HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAP Public Comment - Ed Chadd 2020-01-10From:Ed Chadd
To:Emma Bolin
Cc:Allyson Brekke; Nathan West; "Ian Nickel"; Benjamin Braudrick; "Benjamin Stanley"; Cindy Jayne (home)
Subject:RE: Port Angeles Climate Action Plan Volunteer Update and Introduction
Date:Friday, January 10, 2020 9:14:29 PM
Hello Emma, thanks for the response. I’d like to underscore the timeframe aspect of my message. If
the City waits to get in touch with the County and other entities about coordinating the inventory
effort until after the Jan. 22 meeting, you should not expect the inventory to begin before late
February or early March. The experience of the Jefferson County/Port Townsend climate action
committee is that the inventory may take close to a year to complete, so the City may not receive a
completed inventory until near the end of the “Amendment Cycle” listed in the Tentative Schedule
as Jan-March 2021. In that case, the inventory data output that helps to run scenarios and identify
priorities may not be available until the Subcommittee is preparing to pass the draft plan to the
Planning Commission on 4/7/2021. There is no inventory completion date listed in the Tentative
Schedule, perhaps for good reason, but it would be wise to host a public meeting centered around
inventory results and action-item prioritization once the inventory is complete.
I’m cc’ing Cindy Jayne from the Jeffco/PT climate action committee in case she has any corrections
or additions to offer.
Thanks, Ed Chadd
From: Emma Bolin <Ebolin@cityofpa.us>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2020 11:09 AM
To: Ed Chadd <edchadd@olypen.com>; Benjamin Braudrick <Bbraudri@cityofpa.us>; Benjamin
Stanley <bwstanley@gmail.com>
Cc: Allyson Brekke <Abrekke@cityofpa.us>; Nathan West <Nwest@cityofpa.us>; Ian Nickel
Subject: RE: Port Angeles Climate Action Plan Volunteer Update and Introduction
Dear Ed,
Thank you for your comments and engagement in the climate action planning effort. Staff shares
these comments with the subcommittee members, which can be discussed at their next meeting on
January 22nd.
Thank you kindly,
Emma Bolin, AICPCommunity Development Manager | City of Port Angeles360.417.4752 (p) | ebolin@cityofpa.us321 East 5th StreetPort Angeles, WA 98362-0217www.cityofpa.us
From: Ed Chadd <edchadd@olypen.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 8:36 PM
To: Benjamin Braudrick <Bbraudri@cityofpa.us>; Benjamin Stanley <bwstanley@gmail.com>
Cc: Allyson Brekke <Abrekke@cityofpa.us>; Emma Bolin <Ebolin@cityofpa.us>; Nathan West
<Nwest@cityofpa.us>; Ian Nickel <ian.nickel484@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Port Angeles Climate Action Plan Volunteer Update and Introduction
Hello Ben, this is Ed Chadd, the chair of Olympic Climate Action. Bob Vreeland regrets his
misunderstanding which led to some of our OCA “PA Climate Plan Committee” members not
attending yesterday’s meeting; Bob has now stepped down as co-chair of this OCA committee; I’m
cc’ing Ian Nickel, the remaining co-chair. We’ll likely find one or more new co-chairs.
I think a face-to-face meeting between you, me, Ian, possibly Ben Stanley, and the Mayor or another
City Council member, would be a good idea at this juncture. Here are some items needing
clarification, based on your message below and the Jan. 8 meeting agenda packet:
1. City Council Recommendation 2a, concerning a GHG inventory, speaks of a “partnership with
the Olympic Climate Action Committee”. Have you thought about how this partnership would
work? I would have thought that someone would have contacted OCA about this by now.
Your Work Plan Assumptions indicate that “volunteers will be largely responsible” for this
2. As you know, about 10 OCA members have volunteered to work on the inventory, and I’ve
offered to coordinate the data gathering if need be, though I would prefer that someone else
serve in that role. My own background, founding and then running the County Streamkeepers
program for 20 years, has given me an in-depth background in data management and quality
control. However, OCA has stated quite clearly that if an inventory is undertaken, it should be
coordinated with whichever other entities will be involved before it begins; otherwise, the
redundancy in data gathering would be prohibitive. In particular, the City needs to consult
with Clallam County to find out if they also intend to move forward with an inventory; then, if
sufficient volunteer effort is available, the Cities of Sequim and Forks should be invited as well.
To that end, OCA members met with Mayor Sissi Bruch in November, and the Mayor set up a
follow-up meeting with Rich Meier, Clallam County’s climate-planning staffer, to discuss
moving forward. That meeting fell through, unfortunately, and in the rush of the holidays and
Sissi’s departure, it never happened. A similar meeting needs to happen a.s.a.p., followed
soon after by contacts with Sequim and Forks. OCA members will not begin inventory work
until these scoping issues are resolved.
3. A further issue is the decision whether to conduct both institutional-level (e.g., City
government only) and community-wide surveys. It’s clear from the scope of the draft Climate
Action Plan that the City’s intention is to do both, and that is also OCA’s recommendation. But
this question needs to be posed to the other governments.
4. Recommendation 2b is directly within the wheelhouse of the Planning Commission, and it’s
expected that much of the Subcommittee’s work will be devoted to this item.
5. Recommendation 2c is not mentioned in the Work Plan Assumptions. What is the game plan
for this item? My read is that the items mentioned will also be important to include in the
Climate Action Plan, but the wording of Recommendation 2 is “that city council immediately
act on them.” Therefore, is there a role for City Council to play prior to adoption of a Climate
Action Plan in June 2021? Staff or the Planning Commission need to clarify this issue with the
City Council, particularly as the sub-items mentioned under 2c would involve interaction with
the City Public Works and Utilities department, Clallam Transit, and the Bonneville Power
Thanks for your consideration.
Ed Chadd, chair, Olympic Climate Action
From: Benjamin Braudrick <Bbraudri@cityofpa.us>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 11:30 AM
Cc: Allyson Brekke <Abrekke@cityofpa.us>; Emma Bolin <Ebolin@cityofpa.us>; Nathan West
Subject: Port Angeles Climate Action Plan Volunteer Update and Introduction
Thank you for your previous attendance and interest in the development of a Climate Action Plan for
the City of Port Angeles! You have been added to an email list that will provide updates and meeting
information on the plan’s development over the next year. Staff will be maintaining the background,
links, documents, and progress on the City’s “Long Range and Comprehensive Planning in Port
Angeles” webpage here: https://www.cityofpa.us/937/Comprehensive-Plan#CAP.
All Planning Commission Climate Action subcommittee meetings will be noticed on the City’s
Website, and links to the agenda will be provided directly to this email. The City’s newsfeed is a great
way to get the word out about any meetings and updates on social media, and signing up for that
service is available here on the City’s website: https://www.cityofpa.us/list.aspx?
Mode=Subscribe#newsFlash. It’s also a great way to get any alerts or notifications from the City.
Simply click on the mail or text icon to subscribe.
Each newsflash has a link that can be shared via any text, mail, or social media method. The City
currently has 463 subscribers to its News and Announcements press releases that are posted on the
front page of the website, but each of you likely have hundreds of more contacts and interest groups
that this information can be pushed to. Consider sharing any information about meetings and
updates with anyone or group you feel has an interest or stake in this process. You may also
encourage them to contact me to be added to this mailing list.
Our next Subcommittee meeting will be held on January 22nd from 5-6:00 pm in the Port Angeles
City Council Chambers. The Subcommittee will be discussing project tasks and the distribution of
those tasks to stakeholders and volunteers. An agenda packet will be sent prior to the meeting. If
you are interested in volunteering for this planning effort please plan on attending or notifying me of
your interest if you have not already signed up as a volunteer.
A copy of the proposed workplan can be found here.
A copy of the recommended Climate Resiliency Plan can be found here.
If you do not wish to receive these email updates, please reply to this email and ask to be removed.
Benjamin G. Braudrick, AICP
Associate Planner | City of Port Angeles
Community & Economic Development
360.417.4804 | bbraudrick@cityofpa.us
321 East 5th Street | P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
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