d. to claims, occurrences or accidents which are covered under any other section of this Agreement; e. to any claims or for any liability arising out of the member's failure to secure a proper bond or secure payment for any contractor, subcontractor or third person who has performed work or provided materials to the member as part of the performance of any contract for the benefit of the member. D. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY COVERAGE 1. Coverage In consideration of the assessment herein provided, the Authority agrees with the member named in this Agreement as follows: a. The Authority will pay on behalf of the member all sums which the member shall become legally obligated to pay as damages and expenses, all as more fully defined by the term"ultimate net loss", arising out of any claim made against the member by any employee or the beneficiaries or legal representatives thereof for injury arising out of any negligent act, error or omission, during the December 3, 2019 E - 54 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 13 coverage period, of the member or any other person for whose acts the member is legally liable, in the administration of employee benefits as defined. 2. Definitions a. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAM. The term"employee benefit program"shall mean Group Life Insurance, Group Accident or Health Insurance, Pension plans, Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security and Disability Benefits, and any other similar benefit program. b. ADMINISTRATION. As respects the coverage afforded hereby, the unqualified word "administration"whenever used shall mean: i. giving counsel to employees with respect to the employee benefits; ii. interpreting employee benefits; iii. handling of records in connection with employee benefits; iv. affecting enrollment, termination or cancellation of employees under employee benefit programs; v. performed by a person authorized by the member to do such acts. 3. Exclusions The exclusions applicable to General and Automobile Liability section I.A. 3. of this agreement also apply to this section. This Agreement does not apply: a. to any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act; b. to libel, slander, discrimination, or humiliation; c. to bodily injury, or sickness, disease, or death of any person; d. to injury to or destruction of any tangible property, including the loss of use thereof; e. to any claim based upon the member's failure to comply with the federal "Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974"; f. to any claim for failure or performance of contract by any insurer; g. to any claim based upon the member's failure to comply with any law concerning Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security or Disability Benefits. E. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY COVERAGE 1. Coverage In consideration of the assessment herein provided,the Authority shall pay on behalf of its member all sums which the member shall become legally obligated to pay arising out of any occurrence which results in a claim for damages and expenses, all as more fully defined by the term"ultimate net loss", arising out of any claim for breach of any duty made against the member by reason of any Wrongful Act(s)and/or Employment Practice Violation(s)committed by the member in the performance of its duties as a public employer during the policy period. 2. "Employment Practice Violation(s)"shall mean any of the actual or alleged: a. Wrongful dismissal, discharge or termination (either actual or constructive)of employment including breach of an implied contract; December 3, 2019 E - 55 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 14 b. Harassment(including sexual harassment whether"quid pro quo," hostile work environment or otherwise); c. Discrimination, (including but not limited to discrimination based upon age, gender, race, color, national origin, religion,sexual orientation or preference, pregnancy or disability); d. Retaliation; e. Employment-related misrepresentation(s)to an employee or applicant for employment with the Public Entity; f. Wrongful failure to employ or promote; g. Wrongful deprivation of career opportunity, wrongful demotion or negligent employee evaluation, including the giving of negative or defamatory statements in connection with an employee reference; h. Wrongful discipline; i. Failure to provide or enforce adequate or consistent policies and procedure relating to any Employment Practices Violation; j. Violation of an individual's civil rights relating to any of the above but only if the Employment Practices Violation relates to an employee or applicant for employment with the Public Entity whether direct, indirect, intentional or unintentional; k. Employment related libel, slander, defamation,or invasion of privacy. 3. "Wrongful Act"for purposes of employment practices liability coverage shall mean any actual or alleged breach of duty, neglect, error, misstatement, misleading statement, omission or Employment Practice Violation by a member solely in the performance of its duties as a public governmental entity. 4. Exclusions The exclusions applicable to General and Automobile Liability section I.A. 3. of this agreement also apply to this section except for general exclusion"o." F. PRIOR WRONGFUL ACTS Claims based on wrongful acts that occurred before the effective date of WCIA membership will also be covered, provided that all of the following conditions are met: a. The wrongful act must have occurred within the prior thirty-six (36) month period prior to a member joining WCIA and be reported to WCIA within the next 12 month period; b. The member must not have had prior knowledge of the wrongful act or claim on the effective date of WCIA membership, nor have had any reasonable way to foresee that a claim might be brought; c. The claim must be for a wrongful act that would have been covered by the WCIA Coverage Document in force at the time the claim is presented to WCIA; d. The claim will only be indemnified up to the applicable prior public officials, errors&omissions or employment practices liability insurance or pool coverage, or WCIA liability limits, whichever is less; e. Use of any other available insurance covering the claim excludes the use of WCIA coverage. f. The prior wrongful act was within the course and scope of employment for employees or duties as a public official; and, g. Prior to the expiration of their current insurance coverage and prior to joining WCIA, all potential losses that the member knew about must have been reported to their insurance carrier; December 3, 2019 E - 56 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 15 h. The thirty-six (36)month prior coverage referenced in paragraph F(a)shall only apply to members who have joined WCIA on or after June 1, 2002. For members who have joined prior to June 1, 2002, the prior coverage shall be twelve (12)months instead of thirty-six (36)months and be subject to all other conditions in F(b), F(d), F(e), F(f), and F(g). 2. Optional Extended Reporting Period A member may, at its option, subject to WCIA approval, purchase an additional extended reporting period of twenty-four(24)months, provided that all the following conditions are met: a. The member requests the additional extended reporting period prior to the member joining WCIA; b. The member shall purchase this coverage at a cost determined by an actuary hired by WCIA; c. The conditions applicable in Paragraph F, Prior Wrongful Acts, also apply to this section with the exception of F(a)and F(d); d. The wrongful act must have occurred within the prior thirty-six (36) month period prior to a member joining WCIA and be reported to WCIA within the next thirty-six month period; e. If the optional extended reporting period is granted, the limit of liability for all prior wrongful acts coverage is $5,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate; f. The member shall have joined WCIA on or after June 1, 2002. 3. "Wrongful Act" For purposes of errors and omissions liability coverage shall mean any actual or alleged breach of duty, neglect, error, misstatement, misleading statement, omission by a member solely in the performance of its duties as a public governmental entity. II. COVERAGE DEFINITIONS This Agreement, in all of its sub-parts is subject to the following definitions: A. MEMBER "Member" includes the Washington Cities Insurance Authority and any member municipal corporation, city, town or municipal entity in the State of Washington. The unqualified word "member" includes: 1. all officials, officers,employees, and volunteers working for or on behalf of the member and any person, organization, trustee or estate to whom or to which the member is obligated by virtue of a written contract to provide insurance to the same extent as is afforded by this Agreement, but only with respect to actions within the scope of their employment by or on behalf of the member; 2. any person serving on the members governing body, any persons serving on the members boards or commissions, any elected or appointed official of the member, any other employee, or any volunteer serving the member; if the person is acting in the scope of their employment, appointment, duties, or service to the member; the term"member" does not include any private for profit businesses or corporations, volunteer organizations or non-profit corporations and/or their officers,officials, or members when acting in or for the interests of and/or at the direction of said business, organization or corporation; 3. any person while using an automobile owned by, leased, rented, or loaned to the member or hired for use on behalf of the member or any person or organization legally responsible for the use thereof, provided the actual use of the automobile is by the member or with the member's permission, and any executive officer, other employee, director or volunteer of the member with respect to the use of an automobile not owned by the member in the business of the member. The coverage with respect to any person or organization other than the member does not apply under this section: December 3, 2019 E - 57 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 16 a. to any person or organization, or to any agent or employee thereof;operating an automobile sales agency, repair shop, service station, storage garage or public parking place, with respect to any occurrence arising out of the operation thereof; b. with respect to any automobile hired by or loaned to the member, to the owner or a lessee thereof other than the member, or to any agent or employee of such owner or lessee. B. PERSONAL INJURY The term"personal injury" means: 1. bodily injury, sickness, disease, disability or shock, including death arising therefrom, medical malpractice injury, including emergency medical treatment and all acts of paramedics, or if arising out of the foregoing, mental anguish and mental injury; 2. false arrest, false imprisonment, wrongful eviction, wrongful detention, or malicious prosecution; or, 3. libel, slander, defamation of character, humiliation or invasion of the rights of privacy, unless arising out of advertising activities; 4. unlawful discrimination not committed by or at the direction of any executive officer of the member, but only with respect to the liability other than fines and penalties imposed by law; 5. false or improper services of process; and, 6. assault or battery committed for the purpose of protecting persons or property or incident to an arrest. C. PROPERTY DAMAGE The term"property damage" means loss of or direct damage to or destruction of tangible property which occurs during the policy period, including loss of use thereof at any time resulting therefrom and loss of use of tangible property which has not been physically injured or destroyed. D. ADVERTISING LIABILITY The term"advertising liability" means: 1. libel, slander or defamation; 2. any infringement of copyright or of title or of slogan; 3. piracy or unfair competition or idea misappropriation under an implied contract; 4. any invasion of right of privacy; committed or alleged to have been committed in any advertisement, publicity article, broadcast or telecast and arising out of the member's advertising activities. E. OCCURRENCE The term"occurrence" means an accident or a happening or event or a continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions which unexpectedly and unintentionally result in personal injury, property damage, advertising liability,errors or omissions liability including wrongful acts,employment acts liability including wrongful acts or stop-gap liability during the policy period. All such exposure to substantially the same general conditions existing at or emanating from one location shall be deemed one occurrence. With respect to"Personal Injury" and"Property Damage" all"Damages" arising out of substantially the same "Personal Injury" or"Property Damage" regardless of the frequency, timing, repetition, the number or kind of events or offenses, or the number of"Claimants," will be considered as arising out of one"Occurrence" and shall be deemed to have occurred on the date of the first"Occurrence" causing "Personal Injury"or "Property Damage" during the policy period. December 3, 2019 E - 58 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 17 Only one Self-Insured Coverage Document issued by WCIA and one limit of coverage is applicable to any one"Occurrence." Further, the definition of occurrence includes any intended act by or at the direction of the member, which results in personal injury, if such injury arises solely from the use of reasonable force for the purpose of protecting persons or property or making a lawful arrest. F. ULTIMATE NET LOSS The term"ultimate net loss" means the total sum which the member becomes obligated to pay by reason of liability claims, covered hereunder, either through adjudication or compromise and shall also include hospital, medical and funeral charges and all sums paid as salaries, wages, compensation,fees, charges and law costs, premiums on attachment or appeal bonds, interest expenses for doctors, lawyers, nurses and investigators and other persons, and for litigation, settlement, adjustment and investigation of claims and suits covered hereunder. Ultimate net loss shall include all sums paid as salaries, expense, or costs to lawyers, or a lawyer's representative, other than paid employees of the member, and investigators, retained experts or other persons rendering services in handling specific litigation and coverage determination costs over$1,000 per occurrence. Other salaries paid to employees of the member or the company; fees paid to the member's service company for handling claims are excluded from the ultimate net loss. G. SELF-INSURED RETENTION The term"self-insured retention" means the amount of"ultimate net loss" payable by the member in respect of each occurrence. H. WRONGFUL ACT(S) The term"Wrongful Act(s)" means any actual or alleged breach of duty, neglect, misstatement, misleading statement, error or omission or employment practices violation by a member solely in the performance of its duties as a Public Entity. A wrongful act may be a deliberate act that unexpectedly and unintentionally results in personal injury and/or property damage to another not intended by the member. I. INTENTIONAL ACT(S) The term"Intentional Act(s)" means any deliberate knowing action and/or deliberate knowing refusal to act by a member in violation of a clearly established legal duty and where the foreseeable and/or intended consequence of such deliberate action or deliberate refusal to act causes personal injury and/or property damage to another person or entity and there is no lawful justification for the members deliberate act or refusal to act. J. CLAIM(S) The term"claim(s)" means a summons and complaint for damages or other similar legal pleading filed with a Court of Law and served upon a member alleging that the member is liable for claimant's personal injuries and/or property damage and seeks a court judgment to recover money against a member for such liability. K. PRODUCTS AND COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY The term"products liability" means: 1. liability arising out of goods or products manufactured, sold, handled or distributed by the member or by others trading under their name if the occurrence occurs after possession of such goods or products has been relinquished to others by the member or by others trading under their name and if such occurrence occurs away from premises owned, rented or controlled by the member; provided such goods or products shall be deemed to include any container thereof, other than a vehicle, but shall not include any vending machine or any property, other than such container, rented to or located for use of others but not sold; 2. The term"completed operations" means liability arising out of operations, if the occurrence occurs after such operations have been completed or abandoned and occurs away from premises owned, rented or controlled by the member, provided operations shall not be deemed incomplete because improperly or defectively performed or because further operations may be required pursuant to an agreement, provided further the following shall not be deemed to be "operations"within the meaning of this paragraph: December 3, 2019 E - 59 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 18 a. pick-up or delivery, except from or onto a railroad car, b. the maintenance of vehicles owned or used by or in behalf of the member, c. the existence of tools, uninstalled equipment and abandoned or unused materials. L. ANNUAL PERIOD The term"annual period" means each consecutive period of one year commencing from the effective date of this Agreement. M. AIRCRAFT The term"aircraft" means any heavier than air or lighter than air aircraft designed to transport persons or property. N. AUTOMOBILE The term"automobile" means a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer designed for travel on public roads (including any machinery or apparatus attached thereto), but does not include mobile equipment. O. PARAMEDIC The term"paramedic"shall include all personnel who may engage in rendering emergency medical assistance, including but not limited to the categories defined in RCW 18.73 and RCW 18.71.200: "Emergency medical technicians,""Physicians trained mobile intravenous therapy technicians," "Physicians trained mobile airway management technicians," and"Physicians trained mobile intensive care paramedics," provided that all amendments of RCW 18.73 and RCW 18.71.200 shall here and hereafter be included in the definition of the above categories. P. TERRORISM The term"Terrorism" means activities against persons, organizations or property of any nature: 1. That involve the following preparation for the following: a. Use or threat of force or violence; or, b. Commission or threat of a dangerous act; or, c. Commission or threat of an act that interferes with or disrupts an electronic communication, information or mechanical system; and, 2. When one or both of the following applies: a. The effect is to intimidate or coerce a government or the civilian population or any segment thereof, or to disrupt any segment of the economy;or, b. It appears that the intent is to intimidate or coerce a government, or to further political ideological, religious, social or economic objectives or to express (or express opposition to)a philosophy or ideology. Q. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES The term"Compensatory Damages" means either personal injury and/or property damage as defined herein resulting from a covered occurrence and represented in the monetary amount of a judgment on a liability claim or lawsuit for personal injury and/or property damage deemed necessary by the court to make the injured party whole from such injuries and damage. III. COVERAGE CONDITIONS This Agreement is subject to the following conditions: December 3, 2019 E - 60 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 19 A. ASSESSMENT The assessment for this coverage varies from member to member and is set by the Board of Directors of the Authority in accordance with its By-laws and the Joint Protection Program. Coverage under this Agreement is conditioned on and offered in consideration of the assessment being paid by a member in the time, manner, amount and method specified by the Board of Directors, Bylaws and Joint Protection Program of WCIA. B. PRIOR INSURANCE AND NON-CUMULATION OF LIABILITY It is agreed that if any loss is covered in whole or in part under any primary or excess insurance policy issued to the member prior to the effective date hereof(but not coverage provided by the Authority), the limit of liability hereunder shall be reduced by any amounts due to the member on account of such loss under such prior insurance. Subject to the foregoing and to all the other terms and conditions of this Agreement in the event that personal injury or property damage arising out of an occurrence covered hereunder is continuing at the time of termination of this Agreement, the Authority will continue to protect the member for liability in respect of such personal injury or property damage without payment of additional assessment. C. INSPECTION AND AUDIT The Authority shall be permitted to examine and audit the member's books and records at any time during the coverage period and any extension thereof and within three (3)years after the final termination of this Agreement, as far as they relate to the assessment bases or the subject matter of this coverage. D. CROSS LIABILITY This Agreement shall protect each member in the same manner as though a separate Agreement had been issued to each, except that nothing herein shall operate to increase the Authority's liability beyond the amount or amounts for which the Authority would have been liable had only one member been named. E. NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE Whenever the authorized representatives of the member have information from which the member may reasonably conclude that an occurrence covered hereunder involves injuries or damages which, in the event that the member should be held liable, is likely to involve this coverage, notice shall be sent to the Authority as soon as practicable. However, immediate written notice shall be given to the Authority when any injury of the following type occurs: 1. a fatality or death of a person in police custody, 2. amputation of a major extremity, 3. any serious head injury(including skull fracture or loss of sight of either or both eyes), 4. any injury to the spinal cord, 5. any disability of more than one (1)year or where it appears reasonably likely that there will be disability of more than one (1)year, 6. any burn 25%or more of the body, 7. heart or vascular disorders, 8. accidents where multiple injuries are involved or, 9. acts of employment discrimination and/or harassment involving race, age, gender, religion, disability or prohibited retaliation. Such notice shall contain particulars sufficient to identify the member and also reasonably obtainable information respecting the time, place and circumstances of the injury, the names and addresses of the injured and of available witnesses. If suit or other proceeding is brought against the member, the member shall immediately forward to the Authority every demand, notice,summons, or other process or true copies December 3, 2019 E - 61 WCIA Coverage Document#CT-2019 Page 20 thereof received by the member or the member's representatives, together with copies of reports of investigations made by the member with respect to such claim, suit or proceeding. F. ASSISTANCE AND COOPERATION The member and the Authority shall cooperate in all things in the defense of such claim, suit or proceeding. G. APPEALS In the event the member elects not to appeal a judgment, the Authority may elect to make such appeal at its cost and expense, and shall be liable for the taxable costs and disbursements and interest incidental thereto, but in no event shall the liability of the Authority for ultimate net loss exceed the amount set forth in this Agreement for any one occurrence and in addition the cost and expense of such appeal. H. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY In the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the member or any entity comprising the member,the Authority shall not be relieved thereby of the payment of any claims hereunder because of such bankruptcy of insolvency. I. OTHERINSURANCE If valid and collectible insurance, which is written by an insurer(but not coverage provided by the Authority) is available to the member covering a loss also covered by this Agreement, other than insurance that is in excess of this coverage, the coverage afforded by this Agreement shall be in excess of and shall not contribute with such insurance. Valid and collectable insurance includes, but is not limited to, any other primary liability insurance available to the Member covering liability for damages arising out of premises or operations, or the products and completed operations, for which the member has been added to as an additional insured by attachment of an endorsement. J. SUBROGATION The Authority shall be subrogated to the extent of any payment hereunder to all the member's rights of recovery thereof(but not to the member's rights against the Authority), and the member shall do nothing after loss to prejudice such right and shall do everything necessary to secure such right. K. CHANGES Notice to or knowledge possessed by any person shall not effect a waiver or change in any part of this Agreement or stop the Authority from asserting any right under the terms of this Agreement; nor shall the terms of this Agreement be waived or changed, except by addenda issued to form a part hereof, signed by the Authority. L. ASSIGNMENT Assignment of interest under this Agreement shall not bind the Authority unless and until its consent is endorsed hereon. M. CANCELLATION Refer to the language of the Joint Protection Program,Article 8. December 3, 2019 E - 62 tfM POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T o N , u . s . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: 2020 Budget Summary: One of the most important Council decisions each year is the approval of the annual budget. The budget process is extensive and begins in March of each year with the Capital Facilities Plan& Transportation Improvement Plan(CFP). A key component is public input. The City of Port Angeles is required by RCW 35A.33.070 to hold a public hearing on the budget. Tonight's public hearing is a continuation from November 19t''. The 2020 Budget has been available for citizen review on-line, at the library, and through the City Clerk's Office since October 11,2019. There was also a Revenue Sources presentation and Public Hearing on October 15'as well as a work session regarding the 2020 Budget on October 22,2019. This is the second reading of the 2020 Budget ordinance. Since the first reading there has been one change to the 2020 Budget. Funding: The 2020 Citywide Budget is set at$129,711,200 and is balanced. Recommendation: It is recommended tonight that the City Council should: 1. Continue the Public Hearing from the November 19'Council Meeting; 2. Conduct the second reading of 2020 Budget Ordinance and adopt the ordinance. Background / Analysis: Beginning in March of 2019 staff began the 2020 budget process. State law requires that we provide a balanced budget for Council review no later than November 1 st of each fiscal(calendar)year. For the 2020 Budget,we met that goal by delivering a budget to Council on October 11,2019. To help prepare for the budget development and review process,we have conducted a number of workshops and provided information to Council that focused on both the status of the 2019 Budget (including Budget Amendments#1 and#2) and the issues facing the City in the development of the 2020 City Manager Recommended Budget including the Budget Goals worksession in June. Some minor changes from the Preliminary Budget(presented October 22nd)to the Final Budget(presented tonight) are outlined in an attachment to this memo. These changes are the result of capital projects that will be deferred from 2019 into 2020. Achieving a balanced budget for 2020 was possible by focusing on Council goals and budget initiatives. In addition,the City Manager directed that staff focus on developing a sustainable budget that the City December 3, 2019 F - 1 could afford going into 2020 and beyond while maintaining the City's assets, continuing to build the City infrastructure and accomplishing Council driven goals outlined in the Strategic Plan. The 2020 budget was balanced without the use of General Fund or Street reserves for sustainable purposes. $1.04 million of 2018 budgetary savings was used from General Fund reserves for one-time projects. The budget includes$12.9 million for capital projects,new and increasing revenue sources and minor utility rate increases as outlined in the approved Cost of Service Analysis process that occurred this year. To further the development of a sustainable budget beyond 2020,the City will continue the strategic planning process,including Long-Range Financial Planning that will occur in Spring of 2020. This process will help to lay out a roadmap to define the programs and services with affordable options to provide these services to the citizens of our community. This is the second reading of the 2020 Budget ordinance. Since the first reading there has been one change at the request of City Council during the November 19'meeting to increase the amount of funding for restroom replacements. The transfer from REET I into the Capital Improvement fund has been increased$150,000 to allow for one restroom a year to be replaced. This increased transfer amount of$150,000 will continue each year until all restrooms have been replaced. Additionally, an application has been submitted to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for the pilot restroom downtown. Staff is requesting that the Public Hearing on the 2020 City Manager Recommended Budget from November 19'be continued, and the 2020 Budget ordinance be adopted. Funding Overview: The 2020 Citywide Budget is set at$129,711,200 and is balanced. Attached: List of Changes for the 2020 Final Budget. 2020 Budget Ordinance. Exhibit A. December 3, 2019 F - 2 City Council Memo(Attachment)-2020 Budget Changes for Final Budget December 3,2019 11111111111111111111 2020 BUDGET CHANGll ES FOR FINAL ACCOUNT REVENUE EXPENSE CHANGES FOR FINAL BUDGET 1 4050 558 4150 18,900 Defer Sign Code Updates and Permit Fee Analysis from 2019 1 4050 558 4310 1,000 Budget Correction 1 4060 558 4310 - 600 Budget correction 1 2001 311 1000 1,600 - Increase per certified values TOTAL . 1,600 20,500 105 7840 597 5991 1 - 150,000 1 Increase funding for restroom replacements TOTAL . 150,000 3108985 397 1091 150,000 - Increase funding for restroom replacements 310 8985 594 6510 150,000 Increase funding for restroom replacements 310 8985 594 6510 - 130,000 Defer City Pier Railing replacement into 2020 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEN 150,000 280,000 312 7930 597 6510 - 135,000 Defer TR0218-Lincoln Street Safety into 2020 312 7930 597 6510 446,300 Defer TR0414-Peabody Creek/Lincoln Street into 2020 312 7930 597 6510 160,000 Defer TR0715-16th Street LID(C to L Street)into 2020 312 7930 597 6510 102,000 Defer TR1215-City Hall East Parking Lot into 2020 312 1 7930 597 1 6510 130,000 Defer TR1299-Park Avenue Chip Seal into 2020 TOTAL • • •• 451 7188 594 165101 1 500,000 IDefer CL0916-Laurel Street Switchgear into 2020 TOTAL •• ••• 452 7388 594 6510 90,000 Defer WT0118-Ranney Well Roof into 2020 452 7388 594 6510 175,000 Defer WT0218-WWTP Dewatering Improvement into 2020 452 7388 594 6510 25,000 Defer WT0419-Decant Facility into 2020 452 7388 594 6510 50,000 Defer WT0512-East 4th Street Water Main into 2020 452 7388 594 6510 50,000 Defer WT0612-3rd St.and Vine Street water main into 2020 TOTAL •0 000 453 7488 594 6510 50,000 Defer WW0419-WWTP HVAC System into 2020 453 7488 594 6510 25,000 Defer W W0519-Decant Facility into 2020 453 7488 594 6510 25,000 Defer WW0715-Oak Street Sewer Separation into 2020 453 7488 594 6510 25,000 Defer W WO815-Laurel Street Sewer into 2020 TOTAL125,000 454 7588 594 1 65101 1 155,000 1 Defer SWO112-Decant Facility into 2020 TOTAL • .WASTE CAPI1 155,000 456 1 7688 1 594 1 6510 35,000 Defer DR0215-Francis Street Outfall into 2020 456 7688 594 6510 4,000 1 Defer DR0213-H Street Outfall Improvements into 2020 TOTAL • 39,000 501 7630 594 1 6410 1 156,100 Defer Street Department Dump Truck replacement into 2020 TOTAL • 156,100 502 2082 594 1 6510 1 10,000 Defer IT0816-Facility Class Scheduling Software into 2020 TOTAL . 10,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 151,600 2,648,900 December 3, 2019 F - 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2020 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles completed and placed on file with the City Clerk an estimate of the amount of the moneys required to meet the public expenses, reserve funds, requirements and expenses of government of the City included in the 2020 City Manager's recommended budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, as attached hereto as Exhibit"A"; and WHEREAS, a notice was published that the City Council would hold public hearings at the hour of 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Port Angeles City Hall, on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, and Tuesday, December 3, 2019, for the purpose of making and adopting a budget for fiscal year 2020 and giving taxpayers within the limits of the City of Port Angeles an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council did meet at said times and place, did conduct public hearings, and did then consider the matter of said proposed budget, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The budget for the City of Port Angeles, Washington,for the year 2020 is hereby adopted at the fund level in its form and content as set forth in the document entitled "City of Port Angeles, Washington 2020, Budget," a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and which is incorporated herein by this reference. -1- December 3, 2019 F - 4 Section 2. Estimated resources for each separate fund of the City of Port Angeles, and aggregate expenditures for all such funds for the year 2020 are set forth in summary form in Exhibit A that is attached hereto, and are hereby appropriated for expenditure by fund. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to keep on file the budget referred to in Section 2 above and to transmit a complete copy of the final budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five)days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at a regular meeting of said Council on the 3rd day of December, 2019. Sissi Bruch, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: , 2019 By Summary -2- December 3, 2019 F - 5 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2020 Budget Ordinance Exhibit A Funds 2020 Budget-Final Fund jDiv. INarne/Description Beginning I Revenue I Expenditures I Ending Balance-Est.1 I I Balance-Est. GENERAL FUND (Note: Divisional totals for reference only) Fund Balance: 6,353,751 5,299,351 001. 1160 City Council 44,200 71,300 001. 1210 City Manager 216,100 518,000 001. 1211 Customer Commitment 2,100 3,000 001. 1220 Human Resources 130,000 211,600 001. 1230 City Clerk 100,700 206,300 001. 1289 Records Management 0 0 001. 1390 Community Service 0 0 001. 2001 Finance-Revenue 13,991,000 0 001. 2010 Finance Administration 328,700 916,700 001. 2023 Accounting 768,900 974,500 001. 2025 Customer Service 1,022,900 1,113,800 001. 2080 Reprographics 43,700 46,600 001. 2091 Non-Departmental 0 0 001. 2099 General Unspecified 0 0 001. 3010 City Attorney 356,500 539,600 001. 3012 Jail Contributions 0 885,600 001. 4010 Planning 275,400 523,700 001. 4020 Building 467,000 267,400 001. 4071 Economic Development 50,000 101,700 001. 5010 Police Administration 0 694,700 001. 5012 PenCom/Capital Transfers 308,300 328,800 001. 5021 Police Investigation 3,500 1,062,500 001. 5022 Police Patrol 435,000 3,543,000 001. 5026 Police Reserves&Volunteers 0 11,400 001. 5029 Police Records 17,400 469,400 001. 5050 Police Facilities Maintenance 16,300 20,100 001. 6010 Fire Administration 125,700 228,500 001. 6012 PenCom/Medic 1 Support 0 884,100 001. 6020 Fire Suppression 0 1,284,800 001. 6030 Fire Prevention 5,500 108,100 001. 6040 Fire Training 6,100 102,900 001. 6050 Fire Facilities Maintenance 0 56,700 001. 7010 Public Works Administration 958,000 2,062,600 001. 7012 Public Works CIP 0 25,000 001. 7032 Public Works Telecommunications 32,800 32,800 001. 8010 Parks Administration 0 266,500 001. 8012 Senior Center 46,800 158,000 001. 8050 Ocean View Cemetery 115,000 179,900 001. 8080 Park Facilities 30,000 2,118,300 001. 8112 Senior Center Facilities 0 57,600 001. 8131 Central Services Facilities 366,900 504,400 001. 8155 Facility Rentals 92,200 115,000 001. 8221 Sports Programs 162,000 205,300 001. 9029 General Unspecified 0 672,900 001 TOTAL General Fund 6,353,751 20,518,700 21,573,100 5,299,351 December 3, 2019 F - 6 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2020 Budget Ordinance Exhibit A SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 101 Lodging Excise Tax Fund 335,504 707,800 682,000 361,304 102 Street Fund 316,372 1,719,600 1,719,600 316,372 105 Real Estate Excise Tax-1(REET-1)Fund 936,082 263,100 387,900 811,282 107 PenCom Fund 1,231,601 2,933,300 3,408,500 756,401 160 Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REET-2)Fund 823,174 265,400 221,400 867,174 165 Business Improvement Area 57,888 36,800 0 0 172 Port Angeles Housing Rehab.Fund 48,255 43,800 57,000 35,055 175 Code Compliance Fund 50,000 1,000 0 51,000 TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 3,798,876 5,970,800 6,476,400 3,198,588 Funds 2020 Budget-Final Fund IDiv. IName/Description Beginning I Revenue I Expenditures I Ending Balance-Est. Balance-Est. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 215 2006 LTGO Bond(Prop.Acquisition)Fund 747,289 365,700 87,000 1,025,989 216 2014 LTGO Bond(Landfill Bluff Stabilization)Fund 168,334 604,700 598,800 174,234 217 2015 LTGO Bond-Refunding(W.U.G.A.) 12,571 234,500 233,200 13,871 TOTAL Debt Service Funds 928,194 1,204,900 919,000 1,214,094 ENTERPRISE/UTILITY FUNDS 401 Electric Utility Fund 9,081,392 30,274,900 30,184,100 9,172,192 402 Water Utility Fund 13,458,563 9,345,900 7,372,800 15,431,663 403 Wastewater Utility Fund 1,935,053 7,170,300 7,173,200 1,932,153 404 Solid Waste Utility Fund 4,710,586 12,003,800 12,479,800 4,234,586 406 Stormwater Utility Fund 1,328,044 2,374,000 2,261,300 1,440,744 409 Medic 1 Utility Fund 314,526 2,896,500 2,963,100 247,926 413 Harbor Clean-up Fund (837,910) 2,692,300 2,624,400 (770,010) 421 Conservation Fund 894,333 479,400 614,300 759,433 TOTAL Enterprise/Utility Funds 30,884,587 67,237,100 65,673,000 32,448,687 ENTERPRISE/INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501 Equipment Services 4,082,192 1,748,800 2,381,600 3,449,392 502 Information Technology 1,163,809 2,167,200 2,207,200 1,123,809 503 Self-Insurance 936,601 5,962,500 5,962,500 936,601 TOTAL Internal Service Funds 6,182,602 9,878,500 10,551,300 5,509,802 FIDUCIARY FUNDS 602 Firemen's Pension Fund 148,043 15,000 87,800 75,243 TOTAL Fiduciary Funds 148,043 15,000 87,800 75,243 PERMANENT FUNDS 601 Cemetery Endowment Fund 405,604 6,100 0 411,704 TOTAL Permanent Funds 405,604 6,100 0 411,704 December 3, 2019 F - 7 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2020 Budget Ordinance Exhibit A CAPITAL FUNDS 310 Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 1,035,728 2,009,500 1,478,500 1,566,728 312 Transportation Capital 2,468,818 1,316,400 2,028,300 1,756,918 316 Governmental Park Improvement Fund 277,918 11,600 0 289,518 451 Electric Capital Fund 9,572,120 1,100,000 9,250,000 1,422,120 452 Water Capital Fund 3,896,221 568,000 1,788,200 2,676,021 453 Wastewater Capital Fund 2,562,890 803,500 1,750,000 1,616,390 454 Solid Waste Capital Fund 2,696,591 1,713,300 1,805,600 2,604,291 456 Stormwater Capital Fund 2,656,176 400,000 659,000 2,397,176 463 Combined Sewer Overflow Capital Fund 2,182,956 2,331,900 2,484,300 2,030,556 TOTAL Capital Funds 27,349,418 10,254,200 21,243,900 16,359,718 SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS 76,051,075 115,085,300 126,524,500 64,517,187 Reserves-Designated 3,186,700 Reserves Used 14,625,900 TOTAL CITYWIDE ALL FUNDS 76,051,075 129,711,200 129,711,200 64,517,187 December 3, 2019 F - 8 tfM POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T o N , u , s , MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: 2019 Budget Amendment#3 Summary: The 2019 Budget is being amended for the third and final time to adjust several funds to reflect changes in revenues and expenditures that have occurred during the final months of the year. As this budget amendment includes changes to revenues, as well as an authorization to use funds from reserves,the ordinance must be approved by a super-majority of the entire Council or at least five (5) affirmative votes. Since the first reading there have been a couple of minor changes to include items approved by City Council at the November 19'meeting as well as one additional year-end correction. Funding: The 31d amendment to the 2019 Budget is balanced at$119,239,600. Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council should: 1. Conduct the second reading of the 2019 Budget amendment#3 ordinance and adopt the ordinance. Background / Analysis: The 3rd Amendment will"clean up" a variety of changes to City revenues and expenditures,including deferring projects to 2020,increasing expenditures to complete projects, and other miscellaneous budgetary changes and corrections. Most of these changes have already been approved by Council. With this amendment,the projected year-end unassigned fund balance in the General Fund is estimated to be $6,353,751 or 31%. Some of the individual actions require funding to come from reserves (money unspent at the end of the fiscal year automatically rolls into reserves/fund balance),approval of the ordinance will require a super majority of the entire Council,or five (5) affirmative votes. Since the first reading there have been a couple of minor changes to include items approved by City Council at the November 19'meeting for the IT capital project for SCADA servers as well as one additional year-end correction for$18,000 to allow funding in the Code Enforcement fund for completion of a blighted property process. December 3, 2019 G - 1 Attached is a detailed list of proposed budget changes,the budget amendment ordinance, along with Exhibit A which lists total revenues and expenditures by fund for the 2019 Budget amendment#2 and proposed amendment#3. Tonight's meeting will include a second reading of the budget amendment#3 ordinance and adoption of the ordinance. If you have any questions or concerns,please contact me at your convenience. Funding Overview: The 3rd amendment to the 2019 Budget is balanced at$119,239,600. Attached: List of proposed budget changes. 2019 Budget Ordinance—Amendment#3. Exhibit A. December 3, 2019 G - 2 Detailed List of Proposed Budget Changes-2019 Budget Amendment#3 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEM Revenues Expenditure Account Notes AFSCMEContractBargainingAgreementSettlement-Finance 16,200 001.202x.514.xxxx Council Approved AFSCMEContractBargainingAgreementSettlement-CED 8,300 001.40x0.558.xxxx Council Approved AFSCMEContractBargainingAgreementSettlement-PublicWorks 10,900 001.7010.532.xxxx Council Approved AFSCMEContractBargainingAgreementSettlement-Parks 21,100 001.8XXX.576.xxxx Council Approved K-9 Expenditures - 2,000 001.5022.521.4980 K-9 Donations Mary P Dolcioni Halloran K-9 Donation 1,500 - 001.5022.367.1100 K-9 Donations K-9 Donations 500 - 001.5022.367.1100 K-9 Donations PEG fees increase due to collected revenue 15,000 001.7032.532.4150 Year End correction TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,000 73,500 AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement - 9,000 102.7230.542.XXXX Council Approved Overtime increase due to February Snow Storm 8,000 102.7230.542.1011 Year End correction TOTAL STREET FUND 9,000 Increase budget for billing write offs 2,500 165.4078.558.5777 Year End correction TOTAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA FUND 2,500 Blighted property-Fairmont 18,000 175.3059.559.4150 Year End correction TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT FUND 18,000 Insurance recoveriesfor Parks Building 206,500 - 310-8985-372-1000 Council approved PK-0719 Parks Building - 206,500 310-8985-594-6510 Council approved PDO116-Mobile Data - 7,800 310.5950.594.65.10 Increase spending PK0819 City Pier Railing replacement (130,000)310-8985-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 PK1106 City Pier Floats 2,500 310-8985-594-6510 Increase spending FDO118Defibrillators 3,200 310-5950-594-6510 Increase spending TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 206,500 90,000 TRO114-Hill Street ODT Development - 2,500 312.4160.595.6510 Increase spending TRO218 Lincoln Street Safety (135,000)312-7961-597-6510 Deferred to 2020 TRO414 Peabody Creek/Lincoln Street - (446,300)312-7961-597-6510 Deferred to 2020 TRO71516th Street LID - (160,000)312-7961-597-6510 Deferred to 2020 TR1215 City Hall East Parking Lot (102,000)312-7961-597-6510 Deferred to 2020 TR1299 Park Ave Chip Seal (130,000)312-7961-597-6510 Deferred to 2020 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT FUND (970,800) IBEW Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 26,900 401.71xx.533.xxxx Council Approved IT0217-SCADA Servers project increase 3,300 401.7180.597.5991 Council Approved TOTAL ELECTRIC FUND 30,200 AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 20,100 402.7380.534.xxxx Council Approved Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Office Supplies 1,800 402.7382.534.3101 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Maintenance Supplies 23,000 402.7382.534.3120 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-ComputerEquip 2,500 402.7382.534.3160 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Tools - 2,800 402.7382.534.3501 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Professional Services - 153,700 402.7382.534.4150 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Eq.Services 600 402.7382.534.4530 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Utility Expenses - 1,100 402.7382.534.4710 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Software/Hardware - 500 402.7382.534.4802 Industrial Water Budget Industrial Water Treatment Plant Budget-Repairs - 56,200 402.7382.534.4810 Industrial Water Budget IT0217-SCADA Servers project increase 3,300 402.7380.597.5991 Council Approved TOTAL WATER FUND 265,600 AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 19,000 403.7480.535.xxxx Council Approved IT0217-SCADA Servers project increase 3,300 403.7480.597.5991 Council Approved TOTAL WASTEWATER FUND 19,000 AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 10,000 404.75xx.537.xxxx Council Approved Taxes and Assessments increase due to high volumes at Tran.Station 186,000 404.7538.537.4400 Year End correction TOTAL SOLID WASTE FUND 196,000 AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 8,800 406.7412.538.xxxx Council Approved TOTAL STORMWATER FUND 8,800 IBEW Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 2,300 421.7121.533.xxxx Council Approved TOTAL CONSERVATION FUND 2,300 December 3, 2019 G - 3 BUDGET AM ENDM ENT ITEM Revenues Expenditure Account Notes Increase GEMTfee pass through paid to consultant due to high revenue 67,800 409.6025.526.4150 Year End correction TOTAL MEDIC 1 FUND 67,800 CL0916 Laurel Street Substation Switchgear (500,000)451-7188-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 TOTAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL FUND (500,000) WT08818 Ranney Well Roof (90,000)452-738-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WT0218 WWTP Dewatering Improvement - (175,000)452-738-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WT0419 Decant Facility (25,000)452-738-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WT0512 East 4th Street Water Main (50,000)452-738-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WT0612 3rd St&Vine St Water Main (50,000)452-738-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 TOTAL WATER CAPITAL FUND (390,000) WWO419 HVAC System - (50,000)453-7488-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WWO519 Decant Facility - (25,000)453-7488-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WWO715 Oak Street Sewer Separation (25,000)453-7488-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 WWO815 Laurel Street Sewer (25,000)453-7488-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 TOTAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL FUND (125,000) SW0112 Decant Facility (155,000)454-7588-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 TOTAL SOLID WASTE CAPITAL FUND (155,000) DR0213 H Street Outfall Improvement (4,000)456-7688-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 DR0215 Francis Street Outfall (35,000)456-7688-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 DR0319 Lauridsen Blvd Stormwater 25,300 456-7688-594-6510 Surplus funds transferred in DR011810th Street Stormwater (25,300)456-7688-594-6510 Surplus funds transferred out TOTAL STORMWATER CAPITAL FUND (39,000) 6 yd Dump Truck-Street Department (156,100)501.7630.594.6410 Deferred to 2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement Settlement 4,700 501.7630.458.xxxx Council Approved TOTAL EQUIPMENT SERVICES FUND (151,400) AFSCME Contract Bargaining Agreement Settlement 5,400 502.2081.518.xxxx Council Approved IT0816 Facility Class Scheduling Software - (10,000)502-2082-594-6510 Deferred to 2020 IT0217-SCADA Servers project increase 9,900 - 502-2082-397.1091 Council Approved IT0217-SCADA Servers project increase 9,900 502-2082-594-6510 Council Approved TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 9,900 (4,600) Increase for debt expenses due to non-payment 7,200 463.7489.535.5777 Year End correction TOTAL COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW FUND 7,200 Medical Premium increases - 75,000 503.1631.517.4630 Year End correction LEOFF disability board increases - 12,000 503.1631.517.4635 Year End correction Liability Claims increase 142,000 503.1671.517.4998 Year End correction TOTAL SELF INSURANCE FUND 229,000 December 3, 2019 G - 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2019 budget and funds. WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2019, was adopted, approved and confirmed on December 4, 2018, in Ordinance 3614, in the manner provided by law. WHEREAS, the first 2019 budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3620 by Council on May 7, 2019. WHEREAS, the second budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3626 by Council on August 20, 2019. WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when the 2019 budget was adopted. WHEREAS, the facts constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to: Unanticipated additional revenue; and Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for changes in planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council. WHEREAS, these facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do ordain as follows: December 3, 2019 G - 5 Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an emergency exists. Section 2. The 2019 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance 3614, is amended as shown in the attached Exhibit A. Section 3. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the Yd day of December, 2019. Sissi Bruch, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary December 3, 2019 G - 6 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2019 Budget Ordinance -Amendment#3 Exhibit A Funds 2019 Budget-Amendment#2 2019 Budget-Amendment#3 *rill: Name/Description Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending Balance Balance Balance I Balance GENERAL FUND (Note: Divisional totalsfor reference only) Fund Balance: 6,575,251 6,406,351 6,575,251 6,353,751 001. 1160 City Council 44,000 71,200 44,000 71,200 001. 1210 City Manager 226,600 373,600 226,600 373,600 001. 1211 Customer Commitment 2,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 001. 1220 Human Resources 128,700 209,800 128,700 209,800 001. 1230 City Clerk 90,200 178,500 90,200 178,500 001. 1390 Community Service 0 400 0 400 001. 2001 Finance-Revenue 13,577,400 0 13,577,400 0 001. 2020 Finance Administration 303,800 826,400 303,800 826,400 001. 2023 Accounting 703,000 934,000 703,000 941,000 001. 2025 Customer Service 1,022,900 1,070,400 1,022,900 1,079,600 001. 2070 Reprographics 45,600 48,100 45,600 48,100 001. 2091 Non-Departmental 0 41,900 0 41,900 001. 9029 General Unspecified 0 101,200 0 101,200 001. 3030 City Attorney 415,100 629,700 415,100 629,700 001. 3012 Jail Contributions 0 870,800 0 870,800 001. 4060 Planning 292,500 522,500 292,500 528,200 001. 4050 Building 628,000 264,000 628,000 247,700 001. 4071 Economic Development 0 118,300 0 118,300 001. 5010 Police Administration 0 603,800 0 603,800 001. 5012 PenCom/Capital Transfers 267,500 328,800 267,500 328,800 001. 5021 Police Investigation 3,500 1,019,100 3,500 1,019,100 001. 5022 Police Patrol 453,500 3,359,500 455,500 3,361,500 001. 5026 Police Reserves&Volunteers 0 10,500 0 10,500 001. 5029 Police Records 17,600 461,900 17,600 461,900 001. 5050 Police Facilities Maintenance 13,200 17,900 13,200 17,900 001. 6010 Fire Administration 123,000 215,400 123,000 215,400 001. 6012 PenCom/Medic l Support 0 808,500 0 808,500 001. 6020 Fire Suppression 0 1,226,200 0 1,226,200 001. 6030 Fire Prevention 5,500 101,900 5,500 101,900 001. 6045 Fire Training 14,400 98,500 14,400 98,500 001. 6050 Fire Facilities Maintenance 0 50,000 0 50,000 001. 7010 Public Works Administration 890,200 2,036,800 890,200 2,047,700 001. 7012 Public Works CIP 0 215,000 0 215,000 001. 7032 Public Works Telecommunications 30,600 13,500 30,600 28,500 001. 8010 Parks Administration 0 268,500 0 268,500 001. 8012 Senior Center 44,800 160,100 44,800 160,100 001. 8050 Ocean View Cemetery 115,000 179,200 115,000 180,100 001. 8080 Park Facilities 30,000 1,765,200 30,000 1,779,200 001. 8112 Senior Center Facilities 0 56,000 0 56,300 001. 8131 Central Services Facilities 375,900 723,300 375,900 727,500 001. 8155 Facility Rentals 98,000 106,300 98,000 107,100 001. 18221 1 Sports Programs 162,000 203,700 162,000 204,600 001 TOTAL General Fund 6,575,251 20,124,500 20,293,400 6,406,351 6,575,251 20,126,500 20,348,000 6,353,751 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 101 Lodging Excise Tax Fund 457,804 649,800 772,100 335,504 457,804 649,800 772,100 335,504 102 Street Fund 325,372 1,605,500 1,605,500 325,372 325,372 1,605,500 1,614,500 316,372 105 Real Estate Excise Tax-1(REET-1)Fund 774,182 254,900 93,000 936,082 774,182 254,900 93,000 936,082 107 PenCom Fund 1,270,301 3,001,500 3,040,200 1,231,601 1,270,301 3,001,500 3,040,200 1,231,601 160 Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REET-2)Fund 890,874 249,500 317,200 823,174 890,874 249,500 317,200 823,174 165 Business Improvement Area 24,388 36,000 0 60,388 24,388 36,000 2,500 57,888 172 Port Angeles Housing Rehab.Fund 11,655 793,600 757,000 48,255 11,655 793,600 757,000 48,255 175 1 1 Code Compliance Fund 50,000 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 18,000 321000 TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 3,804,576 6,590,800 6,585,000 3,810,376 3,804,576 6,590,800 6,614,500 3,780,876 December 3, 2019 G - 7 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2019 Budget Ordinance -Amendment#3 Exhibit A Funds 2019 Budget-Amendment#2 2019 Budget-Amendment#3 Fund Div. Name/Description Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending Balance Balance Balance I Balance DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 215 12006 LTGO Bond(Prop.Acquisition)Fund 824,589 9,700 87,000 747,289 824,589 9,700 87,000 747,289 216 12014 LTGO Bond(Landfill Bluff Stabilization)Fund 165,534 602,000 599,200 168,334 165,534 602,000 599,200 168,334 217 12015 LTGO Bond-Refunding(W.U.G.A.) 11,871 232,300 231,600 12,57111,871 232,300 231,600 12,571 TOTAL Debt Service Funds 1,001,994 844,000 1 917,800 928,194 1,001,994 844,000 917,800 928,194 ENTERPRISE/UTILITY FUNDS 401 Electric Utility Fund 12,854,892 27,334,200 31,080,800 9,108,292 12,854,892 27,334,200 31,111,000 9,078,092 402 Water Utility Fund 13,907,963 6,673,900 6,861,000 13,720,863 13,907,963 6,673,900 7,126,600 13,455,263 403 Wastewater Utility Fund 1,969,053 7,032,300 7,047,300 1,954,053 1,969,053 7,032,300 7,069,600 1,931,753 404 Solid Waste Utility Fund 4,761,186 11,619,100 11,473,700 4,906,586 4,761,186 11,619,100 11,669,700 4,710,586 406 Stormwater Utility Fund 1,330,444 2,155,900 2,149,500 1,336,844 1,330,444 2,155,900 2,158,300 1,328,044 409 Medic 1 Utility Fund 389,526 2,844,200 2,851,400 382,326 389,526 2,844,200 2,919,200 314,526 413 Harbor Clean-up Fund (458,510) 2,230,000 2,609,400 (837,910) (458,510) 2,230,000 2,609,400 (837,910) 421 1 1 Conservation Fund 1,044,033 537,400 1 4,800 896,633 1,044,033 537,400 1 687,100 894,333 TOTAL Enterprise/Utility Funds 35,798,587 60,427,000 64,757,900 31,467,687 35,798,587 60,427,000 65,350,900 30,874,687 ENTERPRISE/INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501 lEquipmentServices 4,289,392 1,702,400 2,061,000 3,930,792 4,289,392 1,702,400 1,909,600 4,082,192 502 Information Technology 1,309,609 1,854,200 2,004,600 1,159,209 1,309,609 1,864,100 2,009,900 1,163,809 503 Self-Insurance 1,165,601 5,532,700 5,532,700 1,165,601 1,165,601 5,532,700 5,761,700 936,601 TOTAL Internal Service Funds 6,764,602 9,089,300 9,598,300 6,255,602 6,764,602 9,099,200 9,681,200 6,182,602 FIDUCIARY FUNDS 602 1 Firemen's Pension Fund 272,343 15,000 139,300 148,04 F 272,3437 15,000 139,300 148,043 TOTAL Fiduciary Funds 272,343 15,000 139,300 148,043 272,343 15,000 139,300 148,043 PERMANENT FUNDS 601 1 Cemetery Endowment Fund 400,404 5,200 0 405,60 F 400,4047 5,200 0 405,604 TOTAL Permanent Funds 400,404 5,200 0 405,604 400,404 5,200 0 405,604 CAPITAL FUNDS 310 Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 1,220,128 575,100 876,000 919,228 1,220,128 781,600 966,000 1,035,728 312 Transportation Capital 1,190,818 3,842,400 3,535,200 1,498,018 1,190,818 3,842,400 2,564,400 2,468,818 316 Governmental Park Improvement Fund 268,618 9,300 0 277,918 268,618 9,300 0 277,918 451 Electric Capital Fund 5,587,920 4,650,000 1,165,800 9,072,120 5,587,920 4,650,000 665,800 9,572,120 452 Water Capital Fund 3,406,721 562,000 462,500 3,506,221 3,406,721 562,000 72,500 3,896,221 453 Wastewater Capital Fund 3,032,490 783,500 1,378,100 2,437,890 3,032,490 783,500 1,253,100 2,562,890 454 Solid Waste Capital Fund 2,904,791 1,224,300 1,587,500 2,541,591 2,904,791 1,224,300 1,432,500 2,696,591 456 Stormwater Capital Fund 1,804,776 900,000 87,600 2,617,176 1,804,776 900,000 48,600 2,656,176 463 1 ICombined SewerOverflowCapitalFund 1 2,156,356 2,331,900 2,298,100 2,190,156 2,156,356 2,331,900 2,305,300 1 2,182,956 TOTAL Capital Funds 21,572,618 14,878,500 11,390,800 25,060,318 21,572,618 15,085,000 9,308,200 27,349,418 SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS 76,190,375 111,974,300 113,682,500 74,482,175 76,190,375 112,192,700 112,359,900 76,023,175 Reserves-Designated 5,467,200 6,879,700 Reserves Used 7,175,400 7,046,900 TOTAL CITYWIDE ALL FUNDS 76,190,375 119,149,700 119,149,700 74,482,175 76,190,375 119,239,600 119,239,600 76,023,175 December 3, 2019 G - 8 .A�M PaRTANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , U . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Sarina Carrizosa,Finance Director MarySue French, Cost& Capital Accountant Subject: Amendment to Ordinance for 2020 Wastewater Non-Taxable Fixture Utility Rates Summary: On October 15,2019 City Council approved the proposed utility rates for 2020,including the wastewater utility rates. The chart in section 13.65.030 of the wastewater rates, for commercial and industrial equivalent plumbing fixture rates,was unintentionally left off the federal non-taxable rate. This amendment addresses that omission in the adopted ordinance. Funding: The approval of the proposal presented will not change revenues or expenditures as the rates were included in the cost of service analysis that was used to calculate the rates adopted on October 15, 2019. Recommendation: The requested action for this issue is as follows: 1. Conduct the first reading of the amendment to the adopted wastewater ordinance. 2. Waive the second reading of the amendment to the adopted wastewater ordinance. 3. Adopt the amendment to the wastewater ordinance approving the federal non-taxable rates to be implemented beginning January 1,2020. Background / Analysis: All utility rates will expire December 31,2019.On October 15,2019 City Council adopted the rate changes to be implemented beginning January 1,2020. A review of the adopted ordinances revealed that the federal non-taxable fixture rate was in advertently left off of section 13.65.030 of the wastewater utility ordinance. The federal non-taxable rates are based on the taxable rates that were approved. This amendment does not change anything Council approved on the 15' of October; it simply includes the non-taxable rates in the ordinance. The revised chart is below: Effective Date January 1 2020 Charge per fixture Taxable Rate Non Taxable Rate Base Rate 7.38 6.79 CSO Rate 2.33 2.22 Total Rate per Fixture $ 9.71 $ 9.01 Funding Overview: The approval of the proposal presented will not change revenues or expenditures as the rates were included in the cost of service analysis that was used to calculate the rates adopted on October 15,2019. December 3, 2019 G - 9 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending Chapter 13.65 Wastewater Service of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2394 as amended, and Chapter 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to wastewater service rates are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.65 as follows: 13.65.030 - Commercial and industrial equivalent plumbing fixture rate. This section applies only to customers whose application to be charged as provided in this section was granted on or before December 31, 2019. From and after January 1, 2020,no utility customer shall be eligible to apply for the option provided by this section. A commercial and industrial wastewater customer, at its option, may apply in writing to the Department of Public Works and Utilities to have their wastewater charges calculated at: 2020 age pef fbEtufe &7.3-9 CSO &2--3-3 - --al Rate� . 1 ^ Wil- Effective Date January 1,2020 Charge per fixture Taxable Rate Non-Taxable Rate Charge per fixture $7.38 $6.79 CSO $2.33 $2.22 Total Rate per fixture $9.71 $9.01 December 3, 2019 G - 10 The total number of equivalent plumbing fixtures shall be calculated, based upon the following table, which is hereby adopted from the United States of America Standards Institute National Plumbing Code, USASI, A40.8-1955: EQUIVALENT PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS EQUIVALENT FIXTURE TYPE PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS One bathroom group consisting of tank-operated water closet, lavatory, and 6 bathtub or shower stall Bathtub (with or without overhead shower) 2 Bidet 3 Combination sink-and-tray 3 Combination sink-and-tray with food-disposal unit 4 Dental unit or cuspidor I Dental lavatory 1 Drinking fountain 1/2 Dishwasher, domestic 2 Floor drains 1 Kitchen sink, domestic 2 Kitchen sink, domestic, with food waste grinder 3 Lavatory I Lavatory 2 Lavatory, barber,beauty parlor 2 Lavatory, surgeon's 2 Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) 2 Shower stall, domestic 2 Showers (group)per head 3 Sinks: Surgeon's 3 Flushing rim (with valve) 8 December 3, 2019 G - 11 Service (trap standard) 3 Service (P trap) 2 Pot, scullery, etc. 4 Urinal, pedestal, syphon jet,blowout 8 Urinal, wall lip 4 Urinal stall, washout 4 Urinal trough (each 2-ft. section) 2 Wash sink(circular or multiple) each set of faucets 2 Water closet, tank-operated 4 Water closet, valve-operated 8 In addition to the above units, the following fixture types shall be assigned equivalent plumbing fixture units as follows: EQUIVALENT FIXTURE TYPE PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS 400-1b. commercial washer 89.6 200-1b. commercial washer 44.8 50-1b. commercial washer 11.2 35-1b. commercial washer 7.8 25-1b. commercial washer 5.6 18 lbs. and under commercial washer 4.0 Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors,references to other local, state,or federal laws, codes, rules or regulations,or ordinance numbering,section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance,or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. December 3, 2019 G - 12 Section 4-Effective Date. This Ordinance,being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December,2019. Sissi Bruch, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk December 3, 2019 G - 13 -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u , S , MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Subject: Ranked Choice Voting Resolution Summary: On November 19,2019, Council voted to direct staff to draft a resolution in support of Ranked Choice Voting for Council consideration at the meeting on December 3,2019. Funding:N/A Recommendation: Council discussion. Background / Analysis: On November 19, 2019, Lucy Ayrault, Chair of Fair Vote Washington, shared a PowerPoint presentation on ranked choice voting and discussed the process. After the presentation, Council voted to direct staff to draft a resolution in support of Ranked Choice Voting for Council consideration at the meeting on December 3,2019. Funding Overview: N/A Attached: Application December 3, 2019 H - 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, in support of Ranked-Choice Voting. WHEREAS, voter turnout in the "Top Two" primary system is, without exception, significantly lower than the general election and is not reflective of the general electorate; and WHEREAS, under the "Top Two" primary system, voters often engage in "strategic voting" whereby they vote to prevent a disfavored candidate from winning instead of casting a vote for their preferred candidate; and WHEREAS, an alternative to our"Top Two"primary system is ranked-choice voting, whereby instead of choosing just one candidate to support in a given race, voters rank the candidates running in the order of that voters' preference (eg. 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice) and does not require the use of a primary; and WHEREAS, more than twenty U.S.jurisdictions have adopted some version of single- winner ranked-choice voting, including New York City (NY), Santa Fe (NM), Minneapolis (MN),Memphis(TN),Oakland(CA),Payson(UT),Takoma Park(MD),Benton County(OR), and the State of Maine; and WHEREAS,many jurisdictions including Cambridge(MA),Eastpointe(MI),and New York City (NY) either currently or in the past used multi-winner ranked-choice voting for municipal elections; and WHEREAS, potential benefits of ranked-choice voting include lowered costs, increased voter turnout, markedly improved civility in and decreased costs of political campaigns, and elected bodies that are more reflective of the electorate by measures of race, class, gender, and political beliefs; and 1 December 3, 2019 H - 2 WHEREAS, local Washington jurisdictions are effectively prohibited from adopting ranked-choice voting by state law, which mandates the top-two primary and the use of numbered positions when multiple elected officials represent the same geography; and WHEREAS, two bills currently before the State Legislature, HB 1722 and SB 5708, as they are currently drafted, would amend state law to allow local jurisdictions the ability to adopt ranked-choice voting; and WHEREAS, HB 1722 and SB 5708 are merely permissive bills which do not dictate or impose any policies upon any jurisdictions,but rather provides jurisdictions with the ability, should they choose, to adopt ranked-choice voting as is used in over 20 U.S.jurisdictions and the State of Maine. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: Section 1. The City of Port Angeles supports passage of legislation that grants cities the option to implement the single transferable vote method of ranked-choice voting for city council races. Section 2. The City of Port Angeles supports Washington State House Bill 1722 and Senate Bill 5708, with provisions as they are currently drafted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December, 2019. Sissi Bruch, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney 2 December 3, 2019 H - 3 � O O N O � � cl- Ln �0 O Q �0 O � 4� ) ®Cf - I 2Z; \ \ \ \ / \ 6 i \ \ '/ / \ 5 z ) \ T 5 % 2 _ ) ° (u E 2 L) 'E 5 \ \ => » - \ � E cy) ® = 2 ƒ : \ \ / \ ® \ @ 2 \ 2 ac / '= \ o (U CL / 2 / \ k cm / ECD- Q)§ \ / - \ a { E $ c ƒ 3 t % / t \ @ § / - ( / 0 . 3 ® \ \ ® a \ \ E E & E \ 0 k \ \ $ ± 4 � 7 5 '( E - \ / > \ \ J % \ [ \ \ \ \ / � f \ \ \ k \ a \ \ © \ 5 \ 2 ( - @ C: _& { _ - \ / m k ƒ $ & \ E � 0 \ @ 2 c $ z { = g a g 2 @ e = .r - . § E 2 / ` ) / \ / '/ CP \ 7 c 7 § A \ 9 § CL \ / 9 \ \ ro ƒ , 4 t \ / @ 3 -2 . / { 2 2 ƒ j G § \ } 6 « 3 / \ c \ \ / 6 O 4 / 2 \ k G O U 4J _� •O Q 4-J u ate. (D O O N N C C C: C: O v v Ln E E FAY f • • X O CL Q- ca cn •tU0 O cn N O % N Ln N 0N O 4A > 'Q � U � � O +s-+ — p a-J m Q � N O O O i N> u- O > > �_ 0 v v .Q � O L- C) C: C: Lr) C 0 Z3 w w 0 A 1 `Tk, • " a � _ W;' i •� m i • i i • t Arm a� v � N v v +� LI— �' ca O N a) CL 0 u > v o ^ >. U Q Q E E O U Q) E !E N U O '� -C ca C) o ° 3 L i - N O Q) L cn __ �, .Q. .E a. Ln .U Q) i — UU c :E L .0 O 'N N O . Q i , aA U I Lm- Ln 0 -0 N U i- cN Ln ca atep > + Q) U ate-+ U N U -0 ro L- C C bz O 0 U -0 L 2 � O W O O p 2 a- M m m. U Q) n 6 r • h +ryr t . Q s ' irr A � CO Q. Q vt 4- d1 � on p) >-pJ N O _ t0 •-; V a E C O U m LL "Q Ln •� + = Q � O O pJ N 4- U tip *' 0v O " a v > -a 0- o u o > m >, o v >, +� O0 G > -C O �' Ul C U (O Ln CD w Ln u V) C U to •N >, Q. .- O pJi- t U Q ca C m cn O ti0 O i 0 O O m CE � U .� O �n c O N 0 Ccc N > > Ut > U a a G 7 yl I w, F+' o r S r w u•w { 4 J o. S n V) m v w U r 3 x r _ 44 � y4E i ri 6 vi -Iwo _ .. .. - ct ri wI RUMz p Or 00 t � l � _ Y N fit - t } m < x , �,. f amfi' by wit, 1 I 4 C cu 8 0 Q c - c- C m .� 3 L O> U t: C O bA N LO L -a a, to c m _ v u C cu cO a3) Ceah,n > p > u � O OO 7 � O O u bn M E v a vu am Ep Ec0) ccc -0OQ JO ' ( iQ yr vC E 0 M LQ C o O UcLa6 aJ p O C u c -a E U L (U CL'u 30 U C C OO N :3 � of uu 'a o C E C Y u L 3 0A = C N 0 i 7 u o c �, 4 C a m v p E a • � � °,�° `L° E cu ° � � C eo L E c Q U +. co C to m " in C co a ro C C = O O O O C .0 E C aJ m 00 C 00 00 C > f0 N U E 'a ri c0 E ri ri L C O CL rI L 'x N m N v v O O v of OA C OQ- }, 00 Ln M � N O O O O 'CcV-1 T-4 w NNNL N0 NNZ o hE E L.N p s N > i I o- 08 08 QpUOGt GO Opp0Gu1 OR OOQpp hO ON OO NO OOpQpO '8' pIQpOpp i N H N W N Vf to V1 N h N W U1 N Vf N V1I N N N N N I j I M x M x x x m £ � � t m m c a C u V c ® r c a a Ea m W e m �-+ m v In m v w N y N 3 3 N m o o " W m u t o a c o C e o p > c c m 5 v am o o a m o c « m ma3 � x ccca3,ma;� zuf 3: umm � o 0 Ww a v a LiF CL < Z 3 C dcwr UL" Q x A NyI ,, C) 0. V T +U V- Z 7016 5 Oa v d dd 3 39 17 �1�1.2 Rm 'I I I «i • LO • o k �i r � 1S►� �� j 1 �p `�, � ( z ,' ix_: e '��,,; �. r (". t �' �'.. rc,M� •.. / .... � �.. �.- .h ..tea .. ' � *, T. �� ;^ ___ 1... �� e ��� �; M � .4q�.� � _ #'I `�� 'Y !i y rrA L�` I � ( _ m.. :..... � ����c.� r;;s:. �� Z -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Subject: Vacant Council Seat Process Summary: The purpose of this agenda item is to receive direction from Council on the appointment process. On November 26',2019,the City Council publicly announced the vacancy on the Port Angeles City Council. Funding: Minor advertising costs only. Recommendation: Discuss Council Rules of Procedure Section 15 Council Vacancies and identify a process for filling Council Position 1. Background / Analysis: The purpose of this agenda item is to receive direction from Council on the appointment process. On November 26th,the City Council publicly announced a vacancy on the City Council. Section 15 of the Council Rules of Procedure addresses the process of filling a vacancy, stating the Council is required to fill vacant seats within 90 days. State law provides limited details on the process for City Council to follow in appointing a new member. Each City Council can determine what process it will follow. Port Angeles City Council Rules of Procedure stipulate the vacancy must be published twice in the City's Official Newspaper. On Friday,November 29th and December 1,2019, advertisements were placed in the Peninsula Daily News as well as on the City's website,posting the application opportunity. Applications will be made available on the City's website and in the City Manager's office. The Port Angeles City Council is asking qualified citizens interested in serving on the City Council,to submit a City Council application form and letter of intent by 5:00 p.m.,Wednesday,December 11,2019. Applications and letters of interest must be received by the City Clerk City of Port Angeles, 321 E.Fifth Street,Port Angeles,WA 98362,or via email at kmbaileykcityfpa.us,by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11,2019. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. State statutes dictate that a vacancy"shall be filled as provided in chapter 42.12 RCW." RCW 42.12.070(1) states that"the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacant position." • The person appointed must have the same qualifications for the council position at the time of appointment as would a person elected into the position. • He or she must be a registered voter and a city or town resident, and in code cities,the person must be a resident of the city for a period of at least one year preceding his or her appointment. December 3, 2019 I - 1 It has been past practice that the Council announce the vacancy and invite interested persons to either submit a letter of interest to the council for consideration, and then interview candidates. This is the process followed by Port Angeles in the past. See examples below. The Open Public Meetings Act requires that a council interview candidates in an open session. The council may,if it wishes to do so,evaluate the qualifications of candidates in an executive session. The vote to fill the vacancy must be in open session. If Council desires staff could schedule interviews for December 17'from 4:30 to 5:30 pm with an opportunity for an executive session to discuss qualifications from 5:30 to 6:00 pm. If a large number of applications are received, a special meeting or sub-committee may need to be scheduled or appointed. Past Council Vacancies On 2/21/2006, City Council discussed the process for filling a vacancy on the Council. It was recommended that the Council seek letters of interest beginning on March 7,2006,with an appointment to be considered at the march 21St meeting. A subcommittee of two Council Members reviewed the letters of interest. Council adjourned to executive session to discuss qualifications. After returning to open session,a decision was made. On 5/16/2006, Council announced a vacancy. On June 6,2006, Council announced they would accept applications from June 6 through June 16,2006. The Council conducted interviews during a special meeting. On July 19,2006,an appointment was made. On 1/5/2010,staff announced a vacancy. Applications were accepted until January 20,2010. At a special meeting on January 20,2010,interviews were conducted, and an appointment was made. Funding Overview: Minor advertising costs only. Attached: Application December 3, 2019 1 - 2 The City of Port Angeles ®� City Council Application City Council Application Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last Address City State Zip Home phone Work phone Cell phone E-mail address Certification and Location Information Yes or No Areyou employed by the City of Port Angeles?.......................................................................................................................................................................................Yes No Areyou a citizen of the United States?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................Yes No Areyou a Registered Voter?............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Yes No Areyou a City resident?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Yes No Ifso,how long:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Do you own/manage a business in the City?..................................................................................................................................................................................................Yes No Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?................................................................................................Yes No If so,please list: Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the City Council? If so,please explain: December 3, 2019 1 - 3 The City of Port Angeles ®� City Council Application Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume Employer Brief job description Employer Brief job description Employer Brief job description Education—List most recent experience first Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships —List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective Brief description of your participation December 3, 2019 1 - 4 The City of Port Angeles ®� City Council Application Questions 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Port Angeles City Council? 2. What is your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on the City Council? 3. What is your understanding of the responsibilities of the City Council? 4. Please fee free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 East 5"' Street kmbailey@cityofpa.us Port Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council packet. December 3, 2019 1 - 5 .,;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Abbi Fountain,Human Resource Manager Subject: 2020 Cost of Living Adjustment(COLA)and Wage Adjustment for Management, Administrative and Non-Represented Personnel Summary: Salaries and wages for the City's management, administrative, and non-represented employees are adjusted annually to reflect a Cost of Living Adjustment(COLA)in line with the City's represented employees. The attached resolution implements that adjustment. Funding: The total citywide cost of implementing this salary adjustment is estimated to be $87,300 in 2020. This COLA adjustment is already included in the 2020 proposed budget. Recommendation: City Council pass the proposed Resolution. Background / Analysis: As presented and discussed during the October 22,2019 Council Work Session on the 2020 Budget, Cost of Living Adjustments(COLA) and/or wage adjustments have been budgeted for all bargaining units including the Management/Non-represented group. All other groups were approved by contract. City policy requires Council to pass a resolution approving the 2020 salary structure for the Management/Non- represented group. Earlier this year,the City successfully negotiated agreements with each of its five unions. Those agreements spanned time frames from two years to four years. All of those agreements included a COLA and/or wage adjustments. Most COLA's were consistent with or close to the all Cities CPI-W June to June. The management, administrative and non-represented personnel consist of employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. All departments have some staff not represented such as administrative personnel,mid-management, and department directors. Often these staff are the ones attending after hours meetings,meeting with employees or members of the public outside of regularly scheduled hours, and handling high level, sometimes difficult matters. The City recognizes these staff are not included in a represented body and therefore do not have a union representative negotiating on their behalf. In recognition of this,the City historically adjusts wages consistently with the represented employee groups and maintains competitive wages as compared to other cities comparable to Port Angeles. A 1.5% COLA effective January 1,2020 and a 1.0%wage adjustment effective July 1,2020 for the management, administrative and non-represented personnel is consistent with what was agreed upon for the represented groups. Funding Overview: The cost of these adjustments is$87,300 in 2020. This amount is reflected in the 2020 proposed budget. December 3, 2019 1 - 6 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 Annual Hour Facto 2, COLA Factor= 101. DESCRIPTIONGRADE MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 15.7995 S 1,263.% 5 32,862.94 Grade M-01 2 $ 16.2776 $ 1,302.20 $ 33,85731 3 $ 16.7678 $ 1,341.42 $ 34,877.02 4 $ 171682 $ ],381.46 $ 35,91785 s $ 17.4397 $ 1,395.18 $ 36,174.64 6 $ 17.6163 $ 1,409.31 $ 36,641.99 7 $ 17.7909 $ 1,423.27 : $ 37,005.11 8 $ 17.9716 $ 1,43773 37,380.91 9 $ 18.1492 $ 1,451.94 $ 37,750.37 10 $ 18.3329 $ 1,466.63 $ 38,132.49 11 $ 18.5146 $ 1,481.17 $ 38,510.40 12 $ 18.7014 $ 1,496.11 $ 38,898.86 13 $ 18.8861 $ 1,510.89 $ 39,283.10 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 16.2776 $ 1,302.20 $ 33,857.31 Grade M-02 2 $ 16.7678 $ 1,341.42 $ 34,877.02 3 $ 17.2681 $ 1,381.46 $ 35,917.85 4 $ 177869 $ 1,422.95 $ 36,996.67 5 $ 17.9665 $ 1,437.32 $ 37,370.35 6 $ 18.1452 $ 1,451.61 $ 37,741.92 7 $ 18.3258 $ 1,466.07 : $ 38,117.72 8 $ 18.5106 $ 1,480.84 : $ 38,501.95 9 $ 18.6953 $ 1,495.62 i $ 38,886.19 10 $ 18.8820 $ 1,510.56 $ 39,274.65 11 $ 19.0708 $ 1,525.67 $ 39,667.34 12 $ 19.2586 $ 1,540.69 $ 40,057.91 13 is 19.4555 $ 1,556.44 $ 40,467.48 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 16.7678 $ 1,341.42 $ 34,877.02 Grade M-03 2 $ 171682 $ 1,381.46 $ 35,917.85 3 $ 17.7869 $ 1,422.95 : $ 36,996.67 4 $ 18.3187 $ 1,465.50 $ 38,102.94 5 $ IB.5045 $ 1,480.36 $ 38,489.29 6 $ 18.6891 $ 1,495.14 $ 38,873.53 7 $ 18.8770 $ 1,510.16 5 39,264.10 8 $ 19.0658 $ 1,525.26 $ 39,656.78 9 $ 19.2535 $ 1,540.28 $ 40,047.35 10 $ 19.4484 $ 1,555.87 i• $ 40,452.70 11 $ 19.6413 $ 1,571.30 $ 40,853.83 12 $ 19.8372 $ 1,586.97 $ 41,261.29 13 $ 20.0371 $ 1,602.97 $ 41,677.20 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 17.2682 $!46 .46 $ 35,917.85 Grade M-04 2 $ 17.7869 $ .95 : $ 36,996.67 3 $ 18.3187 $ .50 $ 38,102.94 4 $ 18.8729 $ .83 $ 39,255.65 5 $ 19.0587 $ .69 $ 39,642.00 6 $ 19.2495 $ .% : $ 40,038.91 7 $ 19.4423 $ .39 $ 40,440.04 8 $ 19.6352 $ .81 $ 40,841.16 9 $ 19.8321 $ .57 $ 41,250.74 10 $ 20.0331 $ 2.64 $ 41,668.75 11 $ 20.2310 $ 8.48 $ 42,080.44 12 $ 20.4340 $ 1,634.72 $ 42,502.68 13 1$ 20.63701$ 1,650.96 : $ 42,924.92 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 S 17.7869 $ 11,634.3 .95 �: $ 36,996.67 Grade M-05 2 $ 18.3187 $ 5.50 $ 38,102.94 3 $ 18.8729 $ 9.83 $ 39,255.65 4 $ 19.4362 $ 4.90 $ 40,427.37 5 $ 19.6301 $ 0.41 $ 40,830.61 6 $ 19.8250 $ 6.00 $ 41,235.96 7 $ 20.0249 $ 1.99 '• $ 41,651.86 8 $ 10.2159 $ .07 $ 41,069.88 9 $ 20.4289 $ .31 $ 42,492.12 10 $ 20.6309 $ 0.47 $ 42,911.25 11 $ 20.8369 $ 6.95 $ 43,340.82 12 $ 21.0460 S .68 $ 43,775.73 13 $ 21.2571 $ 1,700.57 $ 44,214.86 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 18.3187 $ 1,465.50 S is,1oz.94 Grade M-06 2 $ 18.8729 $ 1,509.83 $ 39,255.65 3 $ 19.4362 $ 1,554.90 $ 40,427.37 4 $ 10.0209 $ 1,601.67 - $ 41,643.42 S S 20.2108 $ 1,617.67 •• $ 42,059.33 6 $ 20.4218 $ 1,633.74 $ 42,477.34 7 $ 20.6248 $ 1,649.98 $ 42,899.58 8 $ 20.8329 $ 1,666.63 $ 43,332.38 9 $ 21.0389 $ 1,683.11 $ 43,760.95 10 $ 21.2511 $ 1,700.08 $ 44,102.19 11 $ 21.4632 $ 1,717.06 $ 44,643.44 12 $ 21.6774 $ 1,734.19 $ 45,088.90 13 $ 21.8935 $ 1,751.48 $ 45,538.58 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 18.8719 $ 1,509.83 $ 39,255.65 Grade M-07 2 $ 19.4362 $ 1,554.90 $ 40,427.37 3 $ 20.0209 $ 1,601.67 $ 41,643.42 4 $ 20.6197 $ 1,649.58 $ 42,889.03 5 $ 20.8288 $ 1,666.31 $ 43,323.94 6 $ 21.0328 $ 1,682.63 $ 43,748.29 7 $ 21.2470 $ 1,699.76 $ 44,193.75 8 $ 21.4571 $ 1,716.57 $ 44,630.77 9 $ 21.6733 $ 1,733.86 $ 45,080.45 10 $ 11.8885 $ 1,751.08 '• $ 45,528.03 11 $ 22.1067 $ 1,768.54 $ 45,981.94 12 $ 22.3280 $ 1,786.24 $ 46,442.18 13 $ 22.5523 $ 1,804.18 $ 46,908.75 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 19.4362 $ 1,554.90 $ 40,427.37 Grade M-08 2 $ 10.0109 $ 1,601.67 $ 41,643.41 3 $ 10.6197 $ 1,649.58 �' $ 42,889.03 4 $ 11.2176 $ 1,697.40 $ 44,132.52 S $ 21.4317 $ 1,714.54 $ 44,577.99 6 $ 21.6459 $ 1,731.67 $ 45,023.45 7 $ 21.8621 $ 1,748.97 $ 45,473.14 8 $ 12.0823 $ 1,766.59 $ 45,931.27 9 $ 22.3006 $ 1,784.05 $ 46,385.18 10 5 22.5249 $ 1,801.99 '� $ 46,851.75 11 $ 22.7482 $ 1,819.85 i $ 47,316.21 12 $ 22.9755 $ 1,838.04 $ 47,789.12 13 $ 23.2059 $ 1,856.48 $ 48,268.37 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 20.4208 $ 1,633.66 5 42,475.23 Grade M-09 2 $ 21.0318 $ 1,682.55 $ 43,746.18 3 $ 11.6418 $ 1,731.35 $ 45,015.01 4 $ 11.2935 $ 1,783.48 $ 46,370.40 5 $ 22.5178 $ 1,801.42 $ 46,836.97 6 $ 22.7431 $ 1,819.45 $ 47,305.66 7 $ 12.9684 $ 1,837.47 $ 47,774.34 8 $ 23.1999 $ 1,855.99 • $ 48,255.70 9 $ 23.4291 $ 1,874.34 �. $ 48,732.83 10 $ 23.6637 $ 1,893.10 $ 49,220.52 11 $ 23.8982 $ 1,911.85 $ 49,708.20 12 $ 24.1397 $ 1,931.18 $ 50,210.67 13 1$ 24.3813 $ 1,950.51 $ 50,713.14 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 21.0318 $ 1,682.55 $ 43,746.18 Grade M-10 2 $ 21.6418 $ 1,731.35 $ 45,015.01 3 $ 22.2935 $ 1,783.48 M, $ 46,370.40 4 $ 22.9613 $ 1,836.91 $ 47,759.57 5 $ 23.1928 $ 1,855.42 is $ 48,240.92 6 5 13.4232 $ 1,873.85 �.� $ 48,720.16 7 $ 23.6576 $ 1,892.61 $ 49,207.85 8 5 23.8941 $ 1,911.53 $ 49,699.76 9 $ 24.1316 $ 1,930.53 $ 50,193.78 10 $ 24.3732 $ 1,949.86 $ 50,696.25 11 $ 24.6198 $ 1,969.59 $ 51,209.27 12 S 24.8604 $ 1,988.83 •• $ 51,709.62 13 $ 25.1111 $ 2,008.89 $ 52,231.09 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 21.6418 $ 1,731.35 $ 45,015.01 Grade M-11 2 $ 22.2935 $ 1,783.48 $ 46,370.40 3 $ 22.9613 $ 1,836.91 $ 47,759.57 4 5 23.6495 $ 1,891.96 •• $ 49,190.96 5 $ 23.8880 $ 1,911.04 $ 49,687.09 6 $ 24.1255 $ 1,930.04 $ 50,181.11 7 $ 24.3651 $ 1,949.21 $ 50,679.36 8 $ 24.6107 $ 1,968.86 $ 51,190.27 9 $ 24.8553 $ 1,988.43 $ 51,699.07 10 $ 25.1060 $ 2,008.48 $ 52,220.53 11 $ 25.3557 $ 2,028.46 $ 52,739.89 12 $ 25.6085 $ 2,048.68 :: $ 53,265.58 13 $ 25.8642 $ 2,069.14 $ 53,797.60 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 11.8560 $ 1,748.48 $ 45,460.47 Grade M-12 2 $ 22.5097 $ 1,800.77 •• $ 46,820.08 3 $ 23.1867 $ 1,854.93 $ 48,228.25 4 $ 23.8819 $ 1,910.55 $ 49,674.42 5 5 24.1194 $ 1,929.56 $ 50,168.45 6 $ 24.3610 $ 1,948.88 $ 50,670.91 7 j$ 24.6056 $ 1,968.45 $ 51,179.71 8 1$ 24.8502 $ 1,988.02 $ 51,688.51 9 $ 25.0979 $ 2,007.83 $ 52,203.64 10 $ 25.3496 $ 2,027.97 $ 52,727.22 11 $ 25.6054 $ 2,048.43 $ 53,259.24 12 $ 25.8581 $ 2,068.65 : •: $ 53,784.93 13 $ 26.1,2101 $ 2,089.68 $ 54,331.73 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 22.5097 $ 1,800.77 $ 46,810.08 Grade M-13 2 $ 23.1867'7$ 1,854.93 $ 48,228.15 3 $ 23.8819 $ 1,910.55 $ 49,674.42 4 $ 24.5985 $ 1,967.88 $ 51,164.93 5 $ 14.8452 $ 1,987.61 $ 51,677.95 6 $ 25.0918 $ 2,007.35 $ 51,190.98 7 $ 25.3425 $ 2,017.40 $ 52,712.44 8 $ 25.5953 $ 2,047.62 $ 53,238.13 9 $ 25.8531 $ 1,068.25 $ 53,774.38 10 $ 26.1088 $ 2,088.71 $ 54,306.40 11 $ 26.3707 $ 2,109.66 5 54,851.09 12 $ 26.6366 $ 2,130.93 $ 55,404.11 13 $ 26.8985 $ 2,151.88 S 55.948.91 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 23.1867 $ 1,854.93 $ 48,228.25 Grade M-14 2 $ 23.8819 $ 1,910.55 5 49,674.42 3 $ 24.5985 $ 1,967.88 $ 51,164,93 4 $ 25.3354 $ 2,016.83 $ 51,697,66 5 $ 25.5881 $ 2,047,05 $ 53,223.35 6 $ 25.8470 $ 2,067.76 $ 53,761.71 7 $ 26.1028 $ 2,088.22 $ 54,193.73 8 $ 26.3656 $ 2,109.25 •• $ 54,840.53 9 $ 26.6285 $ 2,130.28 $ 55,387.33 10 $ 26.8924 $ 2,151.39 $ 55,936.24 11 $ 27.1634 $ 2,173.07 $ 56,499.93 12 $ 27.4355 $ 2,194.84 $ 57,065.74 13 $ 17.7]05 $ 2,216.84 $ 57,637.87 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 23.8819 $ 1,910.55 $ 49,674.42 Glade M-IS 2 $ 24.5985 $ 1,967.88 $ 51,164.93 3 $ 25.3354 $ 2,026.83 $ 52,697.66 4 $ 26.1068 $ 2,088.55 - $ 54,302.18 5 $ 26.3687 $ 2,109.49 $ 54,846.86 6 $ 26.6356 $ 2,130.85 $ 55,402.11 7 $ 26.8975 $ 2,151.80 $ 55,946.80 8 $ 27.1695 $ 2,173.56 �' $ 56,512.60 9 $ 27.4405 $ 2,195.24 $ 57,076.19 10 $ 27.7166 $ 2,217.33 =•• $ 57,650.54 11 $ 27.9947 $ 2,239.58 $ 58,129.01 12 $ 28.2728 $ 1,161.83 $ 58,807.48 13 $ 28.5540 $ 2,284.32 $ 59,391.18 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 24.5985 $ 1,967.88 $ 51,164.93 Grade M-16 2 $ 25.3354 $ 2,016.83 $ 52,697.66 3 $ 16.1068 $ 2,088.55 $ 54,302.18 4 $ 16.8853 $ 2,150.83 •• $ 55,921.47 5 $ 27.1553 $ 2,172.42 $ 56,483.04 6 $ 27.4253 $ 2,194.02 $ 57,044.61 7 $ 27.7014 $ 2,216.11 $ 57,618.87 8 $ 27.9754 $ 2,238.03 •' • $ 58,188.89 9 $ 28.2566 $ 2,260.53 $ 58,773.70 10 $ 28.5377 $ 2,283.02 $ 59,358.50 11 $ 28.8240 $ 2,305.92 $ 59,953.86 12 $ 29.1143 $ 2,329.14 •• $ 60,557.66 13 $ 29.4025 1 $ 2,352.20 •• $ 61,157.24 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 25.3354 $ 2,026.83 S 52,697.66 Grade M-17 2 $ 26.1068 $ 1,088.55 $ 54,301.18 Administrative Assistant 3 $ 26.88S3 $ 2,150.83 •. $ 55,921.47 4 $ 27.7004 $ 2,216.03 • $ 57,616.76 5 $ 17.9775 $ 2,138.20 $ 58,193.12 6 $ 28.2586 $ 2,260.69 $ 58,777.92 7 $ 28.5428 $ 2,283.43 $ 59,369.06 8 $ 28.8250 $ 2,306.00 $ 59,955.97 9 $ 29.1153 S 2,329.22 S 60,559.77 10 $ 29.4035 $ 2,352.28 $ 61,159.35 11 $ 29.6989 $ 2,375.91 $ 61,773.71 12 $ 29.9943 $ 2,399.54 • $ 61,388.07 13 $ 30.1967 $ 2,423.74 $ 63,017.11 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 26.1068 $ 2,088.55 $ 54,302.18 Grade M-18 2 $ 26.8853 $ 2,150.83 .. $ 55,921.47 Payroll Specialist 3 $ 27.7004 $ 1,216.03 $ 57,616.76 Legal Administrative Assistant 4 $ 28.5286 $ 1,181.29 $ 59,339.50 Administrataive Analyst S $ 28.8138 $ 2,305.11 $ 59,932.75 6 $ 29.1011 $ 2,328.17 $ 60,532.33 7 $ 29.3934 $ 2,351.47 $ 61,138.24 8 $ 29.6867 $ 2,374.94 $ 61,748.38 9 $ 29.9831 $ 2,398.65 $ 62,364.85 10 $ 30.2835 $ 2,422.68 $ 62,989.76 11 $ 30.5870 $ 2,446.96 $ 63,611.01 12 $ 30.8915 $ 2,471.32 $ 64,254.37 13 S 3].2031 $ 2,496.15 5 64,902.51 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 16.8853 $ 1,150.83 $ 55,921.47 Grade M-19 2 $ 27.7004 $ 2,216.03 $ 57,616.76 PW&U Administrative Supervisor 3 $ 28.5286 $ 2,282.29 $ 59,339.50 4 $ 29.3853 $ 2,350.82 $ 61,121.35 5 $ 29.6786 $ 2,374.29 $ 61,731.49 6 $ 29.9750 $ 2,398.00 $ 62,347.96 7 $ 30.2764 $ 2,422.11 $ 62,974.98 8 $ 30.5799 $ 2,446.39 $ 63,606.23 9 $ 30.8814 $ 2,470.51 $ 64,233.26 10 $ 31.1899 $ 2,495.19 $ 64,875.06 11 $ 31.5036 $ 2,520.29 $ 65,527.43 12 $ 31.8192 $ 2,545.54 $ 66,184.01 13 S 32.1359 $ 2,570.87 , S 66,842.10 MANAGEMENTRANGE 1 $ 27.7004 $;2,519.72 .03 :� $ 57,616.76 Grade M-20 2 $ 28.5286 $ .29 $ 59,339.50 Legal Assistant/Paralegal 3 $ 29.3853 $ .82 $ 61,111.35 Human Resources Specialist 4 $ 30.2663 $ .30 $ 62,953.87 5 $ 30.5677 $ 5.42 $ 63,580.90 6 $ 30.8753 S0.02 $ 64,210.59 7 $ 31.1808 $ .46 $ 64,856.06 8 $ 31.4965 $ .72 $ 65,512.65 9 $ 31.8091 $ .73 $ 66,162.90 10 $ 32.1248 $ .98 $ 66,819.48 11 $ 32.4485 $ .88 $ 67,492.95 12 $ 32.7733 $ 2,611.87 .: $ 68,168.54 13 $ 33.1002 $ 2,648.01 $ 68,848.34 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 28.5186 $ 2,282.29 $ 59,339.50 Grade M-21 2 $ 29.3853 $ 2,350.82 S 61,121.35 3 $ 30.2663 $ 2,421.30 5 61,953.87 4 $ 31.1737 $ 2,493.90 $ 64,841.29 5 $ 31.4863 $ 2,518.91 S 65,491.54 6 $ 31.8020 $ 2,544.16 $ 66,148.12 7 $ 32.1187 $ 2,569.49 $ A666 8 $ 32.4414 $ 1,595.31 $ 9 $ 32.7632 $ 1,621.05 $ 10 $ 33.0920 $ 2,647.36 $ 11 $ 33.4229 $ 1,673.83 $ 12 $ 33.7569 $ 2,700.55 $ 13 $ 34.0939 $ 2,727.51 •� $ MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 29.3853 $12,673.02 0.82 5 61,121.36 Grade M-22 2 $ 30.2663 $ 1.30 $ 62,953.87 Senior Center Manager 3 $ 31.1737 $ 3.90 $ 64,841.29 4 $ 32.1075 $ 8.60 $ 66,783.59 5 $ 32.4303 $ 4.42 $ 67,454.95 6 $ 32.7530 $ 0.24 5 68,116.31 7 $ 33.0819 $ 6.55 $ 68,810.34 8 $ 33.4128 $ 73.02 $ 69,498.59 9 $ 33.7467 $ 9.74 $ 70,193.18 1034.0827 56.61 S 70,891.98 11 $ 34.4268 54.14 $ 71,607.68 12 $ 34.7709 $ 1.67 $ 72,323.38 13 $ 35.11609.28 $ 73,041.19 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 30.2663 $]72 1.30 $ 62,953.87 Grade M-23 2 $ 31.1737 $ 3.90 S 64,841.29 3 $ 32.1075 $ 8.60 $ 66,783.59 4 $ 33.0789 $ 6.31 $ 68,804.01 5 $ 33.4036 $ 1.19 $ 69,479.59 6 $ 33.7376 $ 9.01 $ 70,174.18 7 $ 34.0746 $ 5.97 $ 70,875.10 8 $ 34.4126 $ 3.00 $ 71,578.12 M$ 34.7597 $ 0.78 $ 72,300.16 $ 35.1058 5 .46 : $ 73,020.07 $ 35.4560 S6.48 $ 73,748.44 $ 35.8143 $ 5.14 $$ 36.1675 $ 3.40 $ 75,228.39 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 31.1737 $ 2,493.90 $ 64,841.29 Glade M-24 2 $ 32.1136 $ 2,569.09 $ 66,796.26 3 $ 33.0789 $ 2,646.31 $ 68,804.01 4 $ 34.0725 $ 2,725.80 $ 70,870.87 5 $ 34.4105 $ 1,752.84 $ 71,573.90 6 $ 34,7566 $ 2,780.53 $ 72,193.82 7 $ 35.1038 $ 2,808.30 $ 73,015.85 8 $ 35.4519 $ 2,836.13 : $ 73,742.10 9 $ 35.8102 $ 2,864.81 $ 74,485.25 10 $ 36.1624 $ 2,892.99 5 75,217.83 11 $ 36.5268 $ 2,922.14 5 75,975.75 12 $ 36.8922 $ 1,951.38 $ 76,735.79 13 $ 37.2606 $ 2,980.85 $ 77,502.15 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 31.1136 $ 2,569.09 $ 66,796.26 Grade M-25 2 $ 33.0789 $ 2,646.31 $ 68,804.01 3 $ 34.0725 $ 2,725.80 $ 70,870.87 4 $ 35.0936 $ 2,807.49 $ 72,994.74 S $ 35.4468 $ 2,835.75 $ 73,729.44 b $ 35.7950 $ 2,863.60 $ 74,453.58 7 $ 36.1563 $ 2,892.51 $ 75,205.17 8 $ 36.5167 $ 2,921.33 $ 75,954.64 9 $ 36.8831 $ 2,950.65 $ 76,716.79 10 $ 37.2515 $ 2,980.11 $ 77,483.15 11 $ 37.6220 S 3,009.76 $ 78,253.74 12 $ 38.0046 $ 3,040.37 $ 79,049.66 13 $ 38.3802 $ 3,070.42 $ 79,830.81 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 33.0789 $ 1,646.31 $ 68,804.01 Grade M-26 2 $ 34.0725 $ 2,725.80 $ 70,870.87 Assistant City Attorney 3 $ 35.0936 $ 2,807.49 $ 72,994.74 City Clerk 4 $ 36.1481 $ 2,891.86 $ 75,188.18 Financial Analyst S $ 36.5095 $ 1,920.76 $ 75,939.86 6 $ 36.8770 $ 2,950.16 $ 76,704.12 7 $ 37.2454 $ 2,979.63 $ 77,470.48 8 $ 37.6159 $ 3,009.27 $ 78,241.07 9 $ 37.9925 $ 3,039.40 $ 79,024.33 10 $ 38.3731 $ 3,069.85 $ 79,816.03 11 $ 38.7578 $ 3,100.62 : $ 80,616.17 12 $ 39.1445 $ 3,131.56 13 : $ 8],420.LL54 $ 39.5353 $ 316, 2.82 : $ 82,233.35 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 34.0725 $ 2,725.80 $ 70,870.87 Grade M-27 2 $ 35.0936 $ 2,807.49 $ 72,994.74 3 $ 36.1482 $ 2,891.86 $ 75,188.28 4 $ 37.1343 $ 2,978.74 $ 77,447.26 5 $ 37.6078 $ 3,008.62 $ 78,224.18 6 $ 37.9813 $ 3,038.50 $ 79,001.10 7 $ 38.3619 $ 3,068.95 $ 79,792.80 8 $ 38.7456 $ 3,099.65 • $ 80,590.84 9 $ 39.1333 $ 3,130.67 $ 81,397.32 10 $ 39.5171 $ 3,162.17 $ 82,216.46 11 $ 39.9189 $ 3,193.51 $ 83,031.38 12 $ 40.3178 $ 3,115.43 $ 83,861.09 13 $ 40.7218 $ 3,257.83 $ 84,703.46 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 35.0936 $ 2,807.49 $ 72,994.74 Grade M-18 2 $ 36.1482 $ 1,891.86 $ 75,188.28 Community Development 3 $ 37.2343 $ 1,978.74 $ 77,447.16 4 $ 38.3538 $ 31068.30 $ 79,775.91 s $ 38.7334 $ 3,098.67 $ 80,565.50 6 $ 39.1222 $ 3,129.77 $ 81,374.09 7 $ 39.5150 $ 3,161.20 $ 82,191.13 8 $ 39.9068 $ 3,192.54 $ 83,006.05 9 $ 40.3097 $ 3,124.78 $ 83,844.20 10 $ 40.7106 $ 3,256.85 $ 84,678.11 11 $ 41.1187 $ 3,289.49 $ 85,526.82 12 $ 41.5197 $ 3,312.38 $ 86,381.86 13 $ 41.9449 1 $ 3,355.59 5 87,245.34 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 36.1482 $ 2,891.86 $ 75,188.28 Grade M-29 2 $ 37.2343 $ 2,978.74 $ 77,447.26 Cost&Capital Accountant 3 $ 38.3538 $ 3,068.30 $ 79,775.91 Customer Service Manager 4 $ 39.5018 $ 3,160.14 $ 82,163.68 5 $ 39.8986 $ 3,191.89 $ 82,989.16 6 $ 40.2965 $ 3,123.72 $ 83,816.75 7 $ 40.7005 $ 3,156.04 $ 84,657.01 8 $ 41.1065 $ 3,288.52 $ 85,501.49 9 $ 41.5165 $ 3,321.32 $ 86,354.41 10 $ 41.9317 $ 3,354.53 $ 87,217.89 11 $ 42.3519 $ 3,388.15 •• $ 88,091.93 12 $ 41.7751 $ 3,422.01 $ 88,972.30 13 $ 43.2035 $ 3,456.18 : .i $ 89,863.13 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 37.1343 $ 2,978.74 $ 77,447.26 Grade M-30 2 $ 38.3538 $ 3,068.30 $ 79,775.91 3 $ 39.5018 $ 3,160.14 $ 82,163.68 4 $ 40.6873 $ 3,254.98 $ 84,629.56 S $ 41.0963 $ 3,287.71 $ 85,480.38 6 $ 41.5044 $ 3,320.35 $ 86,329.08 7 $ 41.9205 $ 3,353.64 $ 87,194.67 8 $ 42.3377 $ 3,387.01 $ 88,062.37 9 $ 42.7650 $ 3,421.20 $ 88,951.19 10 $ 43.1923 $ 3,455.38 $ 89,840.00 11 $ 43.6217 $ 3,489.73 $ 90,733.04 12 $ 44.0581 $ 3,524.65 $ 91,640.86 13 $ 44.4996 $ 3,559.97 $ 92,559.23 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 38.3538 $ 3,068.30 $ 79,775.91 Grade M-31 2 $ 39.5018 $ 3,160.14 $ 82,163.68 Power Resources Manager 3 $ 40.6873 $ 3,154.98 $ 84,629.56 Management Accountant 4 $ 41.9073 $ 3,352.59 $ 87,167.23 5 $ 42.3275 $ 3,386.20 $ 88,041.26 6 $ 42.7498 $ 3,419.98 $ 88,919.52 7 $ 43.1801 $ 3,454.41 $ 89,814.67 8 $ 43.6115 $ 3,488.92 $ 90,711.93 9 $ 44.0459 $ 3,523.67 $ 91,615.52 10 $ 44.4895 $ 3,559.16 $ 92,538.12 Moved from tU0E#302 11 $ 44.9310 $ 3,594.48 :: $ 93,456.49 12 $ 45.3827 $ 3,630.61 M. $ 94,395.97 13 1$ 45.83231$ 3,666.59 $ 95,331.24 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 39.5018 $ 3,160.14 $ 82,163.68 Grade M-32 2 $ 40.6873 $ 3,254.98 $ 84,619.56 Senior Financial Systems Analyst 3 $ 41.9073 $ 3,352.59 $ 87,167.23 Street/Stormwater Superintendent 4 $ 43.1639 $ 3,453.11 $ 89,780.89 Fleet Manager 5 $ 43.5943 $ 3,487.54 $ 90,676.04 Solid Waste Superintendent 6 $ 44.0317 $ 3,522.54 $ 91,585.97 7 $ 44.4702 $ 3,557.62 $ 92,498.01 8 $ 44.9178 $ 3,593.42 $ 93,429.04 9 $ 45.3664 $ 3,629.32 $ 94,362.20 Moved from IUOE#302-Street/5tormwater Superintendent;Fleet Manager; 10 $ 45.8201 $ 3,665.61 $ 95,305.90 Solid Waste Superintendent 11 $ 46.2799 $ 3,701.40 $ %,262.28 12 $ 46.7428 $ 3,739.42 $ 97,114.98 13 1$ 47.2107 1 $ 3,776.86 $ 98,198.15 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 40.6873 $ 3,254.98 t $ 84,629.56 Grade M-33 2 $ 41.9073 $ 3,351.59 $ 87,167.13 Water Superintendent 3 $ 43.1639 $ 3,453.11 $ 89,780.89 Wastewater Superintendent 4 $ 44.4580 $ 3,556.64 t• $ 92,472.67 5 $ 44.9036 $ 3,592.29 $ 93,399.49 6 $ 45.3512 $ 3,628.18 t $ 94,332.64 7 $ 45.8100 $ 3,664.80 $ 95,184.79 8 $ 46.1667 $ 3,701.34 $ 96,234.83 9 $ 46.7286 $ 3,738.29 $ 97,195.43 Moved fran IUOE#302-Water Superintendent;Wastewater Superintendent 10 $ 47.1934 $ 3,775.48 $ 98,162.36 11 $ 47.6664 $ 3,813.31 z $ 99,146.17 12 $ 48.1425 $ 3,851.40 $ 100,136.33 13 $ 48.6266 $ 3,890.13 $ 101,143.37 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 41.9073 $ 3,352.59 $ 87,167.23 Grade M-34 2 $ 43.1639 $ 3,453.11 $ 89,780.89 3 $ 44.4S80 $ 3,556.64 t• $ 92,472.67 4 $ 45.7958 $ 3,663.66 $ 95,255.23 5 $ 46.2535 $ 3,700.28 : : $ 96,207.38 6 $ 46.7154 $ 3,737.13 $ 97,167.98 7 $ 47.1823 $ 3,774.58 $ 98,139.13 8 $ 47.6543 $ 3,812.34 99,120.84 9 $ 48.1303 $ 3,850.42 $ 100,110.99 10 $ 48.6114 $ 3,888.91 : $ 101,111.70 11 $ 49.0996 $ 3,927.97 t •t $ 102,127.19 12 $ 49.5899 $ 3,967.19 : $ 103,146.90 13 $ 50.0841 $ 4,006.73 $ ]04,175.05 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 43.1639 $ 3,453.11 $ 89,780.89 Grade M-35 2 $ 44.4580 $ 3,556.64 t• $ 92,472.67 IT Manager 3 $ 45.7958 $ 3,663.66 $ 95,255.23 4 $ 47.1691 $ 3,773.53 $ 98,111.69 5 $ 47.6400 $ 3,811.20 $ 99,091.28 6 $ 48.1161 $ 3,849.29 $ 100,081.44 7 $ 48.5972 $ 3,887.77 $ 101,082.14 8 $ 49.0834 $ 3,926.67 t $ 102,093.41 9 $ 49.5716 $ 3,965.81 $ 103,111.01 10 $ 50.0700 $ 4,005.60 $ 104,145.50 Moved from IUOE#302-Engineering Manager 11 $ 50.5714 $ 4,045.71 t $ 105,188.43 12 $ 51.0728 $ 4,085.82 $ 106,131.36 13 $ 51.5853 $ 4,126.83 7 107,297.52 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 45.3066 $ 3,624.52 $ 94,237.63 Grade M-36 2 $ 46.6656 $ 3,733.25 :: $ 97,064.53 3 $ 48.0674 $ 3,845.39 $ 99,980.10 4 $ 49.5087 $ 3,960.69 $ 102,978.00 5 $ 50.0040 $ 4,000.32 $ 104,008.27 6 $ 50.5054 S 4,040.43 $ 105,051.20 7 $ 51.0078 $ 4,080.62 $ 106,096.24 8 $ 51.5184 $ 4,121.47 $ 107,158.18 9 $ 52.0340 $ 4,162.71 $ 108,230.67 10 $ 52.5547 $ 4,104.37 •: $ 109,313.71 11 $ 53.0794 $ 4,246.35 t' $ 110,405.20 12 $ 53.6093 $ 4,288.74 $ 111,507.25 13 is 54.1472 $ 4,331.78 $ 112,626.19 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1S 46.6656 S 3,733.25 $ 97,064.53 Glade M-37 2 $ 48.0674 $ 3,845.39 $ 99,980.10 OperationsLight 3 $ 49.5087 $ 3,960.69 $ 102,978.00 4 $ 50.9936 $ 4,079.49 $ 106,066.69 S $ 51.5041 $ 4,120.33 $ 107,128.62 6 $ 52.0188 $ 4,161.50 $ 108,199.00 7 $ 51.5374 S 4,102.99 �. •' $ 109,277.81 8 $ 53.0651 $ 4,245.22 $ 110,375.65 9 $ 53.5950 $ 4,287.60 $ 111,477.69 10 $ 54.1320 $ 4,330.56 $ 112,594.52 Moved from IUOE#302-Light Operations Manager 11 $ 54.6699 $ 4,373.59 $ 113,713.45 12 $ 55.2201 $ 4,417.60 $ 114,857.72 13 S 55.7682 $ 4,461.45 $ 115,997.77 MANAGEMENT RANGE 1 $ 48.0674 $ 3,845.39 $ 99,980.10 Grade M-38 2 $ 49.5087 $ 3,960.69 $ 102,978.00 Deputy 3 $ 50.9936 $ 4,079.49 $ 106,066.69 Fire Marshall/Assistant Chief 4 $ 52.5232 $ 4,201.86 $ 109,248.27 Senior Assistant City Attorney 5 $ 53.0500 $ 4,144.00 $ 110,343.98 Human Resources Manager 6 $ 53.5788 $ 4,286.30 $ 111,443.91 Deputy Director of Transportation 7 $ 54.1157 $ 4,329.26 $ 112,560.74 DirectorDeputy 8 $ 54.6578 $ 4,372.62 $ 113,688.12 City Engineer/De.Engineer/DeputV Director9 $ 55.2008 $ 4,416.06 $ 114,817.61 10 $ 55.7550 $ 4,460.40 $ 115,970.33 11 $ 56.3132 $ 4,505.06 $ 117,131.49 Moved from(UOE#302-Assistant Director of Power Systems 12 $ 56.8755 $ 4,550.04 $ 118,301.09 13 $ 57.4439 $ 4,595.51 $ 119,483.36 1 $ 49.5087 $ 3,960.69 $ 102,978.00 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 50.9936 S 4,079.49 $ 106,066.69 Grade M-39 3 $ 52.5232 $ 4,201.86 t• $ 109,248.17 4 $ 54.0985 $ 4,327.88 $ 112,524.85 S $ 59.6405 S 4,371.24 $ 113,651.13 6 $ 55.1876 $ 4,415.01 $ 114,790.17 7 $ 55.7418 $ 4,459.34 $ 115,941.88 8 $ 56.2960 $ 4,503.68 $ 117,095.60 9 $ 56.8583 $ 4,548.66 $ 118,265.20 10 $ 57.4167 $ 4,594.13 $ 119,447.47 11 $ 58.0031 $ 4,640.16 $ 120,646.64 12 $ 58.5807 $ 4,686.46 $ 121,847.91 13 $ 59.1674 $ 4,733.39 $ 123,068.18 1 $ 50.9936 $ 4,079.49 $ 106,066.69 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 52.5232 $ 4,201.86 $ 109,248.27 Grade M-40 3 $ 54.0985 $ 4,327.88 $ 112,524.85 Deputy - 4 $ 55.7316 $ 4,458.53 .. $ 115,921.77 5 $ 56.1787 $ 4,502.30 $ 117,059.71 6 $ 56.8430 $ 4,547.44 $ 118,133.53 7 $ 57.4125 $ 4,593.00 $ 119,417.92 8 $ 57.9829 $ 4,638.63 $ 12Q604.41 9 $ 58.5635 $ 4,685.08 $ 121,812.02 10 $ 59.1512 $ 4,732.09 $ 113,034.40 11 $ 59.7409 $ 4,779.27 $ 124,261.01 12 $ 60.3407 $ 4,827.16 13 $ 60.9406 $ 4,875.25 i $ 116,756.45 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 1 $ 52.5232 $ 4,201.86 $ 109,148.27 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 54.0985 $ 4,327.88 $ 111,524.85 Grade M-41 3 $ 55.7316 $ 4,458.53 ••� $ 115,921.77 4 $ 57.4003 $ 4,592.02 : $ 119,392.58 5 $ 57.9666 $ 4,637.33 $ 120,570.63 6 $ 58.5462 $ 4,683.70 $ 121,776.13 7 $ 59.1339 $ 4,730.71 : S 122,998.51 8 $ 59.7216 $ 4,777.81 $ 124,223.01 9 $ 60.3215 $ 4,825.72 - $ 125,468.62 10 $ 60.9264 $ 4,874.11 $ 126,726.89 11 $ 61.5334 $ 4,921.67 : $ 127,989.39 12 $ 62.1505 $ 4,972.04 $ 129,273.00 13 $ 62.7717 $ 5,021.73 :: $ 130,565.05 1 $ 54.0985 $ 4,327.88 $ 112,524.85 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 55.7316 $ 4,458.53 $ 115,921.77 Grade M-42 3 $ 57.4003 S 4,592.02 S 119,392.58 DirectorFinance 4 $ 59.1268 $ 4,730.14 $ 122,983.73 DevelopmentDirector of Community&Economic 5 $ 59.7155 $ 4,777.24 $ 124,208.23 Fire Chief 6 $ 60.3123 $ 4,814.99 $ 115,449.62 Police Chief 7 $ 60.9173 $ 4,873.38 $ 126,707.89 DirectorParks&Recreation 8 $ 61.5222 $ 4,921.78 •• $ 127,966.17 9 $ 62.1403 $ 4,971.23 $ 129,251.89 10 $ 62.7605 $ 5,020.84 $ 130,541.83 11 $ 63.3888 $ 5,071.10 •: $ 131,848.66 12 $ 64.0232 $ 5,121.85 �• $ 133,168.16 13 $ 64.6636 $ 5,173.09 134,500.33 1 $ 55.7316 $ 4,458.53 •• $ 115,921.77 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 57.4003 $ 4,592.02 $ 119,392.58 Grade M-43 3 $ 59.1268 $ 4,730.14 $ 122,983.73 4 $ 60.8980 $ 4,871.84 $ 126,667.78 5 $ 61.5060 $ 4,920.48 •• $ 127,932.39 6 $ 62.1251 $ 4,970.01 $ 129,220.22 7 $ 62.7422 $ 5,019.38 $ 130,503.83 8 $ 63.3736 $ 5,069.88 ':• $ 131,816.99 9 $ 64.0029 $ 5,120.23 $ 133,125.94 10 $ 64.6454 $ 5,171.63 $ 134,462.33 11 $ 65.2929 $ 5,223.43 $ 135,809.27 12 $ 65.9476 $ 5,275.81 $ 137,171.00 13 $ 66.6063 $ 5,328.51 $ 137141.17 1 $ 57.4043 $ 4,592.35 $ 119,401.03 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 59.1217 $ 4,729.74 $ 122,973.18 Grade M-44 3 $ 60.8980 $ 4,871.84 $ 126,667.78 City Attorney 4 S 62.7180 S 5,018.24 $ 130,474.27 Public Works&Utilities Director S $ 63.3502 $ 5,068.02 $ 131,768.44 6 $ 63.9866 $ 5,118.93 $ 133,092.16 7 $ 64.6261 $ 5,170.09 $ 134,422.22 8 $ 65.2726 $ 5,221.81 $ 135,767.05 9 $ 65.9222 S 5,273.78 $ 137,118.21 to $ 66.5850 S 5,326.80 $ 138,496.83 11 $ 67.2519 $ 5,380.15 $ 139,883.89 12 $ 67.9258 $ 5,434.07 $ 141,285.73 13 $ 68.6039 $ 5,488.31 $ 142,696.01 CITY of PORT ANGELES Management Non-Represented Classification Salary Schedule--Effective January 1,2020 1 $ 59.1268 $:5,3 4,730.14 $ 112,983.73 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 60.8959 $ 4,871.68 $ 126,663.56 Grade M-45 3 $ 61.7280 $ 5,018.24 $ 130,474.27 4 $ 64.6088 $ 5,168.70 $ 134,386.32 5 $ 65.2513 $ 5,120.10 $ 135,722.71 6 $ 65.9070 $ 5,272.56 : $ 137,086.55 7 $ 66.5637 S5,325.10 $ 138,452.50 8 $ 67.2316 $ 78.53 $ 139,841.67 9 $ 67.9005 $ 5,432.04 $ 141,232.95 10 $ 68.5825 $ ,486.60 $ 142,651.67 11 $ 69.2666 $ ,541.33 $ 144,074.62 12 $ 69.9609 $ ,596.87 $ 145,518.68 13 $ 70.6602 $ ,652.82 $ 146,973.30 1 $ 60.8980 $]5,484.90 1.84 $ 126,667.78 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 62.7260 $ 8.08 i $ 130,470.05 Grade M-46 3 $ 64.6088 $ 8.70 $ 134,386.31 4 $ 66.5464 $ 3.72 $ 138,416.61 5 $ 67.2082 $ 76.66 $ 139,793.11 6 $ 67.8832 $ 0.66 $ 141,197.06 7 $ 68.5612 $ 4.90 $ 142,607.34 8 S 69.2474 $ 9.79 :: $ 144,034.51 9 $ 69.9406 $ 5.25 $ 145,476.46 10 $ 70.6410 $ 1.28 $ 146,933.19 11 $ 71.3474 $ 7.79 : $ 148,402.58 12 $ 72.0609 $ 4.88 $ 149,886.76 13 $ 72.7785 $ 2.28 $ 151,379.37 1 $ 62.7280 $ 5,018.24 $ 130,474.27 MANAGEMENT RANGE 2 $ 64.6068 S 5,168.54 $ 134,382.10 Grade M-47 3 $ 66.5464 $ 5,323.72 $ 138,416.61 4 $ 68.5430 $ 5,483.44 :: : $ 142,569.34 S $ 69.2260 $ 5,538.08 $ 143,990.17 6 $ 69.9203 $ 5,593.62 $ 145,434.23 7 $ 70.6186 S 5,649.49 $ 146,886.74 8 $ 71.3271 $ 5,706.17 $ 148,360.36 9 $ 72.0366 S 5,762.93 $ 149,836.09 10 S 72.7593 S 5,820.74 $ 151,339.26 11 $ 73.4880 $ 5,879.04 $ 152,855.10 12 $ 74.2229 $ 5,937.83 $ 154,383.61 13 $ 74.9638 $ 5,997.11 $ 155,924.79 1 $ 74.5578 $ 5,964.63 $ 155,080.31 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Attachment A to Ordinance 3524, relating to salaries, wages and benefits for the City's non-represented management and administrative personnel. WHEREAS, the City previously established a uniform package of salaries, wages and benefits for its non-represented management and administrative employees; and WHEREAS, the salaries, wages and benefits for this group of employees should be adjusted consistently with the represented employee groups, and for that purpose these benefits must be amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that salary schedules be adopted to become effective in 2020; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Attachment A to Ordinance 3524 is hereby amended to increase the salaries and wages for non-represented management, and administrative personnel b effective Januaa 1, 2020 and 1.0% effective July 1, 2020. Section 2. Except as provided in this Resolution, the provisions of set forth in Attachment A to Ordinance 3524 are confirmed and ratified. Section 3. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said -1- December 3, 2019 1 - 19 Council held on the day of December, 2019. Sissi Bruch, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary -2- December 3, 2019 1 - 20 -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: William Bloor, City Attorney Subject: PA Harbor Cleanup/Environmental Issues Eighth Amendment to PSA with Integral Consulting Summary: Integral has been providing technical services and scientific analysis to the City in connection with the City's role as a participant in the harbor cleanup process since 2012. As has been true with other large projects,the services agreements for the harbor cleanup are being done in phases. Approving the agreements in phases is done specifically to assure that City Council periodically reviews the course and development of large projects as they evolve over time. The action requested tonight is approval of the Eighth Amendment, which is expected to cover Integral work in 2020. Funding: For services to be provided by Integral, the anticipated reimbursement rate by insurance is approximately 99%. Recommendation: Approve the Eighth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Integral Consulting, Inc., and authorize the City Manager to execute the amended Agreement and to make minor modifications to the agreements,if necessary. Background / Analysis: Early in 2012,the Department of Ecology(DOE)released a harbor sediment investigation report. Based on that report,DOE subsequently notified the City that it is one of several entities potentially liable for some portion of the contaminants in the harbor. The City did not then, and does not now,have on staff anyone with the knowledge and expertise needed to adequately analyze and respond to all the technical and scientific harbor cleanup issues. So,the City Council authorized an agreement with Integral Consulting to provide technical expertise on issues arising from the City's role as a PLP in the western harbor cleanup project initiated by DOE. Integral Consulting is a firm with the acknowledged capability, knowledge, and expertise to provide the range of required analysis and advice required for the harbor cleanup process. The issues initially focused on the preparation of a remedial investigation and feasibility study(RI/FS)and on claims against the City's former insurance carriers. More recently, the scope has widened to include federal natural resource damages claims. Substantial progress has been made on all issues. December 3, 2019 1 - 1 As has been true with other large projects,the services agreements for the harbor cleanup are being done in phases. Approving the agreements in phases is the same process used for consultants in other large projects,like the CSO project, for example. The work assignments and funding for consultants on the harbor project are being done in discretely identifiable sub-tasks so that Council can better track them as the overall project moves forward step by step. It is done specifically to assure that City Council periodically reviews the course and development of large projects as they evolve over time. This amendment recognizes that a significant amount of work has been accomplished,but the Scope of Work needs to be amended to add several tasks and issues that we expect may be anticipated in 2020. The Scope of Work included in the Eighth Amendment would increase the budget by $822,029.40 to an amount not to exceed$3,799,488.40. Funding: The services covered by this agreement are eligible for reimbursement by the City's former insurance companies at the rate of approximately 99%. Recommendation: Approve the Eighth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Integral Consulting,Inc., and authorize the City Manager to execute the amended Agreement and to make minor modifications to the agreements,if necessary. December 3, 2019 J - 2 -;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Nathan A West, City Manager Allyson Brekke,Director of Community and Economic Development Corey Delikat,Director of Parks and Recreation Subject: Waterfront Phase 3 - Downtown Renaissance Follow Up Summary: In October of 2019, City Council requested Staff examine the float plane proposal for possible inclusion in the Capital Facilities Plan and report back at a future Council meeting. Funding: Funding has not been allocated to this project,however,capital costs are expected. Overall costs for the Waterfront Phase 3 have been estimated by Vanir Construction on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce at$20M. This includes the Float Plane Terminal and Infrastructure costs estimated at$2.5M. Recommendation: Information Only Background / Analysis: At the October 15'City Council meeting the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce presented an outline of the Downtown Renaissance effort. Following the presentation City Council passed a motion directing staff to examine the float plane proposal for possible inclusion in the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and report back at a future Council meeting. This memorandum is intended to constitute the report back to Council. In review of the Council request, staff recommends that the most efficient path forward is to acknowledge that Waterfront Development Phase 3 is already a part of the Council adopted CFP and that the Float Plan Terminal is simply a component of that already recognized project. While a separate Float Plane Terminal project can be added as part of the 2021 CFP process such an addition would not be approved until June of 2020. An alternative would be an independent addition to the plan outside the regular CFP Process. Additional public hearings and resolutions would be required. As outlined by the Chamber of Commerce timing of this project is important an approach that acknowledges the Float Plane Terminal as already integrated in Waterfront Phase three appears to be the most efficient path forward. During the 2020 CFP process the City suggested ways that the Chamber of Commerce could assist with moving forward the Waterfront Development Phase 3 project and the Chamber responded with engagement of many key players invested in Downtown. Staff recommends that we further support the Chamber's effort by adding the Float Plane terminal to our 2020 workplan. Several important next steps and considerations are important to the success of the project. December 3, 2019 L - 1 Legislative Prioritization A priority key to the success of this project is to ensure it is established as a legislative priority. The Chamber of Commerce has already provided Renaissance materials to our State and Federal legislators. It will be important for the City to include this project in their 2020 Legislative priorities as well as promote the project as part of the North Olympic Legislative Alliance group. Meeting with Department of Natural Resources On Monday November 25'City staff met with Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)to discuss status of our current lease and future consideration for a new lease to accommodate Waterfront Development Phase 3. The City's current lease is on a month to month basis awaiting a defined plan and subsequent permitting for the City Pier area. DNR officials are aware of the Chamber of Commerce Renaissance effort and indicated during the meeting that they are prepared to assist with a new lease once design and permitting efforts are complete. Public Process/Planning/Design One of the most critical next steps is to ensure that there has been an opportunity for public input and engagement. This could be float plane specific,Waterfront Development Phase 3 specific or focus on an overall Downtown area plan. The last public input opportunities took place in 2011 and 2016. Staff will work on additional details regarding opportunities for public input and planning. Design of the floats themselves is fairly simple,however,the more challenging piece of design is determining the best functional location that works with other vessel traffic,can accommodate permanent pile installation,protect the floats from the weather and ensure no environment harm is caused as part of installation. Historically staff have seen permitting requirements drive design. Historic Permitting Experience The recent history of permitting development or modifications to the Port Angeles waterfront has not been easy. City experience has been that Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Agency (JARPA)Permits take in excess of one year. Most notably the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE)permit which involves an independent public process and circulation to three federal environmental organizations has slowed multiple projects. As an example,the Waterfront Development Project began a pre-application meeting with ACOE in July of 2011 and did not receive the final permit until September 2012. A similar timeframe was experienced for the simple replacement of the existing City Pier floats. Blackball and the Port of Port Angeles have also seen timeframes in excess of one year. During staffs phone call with DNR it was suggested that these same permits are now taking two years due to development demand. Prior permits have required dive surveys of the area,eel grass surveys,planting mitigation plans and permit review from no less than eight(8) State and Federal entities. Prerequisites to applying for the permits include a biological assessment and National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)processes. Float Protection Maintenance and Annual Towing The current City Pier Transient Moorage is maintained by the City of Port Angeles's Parks &Recreation Department. The third generation set of floats were reinstalled in May of 2018 and are open for moorage starting the last weekend in May(Memorial Day weekend) and removed from the City Pier the week after December 3, 2019 L - 2 the Port Angeles Crab Festival(October 14th). The yearly maintenance to install and remove the transient floats from the City Pier is an average of$40,000 per year. The reason the transient moorage floats are removed every year is because there is no Jetty in place to protect them from could occur from the winter easterly storms. During the 2012 Waterfront Development public process there was a substantial amount of discussion about the need for a jetty if year-round floats and docks are to be successful on the City waterfront. In 2018,the City entered a Seasonal Dock Storage Cooperation Agreement from Erik Marks,Manager of the Landing and Wharf,LLC,to partner and store both entities moorage floats in the pond located next to McKinley Mill. This allows the floats to remain in a safe location during the winter months. It is important to note,that over the last two decades,Arrow Marine,owned by Jack Harmon,has donated his boats and staff to haul the City's floats to and from desired locations without charging the City for their services. Public Realities and Long-Term Operating Costs The Float Plan Project will be a"public work"and must adhere to state requirements for design and contractor selection. The project will require Engineering Division staff time meaning that it will be a competing priority with the City's backlog of street and utility projects. Considering the City's failing Pavement Condition Index this is an important consideration. Any design effort must diligently look into long term operating costs rather than just the capital expenses. Longevity of the floats and their ability to survive weather and climate changes in the harbor are also important considerations. A key public reality is that the City cannot just choose one seaplane company. The float will either need to be available to all such companies or a competitive request for proposals (RFP) should be issued. Staff would recommend that such an RFP should also require the operation and maintenance of the sea plane float. As an alternative the City could explore an RFP for a public private partnership approach where proposals are requested to design/build/operate a float plane facility. Summary The momentum and inspiration created by the Chamber of Commerce Renaissance group greatly benefits the future success of the Waterfront Development Phase 3 and the Float Plane Terminal. There are however,multiple steps and considerations in how to successfully move forward. Since the Departure of Kenmore Air in 2014 staff has met with numerous sea plane operators interested in City Pier. The Port of Port Angeles too has done substantial background work including the re-establishment of the seaplane in- water runway. If it was an easy process as simple a purchasing a float we would already have an operator. Wingspan accommodation,Feiro Marine Life Center uncertainty,eel grass beds, and desired fuel terminals have been significant impediments. That said the time is right to move forward with a public process and plan that ensures the most efficient implementation possible to ensure we capitalize on the important opportunities before us. Funding Overview: Funding has not been allocated to this project,however, capital costs are expected. Overall costs for the Waterfront Phase 3 have been estimated by Vanir Construction on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce at$20M. This includes the Float Plane Terminal and Infrastructure costs estimated at$2.5M. December 3, 2019 L - 3 .;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3, 2019 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Subject: Washington State University Visit Summary: For information only Funding: Not required, but an ask of$6,000 to help students with expenses. Background / Analysis: WSU has selected Port Angeles as a focus for their classes in Planning and Landscape Architecture for the spring semester and will be coming from the Pullman campus to spend 5 days here. They selected Port Angeles as they have heard that we are looking into updating our code, something that is seldom done, yet a great opportunity for students to bring a fresh perspective into a new process. The course descriptions for these two classes are attached to this memo. There is little staff and Council time required, as the faculty members will arrange meetings with community members to ensure the students get a wide perspective on the issues we face. They are scheduled to be here on February 3-7, 2020. Upon arrival, they are planning on taking a walking tour of the City and would like to meet with Council and staff the following day (February 41'). This would give the planning class a chance to work on policy issues around zoning/form-based zoning. They would like to spend 15 minutes presenting at the City Council meeting of February 4th some of their work around this topic. Both classes will end up doing their final presentation on April 23rd, which will be done via Zoom. Funding Overview: There is no required cost, but an ask from WSU to help cover some transportation costs. The program overall cost is $10,200 (covers lodging, transportation, and course materials). The cost covered by tuition/course fee is $5,000. The shortfall is $5,200. This does not include any food, as students would be responsible for that portion. December 3, 2019 L - 4 WASH I NGTON STATE 1"D jJNIVERSITY School of Design + Construction LA 450 1 Principles and Practice of Planning Spring 2020 Overview This course explores concepts, techniques, and processes of physical and socio- economic planning and their application to urban and regional contexts. We will begin our exploration with an examination of the USA's current urban situations and the evolution of the planning, or lack of it, that has created them. We will then go deeply into the planning process while providing service to the city of Port Angeles, Washington. Our work there will utilize existing city documents as well as additional research to assist the city in developing appropriate frameworks and guides for comprehensive planning and accompanying ordinances in the era of climate crisis. Learning objectives of this course Upon successfully completing Lnd_Arch 450 students will be able to: • Understand historical development of urban planning • Understand general urban planning processes in Washington State • Apply that understanding to provide service to Port Angeles, Washington Proposed Schedule The class will visit Port Angeles in early February 2020. While there we will meet with stakeholders in order to determine key community concerns. From that we will develop an exact scope of work. It is anticipated that students will check in with community leaders with a draft work on this scope in Mid-March. A final presentation, via Zoom, will be scheduled with the community in later April. December 3, 2019 L - 5 fre- Cf 4Lnd—Arch 485 1 Senior Comprehensive Project Precipitation from the sea accumulated in the clouds and was deposited on land as rain which filtered through the soil to the river to r join the sea once more.Not only did this express interconnectirity, evolution and journey,it also meant that the same object could bare different relationsb ps and functions. Tomato There is no single,simple story that will done parad se for us and there neer will be.As we know, the world will not stand still:energies and processes are what is actual;complexity is actual. William Kittredge Course Concept A confluence is the junction of two or more rivers.It also refers to an act or process of merging many things into one. Confluence is an apt metaphor for the landscape architecture senior comprehensive project,Lnd_Arch 485,as the project is a coming together of everything students have learned thus far. Of course, a confluence is more than the sum of some rivers or things. Indeed,it is an integrated expression of multiple streams. Likewise,the senior comprehensive project embodies more than a compilation of skill sets:it is an opportunity for students to develop, expand, and challenge all they have learned,to see and create anew.The course is also intended to provide a platform for students to strengthen and affirm their capacity for"ecological understanding"—defined as "the expectation and awareness that human actions have consequences and that an intricate web of relationships connects patterns and processes in the physical,biological,and social environments"(Ecology and Design,Johnson and Hill). Ecological understanding is required for the complex nature of professional landscape architectural practice, and thus underlies the content of this "Capstone" course.The course content is informed by a particular region and the broad issues confronting that region. In spring 2020,the course will be informed by the interrelated issues of climate change,resilience,adaptation, and urban planning as they pertain to the City of Port Angeles,Washington and the Dungeness-Elwha Watershed. Within the"frame" of the City of Port Angeles and the Dungeness-Elwha Watershed each student will 1) define and learn about the intricacies of a specific issue and delineate a site that pertains to their unique interests in the field of landscape architecture;2) address a particular question relevant to the issue and site;3) develop a method and process for generating a design response that explores the question;and 4) generate the design response in#3. Course Structure Lnd_Arch 485 course is structured as a service learning studio and has three phases. Phase one I weeks 1-4 Through lectures,discussions,and readings, students examine the City of Port Angeles and Dungeness-Elwha Watershed via multiple lenses.Each class period becomes a hybrid session that explores natural and social histories, values,cultures,science, or management of the biophysical conditions and processes associated with the region.The first three weeks of class are followed by an immersive 4-5 day study tour that provides opportunities for students to experience the landscape outside of the classroom and to interact with the people who live in,work in, and care about this landscape.The tour additionally serves as a venue for open ended conversations about the design needs and opportunities in the region. Prior to the tour students will read the City of Port Angeles' existing Comprehensive Plan, Climate Planning Report,and Housing Action Plan;the Climate Change Preparedness Plan for the North Olympic Peninsula; as well as other documents related to regional histories and ecologies and the City's current conditions. Phase two I weeks 5- 12 Students define and develop the topic of their individual projects,informed by the what they learned in phase one, especially their interactions with the community. Students generate design visualizations that respond to the needs and complexity of the city and the watershed.Throughout their design process it is expected that students conduct further research,and as appropriate, sustain connections with and seek input from stakeholders.There are two work-in- progress reviews during this phase. Phase three I weeks 13 -15 Designs are finalized and each student documents their entire design process. During the 14th week of the semester, on April 23rd, students publicly present and share their work,via Zoom,to invite community response and dialog. faculty:Jolie Kaytes I jolienwsu.edu December 3, 2019 L - 6 �+ P-QUANGELES CITY COUNCIL = WASHINGTON , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Brian S. Smith, Chief of Police Subject: Information -Police Department Accreditation Award Summary: On November 19, 2019 the Police Department was awarded re-accreditation by the Accreditation Commission of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC). This accomplishment is represented in the 2019-2020 City of Port Angeles Strategic Plan under Actions/Measures(C)(1) Taking Care of What We Have—Police Department Re-Accreditation,due December 31,2019. Funding:There are no direct funding impacts. Actions: Since receiving WASPC re-accreditation in November of 2015 Police Department Staff have been preparing for the 2019 WASPC re-accreditation process. The tempo of re-accreditation increased in early 2018 and culminated with a successful formal "onsite" inspection by a WASPC accreditation team in August of 2019. The inspection showed the Port Angeles Police Department(PAPD)to be fully compliant with all 137 accreditation standards. The process was completed on November 19,2019 when the WASPC Accreditation Commission voted unanimously to approve and award re-accreditation to PAPD. Recommendation: N/A—informational only. Background / Analysis: The Port Angeles Police Department is accredited through the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC). The re-accreditation (or renewal) process occurs every four years. To be successful a police or sheriff's department must meet or exceed all 137 best practice standards. The standards include evidence,records confidentiality, transparency,use of force review,on- going training, pursuit review, internal investigations, performance evaluations and the absence of bias based policing. The 2019 re-accreditation process began in late 2015 and immediately after the 2015 WASPC re- accreditation. Deputy Chief Viada was assigned accreditation manager in 2017 and Corporal David Dombrowski took over the program in 2018. The process involved a sustained review of PAPD practices and file proofs to ensure that the Department was in fact "living accreditation" every day. In 2019 the Department participated in two mock assessments and then successfully completed a formal WASPC onsite inspection in August of 2019. The formal onsite allows for departments to mitigate or repair items found to be out of compliance. PAPD was one of only four agencies(out of eleven in 2019)that completed their formal onsite with no issues to address. PAPD is one of 60 accredited agencies in Washington (out of over 300 municipal, county or state law enforcement agencies). The 2019 re-accreditation was a team effort that included Corporal David Dombrowski. Sergeant Kori Malone,Records Supervisor Carla Jacobi,Deputy Chief Jason Viada and the strong work provided every day by the entire Police Department. Special thanks go to our mentor,Clallam 1 December 3, 2019 L - 7 County Sheriffs Office Administrative Coordinator Lorraine Shore. PAPD has received WAPC accreditation in 2019,2015,2011,2003 and 1992. We are scheduled for re-accreditation in 2023. Recommendations: N/A Funding: N/A B fy i 4 2 December 3, 2019 L - 8 a o � O �W, pfj • OST' NGELES WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. City Manager's Office November 26, 2019 Marian Abbett, PE Cleanup Project Manager Southwest Regional Office WA Department of Ecology PO Box 47775 Olympia, WA 98504-7775 RE: Public Comment for Port Angeles Rayonier Mill Dear Ms. Abbett, The City of Port Angeles would like to thank you for the opportunity to comment on Rayonier Cleanup Volume III. Attached are detailed comments on the cleanup approach for the Rayonier Study Area. We recognize there are multiple facets of the site proposed in Volume III for change at this time. Our comments focus entirely on the upland portion of the Rayonier MTCA cleanup. The City recognizes and appreciates the challenges with sediment cleanup and does not oppose the intended remedy for in-water cleanup efforts. In addition, the City is appreciative of the ongoing discussions between Department of Ecology, Department of Natural Resources, and Rayonier to ensure the shoreline area is actively restored. It is our hope that these efforts progress rapidly. Intended restoration of the Ennis Creek Corridor and north eastern portion of the site are found to be consistent with anticipated future land use. Unfortunately, the preferred alternative planned for the western upland portion of the site is not acceptable to our community. The current preferred alternative proposed by Rayonier and presented by Department of Ecology is not acceptable to the City because it consolidates contaminated soils on the most viable or usable portion of the site. The consolidated contamination effectively creates a permanent landfill on the property that is planned to be fenced off from public access in perpetuity. We recognize that the community has diverse interests in future uses of the Rayonier property ranging from residential uses to public access, but no one wants a contaminated, closed-off landfill. City designations from Comprehensive Plan land use designation, Shoreline designation and Zoning also illustrate the diversity of uses possible at the site and indicate a mixed-use environment. The proposed cleanup level rules out most future Phone: 360-417-4500/ Fax: 360-417-4509/TTY: 360-417-4645 DIF019 wwvjcitjJp�us/Email: citymanager@cityofpa.us L - 10 321 East efth Street/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 uses. Any future use other than industrial would be required to take additional cleanup action. As such, Rayonier's solution is not a fix, but rather delays the-remedy to some'future time. The City expects to see future use of the site and therefore cannot accept a cleanup solution that requires additional cleanup action for any future activity. To date the cleanup has taken far too long. 'Rayonier and Ecology should'rework their cleanup design and create a new cleanup alternative for a more complete and long-term cleanup without taking any backward steps in the RIFS/Volume III process. The City looks forward to the expedient forward progress of this cleanup. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss'alternative design plans for the upland portion of the site. Sincerely J Nathan A. West City Manager December 3, 2019 L - 11 City of Port Angeles—Rayonier Volume III Comments City of Port Angeles Comments on Agreed Order Task 4d Deliverable, Interim Action Report Volume III: Alternatives Evaluation, Port Angeles Rayonier Mill Study Area, Port Angeles, Washington—July 1 , 2019 These comments relate only to the analysis of and preferred alternative for dealing with the upland portion of the site as described in Volume III. Nothing in these comments is intended to analyze, comments on, or be applicable to sediment cleanup issues. Future Land Use The preferred soil remedy does not appropriately reflect future land uses. In particular, the preferred remedy would impose a restrictive covenant on most of the west side of the property and fence off the portion that has the greatest potential for future use. Rayonier proposes to create on the west side of the property a long-term,private landfill. That is not acceptable to citizens of Port Angeles, and it is not allowed under governing land use regulations of the City of Port Angeles. As required in WAC 173-340-600(14)(c),whenever the cleanup action plan proposes a restrictive covenant as part of the draft cleanup plan,the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) is to provide notice to and seek comments from the city or county department with land use planning authority for real property subject to the restrictive covenant. The purpose of this notification is to solicit comment on whether the proposed restrictive covenant is consistent with any current or proposed land use plans. The current zoning of the west side of the property is heavy industrial,but the proposed land uses for the subject property in the City's Shoreline Master Program (SMP) are mixed use, which includes industrial, commercial, and high-density residential land use. It is expected that the Port Angeles City Council in the near future will take legislative action to conform the zoning of the area to mixed use, as already designated in the SMP. Additional evidence of the City's intended future uses of the Rayonier property are incorporated in the City Comprehensive Plan. In the City's Future land use Map the Rayonier property is designated to have a variety of different uses including multifamily residential and public access. Furthermore, the Goal statements in the City's Comprehensive Plan emphasize the City's goals for mix use development, encouraging "live/work environments for art or media based cultural activities" and that development should occur "in a manner which efficiently uses the community's natural resources and 1 December 3, 2019 L - 12 City of Port Angeles—Rayonier Volume III Comments physical environment,has minimal impact on the natural environment, contributes to quality of life, and is compatible with the desired development patterns." A private landfill or disposal site are not, and will not be, allowed uses on any portion of the Rayonier property. The law requires DOE to consider acceptable future land uses: Setting cleanup levels or remediation levels. Under DOE regulations,both cleanup standards and cleanup actions must"protect human health and the environment for current and potential future site and resource use."WAC 173-340-702(4). A party seeking to establish levels that will protect human health must consider the "reasonable maximum exposures [RMEs] expected to occur under both current and potential future site use conditions." WAC 173-340-708(3)(a), (b), (d). With respect to soil cleanup standards, a site's potential future land use affects whether industrial or unrestricted/residential standards should apply. To determine whether a site qualifies as industrial,it is "essential to evaluate land uses and zoning." This includes the "actual text in the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance," as well as a "visit to the site to observe land uses in the zone." WAC 173-340-745(1)(a);see WAC 173-340-200.The regulations thus require a thorough but flexible inquiry into future land use plans. Selecting a cleanup action. A cleanup action must protect human health and the environment, WAC 173-340-360(2)(a). This depends in part on future land use at the property,WAC 173-340-708(3). A party selecting a cleanup action must also consider the actions "[e]ffectiveness over the long term"; "[u]se permanent solutions to the extent practicable"; and provide for "a reasonable restoration timeframe." WAC 173-340- 360(2)(b)(i)(ii), (3), (4). These provisions require consideration of future land use, as well. A site is "potential future residential" if it "has a potential to serve as a future residential area based on the consideration of zoning, statutory and regulatory restrictions, comprehensive plans,historical use, adjacent land uses, and other relevant factors."WAC 173-340-360(2)(d)(ii). Thus, the regulations do not require an ordinance;the SMP and the City's imminent legislative action are "other relevant factors" that demonstrate the City of Port Angeles's plans to develop the property for mixed use. In light of these requirements, consideration of appropriate land use considerations will drive the remedial action toward alternatives SL-1, SL-3, and SL-5. The future land use needs to be fully evaluated, and the Rayonier Draft Cleanup Alternatives Evaluation Report (Volume III)needs to be revised accordingly, prior to interim action remedy selection and implementation. 2 December 3, 2019 L - 13 City of Port Angeles—Rayonier Volume III Comments 1. Volume III,Principal Objectives Section 1.2 incorrectly states: "Residential use is not a foreseeable future use of this property. Most of the property is zoned'Industrial- Heavy' (Figure 1-2) in the City of Port Angeles zoning ordinance (Ordinance #2801) and has been used for industrial activities for many decades." Residential is an allowable use under the current zoning. Landfills are not. Also, as specified in the City of Port Angeles' Shoreline Master Program (SMP;2014), the shoreline portion of the Rayonier Site is intended to be returned to productive use as high-intensity mixed-use (HI-MU). This HI-MU designation accommodates public access and water-oriented commercial, transportation, institutional, and recreational uses. While the Site is currently zoned as Industrial-Heavy, the City of Port Angeles is working toward updating the zoning in the western Rayonier area which will in this case allow a wide variety of uses in the area. These land uses should be considered in the remedy development and selection process. Future land uses may include commercial, high-density residential,industrial, and/or public access.The preliminary cleanup levels (PCULs), soil remedial alternatives, and the selected alternative should reflect these potential uses.WAC 173-340-360(2)(d);WAC 173- 340-702(4);WAC 173-340-708(3)(a). 2. In addition to being inconsistent with planned future land use, the statement "Residential use is not a foreseeable use of this property" is incorrect and conflicts with other statements in Volume III (e.g., Sections 2.3.1 and 3. Also, the proposed cleanup doesn t provide access to the greater shoreline. This results in complete conflict to the intent of the State's Shoreline Management Act. 4. Use of remediation levels (RELs) described in Volume III,Principal Objectives Section 1.2, third paragraph (and other locations in Volume III), are not appropriate given the anticipated future uses of the Site. Volume III asserts that RELs are appropriate for visitation of Site areas outside of the Ennis Creek Corridor. These assumptions of a lower frequency exposure are not appropriate adjacent to property designated for mixed use. The RELs are also not appropriate given the future land uses. For human health, PCULs based on unrestricted land use should be used for remedy selection and implementation. .WAC 173-340-740(1)(a);WAC 173-340-745(1)(a)(i). 5. Industrial PCULs should not be applied to areas that are designated by the City for mix uses in the future. 6. The upland risk evaluation completed by Malcom Pernie in 2007 and updated by GeoEngineers (Volume III, Appendix B) does not reflect the range of potential future land uses. The assumed future industrial land use in the West Mill area is incorrect as noted above. In addition, the West Mill area will be located immediately adjacent to likely restored, sensitive environments at Ennis Creek that will be frequented by human and ecological receptors. 3 December 3, 2019 L - 14 City of Port Angeles—Rayonier Volume III Comments Interim Action Objectives 1. The Interim actions using the RELs proposed in Volume III conflict with the remedial objectives stated in Volume III,Table 3-1. The stated objectives are confusing and inconsistent. The table indicates the objective for the Soil Interim Action is to protect the ability for unrestricted land use in the East and West Mill, Ennis Creek and Shoreline Buffer areas. Then a contradictory footnote is added indicating no commitment to establish unrestricted land use in the future. 2. Section 3.1,Interim Action Objectives, Overall Approach states that Rayonier's preference is to minimize the need for long-term, active treatment technologies and long-term maintenance and monitoring wherever possible. Again, the statement is in conflict with the remedy proposed. If the preference were to minimize maintenance and monitoring, that goal could be better accomplished through excavation and offsite disposal combined with capping with managed land reuse, rather than permanent fencing and in-place landfilling of waste. 3. The Remedial Objectives Section states: "In developing the alternatives, significant consideration was given to the remoteness of Port Angeles,limited site access, distance to disposal sites, and the potential resource and community impacts from long-distance hauling of materials for disposal." While these factors should be considered in the remedy selection, their significance should not outweigh the importance of selecting a remedy that is protective of the public and allows the Site to be returned to productive use. The remoteness and distance to disposal sites is already considered in the alternative selection through the costs analysis process and should not be considered as a separate objective (i.e., disposal costs are higher due to distance and therefore negatively impact the cost to benefit ratio). Soil Remedial Alternatives and Evaluation Considerations 1. Alternatives SL-2 and SL-4 are not protective for future land use and should be removed. They do not acknowledge the City's land use regulations, future use opportunities for the property, and they do not facilitate the property being returned to productive use in the future. See WAC 173-340-360(2)(a), (b), (d);WAC 173-340-708(3)(a). 2. The proposed capping remedy, as designed, is not appropriate or acceptable because it does not accommodate future land use options. Any selected remedy must be designed and implemented to not impede future land use options at the Site, which would likely include buildings and improvements. See WAC 173-340- 360(2)(a), (d). The remedy should be designed to allow for the land to be easily returned to productive use. This will need to include offsite disposal. Any consolidation/capping strategy and associated institutional controls need to allow for plausible reuse scenarios (i.e.,building and improvements to be easily built at 4 December 3, 2019 L - 15 City of Port Angeles—Rayonier Volume III Comments the Site, all anticipated uses supported);long-term fencing requirements as part of institutional controls are not consistent with future land use. Should SL-3 result in consolidation of excessive soil volumes that limit the ability to reuse the land, the alternative must be ranked much lower in the disproportionate cost analysis (DCA). Constructing a fenced, capped landfill on the Site is inconsistent with future land use and is not acceptable. 3. Consolidation of dredged sediment on the upland portion of the Site is not appropriate or acceptable,nor consistent with future land use. The placement of these sediments beneath the cap is likely to cause significant engineering and cost constraints for future land use of the Site. 4. Fencing should not be the primary, long-term method for maintaining the integrity of any implemented cap. Any fencing required by an environmental covenant would conflict with the long-term anticipated reuse of the Site and,thus, should not be part of any proposed remedy. Section of Volume III identifies the significant limitations of fencing as a long-term and effective component of a remedial action, particularly at a facility that is not actively managed. 5. The cost estimate significantly under-represents the expenses for maintenance and monitoring that would be necessary to maintain the integrity of the cap proposed in the preferred alternative. The cap is relatively thin;thus, adequate monitoring/maintenance will need to ensure the cap is not degraded by stormwater runoff,burrowing animals,human impacts,etc. and to verify that adequate and appropriate vegetation is maintained on the cap. Similarly, fencing will need frequent inspection and repair. When these expenses are appropriately assessed, alternatives with more removal will be preferred. 6. While the DCA is the primary analysis used to select a cleanup remedy (WAC 173- 204-570), further evaluations and discussions of the degree of risk and uncertainty associated with each alternative, including the protectiveness of the remedy under future land use scenarios, the ability to return the Site to productive use, and the long-term risk to the public, should be considered in identifying the preferred cleanup action. Alternative SL-2 provides the greatest benefit for the associated cost;however,the limitations of only meeting the RELs and the reliance of this alternative on containment and institutional controls results in a higher degree of risk and uncertainty compared with Alternative SL-3, SL-4 and SL-5. 7. All alternatives propose industrial PCULs for the City Purchase Area;this is consistent with current and likely future land use. However, the proposed remedial actions do not address uncertainties regarding whether the City Purchase Area or the City right-of-ways meet the industrial PCULs in the surface and subsurface soil due to limited sampling data. The City expects that a No Further Action letter will be provided by Ecology for the City owned property and right-of-ways as part of any cleanup action and that additional soil management and handling costs will not 5 December 3, 2019 L - 16 City of Port Angeles—Rayonier Volume III Comments be incurred by the City during retrofits and upgrades of the plant or right-of-ways (e.g., installing additional subgrade utility lines, replacing streets). 8. Similarly, with regard to the Olympic Discovery Trail, the City is unclear whether the existing data and proposed alternatives sufficiently characterize and address risks, and address the needs for soil management during trail maintenance. To be clear,the City's objection and comments relate only to the analysis of and preferred alternative for dealing with the upland portion of the site as described in Volume III. Nothing in these comments is intended to analyze, comments on, or be applicable to sediment cleanup issues. 6 December 3, 2019 L - 17 Last Updated 12/3/2019 3:30 PM CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS 2019-2020 Estimated dates for Work Plan consideration by Council and tentative Work Sessions o Adopt Adhoc Committees to review December Committee, Commission, and Board • 3 — Applications • Improve External Communications • January 28"' for Council Discussion o Rescheduled for Ann MacFarlane to • Budget Amendment#3, 2nd January 14"' Reading • 2020 Budget Adoption 2nd Public February Hearing and Reading 4th—Public Records Training • Bid Tabulation Resolution • 18"' • Dream Playground Presentation • Vacant Council Seat Process o Consider applicants for vacant 17—0 Integral PSA 8" Boards, Committees and • 'Amendment Commissions o 5-6:00 pm Presentation-Port • 25"'—Strategic Plan Work Session Angeles Creeks-City Engineer o Recognition of Outgoing Council March Members 3rd 0 School District Resolution(Subject o Adopt Community Work Plan to ballot and title information from o Census Update to Council- Auditor's Office) Presentation o Year-End Strategic Plan Items 17th Update o Budget Amendment#I — 1st o AIA Update Reading o Review of Landscape o Census Update from the City Standards/trees policies and codes Manager 0 Legislative Priorities o Phase I Wayfinding Program Bid o Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Package Recommendations • 24th—Long Range Financial Plan Work Session 2020, April January 0 7"' Budget Amendment#1 —2nd Reading 0 711 0 Election of Mayor and Deputy 9 Adopt Long Range Financial Plan Mayor 0 21s'o Arbor Day Proclamation • Life Saving Awards "'— • Roles/Responsibilities/Ethics 0 28TBD Presentation • Port Angeles Municipal Code- RFQ May • AWC City Action Days Attendance 0 5`1 —TBD 0 14' 0 19"' —TBD • 5-7:30 p.m. Training with Ann 0 Capital Facilities Plan Work Session MacFarlane 0 21"t • Group Photo 4-5:00 p.m. June • Parks Presentation 5-6:00 p.m. 0 7th • Council Assignments o Capital Facilities Plan I" Reading Z:\FILES\WORK PLANSTY 2019\2019 - 2020 Council Meetim,, Schedule.doc Last Updated 12/3/2019 3:30 PM • Maritime Festival Proclamation o 2nd Reading& Public Hearing • Pink Up Port Angeles Proclamation Property Tax • Complete Audit and CAER—filed o I"Reading 2021 Budget and Public • Capital Facilities Plan Public Hearing Hearing#I o I" Reading 3rd Budget Amendment 0 21 st 0 24" • Budget Goals from Council 5-6:00 p.m. December • Public Hearing 2 & Adopt CFP 0 Ist 2021-26 • Levy Lid Lift presentation to o 2nd Reading& Public Hearing 2021 Council-Revised ballot resolution Budget o 2,,d Reading 3" Budget Amendment 0 23r`'—Tentative-AWC Conference-no work session July 0 7` * 21st • I st Reading Budget Amendment#2 * 28" August 0 4111 • 2nd Reading Budget Amendment#2 0 25" September • 1 s • 15t" • Constitution Week Proclamation • Utility Rate Adoption • 22"d October 0 6t" * 2021 Budget Document(9") 0 20111 * Revenue Sources Public Hearing 0 27t" * Budget Work Session I November • 3rd • Indigenous Peoples Month Proclamation • Veterans Day Proclamation • I"Reading& Public Hearing Property Tax 0 17" Z:\FII.ES\WORK PLANSTY 2019\2019 - 2020 Council Meeting Schedule.doc .;G� POR-T-ANGELES CITY COUNCIL WASH I N G T O N , u . S . MEMO Date: December 3,2019 To: City Council From: Abbi Fountain,Human Resources Manager Subject: Update on Code Enforcement Officer Positions Summary: In 2019, City Council requested Staff look for funding sources to initiate a Code Enforcement program that included dedicated Staff for Code Enforcement. Included in the Preliminary 2020 Budget are two part-time Code Enforcement Officers within the Police Department for this program. Funding: The funding source for this program was identified in 2020 to come from revenue received from the McKinley Paper Mill. The expenses related to Code Enforcement are the only services that will receive funding from the Mill in 2020. $62,400 has been included in proposed 2020 budget for Code Enforcement. Recommendation: Information Only Background / Analysis: In 2019, City Council determined code enforcement to be one of the top priorities of the City. The Code enforcement program was added to the 2019-2020 Strategic Plan as item Al. Recognizing this priority would increase duties and responsibilities to existing staff, Council requested Staff look for funding sources to initiate a Code Enforcement program that included dedicated Staff for Code Enforcement. Council further identified this as a priority goal in the budget goal setting worksession held earlier this year. Included in the Preliminary 2020 Budget are two part-time Code Enforcement Officers within the Police Department for this program. The Code Enforcement Officer positions will work under the direction of the Port Angeles Police Department. The job description is currently in the process of being finalized and recruitment will begin in early December.It is anticipated both positions will be filled in January 2020. Funding Overview: The funding source for this program was identified in 2020 to come from revenue received from the McKinley Paper Mill. The expenses related to Code Enforcement are the only services that will receive funding from the Mill in 2020. $62,400 has been included in proposed 2020 budget for Code Enforcement. December 3, 2019 L - 18