HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Climate Action SC Agenda Packet 2020-01-22
321 East Fifth Street
January 22, 2020
5:00 p.m.
The Planning Commission Climate Action Subcommittee desires to allow the opportunity for Public
Comment. However, the business of the Subcommittee must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its
most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes.
1. Action Item: Finalize Subcommittee Workplan
Finalize workplan for the Port Angeles Climate Action Plan.
2. Action Item: Task Group Organization
Staff recommends subcommittee members solicit/organize volunteers for each task:
Task 1 Public Outreach and Participation
Task 2: ICLEI Inventory
Task 3: FEWsion Inventory and Mapping
Planning Commission Climate Action
Subcommittee Work Plan:
The 2019 City Work Plan included an item that called for the creation of a local working group to put
together a community driven Climate Action Plan. This community driven Climate Action Plan included
proposed strategies and actions for both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. A City Climate
Action Planning Group (CAPG) was formed and met regularly from January to October 2019. The group
prepared a report containing recommendations and strategies for the creation of a Climate Action Plan
for consideration by the City Council.
On November 6, 2019 the City Council voted to recommend this Planning Commission Subcommittee
consider the following from the CAPG Resiliency Plan (pulled directly from the CAPG Resiliency Plan:
Recommendations Addressing Climate Change, pg. 3):
2. The CPAG conducted a preliminary prioritization process for a suite of policy, planning and
implementation proposals. While we recommend that most of those be forwarded to the
planning commission for further deliberation, this group recommends that city council
immediately act on three of them:
a. Authorize a comprehensive Green House Gas emissions inventory to establish baselines
for measuring progress in partnership with the Olympic Climate Action Committee and
should be complete by the end of 2020. This group finds that such an inventory is
essential for evaluating the effectiveness of many of the actions proposed by this group
for consideration by the Planning Commission
b. Integrate climate considerations more explicitly into the City’s existing planning efforts. A
variety of specific recommendations are offered for consideration by the Planning
c. Continue to emphasize city-wide energy-use reduction, including:
i. increase use of public transportation and the use of electric vehicles;
ii. support development of infrastructure to increase biking and walking in the City;
iii. move towards 100% clean, renewable electrical energy source for the city by
2030 (including focus on increasing percentages of local, decentralized, non-
hydropower renewable energy use);
iv. increase energy conservation and energy efficiency in our buildings; and
v. encourage use of local renewable energy.
Work Plan Assumptions:
• Meetings may be held at City Hall or the Port Angeles Library
• The subcommittee will dedicate a minimum of one meeting a month to progress reporting on
Tasks 1-5
Pg. 1
• The Climate Action Plan will may formally be adopted as a part of the Comprehensive Plan during
the regular 2021 annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle:
o The amendment cycle will formally open on January 1, 2021.
o Proposals shall be submitted no later than March 31st. A rough draft of the Plan should be
completed by this date.
o Planning Commission hearings will be conducted prior to or during May.
o 60-day notice to adopt must be provided to the Washington State Department of
Commerce (WSDOC) no later than April 16, 2021. A draft of the document is required for
the submission of this notice.
o City Council hearings will be conducted prior to or during June
o Final submission to the WSDOC by June 30, 2021.
• Volunteers will be largely responsible for Tasks 2a, including:
o stakeholder coordination;
o data gathering; and
o use of inventory software and report creation.
• Task 2b references 7 complex recommendations that the Climate Action Plan should address.
Selection and priority of these recommendations should occur early in the work plan effort in
order to immediately begin necessary groundwork for the planning effort.
Tentative Schedule:
-Work Plan Development-
January 8, 2020: Review and discuss selection and priority of recommended deliverables.
January 22, 2020: Review and Assign Tasks to participants
February 5, 2020: Review and discuss municipality’s existing action plans, code, and Comp. Plans
February 18, 2020: Continue review of existing plans and begin draft outline for plan
-Breakout Task Development-
March-June: Task groups continue work on individual project workplan, scope, and
July 8, 2020: Mid-year Task 2 and 3 Update
August 5, 2020: Presentation of Task 5 Outline and Task 4 Audit
-Public Input-
September 2, 2020: Open House Public Meeting for plan input
October 14, 2020: Presentation of Public Input to Subcommittee and next steps
-Climate Action and Community Resilience Plan Development-
Oct-December 2020 or subsequent year: Begin drafting Plan
Pg. 2
January 1, 2021 or subsequent year: Open up Amendment Cycle to Public
March 31, 2021 or subsequent year: Amendment proposals are due from the Public
April 7, 2021 or subsequent year: Present subcommittee recommended Draft to Planning
Commission & consider additional proposals
April 16, 2021 or subsequent year: 60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment proposals due to
-Public Hearings and Decision-
April 28, 2021 or subsequent year: Planning Commission Public Hearing on Amendment (continued
to May 12)
May 12, 2021 or subsequent year: Planning Commission Public Hearing on Amendment and
Recommendation to Council
June 5, 2021 or subsequent year: City Council 1st Reading
June 19, 2021 or subsequent year: City Council Decision
Pg. 3
1.1: Identify Volunteer Group and Stakeholders
Scope: Convene and Discuss Participation in Task
Deliverable: List of participants, roles, and responsibilities
Deliverable Date: February 5, 2020
1.2 Orientation and Preparation
Scope: Review survey information of other PPP's and determine Task Scope
Deliverables: Task Scope and Workplan
Deliverable Date: End of March
1.3: Draft Public Participation Plan
City of Port Angeles Climate Action
and Resilience Task Management
Community resilience planning and decision-making is a balancing act between diverse community needs, values, and priorities. A Public Participation
Plan (PPP) outlines the ongoing process by which the City of Port Angeles establishes a working relationship with the community and stakeholders and
maintains open communication channels. Without early and ongoing public involvement, the City may miss opportunities to add essential input,
insight and value to the final plan.
The complexity of developing and managing a planning and implementation effort for community resilience, climate action, and emergency
management requires a clear roadmap. This task management document should be used at a high level to manage the scheduling dependencies of
each element involved in the creation of Climate Action and Resilience Plan .
Each of the below tasks represents a specific tangible deliverable. Tasks 1-3 require substantial volunteer and stakeholder involvement. It will be
necessary to quickly identify participants in the process and develop a scope of work and workplan to complete each subtask. Each of the subtasks
should include deadlines, milestones, and tangible/intangible deliverables. The leadership, stakeholder, and volunteer group for each task shall
develop a clearer plan with further subtasks and include participants engaged in the deliverables for those tasks in order to ensure that the task is
completed on time and that it meets the needs of the greater planning effort.
This chart should be used by in relation to the larger effort. More specific, detailed planning documents should be created for each individual task in
coordination with project leadership, stakeholders, and volunteers in order to manage the project more effectively.
Task 1: Public Outreach and Participation
1/22/2020 Pg. 4
Scope: Develop and Present a Public Participation Plan to the Subcommittee
Deliverable: Public Participation Plan
Deliverable Date: TBD
1.4: Enact Participation Plan
Scope: Prepare and Engage Public Outreach
Deliverable: Public Meetings and Ditigal Outreach
Deliverable Date: TBD, September 2 Open House
2.1: Identify Volunteer Group and Stakeholders
Scope: Convene and Discuss Participation in Task
Deliverable: List of participants, roles, and responsibilities
Deliverable Date: February 5, 2020
2.2: Orientation, Training, and Preparation
Scope: Scheduling and participation in orientation to the ICLEI software and methodology, and determine task scope
Deliverable: Task Scope and Workplan
Deliverable Date: End of February
2.3: Data Gathering
Scope: Coordinate and research community carbon emission data
Deliverable: Audited data entered into ICLEI software
Deliverable Date: September 2020
2.4 : Data Analysis
Scope: Input Municipal and Community Data
Deliverable: 2005, 2010, 2015 annual emissions data
Deliverable Date: TBD
2.5: Report Findings and Outcomes
Scope: Report containing emissions data and recommendations for policy changes related to prioritized reduction areas and targets
Task 2: ICLEI Inventory
Deliverable Date: No later than Mid-February
Deliverable: Carbon Emissions Report
Developing a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory is the first step to implementing sustainability into municipal planning and policy-making,
and is the basis from which to develop a Climate Action Plan. Identifying and tracking Port Angeles' energy use may also result in additional side
benefits, such as discovery of inefficient energy use that can lead to efficiency improvements, costs savings, improved service delivery, and reduction
in air pollution since in many cases, GHG and air pollution reductions go hand-in-hand.
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3.1: Identify Volunteer Group and Stakeholders
Scope: Convene and Discuss Participation in Task
Deliverable: List of participants, roles, and responsibilities
Deliverable Date: February 5, 2020
3.2: Orientation and Participation
Scope: Scheduling and participation in orientation to the FEWsion program/methodology and determine task scope
Deliverable: Task Scope and Workplan
Deliverable Date: End of February 2020
3.3: Data Gathering
Scope: Work with FEWsion community resilience network to gather community-wide supply chain data
Deliverable: Supply chain data
Deliverable Date: TBD
3.4 : Data Analysis
Scope: Input Municipal and Community Data
Deliverable: Completed Data input
Deliverable Date: TBD
3.5: Report Findings and Outcomes
Scope: Report containing supply chain data and recommendations for policy changes related to prioritized resilience areas and targets
Deliverable: Community Resilience Report
Deliverable Date: No later than Mid-February 2021
Port Angeles has been selected as a beta testing community for the FEWsion intiative, and the results will inform and be incorporated into the final
planning document.
Task 3: FEWsion Inventory and Mapping
The FEWSION for Community Resilience Network (F4R TM) is an initiative of Northern Arizona University’s FEWSION project. FEWSION is a U.S.
national supply chain science project that is developing the first complete “mesoscale” (that is, city scale) datasets for the nation’s supply chains, and is
exploiting leading-edge applications for resilience engineering, security, and emergency management.
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