HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Packet 02/11/2020Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
February 11, 2020
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes for December 2019
IV. Late Items
V. Public Comment – The Utility Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for Public
Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its
most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. Individuals may speak
for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than
20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. (Taken from
Council Rules of Procedure Section 12).
VI. Discussion Items:
A. Nomination and Election of UAC Chair & Vice Chair.
VII. Information Only Items:
UAC New Format – presentation.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: March 10, 2020
IX. Adjournment
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I. Call To Order
Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter called the meeting to order at 3:01 pm.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter, Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-
Wawrin (by phone
UAC Members Present: Paul Collins, Raj Jethwa
UAC Members Absent: Councilmember and Chair Cherie Kidd, Laura Dodd, Vice Chair
William Atkinson, Mattias Järvegren
Staff Present: Gregg King, Thomas Hunter, Jonathan Boehme, MarySue French,
Shailesh Shere, Diana Bagwell, Yvette Nichols
Others Present: 1 Citizen
III. Approval Of Minutes
Paul Collins moved to approve the September 24, 2019 minutes. Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
seconded the motion.
Motion carried 4-0.
IV. Late Items: None
V. Public Comment: None
VI. Discussion Items:
A. FY 2019-2021 Water Quality Stormwater Capacity Grant Agreement Contract No.
Jonathan Boehme, Deputy Director of Engineering/City Engineer, requested the renewal of
the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Kitsap County for stormwater outreach services. Since
2012, the City has successfully partnered with Kitsap County to economically meet the Phase
II Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit requirements. Partnership in the ILA brings together
a consortium of stormwater permit jurisdictions on the Olympic Peninsula, and leverages
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
December 10, 2019
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Kitsap County staff to develop effective and consistent outreach programs to be used by the
West Sound Stormwater Outreach Group (WSSOG). Discussion was held.
Paul Collins moved to forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to
authorize the City Manager to sign the FY 2019-2021 Stormwater Capacity Grant
agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology in the amount of $95,000,
and to make any subsequent amendments or minor modifications to the agreement, as
necessary. Seconded by Raj Jethwa. Motion carried 4-0
B. Proposed Adjustments to 2019 Industrial Transmission Rates
Rob Feller, Civil/Utility Engineer I, presented the 2019 Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilitation
project, a multi-year Capital Improvement Project to repair or replace sanitary sewer lines.
Annually the City crews perform Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections to identify
impaired assets, groundwater infiltration and troubleshoot specific operational issues.
Compromised or problematic areas are identified, reviewed and prioritized for repair or
replacement. Requesting UAC endorsement of the repair strategy and forward a favorable
recommendation for City Council to award construction contracts. Discussion was held.
Kate Dexter moved to have the UAC endorse the repair strategy for the 2019
Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilitation, Project WW-06-18, and forward a favorable
recommendation for City Council to award construction contracts. Seconded by
Mattias Järvegren. Motion carried 6-0
VII. Informational Only Items: None
VIII. Next Meeting Date: February 11, 2020
IX. Adjournment: 3:19 pm
___________________________ __________________________________
Chair Cherie Kidd Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist II
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